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Mobile Phone Location Tracking Using Signal Strength Measurements

Masaryk University
Faculty of Informatics
Locating mobile phones using
signal strength measurements
Master’s Thesis
Jakub Martinka
Brno, Fall 2019
Masaryk University
Faculty of Informatics
Locating mobile phones using
signal strength measurements
Master’s Thesis
Jakub Martinka
Brno, Fall 2019
This is where a copy of the official signed thesis assignment and a copy of the
Statement of an Author is located in the printed version of the document.
Hereby I declare that this paper is my original authorial work, which
I have worked out on my own. All sources, references, and literature
used or excerpted during elaboration of this work are properly cited
and listed in complete reference to the due source.
Jakub Martinka
Advisor: RNDr. Jiří Kůr Ph.D.
I would like to thank my advisor, RNDr. Jiří Kůr, Ph.D. for all the
patience, guidance, knowledge and valuable ideas he provided to me
throughout the writing of this thesis. I would also like to thank my
beloved wife for her patience and endless support. Last but not least,
I would like to thank my family and friends for their encouragement
and support. Dakujem kotol
Nowadays, mobile phones have become an essential part of our lives.
An ability to track position of a phone leads to revealing a position of
its owner. In this work, different methods of mobile phone location
tracking are explained with the main focus given on methods using signal strength of surrounding mobile network base stations. An Android
application was developed for taking signal strength measurements.
The data obtained from this scanner were used for evaluation and testing of implemented localization techniques: fingerprinting, weighted
centroid and trilateration.
location, mobile phone, position, tracking, triangulation, trilateration,
RSSI, fingerprinting
RF technology
2.1 Signal propagation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
2.2 Mobile phone cellular network . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Positioning techniques
3.1 Global Navigation Satellite System - GNSS .
3.2 WiFi access point . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
3.3 Bluetooth beacon . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
3.4 Mobile network connection . . . . . . . . . .
3.4.1 RRLP and LPP . . . . . . . . . . .
3.4.2 Cell-ID . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
3.4.3 Timing advance - TA . . . . . . . .
3.4.4 Angle of arrival - AoA . . . . . . .
3.4.5 Time of arrival - ToA . . . . . . . .
3.4.6 Time difference of arrival - TDoA .
3.4.7 Weighted centroid . . . . . . . . .
3.4.8 Received signal strength - RSS . .
3.4.9 Fingerprinting . . . . . . . . . . . .
Molotras - Mobile phone location tracking system
4.1 Android scanner . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
4.2 Core . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
4.2.1 Cell database . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
4.2.2 Localization algorithms . . . . . . . . .
4.2.3 GUI . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Future work and possible extensions
A Evaluation
B Molotras source files and measured data
1 Introduction
In last decades a huge technical progress in radio technologies and
change of industry orientation led to building new network infrastructures making wireless technologies available for public use and
they are nowadays part of everyday life for most of the people. We
use mobile phones on a daily basis and have them constantly by hand.
Because of this, ability to track phones indirectly leads to tracking
Information that some user was at some place at some time is not
much useful in general but it may be very important and useful in specific contexts. Mobile operators have to provide all of the information
about their customers to the law enforcement agencies if the agencies
have a corresponding court permission. In some countries there are
also data retention rules that order the operators to store user data for
certain period of time, usually 6 or 12 months. This include not only
location information but also communication metadata such as time
and duration of phone calls, from who or to whom they were made,
text and communicants of SMS and other data.
Investigators may obtain such data and process it so they obtain
detailed information about user’s communication and also his position
in a time period. It is possible to use the data to create a profile of the
target including his daily habits, favorite places, people he meets and
also to reveal relationships between them. Connecting this kind of data
with public data from social networks may result in very precise profile
of the target. This may be a good data source for security agency but
it may be easily misused as there is sometimes very thin line between
helping and spying.
Some countries prohibit usage of satellite phones that do not use
terrestrial network but allow usage of phones connected to mobile
cellular networks. This indicates that governments have control of the
network up to some extent. It can be monitored and shut down in case
of any critical situations. Collecting data about mobile phone users
necessary for correct functionality of service is generally acceptable
but sometimes these data are gathered silently without the users’
knowledge and possibly against their will.
1. Introduction
Location Based Services (LBS) are very well established in emergency services because the callers are often too young or injured so
much they can not report their precise position. The position of the
caller should be available at the public safety answering point at the
time the emergency call starts or very shortly after. In some countries
LBS are even anchored in law. For example, Federal Communications
Commission, federal agency responsible for implementing and enforcing communications law and regulations in the USA, published
an order effective from 2011 for the telecommunication providers to
deliver localization services precision of 100 meters in 67% of emergency calls and 300 meters in 90% of emergency calls allowing some
exclusions for heavily forested areas [1].
The main topic of this thesis is the mobile phone localization. To set
this topic into wider context, radio technology and radio signal propagation are described together with basics of cellular networks and
their topology. Mobile operators posses capabilities to obtain position
of the user’s phone. The methods that can be used by mobile operators
as well as positioning techniques that exclude mobile operators are
explained in the theoretical part of this thesis.
The aim of this thesis is to evaluate and compare localization techniques based on measurements of signal strengths of signals transmitted by a cellular network. These measurements are under some
circumstances available for mobile operators. An Android application that simulates the generation of such measurement report is
implemented and used for data gathering in a city and a village environments. Three different localization methods are implemented and
collected data are used for their evaluation.
The rest of this thesis is organized as follows: In chapter 2 the radio
technology is introduced with focus on signal propagation and use
in cellular network. Different mobile phone positioning techniques
are presented and explained in chapter 3. Chapter 4 describes the implementation of chosen localization algorithms that are subsequently
analyzed in chapter 5. Finally, possible future directions and summary
of this research are discussed in chapters 6 and 7.
2 RF technology
Location based services are tightly connected with physical characteristics of radio signals. First part of this chapter describes basic characteristic of radio signal and introduces factors influencing radio signal
propagation. Second part explains basics of mobile cellular networks
necessary to understand how and what type of information may be
used in localization algorithms.
2.1 Signal propagation
Radio frequency (RF) is the oscillation rate of an alternating electric
current in the frequency range approximately from 20 kHz to 300 GHz.
Energy from RF currents in conductors can be radiated into the free
space as electromagnetic (radio) waves. Basic characteristics of the
electromagnetic wave is given by its frequency, amplitude and phase.
For transmitting digital data, the carrier signal is combined with the
data signal by changing its basic characteristics (modulation).
