Company Name: Compliance chart as per the ASSET Technical Requirements for the PMIS bids Tech. Req. Sl. Page, Section, ID Topic in Technical Requirement Specification Document Requirements Page 15, 1. Section 2.2 Basic and Extended Functionalities of the PMIS Ensuring security, backup and audit log of the application as well as the database while being operated by users at different level in the PMU and the sub project offices across the grant recipient institutions, in order to protect the system from any misuse, abuse, threats from insiders, outsiders, automated attacks etc. or interruption by disaster or similar events. Page 15, 2. Section 2.2 Basic and Extended Functionalities of the PMIS Detailing data entry and approval provisions on various committees, teams, track the meetings, decisions, actions etc. Page 15, 3. Section 2.2 Basic and Extended Functionalities of the PMIS Page 15, 4. Section 2.2 Basic and Extended Functionalities of the PMIS Detailing data entry and approval provisions on work breakdown structure, activity and task tracking, Gantt charting, baseline and progress evaluation, related M&E reporting including impact, challenges, inclusiveness and outcome analysis etc. Detailing data entry and approval provisions on various events, training, workshops, job fair, skill competition, study tour, industry visit etc. with sub events/ activities, facilities, resourcing, participant registry, trainer/ resource persons/guests, results, outcome and reports etc. Bid Ref. Complied Explanation (Y/N) Major/ Minor Tech. Req. Sl. Page, Section, ID Topic in Technical Requirement Specification Document Page 15, 5. Section 2.2 Basic and Extended Functionalities of the PMIS Page 15, 6. Section 2.2 Basic and Extended Functionalities of the PMIS Page 15, 7. Section 2.2 Page 15, 8. Section 2.2 Page 15, 9. Section 2.2 Page 15, 10. Section 2.2 Basic and Extended Functionalities of the PMIS Basic and Extended Functionalities of the PMIS Basic and Extended Functionalities of the PMIS Basic and Extended Functionalities of the PMIS Requirements Detailing data entry and approval provisions on job placement related information including applicants’ data, institute vs industry mapping, recording vacancies, skill vs applicant matching, course/ occupation vs skills mapping, employment/ internship information etc. Detailing data entry and approval provisions on procurement including delivery and contract management which encompasses procurement plan, activities, evaluations, contracts, documentation, work schedules, bills and payment related attachments etc. Detailing data entry and approval provisions on inventory including fixed asset, with issue tracking, transfer, reorder and disposal etc. Detailing data entry and approval provisions on various types of survey related information and reporting. Detailing data entry and approval provisions on environment and social framework planning, risk mitigation activities with resourcing and related reporting. Detailing data entry and approval provisions on grievances, redressing and resolutions. Bid Ref. Complied Explanation (Y/N) Major/ Minor Tech. Req. Sl. Page, Section, ID Page 15, 11. Section 2.2 Page 15, 12. Section 2.2 Page 15, 13. Section 2.2 Topic in Technical Requirement Specification Document Basic and Extended Functionalities of the PMIS Basic and Extended Functionalities of the PMIS Basic and Extended Functionalities of the PMIS Page 15, 15. Section 2.2 17. 18. 19. 20. Ensuring data imports from TMIS and Project accounting software for relevant data to produce necessary storage and producing reports Producing progress monitoring reports as per specific formats by WB, IMED, PMU and relevant stakeholders Controlling display at a glance (dashboards), database and master data administration facilities Providing data export functionalities including API linkage for TMIS, Project Accounting system and other related systems for integrated usage and reporting 14. 16. Requirements 2.4.1 and 2.4.2 2.4.1 and 2.4.2 2.4.1 and 2.4.2 2.4.1 and 2.4.2 2.4.1 and 2.4.2 Basic and Extended Functionalities of the PMIS Reporting Requirements Reporting Requirements Reporting Requirements Reporting Requirements Reporting Requirements Facilitating dynamic reporting with provision of business analytics to cater internal and external ad-hoc requirements Reporting- Procurement Plan Reporting- Work Plan (includes non-procuring activities) Reporting- Gantt Chart Reporting- Fixed asset, stock, issue report/ register Reporting- Environment Screening Bid Ref. Complied Explanation (Y/N) Major/ Minor Tech. Req. Sl. Page, Section, ID 2.4.1 and 21. 2.4.2 2.4.1 and 22. 2.4.2 2.4.1 and 23. 2.4.2 2.4.1 and 24. 2.4.2 2.4.1 and 25. 2.4.2 2.4.1 and 26. 2.4.2 27. 2.4.1 and Reporting 2.4.2 Requirements 2.4.1 and 2.4.2 2.4.1 and 29. 2.4.2 PMIS30. R001 28. 