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Inter-University Charity Management System Thesis

Inter-university Charity Management System
Submitted by:
Registration No:
Muzammil Nawaz
Uswa Mansoor
Zubair Ali
Submitted To:
Supervisor – Waqar Ismail
Department of Computer Science
Heavy Industries Taxila Education City, Taxila Cantt-Pakistan
This thesis is submitted in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the
degree of Bachelor in Computer Science
Inter University Charity Management System – 2023
We dedicate this thesis report to our families for their eternal love
and support.
Thank you for the endless Affection, Prayers, Sacrifices and
Project Title
Inter-University charity management
Project Advisor
Sir.Waqar Ismail
Particulars of the students:
Name in Full
Use Block Letters
Advisor’s Consent
I Mr. Waqar Ismail am willing to guide these students in all phases of above-mentioned project /
thesis as advisor. I have carefully seen the Title and description of the project / thesis and believe that
it is of an appropriate difficulty level for the number of students named above.
I have carefully read the project proposal and feel that the proposed project is a useful
one and of a sufficient difficulty level to justify a one year work load of above
mentioned students.
Signatures and Date
Nowadays, people just realize that there are a lot of people who are in trouble out there. Charity is an
act of kindness, in which financially stable people provide help to those people who are needy. The
majority of students do not get enough funds to fulfill their financial needs. Finding a financial
support is a difficult task, and it is a big challenge for students to deal with financial problems.
This Inter-University Charity Management System helps to find financial support easily. By
providing this application, donors can easily donate without worrying about the money or donations
going to the wrong channel.
We would develop such a system that would be managed by a team organized by university DSA.
This team will help the university for managing finance and verify that whether the donations has
been transferred to the students.
First of all we are grateful to Allah Almighty, who has blessed us with abilities, good health and
wellbeing that were essential for the completion of this task at hand. He is the one we have always
looked to in hard times.
We would like to express our sincere gratitude to our supervisor Sir Waqar Ismail for his valuable
advices and guidelines that aided us to bringing this project to a shore.
We would also like to wish to express our sincere thanks to our parents for their continuous
encouragement and support.
Table of Contents
List of Figures
List of Tables
Chapter -1: Introduction
A charity management system is a platform designed to help university
manage their charitable initiatives more effectively. The system typically
includes features such as donation tracking, requesting donations, giving
donations and reporting and analytics. By providing a centralized platform for
managing charitable initiatives, a charity management system can help
university to improve collaboration and coordination, reduce duplication of
effort, and increase transparency and accountability in the distribution of
An inter-university charity management system is a specific type of charity
management system designed for use by university. The system is designed
to help university collaborate more effectively on charitable initiatives, while
also building stronger relationships with their communities and stakeholders.
By providing a centralized platform for universities to communicate,
coordinate, and track donations related to charitable initiatives, an interuniversity charity management system can help ensure that funds are
distributed fairly and efficiently, and that charitable initiatives are as effective
as possible.
An inter-university charity management system that gives donations to students
would serve a number of important purposes.
Firstly, such a system would help ensure that donations are distributed fairly and
efficiently. By using a centralized system to manage donations, university
administrators could more easily track and allocate funds to students who are most in
need. This could help prevent situations where some students receive more aid than
others, or where donations are not distributed in a timely manner.
Secondly, an inter-university charity management system could help track donations
and other contributions. This would allow for greater transparency and accountability in
the distribution of funds, which could help build trust between donors and the university.
Additionally, by keeping track of donations and contributions, the university could more
easily identify areas where additional funding is needed, and could work to secure
additional donations or grants.
Finally, an inter-university charity management system could help facilitate the process
of giving donations to students. By providing a centralized platform for students to apply
for aid, the university could streamline the application and approval process, making it
easier for students to receive the support they need. Additionally, by using a digital
platform to manage donations, the university could reduce the administrative burden
associated with managing a charity program, allowing administrators to focus on other
important tasks.
Overall, an inter-university charity management system that deals only within one
university and gives donations to students could have a significant impact on the lives
of students in need. By providing a centralized platform for managing donations, the
university could ensure that donations are distributed fairly and efficiently, while also
increasing transparency and accountability in the distribution of funds.
The scope for an inter-university charity management system is to provide a platform
for university to communicate, collaborate, and track donations related to charitable
initiatives. The system would allow university to create and manage charitable events,
track donations, and distribute funds in a transparent and accountable manner.
