S . ARITHMETIC Revision Notes The three basic Number systems The basic unit of mass is kiogramrne (kg) which is divided into 1000 gramnes (g) N ti, 2,3. 4 Length Set of whole numbers, 0, quantities in S.I. units. Mass Sots of rumbers Set of nainursl numbrs ( physical is The asic udit of length 1.2 3.4, Sei of integers, mece Time 2={..3,-2, -1,0, 1, , 3,. ts Set of raiional numbers, base unjt is sccond. Density The is mass per unit volume. The density of a substance or kg/m3 units of density are gm/cm' Q=(*: x=c, d, e,Z, d 0} d Set of real numbers, R = set of all rational and iTetional numbets Density Volume Vhole Numbers Se of even numbers= Set of odd numbeers = 2 , 3, 5. 7. 1t, ... ) Prime rnumbers are numbers that 1. ànd are divisible i 15 n&i considered by them 1 km = 1000 m = then 2 gives an ever nLnber. The factrs of 72 are :000 mg Mass, l tonne Rational end irratienal nu.abers The se: of ratfona' nuabers consists of terminat1ng decimsls (e g. 5625 = 5 Irrationl numbers are nurnhers waich cannot be cx pressed as a fractiou (e g. rV2 ) = 1000 kg Average speed Average Speed = distance travelledL 0tal total time taken Ratio frac tion showing ratio of two similar quantities is a the first quantity as part of the second quantity. The and recurring dezinmals (e.g.02727 (1 The ratio where &*0, of a to b written a: 5 is a+ b or a, be Z (ii) Ratio has no units ()Vulgar fractúon and decimal The vulgar frtctiorn of 0.25 ' 1000 g kg Integers The set of integers consists of positive integers, is nejther positive nor regative integers and zero. Zero 1000 ml 1000 cm 1, 2, 3,4, 6, 8, 9, 12, 18, 24, 36 and 2 10* m 100 hectares 1 litre = Volame 10 mm2 10* cm hectare (ha) = negative. d 100 cim m The pnme facturs of 72 are 2 and3. E) 10 m n = 1 km* and (2x-1) gives an odd nunbe: g = l m 1 em Aren, prime number If rE W, I cm Length. = , 3.5, 7, Set of prine numbers eives and bj Conversion of units 2. 4,6, 8, of multiples of 2 . . set = . cf, is 0-25 The decimal Percentages A traction Square, square root and reciprocal with 1% a denominator 100 is called 100 a percentage. 66% = /3 The squere sf x is x2 Lhe square rtot uf x is Vx is.r The reuiprocal Anthmetic of cis 25%= 33 = 75% = 100% = Y4 1 'O' Maths D Paper ARITHHETT Decimal places Proportion 5314 Inverse proportion If a unit of flat can be completed by 10 workers in 20 days, the number of days to complete a similar unit by 20 workers is i) = 531 (correct to 1 dec. place) 07364= 074 (correct to 2 dec. places) 7-1302 7-130 000743= 0-007 (correctto 3 dec. places) (correct to 3 dec. places) 10 days. 20 Standard form Direct proportion Very large or snall nurnbers can be erpressed in standard A toy costs $20, the cost of 5 similar toys is form ax 10", where 1 sa< 10, and n é Z. 5 x($20) =$100. 1,350,000 = 1-35x 106 e.g 0-00135 = 1-35x 103 Discount A discount is a reduction in price, usuelly given as a percentage of the list price. Variations () Percentage profit or loss cost price 100% (i) S.P.-CPx 100% C.P. loss Percentage loss = kr where k is a constant. profit Percentage pront Direct variation If y varies directly as z, then y Inverse variation If y varies inversely as z, thea y = where k is a constant. 100% Cost price CPSPx 100% In general, percentage increase LRCrease = x 100% X 200% original amuunt percentage decrease = - - ese onginal amount Simple interest Interest, I= FR, where P = principal 100 R = Tate per year in percentage T = time Money Singapore $1 I00 certs British £l 100 penice Significant figures Tbe first non-zero digit ef any nunber is called the firs significant figure. 