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Arab J Geosci (2015) 8:3365–3380 DOI 10.1007/s12517-014-1471-2 ORIGINAL PAPER New thermal triaxial apparatus for unsaturated soils using the osmotic method Moulay Smaïne Ghembaza & Said Taïbi & Jean Marie Fleureau Received: 24 February 2014 / Accepted: 14 May 2014 / Published online: 29 May 2014 # Saudi Society for Geosciences 2014 Abstract The study of the temperature effects on the behaviour of saturated and unsaturated soils on triaxial paths requires the development of a new triaxial experimental device of 3.5 MPa of confining pressure and equipped with a heating collar-controlled temperature. In addition to this case of the unsaturated soils, a special pedestal is developed, so as to impose suctions up to 9 MPa using an osmotic solution of polyethylene glycol (PEG) 6000 through a permeable semimembrane. Measurements of the degree of saturation and the variation of volume during tests induce various problems, primarily related to the thermal dilation of the osmotic solution and the cell-water system. These problems have been solved by carrying out a preliminary calibration. The applicability of this new apparatus concerns environmental geotechnics and geological engineering such as the design and behaviour of engineered barriers as well as the behaviour of the receiving layers of storage sites like radioactive waste. Keywords Thermohydromecanical behaviour . Saturated soils . Unsaturated soils . Suction . Thermal triaxial cell . PEG osmotic solutionm Isotropic compressibility . Deviatoric triaxial paths M. S. Ghembaza (*) Laboratory of Civil Engineering and Environment, Djillali Liabès University, 22000 Sidi Bel-Abbès, Algeria e-mail: S. Taïbi Laboratory LOMC, University of Le Havre and CNRS, Le Havre, France e-mail: J. M. Fleureau Laboratory MSS-Mat, Ecole Centrale Paris and CNRS, Châtenay-Malabry, France e-mail: Introduction To investigate the thermal effects on the soil behaviour, the testing equipment needs to be capable of independent measurement and control of temperature. Moreover, special techniques need to be devised for the overall volume change measurement, as the conventional methods of measuring the sample volume change fail to yield accurate results due to thermal expansion of both liquid and solid phases in the sample. To examine thermo-hydro-mechanical processes in unsaturated soils, the testing equipment must be able to control cell pressure, pore water pressure, pore air pressure and temperature independently. Furthermore, it needs to be capable of measuring pore water pressure, pore air pressure, pore water volume change, total volume change and temperature. To study thermo-hydro-mechanical behaviour in saturated and unsaturated soils, several researchers carried out controlled temperature tests using shearing apparatus (triaxial cells, direct shear test) or oedometric and isotropic cells. One of the major problems is the heating system of these devices. Full scale experimental tests showed that the temperature inside the engineered buffer was ranging from 20 to 100 °C; the relative humidity varied between 30 and 100 %, which corresponds to suction range of 1–500 MPa; the mean net stress could reach 10 MPa (Huertas et al. 2000; Chijimatsu et al. 2001 ). Certain authors carried out their tests on triaxial cells immersed in a thermostat bath which can be filled with water (Paaswell 1967; Noble and Demirel 1969; Habibagahi 1977; Tang et al. 2007) or with oil (Boisson et al. 1993). Others used cells in enclosures of air at constant temperature (Campanella and Mitchell 1968). De Bruyn (1999) and Cekerevac and Laloui (2004) used the triaxial cells whose heating system is ensured by a copper spiral surrounding the sample where a liquid is controlled by a thermostated bath circulates. Some other authors used thermal triaxial cells whose heating system is ensured by using electrical resistances placed outside the 3366 cell, such as Horseman et al. (1993), Baldi et al. (1988), Saix and Jouanna (1990), Sultan (1997), Devillers (1998) and Jamin (2003). On the other hand, Wiebe et al. (1998) imposed their temperature using the resistance of thermal devices placed inside the cell. For the study of the behaviour in temperature of saturated soils, the triaxial apparatus at high temperatures and pressures developed by Baldi et al. (1988) for tests of compression covers a range of temperatures from 20 to 200 °C with an increment of 0.5 °C. The temperature is imposed by resistances of 1,700 W placed outside the cell. This apparatus is equipped with thermocouples placed inside the cell to control the imposed temperature, and thermocouples are used to measure the simple temperature. The work of Kuntiwattanakul et al. (1995) is concerned consolidated with undrained triaxial tests on saturated soils. This required the development of a temperature-controlled triaxial apparatus which was composed of two cells, namely inner and outer cells. The inner cell was filled with water whose temperature was controlled by a variable power heater submerged directly in the water. The amount of power supplied to the heater was automatically adjusted by a controller unit in order to balance the amount of heat transferred from the cell to the surrounding environment. The method of temperature control allows values to be imposed from the ambient