ROBERT E. DUNCAN FAMILY HISTORY, THE DUNCANS Lytle/Sarah Duncan, Children, and Grandchildren As of 01.15.20 Address Questions Or Corrections To: Robert E Duncan 208 Grandmar Chase Canton, GA 30115 TABLE OF CONTENTS FORWARD ............................................................................................................................................... 1 Ireland ..........................................................................................................................................................2 Irish Records ................................................................................................................................................3 LYTLE DUNCAN, 1804- December 24, 1872 ....................................................................................... 3 Tracking Lytle ..............................................................................................................................................4 Birth and Death Dates ..................................................................................................................................4 Speculation On Lytle Duncan’s (1804-1872) Lineage ................................................................................8 SARAH JACKSON DUNCAN, September 20, 1807- January 7, 1874 ............................................. 18 Birth/Death Dates and Birth Location .......................................................................................................18 CHILDREN AND GRANDCHILDREN .............................................................................................. 21 1. Frances “Fannie” Duncan, 1/11/1829- 4/27/190 ...................................................................................21 Thomas Davis (11/27/1827- 10/13/1902) .............................................................................................21 Eliza Jane Davis ............................................................................................................................ 22 John Davis ..................................................................................................................................... 22 Sarah Davis ................................................................................................................................... 23 Mary Davis.................................................................................................................................... 23 Thomas James Davis..................................................................................................................... 24 George Lytle Davis ....................................................................................................................... 24 2. Mary Duncan, 03/03/1831-3/12/1844 ....................................................................................................25 3. James Duncan, 02/01/1832- 04/25/1868................................................................................................26 4. John Duncan 2/2/1832- 10/14/1906 .......................................................................................................27 Eliza Allingham (2/19/1841-1/6/1933) .................................................................................................27 Robert Lytle Duncan ..................................................................................................................... 27 John J. Duncan .............................................................................................................................. 27 Sarah G. Duncan ........................................................................................................................... 27 5. Elizabeth “Eliza” Duncan, 3/27/1834- 6/4/191 .....................................................................................28 Richard Duncan (7/13/1827- 5/16/1899) ..............................................................................................28 Margaret Duncan .......................................................................................................................... 29 Sarah Duncan ................................................................................................................................ 29 Mary Jane Duncan ........................................................................................................................ 30 John Duncan.................................................................................................................................. 30 Lytle Jackson Duncan ................................................................................................................... 30 6. Mary Duncan, 1/11/1837- 1914 .............................................................................................................31 John Jameson (1837-3/1895).................................................................................................................31 Sarah Jameson ............................................................................................................................... 32 Eliza Jane Jameson ....................................................................................................................... 32 Jane Jameson ................................................................................................................................. 32 7. William Duncan, 6/24/1838- 6/2/1905 ..................................................................................................32 Anna Meehan (11/24/1838- 4/28/1922) ................................................................................................32 Ellen L. Duncan ............................................................................................................................ 32 Robert E. Duncan Family History- Duncan Name Line William H. Duncan ....................................................................................................................... 32 John B. Duncan ............................................................................................................................. 32 Robert Duncan .............................................................................................................................. 32 Charles Duncan ............................................................................................................................. 32 Anna B. Duncan ............................................................................................................................ 32 8. Jackson Duncan, 6/2/1839- 10/12/1918 .................................................................................................33 Eliza Dundas (9/15/1839- February 22, 1915) ......................................................................................33 John Duncan.................................................................................................................................. 35 Lytle J. Duncan ............................................................................................................................. 35 Fannie Duncan .............................................................................................................................. 35 Sarah Duncan ................................................................................................................................ 35 Francis “Frank” Duncan ............................................................................................................... 35 Jackson Duncan ............................................................................................................................ 36 Elizabeth Duncan .......................................................................................................................... 36 Mary Jane Duncan ........................................................................................................................ 36 Susan (Susanna) Duncan............................................................................................................... 36 9. Sarah Duncan, 9/25/1841- 4/15/1916 ....................................................................................................36 John Alexander (9/13/1830- 3/6/1897) .................................................................................................36 Sarah J. Alexander ........................................................................................................................ 