SHIMIZU-FUJITA-TAKENAKA-EEI JOINT VENTURE Unit 3 & 4 19th Floor (Penthouse) Panorama Technocenter 1029 EDSA, Veteran's Village I, Quezon City, Philippines REQUEST FOR INSPECTION TRANSMITTAL FORM To cc Contract Project Project Name Date : October 21, 2021 : Mr. Tin Zaw Transmital No. : JVQC-OCGQC-RFI-T-21-0338 QA/QC Manager General Consultant 12th & 14th Floor, Triump Square Building 1618 South Triangle, Quezon City, Philippines : Department of Transportation (DOTr) : CP101 : METRO MANILA SUBWAY PROJECT THREE UNDERGROUND STATIONS (QUIRINO HWY., TANDANG SORA, NORTH AVE.), TUNNELS AND DEPOT CONSTRUCTION, DEPOT EQUIPMENT AND BUILDINGS DISCIPLINE ARCHITECTURAL CIVIL & STRUCTURAL MECHANICAL & ELECTRICAL AUXILIARY PLUMBING / SANITARY FIRE PROTECTION Inspection Pertaining MATERIAL ACTIVITY NCR WORK COMPLETION KIND OF COPY ORIGINAL SOFTCOPY Dear Sir, The following listed below are for inspection. SN RFI NO. MMSP-SFTEJV-101-NAS-RIN-C-(C)1 900006 MMSP-SFTEJV-101-NAS-RIN-C-(C)2 900013 MMSP-SFTEJV-101-NAS-RIN-C-(C)3 900044 MMSP-SFTEJV-101-NAS-RIN-C-(C)4 900049 MMSP-SFTEJV-101-NAS-RIN-C-(C)5 900050 MMSP-SFTEJV-101-NAS-RIN-C-(C)6 900054 MMSP-SFTEJV-101-NAS-RIN-C-(C)7 900056 MMSP-SFTEJV-101-NAS-RIN-C-(C)8 900074 Rev. No. INSTRUMENTATION & MONITORING ENVIRONMENTAL & SAFETY OTHERS TESTING OTHERS Description C King Post Construction (KP-B29): Temporary Stell Casing Installation; Test Stabilizing Drilling Fluid Property (Polymer); Drilling Borehole Progress; H-Beam Fabrication; Concreting of King Post; H-Beam Installation; Final Concrete Level; Mortar Placement; Backfilling of Borehole; Casing Extraction B King Post Construction (KP-B32): Temporary Stell Casing Installation; Test Stabilizing Drilling Fluid Property (Polymer); Drilling Borehole Progress; H-Beam Fabrication; Concreting of King Post; H-Beam Installation; Final Concrete Level; Mortar Placement; Backfilling of Borehole; Casing Extraction B King Post Construction (KP-B60): Temporary Stell Casing Installation; Test Stabilizing Drilling Fluid Property (Polymer); Drilling Borehole Progress; H-Beam Fabrication; Concreting of King Post; H-Beam Installation; Final Concrete Level; Mortar Placement; Backfilling of Borehole; Casing Extraction B King Post Construction (KP-B9): Temporary Stell Casing Installation; Test Stabilizing Drilling Fluid Property (Polymer); Drilling Borehole Progress; H-Beam Fabrication; Concreting of King Post; H-Beam Installation; Final Concrete Level; Mortar Placement; Backfilling of Borehole; Casing Extraction B King Post Construction (KP-A3): Temporary Stell Casing Installation; Test Stabilizing Drilling Fluid Property (Polymer); Drilling Borehole Progress; H-Beam Fabrication; Concreting of King Post; H-Beam Installation; Final Concrete Level; Mortar Placement; Backfilling of Borehole; Casing Extraction B King Post Construction (KP-A5): Temporary Stell Casing Installation; Test Stabilizing Drilling Fluid Property (Polymer); Drilling Borehole Progress; H-Beam Fabrication; Concreting of King Post; H-Beam Installation; Final Concrete Level; Mortar Placement; Backfilling of Borehole; Casing Extraction B King Post Construction (KP-B64): Temporary Stell Casing Installation; Test Stabilizing Drilling Fluid Property (Polymer); Drilling Borehole Progress; H-Beam Fabrication; Concreting of King Post; H-Beam Installation; Final Concrete Level; Mortar Placement; Backfilling of Borehole; Casing Extraction A King Post Construction (KP-B17): Temporary Stell Casing Installation; Test Stabilizing Drilling Fluid Property (Polymer); Drilling Borehole Progress; H-Beam Fabrication; Concreting of King Post; H-Beam Installation; Final Concrete Level; Mortar Placement; Backfilling of Borehole; Casing Extraction SHIMIZU-FUJITA-TAKENAKA-EEI JOINT VENTURE Unit 3 & 4 19th Floor (Penthouse) Panorama Technocenter 1029 EDSA, Veteran's Village I, Quezon City, Philippines REQUEST FOR INSPECTION TRANSMITTAL FORM To cc Contract Project Project Name Date : October 21, 2021 : Mr. Tin Zaw Transmital No. : JVQC-OCGQC-RFI-T-21-0338 QA/QC Manager General Consultant 12th & 14th Floor, Triump Square Building 1618 South Triangle, Quezon City, Philippines : Department of Transportation (DOTr) : CP101 : METRO MANILA SUBWAY PROJECT THREE UNDERGROUND STATIONS (QUIRINO HWY., TANDANG SORA, NORTH AVE.), TUNNELS AND DEPOT CONSTRUCTION, DEPOT EQUIPMENT AND BUILDINGS DISCIPLINE ARCHITECTURAL CIVIL & STRUCTURAL MECHANICAL & ELECTRICAL AUXILIARY PLUMBING / SANITARY FIRE PROTECTION Inspection Pertaining MATERIAL ACTIVITY NCR WORK COMPLETION KIND OF COPY ORIGINAL SOFTCOPY Dear Sir, The following listed below are for inspection. RFI NO. SN MMSP-SFTEJV-101-NAS-RIN-C-(C)9 900006 900075 MMSP-SFTEJV-101-NAS-RIN-C-(C)10 900076 MMSP-SFTEJV-101-NAS-RIN-C-(C)11 900077 MMSP-SFTEJV-101-NAS-RIN-C-(C)12 900078 MMSP-SFTEJV-101-NAS-RIN-C-(C)13 900079 MMSP-SFTEJV-101-NAS-RIN-C-(C)14 900042 Rev. No. INSTRUMENTATION & MONITORING ENVIRONMENTAL & SAFETY OTHERS TESTING OTHERS Description A (KP-B29): King Post Construction (KP-B43): Temporary Stell Casing Installation; Test Stabilizing Drilling Fluid Property (Polymer); Drilling Borehole Progress; H-Beam Fabrication; Concreting of King Post; H-Beam Installation; Final Concrete Level; Mortar Placement; Backfilling of Borehole; Casing Extraction A King Post Construction (KP-A8): Temporary Stell Casing Installation; Test Stabilizing Drilling Fluid Property (Polymer); Drilling Borehole Progress; H-Beam Fabrication; Concreting of King Post; H-Beam Installation; Final Concrete Level; Mortar Placement; Backfilling of Borehole; Casing Extraction A King Post Construction (KP-B12): Temporary Stell Casing Installation; Test Stabilizing Drilling Fluid Property (Polymer); Drilling Borehole Progress; H-Beam Fabrication; Concreting of King Post; H-Beam Installation; Final Concrete Level; Mortar Placement; Backfilling of Borehole; Casing Extraction A King Post Construction (KP-B7): Temporary Stell Casing Installation; Test Stabilizing Drilling Fluid Property (Polymer); Drilling Borehole Progress; H-Beam Fabrication; Concreting of King Post; H-Beam Installation; Final Concrete Level; Mortar Placement; Backfilling of Borehole; Casing Extraction A King Post Construction (KP-B70): Temporary Stell Casing Installation; Test Stabilizing Drilling Fluid Property (Polymer); Drilling Borehole Progress; H-Beam Fabrication; Concreting of King Post; H-Beam Installation; Final Concrete Level; Mortar Placement; Backfilling of Borehole; Casing Extraction B King Post Construction (KP-A6): Temporary Stell Casing Installation; Test Stabilizing Drilling Fluid Property (Polymer); Drilling Borehole Progress; H-Beam Fabrication; Concreting of King Post; H-Beam Installation; Final Concrete Level; Mortar Placement; Backfilling of Borehole; Casing Extraction Prepared by: HERLENE TINGLE QA/QC ENGINEER SHIMIZU-FUJITA-TAKENAKA-EEI JV Authorized by: R. CAGA-ANAN QC/QA MANAGER SHIMIZU-FUJITA-TAKENAKA-EEI JV Received by: OC GLOBAL JV Roi de Jesus Structure Inspector October 21, 2021 2PM Date: KING POST PILE SET-OUT DOCUMENTATION ITP Reference no.: MMSP-SFTEJV-101NAS-ITP-QA-(C-) 900009 Record No.: Project : METRO MANILA SUBWAY PROJECT PHASE 1-CP 101 Project No. : P2469 Location : North Avenue Station Client: SFTE-JV King Post Pile Ref. ID No.: IFC Drawing Ref: Rev. No. / Date: A. POSITION MEASUREMENT / CHECK Casing Center Design Pile Location (Coordinates) Actual Casing Location (Coordinates) Offset / Dev., e (m) Difference Tolerance for Offset Top of Casing / Dev. ,e max (m) (TOC) Elevation NORTHING OK EASTING NO Existing Ground Level (EGL) B. INCLINATION MEASUREMENT / CHECK Reference Axis (900) Position Design Pile Inclination X - Axis 90° Y - Axis 90° Actual Inclination Tolerance (mm / m) Remarks Note : * Refer to the values set out in the Inspection and Test Plan Comments: Filled By: Checked By: Approved By: Noted by: (Name, Signature, and Date) (Name, Signature, and Date) (Name, Signature, and Date) (Name, Signature, and Date) BFPI - SURVEYOR BFPI - BFPI QAQC ENGINEER CONSTRUCTION-SFTE Joint Venture QAQC ENGINEER - JOINT VENTURE P2469 QER.01.KP_0.BFPI 07.2021 (Name, Signature, and Date) GC ENGINEER THIS IS A CONTROLLED FORM Date: KING POST PILE DRILLING DOCUMENTATION ITP Reference No.: MMSP-SFTEJV-101-NAS-ITPQA-(C-) 900009 Record No.: Project: METRO MANILA SUBWAY PROJECT PHASE 1-CP 101 Location: North Avenue Station PILE REFERENCE Project No.: P2469 Client: SFTE-JV DRILLING RECORD King Post Pile Ref. ID No. Depth from TOC (m) Pile Type Time (hh:mm) * Tool Used B, C) (A, TOC EL. Soil Description EGL (from TOC) _____________________ ____________________ Pile Diameter (m) Top of Casing (TOC) Elev. Existing Ground (EGL) Elev. (m) Design Pile Toe Elevation (m) Design Drill Depth fr. TOC (m) Actual Drill Depth (m) BORING/DRILL EQUIPMENT Type Operator BORE SUPPORT □ Fully Cased □ Starter Casing, _________ m FLUID TYPE □ Water □ Bentonite □ Polymer □ None BORING/DRILL RECORD Date (mm/dd/yy) Drilling Start Time (hh:mm) Date (mm/dd/yy) Drilling End Time (hh:mm) Filled by: (Name, Signature, and Date) BFPI - OPERATIONS ENGINEER Checked by: (Name, Signature, and Date) BFPI - QA/QC ENGINEER Approved by: (Name, Signature, and Date) CONSTRUCTION - SFTE Joint Venture (Name, Signature, and Date) QAQC Engineer- SFTE Joint Venture Noted by: (Name, Signature, and Date) GC ENGINEER Remarks: ________________________ DESIGN TOE EL. * Tool Used for Drilling (input initial): ___________ ______________________ ACTUAL TOE EL. A - Auger B - Drilling Bucket C - Core Barrel P2469 QER.02.KP_0.BFPI 07.2021 Toe cleaning method: □ Cleaning Bucket □ Air Lifting THIS IS A CONTROLLED FORM Date: KING POST PILE POLYMER SLURRY TEST RECORD ITP Reference No.: MMSP-SFTEJV-101-NAS-ITP-QA(C-) 900009 Record No.: Project : METRO MANILA SUBWAY PROJECT PHASE 1-CP 101 Project No. : Location : North Avenue Station Client: King Post Pile Ref. ID No.: Polymer: MIXING PARAMETER / RATIO Water : m3 Source: Slurry : Slurry : Brand: Brand: m3 Reminder: Fresh Slurry sampling / testing should be carried after mix has achieved required curing time in the material specification. FRESH MIX Date mm-dd-yy Time Hr:min. Marsh Funnel Viscosity (Sec/Ltr) pH [40-100] [7 to 11] Density (kg/Ltr.) Sand Content (%) [ <1.10] [N/A] Sample Location (Tank No.) Remarks every fresh mix RE-FRESHING / RECYCLING Date mm-dd-yy Time Hr:min. Marsh Funnel Viscosity (Sec/Ltr) pH [40-100] [7 to 11] Density (kg/Ltr.) Sand Content (%) [ <1.10] [N/A] Sample Location (Tank No.) Remarks every mix, before mixing and after mixing PILE SHAFT (DURING DRILLING) Date mm-dd-yy Time Hr:min. Marsh Funnel Viscosity (Sec/Ltr) pH [40-100] [7 to 11] Density (kg/Ltr.) Sand Content (%) [ <1.25] [N/A] Level of Sample from Bore Hole Toe Remarks 1 @ mid depth of drilling (Check applicable) De-sanding and □ Recycling By using □ Replacement □ Airlifting Date /Time Start: □ Pump Date / Time Finished: SHAFT (BEFORE CONCRETING) Date Time Marsh Funnel Viscosity (Sec/Ltr) mm-dd-yy Hr:min. [40-90] pH Density (kg/Ltr.) Sand Content (%) [N/A] [1.00 to 1.10] [ <1.0%] Level of Sample from Bore Hole Toe Remarks Minimum test: 1 - after finished the drilling 1 - after final cleaning If SHAFT (BEFORE CONCRETING) for WATER USED Date mm-dd-yy Time Hr:min. Marsh Funnel Viscosity (Sec/Ltr) pH [N/A] [7 to 11] Prepared / Checked by: (Name, Signature, and Date) BFPI QA/QC ENGINEER P2469 QER.03.KP_0.BFPI 07.2021 Density (kg/Ltr.) Sand Content (%) [N/A] [ <1.0%] Level of Sample from Bore Hole Toe Approved by: Remarks Noted by: (Name, Signature, and Date) (Name, Signature, and Date) (Name, Signature, and Date) CONSTRUCTION - SFTE Joint Venture QAQC ENGINEER - SFTE Joint Venture GC ENGINEER THIS IS A CONTROLLED FORM Date: KING POST PILE H-BEAM REINFORCEMENT RECORD ITP Reference No.: MMSP-SFTEJV-101-NAS-ITP-QA-(C-) 900009 Record No.: Project: METRO MANILA SUBWAY PROJECT PHASE 1-CP 101 Project No.: Location: North Avenue Station Client: King Post Pile Ref. ID No.: P2469 SFTE-JV Pile Type: IFC/Approved Shop Dwg Ref. : Rev. No./ Date: H-BEAMS FABRICATION CHECK Materials Details Checked: H-Beam Section No. (from top) Main H-Beams Design H-Beams Size. (mm) Bolts/ Nuts Joint Connection Qty. (pcs) Actual H-Beams Size. (mm) Conformed Bolt/ Nuts Dia. (mm) Yes No Stud Bolts Details Studs Bolts Conformed Qty. (pcs) Ø(mm) Length (mm) Yes No Steel Spacer Conformed No. of Layers H-Beam Joint Connection Details No. per Layer (pcs) Yes No INSPECTION CHECKSHEET Item Conformed/ Satisfied Activities to be Checked H-Beam OK REMARKS NO 1 Checked rebar/ fabrication engineer holding latest approved AFC drawing during fabrication 2 Checked no. of holes at joint per connection system 5 Checked spacing of bolts on flange and webs based on the drawing 6 Checked H-Beams fabrication with temporary support on the bottom to avoid possible distortion 7 Checked H-Beam be free from rust, rust pits, scale, oil, moisture, or other deleterious matter that would affect welding operation 8 Checked H-Beams secure in position / fixing elements adequate - bolted/ torque H-Beams Fabrication 9 Checked h-beam based on the inspected segments and verified tagging's per pile schedule 10 Check welded connection of steel spacer to H-beam 4nos. per layer in accordance to IFC drawing Stud Bolts 11 Checked provision of markings on H-beams for stud bolt welding 12 Stud bolts shall be free from rust, scale, oil, moisture, or other deleterious matter. 13 Checked spacing/ distance of stud bolts center to center based on the IFC drawing 14 Visually checked welded stud bolts to determine 360⁰ full flash with no evidence of undercut into stud base 15 Visually checked welded stud bolts to ensure no discontinuities; Checked completely and acceptable 16 Bend Test performed based on the specification: 30⁰ from its original axis. 17 Bend tested of 5% for every 28 nos. studs/ king post. ( 1no. each side) 18 Follower beams secure in position / fixing elements adequate prior to lifting - holes/ bolted/ torque 19 Check dimensions, sizes of stud bolts 20 Spacers welded/ installed on correct position & spacing in accordance to IFC drawing Installation 20 Check if follower beams used has correct length and adequate capacity to hold H-beam during connection & final section installation. 21 H-beams clean / free of mud prior to lowering / installation to borehole. - wash by water spraying as necessary. 23 Checked at correct elevations, position & center at the borehole 24 Checked installation/ properly fixed and correct positioning of guide frame upon lowering of H-beam 25 Vertical joint support (welding flange/ bolts) between H-beam and follower adequate to carry weight during lifting / hanging. Filed by: Checked by: (Name, Signature, and Date) (Name, Signature, and Date) BFPI OPS ENGINEER BFPI QA/QC ENGINEER P2469 QER.04A.KP_0.BFPI 07.2021 Approved by: (Name, Signature, and Date) CONSTRUCTION -SFTE Joint Venture Noted by: (Name, Signature, and Date) QAQC ENGINEER - SFTE Joint Venture (Name, Signature, and Date) GC - ENGINEER THIS IS A CONTROLLED FORM Date: KING POST PILE H-BEAM REINFORCEMENT RECORD MMSP-SFTEJV-101-NAS-ITPQA-(C-) 900009 ITP Reference No.: Record No.: Project: METRO MANILA SUBWAY PROJECT PHASE 1-CP 101 Location: North Avenue Station Project No.: P2469 SFTE-JV Client: King Post Pile Ref. ID No.: Pile Type: IFC/Approved Shop Dwg Ref. : Rev. No./ Date: H-BEAMS FABRICATION CHECK AA BB DD CC Top of H-Beam Elev._ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ Elev. _____________ = Offset Elevation: ___________ - Dist. from Offset to Bottom elev. of follower Beam: ____________ EGL _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Elev. _________________ H-Beam Section : ______________ Design Length: _______m + _______m = _________m Acrual Length: _______m + _______m = _________m Spacers: Distance of spacer center to center : ______________ No. of Layer: ______________ No. of spacer per layer: ________________ Bottom Elevation of H-Beam._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Elev. _________________ Toe Elev of Borehole.._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Elev. _________________ REMARKS: Filed by: Checked by: (Name, Signature, and Date) (Name, Signature, and Date) BFPI OPS ENGINEER BFPI QA/QC ENGINEER P2469 QER.04B.KP_0.BFPI 07.2021 Approved by: (Name, Signature, and Date) CONSTRUCTION -SFTE Joint Venture Noted by: (Name, Signature, and Date) QAQC ENGINEER - SFTE Joint Venture (Name, Signature, and Date) GC - ENGINEER THIS IS A CONTROLLED FORM Date: KING POST PILE CONCRETING RECORD ITP Reference No. MMSP-SFTEJV-101-NAS-ITP-QA-(C-) 900009 Record No.: Project: METRO MANILA SUBWAY PROJECT PHASE 1-CP 101 Project No.: P2469 Location: North Avenue Station Client: SFTE-JV King Post Pile Ref. No. : Top of Casing (TOC) Elev. (m) : Concrete level fr. TOC (m): Date of Concreting: Pile Diameter (mm) : Cut-off Level (COL) Elev. (m) : a. Target Concrete Supplier : Design Pile Length (m ): Cut-off Level fr. TOC (m): Concrete Volume (m³) : Design Compressive Strength (psi) : a. Design Existing Ground Level (m) : Delivery Receiving on-site Testing On-site b. Estimated Pouring Time Method of Con. Placement: Direct Pouring Conc. Volume (m³) Note : Truck Number Time of Batching Time of Testing * Slump Ht. 1). * Refer to the values set out in the Inspection and Test Plan No. of Samples Start End Truck Load Cumulativ Qty. e Qty. 2). ** Depth from TOC to Actual Pile Toe Level (Prior to pouring) Concrete Pump Line Pump Others Concrete Pour Monitoring Concrete Depth from TOC (measured from sounding ) Docket Number @ ________ days Before Pouring (m) After Pouring (m) A B Tremie Length (m) Rise (After Before Pouring Pouring (m) Before Pouring) C=B-A D Embedment (m) Distance Remarks Tremie pipe bot. edge to toe level prior to concrete (m) E=D-A 3). Check sedimentation from previous depth measurement (prior to pouring) INTERRUPTIONS / DELAYS (Workability) Duration Break longer than 15 minutes: T= minutes From Hr:min. To To Hr:min. Break longer than 15 minutes: T= minutes From Hr:min. To To Hr:min. Remarks: Filled by: (Name, Signature, and Date) BFPI - OPERATIONS ENGINEER P2469 QER.05.KP_0.BFPI 07.2021 Checked by: (Name, Signature, and Date) BFPI - QA/QC ENGINEER Approved by: (Name, Signature, and Date) QA/QC ENGINEER -SFTE Joint Venture Noted by: (Name, Signature, and Date) CONSTRUCTION - SFTE Joint Venture (Name, Signature, and Date) GC - ENGINEER THIS IS A CONTROLLED FORM Date: MMSP-SFTEJV-101-NAS-ITP-QA-(C-) ITP Reference No.: 900009 Record No.: KING POST PILE MORTAR PLACEMENT RECORD Project: METRO MANILA SUBWAY PROJECT PHASE 1-CP 101 Location: North Avenue Station P2469 Project No.: SFTE-JV Client King Post Pile Ref. No. : Cut-off Level (COL) Elev. (m) : Method of Mortar Placement: Mortar placement: Pile Diameter (mm) : Existing Concrete Level fr. TOC (m): Tremie Pipe Concrete Pump Design Pile Length (m ): Mortar Volume (m³) : Direct Pouring Others/ Specify Top of Casing (TOC) Elev. (m) : a. Design Date: b. Estimated Delivery Receiving on-site ` Design Compressive Strength (psi) : Testing On-site Pouring Time Conc. Volume (m³) Mortar Placement Monitoring Concrete Depth from TOC (measured from sounding ) Docket Number Truck Number Time of Batching Time of Testing * Slump Time: Mortar Supplier : No. of Samples Start End Truck Cumulative Before Pouring Load Qty. Qty. (m) A Rise After Pouring (After Pouring (m) Before Pouring) B C=B-A Tremie Length (m) Before Pouring (m) Embedment (m) D E=D-A REMARKS ** INTERRUPTIONS / DELAYS (Workability) Duration Break longer than 15 minutes: T= minutes From Hr:min. To Hr:min. Break longer than 15 minutes: T= minutes From Hr:min. To Hr:min. Remarks: Filled by: Checked by: Approved by: Noted by: (Name, Signature, and Date) (Name, Signature, and Date) (Name, Signature, and Date) (Name, Signature, and Date) (Name, Signature, and Date) BFPI - OPERATIONS ENGINEER BFPI - QA/QC ENGINEER CONSTRUCTION - SFTE Joint Venture QAQC ENGINEER - SFTE Joint Venture GC - ENGINEER P2469 QER.06.KP_0.BFPI 07.2021 THIS IS A CONTROLLED FORM Date: KING POST PILE BACKFILL RECORDS MMSP-SFTEJV-101-NASITP-QA-(C-) 900009 Shift: ITP Reference No.: Record No: Project: METRO MANILA SUBWAY PROJECT PHASE 1-CP 101 Project No: P2469 DS Location: North Avenue Station Client: SFTE-JV NS Note: Attach Key Plan with "marked" or "highlighted" location requested. King Post Pile Reference No.: Pile Diameter (mm): Pile Type: Top of Casing (TOC) Elev.: Zone/ Area: Existing Ground Elevation: Grid Line / Location: Initial Elevation Final Depth: Elev. Date (mm/dd/yy) Backfilling Start: Time (hh:mm) Date (mm/dd/yy) Est. backfill materials vol. (m3): Backfilling End: Approved Backfill Materials: PARTICULARS Time (hh:mm) SATISFIED/CONFORMED? Yes No REMARKS (if necessary) N/A a. Clear equipment access b. Free from obstructions c. Excavated materials (surplus soil) provided protection/ berm d. Properly compacted f As per approved plan g Removal of excess backfill materials along the pile area. Filled by: (Name, Signature & Date) BFPI - FIELD ENGINEER P2469 QER.07.KP_0.BFPI 07.2021 Checked by: (Name, Signature & Date) BFPI - QA/QC ENGINEER Approved by: (Name, Signature & Date) CONSTRUCTION - SFTE Joint Venture Noted by: (Name, Signature & Date) QAQC ENGINEER - SFTE Joint Venture (Name, Signature & Date) GC - ENGINEER THIS IS A CONTROLLED FORM 13 14 11 12 10 9 8 7 6 4 5 3 2 1 K K BORED PILE SCHEDULE 2 J I H 5 BORED PILE SCHEDULE 2 BORED PILE SCHEDULE 2 BORED PILE SCHEDULE 2 Mark N/S E/W Mark N/S E/W Mark N/S E/W Mark N/S E/W B-1 B-2 B-3 B-4 B-5 B-6 B-7 B-8 B-9 B-10 B-11 B-12 B-13 B-14 B-15 B-16 B-17 B-18 B-19 B-20 B-21 1621246336 1621247898 1621249468 1621251030 1621242925 1621244487 1621246058 1621247619 1621239027 1621240589 1621242160 1621243721 1621235617 1621237178 1621238749 1621240311 1621231719 1621233280 1621234851 1621236412 1621228308 503810555 503803773 503796951 503790169 503809770 503802987 503796166 503789383 503808872 503802090 503795268 503788486 503808087 503801305 503794483 503787700 503807190 503800407 503793586 503786803 503806404 B-22 B-23 B-24 B-25 B-26 B-27 B-28 B-29 B-30 B-31 B-32 B-33 B-34 B-35 B-36 B-37 B-38 B-39 B-40 B-41 B-42 1621229869 1621231440 1621233002 1621224410 1621225971 1621227542 1621230273 1621220999 1621222561 1621224131 1621225693 1621217101 1621218663 1621220233 1621221795 1621213690 1621215252 1621216823 1621218384 1621209792 1621211354 503799622 503792800 503786018 503805507 503798724 503791903 503785389 503804721 503797939 503791117 503784335 503803824 503797041 503790220 503783437 503803039 503796256 503789435 503782652 503802141 503795359 B-43 B-44 B-45 B-46 B-47 B-48 B-49 B-50 B-51 B-52 B-53 B-54 B-55 B-56 B-57 B-58 B-59 B-60 B-61 B-62 B-63 1621212925 1621214486 1621206381 1621207943 1621209514 1621211075 1621202483 1621204045 1621205616 1621207177 1621199073 1621199952 1621201523 1621203767 1621195175 1621196736 1621198307 1621199869 1621191764 1621193326 1621194896 503788537 503781755 503801356 503794573 503787752 503780969 503800458 503793676 503786854 503780072 503799673 503792733 503785912 503779286 503798776 503791993 503785171 503778389 503797990 503791208 503784386 B-64 B-65 B-66 B-67 B-68 B-69 B-70 B-71 B-72 B-73 B-74 B-75 B-76 B-77 B-78 B-79 B-80 B-81 B-82 B-83 B-84 1621196458 1621187866 1621189428 1621190998 1621192560 1621184455 1621186017 1621187587 1621189149 1621180557 1621182119 1621183689 1621185251 1621177146 1621178708 1621180279 1621181840 1621173248 1621174810 1621176381 1621177942 503777604 503797093 503790310 503783489 503776706 503796307 503789525 503782703 503775921 503795410 503788627 503781806 503775023 503794625 503787842 503781021 503774238 503793727 503786945 503780123 503773340 6 7 7500 8 7500 9 7500 10 7500 11 7500 12 7500 J I H 13 7500 14 7500 15 7500 7500 G G 3500 4000 2000 2000 3500 2000 4000 2000 3500 4000 2000 2000 3500 2000 4000 2000 3500 2000 4000 2000 3500 4000 2000 2000 3500 2000 4000 2000 3500 4000 2000 2000 3500 2000 4000 2000 3500 2000 4000 2000 2000 3550 F B-1 B-5 B-9 B-13 B-17 B-21 B-25 B-29 B-33 B-37 B-41 B-45 B-49 B-53 B-57 B-61 B-65 B-69 B-73 B-77 B-81 F 6960 3550 A B 3500 6910 3410 1300 E B-6 B-10 B-14 B-18 B-22 B-26 B-30 B-34 B-38 B-42 B-46 B-50 B-54 B-58 B-62 B-66 B-70 B-74 B-78 B-82 E 3410 6910 3500 7000 C B-2 B-7 B-11 B-15 B-19 B-23 B-27 B-31 B-35 B-39 B-43 B-47 B-51 B-55 B-59 B-63 B-67 B-71 B-75 B-79 B-83 6960 D D B-3 D 3550 3550 800 E B-4 B-8 B-12 B-16 B-20 B-24 B-28 B-32 B-36 B-40 B-44 B-48 B-52 B-56 B-60 B-64 B-68 B-72 B-76 B-80 B-84 C C BORED PILE B KEYPLAN: 1 : 150 B B Prepared by: CONTRACTOR Approved by: DESIGNER Approved by: REVISION DATE PROJECT DESCRIPTION METRO MANILA SUBWAY PROJECT PHASE-1 Project Manager DOTr, PMO 13 12 Undersecretary For Railway, DOTr Shimizu - Fujita - Takenaka - EEI Joint Venture 11 10 PRC No. Validity: IAPOA No. O.R. No. PTR No. DATE: Place: TIN: 9 KIYOSHI MIMURA Project Manager SFTE JV Technical Design NORTH AVENUE STATION BORED PILES ARCHITECT / STRUCTURAL ENGINEER / ETC. Republic of the Philippines 14 STAGE Initial Design DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION A PACKAGE CP101 PROJECTION TITLE Construction Design Third Angle DATE: 12/10/21 SCALE: INTENDED FORMAT: As Built A1 SHEET DRAWING NO. 8 7 / / /7 3 MMSP-SFTEJV-101-NAS-DWG-C-200003 Shimizu - Fujita - Takenaka - EEI Joint Venture 6 5 4 3 A 1 : 150 2 1 REV A 12/10/2021 3:40:49 pm Checked by: 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 NORTH AVENUE STATION TEMPORARY DESIGN K GROUND PLAN(1) K S=1/200 B-1 - B-100 J J 5 6 I 7 7500 8 7500 9 7500 10 7500 11 7500 12 7500 13 7500 7500 14 15 7500 16 7500 B - B 17 7500 18 7500 I 7500 C - C B-9 B-13 B-17 B-21 B-25 B-29 B-33 B-37 B-41 B-45 B-49 B-53 B-57 B-61 B-65 B-69 B-73 B-77 B-81 B-85 B-87 B-89 B-93 B-6 B-10 B-14 B-18 B-22 B-26 B-30 B-34 B-38 B-42 B-46 B-50 B-54 B-58 B-62 B-66 B-70 B-74 B-78 B-82 B-90 B-94 B-7 B-11 B-15 B-19 B-23 B-27 B-31 B-35 B-39 B-43 B-47 B-51 B-55 B-59 B-63 B-67 B-71 B-75 B-79 B-83 B-91 B-95 B-64 B-68 B-72 B-76 B-80 B-84 B-92 B-96 7000 B-2 B-3 F B-98 B-102 B-99 B-103 B-100 B-104 F 6960 B-12 B-16 B-20 B-24 B-28 B-32 B-36 B-40 B-44 B-48 B-52 B-56 B-60 B-86 2800 1200 B-88 4550 2950 E 6550 B-8 6550 E G 3300 6960 4200 B-4 B-101 7000 G B-97 6960 B-5 6960 B-1 6550 H 6550 H D D 4100 3500 4000 3500 4000 3500 4000 3500 4000 3500 4000 3500 4000 3500 4000 3500 4000 3500 4000 3500 4000 3500 4000 3500 4000 3500 4000 C C KEY PLAN 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 Legend A B B King Post C :H-428×407×20×35 φ1200 D E A - A B - B C - C D - D CONTRACTOR DESIGNER REVISION A DESCRIPTION DATE 22/JUL/20 PROJECT METRO MANILA SUBWAY PROJECT PHASE 1 TITLE First Submission GROUND PLAN(1) Shimizu - Fujita - Takenaka - EEI Joint Venture 12 11 10 STAGE Initial Design NORTH AVENUE STATION TEMPORARY DESIGN Republic of the Philippines 13 PACKAGE CP101 PROJECTION 22/JUL/21 DATE SCALE DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION A 14 B 9 8 B-1 - B-100 Shimizu - Fujita - Takenaka - EEI Joint Venture 7 6 5 4 Technical Design Construction Design Third Angle INTENDED FORMAT A1 As Built SHEET REV DRAWING No. MMSP-SFTEJV-101-NAS-SHD-TP-100001 3 2 A 1 : 200 1 1 9 A 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 2 1 NOTE: Kingpost layout in this drawing is reference only. Layout shall follow plan drawings. NORTH AVENUE STATION TEMPORARY DESIGN K 3 K CROSS SECTION(2) SECTION B-B & C-C (B-5 - B-332) S=1/150 J KING POST CONNECTION +136.50m S=1/15 1100 +136.40m 40 40 407 60 60 60 60 40 40 1 160 85 160 1 1 1 405 407 13400 14900 I φ25 5 60 40 205 40 60 +136.50m J I 40 5@65=325 80 5@65=325 40 407 810 1 160 60 2@80 =160 60 600 :Filling with Mortal(σck=1MPa) 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 22 22 22 428 428 2500 200 A B Concrete σck=40N/mm2 C 500 B 800 600 2000 2500 29 D 6@200=1200 12 Stud 22φx150 n=28 Yielding strength above 235N/mm2 C 200 11 6@200=1200 10 D 600 800 600 600 9 Extra Concrete Stud 22φx150 n=28 Yielding strength above 235N/mm2 Concrete σck=40N/mm2 1200 KEY PLAN 8 S=1/25 SECTION Stud 22φx150 Yielding strength above 235N/mm2 C 7 L=95mm (18bolts) H-428x407x20x35 200 104 104 6 2PL-16×280×460 Extra Concrete :Filling with Concrete(σck=40MPa) 5 F 600 :Filling with Extra Concrete(σck=40MPa) 4 H.T.B(F10T) M22 E PLAN :Filling with Surplus Soil 3 407 1200 LEGEND 2 1 6550 KING POST BORED PILE 1 405 4PL-22×160×810 E D 1 L=120mm (48bolts) Web 6960 G 60 40 205 40 60 40 2PL-22×405×810 Flange 2000 1200 22 2800 7000 34020 36420 2@75 80 2@75 =150 =150 460 16 B 500 6960 40 Splice Plate 1200 6550 H 60 40 60 22 74 280 74 29100 28500 13500 40 500 F 40 2500 800 3300 G φ25 5 22 10300 26900 29100 H E A - A B - B C - C D - D CONTRACTOR DESIGNER REVISION A DESCRIPTION DATE 22/JUL/20 METRO MANILA SUBWAY PROJECT PHASE 1 TITLE First Submission CROSS SECTION(2) Shimizu - Fujita - Takenaka - EEI Joint Venture 13 12 11 10 STAGE Initial Design NORTH AVENUE STATION TEMPORARY DESIGN Republic of the Philippines 14 PACKAGE CP101 PROJECTION 22/JUL/21 DATE SCALE DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION A PROJECT 9 8 SECTION B-B & C-C (B-5 - B-332) Shimizu - Fujita - Takenaka - EEI Joint Venture 7 6 5 4 3 Technical Design Construction Design Third Angle INTENDED FORMAT A1 As Built SHEET REV DRAWING No. MMSP-SFTEJV-101-NAS-SHD-TP-100005 2 A 1 : 150,1:25,1:15 1 5 9 A Roi de Jesus Structure Inspector October 21, 2021 2PM Date: KING POST PILE SET-OUT DOCUMENTATION ITP Reference no.: MMSP-SFTEJV-101NAS-ITP-QA-(C-) 900009 Record No.: Project : METRO MANILA SUBWAY PROJECT PHASE 1-CP 101 Project No. : P2469 Location : North Avenue Station Client: SFTE-JV King Post Pile Ref. ID No.: IFC Drawing Ref: Rev. No. / Date: A. POSITION MEASUREMENT / CHECK Casing Center Design Pile Location (Coordinates) Actual Casing Location (Coordinates) Offset / Dev., e (m) Difference Tolerance for Offset Top of Casing / Dev. ,e max (m) (TOC) Elevation NORTHING OK EASTING NO Existing Ground Level (EGL) B. INCLINATION MEASUREMENT / CHECK Reference Axis (900) Position Design Pile Inclination X - Axis 90° Y - Axis 90° Actual Inclination Tolerance (mm / m) Remarks Note : * Refer to the values set out in the Inspection and Test Plan Comments: Filled By: Checked By: Approved By: Noted by: (Name, Signature, and Date) (Name, Signature, and Date) (Name, Signature, and Date) (Name, Signature, and Date) BFPI - SURVEYOR BFPI - BFPI QAQC ENGINEER CONSTRUCTION-SFTE Joint Venture QAQC ENGINEER - JOINT VENTURE P2469 QER.01.KP_0.BFPI 07.2021 (Name, Signature, and Date) GC ENGINEER THIS IS A CONTROLLED FORM Date: KING POST PILE DRILLING DOCUMENTATION ITP Reference No.: MMSP-SFTEJV-101-NAS-ITPQA-(C-) 900009 Record No.: Project: METRO MANILA SUBWAY PROJECT PHASE 1-CP 101 Location: North Avenue Station PILE REFERENCE Project No.: P2469 Client: SFTE-JV DRILLING RECORD King Post Pile Ref. ID No. Depth from TOC (m) Pile Type Time (hh:mm) * Tool Used B, C) (A, TOC EL. Soil Description EGL (from TOC) _____________________ ____________________ Pile Diameter (m) Top of Casing (TOC) Elev. Existing Ground (EGL) Elev. (m) Design Pile Toe Elevation (m) Design Drill Depth fr. TOC (m) Actual Drill Depth (m) BORING/DRILL EQUIPMENT Type Operator BORE SUPPORT □ Fully Cased □ Starter Casing, _________ m FLUID TYPE □ Water □ Bentonite □ Polymer □ None BORING/DRILL RECORD Date (mm/dd/yy) Drilling Start Time (hh:mm) Date (mm/dd/yy) Drilling End Time (hh:mm) Filled by: (Name, Signature, and Date) BFPI - OPERATIONS ENGINEER Checked by: (Name, Signature, and Date) BFPI - QA/QC ENGINEER Approved by: (Name, Signature, and Date) CONSTRUCTION - SFTE Joint Venture (Name, Signature, and Date) QAQC Engineer- SFTE Joint Venture Noted by: (Name, Signature, and Date) GC ENGINEER Remarks: ________________________ DESIGN TOE EL. * Tool Used for Drilling (input initial): ___________ ______________________ ACTUAL TOE EL. A - Auger B - Drilling Bucket C - Core Barrel P2469 QER.02.KP_0.BFPI 07.2021 Toe cleaning method: □ Cleaning Bucket □ Air Lifting THIS IS A CONTROLLED FORM Date: KING POST PILE POLYMER SLURRY TEST RECORD ITP Reference No.: MMSP-SFTEJV-101-NAS-ITP-QA(C-) 900009 Record No.: Project : METRO MANILA SUBWAY PROJECT PHASE 1-CP 101 Project No. : Location : North Avenue Station Client: King Post Pile Ref. ID No.: Polymer: MIXING PARAMETER / RATIO Water : m3 Source: Slurry : Slurry : Brand: Brand: m3 Reminder: Fresh Slurry sampling / testing should be carried after mix has achieved required curing time in the material specification. FRESH MIX Date mm-dd-yy Time Hr:min. Marsh Funnel Viscosity (Sec/Ltr) pH [40-100] [7 to 11] Density (kg/Ltr.) Sand Content (%) [ <1.10] [N/A] Sample Location (Tank No.) Remarks every fresh mix RE-FRESHING / RECYCLING Date mm-dd-yy Time Hr:min. Marsh Funnel Viscosity (Sec/Ltr) pH [40-100] [7 to 11] Density (kg/Ltr.) Sand Content (%) [ <1.10] [N/A] Sample Location (Tank No.) Remarks every mix, before mixing and after mixing PILE SHAFT (DURING DRILLING) Date mm-dd-yy Time Hr:min. Marsh Funnel Viscosity (Sec/Ltr) pH [40-100] [7 to 11] Density (kg/Ltr.) Sand Content (%) [ <1.25] [N/A] Level of Sample from Bore Hole Toe Remarks 1 @ mid depth of drilling (Check applicable) De-sanding and □ Recycling By using □ Replacement □ Airlifting Date /Time Start: □ Pump Date / Time Finished: SHAFT (BEFORE CONCRETING) Date Time Marsh Funnel Viscosity (Sec/Ltr) mm-dd-yy Hr:min. [40-90] pH Density (kg/Ltr.) Sand Content (%) [N/A] [1.00 to 1.10] [ <1.0%] Level of Sample from Bore Hole Toe Remarks Minimum test: 1 - after finished the drilling 1 - after final cleaning If SHAFT (BEFORE CONCRETING) for WATER USED Date mm-dd-yy Time Hr:min. Marsh Funnel Viscosity (Sec/Ltr) pH [N/A] [7 to 11] Prepared / Checked by: (Name, Signature, and Date) BFPI QA/QC ENGINEER P2469 QER.03.KP_0.BFPI 07.2021 Density (kg/Ltr.) Sand Content (%) [N/A] [ <1.0%] Level of Sample from Bore Hole Toe Approved by: Remarks Noted by: (Name, Signature, and Date) (Name, Signature, and Date) (Name, Signature, and Date) CONSTRUCTION - SFTE Joint Venture QAQC ENGINEER - SFTE Joint Venture GC ENGINEER THIS IS A CONTROLLED FORM Date: KING POST PILE H-BEAM REINFORCEMENT RECORD ITP Reference No.: MMSP-SFTEJV-101-NAS-ITP-QA-(C-) 900009 Record No.: Project: METRO MANILA SUBWAY PROJECT PHASE 1-CP 101 Project No.: Location: North Avenue Station Client: King Post Pile Ref. ID No.: P2469 SFTE-JV Pile Type: IFC/Approved Shop Dwg Ref. : Rev. No./ Date: H-BEAMS FABRICATION CHECK Materials Details Checked: H-Beam Section No. (from top) Main H-Beams Design H-Beams Size. (mm) Bolts/ Nuts Joint Connection Qty. (pcs) Actual H-Beams Size. (mm) Conformed Bolt/ Nuts Dia. (mm) Yes No Stud Bolts Details Studs Bolts Conformed Qty. (pcs) Ø(mm) Length (mm) Yes No Steel Spacer Conformed No. of Layers H-Beam Joint Connection Details No. per Layer (pcs) Yes No INSPECTION CHECKSHEET Item Conformed/ Satisfied Activities to be Checked H-Beam OK REMARKS NO 1 Checked rebar/ fabrication engineer holding latest approved AFC drawing during fabrication 2 Checked no. of holes at joint per connection system 5 Checked spacing of bolts on flange and webs based on the drawing 6 Checked H-Beams fabrication with temporary support on the bottom to avoid possible distortion 7 Checked H-Beam be free from rust, rust pits, scale, oil, moisture, or other deleterious matter that would affect welding operation 8 Checked H-Beams secure in position / fixing elements adequate - bolted/ torque H-Beams Fabrication 9 Checked h-beam based on the inspected segments and verified tagging's per pile schedule 10 Check welded connection of steel spacer to H-beam 4nos. per layer in accordance to IFC drawing Stud Bolts 11 Checked provision of markings on H-beams for stud bolt welding 12 Stud bolts shall be free from rust, scale, oil, moisture, or other deleterious matter. 