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ECE 283 PMIC Project Review 1

University of California, San Diego
Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering
ECE 283 – Power Management Integrated Circuits (PMICs)
Project Review 1
1. OBJECTIVE ...................................................................................................................... 1
2. PRESENTATION SLIDES (20-30 MINUTES PRESENTATION) ................................................ 1
3. REPORT .......................................................................................................................... 2
4. REFERENCE DESIGNS ...................................................................................................... 2
1. Objective
The objective of this proposal is to present
o a complete macro model simulation the converter,
o a complete optimization and switch sizing to achieve target efficiency, and
o some completed sub-blocks at the transistor levels and simulation including these
o a progress update and a plan how you are going to finish the project.
2. Presentation slides (20-30 minutes presentation)
Slide 1: Title of the project, your group name, group members and affiliation
Next 1-2 slides: Motivation for the topic – why do you need to design this converter?
Next 1 slide: Repeat specifications, possible discussions.
Next 1 slide: The converter topology (Buck or 3-level) you are developing and its
Next 1 slide: Block diagram of your converter.
Next 1-2 slide: A macro-/idealized-model simulations with idealized components in
analogLib library. (Refer to Lecture 4)
Next 1-3 slide: Converter simulations with idealized components for the control circuit
(amplifiers, PWM generator, etc.) but using practical transistor-level designs for the
following blocks:
o Power switches (sizes are optimized from a loss analysis)
o Gate driver circuits
o Level shifters
o Logic generation with deadtime control
o Show achievable efficiency.
o Note: this simulation can be open-loop if closed-loop stability is difficult to
Next n slide, where n depends on the number of blocks in your system:
o Gate driver circuits
©Prof. Hanh-Phuc Le
o Level shifters
o Logic generation with deadtime control
o Target specifications, and progress if started, for other blocks.
▪ The specifications are set in consideration of the whole system, and
particularly the interface with other connected blocks, i.e., input/output pins,
signal range and other electrical specifications.
Next 1-2 slides: a timeline, e.g., a Gantt chart, that shows a complete projected plan with
task assignments, aiming at the project final review/report deadline.
o Make sure you assign team members to the tasks.
3. Report
The presentation slides.
4. Reference designs
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©Prof. Hanh-Phuc Le
X. Liu, P. K. T. Mok, J. Jiang and W. Ki, "Analysis and Design Considerations of Integrated 3Level Buck Converters," in IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems I: Regular Papers, vol.
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©Prof. Hanh-Phuc Le