Electromagnetic radiation waves that travel in the direct path from
a transmitter to a receiver follow so called Line-of-sight (LOS) propagation [2]. On the contrary, Non-line-of-sight (NLOS) propagation occurs
when the transmission path is partially obstructed and the signal
travels in an indirect path. Some of many phenomenons that distort
the signal are diffraction, refraction, reflection or even absorption by
obstacles (e.g. mountains, buildings, trees) in the path. Radio waves or
their part may be reflected and scattered multiple times on their path
to the receiver so the signals arriving at the receiver may come from
different directions, with different strengths and with a shift of their
phases resulting in a signal that is hard or impossible to decode. Another effect causing an increase in error rate is interference that occurs
if there are transmissions of the same frequency from two or more
sources. Interference can be explained on the example of talking persons. If Alice and Bob communicate over a distance, they have to speak
loudly enough to hear each other. If Cyril starts speaking near them,
they have to either speak louder or to come closer to each other. The
very same applies in the RF technologies with the receiver unable to
properly isolate individual incoming signals. Communication channel
2. RF technology
and its quality may also be time varying when the transmitter or the
receiver are moving through different environments. All these effects
influencing signal propagation have to be taken into account in designing and planning any radio network. Computing signal propagation
in real environment would be very time and resource consuming as it
would require precise position and composition of all objects in the
area together with information about RF propagation in particular
materials. A map with precise signal propagation is usually not necessary for network planning and the whole process is simplified by
path loss models.
A model of radio signal propagation is mathematical equation
determining path loss - the measure describing how is the signal
attenuated over the specific path. We can generally state that signal
strength at the receiver (Pr ) is equal to strength of the transmitted
signal (Pt ) diminished by the characteristics of the path - path loss
(PL). This relation is shown in equation 2.1 where Pr and Pt are in dBm
and PL in dB.
Pr = Pt − PL
The aim of using propagation models is homogenization of highly
heterogeneous environment. This means that an area (e.g. a city) is
modeled as if the signal is propagating at all places and in all directions
equally even if the obstacles (e.g. buildings) are of different magnitudes
and composed of different materials.
Free Space Path Loss
The most basic propagation model is Free Space Path Loss (FSPL) [2]
model defined by equation 2.2. FSPL represents how the LOS signal is
attenuated over the free space, typically over the air. The intensity of
electromagnetic radiation decreases with the distance by the inverse
square law or in other words path loss grows with the square of the
distance. This means that if the distance between transmitter and
receiver is doubled, the signal attenuation is four times higher and so
the strength at the receiver is lowered to one quarter of the reference
2. RF technology
PL FS = 10 · log
2 !
= 20 · log
PL FS − Free Space Path Loss [dB]
d − distance from the transmitter
λ − carrier wavelength in the same units as d
Okumura-Hata model
The Okumura model is empirical model based on extensive measurements taken in Tokyo, Japan. The data from okumura model lead to
further developed Hata model also known as Okumura-Hata model
[3] defined in equation 2.3. Path loss equations introduce signal propagation in a large city and correction functions are applied for other
environments. The environment categories used in the model are:
Rural area: Large open space, minimum of obstacles
Suburban area: Village or highway, obstacles typically trees and houses
Urban area: City with large buildings, many different obstacles
Parameters and constraints used in Okumura-Hata model:
L − Path loss [dB]
f c − carrier frequency [MHz], 150 MHz ≥ f c ≥ 1500 MHz
hb − base station height [m], 30 m ≥ hb ≥ 200 m
hm − mobile station height [m], 1 m < hm < 10 m
d − great circle distance between base station and mobile station [km]
L = A + B · log d − D
Rural areas
Suburban areas
Urban areas
2. RF technology
A = 69.55 + 26.16 · log f c − 13.82 · log hb
B = 44.9 − 6.55 · log hb
C = 4.78 · (log f c )2 − 18.33 · log f c + 40.94
D = 2 · (log( f c /28))2 + 5.4
 3.2 · (log(11.75 · hm )) − 4.97 f c ≥ 300MHz
E = 8.29 · (log(1.54 · hm ))2 − 1.1
f c < 300MHz
(1.1 · log f − 0.7) · h − (1.56 · log f − 0.8)
large cities
medium / small cities
Since Okumura-hata is defined for frequencies up to 1.5 GHz, it
was extended to cover 1.5 − 2 GHz band in COST 231-Hata model.
Many radio propagation models are available and they are suitable for
different types of applications. More information about propagation
models may be found in [2] or [3].
Note on decibels
Signal strength is usually measured either in absolute units such as
watts (W), milliwatts (mW) or decibel − milliwatts (dBm) or in some
cases we use relative decibel (dB) unit. Decibel is very important unit in
propagation studies and it is also often source of confusion. To avoid
any confusions in the later work, relations between mentioned power
units are explained in equations 2.4-2.7.
The bel (equation 2.4) is a logarithmic unit of power ratio representing an increase in power P by a factor of 10 relative to power Pre f .
1 bel therefore means that the power P is 10 times higher than Pre f .
Pbel = log
Pre f mW
The decibel (equation 2.5) is one tenth of the bel and it is more convenient to use than bel. 10 times higher power than the reference means
10 dB, 100 times higher power means 20 dB and so on. Decibel units
are usually used for expressing path loss, attenuation or gain of RF
2. RF technology
components (e.g. attenuator, power amplifier, antenna) with reference
to the input power.
PdB = 10 · log mW
Pre f mW
While bel and decibel are relative units that can be used only if it is
known what is the reference power, decibel − milliwatt (equation 2.6)
is an absolute unit that is referenced to 1 mW. Power in dBm therefore
represents how many times (on the logarithmic scale) is the signal
stronger or weaker than 1 mW. dBm have very convenient expression
power for both low power 10−13 W = −100 dBm and high power
107 W = 100 dBm while units are still in a "nice" range ⟨−100, 100⟩.
PdBm = 10 · log
= 30 + 10 · log W
1 mW
To convert dBm values to mW (or W), equation 2.7 is used. It is straightforward that equations 2.6 and 2.7 are inverses to each other.
PmW = 1 mW · 10
= 1 W · 10
PdBm −30
2.2 Mobile phone cellular network
Radio frequency technology is nowadays used for a large variety
of services but one of the most important is mobile telecommunication network using carrier signal frequencies usually from range
300 kHz − 3 GHz. This chapter explains basic principles of mobile
phone networks with emphasis on principles that are necessary to
understand localization techniques such as network topology and
handover process.
The cellular infrastructure built almost all over the world provides
reliable communication service with massive outreach. Each operator
providing telecommunication service uses its own base transceiver
stations (BTS) but it is a common practice that operators share the
infrastructure especially at some strategic geographic locations. For
example the only high building in a small village has usually mounted
multiple antennas of base stations of different operators on its rooftop.
Base stations have dedicated frequency ranges at which they operate.
This holds for stations of different operators as well as for neighboring
2. RF technology
Figure 2.1: Cell density and size difference in different area types.
Image from [5]
cells of the same operator to avoid co-channel interference. However,
base stations may reuse the frequencies of other cells if they are out of
reach of each other so the interference can not occur. Topology and
range of cells varies in respect to the amount of expected traffic in the
area. Differences in cell sizes are pictured in figure 2.1. City centers
are usually densely filled with base stations with very low range what
makes the frequency reuse possible with maximizing the number of
served mobile stations as well as network throughput. On the contrary
rural areas are usually covered by a few strong transmitters usually
placed at high terrain points maximizing the signal outreach. Moving
through the areas of operation of multiple cells requires a mobile
station to switch between different base stations without any decrease
in the quality of service. Process of switching the serving cell is called
a handover. [4]
A handover should provide smooth user experience during the
phone call even if the user is moving at high speed. It avoids call or
data session termination whenever one of the communication parties
moved out of the range of its serving cell. The network needs information from the mobile station (MS) regarding signal quality of the
2. RF technology
Figure 2.2: A handover between two cells. Image from [6]
surrounding base stations to decide whether a handover is needed at
all and if yes, decide which station is the best candidate to be the new
serving cell. New base station is instructed to open new communication channel for the MS and the old channel is closed at specified time
point. The network then keeps tracking the new reports from the MS
and is ready for another handover or other events.
