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B31J-2017 Errata: SIF Corrections

11-9-2017 Record# 17-1814 SC Proposal - Errata to B31J-2017
ITEM #1 P.3 Run in-plane SIF for Sketch 2.2: Sign in front of 0.34 exponent should be negative.
ITEM #2 P.3 Branch in-plane SIF for Sketch 2.2: Bracket added in error, should be removed.
ITEM #3 P.3 Branch out-of-plane SIF for Sketch 2.2: Bracket added in error, should be removed.
ITEM #4 P.5 Run in-plane SIF for Sketch 2.4: Sign before 0.52 exponent should be negative.
ITEM #5 P.10 Note (d), list of component sketch numbers not provided correctly. The recommended
wording (in blue) in the section marked RECOMMENDED below properly includes all sketches
incorporated in the balloted text while retaining the editorial references used in the published version.
ITEM #6 P.8 The capital I shown below should be changed to a small “i”.
ITEM #7 P.14 The theta-n (θn) term is obscured by the hash marks in the redrawn Fig. 1-3 (c). The θn
term could be moved outside of the cross-hatched region.
ITEM #8 P.34 The letter “s” was left off the word “subscript”
ITEM #9 P.14 Figure 1-2 “Orientations for Bends” is left justified, unlike all other figures in the
ITEM #10 In printed version pages 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, and 12 are upside down.
ITEM #11 For Table 1-1, Sketch 1.1, Equations for SIF In-plane, and SIF Out-of-plane: the division sign is
omitted in the published version, (see below).