DAILY LESSON PLAN ENGLISH FORM 1 TIME CLASS LESSON COM. FOCUSED SKILL WEEK DAY DATE MAIN FOCUSED SKILL 11 MONDAY 12.06.2023 Listening TOPIC THEME LANGUANGE/GRAMMAR FOCUS MAIN CONTENT STANDARD MAIN LEARNING STANDARD Teacher to select Science and Technology Teacher to select 1.1 Understand meaning in a variety of familiar contexts 1.1.2 Understand with little or no support specific information and details in simple longer texts on a range of familiar topics 1.1 Understand meaning in a variety of familiar contexts 1.1.4 Understand longer sequences of supported classroom instructions By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to: 1. Understand with little or no support specific information and details in simple longer texts on a range of familiar topics 2. Understand longer sequences of supported classroom instructions PRE-LESSON Task 2 : Guess The Answer LESSON DELIVERY 1. Choose a listening text and listen yourself in advance. COM. CONTENT STANDARD COM. LEARNING STANDARD LEARNING OBJECTIVE ACTIVITIES 10.30-11.30 1 As-Syafie 18 Listening TEACHING AIDS 21st CENTURY T&L STARTEGY CCE/CE ASSESSMENT SUCCESS CRITERIA REFLECTION 2. Write 3 true or false questions on the board – one from information at the start of the text, one from the middle and one from the end. 3. Play the text then let pupils compare their answers in pairs. Check answers. 4. Tell pupils to listen again and identify the key information in the text – play the audio then elicit their ideas. Write up 4-5 headings on the board. 5. Tell the pupils you will play the text again and they need to add at least one piece of more detailed information under each heading. 6. Play the audio again and repeat a third time if needed. 7. Get pupils to check their detailed information in pairs then elicit back with whole class. 8. Add the ideas to the board. 9. Tell pupils to try and rebuild the text – it doesn’t need to be exactly the same words but as close as they can remember. 10. Play the text again so they can check. POST LESSON Task 6 : Whisper and Write Textbook, Whiteboard, Marker Pen, Choose an item. Round Table iThink Map Choose an item. 21st Century Literacy Communicative High Order Thinking Skills Analysis Teaching and Learning Strategy Mastery Learning Element Across the Curriculum (EMK) EMK - Languange Moral Values – Mutual Respect Quiz Attendance:29/29 29 pupils were able to achieve the objectives. _____ pupils need extra guidance. *Today’s lesson will be carried forward due to ____________. DAY Monday DATE SUBJECT English CLASS 12.6.2023 5 As-Syafie WEEK TIME 11 12.00-1.00 LESSON 25 1 hour The World of Sport LANGUAGE & Language introducing and supporting/contrasting ideas such as connectives used to add GRAMMAR FOCUS ideas and introduce opposite ideas Main Skill: Writing Main Skill: Writing 4.2 Communicate with appropriate language, form and 4.2.3 Produce a plan or draft and style modify this appropriately CONTENT LEARNING independently STANDARD STANDARD Complimentary Complementary Skill: Speaking Skill: Speaking 2.4 Communicate appropriately to a small or large group on 2.4.1 Explain the main points of an familiar topics idea or argument By the end of the lesson, pupils will be able to: What I’m looking for (WILF) 4.2.3 Produce a plan or draft and modify this appropriately 1. Pupils can make a independently by making a draft for 5 paragraphs. draft for 5 LEARNING 2.4.1 Explain the main points of an idea or argument by work SUCCESS paragraphs. OBJECTIVES in pairs to discuss which of the 2 conversations they CRITERIA 2. Pupils can work in agree with and state at least 1 reason and matching pairs to discuss which the 4 extra sentence ideas according to the of the 2 appropriate conversations. conversations they FOCUS Writing UNIT UNIT 3 ENGLISH DOWNLOAD THEME Health and Environment TOPIC 3. agree with and state at least 1 reason Pupils can match the 4 extra sentence ideas according to the appropriate conversations. TEACHING AND LEARNING STRATEGIES 1. PRE-LESSON Pupils discuss in pairs ‘What are the pros and cons of being an internationally famous person?’ (a celebrity such as Leonardo Di Caprio or Madonna or someone famous for their political role such as Nelson Mandela). 2. A few pairs share their discussion with the class. 3. Pupils turn to page 40 English Download and read the information on essays and why it’s important to think before they start writing. 4. Pupils read the instruction, the topic, notes and conversations in Activity 1. 5. Pupils discuss as a class the summary of both conversations in Activity 1. 6. Pupils work in pairs to discuss which of the 2 conversations they agree with and state at least 1 reason. (Complementary Skill) 7. A few pairs share their discussion with the class. 8. Pupils move on to Activity 2 and read the instructions and 4 extra sentence ideas. 9. Pupils remain with their partners and work together to match the 4 extra sentence ideas according to the appropriate conversations that match the opinion in the ideas. (Complementary Skill) 10. Pupils discuss answers as a class. 11. Pupils go on to Activity 3 and read the writing task. 12. Pupils work in pairs to think of a 3 idea to write about to add on to the existing notes in the writing task. 13. Pupils discuss the ideas as a class and all the ideas are written on the board. 14. Pupils make a plan with rough notes listing main ideas (Main Skill). The plan should be for 5 paragraphs: introduction the right to privacy their friends and family your own idea conclusion, summing up/own opinion 15. Pupils talk through their essay plans and their supporting ideas with a partner and give each other constructive feedback and then make the improvements to their plans if necessary. rd LESSON DEVELOPMENT Differentiated Actvities: POST-LESSON DIFFERENTIATION STRATEGIES M/INTELLIGENCES Less proficient pupils: In Activity 2, pupils are asked questions about each extra idea to help them decide in which conversation they fit i.e. is this a positive statement towards sport people? For the writing activity, ask pupils to write a rough plan of their essay. Alternatively, give pupils a suitable introduction, then ask them to write three short paragraphs with one relevant idea in each paragraph. More proficient pupils: Write a more detailed argument for the three relevant points (two given, one of their own) expressing two or three ideas in each paragraph. 1. Pupils review their learning in this lesson by working in pairs to think of any advantages of a sports celebrity being in the media all the time, such as earning a lot of money advertising famous brands 2. Pupils are given 5 minutes and later a short class discussion is held. Strategy 3: Differentiate by the type and amount of support provided CROSS CURRICULAR Values ELEMENTS Strategy 4: Differentiate by the outcome expected from pupils Verbal-Linguistic ASSESSMENT Written Exercise 21 CENTURY TEACHING & LEARNING LEARNING DOMAIN ST RESOURCES PBD English Download Textbook, Whiteboard, - - Writing Think, Pair-Share Analyse A fruitful lesson.The objectives were achieved. Students actively participated in all the activities. REFLECTION NOTE ATTENDANCE 11/11 SUBJECT English Language WEEK 11 DAY & DATE 13.6.2023 CLASS 4 Al-Ghazali NUM.O F PUPILS TIME & DURATIO N LESSO N 11.3012.30 25 60 Minutes THEME: People and Culture TOPIC: Unit 2 – Ready for anything FOCUS SKILL: L/S/R/W/LA/Li A Speaking LANGUAGE/ GRAMMAR FOCUS: words / phrases describing people’s characteristics / expressing an opinion / supporting a point of view CONTENT STANDARD: LEARNING STANDARD: LEARNING OBJECTIVES: SUCCESS CRITERIA CROSS CURRICULAR ELEMENTS: 17 Main Skill: 2. Speaking 2.1 Communicate information, ideas, opinions and feelings intelligibly on familiar topics Complementary Skill: 1. Listening 1.1 Understand meaning in a variety of familiar contexts Main Skill: 2. Speaking 2.1.4 Explain and justify own point of view Complementary Skill: 1. Listening 1.1.5 Understand independently more complex questions on a wide range of familiar topics By the