temperature to 90 °C with an accuracy of 0.1 °C. The chamber between the inner and the outer cell was filled with air. This air was used to transfer the pressure to the water contained in the inner cell and also to create heat insulation. A high temperature triaxial apparatus (HTTA) had been previously designed and manufactured at the Sydney University by Chiu (1996), to investigate the thermomechanical behaviour of clay at higher temperature >50 °C. The design of the HTTA was completely reconsidered and modified by Ghahremannejad (2003). Sultan (1997) developed a triaxial cell, especially adapted to expansive soils under thermal and mechanical loading. This cell was used to carry out test on saturated samples. The heating system on the outside of the cell is ensured by electrical resistances controlled by a regulator related to thermocouples inside the cell. The range of temperature varies from 20 to 100 °C (Sultan et al. 2002). De Bruyn (1999) took again a thermal triaxial cell initially developed by Virdi and Keedwell (1989). They adopted it for the conducting tests at high temperatures going from ambient temperature to 80 °C on saturated samples. Heating occurs in the water-filled cell body through a copper spiral. The water is heated in a bath out of the cell. The temperature measurement is made using a sensor fixed in the room of the cell and close to the sample. The axial loading is limited to 100 kPa which represents the maximum capacity of the cell. The assembly is sealed by a system of double membranes suggested by Casagrande and Wilson (1960) and which constitutes a good Arab J Geosci (2015) 8:3365–3380 improvement but without absolute guarantee, as mentioned by Derenne (1996). The rate of heating is 0.5 °C/min. Another triaxial apparatus at high temperature control using GDS pressure-volume controllers was developed by Cekerevac and Laloui (2004). It allows carrying out thermal and mechanical tests at controlled temperatures. The apparatus is composed of a cell and a heating system similar to that of De Bruyn (1999). The temperature applied varying from 5 to 95 °C is controlled by a regulator with a sensitivity of up to ±0.25 °C. The temperature of soil specimen in triaxial cell is often controlled by a heating coil that covers the outer wall of the cell (Delage et al. 2000) or by a heater that is immersed in the confining liquid of the cell (Cekerevac et al. 2003). In addition, to study the effect of the initial state, Rahbaoui (1996) used an oedometric apparatus at high temperature. This apparatus is placed in drying ovens in order to impose temperatures of 20 to 80 °C. The rate of thermal loading ensured by the potentiometer of the drying oven is of 1 °C/2.5 h. The vertical stress applied can reach 30 MPa. In these works, oedometer cell is often immersed in a thermostat bath (Towhata et al. 1993) for controlling the soil temperature. We realize through this review that the study of thermohydro-mechanical (THM) behaviour of the unsaturated soils is rarely treated in the literature. This is due to the complexity of control of several parameters at the same time such as suction, stress, variation of volume and temperature. For the study of the behaviour in temperature of the unsaturated soils, Saix and Jouanna (1990) developed a triaxial cell in order to carry out thermal consolidation tests on unsaturated specimens. The range of temperatures used in their tests varies from the ambient to 70 °C. A device, made up of a pressure gauge with mercury, allows the simultaneous measurement and the regulation of capillary suction going from 0 to 70 kPa with a precision of about 0.1 kPa. A regulation and measuring equipment allows determining the variations of water volume with an accuracy of 0.05 cm3. The measured range of water volume variations is imposed by the measured range of suction. This apparatus was used to study the thermomechanical behaviour of unsaturated silty sand (Saix 1991; Saix et al. 2000; Jamin 2003). Devillers (1998) took again the same cell in order to establish constitutive law-coupling effects of temperature, mechanical stress and suction on an oedometric path. In these tests, Devillers (1998) imposes the mechanical stress by the pressurization of oil filling the chamber of the cell, and thus the force is applied by a lever-arm system and marked masses. The measurement of water content variation consists in measuring the variations of water volumes entering or leaving through the porous ceramics placed at the base of the sample. Wiebe et al. (1998) carried out triaxial compression tests on unsaturated samples using a thermal cell, confining pressures Arab J Geosci (2015) 8:3365–3380 ranged from 0.2 to 3 MPa. Water was used as cell fluid for tests at room temperatures (26 °C) and silicone oil for elevated temperatures from 65 to 100 °C. The measure of temperatures is made by using two resistance thermal devices fastened at the mid-height of the specimen. Two membranes were used, either latex rubber for low-temperature tests or one butyl and one silicone rubber membrane for high-temperature tests. Suction is imposed using overpressured air technique. Romero (1999) contributed to the development of a new oedometric cell at high temperature modified in order to study isotropic swelling with controlled suction. The temperature applied using electrical resistance