13 Checked spacing/ distance of stud bolts center to center based on the IFC drawing 14 Visually checked welded stud bolts to determine 360⁰ full flash with no evidence of undercut into stud base 15 Visually checked welded stud bolts to ensure no discontinuities; Checked completely and acceptable 16 Bend Test performed based on the specification: 30⁰ from its original axis. 17 Bend tested of 5% for every 28 nos. studs/ king post. ( 1no. each side) 18 Follower beams secure in position / fixing elements adequate prior to lifting - holes/ bolted/ torque 19 Check dimensions, sizes of stud bolts 20 Spacers welded/ installed on correct position & spacing in accordance to IFC drawing Installation 20 Check if follower beams used has correct length and adequate capacity to hold H-beam during connection & final section installation. 21 H-beams clean / free of mud prior to lowering / installation to borehole. - wash by water spraying as necessary. 23 Checked at correct elevations, position & center at the borehole 24 Checked installation/ properly fixed and correct positioning of guide frame upon lowering of H-beam 25 Vertical joint support (welding flange/ bolts) between H-beam and follower adequate to carry weight during lifting / hanging. Filed by: Checked by: (Name, Signature, and Date) (Name, Signature, and Date) BFPI OPS ENGINEER BFPI QA/QC ENGINEER P2469 QER.04A.KP_0.BFPI 07.2021 Approved by: (Name, Signature, and Date) CONSTRUCTION -SFTE Joint Venture Noted by: (Name, Signature, and Date) QAQC ENGINEER - SFTE Joint Venture (Name, Signature, and Date) GC - ENGINEER THIS IS A CONTROLLED FORM Date: KING POST PILE H-BEAM REINFORCEMENT RECORD MMSP-SFTEJV-101-NAS-ITPQA-(C-) 900009 ITP Reference No.: Record No.: Project: METRO MANILA SUBWAY PROJECT PHASE 1-CP 101 Location: North Avenue Station Project No.: P2469 SFTE-JV Client: King Post Pile Ref. ID No.: Pile Type: IFC/Approved Shop Dwg Ref. : Rev. No./ Date: H-BEAMS FABRICATION CHECK AA BB DD CC Top of H-Beam Elev._ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ Elev. _____________ = Offset Elevation: ___________ - Dist. from Offset to Bottom elev. of follower Beam: ____________ EGL _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Elev. _________________ H-Beam Section : ______________ Design Length: _______m + _______m = _________m Acrual Length: _______m + _______m = _________m Spacers: Distance of spacer center to center : ______________ No. of Layer: ______________ No. of spacer per layer: ________________ Bottom Elevation of H-Beam._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Elev. _________________ Toe Elev of Borehole.._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Elev. _________________ REMARKS: Filed by: Checked by: (Name, Signature, and Date) (Name, Signature, and Date) BFPI OPS ENGINEER BFPI QA/QC ENGINEER P2469 QER.04B.KP_0.BFPI 07.2021 Approved by: (Name, Signature, and Date) CONSTRUCTION -SFTE Joint Venture Noted by: (Name, Signature, and Date) QAQC ENGINEER - SFTE Joint Venture (Name, Signature, and Date) GC - ENGINEER THIS IS A CONTROLLED FORM Date: KING POST PILE CONCRETING RECORD ITP Reference No. MMSP-SFTEJV-101-NAS-ITP-QA-(C-) 900009 Record No.: Project: METRO MANILA SUBWAY PROJECT PHASE 1-CP 101 Project No.: P2469 Location: North Avenue Station Client: SFTE-JV King Post Pile Ref. No. : Top of Casing (TOC) Elev. (m) : Concrete level fr. TOC (m): Date of Concreting: Pile Diameter (mm) : Cut-off Level (COL) Elev. (m) : a. Target Concrete Supplier : Design Pile Length (m ): Cut-off Level fr. TOC (m): Concrete Volume (m³) : Design Compressive Strength (psi) : a. Design Existing Ground Level (m) : Delivery Receiving on-site Testing On-site b. Estimated Pouring Time Method of Con. Placement: Direct Pouring Conc. Volume (m³) Note : Truck Number Time of Batching Time of Testing * Slump Ht. 1). * Refer to the values set out in the Inspection and Test Plan No. of Samples Start End Truck Load Cumulativ Qty. e Qty. 2). ** Depth from TOC to Actual Pile Toe Level (Prior to pouring) Concrete Pump Line Pump Others Concrete Pour Monitoring Concrete Depth from TOC (measured from sounding ) Docket Number @ ________ days Before Pouring (m) After Pouring (m) A B Tremie Length (m) Rise (After Before Pouring Pouring (m) Before Pouring) C=B-A D Embedment (m) Distance Remarks Tremie pipe bot. edge to toe level prior to concrete (m) E=D-A 3). Check sedimentation from previous depth measurement (prior to pouring) INTERRUPTIONS / DELAYS (Workability) Duration Break longer than 15 minutes: T= minutes From Hr:min. To To Hr:min. Break longer than 15 minutes: T= minutes From Hr:min. To To Hr:min. Remarks: Filled by: (Name, Signature, and Date) BFPI - OPERATIONS ENGINEER P2469 QER.05.KP_0.BFPI 07.2021 Checked by: (Name, Signature, and Date) BFPI - QA/QC ENGINEER Approved by: (Name, Signature, and Date) QA/QC ENGINEER -SFTE Joint Venture Noted by: (Name, Signature, and Date) CONSTRUCTION - SFTE Joint Venture (Name, Signature, and Date) GC - ENGINEER THIS IS A CONTROLLED FORM Date: MMSP-SFTEJV-101-NAS-ITP-QA-(C-) ITP Reference No.: 900009 Record No.: KING POST PILE MORTAR PLACEMENT RECORD Project: METRO MANILA SUBWAY PROJECT PHASE 1-CP 101 Location: North Avenue Station P2469 Project No.: SFTE-JV Client King Post Pile Ref. No. : Cut-off Level (COL) Elev. (m) : Method of Mortar Placement: Mortar placement: Pile Diameter (mm) : Existing Concrete Level fr. TOC (m): Tremie Pipe Concrete Pump Design Pile Length (m ): Mortar Volume (m³) : Direct Pouring Others/ Specify Top of Casing (TOC) Elev. (m) : a. Design Date: b. Estimated Delivery Receiving on-site ` Design Compressive Strength (psi) : Testing On-site Pouring Time Conc. Volume (m³) Mortar Placement Monitoring Concrete Depth from TOC (measured from sounding ) Docket Number Truck Number Time of Batching Time of Testing * Slump Time: Mortar Supplier : No. of Samples Start End Truck Cumulative Before Pouring Load Qty. Qty. (m) A Rise After Pouring (After Pouring (m) Before Pouring) B C=B-A Tremie Length (m) Before Pouring (m) Embedment (m) D E=D-A REMARKS ** INTERRUPTIONS / DELAYS (Workability) Duration Break longer than 15 minutes: T= minutes From Hr:min. To Hr:min. Break longer than 15 minutes: T= minutes From Hr:min. To Hr:min. Remarks: Filled by: Checked by: Approved by: Noted by: (Name, Signature, and Date) (Name, Signature, and Date) (Name, Signature, and Date) (Name, Signature, and Date) (Name, Signature, and Date) BFPI - OPERATIONS ENGINEER BFPI - QA/QC ENGINEER CONSTRUCTION - SFTE Joint Venture QAQC ENGINEER - SFTE Joint Venture GC - ENGINEER P2469 QER.06.KP_0.BFPI 07.2021 THIS IS A CONTROLLED FORM Date: KING POST PILE BACKFILL RECORDS MMSP-SFTEJV-101-NASITP-QA-(C-) 900009 Shift: ITP Reference No.: Record No: Project: METRO MANILA SUBWAY PROJECT PHASE 1-CP 101 Project No: P2469 DS Location: North Avenue Station Client: SFTE-JV NS Note: Attach Key Plan with "marked" or "highlighted" location requested. King Post Pile Reference No.: Pile Diameter (mm): Pile Type: Top of Casing (TOC) Elev.: Zone/ Area: Existing Ground Elevation: Grid Line / Location: Initial Elevation Final Depth: Elev. Date (mm/dd/yy) Backfilling Start: Time (hh:mm) Date (mm/dd/yy) Est. backfill materials vol. (m3): Backfilling End: Approved Backfill Materials: PARTICULARS Time (hh:mm) SATISFIED/CONFORMED? Yes No REMARKS (if necessary) N/A a. Clear equipment access b. Free from obstructions c. Excavated materials (surplus soil) provided protection/ berm d. Properly compacted f As per approved plan g Removal of excess backfill materials along the pile area. Filled by: (Name, Signature & Date) BFPI - FIELD ENGINEER P2469 QER.07.KP_0.BFPI 07.2021 Checked by: (Name, Signature & Date) BFPI - QA/QC ENGINEER Approved by: (Name, Signature & Date) CONSTRUCTION - SFTE Joint Venture Noted by: (Name, Signature & Date) QAQC ENGINEER - SFTE Joint Venture (Name, Signature & Date) GC - ENGINEER THIS IS A CONTROLLED FORM 13 14 11 12 10 9 8 7 6 4 5 3 2 1 K K BORED PILE SCHEDULE 2 J I H 5 BORED PILE SCHEDULE 2 BORED PILE SCHEDULE 2 BORED PILE SCHEDULE 2 Mark N/S E/W Mark N/S E/W Mark N/S E/W Mark N/S E/W B-1 B-2 B-3 B-4 B-5 B-6 B-7 B-8 B-9 B-10 B-11 B-12 B-13 B-14 B-15 B-16 B-17 B-18 B-19 B-20 B-21 1621246336 1621247898 1621249468 1621251030 1621242925 1621244487 1621246058 1621247619 1621239027 1621240589 1621242160 1621243721 1621235617 1621237178 1621238749 1621240311 1621231719 1621233280 1621234851 1621236412 1621228308 503810555 503803773 503796951 503790169 503809770 503802987 503796166 503789383 503808872 503802090 503795268 503788486 503808087 503801305 503794483 503787700 503807190 503800407 503793586 503786803 503806404 B-22 B-23 B-24 B-25 B-26 B-27 B-28 B-29 B-30 B-31 B-32 B-33 B-34 B-35 B-36 B-37 B-38 B-39 B-40 B-41 B-42 1621229869 1621231440 1621233002 1621224410 1621225971 1621227542 1621230273 1621220999 1621222561 1621224131 1621225693 1621217101 1621218663 1621220233 1621221795 1621213690 1621215252 1621216823 1621218384 1621209792 1621211354 503799622 503792800 503786018 503805507 503798724 503791903 503785389 503804721 503797939 503791117 503784335 503803824 503797041 503790220 503783437 503803039 503796256 503789435 503782652 503802141 503795359 B-43 B-44 B-45 B-46 B-47 B-48 B-49 B-50 B-51 B-52 B-53 B-54 B-55 B-56 B-57 B-58 B-59 B-60 B-61 B-62 B-63 1621212925 1621214486 1621206381 1621207943 1621209514 1621211075 1621202483 1621204045 1621205616 1621207177 1621199073 1621199952 1621201523 1621203767 1621195175 1621196736 1621198307 1621199869 1621191764 1621193326 1621194896 503788537 503781755 503801356 503794573 503787752 503780969 503800458 503793676 503786854 503780072 503799673 503792733 503785912 503779286 503798776 503791993 503785171 503778389 503797990 503791208 503784386 B-64 B-65 B-66 B-67 B-68 B-69 B-70 B-71 B-72 B-73 B-74 B-75 B-76 B-77 B-78 B-79 B-80 B-81 B-82 B-83 B-84 1621196458 1621187866 1621189428 1621190998 1621192560 1621184455 1621186017 1621187587 1621189149 1621180557 1621182119 1621183689 1621185251 1621177146 1621178708 1621180279 1621181840 1621173248 1621174810 1621176381 1621177942 503777604 503797093 503790310 503783489 503776706 503796307 503789525 503782703 503775921 503795410 503788627 503781806 503775023 503794625 503787842 503781021 503774238 503793727 503786945 503780123 503773340 6 7 7500 8 7500 9 7500 10 7500 11 7500 12 7500 J I H 13 7500 14 7500 15 7500 7500 G G 3500 4000 2000 2000 3500 2000 4000 2000 3500 4000 2000 2000 3500 2000 4000 2000 3500 2000 4000 2000 3500 4000 2000 2000 3500 2000 4000 2000 3500 4000 2000 2000 3500 2000 4000 2000 3500 2000 4000 2000 2000 3550 F B-1 B-5 B-9 B-13 B-17 B-21 B-25 B-29 B-33 B-37 B-41 B-45 B-49 B-53 B-57 B-61 B-65 B-69 B-73 B-77 B-81 F 6960 3550 A B 3500 6910 3410 1300 E B-6 B-10 B-14 B-18 B-22 B-26 B-30 B-34 B-38 B-42 B-46 B-50 B-54 B-58 B-62 B-66 B-70 B-74 B-78 B-82 E 3410 6910 3500 7000 C B-2 B-7 B-11 B-15 B-19 B-23 B-27 B-31 B-35 B-39 B-43 B-47 B-51 B-55 B-59 B-63 B-67 B-71 B-75 B-79 B-83 6960 D D B-3 D 3550 3550 800 E B-4 B-8 B-12 B-16 B-20 B-24 B-28 B-32 B-36 B-40 B-44 B-48 B-52 B-56 B-60 B-64 B-68 B-72 B-76 B-80 B-84 C C BORED PILE B KEYPLAN: 1 : 150 B B Prepared by: CONTRACTOR Approved by: DESIGNER Approved by: REVISION DATE PROJECT DESCRIPTION METRO MANILA SUBWAY PROJECT PHASE-1 Project Manager DOTr, PMO 13 12 Undersecretary For Railway, DOTr Shimizu - Fujita - Takenaka - EEI Joint Venture 11 10 PRC No. Validity: IAPOA No. O.R. No. PTR No. DATE: Place: TIN: 9 KIYOSHI MIMURA Project Manager SFTE JV Technical Design NORTH AVENUE STATION BORED PILES ARCHITECT / STRUCTURAL ENGINEER / ETC. Republic of the Philippines 14 STAGE Initial Design DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION A PACKAGE CP101 PROJECTION TITLE Construction Design Third Angle DATE: 12/10/21 SCALE: INTENDED FORMAT: As Built A1 SHEET DRAWING NO. 8 7 / / /7 3 MMSP-SFTEJV-101-NAS-DWG-C-200003 Shimizu - Fujita - Takenaka - EEI Joint Venture 6 5 4 3 A 1 : 150 2 1 REV A 12/10/2021 3:40:49 pm Checked by: 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 NORTH AVENUE STATION TEMPORARY DESIGN K GROUND PLAN(1) K S=1/200 B-1 - B-100 J J 5 6 I 7 7500 8 7500 9 7500 10 7500 11 7500 12 7500 13 7500 7500 14 15 7500 16 7500 B - B 17 7500 18 7500 I 7500 C - C B-9 B-13 B-17 B-21 B-25 B-29 B-33 B-37 B-41 B-45 B-49 B-53 B-57 B-61 B-65 B-69 B-73 B-77 B-81 B-85 B-87 B-89 B-93 B-6 B-10 B-14 B-18 B-22 B-26 B-30 B-34 B-38 B-42 B-46 B-50 B-54 B-58 B-62 B-66 B-70 B-74 B-78 B-82 B-90 B-94 B-7 B-11 B-15 B-19 B-23 B-27 B-31 B-35 B-39 B-43 B-47 B-51 B-55 B-59 B-63 B-67 B-71 B-75 B-79 B-83 B-91 B-95 B-64 B-68 B-72 B-76 B-80 B-84 B-92 B-96 7000 B-2 B-3 F B-98 B-102 B-99 B-103 B-100 B-104 F 6960 B-12 B-16 B-20 B-24 B-28 B-32 B-36 B-40 B-44 B-48 B-52 B-56 B-60 B-86 2800 1200 B-88 4550 2950 E 6550 B-8 6550 E G 3300 6960 4200 B-4 B-101 7000 G B-97 6960 B-5 6960 B-1 6550 H 6550 H D D 4100 3500 4000 3500 4000 3500 4000 3500 4000 3500 4000 3500 4000 3500 4000 3500 4000 3500 4000 3500 4000 3500 4000 3500 4000 3500 4000 C C KEY PLAN 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 Legend A B B King Post C :H-428×407×20×35 φ1200 D E A - A B - B C - C D - D CONTRACTOR DESIGNER REVISION A DESCRIPTION DATE 22/JUL/20 PROJECT METRO MANILA SUBWAY PROJECT PHASE 1 TITLE First Submission GROUND PLAN(1) Shimizu - Fujita - Takenaka - EEI Joint Venture 12 11 10 STAGE Initial Design NORTH AVENUE STATION TEMPORARY DESIGN Republic of the Philippines 13 PACKAGE CP101 PROJECTION 22/JUL/21 DATE SCALE DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION A 14 B 9 8 B-1 - B-100 Shimizu - Fujita - Takenaka - EEI Joint Venture 7 6 5 4 Technical Design Construction Design Third Angle INTENDED FORMAT A1 As Built SHEET REV DRAWING No. MMSP-SFTEJV-101-NAS-SHD-TP-100001 3 2 A 1 : 200 1 1 9 A 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 2 1 NOTE: Kingpost layout in this drawing is reference only. Layout shall follow plan drawings. NORTH AVENUE STATION TEMPORARY DESIGN K 3 K CROSS SECTION(2) SECTION B-B & C-C (B-5 - B-332) S=1/150 J KING POST CONNECTION +136.50m S=1/15 1100 +136.40m 40 40 407 60 60 60 60 40 40 1 160 85 160 1 1 1 405 407 13400 14900 I φ25 5 60 40 205 40 60 +136.50m J I 40 5@65=325 80 5@65=325 40 407 810 1 160 60 2@80 =160 60 600 :Filling with Mortal(σck=1MPa) 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 22 22 22 428 428 2500 200 A B Concrete σck=40N/mm2 C 500 B 800 600 2000 2500 29 D 6@200=1200 12 Stud 22φx150 n=28 Yielding strength above 235N/mm2 C 200 11 6@200=1200 10 D 600 800 600 600 9 Extra Concrete Stud 22φx150 n=28 Yielding strength above 235N/mm2 Concrete σck=40N/mm2 1200 KEY PLAN 8 S=1/25 SECTION Stud 22φx150 Yielding strength above 235N/mm2 C 7 L=95mm (18bolts) H-428x407x20x35 200 104 104 6 2PL-16×280×460 Extra Concrete :Filling with Concrete(σck=40MPa) 5 F 600 :Filling with Extra Concrete(σck=40MPa) 4 H.T.B(F10T) M22 E PLAN :Filling with Surplus Soil 3 407 1200 LEGEND 2 1 6550 KING POST BORED PILE 1 405 4PL-22×160×810 E D 1 L=120mm (48bolts) Web 6960 G 60 40 205 40 60 40 2PL-22×405×810 Flange 2000 1200 22 2800 7000 34020 36420 2@75 80 2@75 =150 =150 460 16 B 500 6960 40 Splice Plate 1200 6550 H 60 40 60 22 74 280 74 29100 28500 13500 40 500 F 40 2500 800 3300 G φ25 5 22 10300 26900 29100 H E A - A B - B C - C D - D CONTRACTOR DESIGNER REVISION A DESCRIPTION DATE 22/JUL/20 METRO MANILA SUBWAY PROJECT PHASE 1 TITLE First Submission CROSS SECTION(2) Shimizu - Fujita - Takenaka - EEI Joint Venture 13 12 11 10 STAGE Initial Design NORTH AVENUE STATION TEMPORARY DESIGN Republic of the Philippines 14 PACKAGE CP101 PROJECTION 22/JUL/21 DATE SCALE DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION A PROJECT 9 8 SECTION B-B & C-C (B-5 - B-332) Shimizu - Fujita - Takenaka - EEI Joint Venture 7 6 5 4 3 Technical Design Construction Design Third Angle INTENDED FORMAT A1 As Built SHEET REV DRAWING No. MMSP-SFTEJV-101-NAS-SHD-TP-100005 2 A 1 : 150,1:25,1:15 1 5 9 A Roi de Jesus Structure Inspector October 21, 2021 2PM Date: KING POST PILE DRILLING DOCUMENTATION ITP Reference No.: MMSP-SFTEJV-101-NAS-ITPQA-(C-) 900009 Record No.: Project: METRO MANILA SUBWAY PROJECT PHASE 1-CP 101 Location: North Avenue Station PILE REFERENCE Project No.: P2469 Client: SFTE-JV DRILLING RECORD King Post Pile Ref. ID No. Depth from TOC (m) Pile Type Time (hh:mm) * Tool Used B, C) (A, TOC EL. Soil Description EGL (from TOC) _____________________ ____________________ Pile Diameter (m) Top of Casing (TOC) Elev. Existing Ground (EGL) Elev. (m) Design Pile Toe Elevation (m) Design Drill Depth fr. TOC (m) Actual Drill Depth (m) BORING/DRILL EQUIPMENT Type Operator BORE SUPPORT □ Fully Cased □ Starter Casing, _________ m FLUID TYPE □ Water □ Bentonite □ Polymer □ None BORING/DRILL RECORD Date (mm/dd/yy) Drilling Start Time (hh:mm) Date (mm/dd/yy) Drilling End Time (hh:mm) Filled by: (Name, Signature, and Date) BFPI - OPERATIONS ENGINEER Checked by: (Name, Signature, and Date) BFPI - QA/QC ENGINEER Approved by: (Name, Signature, and Date) CONSTRUCTION - SFTE Joint Venture (Name, Signature, and Date) QAQC Engineer- SFTE Joint Venture Noted by: (Name, Signature, and Date) GC ENGINEER Remarks: ________________________ DESIGN TOE EL. * Tool Used for Drilling (input initial): ___________ ______________________ ACTUAL TOE EL. A - Auger B - Drilling Bucket C - Core Barrel P2469 QER.02.KP_0.BFPI 07.2021 Toe cleaning method: □ Cleaning Bucket □ Air Lifting THIS IS A CONTROLLED FORM Date: KING POST PILE POLYMER SLURRY TEST RECORD ITP Reference No.: MMSP-SFTEJV-101-NAS-ITP-QA(C-) 900009 Record No.: Project : METRO MANILA SUBWAY PROJECT PHASE 1-CP 101 Project No. : Location : North Avenue Station Client: King Post Pile Ref. ID No.: Polymer: MIXING PARAMETER / RATIO Water : m3 Source: Slurry : Slurry : Brand: Brand: m3 Reminder: Fresh Slurry sampling / testing should be carried after mix has achieved required curing time in the material specification. FRESH MIX Date mm-dd-yy Time Hr:min. Marsh Funnel Viscosity (Sec/Ltr) pH [40-100] [7 to 11] Density (kg/Ltr.) Sand Content (%) [ <1.10] [N/A] Sample Location (Tank No.) Remarks every fresh mix RE-FRESHING / RECYCLING Date mm-dd-yy Time Hr:min. Marsh Funnel Viscosity (Sec/Ltr) pH [40-100] [7 to 11] Density (kg/Ltr.) Sand Content (%) [ <1.10] [N/A] Sample Location (Tank No.) Remarks every mix, before mixing and after mixing PILE SHAFT (DURING DRILLING) Date mm-dd-yy Time Hr:min. Marsh Funnel Viscosity (Sec/Ltr) pH [40-100] [7 to 11] Density (kg/Ltr.) Sand Content (%) [ <1.25] [N/A] Level of Sample from Bore Hole Toe Remarks 1 @ mid depth of drilling (Check applicable) De-sanding and □ Recycling By using □ Replacement □ Airlifting Date /Time Start: □ Pump Date / Time Finished: SHAFT (BEFORE CONCRETING) Date Time Marsh Funnel Viscosity (Sec/Ltr) mm-dd-yy Hr:min. [40-90] pH Density (kg/Ltr.) Sand Content (%) [N/A] [1.00 to 1.10] [ <1.0%] Level of Sample from Bore Hole Toe Remarks Minimum test: 1 - after finished the drilling 1 - after final cleaning If SHAFT (BEFORE CONCRETING) for WATER USED Date mm-dd-yy Time Hr:min. Marsh Funnel Viscosity (Sec/Ltr) pH [N/A] [7 to 11] Prepared / Checked by: (Name, Signature, and Date) BFPI QA/QC ENGINEER P2469 QER.03.KP_0.BFPI 07.2021 Density (kg/Ltr.) Sand Content (%) [N/A] [ <1.0%] Level of Sample from Bore Hole Toe Approved by: Remarks Noted by: (Name, Signature, and Date) (Name, Signature, and Date) (Name, Signature, and Date) CONSTRUCTION - SFTE Joint Venture QAQC ENGINEER - SFTE Joint Venture GC ENGINEER THIS IS A CONTROLLED FORM Date: KING POST PILE H-BEAM REINFORCEMENT RECORD ITP Reference No.: MMSP-SFTEJV-101-NAS-ITP-QA-(C-) 900009 Record No.: Project: METRO MANILA SUBWAY PROJECT PHASE 1-CP 101 Project No.: Location: North Avenue Station Client: King Post Pile Ref. ID No.: P2469 SFTE-JV Pile Type: IFC/Approved Shop Dwg Ref. : Rev. No./ Date: H-BEAMS FABRICATION CHECK Materials Details Checked: H-Beam Section No. (from top) Main H-Beams Design H-Beams Size. (mm) Bolts/ Nuts Joint Connection Qty. (pcs) Actual H-Beams Size. (mm) Conformed Bolt/ Nuts Dia. (mm) Yes No Stud Bolts Details Studs Bolts Conformed Qty. (pcs) Ø(mm) Length (mm) Yes No Steel Spacer Conformed No. of Layers H-Beam Joint Connection Details No. per Layer (pcs) Yes No INSPECTION CHECKSHEET Item Conformed/ Satisfied Activities to be Checked H-Beam OK REMARKS NO 1 Checked rebar/ fabrication engineer holding latest approved AFC drawing during fabrication 2 Checked no. of holes at joint per connection system 5 Checked spacing of bolts on flange and webs based on the drawing 6 Checked H-Beams fabrication with temporary support on the bottom to avoid possible distortion 7 Checked H-Beam be free from rust, rust pits, scale, oil, moisture, or other deleterious matter that would affect welding operation 8 Checked H-Beams secure in position / fixing elements adequate - bolted/ torque H-Beams Fabrication 9 Checked h-beam based on the inspected segments and verified tagging's per pile schedule 10 Check welded connection of steel spacer to H-beam 4nos. per layer in accordance to IFC drawing Stud Bolts 11 Checked provision of markings on H-beams for stud bolt welding 12 Stud bolts shall be free from rust, scale, oil, moisture, or other deleterious matter. 13 Checked spacing/ distance of stud bolts center to center based on the IFC drawing 14 Visually checked welded stud bolts to determine 360⁰ full flash with no evidence of undercut into stud base 15 Visually checked welded stud bolts to ensure no discontinuities; Checked completely and acceptable 16 Bend Test performed based on the specification: 30⁰ from its original axis. 17 Bend tested of 5% for every 28 nos. studs/ king post. ( 1no. each side) 18 Follower beams secure in position / fixing elements adequate prior to lifting - holes/ bolted/ torque 19 Check dimensions, sizes of stud bolts 20 Spacers welded/ installed on correct position & spacing in accordance to IFC drawing Installation 20 Check if follower beams used has correct length and adequate capacity to hold H-beam during connection & final section installation. 21 H-beams clean / free of mud prior to lowering / installation to borehole. - wash by water spraying as necessary. 23 Checked at correct elevations, position & center at the borehole 24 Checked installation/ properly fixed and correct positioning of guide frame upon lowering of H-beam 25 Vertical joint support (welding flange/ bolts) between H-beam and follower adequate to carry weight during lifting / hanging. Filed by: Checked by: (Name, Signature, and Date) (Name, Signature, and Date) BFPI OPS ENGINEER BFPI QA/QC ENGINEER P2469 QER.04A.KP_0.BFPI 07.2021 Approved by: (Name, Signature, and Date) CONSTRUCTION -SFTE Joint Venture Noted by: (Name, Signature, and Date) QAQC ENGINEER - SFTE Joint Venture (Name, Signature, and Date) GC - ENGINEER THIS IS A CONTROLLED FORM Date: KING POST PILE H-BEAM REINFORCEMENT RECORD MMSP-SFTEJV-101-NAS-ITPQA-(C-) 900009 ITP Reference No.: Record No.: Project: METRO MANILA SUBWAY PROJECT PHASE 1-CP 101 Location: North Avenue Station Project No.: P2469 SFTE-JV Client: King Post Pile Ref. ID No.: Pile Type: IFC/Approved Shop Dwg Ref. : Rev. No./ Date: H-BEAMS FABRICATION CHECK AA BB DD CC Top of H-Beam Elev._ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ Elev. _____________ = Offset Elevation: ___________ - Dist. from Offset to Bottom elev. of follower Beam: ____________ EGL _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Elev. _________________ H-Beam Section : ______________ Design Length: _______m + _______m = _________m Acrual Length: _______m + _______m = _________m Spacers: Distance of spacer center to center : ______________ No. of Layer: ______________ No. of spacer per layer: ________________ Bottom Elevation of H-Beam._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Elev. _________________ Toe Elev of Borehole.._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Elev. _________________ REMARKS: Filed by: Checked by: (Name, Signature, and Date) (Name, Signature, and Date) BFPI OPS ENGINEER BFPI QA/QC ENGINEER P2469 QER.04B.KP_0.BFPI 07.2021 Approved by: (Name, Signature, and Date) CONSTRUCTION -SFTE Joint Venture Noted by: (Name, Signature, and Date) QAQC ENGINEER - SFTE Joint Venture (Name, Signature, and Date) GC - ENGINEER THIS IS A CONTROLLED FORM Date: KING POST PILE CONCRETING RECORD ITP Reference No. MMSP-SFTEJV-101-NAS-ITP-QA-(C-) 900009 Record No.: Project: METRO MANILA SUBWAY PROJECT PHASE 1-CP 101 Project No.: P2469 Location: North Avenue Station Client: SFTE-JV King Post Pile Ref. No. : Top of Casing (TOC) Elev. (m) : Concrete level fr. TOC (m): Date of Concreting: Pile Diameter (mm) : Cut-off Level (COL) Elev. (m) : a. Target Concrete Supplier : Design Pile Length (m ): Cut-off Level fr. TOC (m): Concrete Volume (m³) : Design Compressive Strength (psi) : a. Design Existing Ground Level (m) : Delivery Receiving on-site Testing On-site b. Estimated Pouring Time Method of Con. Placement: Direct Pouring Conc. Volume (m³) Note : Truck Number Time of Batching Time of Testing * Slump Ht. 1). * Refer to the values set out in the Inspection and Test Plan No. of Samples Start End Truck Load Cumulativ Qty. e Qty. 2). ** Depth from TOC to Actual Pile Toe Level (Prior to pouring) Concrete Pump Line Pump Others Concrete Pour Monitoring Concrete Depth from TOC (measured from sounding ) Docket Number @ ________ days Before Pouring (m) After Pouring (m) A B Tremie Length (m) Rise (After Before Pouring Pouring (m) Before Pouring) C=B-A D Embedment (m) Distance Remarks Tremie pipe bot. edge to toe level prior to concrete (m) E=D-A 3). Check sedimentation from previous depth measurement (prior to pouring) INTERRUPTIONS / DELAYS (Workability) Duration Break longer than 15 minutes: T= minutes From Hr:min. To To Hr:min. Break longer than 15 minutes: T= minutes From Hr:min. To To Hr:min. Remarks: Filled by: (Name, Signature, and Date) BFPI - OPERATIONS ENGINEER P2469 QER.05.KP_0.BFPI 07.2021 Checked by: (Name, Signature, and Date) BFPI - QA/QC ENGINEER Approved by: (Name, Signature, and Date) QA/QC ENGINEER -SFTE Joint Venture Noted by: (Name, Signature, and Date) CONSTRUCTION - SFTE Joint Venture (Name, Signature, and Date) GC - ENGINEER THIS IS A CONTROLLED FORM Date: MMSP-SFTEJV-101-NAS-ITP-QA-(C-) ITP Reference No.: 900009 Record No.: KING POST PILE MORTAR PLACEMENT RECORD Project: METRO MANILA SUBWAY PROJECT PHASE 1-CP 101 Location: North Avenue Station P2469 Project No.: SFTE-JV Client King Post Pile Ref. No. : Cut-off Level (COL) Elev. (m) : Method of Mortar Placement: Mortar placement: Pile Diameter (mm) : Existing Concrete Level fr. TOC (m): Tremie Pipe Concrete Pump Design Pile Length (m ): Mortar Volume (m³) : Direct Pouring Others/ Specify Top of Casing (TOC) Elev. (m) : a. Design Date: b. Estimated Delivery Receiving on-site ` Design Compressive Strength (psi) : Testing On-site Pouring Time Conc. Volume (m³) Mortar Placement Monitoring Concrete Depth from TOC (measured from sounding ) Docket Number Truck Number Time of Batching Time of Testing * Slump Time: Mortar Supplier : No. of Samples Start End Truck Cumulative Before Pouring Load Qty. Qty. (m) A Rise After Pouring (After Pouring (m) Before Pouring) B C=B-A Tremie Length (m) Before Pouring (m) Embedment (m) D E=D-A REMARKS ** INTERRUPTIONS / DELAYS (Workability) Duration Break longer than 15 minutes: T= minutes From Hr:min. To Hr:min. Break longer than 15 minutes: T= minutes From Hr:min. To Hr:min. Remarks: Filled by: Checked by: Approved by: Noted by: (Name, Signature, and Date) (Name, Signature, and Date) (Name, Signature, and Date) (Name, Signature, and Date) (Name, Signature, and Date) BFPI - OPERATIONS ENGINEER BFPI - QA/QC ENGINEER CONSTRUCTION - SFTE Joint Venture QAQC ENGINEER - SFTE Joint Venture GC - ENGINEER P2469 QER.06.KP_0.BFPI 07.2021 THIS IS A CONTROLLED FORM Date: KING POST PILE BACKFILL RECORDS MMSP-SFTEJV-101-NASITP-QA-(C-) 900009 Shift: ITP Reference No.: Record No: Project: METRO MANILA SUBWAY PROJECT PHASE 1-CP 101 Project No: P2469 DS Location: North Avenue Station Client: SFTE-JV NS Note: Attach Key Plan with "marked" or "highlighted" location requested. King Post Pile Reference No.: Pile Diameter (mm): Pile Type: Top of Casing (TOC) Elev.: Zone/ Area: Existing Ground Elevation: Grid Line / Location: Initial Elevation Final Depth: Elev. Date (mm/dd/yy) Backfilling Start: Time (hh:mm) Date (mm/dd/yy) Est. backfill materials vol. (m3): Backfilling End: Approved Backfill Materials: PARTICULARS Time (hh:mm) SATISFIED/CONFORMED? Yes No REMARKS (if necessary) N/A a. Clear equipment access b. Free from obstructions c. Excavated materials (surplus soil) provided protection/ berm d. Properly compacted f As per approved plan g Removal of excess backfill materials along the pile area. Filled by: (Name, Signature & Date) BFPI - FIELD ENGINEER P2469 QER.07.KP_0.BFPI 07.2021 Checked by: (Name, Signature & Date) BFPI - QA/QC ENGINEER Approved by: (Name, Signature & Date) CONSTRUCTION - SFTE Joint Venture Noted by: (Name, Signature & Date) QAQC ENGINEER - SFTE Joint Venture (Name, Signature & Date) GC - ENGINEER THIS IS A CONTROLLED FORM 13 14 11 12 10 9 8 7 6 4 5 3 2 1 K K BORED PILE SCHEDULE 2 J I H 5 BORED PILE SCHEDULE 2 BORED PILE SCHEDULE 2 BORED PILE SCHEDULE 2 Mark N/S E/W Mark N/S E/W Mark N/S E/W Mark N/S E/W B-1 B-2 B-3 B-4 B-5 B-6 B-7 B-8 B-9 B-10 B-11 B-12 B-13 B-14 B-15 B-16 B-17 B-18 B-19 B-20 B-21 1621246336 1621247898 1621249468 1621251030 1621242925 1621244487 1621246058 1621247619 1621239027 1621240589 1621242160 1621243721 1621235617 1621237178 1621238749 1621240311 1621231719 1621233280 1621234851 1621236412 1621228308 503810555 503803773 503796951 503790169 503809770 503802987 503796166 503789383 503808872 503802090 503795268 503788486 503808087 503801305 503794483 503787700 503807190 503800407 503793586 503786803 503806404 B-22 B-23 B-24 B-25 B-26 B-27 B-28 B-29 B-30 B-31 B-32 B-33 B-34 B-35 B-36 B-37 B-38 B-39 B-40 B-41 B-42 1621229869 1621231440 1621233002 1621224410 1621225971 1621227542 1621230273 1621220999 1621222561 1621224131 1621225693 1621217101 1621218663 1621220233 1621221795 1621213690 1621215252 1621216823 1621218384 1621209792 1621211354 503799622 503792800 503786018 503805507 503798724 503791903 503785389 503804721 503797939 503791117 503784335 503803824 503797041 503790220 503783437 503803039 503796256 503789435 503782652 503802141 503795359 B-43 B-44 B-45 B-46 B-47 B-48 B-49 B-50 B-51 B-52 B-53 B-54 B-55 B-56 B-57 B-58 B-59 B-60 B-61 B-62 B-63 1621212925 1621214486 1621206381 1621207943 1621209514 1621211075 1621202483 1621204045 1621205616 1621207177 1621199073 1621199952 1621201523 1621203767 1621195175 1621196736 1621198307 1621199869 1621191764 1621193326 1621194896 503788537 503781755 503801356 503794573 503787752 503780969 503800458 503793676 503786854 503780072 503799673 503792733 503785912 503779286 503798776 503791993 503785171 503778389 503797990 503791208 503784386 B-64 B-65 B-66 B-67 B-68 B-69 B-70 B-71 B-72 B-73 B-74 B-75 B-76 B-77 B-78 B-79 B-80 B-81 B-82 B-83 B-84 1621196458 1621187866 1621189428 1621190998 1621192560 1621184455 1621186017 1621187587 1621189149 1621180557 1621182119 1621183689 1621185251 1621177146 1621178708 1621180279 1621181840 1621173248 1621174810 1621176381 1621177942 503777604 503797093 503790310 503783489 503776706 503796307 503789525 503782703 503775921 503795410 503788627 503781806 503775023 503794625 503787842 503781021 503774238 503793727 503786945 503780123 503773340 6 7 7500 8 7500 9 7500 10 7500 11 7500 12 7500 J I H 13 7500 14 7500 15 7500 7500 G G 3500 4000 2000 2000 3500 2000 4000 2000 3500 4000 2000 2000 3500 2000 4000 2000 3500 2000 4000 2000 3500 4000 2000 2000 3500 2000 4000 2000 3500 4000 2000 2000 3500 2000 4000 2000 3500 2000 4000 2000 2000 3550 F B-1 B-5 B-9 B-13 B-17 B-21 B-25 B-29 B-33 B-37 B-41 B-45 B-49 B-53 B-57 B-61 B-65 B-69 B-73 B-77 B-81 F 6960 3550 A B 3500 6910 