37 Mary Ann Alexander .................................................................................................................... 37 Letitia Alexander .......................................................................................................................... 37 George Henry Alexander .............................................................................................................. 37 Mabel Louisa Alexander ............................................................................................................... 37 Ethel Frances Alexander ............................................................................................................... 37 Lillian Maud Alexander ................................................................................................................ 37 John Jackson Alexander ................................................................................................................ 37 10. George Duncan, 9/1/1843- 3/28/1912..................................................................................................38 Anne Skelly (1846- 4/30/1905) .............................................................................................................38 George J. Duncan .......................................................................................................................... 38 11. Susanna “Susan” Duncan, 1/1/1845- 4/4/189 .....................................................................................38 Lytle Dundas (Unknown- 3/26/1900) ...................................................................................................38 Lytle Dundas ................................................................................................................................. 38 James Dundas................................................................................................................................ 38 George Dundas.............................................................................................................................. 38 Elizabeth/ Lizzie Dundas .............................................................................................................. 38 12. Henry Duncan, ~1847- 12/1/1875 ......................................................................................................39 Hannah Allingham (7/2/1843- 12/23/1932) ..........................................................................................39 13. Lytle Duncan, 11/8/1848- 9/7/1914 ....................................................................................................39 Mary Ann (Minnie A.) McIntyre (7/19/1850-2/26/1921) .....................................................................39 Wilbert (Willis) Jackson Duncan .................................................................................................. 40 Sarah Jane “Jennie” Duncan ......................................................................................................... 40 Robert L. Duncan .......................................................................................................................... 40 Ethel Anne Duncan ....................................................................................................................... 40 George Duncan ............................................................................................................................. 40 Robert E. Duncan Family History- Duncan Name Line LYTLE DUNCAN (1804 – 12/24/1872) to ROBERT E. DUNCAN (10/30/1950) .............................. 41 Robert E. Duncan Family History- Duncan Name Line FORWARD This document is the first part of a four part search through the Duncan, Goodwin, Ware, and Ohmen relatives of Robert E. Duncan. The digital search is available on under “REDUNCAN91”. The Duncans, Goodwins, Wares and Ohmens form my four name traceable ancestry threads. The Duncans, covered herein, have been hard to trace in the early 1800s and impossible to trace before then due to a lack of surviving documentation of births, marriages and immigration in Ireland in the early 1800s due to the uprising in Ireland the 1920s which destroyed the primary records library in Ireland. In records available, the tracing of ancesters is made difficult by the facts that families were very large, many people could not read and write - therein resulting in many differences in name spellings- and a propensity to use names many times amongst numerous generations. Most Duncans were Methodists attending the Church of Ireland and hence not Catholic, therein resulting in far fewer church records of their lives. Last, most of my Duncan relations immigrated from Ireland to Canada and the United States. The Ohmen search, part 2 of my search documents, is challenging as discovering and tracing family members prior to their immigration from Prussia has proven difficult due to translation challenges in documentation, and name differences between peoples’ names while in Prussia and names adopted by them after they immigrated to the United States or Canada. The Goodwins, part 3 of my search, and Wares , part 4 of my search were from England and hence their records superior and challenges in discovering and tracing family members prior to their immigration to the United States less difficult, but still challenging due to spelling differences, use of the same names amongst different relatives and generations, and records available in colonial times in the United States. The Duncans dealt with in this document lived in Ireland, however, their ancestors almost certainly came from Scotland where the name Duncan is very common. The Duncans likely went to Ireland during the Ulster Plantation which occurred in the early 17th century; however, documentation of when and who in the family first immigrated to Ireland has not been uncovered and very well may no longer exist. The earliest Duncan to which I am related that I could find is Lytle Duncan (18041872) and his wife Sarah Jackson Duncan. This document covers them, their children, and their grandchildren with some speculation and research results on Lyble’s lineage and possible siblings. Page 1 of 45 Ireland Ireland covers an area of 32,524 square miles of which 26,599 square miles comprising 32 counties are in the republic with six counties in an area of 5,926 square miles in Northern Ireland, which is a part of the United Kingdom. The counties of Ireland are sub-national divisions that have been, and in some cases continue to be, used to geographically demarcate areas of local government. These land divisions were formed following the Norman invasion of Ireland in imitation of the counties then in use as units of local government in the Kingdom of England. The older term "shire" was historically equivalent to "county". After the great famine of the late 1840s there was a wave of Irish emigrants to the United States, Canada and Argentina. There were 200,000 emigrants a year from 1847 to 1850 and 250,000 in 1851. The predominant religion in the Republic of Ireland is Christianity, with the largest church being the Roman Catholic Church. In 2016, 78% of the population identified themselves as Roman Catholic, 6 percentage points less than 5 years earlier. The second largest Christian denomination, the Church of Ireland (Anglican), declined in membership for most of the twentieth century, but has more recently experienced an increase, as have other small Christian denominations. Other significant Protestant denominations are the Presbyterian Church in Ireland, followed by the Methodist Church in Ireland. Page 2 of 45 Irish Records: As briefly covered earlier, Irish records were never as good as those of Scotland and England. This is due in part to Ireland’s history of uprisings and struggles. The lack of records was made worse by the 1922 uprising which led to the destruction of all records kept in the Central Record Office in Dublin which included birth, marriage, death, and Irish wills kept there, however, there are a few Census that remain for a few counties. 