Additionally, the system could include features such as volunteer management, event
planning and coordination, and reporting and analytics to help university make datadriven decisions and improve the effectiveness of their charitable initiatives.
The system would be designed to be scalable and flexible, allowing university to
customize it to meet their specific needs and requirements. It could be used by
universities of any size or location, and could be adapted to support a wide range of
charitable initiatives, from disaster relief and humanitarian aid to education and
Overall, the scope of an inter-university charity management system is to provide
university with a comprehensive platform for managing their charitable initiatives,
improving collaboration and coordination, and increasing transparency and
accountability in the distribution of donations.
1.3. Problem Statement
As a whole, the global literacy rate is high. Males aged 18 and over have a literacy
rate of 60%, while females lag only slightly behind at 70%. Most student don’t
even get a chance to continue higher studies due to their financial crisis. Infact some
universities do offer scholarships but unfortunately some needy and authentic cases
remain ignored.
To overcome these problems we need to develop such a system that help such students
financially for their studies.
1.4. Objectives
Certainly! The objective of an inter-university charity management system is to
facilitate the coordination and management of charitable initiatives. Such a system
would serve several important purposes.
Firstly, an inter-university charity management system could help streamline the
process of planning and executing charity events. By providing a centralized platform
for university to communicate and collaborate on charitable initiatives, the system
could help reduce the administrative burden associated with planning and executing
these events. This could help ensure that events are well-organized and executed, and
that they are as effective as possible in achieving their goals.
Secondly, an inter-university charity management system could help track donations
and other contributions. This would allow for greater transparency and accountability
in the distribution of funds, which could help build trust between donors and the
universities involved. Additionally, by keeping track of donations and contributions,
the universities could more easily identify areas where additional funding is needed,
and could work to secure additional donations or grants.
Thirdly, an inter-university charity management system could help ensure that
donations are distributed fairly and efficiently. By using a centralized system to
manage donations, the university could more easily track and allocate funds to those
who are most in need. This could help prevent situations where some individuals or
groups receive more aid than others, or where donations are not distributed in a timely
Overall, the objective of an inter-university charity management system is to make
charitable initiatives as effective as possible, while also ensuring that donations are
distributed fairly and efficiently. By providing a centralized platform for universities
to communicate, collaborate, and track donations, the system could help build stronger
relationships between universities and their communities, and could make a
meaningful difference in the lives of those in need.
1.5 Motivation
The motivation for an inter-university charity management system is to help
universities collaborate more effectively on charitable initiatives. By working together,
universities can pool their resources and expertise to make a bigger impact on the
world around them. Additionally, an inter-university charity management system can
help build stronger relationships between universities and their communities, as well
as between universities themselves. By demonstrating their commitment to making a
positive impact, universities can improve their reputation and build goodwill with their
stakeholders. Finally, an inter-university charity management system can help ensure
that charitable initiatives are as effective as possible, by providing a centralized
platform for coordination and tracking of donations. This can help prevent duplication
of effort, ensure that funds are distributed fairly and efficiently, and increase
transparency and accountability in the distribution of donations. Overall, the
motivation for an inter-university charity management system is to make charitable
initiatives more effective, efficient, and impactful, while also strengthening
relationships between universities and their communities.
Chapter -2: Literature Review
One of the primary benefits of charity management systems for university is that
they provide a centralized platform for managing charitable initiatives, which can help
reduce duplication of effort and improve collaboration and coordination between
different stakeholders within the university. Additionally, these systems can help
increase transparency and accountability in the distribution of donations, which can help
build trust and confidence with donors and other stakeholders.
There are many different types of charity management systems available for
universities, ranging from simple, low-cost solutions to more complex, enterprise-level
systems. Some systems are designed specifically for use by universities, while others
are more general-purpose and can be adapted to support a wide range of charitable
Overall, the literature suggests that charity management systems can be an
effective tool for improving the efficiency and effectiveness of charitable initiatives
within a university, while also increasing transparency and accountability in the
distribution of donations. However, it is important to carefully evaluate different
systems to ensure that they meet the specific needs and requirements of the university,
and we made sure that the system is user-friendly and accessible to all stakeholders,
including students, faculty, staff, and donors.
2.1 Historical Work
Three existing applications have been developed related to donation applications or
systems. Each of these applications and systems has its pro and cons. The three main
existing applications and web that are currently available are
2.1.1 Telekung Project (is basically a project of ZAHRA Co.: which is an online
store and have launched a module named as Telekung Project for charity purposes.