3410 1300 E B-6 B-10 B-14 B-18 B-22 B-26 B-30 B-34 B-38 B-42 B-46 B-50 B-54 B-58 B-62 B-66 B-70 B-74 B-78 B-82 E 3410 6910 3500 7000 C B-2 B-7 B-11 B-15 B-19 B-23 B-27 B-31 B-35 B-39 B-43 B-47 B-51 B-55 B-59 B-63 B-67 B-71 B-75 B-79 B-83 6960 D D B-3 D 3550 3550 800 E B-4 B-8 B-12 B-16 B-20 B-24 B-28 B-32 B-36 B-40 B-44 B-48 B-52 B-56 B-60 B-64 B-68 B-72 B-76 B-80 B-84 C C BORED PILE B KEYPLAN: 1 : 150 B B Prepared by: CONTRACTOR Approved by: DESIGNER Approved by: REVISION DATE PROJECT DESCRIPTION METRO MANILA SUBWAY PROJECT PHASE-1 Project Manager DOTr, PMO 13 12 Undersecretary For Railway, DOTr Shimizu - Fujita - Takenaka - EEI Joint Venture 11 10 PRC No. Validity: IAPOA No. O.R. No. PTR No. DATE: Place: TIN: 9 KIYOSHI MIMURA Project Manager SFTE JV Technical Design NORTH AVENUE STATION BORED PILES ARCHITECT / STRUCTURAL ENGINEER / ETC. Republic of the Philippines 14 STAGE Initial Design DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION A PACKAGE CP101 PROJECTION TITLE Construction Design Third Angle DATE: 12/10/21 SCALE: INTENDED FORMAT: As Built A1 SHEET DRAWING NO. 8 7 / / /7 3 MMSP-SFTEJV-101-NAS-DWG-C-200003 Shimizu - Fujita - Takenaka - EEI Joint Venture 6 5 4 3 A 1 : 150 2 1 REV A 12/10/2021 3:40:49 pm Checked by: 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 NORTH AVENUE STATION TEMPORARY DESIGN K GROUND PLAN(1) K S=1/200 B-1 - B-100 J J 5 6 I 7 7500 8 7500 9 7500 10 7500 11 7500 12 7500 13 7500 7500 14 15 7500 16 7500 B - B 17 7500 18 7500 I 7500 C - C B-9 B-13 B-17 B-21 B-25 B-29 B-33 B-37 B-41 B-45 B-49 B-53 B-57 B-61 B-65 B-69 B-73 B-77 B-81 B-85 B-87 B-89 B-93 B-6 B-10 B-14 B-18 B-22 B-26 B-30 B-34 B-38 B-42 B-46 B-50 B-54 B-58 B-62 B-66 B-70 B-74 B-78 B-82 B-90 B-94 B-7 B-11 B-15 B-19 B-23 B-27 B-31 B-35 B-39 B-43 B-47 B-51 B-55 B-59 B-63 B-67 B-71 B-75 B-79 B-83 B-91 B-95 B-64 B-68 B-72 B-76 B-80 B-84 B-92 B-96 7000 B-2 B-3 F B-98 B-102 B-99 B-103 B-100 B-104 F 6960 B-12 B-16 B-20 B-24 B-28 B-32 B-36 B-40 B-44 B-48 B-52 B-56 B-60 B-86 2800 1200 B-88 4550 2950 E 6550 B-8 6550 E G 3300 6960 4200 B-4 B-101 7000 G B-97 6960 B-5 6960 B-1 6550 H 6550 H D D 4100 3500 4000 3500 4000 3500 4000 3500 4000 3500 4000 3500 4000 3500 4000 3500 4000 3500 4000 3500 4000 3500 4000 3500 4000 3500 4000 C C KEY PLAN 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 Legend A B B King Post C :H-428×407×20×35 φ1200 D E A - A B - B C - C D - D CONTRACTOR DESIGNER REVISION A DESCRIPTION DATE 22/JUL/20 PROJECT METRO MANILA SUBWAY PROJECT PHASE 1 TITLE First Submission GROUND PLAN(1) Shimizu - Fujita - Takenaka - EEI Joint Venture 12 11 10 STAGE Initial Design NORTH AVENUE STATION TEMPORARY DESIGN Republic of the Philippines 13 PACKAGE CP101 PROJECTION 22/JUL/21 DATE SCALE DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION A 14 B 9 8 B-1 - B-100 Shimizu - Fujita - Takenaka - EEI Joint Venture 7 6 5 4 Technical Design Construction Design Third Angle INTENDED FORMAT A1 As Built SHEET REV DRAWING No. MMSP-SFTEJV-101-NAS-SHD-TP-100001 3 2 A 1 : 200 1 1 9 A 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 2 1 NOTE: Kingpost layout in this drawing is reference only. Layout shall follow plan drawings. NORTH AVENUE STATION TEMPORARY DESIGN K 3 K CROSS SECTION(2) SECTION B-B & C-C (B-5 - B-332) S=1/150 J KING POST CONNECTION +136.50m S=1/15 1100 +136.40m 40 40 407 60 60 60 60 40 40 1 160 85 160 1 1 1 405 407 13400 14900 I φ25 5 60 40 205 40 60 +136.50m J I 40 5@65=325 80 5@65=325 40 407 810 1 160 60 2@80 =160 60 600 :Filling with Mortal(σck=1MPa) 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 22 22 22 428 428 2500 200 A B Concrete σck=40N/mm2 C 500 B 800 600 2000 2500 29 D 6@200=1200 12 Stud 22φx150 n=28 Yielding strength above 235N/mm2 C 200 11 6@200=1200 10 D 600 800 600 600 9 Extra Concrete Stud 22φx150 n=28 Yielding strength above 235N/mm2 Concrete σck=40N/mm2 1200 KEY PLAN 8 S=1/25 SECTION Stud 22φx150 Yielding strength above 235N/mm2 C 7 L=95mm (18bolts) H-428x407x20x35 200 104 104 6 2PL-16×280×460 Extra Concrete :Filling with Concrete(σck=40MPa) 5 F 600 :Filling with Extra Concrete(σck=40MPa) 4 H.T.B(F10T) M22 E PLAN :Filling with Surplus Soil 3 407 1200 LEGEND 2 1 6550 KING POST BORED PILE 1 405 4PL-22×160×810 E D 1 L=120mm (48bolts) Web 6960 G 60 40 205 40 60 40 2PL-22×405×810 Flange 2000 1200 22 2800 7000 34020 36420 2@75 80 2@75 =150 =150 460 16 B 500 6960 40 Splice Plate 1200 6550 H 60 40 60 22 74 280 74 29100 28500 13500 40 500 F 40 2500 800 3300 G φ25 5 22 10300 26900 29100 H E A - A B - B C - C D - D CONTRACTOR DESIGNER REVISION A DESCRIPTION DATE 22/JUL/20 METRO MANILA SUBWAY PROJECT PHASE 1 TITLE First Submission CROSS SECTION(2) Shimizu - Fujita - Takenaka - EEI Joint Venture 13 12 11 10 STAGE Initial Design NORTH AVENUE STATION TEMPORARY DESIGN Republic of the Philippines 14 PACKAGE CP101 PROJECTION 22/JUL/21 DATE SCALE DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION A PROJECT 9 8 SECTION B-B & C-C (B-5 - B-332) Shimizu - Fujita - Takenaka - EEI Joint Venture 7 6 5 4 3 Technical Design Construction Design Third Angle INTENDED FORMAT A1 As Built SHEET REV DRAWING No. MMSP-SFTEJV-101-NAS-SHD-TP-100005 2 A 1 : 150,1:25,1:15 1 5 9 A Roi de Jesus Structure Inspector October 21, 2021 2PM Date: KING POST PILE DRILLING DOCUMENTATION ITP Reference No.: MMSP-SFTEJV-101-NAS-ITPQA-(C-) 900009 Record No.: Project: METRO MANILA SUBWAY PROJECT PHASE 1-CP 101 Location: North Avenue Station PILE REFERENCE Project No.: P2469 Client: SFTE-JV DRILLING RECORD King Post Pile Ref. ID No. Depth from TOC (m) Pile Type Time (hh:mm) * Tool Used B, C) (A, TOC EL. Soil Description EGL (from TOC) _____________________ ____________________ Pile Diameter (m) Top of Casing (TOC) Elev. Existing Ground (EGL) Elev. (m) Design Pile Toe Elevation (m) Design Drill Depth fr. TOC (m) Actual Drill Depth (m) BORING/DRILL EQUIPMENT Type Operator BORE SUPPORT □ Fully Cased □ Starter Casing, _________ m FLUID TYPE □ Water □ Bentonite □ Polymer □ None BORING/DRILL RECORD Date (mm/dd/yy) Drilling Start Time (hh:mm) Date (mm/dd/yy) Drilling End Time (hh:mm) Filled by: (Name, Signature, and Date) BFPI - OPERATIONS ENGINEER Checked by: (Name, Signature, and Date) BFPI - QA/QC ENGINEER Approved by: (Name, Signature, and Date) CONSTRUCTION - SFTE Joint Venture (Name, Signature, and Date) QAQC Engineer- SFTE Joint Venture Noted by: (Name, Signature, and Date) GC ENGINEER Remarks: ________________________ DESIGN TOE EL. * Tool Used for Drilling (input initial): ___________ ______________________ ACTUAL TOE EL. A - Auger B - Drilling Bucket C - Core Barrel P2469 QER.02.KP_0.BFPI 07.2021 Toe cleaning method: □ Cleaning Bucket □ Air Lifting THIS IS A CONTROLLED FORM Date: KING POST PILE POLYMER SLURRY TEST RECORD ITP Reference No.: MMSP-SFTEJV-101-NAS-ITP-QA(C-) 900009 Record No.: Project : METRO MANILA SUBWAY PROJECT PHASE 1-CP 101 Project No. : Location : North Avenue Station Client: King Post Pile Ref. ID No.: Polymer: MIXING PARAMETER / RATIO Water : m3 Source: Slurry : Slurry : Brand: Brand: m3 Reminder: Fresh Slurry sampling / testing should be carried after mix has achieved required curing time in the material specification. FRESH MIX Date mm-dd-yy Time Hr:min. Marsh Funnel Viscosity (Sec/Ltr) pH [40-100] [7 to 11] Density (kg/Ltr.) Sand Content (%) [ <1.10] [N/A] Sample Location (Tank No.) Remarks every fresh mix RE-FRESHING / RECYCLING Date mm-dd-yy Time Hr:min. Marsh Funnel Viscosity (Sec/Ltr) pH [40-100] [7 to 11] Density (kg/Ltr.) Sand Content (%) [ <1.10] [N/A] Sample Location (Tank No.) Remarks every mix, before mixing and after mixing PILE SHAFT (DURING DRILLING) Date mm-dd-yy Time Hr:min. Marsh Funnel Viscosity (Sec/Ltr) pH [40-100] [7 to 11] Density (kg/Ltr.) Sand Content (%) [ <1.25] [N/A] Level of Sample from Bore Hole Toe Remarks 1 @ mid depth of drilling (Check applicable) De-sanding and □ Recycling By using □ Replacement □ Airlifting Date /Time Start: □ Pump Date / Time Finished: SHAFT (BEFORE CONCRETING) Date Time Marsh Funnel Viscosity (Sec/Ltr) mm-dd-yy Hr:min. [40-90] pH Density (kg/Ltr.) Sand Content (%) [N/A] [1.00 to 1.10] [ <1.0%] Level of Sample from Bore Hole Toe Remarks Minimum test: 1 - after finished the drilling 1 - after final cleaning If SHAFT (BEFORE CONCRETING) for WATER USED Date mm-dd-yy Time Hr:min. Marsh Funnel Viscosity (Sec/Ltr) pH [N/A] [7 to 11] Prepared / Checked by: (Name, Signature, and Date) BFPI QA/QC ENGINEER P2469 QER.03.KP_0.BFPI 07.2021 Density (kg/Ltr.) Sand Content (%) [N/A] [ <1.0%] Level of Sample from Bore Hole Toe Approved by: Remarks Noted by: (Name, Signature, and Date) (Name, Signature, and Date) (Name, Signature, and Date) CONSTRUCTION - SFTE Joint Venture QAQC ENGINEER - SFTE Joint Venture GC ENGINEER THIS IS A CONTROLLED FORM Date: KING POST PILE H-BEAM REINFORCEMENT RECORD ITP Reference No.: MMSP-SFTEJV-101-NAS-ITP-QA-(C-) 900009 Record No.: Project: METRO MANILA SUBWAY PROJECT PHASE 1-CP 101 Project No.: Location: North Avenue Station Client: King Post Pile Ref. ID No.: P2469 SFTE-JV Pile Type: IFC/Approved Shop Dwg Ref. : Rev. No./ Date: H-BEAMS FABRICATION CHECK Materials Details Checked: H-Beam Section No. (from top) Main H-Beams Design H-Beams Size. (mm) Bolts/ Nuts Joint Connection Qty. (pcs) Actual H-Beams Size. (mm) Conformed Bolt/ Nuts Dia. (mm) Yes No Stud Bolts Details Studs Bolts Conformed Qty. (pcs) Ø(mm) Length (mm) Yes No Steel Spacer Conformed No. of Layers H-Beam Joint Connection Details No. per Layer (pcs) Yes No INSPECTION CHECKSHEET Item Conformed/ Satisfied Activities to be Checked H-Beam OK REMARKS NO 1 Checked rebar/ fabrication engineer holding latest approved AFC drawing during fabrication 2 Checked no. of holes at joint per connection system 5 Checked spacing of bolts on flange and webs based on the drawing 6 Checked H-Beams fabrication with temporary support on the bottom to avoid possible distortion 7 Checked H-Beam be free from rust, rust pits, scale, oil, moisture, or other deleterious matter that would affect welding operation 8 Checked H-Beams secure in position / fixing elements adequate - bolted/ torque H-Beams Fabrication 9 Checked h-beam based on the inspected segments and verified tagging's per pile schedule 10 Check welded connection of steel spacer to H-beam 4nos. per layer in accordance to IFC drawing Stud Bolts 11 Checked provision of markings on H-beams for stud bolt welding 12 Stud bolts shall be free from rust, scale, oil, moisture, or other deleterious matter. 13 Checked spacing/ distance of stud bolts center to center based on the IFC drawing 14 Visually checked welded stud bolts to determine 360⁰ full flash with no evidence of undercut into stud base 15 Visually checked welded stud bolts to ensure no discontinuities; Checked completely and acceptable 16 Bend Test performed based on the specification: 30⁰ from its original axis. 17 Bend tested of 5% for every 28 nos. studs/ king post. ( 1no. each side) 18 Follower beams secure in position / fixing elements adequate prior to lifting - holes/ bolted/ torque 19 Check dimensions, sizes of stud bolts 20 Spacers welded/ installed on correct position & spacing in accordance to IFC drawing Installation 20 Check if follower beams used has correct length and adequate capacity to hold H-beam during connection & final section installation. 21 H-beams clean / free of mud prior to lowering / installation to borehole. - wash by water spraying as necessary. 23 Checked at correct elevations, position & center at the borehole 24 Checked installation/ properly fixed and correct positioning of guide frame upon lowering of H-beam 25 Vertical joint support (welding flange/ bolts) between H-beam and follower adequate to carry weight during lifting / hanging. Filed by: Checked by: (Name, Signature, and Date) (Name, Signature, and Date) BFPI OPS ENGINEER BFPI QA/QC ENGINEER P2469 QER.04A.KP_0.BFPI 07.2021 Approved by: (Name, Signature, and Date) CONSTRUCTION -SFTE Joint Venture Noted by: (Name, Signature, and Date) QAQC ENGINEER - SFTE Joint Venture (Name, Signature, and Date) GC - ENGINEER THIS IS A CONTROLLED FORM Date: KING POST PILE H-BEAM REINFORCEMENT RECORD MMSP-SFTEJV-101-NAS-ITPQA-(C-) 900009 ITP Reference No.: Record No.: Project: METRO MANILA SUBWAY PROJECT PHASE 1-CP 101 Location: North Avenue Station Project No.: P2469 SFTE-JV Client: King Post Pile Ref. ID No.: Pile Type: IFC/Approved Shop Dwg Ref. : Rev. No./ Date: H-BEAMS FABRICATION CHECK AA BB DD CC Top of H-Beam Elev._ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ Elev. _____________ = Offset Elevation: ___________ - Dist. from Offset to Bottom elev. of follower Beam: ____________ EGL _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Elev. _________________ H-Beam Section : ______________ Design Length: _______m + _______m = _________m Acrual Length: _______m + _______m = _________m Spacers: Distance of spacer center to center : ______________ No. of Layer: ______________ No. of spacer per layer: ________________ Bottom Elevation of H-Beam._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Elev. _________________ Toe Elev of Borehole.._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Elev. _________________ REMARKS: Filed by: Checked by: (Name, Signature, and Date) (Name, Signature, and Date) BFPI OPS ENGINEER BFPI QA/QC ENGINEER P2469 QER.04B.KP_0.BFPI 07.2021 Approved by: (Name, Signature, and Date) CONSTRUCTION -SFTE Joint Venture Noted by: (Name, Signature, and Date) QAQC ENGINEER - SFTE Joint Venture (Name, Signature, and Date) GC - ENGINEER THIS IS A CONTROLLED FORM Date: KING POST PILE CONCRETING RECORD ITP Reference No. MMSP-SFTEJV-101-NAS-ITP-QA-(C-) 900009 Record No.: Project: METRO MANILA SUBWAY PROJECT PHASE 1-CP 101 Project No.: P2469 Location: North Avenue Station Client: SFTE-JV King Post Pile Ref. No. : Top of Casing (TOC) Elev. (m) : Concrete level fr. TOC (m): Date of Concreting: Pile Diameter (mm) : Cut-off Level (COL) Elev. (m) : a. Target Concrete Supplier : Design Pile Length (m ): Cut-off Level fr. TOC (m): Concrete Volume (m³) : Design Compressive Strength (psi) : a. Design Existing Ground Level (m) : Delivery Receiving on-site Testing On-site b. Estimated Pouring Time Method of Con. Placement: Direct Pouring Conc. Volume (m³) Note : Truck Number Time of Batching Time of Testing * Slump Ht. 1). * Refer to the values set out in the Inspection and Test Plan No. of Samples Start End Truck Load Cumulativ Qty. e Qty. 2). ** Depth from TOC to Actual Pile Toe Level (Prior to pouring) Concrete Pump Line Pump Others Concrete Pour Monitoring Concrete Depth from TOC (measured from sounding ) Docket Number @ ________ days Before Pouring (m) After Pouring (m) A B Tremie Length (m) Rise (After Before Pouring Pouring (m) Before Pouring) C=B-A D Embedment (m) Distance Remarks Tremie pipe bot. edge to toe level prior to concrete (m) E=D-A 3). Check sedimentation from previous depth measurement (prior to pouring) INTERRUPTIONS / DELAYS (Workability) Duration Break longer than 15 minutes: T= minutes From Hr:min. To To Hr:min. Break longer than 15 minutes: T= minutes From Hr:min. To To Hr:min. Remarks: Filled by: (Name, Signature, and Date) BFPI - OPERATIONS ENGINEER P2469 QER.05.KP_0.BFPI 07.2021 Checked by: (Name, Signature, and Date) BFPI - QA/QC ENGINEER Approved by: (Name, Signature, and Date) QA/QC ENGINEER -SFTE Joint Venture Noted by: (Name, Signature, and Date) CONSTRUCTION - SFTE Joint Venture (Name, Signature, and Date) GC - ENGINEER THIS IS A CONTROLLED FORM Date: MMSP-SFTEJV-101-NAS-ITP-QA-(C-) ITP Reference No.: 900009 Record No.: KING POST PILE MORTAR PLACEMENT RECORD Project: METRO MANILA SUBWAY PROJECT PHASE 1-CP 101 Location: North Avenue Station P2469 Project No.: SFTE-JV Client King Post Pile Ref. No. : Cut-off Level (COL) Elev. (m) : Method of Mortar Placement: Mortar placement: Pile Diameter (mm) : Existing Concrete Level fr. TOC (m): Tremie Pipe Concrete Pump Design Pile Length (m ): Mortar Volume (m³) : Direct Pouring Others/ Specify Top of Casing (TOC) Elev. (m) : a. Design Date: b. Estimated Delivery Receiving on-site ` Design Compressive Strength (psi) : Testing On-site Pouring Time Conc. Volume (m³) Mortar Placement Monitoring Concrete Depth from TOC (measured from sounding ) Docket Number Truck Number Time of Batching Time of Testing * Slump Time: Mortar Supplier : No. of Samples Start End Truck Cumulative Before Pouring Load Qty. Qty. (m) A Rise After Pouring (After Pouring (m) Before Pouring) B C=B-A Tremie Length (m) Before Pouring (m) Embedment (m) D E=D-A REMARKS ** INTERRUPTIONS / DELAYS (Workability) Duration Break longer than 15 minutes: T= minutes From Hr:min. To Hr:min. Break longer than 15 minutes: T= minutes From Hr:min. To Hr:min. Remarks: Filled by: Checked by: Approved by: Noted by: (Name, Signature, and Date) (Name, Signature, and Date) (Name, Signature, and Date) (Name, Signature, and Date) (Name, Signature, and Date) BFPI - OPERATIONS ENGINEER BFPI - QA/QC ENGINEER CONSTRUCTION - SFTE Joint Venture QAQC ENGINEER - SFTE Joint Venture GC - ENGINEER P2469 QER.06.KP_0.BFPI 07.2021 THIS IS A CONTROLLED FORM Date: KING POST PILE BACKFILL RECORDS MMSP-SFTEJV-101-NASITP-QA-(C-) 900009 Shift: ITP Reference No.: Record No: Project: METRO MANILA SUBWAY PROJECT PHASE 1-CP 101 Project No: P2469 DS Location: North Avenue Station Client: SFTE-JV NS Note: Attach Key Plan with "marked" or "highlighted" location requested. King Post Pile Reference No.: Pile Diameter (mm): Pile Type: Top of Casing (TOC) Elev.: Zone/ Area: Existing Ground Elevation: Grid Line / Location: Initial Elevation Final Depth: Elev. Date (mm/dd/yy) Backfilling Start: Time (hh:mm) Date (mm/dd/yy) Est. backfill materials vol. (m3): Backfilling End: Approved Backfill Materials: PARTICULARS Time (hh:mm) SATISFIED/CONFORMED? Yes No REMARKS (if necessary) N/A a. Clear equipment access b. Free from obstructions c. Excavated materials (surplus soil) provided protection/ berm d. Properly compacted f As per approved plan g Removal of excess backfill materials along the pile area. Filled by: (Name, Signature & Date) BFPI - FIELD ENGINEER P2469 QER.07.KP_0.BFPI 07.2021 Checked by: (Name, Signature & Date) BFPI - QA/QC ENGINEER Approved by: (Name, Signature & Date) CONSTRUCTION - SFTE Joint Venture Noted by: (Name, Signature & Date) QAQC ENGINEER - SFTE Joint Venture (Name, Signature & Date) GC - ENGINEER THIS IS A CONTROLLED FORM 13 14 11 12 10 9 8 7 6 4 5 3 2 1 K K BORED PILE SCHEDULE 2 J I H 5 BORED PILE SCHEDULE 2 BORED PILE SCHEDULE 2 BORED PILE SCHEDULE 2 Mark N/S E/W Mark N/S E/W Mark N/S E/W Mark N/S E/W B-1 B-2 B-3 B-4 B-5 B-6 B-7 B-8 B-9 B-10 B-11 B-12 B-13 B-14 B-15 B-16 B-17 B-18 B-19 B-20 B-21 1621246336 1621247898 1621249468 1621251030 1621242925 1621244487 1621246058 1621247619 1621239027 1621240589 1621242160 1621243721 1621235617 1621237178 1621238749 1621240311 1621231719 1621233280 1621234851 1621236412 1621228308 503810555 503803773 503796951 503790169 503809770 503802987 503796166 503789383 503808872 503802090 503795268 503788486 503808087 503801305 503794483 503787700 503807190 503800407 503793586 503786803 503806404 B-22 B-23 B-24 B-25 B-26 B-27 B-28 B-29 B-30 B-31 B-32 B-33 B-34 B-35 B-36 B-37 B-38 B-39 B-40 B-41 B-42 1621229869 1621231440 1621233002 1621224410 1621225971 1621227542 1621230273 1621220999 1621222561 1621224131 1621225693 1621217101 1621218663 1621220233 1621221795 1621213690 1621215252 1621216823 1621218384 1621209792 1621211354 503799622 503792800 503786018 503805507 503798724 503791903 503785389 503804721 503797939 503791117 503784335 503803824 503797041 503790220 503783437 503803039 503796256 503789435 503782652 503802141 503795359 B-43 B-44 B-45 B-46 B-47 B-48 B-49 B-50 B-51 B-52 B-53 B-54 B-55 B-56 B-57 B-58 B-59 B-60 B-61 B-62 B-63 1621212925 1621214486 1621206381 1621207943 1621209514 1621211075 1621202483 1621204045 1621205616 1621207177 1621199073 1621199952 1621201523 1621203767 1621195175 1621196736 1621198307 1621199869 1621191764 1621193326 1621194896 503788537 503781755 503801356 503794573 503787752 503780969 503800458 503793676 503786854 503780072 503799673 503792733 503785912 503779286 503798776 503791993 503785171 503778389 503797990 503791208 503784386 B-64 B-65 B-66 B-67 B-68 B-69 B-70 B-71 B-72 B-73 B-74 B-75 B-76 B-77 B-78 B-79 B-80 B-81 B-82 B-83 B-84 1621196458 1621187866 1621189428 1621190998 1621192560 1621184455 1621186017 1621187587 1621189149 1621180557 1621182119 1621183689 1621185251 1621177146 1621178708 1621180279 1621181840 1621173248 1621174810 1621176381 1621177942 503777604 503797093 503790310 503783489 503776706 503796307 503789525 503782703 503775921 503795410 503788627 503781806 503775023 503794625 503787842 503781021 503774238 503793727 503786945 503780123 503773340 6 7 7500 8 7500 9 7500 10 7500 11 7500 12 7500 J I H 13 7500 14 7500 15 7500 7500 G G 3500 4000 2000 2000 3500 2000 4000 2000 3500 4000 2000 2000 3500 2000 4000 2000 3500 2000 4000 2000 3500 4000 2000 2000 3500 2000 4000 2000 3500 4000 2000 2000 3500 2000 4000 2000 3500 2000 4000 2000 2000 3550 F B-1 B-5 B-9 B-13 B-17 B-21 B-25 B-29 B-33 B-37 B-41 B-45 B-49 B-53 B-57 B-61 B-65 B-69 B-73 B-77 B-81 F 6960 3550 A B 3500 6910 3410 1300 E B-6 B-10 B-14 B-18 B-22 B-26 B-30 B-34 B-38 B-42 B-46 B-50 B-54 B-58 B-62 B-66 B-70 B-74 B-78 B-82 E 3410 6910 3500 7000 C B-2 B-7 B-11 B-15 B-19 B-23 B-27 B-31 B-35 B-39 B-43 B-47 B-51 B-55 B-59 B-63 B-67 B-71 B-75 B-79 B-83 6960 D D B-3 D 3550 3550 800 E B-4 B-8 B-12 B-16 B-20 B-24 B-28 B-32 B-36 B-40 B-44 B-48 B-52 B-56 B-60 B-64 B-68 B-72 B-76 B-80 B-84 C C BORED PILE B KEYPLAN: 1 : 150 B B Prepared by: CONTRACTOR Approved by: DESIGNER Approved by: REVISION DATE PROJECT DESCRIPTION METRO MANILA SUBWAY PROJECT PHASE-1 Project Manager DOTr, PMO 13 12 Undersecretary For Railway, DOTr Shimizu - Fujita - Takenaka - EEI Joint Venture 11 10 PRC No. Validity: IAPOA No. O.R. No. PTR No. DATE: Place: TIN: 9 KIYOSHI MIMURA Project Manager SFTE JV Technical Design NORTH AVENUE STATION BORED PILES ARCHITECT / STRUCTURAL ENGINEER / ETC. Republic of the Philippines 14 STAGE Initial Design DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION A PACKAGE CP101 PROJECTION TITLE Construction Design Third Angle DATE: 12/10/21 SCALE: INTENDED FORMAT: As Built A1 SHEET DRAWING NO. 8 7 / / /7 3 MMSP-SFTEJV-101-NAS-DWG-C-200003 Shimizu - Fujita - Takenaka - EEI Joint Venture 6 5 4 3 A 1 : 150 2 1 REV A 12/10/2021 3:40:49 pm Checked by: 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 NORTH AVENUE STATION TEMPORARY DESIGN K GROUND PLAN(1) K S=1/200 B-1 - B-100 J J 5 6 I 7 7500 8 7500 9 7500 10 7500 11 7500 12 7500 13 7500 7500 14 15 7500 16 7500 B - B 17 7500 18 7500 I 7500 C - C B-9 B-13 B-17 B-21 B-25 B-29 B-33 B-37 B-41 B-45 B-49 B-53 B-57 B-61 B-65 B-69 B-73 B-77 B-81 B-85 B-87 B-89 B-93 B-6 B-10 B-14 B-18 B-22 B-26 B-30 B-34 B-38 B-42 B-46 B-50 B-54 B-58 B-62 B-66 B-70 B-74 B-78 B-82 B-90 B-94 B-7 B-11 B-15 B-19 B-23 B-27 B-31 B-35 B-39 B-43 B-47 B-51 B-55 B-59 B-63 B-67 B-71 B-75 B-79 B-83 B-91 B-95 B-64 B-68 B-72 B-76 B-80 B-84 B-92 B-96 7000 B-2 B-3 F B-98 B-102 B-99 B-103 B-100 B-104 F 6960 B-12 B-16 B-20 B-24 B-28 B-32 B-36 B-40 B-44 B-48 B-52 B-56 B-60 B-86 2800 1200 B-88 4550 2950 E 6550 B-8 6550 E G 3300 6960 4200 B-4 B-101 7000 G B-97 6960 B-5 6960 B-1 6550 H 6550 H D D 4100 3500 4000 3500 4000 3500 4000 3500 4000 3500 4000 3500 4000 3500 4000 3500 4000 3500 4000 3500 4000 3500 4000 3500 4000 3500 4000 C C KEY PLAN 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 Legend A B B King Post C :H-428×407×20×35 φ1200 D E A - A B - B C - C D - D CONTRACTOR DESIGNER REVISION A DESCRIPTION DATE 22/JUL/20 PROJECT METRO MANILA SUBWAY PROJECT PHASE 1 TITLE First Submission GROUND PLAN(1) Shimizu - Fujita - Takenaka - EEI Joint Venture 12 11 10 STAGE Initial Design NORTH AVENUE STATION TEMPORARY DESIGN Republic of the Philippines 13 PACKAGE CP101 PROJECTION 22/JUL/21 DATE SCALE DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION A 14 B 9 8 B-1 - B-100 Shimizu - Fujita - Takenaka - EEI Joint Venture 7 6 5 4 Technical Design Construction Design Third Angle INTENDED FORMAT A1 As Built SHEET REV DRAWING No. MMSP-SFTEJV-101-NAS-SHD-TP-100001 3 2 A 1 : 200 1 1 9 A 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 2 1 NOTE: Kingpost layout in this drawing is reference only. Layout shall follow plan drawings. NORTH AVENUE STATION TEMPORARY DESIGN K 3 K CROSS SECTION(2) SECTION B-B & C-C (B-5 - B-332) S=1/150 J KING POST CONNECTION +136.50m S=1/15 1100 +136.40m 40 40 407 60 60 60 60 40 40 1 160 85 160 1 1 1 405 407 13400 14900 I φ25 5 60 40 205 40 60 +136.50m J I 40 5@65=325 80 5@65=325 40 407 810 1 160 60 2@80 =160 60 600 :Filling with Mortal(σck=1MPa) 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 22 22 22 428 428 2500 200 A B Concrete σck=40N/mm2 C 500 B 800 600 2000 2500 29 D 6@200=1200 12 Stud 22φx150 n=28 Yielding strength above 235N/mm2 C 200 11 6@200=1200 10 D 600 800 600 600 9 Extra Concrete Stud 22φx150 n=28 Yielding strength above 235N/mm2 Concrete σck=40N/mm2 1200 KEY PLAN 8 S=1/25 SECTION Stud 22φx150 Yielding strength above 235N/mm2 C 7 L=95mm (18bolts) H-428x407x20x35 200 104 104 6 2PL-16×280×460 Extra Concrete :Filling with Concrete(σck=40MPa) 5 F 600 :Filling with Extra Concrete(σck=40MPa) 4 H.T.B(F10T) M22 E PLAN :Filling with Surplus Soil 3 407 1200 LEGEND 2 1 6550 KING POST BORED PILE 1 405 4PL-22×160×810 E D 1 L=120mm (48bolts) Web 6960 G 60 40 205 40 60 40 2PL-22×405×810 Flange 2000 1200 22 2800 7000 34020 36420 2@75 80 2@75 =150 =150 460 16 B 500 6960 40 Splice Plate 1200 6550 H 60 40 60 22 74 280 74 29100 28500 13500 40 500 F 40 2500 800 3300 G φ25 5 22 10300 26900 29100 H E A - A B - B C - C D - D CONTRACTOR DESIGNER REVISION A DESCRIPTION DATE 22/JUL/20 METRO MANILA SUBWAY PROJECT PHASE 1 TITLE First Submission CROSS SECTION(2) Shimizu - Fujita - Takenaka - EEI Joint Venture 13 12 11 10 STAGE Initial Design NORTH AVENUE STATION TEMPORARY DESIGN Republic of the Philippines 14 PACKAGE CP101 PROJECTION 22/JUL/21 DATE SCALE DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION A PROJECT 9 8 SECTION B-B & C-C (B-5 - B-332) Shimizu - Fujita - Takenaka - EEI Joint Venture 7 6 5 4 3 Technical Design Construction Design Third Angle INTENDED FORMAT A1 As Built SHEET REV DRAWING No. MMSP-SFTEJV-101-NAS-SHD-TP-100005 2 A 1 : 150,1:25,1:15 1 5 9 A Roi de Jesus Structure Inspector October 21, 2021 2PM Date: KING POST PILE SET-OUT DOCUMENTATION ITP Reference no.: Record No.: Project : Project No. : Location : Client: King Post Pile Ref. ID No.: IFC Drawing Ref: Rev. No. / Date: A. POSITION MEASUREMENT / CHECK Casing Center Design Pile Location (Coordinates) Actual Casing Location (Coordinates) Offset / Dev., e (m) Difference Tolerance for Offset Top of Casing / Dev. ,e max (m) (TOC) Elevation NORTHING OK EASTING NO Existing Ground Level (EGL) B. INCLINATION MEASUREMENT / CHECK Reference Axis (900) Position Design Pile Inclination X - Axis 90° Y - Axis 90° Actual Inclination Tolerance (mm / m) Remarks Note : * Refer to the values set out in the Inspection and Test Plan Comments: Filled By: Checked By: Approved By: Noted by: (Name, Signature, and Date) (Name, Signature, and Date) (Name, Signature, and Date) (Name, Signature, and Date) BFPI - SURVEYOR BFPI - BFPI QAQC ENGINEER CONSTRUCTION - JOINT VENTURE QAQC ENGINEER - JOINT VENTURE P2469 QER.01.KP_0.BFPI 07.2021 (Name, Signature, and Date) GC ENGINEER THIS IS A CONTROLLED FORM Date: KING POST PILE H-BEAM REINFORCEMENT RECORD ITP Reference No.: Record No.: Project: Project No.: Location: Client: King Post Pile Ref. ID No.: Pile Type: IFC/Approved Shop Dwg Ref. : Rev. No./ Date: H-BEAMS FABRICATION CHECK Materials Details Checked: H-Beam Section No. (from top) Main H-Beams Design H-Beams Size. (mm) Actual H-Beams Size. (mm) Bolts/ Nuts Joint Connection Conformed Qty. (pcs) Bolt/ Nuts Dia. (mm) Yes No Stud Bolts Details Studs Bolts Conformed Qty. (pcs) Ø(mm) Length (mm) Yes No Steel Spacer Conformed No. of Layers H-Beam Joint Connection Details No. per Layer (pcs) Yes No INSPECTION CHECKSHEET Item Conformed/ Satisfied Activities to be Checked H-Beam OK REMARKS NO 1 Checked rebar/ fabrication engineer holding latest approved AFC drawing during fabrication 2 Checked no. of holes at joint per connection system 5 Checked spacing of bolts on flange and webs based on the drawing 6 Checked H-Beams fabrication with temporary support on the bottom to avoid possible distortion 7 Checked H-Beam be free from rust, rust pits, scale, oil, moisture, or other deleterious matter that would affect welding operation 8 Checked H-Beams secure in position / fixing elements adequate - bolted/ torque H-Beams Fabrication 9 Checked h-beam based on the inspected segments and verified tagging's per pile schedule 10 Check welded connection of steel spacer to H-beam 4nos. per layer in accordance to IFC drawing Stud Bolts 11 Checked provision of markings on H-beams for stud bolt welding 12 Stud bolts shall be free from rust, scale, oil, moisture, or other deleterious matter. 13 Checked spacing/ distance of stud bolts center to center based on the IFC drawing 14 Visually checked welded stud bolts to determine 360⁰ full flash with no evidence of undercut into stud base 15 Visually checked welded stud bolts to ensure no discontinuities; Checked completely and acceptable 16 Bend Test performed based on the specification: 30⁰ from its original axis. 17 Bend tested of 5% for every 28 nos. studs/ king post. ( 1no. each side) 18 Follower beams secure in position / fixing elements adequate prior to lifting - holes/ bolted/ torque 19 Check dimensions, sizes of stud bolts 20 Spacers welded/ installed on correct position & spacing in accordance to IFC drawing Installation 20 Check if follower beams used has correct length and adequate capacity to hold H-beam during connection & final section installation. 21 H-beams clean / free of mud prior to lowering / installation to borehole. - wash by water spraying as necessary. 