236 200 00236 0-024 356 360 03002 0:300 6-049 6-05 6-049 6 - 0 Arithmetic (corect to 1 sig. fig.) (corect to 2 s1g. fig (corect to 2 sig. fig.) (correct to 3 sig. fig.) (correct to 3 sig. fig.) (correct to 2 sig. Fig. O Maths D Paper erimetertdis distance al the r o und MENSURATION Revision Notes Fqure 2-dimenson obj«cks Figures Diagra1s Area Perimeter Square 4 Rectangle lxb b L P: 2(l+ b) / 2 x base x height Triangle = Vabh or Paralelogram base x height = bxh h A : a+b+c 72bc sin LA 2(a+b B Trapezium V21a+bh Rhombus Where p & q are lengths of diagonals Circle Annulus Mensuratlon Lr t Circumference 27t T(R> - r) O' Maths D Paper MENS RATIoV Figures Diagrams Area Sector 0XTTr 360 Solid Caboid Perimeter Diagramns x 360° Volume -12 }tr +2r Total Surface Area Ixbxh 2CL h+hL) Cylinder Curved surface area = 27trh Trh Total surface area = 27trh+2t close T SA pea o Area of cross-section base area x height Prisn x = 1si/a length OR 22Acea Pyramid Cone Sphere A base area x h 3 trh 3 Ttr las iLukoa. T:st= Sn a Curved surface area = trl Total surface area Cri + tr Surface area = 4TTr A3Ar (ciosed) Mensuration O' Maths D ALGEBRA, Revision Notes Approach for its solution Change of subject of a formula By factorisatiou The subject of e formula is the variable written explicitly in terms of other given variables. Solve the equation 2 + 5x-3 = 0 (2x-1)x+3) = We can have, Givea that A = 2 (c + d) h, express h in terms of A, c andd. A = h (c +d) h (i) hor-3. Using the quadratic formula 2A (c+d)h = Yb-4ac 2a h =2 C 0 = +d Solve the equation x - 6r + 4 = 0, giving your ars corect to 2 decimal place_. Some useful identities a= 1, b=-6, c = 4 (a +b=a?+ 2ab + b2 (a-b=a2-2ab +b2 2- )£Y2-4(1) (4) 2 (1) (a + b) (a - b) *V 20 2 Factorisation ( 20 or x or ==- Common Factors Consider the expression 4ab +2ab - 6ab?. = 5.24 (ii) By completing the square Each tern in the expression contains 2ab. 4ab +2ab - 6ab2= 2ab (2a - 3b+ 1) Steps: (a) Change the coefficient of the termtodne (b) Bring the constant term (c) to the other s/« () Grouping Consider: = 0.76 of the equation. 3x +10xy -5y 6a2 (c) The coefficient of the x term is divide d 2, then introduce he square of it tw (3x- 6)+ (10y-5) sides of the equation. (d) Take the square roots on both sides f éhe 3x(1 2x) + 5y(2x- 1) equation and simplify the terns. = (3x-5y) (1 -2x) Solve the equation 3x2 - Sr - 9 = 0, giving your ans (iii) Difference of two squares correct to 25x-4 = (5x2)2 -22 = 2 decimal places. 3x2-5x 9 (5-2) (5x2 +2) = 0 - a x -3 = 0 1v) Cross Multiplying (Trial & Error) 2- hx = 3 To find the factors of 2x + 5x-3. a-( - 3+ ()* +6x +3 -3- -X +5x Hence, 2x+ 5x - 3 =(2x- 1) (+ 3) - Quadratic equation An equation of the form of ar bx + c = 0 is called quadratic equation; where a,b and c are constants. Algebra r x= + bs th a X -1.09 or z = 2.76 0ORDINATE GEOMETRY Revision Notes niices yT B(2. Y2' 71- (")- . nidpoinat A , The gradient ot the line joining any two givzn polnls A and ) a# B2 y) is The mid-point of .0 -m the line joining points AX, " two and ) Inequality The distance between two points A(Ti. y1) B(X2. Y:) and S Froperties of tnequalities: given by Lf u AB = Na - x + 0 - y a ~ b, then a +k2 b +k a-k2b-k (iThe gradient of a horizontal line is gradient of vertica! line 1s 7ero. Ci) The i) The equation of a horizontal line is y i) Tne equarion of a verti-al line is a (ii) undefined. x = = Ifa 2b and c20, then ca cOnstant. cb Constant. ii) ifa 2 h and d <0. thea Paraliel lines have tne same gradient. dad ine o a straight gradient'intercept forr of the