is controlled by a temperature regulator. Furthermore, he developed a new thermal triaxial cell with controlled suction on isotropic paths. The range of temperatures applied varies from 22 to 80 °C, and imposed suction is limited to 1.9 MPa. The axis translation technique was used to control the soil suction in oedometer (Romero et al. 1995) and in triaxial apparatus (Romero et al. 1997) under temperatures varying from 22 to 80 °C. Recently, a series of controlled laboratory tests were carried out by Uchaipichat (2005) on a compacted silt sample using a triaxial of Bishop-Wesley cell which was modified for testing unsaturated soils at elevated temperatures. Image processing technique was used for measuring the volume change of the samples subjected to mechanical, thermal and hydric loading. To allow independent measurement and control of pore water and pore air pressures, a high air entry disc was placed between the base of the sample and the pedestal. The high air entry discs used had a rated air entry value of 500 and 1,500 kPa. The work of Devillers (1998) and Jamin (2003) forwarded some disadvantages. On the one hand, the use of oil as confining liquid requires a considerable time of filling and draining while assembling and disassembling the apparatus. On the other hand, this device presents difficulties for measuring radial strains of the sample. Jamin (2003) proposed the following improvements: (1) The oil was replaced by a compressed air circuit with controlled pressure. This new device led to the use of neoprene membranes to coat the sample instead of the latex ones which appeared permeable to air. (2) A system of interdependent loading plate and piston, allowing to follow the vertical deformation of the sample for isotropic mechanical loadings. (3) The suction, initially imposed by tensiometric plates (Devillers 1998), is imposed by the method of overpressured air. (4) Improvement of the volume-measuring equipment by measuring a displacement based on the variation of an electromagnetic field. In summary, we can see that (1) In saturated field, researchers have developed a number of devices that has the advantage of varying the temperature with different means (a thermostat bath, a heating coil that covers the outer wall of the cell and heater that is immersed in the confining liquid of the 3367 cell). (2) In unsaturated field, three techniques are often used to control the suction: (1) axis translation is used to generate suction from 10 to 1,500 kPa; in some special cases, the suction value can reach 14 MPa; (2) osmotic suction is comprised between 0 and 8.5 MPa and may reach 12 MPa; (3) vapour equilibrium can cover the suction range from 4 to 350 MPa. The system of controlling or imposing of temperature is applied in the same manner as the saturated field. The aim of this work is to present a new triaxial apparatus dedicated to the study of THM behaviour of unsaturated normally consolidated, overconsolidated, compacted soils and also soft rocks, where suction is controlled by using the osmotic technique with the range from 1 to 8.5 MPa and temperature ranging from 20 to 80 °C. Triaxial apparatus of the THM tests on saturated and unsaturated soils Saturated soils The study of the THM behaviour of soils on triaxial paths according to the temperature requires the development of a particular cell starting from a Wykeham Farrance standard cell of 3.5 MPa of confining pressure, equipped with a pedestal of 35 or 50 mm in diameter. The heating system is composed of an insulated heating collar, in which electric resistances are submerged, having an inner diameter of 146 mm and a height of 230 mm and developing a power of 1,800 W. This collar is wrapped around a hollow aluminium roll. A given temperature is imposed on the sample and is controlled by an electronic temperature regulator along with a Pt100 probe. This makes it possible to obtain a given temperature from the ambient to 80 °C, with a 3 °C precision. The time required to carry out an increase in a few degrees depends on the target temperature and the thermal consolidation time of the sample for each thermal step. Thermostats like the safety system were fixed in various places of the cell. A thermocouple is used to measure the imposed temperature. The choice of an aluminium cell constitutes the best compromise to carry out temperature tests. It is sufficiently light to be handled often and sufficiently resistant to produce repetitive tests. Figure 1 presents the general diagram of the experimental device. Unsaturated soils The triaxial device used for unsaturated tests remains the same one as that of the saturated tests at an imposed temperature. In addition, a special pedestal at the bottom of the sample is developed to make it possible to impose negative pore water pressure using the osmotic technique. 3368 Arab J Geosci (2015) 8:3365–3380 Fig. 1 Thermal triaxial cell for saturated soils. 1 porous stone. 2 neoprene membrane. 3 the sample. 4 collar heating. 5 force sensor. 6 displacement sensor. 7 purge and thermostat. 8 pressure transducer. 9 GDS, controller of uw. 10 electrical connector. 11 GDS, controller of σ3. 12 temperature regulator. 13 Pt100 temperature Probe. 14 thermocouple. 