23 Checked at correct elevations, position & center at the borehole 24 Checked installation/ properly fixed and correct positioning of guide frame upon lowering of H-beam 25 Vertical joint support (welding flange/ bolts) between H-beam and follower adequate to carry weight during lifting / hanging. Filed by: Checked by: (Name, Signature, and Date) (Name, Signature, and Date) BFPI REBAR ENGINEER BFPI QA/QC ENGINEER P2469 QER.04A.KP_0.BFPI 07.2021 Approved by: (Name, Signature, and Date) CONSTRUCTION - SFTE Joint Venture Noted by: (Name, Signature, and Date) QAQC ENGINEER - SFTE Joint Venture (Name, Signature, and Date) GC - ENGINEER THIS IS A CONTROLLED FORM 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 NORTH AVENUE STATION TEMPORARY DESIGN K GROUND PLAN(4) K S=1/200 A-1 - A-20 J J 1 2 I 3 6500 4 7500 5 7500 6 7500 7 7500 7500 I 7500 A - A 30050 250 1200 7250 H A 3550 A-1 B 4100 A-14 B-5 3750 5750 1850 A-8 A-11 3800 5500 4800 3400 B-13 B-17 G B-2 A-5 B-9 A-18 8050 4100 A-10 A-15 A-19 650 6910 F A-7 B-1 4100 5400 B-6 B-10 B-14 B-18 1850 B-3 B-7 B-11 B-15 B-19 B-8 B-12 B-16 B-20 F 8050 C 4000 A-2 34020 36420 6910 5300 A-4 5850 7000 G 3000 6550 20000 A-17 6960 8635 6550 A-13 D 3550 A-3 A-6 A-9 A-12 A-16 6960 H A-20 B-4 6550 E 1200 6550 E 8635 E D D Secant Pile Wall H-500x200x10x16@700mm 6500 4000 4100 4100 5500 4000 4100 3500 4000 3500 4000 3500 C C KEY PLAN 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 Legend A B B :H-428×407×20×35 φ1200 D E A - A B - B C - C DESIGNER REVISION A DESCRIPTION DATE 22/JUL/20 PROJECT METRO MANILA SUBWAY PROJECT PHASE 1 TITLE First Submission 11 10 STAGE Initial Design NORTH AVENUE STATION TEMPORARY DESIGN GROUND PLAN(4) Shimizu - Fujita - Takenaka - EEI Joint Venture 12 PACKAGE CP101 PROJECTION Republic of the Philippines 13 :H-500×200×10×16 @700mm 22/JUL/21 DATE SCALE DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION A B D - D CONTRACTOR 14 Steel Pile Wall King Post C 9 8 A-1 - A-20 Shimizu - Fujita - Takenaka - EEI Joint Venture 7 6 5 4 Technical Design Construction Design Third Angle INTENDED FORMAT A1 As Built SHEET REV DRAWING No. MMSP-SFTEJV-101-NAS-SHD-TP-100007 3 2 A 1 : 200 1 7 9 A 13 14 11 12 10 9 8 7 6 4 5 3 2 1 K K BORED PILE SCHEDULE 1 BORED PILE SCHEDULE 1 Mark N/S E/W Mark N/S E/W A-1 A-2 A-3 A-4 A-5 A-6 A-7 A-8 A-9 A-10 1621271873 1621275287 1621275777 1621267975 1621269927 1621271879 1621263980 1621265250 1621267884 1621259984 503814629 503806487 503797673 503813731 503805253 503796775 503812811 503804176 503795855 503811892 A-11 A-12 A-13 A-14 A-15 A-16 A-17 A-18 A-19 A-20 1621261936 1621263888 1621256314 1621256330 1621257941 1621258529 1621253390 1621250726 1621252679 1621254631 503803413 503794935 503816690 503811050 503802493 503793701 503816017 503809760 503801282 503792804 J J I I H H 1 2 3 4 5 6100 3740 3000 A-13 G 5200 4000 4100 1300 2700 3550 1790 1760 A 6910 F A-1 700 A-4 3750 3400 A-7 G 5750 350 A-10 2100 A-14 A-18 F 8700 B 4100 A-17 3700 5500 4800 3400 4100 5400 C A-2 E 5200 1760 1790 3550 D D A-8 A-11 A-15 A-19 E 8700 6910 E A-5 4000 A-3 4100 A-6 4100 A-9 5500 A-12 4000 A-16 A-20 D BORED PILE A 1 : 150 C C KEYPLAN: B B Prepared by: CONTRACTOR Approved by: DESIGNER Approved by: REVISION DATE PROJECT DESCRIPTION METRO MANILA SUBWAY PROJECT PHASE-1 Project Manager DOTr, PMO 13 12 Undersecretary For Railway, DOTr Shimizu - Fujita - Takenaka - EEI Joint Venture 11 10 PRC No. Validity: IAPOA No. O.R. No. PTR No. DATE: Place: TIN: 9 KIYOSHI MIMURA Project Manager SFTE JV Technical Design NORTH AVENUE STATION BORED PILES ARCHITECT / STRUCTURAL ENGINEER / ETC. Republic of the Philippines 14 STAGE Initial Design DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION A PACKAGE CP101 PROJECTION TITLE Construction Design Third Angle DATE: 12/10/21 SCALE: INTENDED FORMAT: As Built A1 SHEET DRAWING NO. 8 7 / / /7 2 MMSP-SFTEJV-101-NAS-DWG-C-200002 Shimizu - Fujita - Takenaka - EEI Joint Venture 6 5 4 3 A 1 : 150 2 1 REV A 12/10/2021 3:40:49 pm Checked by: 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 2 1 NOTE: Kingpost layout in this drawing is reference only. Layout shall follow plan drawings. NORTH AVENUE STATION TEMPORARY DESIGN K 3 K CROSS SECTION(4) SECTION A-A (A-1 - A-20) S=1/150 J KING POST CONNECTION +136.50m S=1/15 φ25 5 40 40 407 60 60 60 60 40 40 1 160 85 160 1 1 14200 14900 I 405 407 1 1200 +136.40m 60 40 205 40 60 +136.50m J I 40 5@65=325 80 5@65=325 40 407 810 1 160 14200 2640 800 2@75 80 2@75 =150 =150 460 22 16 G 60 40 205 40 60 40 1 405 1 407 H.T.B(F10T) M22 2PL-22×405×810 L=120mm (48bolts) F 4PL-22×160×810 500 3440 Flange 428 428 40 40 Splice Plate F 22 22 22 60 2@80 =160 60 11760 40 22 74 280 74 30560 30100 28400 30560 G H 60 40 60 φ25 5 22 H Web L=95mm (18bolts) 2PL-16×280×460 1200 8310 8700 8700 1200 8310 34020 36420 E 1200 E KING POST BORED PILE S=1/25 LEGEND D D PLAN :Filling with Surplus Soil :Filling with Mortal(σck=1MPa) :Filling with Extra Concrete(σck=40MPa) :Filling with Concrete(σck=40MPa) 600 H-428x407x20x35 C C 600 KEY PLAN 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 600 A 600 Concrete σck=40N/mm2 B B 1200 B C D E A - A B - B C - C D - D CONTRACTOR DESIGNER REVISION A DESCRIPTION DATE 22/JUL/20 METRO MANILA SUBWAY PROJECT PHASE 1 TITLE First Submission CROSS SECTION(4) Shimizu - Fujita - Takenaka - EEI Joint Venture 13 12 11 10 STAGE Initial Design NORTH AVENUE STATION TEMPORARY DESIGN Republic of the Philippines 14 PACKAGE CP101 PROJECTION 22/JUL/21 DATE SCALE DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION A PROJECT 9 8 SECTION A-A (A-1 - A-20) Shimizu - Fujita - Takenaka - EEI Joint Venture 7 6 5 4 3 Technical Design Construction Design Third Angle INTENDED FORMAT A1 As Built SHEET REV DRAWING No. MMSP-SFTEJV-101-NAS-SHD-TP-100008 2 A 1 : 150,1:25,1:15 1 8 9 A Roi de Jesus Structure Inspector October 21, 2021 2PM Date: KING POST PILE SET-OUT DOCUMENTATION ITP Reference no.: Record No.: Project : Project No. : Location : Client: King Post Pile Ref. ID No.: IFC Drawing Ref: Rev. No. / Date: A. POSITION MEASUREMENT / CHECK Casing Center Design Pile Location (Coordinates) Actual Casing Location (Coordinates) Offset / Dev., e (m) Difference Tolerance for Offset Top of Casing / Dev. ,e max (m) (TOC) Elevation NORTHING OK EASTING NO Existing Ground Level (EGL) B. INCLINATION MEASUREMENT / CHECK Reference Axis (900) Position Design Pile Inclination X - Axis 90° Y - Axis 90° Actual Inclination Tolerance (mm / m) Remarks Note : * Refer to the values set out in the Inspection and Test Plan Comments: Filled By: Checked By: Approved By: Noted by: (Name, Signature, and Date) (Name, Signature, and Date) (Name, Signature, and Date) (Name, Signature, and Date) BFPI - SURVEYOR BFPI - BFPI QAQC ENGINEER CONSTRUCTION - JOINT VENTURE QAQC ENGINEER - JOINT VENTURE P2469 QER.01.KP_0.BFPI 07.2021 (Name, Signature, and Date) GC ENGINEER THIS IS A CONTROLLED FORM Date: KING POST PILE H-BEAM REINFORCEMENT RECORD ITP Reference No.: Record No.: Project: Project No.: Location: Client: King Post Pile Ref. ID No.: Pile Type: IFC/Approved Shop Dwg Ref. : Rev. No./ Date: H-BEAMS FABRICATION CHECK Materials Details Checked: H-Beam Section No. (from top) Main H-Beams Design H-Beams Size. (mm) Actual H-Beams Size. (mm) Bolts/ Nuts Joint Connection Conformed Qty. (pcs) Bolt/ Nuts Dia. (mm) Yes No Stud Bolts Details Studs Bolts Conformed Qty. (pcs) Ø(mm) Length (mm) Yes No Steel Spacer Conformed No. of Layers H-Beam Joint Connection Details No. per Layer (pcs) Yes No INSPECTION CHECKSHEET Item Conformed/ Satisfied Activities to be Checked H-Beam OK REMARKS NO 1 Checked rebar/ fabrication engineer holding latest approved AFC drawing during fabrication 2 Checked no. of holes at joint per connection system 5 Checked spacing of bolts on flange and webs based on the drawing 6 Checked H-Beams fabrication with temporary support on the bottom to avoid possible distortion 7 Checked H-Beam be free from rust, rust pits, scale, oil, moisture, or other deleterious matter that would affect welding operation 8 Checked H-Beams secure in position / fixing elements adequate - bolted/ torque H-Beams Fabrication 9 Checked h-beam based on the inspected segments and verified tagging's per pile schedule 10 Check welded connection of steel spacer to H-beam 4nos. per layer in accordance to IFC drawing Stud Bolts 11 Checked provision of markings on H-beams for stud bolt welding 12 Stud bolts shall be free from rust, scale, oil, moisture, or other deleterious matter. 13 Checked spacing/ distance of stud bolts center to center based on the IFC drawing 14 Visually checked welded stud bolts to determine 360⁰ full flash with no evidence of undercut into stud base 15 Visually checked welded stud bolts to ensure no discontinuities; Checked completely and acceptable 16 Bend Test performed based on the specification: 30⁰ from its original axis. 17 Bend tested of 5% for every 28 nos. studs/ king post. ( 1no. each side) 18 Follower beams secure in position / fixing elements adequate prior to lifting - holes/ bolted/ torque 19 Check dimensions, sizes of stud bolts 20 Spacers welded/ installed on correct position & spacing in accordance to IFC drawing Installation 20 Check if follower beams used has correct length and adequate capacity to hold H-beam during connection & final section installation. 21 H-beams clean / free of mud prior to lowering / installation to borehole. - wash by water spraying as necessary. 23 Checked at correct elevations, position & center at the borehole 24 Checked installation/ properly fixed and correct positioning of guide frame upon lowering of H-beam 25 Vertical joint support (welding flange/ bolts) between H-beam and follower adequate to carry weight during lifting / hanging. Filed by: Checked by: (Name, Signature, and Date) (Name, Signature, and Date) BFPI REBAR ENGINEER BFPI QA/QC ENGINEER P2469 QER.04A.KP_0.BFPI 07.2021 Approved by: (Name, Signature, and Date) CONSTRUCTION - SFTE Joint Venture Noted by: (Name, Signature, and Date) QAQC ENGINEER - SFTE Joint Venture (Name, Signature, and Date) GC - ENGINEER THIS IS A CONTROLLED FORM 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 NORTH AVENUE STATION TEMPORARY DESIGN K GROUND PLAN(4) K S=1/200 A-1 - A-20 J J 1 2 I 3 6500 4 7500 5 7500 6 7500 7 7500 7500 I 7500 A - A 30050 250 1200 7250 H A 3550 A-1 B 4100 A-14 B-5 3750 5750 1850 A-8 A-11 3800 5500 4800 3400 B-13 B-17 G B-2 A-5 B-9 A-18 8050 4100 A-10 A-15 A-19 650 6910 F A-7 B-1 4100 5400 B-6 B-10 B-14 B-18 1850 B-3 B-7 B-11 B-15 B-19 B-8 B-12 B-16 B-20 F 8050 C 4000 A-2 34020 36420 6910 5300 A-4 5850 7000 G 3000 6550 20000 A-17 6960 8635 6550 A-13 D 3550 A-3 A-6 A-9 A-12 A-16 6960 H A-20 B-4 6550 E 1200 6550 E 8635 E D D Secant Pile Wall H-500x200x10x16@700mm 6500 4000 4100 4100 5500 4000 4100 3500 4000 3500 4000 3500 C C KEY PLAN 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 Legend A B B :H-428×407×20×35 φ1200 D E A - A B - B C - C DESIGNER REVISION A DESCRIPTION DATE 22/JUL/20 PROJECT METRO MANILA SUBWAY PROJECT PHASE 1 TITLE First Submission 11 10 STAGE Initial Design NORTH AVENUE STATION TEMPORARY DESIGN GROUND PLAN(4) Shimizu - Fujita - Takenaka - EEI Joint Venture 12 PACKAGE CP101 PROJECTION Republic of the Philippines 13 :H-500×200×10×16 @700mm 22/JUL/21 DATE SCALE DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION A B D - D CONTRACTOR 14 Steel Pile Wall King Post C 9 8 A-1 - A-20 Shimizu - Fujita - Takenaka - EEI Joint Venture 7 6 5 4 Technical Design Construction Design Third Angle INTENDED FORMAT A1 As Built SHEET REV DRAWING No. MMSP-SFTEJV-101-NAS-SHD-TP-100007 3 2 A 1 : 200 1 7 9 A 13 14 11 12 10 9 8 7 6 4 5 3 2 1 K K BORED PILE SCHEDULE 1 BORED PILE SCHEDULE 1 Mark N/S E/W Mark N/S E/W A-1 A-2 A-3 A-4 A-5 A-6 A-7 A-8 A-9 A-10 1621271873 1621275287 1621275777 1621267975 1621269927 1621271879 1621263980 1621265250 1621267884 1621259984 503814629 503806487 503797673 503813731 503805253 503796775 503812811 503804176 503795855 503811892 A-11 A-12 A-13 A-14 A-15 A-16 A-17 A-18 A-19 A-20 1621261936 1621263888 1621256314 1621256330 1621257941 1621258529 1621253390 1621250726 1621252679 1621254631 503803413 503794935 503816690 503811050 503802493 503793701 503816017 503809760 503801282 503792804 J J I I H H 1 2 3 4 5 6100 3740 3000 A-13 G 5200 4000 4100 1300 2700 3550 1790 1760 A 6910 F A-1 700 A-4 3750 3400 A-7 G 5750 350 A-10 2100 A-14 A-18 F 8700 B 4100 A-17 3700 5500 4800 3400 4100 5400 C A-2 E 5200 1760 1790 3550 D D A-8 A-11 A-15 A-19 E 8700 6910 E A-5 4000 A-3 4100 A-6 4100 A-9 5500 A-12 4000 A-16 A-20 D BORED PILE A 1 : 150 C C KEYPLAN: B B Prepared by: CONTRACTOR Approved by: DESIGNER Approved by: REVISION DATE PROJECT DESCRIPTION METRO MANILA SUBWAY PROJECT PHASE-1 Project Manager DOTr, PMO 13 12 Undersecretary For Railway, DOTr Shimizu - Fujita - Takenaka - EEI Joint Venture 11 10 PRC No. Validity: IAPOA No. O.R. No. PTR No. DATE: Place: TIN: 9 KIYOSHI MIMURA Project Manager SFTE JV Technical Design NORTH AVENUE STATION BORED PILES ARCHITECT / STRUCTURAL ENGINEER / ETC. Republic of the Philippines 14 STAGE Initial Design DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION A PACKAGE CP101 PROJECTION TITLE Construction Design Third Angle DATE: 12/10/21 SCALE: INTENDED FORMAT: As Built A1 SHEET DRAWING NO. 8 7 / / /7 2 MMSP-SFTEJV-101-NAS-DWG-C-200002 Shimizu - Fujita - Takenaka - EEI Joint Venture 6 5 4 3 A 1 : 150 2 1 REV A 12/10/2021 3:40:49 pm Checked by: 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 2 1 NOTE: Kingpost layout in this drawing is reference only. Layout shall follow plan drawings. NORTH AVENUE STATION TEMPORARY DESIGN K 3 K CROSS SECTION(4) SECTION A-A (A-1 - A-20) S=1/150 J KING POST CONNECTION +136.50m S=1/15 φ25 5 40 40 407 60 60 60 60 40 40 1 160 85 160 1 1 14200 14900 I 405 407 1 1200 +136.40m 60 40 205 40 60 +136.50m J I 40 5@65=325 80 5@65=325 40 407 810 1 160 14200 2640 800 2@75 80 2@75 =150 =150 460 22 16 G 60 40 205 40 60 40 1 405 1 407 H.T.B(F10T) M22 2PL-22×405×810 L=120mm (48bolts) F 4PL-22×160×810 500 3440 Flange 428 428 40 40 Splice Plate F 22 22 22 60 2@80 =160 60 11760 40 22 74 280 74 30560 30100 28400 30560 G H 60 40 60 φ25 5 22 H Web L=95mm (18bolts) 2PL-16×280×460 1200 8310 8700 8700 1200 8310 34020 36420 E 1200 E KING POST BORED PILE S=1/25 LEGEND D D PLAN :Filling with Surplus Soil :Filling with Mortal(σck=1MPa) :Filling with Extra Concrete(σck=40MPa) :Filling with Concrete(σck=40MPa) 600 H-428x407x20x35 C C 600 KEY PLAN 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 600 A 600 Concrete σck=40N/mm2 B B 1200 B C D E A - A B - B C - C D - D CONTRACTOR DESIGNER REVISION A DESCRIPTION DATE 22/JUL/20 METRO MANILA SUBWAY PROJECT PHASE 1 TITLE First Submission CROSS SECTION(4) Shimizu - Fujita - Takenaka - EEI Joint Venture 13 12 11 10 STAGE Initial Design NORTH AVENUE STATION TEMPORARY DESIGN Republic of the Philippines 14 PACKAGE CP101 PROJECTION 22/JUL/21 DATE SCALE DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION A PROJECT 9 8 SECTION A-A (A-1 - A-20) Shimizu - Fujita - Takenaka - EEI Joint Venture 7 6 5 4 3 Technical Design Construction Design Third Angle INTENDED FORMAT A1 As Built SHEET REV DRAWING No. MMSP-SFTEJV-101-NAS-SHD-TP-100008 2 A 1 : 150,1:25,1:15 1 8 9 A Roi de Jesus Structure Inspector October 21, 2021 2PM Date: KING POST PILE DRILLING DOCUMENTATION ITP Reference No.: MMSP-SFTEJV-101-NAS-ITPQA-(C-) 900009 Record No.: Project: METRO MANILA SUBWAY PROJECT PHASE 1-CP 101 Location: North Avenue Station PILE REFERENCE Project No.: P2469 Client: SFTE-JV DRILLING RECORD King Post Pile Ref. ID No. Depth from TOC (m) Pile Type Time (hh:mm) * Tool Used B, C) (A, TOC EL. Soil Description EGL (from TOC) _____________________ ____________________ Pile Diameter (m) Top of Casing (TOC) Elev. Existing Ground (EGL) Elev. (m) Design Pile Toe Elevation (m) Design Drill Depth fr. TOC (m) Actual Drill Depth (m) BORING/DRILL EQUIPMENT Type Operator BORE SUPPORT □ Fully Cased □ Starter Casing, _________ m FLUID TYPE □ Water □ Bentonite □ Polymer □ None BORING/DRILL RECORD Date (mm/dd/yy) Drilling Start Time (hh:mm) Date (mm/dd/yy) Drilling End Time (hh:mm) Filled by: (Name, Signature, and Date) BFPI - OPERATIONS ENGINEER Checked by: (Name, Signature, and Date) BFPI - QA/QC ENGINEER Approved by: (Name, Signature, and Date) CONSTRUCTION - SFTE Joint Venture (Name, Signature, and Date) QAQC Engineer- SFTE Joint Venture Noted by: (Name, Signature, and Date) GC ENGINEER Remarks: ________________________ DESIGN TOE EL. * Tool Used for Drilling (input initial): ___________ ______________________ ACTUAL TOE EL. A - Auger B - Drilling Bucket C - Core Barrel P2469 QER.02.KP_0.BFPI 07.2021 Toe cleaning method: □ Cleaning Bucket □ Air Lifting THIS IS A CONTROLLED FORM Date: KING POST PILE POLYMER SLURRY TEST RECORD ITP Reference No.: MMSP-SFTEJV-101-NAS-ITP-QA(C-) 900009 Record No.: Project : METRO MANILA SUBWAY PROJECT PHASE 1-CP 101 Project No. : Location : North Avenue Station Client: King Post Pile Ref. ID No.: Polymer: MIXING PARAMETER / RATIO Water : m3 Source: Slurry : Slurry : Brand: Brand: m3 Reminder: Fresh Slurry sampling / testing should be carried after mix has achieved required curing time in the material specification. FRESH MIX Date mm-dd-yy Time Hr:min. Marsh Funnel Viscosity (Sec/Ltr) pH [40-100] [7 to 11] Density (kg/Ltr.) Sand Content (%) [ <1.10] [N/A] Sample Location (Tank No.) Remarks every fresh mix RE-FRESHING / RECYCLING Date mm-dd-yy Time Hr:min. Marsh Funnel Viscosity (Sec/Ltr) pH [40-100] [7 to 11] Density (kg/Ltr.) Sand Content (%) [ <1.10] [N/A] Sample Location (Tank No.) Remarks every mix, before mixing and after mixing PILE SHAFT (DURING DRILLING) Date mm-dd-yy Time Hr:min. Marsh Funnel Viscosity (Sec/Ltr) pH [40-100] [7 to 11] Density (kg/Ltr.) Sand Content (%) [ <1.25] [N/A] Level of Sample from Bore Hole Toe Remarks 1 @ mid depth of drilling (Check applicable) De-sanding and □ Recycling By using □ Replacement □ Airlifting Date /Time Start: □ Pump Date / Time Finished: SHAFT (BEFORE CONCRETING) Date Time Marsh Funnel Viscosity (Sec/Ltr) mm-dd-yy Hr:min. [40-90] pH Density (kg/Ltr.) Sand Content (%) [N/A] [1.00 to 1.10] [ <1.0%] Level of Sample from Bore Hole Toe Remarks Minimum test: 1 - after finished the drilling 1 - after final cleaning If SHAFT (BEFORE CONCRETING) for WATER USED Date mm-dd-yy Time Hr:min. Marsh Funnel Viscosity (Sec/Ltr) pH [N/A] [7 to 11] Prepared / Checked by: (Name, Signature, and Date) BFPI QA/QC ENGINEER P2469 QER.03.KP_0.BFPI 07.2021 Density (kg/Ltr.) Sand Content (%) [N/A] [ <1.0%] Level of Sample from Bore Hole Toe Approved by: Remarks Noted by: (Name, Signature, and Date) (Name, Signature, and Date) (Name, Signature, and Date) CONSTRUCTION - SFTE Joint Venture QAQC ENGINEER - SFTE Joint Venture GC ENGINEER THIS IS A CONTROLLED FORM Date: KING POST PILE H-BEAM REINFORCEMENT RECORD ITP Reference No.: MMSP-SFTEJV-101-NAS-ITP-QA-(C-) 900009 Record No.: Project: METRO MANILA SUBWAY PROJECT PHASE 1-CP 101 Project No.: Location: North Avenue Station Client: King Post Pile Ref. ID No.: P2469 SFTE-JV Pile Type: IFC/Approved Shop Dwg Ref. : Rev. No./ Date: H-BEAMS FABRICATION CHECK Materials Details Checked: H-Beam Section No. (from top) Main H-Beams Design H-Beams Size. (mm) Bolts/ Nuts Joint Connection Qty. (pcs) Actual H-Beams Size. (mm) Conformed Bolt/ Nuts Dia. (mm) Yes No Stud Bolts Details Studs Bolts Conformed Qty. (pcs) Ø(mm) Length (mm) Yes No Steel Spacer Conformed No. of Layers H-Beam Joint Connection Details No. per Layer (pcs) Yes No INSPECTION CHECKSHEET Item Conformed/ Satisfied Activities to be Checked H-Beam OK REMARKS NO 1 Checked rebar/ fabrication engineer holding latest approved AFC drawing during fabrication 2 Checked no. of holes at joint per connection system 5 Checked spacing of bolts on flange and webs based on the drawing 6 Checked H-Beams fabrication with temporary support on the bottom to avoid possible distortion 7 Checked H-Beam be free from rust, rust pits, scale, oil, moisture, or other deleterious matter that would affect welding operation 8 Checked H-Beams secure in position / fixing elements adequate - bolted/ torque H-Beams Fabrication 9 Checked h-beam based on the inspected segments and verified tagging's per pile schedule 10 Check welded connection of steel spacer to H-beam 4nos. per layer in accordance to IFC drawing Stud Bolts 11 Checked provision of markings on H-beams for stud bolt welding 12 Stud bolts shall be free from rust, scale, oil, moisture, or other deleterious matter. 13 Checked spacing/ distance of stud bolts center to center based on the IFC drawing 14 Visually checked welded stud bolts to determine 360⁰ full flash with no evidence of undercut into stud base 15 Visually checked welded stud bolts to ensure no discontinuities; Checked completely and acceptable 16 Bend Test performed based on the specification: 30⁰ from its original axis. 17 Bend tested of 5% for every 28 nos. studs/ king post. ( 1no. each side) 18 Follower beams secure in position / fixing elements adequate prior to lifting - holes/ bolted/ torque 19 Check dimensions, sizes of stud bolts 20 Spacers welded/ installed on correct position & spacing in accordance to IFC drawing Installation 20 Check if follower beams used has correct length and adequate capacity to hold H-beam during connection & final section installation. 21 H-beams clean / free of mud prior to lowering / installation to borehole. - wash by water spraying as necessary. 23 Checked at correct elevations, position & center at the borehole 24 Checked installation/ properly fixed and correct positioning of guide frame upon lowering of H-beam 25 Vertical joint support (welding flange/ bolts) between H-beam and follower adequate to carry weight during lifting / hanging. Filed by: Checked by: (Name, Signature, and Date) (Name, Signature, and Date) BFPI OPS ENGINEER BFPI QA/QC ENGINEER P2469 QER.04A.KP_0.BFPI 07.2021 Approved by: (Name, Signature, and Date) CONSTRUCTION -SFTE Joint Venture Noted by: (Name, Signature, and Date) QAQC ENGINEER - SFTE Joint Venture (Name, Signature, and Date) GC - ENGINEER THIS IS A CONTROLLED FORM Date: KING POST PILE H-BEAM REINFORCEMENT RECORD MMSP-SFTEJV-101-NAS-ITPQA-(C-) 900009 ITP Reference No.: Record No.: Project: METRO MANILA SUBWAY PROJECT PHASE 1-CP 101 Location: North Avenue Station Project No.: P2469 SFTE-JV Client: King Post Pile Ref. ID No.: Pile Type: IFC/Approved Shop Dwg Ref. : Rev. No./ Date: H-BEAMS FABRICATION CHECK AA BB DD CC Top of H-Beam Elev._ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ Elev. _____________ = Offset Elevation: ___________ - Dist. from Offset to Bottom elev. of follower Beam: ____________ EGL _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Elev. _________________ H-Beam Section : ______________ Design Length: _______m + _______m = _________m Acrual Length: _______m + _______m = _________m Spacers: Distance of spacer center to center : ______________ No. of Layer: ______________ No. of spacer per layer: ________________ Bottom Elevation of H-Beam._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Elev. _________________ Toe Elev of Borehole.._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Elev. _________________ REMARKS: Filed by: Checked by: (Name, Signature, and Date) (Name, Signature, and Date) BFPI OPS ENGINEER BFPI QA/QC ENGINEER P2469 QER.04B.KP_0.BFPI 07.2021 Approved by: (Name, Signature, and Date) CONSTRUCTION -SFTE Joint Venture Noted by: (Name, Signature, and Date) QAQC ENGINEER - SFTE Joint Venture (Name, Signature, and Date) GC - ENGINEER THIS IS A CONTROLLED FORM Date: KING POST PILE CONCRETING RECORD ITP Reference No. MMSP-SFTEJV-101-NAS-ITP-QA-(C-) 900009 Record No.: Project: METRO MANILA SUBWAY PROJECT PHASE 1-CP 101 Project No.: P2469 Location: North Avenue Station Client: SFTE-JV King Post Pile Ref. No. : Top of Casing (TOC) Elev. (m) : Concrete level fr. TOC (m): Date of Concreting: Pile Diameter (mm) : Cut-off Level (COL) Elev. (m) : a. Target Concrete Supplier : Design Pile Length (m ): Cut-off Level fr. TOC (m): Concrete Volume (m³) : Design Compressive Strength (psi) : a. Design Existing Ground Level (m) : Delivery Receiving on-site Testing On-site b. Estimated Pouring Time Method of Con. Placement: Direct Pouring Conc. Volume (m³) Note : Truck Number Time of Batching Time of Testing * Slump Ht. 1). * Refer to the values set out in the Inspection and Test Plan No. of Samples Start End Truck Load Cumulativ Qty. e Qty. 2). ** Depth from TOC to Actual Pile Toe Level (Prior to pouring) Concrete Pump Line Pump Others Concrete Pour Monitoring Concrete Depth from TOC (measured from sounding ) Docket Number @ ________ days Before Pouring (m) After Pouring (m) A B Tremie Length (m) Rise (After Before Pouring Pouring (m) Before Pouring) C=B-A D Embedment (m) Distance Remarks Tremie pipe bot. edge to toe level prior to concrete (m) E=D-A 3). Check sedimentation from previous depth measurement (prior to pouring) INTERRUPTIONS / DELAYS (Workability) Duration Break longer than 15 minutes: T= minutes From Hr:min. To To Hr:min. Break longer than 15 minutes: T= minutes From Hr:min. To To Hr:min. Remarks: Filled by: (Name, Signature, and Date) BFPI - OPERATIONS ENGINEER P2469 QER.05.KP_0.BFPI 07.2021 Checked by: (Name, Signature, and Date) BFPI - QA/QC ENGINEER Approved by: (Name, Signature, and Date) QA/QC ENGINEER -SFTE Joint Venture Noted by: (Name, Signature, and Date) CONSTRUCTION - SFTE Joint Venture (Name, Signature, and Date) GC - ENGINEER THIS IS A CONTROLLED FORM Date: MMSP-SFTEJV-101-NAS-ITP-QA-(C-) ITP Reference No.: 900009 Record No.: KING POST PILE MORTAR PLACEMENT RECORD Project: METRO MANILA SUBWAY PROJECT PHASE 1-CP 101 Location: North Avenue Station P2469 Project No.: SFTE-JV Client King Post Pile Ref. No. : Cut-off Level (COL) Elev. (m) : Method of Mortar Placement: Mortar placement: Pile Diameter (mm) : Existing Concrete Level fr. TOC (m): Tremie Pipe Concrete Pump Design Pile Length (m ): Mortar Volume (m³) : Direct Pouring Others/ Specify Top of Casing (TOC) Elev. (m) : a. Design Date: b. Estimated Delivery Receiving on-site ` Design Compressive Strength (psi) : Testing On-site Pouring Time Conc. Volume (m³) Mortar Placement Monitoring Concrete Depth from TOC (measured from sounding ) Docket Number Truck Number Time of Batching Time of Testing * Slump Time: Mortar Supplier : No. of Samples Start End Truck Cumulative Before Pouring Load Qty. Qty. (m) A Rise After Pouring (After Pouring (m) Before Pouring) B C=B-A Tremie Length (m) Before Pouring (m) Embedment (m) D E=D-A REMARKS ** INTERRUPTIONS / DELAYS (Workability) Duration Break longer than 15 minutes: T= minutes From Hr:min. To Hr:min. Break longer than 15 minutes: T= minutes From Hr:min. To Hr:min. Remarks: Filled by: Checked by: Approved by: Noted by: (Name, Signature, and Date) (Name, Signature, and Date) (Name, Signature, and Date) (Name, Signature, and Date) (Name, Signature, and Date) BFPI - OPERATIONS ENGINEER BFPI - QA/QC ENGINEER CONSTRUCTION - SFTE Joint Venture QAQC ENGINEER - SFTE Joint Venture GC - ENGINEER P2469 QER.06.KP_0.BFPI 07.2021 THIS IS A CONTROLLED FORM Date: KING POST PILE BACKFILL RECORDS MMSP-SFTEJV-101-NASITP-QA-(C-) 900009 Shift: ITP Reference No.: Record No: Project: METRO MANILA SUBWAY PROJECT PHASE 1-CP 101 Project No: P2469 DS Location: North Avenue Station Client: SFTE-JV NS Note: Attach Key Plan with "marked" or "highlighted" location requested. King Post Pile Reference No.: Pile Diameter (mm): Pile Type: Top of Casing (TOC) Elev.: Zone/ Area: Existing Ground Elevation: Grid Line / Location: Initial Elevation Final Depth: Elev. Date (mm/dd/yy) Backfilling Start: Time (hh:mm) Date (mm/dd/yy) Est. backfill materials vol. (m3): Backfilling End: Approved Backfill Materials: PARTICULARS Time (hh:mm) SATISFIED/CONFORMED? Yes No REMARKS (if necessary) N/A a. Clear equipment access b. Free from obstructions c. Excavated materials (surplus soil) provided protection/ berm d. Properly compacted f As per approved plan g Removal of excess backfill materials along the pile area. Filled by: (Name, Signature & Date) BFPI - FIELD ENGINEER P2469 QER.07.KP_0.BFPI 07.2021 Checked by: (Name, Signature & Date) BFPI - QA/QC ENGINEER Approved by: (Name, Signature & Date) CONSTRUCTION - SFTE Joint Venture Noted by: (Name, Signature & Date) QAQC ENGINEER - SFTE Joint Venture (Name, Signature & Date) GC - ENGINEER THIS IS A CONTROLLED FORM 13 14 11 12 10 9 8 7 6 4 5 3 2 1 K K BORED PILE SCHEDULE 2 J I H 5 BORED PILE SCHEDULE 2 BORED PILE SCHEDULE 2 BORED PILE SCHEDULE 2 Mark N/S E/W Mark N/S E/W Mark N/S E/W Mark N/S E/W B-1 B-2 B-3 B-4 B-5 B-6 B-7 B-8 B-9 B-10 B-11 B-12 B-13 B-14 B-15 B-16 B-17 B-18 B-19 B-20 B-21 1621246336 1621247898 1621249468 1621251030 1621242925 1621244487 1621246058 1621247619 1621239027 1621240589 1621242160 1621243721 1621235617 1621237178 1621238749 1621240311 1621231719 1621233280 1621234851 1621236412 1621228308 503810555 503803773 503796951 503790169 503809770 503802987 503796166 503789383 503808872 503802090 503795268 503788486 503808087 503801305 503794483 503787700 503807190 503800407 503793586 503786803 503806404 B-22 B-23 B-24 B-25 B-26 B-27 B-28 B-29 B-30 B-31 B-32 B-33 B-34 B-35 B-36 B-37 B-38 B-39 B-40 B-41 B-42 1621229869 1621231440 1621233002 1621224410 1621225971 1621227542 1621230273 1621220999 1621222561 1621224131 1621225693 1621217101 1621218663 1621220233 1621221795 1621213690 1621215252 1621216823 1621218384 1621209792 1621211354 503799622 503792800 503786018 503805507 503798724 503791903 503785389 503804721 503797939 503791117 503784335 503803824 503797041 503790220 503783437 503803039 503796256 503789435 503782652 503802141 503795359 B-43 B-44 B-45 B-46 B-47 B-48 B-49 B-50 B-51 B-52 B-53 B-54 B-55 B-56 B-57 B-58 B-59 B-60 B-61 B-62 B-63 1621212925 1621214486 1621206381 1621207943 1621209514 1621211075 1621202483 1621204045 1621205616 1621207177 1621199073 1621199952 1621201523 1621203767 1621195175 1621196736 1621198307 1621199869 1621191764 1621193326 1621194896 503788537 503781755 503801356 503794573 503787752 503780969 503800458 503793676 503786854 503780072 503799673 503792733 503785912 503779286 503798776 503791993 503785171 503778389 503797990 503791208 503784386 B-64 B-65 B-66 B-67 B-68 B-69 B-70 B-71 B-72 B-73 B-74 B-75 B-76 B-77 B-78 B-79 B-80 B-81 B-82 B-83 B-84 1621196458 1621187866 1621189428 1621190998 1621192560 1621184455 1621186017 1621187587 1621189149 1621180557 1621182119 1621183689 1621185251 1621177146 1621178708 1621180279 1621181840 1621173248 1621174810 1621176381 1621177942 503777604 503797093 503790310 503783489 503776706 503796307 503789525 503782703 503775921 503795410 503788627 503781806 503775023 503794625 503787842 503781021 503774238 503793727 503786945 503780123 503773340 6 7 7500 8 7500 9 7500 10 7500 11 7500 12 7500 J I H 13 7500 14 7500 15 7500 7500 G G 3500 4000 2000 2000 3500 2000 4000 2000 3500 4000 2000 2000 3500 2000 4000 2000 3500 2000 4000 2000 3500 4000 2000 2000 3500 2000 4000 2000 3500 4000 2000 2000 3500 2000 4000 2000 3500 2000 4000 2000 2000 3550 F B-1 B-5 B-9 B-13 B-17 B-21 B-25 B-29 B-33 B-37 B-41 B-45 B-49 B-53 B-57 B-61 B-65 B-69 B-73 B-77 B-81 F 6960 3550 A B 3500 6910 3410 1300 E B-6 B-10 B-14 B-18 B-22 B-26 B-30 B-34 B-38 B-42 B-46 B-50 B-54 B-58 B-62 B-66 B-70 B-74 B-78 B-82 E 3410 6910 3500 7000 C B-2 B-7 B-11 B-15 B-19 B-23 B-27 B-31 B-35 B-39 B-43 B-47 B-51 B-55 B-59 B-63 B-67 B-71 B-75 B-79 B-83 6960 D D B-3 D 3550 3550 800 E B-4 B-8 B-12 B-16 B-20 B-24 B-28 B-32 B-36 B-40 B-44 B-48 B-52 B-56 B-60 B-64 B-68 B-72 B-76 B-80 B-84 C C BORED PILE B KEYPLAN: 1 : 150 B B Prepared by: CONTRACTOR Approved by: DESIGNER Approved by: REVISION DATE PROJECT DESCRIPTION METRO MANILA SUBWAY PROJECT PHASE-1 Project Manager DOTr, PMO 13 12 Undersecretary For Railway, DOTr Shimizu - Fujita - Takenaka - EEI Joint Venture 11 10 PRC No. Validity: IAPOA No. O.R. No. PTR No. DATE: Place: TIN: 9 KIYOSHI MIMURA Project Manager SFTE JV Technical Design NORTH AVENUE STATION BORED PILES ARCHITECT / STRUCTURAL ENGINEER / ETC. Republic of the Philippines 14 STAGE Initial Design DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION A PACKAGE CP101 PROJECTION TITLE Construction Design Third Angle DATE: 12/10/21 SCALE: INTENDED FORMAT: As Built A1 SHEET DRAWING NO. 8 7 / / /7 3 MMSP-SFTEJV-101-NAS-DWG-C-200003 Shimizu - Fujita - Takenaka - EEI Joint Venture 6 5 4 3 A 1 : 150 2 1 REV A 12/10/2021 3:40:49 pm Checked by: 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 NORTH AVENUE STATION TEMPORARY DESIGN K GROUND PLAN(1) K S=1/200 B-1 - B-100 J J 5 6 I 7 7500 8 7500 9 7500 10 7500 11 7500 12 7500 13 7500 7500 14 15 7500 16 7500 B - B 17 7500 18 7500 I 7500 C - C B-9 B-13 B-17 B-21 B-25 B-29 B-33 B-37 B-41 B-45 B-49 B-53 B-57 B-61 B-65 B-69 B-73 B-77 B-81 B-85 B-87 B-89 B-93 B-6 B-10 B-14 B-18 B-22 B-26 B-30 B-34 B-38 B-42 B-46 B-50 B-54 B-58 B-62 B-66 B-70 B-74 B-78 B-82 B-90 B-94 B-7 B-11 B-15 B-19 B-23 B-27 B-31 B-35 B-39 B-43 B-47 B-51 B-55 B-59 B-63 B-67 B-71 B-75 B-79 B-83 B-91 B-95 B-64 B-68 B-72 B-76 B-80 B-84 B-92 B-96 7000 B-2 B-3 F B-98 B-102 B-99 B-103 B-100 B-104 F 6960 B-12 B-16 B-20 B-24 B-28 B-32 B-36 B-40 B-44 B-48 B-52 B-56 B-60 B-86 2800 1200 B-88 4550 2950 E 6550 B-8 6550 E G 3300 6960 4200 B-4 B-101 7000 G B-97 6960 B-5 6960 B-1 6550 H 6550 H D D 4100 3500 4000 3500 4000 3500 4000 3500 4000 3500 4000 3500 4000 3500 4000 3500 4000 3500 4000 3500 4000 3500 4000 3500 4000 3500 4000 C C KEY PLAN 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 Legend A B B King Post C :H-428×407×20×35 φ1200 D E A - A B - B C - C D - D CONTRACTOR DESIGNER REVISION A DESCRIPTION DATE 22/JUL/20 PROJECT METRO MANILA SUBWAY PROJECT PHASE 1 TITLE First Submission GROUND PLAN(1) Shimizu - Fujita - Takenaka - EEI Joint Venture 12 11 10 STAGE Initial Design NORTH AVENUE STATION TEMPORARY DESIGN Republic of the Philippines 13 PACKAGE CP101 PROJECTION 22/JUL/21 DATE SCALE DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION A 14 B 9 8 B-1 - B-100 Shimizu - Fujita - Takenaka - EEI Joint Venture 7 6 5 4 Technical Design Construction Design Third Angle INTENDED FORMAT A1 As Built SHEET REV DRAWING No. MMSP-SFTEJV-101-NAS-SHD-TP-100001 3 2 A 1 : 200 1 1 9 A 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 2 1 NOTE: Kingpost layout in this drawing is reference only. Layout shall follow plan drawings. NORTH AVENUE STATION TEMPORARY DESIGN K 3 K CROSS SECTION(2) SECTION B-B & C-C (B-5 - B-332) S=1/150 J KING POST CONNECTION +136.50m S=1/15 1100 +136.40m 40 40 407 60 60 60 60 40 40 1 160 85 160 1 1 1 405 407 13400 14900 I φ25 5 60 40 205 40 60 +136.50m J I 40 5@65=325 80 5@65=325 40 407 810 1 160 60 2@80 =160 60 600 :Filling with Mortal(σck=1MPa) 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 22 22 22 428 428 2500 200 A B Concrete σck=40N/mm2 C 500 B 800 600 2000 2500 29 D 6@200=1200 12 Stud 22φx150 n=28 Yielding strength above 235N/mm2 C 200 11 6@200=1200 10 D 600 800 600 600 9 Extra Concrete Stud 22φx150 n=28 Yielding strength above 235N/mm2 Concrete σck=40N/mm2 1200 KEY PLAN 8 S=1/25 SECTION Stud 22φx150 Yielding strength above 235N/mm2 C 7 L=95mm (18bolts) H-428x407x20x35 200 104 104 6 2PL-16×280×460 Extra Concrete :Filling with Concrete(σck=40MPa) 5 F 600 :Filling with Extra Concrete(σck=40MPa) 4 H.T.B(F10T) M22 E PLAN :Filling with Surplus Soil 3 407 1200 LEGEND 2 1 6550 KING POST BORED PILE 1 405 4PL-22×160×810 E D 1 L=120mm (48bolts) Web 6960 G 60 40 205 40 60 40 2PL-22×405×810 Flange 2000 1200 22 2800 7000 34020 36420 2@75 80 2@75 =150 =150 460 16 B 500 6960 40 Splice Plate 1200 6550 H 60 40 60 22 74 280 74 29100 28500 13500 40 500 F 40 2500 800 3300 G φ25 5 22 10300 26900 29100 H E A - A B - B C - C D - D CONTRACTOR DESIGNER REVISION A DESCRIPTION DATE 22/JUL/20 METRO MANILA SUBWAY PROJECT PHASE 1 TITLE First Submission CROSS SECTION(2) Shimizu - Fujita - Takenaka - EEI Joint Venture 13 12 11 10 STAGE Initial Design NORTH AVENUE STATION TEMPORARY DESIGN Republic of the Philippines 14 PACKAGE CP101 PROJECTION 22/JUL/21 DATE SCALE DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION A PROJECT 9 8 SECTION B-B & C-C (B-5 - B-332) Shimizu - Fujita - Takenaka - EEI Joint Venture 7 6 5 4 3 Technical Design Construction Design Third Angle INTENDED FORMAT A1 As Built SHEET REV DRAWING No. MMSP-SFTEJV-101-NAS-SHD-TP-100005 2 A 1 : 150,1:25,1:15 1 5 9 A Wendy Sy Structure Inspector October 21, 2021 2PM Date: KING POST PILE SET-OUT DOCUMENTATION ITP Reference no.: MMSP-SFTEJV-101NAS-ITP-QA-(C-) 900009 Record No.: Project : METRO MANILA SUBWAY PROJECT PHASE 1-CP 101 Project No. : P2469 Location : North Avenue Station Client: SFTE-JV King Post Pile Ref. ID No.: IFC Drawing Ref: Rev. No. / Date: A. POSITION MEASUREMENT / CHECK Casing Center Design Pile Location (Coordinates) Actual Casing Location (Coordinates) Offset / Dev., e (m) Difference Tolerance for Offset Top of Casing / Dev. ,e max (m) (TOC) Elevation NORTHING OK EASTING NO Existing Ground Level (EGL) B. INCLINATION MEASUREMENT / CHECK Reference Axis (900) Position Design Pile Inclination X - Axis 90° Y - Axis 90° Actual Inclination Tolerance (mm / m) Remarks Note : * Refer to the values set out in the Inspection and Test Plan Comments: Filled By: Checked By: Approved By: Noted by: (Name, Signature, and Date) (Name, Signature, and Date) (Name, Signature, and Date) (Name, Signature, and Date) BFPI - SURVEYOR BFPI - BFPI QAQC ENGINEER CONSTRUCTION-SFTE Joint Venture QAQC ENGINEER - JOINT VENTURE P2469 QER.01.KP_0.BFPI 07.2021 (Name, Signature, and Date) GC ENGINEER THIS IS A CONTROLLED FORM