TLE Automotive: Vehicle Checkup & BLOWBAG - Grades 7-8

Learning Area
TLE - Automotive
A. Introduction
45 minutes
Grade Level
LO 3. Check the vehicle (TLE_IAAUTO9-12MPV-Ij-7)
3.1 Check vehicle position as per requirement
3.2 Perform checkup procedures upon parking
3.3 Check vehicle for external damage
Learning Activities
“Baseball is like driving. It’s the one who gets home safely that counts.” – Tommy
In this lesson you will learn the checking procedure of vehicle in safe position,
checkup procedures of parking - BLOWBAG and types of vehicle external
1. What is being checked in the picture?
2. Why do we need to check the oil level before using the vehicle?
Read the concepts:
Whether you drive every day or just every so often, your car needs
attention just the same.
What should you look for?
What should you do?
Here are some tips on how to do a simple car checkup.
1. Check tire air and wear and tear
Monthly, check to ensure all tires, including a spare, are properly
inflated. Do this when the tires are cold using a quality gauge. The proper
pressure levels for your vehicle’s tires are spelled out in your car’s owner’s
manual and on a sticker located on the driver-side door jamb. Don’t use what’s
stamped on the tire’s sidewall. Also, be aware that pressure levels are different
for front and rear tires on some cars.
2. Check the battery for a good charge
To avoid being stranded without warning due to a drained or corroded
battery, your battery needs some regular attention, too. At every oil change,
check battery cables to ensure they’re securely attached to the terminals. If
there are signs of corrosion, disconnect cables to clean hidden areas where
they contact battery terminals. Depending on usage patterns and local
climate, most batteries have three to five years of service life.
3. Check oil, coolants and fluids
Do a thorough check monthly to ensure all oil, coolants and fluids are
in adequate supply. This means checking fuel levels, engine oil and coolant,
and brake, transmission and power steering fluids.
4. Inspect hoses
While you’re checking out fluid levels, also check out the hoses for any
signs of cracking, fraying or missing pieces, hoses that may be cut or abraded
from contact with other components. Inspect hose ends for dampness, deposits
or buildup of dried coolant.
What is BLOWBAG?
There’s just too much to like about cars: its engine’s roar, the sleek
curves of its chassis, or even the smell of its leather interior. Big car enthusiasts
Learning Activities
would go oh-so far and pay oh-so much just to get their cars looking and feeling
brand new.
But if you’re just an average man who wants a smooth ride, here’s an
easy to remember acronym to ensure that your car’s in tip-top
shape: BLOWBAG.
BLOWBAG stands for Battery, Light, Oil, Water, Brakes, Air, and Gas.
1. Battery
Number one on the list is your car’s battery. It’s one of the most
neglected parts of the car despite being responsible for starting it all up.
2. Light
This one should be a given already, but it can’t be stressed enough. In
addition to showing your way in the dark, your car’s headlights and taillights
also make it easier for other drivers to see you on the road.
3. Oil
While many car enthusiasts make it a habit to do oil changes regularly,
new car owners may not know the importance of pouring fresh motor oil in.
Doing oil changes twice or thrice a year is recommended for newer
cars; while older models might need theirs changed every 3 months.
4. Water
Overheating is one of the biggest reasons why car engines break
down. So, don’t forget to have enough water in your car’s tank.
5. Brakes
As an average car-owner, you can take care of your brakes by not
doing sudden brakes unless called for. It’d help to check your brakes during a
long drive too so that you’re confident that they’ll work when you reach a stop.
6. Air (Tires)
A bad tire can be a huge pain if you don’t prepare for it. Not every car
can house a spare, so inspecting your tires might be your best bet.
7. Gas
You don’t want to be the poor fella pushing his hunking SUV alone in C5. Gas prices are very pricey but sadly, there isn’t another way to go around it.
You can however, conserve your gas reserve.
It’s quite simple: want to slow down your gas consumption? Slow down
a bit. If you’re accelerating with an extra 10 or 20 kilometers, try and trim them
Car maintenance can be a pain for regular consumers and carowners. Hopefully with BLOWBAG, you can ensure that your drive goes even.
Types of Body Damage:
No vehicle is immune to accidents. Each time you get behind your
wheels, there is a high chance that you can sideswipe or fender or worse.
Hopefully, the damage is fixable through auto body repair.
1. Weather
Apart from accidents, weather conditions can damage the body of
your vehicle. Long-term weather exposure makes the body eligible for a paint
job and other fixes like fixing windshields. The car spends much time outside than
in a garage.