16 mechanical loading frame Osmotic technique The first adaptation of osmotic technique to geotechnical testing was by Kassif and Ben Shalom (1971) in an oedometer to study expansive soils. Subsequent work has been done on a hollow cylinder triaxial apparatus by Komornik et al. (1980) and on a standard triaxial apparatus by Delage et al. (1987). Some improvements on the oedometer have been made by Delage et al. (1992), involving the use of a closed circuit and a pump to ensure the circulation of the solution and to allow a more precise control of the volume of the water exchanged. Drying of the sample is caused by the process of osmosis, whereby the sample is placed on a cellulotic, semipermeable membrane which is permeable to water, and a solution of polyethylene glycol (PEG) is fed beneath the membrane. The large-sized PEG molecules cannot penetrate the membrane, resulting in an osmotic suction applied to the sample through the membrane. Various sizes of PEG molecules exist; they are defined by their molecular weight. The most commonly used PEG solutions have molecular weights of 6,000 and 20,000 g. In order to avoid any penetration of PEG molecules through the membrane, a PEG solution should be used with a semi-permeable membrane corresponding to its size. Semi-permeable membranes are defined by their molecular weight cut-off (MWCO); a MWCO 14000 membrane is used with PEG 20000 and a MWCO 4000 membrane with PEG 6000 (Delage et al. 1998). The suction value depends on the concentration of the solution, the higher the concentration, the higher the suction. The relationship between osmotic pressure and PEG concentration is well known for two molecular weights (PEG 6000 and 20000), since consistent results have been obtained by different authors, as shown by Williams and Shaykewich (1969). The range of possible suctions is confined to 1,500 kPa, for concentrations increasing from 0 to 28 g of PEG per 100 g of solution, for both PEG 6000 and 20000. A suitable method for measuring the PEG concentration of the solution is the measurement of its refractive index (Suraj de Silva 1987). Figure 2 was plotted using the experimental results collected by Williams and Shaykewich in a diagram giving the square root of the suction as a function of the concentration in grams of PEG per gram of water for PEG 6000 and 20000. All points fit one line, and the following parabolic relation is obtained (Delage et al. 1998): s ¼ 11c2 ð1Þ where s is the suction expressed in MPa and c is the concentration (grams of PEG per gram water). It is important to note that the calibration does not depend on the nature of the PEG. The extension of the osmotic technique to higher suctions was examined by Delage et al. (1998). They supplemented the calibration of the solution for very high suctions (8.5–9 MPa) Arab J Geosci (2015) 8:3365–3380 Fig. 2 Calibration curve of the negative pore pressure versus the concentration of PEG (Delage et al. 1998; Cuisinier 2002) by using a concentration of 0.79–0.885 g of PEG 6000 per 1 g of water. Calibration results are plotted in Fig. 2. Special osmotic pedestal A chamber, 35 mm in diameter and 2.5 mm in depth, is machined in a duralium pedestal of 50 mm in diameter (Fig. 3). The PEG solution circulates uninterruptedly inside this chamber via input and output pipes. A brass plate, 2.5 mm in thickness and 35 mm in diameter, perforated by holes of 1.5 mm in diameter, caps this pedestal. This plate Fig. 3 Pedestal for osmotic solution 3369 serves as a basis for the sample. Between the perforated plate and the sample, a disc of dialysis membrane is placed over the perforated plate. This perforated plate type is largely validated and used on oedometric cells for 15 years (Fleureau et al. 1992; Fleureau and Taibi 1993). To avoid the damage of the dialysis membrane, perforated plate has round circumference instead of sharp angles. The perforated plate and membrane are maintained in place using a nut which is screwed in a threading in the pedestal. This nut is equipped with a toric seal ensuring perfect sealing between the chamber containing the PEG solution and the remainder of the cell. The choice of the dialysis membrane and PEG solution couple is significant for a good test schedule. The membrane used is SPECTRA/POR n°3, manufactured in triacetate cellulosis, with a MWCO equal to 3500, and an average thickness of 47 μm. The dimension of their pores is close to 40A⋅ , generating a very low permeability, about 10−12 m/s (Yahia-Aïssa 1999). In order to prolong the lifespan of the dialysis membrane and to avoid its degradation by bacteria naturally present in the soil, a small quantity of benzoic acid, acting like an anti-bacterial, is added to the PEG solution. In addition, the imposition of a negative pore water pressure in the soil sample using the osmotic technique is based on the assumption that the air pressure within the sample is equal to the atmospheric pressure. This condition is ensured by putting the draining circuit at the top of the sample to the atmospheric pressure. To avoid evaporation of water related to this boundary condition, an air semipermeable membrane made in Teflon comes to cap the sample and makes it possible to maintain a homogeneous humidity in this one. To maintain a constant concentration of the osmotic solution in the circuit, a circulation between the chamber of the pedestal and an external tank with a capacity of 1 l is carried out by means of a peristaltic pump of low flow. The