The signal strength information are gathered through messages
called measurement reports [7] – measurements performed by the MS
to measure signal strength and identity of surrounding cells. This
message consists of signal strength measurement of the registered cell
and then up to 6 neighboring cells with station identifier and signal
level fields. The operator knows the positions of his BTSs and after
the report that is sent multiple times per second he also knows the
signal strengths of the towers at the MS position. Chapter 3.4 explains
how different methods may be used to approximate the MS position
from these information.
Knowing the antenna type of the base station may increase precision of MS localization or on the other side localization of the base
station itself. There are many different types of antennae and in gen9
2. RF technology
Figure 2.3: Comparison of radiation patterns of omnidirectional and
sector antenna. Images from [8], [9]
eral we can divide them into two large groups - omnidirectional and
sector. They differ in their ability to transmit signal in different directions. While omnidirectional antenna forms a donut shaped radiation
pattern spreading its signal almost equally to all directions, the sector
antenna transmits only in the direction of its principal axis and to usually unwanted side lobes. Radiation patterns of both types of antennae
are shown in figure 2.3. Both are used in mobile telecommunication
networks but the sector antennae are prevalent.
Telecommunication network is part of the critical infrastructure of
every country. It is necessary for successful coordination of operations
as well as for providing emergency services. Official information about
the base stations in the network are not accessible to the public because
of potential strategic attacks and concurrency between telecommunication providers. However, antennae can be seen on the rooftops or
eventually tracked down by signal strength so the data are gathered
into the public crowdsource databases by many contributors. Having
information about the network topology gives space for commercial
use of the location based services based on cell network as well as for
further research of new positioning algorithms.
3 Positioning techniques
Because of high demand for precise location tracking on both developers’ and customers’ sides there are various methods to accomplish
this demand with their specific pros and cons. The most relevant factors are availability, power consumption and accuracy. Sometimes the
combination of multiple methods is used to obtain better accuracy
implying higher reliability of the system.
Triangulation and trilateration [10][11], both visualized in figure
3.1, are well known techniques for determining position of distant
objects used in many different applications and yet are sometimes
misunderstood or interchanged.
Triangulation is used in situations where we know position of
two out of three points and the angles between the line connecting
known points and the third point. For example two observers A and
B are on a coastline at known positions. Both can see a boat X under
angles α and β respectively. With known distance d between A and
B and two angles, a triangle can be constructed following the basic
geometry. Then the distance between X and a coastline or X and the
observers may be easily computed with using trigonometry rules. The
main idea is therefore using the distance between known points and
directions from known points towards the unknown point.
Trilateration uses known distances from at least three points A, B, C
to the unknown point X. Each known point is set as a center of a circle
with radius equal to distance to X. These three circles intersect more
Figure 3.1: Trilateration and triangulation methods
3. Positioning techniques
or less precisely at the position of X, depending on the precision of
the measured distance to the unknown point X.
Following sections contain basics of the most common methods
used nowadays for location tracking of mobile phones such as GNSS
and techniques for obtaining GNSS information from MS, WiFi and
Bluetooth based methods and the largest group is formed by methods
based on a connection to the cell network. The last three methods
described in this chapter were implemented (chapter 4) and evaluated
(chapter 5).
3.1 Global Navigation Satellite System - GNSS
A GNSS [12] is a constellation of satellites orbiting the Earth and
perpetually broadcasting radio signal towards the surface. Data sent
over the radio channel include accurate timing information obtained
from the atomic clock on the board of the satellite and position data.
All satellites broadcast rough position information of themselves and
all other satellites in so called almanac, that is considered valid for
weeks or even several months. Each satellite sends its precise position
information and health state in ephemeris data, valid up to 30 minutes.
Freshly started devices with no prior information about the satellites’
position may improve their time to first fix by obtaining the almanac
and ephemeris from other source than the satellite, for example from
a mobile network. These terrestrial transmitters resend the satellite
data providing so called Assisted GNSS (A-GNSS) service.
Probably the most popular global navigation satellite system is
American Global Positioning System (GPS). Other systems in use are
European Galileo, Russian GLONASS and Chinese COMPASS also
known as BeiDou-2. Satellite navigation is the most accurate localization method, its error is usually less than 8 meters in ideal conditions.
Factors that influence the GNSS accuracy are for example weather,
indoor NLOS environments, high buildings, etc. In cases when GNSS
positioning is not available, applications may fall back to other types
of localization.
All GNSS should be designed so that the signal from at least 4
satellites is available at every place on the Earth. A receiver, a chip
with an antenna, decodes the signal and computes distances from
3. Positioning techniques
Figure 3.2: GNSS multilateration. Image from [10]
received signal delay of at least 4 satellites. Even the theory of relativity
have to be applied to compute the distance precisely. With known
distances, a multilateration method is applied to compute the chip’s
position. Resulting position should be the intersection of the spheres
virtually created around satellites with radius equal to computed
distance to each satellite respectively as shown in figure 3.2. Because of
using spheres in the multilateration algorithm, the computed position
consists of latitude, longitude and altitude, so the height or sea level
of the receiver may be computed, too. This is also the reason why at
least 4 satellites have to be visible instead of 3 reference points that
are used in 2-dimensional plane in trilateration, where the altitude
parameter is omitted.
Geographic coordinate system using latitude and longitude is used
for locating a point on a sphere. However, for computing a distance
between two points on this sphere we use Haversine formula 3.1 that
computes a great circle distance - the shortest distance between two
points on the surface of a sphere. Earth is usually approximated as a
perfect sphere with a radius of 6378.137 km, the radius at the equator.
Radius at the Earth’s poles is actually 22 km smaller. Errors of this
3. Positioning techniques
approximation are negligible for relatively small distances between
two points.
a = sin2 (∆φ/2) + cos φ1 · cos φ2 · sin2 (∆λ/2)
√ √
c = 2 · atan2( a, 1 − a)
d = R·c
φ is latitude [rad]
∆φ equals φ2 − φ1
λ is longitude [rad]
∆λ equals λ2 − λ1
R is a sphere radius (Earth) [m]
d is a great circle distance between two points [m]
3.2 WiFi access point
Another possible technique for location tracking is based on the location of the WiFi access points. The device has to have turned on WiFi
but it does not have to be connected to any access point. Mobile station
receives information about all access points in the close proximity so
if it has also an information about location of these access points, it
is able to precisely locate itself. It is hard to obtain accurate and large
database of all WiFi access points all over the world, unless using
the power of the crowd. There are many crowdsource databases of
access points (defined by MAC address) and their GPS coordinates.
