I Form Nr: : SAF I IRF # 03 ffiffiHffiffipe-k Tie k rnark FEHSE ffisuorfirffi*rBelati*ns #lcsure Forr* ffier:*rt Sat* Prepared : 29 I CI$ / SB R*vision: CIZ {13 /i2l ?01Si f,eedhaak $uhmlesi*n th* relevant paraett*t*n: I l-o-f f* J I f'-Rc I *at*: 04ta /t?0?3 [,ffi+n Fss-l T]sr-l f rsc_l I- *'.,-l FIease spee ify (lf Otne r): Target ilate 301c0/2il23 Reasons fsr sendlng the rep*rt late iif appEieablc) *etails it a*y {e.g. ffi"Report #, eta} F!**t/$eetior':lArea Amnionia i]*vic* i [:qui*rn*ni'{'ap3 NAST 083 AS Per NFPA-25 Testing regime of Deluge System to be Done on annually ffiee*rs:mendati*rr a. Operational Test b. Maintenance c. lnspection regime Aetici'l s taken agai *ist rec*r'E*1*ndaticn Testing regime has been established and Maintenance Instruction MNT-WI ll\liS-03$ (Procedure far Maintenance of Fire Hydrants, Fii'e Monitors and Deluge Systems) has been rnade and maintenance frequency has been defined as bi-annuai complying with the frequency a$ per recommendation. Action ta be considerecj as clcsed. Status of Aetion ltcms lf Nat Not Completed Cornpleted completed, Revised Completion Date tr Being Responsible, I here by witness by signing thedocumentthat I have completed the marked responsibility. CIv Resp. Fcrson {Name / Desig} t& ffieing *onecrned, I hefe by urltness by signing the d ae krecwie#ge that aat!<*n status is eor"r:ptrete. Aeknowledge ffiy {Name I Dcsig} &g:Br*vee$ *y H {Name I Desig} * 0 7*23 o)*61 -)-' or{,luTlr, $L3 L-eg*r'reis: rn*r, rI Efxr 8r# IRR IRRE ' - fxecutive Health, $afety & f nvironment Quarterly Emerg*ncy Driti rlriA |.1 fa f'q Fa r-BDffi Process i-{azard Anaiysis Flre-$tartup Safety Fi*view lncideni Report Recommendaiion Dqnf, T VIET Pr"occss Safety lilanag*meni lncideni Repor"i Rectification Committee DSe Departmeni Safety C*mr:itl*e