31. Topic in Technical Requirement Specification Document Reporting Requirements Reporting Requirements Reporting Requirements Reporting Requirements Reporting Requirements Reporting Requirements PMISR002 Reporting Requirements Reporting Requirements Project setup Security Requirements Reporting- Social Screening Reporting- Environmental Risk Mitigation and Monitoring Plan Reporting- Progress Report Reporting- IDP Activity Statement Reporting- IDG Sub-project Monitoring Format Reporting- Project Completion Report Reporting- Other reports (meeting decisions, event reports, event notices, participant list, job placement, results, ID cards, grievance etc.) Reporting- Dynamic Reports Reporting- Dashboard PMIS will allow authorized users to define and create a project to be used by the whole system. PMIS would be a secured system. Ensuring security can be assessed by a suitable assessment tool for identifying application and database level vulnerabilities such as user hack, penetration, SQL injection, cross-site scripting in web applications and web APIs etc., in order to protect the system from any misuse, abuse, threats from insiders, outsiders, automated attacks etc. Bid Ref. Complied Explanation (Y/N) Major/ Minor Tech. Req. Sl. Page, Section, ID PMIS32. R003 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. PMISR004 PMISR005 PMISR006 PMISR007 PMISR008 Topic in Technical Requirement Specification Document Requirements The system should have different administrative System roles such as super administrator, administrator, Administration super user, approver, data entry initiator, report producer, auditor etc. The system should have complete backup and Backup restore provision in case of any interruption by disaster or unwanted events. The system should have provision of audit log of each CRUD (create, read, update, delete) Audit Log activities while being operated by users at different level in the PMU and the sub project offices across the grant recipient institutions. There should be provision of master data type entry that includes, e.g. stakeholder, user, role, menu, team, plan, activity, procurement, Master data location, industry, organization, procurement, type setup inventory, event, skill, result, resource, batch, participant, survey, environmental and social framework, report etc. There should be provision of master data entry that includes, e.g. components and Master data subcomponents, stakeholders, partners, setup activities, events, locations, role, menu, industry, skill, organizations, report etc. There should be provision of mapping across the master data elements, e.g. between industry Master data and institutions, between institution and occupation, between event and resources, mapping between course and skill sets, between occupation and skill sets, between institution Bid Ref. Complied Explanation (Y/N) Major/ Minor Tech. Req. Sl. Page, Section, ID 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. PMISR009 PMISR010 PMISR011 PMISR012 PMISR013 43. PMISR014 44. PMISR015 Topic in Technical Requirement Specification Document Requirements and course, between industry/ organizations with institutions (for job placement), between menu and role, between designation and role type, between user and role, between menu and report, between report and signature etc. There should be provision of importing or IDP upload uploading institutional development plans (CIDP/ IDPs) under IDG and their activities There should be provision of importing or SDP upload for uploading skill development plans (SDPs) under Short course short course and their activities There should be provision of importing or SDP upload for uploading skill development plans (SDPs) under EBT enterprise based training and their activities There should be provision of importing or SDP upload for uploading skill development plans (SDPs) under RPL RPL grant and their activities Detail data There should be provision of detail entries of entry and works/activities (procuring, non-procuring plan) mapping of of CIDP/ SDP activities Work There should be provision of detail entries of breakdown work breakdown structure of the activities structure including dependency entry. There should be provision of activity tracking Activity with planned start/ end, actual start/end, tracking daily/weekly progress etc. Bid Ref. Complied Explanation (Y/N) Major/ Minor Tech. Req. Sl. Page, Section, ID Topic in Technical Requirement Specification Document PMIS45. R016 Gantt with CP 46. 47. PMISR017 PMISR018 PMIS48. R019 49. 50. PMISR020 PMISR021 chart M&E Detail data entry and mapping on committee and meetings Detail reporting on task tracking and M&E Detail data entry and mapping on events and related items Detail entry data and Requirements There should be provision of Gantt chart of the planned and actual actions with identification of critical path (CP) There should be provision of detail entries of M&E related information on each activity [Impact, beneficiaries, inclusiveness (women, ethnic, PWD), KPI, baseline, challenges, evaluation, comments etc.] There should be provision of data entry and approval on various committees, teams, tracking the meetings, decisions, actions, mapping between actions and planned activities etc. There should be provision of detail reporting on activity and task tracking, Gantt charting, baseline and progress evaluation, related M&E data including impact, challenges, inclusiveness and outcome analysis etc. There should be provision of data entry and approval on various events, training, workshops, job fair, skill completion, study tour, industry visit etc. with sub events/ activities, facilities, notification, resourcing, participant registry, trainer/ resource persons/guests, results and outcome, mapping between event and resources etc. There should be provision of various events, training, workshops, national skill completion, Bid Ref. Complied Explanation (Y/N) Major/ Minor Tech. Req. Sl. Page, Section, ID 51. 