Anybody may contribute to these projects either by manually adding
their WiFi access point location or by running an application that is
automatically monitoring nearby area and sending measured data
to the remote server that filters the data and updates the database.
There are applications focused specifically on this purpose and also
applications that monitors surrounding environment just as a side
effect while providing other services to the user. Typically applications
that use this type of databases also collect new data and contribute to
these databases.
WiFi access point based technique consumes less power than GNSS
on the MS but is also less accurate. Usually applications use this
method together with cell-id method as an alternative to the GNSS,
3. Positioning techniques
for example in cases when users do not need very high precision but
only rough location estimate.
3.3 Bluetooth beacon
Bluetooth beacon [13] is a hardware transmitter from a category of
Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) devices that transmits its universally
unique identifier, optionally with other data, to the nearby area with
low energy consumption. Beacon is a one way communicator - it
transmits data but it does not receive any. So it is up to the receiver
to react, typically some mobile application monitors the Bluetooth
devices in a close proximity and once it captures specific data, it pushes
a notification to the user. Beacons are installed for example in shops or
other centers of interest and are mostly used for advertisement when
user has compatible application active on his device. Important fact
here is that an application has to be installed on the user device and
that is the element responsible for location determining. Other use
case include multiple beacons in a building so a trilateration technique
may be applied to find the user’s position and navigate him through
the building.
3.4 Mobile network connection
Large group of phone localization algorithms is based on their connection to the cellular network. These algorithms typically use fixed
position of base stations to determine phone position. Mobile operators have advantage of knowing exact position of the base stations
together with their technical specification. Some methods, e.g. Angle
of Arrival, Time of Arrival, Time difference of Arrival, require additional
network cooperation such as additional synchronization messages or
antennae modifications so they are unusable for any third party.
Location tracking based on cell network is surely less accurate than
positioning by GPS but it may locate the user device with precision
higher than 100 m what makes it usable for a lot of applications that do
not need very high precision or real time availability and in situations
where GPS position is not available.
3. Positioning techniques
Positioning methods may be divided into 2 groups according to
the actor performing actual computation:
Network-based - data from MS are captured by one or multiple
BTSs and then forwarded to central processing point that estimates
the MS position. In this case network computes the MS position from
MS provided data.
Handset-based - MS obtains signals from multiple (more than 3)
sources with known position and determines its own position. Well
known example is GPS.
Both approaches are actually symmetric: the former one uses one
transmitter (MS) with unknown position and multiple receivers with
fixed position (BTS) and the latter one uses multiple transmitters with
known position (BTS) and one receiver (MS) with unknown position.
It is possible to use some methods, e.g. AoA (subsection 3.4.4), in both
Network and Handset-based modes.
3.4.1 RRLP and LPP
Radio Resource Location services Protocol (RRLP) used in GSM/UMTS
networks and LTE Positioning Protocol (LPP) used in LTE network are
protocols for position message exchange between MS and BTS [14].
Base station may request measurement data (signal strength, Doppler,
etc.) of the phone and compute the distance itself or let the MS compute
its position and request its coordinates directly. This request does not
have to be a part of any session (call, SMS) so it may be performed
without the knowledge of the user. Use of RRLP/LPP was specified
for emergency services but it can be used also by law enforcement
Global navigation systems are used in mobile networks providing
much more precision than is needed for correct network functioning
but making the whole localization process in critical situations much
simpler and more accurate.
3.4.2 Cell-ID
Every phone connected to a mobile network is connected to one base
station at a time. In Cell-ID method, position of the MS is determined
to be equal to the position of currently serving cell. When the cell
3. Positioning techniques
identifier is known, position of the station may be looked up in a
crowdsource database. Accuracy of this method is highly dependent
on physical infrastructure of the network since base stations may have
effective radial range from 10 m to 30 km so the knowledge of basic
characteristics of the base station including output power (range) and
antenna type (explained in section 2.2) improves the precision. This
method is often used as a fall back method if no other is applicable. It
is also possible to combine it with other methods to improve accuracy,
for example using Timing advance described in the next section.
3.4.3 Timing advance - TA
While it is possible to obtain the center of an area and its max range
with Cell-ID, this area of possible location of the MS may be reduced
with Timing advance. In technologies using Time Division Multiple Access (TDMA) such as GSM and LTE a TA parameter is used to correct
signal delays caused by distance between transmitter and receiver.
Base station is monitoring these time delays through specific messages and then commands the MS to increase or decrease its TA, the
value specifying time offset the MS needs to send its data in advance
to fit its allocated time window. TAs are limited by the speed of light
(signal). Each TA level corresponds approximately to 554 m and 78 m
step in GSM and LTE respectively.
For localization purposes a TA means the minimal and maximal
distance from the base station, forming an annulus around it or only
a sector of the annulus if base station uses a sector antenna. Reflection
of the signal causes large inaccuracies because the NLOS path of the
connection is longer than the LOS path, meaning the TA is also higher,
but the actual physical distance between the base station and MS is
lower than length of the NLOS signal path.
3.4.4 Angle of arrival - AoA
Some antennae are able to determine the direction of the incoming
signal. Similar result may be reached by using multiple directional receivers. The Angle of Arrival [16][15] may be used in both handset-based
and network-based setup but both require mentioned special hardware
3. Positioning techniques
Figure 3.3: Triangullation usedin AoA method. Image from [15]
3. Positioning techniques
solution. As the name of the method outlines, the underlying localization technique is triangulation.
In network-based approach, multiple stations track the direction of
signal transmitted from MS and send these data to central processing
point where an intersection of the lines following the angle of arrival
direction is computed. This intersection is the MS position estimate.
Symmetrically in the handset-based setup the MS tracks the direction of incoming signals from surrounding base stations and compute
its own position itself using the same triangulation algorithm as the
network-based approach. This setup is feasible only if the precise position of the BTSs is known and MS is able to measure the angle of
arrival. The latter is not trivial as additional hardware is necessary.
The AoA is very sensitive to multipath distortion because the very
same sample of the received signal arrives from multiple directions so
the angle is not determined precisely rather than a range. To overcome
inaccuracies caused by multipath usually the later samples are filtered
out considered to be propagated in NLOS path.
3.4.5 Time of arrival - ToA
Time of arrival (ToA) [11][15] is popular technique for determining
range. The most notable radiolocating system using ToA is GPS. This
method is based on 3 types of information:
1. Exact time tt when the signal is sent from the source
2. Exact time tr when the signal is received at the reference point
3. A speed of signal propagation c (in most cases the speed of light)
The distance d between the transmitter and the receiver is computed
by formula 3.2. Distance is specified as the length of the path that
signal travels over time t at speed c. The speed of radio signal may
vary according to the medium it is traveling through.
d = c · ( tr − t t )
For locating the receiver in n dimensions, at least n + 1 distance measurements are necessary. With known distances from reference points
with known position, the trilateration or multirateration is used to
3. Positioning techniques
Figure 3.4: Trilateration with range measurements such as ToA or RSS.