Date: KING POST PILE DRILLING DOCUMENTATION ITP Reference No.: MMSP-SFTEJV-101-NAS-ITPQA-(C-) 900009 Record No.: Project: METRO MANILA SUBWAY PROJECT PHASE 1-CP 101 Location: North Avenue Station PILE REFERENCE Project No.: P2469 Client: SFTE-JV DRILLING RECORD King Post Pile Ref. ID No. Depth from TOC (m) Pile Type Time (hh:mm) * Tool Used B, C) (A, TOC EL. Soil Description EGL (from TOC) _____________________ ____________________ Pile Diameter (m) Top of Casing (TOC) Elev. Existing Ground (EGL) Elev. (m) Design Pile Toe Elevation (m) Design Drill Depth fr. TOC (m) Actual Drill Depth (m) BORING/DRILL EQUIPMENT Type Operator BORE SUPPORT □ Fully Cased □ Starter Casing, _________ m FLUID TYPE □ Water □ Bentonite □ Polymer □ None BORING/DRILL RECORD Date (mm/dd/yy) Drilling Start Time (hh:mm) Date (mm/dd/yy) Drilling End Time (hh:mm) Filled by: (Name, Signature, and Date) BFPI - OPERATIONS ENGINEER Checked by: (Name, Signature, and Date) BFPI - QA/QC ENGINEER Approved by: (Name, Signature, and Date) CONSTRUCTION - SFTE Joint Venture (Name, Signature, and Date) QAQC Engineer- SFTE Joint Venture Noted by: (Name, Signature, and Date) GC ENGINEER Remarks: ________________________ DESIGN TOE EL. * Tool Used for Drilling (input initial): ___________ ______________________ ACTUAL TOE EL. A - Auger B - Drilling Bucket C - Core Barrel P2469 QER.02.KP_0.BFPI 07.2021 Toe cleaning method: □ Cleaning Bucket □ Air Lifting THIS IS A CONTROLLED FORM Date: KING POST PILE POLYMER SLURRY TEST RECORD ITP Reference No.: MMSP-SFTEJV-101-NAS-ITP-QA(C-) 900009 Record No.: Project : METRO MANILA SUBWAY PROJECT PHASE 1-CP 101 Project No. : Location : North Avenue Station Client: King Post Pile Ref. ID No.: Polymer: MIXING PARAMETER / RATIO Water : m3 Source: Slurry : Slurry : Brand: Brand: m3 Reminder: Fresh Slurry sampling / testing should be carried after mix has achieved required curing time in the material specification. FRESH MIX Date mm-dd-yy Time Hr:min. Marsh Funnel Viscosity (Sec/Ltr) pH [40-100] [7 to 11] Density (kg/Ltr.) Sand Content (%) [ <1.10] [N/A] Sample Location (Tank No.) Remarks every fresh mix RE-FRESHING / RECYCLING Date mm-dd-yy Time Hr:min. Marsh Funnel Viscosity (Sec/Ltr) pH [40-100] [7 to 11] Density (kg/Ltr.) Sand Content (%) [ <1.10] [N/A] Sample Location (Tank No.) Remarks every mix, before mixing and after mixing PILE SHAFT (DURING DRILLING) Date mm-dd-yy Time Hr:min. Marsh Funnel Viscosity (Sec/Ltr) pH [40-100] [7 to 11] Density (kg/Ltr.) Sand Content (%) [ <1.25] [N/A] Level of Sample from Bore Hole Toe Remarks 1 @ mid depth of drilling (Check applicable) De-sanding and □ Recycling By using □ Replacement □ Airlifting Date /Time Start: □ Pump Date / Time Finished: SHAFT (BEFORE CONCRETING) Date Time Marsh Funnel Viscosity (Sec/Ltr) mm-dd-yy Hr:min. [40-90] pH Density (kg/Ltr.) Sand Content (%) [N/A] [1.00 to 1.10] [ <1.0%] Level of Sample from Bore Hole Toe Remarks Minimum test: 1 - after finished the drilling 1 - after final cleaning If SHAFT (BEFORE CONCRETING) for WATER USED Date mm-dd-yy Time Hr:min. Marsh Funnel Viscosity (Sec/Ltr) pH [N/A] [7 to 11] Prepared / Checked by: (Name, Signature, and Date) BFPI QA/QC ENGINEER P2469 QER.03.KP_0.BFPI 07.2021 Density (kg/Ltr.) Sand Content (%) [N/A] [ <1.0%] Level of Sample from Bore Hole Toe Approved by: Remarks Noted by: (Name, Signature, and Date) (Name, Signature, and Date) (Name, Signature, and Date) CONSTRUCTION - SFTE Joint Venture QAQC ENGINEER - SFTE Joint Venture GC ENGINEER THIS IS A CONTROLLED FORM Date: KING POST PILE H-BEAM REINFORCEMENT RECORD ITP Reference No.: MMSP-SFTEJV-101-NAS-ITP-QA-(C-) 900009 Record No.: Project: METRO MANILA SUBWAY PROJECT PHASE 1-CP 101 Project No.: Location: North Avenue Station Client: King Post Pile Ref. ID No.: P2469 SFTE-JV Pile Type: IFC/Approved Shop Dwg Ref. : Rev. No./ Date: H-BEAMS FABRICATION CHECK Materials Details Checked: H-Beam Section No. (from top) Main H-Beams Design H-Beams Size. (mm) Bolts/ Nuts Joint Connection Qty. (pcs) Actual H-Beams Size. (mm) Conformed Bolt/ Nuts Dia. (mm) Yes No Stud Bolts Details Studs Bolts Conformed Qty. (pcs) Ø(mm) Length (mm) Yes No Steel Spacer Conformed No. of Layers H-Beam Joint Connection Details No. per Layer (pcs) Yes No INSPECTION CHECKSHEET Item Conformed/ Satisfied Activities to be Checked H-Beam OK REMARKS NO 1 Checked rebar/ fabrication engineer holding latest approved AFC drawing during fabrication 2 Checked no. of holes at joint per connection system 5 Checked spacing of bolts on flange and webs based on the drawing 6 Checked H-Beams fabrication with temporary support on the bottom to avoid possible distortion 7 Checked H-Beam be free from rust, rust pits, scale, oil, moisture, or other deleterious matter that would affect welding operation 8 Checked H-Beams secure in position / fixing elements adequate - bolted/ torque H-Beams Fabrication 9 Checked h-beam based on the inspected segments and verified tagging's per pile schedule 10 Check welded connection of steel spacer to H-beam 4nos. per layer in accordance to IFC drawing Stud Bolts 11 Checked provision of markings on H-beams for stud bolt welding 12 Stud bolts shall be free from rust, scale, oil, moisture, or other deleterious matter. 13 Checked spacing/ distance of stud bolts center to center based on the IFC drawing 14 Visually checked welded stud bolts to determine 360⁰ full flash with no evidence of undercut into stud base 15 Visually checked welded stud bolts to ensure no discontinuities; Checked completely and acceptable 16 Bend Test performed based on the specification: 30⁰ from its original axis. 17 Bend tested of 5% for every 28 nos. studs/ king post. ( 1no. each side) 18 Follower beams secure in position / fixing elements adequate prior to lifting - holes/ bolted/ torque 19 Check dimensions, sizes of stud bolts 20 Spacers welded/ installed on correct position & spacing in accordance to IFC drawing Installation 20 Check if follower beams used has correct length and adequate capacity to hold H-beam during connection & final section installation. 21 H-beams clean / free of mud prior to lowering / installation to borehole. - wash by water spraying as necessary. 23 Checked at correct elevations, position & center at the borehole 24 Checked installation/ properly fixed and correct positioning of guide frame upon lowering of H-beam 25 Vertical joint support (welding flange/ bolts) between H-beam and follower adequate to carry weight during lifting / hanging. Filed by: Checked by: (Name, Signature, and Date) (Name, Signature, and Date) BFPI OPS ENGINEER BFPI QA/QC ENGINEER P2469 QER.04A.KP_0.BFPI 07.2021 Approved by: (Name, Signature, and Date) CONSTRUCTION -SFTE Joint Venture Noted by: (Name, Signature, and Date) QAQC ENGINEER - SFTE Joint Venture (Name, Signature, and Date) GC - ENGINEER THIS IS A CONTROLLED FORM Date: KING POST PILE H-BEAM REINFORCEMENT RECORD MMSP-SFTEJV-101-NAS-ITPQA-(C-) 900009 ITP Reference No.: Record No.: Project: METRO MANILA SUBWAY PROJECT PHASE 1-CP 101 Location: North Avenue Station Project No.: P2469 SFTE-JV Client: King Post Pile Ref. ID No.: Pile Type: IFC/Approved Shop Dwg Ref. : Rev. No./ Date: H-BEAMS FABRICATION CHECK AA BB DD CC Top of H-Beam Elev._ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ Elev. _____________ = Offset Elevation: ___________ - Dist. from Offset to Bottom elev. of follower Beam: ____________ EGL _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Elev. _________________ H-Beam Section : ______________ Design Length: _______m + _______m = _________m Acrual Length: _______m + _______m = _________m Spacers: Distance of spacer center to center : ______________ No. of Layer: ______________ No. of spacer per layer: ________________ Bottom Elevation of H-Beam._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Elev. _________________ Toe Elev of Borehole.._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Elev. _________________ REMARKS: Filed by: Checked by: (Name, Signature, and Date) (Name, Signature, and Date) BFPI OPS ENGINEER BFPI QA/QC ENGINEER P2469 QER.04B.KP_0.BFPI 07.2021 Approved by: (Name, Signature, and Date) CONSTRUCTION -SFTE Joint Venture Noted by: (Name, Signature, and Date) QAQC ENGINEER - SFTE Joint Venture (Name, Signature, and Date) GC - ENGINEER THIS IS A CONTROLLED FORM Date: KING POST PILE CONCRETING RECORD ITP Reference No. MMSP-SFTEJV-101-NAS-ITP-QA-(C-) 900009 Record No.: Project: METRO MANILA SUBWAY PROJECT PHASE 1-CP 101 Project No.: P2469 Location: North Avenue Station Client: SFTE-JV King Post Pile Ref. No. : Top of Casing (TOC) Elev. (m) : Concrete level fr. TOC (m): Date of Concreting: Pile Diameter (mm) : Cut-off Level (COL) Elev. (m) : a. Target Concrete Supplier : Design Pile Length (m ): Cut-off Level fr. TOC (m): Concrete Volume (m³) : Design Compressive Strength (psi) : a. Design Existing Ground Level (m) : Delivery Receiving on-site Testing On-site b. Estimated Pouring Time Method of Con. Placement: Direct Pouring Conc. Volume (m³) Note : Truck Number Time of Batching Time of Testing * Slump Ht. 1). * Refer to the values set out in the Inspection and Test Plan No. of Samples Start End Truck Load Cumulativ Qty. e Qty. 2). ** Depth from TOC to Actual Pile Toe Level (Prior to pouring) Concrete Pump Line Pump Others Concrete Pour Monitoring Concrete Depth from TOC (measured from sounding ) Docket Number @ ________ days Before Pouring (m) After Pouring (m) A B Tremie Length (m) Rise (After Before Pouring Pouring (m) Before Pouring) C=B-A D Embedment (m) Distance Remarks Tremie pipe bot. edge to toe level prior to concrete (m) E=D-A 3). Check sedimentation from previous depth measurement (prior to pouring) INTERRUPTIONS / DELAYS (Workability) Duration Break longer than 15 minutes: T= minutes From Hr:min. To To Hr:min. Break longer than 15 minutes: T= minutes From Hr:min. To To Hr:min. Remarks: Filled by: (Name, Signature, and Date) BFPI - OPERATIONS ENGINEER P2469 QER.05.KP_0.BFPI 07.2021 Checked by: (Name, Signature, and Date) BFPI - QA/QC ENGINEER Approved by: (Name, Signature, and Date) QA/QC ENGINEER -SFTE Joint Venture Noted by: (Name, Signature, and Date) CONSTRUCTION - SFTE Joint Venture (Name, Signature, and Date) GC - ENGINEER THIS IS A CONTROLLED FORM Date: MMSP-SFTEJV-101-NAS-ITP-QA-(C-) ITP Reference No.: 900009 Record No.: KING POST PILE MORTAR PLACEMENT RECORD Project: METRO MANILA SUBWAY PROJECT PHASE 1-CP 101 Location: North Avenue Station P2469 Project No.: SFTE-JV Client King Post Pile Ref. No. : Cut-off Level (COL) Elev. (m) : Method of Mortar Placement: Mortar placement: Pile Diameter (mm) : Existing Concrete Level fr. TOC (m): Tremie Pipe Concrete Pump Design Pile Length (m ): Mortar Volume (m³) : Direct Pouring Others/ Specify Top of Casing (TOC) Elev. (m) : a. Design Date: b. Estimated Delivery Receiving on-site ` Design Compressive Strength (psi) : Testing On-site Pouring Time Conc. Volume (m³) Mortar Placement Monitoring Concrete Depth from TOC (measured from sounding ) Docket Number Truck Number Time of Batching Time of Testing * Slump Time: Mortar Supplier : No. of Samples Start End Truck Cumulative Before Pouring Load Qty. Qty. (m) A Rise After Pouring (After Pouring (m) Before Pouring) B C=B-A Tremie Length (m) Before Pouring (m) Embedment (m) D E=D-A REMARKS ** INTERRUPTIONS / DELAYS (Workability) Duration Break longer than 15 minutes: T= minutes From Hr:min. To Hr:min. Break longer than 15 minutes: T= minutes From Hr:min. To Hr:min. Remarks: Filled by: Checked by: Approved by: Noted by: (Name, Signature, and Date) (Name, Signature, and Date) (Name, Signature, and Date) (Name, Signature, and Date) (Name, Signature, and Date) BFPI - OPERATIONS ENGINEER BFPI - QA/QC ENGINEER CONSTRUCTION - SFTE Joint Venture QAQC ENGINEER - SFTE Joint Venture GC - ENGINEER P2469 QER.06.KP_0.BFPI 07.2021 THIS IS A CONTROLLED FORM Date: KING POST PILE BACKFILL RECORDS MMSP-SFTEJV-101-NASITP-QA-(C-) 900009 Shift: ITP Reference No.: Record No: Project: METRO MANILA SUBWAY PROJECT PHASE 1-CP 101 Project No: P2469 DS Location: North Avenue Station Client: SFTE-JV NS Note: Attach Key Plan with "marked" or "highlighted" location requested. King Post Pile Reference No.: Pile Diameter (mm): Pile Type: Top of Casing (TOC) Elev.: Zone/ Area: Existing Ground Elevation: Grid Line / Location: Initial Elevation Final Depth: Elev. Date (mm/dd/yy) Backfilling Start: Time (hh:mm) Date (mm/dd/yy) Est. backfill materials vol. (m3): Backfilling End: Approved Backfill Materials: PARTICULARS Time (hh:mm) SATISFIED/CONFORMED? Yes No REMARKS (if necessary) N/A a. Clear equipment access b. Free from obstructions c. Excavated materials (surplus soil) provided protection/ berm d. Properly compacted f As per approved plan g Removal of excess backfill materials along the pile area. Filled by: (Name, Signature & Date) BFPI - FIELD ENGINEER P2469 QER.07.KP_0.BFPI 07.2021 Checked by: (Name, Signature & Date) BFPI - QA/QC ENGINEER Approved by: (Name, Signature & Date) CONSTRUCTION - SFTE Joint Venture Noted by: (Name, Signature & Date) QAQC ENGINEER - SFTE Joint Venture (Name, Signature & Date) GC - ENGINEER THIS IS A CONTROLLED FORM 13 14 11 12 10 9 8 7 6 4 5 3 2 1 K K BORED PILE SCHEDULE 2 J I H 5 BORED PILE SCHEDULE 2 BORED PILE SCHEDULE 2 BORED PILE SCHEDULE 2 Mark N/S E/W Mark N/S E/W Mark N/S E/W Mark N/S E/W B-1 B-2 B-3 B-4 B-5 B-6 B-7 B-8 B-9 B-10 B-11 B-12 B-13 B-14 B-15 B-16 B-17 B-18 B-19 B-20 B-21 1621246336 1621247898 1621249468 1621251030 1621242925 1621244487 1621246058 1621247619 1621239027 1621240589 1621242160 1621243721 1621235617 1621237178 1621238749 1621240311 1621231719 1621233280 1621234851 1621236412 1621228308 503810555 503803773 503796951 503790169 503809770 503802987 503796166 503789383 503808872 503802090 503795268 503788486 503808087 503801305 503794483 503787700 503807190 503800407 503793586 503786803 503806404 B-22 B-23 B-24 B-25 B-26 B-27 B-28 B-29 B-30 B-31 B-32 B-33 B-34 B-35 B-36 B-37 B-38 B-39 B-40 B-41 B-42 1621229869 1621231440 1621233002 1621224410 1621225971 1621227542 1621230273 1621220999 1621222561 1621224131 1621225693 1621217101 1621218663 1621220233 1621221795 1621213690 1621215252 1621216823 1621218384 1621209792 1621211354 503799622 503792800 503786018 503805507 503798724 503791903 503785389 503804721 503797939 503791117 503784335 503803824 503797041 503790220 503783437 503803039 503796256 503789435 503782652 503802141 503795359 B-43 B-44 B-45 B-46 B-47 B-48 B-49 B-50 B-51 B-52 B-53 B-54 B-55 B-56 B-57 B-58 B-59 B-60 B-61 B-62 B-63 1621212925 1621214486 1621206381 1621207943 1621209514 1621211075 1621202483 1621204045 1621205616 1621207177 1621199073 1621199952 1621201523 1621203767 1621195175 1621196736 1621198307 1621199869 1621191764 1621193326 1621194896 503788537 503781755 503801356 503794573 503787752 503780969 503800458 503793676 503786854 503780072 503799673 503792733 503785912 503779286 503798776 503791993 503785171 503778389 503797990 503791208 503784386 B-64 B-65 B-66 B-67 B-68 B-69 B-70 B-71 B-72 B-73 B-74 B-75 B-76 B-77 B-78 B-79 B-80 B-81 B-82 B-83 B-84 1621196458 1621187866 1621189428 1621190998 1621192560 1621184455 1621186017 1621187587 1621189149 1621180557 1621182119 1621183689 1621185251 1621177146 1621178708 1621180279 1621181840 1621173248 1621174810 1621176381 1621177942 503777604 503797093 503790310 503783489 503776706 503796307 503789525 503782703 503775921 503795410 503788627 503781806 503775023 503794625 503787842 503781021 503774238 503793727 503786945 503780123 503773340 6 7 7500 8 7500 9 7500 10 7500 11 7500 12 7500 J I H 13 7500 14 7500 15 7500 7500 G G 3500 4000 2000 2000 3500 2000 4000 2000 3500 4000 2000 2000 3500 2000 4000 2000 3500 2000 4000 2000 3500 4000 2000 2000 3500 2000 4000 2000 3500 4000 2000 2000 3500 2000 4000 2000 3500 2000 4000 2000 2000 3550 F B-1 B-5 B-9 B-13 B-17 B-21 B-25 B-29 B-33 B-37 B-41 B-45 B-49 B-53 B-57 B-61 B-65 B-69 B-73 B-77 B-81 F 6960 3550 A B 3500 6910 3410 1300 E B-6 B-10 B-14 B-18 B-22 B-26 B-30 B-34 B-38 B-42 B-46 B-50 B-54 B-58 B-62 B-66 B-70 B-74 B-78 B-82 E 3410 6910 3500 7000 C B-2 B-7 B-11 B-15 B-19 B-23 B-27 B-31 B-35 B-39 B-43 B-47 B-51 B-55 B-59 B-63 B-67 B-71 B-75 B-79 B-83 6960 D D B-3 D 3550 3550 800 E B-4 B-8 B-12 B-16 B-20 B-24 B-28 B-32 B-36 B-40 B-44 B-48 B-52 B-56 B-60 B-64 B-68 B-72 B-76 B-80 B-84 C C BORED PILE B KEYPLAN: 1 : 150 B B Prepared by: CONTRACTOR Approved by: DESIGNER Approved by: REVISION DATE PROJECT DESCRIPTION METRO MANILA SUBWAY PROJECT PHASE-1 Project Manager DOTr, PMO 13 12 Undersecretary For Railway, DOTr Shimizu - Fujita - Takenaka - EEI Joint Venture 11 10 PRC No. Validity: IAPOA No. O.R. No. PTR No. DATE: Place: TIN: 9 KIYOSHI MIMURA Project Manager SFTE JV Technical Design NORTH AVENUE STATION BORED PILES ARCHITECT / STRUCTURAL ENGINEER / ETC. Republic of the Philippines 14 STAGE Initial Design DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION A PACKAGE CP101 PROJECTION TITLE Construction Design Third Angle DATE: 12/10/21 SCALE: INTENDED FORMAT: As Built A1 SHEET DRAWING NO. 8 7 / / /7 3 MMSP-SFTEJV-101-NAS-DWG-C-200003 Shimizu - Fujita - Takenaka - EEI Joint Venture 6 5 4 3 A 1 : 150 2 1 REV A 12/10/2021 3:40:49 pm Checked by: 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 NORTH AVENUE STATION TEMPORARY DESIGN K GROUND PLAN(1) K S=1/200 B-1 - B-100 J J 5 6 I 7 7500 8 7500 9 7500 10 7500 11 7500 12 7500 13 7500 7500 14 15 7500 16 7500 B - B 17 7500 18 7500 I 7500 C - C B-9 B-13 B-17 B-21 B-25 B-29 B-33 B-37 B-41 B-45 B-49 B-53 B-57 B-61 B-65 B-69 B-73 B-77 B-81 B-85 B-87 B-89 B-93 B-6 B-10 B-14 B-18 B-22 B-26 B-30 B-34 B-38 B-42 B-46 B-50 B-54 B-58 B-62 B-66 B-70 B-74 B-78 B-82 B-90 B-94 B-7 B-11 B-15 B-19 B-23 B-27 B-31 B-35 B-39 B-43 B-47 B-51 B-55 B-59 B-63 B-67 B-71 B-75 B-79 B-83 B-91 B-95 B-64 B-68 B-72 B-76 B-80 B-84 B-92 B-96 7000 B-2 B-3 F B-98 B-102 B-99 B-103 B-100 B-104 F 6960 B-12 B-16 B-20 B-24 B-28 B-32 B-36 B-40 B-44 B-48 B-52 B-56 B-60 B-86 2800 1200 B-88 4550 2950 E 6550 B-8 6550 E G 3300 6960 4200 B-4 B-101 7000 G B-97 6960 B-5 6960 B-1 6550 H 6550 H D D 4100 3500 4000 3500 4000 3500 4000 3500 4000 3500 4000 3500 4000 3500 4000 3500 4000 3500 4000 3500 4000 3500 4000 3500 4000 3500 4000 C C KEY PLAN 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 Legend A B B King Post C :H-428×407×20×35 φ1200 D E A - A B - B C - C D - D CONTRACTOR DESIGNER REVISION A DESCRIPTION DATE 22/JUL/20 PROJECT METRO MANILA SUBWAY PROJECT PHASE 1 TITLE First Submission GROUND PLAN(1) Shimizu - Fujita - Takenaka - EEI Joint Venture 12 11 10 STAGE Initial Design NORTH AVENUE STATION TEMPORARY DESIGN Republic of the Philippines 13 PACKAGE CP101 PROJECTION 22/JUL/21 DATE SCALE DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION A 14 B 9 8 B-1 - B-100 Shimizu - Fujita - Takenaka - EEI Joint Venture 7 6 5 4 Technical Design Construction Design Third Angle INTENDED FORMAT A1 As Built SHEET REV DRAWING No. MMSP-SFTEJV-101-NAS-SHD-TP-100001 3 2 A 1 : 200 1 1 9 A 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 2 1 NOTE: Kingpost layout in this drawing is reference only. Layout shall follow plan drawings. NORTH AVENUE STATION TEMPORARY DESIGN K 3 K CROSS SECTION(2) SECTION B-B & C-C (B-5 - B-332) S=1/150 J KING POST CONNECTION +136.50m S=1/15 1100 +136.40m 40 40 407 60 60 60 60 40 40 1 160 85 160 1 1 1 405 407 13400 14900 I φ25 5 60 40 205 40 60 +136.50m J I 40 5@65=325 80 5@65=325 40 407 810 1 160 60 2@80 =160 60 600 :Filling with Mortal(σck=1MPa) 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 22 22 22 428 428 2500 200 A B Concrete σck=40N/mm2 C 500 B 800 600 2000 2500 29 D 6@200=1200 12 Stud 22φx150 n=28 Yielding strength above 235N/mm2 C 200 11 6@200=1200 10 D 600 800 600 600 9 Extra Concrete Stud 22φx150 n=28 Yielding strength above 235N/mm2 Concrete σck=40N/mm2 1200 KEY PLAN 8 S=1/25 SECTION Stud 22φx150 Yielding strength above 235N/mm2 C 7 L=95mm (18bolts) H-428x407x20x35 200 104 104 6 2PL-16×280×460 Extra Concrete :Filling with Concrete(σck=40MPa) 5 F 600 :Filling with Extra Concrete(σck=40MPa) 4 H.T.B(F10T) M22 E PLAN :Filling with Surplus Soil 3 407 1200 LEGEND 2 1 6550 KING POST BORED PILE 1 405 4PL-22×160×810 E D 1 L=120mm (48bolts) Web 6960 G 60 40 205 40 60 40 2PL-22×405×810 Flange 2000 1200 22 2800 7000 34020 36420 2@75 80 2@75 =150 =150 460 16 B 500 6960 40 Splice Plate 1200 6550 H 60 40 60 22 74 280 74 29100 28500 13500 40 500 F 40 2500 800 3300 G φ25 5 22 10300 26900 29100 H E A - A B - B C - C D - D CONTRACTOR DESIGNER REVISION A DESCRIPTION DATE 22/JUL/20 METRO MANILA SUBWAY PROJECT PHASE 1 TITLE First Submission CROSS SECTION(2) Shimizu - Fujita - Takenaka - EEI Joint Venture 13 12 11 10 STAGE Initial Design NORTH AVENUE STATION TEMPORARY DESIGN Republic of the Philippines 14 PACKAGE CP101 PROJECTION 22/JUL/21 DATE SCALE DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION A PROJECT 9 8 SECTION B-B & C-C (B-5 - B-332) Shimizu - Fujita - Takenaka - EEI Joint Venture 7 6 5 4 3 Technical Design Construction Design Third Angle INTENDED FORMAT A1 As Built SHEET REV DRAWING No. MMSP-SFTEJV-101-NAS-SHD-TP-100005 2 A 1 : 150,1:25,1:15 1 5 9 A Wendy Sy Structure Inspector October 21, 2021 2PM Date: KING POST PILE DRILLING DOCUMENTATION ITP Reference No.: MMSP-SFTEJV-101-NAS-ITPQA-(C-) 900009 Record No.: Project: METRO MANILA SUBWAY PROJECT PHASE 1-CP 101 Location: North Avenue Station PILE REFERENCE Project No.: P2469 Client: SFTE-JV DRILLING RECORD King Post Pile Ref. ID No. Depth from TOC (m) Pile Type Time (hh:mm) * Tool Used B, C) (A, TOC EL. Soil Description EGL (from TOC) _____________________ ____________________ Pile Diameter (m) Top of Casing (TOC) Elev. Existing Ground (EGL) Elev. (m) Design Pile Toe Elevation (m) Design Drill Depth fr. TOC (m) Actual Drill Depth (m) BORING/DRILL EQUIPMENT Type Operator BORE SUPPORT □ Fully Cased □ Starter Casing, _________ m FLUID TYPE □ Water □ Bentonite □ Polymer □ None BORING/DRILL RECORD Date (mm/dd/yy) Drilling Start Time (hh:mm) Date (mm/dd/yy) Drilling End Time (hh:mm) Filled by: (Name, Signature, and Date) BFPI - OPERATIONS ENGINEER Checked by: (Name, Signature, and Date) BFPI - QA/QC ENGINEER Approved by: (Name, Signature, and Date) CONSTRUCTION - SFTE Joint Venture (Name, Signature, and Date) QAQC Engineer- SFTE Joint Venture Noted by: (Name, Signature, and Date) GC ENGINEER Remarks: ________________________ DESIGN TOE EL. * Tool Used for Drilling (input initial): ___________ ______________________ ACTUAL TOE EL. A - Auger B - Drilling Bucket C - Core Barrel P2469 QER.02.KP_0.BFPI 07.2021 Toe cleaning method: □ Cleaning Bucket □ Air Lifting THIS IS A CONTROLLED FORM Date: KING POST PILE POLYMER SLURRY TEST RECORD ITP Reference No.: MMSP-SFTEJV-101-NAS-ITP-QA(C-) 900009 Record No.: Project : METRO MANILA SUBWAY PROJECT PHASE 1-CP 101 Project No. : Location : North Avenue Station Client: King Post Pile Ref. ID No.: Polymer: MIXING PARAMETER / RATIO Water : m3 Source: Slurry : Slurry : Brand: Brand: m3 Reminder: Fresh Slurry sampling / testing should be carried after mix has achieved required curing time in the material specification. FRESH MIX Date mm-dd-yy Time Hr:min. Marsh Funnel Viscosity (Sec/Ltr) pH [40-100] [7 to 11] Density (kg/Ltr.) Sand Content (%) [ <1.10] [N/A] Sample Location (Tank No.) Remarks every fresh mix RE-FRESHING / RECYCLING Date mm-dd-yy Time Hr:min. Marsh Funnel Viscosity (Sec/Ltr) pH [40-100] [7 to 11] Density (kg/Ltr.) Sand Content (%) [ <1.10] [N/A] Sample Location (Tank No.) Remarks every mix, before mixing and after mixing PILE SHAFT (DURING DRILLING) Date mm-dd-yy Time Hr:min. Marsh Funnel Viscosity (Sec/Ltr) pH [40-100] [7 to 11] Density (kg/Ltr.) Sand Content (%) [ <1.25] [N/A] Level of Sample from Bore Hole Toe Remarks 1 @ mid depth of drilling (Check applicable) De-sanding and □ Recycling By using □ Replacement □ Airlifting Date /Time Start: □ Pump Date / Time Finished: SHAFT (BEFORE CONCRETING) Date Time Marsh Funnel Viscosity (Sec/Ltr) mm-dd-yy Hr:min. [40-90] pH Density (kg/Ltr.) Sand Content (%) [N/A] [1.00 to 1.10] [ <1.0%] Level of Sample from Bore Hole Toe Remarks Minimum test: 1 - after finished the drilling 1 - after final cleaning If SHAFT (BEFORE CONCRETING) for WATER USED Date mm-dd-yy Time Hr:min. Marsh Funnel Viscosity (Sec/Ltr) pH [N/A] [7 to 11] Prepared / Checked by: (Name, Signature, and Date) BFPI QA/QC ENGINEER P2469 QER.03.KP_0.BFPI 07.2021 Density (kg/Ltr.) Sand Content (%) [N/A] [ <1.0%] Level of Sample from Bore Hole Toe Approved by: Remarks Noted by: (Name, Signature, and Date) (Name, Signature, and Date) (Name, Signature, and Date) CONSTRUCTION - SFTE Joint Venture QAQC ENGINEER - SFTE Joint Venture GC ENGINEER THIS IS A CONTROLLED FORM Date: KING POST PILE H-BEAM REINFORCEMENT RECORD ITP Reference No.: MMSP-SFTEJV-101-NAS-ITP-QA-(C-) 900009 Record No.: Project: METRO MANILA SUBWAY PROJECT PHASE 1-CP 101 Project No.: Location: North Avenue Station Client: King Post Pile Ref. ID No.: P2469 SFTE-JV Pile Type: IFC/Approved Shop Dwg Ref. : Rev. No./ Date: H-BEAMS FABRICATION CHECK Materials Details Checked: H-Beam Section No. (from top) Main H-Beams Design H-Beams Size. (mm) Bolts/ Nuts Joint Connection Qty. (pcs) Actual H-Beams Size. (mm) Conformed Bolt/ Nuts Dia. (mm) Yes No Stud Bolts Details Studs Bolts Conformed Qty. (pcs) Ø(mm) Length (mm) Yes No Steel Spacer Conformed No. of Layers H-Beam Joint Connection Details No. per Layer (pcs) Yes No INSPECTION CHECKSHEET Item Conformed/ Satisfied Activities to be Checked H-Beam OK REMARKS NO 1 Checked rebar/ fabrication engineer holding latest approved AFC drawing during fabrication 2 Checked no. of holes at joint per connection system 5 Checked spacing of bolts on flange and webs based on the drawing 6 Checked H-Beams fabrication with temporary support on the bottom to avoid possible distortion 7 Checked H-Beam be free from rust, rust pits, scale, oil, moisture, or other deleterious matter that would affect welding operation 8 Checked H-Beams secure in position / fixing elements adequate - bolted/ torque H-Beams Fabrication 9 Checked h-beam based on the inspected segments and verified tagging's per pile schedule 10 Check welded connection of steel spacer to H-beam 4nos. per layer in accordance to IFC drawing Stud Bolts 11 Checked provision of markings on H-beams for stud bolt welding 12 Stud bolts shall be free from rust, scale, oil, moisture, or other deleterious matter. 13 Checked spacing/ distance of stud bolts center to center based on the IFC drawing 14 Visually checked welded stud bolts to determine 360⁰ full flash with no evidence of undercut into stud base 15 Visually checked welded stud bolts to ensure no discontinuities; Checked completely and acceptable 16 Bend Test performed based on the specification: 30⁰ from its original axis. 17 Bend tested of 5% for every 28 nos. studs/ king post. ( 1no. each side) 18 Follower beams secure in position / fixing elements adequate prior to lifting - holes/ bolted/ torque 19 Check dimensions, sizes of stud bolts 20 Spacers welded/ installed on correct position & spacing in accordance to IFC drawing Installation 20 Check if follower beams used has correct length and adequate capacity to hold H-beam during connection & final section installation. 21 H-beams clean / free of mud prior to lowering / installation to borehole. - wash by water spraying as necessary. 23 Checked at correct elevations, position & center at the borehole 24 Checked installation/ properly fixed and correct positioning of guide frame upon lowering of H-beam 25 Vertical joint support (welding flange/ bolts) between H-beam and follower adequate to carry weight during lifting / hanging. Filed by: Checked by: (Name, Signature, and Date) (Name, Signature, and Date) BFPI OPS ENGINEER BFPI QA/QC ENGINEER P2469 QER.04A.KP_0.BFPI 07.2021 Approved by: (Name, Signature, and Date) CONSTRUCTION -SFTE Joint Venture Noted by: (Name, Signature, and Date) QAQC ENGINEER - SFTE Joint Venture (Name, Signature, and Date) GC - ENGINEER THIS IS A CONTROLLED FORM Date: KING POST PILE H-BEAM REINFORCEMENT RECORD MMSP-SFTEJV-101-NAS-ITPQA-(C-) 900009 ITP Reference No.: Record No.: Project: METRO MANILA SUBWAY PROJECT PHASE 1-CP 101 Location: North Avenue Station Project No.: P2469 SFTE-JV Client: King Post Pile Ref. ID No.: Pile Type: IFC/Approved Shop Dwg Ref. : Rev. No./ Date: H-BEAMS FABRICATION CHECK AA BB DD CC Top of H-Beam Elev._ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ Elev. _____________ = Offset Elevation: ___________ - Dist. from Offset to Bottom elev. of follower Beam: ____________ EGL _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Elev. _________________ H-Beam Section : ______________ Design Length: _______m + _______m = _________m Acrual Length: _______m + _______m = _________m Spacers: Distance of spacer center to center : ______________ No. of Layer: ______________ No. of spacer per layer: ________________ Bottom Elevation of H-Beam._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Elev. _________________ Toe Elev of Borehole.._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Elev. _________________ REMARKS: Filed by: Checked by: (Name, Signature, and Date) (Name, Signature, and Date) BFPI OPS ENGINEER BFPI QA/QC ENGINEER P2469 QER.04B.KP_0.BFPI 07.2021 Approved by: (Name, Signature, and Date) CONSTRUCTION -SFTE Joint Venture Noted by: (Name, Signature, and Date) QAQC ENGINEER - SFTE Joint Venture (Name, Signature, and Date) GC - ENGINEER THIS IS A CONTROLLED FORM Date: KING POST PILE CONCRETING RECORD ITP Reference No. MMSP-SFTEJV-101-NAS-ITP-QA-(C-) 900009 Record No.: Project: METRO MANILA SUBWAY PROJECT PHASE 1-CP 101 Project No.: P2469 Location: North Avenue Station Client: SFTE-JV King Post Pile Ref. No. : Top of Casing (TOC) Elev. (m) : Concrete level fr. TOC (m): Date of Concreting: Pile Diameter (mm) : Cut-off Level (COL) Elev. (m) : a. Target Concrete Supplier : Design Pile Length (m ): Cut-off Level fr. TOC (m): Concrete Volume (m³) : Design Compressive Strength (psi) : a. Design Existing Ground Level (m) : Delivery Receiving on-site Testing On-site b. Estimated Pouring Time Method of Con. Placement: Direct Pouring Conc. Volume (m³) Note : Truck Number Time of Batching Time of Testing * Slump Ht. 1). * Refer to the values set out in the Inspection and Test Plan No. of Samples Start End Truck Load Cumulativ Qty. e Qty. 2). ** Depth from TOC to Actual Pile Toe Level (Prior to pouring) Concrete Pump Line Pump Others Concrete Pour Monitoring Concrete Depth from TOC (measured from sounding ) Docket Number @ ________ days Before Pouring (m) After Pouring (m) A B Tremie Length (m) Rise (After Before Pouring Pouring (m) Before Pouring) C=B-A D Embedment (m) Distance Remarks Tremie pipe bot. edge to toe level prior to concrete (m) E=D-A 3). Check sedimentation from previous depth measurement (prior to pouring) INTERRUPTIONS / DELAYS (Workability) Duration Break longer than 15 minutes: T= minutes From Hr:min. To To Hr:min. Break longer than 15 minutes: T= minutes From Hr:min. To To Hr:min. Remarks: Filled by: (Name, Signature, and Date) BFPI - OPERATIONS ENGINEER P2469 QER.05.KP_0.BFPI 07.2021 Checked by: (Name, Signature, and Date) BFPI - QA/QC ENGINEER Approved by: (Name, Signature, and Date) QA/QC ENGINEER -SFTE Joint Venture Noted by: (Name, Signature, and Date) CONSTRUCTION - SFTE Joint Venture (Name, Signature, and Date) GC - ENGINEER THIS IS A CONTROLLED FORM Date: MMSP-SFTEJV-101-NAS-ITP-QA-(C-) ITP Reference No.: 900009 Record No.: KING POST PILE MORTAR PLACEMENT RECORD Project: METRO MANILA SUBWAY PROJECT PHASE 1-CP 101 Location: North Avenue Station P2469 Project No.: SFTE-JV Client King Post Pile Ref. No. : Cut-off Level (COL) Elev. (m) : Method of Mortar Placement: Mortar placement: Pile Diameter (mm) : Existing Concrete Level fr. TOC (m): Tremie Pipe Concrete Pump Design Pile Length (m ): Mortar Volume (m³) : Direct Pouring Others/ Specify Top of Casing (TOC) Elev. (m) : a. Design Date: b. Estimated Delivery Receiving on-site ` Design Compressive Strength (psi) : Testing On-site Pouring Time Conc. Volume (m³) Mortar Placement Monitoring Concrete Depth from TOC (measured from sounding ) Docket Number Truck Number Time of Batching Time of Testing * Slump Time: Mortar Supplier : No. of Samples Start End Truck Cumulative Before Pouring Load Qty. Qty. (m) A Rise After Pouring (After Pouring (m) Before Pouring) B C=B-A Tremie Length (m) Before Pouring (m) Embedment (m) D E=D-A REMARKS ** INTERRUPTIONS / DELAYS (Workability) Duration Break longer than 15 minutes: T= minutes From Hr:min. To Hr:min. Break longer than 15 minutes: T= minutes From Hr:min. To Hr:min. Remarks: Filled by: Checked by: Approved by: Noted by: (Name, Signature, and Date) (Name, Signature, and Date) (Name, Signature, and Date) (Name, Signature, and Date) (Name, Signature, and Date) BFPI - OPERATIONS ENGINEER BFPI - QA/QC ENGINEER CONSTRUCTION - SFTE Joint Venture QAQC ENGINEER - SFTE Joint Venture GC - ENGINEER P2469 QER.06.KP_0.BFPI 07.2021 THIS IS A CONTROLLED FORM Date: KING POST PILE BACKFILL RECORDS MMSP-SFTEJV-101-NASITP-QA-(C-) 900009 Shift: ITP Reference No.: Record No: Project: METRO MANILA SUBWAY PROJECT PHASE 1-CP 101 Project No: P2469 DS Location: North Avenue Station Client: SFTE-JV NS Note: Attach Key Plan with "marked" or "highlighted" location requested. King Post Pile Reference No.: Pile Diameter (mm): Pile Type: Top of Casing (TOC) Elev.: Zone/ Area: Existing Ground Elevation: Grid Line / Location: Initial Elevation Final Depth: Elev. Date (mm/dd/yy) Backfilling Start: Time (hh:mm) Date (mm/dd/yy) Est. backfill materials vol. (m3): Backfilling End: Approved Backfill Materials: PARTICULARS Time (hh:mm) SATISFIED/CONFORMED? Yes No REMARKS (if necessary) N/A a. Clear equipment access b. Free from obstructions