Allied Medical Specialties Laboratory Medicine & Blood Bank Pathologists. diagnose diseases by examining tissues, blood, and other body fluids are called medical doctors. They are specially trained to understand biopsy results and other biological samples. Pathologists work with primary care doctors as well as specialists and use laboratory testing to identify or rule out diseases. Pathology Assistant (PA). is usually responsible for the examination and dissection of tissue samples sent to the anatomic pathology lab. They may also help pathologists with autopsies. Cytogeneticist (CG). a specialist who examines blood and tissue specimens for any abnormalities on the chromosomes. They work with cytogenetic clinical laboratory scientists/technologists who perform cytogenetic analyses. This includes preparing biological specimens for genetic studies and performing cell culture and microscopic analyses. Cytotechnologist (CT). is a specialist who helps to identify changes in cells under a microscope. They may help to perform fine needle aspirations and examine the sample removed during the procedure for abnormal cells. They may also help to make a diagnosis for cancer or other diseases. Histotechnologist (HTL). is a specialist who work in the pathology lab and are trained in the preparation of tissue samples used to diagnose disease. They help the pathologist to analyze small sections of body tissue that have been removed from a patient. The tissue sample undergoes special preparation before being examined under a microscope to look for evidence of disease, such as cancer. Histotechnologists may do more complex procedures than histologic technicians (HTs) and may supervise their work. Histologic technician (HT). is a specialist who helps to study tissues and organs from people by cutting thin pieces of tissue and mounting them on slides so that the pathologist can see them under a microscope. Nuclear Medicine Nuclear Medicine Radiologist. A doctor who uses radioactive materials called Radiopharmaceuticals which are injected into a patient's vein, but they may also be inhaled or swallowed to diagnose and treat disease. They use techniques such as scintigraphy to produce pictures of the body's organs or to see if a person has a certain disease. Nuclear Pharmacist. once known as radio pharmacists, specialize in preparing, dispensing and distributing radiopharmaceuticals or radioactive drugs. They are part of the nuclear medicine team and provide consultation regarding health and safety issues. Nuclear Medicine Physicist. is a specialist who helps to develop and use new technology in nuclear medicine, and who is very good at working with radiation. They are also very good at computers and image processing. They are an important part of the nuclear medicine team and help to make sure the equipment is safe and accurate. Nuclear Medicine Technologist. helps a nuclear medicine radiologist by preparing and giving radiopharmaceuticals, performing imaging procedures, and enhancing images using a computer. The technologist helps the doctor get important patient information, looks at imaging results, and helps the patient stay comfortable during procedures. Radiology Radiologist. A doctor who is skilled in using x-rays, radioactive substances, ultrasound, or magnets to see inside the body and make recommendations to the doctor to help treat diseases by using radiation or surgical methods that are less invasive. Diagnostic Medical Physicists. A specialist who helps doctors use images to look at patients' bodies. They work with radiologists and other medical professionals to create images like CT scans, x-rays, mammograms, ultrasounds, and MRI scans. Radiologist Assistants. help diagnose medical problems by using imaging equipment to see inside patients' bodies. They work closely with doctors to get the best possible images and usually explain the procedures to patients. Radiologic technologists also adjust equipment to make sure the images come out right. Radiologic Nurse. is responsible for providing care to patients undergoing tests or treatment. They work with the patient's family to develop a care plan and make sure the patient understands what is happening. The nurse can do examinations or take care of preventive health measures as prescribed by the radiologist. The nurse can also keep track of the doctor's observations and discuss cases with other health care professionals. Rehabilitation Medicine Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation (PM&R) Doctor / Physiatrist. evaluate patients with physical or cognitive impairments or disabilities that are due to musculoskeletal, neurological, or medical conditions. They want to help the patients reduce their pain and improve their performance without surgery. Rehabilitation Nurse. helps people who have had a disabling injury or a chronic illness, and helps them to get back to their normal lives. They make sure the patient gets all the help they need, from personal care to getting around and learning to live independently. The nurse is with the patient 24/7, and spends more time with the patient than any other team member. Physiotherapist / Physical Therapist. provides services to help people stay active and functioning throughout their lives. The service is made available to people who are having a hard time moving or functioning because they are getting older, have been injured, are in pain, have diseases, or have conditions. Occupational Therapist. helps people to live their lives the way they want to by improving their ability to do the things they enjoy. The main goal is to help people participate in the activities they need to do every day, or to help them adapt their activities to better support their goals. Speech and Language Therapist / Pathologist. are experts in helping people with communication problems. They can assess and treat everyone from children to the elderly with speech, language, communication, eating, drinking, and swallowing problems. Audiologist. are experts in hearing and ear health. They work with people who have hearing problems and can also help prevent them from happening in the first place. They can prescribe hearing aids and other devices to help people with hearing loss. Orthotist / Prosthetist. Orthotics and prosthetics are devices that are used to help people with disabilities function better. Orthotics help to modify the structural and functional characteristics of the body, such as braces or splints, while prostheses replace missing or defective limb segments, such as artificial legs. Orthotic and prosthetic devices also include mobility aids, such as walking frames. Clinical Psychologist. Mental health professionals assess and treat people who have problems with their mental and physical health. These problems can include depression, anxiety, psychosis, eating disorders, addictions, and more. REFERENCES: An overview of rehabilitation for doctors. Physiopedia. (n.d.). Retrieved from Medical Laboratory Professionals: Who's who in the lab. (2021, April 29). Retrieved from Radiological Society of North America (RSNA) and American College of Radiology (ACR). (n.d.). Professions in diagnostic radiology. Retrieved from Radiological Society of North America (RSNA) and American College of Radiology (ACR). (n.d.). Professions in nuclear medicine. Retrieved from,o r%20to%20visualize%20certain%20diseases.