equaiion intercept on y-ax.s and c m r * C , Waer: m gradien: ISy The = = Numter iine 2 Gradient = - PorPendicu lar frod ha gradyet of x M Coordinate Geonetry rad en -I/ rpnJult le - GRAPHS, KINEMATICS Revision Notes function: (vi) Graphs ofexponential a is positive integer and y a", where a Graphs of functions Graphs (1) ofy=ar" where Graphs n = £1, t2, +3. oflinear functon: y = ar, when n =+i. a<0 a>0 (iu) R. xe Graphs of quadratic function; y = axs, Distance- time graph (s4 graph) when n = +2. at a The gradient of s t graph instant (refer to figs. 1 &z 2). P gives the speec point A ig.1 Spred i a>0 (iii) Graphs of y= a r , when n = +3 rest uniform speed A Fig. 2 ac0 a>0 iv) Graphs ofreciprocal function:y , = when n = -1 Tu Speed time graph (p.4 graph) v - i graph gradient of the instant (refer acceleradoi at that gives the distance under The point P gi figs. 3 & 4). T at a to travelled. graph Acc VA a<) a>0 (v) Graphs of reciprocal function: y = chan chan Fig. 3 when n= -2. uniform speed acceleration Fig 4 a>0 Graphs, Kinematics Acceenb Graden t cc Kebord ho n - A a qnde Vistana travel/l AAa vt GEOMETRY Revision Notes (alt. s,) a=b 1. Basic Angle Properties (corr. 2s.) c=b b+d= 180" (nt. s between il lines) a+b 180° (adj. <s on straight line) a+e= 180° 2 aa A b R a+b+ C +d+e = 360° (Zs at a point) angles if a u and b are complermentary a and b are supplementary angles if a + + b = 90* b= 180° a b (vert. opp. <s) c d (vert opp. Zs) a 2. d Triangles Acute-angled Right-angled Obtuse-angled Tiiangle Equileteral Triangle Triangle Triangle Triangle All sides are of Two sides are of All sides are of All angles are One angle is unequal lengths equal length equal length acute angles à nght angle Scalane Isosceles Triengle Geometry One angle s an obtuse angte GEOMETR Y 3. Quadrilaterals Both pairs of opposite sides are equal and parallel. Both pairS of opposite Diagonals bisect each other. angles are equal parallelogram All tour angles are rnght Both pairsS of opposite SIdes are equal and Diagonals Angles Sides Diagonals bisect each other and are equal. angles. parallel. rectangle All four sides are equal. Opposite sides are parallel. All four angles are right Diagonals bisect angles Square All four sides are equal. Opposite sides are parallei. each other at right angles and are equal. Both pairs of opposite angles are equal. Diagonals bisect each other at right angle, Thombus Two pairs of adjacent sides are equal but not al four sides are equal. Only one pair of opposite angles are equal. Only one diagonal bisects the other diagonal at right angles. kite Only one pair of opposite sides ae parallel. trapezium D Paper O ' Maths Gemetry GEoHETRY Tangents length. of Polygons Angle Properties 4. to a circle froi an external point are equal s/ Angle surn of triangle: p +q + r=180° Exterior angle of triangle: s = p + r tp+4 6. of circle Angle properties (b) a) a Equilateral triangle: Isoceles triangle: a = b=c = 60° a = b Sum n-sided polygon of interior angles ofan Each interior angle of a regular n-sided = (n -2) Angles in the Angle in a semicircle = 9 same segment are equal 180 (d) (c polygon 7-2)x 180 Sum of exterior angles of a polygon = 360 Each exteror n-sided polygon angle of a regular of a quadrilateral Sum of interior angles = = 360 360° |Angle at the centre is twice the angle at the Angle between tangent and chord equals the angle subtended in the alternate circurnference 5. Symmetry Properties ine from centre to LA = 2 x LB of a circle mid-point of segment chord is perpendicular (e) to the chord. Cyclic