c. Excavated materials (surplus soil) provided protection/ berm d. Properly compacted f As per approved plan g Removal of excess backfill materials along the pile area. Filled by: (Name, Signature & Date) BFPI - FIELD ENGINEER P2469 QER.07.KP_0.BFPI 07.2021 Checked by: (Name, Signature & Date) BFPI - QA/QC ENGINEER Approved by: (Name, Signature & Date) CONSTRUCTION - SFTE Joint Venture Noted by: (Name, Signature & Date) QAQC ENGINEER - SFTE Joint Venture (Name, Signature & Date) GC - ENGINEER THIS IS A CONTROLLED FORM 13 14 11 12 10 9 8 7 6 4 5 3 2 1 K K BORED PILE SCHEDULE 2 J I H 5 BORED PILE SCHEDULE 2 BORED PILE SCHEDULE 2 BORED PILE SCHEDULE 2 Mark N/S E/W Mark N/S E/W Mark N/S E/W Mark N/S E/W B-1 B-2 B-3 B-4 B-5 B-6 B-7 B-8 B-9 B-10 B-11 B-12 B-13 B-14 B-15 B-16 B-17 B-18 B-19 B-20 B-21 1621246336 1621247898 1621249468 1621251030 1621242925 1621244487 1621246058 1621247619 1621239027 1621240589 1621242160 1621243721 1621235617 1621237178 1621238749 1621240311 1621231719 1621233280 1621234851 1621236412 1621228308 503810555 503803773 503796951 503790169 503809770 503802987 503796166 503789383 503808872 503802090 503795268 503788486 503808087 503801305 503794483 503787700 503807190 503800407 503793586 503786803 503806404 B-22 B-23 B-24 B-25 B-26 B-27 B-28 B-29 B-30 B-31 B-32 B-33 B-34 B-35 B-36 B-37 B-38 B-39 B-40 B-41 B-42 1621229869 1621231440 1621233002 1621224410 1621225971 1621227542 1621230273 1621220999 1621222561 1621224131 1621225693 1621217101 1621218663 1621220233 1621221795 1621213690 1621215252 1621216823 1621218384 1621209792 1621211354 503799622 503792800 503786018 503805507 503798724 503791903 503785389 503804721 503797939 503791117 503784335 503803824 503797041 503790220 503783437 503803039 503796256 503789435 503782652 503802141 503795359 B-43 B-44 B-45 B-46 B-47 B-48 B-49 B-50 B-51 B-52 B-53 B-54 B-55 B-56 B-57 B-58 B-59 B-60 B-61 B-62 B-63 1621212925 1621214486 1621206381 1621207943 1621209514 1621211075 1621202483 1621204045 1621205616 1621207177 1621199073 1621199952 1621201523 1621203767 1621195175 1621196736 1621198307 1621199869 1621191764 1621193326 1621194896 503788537 503781755 503801356 503794573 503787752 503780969 503800458 503793676 503786854 503780072 503799673 503792733 503785912 503779286 503798776 503791993 503785171 503778389 503797990 503791208 503784386 B-64 B-65 B-66 B-67 B-68 B-69 B-70 B-71 B-72 B-73 B-74 B-75 B-76 B-77 B-78 B-79 B-80 B-81 B-82 B-83 B-84 1621196458 1621187866 1621189428 1621190998 1621192560 1621184455 1621186017 1621187587 1621189149 1621180557 1621182119 1621183689 1621185251 1621177146 1621178708 1621180279 1621181840 1621173248 1621174810 1621176381 1621177942 503777604 503797093 503790310 503783489 503776706 503796307 503789525 503782703 503775921 503795410 503788627 503781806 503775023 503794625 503787842 503781021 503774238 503793727 503786945 503780123 503773340 6 7 7500 8 7500 9 7500 10 7500 11 7500 12 7500 J I H 13 7500 14 7500 15 7500 7500 G G 3500 4000 2000 2000 3500 2000 4000 2000 3500 4000 2000 2000 3500 2000 4000 2000 3500 2000 4000 2000 3500 4000 2000 2000 3500 2000 4000 2000 3500 4000 2000 2000 3500 2000 4000 2000 3500 2000 4000 2000 2000 3550 F B-1 B-5 B-9 B-13 B-17 B-21 B-25 B-29 B-33 B-37 B-41 B-45 B-49 B-53 B-57 B-61 B-65 B-69 B-73 B-77 B-81 F 6960 3550 A B 3500 6910 3410 1300 E B-6 B-10 B-14 B-18 B-22 B-26 B-30 B-34 B-38 B-42 B-46 B-50 B-54 B-58 B-62 B-66 B-70 B-74 B-78 B-82 E 3410 6910 3500 7000 C B-2 B-7 B-11 B-15 B-19 B-23 B-27 B-31 B-35 B-39 B-43 B-47 B-51 B-55 B-59 B-63 B-67 B-71 B-75 B-79 B-83 6960 D D B-3 D 3550 3550 800 E B-4 B-8 B-12 B-16 B-20 B-24 B-28 B-32 B-36 B-40 B-44 B-48 B-52 B-56 B-60 B-64 B-68 B-72 B-76 B-80 B-84 C C BORED PILE B KEYPLAN: 1 : 150 B B Prepared by: CONTRACTOR Approved by: DESIGNER Approved by: REVISION DATE PROJECT DESCRIPTION METRO MANILA SUBWAY PROJECT PHASE-1 Project Manager DOTr, PMO 13 12 Undersecretary For Railway, DOTr Shimizu - Fujita - Takenaka - EEI Joint Venture 11 10 PRC No. Validity: IAPOA No. O.R. No. PTR No. DATE: Place: TIN: 9 KIYOSHI MIMURA Project Manager SFTE JV Technical Design NORTH AVENUE STATION BORED PILES ARCHITECT / STRUCTURAL ENGINEER / ETC. Republic of the Philippines 14 STAGE Initial Design DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION A PACKAGE CP101 PROJECTION TITLE Construction Design Third Angle DATE: 12/10/21 SCALE: INTENDED FORMAT: As Built A1 SHEET DRAWING NO. 8 7 / / /7 3 MMSP-SFTEJV-101-NAS-DWG-C-200003 Shimizu - Fujita - Takenaka - EEI Joint Venture 6 5 4 3 A 1 : 150 2 1 REV A 12/10/2021 3:40:49 pm Checked by: 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 NORTH AVENUE STATION TEMPORARY DESIGN K GROUND PLAN(1) K S=1/200 B-1 - B-100 J J 5 6 I 7 7500 8 7500 9 7500 10 7500 11 7500 12 7500 13 7500 7500 14 15 7500 16 7500 B - B 17 7500 18 7500 I 7500 C - C B-9 B-13 B-17 B-21 B-25 B-29 B-33 B-37 B-41 B-45 B-49 B-53 B-57 B-61 B-65 B-69 B-73 B-77 B-81 B-85 B-87 B-89 B-93 B-6 B-10 B-14 B-18 B-22 B-26 B-30 B-34 B-38 B-42 B-46 B-50 B-54 B-58 B-62 B-66 B-70 B-74 B-78 B-82 B-90 B-94 B-7 B-11 B-15 B-19 B-23 B-27 B-31 B-35 B-39 B-43 B-47 B-51 B-55 B-59 B-63 B-67 B-71 B-75 B-79 B-83 B-91 B-95 B-64 B-68 B-72 B-76 B-80 B-84 B-92 B-96 7000 B-2 B-3 F B-98 B-102 B-99 B-103 B-100 B-104 F 6960 B-12 B-16 B-20 B-24 B-28 B-32 B-36 B-40 B-44 B-48 B-52 B-56 B-60 B-86 2800 1200 B-88 4550 2950 E 6550 B-8 6550 E G 3300 6960 4200 B-4 B-101 7000 G B-97 6960 B-5 6960 B-1 6550 H 6550 H D D 4100 3500 4000 3500 4000 3500 4000 3500 4000 3500 4000 3500 4000 3500 4000 3500 4000 3500 4000 3500 4000 3500 4000 3500 4000 3500 4000 C C KEY PLAN 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 Legend A B B King Post C :H-428×407×20×35 φ1200 D E A - A B - B C - C D - D CONTRACTOR DESIGNER REVISION A DESCRIPTION DATE 22/JUL/20 PROJECT METRO MANILA SUBWAY PROJECT PHASE 1 TITLE First Submission GROUND PLAN(1) Shimizu - Fujita - Takenaka - EEI Joint Venture 12 11 10 STAGE Initial Design NORTH AVENUE STATION TEMPORARY DESIGN Republic of the Philippines 13 PACKAGE CP101 PROJECTION 22/JUL/21 DATE SCALE DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION A 14 B 9 8 B-1 - B-100 Shimizu - Fujita - Takenaka - EEI Joint Venture 7 6 5 4 Technical Design Construction Design Third Angle INTENDED FORMAT A1 As Built SHEET REV DRAWING No. MMSP-SFTEJV-101-NAS-SHD-TP-100001 3 2 A 1 : 200 1 1 9 A 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 2 1 NOTE: Kingpost layout in this drawing is reference only. Layout shall follow plan drawings. NORTH AVENUE STATION TEMPORARY DESIGN K 3 K CROSS SECTION(2) SECTION B-B & C-C (B-5 - B-332) S=1/150 J KING POST CONNECTION +136.50m S=1/15 1100 +136.40m 40 40 407 60 60 60 60 40 40 1 160 85 160 1 1 1 405 407 13400 14900 I φ25 5 60 40 205 40 60 +136.50m J I 40 5@65=325 80 5@65=325 40 407 810 1 160 60 2@80 =160 60 600 :Filling with Mortal(σck=1MPa) 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 22 22 22 428 428 2500 200 A B Concrete σck=40N/mm2 C 500 B 800 600 2000 2500 29 D 6@200=1200 12 Stud 22φx150 n=28 Yielding strength above 235N/mm2 C 200 11 6@200=1200 10 D 600 800 600 600 9 Extra Concrete Stud 22φx150 n=28 Yielding strength above 235N/mm2 Concrete σck=40N/mm2 1200 KEY PLAN 8 S=1/25 SECTION Stud 22φx150 Yielding strength above 235N/mm2 C 7 L=95mm (18bolts) H-428x407x20x35 200 104 104 6 2PL-16×280×460 Extra Concrete :Filling with Concrete(σck=40MPa) 5 F 600 :Filling with Extra Concrete(σck=40MPa) 4 H.T.B(F10T) M22 E PLAN :Filling with Surplus Soil 3 407 1200 LEGEND 2 1 6550 KING POST BORED PILE 1 405 4PL-22×160×810 E D 1 L=120mm (48bolts) Web 6960 G 60 40 205 40 60 40 2PL-22×405×810 Flange 2000 1200 22 2800 7000 34020 36420 2@75 80 2@75 =150 =150 460 16 B 500 6960 40 Splice Plate 1200 6550 H 60 40 60 22 74 280 74 29100 28500 13500 40 500 F 40 2500 800 3300 G φ25 5 22 10300 26900 29100 H E A - A B - B C - C D - D CONTRACTOR DESIGNER REVISION A DESCRIPTION DATE 22/JUL/20 METRO MANILA SUBWAY PROJECT PHASE 1 TITLE First Submission CROSS SECTION(2) Shimizu - Fujita - Takenaka - EEI Joint Venture 13 12 11 10 STAGE Initial Design NORTH AVENUE STATION TEMPORARY DESIGN Republic of the Philippines 14 PACKAGE CP101 PROJECTION 22/JUL/21 DATE SCALE DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION A PROJECT 9 8 SECTION B-B & C-C (B-5 - B-332) Shimizu - Fujita - Takenaka - EEI Joint Venture 7 6 5 4 3 Technical Design Construction Design Third Angle INTENDED FORMAT A1 As Built SHEET REV DRAWING No. MMSP-SFTEJV-101-NAS-SHD-TP-100005 2 A 1 : 150,1:25,1:15 1 5 9 A Wendy Sy Structure Inspector October 21, 2021 2PM Date: KING POST PILE SET-OUT DOCUMENTATION ITP Reference no.: Record No.: Project : Project No. : Location : Client: King Post Pile Ref. ID No.: IFC Drawing Ref: Rev. No. / Date: A. POSITION MEASUREMENT / CHECK Casing Center Design Pile Location (Coordinates) Actual Casing Location (Coordinates) Offset / Dev., e (m) Difference Tolerance for Offset Top of Casing / Dev. ,e max (m) (TOC) Elevation NORTHING OK EASTING NO Existing Ground Level (EGL) B. INCLINATION MEASUREMENT / CHECK Reference Axis (900) Position Design Pile Inclination X - Axis 90° Y - Axis 90° Actual Inclination Tolerance (mm / m) Remarks Note : * Refer to the values set out in the Inspection and Test Plan Comments: Filled By: Checked By: Approved By: Noted by: (Name, Signature, and Date) (Name, Signature, and Date) (Name, Signature, and Date) (Name, Signature, and Date) BFPI - SURVEYOR BFPI - BFPI QAQC ENGINEER CONSTRUCTION - JOINT VENTURE QAQC ENGINEER - JOINT VENTURE P2469 QER.01.KP_0.BFPI 07.2021 (Name, Signature, and Date) GC ENGINEER THIS IS A CONTROLLED FORM Date: KING POST PILE H-BEAM REINFORCEMENT RECORD ITP Reference No.: Record No.: Project: Project No.: Location: Client: King Post Pile Ref. ID No.: Pile Type: IFC/Approved Shop Dwg Ref. : Rev. No./ Date: H-BEAMS FABRICATION CHECK Materials Details Checked: H-Beam Section No. (from top) Main H-Beams Design H-Beams Size. (mm) Actual H-Beams Size. (mm) Bolts/ Nuts Joint Connection Conformed Qty. (pcs) Bolt/ Nuts Dia. (mm) Yes No Stud Bolts Details Studs Bolts Conformed Qty. (pcs) Ø(mm) Length (mm) Yes No Steel Spacer Conformed No. of Layers H-Beam Joint Connection Details No. per Layer (pcs) Yes No INSPECTION CHECKSHEET Item Conformed/ Satisfied Activities to be Checked H-Beam OK REMARKS NO 1 Checked rebar/ fabrication engineer holding latest approved AFC drawing during fabrication 2 Checked no. of holes at joint per connection system 5 Checked spacing of bolts on flange and webs based on the drawing 6 Checked H-Beams fabrication with temporary support on the bottom to avoid possible distortion 7 Checked H-Beam be free from rust, rust pits, scale, oil, moisture, or other deleterious matter that would affect welding operation 8 Checked H-Beams secure in position / fixing elements adequate - bolted/ torque H-Beams Fabrication 9 Checked h-beam based on the inspected segments and verified tagging's per pile schedule 10 Check welded connection of steel spacer to H-beam 4nos. per layer in accordance to IFC drawing Stud Bolts 11 Checked provision of markings on H-beams for stud bolt welding 12 Stud bolts shall be free from rust, scale, oil, moisture, or other deleterious matter. 13 Checked spacing/ distance of stud bolts center to center based on the IFC drawing 14 Visually checked welded stud bolts to determine 360⁰ full flash with no evidence of undercut into stud base 15 Visually checked welded stud bolts to ensure no discontinuities; Checked completely and acceptable 16 Bend Test performed based on the specification: 30⁰ from its original axis. 17 Bend tested of 5% for every 28 nos. studs/ king post. ( 1no. each side) 18 Follower beams secure in position / fixing elements adequate prior to lifting - holes/ bolted/ torque 19 Check dimensions, sizes of stud bolts 20 Spacers welded/ installed on correct position & spacing in accordance to IFC drawing Installation 20 Check if follower beams used has correct length and adequate capacity to hold H-beam during connection & final section installation. 21 H-beams clean / free of mud prior to lowering / installation to borehole. - wash by water spraying as necessary. 23 Checked at correct elevations, position & center at the borehole 24 Checked installation/ properly fixed and correct positioning of guide frame upon lowering of H-beam 25 Vertical joint support (welding flange/ bolts) between H-beam and follower adequate to carry weight during lifting / hanging. Filed by: Checked by: (Name, Signature, and Date) (Name, Signature, and Date) BFPI REBAR ENGINEER BFPI QA/QC ENGINEER P2469 QER.04A.KP_0.BFPI 07.2021 Approved by: (Name, Signature, and Date) CONSTRUCTION - SFTE Joint Venture Noted by: (Name, Signature, and Date) QAQC ENGINEER - SFTE Joint Venture (Name, Signature, and Date) GC - ENGINEER THIS IS A CONTROLLED FORM 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 NORTH AVENUE STATION TEMPORARY DESIGN K GROUND PLAN(4) K S=1/200 A-1 - A-20 J J 1 2 I 3 6500 4 7500 5 7500 6 7500 7 7500 7500 I 7500 A - A 30050 250 1200 7250 H A 3550 A-1 B 4100 A-14 B-5 3750 5750 1850 A-8 A-11 3800 5500 4800 3400 B-13 B-17 G B-2 A-5 B-9 A-18 8050 4100 A-10 A-15 A-19 650 6910 F A-7 B-1 4100 5400 B-6 B-10 B-14 B-18 1850 B-3 B-7 B-11 B-15 B-19 B-8 B-12 B-16 B-20 F 8050 C 4000 A-2 34020 36420 6910 5300 A-4 5850 7000 G 3000 6550 20000 A-17 6960 8635 6550 A-13 D 3550 A-3 A-6 A-9 A-12 A-16 6960 H A-20 B-4 6550 E 1200 6550 E 8635 E D D Secant Pile Wall H-500x200x10x16@700mm 6500 4000 4100 4100 5500 4000 4100 3500 4000 3500 4000 3500 C C KEY PLAN 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 Legend A B B :H-428×407×20×35 φ1200 D E A - A B - B C - C DESIGNER REVISION A DESCRIPTION DATE 22/JUL/20 PROJECT METRO MANILA SUBWAY PROJECT PHASE 1 TITLE First Submission 11 10 STAGE Initial Design NORTH AVENUE STATION TEMPORARY DESIGN GROUND PLAN(4) Shimizu - Fujita - Takenaka - EEI Joint Venture 12 PACKAGE CP101 PROJECTION Republic of the Philippines 13 :H-500×200×10×16 @700mm 22/JUL/21 DATE SCALE DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION A B D - D CONTRACTOR 14 Steel Pile Wall King Post C 9 8 A-1 - A-20 Shimizu - Fujita - Takenaka - EEI Joint Venture 7 6 5 4 Technical Design Construction Design Third Angle INTENDED FORMAT A1 As Built SHEET REV DRAWING No. MMSP-SFTEJV-101-NAS-SHD-TP-100007 3 2 A 1 : 200 1 7 9 A 13 14 11 12 10 9 8 7 6 4 5 3 2 1 K K BORED PILE SCHEDULE 1 BORED PILE SCHEDULE 1 Mark N/S E/W Mark N/S E/W A-1 A-2 A-3 A-4 A-5 A-6 A-7 A-8 A-9 A-10 1621271873 1621275287 1621275777 1621267975 1621269927 1621271879 1621263980 1621265250 1621267884 1621259984 503814629 503806487 503797673 503813731 503805253 503796775 503812811 503804176 503795855 503811892 A-11 A-12 A-13 A-14 A-15 A-16 A-17 A-18 A-19 A-20 1621261936 1621263888 1621256314 1621256330 1621257941 1621258529 1621253390 1621250726 1621252679 1621254631 503803413 503794935 503816690 503811050 503802493 503793701 503816017 503809760 503801282 503792804 J J I I H H 1 2 3 4 5 6100 3740 3000 A-13 G 5200 4000 4100 1300 2700 3550 1790 1760 A 6910 F A-1 700 A-4 3750 3400 A-7 G 5750 350 A-10 2100 A-14 A-18 F 8700 B 4100 A-17 3700 5500 4800 3400 4100 5400 C A-2 E 5200 1760 1790 3550 D D A-8 A-11 A-15 A-19 E 8700 6910 E A-5 4000 A-3 4100 A-6 4100 A-9 5500 A-12 4000 A-16 A-20 D BORED PILE A 1 : 150 C C KEYPLAN: B B Prepared by: CONTRACTOR Approved by: DESIGNER Approved by: REVISION DATE PROJECT DESCRIPTION METRO MANILA SUBWAY PROJECT PHASE-1 Project Manager DOTr, PMO 13 12 Undersecretary For Railway, DOTr Shimizu - Fujita - Takenaka - EEI Joint Venture 11 10 PRC No. Validity: IAPOA No. O.R. No. PTR No. DATE: Place: TIN: 9 KIYOSHI MIMURA Project Manager SFTE JV Technical Design NORTH AVENUE STATION BORED PILES ARCHITECT / STRUCTURAL ENGINEER / ETC. Republic of the Philippines 14 STAGE Initial Design DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION A PACKAGE CP101 PROJECTION TITLE Construction Design Third Angle DATE: 12/10/21 SCALE: INTENDED FORMAT: As Built A1 SHEET DRAWING NO. 8 7 / / /7 2 MMSP-SFTEJV-101-NAS-DWG-C-200002 Shimizu - Fujita - Takenaka - EEI Joint Venture 6 5 4 3 A 1 : 150 2 1 REV A 12/10/2021 3:40:49 pm Checked by: 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 2 1 NOTE: Kingpost layout in this drawing is reference only. Layout shall follow plan drawings. NORTH AVENUE STATION TEMPORARY DESIGN K 3 K CROSS SECTION(4) SECTION A-A (A-1 - A-20) S=1/150 J KING POST CONNECTION +136.50m S=1/15 φ25 5 40 40 407 60 60 60 60 40 40 1 160 85 160 1 1 14200 14900 I 405 407 1 1200 +136.40m 60 40 205 40 60 +136.50m J I 40 5@65=325 80 5@65=325 40 407 810 1 160 14200 2640 800 2@75 80 2@75 =150 =150 460 22 16 G 60 40 205 40 60 40 1 405 1 407 H.T.B(F10T) M22 2PL-22×405×810 L=120mm (48bolts) F 4PL-22×160×810 500 3440 Flange 428 428 40 40 Splice Plate F 22 22 22 60 2@80 =160 60 11760 40 22 74 280 74 30560 30100 28400 30560 G H 60 40 60 φ25 5 22 H Web L=95mm (18bolts) 2PL-16×280×460 1200 8310 8700 8700 1200 8310 34020 36420 E 1200 E KING POST BORED PILE S=1/25 LEGEND D D PLAN :Filling with Surplus Soil :Filling with Mortal(σck=1MPa) :Filling with Extra Concrete(σck=40MPa) :Filling with Concrete(σck=40MPa) 600 H-428x407x20x35 C C 600 KEY PLAN 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 600 A 600 Concrete σck=40N/mm2 B B 1200 B C D E A - A B - B C - C D - D CONTRACTOR DESIGNER REVISION A DESCRIPTION DATE 22/JUL/20 METRO MANILA SUBWAY PROJECT PHASE 1 TITLE First Submission CROSS SECTION(4) Shimizu - Fujita - Takenaka - EEI Joint Venture 13 12 11 10 STAGE Initial Design NORTH AVENUE STATION TEMPORARY DESIGN Republic of the Philippines 14 PACKAGE CP101 PROJECTION 22/JUL/21 DATE SCALE DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION A PROJECT 9 8 SECTION A-A (A-1 - A-20) Shimizu - Fujita - Takenaka - EEI Joint Venture 7 6 5 4 3 Technical Design Construction Design Third Angle INTENDED FORMAT A1 As Built SHEET REV DRAWING No. MMSP-SFTEJV-101-NAS-SHD-TP-100008 2 A 1 : 150,1:25,1:15 1 8 9 A Wendy Sy Structure Inspector October 21, 2021 2PM Date: KING POST PILE DRILLING DOCUMENTATION ITP Reference No.: MMSP-SFTEJV-101-NAS-ITPQA-(C-) 900009 Record No.: Project: METRO MANILA SUBWAY PROJECT PHASE 1-CP 101 Location: North Avenue Station PILE REFERENCE Project No.: P2469 Client: SFTE-JV DRILLING RECORD King Post Pile Ref. ID No. Depth from TOC (m) Pile Type Time (hh:mm) * Tool Used B, C) (A, TOC EL. Soil Description EGL (from TOC) _____________________ ____________________ Pile Diameter (m) Top of Casing (TOC) Elev. Existing Ground (EGL) Elev. (m) Design Pile Toe Elevation (m) Design Drill Depth fr. TOC (m) Actual Drill Depth (m) BORING/DRILL EQUIPMENT Type Operator BORE SUPPORT □ Fully Cased □ Starter Casing, _________ m FLUID TYPE □ Water □ Bentonite □ Polymer □ None BORING/DRILL RECORD Date (mm/dd/yy) Drilling Start Time (hh:mm) Date (mm/dd/yy) Drilling End Time (hh:mm) Filled by: (Name, Signature, and Date) BFPI - OPERATIONS ENGINEER Checked by: (Name, Signature, and Date) BFPI - QA/QC ENGINEER Approved by: (Name, Signature, and Date) CONSTRUCTION - SFTE Joint Venture (Name, Signature, and Date) QAQC Engineer- SFTE Joint Venture Noted by: (Name, Signature, and Date) GC ENGINEER Remarks: ________________________ DESIGN TOE EL. * Tool Used for Drilling (input initial): ___________ ______________________ ACTUAL TOE EL. A - Auger B - Drilling Bucket C - Core Barrel P2469 QER.02.KP_0.BFPI 07.2021 Toe cleaning method: □ Cleaning Bucket □ Air Lifting THIS IS A CONTROLLED FORM Date: KING POST PILE POLYMER SLURRY TEST RECORD ITP Reference No.: MMSP-SFTEJV-101-NAS-ITP-QA(C-) 900009 Record No.: Project : METRO MANILA SUBWAY PROJECT PHASE 1-CP 101 Project No. : Location : North Avenue Station Client: King Post Pile Ref. ID No.: Polymer: MIXING PARAMETER / RATIO Water : m3 Source: Slurry : Slurry : Brand: Brand: m3 Reminder: Fresh Slurry sampling / testing should be carried after mix has achieved required curing time in the material specification. FRESH MIX Date mm-dd-yy Time Hr:min. Marsh Funnel Viscosity (Sec/Ltr) pH [40-100] [7 to 11] Density (kg/Ltr.) Sand Content (%) [ <1.10] [N/A] Sample Location (Tank No.) Remarks every fresh mix RE-FRESHING / RECYCLING Date mm-dd-yy Time Hr:min. Marsh Funnel Viscosity (Sec/Ltr) pH [40-100] [7 to 11] Density (kg/Ltr.) Sand Content (%) [ <1.10] [N/A] Sample Location (Tank No.) Remarks every mix, before mixing and after mixing PILE SHAFT (DURING DRILLING) Date mm-dd-yy Time Hr:min. Marsh Funnel Viscosity (Sec/Ltr) pH [40-100] [7 to 11] Density (kg/Ltr.) Sand Content (%) [ <1.25] [N/A] Level of Sample from Bore Hole Toe Remarks 1 @ mid depth of drilling (Check applicable) De-sanding and □ Recycling By using □ Replacement □ Airlifting Date /Time Start: □ Pump Date / Time Finished: SHAFT (BEFORE CONCRETING) Date Time Marsh Funnel Viscosity (Sec/Ltr) mm-dd-yy Hr:min. [40-90] pH Density (kg/Ltr.) Sand Content (%) [N/A] [1.00 to 1.10] [ <1.0%] Level of Sample from Bore Hole Toe Remarks Minimum test: 1 - after finished the drilling 1 - after final cleaning If SHAFT (BEFORE CONCRETING) for WATER USED Date mm-dd-yy Time Hr:min. Marsh Funnel Viscosity (Sec/Ltr) pH [N/A] [7 to 11] Prepared / Checked by: (Name, Signature, and Date) BFPI QA/QC ENGINEER P2469 QER.03.KP_0.BFPI 07.2021 Density (kg/Ltr.) Sand Content (%) [N/A] [ <1.0%] Level of Sample from Bore Hole Toe Approved by: Remarks Noted by: (Name, Signature, and Date) (Name, Signature, and Date) (Name, Signature, and Date) CONSTRUCTION - SFTE Joint Venture QAQC ENGINEER - SFTE Joint Venture GC ENGINEER THIS IS A CONTROLLED FORM Date: KING POST PILE H-BEAM REINFORCEMENT RECORD ITP Reference No.: MMSP-SFTEJV-101-NAS-ITP-QA-(C-) 900009 Record No.: Project: METRO MANILA SUBWAY PROJECT PHASE 1-CP 101 Project No.: Location: North Avenue Station Client: King Post Pile Ref. ID No.: P2469 SFTE-JV Pile Type: IFC/Approved Shop Dwg Ref. : Rev. No./ Date: H-BEAMS FABRICATION CHECK Materials Details Checked: H-Beam Section No. (from top) Main H-Beams Design H-Beams Size. (mm) Bolts/ Nuts Joint Connection Qty. (pcs) Actual H-Beams Size. (mm) Conformed Bolt/ Nuts Dia. (mm) Yes No Stud Bolts Details Studs Bolts Conformed Qty. (pcs) Ø(mm) Length (mm) Yes No Steel Spacer Conformed No. of Layers H-Beam Joint Connection Details No. per Layer (pcs) Yes No INSPECTION CHECKSHEET Item Conformed/ Satisfied Activities to be Checked H-Beam OK REMARKS NO 1 Checked rebar/ fabrication engineer holding latest approved AFC drawing during fabrication 2 Checked no. of holes at joint per connection system 5 Checked spacing of bolts on flange and webs based on the drawing 6 Checked H-Beams fabrication with temporary support on the bottom to avoid possible distortion 7 Checked H-Beam be free from rust, rust pits, scale, oil, moisture, or other deleterious matter that would affect welding operation 8 Checked H-Beams secure in position / fixing elements adequate - bolted/ torque H-Beams Fabrication 9 Checked h-beam based on the inspected segments and verified tagging's per pile schedule 10 Check welded connection of steel spacer to H-beam 4nos. per layer in accordance to IFC drawing Stud Bolts 11 Checked provision of markings on H-beams for stud bolt welding 12 Stud bolts shall be free from rust, scale, oil, moisture, or other deleterious matter. 13 Checked spacing/ distance of stud bolts center to center based on the IFC drawing 14 Visually checked welded stud bolts to determine 360⁰ full flash with no evidence of undercut into stud base 15 Visually checked welded stud bolts to ensure no discontinuities; Checked completely and acceptable 16 Bend Test performed based on the specification: 30⁰ from its original axis. 17 Bend tested of 5% for every 28 nos. studs/ king post. ( 1no. each side) 18 Follower beams secure in position / fixing elements adequate prior to lifting - holes/ bolted/ torque 19 Check dimensions, sizes of stud bolts 20 Spacers welded/ installed on correct position & spacing in accordance to IFC drawing Installation 20 Check if follower beams used has correct length and adequate capacity to hold H-beam during connection & final section installation. 21 H-beams clean / free of mud prior to lowering / installation to borehole. - wash by water spraying as necessary. 23 Checked at correct elevations, position & center at the borehole 24 Checked installation/ properly fixed and correct positioning of guide frame upon lowering of H-beam 25 Vertical joint support (welding flange/ bolts) between H-beam and follower adequate to carry weight during lifting / hanging. Filed by: Checked by: (Name, Signature, and Date) (Name, Signature, and Date) BFPI OPS ENGINEER BFPI QA/QC ENGINEER P2469 QER.04A.KP_0.BFPI 07.2021 Approved by: (Name, Signature, and Date) CONSTRUCTION -SFTE Joint Venture Noted by: (Name, Signature, and Date) QAQC ENGINEER - SFTE Joint Venture (Name, Signature, and Date) GC - ENGINEER THIS IS A CONTROLLED FORM Date: KING POST PILE H-BEAM REINFORCEMENT RECORD MMSP-SFTEJV-101-NAS-ITPQA-(C-) 900009 ITP Reference No.: Record No.: Project: METRO MANILA SUBWAY PROJECT PHASE 1-CP 101 Location: North Avenue Station Project No.: P2469 SFTE-JV Client: King Post Pile Ref. ID No.: Pile Type: IFC/Approved Shop Dwg Ref. : Rev. No./ Date: H-BEAMS FABRICATION CHECK AA BB DD CC Top of H-Beam Elev._ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ Elev. _____________ = Offset Elevation: ___________ - Dist. from Offset to Bottom elev. of follower Beam: ____________ EGL _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Elev. _________________ H-Beam Section : ______________ Design Length: _______m + _______m = _________m Acrual Length: _______m + _______m = _________m Spacers: Distance of spacer center to center : ______________ No. of Layer: ______________ No. of spacer per layer: ________________ Bottom Elevation of H-Beam._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Elev. _________________ Toe Elev of Borehole.._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Elev. _________________ REMARKS: Filed by: Checked by: (Name, Signature, and Date) (Name, Signature, and Date) BFPI OPS ENGINEER BFPI QA/QC ENGINEER P2469 QER.04B.KP_0.BFPI 07.2021 Approved by: (Name, Signature, and Date) CONSTRUCTION -SFTE Joint Venture Noted by: (Name, Signature, and Date) QAQC ENGINEER - SFTE Joint Venture (Name, Signature, and Date) GC - ENGINEER THIS IS A CONTROLLED FORM Date: KING POST PILE CONCRETING RECORD ITP Reference No. MMSP-SFTEJV-101-NAS-ITP-QA-(C-) 900009 Record No.: Project: METRO MANILA SUBWAY PROJECT PHASE 1-CP 101 Project No.: P2469 Location: North Avenue Station Client: SFTE-JV King Post Pile Ref. No. : Top of Casing (TOC) Elev. (m) : Concrete level fr. TOC (m): Date of Concreting: Pile Diameter (mm) : Cut-off Level (COL) Elev. (m) : a. Target Concrete Supplier : Design Pile Length (m ): Cut-off Level fr. TOC (m): Concrete Volume (m³) : Design Compressive Strength (psi) : a. Design Existing Ground Level (m) : Delivery Receiving on-site Testing On-site b. Estimated Pouring Time Method of Con. Placement: Direct Pouring Conc. Volume (m³) Note : Truck Number Time of Batching Time of Testing * Slump Ht. 1). * Refer to the values set out in the Inspection and Test Plan No. of Samples Start End Truck Load Cumulativ Qty. e Qty. 2). ** Depth from TOC to Actual Pile Toe Level (Prior to pouring) Concrete Pump Line Pump Others Concrete Pour Monitoring Concrete Depth from TOC (measured from sounding ) Docket Number @ ________ days Before Pouring (m) After Pouring (m) A B Tremie Length (m) Rise (After Before Pouring Pouring (m) Before Pouring) C=B-A D Embedment (m) Distance Remarks Tremie pipe bot. edge to toe level prior to concrete (m) E=D-A 3). Check sedimentation from previous depth measurement (prior to pouring) INTERRUPTIONS / DELAYS (Workability) Duration Break longer than 15 minutes: T= minutes From Hr:min. To To Hr:min. Break longer than 15 minutes: T= minutes From Hr:min. To To Hr:min. Remarks: Filled by: (Name, Signature, and Date) BFPI - OPERATIONS ENGINEER P2469 QER.05.KP_0.BFPI 07.2021 Checked by: (Name, Signature, and Date) BFPI - QA/QC ENGINEER Approved by: (Name, Signature, and Date) QA/QC ENGINEER -SFTE Joint Venture Noted by: (Name, Signature, and Date) CONSTRUCTION - SFTE Joint Venture (Name, Signature, and Date) GC - ENGINEER THIS IS A CONTROLLED FORM Date: MMSP-SFTEJV-101-NAS-ITP-QA-(C-) ITP Reference No.: 900009 Record No.: KING POST PILE MORTAR PLACEMENT RECORD Project: METRO MANILA SUBWAY PROJECT PHASE 1-CP 101 Location: North Avenue Station P2469 Project No.: SFTE-JV Client King Post Pile Ref. No. : Cut-off Level (COL) Elev. (m) : Method of Mortar Placement: Mortar placement: Pile Diameter (mm) : Existing Concrete Level fr. TOC (m): Tremie Pipe Concrete Pump Design Pile Length (m ): Mortar Volume (m³) : Direct Pouring Others/ Specify Top of Casing (TOC) Elev. (m) : a. Design Date: b. Estimated Delivery Receiving on-site ` Design Compressive Strength (psi) : Testing On-site Pouring Time Conc. Volume (m³) Mortar Placement Monitoring Concrete Depth from TOC (measured from sounding ) Docket Number Truck Number Time of Batching Time of Testing * Slump Time: Mortar Supplier : No. of Samples Start End Truck Cumulative Before Pouring Load Qty. Qty. (m) A Rise After Pouring (After Pouring (m) Before Pouring) B C=B-A Tremie Length (m) Before Pouring (m) Embedment (m) D E=D-A REMARKS ** INTERRUPTIONS / DELAYS (Workability) Duration Break longer than 15 minutes: T= minutes From Hr:min. To Hr:min. Break longer than 15 minutes: T= minutes From Hr:min. To Hr:min. Remarks: Filled by: Checked by: Approved by: Noted by: (Name, Signature, and Date) (Name, Signature, and Date) (Name, Signature, and Date) (Name, Signature, and Date) (Name, Signature, and Date) BFPI - OPERATIONS ENGINEER BFPI - QA/QC ENGINEER CONSTRUCTION - SFTE Joint Venture QAQC ENGINEER - SFTE Joint Venture GC - ENGINEER P2469 QER.06.KP_0.BFPI 07.2021 THIS IS A CONTROLLED FORM Date: KING POST PILE BACKFILL RECORDS MMSP-SFTEJV-101-NASITP-QA-(C-) 900009 Shift: ITP Reference No.: Record No: Project: METRO MANILA SUBWAY PROJECT PHASE 1-CP 101 Project No: P2469 DS Location: North Avenue Station Client: SFTE-JV NS Note: Attach Key Plan with "marked" or "highlighted" location requested. King Post Pile Reference No.: Pile Diameter (mm): Pile Type: Top of Casing (TOC) Elev.: Zone/ Area: Existing Ground Elevation: Grid Line / Location: Initial Elevation Final Depth: Elev. Date (mm/dd/yy) Backfilling Start: Time (hh:mm) Date (mm/dd/yy) Est. backfill materials vol. (m3): Backfilling End: Approved Backfill Materials: PARTICULARS Time (hh:mm) SATISFIED/CONFORMED? Yes No REMARKS (if necessary) N/A a. Clear equipment access b. Free from obstructions c. Excavated materials (surplus soil) provided protection/ berm d. Properly compacted f As per approved plan g Removal of excess backfill materials along the pile area. Filled by: (Name, Signature & Date) BFPI - FIELD ENGINEER P2469 QER.07.KP_0.BFPI 07.2021 Checked by: (Name, Signature & Date) BFPI - QA/QC ENGINEER Approved by: (Name, Signature & Date) CONSTRUCTION - SFTE Joint Venture Noted by: (Name, Signature & Date) QAQC ENGINEER - SFTE Joint Venture (Name, Signature & Date) GC - ENGINEER THIS IS A CONTROLLED FORM 13 14 11 12 10 9 8 7 6 4 5 3 2 1 K K BORED PILE SCHEDULE 2 J I H 5 BORED PILE SCHEDULE 2 BORED PILE SCHEDULE 2 BORED PILE SCHEDULE 2 Mark N/S E/W Mark N/S E/W Mark N/S E/W Mark N/S E/W B-1 B-2 B-3 B-4 B-5 B-6 B-7 B-8 B-9 B-10 B-11 B-12 B-13 B-14 B-15 B-16 B-17 B-18 B-19 B-20 B-21 1621246336 1621247898 1621249468 1621251030 1621242925 1621244487 1621246058 1621247619 1621239027 1621240589 1621242160 1621243721 1621235617 1621237178 1621238749 1621240311 1621231719 1621233280 1621234851 1621236412 1621228308 503810555 503803773 503796951 503790169 503809770 503802987 503796166 503789383 503808872 503802090 503795268 503788486 503808087 503801305 503794483 503787700 503807190 503800407 503793586 503786803 503806404 B-22 B-23 B-24 B-25 B-26 B-27 B-28 B-29 B-30 B-31 B-32 B-33 B-34 B-35 B-36 B-37 B-38 B-39 B-40 B-41 B-42 1621229869 1621231440 1621233002 1621224410 1621225971 1621227542 1621230273 1621220999 1621222561 1621224131 1621225693 1621217101 1621218663 1621220233 1621221795 1621213690 1621215252 1621216823 1621218384 1621209792 1621211354 503799622 503792800 503786018 503805507 503798724 503791903 503785389 503804721 503797939 503791117 503784335 503803824 503797041 503790220 503783437 503803039 503796256 503789435 503782652 503802141 503795359 B-43 B-44 B-45 B-46 B-47 B-48 B-49 B-50 B-51 B-52 B-53 B-54 B-55 B-56 B-57 B-58 B-59 B-60 B-61 B-62 B-63 1621212925 1621214486 1621206381 1621207943 1621209514 1621211075 1621202483 1621204045 1621205616 1621207177 1621199073 1621199952 1621201523 1621203767 1621195175 1621196736 1621198307 1621199869 1621191764 1621193326 1621194896 503788537 503781755 503801356 503794573 503787752 503780969 503800458 503793676 503786854 503780072 503799673 503792733 503785912 503779286 503798776 503791993 503785171 503778389 503797990 503791208 503784386 B-64 B-65 B-66 B-67 B-68 B-69 B-70 B-71 B-72 B-73 B-74 B-75 B-76 B-77 B-78 B-79 B-80 B-81 B-82 B-83 B-84 1621196458 1621187866 1621189428 1621190998 1621192560 1621184455 1621186017 1621187587 1621189149 1621180557 1621182119 1621183689 1621185251 1621177146 1621178708 1621180279 1621181840 1621173248 1621174810 1621176381 1621177942 503777604 503797093 503790310 503783489 503776706 503796307 503789525 503782703 503775921 503795410 503788627 503781806 503775023 503794625 503787842 503781021 503774238 503793727 503786945 503780123 503773340 6 7 7500 8 7500 9 7500 10 7500 11 7500 12 7500 J I H 13 7500 14 7500 15 7500 7500 G G 3500 4000 2000 2000 3500 2000 4000 2000 3500 4000 2000 2000 3500 2000 4000 2000 3500 2000 4000 2000 3500 4000 2000 2000 3500 2000 4000 2000 3500 4000 2000 2000 3500 2000 4000 2000 3500 2000 4000 2000 2000 3550 F B-1 B-5 B-9 B-13 B-17 