WfDN Date: /8 03 Es 'DAy -- ~ --- -------- ' . - . . , . Define wnat is commerce? ---.........."pf'l-u.1 fr~e services _ and gO<XJs of _ . . ~e studu of ft.Je _dio1r1but1on ·,y_uucer -ucommerce 1.5 111 ' - -to the consumer ._ _ - - De&cri be eacn term below : - - - J ra-) Products : Bloods -tnat satisfg the J. needs afJd want~ of consumers . I i 1 nes invo1ved i'n rnaKin9 consumed neeas and wants· b) Production : }he activi extraction raw ((]ater;a1s from the c) Prirno r:g sector : The d) se condar:t1 &ector: The manufacturin~ of Of tne P-roduct, ir, orrJer to e) TertiarlJ ---- EarfhJ surface :__ _ using the raw product .s b8 the primar(:j sector . safi.s0- thr - materials s~ _ -e sect-or: Invo1ve& ihe di &tri buti on of theA(W2ducts to the mnsumer ,; . ust and exp1a in J. facrors of production involved i(l an indu.str'd . • Capita 1 : The indUStt] would nove to ra /s e enough capita I in order fo carr& out • tabour its act,.vities . : The it1ciu&tr& would activi1 _ _If_ .-,-.',~ have to employ worKer.s to help carry ouf every _ . :. i o__:,_h__:,_._ _ _ _ __ __ _ _ _ _ __ _ sa:.:. .t_ , ;-=i a::.:...! p e~c----= sf:....: f --=9 _o__:__ n _in-\;}a:__ _:_ _ e tn_e_ m .;:___:_ ne f ;_:_ _ __ 5peciatisation is when an organir.ot/on'-s main Focus ,s on one ~ maJces a limited range of products or .servic~s . EXplain two forms or speciali iation and yive examples of ch form of ~ ci~ iaJii'I 0 &upQUd_Qt_goods, servic~ or row mater,ars wowo come ~~ : ~ - - (Q.9ioo _of_g_ countr~_. f xam(l.11_ ~ North -01s tem regio n of TlxJ,'/and i§ JhR _ - - ~ - - -~est si_J}__produc-tion areas . - - --.:·~C,.y_o~uflJ!i_g_~~ sl!f2P-'.H~of _,Jervl c_<>s, goods or raw tr?arer/011 f,'l()JJ!cl eo; ; ; _ ~ ,. 5 · - --+--- - -~ sflfC!_ fJ c __f!}untry · £,xamp1e . _d,.amon els from frlco. . Date:_ __ __ -- b- ADVANTAG-rES . q,u tc ker -- - - -- D!SA PVfJNTf}Cn£5 train in Q for worten . wor~~rs becomt> skilled t. efficleni - -- - s and wor~ers. Explain the impQct of division of labour to f,rm '-' . .smaller producer~ (A)ifh v,88 compete - er procfficerJ . can becorri e bored and less moti var~d - . ()}Ori<ers I = = = = = = = = = = = = = = -= -·--+-===