MODULE 3: ENDOCRINE SYSTEM NAME: A222 SEM 2 SESI 2022/23 MATRIC NO: GROUP: Section A: Labelling and Matching Activity 1. Identify the endocrine structures in the diagram below. From each structure list the hormone (s) produces. 1 MODULE 3: ENDOCRINE SYSTEM NAME: 2. A222 SEM 2 SESI 2022/23 MATRIC NO: GROUP: Match the hormones in the list below with their functions. Oxytocin; Insulin; Oestrogen; Growth hormone; Antidiuretic hormone; Testosterone; Adrenaline; Cortisone; Melatonin; Progesterone; Thyroxin; Luteinising hormone; Follicle stimulating hormone Hormone Function ................................. 1. Stimulates development of the ovarian follicle. ............................... 2. Stimulates milk “let down”. ................................ 3. Controls blood glucose levels. ................................. 4. Influences the rate of growth and development of young animals. ............................... 5. Stimulates the growth of long bones. ............................... 6. Stimulates absorption of water from the kidney tubule. ............................... 7. Influences the development of sexual maturity. ................................ 8. Stimulates the development of the corpus luteum. ................................ 9. Stimulates the development of female sexual characteristics. ................................. 10. Stimulates the development of the male sexual characteristics. ................................. 11. Affect glucose, protein and fat metabolism. ................................. 12. Prepares the lining of the uterus for pregnancy. ................................. 13. Prepares the body for emergency situations. 2 MODULE 3: ENDOCRINE SYSTEM A222 SEM 2 SESI 2022/23 NAME: 3. MATRIC NO: GROUP: Endocrine Crossword e k i d n d o c r d y n y r p e r o p o t h i s d e e y a r a t s h y a t a g l r o i i i n d n s g m p c s s u i o t t e r r m o n o g i e d n s s t o s t u e g h e e e s l t x a a o t h l h p i n o e h p r n a n p i u c e r l c i t s a g o r n m u o n s e p d i u a t i y a y n s u l i n n n e a l 3 MODULE 3: ENDOCRINE SYSTEM NAME: A222 SEM 2 SESI 2022/23 MATRIC NO: GROUP: SECTION B: TRUE /FALSE 1. The endocrine system acts through neurotransmitters called hormones that influence growth, development, and metabolic activities. True /False 2. Endocrine glands have ducts that carry their secretory product to a surface. True/ False 3. Since the endocrine glands are scattered throughout the body, they are regarded as different systems. True/ False 4. The specific cells that respond to a given hormone have receptor sites for that hormone. True/ False 5. A negative feedback system causes a reversal of increases and decreases in body conditions in order to maintain a state of stability or homeostasis. True/ False 6. Some glands have endocrine and non-endocrine regions, which function differently. True /False 7. Growth hormone is a protein that stimulates the growth of bones, muscles, and other organs by promoting protein synthesis. This hormone is produced by the pituitary gland. True/ False 8. The adrenal cortex consists of two regions, with each region producing a different group or type of hormones. True /False 9. The gonads, the primary reproductive organs, are only responsible for secreting hormones and are considered to be endocrine glands. True/ False 10. The heart also acts as an endocrine organ in addition to its major role of pumping blood. True /False 4 MODULE 3: ENDOCRINE SYSTEM NAME: A222 SEM 2 SESI 2022/23 MATRIC NO: GROUP: SECTION C: ESSAY 1. Describe this scenario: “You are walking all alone late at night. It's hard to see because it is so dark and it feels spooky. All of a sudden, something jumps out of a bush and grabs you”. a. Describe your reactions. Discuss fear. Discuss the physical effects of fear. b. In the scenario above, imagine the person who jumped out was just a friend. Now you are laughing and no longer afraid. However, it takes a little while to calm down. You still feel jittery and shaky and your heart continues to beat fast. Why? END OF QUESTIONS 5