2. Scratches
It is common to scratch your car body with a shopping cart or finds that
someone scratches your car in the parking lot.
3. Dents
Dents are inevitable and will occur at some point. Dents are easy to
repair using a special device and process
4. Collisions
Collisions are responsible for some of the biggest dents, damage, and
scratches. Collisions can result in structural damage to the car like when it
causes a bent frame.
B. Development
Day 2
40 minutes
Learning Activities
Learning task 1:
In a separate sheet of paper write the meaning of the acronym
1. B
- ________________________________
2. L
- ________________________________
3. O
- ________________________________
4. W
- ________________________________
5. B
- ________________________________
6. A
- ________________________________
7. G
- ________________________________
Learning task 2: CROSSWORD PUZZLE
C. Engagement
Day 2
45 minutes
1. It is used to stop the car.
2. A rubber ring that surrounds a car's wheel.
4. Use as a fuel or lubricant.
1. Source of power
3. A thing used for transportation.
Learning Task 3:
Write TRUE if the statement is correct and FALSE if it is wrong. Write your
answer in a separate sheet of paper.
__________ 1. A bad tire can be a huge pain if you don’t prepare for it.
__________ 2. Overheating is one of the biggest reasons why car engines break
__________ 3. Number one on the list to check is your car’s battery.
__________ 4. Disregard to check your brakes before a long drive.
__________ 5. If you want to slow down your gas consumption, slow down a
Learning Task 4: Identification. Identify the word/s being referred to. Write your
answer in a separate sheet of paper.
1. ______________________ a natural conditions that can damage the body of
your vehicle.
2. _______________________ it is the common responsible for some of the
biggest dents, damage, and scratches.
3. ________________________ common body damage of car.
4. ________________________ car body damage that are easy to repair using a
special device and process
5. ________________________ an unexpected incident that causes damage on
your vehicle.
D. Assimilation
Day 3
40 minutes
Learning Task 5:
Let’s check how far you have learned in this lesson. Write your answer
in a separate sheet of paper.
Learning Activities
1. Which part of this lesson that makes you interested?
2. What did you learn from the lesson that you can apply to help your family or
3. Which part of the lesson you considered difficult to understand?
Learning Task 6: Essential Questions
Direction: Read and study the following questions below. You may
use a separate sheet of to write your answers.
1. What is the importance of following the BLOWBAG?
2. Do you consider BLOWBAG helpful? Why?
(Learning Activity Sheets for
Assessment to be given on Weeks
3 and 6)
Day 4
25 minutes
Day 4
10 minutes
Learning Task 5: Multiple Choice
Directions: Read the statement carefully and choose the letter of the
correct answer. Write your answer in a separate sheet of paper.
_____1. It helps to start the engine.
a. Gas
b. Oil
c. Battery
d. Brake
_____ 2. If you are going to travel using your car, what will you do?
a. Check my compartment.
b. Know who are your company .
c. Check the car following the BLOWBAG tips.
d. Check my feelings.
_____ 3. In checking the engine, you should;
a. Place vehicle in plain surface and put hand brake on.
b. Open the engine hood
c. Put wheel chock to ensure safely, and then open the engine hood.
d. Call somebody then ask them to push the car.
_____ 4. To know If the brake is in proper condition, what will you check first?
a. Coolant level
b. Oil level
c. Fuel level
d. Brake fluid
_____ 5. Refined petroleum used as fuel for internal combustion engines.
a. Gas
b. Oil
c. Battery
d. Brake
Write your personal insights about the lesson using the prompts below.
I understand that ___________________.
I realize that ________________________.
I need to learn more about __________.
Prepared by: Rafael A. Musa
Checked by:
Zoilo V. Handayan, Jr.
Alberto Laroza
Personal Assessment on Learner’s Level of Performance
Using the symbols below, choose one which best describes your experience in working on each given task. Draw it in the column for Level of
Performance (LP). Be guided by the descriptions below.
- I was able to do/perform the task without any difficulty. The task helped me in understanding the target content/lesson.
- I was able to do/perform the task. It was quite challenging but it still helped me in understanding the target content/lesson.
- I was not able to do/perform the task. It was extremely difficult. I need additional enrichment activities to be able to
Learning Task
Number 1
Number 2
Learning Task
Number 3
Number 4
Learning Task
Number 5
Number 6
do/perform this task.
Learning Task
Number 7
Number 8