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Ansible Control in Python/Golang for Cloud Orchestration

SoftwareX 19 (2022) 101126
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Original software publication
Ansible execution control in Python and Golang for cloud orchestration
David Badalyan , Oleg Borisenko
Ivannikov Institute for System Programming of the RAS, Moscow, Russia
Article history:
Received 12 February 2022
Received in revised form 31 May 2022
Accepted 9 June 2022
Cloud orchestration
Function hooking
a b s t r a c t
The Ansible configuration manager is currently one of the most popular systems for software
deployment. However, Ansible is difficult to debug when working with large scenarios and is difficult
to embed into other systems. We propose the cotea (Python) and gocotea (Golang) tools that allow
users to control Ansible execution programmatically, by iterating over the tasks and collecting progress
information. We additionally propose gopython — a solution for embedding arbitrary Python code into
a Golang application. The approach used was generalized up to the abstract architecture of the software
tool, which allows for the control of an arbitrary Python program execution.
© 2022 The Author(s). Published by Elsevier B.V. This is an open access article under the CC BY license
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Apache-2.0 License
Python, Ansible
Python 3+ and Ansible have to be installed. Tested on Ubuntu
20.04 with Ansible 2.9.4 and 2.12.2
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1. Introduction
The deployment stage is a crucial part of the systems development life cycle in modern times. Additionally, the deployment
process is a concern for cloud engineers and users. Infrastructureas-Code (IaC) is a practice to specify and automate the environment in which a software system will be deployed [1,2]. Systems
that implement this approach allow one to describe a scenario
containing specific deployment strategies and provide mechanisms to determine the strategy to be executed. The strategies can
contain various steps, ranging from downloading the necessary
packages to running specific commands on computational nodes.
One of the most popular systems of this kind is Ansible [3].
Ansible was used by the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) to reduce its multi-day patching process to
45 minutes [4].One use case for Ansible is embedding in other
∗ Corresponding author.
E-mail addresses: dbadalyan@ispras.ru (David Badalyan),
borisenko@ispras.ru (Oleg Borisenko).
systems [5]. Ansible is essentially a black box when used this
way, as there is only a command-line interface. The exception is
embedding Ansible into Python systems, using ansible-runner [6].
However, ansible-runner does not allow one to control Ansible
execution. It only provides the ability to get information about
the events that occur during the execution of Ansible without the
ability to stop Ansible at specific points. Moreover, Ansible execution control is significant when embedding Ansible into other
systems to automate the determination of the current state of
Ansible execution, as well as make dynamic decisions at specific
points in script execution. When running Ansible automatically
inside other systems, the following information and features may
be extremely helpful:
• execution results of specific plays and tasks (parts of Ansible
• error messages;
• value of Ansible variables and facts;
• the ability to make dynamic decisions at certain execution
2352-7110/© 2022 The Author(s). Published by Elsevier B.V. This is an open access article under the CC BY license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/).
David Badalyan and Oleg Borisenko
SoftwareX 19 (2022) 101126
Working with Ansible (and with other IaC tools) is also associated with other problems. There is currently a high demand
for instruments to assist developers in quickly developing and
maintaining infrastructure code [7,8]. There are many papers in
which authors attempt to create such instruments [9–12]. The
debugging process is a crucial part of developing and maintaining infrastructure code, a relevant issue for modern IaC developers [8]. Existing Ansible debugging tools assume interactive
user-Ansible communication [13,14], which is challenging to use
with large scenarios. A tool that permits embedding Ansible in
other software systems, monitoring its execution, and receiving
relevant information could also be used to debug Ansible more
flexibly, done programmatically rather than interactively, making
it easier to debug large scripts.
We encountered difficulties embedding and debugging Ansible
while working on our cloud orchestration tool, Michman [15].