B-21 B-25 B-29 B-33 B-37 B-41 B-45 B-49 B-53 B-57 B-61 B-65 B-69 B-73 B-77 B-81 F 6960 3550 A B 3500 6910 3410 1300 E B-6 B-10 B-14 B-18 B-22 B-26 B-30 B-34 B-38 B-42 B-46 B-50 B-54 B-58 B-62 B-66 B-70 B-74 B-78 B-82 E 3410 6910 3500 7000 C B-2 B-7 B-11 B-15 B-19 B-23 B-27 B-31 B-35 B-39 B-43 B-47 B-51 B-55 B-59 B-63 B-67 B-71 B-75 B-79 B-83 6960 D D B-3 D 3550 3550 800 E B-4 B-8 B-12 B-16 B-20 B-24 B-28 B-32 B-36 B-40 B-44 B-48 B-52 B-56 B-60 B-64 B-68 B-72 B-76 B-80 B-84 C C BORED PILE B KEYPLAN: 1 : 150 B B Prepared by: CONTRACTOR Approved by: DESIGNER Approved by: REVISION DATE PROJECT DESCRIPTION METRO MANILA SUBWAY PROJECT PHASE-1 Project Manager DOTr, PMO 13 12 Undersecretary For Railway, DOTr Shimizu - Fujita - Takenaka - EEI Joint Venture 11 10 PRC No. Validity: IAPOA No. O.R. No. PTR No. DATE: Place: TIN: 9 KIYOSHI MIMURA Project Manager SFTE JV Technical Design NORTH AVENUE STATION BORED PILES ARCHITECT / STRUCTURAL ENGINEER / ETC. Republic of the Philippines 14 STAGE Initial Design DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION A PACKAGE CP101 PROJECTION TITLE Construction Design Third Angle DATE: 12/10/21 SCALE: INTENDED FORMAT: As Built A1 SHEET DRAWING NO. 8 7 / / /7 3 MMSP-SFTEJV-101-NAS-DWG-C-200003 Shimizu - Fujita - Takenaka - EEI Joint Venture 6 5 4 3 A 1 : 150 2 1 REV A 12/10/2021 3:40:49 pm Checked by: 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 NORTH AVENUE STATION TEMPORARY DESIGN K GROUND PLAN(1) K S=1/200 B-1 - B-100 J J 5 6 I 7 7500 8 7500 9 7500 10 7500 11 7500 12 7500 13 7500 7500 14 15 7500 16 7500 B - B 17 7500 18 7500 I 7500 C - C B-9 B-13 B-17 B-21 B-25 B-29 B-33 B-37 B-41 B-45 B-49 B-53 B-57 B-61 B-65 B-69 B-73 B-77 B-81 B-85 B-87 B-89 B-93 B-6 B-10 B-14 B-18 B-22 B-26 B-30 B-34 B-38 B-42 B-46 B-50 B-54 B-58 B-62 B-66 B-70 B-74 B-78 B-82 B-90 B-94 B-7 B-11 B-15 B-19 B-23 B-27 B-31 B-35 B-39 B-43 B-47 B-51 B-55 B-59 B-63 B-67 B-71 B-75 B-79 B-83 B-91 B-95 B-64 B-68 B-72 B-76 B-80 B-84 B-92 B-96 7000 B-2 B-3 F B-98 B-102 B-99 B-103 B-100 B-104 F 6960 B-12 B-16 B-20 B-24 B-28 B-32 B-36 B-40 B-44 B-48 B-52 B-56 B-60 B-86 2800 1200 B-88 4550 2950 E 6550 B-8 6550 E G 3300 6960 4200 B-4 B-101 7000 G B-97 6960 B-5 6960 B-1 6550 H 6550 H D D 4100 3500 4000 3500 4000 3500 4000 3500 4000 3500 4000 3500 4000 3500 4000 3500 4000 3500 4000 3500 4000 3500 4000 3500 4000 3500 4000 C C KEY PLAN 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 Legend A B B King Post C :H-428×407×20×35 φ1200 D E A - A B - B C - C D - D CONTRACTOR DESIGNER REVISION A DESCRIPTION DATE 22/JUL/20 PROJECT METRO MANILA SUBWAY PROJECT PHASE 1 TITLE First Submission GROUND PLAN(1) Shimizu - Fujita - Takenaka - EEI Joint Venture 12 11 10 STAGE Initial Design NORTH AVENUE STATION TEMPORARY DESIGN Republic of the Philippines 13 PACKAGE CP101 PROJECTION 22/JUL/21 DATE SCALE DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION A 14 B 9 8 B-1 - B-100 Shimizu - Fujita - Takenaka - EEI Joint Venture 7 6 5 4 Technical Design Construction Design Third Angle INTENDED FORMAT A1 As Built SHEET REV DRAWING No. MMSP-SFTEJV-101-NAS-SHD-TP-100001 3 2 A 1 : 200 1 1 9 A 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 2 1 NOTE: Kingpost layout in this drawing is reference only. Layout shall follow plan drawings. NORTH AVENUE STATION TEMPORARY DESIGN K 3 K CROSS SECTION(2) SECTION B-B & C-C (B-5 - B-332) S=1/150 J KING POST CONNECTION +136.50m S=1/15 1100 +136.40m 40 40 407 60 60 60 60 40 40 1 160 85 160 1 1 1 405 407 13400 14900 I φ25 5 60 40 205 40 60 +136.50m J I 40 5@65=325 80 5@65=325 40 407 810 1 160 60 2@80 =160 60 600 :Filling with Mortal(σck=1MPa) 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 22 22 22 428 428 2500 200 A B Concrete σck=40N/mm2 C 500 B 800 600 2000 2500 29 D 6@200=1200 12 Stud 22φx150 n=28 Yielding strength above 235N/mm2 C 200 11 6@200=1200 10 D 600 800 600 600 9 Extra Concrete Stud 22φx150 n=28 Yielding strength above 235N/mm2 Concrete σck=40N/mm2 1200 KEY PLAN 8 S=1/25 SECTION Stud 22φx150 Yielding strength above 235N/mm2 C 7 L=95mm (18bolts) H-428x407x20x35 200 104 104 6 2PL-16×280×460 Extra Concrete :Filling with Concrete(σck=40MPa) 5 F 600 :Filling with Extra Concrete(σck=40MPa) 4 H.T.B(F10T) M22 E PLAN :Filling with Surplus Soil 3 407 1200 LEGEND 2 1 6550 KING POST BORED PILE 1 405 4PL-22×160×810 E D 1 L=120mm (48bolts) Web 6960 G 60 40 205 40 60 40 2PL-22×405×810 Flange 2000 1200 22 2800 7000 34020 36420 2@75 80 2@75 =150 =150 460 16 B 500 6960 40 Splice Plate 1200 6550 H 60 40 60 22 74 280 74 29100 28500 13500 40 500 F 40 2500 800 3300 G φ25 5 22 10300 26900 29100 H E A - A B - B C - C D - D CONTRACTOR DESIGNER REVISION A DESCRIPTION DATE 22/JUL/20 METRO MANILA SUBWAY PROJECT PHASE 1 TITLE First Submission CROSS SECTION(2) Shimizu - Fujita - Takenaka - EEI Joint Venture 13 12 11 10 STAGE Initial Design NORTH AVENUE STATION TEMPORARY DESIGN Republic of the Philippines 14 PACKAGE CP101 PROJECTION 22/JUL/21 DATE SCALE DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION A PROJECT 9 8 SECTION B-B & C-C (B-5 - B-332) Shimizu - Fujita - Takenaka - EEI Joint Venture 7 6 5 4 3 Technical Design Construction Design Third Angle INTENDED FORMAT A1 As Built SHEET REV DRAWING No. MMSP-SFTEJV-101-NAS-SHD-TP-100005 2 A 1 : 150,1:25,1:15 1 5 9 A Wendy Sy Structure Inspector October 21, 2021 2PM Date: KING POST PILE DRILLING DOCUMENTATION ITP Reference No.: MMSP-SFTEJV-101-NAS-ITPQA-(C-) 900009 Record No.: Project: METRO MANILA SUBWAY PROJECT PHASE 1-CP 101 Location: North Avenue Station PILE REFERENCE Project No.: P2469 Client: SFTE-JV DRILLING RECORD King Post Pile Ref. ID No. Depth from TOC (m) Pile Type Time (hh:mm) * Tool Used B, C) (A, TOC EL. Soil Description EGL (from TOC) _____________________ ____________________ Pile Diameter (m) Top of Casing (TOC) Elev. Existing Ground (EGL) Elev. (m) Design Pile Toe Elevation (m) Design Drill Depth fr. TOC (m) Actual Drill Depth (m) BORING/DRILL EQUIPMENT Type Operator BORE SUPPORT □ Fully Cased □ Starter Casing, _________ m FLUID TYPE □ Water □ Bentonite □ Polymer □ None BORING/DRILL RECORD Date (mm/dd/yy) Drilling Start Time (hh:mm) Date (mm/dd/yy) Drilling End Time (hh:mm) Filled by: (Name, Signature, and Date) BFPI - OPERATIONS ENGINEER Checked by: (Name, Signature, and Date) BFPI - QA/QC ENGINEER Approved by: (Name, Signature, and Date) CONSTRUCTION - SFTE Joint Venture (Name, Signature, and Date) QAQC Engineer- SFTE Joint Venture Noted by: (Name, Signature, and Date) GC ENGINEER Remarks: ________________________ DESIGN TOE EL. * Tool Used for Drilling (input initial): ___________ ______________________ ACTUAL TOE EL. A - Auger B - Drilling Bucket C - Core Barrel P2469 QER.02.KP_0.BFPI 07.2021 Toe cleaning method: □ Cleaning Bucket □ Air Lifting THIS IS A CONTROLLED FORM Date: KING POST PILE POLYMER SLURRY TEST RECORD ITP Reference No.: MMSP-SFTEJV-101-NAS-ITP-QA(C-) 900009 Record No.: Project : METRO MANILA SUBWAY PROJECT PHASE 1-CP 101 Project No. : Location : North Avenue Station Client: King Post Pile Ref. ID No.: Polymer: MIXING PARAMETER / RATIO Water : m3 Source: Slurry : Slurry : Brand: Brand: m3 Reminder: Fresh Slurry sampling / testing should be carried after mix has achieved required curing time in the material specification. FRESH MIX Date mm-dd-yy Time Hr:min. Marsh Funnel Viscosity (Sec/Ltr) pH [40-100] [7 to 11] Density (kg/Ltr.) Sand Content (%) [ <1.10] [N/A] Sample Location (Tank No.) Remarks every fresh mix RE-FRESHING / RECYCLING Date mm-dd-yy Time Hr:min. Marsh Funnel Viscosity (Sec/Ltr) pH [40-100] [7 to 11] Density (kg/Ltr.) Sand Content (%) [ <1.10] [N/A] Sample Location (Tank No.) Remarks every mix, before mixing and after mixing PILE SHAFT (DURING DRILLING) Date mm-dd-yy Time Hr:min. Marsh Funnel Viscosity (Sec/Ltr) pH [40-100] [7 to 11] Density (kg/Ltr.) Sand Content (%) [ <1.25] [N/A] Level of Sample from Bore Hole Toe Remarks 1 @ mid depth of drilling (Check applicable) De-sanding and □ Recycling By using □ Replacement □ Airlifting Date /Time Start: □ Pump Date / Time Finished: SHAFT (BEFORE CONCRETING) Date Time Marsh Funnel Viscosity (Sec/Ltr) mm-dd-yy Hr:min. [40-90] pH Density (kg/Ltr.) Sand Content (%) [N/A] [1.00 to 1.10] [ <1.0%] Level of Sample from Bore Hole Toe Remarks Minimum test: 1 - after finished the drilling 1 - after final cleaning If SHAFT (BEFORE CONCRETING) for WATER USED Date mm-dd-yy Time Hr:min. Marsh Funnel Viscosity (Sec/Ltr) pH [N/A] [7 to 11] Prepared / Checked by: (Name, Signature, and Date) BFPI QA/QC ENGINEER P2469 QER.03.KP_0.BFPI 07.2021 Density (kg/Ltr.) Sand Content (%) [N/A] [ <1.0%] Level of Sample from Bore Hole Toe Approved by: Remarks Noted by: (Name, Signature, and Date) (Name, Signature, and Date) (Name, Signature, and Date) CONSTRUCTION - SFTE Joint Venture QAQC ENGINEER - SFTE Joint Venture GC ENGINEER THIS IS A CONTROLLED FORM Date: KING POST PILE H-BEAM REINFORCEMENT RECORD ITP Reference No.: MMSP-SFTEJV-101-NAS-ITP-QA-(C-) 900009 Record No.: Project: METRO MANILA SUBWAY PROJECT PHASE 1-CP 101 Project No.: Location: North Avenue Station Client: King Post Pile Ref. ID No.: P2469 SFTE-JV Pile Type: IFC/Approved Shop Dwg Ref. : Rev. No./ Date: H-BEAMS FABRICATION CHECK Materials Details Checked: H-Beam Section No. (from top) Main H-Beams Design H-Beams Size. (mm) Bolts/ Nuts Joint Connection Qty. (pcs) Actual H-Beams Size. (mm) Conformed Bolt/ Nuts Dia. (mm) Yes No Stud Bolts Details Studs Bolts Conformed Qty. (pcs) Ø(mm) Length (mm) Yes No Steel Spacer Conformed No. of Layers H-Beam Joint Connection Details No. per Layer (pcs) Yes No INSPECTION CHECKSHEET Item Conformed/ Satisfied Activities to be Checked H-Beam OK REMARKS NO 1 Checked rebar/ fabrication engineer holding latest approved AFC drawing during fabrication 2 Checked no. of holes at joint per connection system 5 Checked spacing of bolts on flange and webs based on the drawing 6 Checked H-Beams fabrication with temporary support on the bottom to avoid possible distortion 7 Checked H-Beam be free from rust, rust pits, scale, oil, moisture, or other deleterious matter that would affect welding operation 8 Checked H-Beams secure in position / fixing elements adequate - bolted/ torque H-Beams Fabrication 9 Checked h-beam based on the inspected segments and verified tagging's per pile schedule 10 Check welded connection of steel spacer to H-beam 4nos. per layer in accordance to IFC drawing Stud Bolts 11 Checked provision of markings on H-beams for stud bolt welding 12 Stud bolts shall be free from rust, scale, oil, moisture, or other deleterious matter. 13 Checked spacing/ distance of stud bolts center to center based on the IFC drawing 14 Visually checked welded stud bolts to determine 360⁰ full flash with no evidence of undercut into stud base 15 Visually checked welded stud bolts to ensure no discontinuities; Checked completely and acceptable 16 Bend Test performed based on the specification: 30⁰ from its original axis. 17 Bend tested of 5% for every 28 nos. studs/ king post. ( 1no. each side) 18 Follower beams secure in position / fixing elements adequate prior to lifting - holes/ bolted/ torque 19 Check dimensions, sizes of stud bolts 20 Spacers welded/ installed on correct position & spacing in accordance to IFC drawing Installation 20 Check if follower beams used has correct length and adequate capacity to hold H-beam during connection & final section installation. 21 H-beams clean / free of mud prior to lowering / installation to borehole. - wash by water spraying as necessary. 23 Checked at correct elevations, position & center at the borehole 24 Checked installation/ properly fixed and correct positioning of guide frame upon lowering of H-beam 25 Vertical joint support (welding flange/ bolts) between H-beam and follower adequate to carry weight during lifting / hanging. Filed by: Checked by: (Name, Signature, and Date) (Name, Signature, and Date) BFPI OPS ENGINEER BFPI QA/QC ENGINEER P2469 QER.04A.KP_0.BFPI 07.2021 Approved by: (Name, Signature, and Date) CONSTRUCTION -SFTE Joint Venture Noted by: (Name, Signature, and Date) QAQC ENGINEER - SFTE Joint Venture (Name, Signature, and Date) GC - ENGINEER THIS IS A CONTROLLED FORM Date: KING POST PILE H-BEAM REINFORCEMENT RECORD MMSP-SFTEJV-101-NAS-ITPQA-(C-) 900009 ITP Reference No.: Record No.: Project: METRO MANILA SUBWAY PROJECT PHASE 1-CP 101 Location: North Avenue Station Project No.: P2469 SFTE-JV Client: King Post Pile Ref. ID No.: Pile Type: IFC/Approved Shop Dwg Ref. : Rev. No./ Date: H-BEAMS FABRICATION CHECK AA BB DD CC Top of H-Beam Elev._ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ Elev. _____________ = Offset Elevation: ___________ - Dist. from Offset to Bottom elev. of follower Beam: ____________ EGL _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Elev. _________________ H-Beam Section : ______________ Design Length: _______m + _______m = _________m Acrual Length: _______m + _______m = _________m Spacers: Distance of spacer center to center : ______________ No. of Layer: ______________ No. of spacer per layer: ________________ Bottom Elevation of H-Beam._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Elev. _________________ Toe Elev of Borehole.._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Elev. _________________ REMARKS: Filed by: Checked by: (Name, Signature, and Date) (Name, Signature, and Date) BFPI OPS ENGINEER BFPI QA/QC ENGINEER P2469 QER.04B.KP_0.BFPI 07.2021 Approved by: (Name, Signature, and Date) CONSTRUCTION -SFTE Joint Venture Noted by: (Name, Signature, and Date) QAQC ENGINEER - SFTE Joint Venture (Name, Signature, and Date) GC - ENGINEER THIS IS A CONTROLLED FORM Date: KING POST PILE CONCRETING RECORD ITP Reference No. MMSP-SFTEJV-101-NAS-ITP-QA-(C-) 900009 Record No.: Project: METRO MANILA SUBWAY PROJECT PHASE 1-CP 101 Project No.: P2469 Location: North Avenue Station Client: SFTE-JV King Post Pile Ref. No. : Top of Casing (TOC) Elev. (m) : Concrete level fr. TOC (m): Date of Concreting: Pile Diameter (mm) : Cut-off Level (COL) Elev. (m) : a. Target Concrete Supplier : Design Pile Length (m ): Cut-off Level fr. TOC (m): Concrete Volume (m³) : Design Compressive Strength (psi) : a. Design Existing Ground Level (m) : Delivery Receiving on-site Testing On-site b. Estimated Pouring Time Method of Con. Placement: Direct Pouring Conc. Volume (m³) Note : Truck Number Time of Batching Time of Testing * Slump Ht. 1). * Refer to the values set out in the Inspection and Test Plan No. of Samples Start End Truck Load Cumulativ Qty. e Qty. 2). ** Depth from TOC to Actual Pile Toe Level (Prior to pouring) Concrete Pump Line Pump Others Concrete Pour Monitoring Concrete Depth from TOC (measured from sounding ) Docket Number @ ________ days Before Pouring (m) After Pouring (m) A B Tremie Length (m) Rise (After Before Pouring Pouring (m) Before Pouring) C=B-A D Embedment (m) Distance Remarks Tremie pipe bot. edge to toe level prior to concrete (m) E=D-A 3). Check sedimentation from previous depth measurement (prior to pouring) INTERRUPTIONS / DELAYS (Workability) Duration Break longer than 15 minutes: T= minutes From Hr:min. To To Hr:min. Break longer than 15 minutes: T= minutes From Hr:min. To To Hr:min. Remarks: Filled by: (Name, Signature, and Date) BFPI - OPERATIONS ENGINEER P2469 QER.05.KP_0.BFPI 07.2021 Checked by: (Name, Signature, and Date) BFPI - QA/QC ENGINEER Approved by: (Name, Signature, and Date) QA/QC ENGINEER -SFTE Joint Venture Noted by: (Name, Signature, and Date) CONSTRUCTION - SFTE Joint Venture (Name, Signature, and Date) GC - ENGINEER THIS IS A CONTROLLED FORM Date: MMSP-SFTEJV-101-NAS-ITP-QA-(C-) ITP Reference No.: 900009 Record No.: KING POST PILE MORTAR PLACEMENT RECORD Project: METRO MANILA SUBWAY PROJECT PHASE 1-CP 101 Location: North Avenue Station P2469 Project No.: SFTE-JV Client King Post Pile Ref. No. : Cut-off Level (COL) Elev. (m) : Method of Mortar Placement: Mortar placement: Pile Diameter (mm) : Existing Concrete Level fr. TOC (m): Tremie Pipe Concrete Pump Design Pile Length (m ): Mortar Volume (m³) : Direct Pouring Others/ Specify Top of Casing (TOC) Elev. (m) : a. Design Date: b. Estimated Delivery Receiving on-site ` Design Compressive Strength (psi) : Testing On-site Pouring Time Conc. Volume (m³) Mortar Placement Monitoring Concrete Depth from TOC (measured from sounding ) Docket Number Truck Number Time of Batching Time of Testing * Slump Time: Mortar Supplier : No. of Samples Start End Truck Cumulative Before Pouring Load Qty. Qty. (m) A Rise After Pouring (After Pouring (m) Before Pouring) B C=B-A Tremie Length (m) Before Pouring (m) Embedment (m) D E=D-A REMARKS ** INTERRUPTIONS / DELAYS (Workability) Duration Break longer than 15 minutes: T= minutes From Hr:min. To Hr:min. Break longer than 15 minutes: T= minutes From Hr:min. To Hr:min. Remarks: Filled by: Checked by: Approved by: Noted by: (Name, Signature, and Date) (Name, Signature, and Date) (Name, Signature, and Date) (Name, Signature, and Date) (Name, Signature, and Date) BFPI - OPERATIONS ENGINEER BFPI - QA/QC ENGINEER CONSTRUCTION - SFTE Joint Venture QAQC ENGINEER - SFTE Joint Venture GC - ENGINEER P2469 QER.06.KP_0.BFPI 07.2021 THIS IS A CONTROLLED FORM Date: KING POST PILE BACKFILL RECORDS MMSP-SFTEJV-101-NASITP-QA-(C-) 900009 Shift: ITP Reference No.: Record No: Project: METRO MANILA SUBWAY PROJECT PHASE 1-CP 101 Project No: P2469 DS Location: North Avenue Station Client: SFTE-JV NS Note: Attach Key Plan with "marked" or "highlighted" location requested. King Post Pile Reference No.: Pile Diameter (mm): Pile Type: Top of Casing (TOC) Elev.: Zone/ Area: Existing Ground Elevation: Grid Line / Location: Initial Elevation Final Depth: Elev. Date (mm/dd/yy) Backfilling Start: Time (hh:mm) Date (mm/dd/yy) Est. backfill materials vol. (m3): Backfilling End: Approved Backfill Materials: PARTICULARS Time (hh:mm) SATISFIED/CONFORMED? Yes No REMARKS (if necessary) N/A a. Clear equipment access b. Free from obstructions c. Excavated materials (surplus soil) provided protection/ berm d. Properly compacted f As per approved plan g Removal of excess backfill materials along the pile area. Filled by: (Name, Signature & Date) BFPI - FIELD ENGINEER P2469 QER.07.KP_0.BFPI 07.2021 Checked by: (Name, Signature & Date) BFPI - QA/QC ENGINEER Approved by: (Name, Signature & Date) CONSTRUCTION - SFTE Joint Venture Noted by: (Name, Signature & Date) QAQC ENGINEER - SFTE Joint Venture (Name, Signature & Date) GC - ENGINEER THIS IS A CONTROLLED FORM 13 14 11 12 10 9 8 7 6 4 5 3 2 1 K K BORED PILE SCHEDULE 2 J I H 5 BORED PILE SCHEDULE 2 BORED PILE SCHEDULE 2 BORED PILE SCHEDULE 2 Mark N/S E/W Mark N/S E/W Mark N/S E/W Mark N/S E/W B-1 B-2 B-3 B-4 B-5 B-6 B-7 B-8 B-9 B-10 B-11 B-12 B-13 B-14 B-15 B-16 B-17 B-18 B-19 B-20 B-21 1621246336 1621247898 1621249468 1621251030 1621242925 1621244487 1621246058 1621247619 1621239027 1621240589 1621242160 1621243721 1621235617 1621237178 1621238749 1621240311 1621231719 1621233280 1621234851 1621236412 1621228308 503810555 503803773 503796951 503790169 503809770 503802987 503796166 503789383 503808872 503802090 503795268 503788486 503808087 503801305 503794483 503787700 503807190 503800407 503793586 503786803 503806404 B-22 B-23 B-24 B-25 B-26 B-27 B-28 B-29 B-30 B-31 B-32 B-33 B-34 B-35 B-36 B-37 B-38 B-39 B-40 B-41 B-42 1621229869 1621231440 1621233002 1621224410 1621225971 1621227542 1621230273 1621220999 1621222561 1621224131 1621225693 1621217101 1621218663 1621220233 1621221795 1621213690 1621215252 1621216823 1621218384 1621209792 1621211354 503799622 503792800 503786018 503805507 503798724 503791903 503785389 503804721 503797939 503791117 503784335 503803824 503797041 503790220 503783437 503803039 503796256 503789435 503782652 503802141 503795359 B-43 B-44 B-45 B-46 B-47 B-48 B-49 B-50 B-51 B-52 B-53 B-54 B-55 B-56 B-57 B-58 B-59 B-60 B-61 B-62 B-63 1621212925 1621214486 1621206381 1621207943 1621209514 1621211075 1621202483 1621204045 1621205616 1621207177 1621199073 1621199952 1621201523 1621203767 1621195175 1621196736 1621198307 1621199869 1621191764 1621193326 1621194896 503788537 503781755 503801356 503794573 503787752 503780969 503800458 503793676 503786854 503780072 503799673 503792733 503785912 503779286 503798776 503791993 503785171 503778389 503797990 503791208 503784386 B-64 B-65 B-66 B-67 B-68 B-69 B-70 B-71 B-72 B-73 B-74 B-75 B-76 B-77 B-78 B-79 B-80 B-81 B-82 B-83 B-84 1621196458 1621187866 1621189428 1621190998 1621192560 1621184455 1621186017 1621187587 1621189149 1621180557 1621182119 1621183689 1621185251 1621177146 1621178708 1621180279 1621181840 1621173248 1621174810 1621176381 1621177942 503777604 503797093 503790310 503783489 503776706 503796307 503789525 503782703 503775921 503795410 503788627 503781806 503775023 503794625 503787842 503781021 503774238 503793727 503786945 503780123 503773340 6 7 7500 8 7500 9 7500 10 7500 11 7500 12 7500 J I H 13 7500 14 7500 15 7500 7500 G G 3500 4000 2000 2000 3500 2000 4000 2000 3500 4000 2000 2000 3500 2000 4000 2000 3500 2000 4000 2000 3500 4000 2000 2000 3500 2000 4000 2000 3500 4000 2000 2000 3500 2000 4000 2000 3500 2000 4000 2000 2000 3550 F B-1 B-5 B-9 B-13 B-17 B-21 B-25 B-29 B-33 B-37 B-41 B-45 B-49 B-53 B-57 B-61 B-65 B-69 B-73 B-77 B-81 F 6960 3550 A B 3500 6910 3410 1300 E B-6 B-10 B-14 B-18 B-22 B-26 B-30 B-34 B-38 B-42 B-46 B-50 B-54 B-58 B-62 B-66 B-70 B-74 B-78 B-82 E 3410 6910 3500 7000 C B-2 B-7 B-11 B-15 B-19 B-23 B-27 B-31 B-35 B-39 B-43 B-47 B-51 B-55 B-59 B-63 B-67 B-71 B-75 B-79 B-83 6960 D D B-3 D 3550 3550 800 E B-4 B-8 B-12 B-16 B-20 B-24 B-28 B-32 B-36 B-40 B-44 B-48 B-52 B-56 B-60 B-64 B-68 B-72 B-76 B-80 B-84 C C BORED PILE B KEYPLAN: 1 : 150 B B Prepared by: CONTRACTOR Approved by: DESIGNER Approved by: REVISION DATE PROJECT DESCRIPTION METRO MANILA SUBWAY PROJECT PHASE-1 Project Manager DOTr, PMO 13 12 Undersecretary For Railway, DOTr Shimizu - Fujita - Takenaka - EEI Joint Venture 11 10 PRC No. Validity: IAPOA No. O.R. No. PTR No. DATE: Place: TIN: 9 KIYOSHI MIMURA Project Manager SFTE JV Technical Design NORTH AVENUE STATION BORED PILES ARCHITECT / STRUCTURAL ENGINEER / ETC. Republic of the Philippines 14 STAGE Initial Design DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION A PACKAGE CP101 PROJECTION TITLE Construction Design Third Angle DATE: 12/10/21 SCALE: INTENDED FORMAT: As Built A1 SHEET DRAWING NO. 8 7 / / /7 3 MMSP-SFTEJV-101-NAS-DWG-C-200003 Shimizu - Fujita - Takenaka - EEI Joint Venture 6 5 4 3 A 1 : 150 2 1 REV A 12/10/2021 3:40:49 pm Checked by: 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 NORTH AVENUE STATION TEMPORARY DESIGN K GROUND PLAN(1) K S=1/200 B-1 - B-100 J J 5 6 I 7 7500 8 7500 9 7500 10 7500 11 7500 12 7500 13 7500 7500 14 15 7500 16 7500 B - B 17 7500 18 7500 I 7500 C - C B-9 B-13 B-17 B-21 B-25 B-29 B-33 B-37 B-41 B-45 B-49 B-53 B-57 B-61 B-65 B-69 B-73 B-77 B-81 B-85 B-87 B-89 B-93 B-6 B-10 B-14 B-18 B-22 B-26 B-30 B-34 B-38 B-42 B-46 B-50 B-54 B-58 B-62 B-66 B-70 B-74 B-78 B-82 B-90 B-94 B-7 B-11 B-15 B-19 B-23 B-27 B-31 B-35 B-39 B-43 B-47 B-51 B-55 B-59 B-63 B-67 B-71 B-75 B-79 B-83 B-91 B-95 B-64 B-68 B-72 B-76 B-80 B-84 B-92 B-96 7000 B-2 B-3 F B-98 B-102 B-99 B-103 B-100 B-104 F 6960 B-12 B-16 B-20 B-24 B-28 B-32 B-36 B-40 B-44 B-48 B-52 B-56 B-60 B-86 2800 1200 B-88 4550 2950 E 6550 B-8 6550 E G 3300 6960 4200 B-4 B-101 7000 G B-97 6960 B-5 6960 B-1 6550 H 6550 H D D 4100 3500 4000 3500 4000 3500 4000 3500 4000 3500 4000 3500 4000 3500 4000 3500 4000 3500 4000 3500 4000 3500 4000 3500 4000 3500 4000 C C KEY PLAN 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 Legend A B B King Post C :H-428×407×20×35 φ1200 D E A - A B - B C - C D - D CONTRACTOR DESIGNER REVISION A DESCRIPTION DATE 22/JUL/20 PROJECT METRO MANILA SUBWAY PROJECT PHASE 1 TITLE First Submission GROUND PLAN(1) Shimizu - Fujita - Takenaka - EEI Joint Venture 12 11 10 STAGE Initial Design NORTH AVENUE STATION TEMPORARY DESIGN Republic of the Philippines 13 PACKAGE CP101 PROJECTION 22/JUL/21 DATE SCALE DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION A 14 B 9 8 B-1 - B-100 Shimizu - Fujita - Takenaka - EEI Joint Venture 7 6 5 4 Technical Design Construction Design Third Angle INTENDED FORMAT A1 As Built SHEET REV DRAWING No. MMSP-SFTEJV-101-NAS-SHD-TP-100001 3 2 A 1 : 200 1 1 9 A 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 2 1 NOTE: Kingpost layout in this drawing is reference only. Layout shall follow plan drawings. NORTH AVENUE STATION TEMPORARY DESIGN K 3 K CROSS SECTION(2) SECTION B-B & C-C (B-5 - B-332) S=1/150 J KING POST CONNECTION +136.50m S=1/15 1100 +136.40m 40 40 407 60 60 60 60 40 40 1 160 85 160 1 1 1 405 407 13400 14900 I φ25 5 60 40 205 40 60 +136.50m J I 40 5@65=325 80 5@65=325 40 407 810 1 160 60 2@80 =160 60 600 :Filling with Mortal(σck=1MPa) 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 22 22 22 428 428 2500 200 A B Concrete σck=40N/mm2 C 500 B 800 600 2000 2500 29 D 6@200=1200 12 Stud 22φx150 n=28 Yielding strength above 235N/mm2 C 200 11 6@200=1200 10 D 600 800 600 600 9 Extra Concrete Stud 22φx150 n=28 Yielding strength above 235N/mm2 Concrete σck=40N/mm2 1200 KEY PLAN 8 S=1/25 SECTION Stud 22φx150 Yielding strength above 235N/mm2 C 7 L=95mm (18bolts) H-428x407x20x35 200 104 104 6 2PL-16×280×460 Extra Concrete :Filling with Concrete(σck=40MPa) 5 F 600 :Filling with Extra Concrete(σck=40MPa) 4 H.T.B(F10T) M22 E PLAN :Filling with Surplus Soil 3 407 1200 LEGEND 2 1 6550 KING POST BORED PILE 1 405 4PL-22×160×810 E D 1 L=120mm (48bolts) Web 6960 G 60 40 205 40 60 40 2PL-22×405×810 Flange 2000 1200 22 2800 7000 34020 36420 2@75 80 2@75 =150 =150 460 16 B 500 6960 40 Splice Plate 1200 6550 H 60 40 60 22 74 280 74 29100 28500 13500 40 500 F 40 2500 800 3300 G φ25 5 22 10300 26900 29100 H E A - A B - B C - C D - D CONTRACTOR DESIGNER REVISION A DESCRIPTION DATE 22/JUL/20 METRO MANILA SUBWAY PROJECT PHASE 1 TITLE First Submission CROSS SECTION(2) Shimizu - Fujita - Takenaka - EEI Joint Venture 13 12 11 10 STAGE Initial Design NORTH AVENUE STATION TEMPORARY DESIGN Republic of the Philippines 14 PACKAGE CP101 PROJECTION 22/JUL/21 DATE SCALE DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION A PROJECT 9 8 SECTION B-B & C-C (B-5 - B-332) Shimizu - Fujita - Takenaka - EEI Joint Venture 7 6 5 4 3 Technical Design Construction Design Third Angle INTENDED FORMAT A1 As Built SHEET REV DRAWING No. MMSP-SFTEJV-101-NAS-SHD-TP-100005 2 A 1 : 150,1:25,1:15 1 5 9 A Wendy Sy Structure Inspector October 21, 2021 2PM Date: KING POST PILE SET-OUT DOCUMENTATION ITP Reference no.: MMSP-SFTEJV-101NAS-ITP-QA-(C-) 900009 Record No.: Project : METRO MANILA SUBWAY PROJECT PHASE 1-CP 101 Project No. : P2469 Location : North Avenue Station Client: SFTE-JV King Post Pile Ref. ID No.: IFC Drawing Ref: Rev. No. / Date: A. POSITION MEASUREMENT / CHECK Casing Center Design Pile Location (Coordinates) Actual Casing Location (Coordinates) Offset / Dev., e (m) Difference Tolerance for Offset Top of Casing / Dev. ,e max (m) (TOC) Elevation NORTHING OK EASTING NO Existing Ground Level (EGL) B. INCLINATION MEASUREMENT / CHECK Reference Axis (900) Position Design Pile Inclination X - Axis 90° Y - Axis 90° Actual Inclination Tolerance (mm / m) Remarks Note : * Refer to the values set out in the Inspection and Test Plan Comments: Filled By: Checked By: Approved By: Noted by: (Name, Signature, and Date) (Name, Signature, and Date) (Name, Signature, and Date) (Name, Signature, and Date) BFPI - SURVEYOR BFPI - BFPI QAQC ENGINEER CONSTRUCTION-SFTE Joint Venture QAQC ENGINEER - JOINT VENTURE P2469 QER.01.KP_0.BFPI 07.2021 (Name, Signature, and Date) GC ENGINEER THIS IS A CONTROLLED FORM Date: KING POST PILE DRILLING DOCUMENTATION ITP Reference No.: MMSP-SFTEJV-101-NAS-ITPQA-(C-) 900009 Record No.: Project: METRO MANILA SUBWAY PROJECT PHASE 1-CP 101 Location: North Avenue Station PILE REFERENCE Project No.: P2469 Client: SFTE-JV DRILLING RECORD King Post Pile Ref. ID No. Depth from TOC (m) Pile Type Time (hh:mm) * Tool Used B, C) (A, TOC EL. Soil Description EGL (from TOC) _____________________ ____________________ Pile Diameter (m) Top of Casing (TOC) Elev. Existing Ground (EGL) Elev. (m) Design Pile Toe Elevation (m) Design Drill Depth fr. TOC (m) Actual Drill Depth (m) BORING/DRILL EQUIPMENT Type Operator BORE SUPPORT □ Fully Cased □ Starter Casing, _________ m FLUID TYPE □ Water □ Bentonite □ Polymer □ None BORING/DRILL RECORD Date (mm/dd/yy) Drilling Start Time (hh:mm) Date (mm/dd/yy) Drilling End Time (hh:mm) Filled by: (Name, Signature, and Date) BFPI - OPERATIONS ENGINEER Checked by: (Name, Signature, and Date) BFPI - QA/QC ENGINEER Approved by: (Name, Signature, and Date) CONSTRUCTION - SFTE Joint Venture (Name, Signature, and Date) QAQC Engineer- SFTE Joint Venture Noted by: (Name, Signature, and Date) GC ENGINEER Remarks: ________________________ DESIGN TOE EL. * Tool Used for Drilling (input initial): ___________ ______________________ ACTUAL TOE EL. A - Auger B - Drilling Bucket C - Core Barrel P2469 QER.02.KP_0.BFPI 07.2021 Toe cleaning method: □ Cleaning Bucket □ Air Lifting THIS IS A CONTROLLED FORM Date: KING POST PILE POLYMER SLURRY TEST RECORD ITP Reference No.: MMSP-SFTEJV-101-NAS-ITP-QA(C-) 900009 Record No.: Project : METRO MANILA SUBWAY PROJECT PHASE 1-CP 101 Project No. : Location : North Avenue Station Client: King Post Pile Ref. ID No.: Polymer: MIXING PARAMETER / RATIO Water : m3 Source: Slurry : Slurry : Brand: Brand: m3 Reminder: Fresh Slurry sampling / testing should be carried after mix has achieved required curing time in the material specification. FRESH MIX Date mm-dd-yy Time Hr:min. Marsh Funnel Viscosity (Sec/Ltr) pH [40-100] [7 to 11] Density (kg/Ltr.) Sand Content (%) [ <1.10] [N/A] Sample Location (Tank No.) Remarks every fresh mix RE-FRESHING / RECYCLING Date mm-dd-yy Time Hr:min. Marsh Funnel Viscosity (Sec/Ltr) pH [40-100] [7 to 11] Density (kg/Ltr.) Sand Content (%) [ <1.10] [N/A] Sample Location (Tank No.) Remarks every mix, before mixing and after mixing PILE SHAFT (DURING DRILLING) Date mm-dd-yy Time Hr:min. Marsh Funnel Viscosity (Sec/Ltr) pH [40-100] [7 to 11] Density (kg/Ltr.) Sand Content (%) [ <1.25] [N/A] Level of Sample from Bore Hole Toe Remarks 1 @ mid depth of drilling (Check applicable) De-sanding and □ Recycling By using □ Replacement □ Airlifting Date /Time Start: □ Pump Date / Time Finished: SHAFT (BEFORE CONCRETING) Date Time Marsh Funnel Viscosity (Sec/Ltr) mm-dd-yy Hr:min. [40-90] pH Density (kg/Ltr.) Sand Content (%) [N/A] [1.00 to 1.10] [ <1.0%] Level of Sample from Bore Hole Toe Remarks Minimum test: 1 - after finished the drilling 1 - after final cleaning If SHAFT (BEFORE CONCRETING) for WATER USED Date mm-dd-yy Time Hr:min. Marsh Funnel Viscosity (Sec/Ltr) pH [N/A] [7 to 11] Prepared / Checked by: (Name, Signature, and Date) BFPI QA/QC ENGINEER P2469 QER.03.KP_0.BFPI 07.2021 Density (kg/Ltr.) Sand Content (%) [N/A] [ <1.0%] Level of Sample from Bore Hole Toe Approved by: Remarks Noted by: (Name, Signature, and Date) (Name, Signature, and Date) (Name, Signature, and Date) CONSTRUCTION - SFTE Joint Venture QAQC ENGINEER - SFTE Joint Venture GC ENGINEER THIS IS A CONTROLLED FORM Date: KING POST PILE H-BEAM REINFORCEMENT RECORD ITP Reference No.: MMSP-SFTEJV-101-NAS-ITP-QA-(C-) 900009 Record No.: Project: METRO MANILA SUBWAY PROJECT PHASE 1-CP 101 Project No.: Location: North Avenue Station Client: King Post Pile Ref. ID No.: P2469 SFTE-JV Pile Type: IFC/Approved Shop Dwg Ref. : Rev. No./ Date: H-BEAMS FABRICATION CHECK Materials Details Checked: H-Beam Section No. (from top) Main H-Beams Design H-Beams Size. (mm) Bolts/ Nuts Joint Connection Qty. (pcs) Actual H-Beams Size. (mm) Conformed Bolt/ Nuts Dia. (mm) Yes No Stud Bolts Details Studs Bolts Conformed Qty. (pcs) Ø(mm) Length (mm) Yes No Steel Spacer Conformed No. of Layers H-Beam Joint Connection Details No. per Layer (pcs) Yes No INSPECTION CHECKSHEET Item Conformed/ Satisfied Activities to be Checked H-Beam OK REMARKS NO 1 Checked rebar/ fabrication engineer holding latest approved AFC drawing during fabrication 2 Checked no. of holes at joint per connection system 5 Checked spacing of bolts on flange and webs based on the drawing 6 Checked H-Beams fabrication with temporary support on the bottom to avoid possible distortion 7 Checked H-Beam be free from rust, rust pits, scale, oil, moisture, or other deleterious matter that would affect welding operation 8 Checked H-Beams secure in position / fixing elements adequate - bolted/ torque H-Beams Fabrication 9 Checked h-beam based on the inspected segments and verified tagging's per pile schedule 10 Check welded connection of steel spacer to H-beam 4nos. per layer in accordance to IFC drawing Stud Bolts 11 Checked provision of markings on H-beams for stud bolt welding 12 Stud bolts shall be free from rust, scale, oil, moisture, or other deleterious matter. 13 Checked spacing/ distance of stud bolts center to center based on the IFC drawing 14 Visually checked welded stud bolts to determine 360⁰ full flash with no evidence of undercut into stud base 15 Visually checked welded stud bolts to ensure no discontinuities; Checked completely and acceptable 16 Bend Test performed based on the specification: 30⁰ from its original axis. 17 Bend tested of 5% for every 28 nos. studs/ king post. ( 1no. each side) 18 Follower beams secure in position / fixing elements adequate prior to lifting - holes/ bolted/ torque 19 Check dimensions, sizes of stud bolts 20 Spacers welded/ installed on correct position & spacing in accordance to IFC drawing Installation 20 Check if follower beams used has correct length and adequate capacity to hold H-beam during connection & final section installation. 21 H-beams clean / free of mud prior to lowering / installation to borehole. - wash by water spraying as necessary. 