peristaltic pump has the advantage of not causing turbulences in the circuit and of not having direct contact with the blades of the pump and the PEG solution. However, the cyclic crushing of a flexible pipe may deteriorate the properties of this pipe and thus decrease its lifespan. To avoid these hazards, neoprene flexible pipes were selected and the speed of circulation of the solution is reduced to the minimum to limit wear. The volume of water exchanged between the soil sample and the osmotic solution is measured by using a capillary tube of 2.9 mm in interior diameter, equipped with a pressure transducer of 20 mbar (Fig. 4). A detailed attention is given to certain accessories of the cell such as the rings ensuring the sealing of the cell. Indeed, it is noticed that these joints become deformed in an irreversible way after 2 or 3 cycles of temperature. Nitrile (NBR) joints are chosen. In addition, air traps and purgings were made to maintain the various circuits perfectly saturated in order to allow measurements of volume variation. 3370 Arab J Geosci (2015) 8:3365–3380 Measurement and control devices Heating rate To impose or control pressures and volumes, three GDS pressure-volume controllers were used. GDScontroller is a hydraulic jack, controlled by a microprocessor and which makes it possible to control and measure water pressure with an accuracy of 1 kPa and its volume with an accuracy of 1 mm3. The whole of GDS controllers is connected to a power station via an RS232 interface. The axial loading is carried out using a 25-kN loading frame, making it possible to impose constant axial strain rates going from 1.2×10−5 min to 0.0163 min−1. Displacements are measured using a 50-mm displacement sensor. The axial force is measured using a 2.5-t force sensor, with a sensitivity of 0.2 %. Pore water pressure is measured using a 2 MPa absolute pressure transducer. Thermocouples measuring the temperature of the fluid are of type K and Pt100 probe. This instrumentation is controlled via an HP station. The thermal consolidation consists in imposing stages of temperature according to time. The heating rate is controlled by the need of a good homogenisation of the temperature in the sample and by the dissipation of the pore water pressure generated by the variation in temperature applied. For that, this rate must be sufficiently slow. As an indication, Fig. 5 shows the change of the temperature according to time for each stage of imposed temperature gradient. It can be seen that the temperature is stabilized after 1 h. This thermal stabilization is preceded by a low peak of ΔT=3 °C which is created by the triaxial cell inertia. Indeed, Fig. 5b, c respectively show thermal consolidation curves at constant initial effective stress and variation of the pore water pressure curves versus time, for two steps of temperature (40 and 80 °C). It is noted that the time of primary consolidation of material is largely reached after 1 h. In addition, interstitial overpressures are dissipated quasi instantaneously and cause neither variation of effective stress nor Fig. 4 Unsaturated triaxial cell with controlled temperature and imposed negative pore pressure by the osmotic technique. 1 osmotic solution chamber. 2 dialysis membrane. 3 neoprene membrane. 4 the sample. 5 collar heating. 6 force sensor. 7 displacement sensor. 8 purge and thermostat. 9 PEG solution tank. 10 thermostated bath at 22 °C. 11 pump. 12 pressure transducer. 13 capillary tube. 14 GDS controller. 15 electrical connector. 16 Pt100 temperature probe. 17 temperature regulator. 18 air trap. 19 osmotic pedestal. 20 thermocouple. 21 mechanical loading frame Temperature (°C) Arab J Geosci (2015) 8:3365–3380 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 3371 Table 1 PEG solutions tested to calibration with temperature T(°C) PEG 6000 T = 22 - 40°C T = 40 - 80°C (a) 0.7 1 10 Time(min) (b) Void ratio 0.66 0.64 T = 22 - 40 °C T = 40 - 80°C t (min) 0.62 0.1 800 1 10 100 uw (kPa) 760 0.37 1.5 0.27 0.8 0.67 0.85 5 8 0.37 1.5 100 e 0.68 Water pore pressure (kPa) Concentration g/g Succion (MPa) Concentration g/g Succion (MPa) of water of water t (min) 0.1 PEG 20000 (c) 720 680 6000 and 20000, summarized in Table 1, were prepared with various concentrations. Using a thermostated refractometer as shown in Fig. 6, the Brix index were measured at imposed temperatures varying from 30 to 70 °C. Results are plotted in Fig. 7. It is noticed that for a given concentration, the value of the Brix index decreases when the temperature increases. To check the reversibility of the Brix index with the temperature, these osmotic solutions have been exposed to a 30-80-30 °C temperature cycle. It is noted that after this cycle, the values of the Brix index are of the same order of magnitude as the initial value at 30 °C. Consequently, if it is supposed that the imposed suction by a solution of PEG depends only on its mass concentration, it can be admitted that for a given concentration, suction remains constant independently of the temperature. Currently, calibration tests using simultaneously osmotic solutions and salt solutions are in hand to validate this assumption. Brix T = 22 - 40 °C T = 40 - 80 °C 640 As an indication, the function c ¼ 1−90Brix proposed by Cui 90 t (min) 600 0.1 1 10 Time (min) 100 Fig. 5 Thermal consolidation. a Heating rate, b void