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Programming Language Reviewer

A set of commands, instructions, and symbols that
humans can manipulate in order to communicate with
An artificial language that can be used to control the
behavior of a machine, particularly a
computer. Programming languages, like
human languages, are defined through use of
syntactic and semantic rules, to determine structure
and meaning respectively.
Programming languages are used to facilitate
communication about the task of organizing and
manipulating information, and to express algorithms
Coded language used by programmers to write
instructions that a computer can understand to do
what the programmer wants.
HISTORY AND FEATURES - Programming languages
have a rich history dating back to the mid-19th century,
when Charles Babbage developed the first mechanical
computer. Here are some of the key features and
historical developments of programming languages:
Machine & Assembly Language, Fortran, COBOL, C:,
OOP, Scripting Languages, Modern Languages
• Syntax - Programming languages have a set of rules
or syntax for writing code, including keywords,
operators, and punctuation.
• Variables - Programming languages allow
programmers to use variables to store and
manipulate data. A variable is a named storage
location that holds a value.
• Data types - Programming languages have built-in
data types, such as integers, floating-point numbers,
strings, and Booleans, to represent different types of
• Control structures - Programming languages have
control structures such as loops, conditional
statements, and functions, that allow programmers to
control the flow of the program's execution.
• Modularity - Programming languages support the
modular programming paradigm, which involves
breaking down a program into smaller, manageable
components or modules that can be developed and
tested independently.
• Abstraction - Programming languages allow
programmers to create abstractions or higher-level
concepts that hide implementation details, making it
easier to write complex programs.
• Error handling - Programming languages provide
mechanisms for detecting and handling errors, such
as exceptions or error codes.
Input/Output - Programming languages support
input/output (I/O) operations to interact with the user
or with external devices such as files or databases.
Programming languages can be classified based on
various criteria, such as their level of abstraction,
application domain, and programming paradigm.
Here are some of the most common classifications of
programming languages:
▪ Low-level and High-level languages Programming languages can be classified as
low-level or high-level based on their level of
abstraction. Low-level languages, such as
Assembly language, provide direct access to
hardware resources and have a minimal level of
abstraction, while high-level languages, such as
Python or Java, offer more abstraction and are
easier to read and write.
▪ Procedural, Object-oriented, and Functional
languages - Programming languages can be
classified based on their programming paradigm,
which is the approach used to solve a problem.
Procedural languages, such as C, focus on the
sequence of steps required to solve a problem.
Object-oriented languages, such as Java, focus
on modeling real-world objects and their
interactions. Functional languages, such as
Haskell, focus on functions and their interactions.
▪ Imperative and declarative languages Programming languages can be classified based
on whether they specify how a program should
be executed (imperative) or what the program
should achieve (declarative). Imperative
languages, such as C and Java, focus on stepby-step instructions, while declarative languages,
such as SQL and Prolog, focus on specifying the
desired outcome.
▪ Scripting Languages - Scripting languages,
such as Python, JavaScript, and Ruby, are used
to write scripts or programs that automate tasks
and interact with other software systems.
▪ Domain specific Languages - Domain-specific
languages (DSLs) are designed for a particular
application domain, such as SQL for databases,
MATLAB for scientific computing, or VHDL for
hardware description.
SYNTAX - refers to the set of rules that govern the
structure and format of statements in a programming
SEMANTICS - refers to the meaning of statements in a
programming language.
DATA TYPES - refer to the kinds of values that can be
stored and manipulated in a programming language.
CONTROL STRCUTURES - refer to the constructs used
to control the flow of execution in a program.
ABSTRACTION - refer to the ways in which
programming languages allow programmers to abstract
away implementation details and focus on higher-level
LIBRARY SUPPORT - refers to the availability of prebuilt libraries and modules that can be used to simplify
common programming tasks.
TOOL SUPPORT - refers to the availability of software
tools and utilities that can be used to develop, test, and
debug programs written in a programming language.
Attractive Salaries
Valuable Skills on resume
Can choose many jobs offers
Work from anywhere
Flexible hours
Express your creativity
basic operations that can be performed on data types in a
programming language.
Arithmetic - +, -, *, /
Logical – AND (&&), OR (||), NOT (!)