quadrilateral Equal chords Geometry are equidistant from the centre. Angle beween tangent LA + L C 180° and radius = 90° 180° ZB +2D = GEOMETAY 7. Congruent triangles A set of triangles are congruent (i) Sane S 5 at 8. Similar tríangles Sumt hase shapt difkm t if two triangles have equal corresponding angles, they are sinilar. If all three sides of one triangle are cqual to the corresponding sides of another triangle, the triangles 2. If two tiangles have their corresponding sides in the same ratio, they are similar. are conguent. Abbreviation: SSS . If two pairs of corresponding sides of two triangles are in the same ratio, and the included angies are equal, these triangles are sirnilar Exanple: Similarity i) F two sides and the included angle of one triangle are equal to the corresponding sides and angle of a second triangle, then the triangles are congruent. Abbreviation: SAS D Corresponding sides form equal ratüos DE B (ii) If two angles and a side of one triangle are equal to When two figures are similar. the ratuo of the areas = (the ratio of the corresponding the corresponding angles and side of a second triangle, then the triangles are congruent. dimnsions) When two solids are similar, Abbreviation: ASA, AAS or SAA the ratio of the volumes = (the ratio of the comesponding dimensions) Example: lf X and Y are two similar solids, then B C R i ) f two triangles are right-angled, and the hypotenuse and a second side of one are equal to the hypotenuse and a second side of the other, the triangles are congruent. Abbreviation. RHSs Gil) T B Geometry O' Maths D Paper TRIGONOMETRY Revision Notes 3nyth s gm eabhs and ncudd Cosine Rule: Ang Right-angled Triangles side AAC right-angled at B, the longest is the hypoteruse. (opposite the righi angle) In a triangle a=b+c - 2bc cosA + C - 2ac cosB ABC c=a+ b -2ab cosC When i s obruse (90° < 8< 180°). sin (180-6) cos (180°-6) sin = 6 -cos Area of a triangle A b a s e x height Choosing one of the angles: 2 BC side oppositeor or =2 sin 6 AC hypotenuse =bc sin A side adjacent or = AB cos hypotenuse sideopOSt tan or 2 BC a c sin B AB side adjacent BC2 (Pythagoras' AC2 AR2 ab sin C AC 2 Theorem) Bearings CHypAngles of Elevation and Depression Bearings wise are always measured direction and stated as a from the North and in a cl* three-digit nurmber B2- North a A North level OA, from a horizontal reference of point P from 0; the angle is called the angle of elevation from P. O of of depression the angle The angle a, measured 240 B, is Non-right-angled Triangles A The bearing of B from A is 060 The bearing of A from B is 240°. Ba B e Add 160 Sine Rule: b sinA sincB Trigonometry les sin4 and eth Po ssi hle 6+13) ( 3o) Mins LOCI & SIMPLE CONSTRUCTIONS Revision Notes (d) Loci in Two Dimensions equdistant from two intersecting lines is a pair of lines and The locus of (a) a bisecting the angles between 1 and iz moving point P at a fixed distance r from a given point A, is a circle, centre A. - (b) at a fixed distance r from a straight line 1, is a pair of lirnes parallel to h one on each side of . Locus io3-o ) Poin ts (a) whrch a r e A equidistant from two given points A and B is the Poinks perpendicular bisector of the line AB. 6cm Fromm sphre wn A S- (c) l radins 5 em 5m wich fam AB nder its s, radiS A *B Points trom which A are edia tas and B A Loci &Simple ConstructionsS Scm PoSSin B t AB prptndicular oF i d point throuh the O' Maths D Paper STATISTICS Revision Notes consist of a or bar series of bars all of the same width. The bars may be drawn diagrams 1Simple bar