First and foremost, let us take a stroll down history lane and truly explore where and
when exactly did Telekung Project begin. It all began from one little girl’s journey to
become a good Muslim and her mother being involved in it every step of the way.
Founder Azila Aziz always wanted to instil in her children the need to perform solat
whenever necessary and so she always made sure to stop by any surau if they were
outside so that her 7-year-old daughter Sofea would be able to also pray. Upon one
such instance, they encountered a surau of a shopping mall to have very dirty and
smelly telekungs there.
The curiosity of young Sofea piqued, and she asked her mother how important is
cleanliness in Islam. Hence, the birth of a noble and beautiful idea. Azila Aziz
immediately launched into the project of taking these dirty telekung and cleaning them
up only to return them to their rightful place once it was spotless. Since then, Telekung
Project has grown into a more renowned name and has dealt with all kinds of issues of
Secondly, let’s answer that initial question of what exactly is Telekung Project? For
those of you who are interested to know, Telekung Project is actually an NGO (nonprofit organisation) that was founded by one Azila Aziz. This extremely admirable
organisation is completely dedicated to the need of giving back to those who are in
need in the form of wakaf as well as other humanitarian pursuits. What a better way to
begin Ramadhan than by actually celebrating it with the gift of giving and generosity,
right? This is clearly the perfect opportunity to do some good for others as well as for
one’s soul.
The third thing that one must know about Telekung Project is how their wakaf division
works exactly. Wakaf basically means to give an item whereby the person who
receives can use it. Telekung Project has many “projects” where plenty of Muslims
can wakaf useful and much needed Islamic items such as the telekung, prayer mats,
pelikat cloths, kopiah and prayer beads for Tasbih.
Aside from that, they also accept donations in order to help the orphans who are in
need of bicycles for school transportation. Imagine seeing the happy smiling faces of
orphans who not only get bicycles for their recreational use but also as a mode of
transportation to go to school. MashaAllah, what an incredibly beautiful gift it is for
the children and also for your soul.
Aside from that Telekung Project also helps raises funds for those who are in
desperate need such as orphanages and shelters. For instance, just this May of 2017,
Telekung Project urged many of us Muslim brothers and sisters to donate funds for
Rumah Jalinan Kasih, a shelter for orphans and the poor alike. This shelter
unfortunately has many outstanding bills for both electricity and water as well as
outstanding payments for the rent of the male and female dormitories.
This isn’t an issue that one can simply wave away like a vanishing spell from Harry
Potter. This is one issue where we Muslims must come together to help our very own
people survive in this world. So, what are you waiting for? Donate as much as you can
afford to for the sake of these people.
Moreover, unlike most organisations that give back to the masses, this particular NGO
is so incredible in the sense that it literally helps raises funds for some families’ new
born babies whom have very serious health conditions. Take for example Baby
Ammar, a 4-month-old boy who desperately needs to go to China for heart transplant
surgery. Telekung Project is there to beseech us Muslim brothers and sisters to donate
our money for this precious little boy. Baby Ammar is the first born of a house wife
and a father who works as silver ring smith of sorts. Their income doesn’t come close
to reaching the target needed for Ammar’s transplant surgery which costs a whopping
RM 160k. The organisation also helps other babies in need of expensive surgeries so
don’t hesitate to lend out a helping hand. Let us forget about the worldly pursuits in
life such as the latest Duckscarf design or how much food one can gorge oneself with
during iftar. Let us instead practice being selfless and give back to the society during
this holy month
2.1.2 Aman Palestin :is an international charity organization targeting crime victims,
corruption and many other problems but they do not specifically focus on problem that
we have figured out.
AMAN-Transparency Palestine
AMAN was established in 2000 as a civil society organization that seeks to combat
corruption and promote integrity, transparency and accountability in the Palestinian
society. The Coalition was first formed by an initiative from a number of civil society
organizations working in the field of democracy, human rights and good governance. In
2006, the Coalition was accredited as a national chapter for Transparency International.
AMAN is a Palestinian think tank and a specialized body providing knowledge on
corruption at the local and regional level through producing specialized reports and
studies. The periodic publications include: The annual Integrity and Anti-Corruption
Report, the annual Palestinian Integrity Index and the National Integrity System studies
and reports, in addition to the Coalition's continued contributions to produce reports and
studies on the status of corruption in the Arab region.