Image from [15]
3. Positioning techniques
compute the position of a node. While mentioned GPS using ToA
is a handset-based method, the network-based method may be implemented in the mobile network without any additional hardware,
as opposed to AoA method, because transmission times are already
measured by network thanks to synchronization messages. If synchronization can not be maintained, it is possible to use Round Trip
Time (RTT) method - base stations transmits an ToA signal and MS
responds with another one so the base station obtains the doubled
time of the path that can be averaged out.
To counteract NLOS effects, analysis should be performed on the
incoming signal as to avoid positioning based on signals that have
traveled a longer path than the direct one. There are different strategies
to avoid NLOS, most of which exclude unreasonable measurements
by comparing all the incoming signals and keeping only those that
are likely to be LOS signals.
3.4.6 Time difference of arrival - TDoA
Time Difference of Arrival (TDoA) [11][15] is similar to ToA but it uses
relative time of arrival instead of absolute. Each station measures the
time of arrival itself and these measurements are collected at central
processing point. For each pair of base stations, a difference of their
measured times of arrival is computed. The difference cancels out
potential time desynchronization between a base station an mobile
station because the mobile network is synchronized itself and the error
introduced by MS is same for all the base stations. Each computed
difference connects points on the map that are equally distant to both
of the base stations to one hyperbola. In other words, difference of
distances from any point of the hyperbola to the corresponding two
base stations is the same. If the difference is zero, meaning the MS is
equally distant to both of the base stations, the difference curve is not a
hyperbola but a straight line. A set of 3 base stations forms 3 hyperbolas
(one for each pair) and the MS should lie at their intersection as can
be seen in figure 3.5.
3. Positioning techniques
Figure 3.5: TDoA hyperbolas formed for each pair of base stations
with mobile station at their intersection. Image from [15]
3.4.7 Weighted centroid
Cell-ID method uses only the registered cell for MS localization. An
obvious improvement to this approach is to take into consideration
not only the position of the serving cell but also the neighboring cells.
Already presented measurement report carries exactly this information
so it is directly applicable on the network side.
The MS position is not united with the position of the registered
cell as in Cell-ID but instead a cluster of cells visible by the MS is
formed. The centroid of a polygon or a cluster is an arithmetic mean of
coordinates of the vertices. The weighted centroid [17] is computed with
different vertices having different weight to propagate to the result. In
this case the higher the signal strength, the closer is the centroid to that
station. This assumption is not always true since there are situations
where two BTS have equal measured signal strength at the receiver but
one is located further transmitting stronger signal while the second
one is closer and transmitting weaker signal. Situations like this are
directly increasing the position error. The coordinates of the centroid
c x,y of n vertices Vix,y of weight wi are computed according to equation
3. Positioning techniques
∑in=1 Viy · wi
∑in=1 Vix · wi
cx =
cy =
∑in=1 wi
∑in=1 wi
An interesting fact regarding the vertex weight is that the serving cell does not have to be the one with strongest signal. The main
factor affecting an accuracy of the weighted centroid technique is one
side shadowing. Measured low signal of one cell or more cells from
roughly same direction due to an obstacle may massively influence
the computation of coordinates of the centroid. Some antennae in
mobile stations are very sensitive to the orientation so it is possible
that even rotating the phone may end up with different measurement
and therefore different centroid coordinates.
3.4.8 Received signal strength - RSS
Another distance computing approach is measuring the signal strength
at the receiver. As shown in equation 2.2, a radio signal is in the free
space attenuated according to the inverse square law. This can be
turned into the benefit of localization algorithm because once the received signal strength is measured, it can be compared to the signal
strength at the transmitter so we obtain the path attenuation. Following one of many signal propagation models, the distance can be
computed by inverting the model equation. Instead of computing the
path loss given the distance, we compute the distance given the path
The obvious drawback of this method is that the signal strength of
the base station has to be known but that is not a public information.
This is not a problem for a network provider that sets up the stations
and designs whole network topology. For applications without the
knowledge of transmit power, it can be measured at the reference
distance (e.g. 100 m) prior to the actual localization. This process may
be directly included in the data gathering for crowdsource databases
so we can generally state that signal strength of the transmitter at the
reference point is available if the position of the transmitter is also
The unknown signal strength of the transmitters may be also predicted if position of the BTS in the area is known by performing at
least one calibration measurement. Position of the calibration point is
3. Positioning techniques
known as well as position of the BTS so the distances between them
can be computed and signal strength at given distance is measured. At
this point the signal strength at the reference point, distance between
reference point and BTS and propagation pattern are known so the
actual transmit power may be calculated. This process highly depends
on the accuracy of the propagation model and that signals from all
the BTS in the area are measured so all of them are calibrated.
The core principle of this method is transformation of received
signal strength into distance and than using trilateration to obtain
position of the MS. This approach is very similar to ToA (subsection
3.4.5) where time is used as a measured metrics instead of signal
3.4.9 Fingerprinting
In the data collection phase of cell database, a contributor moves in an
area and signal strength measurements are taken every given period
of time. The purpose is to collect the globally unique identifiers of
the BTS and signal strength is measured to apply algorithms identifying position of the BTS. Such algorithm is for example finding a
central point of a cluster of measurements where the signal strength
is expected to be the highest possible value. In fingerprinting [18] this
algorithm is not applied but a database of measurements is created
Each signal measurement is bound to GPS coordinates so the
database is actually a map with reference points (places where the measurements were taken) describing what base stations are visible at the
these points together with their signal strengths. The reference points
may be grouped to form small areas with averaged signal strength
for each BTS. These reference points are called fingerprints and the
process of collecting such fingerprints is called war-driving, war-cycling
or war-walking with respect to the mean of transport.
After forming the database, any new measurement can be compared with all the fingerprints. This comparison may be implemented
in many ways but the point is to find the fingerprint as much similar
to the measurement as possible. Result of this method is therefore a
fingerprint whose signal strengths of the base stations are very close
to those present in given measurement. The accuracy of fingerprint24
3. Positioning techniques
ing depends on the amount of fingerprints. Long term maintenance
requires repetitive scanning of all the areas of interest. [18]
An error may be introduced if a different device was used for wardriving and different for location tracking because different antennae
end up with different power measurements so the fingerprint does
not have to be properly matched.
4 Molotras - Mobile phone location tracking
From all the techniques described in chapter 3 the last three were
implemented and evaluated as a pat of this thesis. Weighted centroid,
RSS trilateration and fingerprinting were chosen because they are all
based on signal strength measurement what is crucial when we want
to demonstrate localization using measurement reports on the mobile
operator side. These methods also do not need any precise synchronization with the network, any additional communication with the
network nor any additional hardware or hardware modifications.
Implemented system Molotras consists of two standalone parts: a
scanner application for Android phones that gathers power measurements of the surrounding cells simulating the measurement reports
and core application with implementation of localization methods
that use data gathered from the scanner. These main parts of the system are described in a greater detail in the following sections of this
4.1 Android scanner
Android operating system introduced a permission system to protect
the privacy of its users [19]. Every Android application that requests
access to sensitive user data (contacts, SMS, photos, etc.) or certain
system features (camera, internet access, sensors, etc.) has to be granted
permission of corresponding class. The idea behind this Android
security architecture is that no application has by default a permission
to adversely impact other applications, operating system itself or user
and his data. This also include features like keeping the device awake.