ratio versus time and c water pore pressure versus time thermal overconsolidation. It can be concluded that the low peak of 3 °C causes no thermal overconsolidation in our case. To ensure the homogeneity of the temperature in the sample, the settling time is increased to up to 4 h. To avoid the remoulding of the sample by the presence of temperature sensor in its centre, the temperature measurement is taken around and not inside the sample. The settling time 4 h that we chose for each thermal step is enough to ensure the temperature homogeneity within the sample. Comparatively, Towhata et al. (1993) measured the temperature inside and outside the sample but that can induce a significant remoulding of the latter. (1993), quoted by Cuisinier (2002), was plotted as shown in Fig. 7. One notices a good agreement at the temperatures near 30 °C. On the other hand, this function must be parameterized in temperatures beyond 30 °C. Thermal expansion of the osmotic solution The study of the volume variation of a PEG solution under the effect of Effect of temperature on the expansion of osmotic solution Calibration of the PEG solution The control of the temperature effect on the Brix index and osmotic solutions of PEG Fig. 6 Thermostated refractometer 3372 Arab J Geosci (2015) 8:3365–3380 Brix 50 c=(Brix/90)/ (1-(Brix/90)) (Cui , 1993) 40 Degree of Brix (%) to an imposed suction of 8.5 MPa. This variation can be described using a linear relation which is written as: ΔV osm;T ¼ 0:08ðT −T o Þ ΔV osm;T o 30 PEG 20000 30°C 50°C 60°C 70°C Cycle 30-80-30 °C 20 PEG 6000 30°C 50°C 60°C 70°C Cycle 30-80-30°C 10 0 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 Concentration (g PEG/g of water) 1 c Fig. 7 Thermal Brix index calibration versus PEG concentration according with temperature variations in temperature consists in calibrating prepared osmotic solutions with various concentrations. The principle consists in plunging a tank containing the PEG solution and equipped with a capillary graduated tube in a thermostated bath as shown in (Fig. 8). Cycles of temperature stages of 1 °C varying from 22 to 34 °C are applied. Once the target temperatures are stabilized, the volume variations of the osmotic solution are raised on the capillary tube. As an example, Fig. 9 represents the variation of volume according to the temperature of a solution of PEG 6000 prepared with a concentration of 0.85 g of PEG per gram of water corresponding ð2Þ with (ΔVosm, T) as the variation of volume of the PEG 6000 osmotic solution and with c as 0.85 at a given temperature, T as the temperature in degrees Celsius and (Vosm, T) as the initial volume of the osmotic solution at T=To (mm3). It is noted that the osmotic solution is very sensitive to the temperature and that the variation of volume is proportional according to the cycles of temperature. Measurement of water content The measurement of the variation of the water content in the soil during the test is deduced from the quantity of water exchanged between the sample and the osmotic solution. This measurement is taken using a volumeter made up of a capillary tube connected to the tank containing the osmotic solution and equipped with a pressure transducer as shown in Fig. 4. Figure 10 shows a calibration curve of the volumeter representing the pressure reading according to the level of the osmotic solution in the capillary tube. One notices the linear and reversible response of this calibration. At ambient temperature, the expression relating the volume in the capillary tube to the pressure is given by: ΔV ¼ 3805:Δp ð3Þ as shown in Fig. 10, where Δp is the variation of the pressure indicated by the transducer in kilopascal, ΔV is the variation in volume of osmotic solution measured in the capillary tube (mm3). Fig. 8 Calibration of osmotic solution dilation versus temperature. 1 water supply. 2 float. 3 thermostated bath. 4 polystyrene lid. 5 toric seal. 6 immersion heater. 7 osmotic solution. 8 capillary tube 1. Water supply. 2. Float. 3. Thermostated Bath. 4. Polystyrene lid. 5. Toric seal. 6. Immersion heater. 7. Osmotic solution. 8. Capillary tube Arab J Geosci (2015) 8:3365–3380 3373 ΔVwc is the variation of volume of osmotic solution in the capillary tube corrected in temperature (mm3). ΔPw is the variation of the water weight (g). Ps the dry weight of sample (g). γw is the density of water in grams per cubic millimetre. The water content calculated at the temperature T and at the moment t is given by the expression: wðt; T Þ ¼ wðt o ; T Þ−Δwðt; T Þ ð6Þ where w(to,T) is the initial water content at the temperature T. In addition, to limit the dilation of the osmotic solution with the temperature and to avoid the corrections related to this dilation such as described in paragraph 3.2.2, the tank is plunged in a thermostated bath maintained at ambient temperature of 22±1 °C and the length of the circuit of circulation of the osmotic solution is reduced to the minimum (Fig. 4). Fig. 9 Thermal dilation of PEG 6000 osmotic solution at a suction of 8.5 MPa The variation of the water content of the sample is given by the following expression: Δwðt; T Þ ¼ ΔPw ΔV wc ¼ ⋅γ w Ps Ps ð4Þ with Variation in volume of osmotic solution in capillary tube (mm3) ΔV wc ¼ ΔV − ΔV osm;T ð5Þ 8000 ΔV T= 22°C Experimental data dV (mm3) = 3805 *dP (kPa) 6000 4000 Measurement of the