23 Checked at correct elevations, position & center at the borehole 24 Checked installation/ properly fixed and correct positioning of guide frame upon lowering of H-beam 25 Vertical joint support (welding flange/ bolts) between H-beam and follower adequate to carry weight during lifting / hanging. Filed by: Checked by: (Name, Signature, and Date) (Name, Signature, and Date) BFPI OPS ENGINEER BFPI QA/QC ENGINEER P2469 QER.04A.KP_0.BFPI 07.2021 Approved by: (Name, Signature, and Date) CONSTRUCTION -SFTE Joint Venture Noted by: (Name, Signature, and Date) QAQC ENGINEER - SFTE Joint Venture (Name, Signature, and Date) GC - ENGINEER THIS IS A CONTROLLED FORM Date: KING POST PILE H-BEAM REINFORCEMENT RECORD MMSP-SFTEJV-101-NAS-ITPQA-(C-) 900009 ITP Reference No.: Record No.: Project: METRO MANILA SUBWAY PROJECT PHASE 1-CP 101 Location: North Avenue Station Project No.: P2469 SFTE-JV Client: King Post Pile Ref. ID No.: Pile Type: IFC/Approved Shop Dwg Ref. : Rev. No./ Date: H-BEAMS FABRICATION CHECK AA BB DD CC Top of H-Beam Elev._ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ Elev. _____________ = Offset Elevation: ___________ - Dist. from Offset to Bottom elev. of follower Beam: ____________ EGL _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Elev. _________________ H-Beam Section : ______________ Design Length: _______m + _______m = _________m Acrual Length: _______m + _______m = _________m Spacers: Distance of spacer center to center : ______________ No. of Layer: ______________ No. of spacer per layer: ________________ Bottom Elevation of H-Beam._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Elev. _________________ Toe Elev of Borehole.._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Elev. _________________ REMARKS: Filed by: Checked by: (Name, Signature, and Date) (Name, Signature, and Date) BFPI OPS ENGINEER BFPI QA/QC ENGINEER P2469 QER.04B.KP_0.BFPI 07.2021 Approved by: (Name, Signature, and Date) CONSTRUCTION -SFTE Joint Venture Noted by: (Name, Signature, and Date) QAQC ENGINEER - SFTE Joint Venture (Name, Signature, and Date) GC - ENGINEER THIS IS A CONTROLLED FORM Date: KING POST PILE CONCRETING RECORD ITP Reference No. MMSP-SFTEJV-101-NAS-ITP-QA-(C-) 900009 Record No.: Project: METRO MANILA SUBWAY PROJECT PHASE 1-CP 101 Project No.: P2469 Location: North Avenue Station Client: SFTE-JV King Post Pile Ref. No. : Top of Casing (TOC) Elev. (m) : Concrete level fr. TOC (m): Date of Concreting: Pile Diameter (mm) : Cut-off Level (COL) Elev. (m) : a. Target Concrete Supplier : Design Pile Length (m ): Cut-off Level fr. TOC (m): Concrete Volume (m³) : Design Compressive Strength (psi) : a. Design Existing Ground Level (m) : Delivery Receiving on-site Testing On-site b. Estimated Pouring Time Method of Con. Placement: Direct Pouring Conc. Volume (m³) Note : Truck Number Time of Batching Time of Testing * Slump Ht. 1). * Refer to the values set out in the Inspection and Test Plan No. of Samples Start End Truck Load Cumulativ Qty. e Qty. 2). ** Depth from TOC to Actual Pile Toe Level (Prior to pouring) Concrete Pump Line Pump Others Concrete Pour Monitoring Concrete Depth from TOC (measured from sounding ) Docket Number @ ________ days Before Pouring (m) After Pouring (m) A B Tremie Length (m) Rise (After Before Pouring Pouring (m) Before Pouring) C=B-A D Embedment (m) Distance Remarks Tremie pipe bot. edge to toe level prior to concrete (m) E=D-A 3). Check sedimentation from previous depth measurement (prior to pouring) INTERRUPTIONS / DELAYS (Workability) Duration Break longer than 15 minutes: T= minutes From Hr:min. To To Hr:min. Break longer than 15 minutes: T= minutes From Hr:min. To To Hr:min. Remarks: Filled by: (Name, Signature, and Date) BFPI - OPERATIONS ENGINEER P2469 QER.05.KP_0.BFPI 07.2021 Checked by: (Name, Signature, and Date) BFPI - QA/QC ENGINEER Approved by: (Name, Signature, and Date) QA/QC ENGINEER -SFTE Joint Venture Noted by: (Name, Signature, and Date) CONSTRUCTION - SFTE Joint Venture (Name, Signature, and Date) GC - ENGINEER THIS IS A CONTROLLED FORM Date: MMSP-SFTEJV-101-NAS-ITP-QA-(C-) ITP Reference No.: 900009 Record No.: KING POST PILE MORTAR PLACEMENT RECORD Project: METRO MANILA SUBWAY PROJECT PHASE 1-CP 101 Location: North Avenue Station P2469 Project No.: SFTE-JV Client King Post Pile Ref. No. : Cut-off Level (COL) Elev. (m) : Method of Mortar Placement: Mortar placement: Pile Diameter (mm) : Existing Concrete Level fr. TOC (m): Tremie Pipe Concrete Pump Design Pile Length (m ): Mortar Volume (m³) : Direct Pouring Others/ Specify Top of Casing (TOC) Elev. (m) : a. Design Date: b. Estimated Delivery Receiving on-site ` Design Compressive Strength (psi) : Testing On-site Pouring Time Conc. Volume (m³) Mortar Placement Monitoring Concrete Depth from TOC (measured from sounding ) Docket Number Truck Number Time of Batching Time of Testing * Slump Time: Mortar Supplier : No. of Samples Start End Truck Cumulative Before Pouring Load Qty. Qty. (m) A Rise After Pouring (After Pouring (m) Before Pouring) B C=B-A Tremie Length (m) Before Pouring (m) Embedment (m) D E=D-A REMARKS ** INTERRUPTIONS / DELAYS (Workability) Duration Break longer than 15 minutes: T= minutes From Hr:min. To Hr:min. Break longer than 15 minutes: T= minutes From Hr:min. To Hr:min. Remarks: Filled by: Checked by: Approved by: Noted by: (Name, Signature, and Date) (Name, Signature, and Date) (Name, Signature, and Date) (Name, Signature, and Date) (Name, Signature, and Date) BFPI - OPERATIONS ENGINEER BFPI - QA/QC ENGINEER CONSTRUCTION - SFTE Joint Venture QAQC ENGINEER - SFTE Joint Venture GC - ENGINEER P2469 QER.06.KP_0.BFPI 07.2021 THIS IS A CONTROLLED FORM Date: KING POST PILE BACKFILL RECORDS MMSP-SFTEJV-101-NASITP-QA-(C-) 900009 Shift: ITP Reference No.: Record No: Project: METRO MANILA SUBWAY PROJECT PHASE 1-CP 101 Project No: P2469 DS Location: North Avenue Station Client: SFTE-JV NS Note: Attach Key Plan with "marked" or "highlighted" location requested. King Post Pile Reference No.: Pile Diameter (mm): Pile Type: Top of Casing (TOC) Elev.: Zone/ Area: Existing Ground Elevation: Grid Line / Location: Initial Elevation Final Depth: Elev. Date (mm/dd/yy) Backfilling Start: Time (hh:mm) Date (mm/dd/yy) Est. backfill materials vol. (m3): Backfilling End: Approved Backfill Materials: PARTICULARS Time (hh:mm) SATISFIED/CONFORMED? Yes No REMARKS (if necessary) N/A a. Clear equipment access b. Free from obstructions c. Excavated materials (surplus soil) provided protection/ berm d. Properly compacted f As per approved plan g Removal of excess backfill materials along the pile area. Filled by: (Name, Signature & Date) BFPI - FIELD ENGINEER P2469 QER.07.KP_0.BFPI 07.2021 Checked by: (Name, Signature & Date) BFPI - QA/QC ENGINEER Approved by: (Name, Signature & Date) CONSTRUCTION - SFTE Joint Venture Noted by: (Name, Signature & Date) QAQC ENGINEER - SFTE Joint Venture (Name, Signature & Date) GC - ENGINEER THIS IS A CONTROLLED FORM 13 14 11 12 10 9 8 7 6 4 5 3 2 1 K K BORED PILE SCHEDULE 2 J I H 5 BORED PILE SCHEDULE 2 BORED PILE SCHEDULE 2 BORED PILE SCHEDULE 2 Mark N/S E/W Mark N/S E/W Mark N/S E/W Mark N/S E/W B-1 B-2 B-3 B-4 B-5 B-6 B-7 B-8 B-9 B-10 B-11 B-12 B-13 B-14 B-15 B-16 B-17 B-18 B-19 B-20 B-21 1621246336 1621247898 1621249468 1621251030 1621242925 1621244487 1621246058 1621247619 1621239027 1621240589 1621242160 1621243721 1621235617 1621237178 1621238749 1621240311 1621231719 1621233280 1621234851 1621236412 1621228308 503810555 503803773 503796951 503790169 503809770 503802987 503796166 503789383 503808872 503802090 503795268 503788486 503808087 503801305 503794483 503787700 503807190 503800407 503793586 503786803 503806404 B-22 B-23 B-24 B-25 B-26 B-27 B-28 B-29 B-30 B-31 B-32 B-33 B-34 B-35 B-36 B-37 B-38 B-39 B-40 B-41 B-42 1621229869 1621231440 1621233002 1621224410 1621225971 1621227542 1621230273 1621220999 1621222561 1621224131 1621225693 1621217101 1621218663 1621220233 1621221795 1621213690 1621215252 1621216823 1621218384 1621209792 1621211354 503799622 503792800 503786018 503805507 503798724 503791903 503785389 503804721 503797939 503791117 503784335 503803824 503797041 503790220 503783437 503803039 503796256 503789435 503782652 503802141 503795359 B-43 B-44 B-45 B-46 B-47 B-48 B-49 B-50 B-51 B-52 B-53 B-54 B-55 B-56 B-57 B-58 B-59 B-60 B-61 B-62 B-63 1621212925 1621214486 1621206381 1621207943 1621209514 1621211075 1621202483 1621204045 1621205616 1621207177 1621199073 1621199952 1621201523 1621203767 1621195175 1621196736 1621198307 1621199869 1621191764 1621193326 1621194896 503788537 503781755 503801356 503794573 503787752 503780969 503800458 503793676 503786854 503780072 503799673 503792733 503785912 503779286 503798776 503791993 503785171 503778389 503797990 503791208 503784386 B-64 B-65 B-66 B-67 B-68 B-69 B-70 B-71 B-72 B-73 B-74 B-75 B-76 B-77 B-78 B-79 B-80 B-81 B-82 B-83 B-84 1621196458 1621187866 1621189428 1621190998 1621192560 1621184455 1621186017 1621187587 1621189149 1621180557 1621182119 1621183689 1621185251 1621177146 1621178708 1621180279 1621181840 1621173248 1621174810 1621176381 1621177942 503777604 503797093 503790310 503783489 503776706 503796307 503789525 503782703 503775921 503795410 503788627 503781806 503775023 503794625 503787842 503781021 503774238 503793727 503786945 503780123 503773340 6 7 7500 8 7500 9 7500 10 7500 11 7500 12 7500 J I H 13 7500 14 7500 15 7500 7500 G G 3500 4000 2000 2000 3500 2000 4000 2000 3500 4000 2000 2000 3500 2000 4000 2000 3500 2000 4000 2000 3500 4000 2000 2000 3500 2000 4000 2000 3500 4000 2000 2000 3500 2000 4000 2000 3500 2000 4000 2000 2000 3550 F B-1 B-5 B-9 B-13 B-17 B-21 B-25 B-29 B-33 B-37 B-41 B-45 B-49 B-53 B-57 B-61 B-65 B-69 B-73 B-77 B-81 F 6960 3550 A B 3500 6910 3410 1300 E B-6 B-10 B-14 B-18 B-22 B-26 B-30 B-34 B-38 B-42 B-46 B-50 B-54 B-58 B-62 B-66 B-70 B-74 B-78 B-82 E 3410 6910 3500 7000 C B-2 B-7 B-11 B-15 B-19 B-23 B-27 B-31 B-35 B-39 B-43 B-47 B-51 B-55 B-59 B-63 B-67 B-71 B-75 B-79 B-83 6960 D D B-3 D 3550 3550 800 E B-4 B-8 B-12 B-16 B-20 B-24 B-28 B-32 B-36 B-40 B-44 B-48 B-52 B-56 B-60 B-64 B-68 B-72 B-76 B-80 B-84 C C BORED PILE B KEYPLAN: 1 : 150 B B Prepared by: CONTRACTOR Approved by: DESIGNER Approved by: REVISION DATE PROJECT DESCRIPTION METRO MANILA SUBWAY PROJECT PHASE-1 Project Manager DOTr, PMO 13 12 Undersecretary For Railway, DOTr Shimizu - Fujita - Takenaka - EEI Joint Venture 11 10 PRC No. Validity: IAPOA No. O.R. No. PTR No. DATE: Place: TIN: 9 KIYOSHI MIMURA Project Manager SFTE JV Technical Design NORTH AVENUE STATION BORED PILES ARCHITECT / STRUCTURAL ENGINEER / ETC. Republic of the Philippines 14 STAGE Initial Design DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION A PACKAGE CP101 PROJECTION TITLE Construction Design Third Angle DATE: 12/10/21 SCALE: INTENDED FORMAT: As Built A1 SHEET DRAWING NO. 8 7 / / /7 3 MMSP-SFTEJV-101-NAS-DWG-C-200003 Shimizu - Fujita - Takenaka - EEI Joint Venture 6 5 4 3 A 1 : 150 2 1 REV A 12/10/2021 3:40:49 pm Checked by: 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 NORTH AVENUE STATION TEMPORARY DESIGN K GROUND PLAN(1) K S=1/200 B-1 - B-100 J J 5 6 I 7 7500 8 7500 9 7500 10 7500 11 7500 12 7500 13 7500 7500 14 15 7500 16 7500 B - B 17 7500 18 7500 I 7500 C - C B-9 B-13 B-17 B-21 B-25 B-29 B-33 B-37 B-41 B-45 B-49 B-53 B-57 B-61 B-65 B-69 B-73 B-77 B-81 B-85 B-87 B-89 B-93 B-6 B-10 B-14 B-18 B-22 B-26 B-30 B-34 B-38 B-42 B-46 B-50 B-54 B-58 B-62 B-66 B-70 B-74 B-78 B-82 B-90 B-94 B-7 B-11 B-15 B-19 B-23 B-27 B-31 B-35 B-39 B-43 B-47 B-51 B-55 B-59 B-63 B-67 B-71 B-75 B-79 B-83 B-91 B-95 B-64 B-68 B-72 B-76 B-80 B-84 B-92 B-96 7000 B-2 B-3 F B-98 B-102 B-99 B-103 B-100 B-104 F 6960 B-12 B-16 B-20 B-24 B-28 B-32 B-36 B-40 B-44 B-48 B-52 B-56 B-60 B-86 2800 1200 B-88 4550 2950 E 6550 B-8 6550 E G 3300 6960 4200 B-4 B-101 7000 G B-97 6960 B-5 6960 B-1 6550 H 6550 H D D 4100 3500 4000 3500 4000 3500 4000 3500 4000 3500 4000 3500 4000 3500 4000 3500 4000 3500 4000 3500 4000 3500 4000 3500 4000 3500 4000 C C KEY PLAN 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 Legend A B B King Post C :H-428×407×20×35 φ1200 D E A - A B - B C - C D - D CONTRACTOR DESIGNER REVISION A DESCRIPTION DATE 22/JUL/20 PROJECT METRO MANILA SUBWAY PROJECT PHASE 1 TITLE First Submission GROUND PLAN(1) Shimizu - Fujita - Takenaka - EEI Joint Venture 12 11 10 STAGE Initial Design NORTH AVENUE STATION TEMPORARY DESIGN Republic of the Philippines 13 PACKAGE CP101 PROJECTION 22/JUL/21 DATE SCALE DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION A 14 B 9 8 B-1 - B-100 Shimizu - Fujita - Takenaka - EEI Joint Venture 7 6 5 4 Technical Design Construction Design Third Angle INTENDED FORMAT A1 As Built SHEET REV DRAWING No. MMSP-SFTEJV-101-NAS-SHD-TP-100001 3 2 A 1 : 200 1 1 9 A 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 2 1 NOTE: Kingpost layout in this drawing is reference only. Layout shall follow plan drawings. NORTH AVENUE STATION TEMPORARY DESIGN K 3 K CROSS SECTION(2) SECTION B-B & C-C (B-5 - B-332) S=1/150 J KING POST CONNECTION +136.50m S=1/15 1100 +136.40m 40 40 407 60 60 60 60 40 40 1 160 85 160 1 1 1 405 407 13400 14900 I φ25 5 60 40 205 40 60 +136.50m J I 40 5@65=325 80 5@65=325 40 407 810 1 160 60 2@80 =160 60 600 :Filling with Mortal(σck=1MPa) 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 22 22 22 428 428 2500 200 A B Concrete σck=40N/mm2 C 500 B 800 600 2000 2500 29 D 6@200=1200 12 Stud 22φx150 n=28 Yielding strength above 235N/mm2 C 200 11 6@200=1200 10 D 600 800 600 600 9 Extra Concrete Stud 22φx150 n=28 Yielding strength above 235N/mm2 Concrete σck=40N/mm2 1200 KEY PLAN 8 S=1/25 SECTION Stud 22φx150 Yielding strength above 235N/mm2 C 7 L=95mm (18bolts) H-428x407x20x35 200 104 104 6 2PL-16×280×460 Extra Concrete :Filling with Concrete(σck=40MPa) 5 F 600 :Filling with Extra Concrete(σck=40MPa) 4 H.T.B(F10T) M22 E PLAN :Filling with Surplus Soil 3 407 1200 LEGEND 2 1 6550 KING POST BORED PILE 1 405 4PL-22×160×810 E D 1 L=120mm (48bolts) Web 6960 G 60 40 205 40 60 40 2PL-22×405×810 Flange 2000 1200 22 2800 7000 34020 36420 2@75 80 2@75 =150 =150 460 16 B 500 6960 40 Splice Plate 1200 6550 H 60 40 60 22 74 280 74 29100 28500 13500 40 500 F 40 2500 800 3300 G φ25 5 22 10300 26900 29100 H E A - A B - B C - C D - D CONTRACTOR DESIGNER REVISION A DESCRIPTION DATE 22/JUL/20 METRO MANILA SUBWAY PROJECT PHASE 1 TITLE First Submission CROSS SECTION(2) Shimizu - Fujita - Takenaka - EEI Joint Venture 13 12 11 10 STAGE Initial Design NORTH AVENUE STATION TEMPORARY DESIGN Republic of the Philippines 14 PACKAGE CP101 PROJECTION 22/JUL/21 DATE SCALE DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION A PROJECT 9 8 SECTION B-B & C-C (B-5 - B-332) Shimizu - Fujita - Takenaka - EEI Joint Venture 7 6 5 4 3 Technical Design Construction Design Third Angle INTENDED FORMAT A1 As Built SHEET REV DRAWING No. MMSP-SFTEJV-101-NAS-SHD-TP-100005 2 A 1 : 150,1:25,1:15 1 5 9 A Wendy Sy Structure Inspector October 21, 2021 2PM Date: KING POST PILE SET-OUT DOCUMENTATION ITP Reference no.: Record No.: Project : Project No. : Location : Client: King Post Pile Ref. ID No.: IFC Drawing Ref: Rev. No. / Date: A. POSITION MEASUREMENT / CHECK Design Pile Location (Coordinates) Casing Center Actual Casing Location (Coordinates) Difference Offset / Dev., e (m) Tolerance for Offset Top of Casing Existing Ground / Dev. ,e max (m) (TOC) Elevation Level (EGL) NORTHING OK EASTING NO B. INCLINATION MEASUREMENT / CHECK 0 Reference Axis (90 ) Position Design Pile Inclination X - Axis 90° Y - Axis 90° Actual Inclination Tolerance (mm / m) Remarks Note : * Refer to the values set out in the Inspection and Test Plan Comments: Filled By: Checked By: Approved By: (Name, Signature, and Date) (Name, Signature, and Date) (Name, Signature, and Date) BFPI - Engineer SURVEYOR - SFTE Joint Venture CONSTRUCTION - SFTE Joint Venture SFTEJV-FRM-C200001 06 August 2021 / Revision 00 Noted by: (Name, Signature, and Date) QAQC ENGINEER - SFTE Joint Venture (Name, Signature, and Date) GC ENGINEER P2469 QER.01.KP_0.BFPI 07.2021 Date: KING POST PILE DRILLING DOCUMENTATION ITP Reference No.: Record No Project No.: Project: Client: Location: PILE REFERENCE DRILLING RECORD King Post Pile Ref. ID No. Time Depth from TOC (m) Pile Type (hh:mm) * Tool Used B, C) (A, Soil Description TOC EL. EGL (from TOC) _____________________ ____________________ Pile Diameter (m) Top of Casing (TOC) Elev. Existing Ground (EGL) Elev. (m) Design Pile Toe Elevation (m) Design Drill Depth fr. TOC (m) Actual Drill Depth (m) BORING/DRILL EQUIPMENT Type Operator BORE SUPPORT □ Fully Cased □ Starter Casing, _________ m FLUID TYPE □ Water □ Bentonite □ Polymer □ None BORING/DRILL RECORD Date (mm/dd/yy) Drilling Start Time (hh:mm) Date (mm/dd/yy) Drilling End Time (hh:mm) Filled by: (Name, Signature, and Date) BFPI - OPERATIONS ENGINEER Checked by: (Name, Signature, and Date) BFPI - QA/QC ENGINEER Approved by: (Name, Signature, and Date) CONSTRUCTION - SFTE Joint Venture (Name, Signature, and Date) QAQC ENGINEER - SFTE Joint Venture Noted by: (Name, Signature, and Date) GC ENGINEER Remarks: * ________________________ DESIGN TOE EL. Tool Used for Drilling (input initial): ________ ______________________ ACTUAL TOE EL. A - Auger B - Drilling Bucket C - Core Barrel SFTEJV-FRM-C200002 06 August 2021 / Revision 00 Toe cleaning method: □ Cleaning Bucket □ Air Lifting P2469 QER.02.KP_0.BFPI 07.2021 Date: KING POST PILE POLYMER SLURRY TEST RECORD ITP Reference No.: Record No.: Project : Project No. : Location : Client: King Post Pile Ref. ID No.: Polymer: MIXING PARAMETER / RATIO Water : m3 Source: Slurry : Slurry : Brand: Brand: m3 Reminder: Fresh Slurry sampling / testing should be carried after mix has achieved required curing time in the material specification. FRESH MIX Date Time Marsh Funnel Viscosity (Sec/Ltr) mm-dd-yy Hr:min. [40-100] pH Density (kg/Ltr.) Sand Content (%) [7 to 11] [ <1.10] [N/A] Sample Location (Tank No.) Remarks every fresh mix RE-FRESHING / RECYCLING Date Time Marsh Funnel Viscosity (Sec/Ltr) mm-dd-yy Hr:min. [40-100] pH Density (kg/Ltr.) Sand Content (%) [7 to 11] [ <1.10] [N/A] Sample Location (Tank No.) Remarks every mix, before mixing and after mixing PILE SHAFT (DURING DRILLING) Date Time Marsh Funnel Viscosity (Sec/Ltr) mm-dd-yy Hr:min. [40-100] pH Density (kg/Ltr.) Sand Content (%) [7 to 11] [ <1.25] [N/A] Level of Sample from Bore Hole Toe Remarks 1 @ mid depth of drilling (Check applicable) De-sanding and □ Recycling By using □ Replacement □ Airlifting Date /Time Start: □ Pump Date / Time Finished: PILE SHAFT (BEFORE CONCRETING) Date Time Marsh Funnel Viscosity (Sec/Ltr) mm-dd-yy Hr:min. [40-90] pH Density (kg/Ltr.) Sand Content (%) [N/A] [1.00 to 1.10] [ <1.0%] Level of Sample from Bore Hole Toe Remarks Minimum test: 1 - after finished the drilling 1 - after final cleaning PILE SHAFT (BEFORE CONCRETING) If WATER USED Date Time Marsh Funnel Viscosity (Sec/Ltr) mm-dd-yy Hr:min. [N/A] Prepared / Checked by: (Name, Signature, and Date) BFPI - QA/QC ENGINEER SFTEJV-FRM-C200003 06 August 2021 / Revision 00 pH Density (kg/Ltr.) Sand Content (%) [7 to 11] [N/A] [ <1.0%] Level of Sample from Bore Hole Toe Approved by: Remarks Noted by: (Name, Signature, and Date) (Name, Signature, and Date) (Name, Signature, and Date) CONSTRUCTION - SFTE Joint Venture QAQC ENGINEER - SFTE Joint Venture GC ENGINEER P2469 QER.03.KP_0.BFPI 07.2021 Date: KING POST PILE H-BEAM REINFORCEMENT RECORD ITP Reference No.: Record No.: Project: Project No.: Location: Client: King Post Pile Ref. ID No.: Pile Type: IFC/Approved Shop Dwg Ref. : Rev. No./ Date: H-BEAMS FABRICATION CHECK Materials Details Checked: H-Beam Section No. (from top) Main H-Beams Design H-Beams Size. (mm) Actual H-Beams Size. (mm) Bolts/ Nuts Joint Connection Conformed Qty. (pcs) Bolt/ Nuts Dia. (mm) Yes No Stud Bolts Details Studs Bolts Conformed Qty. (pcs) Ø(mm) Length (mm) Yes No Steel Spacer Conformed No. of Layers H-Beam Joint Connection Details No. per Layer (pcs) Yes No INSPECTION CHECKSHEET Item Conformed/ Satisfied Activities to be Checked H-Beam OK REMARKS NO 1 Checked rebar/ fabrication engineer holding latest approved AFC drawing during fabrication 2 Checked no. of holes at joint per connection system 5 Checked spacing of bolts on flange and webs based on the drawing 6 Checked H-Beams fabrication with temporary support on the bottom to avoid possible distortion 7 Checked H-Beam be free from rust, rust pits, scale, oil, moisture, or other deleterious matter that would affect welding operation 8 Checked H-Beams secure in position / fixing elements adequate - bolted/ torque H-Beams Fabrication 9 Checked h-beam based on the inspected segments and verified tagging's per pile schedule 10 Check welded connection of steel spacer to H-beam 4nos. per layer in accordance to IFC drawing Stud Bolts 11 Checked provision of markings on H-beams for stud bolt welding 12 Stud bolts shall be free from rust, scale, oil, moisture, or other deleterious matter. 13 Checked spacing/ distance of stud bolts center to center based on the IFC drawing 14 Visually checked welded stud bolts to determine 360⁰ full flash with no evidence of undercut into stud base 15 Visually checked welded stud bolts to ensure no discontinuities; Checked completely and acceptable 16 Bend Test performed based on the specification: 30⁰ from its original axis. 17 Bend tested of 5% for every 28 nos. studs/ king post. ( 1no. each side) 18 Follower beams secure in position / fixing elements adequate prior to lifting - holes/ bolted/ torque 19 Check dimensions, sizes of stud bolts 20 Spacers welded/ installed on correct position & spacing in accordance to IFC drawing Installation 21 Check if follower beams used has correct length and adequate capacity to hold H-beam during connection & final section installation. 22 H-beams clean / free of mud prior to lowering / installation to borehole. - wash by water spraying as necessary. 23 Checked at correct elevations, position & center at the borehole 24 Checked installation/ properly fixed and correct positioning of guide frame upon lowering of H-beam 25 Vertical joint support (welding flange/ bolts) between H-beam and follower adequate to carry weight during lifting / hanging. Filed by: Checked by: (Name, Signature, and Date) (Name, Signature, and Date) BFPI - QA/QC ENGINEER SURVEYOR - SFTE Joint Venture SFTEJV-FRM-C200004 06 August 2021 / Revision 00 Approved by: (Name, Signature, and Date) CONSTRUCTION - SFTE Joint Venture Noted by: (Name, Signature, and Date) QAQC ENGINEER - SFTE Joint Venture (Name, Signature, and Date) GC - ENGINEER P2469 QER.04A.KP_0.BFPI 07.2021 Date: KING POST PILE H-BEAM REINFORCEMENT RECORD ITP Reference No.: Record No.: Project: Project No.: Location: Client: King Post Pile Ref. ID No.: Pile Type: IFC/Approved Shop Dwg Ref. : Rev. No./ Date: H-BEAMS FABRICATION CHECK AA DD BB CC Top of H-Beam Elev._ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ Elev. _____________ Offset Elevation: ___________ = - Dist. from Offset to Bottom elev. of follower Beam: ____________ EGL _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Elev. _________________ H-Beam Section : __________ Design Length: _______m + _______m = _________m Acrual Length: _______m + _______m = _________m Spacers: Distance of spacer center to center : ______________ No. of Layer: ______________ No. of spacer per layer: ________________ Bottom Elevation of H-Beam._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Elev. _________________ Toe Elev of Borehole.._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Elev. _________________ REMARKS: Filed by: (Name, Signature, and Date) BFPI - OPERATIONS ENGINEER Checked by: (Name, Signature, and Date) BFPI QA/QC ENGINEER Approved by: (Name, Signature, and Date) CONSTRUCTION - SFTE Joint Venture Noted by: (Name, Signature, and Date) (Name, Signature, and Date) QAQC ENGINEER - SFTE Joint Venture GC - ENGINEER SFTEJV-FRM-C200005 06 August 2021 / Revision 00 P2469 QER.04B.KP_0.BFPI 07.2021 Date: KING POST PILE CONCRETING RECORD ITP Reference No. Record No.: Project: Project No.: Location: Client: King Post Pile Ref. No. : Top of Casing (TOC) Elev. (m) : Concrete level fr. TOC (m): Pile Diameter (mm) : Cut-off Level (COL) Elev. (m) : a. Target Concrete Supplier : Design Pile Length (m ): Cut-off Level fr. TOC (m): Concrete Volume (m³) Design Compressive Strength (Mpa) : Existing Ground Level (m) : a. Design Delivery Receiving on-site Testing On-site Date of Concreting: Method of Con. Placement: Direct Pouring b. Estimate Pouring Time Conc. Volume (m³) Note : Truck Number Time of Batching Time of Testing * Slump Flow 1). * Refer to the values set out in the Inspection and Test Plan No. of Samples VSI Concrete Temp. Start End Truck Load Cumulative Qty. Qty. 2). ** Depth from TOC to Actual Pile Toe Level (Prior to pouring) @ ____28____ days Line Pump Others Concrete Pour Monitoring Concrete Depth from TOC (measured from sounding ) Docket Number 40MPA Concrete Pump Before Pouring (m) After Pouring (m) A B Rise (After Pouring Before Pouring) C=B-A Tremie Length (m) Before Pouring (m) Embedment (m) D E=D-A Distance Tremie pipe bot. edge to toe level prior to concrete (m) Remarks 3). Check sedimentation from previous depth measurement (prior to pouring) INTERRUPTIONS / DELAYS (Workability) Duration Break longer than 15 minutes: T= minutes From Hr:min. To To Hr:min. Break longer than 15 minutes: T= minutes From Hr:min. To To Hr:min. Remarks: Filled by: (Name, Signature, and Date) BFPI - OPERATIONS ENGINEER SFTEJV-FRM-C200006 06 August 2021 / Revision 00 Checked by: (Name, Signature, and Date) BFPI - QA/QC ENGINEER Approved by: (Name, Signature, and Date) CONSTRUCTION - SFTE Joint Venture Noted by: (Name, Signature, and Date) QAQC ENGINEER - SFTE Joint Venture (Name, Signature, and Date) GC - ENGINEER P2469 QER.05.KP_0.BFPI 07.2021 Date: KING POST PILE MORTAR PLACEMENT RECORD ITP Reference No.: Record No.: Project: Project No.: Location: Client King Post Pile Ref. No. : Cut-off Level (COL) Elev. (m) : Pile Diameter (mm) : Existing Concrete Level fr. TOC (m): Tremie Pipe Concrete Pump Design Pile Length (m ): Mortar Volume (m³) : Direct Pouring Others/ Specify Top of Casing (TOC) Elev. (m) : a. Design Method of Mortar Placement: Mortar placement: Date: Mortar Supplier : b. Estimated Delivery Receiving on-site ` Design Compressive Strength (Mpa) : Testing On-site Pouring Time Conc. Volume (m³) Mortar Placement Monitoring Concrete Depth from TOC (measured from sounding ) Docket Number Truck Number Time of Batching Time of Testing * Slump height No. of Samples Mortar Temp. Start End Truck Cumulative Before Pouring Load Qty. Qty. (m) A Rise After Pouring (After Pouring (m) Before Pouring) B C=B-A Tremie Length (m) Before Pouring (m) Embedment (m) D E=D-A REMARKS ** INTERRUPTIONS / DELAYS (Workability) Duration Break longer than 15 minute T= minutes From Hr:min. To Hr:min. Break longer than 15 minute T= minutes From Hr:min. To Hr:min. Remarks: Filled by: Checked by: (Name, Signature, and Date) (Name, Signature, and Date) BFPI - OPERATIONS ENGINEER BFPI - QA/QC ENGINEER SFTEJV-FRM-C200007 06 August 2021 / Revision 00 Approved by: (Name, Signature, and Date) CONSTRUCTION - SFTE Joint Venture Noted by: (Name, Signature, and Date) (Name, Signature, and Date) QAQC ENGINEER - SFTE Joint Venture GC - ENGINEER P2469 QER.06.KP_0.BFPI 07.2021 Date: KING POST PILE BACKFILL RECORDS ITP Reference No.: Shift: Record No: Project: Project No: DS Location: Client: NS Note: Attach Key Plan with "marked" or "highlighted" location requested. King Post Pile Reference No.: Pile Diameter (mm): Pile Type: Top of Casing (TOC) Elev.: Zone/ Area: Existing Ground Elevation: Grid Line / Location: Initial Elevation Final Depth: Elev. Est. backfill materials vol. (m3): Backfilling Start: Backfilling End: Approved Backfill Materials: PARTICULARS Date (mm/dd/yy) Time (hh:mm) Date (mm/dd/yy) Time (hh:mm) SATISFIED/CONFORMED? Yes No REMARKS (if necessary) N/A a. Clear equipment access b. Free from obstructions c. Excavated materials (surplus soil) provided protection/ berm d. Properly compacted f As per approved plan g Removal of excess backfill materials along the pile area. Filled by: (Name, Signature & Date) BFPI - OPERATION ENGINEER Checked by: (Name, Signature & Date) BFPI - QA/QC ENGINEER Approved by: (Name, Signature & Date) CONSTRUCTION - SFTE Joint Venture Noted by: (Name, Signature & Date) QAQC ENGINEER - SFTE Joint Venture (Name, Signature & Date) GC - ENGINEER SFTEJV-FRM-C200008 06 August 2021 / Revision 00 P2469 QER.07.KP_0.BFPI 07.2021 13 14 11 12 10 9 8 7 6 4 5 3 2 1 K K BORED PILE SCHEDULE 1 BORED PILE SCHEDULE 1 Mark N/S E/W Mark N/S E/W A-1 A-2 A-3 A-4 A-5 A-6 A-7 A-8 A-9 A-10 1621271873 1621275287 1621275777 1621267975 1621269927 1621271879 1621263980 1621265250 1621267884 1621259984 503814629 503806487 503797673 503813731 503805253 503796775 503812811 503804176 503795855 503811892 A-11 A-12 A-13 A-14 A-15 A-16 A-17 A-18 A-19 A-20 1621261936 1621263888 1621256314 1621256330 1621257941 1621258529 1621253390 1621250726 1621252679 1621254631 503803413 503794935 503816690 503811050 503802493 503793701 503816017 503809760 503801282 503792804 J J I I H H 1 2 3 4 5 6100 3740 3000 A-13 G 5200 4000 4100 1300 2700 3550 1790 1760 A 6910 F A-1 700 A-4 3750 3400 A-7 G 5750 350 A-10 2100 A-14 A-18 F 8700 B 4100 A-17 3700 5500 4800 3400 4100 5400 C A-2 E 5200 1760 1790 3550 D D A-8 A-11 A-15 A-19 E 8700 6910 E A-5 4000 A-3 4100 A-6 4100 A-9 5500 A-12 4000 A-16 A-20 D BORED PILE A 1 : 150 C C KEYPLAN: B B Prepared by: CONTRACTOR Approved by: DESIGNER Approved by: REVISION DATE PROJECT DESCRIPTION METRO MANILA SUBWAY PROJECT PHASE-1 Project Manager DOTr, PMO 13 12 Undersecretary For Railway, DOTr Shimizu - Fujita - Takenaka - EEI Joint Venture 11 10 PRC No. Validity: IAPOA No. O.R. No. PTR No. DATE: Place: TIN: 9 KIYOSHI MIMURA Project Manager SFTE JV Technical Design NORTH AVENUE STATION BORED PILES ARCHITECT / STRUCTURAL ENGINEER / ETC. Republic of the Philippines 14 STAGE Initial Design DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION A PACKAGE CP101 PROJECTION TITLE Construction Design Third Angle DATE: 12/10/21 SCALE: INTENDED FORMAT: As Built A1 SHEET DRAWING NO. 8 7 / / /7 2 MMSP-SFTEJV-101-NAS-DWG-C-200002 Shimizu - Fujita - Takenaka - EEI Joint Venture 6 5 4 3 A 1 : 150 2 1 REV A 12/10/2021 3:40:49 pm Checked by: 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 NORTH AVENUE STATION TEMPORARY DESIGN K GROUND PLAN(4) K S=1/200 A-1 - A-20 J J 1 2 I 3 6500 4 7500 5 7500 6 7500 7 7500 7500 I 7500 A - A 30050 250 1200 7250 H A 3550 A-1 B 4100 A-14 B-5 3750 5750 1850 A-8 A-11 3800 5500 4800 3400 B-13 B-17 G B-2 A-5 B-9 A-18 8050 4100 A-10 A-15 A-19 650 6910 F A-7 B-1 4100 5400 B-6 B-10 B-14 B-18 1850 B-3 B-7 B-11 B-15 B-19 B-8 B-12 B-16 B-20 F 8050 C 4000 A-2 34020 36420 6910 5300 A-4 5850 7000 G 3000 6550 20000 A-17 6960 8635 6550 A-13 D 3550 A-3 A-6 A-9 A-12 A-16 6960 H A-20 B-4 6550 E 1200 6550 E 8635 E D D Secant Pile Wall H-500x200x10x16@700mm 6500 4000 4100 4100 5500 4000 4100 3500 4000 3500 4000 3500 C C KEY PLAN 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 Legend A B B :H-428×407×20×35 φ1200 D E A - A B - B C - C DESIGNER REVISION A DESCRIPTION DATE 22/JUL/20 PROJECT METRO MANILA SUBWAY PROJECT PHASE 1 TITLE First Submission 11 10 STAGE Initial Design NORTH AVENUE STATION TEMPORARY DESIGN GROUND PLAN(4) Shimizu - Fujita - Takenaka - EEI Joint Venture 12 PACKAGE CP101 PROJECTION Republic of the Philippines 13 :H-500×200×10×16 @700mm 22/JUL/21 DATE SCALE DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION A B D - D CONTRACTOR 14 Steel Pile Wall King Post C 9 8 A-1 - A-20 Shimizu - Fujita - Takenaka - EEI Joint Venture 7 6 5 4 Technical Design Construction Design Third Angle INTENDED FORMAT A1 As Built SHEET REV DRAWING No. MMSP-SFTEJV-101-NAS-SHD-TP-100007 3 2 A 1 : 200 1 7 9 A 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 2 1 NOTE: Kingpost layout in this drawing is reference only. Layout shall follow plan drawings. NORTH AVENUE STATION TEMPORARY DESIGN K 3 K CROSS SECTION(4) SECTION A-A (A-1 - A-20) S=1/150 J KING POST CONNECTION +136.50m S=1/15 φ25 5 40 40 407 60 60 60 60 40 40 1 160 85 160 1 1 14200 14900 I 405 407 1 1200 +136.40m 60 40 205 40 60 +136.50m J I 40 5@65=325 80 5@65=325 40 407 810 1 160 14200 2640 800 2@75 80 2@75 =150 =150 460 22 16 G 60 40 205 40 60 40 1 405 1 407 H.T.B(F10T) M22 2PL-22×405×810 L=120mm (48bolts) F 4PL-22×160×810 500 3440 Flange 428 428 40 40 Splice Plate F 22 22 22 60 2@80 =160 60 11760 40 22 74 280 74 30560 30100 28400 30560 G H 60 40 60 φ25 5 22 H Web L=95mm (18bolts) 2PL-16×280×460 1200 8310 8700 8700 1200 8310 34020 36420 E 1200 E KING POST BORED PILE S=1/25 LEGEND D D PLAN :Filling with Surplus Soil :Filling with Mortal(σck=1MPa) :Filling with Extra Concrete(σck=40MPa) :Filling with Concrete(σck=40MPa) 600 H-428x407x20x35 C C 600 KEY PLAN 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 600 A 600 Concrete σck=40N/mm2 B B 1200 B C D E A - A B - B C - C D - D CONTRACTOR DESIGNER REVISION A DESCRIPTION DATE 22/JUL/20 METRO MANILA SUBWAY PROJECT PHASE 1 TITLE First Submission CROSS SECTION(4) Shimizu - Fujita - Takenaka - EEI Joint Venture 13 12 11 10 STAGE Initial Design NORTH AVENUE STATION TEMPORARY DESIGN Republic of the Philippines 14 PACKAGE CP101 PROJECTION 22/JUL/21 DATE SCALE DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION A PROJECT 9 8 SECTION A-A (A-1 - A-20) Shimizu - Fujita - Takenaka - EEI Joint Venture 7 6 5 4 3 Technical Design Construction Design Third Angle INTENDED FORMAT A1 As Built SHEET REV DRAWING No. MMSP-SFTEJV-101-NAS-SHD-TP-100008 2 A 1 : 150,1:25,1:15 1 8 9 A