1 This results in any searches in the first half of 1800 or earlier, being difficult to impossible. Fortunately, births, marriages and deaths have been recorded since 1864 and Protestant marriages since 1845. Adding to historical confusion, most newspaper files also seem to have been destroyed. All bad news for the Duncan searches prior to 1830s. LYTLE DUNCAN, 1804- December 24, 1872 The earliest ancestor I can trace with a high degree of confidence is Lytle2 Duncan (1804- December 24, 1872)3. Lytle’s wife was Sarah Jackson (1806-January 7, 1874). Lytle and Sarah had a small farm in the Townland of Bohey4, in the county of Leitrim. A townland is a small area of land sometimes only several hundred acres in size. The great number of Duncans in Leitrim county one hundred years ago and the similarities of names and different spelling of names makes genealogical work there difficult. Figure 1- Lytle and Sarah's home in Bohey, Ireland The 1841 census of Killeshandra Parish, County Cavan, is the only complete Irish civil parish that has survived from 1841. 2 Lytle is also spelled Lightle and Lyttle in documents. 3 Discussion on birth and death dates are contained later in this document. 4 The townland named Bohey also appears to have been spelled Boihy in many tax and other records. 1 Page 3 of 45 Tracking Lytle Both Lytle and Sarah were Methodist in the early days of that religion in Ireland when Methodist attended the Church of Ireland. The Church of Ireland’s records are not as complete as the Church of England records and contain a number of errors. Still, one can find death records for Lytle and Sarah, and both are buried in the graveyard of the Church of Ireland at Dromahair (also spelled Dromahaire) where the tombstones may still be seen. A key source of information on the location of Lytle and other Duncans in early Ireland is found in the Tithe Applotment Books. The Tithe Applotment Books are a vital source for Figure 2- Church of Ireland, Dromahaire, Drumlease genealogical research for the pre-Famine period, given Parish, Leitrim County, Ireland the loss of the 1821-51 Census records. They were compiled between 1823 and 1837 in order to determine the amount which occupiers of agricultural holdings over one acre should pay in tithes to the Church of Ireland (the main Protestant church and the church established by the State until its dis-establishment in 1871). There is a manuscript book for almost every civil (Church of Ireland) parish 5 in the country giving the names of occupiers of each townland, the amount of land held and the sums to be paid in tithes. Because the tithes were levied on agricultural land, urban areas are not included. Unfortunately, the books provide only the names of heads of family, not other family members. The population of Ireland was recorded in 1841 as 8.2 million. It would have been somewhat less than this during the 1820s and 1830s, when the Tithe Applotment Books were compiled. Note: there are many transcription errors in the Ireland National Archive records. Where possible actual untranscribed records have been consulted. Birth and Death Dates There is- as yet- no discoverable records which directly address when Lytle was born, or when he and Sarah were married, however, death records for both do exist. 1. The grave stone in the Church of Ireland, Dromahaire, Drumlease Parish, Leitrim County, Ireland6 records the death of Lytle as 12/24/1872 7 at 68 years old8, thus giving a birth date of 1804. This summarizes as 1804-12/24/1872. Parishes were divided into Townlands which were then at times grouped into Baronies. 6 Dromahair townland/village is in Drumlease civil parish which corresponds with Dromahaire Catholic parish. Records begin in 1859 for baptisms and marriages. 7 Dates in this document follow the US format of month/day/year. 8 Lytle’s age at death on his gravestone is hard to read and can be misinterpreted as 62 versus 68; however, if one notes the “2” in his death year (i.e., 1872) you can distinctly see the difference between it, and the “8” in his age of 68. 5 Page 4 of 45 Figure 3- Graveyard stone commemorating Lytle and Sara Duncan 2. The official death record- summarized below by the Leitrim Geneology Ceter- states Lytle died on 12/28/1870 at 68 years old in Bohey township, Leitrim County, Ireland. Of note, original church and civil records are notoriously hard to read and at times contain numerous errors as in the one below wherein Lytle is identified as “female”. The record below, suggest a birth Page 5 of 45 sometime around 1802. This birth/death information summarizes as 1802-12/28/1870 but conflicts with his gravestone. Figure 4- Lytle's Death Record 3. The County Leitrim Burials From 1799, Part 19 states Lytle died on 12/24/1872 at 68 years old which suggests a birth year of 1804. This summarizes as 1804-12/24/1872 and agrees with his gravestone. As such, I have settled for my research purposes as the correct birth/death figures for Lytle as 1804 – 12/24/1872. Most documentation on Lytle exists in the Griffiths Land Valuation of Ireland, Tithe Applotment Books and church records on baptisms and marriages of his children. It bears repeating that there are numerous errors in the Ireland National Archives transcriptions of the Tithe Applotment Books and this causes considerable consternation when trying to track the Duncans in Leitrim and Cavan counties. Within the Griffiths Land Valuation of Ireland and the Tithe Applotment Books the following mentions of Lytle10 exist: 9 Compiled by Eileen Hewson FRGS, The Kabristan Archives Note: within the Griffiths Land Valuation of Ireland the names Lytle, Lyttle, and Lightle are used. 10 Page 6 of 45 Year 183211 1833 12 (Tithe Applotment Book) 1834 (Tithe Applotment Book) 1842 & 1846 185715 Location Lord Farnham Townland, Killashandra Parish, Cavan County Boihy13 Townland, Drumlease Parish, Leitrim County Boihy Townland, Drumlease Parish, Leitrim County14 Boihy Townland, Drumlease Parish, Leitrim County Boihy Townland, Drumlease Parish, Leitrim County Lisgorman, Cloonlogher Parish, Leitrim County Carrigeencor, Drumlease Parish, Leitrim County Figure 5- Mentions of Lytle in Griffiths Land Valuation of Ireland and Ireland Tithe Applotment Books, 1805-1927 The below map shows most of the townships reflected above. All are relatively close. To assist in understanding the proximity of the various locations, I have placed a horizontal yellow line at the bottom of the map which is 5 miles (or 8.05km) long. The location of Lytle in 1832 in Lord Farnham is an exception with respect to closeness to the other locations, an exception which will be addressed later in the document. Provided by Ireland Tithe Applotment Books, 1805-1927. Actual Tithe Applotment Book states: Townland Bohey; Diocese of Kilmore; Parish of Drumlease; County of Leitrim. The National Archives of Ireland transcription of same record states: Townland Boihy; Parish of Drumgoon; County of Cavan. See original at Figure 15. 13 The townland named Boihy also appears to have been spelled Bohey in certain tax and other records although in Google Earth they are distinct townlands; see Figure 6. Also, it is the 1833 Tithe Applotment Books records that show Lytle and John Duncan share farming on rented land. See Footnote 12 for errors in Tithe Applotment Book transcription by the Ireland National Archives affecting this information. 14 Records are somewhat garbled here. Actual Tithe Applotment Record for 1834 shows Lytle Duncan, on a page of the record for Townland of Boihy, Parish of Drumlease, Leitrim County. The Irish National Archives transcription of this record shows: Lytle Duncan in Townland Boihy, Parish of Drumhome, County of Donegal. 15 Lytle listed as “Lightle” in the 1857 Land Valuation records. 11 12 Page 7 of 45 Figure 6- Map of Lytle Farmlands and Home Speculation On Lytle Duncan’s (1804- 1872) Lineage Parents Because of the aforementioned records debacle in Ireland, only somewhat educated speculation of Lytle’s parentage and potential syblings is possible at this time. The 1841 Ireland Census for the Townland of Sallaghan/Sollaghen, Parish of Killeshandra, Barony of Tullyhunco, County of Cavan provides that there was a Lytle Dunkin living in Sallaghan, Cavan in 1841. This provides us with a potential father for Lytle Duncan (1804-1872) who is mentioned for the first time in available records in the 1832 Tithe Applotment Book as working (and most probably living) in Lord Farnham which is about 8.5 miles from Sallagham. From the 1841 Census information we can glean Lytle Dunkin of Sallaghan was 64 in 1841 (thus making his birth about 1777), he was head of a household, and a linen weaver.16 See Figure 7. Note in the first image contained in Figure 7, Lytle’s (1777) name is handwritten quite clearly as “Lytle” although the age is slightly ambiguous. Even given this, many transcriptions of the 1841 Census show incorrectly his name was spelled “Lyttle”. 