52. 53. 54. PMISR022 PMISR023 PMISR024 PMISR025 Topic in Technical Requirement Specification Document mapping on PMU events and related items Detail data entry and mapping on social marketing and communication related items by PMU and field level Procurement Plan Upload/ download procurement related documents Detail entry of contract information Requirements field visit etc. with sub events/ activities, facilities, notification, resourcing, participant registry, trainer/ resource persons/guests, results and outcome, mapping between event and resources etc. for PMU for central control and dissemination of knowledge. There should be provision of various social marketing events, workshops, advertisement, promotional campaign, publications and communication activities etc. with sub events/ activities, facilities, resourcing, participant, resource persons, results and outcome, mapping between marketing event and resources etc. for PMU and field level for communication with people at large as well as students, teachers, partners en masse. There should be provision for detail entries of the Procurement Plans with information on estimation, events, dates etc. There should be provision of uploading/ downloading procurement related documents as attachments, such as tender documents, bidders’ proposals, tender evaluation report, bid security/ bank guarantee or similar documents, work order/ awards, contracts etc. There should be provision of contract information entry with work/ delivery schedules, payment terms etc. Bid Ref. Complied Explanation (Y/N) Major/ Minor Tech. Req. Sl. Page, Section, ID 55. 56. 57. 58. 59. 60. PMISR026 PMISR027 PMISR028 PMISR029 PMISR030 PMISR031 Topic in Technical Requirement Specification Document Delivery information with attachments Inventory Asset tracking and management Detail data entry and mapping on IDG training, fair, tour and related events Detail data entry and mapping on short course training related events Detail data entry and mapping on enterprise Requirements There should be provision of detail entry of delivery information with bills and payment related attachments. There should be provision of detail entry of inventory related information including fixed asset. There should be provision of detail entry of stock issue with asset tracking, stock reorder, stock disposal etc. There should be provision of training, job fair, skill completion, study tour, industry visit etc. related activities, facilities, resourcing, participant registry, trainer/ resource persons/guests, results and outcome, mapping between event and resources etc. under IDG plans. There should be provision of training related activities, facilities, resourcing, participant registry, trainer/ resource persons, results and outcome, mapping between event and resources etc. under short course grant recipient institutions. There should be provision of training related activities, facilities, resourcing, participant registry, trainer/ resource persons, results and outcome, mapping between event and Bid Ref. Complied Explanation (Y/N) Major/ Minor Tech. Req. Sl. Page, Section, ID 61. 62. 63. 64. PMISR032 PMISR033 PMISR034 PMISR035 Topic in Technical Requirement Requirements Bid Ref. Specification Document based training resources etc. under Skill Development Plans of related events industry partners for enterprise based training. There should be provision of training and Detail data certification related activities, facilities, entry and resourcing, participant registry, trainer/ mapping on assessors, results and outcome, mapping RPL between event and resources, mapping certification between skills and institutes etc. under Skill related items Development Plans for RPL grant recipient institutions. There should be provision of data entry and Detail data approval on job placement related information entry and including applicants’ data, institute vs industry mapping on job mapping, recording vacancies, skill vs applicant placement and matching, course/ occupation vs skills mapping, related items employment/ internship information etc. Detail data There should be provision of data entry and entry and approval on procurement including delivery mapping on and contract management which encompasses procurement procurement plan, activities, evaluations, and delivery contracts, documentation, work schedules, bills related items and payment related attachments etc. Detail data entry and There should be provision of data entry and mapping on approval on inventory including fixed asset, with inventory and issue tracking, transfer, reorder and disposal etc. issue related matters Complied Explanation (Y/N) Major/ Minor Tech. Req. Sl. Page, Section, ID PMIS65. R036 66. 