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Windows Kernel Programming

Windows Kernel Programming
Course Summary Table
5 Days
Target Audience:
Experienced windows developers, interested in developing
kernel mode drivers
Understand the Windows kernel driver programming
Write drivers for monitoring processes, threads, registry
and some types of objects
Use documented kernel hooking mechanisms
Write basic file system mini-filter drivers
At least 2 years of experience working with the Windows
Basic understanding of Windows OS concepts such as
processes, threads, virtual memory and DLLs
Windows 10 Pro 64 bit (latest stable version)
Visual Studio 2019 (any SKU) + latest update
Windows 10 SDK (latest)
Windows 10 WDK (latest)
Virtual Machine for testing and debugging
Instructor: Pavel Yosifovich
The cyber security industry has grown considerably in recent years, with more sophisticated
attacks and consequently more defenders. To have a fighting chance against these kinds of
attacks, kernel mode drivers must be employed, where nothing (at least nothing from user
mode) can escape their eyes.
The course provides the foundations for the most common software device drivers that are
useful not just in cyber security, but also other scenarios, where monitoring and sometimes
prevention of operations is required. Participants will write real device drivers with useful
features they can then modify and adapt to their particular needs.
Module 1: Windows Internals quick overview
o Processes
o Virtual memory
o Threads
o System architecture
o User / kernel transitions
Introduction to WinDbg
Windows APIs
Objects and handles
Module 2: The I/O System
o I/O System overview
o Device Drivers
o The Windows Driver Model (WDM)
o The Kernel Mode Driver Framework (KMDF)
o Other device driver models
o Driver types
o Software drivers
o Driver and device objects
o I/O Processing and Data Flow
o Accessing devices
o Asynchronous I/O
o Summary
Module 3: Device Drivers Basics
o Setting up for Kernel Development
o Basic Kernel types and conventions
o C++ in a kernel driver
o Creating a driver project
o Building and deploying
o The kernel API
o Strings
o Linked Lists
o The DriverEntry function
o The Unload routine
o Installation
o Testing
o Debugging
o Summary
o Lab: deploy a driver
Module 4: The I/O Request Packet
o Creating a device object
o Exporting a device name
o Building a driver client
o Driver dispatch routines
o Introduction to I/O Request Packets (IRPs)
o Completing IRPs
o Accessing User Buffers
o Handling DeviceIoControl calls
o Handling Asynchronous Operations
o Driver Verifier
o Using WinDbg with a virtual machine
Module 5: Kernel mechanisms
o Interrupt Request Levels (IRQLs)
o Deferred Procedure Calls (DPCs)
o Dispatcher objects
o Low IRQL Synchronization
o Spin locks
o Driver-Created Threads
o Work items
o Timers
o Summary
Module 6: Process and thread monitoring
o Motivation
o Process creation/destruction callback
o Specifying process creation status
o Thread creation/destruction callback
o Notifying user mode
o Writing a user mode client
o Preventing potentially malicious processes from executing
o Summary
Module 7: Object and registry notifications
o Process/thread object notifications
o Pre and post callbacks
o Registry notifications
o Performance considerations
o Reporting results to user mode
o Summary
Module 8: File system mini filters
o File system model
o Filters vs. mini filters
o The Filter Manager
o Filter registration
o Pre and Post callbacks
o File name information
o Contexts
o File system operations
o Filter to user mode communication
o Debugging mini-filters
o Summary
Module 9: Advanced Topics
o Using Native APIs
Hooking Drivers
Plug & Play
IRP Propagation
Writing Generic Filter Drivers
Completion Routines
IRP Cancellation