Applications requesting location information are limited by location permission. This is also the case of the Android part of this
project. Here Android distinguishes two different types of location
permissions: ACCESS_COARSE_LOCATION that allows the application to access approximate location and ACCESS_FINE_LOCATION
that allows an access to precise location. Both of these permissions
have protection level dangerous that means that the user has to ex27
4. Molotras - Mobile phone location tracking system
plicitly allow this permission. Accessing GPS location requires fine
location permission and accessing information about currently connected cell and neighboring cells requires coarse location permission
that is weaker and allows access to specific subset of classes. Those
are of course also accessible with stronger fine location permission.
With respect to the aim of this project, these information about
android security architecture and permission politics reveal multiple
interesting facts. Location by cell network connectivity is not only
theoretically possible but also functional and widely used. It is also
part of Android location API – applications may use LocationManager
class with multiple providers working in the background including
GPS, WiFi access points, cell towers or Internet access. Another fact
is that usage of cell network data is guarded by permission so there
is no privacy breach. The last thing that is obvious from permission
management is that GPS is the best option with respect to accuracy
and other means may be useful but end up only with supposedly
inaccurate result.
After installing the app, user has to grant permissions to access
precise position (GPS) and to manipulate data in the file system. After starting the app, 2 files ”Documents/Molotras/cell_data.csv” and
”Documents/Molotras/shots_data.csv” are created. If they already exist, they will remain unchanged. Those files are external and public
therefore everybody should be able to access them either directly in
the phone file system, e.g. read them, send them using other application, etc. or access them from external device, for example after
connecting the phone to a PC, the data should be visible and available.
The scanner app runs only in the foreground so it stops gathering
data once the user changes the active window to other application or
turns the screen off. To prevent unintentional stop of the data gathering the app forbids the display to turn off automatically. The scanner
provides two buttons for controlling: Start/Stop for starting and stopping the data gathering and One-shot for reference measurements.
After pressing the start button, the scanner app requests GPS position of the device in one second intervals and registers callback to this
incoming GPS fix. The callback then requests cell information of the
neighboring cells. The measurements are visible on the screen in the
CSV format and at the same time they are stored to the cell_data.csv file.
After pressing the One-shot button, the next measurement is stored
4. Molotras - Mobile phone location tracking system
Figure 4.1: Molotras-scanner in idle (left) and scanning (right) state
in the shots_data.csv. Then app continues to store new measurements
to the cell_data.csv. The one-shot feature is used to get reference measurements directly on site during the war-driving but those can not be
stored to the cell_data.csv because that could result in an exact one-toone mapping between the reference measurement and a fingerprint.
The structure of the CSV measurement is: a measurement line with
GPS coordinates and a timestamp followed by lines of scanned cells
that are visible at the time and position of the measurement. Structure
is also demonstrated in figure 4.1.
Data that are possible to collect are the following:
- RAT - Radio Access Technology - GSM / WCDMA (UMTS) / LTE
- Cell ID - identifier of the cell
- MCC - Mobile Country Code (e.g. 230 - Czech Republic, 231 - Slovakia)
- MNC - Mobile Network Code
- LAC/TAC - Location area code / Tracking area code
- ARFCN - Absolute Radio Frequency Channel Number
- RSS - Received Signal Strength, measured in dBm
4. Molotras - Mobile phone location tracking system
- ASU level - Arbitrary (signal) Strength Unit
- TA - Timing Advance (2G, 4G)
- BSIC - Base Station Identity code (2G)
- PSC - Primary Scrambling Code (3G)
- PCI - Physical Cell Id (4G)
- CQI - Channel Quality Indicator (4G)
- RSRP - Reference Signal Received Power (4G)
- RSRQ - Reference Signal Received Quality (4G)
- RSSNR - Reference Signal Signal to Noise Ratio (4G)
Every cell tower should be globally uniquely identified by MCC,
MNC, LAC and CID. MCC and MNC are public information maintained by ITU (International Telecommunication Union) and LAC
and CID are custom properties defined by operator. For the localization purposes it is enough to obtain these four values together with
received signal strength.
Problems regarding the scanner include invalid or missing data in
the measurement. Responses from the phone are many times invalid
values, e.g. maximal possible value for corresponding data type. The
reason may be actual unavailability of the data at the time of measurement or the underlying implementation of the method is not provided.
Typically these methods send a request to a baseband processor that
sends the requested data as a response. It may be the case that the
baseband processor does not recognize the request so the data are in
the default, invalid state. Because of this, additional data sanitization
and filtering need to be done before use.
4.2 Core
The core part of Molotras can be further divided into three components:
crowdsource database of cells, implementation of weighted centroid,
trilateration and fingerprinting methods and third GUI for visualizing
results of these methods.
4. Molotras - Mobile phone location tracking system
4.2.1 Cell database
Implemented localization algorithms use cell databases for reference
positions of cells in the area of measurement. For this purpose the
OpenCellid [20] database, available at www.opencellid.org was used,
where anybody can contribute to and also use this database for free.
There are more alternatives to OpenCellid but they are very similar and
usually they are forks of OpenCellid so any significant improvement
in using other open database is not expected. There are applications
that use OpenCellid API queries to obtain position – data consumers
and applications that contribute to database with new measurements
– data providers. OpenCellid gathers the data from data providers,
updates the database and releases new updated version every day.
Data consumers do not have to use online API queries, because
the complete database with cells from all over the world is available
for download and offline use. At the time of writing this thesis the
database is stored and distributed as a 3.5 GB large CSV file. The
data stored in the database are similar to the data gathered by the
implemented Android scanner. The most important fields are RAT,
MCC, MNC, LAC and CID to uniquely identify the cell and its GPS
coordinates given by latitude and longitude. Other values like number
of measurement samples of each cell, source of the measurement,
timestamp and others are not important for the aim of the thesis.
Integrating cell database to the project is performed by parsing
the downloaded CSV file and loading all the data to MySQL database.
For performance reasons database was prior filtered to contain only
cells of Czech and Slovak Republic. After loading the CSV to MySQL
database, it is ready to be used in the localization algorithms.
A typical problem with cell database is that it does not take into
account the direction of cell tower antennae. Position of the cell tower
is usually computed as a centroid of measurements obtained from
data providers. If the antenna of the cell is directional, the centroid
is incorrectly determined as a point somewhere in the main lobe of
the transmission instead of the point at the beginning of the lobe.
This means that centroid method is relatively precise for determining
position of omnidirectional antennae but it introduces an error with
directional antennae. After forming the database, it is impossible to
recognize if the cell record is precisely determined record of omnidi31
4. Molotras - Mobile phone location tracking system
rectional cell or imprecise record of directional cell. For localization
of MS, all the records of cells are considered to be omnidirectional so
there definitely is an error in accuracy caused by this assumption.