Comparison - ==, LESS THAN (<), Greater than (>), <=,
SEQUENCE CONTROL - refers to the order in which
statements in a program are executed.
It was developed by Niklaus Wirth Swiss
computer scientist in early 1970.
Designed to teach structured programming
concepts, principles, and paradigm future
It can be done strictly enforcing a set of rules
(syntax) regarding the declaration f variables,
program structure, and flow of control.
• Smallest parts of the program that have
separated and identifiable meaning.
4 Classes of Elements
Reserved Words, Identifiers, Constants, Symbols
Headings – the 1st statement in program that consists of
a reserved word program then followed by the program
Declarations – consists usually with the list of variables
Variables – are memory location (address) which can
assign a specific name. (e.g., Sum, Area, Num)
Constants – assigned values that we specify to a
particular name. (e.g., Num = 10)
Labels – used to mark points in some part of the
Integer – a whole number (+ or -) or decimal number
Character – a single letter, special symbol or digits that
are enclosed within a ‘’ (e.g., ‘a’, ‘Z’, ‘7’)
Strings – a sequence of 2 or more special characters
that are enclosed within a ‘’ (e.g., ‘tite’)
WriteIn – basic output statements of pascal
write –used with the gotoxy() standard function to center
the message or specify the location where the message
should be displayed on the screen.
Readln, read & readkey - basic input statements
Read –used with the gotoxy() function
Readykey – used to read a character from the keyboard
without echoing a response/display on the screen
Input – we enter the needed data
Process – data we entered is being computed,
evaluated, stored, or processed.
Output – last part of the program.
F9 – run
Alt + F9 – compile
F2 – file menu
• It was originally called Oak but then renamed it
as Java.
It was developed by James Gosling at Sun
Microsystems (later acquired by Oracle) in 1995
and later, more than 3 billion devices run Java.
It was designed to be a portable, platformindependent language capable of running on
various computer systems.
Used for mobile app, desktop app, web app,
application servers, games, database connection,
Java works on different platforms (Windows,
Mac, Linux, Raspberry Pi, etc.)
It is one of the most popular programming
languages in the world.
It has a large demand in the current job market.
It is easy to learn and simple to use.
It is open-source and free.
It is secure, fast and powerful.
It has a huge community support (tens of millions
of developers).
Java is an object-oriented language which gives
a clear structure to programs and allows code to
be reused, lowering development costs
As Java is close to C++ and C#, it makes it easy
for programmers to switch to Java or vice versa
• Desktop, Web, Mobile
• Game Development
• Embedded Systems
Examples: Minecraft, Spotify, Citibank, Android OS
The Java Development Kit (JDK) is a software
development environment that provides the necessary
tools, libraries, and resources for developing Java
applications, applets, and components. It is produced and
maintained by Oracle Corporation and is widely used by
Java developers.
used to store data and arithmetic operations and
perform mathematical calculations.
JAVA VARIABLES - variables are declared with a
specific data type, such as int, double, String, etc.
Variables hold values that can be used and manipulated
within a program. To declare a variable, you specify its
data type followed by a variable name.
int age; double price = 6.66; String name;
ARITHMETIC OPERATIONS - Java supports various
arithmetic operations for numerical data types, such as
addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division.
Addition (+), Subtraction (-), Multiplication (*),
Division (/), Modulo (%), Increment (++), Decrement (-)
output (I/O) operations are performed using the java.io
package and the System class.
INPUT OPERATIONS - Reading input in Java involves
obtaining data from the user or from an external source.
- The java.util.Scanner class is commonly used to read
input from the console or a file.
- To read input from the console, you can create an
instance of the Scanner class and use its methods to
read different types of input.
- nextInt() method is used to read an integer from the
console. Other methods like nextDouble(),
nextLine(), etc., can be used to read different data
OUTPUT OPERATIONS - Output in Java involves
displaying data to the console or writing it to an external
destination, such as a file.
- println() or print()
To write output to a file, you can use classes like
java.io.FileWriter or java.io.PrintWriter.
By using input operations, you can read user input or
data from external sources, while output operations
allow you to display or write data to the console or a