As part of the global anti-corruption movement - and of international alliances and
partnerships with relevant specialized coalitions and organizations - AMAN plays a key
role in the transfer and contextualization of necessary international knowledge and tools
to combat corruption in all sectors.
Strategic Objectives
Promote community-based action in support of anti-corruption efforts and build the
Promote the values of integrity, principles of transparency, systems of
accountability and fight against corruption in public administration, public financial
management, and service provision to the Palestinian public
Consolidate efforts to expose corruption and corrupt individuals and prevent
impunity by justice sector actors and law enforcement agencies
Develop the institutional and organizational performance of Aman Coalition to
fulfil its mission, vision and national, international and Arab partnerships, and to
respond efficiently and effectively to emerging priorities
Work Strategies
Adopting a positive, participatory approach with the various partners from the
public and civil society sectors
Focusing on the causes, manifestations and devastating effects of corruption
Adopting an independent, non-biased and professional approach in the
implementation of our activities
Encouraging public participation in activities that combat corruption and promote
an environment of anti-corruption
Coalition Member
Palestinian Initiative for the Promotion of Global Dialogue and Democracy –
Palestinian Institute for the Study of Democracy – Muwatin
Al- Mezan- Center for Human Rights
Palestinian Trade Center – Pal-Trade
Council of Foreign Relations (Gaza)
Faisal Husseini Foundation
Social Developmental Forum (SDF)
Number of individual activists in the field of good governance and combating
2.1.3 Donate.OM.: is basically a application running in Oman for charity purpose
having a large number of donors.
Donors donate for its related programs such as Sadaqa, family care or student care,
Online Donations Portal has been developed with the vision to promote charity for
valuable social causes in the Sultanate of Oman, by providing an electronic gateway to
facilitate payment of donations to charitable organisations supported by the Ministry
of Social Development.
This portal supports humanitarian efforts for charity by eliminating the donor’s
problems of time and distance using technology. This electronic channel connecting
donors and beneficiaries process charitable payments completely electronically
utilising the e-payment gateway operated by the MTCIT.
This online portal is a one-stop-shop assisting the collecting charity funds for the less
privileged people and the people with special needs. MTCIT in line with His
Majesty’s vision of harnessing technology has developed this portal to promote charity
which is embodied in the practice of Islam. The portal makes it easy for Omani
citizens and residents to donate with a single click from anywhere and at their suitable
time without a need to travel to any of the charity organisations.
Donations Portal processes donations through bank cards issued in Oman and
currently doesn’t accept donations through any other cards. The portal can be
effectively used by Omani Citizens / Residents who have account in Omani banks will
be able to make Donation online.
2.2 Summary
Due to trust issues we have developed a system that will transfer donations directly
in targeted university account.
Our project (Inter-university charity management) is completely different from these
applications because we would develop a software specifically for university students
who are suffering from financial issues and cannot afford to pay their dues. We would
also focus on how people should trust our application.
Chapter -3: Description
This section will give an overview of the whole system. The system will
be explained in its context to show how the system interacts with other systems
and introduce the basic functionality of it. It will also describe what type of
stakeholders that will use the system and what functionality is available for
each type. At last, the constraints and assumptions for the system will be
3.1 Product perspective
The motive of this system is to provide easiness to the user. This system will
be helpful
for the user to donate to some verified cases. The system will run on
Local Host and in the
future, we can update to domain and hosting. It will use
PHPMyAdmin(SQL) for backup and
database purposes. In case of system or
power failure, the recovery system will restore all
the data without any loss of
data before the failure point. There are no memory constraints.
3.2 Product functions
This project contains the following functionalities:
3.2.1 System user authentication User will first create account or
login in to the site. It will display all the completed and
working projects.
3.2.2 Users can use 4 services that we provided on the landing page
of site.
3.2.3 User can ask for help by requesting donations.
3.2.4 He/she would be helped after verification.
3.2.5 Anyone on the site can track donations.
3.2.6 Funds transferred by donors are forwarded to University’s
3.2.7 Verified cases will be funded by the University.
3.3 Constraints
3.3.1. Automatic backup and recovery system
3.3.2. Users around the globe can use the site.
3.3.3. The site is reliable and available all the time.
3.3.4. Site will be secure and safe
Chapter -4:User interfaces
A first-time user of the site should see the dock page when he/she opens the site.
If the user has already registered, he/she should be able to do that on the log-in page.
Otherwise, they will open the sign-up page and register their self.