end of the lesson, pupils will be able to: 1. Explain and justify own point of view by working in groups of 3 or 4 discuss what characteristics are needed for the 4 occupations(teacher,paramedic,receptionist, athlete) 2. Understand independently more complex questions on a wide range of familiar topics by answering 2 questions posed by the teacher (ex: Explain why it is so important for an athlete to be passionate about what he/she does? Why would somebody who is anxious not make a good paramedic?) Pupils can: 1) discuss what characteristics are needed for 4 occupations 2) answer 2 questions 3.Values Strategy 3: Differentiate by the type DIFFERENTIATIO and amount of support provided N STRATEGIES: TEACHING & LEARNING ACTIVITIES PRE-LESSON: (10 minutes) 1. Pupils look at the list of occupations written on the board (fire-fighter, politician, football player, librarian, flight attendant) and work in pairs to come up with a list of characteristics that a person from each profession should have and why. 2. A few pairs share their lists with the class. LESSON DEVELOPMENT: (40 minutes) 1. Pupils turn to Full Blast page 26 and look at the pictures and read the accompanying captions. 2. 3. Pupils clarify with the teacher any unknown words in the captions. Pupils read through the phrases in the boxes and also the TIPS corner about the importance of justifying their answers. 4. Pupils work in groups of 3 or 4 discuss what characteristics are needed for the 4 occupations(teacher,paramedic,receptionist, athlete) 5. Pupils use the personality adjectives in the box to generate ideas and they need to justify their reasons by using the phrases in the Box (ex: I disagree,/I don’t think so, because…..) 6. All the groups present their lists to the class with a Q&A session whereby pupils need to justify their answers. (Main Skill) 7. Pupils answer 2 questions posed by the teacher (ex: Explain why it is so important for an athlete to be passionate about what he/she does? Why would somebody who is anxious not make a good paramedic?) (Complementary Skill) POST-LESSON: (10 minutes) 1. Pupils get into groups of 4 and play a hot air balloon game by imagining they are all in a hot air balloon and one person must leave. 2. Each pupil chooses a different profession from the lesson and takes turn to explain why their profession is the most important. 3. 4. Once everyone has spoken, everybody in the balloon votes for who should leave. Each group shares with the class which person has to leave. HOTS: TEACHING MATERIALS: Applicatio ☐ Evaluatio n n √ Analysis Creation Form 4 Full Blast Textbook English Dictionary/Thesaurus √ ☐ TEACHING & LEARNING STRATEGIES: Pupil-Centredness LEARNING ASSESSMENT: Discussion TEACHER’S REFLECTION: A fruitful lesson. The objectives were achieved. WEEK DAY DATE 11 WEDNESDAY 14.06.2023 DAILY LESSON PLAN ENGLISH FORM 3 TIME CLASS LESSON 11.30-1.00 3 Al-Ghzali 12 MAIN FOCUSED SKILL TOPIC THEME LANGUANGE/GRAMMAR FOCUS MAIN CONTENT STANDARD MAIN LEARNING STANDARD COM. CONTENT STANDARD COM. LEARNING STANDARD LEARNING OBJECTIVE ACTIVITIES TEACHING AIDS 21st CENTURY T&L STARTEGY CCE/CE ASSESSMENT SUCCESS CRITERIA REFLECTION Reading COM. FOCUSED SKILL Speaking Food, Food, Food! People and Culture Food related vocabulary 3.2 Explore and expand ideas for personal development by reading independently and widely 3.2.1 Read enjoy and give a personal response to fiction / non-fiction and other suitable print and digital texts of interest 2.1 Communicate information, ideas, opinions and feelings intelligibly on familiar topics 2.1.5 Express and respond to common feelings such as happiness, sadness, surprise, and interest By the end of the lesson, students should be able to: 1. Read enjoy and give a personal response to fiction / non-fiction and other suitable print and digital texts of interest 2. Express and respond to common feelings such as happiness, sadness, surprise, and interest PRE-LESSON Students asked to keep their textbooks closed. Student write the words in