67. PMISR037 PMISR038 PMISR039 PMIS69. R040 PMIS70. R041 PMIS71. R042 68. 72. PMISR043 Topic in Technical Requirement Specification Document Detail data entry and mapping on survey related items and reports Detail data entry and mapping on ESF related items, mitigation actions and reports Procurement reports Stock reports Event reporting Grievance Resolution Forwarding Requirements There should be provision of data entry and approval on various types of survey related information and reporting There should be provision of data entry and approval on environment and social framework planning, risk mitigation activities with resourcing and related reporting There should be provision of various procurement related reports as per requirements. There should be provision of various stock related reports including fixed assets. There should be provision of reporting on various events, resourcing and outcome etc. There should be entry provisions of grievance entry for an internal/ external person/ body. There should be entry provisions of grievance resolution by a competent authority. There should be provisions of forwarding to another authority for better resolution or to the raiser of the grievance so that the grievance raiser would get an appropriate feedback. Bid Ref. Complied Explanation (Y/N) Major/ Minor Tech. Req. Sl. Page, Section, ID PMIS73. R044 74. 75. 76. 77. 78. 79. 80. PMISR045 PMISR046 PMISR047 PMISR048 PMISR049 PMISR050 PMISR051 Topic in Technical Requirement Specification Document Grievance reporting Requirements There should be provisions of M&E reporting on grievances, resolution and forwarding. There should be provision of data imports from AProMIS, TMIS and Project accounting software Data Import for relevant data to provide necessary storage and producing reports. Progress There should be provision of producing progress monitoring monitoring reports as per specific formats by reports WB, IMED, PMU and relevant stakeholders There should be provision of producing reports Inclusiveness on inclusiveness (women, PWD and ethnic related reports percentage and detail) as per specific formats by WB, IMED, PMU and relevant stakeholders Detail reporting There should be provision of detail reporting on on meetings committees, meetings, decisions, actions and and decision related activities with progress tracking etc. tracking Dynamic ad There should be provision of facilitating hoc and dynamic reporting with provision of business analytic analytics to cater internal and external ad-hoc reports requirements There should be provision of controlling display Dashboard at a glance (dashboards) facilities There should be provision of controlling Application application, database and master data and Database administration facilities in BCC cloud as well as Administration in PMU server in master-hot slave configuration. Bid Ref. Complied Explanation (Y/N) Major/ Minor Tech. Req. Sl. Page, Section, ID 81. 82. 83. 84. 85. 86. 87. PMISR052 PMISR053 PMISR054 PMISR055 PMISR056 PMISR057 PMISR058 Topic in Technical Requirement Specification Document Requirements There should be provision of data export/ synchronize functionalities for integrated usage and reporting including API linkage for TMIS, Data Export/ Project Accounting system and other related synchronize systems such as physical progress information, event related information and asset/ stock information There should be sufficient training on the whole Training system to the PMU and field office staff and officers to manage the PMIS. There should be complete user and technical Manuals manuals printed and circulated to PMU and field offices to operate and maintain the system. There should be 24/7 help desk support to Help Desk ensure uninterrupted project and sub project management. Ensuring There should be appropriate hardware, proper network, software, systems, licenses and tools in hardware and place, to ensure smooth operation of the software software There should be proper trained human Proper resources to manage, control and operate the resourcing PMIS at PMU and filed offices. There should be a maker and a checker (that is data entry and approval) for any data entries so Checker-maker that errors and malpractices would be minimized. Bid Ref. Complied Explanation (Y/N) Major/ Minor Tech. Req. Sl. Page, Section, ID PMIS88. R059 89. PMISR060 Topic in Technical Requirement Specification Document Requirements There should be user activity report for selected User Activity activities under a project or sub project to Report monitor data entry and approval history. There should be SMS/ email alert/ notifications Alert and for selected status of events/ activities in PMIS Notifications application, database and system, in order to take appropriate actions. Bid Ref. Complied Explanation (Y/N) Major/ Minor