After signing-up user is allowed to access any service. He/she can request, donate,
and track their donations. Users can donate an amount to any active case.
A respective individual can also register and can request some assistance after
showing some proof as he is more likely to get paid.
University would also register and will upload the verified cases that require
Every registered user would have access to track donations, to verify the active
and closed cases and site will generate a report to donor, student and university for
maintaining record of closed case
4.1 Hardware interfaces
It does not have any direct hardware interfaces.
4.2 Website interfaces
The website communicates through internet and the (PHPMyAdmin)SQL used as
database. The tool which is used for this project Sublime text 4 and the language is
4.3 Functional requirements
This section includes the requirements that specify all the fundamental actions of
the Website system.
4.3.1 Functional
requirement 1.1
TITLE: open the website
DESC: user can open the website through the internet.
4.3.2 Functional
requirement 1.2
TITLE: University registration
DESC: Given that a user has opened the website, then the user should be able
to register through the website. The user must provide university name, contact
number, university email and password.
4.3.3 Functional
requirement 1.3
TITLE: University login
DESC: Given that a user has opened the website, then the user should be able
to login through the website. The user must provide first-name, last-name,
password and e-mail address.
4.3.4 Functional
requirement 1.4
TITLE: User registration
DESC: Given that a user has opened the website, then the user should be able
to register through the website. The user must provide first-name, last-name,
password and e-mail address.
4.3.5 Functional
requirement 1.5
TITLE: User log-in
DESC: Given that a user has registered, then the user should be able to log in
to the application. The log-in information will be stored on the system and in
the future the user should be logged in automatically.
4.3.6 Functional
requirement 1.6
TITLE: Retrieve password
DESC: Given that a user has registered, then the user should be able to
retrieve his/her password by email.
4.3.7 Functional
requirement 1.7
TITLE: Request Donation
DESC: user can fill the given form, provide the required details and request
for donation
4.3.8 Functional
requirement 1.8
TITLE: Donate
DESC: user can fill the given form and make a donation as much as they
4.3.9 Functional
requirement 1.9
TITLE: Track donations
DESC: user can track the donations.
4.4.1 Functional
requirement 2.1
ID: FR10 Feature: Create an account
In order to create an account
An Admin Should register on the website
Scenario: Required information for registration
Given the admin wants to create an account
And the admin does not have an account
When the admin registers on the website by providing user-name
And password and address and e-mail
Then the admin should be able to apply for verification
Scenario: Full information for registration
Given the admin wants to create an account
And the admin does not have an account
When the admin registers on the website by providing user-name
And password and address And e-mail
Then the admin should be able to apply for verification
Scenario: Confirmed registration
Given the admin has applied for verification
And has not received a confirmation e-mail after registration
When the admin receives a confirmation e-mail. Then the admin would able to
4.4.2 Functional
requirement 2.2
ID: FR11 Feature: admin log-in
In order to use the system
An admin should be logged in to the website
Scenario: Successful log-in
Given the admin wants to log in
When the admin logs in with his/her account
Then the admin should be logged in as an admin
Scenario: Retrieve password
Given the admin wants to log in
And has lost the password
When admin enters his/her email address in the “Retrieve password”
And submits the form
Then the admin should receive an email containing the password
4.4.3 Functional
requirement 2.3
ID: FR12 Feature: admin main page
In order to use the system
An admin
Should be logged in to the website and landed on the main page
Scenario: Successful landing on main page
The admin landed on the main page
View the completed projects and in working projects
4.4.4 Functional
requirement 2.4
ID: FR13 Feature: Verify User
In order to allow a user to use the system
An admin
Should be able to verify the user
Scenario: Verify a User
Given the admin is logged in
When the admin verifies a user
Then the user should be able to log in
And the user should be notified by a confirmation email
Scenario: Reject a User
Given the admin is logged in
When the admin rejects a user Then the user should
not be able to log in
And the user should be notified by a rejection email
4.4.5 Functional
requirement 3.5
ID: FR14 Feature: Verify donation requests/ uploaded cases
In order to make sure the uploaded case is valid
An admin
Should be able to verify the case
Scenario: Verify the case
The case should be verified, And the user should be notified by a
confirmation email
Scenario: Reject a Admin
The case should be verified, And the user should be notified by a
confirmation email
4.4.6 Functional
requirement 2.6
ID: FR15 Feature: admin -view the change request
In order to use the system
A admin
Should able to view the request from the user for change
Scenario: view the change request
The Admin can see the request of change
The reason why the user wants
that change
Scenario: No change request
There is no change request from the user
4.4.7 Functional
requirement 2.7
ID: FR16 Feature: Admin approval/denial of change request
In order to use the system
An Admin
Should able to view the request from the user for change
Scenario: approval of change request
The Admin can see approval of the request of
change from the admin Follow the next command to
implement the approved change
Scenario: Denial of change request
The Admin can see denial of the request.