red in the ‘Word Focus’ on page 18 of SB on the board. Students asked to discuss with tehir talk partner the meaning of each word. Then students asked to look at these same words in red in the text and to check meaning by looking carefully at the sentences each word is found in. Students asked to read the ‘Word Focus’ box and compare their definitions with those given. LESSON DELIVERY Activity A ( Page 18) 1. Students asked to read the instructions and make sure they understand what they have to do. Students encouraged to guess if they don’t know an answer. Activity B & C(page 18) 1. Students asked to read the instruction and to check their answers to the quiz in task A. Activity E(page 19) 1. Students asked to read the instructions and make sure they understand what to do. Students asked to re-read the gapped sentence in task C. Students asked to read options 1-4 to find the correct word to fill each gap in task C. Ideas Focus (page 19) 1. Students asked to read the questions and answer any questions they might have. Students asked to work in pairs and explain that they should both give their opinions on the questions. Each pair asked to answer one of the questions and repeat until each pair has had a turn. POST LESSON Students put in small groups and they asked to tell each other about what they had for dinner last night. They asked to stick to English only during their conversation. Textbook, Whiteboard, Marker Pen, Choose an item. Think, Pair, Share iThink Map Choose an item. 21st Century Literacy Communicative High Order Thinking Skills Analysis Teaching and Learning Strategy Mastery Learning Element Across the Curriculum (EMK) EMK - Environmental Sustainability Awareness Moral Values – Mutual Respect Quiz Attendance:30/30 30 students were able to achieve the objectives. _____ students need extra guidance. *Today’s lesson will be carried forward due to ____________. DAILY LESSON PLAN ENGLISH FORM 1 TIME CLASS LESSON COM. FOCUSED SKILL WEEK DAY DATE MAIN FOCUSED SKILL 11 WEDNESDAY 14.06.2023 Speaking TOPIC THEME LANGUANGE/GRAMMAR FOCUS MAIN CONTENT STANDARD MAIN LEARNING STANDARD COM. CONTENT STANDARD COM. LEARNING STANDARD LEARNING OBJECTIVE Teacher to select Science and Technology Teacher to select 2.1 Communicate information, ideas, opinions and feelings intelligibly on familiar topics 2.1.2 Ask about and express rules and obligations 2.1 Communicate information, ideas, opinions and feelings intelligibly on familiar topics 2.1.4 Explain and give reasons for simple advice By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to: 1. Ask about and express rules and obligations 2. Explain and give reasons for simple advice PRE-LESSON Task 2 : Guess The Answer LESSON DELIVERY 1. Elicit the idea of rules. 2. Ask the group to think of some rules for school. Share their ideas. 3. Tell them they are now going to create a set of classroom rules to share with each other. 4. Put the pupils into groups of 4 and give them poster paper and pens. 5. Ask the pupils to work together and create a set of class rules on their poster. 6. Once they have finished, ask 2 pupils to stay next to their poster and the other 2 pupils to go around and look at the posters produced by other groups. As they go around they should ask the 2 pupils who have stayed questions about the rules. 7. Once they have done this for sufficient time, swap roles so the 2 pupils who stayed by their poster can go and look at the others and the 2 pupils who have looked go back and stay with their own poster. 8. Once all the pupils have seen the other groups’ work, ask the pupils to sit down. 9. Hold a vote to see which set of rules they liked best. POST LESSON Task 6 : Whisper and Write Textbook, Whiteboard, Marker Pen, Choose an item. Round Table iThink Map Choose an item. 21st Century Literacy Thinker High Order Thinking Skills Analysis Teaching and Learning Strategy Mastery Learning Element Across the Curriculum (EMK) EMK - Languange Moral Values – Mutual Respect Quiz ACTIVITIES TEACHING AIDS 21st CENTURY T&L STARTEGY CCE/CE ASSESSMENT SUCCESS CRITERIA REFLECTION Attendance:30/30 30 pupils were able to achieve the objectives. _____ pupils need extra guidance. *Today’s lesson will be carried forward due to ____________. 