Another issue is the crowdsourcing itself. As the database is open,
anybody may contribute with correct measurements but it is possible
that there is a lot of measurements that are either not accurate enough,
invalid or misleading by purpose. Some records in the OpenCellid
contain values that are invalid and can not occur in real environment
so it is probable that database inputs are sanitized weakly or not at all.
4.2.2 Localization algorithms
The Molotras-core is a module developed in python (version 3.7.3) containing implementation of weighted centroid, trilateration based on
RSS and fingerprinting method used for comparison and evaluation
of these methods. All three methods expect one complete measurement with the same structure as in the Android scanner. Provided
data therefore contain list of cells and corresponding measured signal
strengths as well as GPS coordinates of the measurement. The cell
list is used to estimate GPS coordinates of the MS on which the measurement was performed and then haversine distance, explained in
section 3.1, between position estimate and actual position is computed
and return as a result of the method. The smaller is the distance between the position estimate and actual position the more accurate the
method is.
Centroid technique is basically implementation of equation 3.3.
For all the cells in the input list the cell record is looked up in the
database. If no such record exists, this cell is omitted and the result is
computed without it. Usually these situations decrease the accuracy
of the result.
The weight of the vertices (cells) is the signal strength measured
in dBm. Typically the signal strength falls in the interval −112 dBm
weakest to −50 dBm strongest. To use the signal strength as a vertex
weight where all the values are negative and the higher number means
the higher weight, the inverse of the signal strength is used in the
computation. For example if a cell has signal strength of −82 dBm its
weight is − 82
. The computation is then trivial following the equation
3.3, we multiply the position of the cell by its weight divided by the
4. Molotras - Mobile phone location tracking system
sum of the all weights, obtaining a measure of how much is the cell
affecting the result.
This method assumes that all the cells have the same transmit
power so the weight is computed equally for all of the cells. In real
environment it does not have to hold that if a phone measures signal
strengths of cells A and B and A has a stronger signal, the phone is
closer to the cell A. It may be for example the case that A is further but
has stronger transmission than B that is located closer to the phone.
Trilateration using received signal strength is technically an improvement of a centroid method. It is actually translating the signal
strength to the distance. Generally if we use trilateration and assume
that all the cells transmit at the same out power level, we should obtain
very similar results to the centroid. This is because the transformation
of the signal strength to distance is performed equally for all the cells
so we are again in the state where the stronger signal means the lower
This approach is therefore benefiting from additional necessary
information that is the signal strength at the transmitter point or in
other words an out power of the cell. Usually this information is not
available so an estimate or calibration is needed.
This implementation uses Okumura-Hata signal propagation model
that is used for both calibration as well as for computation itself. The
calibration is performed at the beginning of the algorithm. The calibration set provided as an input is a list of measurements from the area of
interest. For calibration of a cell, a measurement where this cell has the
strongest signal is chosen. Then a haversine distance between the cell
and the point of measurement is computed. Then an Okumura-Hata
path loss is computed at the computed distance. Finally when we
know what is the expected signal path loss at the specific distance, we
can sum received signal strength with the path loss to obtain expected
output power of the cell. This algorithm is applied for all the cells in
the provided calibration list.
Each cell from the input list is looked up in the cell database to
obtain its position and then looked up in the calibration set to obtain
its output power. If at least one of these look ups fails, the cell is
omitted from actual positioning and probably introducing an error
in the resulting position estimate. Once having a list of cells with
computed distances to them, the trilateration is started. In ideal case
4. Molotras - Mobile phone location tracking system
one intersection of the circles would appear and this point would be
the result. In reality there is usually set of circles that have either very
large intersection area or there is no intersection at all. Sometimes some
of the cells form large intersection and another part is not intersecting
at all. To handle all these situation, the algorithm uses optimization
function that minimizes the distance to all the circles. The starting
guess is taken to be the weighted centroid. Then this point is moved in
all directions trying to minimize the error function, where the error is
distance to the circles. Used optimization function is function minimize
from module scipy.optimize.
The Fingerprinting method is the last implemented method using
completely different approach. Instead of using cell database to obtain
positions of cells, it uses database of fingerprints.
Before starting the fingerprinting method, actual database of fingerprints has to be created. Again the input is a list of measurements,
ideally dense measurements completely covering the area of interest.
Coordinates with lowest and highest longitude and latitude are taken
as border lines of the area. This rectangle is then divided into small
square tiles with arbitrary size. For each tile a fingerprint is computed.
A fingerprint groups all the measurements with GPS coordinates
inside the tile and an average signal strength is computed for each
The tile size has direct impact on localization accuracy. Bigger
tiles mean each tile has more cell measurements bound to itself. The
drawback is that once the tile is determined as the result, it introduces
an implicit error. The error is determined to be the distance between
the center of the tile and the furthest point still belonging to the tile. In
square tiles this is the corner vertex so the error is a circle of diameter
equal to the length of the diagonal of the tile. The radius of this circle
is obviously half of the length of the diagonal. For example if a tile
dimensions are 100 m × 100 m, the final error would be a circle with a
radius of approximately 70 m.
After the fingerprint database is computed, an input measurement
may be evaluated. The signal strengths of the cells in the measurement are compared to the signal strengths present in each fingerprint.
Comparison is actually computing a vector distance of two vectors of
signal strengths. If a cell present in the measurement is not present in
the fingerprint, a penalty is introduced. In this implementation the
4. Molotras - Mobile phone location tracking system
penalty equals to −113 dBm as if the cell was visible with the lowest
possible signal strength. It may happen that multiple tiles have exactly
the same best score. In this case the resulting distance between the
reference position of the measurement and computed position is determined as the average of distances between the reference point and
center of each of the tiles.
4.2.3 GUI
A graphical user interface with Molotras-core in the backend may
be used to visualize the positioning algorithms. For this purpose a
python web framework CherryPy [21] was used. The frontend part is
written in classic joint of JavaScript, HTML and CSS.
The biggest benefit of using GUI is visualizing on the map. The
map server used in this project is well known Google Maps JavaScript
API [22]. This service is no longer free so to be able to use it, the user
has to pay per API request.
Since Molotras is able to run as a web server, GUI is accessible
through any browser at port 8080. It consists of a map where all
the methods are visualized and a right panel with settings for each
of the methods. The map shows tiles, circles and points specific for
the technique. After computing the result, both the reference point
and computed coordinates are displayed together with distance error.
Overview of the GUI is shown in figure 4.2.
4. Molotras - Mobile phone location tracking system
Figure 4.2: Fingerprinting method with 10 m × 10 m tiles visualized in
Molotras GUI
5 Evaluation
Implemented localization methods weighted centroid, RSS trilateration
and fingerprinting were evaluated on three mobile phones and at two
different locations. The data gathering, evaluation process and obtained results are described in this chapter.
To diminish an error caused by specific hardware, three phones of
different manufacturer were used for data gathering and subsequent
evaluation. The tested phones are Nokia 6.1, Moto G6 Play and Google
Pixel. All the phones had SIM card of the same operator.