charts vertically or horizontally. Fig. 1 shows simple bar charts for the informmation of Table l. 3 The histogram This is a diagram which is used to represent a frequency distribution. It consists of a Type of personnel Number employed Unskilled workers 90 Craftsmen 50 10 20 Designers Cierical staff of rectangles whose areas are frequencies of the various classes. If all the rectangles will the classes have the same width then all be the same width and the frequencies are then represented 3 shows the histogram by the heights of the rectangles. Fig. for Table 2. proportional Table 1 set to thc 20 15 170 Total Designers 6 Clerical staff 100 M Fig 8 A histogram for a grouped frequency distribotãon drawn by using the mid-points of the class intervals as the the centres of the rectangles. The histogram for distribution of Table 3 is showa in Fig. 4. Note that the Craftsnen 80 60 Unskilled workers 40 extrernes of each rectangle rrpresent the lower md upper ciass boundaries. 20 80 0 Fig. 1 20 40 60 80 1000 Number employed 40 2 Pie charts dispiay Designers the proportions of the whole by means of sector areas. Fig. 2 Clerical angles 2-5 6.5 |10.5 14.5 18.5 Mass (kg) 420 Class width| =4 kg 4.5 8.5 the information of Table 1 and the calculations that follow show how the sector 21 stali shows a pie chart for Fig.4 191° Unskulled 106 are Mark Frequcncy workers Craftsmen obtained. 18 5 8 Fig.2 Unskilled workers = 90 360 = 191° 170 Craftsmen 6 = 50 x 360° =106 Mass (kg Frequency x 360° =42 14 5-8 50 54 9-12 13-16 17-20 26 170 Clencal staff 6= 20 170 Designers 6 = 170 Table 2 Total x 360° 21 Table 3 ' ' M a t h s D Papar Statistics SIATIs1T¢s (ii) For Unequsl Class Intervals Table 4 Rectangles are drawn so that the area of each rectangle is t. proportional to the frequency 1.e. area frequency. Height (cm) in the range covered by Exanple: The frequency distribution gi ves the marks of ó60 0-9 10-14 15-19 20-24 Frequency 13 19 12 6 + 165-169 29 4 Total 325-34 7 I00 9 50 Solution: Step 1. 155-159 160-164 170-174 pupiis in s test Mark Frequency 150--154 « +0 The class boundaries are 0. 9.5, 14.5, 19.5, 24.5, 34.5 30 Step 2. The corresponding class widths are Step 3. We choose a class widh of 5 as the standard 20 9.5, 5, 5, 5, 10. 10 width. 152 157 162 167 172 Step 4. f class width = n x ofrectangle = x standard width, then height coresponding frequency. Height (cm) Fig. 5 Step 5. 5 Marks Ciass width (nx Standard width) 0-9 -14 15-19 x5 x5 There are threc main statistical measures which atternpt to locate a 'typical' value. These are (a) The median, (6) the (stundard frequency) 3 1 3 =6.8 20-24 Measures of central tendency Height of rectangle 1x 19 = 19 1 x12 12 1 x7 25-34 x9 mode, and (c) the arithmetic mean. (a) The median If a set of values is arranged in ascending (or descending) order of size, the median is the value = 7 which lies half-way along the series. 4.5 The median of the numbers 3, 4, 6, 7, 8, 8, 9 is 7 because there are three numbers below this value and three numbers above it. When there are an even number of values, tde mediann is found by obtaining the mean of the two middle values E.g. The median of 5,7,7,8,'0,11,I1,13 is V2(8+ 10) = 9 0 9.5 14.519.5 24.5 (b) The mode of a set of values is the value which occurs Marks most frequently. Histogram to show the marks of 60 pupils. The mode of 3, 4, 4, 5, 5, 5, 6, 7, 7, 8 is 5 because ihis Frequency polygon This dis is a ribution. second way of It is drawn by The nmode 34.5 representing value occurs three times (a fiequency of 3) which is more times than any