16 Page 8 of 45 Figure 7- Ireland Census, 1841; Blowup Of Top Left Of Page 1 The 1841 Ireland Census also had- on the same page- a section for “Member of Family Died Since 6th June 1831”. In this section Lytle (1777) documented the death of household member John Hammon, 40, male, stepson, labourer, that died of a sore throat in 1841.17 (See:Figure 8) Figure 8- Ireland Census 1841, Left Portion Of Page 1 The next page of the Census had a different location for family members and requested various pieces of information for them, including columns for “Married” and “Year Married”. This page is significant as it reflects Lytle’s (1777) wife as: Sarah Dunkin, 60, female, wife, married, marriage years- 1804 and 1831, occupation: spinning wool, and a native of Cavan. Based upon John Hammon’s stated age of 40 in the 1841 Census, and his death being “since 6/6/1831”, we can assign his birth as ~1801 and his death as ~1841. 17 Page 9 of 45 It further shows as household members: 1. Francis Hammon, 17, male, a second stepson, not married, laborer, and a native of Cavan; and, 2. Mary McManus, 40, female, visitor, not married, and a native of Leitrim. From this portion of the Census we can glean that Sarah Dunkin, Lytle’s (1777) wife was married twice. The first time in 1804 appears to be to an unknown Hammon, with whom she had a least two children: John (who died in 1841 of a sore throat at age 40) and Francis who was 17 in 1841 (giving him a birth in 1824). These two children were living with her and Lytle (1777) in 1841 in Sallaghan, house 7. The 1841 Census also shows that in the house next to Sarah and Lytle, there was a James Hammon. This may be an additional child of Sarah by her first husband. At this point, we need to examine some significant errors in some of Irish National Archives’ transcripted records of the 1841 Irish Census as it applies to Lytle 1777 and Sarah. The transcripted records availabled online incorrectly show: 1. An error in the house number in which Lytle Dunkin (1777) and his family were living. a. The actual Census record (Figure 9) clearly shows Lytle having documented he and his family lived in house 7. b. The transcripted records (Figure 10 and Figure 11) incorrectly show Lytle’s family living in house 6 with James Hammon18 as head of house, and in fact do not list Lytle (1777) at all. 2. Figure 12 shows the incorrect spelling of Lytle Dunkin’s (1777) first name as “Lyttle”. Figure 9- Image of actual Ireland Census 1814, Left Portion Of Page 119 A possible/probable child of Sarah by her first husband. Note on the left hand side of the photo, Lytle shows his family lives in house 7. This is improperly transposed in the Ireland National Archives into his family- minus him- living in house 6 with James Hammon. 18 19 Page 10 of 45 Figure 10- Transcription Error Showing Wrong House Number For Lytle's Family Figure 11- Transcription Error Showing Lytle's Family...But Not Lytle...Living In House 6 Page 11 of 45 Figure 12- Transcription Error With Incorrect Spelling Of Lytle's Name In spite of all this, is it reasonable to speculate that Lytle Duncan (1804) is the son of Lytle Dunkin (1777) even though we have not found a census, birth certificate, or any documentation directly showing the linkage between Lytle (1777) and Lytle (1804). This speculation is based on: 1. The birth and age of Lytle Dunkin (1777) fit a timeframe which could make him Lytle Duncan’s (1804) father. Lytle Dunkin (1777) would have been 27 at the time of Lytle’s birth in 1804. 2. Lytle is not a common first name during the 1700s and early 1800s in Ireland, and I have found no viable reference to it associated with any male Duncans (regardless of spellings of the name Duncan) in my research of Ireland prior to Lytle 1777. There are numerous uses of “Lytle” after Lytle 1804 as his children used the name for a number of their children in Ireland and Canada. 3. The Duncan/Dunkin name similarities, bearing in mind the lack of standardized spelling of names during this era, and a tradition in Ireland to name first born males after their fathers further suggests Lytle Dunkin (1777) may well be Lytle’s (1804) father. 4. In 1832 there is reference in the Ireland Tithe Applotment 1805-1927 to Lytle Duncan (1804) in Lord Farnham Townland, Killashandra Parish, Cavan County wherein he was a farmer. Lord Farnham is only approximately 9 miles (14.4km) directly northeast of Sallaghan where Lytle Dunkin 1777 lived as a linen weaver according to the Census of 1841 provides a reasonable closeness for Lytle 1804, at age 28 in 1832, to have struck out on his own. Thereafter, Lytle 1804 moved farther West and lived his life in Leitrim County near/in Boihy townland, Leitrim County, Ireland. 5. Last it is understandable that Lytle Duncan (1804), and siblings would not have shown up on the 1841 Census as members of Lytle Dunkin’s household given Lytle (1804) was 37 Page 12 of 45 in 1841 and documented in tax records as living by then in Leitrim, Ireland working as a farmer there. In short, he had been out on his own for a substantive amount of time by 1841. All this I believe translates into reasonable speculation that Lytle Dunkin (1777) was Lytle Duncan’s (1804) father by an unknown woman20 to whom his father was married prior to his second wife, Sarah. A summary of the 1841 Census information presented above, follows: Figure 13- A Summary Of The 1841 Census Information of Lytle and Sarah Dunkin Siblings The next question that naturally arises is whether Lytle Duncan (1804-1872) had siblings. Again, only speculation is possible at this time. A large number of Duncans are documented working land or living near Lytle Duncan (1804). These Duncans listed in the Ireland Tithe Applotment (1823-1837) and Ireland Griffith Land Valuation, include: Given that the Roman Catholic records for Killeshandra marriages start in 1835, and Methodist records do not exist in the timeframe needed to give us information on Lytle’s (1777) marriage, the name of his first wife is probably undiscoverable. 20 Page 13 of 45 Where Listed Name Adam Duncan George Duncan (Source: Ireland Tithe Applotment Books unless noted otherwise) Carrigeencor21, Drumlease Parish, Leitrim, 1833 22 Darkvally Townland, Killarga Parish, Leitrim, 1837 Carrickgeencur Mountain, Drumlease, Leitrim 183322 Carrigeencor, Drumlease Parish, Leitrim,183425,Error! Bookmark n ot defined. Leitrim Townland, Kiltubbrid Parish, Leitrim County, 1833 Boihy, Drumlease Parish, Leitrim County, 183424,Error! Bookmark n Henry Duncan ot defined. Drumahaire Town, Drumlease Parish, LeitrimError! Bookmark not d efined. James Duncan John Duncan Lightle/ Lytle Duncan (1804) Mary Duncan Thomas Duncan Carrickgeencur Mountain, Drumlease, Leitrim, 1833 22 Carrigeencor, Drumlease Parish, Leitrim, 183425 Boihy, Drumgoon, Cavan, 1833 Boihy, Drumlease Parish, Leitrim, 183312,23,24,1842, 1846 Carrickgeencur Mountain, Drumlease, Leitrim, 183322,1846 Carrigeencor, Drumlease Parish, LeitrimError! Bookmark not d efined.,183425, 1857 Drumahaire Town of Drumahaire, Drumlease, Leitrim, 1857Error! Bookmark not defined. Darkvalley, Killarga, LeitrimError! Bookmark not defined. Lord Farnham, Killashandra, Cavan 1832 Boihy, Drumlease, Leitrim, 183312,23, 1834Error! Bookmark not d efined.,24 ,1842Error! Bookmark not defined.,1846Error! Bookmark not defined. Lisgorman, Cloonlogher, Leitrim, 1857Error! Bookmark not defined. Carrigeencor, Drumlease, Leitrim, 1857Error! Bookmark not defined. Boihy, Drumlease, LeitrimError! Bookmark not defined. Carrigeencor Mountain, Drumlease Parish, Leitrim County, 183322 Carrigeencor, Drumlease Parish, Leitrim County, 183425,Error! B ookmark not defined. Boihy, Drumlease Parish, Leitrim County, 183424,Error! Bookmark n ot defined. William Duncan Boihy, Drumlease Parish, Leitrim CountyError! Bookmark n ot defined., 183312,23, 183424 Also spelled Carrickgeen and Carrickgeencur. There are errors in the Ireland National Archives transcriptions of records. In this case, the actual document states: Townland of Carrickgeencur Mountain; Diocese of Kilmore; Parish of Drumlease; County of Leitrim. The National Archives of Ireland index/transcription states: Townland of Carrickgeencur Mountain; Parish of Drumgoon; County of Cavan. 23 From Tithe Applotment Books 24 Actual record states: Townland of Boihy; Parish of Drumlease; County of Leitrim. The National Archives of Ireland transcription/index states: Townland of Boihy; Parish of Drumhome; County of Donegal. 