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Kingdom Citizenship Benefits: Independence vs Dependency

Munroe, M., Benefits of Kingdom Citizenship (Online:
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9xLJ04__qN8 (Accessed, 14th June, 2023).
Adam rebelled against God;
America rebelled against Great Britain. America was born out of a desire of a group
of people who refuse to live under the king and queen of England.
The Bahamas rebelled against Great Britain in 1973
When a colony rebels against the kingdom, the result is independence
Two words kingdoms hate: independence and Ownership. These words create havoc, spirit of
independence and spirit of private ownership.
American culture and ideology are built on independence (individualism) and private
ownership (capitalism is the product of the spirit of private ownership).
In the kingdom, dependency is beneficial; in this world, independency is beneficial.
Miracles don’t happen much in America, a culture of plenty and independency, than
in Africa, a culture of dependency, is because the later have many options to choose
from in case God does not work.
The Big Picture
What was God thinking when he……..???
Without the big picture, life does not have meaning or significance. Without big
picture you become the beginning and end of life.
Big picture gives purpose and meaning of why you live, and what you should do has a
person God placed on earth.
God’s big picture was to influence his kingdom governance influence to the visible
world from the invisible world.
Bible is about the family business. That is why every human is looking for ways to
participate in this big family business. And the fall of man resulted in invention of
alternative forms (fig leaves), which is the great source of contention;
The search is not the problem; but if what you are looking for becomes the end, you
are in trouble. Terrorism is one example where one form of religion is seeing as more
important than other forms, to the point they kill for protect the form.