Uploaded by Ridam Singh


The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim is an open-world, RPG game set in the fictional providence
of Skyrim. Skyrim is available on a variety of gaming platforms, but I would like to purchase it
for the PlayStation 3. This game allows you to follow a main quest line, side quests, or
something completely different, something that you chose to do. This game is rated M for
mature, but I believe that I am mature enough to play it.
This game contains several suggestive themes. Among these are people talking of
cheating on their partners, and trading wives, shown in this quote from the game “I wish we
could trade wives mine has lost what looks she had”. This content is nothing more mature than
anything I have seen before. The television show How I Met Your Mother has countless
references to these types of themes. The game has no actual reference to sex, but merely these
hinting themes.
The game also has some use of profanity, like many modern games. The words “damn”
and “bitch” are both in this game. The word “slut” is used one time. Profanity is nothing new to
any high school student. I know that it is unacceptable to use these words, and the player never
has a choice to say these words, so it is no worse than television, because you don’t have a
choice to say or not say the words.
Another reason this game got the rating M was because of alcohol/drugs/smoking. The
player is able to acquire and consume various alcoholic beverages, such as wine and ale. I
understand that the consumption of alcohol is illegal for anyone under that age of 21 in the
United States, and I will not feel pressured to drink any sort of alcohol. There is a drug called
“skooma” in this game, but you never see anyone consume it, and you aren’t able to either.
This game contains frightening/intense Scenes. There are a variety of different creatures
in the world of Skyrim, both passive and hostile. The monsters, as a general rule, are quite
terrifying looking, but I will not be scared by a fictional monster. The game’s combat moments
can sometimes be frightening, such as that of fighting dragons. There are also underground paths
and caves that can be filled with monsters, as well as some quests that can be frightening.
This game also has an M rating because of Violence and Gore. The game’s combat
system allows you to dispose of your enemies in a variety of ways, from magic spells to swords
and axes to bows. When you attack someone, a spurt of blood will appear, and you weapon, if
using a melee weapon, will be partially covered with blood. There are also some scenes in the
game that contain executions, sometimes by way of decapitation. You can also kill any wild
animals you happen to come across, animals such as deer, chickens, rabbits, etc.
This game has mature content, but I am confident that I am mature enough to handle it.
But I am can handle this game, even though it contains, violence, frightening scenes, and
profanity. Please, take some time to consider letting me purchase and play this game.