Signal propagation is dependent on the surrounding environment
so different results are expected for different environments. Two such
environments were chosen for evaluation, a city and a village environment. The city measurements were taken in the centre of Brno,
Czech Republic and the village measurements are from periphery
of Trenčianska Turná, Slovak Republic. These two environments are
further referenced as the city and the village.
The measurement data were gathered by walking through the
streets in the area with all three phones with the scanner app running.
For both environments 10 measurement shots were taken on each
phone at randomly chosen places. The data gathering process therefore
results in two large data sets and for each additional 30 single shot
measurements. Collected data are shown in figure 5.1 where all the
measurement are grouped to 10 m × 10 m tiles.
Mobile phones are not scanning all the available radio access technologies (RAT) all the time. Usually the currently active RAT, e.g. LTE,
makes the phone to scan only LTE cells in the area. For this reason
the data gathering of all the RATs requires either multiple phones or
more iterations of the data collecting in the area with different RAT
active on the phone.
GSM measurements ended up with mostly valid data, additional
sanitization was necessary only for data from Pixel. On the other side
UMTS and LTE measurement data were valid only for the currently
connected cell on all three phones. All the neighboring cells necessary
for localization could not be identified, thus evaluation is performed
on GSM data only. Neither GSM nor LTE measurement provided
5. Evaluation
Figure 5.1: Maps of collected GSM data in Brno CZ (left) and Trenčianska Turná SK (right)
valid timing advance data so the timing advance method could not be
Data sanitization was necessary for data gathered at Pixel, because
the MNC value was missing and also currently registered cell was in
the measurement list two times, with different signal strengths. MNC
was manually corrected to the corresponding value for the Czech and
Slovak mobile operator and the record with lower signal strength was
removed from the list.
Each method was evaluated with 30 measurement samples. The
large data sets of measurements captured by different phones were
merged together and used for creating the fingerprint database for
fingerprinting method and for calibration for RSS trilateration method.
The measured metric in the evaluation process is the haversine distance (great circle distance) between actual position where the measurement was taken and estimated position. A method is therefore
more accurate when the distance error is smaller.
The results are represented by boxplot charts for the city in figure
5.3 and in figure 5.2 for the village. Corresponding values are present in
tables in appendix A. Results for each phone are shown independently
for each method and there is also a box plot summarizing the phone
results for general comparison of the methods. As already stated, each
phone is evaluated with 10 measurements so the summarized box plot
"all" is evaluation of 30 measurements.
5. Evaluation
Figure 5.2: Evaluation in the village environment
The differences between the city and the village results are of different magnitude for all the methods. While the scale for the error in the
city is 130 m the scale for the village is 900 m. This great difference is
probably caused by multiple factors. There are two cells measured by
phones that are not present in the OpenCellid database that are therefore omitted by weighted centroid and RSS trilateration. There are also
much less cell towers present in the village than in the city, probably
all mounted on two or three spots.
There is also a difference between results for each phone within
each method. The inconsistency is probably caused by different hardware in the phones, namely the radio components, that could result
in different sensitivity to radio signal.
Fingerprinting has by far the best results compared to weighted centroid and RSS trilateration. The accuracy of this method is not influenced by any external database that could contain inaccurate data
or by any assumption like the one used by weighted centroid that all
the transmitters have the same output power. Weighted centroid and
RSS trilateration reach almost the same results in the city while RSS
trilateration is more accurate one in the village. This is probably caused
5. Evaluation
Figure 5.3: Evaluation in the city environment
by better signal propagation since there are less and smaller obstacles
so the Okumura-Hata propagation model is more precise.
6 Future work and possible extensions
The main goal of this thesis was to prove that mobile phone location
tracking based on received signal strength is possible with publicly
available resources and to compare and evaluate some of the methods
using this approach. There are many possible ways to improve or
further research positioning techniques, some of them are introduced
in this chapter.
The scanner implemented for Android OS is already used in a
research studying possibilities of using machine learning to obtain
better results or to compute more fingerprints from a given fingerprint
set. Some places are hard or forbidden to enter so measuring the data
around the object while still obtaining reliable fingerprints inside the
area may dramatically improve the position estimate.
Data collected during war-driving may be used not only for a fingerprint database but also for forming new cell database. The difference
is that measurements would be used for localization of transceiver
stations and possibly new characteristics not present in OpenCellid
could be measured as well, for example determine the output power
of the transmitter or direction of the antenna.
Another use for the war-driving data could be the calibration for
RSS trilateration. Calibration for Molotras was performed on a single
cell with highest signal strength. There could be used more advanced
algorithms that would use multiple reference points and estimate
the output power of the base station in a way it makes sense for all
the points. This would need to take directivity of the antenna in the
Kalman filter is an estimator used for indirect measurements where
it is impossible to measure the subject directly or if the measurements
are taken in a noisy environment. The aim of the Kalman filter is to accurately estimate real system state based on imprecise measurements
and estimate from the previous step. This estimator is memory-less so
all already performed estimates are aggregated to the last one. JeanPierre Dubois et al. used Kalman filter in GSM networks [23] and they
successfully decreased the position error over time. This system is not
a brand new approach, it is rather an optimization combining results
of already introduced methods to obtain the best possible location
6. Future work and possible extensions
estimate assuming there are errors that can be smoothed out. Kalman
filter is used for iterative measurements to minimize the error over
time so it is not applicable to one time measurements. The future
research of position estimation should be aimed also in this direction
using consecutive independent measurements.
7 Conclusions
This thesis explains basics of radio technology, radio signal propagation and characteristics of mobile cellular networks that are necessary
to understand localization techniques. Different location determination approaches were introduced with main focus on those based on
signal strength measurements.
Implemented Android application that gathers the signal strength
measurements of the surrounding cells and captures GPS position was
used to create a fingerprint database and reference measurements for
testing. The measurements were taken at two different locations, in the
center of Brno and in a village Trenčianska Turná. To avoid hardware
specific errors, the measurements were taken on three phones, namely
Nokia 6.1, Moto G6 Play and Pixel by Google.
Three localization methods were chosen and implemented. Fingerprinting, weighted centroid and trilateration are all based on signal
strength measurement of cell towers in the nearby area.
Data obtained by the Android scanner were used to evaluate implemented methods. Evaluation was based on the signals from GSM
network only. The most accurate results were obtained by fingerprinting that introduces a distance error approximately 10 meters in the city
and 50 meters in the village. Other two methods reach similar accuracy
of 70 and 600 meters in the city and in the village correspondingly.
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A Evaluation
Following tables contain all measured values for all the methods and
phones that were used in this thesis.
A. Evaluation
Table A.1: City results
Nokia 6.1
Moto G6 Play
Nokia 6.1
Moto G6 Play
Nokia 6.1
Moto G6 Play
Table A.2: Village results
Nokia 6.1
Moto G6 Play
Nokia 6.1
Trilateration Moto G6 Play
Fingerprinting Nokia 6.1
Fingerprinting Moto G6 Play
B Molotras source files and measured data
The electronic archive of this thesis contains the following data attachments:
∙ source files of the Android scanner - Molotras-scanner
∙ source files of the implemented localization method - Molotrascore
∙ collected data that were used for evaluation of methods