variation of volume of the sample The most delicate measurement to be made in the case of tests on unsaturated samples is that of their variation of volume. In the case of the saturated samples, the variation of the volume is deduced starting from the quantity of water exchanged by the sample with the tank of the interstitial pressure GDS controller. In the case of the unsaturated samples, the interstitial pores are filled with water and air (compressible) and exchanges of water between the sample and the environment are not enough to evaluate the variation of volume of the sample. This variation of volume can be measured by measurements of external dimensions of the sample. These measures can be carried out either by the use of proximity sensors (local measurements of strain) or by the measurement of the variation of volume of the confining water surrounding the sample. It is while being based on the latter case that a calibration curve of the aluminium cell according to the temperature and the pressure is established. The principle consists in putting a metal cylindrical sample inside the cell and imposing three different confining pressures (600, 900 and 1,250 kPa), respectively, and maintaining the temperature constant. Each pressure is imposed during approximately 48 h. Figure 11 represents the calibration curve of the cell with the temperature at various pressures and can be represented using the following polynomial: ΔV cell∕ Tcte ¼ AðT Þ:Δσ23 þ BðT Þ:Δσ3 2000 ΔP 0 0 0.4 0.8 1.2 Pressure (kPa) Fig. 10 Calibration of capillary tube 1.6 2 ð7Þ where the values of coefficients A(T) and B(T) are summarized in Table 2, for two values of temperature (22 and 80 °C) which are related to the unsaturated triaxial tests. ΔVcell/Tcte is the function of calibration of the variation of volume of the cell confining water at a given temperature T. 3374 Arab J Geosci (2015) 8:3365–3380 ΔV sample ¼ ΔV ccw −½ΔV cell =Tcte ð8Þ where ΔVsample is the variation of volume of the sample at a given temperature T. ΔVccw is the variation of volume of the cell confining water. Effect of the temperature on the pore water pressure A correct measurement of the pore water pressure is difficult at high temperature. Indeed, the variation of the viscosity of pore water and its dilation is very sensitive to the temperature when it exceeds 40 °C. Beyne and De Visschere (1995) noted the great sensitivity of the pore pressure, and a wet rag deposited on the pore water pressure transmitter caused the measurement to fall in a notable manner. In the case of the Table 2 Coefficients A and B at two temperatures 22 and 80 °C T (°C) A (T) B (T) 920 uw (kPa) 0.001 0.002 0.08 0.28 100 880 80 Temperature 840 60 σ = 800 kPa 3 800 40 760 t (min) 720 20 0 22 80 T (°C) Water pore pressure Temperature (°C) The variation of volume of the cell depends on a certain number of parameters of which, the implementation during the assembly of the soil sample in the cell and the presence of various compressible elements (seal joints, pipes, liquid in temperature and air bubbles). The expression making it possible to measure the variations of volumes of the sample by this method can be written in the following: Water pressure in pore pressure circuit (kPa) Fig. 11 Calibration of triaxial cell water volume versus temperature undrained tests, the volume of water contained in the sample and the pedestal of the cell tends to dilate and is put consequently at pressure at the time of heating or the shearing phase. As an indication, the dilation of the cell water, calculated by taking into account the thermal dilation coefficient αW equal to 3.10−4 C, is equal to 200 mm3 when the temperature increases from 22 to 40 °C. This dilated volume reaches 600 mm3 when the temperature increases from 22 to 80 °C. It is observed that the prevention of this dilation when the drainage is closed and generates interstitial overpressures, which are sometimes higher than the confining pressure (Tasiaux 1996), This disturbs the behaviour of the sample and consequently all measurements of variation of volume which result from this. In order to highlight this phenomenon, a test is carried out by using a metal sample. Water being at the base of the cell cannot escape, and a significant increase in the water pressure in the measuring circuit of the pore water pressure occurs at the temperature of 80 °C. Figure 12 shows the evolution of the pore water pressure and the temperature at a confining stress σ3 =800 kPa. It shows that this increase continues even beyond the confining pressure and takes the sample off the pedestal, and then the pressure is stabilized gradually when the temperature becomes constant. In the case of this THM cell, the drained tests on unsaturated soil samples are carried out with an imposed pore water pressure using the osmotic solution. Interstitial overpressures due to the temperature are dissipated quasi instantaneously as shown in Fig. 5c. The corrections of volume of drained water are made according to the temperature. 