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Climate-Smart Agriculture Synopsis Seminar

Presented by
Sonaly Bhatnagar
Admission No.
Major Advisor
Dr. Rashmi Chaudhary (Associate Professor)
Department of Business Management
Advisory Committee
Dr. Krishan Kumar (Professor and Head)
Department of Business Management.
Dr. Subhash Sharma (Associate Professor)
Department of Social Sciences.
Dr. Yasmin Janjhua (Associate Professor)
Department of Business Management.
“Climate-Smart Agricultural
Practices for Climate Change Risk
Mitigation in Different Agro-Climatic
Zones of Himachal Pradesh.”
Introduction & Importance
Climate change is considered to be the most pressing issue today, posing a serious
threat to food security, the livelihood of the rural population, and the sustainability of
the agriculture sector at the global level (Sundstrom et al. 2014).
Climate change causes a diversity of risks emanating from changes in
precipitation patterns leading to increased risk of recurrent droughts and devastating
floods, rising temperatures, melting of glaciers, sea level rise, and threats to
biodiversity (Kumar et al. 2018).
The agricultural sector and climate change are intertwined with each other, and
their relationship is particularly significant to the ever‐increasing inequality of the
earth's population and world food production (Praveen and Sharma 2019).
Climate change may deprive farming activities, often carried out by the farmers
through loss of harvests, often their sole sources of food and income, and make them
the most vulnerable to climate change.
With the increasing vulnerability of agricultural systems
to climate change, adaptation, and adjustments in current
agricultural practices are required to reduce the adverse
effects of changing climate (Goswami et al. 2023).
Food Agriculture Organization (FAO) has devised the
concept of climate-smart agriculture (CSA) under which
innovative and sustainable agricultural practices are urged to
deploy at the farm level (FAO 2010).
Climate smart agriculture is composed of three main
sustainably intensify agriculture for better livelihoods;
enhance the resilience (adaptation) of farmers; and
reduce or mitigate greenhouse gas emissions (Lipper et
al. 2014)
Climate-smart agriculture (CSA) is an integrated approach to
increase sustainable agricultural production by adapting to
and building resilience to climate change (Phyu et al. 2022).
Himachal Pradesh is a mostly mountainous state in the North Western Himalayas is particularly
vulnerable to climate change and its adverse effects, as 70 per cent of the population relies on
agriculture for livelihood, and the economy contributes 22 per cent of the total State domestic
product (State Performance Report, 2020-21).
It is imperative to understand the livelihood vulnerability of rural households and to implement
climate-smart agricultural practices to reduce farmers’ vulnerability and improve their resilience.
Therefore, farmers need to sustainably increase agricultural productivity and income by building
resilience. Moreover, highly dynamic farming systems i.e. climate-smart agricultural practices are
needed to help farmers in responding to climate change while continuing to contribute to the
pursuit of producing sufficient food to feed the rising population.
In Himachal Pradesh, there is a lack of studies focusing specifically on the vulnerability of
farmers’ livelihoods and the adoption of climate-smart agricultural practices. In fact, previous
studies attempted only to determine the impact of climate change on agriculture.
To assess the livelihood vulnerability of the farmer households to climate change.
To identify climate-smart agricultural practices adopted by farmers and factors influencing the
adoption of climate-smart agricultural practices.
 To study the impact of climate-smart agricultural practices on crop yield and farm income.
To identify the constraints for adopting climate-smart agricultural practices among farmers.
Research Methodology
of study area
Present study is proposed to be conducted in all four agro-climatic zones of Himachal Pradesh i.e., low–hill subtropical, mid-hill sub-tropical, high-hill wet temperate and high-hill dry temperate zones of Himachal Pradesh for
the year 2023-2024. The zone I comprised of foothills, sub-montane, low hills and valley area from 350 to 650 m
amsl. The zone II comprised of the area falling in the elevation range of 650-1800 m amsl. The zone III compasses
the high hill and wet temperate areas in the elevation range of 1800-2200 m (above mean sea level). The zone IV
comprised of high-hills and dry temperate areas in the elevation range of 2200m amsl and above.
A multi-stage random sampling technique will be followed to select a sample of blocks, villages and ultimately
the farmers.
of sample
• 30 per cent of blocks from four agro-climatic zones will be
selected on the basis of the maximum area under agricultural
crops and production .
• A complete list of agricultural dominant villages from
each selected block will be prepared from the
respective block office and revenue department. 30 per
cent of villages from each selected block will be
selected randomly.
• 30 per cent of households from each village will be
selected randomly.
Collection of data
To meet the objectives of the proposed study, both primary and secondary data will be collected.
Primary data
The primary data for the agricultural year (2023-2024) will be collected on a well-designed and
pre-tested schedule by personally interviewing the selected farmers on various aspects, viz., socioeconomic parameters such as farmers’ introduction, family structure, and size, occupation, literacy
status, area and production of agricultural crops.
Secondary data
The required secondary data will be procured from various publications, government departments,
books, journals, and various reports.
Analytical Tools
To meet the specific objectives of the
present study based on the nature and
extent of the availability of data,
appropriate mathematical and statistical
tools such as ratios, percentages, mean,
standard deviation, coefficient of
variance, Likert type scale and Pearson
Correlation will be employed for the
analysis of the data.
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