othe value. a frequency connecting the mid-points tops of thee rectangles by straight lines as shown in Fig. at the 5. The modal class Example: When data has been grouped into classes, the class DTaw frequency for the informalion given in Table 4 which relatespolygon to the heights of men. which has the largest standard frequency is called the a modal class. An estimate of the mode can be obtaine from the modal class. Statistics O' Maths D Paper STeL The (C) mean arithmetic arihmetic The vaues in IICs a set found is mean (raw all by adding up sum divinding this datal and the values mak1ng up the number of the number 805 1620 2608 640 161 by 162 set 163 64 Sum of all the values ArithmeTic mean= 160 60 the 165 of values 332 166 The 8155 50 Example: heights of are people some 173 170, 181, 175, 179 and mean height of these people. as 172. foll ows. Calculate cm. the L We have = 8155 and mean = Therefore the 1050 The (iv) The arithmetic an assurmeed mean (Fa). i.e. T a = Let an assumed mean Where d=and d =z-fa example in (i) (ha) ( ) of an ungrouped the Assune Distribution, using be 173 The calculations Example : Refer to Solution a = ha - can be made easier by using an assumed mean. above. cm Deviation d Height, h mean za. n:number of values in the set given. Refer to the cm. Note: =a + + reading from where d: deviation of each Example: heightis 163.I Mean (a) of the set of values. using mean mean arithmetic Frequency = 175 cm (ü) 50. Hence = 163.1 +I/0+181+175+179+173 Arithmetic n example above = 163 173 d = - 163 170 172 173 160 175 179 6 8 18 E d = 4 +16 162 163 10 164 10 6 2 165 12 166 The mean height h = 173 175 (cm). + = 1630 = 163+01 = 163.1 where x are tle measured observations and j Therefore the the corresponding frequencies. of the products corresponding values off and x and total the making tlie is the of su n number o f items 2fa-23+28-5 = 163+d Efx is 6 50 frequency (i) The arithmetic m e a n of an ungrouped distribution by using the formula 2fx -10 -10 161 n uP cm Frequency Mean (T) of a grouped Distribution, using the Assumed Mean (Fa) Note Whep data has been grouped iato of Example: a t d, where = distribution: Bxample: Heighe th cm) Nuinber of students heights of 20 shown. The 60<h 7 s 70 70 students are h $ 80 80 <h S 8 O' Statistics t nid-point, x, intervals, the interva nterval is taken to represent the Find the mean value of the following frequency Height (cm) 160 161 | 162 163 164 165 166 6 5 1016 10 Frequency l63.1 height is (V)The the frequency distribution. mean Maths D Pape T i- Let Ag 75, then d =x- 75, where t is the mid-point Heght (cm) Mid-point, x 60« h 7 0 80 <h90 an Examination Questions for Unit 9 interval I The pie chart represents the distribution of population in e village. d -75 6 75 S5 70<h s880 of -10 i - Calcuiate the percentage of the population 0 50 10 20 Z.fd (ii) 70+50 The Measures of 6 75 + mean 20 Given that there are is 74 a meas ure cm. of the following figure shows a cumulative had read in the last month. The results of the survey are shown in the bar hart. frequency Find curve. (1) the modal number of Cumuiarive Frequency Curve books, 004 Tpper 75 2uarile 25 3 3 4 (iiu the proportion of children who read more than } books. Answer the whole of this question or June 90//19 graph paper. Mathematics and English Mark 2, 2 60 2 80 OSrS20 20<s40 40ks60 60s80 80«s100 1 MathematicS Marks values (i) is calied the lower quartile or 25th percentile. ( 4 n a " 25 12 2 English Tbe range is the aifference between the highest and west , 2 The following table gives the