21 22 Page 14 of 45 Where Listed Name (Source: Ireland Tithe Applotment Books unless noted otherwise) Carrigeencor, Drumlease, Leitrim, 183425,Error! Bookmark not d efined. Stephen Duncan Boihy, Drumlease Parish, Leitrim County, 183424 To plot some of the above out, one can see the proximity of most of the farm areas being worked by these Duncans in the first half of the 1800s. Reference Figure 14 Figure 14 Distances (direct line) from Boihy, where Lytle 1804 primarily seemed to reside: Location Carrrigeencor Manor Hamilton Drumlease Miles 1.19 3.57 3.78 Kilometers 2.01 5.75 6.32 Actual record states: Towland of Carrigeencor; Parish of Drumlease; County of Leitrim. The National Archives of Ireland transcription/index states: Townland of Carrigeencor; Parish of Drumgoon; County of Donegal. 25 Page 15 of 45 Location Dromahair Irish Church where Lytle (1804) is buried Cloonlogher Lisgorman Miles Kilometers 3.67 6.15 1.71 1.79 2.81 2.89 Few answers to (1804) Lytle’s siblings can be gleaned from the above, but some scant evidence is enticing on one other Duncan. In 1833 in the Ireland Tithe Applotment12, see Figure 15, Lytle is documented working and paying taxes on a plot of land together with a John Duncan26. The two men had a 9 years age difference with John, at the time, being only 20 years old and both men living in the same town…where other Duncans also hailed from. Why would the two Duncans share land and taxes? A younger brother? I would go so far as to postulate probably so. John was married to a Sarah (1813-4/6/1903) dying on 7/8/1903 a widower at 90 years old at Darkvalley, his death being registered at Manor Hamilton.27 This suggests to me, a familial relationship between Lytle and John.28 John Duncan was born in about 1813 (making him about 20 years old in 1833 when working with Lytle) and died in 1903 at 90 years old. Death date and approximate birth according to the Ireland, Civil Registration Deaths Index, 1864-1958, Volume: 2, Page: 137, FHL Film Number: 101602. 27 John and Sarah had two children: Adam Duncan (1848-3/17/1935) and William Charles Duncan (1871-11/14/1937). 26 Page 16 of 45 Figure 15- 1833 Boily Tithe Applotment Wherein Lytle and John Duncan Share Working Land Page 17 of 45 SARAH JACKSON DUNCAN, September 20, 1807- January 7, 1874 Birth/Death Dates and Birth Location Sarah Jackson’s possible birth dates and locations, are available from several, at times conflicting, sources as the name in Ireland and England during the early 1800s was common. Possible birth locations for a Sarah Jackson include England and Ireland. Given that there is no known reason to assume Sarah was born in England, and there are records with a birth of a Sarah Jackson in Ireland in a timeframe supported by her gravestone and death records, I believe she was born in Ireland where she lived and died. With respect to Sarah’s birth date, it is believed Sarah was born between 1806 and 1807. These dates are based on information contained on Sarah’s tombstone, research by Elward G. Burnside29 and interviews with Duncan family members in Canada and the United States now deceased. Sarah’s death date is more readily determinable and gives support to an 1806/7 birth. Sarah and Lytle’s tombstone states she died on January 7th, 1874 at 67 years old. The County Leitrim Burials From 1799 also states Sarah was buried at the Drumlease Parish Church of Ireland in Dromahaire Township, County Leitrim, Ireland and died on January 7th, 1874 at age 67. Other records, which are in agreement as to death date, such as the Civil Death Record summarized below also show that Sarah was a widow at her death, and was attended at death by her son Jackson. All records of death suggest Sarah’s birth was around 1807 albeit her gravestone states a birth date of 1806. Information provided by Elward G. Burnside (2/21/1925-11/13/2003) who conducted preliminary research on items covered in this document with the assistance of Mrs. John R. Duncan of New Milford, Connecticut and Miss M.J. Duncan of Vancouver, B.C., all now deceased. 29 Page 18 of 45 Page 19 of 45 For purposes of my research, given the above I can only assign a birth date for Sarah of 1807 and have information of her parents. Page 20 of 45 CHILDREN AND GRANDCHILDREN The records at the Church of Ireland in Dromahaire are not the best, however, from them and other sources such as the civil records at Manor Hamilton, it appears Lytle and Sarah Jackson had at least the following children. First dates in the table below are in some cases baptism dates rather than birth dates. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. Frances Mary James John Elizabeth Mary William Jackson Sarah George Susannah (Susan) Henry Lytle Birth/Baptism 1/11/1829 3/3/1831 2/1/1832 2/2/1832 3/27/1834 1/11/1837 6/24/1838 6/2/1839 9/25/1841 9/1/1843 1846 ~1847 11/8/1848 Death 4/27/1906 3/12/1844 4/25/1868 10/14/1906 6/4/1913 1914 6/2/1905 10/12/1918 4/15/1916 3/28/1912 1895 12/1/1875 9/7/1914 At least nine of Lytle and Sarah’s children immigrated to Canada30 with a number then going to the United States. All for Jackson and Susannah’s children also appear to have immigrated. 1. Frances “Fannie” Duncan, 1/11/1829- 4/27/1906 Frances is thought by the family to have been born as shown above. She was unable to write and was reportedly a big woman. 31 On October 4th, 1854 she was married in Dromahair (probably in the Church of Ireland) to Thomas Davis (11/27/1827- 10/13/1902), eldest son of John Davis and Mary Williamson in the presence of Allan Davis and John Duncan, her brother. Figure 16- Frances Duncan Both Maries, Jackson and Susannah remained in Ireland throughout their lives. Information provided by Elward G. Burnside (2/21/1925-11/13/2003) who conducted preliminary research on items covered in this document with the assistance of Mrs. John R. Duncan of New Milford, Connecticut and Miss M.J. Duncan of Vancouver, B.C., all now deceased. 30 31 Page 21 of 45 Frances and her husband lived on a farm with his brother James and his wife, whom he married on March 5th, 1860. The farm was a few miles across the valley in the townland of Buggaun and as late as the early 1970s was still in the Davis name. The first four of Frances’ children were born in Ireland. In 1861 Thomas Davis, her husband, went to Canada. Sometime after 4/24/1862 Frances and her four children, ages 6, 3, 2, and 1 boarded a ship and went to Canada. Frances and Thomas lived for a few years somewhere in the Gore of Toronto Township, County of Peel, Ontario, probably near Malton. Later they lived for some five years on Lot 12 on the Mono side of the Figure 17- Thomas Davis Mono/Amaranth town line. They did not own land and were described in a letter dated November 28th, 1868 as “…a poor man with a large family” who was accused of squatting on land purchased by a George Palmer in October 1854. By 1874, the court found in favor of Thomas and he was allowed to keep the land and house he had built. Frances spent the rest of her life on this farm which was still owned by her grandson the early 1970s. Child/ Grandchild Born-Died 07/06/185506/16/1936 Sarah J. Burnside 9/5/1877- 11/24/1948 Thomas James 6/3/1882- 10/7/1960 Burnside John Noble 6/7/1885- ? Burnside William George 8/13/1891- 8/19/1964 Burnside32 10/23/1858John Davis33 08/22/1910 Frederick John 10/28/1888- 3/1/1917 Davis34 Herbert James 9/7/1890- 4/19/1950 Davis Gertrude Davis 4/3/1892- 2/27/1899 Edna Velma 1/28/1894- 1981 Davis Eliza Jane Davis Spouse Born-Died Thomas Burnside 9/17/1842- 8/29/1894 Henry Anthony Allen 8/11/1875- 11/12/1954 Fannie Elizabeth 11/24/1879- 8/31/1946 Graham Jane Carter 12/31/1887- 11/2/1953 Blanche Aileen 10/4/1903- 7/16/1995 Spragg Alice “Allie” 9/15/1865-10/21/1927 Elizabeth Harris N/A Clara Aleta Lindsay N/A Robert Ferguson Edwin 3/30/1896- 6/8/1987 10/12/1893- 1963 Father of Elward G. Burnside (2/21/1925-11/13/2003) who conducted extensive preliminary research on items covered in this document with assistance of Mrs. John R. Duncan of New Milford, Connecticut and Miss M.J. Duncan of Vancouver, BC, now all deceased. 33 Married in Ontario, Canada 2/8/1888. 34 Died in WWI as a Sgt. Buried in Villers Station Cemetery, Pas-de-Calais, France. 32 Page 22 of 45 Child/ Grandchild Born-Died Spouse Born-Died Lillian B Raper35 Evak Grass36 5/28/1897- 11/23/1921 1904- ? 2/20/1899- 9/1/1993 Huldah M. Phenning 12/29/1907- 2/21/1980 3/13/1901- 1979 Ernest Wheatley 1908-1968 2/6/1909- 10/20/1944 Violet Evelyn 1/19/1912- 1982 12/08/185907/20/1921 Malcom Davie 2/2/1846- 1/9/1929 1/18/1880- 11/1/1931 Rachel Thompson 4/10/1882- 2/27/1950 John Alfred Myers 5/18/1884- 5/14/1969 Vera Josephine 10/13/1893- 4/25/1970 Henderson 10/6/1888- 8/20/1960 Velma Tressa King 9/20/1898- 7/7/1975 5/22/1891- 3/8/1976 Violet Burnett 2/19/1890- ? 