Michman is an orchestration system implemented in Golang for
deploying and managing clusters with a set of on-demand services in cloud environments, including those in biomedicine. The
deployment phase in Michman is based on Ansible. Thus, it became necessary to run Ansible from Golang code, which caused
the aforementioned difficulties. Additionally, Michman users can
define the desired set of services, which does not allow readymade scripts; this makes these difficulties even more complex by
forcing the combination of different Ansible scenarios into one
In this work, we propose the cotea [16] and gocotea [17] software tools, developed in Python and Golang, respectively. These
tools allow users to launch Ansible programmatically, iterating
over Ansible scenario components in sourcing information about
the current launch. gocotea is the result of porting cotea into
Golang. For porting purposes, a separate tool called gopython [18]
was developed, which encapsulates the interaction with CPython
API [19]. gopython allows embedding arbitrary Python code into
Golang. This solved problem is a special case of a more general
issue of controlling the execution of an arbitrary program. The
method used for developing cotea can be used to solve this
problem in the case of an arbitrary Python program.
Python Decorators. Our implementation can be classified as inline
hooking [23] that was made famous by Hunt and Brubacher [24].
It modifies the application’s source code and can be used on any
platform where Python is executed. Further, our implementation
of Python function hooking techniques will be described.
2.1. Decorator classes
Using decorators allows embedding a specific program code
before and after calling an arbitrary function. At the same time,
the input function arguments can be accessed. Due to the openness of Ansible, any methods of Ansible internal objects can be
selected as targets for decorators. Further, it is possible to get
access to the arguments of these methods, i.e., internal Ansible
objects. However, access is only available while the decorator
code is executing. In turn, these objects also need to be accessible
outside the decorator. To solve this problem, we constructed
objects called decorator classes. The decorator classes in our article
are not the same as class decorators [25].
A decorator class that can store a reference to the function’s
arguments after its execution is shown in Listing 1.
1 class decorator_class :
def _ _ i n i t _ _ ( s e l f , t a r g e t _ f u n c ) :
s e l f . a r g s _ t o _ s t o r e = None
s e l f . func = t a r g e t _ f u n c
def _ _ c a l l _ _ ( s e l f , args ) :
# pre actions
s e l f . a r g s _ t o _ s t o r e = args
# function c a l l i s here
r e s u l t = s e l f . func ( args )
# post actions . . .
return r e s u l t
Listing 1: Decorator class
As seen from the listing above, the function replacing the
source one is the __call__ method. In this method, one can see
the call of the source function, the set of actions that preceded
the call, and the set of actions that can be performed after the call.
Thus, when calling the target function, the decorator class object
‘‘will be called’’ (the __call__ method is the method to be called
when calling an object). To replace the original function with the
decorator class object, one has to overwrite the function pointer.
Eventually, instead of calling the target_func(args) function, decorator_obj(args) will be called, which will lead to a call to the
__call__ method. After calling the target function, precisely the
args_to_store field of the dec_obj object will contain a reference
to the needed argument.
The described method can be classified as static technique [26]
because we can add instrumented code before the target program
has been launched.
2. Software description
Cotea and gocotea are Ansible programmatic execution control
solutions in Python and Golang, respectively. gocotea is a port
of cotea to Golang that was created using gopython, which was
separately developed for this purpose. gopython is a solution for
embedding arbitrary Python code into a Golang application.
Cotea is based on function hooking techniques [20]. This mechanism only intercepts execution at specific points in the program
path and gives opportunities to analyze or alter function input
and output. There are alternatives choices, namely the self-use of
internal Ansible classes and the usage of Python interpreter interfaces. The first involves the novel implementation of core Ansible
logic, creating a different tool; this entails many complexities
associated with testing and maintenance. If we choose the second
method, we will be dependent on a particular version of the
Python interpreter, and its implementation. This will eventually
lead to complications with maintenance and force one to go
down a level, which would further complicate interaction with
the Ansible source code.
The implementation of function hooking techniques depends
on a particular programming language. We needed to hook Python
code because Ansible was implemented in Python. Suitable solutions were not found. The primary goal of existing solutions [21,
22] is to audit program execution, and they do not provide interfaces to control program execution. In this work, we present our
implementation of a function hooking pattern in Python based on
2.2. cotea architecture
In cotea, many decorator classes are set up to the particular
Ansible classes methods. cotea runs Ansible in a separate thread
and falls asleep during Ansible execution. When Ansible executes
one of the decorated methods, the Ansible thread transfers control to the cotea main thread. After control is transferred, cotea
methods have access to the corresponding decorator’s object
fields. These fields contain all the information about the current
Ansible launch. Such a mode of interaction allows one to control Ansible execution programmatically by receiving information
about the current launch.