2.00-3.00 1 As-Syafie 19 Speaking WEEK DAY DATE MAIN FOCUSED SKILL TOPIC THEME LANGUANGE/GRAMMAR FOCUS MAIN CONTENT STANDARD MAIN LEARNING STANDARD DAILY LESSON PLAN ENGLISH FORM 3 Choose an item. TIME Choose an item. CLASS 01.01.2020 LESSON 13 Language Awareness COM. FOCUSED SKILL Language Awareness Food, Food, Food! People and Culture Past continuous vs. past simple This is a grammar-focused lesson so listening, speaking, reading and writing skills are not explicitly covered. This is a grammar-focused lesson so listening, speaking, reading and writing skills are not explicitly covered. COM. CONTENT STANDARD COM. LEARNING STANDARD LEARNING OBJECTIVE By the end of the lesson, students should be able to: ACTIVITIES PRE-LESSON LESSON DELIVERY Students asked to elicit responses using either the past simple or past continuous (see questions in the pre-grammar lesson activity page 20 TB). Activity A (Page 21) 1. Students asked to look at sentences in 1-3 and elicit which sentence has a regular verb in the Past Simple. Activity B(Page 21) 1. Students asked to match the Past Simple a-c, with the sentences 1-3 in A. Students asked to read the uses of the Past Simple in a-c and answer any questions they might have. Students explained that they should pay attention to time expressions and time references in sentences 1-3 while matching up their answer. Activity C(page 21) 1. Students asked to look at the verbs in bold in sentences 1-4 and elicit that they are all in the past Continuous, apart from rang in sentence 4, which is in the Past Simple. 2. Students asked what the infinitive form of each main verb is and elicit that the last consonant in chop is doubled to form the present participle form. They asked which other verbs they know that do this. Activity D(page21) 1. Students asked to read the uses of the Past continuous in ad and answer any questions they might have. Students asked to match sentences a-d with 1-4 in C. They reminded to pay attention to any time expressions and time references in sentences in sentences 1-4 when matching up their answer. POST LESSON Students asked to think of different questions that will elicit responses using either the past simple or past continuous. Students then share and respond to their questions in small groups. Choose an item., Choose an item., Choose an item., Choose an item. Choose an item. iThink Map Choose an item. 21st Century Literacy Choose an item. High Order Thinking Skills Choose an item. Teaching and Learning Strategy Choose an item. Element Across the Curriculum (EMK) EMK - Environmental Sustainability Awareness Moral Values – Choose an item. Choose an item. TEACHING AIDS 21st CENTURY T&L STARTEGY CCE/CE ASSESSMENT SUCCESS CRITERIA REFLECTION Attendance:__/__ _____ students were able to achieve the objectives. _____ students need extra guidance. *Today’s lesson will be carried forward due to ____________. SUBJECT WEEK DAY & DATE CLASS English Language 11 15.6.2023 4 Al-Ghazali NUM.OF PUPILS 25 TIME & DURATION LESSON 10.3011.30 18 60 Minutes THEME: People and Culture TOPIC: Unit 2 – Ready for anything FOCUS SKILL: L/S/R/W/LA/LiA Writing LANGUAGE/ GRAMMAR FOCUS: words / phrases describing people’s characteristics CONTENT STANDARD: LEARNING STANDARD: Main Skill: 4. Writing 4.2 Communicate with appropriate language, form and style Complementary Skill: 3. Reading 3.1 Understand a variety of texts by using a range of appropriate reading strategies to construct meaning Main Skill: 4. Writing 4.2.3 Produce an extended plan or draft and modify this appropriately in response to feedback or independently Complementary Skill: 3. Reading 3.1.2 Understand specific details and information in extended texts on a wide range of familiar topics LEARNING OBJECTIVES: SUCCESS CRITERIA CROSS CURRICULAR ELEMENTS: By the end of the lesson, pupils will be able to: 1. Produce an extended plan or draft and modify this appropriately in response to feedback or independently by creating an appropriate example to support the opinion about a person’s personality expressed for 4 sentences and write a description of a person they admire in about 2 paragraphs. 