9/9/1894- 10/5/1947 Iva Jane Palmer 7/20/1902- 9/19/1963 3/12/1898- 5/14/1969 Manola Alice Witt 9/7/1907- 12/21/1999 5/10/1861- 02/27/1938 William Ewing 2/12/1854- 7/1/1940 11/22/1886- 5/4/1966 Albert William East 4/24/1890- 11/15/1945 4/19/1887- 1/2/1919 Clara Maude East 10/16/1884- 1/6/1976 10/20/1889- 4/5/1953 Ida May Elgie 2/25/1894- 12/21/1971 6/10/1899- 9/16/1961 Ellen Hanney 7/1890- ? Raymond Davis 11/25/1896- ? Francis Leslie Davis Gladys Marie Davis Hazel Loreen Davis Eva Winnifred Davis Oakley Lorna Davis37 Sarah Davis Thomas John Davie Frances Ellen Davie William Malcom Davie George Lytle Davie James Alexander Davie Robert Henry Davie Edward Lawrence Davie Mary Davis Frances (Hannie) Jane Ewing Alfred (Albert) Ernest Ewing John Alexander Ewing William Cecil Ewing 3/17/1903- 5/15/1968 1/26/1906- ? Maud Matilda 6141886- 4/18/1978 12/31/1874- 2/1/1943 Married to Raymond Davis on 11/4/1920. Married to Raymond Davis on 9/16/1925. 37 Killed in action in Italy, WWII. 35 36 Page 23 of 45 Child/ Grandchild Thomas James Davis Thomas James Roy Davis Annie Gertrude Davis Frances Myrtle Davis Hazel Beatrice Davis Mabel Edna Davis Bertha Irene Davis William Russel Davis Herbert Madill Davis Margaret Davis Jean Bernice Davis George Lytle Davis George Hazard Davis John Lorne Davis Theresa Eugene Davis Annie Hellen “Nellie” Davis Vera Elizabeth Davis Grace Marion Davis Doreen Davis XXX Davis Born-Died Spouse Born-Died 03/01/186512/27/1918 Maggie Still 8/3/1870- 4/28/1963 4/9/1893- 10/2/1965 3/23/1895- 12/27/1963 3/23/1895- ? 2/1/1897- 11/2/1935 12/7/1898- 8/1989 4/14/1901- 5/21/1971 11/3/1903- 4/11/1978 7/25/1906- 2/25/1982 2/3/1908- 8/29/1990 9/18/1911- 1/14/2001 Frances “Fanny” 11/12/1894-2/3/1986 Erwilda Rintoul William Benjamin 5/29/1886- 5/3/1953 Marshall William Thomas 2/16/1887- ? Ferguson Hugh Belcher Lionel Edwy Reynolds Arthur David McConnell Sadie Alberta Bernice Myers Wilda Mina Hammond Erdmund Brayford Lorne George Leonard 1/18/1888- 6/23/1977 1/1/1899- 3/29/1931 4/7/1893- 6/7/1974 4/5/1910- 5/9/1992 2/28/1914- 1/23/2004 3/5/1906- 4/17/1989 5/18/1904- ? 09/08/186906/30/1941 Jemima Still 9/2/1872- 9/14/1955 3/5/1897- 5/14/1964 Agnes Jane Elgie 2/26/1899-1982 5/13/1899- 2/1/1969 Flossie May Petch 8/22/1903- 5/13/1992 6/30/1903- 1978 Mervin Speers 2/28/1893-3/13/1962 7/24/1905- 11/30/1910 NA 4/23/1908- 10/8/1908 NA 4/18/1910- 1998 9/19/1911-8/4/1995 8/11/1901-8/11/1901 Duncan Grant Nixon 3/24/1908- 2000 Bell John Esmil Speers 711901- 1969 NA Thomas died October 13, 1902 and Elizabeth on April 27, 1906. Both are buried in Shelburne cemetery. Page 24 of 45 2. Mary Duncan, 03/03/1831-3/12/1844 Two children by the name of Mary appear in the Dromahair Church records as daughters of Lytle and Sarah. The first Mary, birth date shown above, died at a relatively early age. Summaries of Mary’s birth and death information are contained below.38 No further information is known for this Mary. It was common during this time period if a child was lost at a very early age to name a later child with the same name. This appears to be the case with Mary. Note the two death notices contained herein for Mary Duncan, show two Mary Duncans’ deaths recorded at the Drumlease Church Of Ireland, Leitrim, Ireland in February and March of 1844. While the stated age at death of either does not fit exactly with Mary’s birthdate, one or the other would appear to be the correct Mary with an error on the death age. I have elected to proceed with the death date shown above. 38 Page 25 of 45 3. James Duncan, 02/01/1832- 04/25/1868 James was born in Bohey, Ireland and baptized on 2/1/1832 in Dromahair.39 He left Ireland for the United States, arriving May 4, 1849 in Philadelphia on the ship Vermont and was naturalized on 11/3/1856. James appears to have been drafted and served in the Civil War, and after the war was a shoemaker until his death. He was buried in the New Philadelphia Cemetery. Information documenting James’ life has been difficult to uncover. Figure 18- James Duncan 39 The family history states James was born on 1/11/1829. Page 26 of 45 4. John Duncan 2/2/1832- 10/14/1906 John and his brothers Henry and William first immigrated to Canada from Bohey, Leitrim, Ireland. 40 John was married in Canada in 1867 to Eliza Allingham (2/19/1841-1/6/1933) who was also born in Bohey and was the daughter of Robert Allingham and Grace Seabury. She was also the sister of John’s brother Henry’s wife, Hannah Allingham. John went to New Milford, Connecticut in 1871 and farmed there on the Second Hill Road. John and Eliza had three children, none of whom married or had children. Robert Lytle was born in Canada, the other children were born in Connecticut. Child Robert Lytle Duncan John J. Duncan Sarah G. Duncan Born-Died Spouse (4/24/1868- 1/20/1952) N/A (6/12/1871- 6/11/1954) (2/28/1874- 5/10/1964) N/A N/A Figure 19- John Duncan Born-Died John died at 75 in 1906; Eliza died in 1933 at 92 years old. Both are buried in Center Cemetery in New Milford, Connecticut. Provided by Mrs. John R. Duncan (Joycie Ohmen) whose husband was the grandson of William Duncan (6/24/1838-6/2/1905). 40 Page 27 of 45 5. Elizabeth “Eliza” Duncan, 3/27/1834- 6/4/1913 Known as Eliza, Elizabeth was born in Bohey, Leitrim, Ireland in 1834 to Lytle and Sarah Duncan. Eliza was married on 12/31/1857 to Richard Duncan (7/13/1827- 5/16/1899) of Carrick, Ireland…son of John Duncan, a farmer there. They were married in the Drumlease Church of Ireland in Dromahair, Leitrim, Ireland. Page 28 of 45 According to Eliza’s obituary, she and her husband came to Canada in 1867. They initially settled in York Township where they were residents until 1872. All Eliza and Richard’s children, except Lytle, were born in Ireland; Lytle was born in Canada. The 1871 Canadian census list Richard as a laborer. While census are notoriously inaccurate on ages, it lists the following residents in their household: Richard 46, Eliza 38, Margaret 12, Sarah 11, Mary Jane 9, John 7 and Lytle Jackson 2. The Amaranth Assessment Rolls which go back to 1852 show that in 1847 Richard and Eliza had 5 acres cleared, one cow, and by 1876 had 15 acres cleared and 3 cows and 2 pigs. They are listed as Methodists, although later in life Eliza went to the Presbyterian Church. Richard died 5/16/1899 at 75. Both Richard and Eliza were buried in Shelburne, Cemetery in Shelburne, Dufferin County, Ontario, Canada Child/ Grandchild Margaret Duncan41 Robert Thomas Buchanan43 Sarah Duncan Born-Died Spouse Born-Died 10/17/1858-7/31/1929 Robert Buchanan42 2/22/1852- 12/22/1930 4/21/1878-10/19/1930 Evangeline Whitehead 10/1875- 4/16/1966 2/14/1860-5/26/1932 John Hammond44 11/28/1852- 11/7/1938 Margaret came to Canada with her parents at about the age of 12. She married Robert Buchanan (who was born in Canada) on 3/23/1881 in Dufferin, Ontario, Canada. If doing further research, beware of other Robert and Margaret Buchanan couples associated with a family group in Ireland as they are not the correct couple. 42 Robert was married to a Miss Sarah Jane Shaw (1854-1878/1881) on 7/12/1877 in Canada prior to marrying Margaret Duncan on 3/23/1881. 43 Robert T. Buchanan was the child of Robert Buchanan and his first wife Sarah Jane Shaw who appears to have died in childbirth. 44 John married Ann Rintoul on 3/6/1878 and Sarah Duncan on 3/8/1882. 41 Page 29 of 45 Child/ Grandchild Eliza Jane Hammond45 John Russell Hammond46 Mary Jane Duncan47 John Duncan48 John Richard Duncan Clifford Edward Duncan Elwin Armstrong Duncan Lytle Jackson Duncan49 Murial Viola Duncan50 Elvira Victoria Duncan51 Gertrude Laura Duncan Rubie/Ruby Irene Duncan William Douglas Duncan Kenneth Duncan Born-Died Spouse 1/1/1892- 1/27/1986 Born-Died - - 3/4/1895- 8/1/1983 Queenie Irene “Elsie” 6/13/1897- 3/8/1994 Sparling 12/21/1861- 4/27/1954 Robert Rintoul 1/17/1864 - 8/8/1926 Eliza Jane Armstrong 5/6/1873- 3/8/1936 “Evelyn” Sarah Ann 1903- 1970 Duke 10/13/1904- 1970 1/13/1852- ? 11/27/1906- 11/28/1977 Eva M. 1/3/1909- Pearl 9/1870-8/6/1919 Lizzie Churchill 1/10/1876- 3/9/1901-6/17/1967 Charles Churchill52 9/14/1898- 9/9/1963 6/30/1903- 8/31/1944 Thomas Bolt53 1/26/1906- 5/27/1991 Thomas Vernon 5/15/1900- 11/13/1973 William Bolt54 11/5/1907-10/30/1918 N/A 1918- 3/7/1971 - 6/5/1898- ~ 1976 Wesley 1899- 9/1966 Immigrated to Niagra Falls, New York, USA in 9/15/1943. Married on 7/21/1928 in York, Ontario, Canada. Both he and his wife were born in Canada, and died in Massachusetts, USA. 47 Married 6/17/1886 in Black's Corners, Ontario, Canada. 