See discussions, stats, and author profiles for this publication at: Simulation of Immiscible WAG Injection in a Stratiļ¬ed Reservoir Characterization of WAG Performance Poster · April 2019 CITATIONS READS 0 95 2 authors: Jan Inge Nygård Pål Østebø Andersen University of Stavanger (UiS) University of Stavanger (UiS) 10 PUBLICATIONS 3 CITATIONS 112 PUBLICATIONS 760 CITATIONS SEE PROFILE Some of the authors of this publication are also working on these related projects: Shale Gas Technology View project WAG simulation studies View project All content following this page was uploaded by Jan Inge Nygård on 13 April 2019. The user has requested enhancement of the downloaded file. SEE PROFILE Simulation of Immiscible WAG Injection in a Stratified Reservoir - Characterization of WAG Performance Jan Inge Nygård1, Pål Østebø Andersen1,2 1 Department of Energy Resources, University of Stavanger 2 The National IOR Centre of Norway, University of Stavanger Abstract Results Water-Alternating-Gas (WAG) is a well-established EOR process where gas and water are injected in alternating fashion. Good volumetric sweep is achieved as water and gas target both the oil residing in low and high portions of the reservoir, respectively. Other important features in three-phase hysteretic flow include phase trapping which is believed to be more strongly associated with the gas phase. With these aspects in mind a vast simulation study has been performed investigating immiscible WAG injection focusing on mechanisms such as mobility, gravity, injected volume fractions, reservoir heterogeneity, gas entrapment and relative permeability hysteresis. A horizontally layered reservoir is considered where oil is displaced by water and gas alternately injected towards a producer. The model is a modified black-oil type, where hysteresis in the gas phase is modeled using Land’s model for trapping and Carlsens model for relative permeability hysteresis. It is seen that gravity segregation in uniform models and increased heterogeneity in no-gravity models both lead to lower oil recovery. However, in heterogeneous models, gravity can divert flow from high permeable layers into low permeable layers and improve recovery. Hysteresis lowers gas mobility and hence improves gas-oil mobility ratio and reduces gravity segregation. The first effect is always positive, but the second is mainly positive in more uniform reservoirs where gravity segregation has a negative effect on recovery. In heterogeneous reservoirs, reducing gravity segregation can lead to that the oil in low permeable layers remains unswept. In addition to demonstrating the role of the various parameters we derive a characteristic dimensionless number to scale these mechanisms and predict recovery trends. This number is effectively a WAG mobility ratio, termed M*, expressing how well the injected fluid mixture is able to displace oil whether it is due to fluid mobilities, heterogeneity or other effects. At a value of M* near 1 optimal recovery is achieved, while logarithmic increase of M* reduces recovery. We consider non-gravity flow first and four models where FH ranges from 1.0 (homogeneous) to 13 (highly heterogeneous), and find that M* gives a good match. MWAG is used as reference and correspond to M* when FH=1 and FG=1. Figure 3: Scaling of recovery factor (RF) data under no-gravity no-hysteresis conditions Next, we showcase some simulation sets comparing the effect of hysteresis with and without gravity: Effect of hysteresis – No gravity Effect of hysteresis - With gravity Objectives • Develop a characteristic dimensionless number that can describe WAG performance • Consider the interplay of mobility, gravity, heterogeneity and relative permeability hysteresis, and how these may alter optimal WAG injection scheme Methods We consider a model: Figure 1: System geometry where relative permeabilities are defined by Corey formulation, which are averaged across the full saturation interval (1) and then used to define twophase mobility ratios (2) as follows: Figure 4: The role of hysteresis under no-gravity conditions. Mwag (left) and M* (right) (1) Figure 5: The role of hysteresis under gravityinfluenced conditions. Mwag (left) and M* (right) Overall match of all simulation cases / sets: (2) And finally, we show an overview of all simulation results plotted with MWAG (left) and M* (right). Note how the data are much more collected with M*, with the reduced scatter of the datapoints. Hysteresis: We apply the ‘WAGHYSTR’ model to simulate hysteresis effects in which Land’s parameter C have been set to 1.0, and the secondary drainage factor α to 2.5. The significance of these with regards to gas relative permeability is illustrated in Figure 2, where it becomes apparent that lower values of C indicates that a larger portion of the gas phase becomes trapped while higher values of alpha indicates stronger hysteretic effect for a given amount of gas trapped. Figure 2: The role of hysteresis parameters C (left) and α (right) on gas relative permeability To represent the lowered relative permeability of the gas phase we update (2) with alterations to Sorg and krogmax from C and alpha, respectively. Conclusions Heterogeneity: To indicate how heterogeneity increases the effective mobility ratio we define a heterogeneity multiplier Fh which is based on arithmetic and harmonic averages of the horizontal permeabilities: • • • • In uniform models (FH=1), gravity led to segregation and lower recovery factor (RF). For the no-gravity models RF declined with increases in heterogeneity (FH>1) In heterogeneous models, gravity was a positive mechanism compared to no-gravity cases as injection fluids were diverted into low-permeable layers giving higher RF Hysteresis lowers gas mobility and hence improves gas-oil mobility ratio and reduces gravity segregation. The first effect is always positive, but the second is mainly positive in more uniform reservoirs where gravity segregation has a negative effect on recovery. In heterogeneous reservoirs, reducing gravity segregation can lead to that the oil in the low permeable layers remains unswept It is important to investigate the interplay between gravity and hysteresis on optimization procedures for WAG, as these were observed to have differing impacts on recovery individually than when combined WAG performance can be characterized by just one dimensionless number, M*. Accordingly RF can be predicted just knowing M*, and the impact of model input parameters on RF can be directly associated with how they affect M* The scaling number accounts for water-oil and gas-oil mobility ratio, reservoir heterogeneity, gravity effects from both water and gas phases, relative permeability hysteresis, and the applied WAG ratios (changes rw) Gravity: We represent gravity effect through Fg, where a1 and a2 are fitting parameters while NG is a ratio between the residence and segregation time of injected fluids, which Is affected by parameters as vertical permeability, density difference and individual phase mobilities: • Matching parameter M*: Characteristic dimensionless number that incorporates mobility, gravity, heterogeneity and hysteresis, where rw is the injected volume fraction of water: Acknowledgement Contact information The authors acknowledge the Research Council of Norway and the industry partners, ConocoPhillips Skandinavia AS, Aker BP ASA, Vår Energi AS, Equinor ASA, Neptune Energy Norge AS, Lundin Norway AS, Halliburton AS, Schlumberger Norge AS, Wintershall Norge AS, and DEA Norge AS, of The National IOR Centre of Norway for support. 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