4.4.8 Functional
requirement 2.8
ID: FR17 Feature: Admin -Implement the change
In order to use the system
A Admin
Should able to view the request from the user for change
Scenario: Implement the change
The Admin implement the change
4.4.9 Functional
requirement 3.9
ID: FR18 Feature: Manage different Project
In order to have a list of projects
An admin
Should be able to manage the projects
Scenario: Add a new project
Given the admin is logged in
When the admin checks a new project
Then the new project type should be added to the list of projects
Scenario: Editing an existing project
When the admin edits an existing project
Then the projects version should be updated in the list of projects
Scenario: status of a project
When a project is completed then the status is okay
Otherwise status is in working
4.4.10 Functional
requirement 3.10
ID: FR19 Feature:
Manage users
In order to keep track of the users
An admin
Should be able to manage the users
Scenario: Edit an existing user’s information
When the admin edits an existing
user Then the user information
should be updated
Scenario: Delete/Inactivate an existing user
Given the admin is logged in
When the admin deletes an existing user
Then the user should be deleted
4.5 Performance requirements
The requirements in this section provide a detailed specification of the user
interaction with the Website and measurements placed on the system
4.6 Constraints
This section includes the design constraints on the Website caused by the
4.6.1 Hard drive
The application needs of hard drive space more than 20MB and minimum
4.6.2 Application memory
This observation depends
on the performance.
4.7 Website system attributes
The requirements in this section specify the required reliability, availability,
security and maintainability of the Website.
The system is reliability is depending on the system give the right results. This
system is reliable in their functions.
4.7.2 Availability
The availability of the system is when it is used.
4.7.3 Security
The system is secure and safe from the internet attacks. Communication should
be encrypted for login, so other can’t `get username and password of others.
4.7.4 Maintainability
The application should be easy to extend. The code should be written in a way that
it favors implementation of new functions.
Chapter -5: Software Requirement Specifications
For building a software first of all its specifications and requirements are laid out
so to get a picture of what to design. The software requirements specifications
includes different use case diagrams by laying out the technique's flow and how the
user will interact with the system.
Class Diagram:
Class diagram 1
UML Activity Diagram:
Activity Diagram 1
An activity diagram is a model that shows the process of a task or action
from a use case.
Flow Chart:
Flow Chart 1
Use Case Diagram:
Use Case Diagram 1
A Use Case diagram depicts the interaction between the users and the
system. It shows the functions of the system from the user ’s point of view
and the various actions the user as the actor carries out.
Chapter -6: Implementation and testing
The development and implementation of this project were carried out with
the use of some software components. The software components used for
the implementation of this project are:
● Visual Studio
● Web Browser
● Apache
Visual Studio is a powerful integrated development environment (IDE) that
provides a range of features and tools for developing and running websites that’s
why it was used for developing the code.
Web browser was used to run the website
Apache is a http server/ web server that we used
6.1 Main features
Main features of inter university charity management system includes “request
for a donation “and “make a donation “. Donors make donations as much as they
want. Donors help out the university students who are in need of donations safely
because inter university charity management system is fraud proof. Inter
university charity management system is fraud proof because it is designed in a
way that website eliminates risks and frauds.
Admin can track donations and keep their records.
Home page has login and registration options, a user a login if he/she is already
registered. If someone wants to register themselves they can also do that by
filling out the registration form.
6.2 Implementation problems
No implementation problem occurred during this websites implementation,
everything was perfectly fine
6.3 Testing
This section consists of the test plans and test suites carried out on some of the
features in the website. The features tested were the login page, Register page,
request donation page, and the Donate page.
6.3.1 Test plans
login based on email address
and password in SQL Server.
Login as an admin based on
email address and password in
SQL Server..
register as a donor based on
email address, password, full
name, state in SQL Server.
register as a donor requester
based on email address,
password, full name, state in
SQL Server
Table 1
7.1 overview
This section will show the final part of this documentation and will gve the
summary and conclusion of this document
7.2 Summary
Inter-university charity management system is all about making donations
and requesting for donation for financially unstable students. This website
will help people to donate for students who want to continue their education.