David Badalyan and Oleg Borisenko
SoftwareX 19 (2022) 101126
2.3. Interfaces
gopython provides high-level entities to work with existing
Python code, which would correlate with Python language entities, providing an intuitive way for them to interact. Before
considering each of the entities provided by gopython, we should
note that, in CPython, almost any Python entity is represented
in the form of PyObject structure. The provided entities are the
Cotea contains controlling interfaces and the interfaces that
provide information obtained from internal Ansible objects.
The controlling interfaces were aimed at the control of
execution. With their help, the user should be able to ‘‘program’’ specific behavior, which provides opportunities for dynamic decision-making during execution. They are based on
the concepts of task and play (play contains a set of tasks),
the constituent parts of any Ansible scenario. The below-listed
interfaces allow one to get information about whether there is
an unexecuted play or task and lead to the resumption of the
Ansible thread, within which the next task is being executed. The
1. PythonModule — encapsulates the CPython API calls to be
made to create PyObject, which is a module. Using the
PythonModule, any object in this module can be imported.
2. PythonClass — the GetClass method of the PythonModule
structure returns an instance of the PythonClass structure
which encapsulates interaction with PyObject, followed by
a Python class.
3. PythonObject — the CreateObject method of the PythonClass structure returns an instance of the PythonObject
structure which encapsulates interaction with PyObject,
followed by an object of some Python class. Methods of this
structure are the following: CallMethod(name, args), HassAttr(name), GetAttr(name), GetType(), IsStandardType(),
4. PythonMethodArguments — this structure is responsible for
passing arguments to the CreateObject and CallMethod
methods of PythonClass and PythonObject structures, respectively.
• has_next_play() — returns true or false, depending on whether
there is still unfulfilled play;
• has_next_task() — returns true or false, depending on whether
there is still an unexecuted task in the current Play;
• run_next_task() — resumes the Ansible thread, leading to
the execution of the next task, and returns control, also
returning the same as get_last_task_result() (see below);
• finish_ansible() — finishes Ansible execution;
• schedule_last_task_again() — queues the last running task for
The presented interface allows executing any Ansible scenarios programmatically, iterating over the main ‘‘bricks’’ of any
Ansible scenario, i.e., tasks.
The primary components of the methods that provide information about the current execution of Ansible are listed below
(see the documentation for a complete list):
2.5. Integration of cotea into Golang
Due to gopython, the task of porting a solution developed in
Python is greatly simplified. For porting, it is sufficient to create
Golang structures corresponding to the main classes of the cotea.
These structures will contain the PythonObject structure of the
gopython tool, behind which the required Python objects will
be hidden. All controlling cotea methods were ported without
any additions, as they do not take any arguments and return
values of the bool type. Several wrappers have been developed
for porting methods that return Python objects that hide interaction with internal Ansible objects. The list of the wrappers is
as follows: ErrorFlag(), GetErrorMsg(), GetNextTaskName(), GetCurrentPlayName(). Eventually, a software tool called gocotea was
• get_next_task()/get_next_task_name() — returns the instance
of ansible.task/the name for the next task (there are similar
methods for the last executed (previous) task);
get_cur_play_name() — returns the name of current play;
get_error_msg() — returns Ansible failure message;
get_variable(name) — returns Ansible variable with specified
add_var_as_extra_var(new_var_name, value) — creates Ansible variable with specified name and value as an extra-var;
get_last_task_result() — returns a list with TaskResult objects
(see documentation for details) where each element contains the results of the last task on each of the hosts of the
current group.
3. Usage examples and evaluation
3.1. Cotea and gocotea usage examples
The above-listed interfaces were included in one class. This
class has fields corresponding to the decorator objects, and each
decorator object references an object that implements transferring control between threads.
Processing of Ansible task results is often necessary during Ansible playbook development. For example, the arguments within
an Ansible task can result from a previous task. Often, one has to
extract the necessary arguments from the task results manually;
this gives rise to many problems with string processing and type
conversion that need to be solved directly in the Ansible runtime.