2. Understand specific details and information in extended texts on a wide range of familiar topics by identifying keywords and answering 3 comprehension questions Pupils can: 1) write a description of a person they admire in about 2 paragraphs 2) answer 3 comprehension questions 3.Values Strategy 3: Differentiate by the type and DIFFERENTIATION amount of support provided STRATEGIES: TEACHING & LEARNING ACTIVITIES PRE-LESSON: (10 minutes) 1. Pupils activate their prior knowledge by brainstorming characteristics and characteristic phrases from previous lesson. 2. Pupils work with their talk partner(s) and come up with somebody famous that they admire and discuss the following questions: (Why do they admire this person? What have they achieved?) 3. A few pairs share their discussion with the class. LESSON DEVELOPMENT: (40 minutes) 1. Pupils turn to Full Blast page 27 and read the rubric of Section B writing task and copy the key words onto their exercise book. (Complementary Skill) 2. Pupils compare their answers with their partners before checking answers as a class. 3. Pupils move on to Section C and look at the picture accompanying the text and predict who they think the man is 4. Pupils read through the description and clarify any unknown words with the teacher. 5. Pupils read through the questions and answer 3 comprehension questions. (Complementary Skill) 6. Pupils compare their answers with their partners before checking answers as a class. 7. Pupils proceed to Section D and read through sentences 1-3 and think of an appropriate example to support the opinion about a person’s personality expressed in each sentence. (Main Skill) 8. Pupils are selected randomly to read aloud their examples. 9. Pupils write a rough draft using the given plan (Plan and Tip in Student’s Book) by writing brief notes for each paragraph and then exchange their drafts with their partners for feedback or improvement. 10. Pupils go on to Section E and write a description of a person they admire. They need to include why they admire this person and how he or she has influenced them. (Main Skill) 11. Pupils are selected randomly to read aloud their descriptions. POST-LESSON: (10 minutes) 1. Pupils get into groups of 4 and one member thinks of a job and describes the characteristics that they need for the job while other members of the group guess which job the pupil is thinking of. √ HOTS: Application Analysis TEACHING MATERIALS: Form 4 Full Blast Textbook English Dictionary/Thesaurus ☐ Evaluation Creation ☐ √ TEACHING & LEARNING STRATEGIES: LEARNING ASSESSMENT: TEACHER’S REFLECTION: A fruitful lesson. The objectives were achieved. Pupil-Centredness Written Work DAILY LESSON PLAN ENGLISH FORM 1 TIME CLASS LESSON COM. FOCUSED SKILL WEEK DAY DATE MAIN FOCUSED SKILL 11 THURSDAY 15.06.2023 Writing TOPIC THEME LANGUANGE/GRAMMAR FOCUS Personal Profiles People and Culture (1) Writing a personal profile using because and so to give reasons and link ideas (2) Present Simple and Present Continuous 4.1 Communicate intelligibly through print and digital media on familiar topics 4.1.1 Give detailed information about themselves and others 4.2 Communicate with appropriate language form and style 4.2.3 Produce a plan or draft of two paragraphs or more and modify this appropriately in response to feedback By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to: 1. Give detailed information about themselves and others 2. Produce a plan or draft of two paragraphs or more and modify this appropriately in response to feedback PRE-LESSON Write music, free time activity, favourite colour on the board. Teacher asks students to guess what your favourite things are in each category. LESSON DELIVERY Activity 1 ( SB page 18) 1. Teacher reminds students that likes are things you like and dislikes are things you don’t like. 2. Students read the questions. Teacher plays the CD. Students follow the text in their books and the answer the questions. Students compare answers in pairs. 