48 Appears to have lived with his sister Mary Jane and husband Robert Rintoul in 1891 according to census. 49 Given Richard and Eliza immigrate to Canada in 1867, Lytle Jackson was the only one of the children born in Canada, and was in 1893 a driver with the Toronto Street Railway living with his sisters in Toronto. He died of a broken neck following a fall. 50 Appears to have travelled to England in 1921. 51 Married on 12/7/1926 in Manhattan, NY; some records reflect the first name “Elman”. 52 Immigrated to NY 9/21/1925. 53 Born in Yorkshire England; came to Canada on 7/26/1913 with his brother Thomas Vernon William Bolt, and married Gertrude on 9/6/1922 in York, Ontario, Canada. Returned to England prior to his death and died there. 54 Born in Yorkshire England. Brother of Thomas Bolt. Immigrated to Canada on 7/26/1913. 45 46 Page 30 of 45 6. Mary Duncan, 1/11/1837- 1914 The second daughter of Lytle and Sarah named Mary was baptized and probably born in January 1837 (see record contained below). Mary lived with her family in Bohey and at 21, was married John Jameson (1837-3/1895)55, son of Francis Jamison a farmer, in the Church of Dromahair in the presence of Richard and Jackson Duncan (her brothers) on 1/7/1861. This according to Irish Marriages 1845-1958 (see record below). She and John remained in Ireland their entire lives as did her children. 55 Spelled Jamison and Jameson in differing documents. Page 31 of 45 Children: Child Born-Died Grandchild Sarah Jameson 8/1/1867- 12/1905 Eliza Jane Jameson 11/18/1873- 1873 Jane Jameson 10/1/1875- 10/4/1945 Spouse Born-Died N/A Isaac Mercer 1849- 10/2/1945 7. William Duncan, 6/24/1838- 6/2/1905 William and his brothers Henry and John first imigrated to Canada from Bohey, Leitrim, Ireland, and then went to New Milford, Connecticut. 56 The immigration into the US occurred prior to the birth of his first child in 1861. William farmed in New Milford on the River Road, and later died in 1905 of a heart attack. He was married to Anna Meehan (11/24/1838- 4/28/1922) of Dromahair, Leitrim, Ireland. Their children and grandchildren were: Child Grandchild Born-Died Spouse Born-Died Ellen L. Duncan 1861- 1938 William H. Duncan William H. Duncan John B. Duncan Kathleen Duncan John Roland Duncan57 Robert Duncan58 1862- 1887 1887- 5/12/1962 11/14/1865- 1923 1/18/1877- 4/30/1976 Minard W. Thomas Agnes Shannon Wilhelmina Nass Eliza Powers Clayton A Shores 5/4/1888- 1/1/1960 Joycie Ohmen 1/26/1871- 7/17/1951 Martha Peck 11/1872-1946 Rudolph Joseph Violette & XXX Duffy Hannah Kane 4/1875- 1960 Joseph J. Wallbank 1869-1931 Mary Gaylord 1905-? Duncan59 Charles Duncan Anna B. Duncan Joseph A. Wallbank Pauls D. Wallbank60 1/26/1871- 4/7/1943 3/16/1873- 8/11/1957 8/19/1898- 10/25/1968 1908- 2/12/1945 Edythe G. Wyman 1860-1915 1864-1922 Aug 1866-1929 12/25/1885-5/29/1943 2/1889-4/18/1970 12/10/1909-8/20/2006 Provided by Mrs. John R. Duncan (Joycie Ohmen) whose husband was the grandson of William Duncan (6/24/1838-6/2/1905). 57 John and Joycie had three children. Kenneth Duncan (1914-1914); David Duncan (1916-1992); and Edwin Duncan (1922-1944). David Duncan married Dorothy May Ware (1920-2003) and their son is Robert E. Duncan (1950-?) author of this paper and great great grandson of William Duncan. 58 Robert and his brother Charles were twins. 59 Mary and Rudolph, her first husband, had a daughter Elaine Mary Voilette who married Joseph Nere Roy. 60 Paul died in WWII and is buried in Manila, Phillipines. 56 Page 32 of 45 Child Born-Died Grandchild William H. 10/2/1910-4/11/1947 Wallbank Spouse Born-Died Florence Evelyn ? 1917- 8. Jackson Duncan, 6/2/1839- 10/12/1918 Jackson was named after his mother, and the name was used frequently in the Duncan family over the years. Jackson spent his life on the farm on which he was born in Boihy, Cloonlougher, Leitrim County, Ireland dying at 80 years old. Jackson married, Eliza Dundas (9/15/1839- February 22, 1915) in Bohey, Fermaugh, Ireland on 8/2/1865. Eliza died in 1915 at 70 years of age. Jackson and Eliza are buried in the Dromahair Churchyard in Leitrim county, Ireland. A tombstone (see Figure 20), which listed also Lytle and Sarah, was erected by Jackson, and lists Jackson, Eliza and three of their childrens’ death dates and ages when they died. 61 The County Leitrim Burials, From 1799, Part 1, compiled by Eleen Hewson FRGS, The Kabristan Archives Wem also reflects Eliza’s death date as February 22, 1915. 61 Page 33 of 45 Figure 20- Tombstone Erected By Jackson For Lytle and Sarah with His Family Information As Well Page 34 of 45 Children: Child/Grandchild62 John Duncan Lytle J. Duncan63 Edward Duncan Aurthur Jackson Duncan64 Born-Died 6/18/1866- 6/17/1867 5/20/1868- 11/15/1949 Died in infancy Spouse N/A Jane Craig N/A Born-Died 4/3/1893- Agnes Meharg65 2/23/1895- Edna Lyle Duncan 7/11/1896- 1936 Frank H. Duncan 7/29/1892-Died at birth Stanley Duncan 4/24/1904- 3/19/1943 Fannie Duncan 3/1/1871- 3/18/1946 Grenville Jackson 8/12/1909Rowland Sarah Duncan66 1874- 6/20/1893 Francis “Frank” 7/18/1877- 1940 Duncan67 Mason Gilmore N/A 1869 - 5/19/1944 Palmer 11/16/1894- 1970 Rev. David John 9/14/1873Rowland 1/2/1947 Kenna Cecilia 8/18/1909MacDonald N/A Lizzie XXX 1879- 3/25/1963 The late Miss M.J. Duncan who lived at 2909 Alder St., Vancouver, B.C. provided much of the information on Jackson’s family. 63 Lytle came to Canada at the age of 16, worked as a salesman for John McDonald and Co. In 1901 he became a partner in Denton, Mitchell & Duncan, Wholesale Dry Goods , 81 Wellington St. w., Toronto, Ontario. When the business was sold in 1928, he went into insurance and for 20 years was with Continental Life Insurance. He was an original member of Timothy Eaton United Church. His wife was Jane Craig who died May 19, 1944. They had five children. Lytle died at home after suffering a stroke. 64 Graduate of the University of Toronto and was studying law at Osgoode Hall when he was sent overseas in WW I and never returned. 65 Real name was Agnes Muriel Isabel Powell Meharg. 66 Sarah and her five year old sister, Susan, died of diphtheria in 1893. Sarah died in Bohey at 19 years old. 67 “Frank” lived on the old Duncan farm in Ireland until August 1922 and then came to Canada with his wife, “Lizzie”, whom he married in 1916. They farmed near Churchill, Ontario. A brother Jackson, unmarried, lived with them. 62 Page 35 of 45 Child/Grandchild62 Jackson Duncan68 Elizabeth Duncan69 Mary Jane Duncan70 Susan (Susanna) Duncan71 Born-Died 5/13/1879 – 9/23/1938 4/27/1883- 10/13/1929 5/22/1885- 3/24/1963 Spouse N/A N/A William Smith 8/9/1888-5/3/1893 N/A Born-Died ~1881- 9. Sarah Duncan, 9/25/1841- 4/15/1916 Sarah Duncan was married to John Alexander (9/13/1830- 3/6/1897). John Alexander joined the Toronto police force and retired as an Inspector of Police in 1887. On March 6th, 1897 he died of a heart attack. City directories show the Alexanders living at Figure 22- John Alexander Figure 21- Sarah Duncan 148 Ontario St., Toronto. Before Sarah’s death on April 15, 1916 she had moved to 429 Ontario St., and her son was listed as still there in 1929. The probate of her will in 1916 lists Sarah J. Breen, Lillian M. Shaw, and Ethel Alexander and son John J. Frank had no children, and his wife lived in the Georgian Manor, Penetang, Ontario after suffering a stroke in 1957 until her death o 3/25/1963. 68 Jackson lived as a batchelor with Francis “Frank” Duncan and his wife on the old Duncan farm until August 1922 whenhe, Frank, and Lizzie moved to Canada on the ship Montrose. Jackson remained single throughout life. 69 Elizabeth was born in Ireland, went to Canada and subsequently became a nurse in the United States where she developed Tuberculosis. She then returned to British Columbia in 1929 where she died. Death is as shown or possibly 10/30/1930. It does not appear she ever married. 70 Mary Jane lived in Vancouver after coming to Canada in 1908 with her sister, Fannie, who had been home in Ireland on a visit. After training at Toronto General Hospital, she graduated in 1912. In May, 1914 she returned to Ireland to see her parents and was to return in August of 1914, however the outbreak of war and her mother’s health caused her to stay there until 1919. During her stay, she married William Smith on 4/17/1917 in Ancoats, Lancashire, England. 