Despite being able to request the result of a task in a convenient
format (e.g., JSON), it will still be available from Ansible as a string
(‘‘stdout’’ field value), which will require further transformations;
this can be resolved using Ansible modules, but there are cases
when a required module does not exist, whether at all or for a
specific Ansible version.
Cotea(gocotea) simplifies this issue by allowing the use of
Python (Golang) libraries. Below, there is an example of an internal task where we used cotea to solve such issues.
The task was about deploying secret storage, Vault [30], on the
host. Ansible 2.9.4 was used (one of the most stable and popular
versions). There are no modules for Vault and Podman in Ansible
2.9.4. Tasks that we had to solve in the runtime:
2.4. gopython architecture
One of the goals of this work was the ability to embed Ansible
into Golang. Porting of the cotea to Golang can be done using the
CPython API (using CPythonAPI is carried out with the cgo [27]).
While using the CPython API within the task at hand, sections
of the program code that were often duplicated were identified.
Eventually, the amount of code needed, for example, for class
importing, was quite large, which led to development difficulties.
The need to translate data from Golang to C also added additional
complexity. While searching for existing solutions [28,29], it was
found that they do not abstract the user from the CPython API,
providing only wrappers over it that permit one not to work with
C code directly. Thus, we decided to create an intermediate layer
on Golang, called gopython, that encapsulates all the nuances of
interaction with the C language and the CPython API.
David Badalyan and Oleg Borisenko
SoftwareX 19 (2022) 101126
# cotea . runner object i n i t i a l i z a t i o n
# r = runner ( . . . )
while r . has_next_play ( ) :
while r . has_next_task ( ) :
t a s k _ r e s u l t s = r . run_next_task ( )
i f r . get_prev_task_name ( ) == podman_ps_task :
task_result = task_results [0]
cmd_stdout = t a s k _ r e s u l t . r e s u l t [ " stdout " ]
# extracting container s t a t e
cmd_stdout_json = json . loads ( cmd_stdout )
s t a t e _ f i e l d = cmd_stdout_json [ 0 ] [ " State " ]
r . add_var_as_extra_var ( "VAULT_CONTAINER_STATE" , s t a t e _ f i e l d )
i f r . get_prev_task_name ( ) == v a u l t _ k e y s _ t a s k :
task_result = task_results [0]
cmd_stdout = t a s k _ r e s u l t . r e s u l t [ " stdout " ]
# extracting keys
unseal_key = get_unseal_key ( cmd_stdout )
root_token = get_root_token ( cmd_stdout )
r . add_var_as_extra_var ( "VAULT_UNSEAL_KEY" , unseal_key )
r . add_var_as_extra_var ( "VAULT_ROOT_TOKEN" , root_token )
i f r . get_prev_task_name ( ) == v a u l t _ k e y s _ t a s k :
task_result = task_results [0]
cmd_stdout = t a s k _ r e s u l t . r e s u l t [ " stdout " ]
# extracting s e c r e t s
c r e a t e d _ s e c r e t s = g e t _ s e c r e t s ( cmd_stdout )
michman_created = F a l s e
i f "michman / " in c r e a t e d _ s e c r e t s :
michman_created = True
r . add_var_as_extra_var ( "MICHMAN_SECRETS_CREATED" , michman_created )
r . finish_ansible ()
i f r . was_error ( ) :
print ( " ansible −playbook launch − ERROR: " )
print ( r . get_error_msg ( ) )
else :
print ( " ansible −playbook launch − OK" )
Listing 2: cotea usage example
• Parse ‘‘podman ps ...’’ command output to check if the Vault
are stored in Ansible variables that will be accessible for the next
container is already running
• Extract Vault keys from the ‘‘vault operator init ...’’ command
• Parse ‘‘vault secrets list ...’’ command output to check if the
specific Vault secret already exists
There is a solution to the issues described earlier using cotea in