We have designed the landing page of our website, the navigation bar
includes “Home”, “about us”, “contact us” and “registration/login” all of the
mentioned modules are designed.
Donors can easily register/login themselves and can donate to any case
safely, those who want to request for donation can also register /login
themselves and request for donations. Admin can keep the track of
donations , cases and dashboard.
Chapter -8) APPENDICES
Appendix A – Introduction
Appendix B – Introduction to the tool
Appendix C – Project plan
Appendix A – Introduction
8.1 Charity management system
Charity management systems are essential tools used by organizations
to manage their charitable activities effectively. These systems help to
streamline the process of collecting donations, managing volunteers, and
distributing resources to those in need. With the increasing demand for
transparency and accountability in the charitable sector, charity
management systems have become indispensable in ensuring that
donations are used efficiently and effectively.
According to a report by the National Council of Nonprofits, the use of
charity management systems has become increasingly popular in recent
years. The report notes that these systems have helped organizations to
improve their fundraising efforts, reduce administrative costs, and increase
transparency. The report also highlights the importance of selecting the
right charity management system to meet the needs of the organization.
One example of a charity management system is DonorPerfect, which is
used by many nonprofits to manage their fundraising activities.
DonorPerfect offers a range of features, including online donation
processing, donor management, and fundraising analytics. The system also
integrates with other tools, such as email marketing platforms and
accounting software, to provide a comprehensive solution for nonprofit
Another example of a charity management system is Blackbaud, which is
used by many large nonprofits and foundations. Blackbaud offers a range
of solutions, including fundraising and donor management, grant
management, and marketing automation. The system also provides robust
reporting and analytics capabilities, enabling organizations to track their
progress and measure their impact.
In conclusion, charity management systems are essential tools for
nonprofit organizations to manage their charitable activities effectively.
With the increasing demand for transparency and accountability, these
systems have become indispensable in ensuring that donations are used
efficiently and effectively. By selecting the right charity management
system, organizations can improve their fundraising efforts, reduce
administrative costs, and increase transparency.
8.2 Introduction to the tool
Visual studio:
Visual Studio is a comprehensive integrated development environment
(IDE) that provides developers with a wide range of tools and features to
create high-quality software efficiently. It was created by Microsoft and has
become one of the most popular IDEs worldwide. Visual Studio supports
multiple programming languages, including C++, C#, Visual Basic, and
Python, making it an ideal choice for developers working on various types
of projects.
One of the key features of Visual Studio is its code editor, which provides
a rich set of editing capabilities, including syntax highlighting, code
completion, and refactoring. The code editor also includes a powerful
debugging tool that allows developers to find and fix errors quickly and
efficiently. With the debugger, developers can step through code, set
breakpoints, and inspect variables to understand how the program is
Visual Studio also includes project management tools that help
developers organize their code and resources efficiently. The solution
explorer provides a hierarchical view of the project's files and folders,
making it easy to navigate and manage the project. Developers can also
use the integrated version control system to manage changes to the code
and collaborate with other developers.
In addition to these core features, Visual Studio provides integration
with other Microsoft tools, such as Azure and Office 365. This integration
allows developers to create cloud-based applications and services and
easily integrate them with other Microsoft products.
Visual Studio also supports a wide range of third-party extensions and
add-ons, allowing developers to customize the IDE to meet their specific
needs. These extensions provide additional features and capabilities, such
as code analysis, testing tools, and code generation.
Overall, Visual Studio is a powerful IDE that provides developers with the
tools and features they need to create high-quality software efficiently.
With its support for multiple programming languages, project management
tools, debugging capabilities, and integration with other Microsoft tools,
Visual Studio is an ideal choice for developers working on a wide range of
Apache is a software foundation that provides open-source software
products for the public. The foundation has developed over 350 opensource projects and has a large community of developers. One of the most
popular products of Apache is the Apache HTTP Server, which is a web
server that powers over 40% of all websites on the internet. Other popular
Apache projects include Apache Tomcat, Apache Maven, and Apache
Struts. These products are widely used by developers to create web
applications, build software, and manage data. Apache products are free to
use, modify, and distribute under the Apache License 2.0.
8.3 Project plan
Following is the work breakdown for the project “ Inter
university charity management system”:
Review and
Final project and Document
Project plan 1