3. Teacher checks answers as a class. Teacher point out that if you say you are into something, you like it very much. Activity 2 (SB page 18) 1. Students read the notes in the Writing focus box. Teacher checks thet they understand the words reason and result and highlight the fact that we use because with reasons and so with results. 2. Teacher asks students to translate because and so into their language. Activity 3 (SB page 18) 1. Students work individually and copy and complete the notes about Claire. Students compare answers in pairs. Teacher check answers as a class. POST LESSON Listen and Tell(see SOW page 136) Textbook, Whiteboard, Marker Pen, Choose an item. Think, Pair, Share iThink Map Choose an item. 21st Century Literacy Communicative MAIN CONTENT STANDARD MAIN LEARNING STANDARD COM. CONTENT STANDARD COM. LEARNING STANDARD LEARNING OBJECTIVE ACTIVITIES TEACHING AIDS 21st CENTURY T&L STARTEGY CCE/CE 2.00-3.00 1 Al-Ghazali 16 Writing High Order Thinking Skills Teaching and Learning Strategy Element Across the Curriculum (EMK) ASSESSMENT SUCCESS CRITERIA REFLECTION Creation Constructivism EMK - Languange Moral Values – Mutual Respect Question ( Writing/ Speaking ) Attendance:30/30 30 pupils were able to achieve the objectives. _____ pupils need extra guidance. *Today’s lesson will be carried forward due to ____________. DAILY LESSON PLAN ENGLISH FORM 1 TIME CLASS LESSON COM. FOCUSED SKILL WEEK DAY DATE MAIN FOCUSED SKILL 11 MONDAY 12.06.2023 Listening TOPIC THEME LANGUANGE/GRAMMAR FOCUS MAIN CONTENT STANDARD MAIN LEARNING STANDARD Teacher to select Science and Technology Teacher to select 1.1 Understand meaning in a variety of familiar contexts 1.1.2 Understand with little or no support specific information and details in simple longer texts on a range of familiar topics 1.1 Understand meaning in a variety of familiar contexts 1.1.4 Understand longer sequences of supported classroom instructions By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to: 1. Understand with little or no support specific information and details in simple longer texts on a range of familiar topics 2. Understand longer sequences of supported classroom instructions PRE-LESSON Task 2 : Guess The Answer LESSON DELIVERY 1. Choose a listening text and listen yourself in advance. 2. Write 3 true or false questions on the board – one from information at the start of the text, one from the middle and one from the end. 3. Play the text then let pupils compare their answers in pairs. Check answers. 4. Tell pupils to listen again and identify the key information in the text – play the audio then elicit their ideas. Write up 4-5 headings on the board. 5. Tell the pupils you will play the text again and they need to add at least one piece of more detailed information under each heading. COM. CONTENT STANDARD COM. LEARNING STANDARD LEARNING OBJECTIVE ACTIVITIES 10.30-11.30 1 As-Syafie 18 Listening TEACHING AIDS 21st CENTURY T&L STARTEGY CCE/CE ASSESSMENT SUCCESS CRITERIA REFLECTION DAY SUBJECT FOCUS 6. Play the audio again and repeat a third time if needed. 7. Get pupils to check their detailed information in pairs then elicit back with whole class. 8. Add the ideas to the board. 9. Tell pupils to try and rebuild the text – it doesn’t need to be exactly the same words but as close as they can remember. 