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Feminism and Gender Equality Essay

Feminism is the belief that men and women should have equal rights and opportunities. Working
together and acknowledging one’s flaws and strengths is the key to achieve the goal of gender equality,
which feminism strives for. This proves that feminism is never synonymous with man-hating.
I have seen many issues surrounding gender equality. I know that the concept of feminism is strong,
because it recognizes the fact that women should also have equal rights as men. However, just like what
Emma Watson said, it shouldn’t lead to the point where feminism turns into man-hating, because that
contradicts the concept of equal rights, and it doesn’t show respect to the opposite gender.
This alone proves that feminism is not, and should never be, synonymous with man-hating, and that
gender equality can only be achieved if everyone recognizes, and do something about the current issues
surrounding it. It should never be one-sided.
Upon reading the excerpt of Emma Watson about gender equality, she said that fighting for women’s
rights has too often become synonymous with man-hating, and that shouldn’t be the case. She also told
her experiences while growing up. I feel happy that she acknowledges this because it means that she
recognizes the fact that gender equality is never a fight, it should never end up with two genders having
bad impressions of one another. Because of this, I want to research more about this topic so that I can
contribute to this growing concept.