Listing 2. run_next_task returns a list of TaskResult objects for the
last task run on every host in the current host group. The task that
has just been executed is determined by get_prev_task_name. Podman command output processing takes two lines and is located
in the main cotea loop for clarity. Processing of the remaining
commands is moved to separate functions. The processing results
from s k l e a r n . linear_model import Lasso
reg = Lasso ( alpha = 0 . 1 )
reg . f i t ( [ [ 0 , 0 ] , [ 1 , 1 ] ] , [ 0 , 1 ] )
reg . p r e d i c t ( [ [ 1 , 1 ] ] )
Listing 3: gopython usage example: Python code
3.2. gopython usage example
Gocotea has the same interfaces as cotea; this was done using
gopython, which was separately developed for this purpose. As an
David Badalyan and Oleg Borisenko
SoftwareX 19 (2022) 101126
/ / import gp " github . com/ i s p r a s / gopython / src / gopython"
/ / from sklearn . linear_model import Lasso
var sklearnModule gp . PythonModule
sklearnModule . SetModuleName ( " sklearn . linear_model " )
sklearnModule . MakeImport ( )
Lasso , _ := sklearnModule . GetClass ( " Lasso " )
/ / reg = linear_model . Lasso ( 0 . 1 )
L a s s o I n i t A r g s , _ := gp . GetPythonMethodArgsWithSpecificLen ( 1 )
L a s s o I n i t A r g s . SetNextArgument ( 0 . 1 )
reg , _ := Lasso . CreateObject ( L a s s o I n i t A r g s )
/ / reg . f i t ( [ [ 0 , 0 ] , [ 1 , 1 ] ] , [ 0 , 1 ] )
arg1 , _ := gp . CreatePythonListFromGoSlice ( [ ] [ ] i n t { { 0 , 0 } , { 1 , 1 } } )
arg2 , _ := gp . CreatePythonListFromGoSlice ( [ ] i n t { 0 , 1 } )
f i t A r g s , _ := gp . GetPythonMethodArgsWithSpecificLen ( 2 )
f i t A r g s . SetNextArgument ( arg1 )
f i t A r g s . SetNextArgument ( arg2 )
reg . CallMethod ( " f i t " , f i t A r g s )
/ / reg . predict ( [ [ 1 , 1 ] ] )
predictArg1 , _ := gp . CreatePythonListFromGoSlice ( [ ] [ ] i n t { { 1 , 1 } } )
predictArgs , _ := gp . GetPythonMethodArgsWithSpecificLen ( 1 )
p r e d i c t A r g s . SetNextArgument ( predictArg1 )
resNumpyArray , _ := reg . CallMethod ( " predict " , p r e d i c t A r g s )
/ / extracting numpy. ndarray into go s l i c e
emptyArgs , _ := gp . GetPythonMethodArgsWithSpecificLen ( 0 )
r e s L i s t , _ := resNumpyArray [ 0 ] . CallMethod ( " t o l i s t " , emptyArgs )
r e s L i s t G o I n t e r f a c e , _ := r e s L i s t [ 0 ] . GetGoSliceFromPyList ( )
r e s L i s t G o S l i c e := r e s L i s t G o I n t e r f a c e . ( [ ] float64 )
Listing 4: gopython usage example: Golang code that embeds Python code from listing 3
Table 1
Overhead comparison at 100, 200 and 300 tasks.
example of gopython usage, consider embedding the sklearn [31]
library into Golang code. sklearn is a popular library in machine
learning community.
Here are simple usage of sklearn in the listing 3. Using gopython, one can create the same ‘‘reg’’ object during Golang program
execution. The inputs can be created in Golang and passed to
embedded ‘‘reg’’ object. The result can be returned to Golang and
used further. In listing 4, the code that embeds Python code from
listing 3 is presented.
As arguments for the Python methods, both instances of
PythonObject structure and Golang variables of supported types
can be used (lines 12, 17, 18, 21, 22, 27, 30). The supported types
can be found at the code repo [18]. Python’s return values can
also be obtained in Golang. The result of CallMethod is an array
of PythonObject structures. The length of this array is equal to the
number of objects returned. If the result belongs to one of the
supported python types, it can be converted to the corresponding
Golang variable. In the above example, the result was converted
from numpy.ndarray to golang slice (lines 35–36).