10. Play the text again so they can check. POST LESSON Task 6 : Whisper and Write Textbook, Whiteboard, Marker Pen, Choose an item. Round Table iThink Map Choose an item. 21st Century Literacy Communicative High Order Thinking Skills Analysis Teaching and Learning Strategy Mastery Learning Element Across the Curriculum (EMK) EMK - Languange Moral Values – Mutual Respect Quiz Attendance:29/29 29 pupils were able to achieve the objectives. _____ pupils need extra guidance. *Today’s lesson will be carried forward due to ____________. Friday DATE English CLASS Writing UNIT 16.6.2023 5 As-Syafie UNIT 3 ENGLISH DOWNLOAD WEEK TIME THEME 11 11.30-12.30 Health and Environment LESSON 26 TOPIC The World of Sport 1 hour LANGUAGE & Language of writing ideas for and against a statement GRAMMAR FOCUS Main Skill: Writing Main Skill: Writing 4.1 Communicate intelligibly through print and digital 4.1.3 Explain the main points for and media on familiar topics against an idea or argument Complimentary Skill: Reading CONTENT LEARNING 3.1.5 Recognise independently the Complementary Skill: Reading STANDARD STANDARD attitude or opinion of the 3.1 Understand a variety of texts by using a range of writer in extended texts on a appropriate reading strategies to construct meaning wide range of familiar topics and some unfamiliar topics By the end of the lesson, pupils will be able to: What I’m looking for (WILF) 4.1.3 Explain the main points for and against an idea or 1. Pupils can add a argument by add a contrasting idea to each of the contrasting idea to each 2 opinions and writing an essay of about 140-190 of the 2 opinions. words 2. Pupils can answer 3 LEARNING3.1.5 Recognise independently the attitude or opinion of SUCCESS questions in Activity 4. OBJECTIVES CRITERIA the writer in extended texts on a wide range of 3. Pupils can write an familiar topics and some unfamiliar topics by essay of about 140-190 answering 3 questions in Activity 4. words. TEACHING AND LEARNING STRATEGIES PRE-LESSON LESSON DEVELOPMENT 1. 2. The sentence ‘The Olympic Games are unnecessary.’ is written on the whiteboard. Pupils discuss in pairs to come up with two ideas in support of this statement and one that opposes it. 3. A few pairs share their ideas with the class. 4. Pupils turn to page 41 English Download and read the essay written in answer to the question in Activity 3. 5. Pupils answer the 3 questions in Activity 4. (Complementary Skill) 6. Pupils compare their answers in pairs before discussing as a class. 7. Pupils move on to Activity 5 and read the instruction and the 2 contrasting viewpoints. 8. Pupils add a contrasting idea to each of the 2 opinions.(Main Skill) 9. Pupils compare their answers in pairs before discussing as a class. 10. Pupils proceed to Activity 6 and read the writing task, plan and the Language Bank box. 11. Pupils read the model essay in Activity 4 again and identify any expressions there that appear in the Language Bank (ex: In the first place, Moreover, However, etc) 12. Pupils think of an extra idea to be added to the existing plan and later discuss the ideas as a class, with a list written on the board so pupils may refer to it later. 13. Pupils write short notes for each of the 5 paragraphs and compare them with a partner. 14. Pupils write an essay of about 140-190 words using the short notes.(Main Skill) Differentiated Actvities: POST-LESSON DIFFERENTIATION STRATEGIES M/INTELLIGENCES Less proficient pupils: Provide an introduction to complete paragraphs 3–4. If need to, provide also a final paragraph summarising ideas and restating own opinion. More proficient pupils: Write more detailed argument in about 200-250 words 15. Pupils review their learning in this lesson by completing an exit card: ‘what went well in your writing?’ and ‘your writing would have been even better if…’ 16. A few pupils share their cards with the class. Strategy 3: Differentiate by the type and amount of support provided CROSS CURRICULAR Values ELEMENTS Strategy 4: Differentiate by the outcome expected from pupils Verbal-Linguistic ASSESSMENT 21 CENTURY TEACHING & LEARNING LEARNING DOMAIN Written Exercise ST RESOURCES PBD English Download Textbook, Whiteboard, - - Writing Think, Pair-Share Create A fruitful lesson.The objectives were achieved. Students actively participated in all the activities. REFLECTION NOTE ATTENDANCE 11/11