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Creative Writing Exam: Fire & Phone Stories

Question-wise Details
Section #1
Question 1:
Time: 30 Min 14 Sec
Marks: 0/ 1
Choose one topic from these Three Topics mentioned below and write a fictional/non fictional story of minimum 250 words on it.
Topic options are :
A. shadow,
B. Rain,
C. Fire. (note: choose one topic only)
The Mountain Is On Fire
"The mountain is on fire," thought Ravi as he streaked down the path.
His brow was drenched with sweat, his shirt was stuck to his back and he had a cramp in his stomach ; but he did not stop
running. He took one look at the mountain peak in the distance, pushed his head down again and began running faster ; "The
mountain is on fire."
"The mountain is on fire." thought Sameer as he slipped into his shoes. He jumped over the wall, and ran onto the path in the
woods. He could hear his mother telling him to be careful, so he acknowledged her with a wave without looking back. He had to
be quick after all, "The mountain is on fire."
Ravi burst out of the woods and ran towards the edge. He saw that he was the first one there and happily ran to the railing. He
gripped the metal bars, and felt the cold draft rising from the chasm below. He closed his eyes and listened to the peaceful
His reverie was broken by the sound of something in the woods behind him.
And slowly,slowly....either alone or in groups, several children appeared from among the trees. Sameer waved and came to
stand with him. They all stared at the tallest peak in fron of them, the mountain which was on fire.
Kanchenjunga is the one of tallest mountain in India. When the sun rises, its rays reflect on the ice capped peak in such a
manner, it appears as if the mountain has been set alight. The colour changes from red,to orange to slight pink. The
bright profusion of colour on the mountain, is like the brilliant flame of a candle. Its a beautiful sight beyond comparison, and its
something which must be seen at least once. This majestic view is a very rare sight , only visible at certain times. Hence, all the
kids were in such a rush.
After the colours faded away, Sameer grinned at Ravi, "This fire was much better than the one we caused at your house."
"Want to try and improve it ?" replied Ravi, and the two of them ran giggling towards his house, while Kanchenjunga rose
majestically in the background.
--x-Words : 381
Question 2:
Time: 34 Min 28 Sec
Marks: 0/ 1
Choose one topic from these Four Topics mentioned below and write a story of minimum 200 words in any
genre(horror/emotional/comic/thriller/horror comedy).
Topic options are :
A- landline phone.
B. old tape-recorder.
C. camera.
D. Doll(toy).(note: choose one topic only)
"Sorry,Lucy isn't home now. Please leave a messa-*click* " He sighed as he replaced the receiver on the telephone. He ran his
eyes around the lounge. The Victorian furniture was a reminder of an era gone by. An era which seemed to get distant with each
passing day.
The howling outside continued with the same intensity as before, though it was tough to discern now whether it was the wind
or... "No." he thought, "Its far too light out." He shivered involuntarily and wrapped his old jacket around him tightly. He wheezed
his way to the window and peered through the blinds.
The sky was a warm orange,cloudless...and the last rays of the sun were gleaming through the buildings. Dry leaves were
strewn all around, it seemed like a typical autumn evening; but that's where the parallels stopped. It was deathly quite. Not a
single living soul was visible. Cars were smashed together,their occupants ravaged till they were unrecognisable.
Window glass lay shattered in a million pieces, street lamps had bent and fallen over, electric wires sagged on the ground. A bus
lay on its side further down the street. He thought he saw movement near the bus...but after so long; he wasn't sure what was
real or imaginary.
He closed his eyes and walked back in the room. He fell on the setee and stared at the ceiling. He had lost count
of the days since he left home, left Lucy. All he remembered was the sudden madness when they appeared and unleashed
unspeakable horrors on men. He had ran for his life and holed himself up in this hotel.Every night was a fight for survival while
every day was a fight against himself.He was worn out and he had trouble thinking straight. He was lost.
He picked up the reciever. "7....8....2....4....," he dialled. "Please. Pick up,
Please...." he bit his lip as the tone rang, There was a commotion starting outside. He leaned back and closed his eyes; the dial
tone kept ringing. The sound outside seemed to be getting louder...a cross between chants and the cry of some animal. Tears
filled his eyes, he clenched the receiver tightly. "Please..."he whispered,"Pick up!" The cries were closer than ever. He did not
know if it was the chanting he heard, the ringing phone or his own heart beat.
His breath came in short puffs, and he felt choked.
"Sorry, Lucy isn't home now. Please leave a mess-" , the reciever slipped from his hand and fell to the ground. He did not hear it
fall, because the door was torn from its hinges and he saw them enter the room. He looked at them once,
and closed his eyes. As they closed in on him, the only sound which could be heard was the beep of the telephone.
Words : 471