100 tasks
200 tasks
300 tasks
(21.28 ± 0.17)s
(41.34 ± 0.35)s
(60.97 ± 0.72)s
(21.48 ± 0.27)s
(41.09 ± 0.42)s
(60.65 ± 0.75)s
(24.17 ± 0.47)s
(47.13 ± 0.23)s
(69.35 ± 0.46)s
Table 2
Overhead comparison at 400 and 500 tasks.
400 tasks
500 tasks
(81.76 ± 0.92)s
(103.04 ± 0.67)s
(79.48 ± 0.7)s
(100.23 ± 0.27)s
(92.76 ± 0.44)s
(117.05 ± 0.69)s
• cotea and gocotea compared to pure ansible-playbook;
• gocotea compared to cotea (appearing due to the use of
3.3. Evaluation
Tables 1 and 2 show the average of 5 corresponding launches
and their standard deviation. To mitigate network instabilities,
the playbooks did not contain network operations and were run
against localhost.
We compared playbook execution time using ansible-playbook
cli, cotea, and gocotea. The goals of the comparison are the
evaluation of the overheads of:
David Badalyan and Oleg Borisenko
SoftwareX 19 (2022) 101126
Fig. 1. Architecture of the COTE (COntrol Thread Execution) class.
5. Conclusion
As can be seen, cotea had no overhead in these launches. The
average overhead of gocotea was (15.01 ± 1.59)%.
As a result of the work done, three software solutions were
4. Impact
1. cotea — Ansible programmatic execution control solution
in Python. Source code is available on Github.
2. gopython — a solution for embedding arbitrary Python
code into a Golang application. Source code is available on
3. gocotea — a solution for program control of Ansible execution in Golang. It is a port of cotea, implemented with
gopython. Source code is available on Github.
As mentioned in Section 1, using Ansible comes with several
caveats, such as embedding Ansible into other systems, debugging large scenarios, and controlling Ansible execution.
Cotea and gocotea solve these issues by providing Python API
(Golang API) that allows the following:
• control of Ansible execution by iterating over Ansible plays
and tasks;
• embedding of Ansible into Python (Golang) systems;
• debugging of Ansible execution.
The developed cotea software solutions, and its analog in the
Golang language, gocotea, programmatically control the progress
of Ansible execution, iterated over tasks and plays — constituent
parts of any Ansible scenario. They also provide information
about the execution progress obtained from the fields of internal Ansible objects. The latter can be accessed using decorator
objects. gocotea is embedded into Michman, a system for deploying and managing clusters (using Ansible), with a set of
on-demand services in cloud environments, including the tasks
of biomedicine.
The method with which cotea was developed can be used to
program control an arbitrary Python application.
Cotea has previously been used in clouni [32,33] and a project
that converts dockerfiles to Ansible scenarios [34]. Gocotea is
embedded into Michman.
4.1. Approach generalization
The developed technique can be used to control an arbitrary
Python program. For every function or class method of the target
program, a decorator class can be created. It will stop the target
program’s execution as well as save function arguments and
results. Saving function input and output allows one to monitor
the target program execution.
From the point of view of program execution control, the
functions on which the decorator classes were installed will be
breakpoints. Here, the continue() method comes into play. This
method allows the step-by-step execution of the target program.
Steps here mean function calls. By choosing a set of functions
whose call sequence corresponds to the occurrence of certain
events, it is possible to create higher-level interfaces based on the
continue() method. Such interfaces will allow iteration defined by
events for the user of the target program (in this work, this event
may be Ansible task execution, for example). These interfaces
can be in one single class that will also contain corresponding
decorator classes objects as its field. This class can run the target
program in a separate thread and provide interfaces for dynamic
control of the execution and execution monitoring. We propose
naming this class COTE (COntrol Thread Execution). An exemplary
architecture of the COTE class is shown in Fig. 1.
In addition to the methods of the public part, considered in
3.3, as well as the decorator classes, there is a class called the
switch control kit that provides switching between threads. The
switch control kit can be implemented with any Python thread
sync tool.
Declaration of competing interest
The authors declare that they have no known competing financial interests or personal relationships that could have appeared
to influence the work reported in this paper.
This article was published with financial support from the
Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Feder075-15-2022-294 of 15.04.2022.
ation, agreement
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