frequency distriburion o* marks obtained by 80 candidates in exarninatuons in - 40 1 Nunber of bocks the total nuraber of books. giving your answer as a fraction. ure 20 O (ii) - MMedian_ 50 June 90/U11 2 A group of 25 children were asked how many books they Cumulative frequency curve The Women tii) Given also that the number of boys is 432. calculate the total population of the viliage. dispersion There are several ways of obtaining spread' of a set of observations. Boys as men calculatex. =74 height of the students Crirls twIce as many WoTTien -20 I= Men who are giris. 10 33 3 Copy and complete the fllowing table showing the curnulative frequency distribution in each subject. 22 is called the middle quartile or median r 50th percentile. Nunber of candidares with this mark or less 2 is called the upper quartile or 75th percentile. 2-2, is called the interquartile range. Mark English Mathemancs 20 40 20 60 80 100 1 Using a scale of 2 iorizontal axis and 2 e 80 cm to represent 20 marks On uie c n to represent 20 candidates on axis. draw separare cumulative requ tor each of the subjects Mathematics vertical Clagrams ana English 9 Statistics O Maths D Paper SIMPLE PROBABILITY Revision Notes Definition Red 2 ff a event A can happen in a ways out of n equally likely ways, then the probability or chance of its happening 2 2 denoted by piA) is defined asp(4) = 2 number of outcomes favourable i.e. Probability = - Blue to the event of 4 equally possible 33 34 6 total number of outcomes 3 4 5 4 7 8 67 8 8 9 Properties of probsbility () If A is an impossible event, then plA) =0 (i) fA i5 a sure event, then p(A) = 1| Tree diagram Tne outcomes are written at the ends of the branches, and the coresponding probabilities by the side of each branch. i ) IE A is any event, and 0 p(A) S 1, then PA) = l -p(A), where A' is the event does not occur. (iv) Example fA and B are two muially exclusive events, then An Australian has three 50 cent co:ns and wo 10 cent coins pA or B) =p{A) + p(B). n his pocket. He takes coins out nf his pocket, at random. one after the other. The coins re not replaced. i.e bothA and B events cannot occur at the same time. The tree diagram below shows the possible outecmes and ( ) I f A and B are independent events, then PA and B) =plA) xp(B). their probabilities 2d coin 1 coin i.e. both events bear no relation to each other. One 50c event has no effect whatsoever on the other. Possibility diagramn 50c t involves the representation of outccmes by points on grid. 10c Example The four faces of a red tetrahedral die are marked 1, 2, 2 and 50c B. The four faces of a blue tetrahedral die are marked 1, 2. 5 andd6. 10c When such a die is thrown, the 8core i5 the number on the face on which it lands. 10c h e two dice are thrown together and their scores added. The possibility diagram shows alil of the totals. Simple Probability ° Maths D Paper TRANSFORMATIONS Revision Notes Geometrical transformations (using coordinates) angie of rotation is . (clociwise 4). LAOA BOB= LCOC = 9 0is the only invariant point. The It the Reflection in the x-axis. p(a b)p\a, -b) order of the letters is preserved, Reflection in the y-axis. p(a. b) a Congruent p'(-a b) the triangies are directly Reflection n the liney =z pla, b) +pib, a) Relection in the line y = -a, p(a. b) ++ p'(-b, -2) Reflection in the line x =C, pla, b) ++ p (2c-a b) Reflection in the line y= c, pla, b) +pla 20b) The rotati on of 90 anti-clockwise about the origin is grven by p(a b)p'(-b. a) The rotation of 90 clockwise about the origin is given by pla b)F'(b, -a) The