71 Died of diphtheria. Page 36 of 45 The full family of children are listed below. Child/Grandchild Born-Died Sarah J. Alexander 6/18/1867- 4/28/1933 Sadie Maude Breen 9/15/1901- 7/6/1907 George Alexander 6/8/1906- ? Breen Mabel Isabel Breen 6/7/1906- 2/23/1955 Mary Ann Alexander Letitia Alexander George Henry Alexander Mabel Louisa Alexander Ethel Frances Alexander Lillian Maud Alexander Edith Lillian Shaw John Jackson Alexander 1869-1870 Infant death 1/13/1871- 9/9/1912 1872-1872 Infant death 4/20/1875- 10/16/1875 Infant death Spouse George Breen N/A Melville Coleman Born-Died Hurst Herbert 1854-3/16/1941 1/8/1906-2001 N/A N/A N/A 8/13/1877- 3/30/1944 10/10/1907- 1998 Edwin Shaw - 9/6/1881-112/21/1943 - 7/21/1879- 6/22/1954 Ruthvine 8/23/1881- 1/1/1953 Page 37 of 45 10. George Duncan, 9/1/1843- 3/28/1912 George Duncan was born in Carraigeencore, Ireland, but migrated to New York in 1864/1865. He married Anne Skelly (1846- 4/30/1905)72 on 6/26/1872 in Kings, New York. It is unknown if George participated in the US Civil War, but base upon his arrival date in the US, probably did not. In 1870 George was listed as a porter but apparently moved on to being a booker in real estate. One child was born as shown below. George is listed as a widower living in New York with his son, daughter-in-law and granddaughter in 1901. Child/Grandchild Born-Died George J. Duncan 1882-2/9/1935 Jennie Duncan 1905- Before 1920 Spouse Louise M. Segelcke N/A Born-Died 4/1881-? 11. Susanna “Susan” Duncan, 1/1/1845- 4/4/1895 Susanna (later Susan) was born in Carrigeencor, Leitrim, Ireland. Her death was recorded as having occurred in Dark Valley, Leitrim, Ireland. She was married to Lytle Dundas (Unknown3/26/1900) (sometimes spelled Lyttle) on 7/31/1865 in Drumlease, Ireland. They are believed to have stayed in Ireland. Children: Child/Grandchild Lytle Dundas73 James Dundas75 Frank W Dundas John Lyle Dundas76 George Dundas77 Elizabeth/ Lizzie Dundas78 Born-Died 1/8/1872- 12/14/189874 2/8/18741913-1992 5/31/1918- 5/5/1998 6/2/1876-1/21/1946 2/2/1877- 3/5/1962 Spouse Della Louise Jamieson Cecilia Shaw Marguerite Eva Rowan James Morris Rowland79 Born-Died 18731916- 1/28/1978 18201876- ? 9/20/187412/17/1960 There is also an Anne Skelly born in 1842 and who died on 3/28/1906 in Kings, NY. As the 1905 census does not show Anne Skelly as part of George’s household, I believe this Anne Skelly is not the wife of George. 73 In 1894 Lytle was living at 523 Greenwich St., New York, NY.. Lytle died of typhoid fever according to a family letter from his wife. 74 Death date established by letter from Lytle’s wife Della (maiden surname unknown) stating Lytle had died on the above cited date from Typhoid fever. This according to interviews by Elward G Burnside in the late 1960s. 75 Immigrated to Canada in ~1896. Married 5/10/1909. 76 Born in Toronto, Canada; took a trip with his family to Northern Ireland and returned to Canada in 8/20/1927; immigrated to Detroit, Michigan, USA on 10/8/1947 with his wife Marguerite; died in Dunedin, Pinellas, Florida, USA. In some records listed as “Tyle”. 77 George Dundas immigrated to Canada in 1898 and was well known to the Davises in Toronto. He died at his home at 21 Riddelle Ave., Toronto, Canada. 78 Elizabeth/Lizzie Dundas was born in Count Monaghan, Ireland married James Rowland (both of Ireland) on 10/28/1904 in York, Ontario, Canada. 79 Depending upon where you look (e.g., the 1911 and 1921 Canadian Census) John’s last name is spelled both “Rowland” and “Roland”. 72 Page 38 of 45 Child/Grandchild George Victor Rowland Evelyn E Rowland80 Margaretta Georgina Rowland James Ernest Rowland Born-Died 8/6/1905- 5/26/1981 Spouse Eleanor Hinves Born-Died Maude 6/16/1909- 12/24/1907- 11/22/1949 2/4/1911- 4/8/1971 6/14/1915- 3/14/1992 Frederick Dixon Able Sheard Thelma Beatrice Elizabeth Burns 2/6/19071/17/1953 6/13/191710/20/1984 12. Henry Duncan, ~1847- 12/1/1875 Henry was born in Ireland. Henry is thought to have gone first to Canada with his two brothers John and William and then moved with them to Connecticut. 81 He died in New York City at 28 years of age, and it is believed he was on the police force. His wife, Hannah Allingham (7/2/1843- 12/23/1932), was born in Bohey, Leitrim, Ireland and was a sister of Eliza (Allingham) Duncan (his brother John’s wife). Like her sister Eliza, she too lived to an old age of 89 and died in New Milford, Connecticut at the home of her sister. There were no children. 13. Lytle Duncan, 11/8/1848- 9/7/1914 Although some nieces and nephews never heard of many of their Duncan aunts and uncles, everyone appears to have known Lytle. Lytle married Mary Ann (Minnie A.) McIntyre (7/19/1850-2/26/1921) of Oxford County, Ontario on 13 October, 1874. 82 Lytle is mentioned in the book, The Methodist Churches of Toronto, where he is referred to as a conspicuous figure at Queen St., Methodist Church in Toronto. Here he was a class leader, local preacher and a member of the official Board of the church. His obituary said he was also interested in temperance and reform work. Lytle came to Toronto in 1867 at the age of 19 and was for some time connected with the railways, later embarking in the dry goods trade at 550 Queen St. W., Toronto, Ontario. Evelyn is shown in the 1921 Canadian Census as a 12 year old daughter of James and Lizzie; however, in the 1911 Census she was not mentioned and should have been born by then. Of note is that a “Vivian” – with the same birth year and Evelyn- was listed in the 1911 Census but was not mentioned in the 1921 Census or in any other records I can find. This suggests there was a name change for Vivian, for some reason, between 1911 and 1921 and they are the same person. 81 Provided by Mrs. John R. Duncan (Joycie Ohmen) whose husband was the grandson of William Duncan (6/24/1838-6/2/1905). 82 Lytle and Minnie’s marriage was contracted on 10/13/1873 but had a 1 year delay built in and thus completed exactly one year later on 10/13/1874. 80 Page 39 of 45 Their children are shown below. Child/Grandchild Born-Died Wilbert (Willis) 4/15/1876- 02/23/1952 Jackson Duncan Mary Jane Duncan 1912-1/31/1993 Dorothy F. Duncan Sarah Jane “Jennie” Duncan84 Ethelwyn M. Powell Borden Brone Duncan Powell Marion (Margo) E Powell 7/17/187485- 10/18/1942 4/30/1897- ? 6/10/1903- 1/21/1948 Harold C. Madsen 5/18893/15/190111/24/1959 Rev. Gideon Little 7/30/1866Powell 8/14/1945 Charles Gloo Murray 189811/18/1904Elsie Mae Conger 10/27/1991 10/3/1905- 2002 Shirley L Powell 1916-? Robert L. Duncan 9/17/1878- 6/20/1879 3/22/1880- 2/3/1948 Duncan Thomas 7/14/1903-1957 or ‘58 Sharpe Theodore Lytle 8/8/1906- 3/2/1986 Sharpe, MO88 Mary Jeanette Sharpe 11/15/1909- 4/1973 Edith Ann Sharpe 11/3/1912- 8/17/2002 George Duncan Born-Died Fay 10/24/1912- ? “John” Lytle Powell 2/11/1910- 5/5/1950 Ethel Anne Duncan Spouse Georgia Risdon83 Born and died 8/14/1881 Dorothy Louise Musgrave86 W. James Crater N/A Rev. Theodore Thomas Sharpe87 5/15/19191/21/1976 1918- Marion S. Rolfe 2/19/1899- 1/1985 1/4/18766/26/1954 Neva Gael 2/15/1911McCampbell. 6/27/1979 Ross S. Carson 6/13/1909Carl Galbreath 5/11/1977 N/A Lytle, his wife and three children are buried in the northwest corner (Plot C, Sec. 5, Lot 12) of Mount Pleasant Cemetery, Toronto, Ontario. Wilbert and Georgia were married in 12/27/1910 but later divorced. Married Rev. Gideon Little Powell on 6/26/1895. Migrated to United States in 1905, traveling in the West and settling in Pennsylvania. 85 Death certificate states her birth was 7/21/1874. 86 Married David Charles Couch on 5/23/1941; married John Lytle Powell on 8/10/1957. 87 Married Ethel on 10/15/1902 and lived in many states in the US. Listed as a minister and also, at times, a psychologist. Thanks to Neva Gael Brandon for information on the Sharpes. 88 Born in Wisconsin, USA. 83 84 Page 40 of 45 LYTLE DUNCAN (1804 – 12/24/1872) to ROBERT E. DUNCAN (10/30/1950) Name Lytle Duncan William Duncan John B Duncan John Roland Duncan David Duncan Robert Edwin Duncan Birth/Death 1804- 12/24/1872 6/24/1838- 6/2/1905 11/14/1865- 1/17/1923 5/4/1888- 1/23/1960 9/14/1916- 5/1/1992 10/30/1950- Living Robert E. Duncan was born in Atlanta, Georgia, attended the Westminster High School in Atlanta. He later graduated from college at the Virginia Military Institute in 1972. From there he served 23 years in the United States Air Force as a fighter pilot and war planner while also obtaining a Masters of Science degree from the University of Southern California. Following his retirement from the Air Force, Robert worked 20 years in corporate America as a crisis manager and disaster recovery planner for various corporations as a consultant and in-house executive. He now is retired and resides in Canton, Georgia. He is married to Kathy Entrekin and has two children: David Duncan and Michelle Duncan. Page 41 of 45