rotation of 180° about the origin is given by p(a. b Relectionn AA 'B'C' is the image of AABC under a reflection in the line OP. OP is called the axis of reflection which is the perpen- Enlargement dicular bisector of AA', BB' or cC Cnaer a reflection, the figure and its image are congruent. mediator ('nrTor) -H---dT-+IE - - - (a) k= -1/a 4 (b) k= 2 (c)k =2 Under an enlargement with cente O and scale factor &. e Transiation area of the imaze is K2 times that ofthe ubject. IfK> 0, he given figure and its image are on the sarne side of tho cenae ot enlargement O. f B R < 0, the given figure and its im4 are n opposite sides of the cente of enlargemeat O. Under an enlargement, the odject and its inmage are SLIa and their corresponding sides are parallel The scale factor OB C ere are no invar1ant points. The order of the letteis is preserved, the triangles are directiy congrue nt. Rotation about a point RA)=A', R(B) =B, RIC)= C. The centre of rotation O is a the point of intersectjon of the perpendicular bisetors of AA, BB', CC Transtormations Shearing Scale AOPQ' is the image of AOPQ uader a shear witn factor & along the X-axis. The x-axis is the invariant u Scale factor K= r 2 O P or QR and TRANS foR MA 1Tw MaLaa a shear, arta ol any tiRure remains the ame C clocKwr st abt abc kuis ./ 40 () - RePieeFo Stretching (*) a stretch with scale is the image of OPOR unde a QR is the invariant line and actor X rom the -axis. The y-axis OPPROThe area of the imags ne scale factor is K Under stretch is K times the a area of RePle.. original figure. in Refler tian Elarstmel, cnk S Ombination of Trunsformations then XY denotes and Y are two. transfermations, X. transfomation Tansformation Yfollowed by T denc es transformation X followed by transformation Y. s hear . shear RANSi AT] dett wtu -atis invais Pacr K. A*** shew inv shar paralei ais + man's I) - S trtkh (. (, Tw t invarian, Scale fach PArallel t nrarm', S P sbe rh w sereteh 13/. -1 strh panllel Rleebioa in . -ava, sf iAvarih anthe ias th g VECTORS IN T v O DIMENSIONS Revision Notes (f (a) A vector may be (b) rerresenied A vector whose initial or 4 or in point (h. k) If P is the tion A a and then the origin, o the posi- iector OP :qual Two vecbrs e direction and megnitude when they have the sarne of (g) Magnitude CD means AB called to O is of P with respect Equal Vectors 1) O is point is the origin, position v e c t o r in the forn AB ) components Position vectors both quantity that has is A magnitude and direction. a vector vector a the magniude of ABAB= . cD nd (h) Mid-point IiMis the rud-pointof AB. V ect»rs (c) Negative OM= then 04 0 B AB and Cb have bhe same magnitude but in oPposite directions (i) we Multiplication by a number wite (1) d) k = Addition Itk Vectors are ndded by the ringle law or the parallelo- is positive, then If k is grain l a negative, u and then u same sene have the ku and ku have opposte senses. the sa is positive, ka is a vector háving equal to direction as that of g and "magnitude times and magnitude of a. :! i t k It kis negative, ka is a vector hav1ng the opfos direction to that of a and umes the magninude of 4. Fig Fy In fi2. AB tBC AC In fig. Gi AB+AD AB BC = AC (ii) a=mblal =m ibl and a' b. iV If V tvector ( (e) Subtraction magn1tude equal vector a then h ra parallel is a is not to vector b then a k parallel to vector ò and ha 0 and k = 0 + mb = ha + kb and a X b, then n -*| h and "* k. ABB=AZ ko B - AB D Maths O Pap Section Form Index No. Date Paper. Do not write in ject. 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