100 200 300 400 500 Time (min) Fig. 12 Variation of water pressure in pedestal circuit versus time for an increase of temperature (22–80 °C) Arab J Geosci (2015) 8:3365–3380 3375 Table 3 Identification of sandy clay wL (%) Ip (%) %<80 μm %<2 μm d60/d10 38 19 95 53 21 Preliminary tests on soil samples Material A laboratory material which has many results on saturated triaxial paths at ambient temperature (Sayad-Gaidi 2003) is selected for preliminary tests using this new triaxial cell. The material consists of 90 % of kaolinite and 10 % of mixture of sand and silica. The various physical characteristics of material are given in Table 3. The initial state of material is a normally consolidated state, prepared starting from a slurry (w = 1,5 w L ) and consolidated in a consolidometer on oedometric path to an axial effective stress of 100 kPa. After consolidation, a sample is cored and placed in the triaxial cell. Then, a confining stress of 50 kPa is applied on the sample in order to maintain it and also to push the butyl membrane against the sample. Figure 13 shows the soil-water characteristic curve (SWCC) carried out on the normally consolidated material, prepared starting from a slurry (w=1.5 wL), then dried up to 200 MPa of suction. The dried slurry was then wetted until complete saturation. Saturation of the sample The saturation of the sample is carried out by using as a reference the measure of the B Skempton coefficient, defined as the ratio of the increase of the pore water pressure Δuw to w the increase of the isotropic confining stress Δσ3 B ¼ Δu Δσ3 . Fig. 13 Soil-water characteristic curve (SWCC) of the material The follow-up of the evolution of the B parameter according to the total confining stress depends primarily on the characteristics on compressibility coefficients βS and βW, respectively of the solid skeleton and pore water, on the porosity n of the material and on its degree of saturation Sr. The saturation phase consists in increasing the confining stress σ3 and measuring the increase in the pore water pressure Δuw, with undrained conditions and isotropic path. For this material, backpressure uw =700 kPa is needed to reach a value of B≈ 0.9. This value of uw will be applied to all the following tests. Compressibility paths The study of the compressibility of material proceeds in three phases: – – – The first phase is a thermal consolidation; it consists in applying a temperature to the sample with the opened drainage, by maintaining the mechanical effective stress constant and equal to 100 kPa. At the time of this phase, only the temperature varies. The second phase is a mechanical consolidation; it consists in applying mechanical stress by stages, at constant temperatures of 60 or 80 °C. Figure 14 shows the thermal and mechanical follow-up paths. The third phase is the hydrous consolidation (unsaturated phase). When the isotropic effective stress is reached at the end of the second phase at a given imposed temperature, one carries out the cancellation of the positive pore water pressure of 700 kPa using a negative ramp of 1 kPa/ mn, while preserving the constant confining effective stress. This phase consists in desaturation of the sample Fig. 14 Thermal and mechanical consolidation paths 3376 Arab J Geosci (2015) 8:3365–3380 by applying negative pore water pressures using the osmotic method. The solution used makes it possible to sweep negative pressures from 3 to 8.5 MPa. Three imposed negative pressures are applied (3, 6 and 8.5 MPa) with a total confining stress of 1,250 kPa as shown in (Fig. 15). During the equilibrium of the sample with the negative pore water pressure in the triaxial cell, the variations of volume and the water content of the sample are given using the methods described in the preceding paragraphs. Preliminary results Thermal saturated isotopic paths Figure 16 represents the variation of the final void ratio at equilibrium after the heating phase at constant isotropic stress according to the logarithm of the temperature. This variation could be described by a linear semi-logarithmic law (Belanteur et al. 1997; Rahbaoui 1996). Figure 17 presents the isotropic compressibility curves for three values of imposed temperature in the plan [log p′, Δe]. All the curves follow initially an overconsolidated path until a stress about 200 kPa before joining the normally consolidated path. This overconsolidation is due to the loading history of the samples. It is a slurry prepared initially with w=1.5 wL and consolidated in a consolidometer at σ′v =200 kPa. Then, samples were taken to carry out triaxial tests. It is noticed in addition that the thermal consolidation does not completely erase this Fig. 16 Variation in void ratio versus temperature after thermal consolidation at constant isotropic effective stress of 100 kPa mechanical overconsolidation. It is noted that, in the normally consolidated field, the paths are parallel whatever the imposed temperature. The value of slope Cc of the normally consolidated paths is not affected by the imposed temperature. One notices in the case of this material that the variation of the void ratio Δe is the same for both temperatures (60 and 80 °C). This observation confirms the one of several researchers (Campanella and Mitchell 1968; Fleureau 1972, 1980; Despax 1976; Eriksson 1989; Norotte 1991; Rahbaoui 1996; Belanteur et al. 1997; Tanaka et al. 1997 and Sultan 1997). 0.00 Δe Variation of void ratio -0.04 -0.08 Imposed temperature T = 22°C T = 60°C T = 80°C -0.12 p' (kPa) -0.16 100 200 400 600 800 1000 2000 Isotropic effective stress (kPa) Fig. 15 Hydrous consolidation paths Fig. 17 Variation of void ratio versus effective isotropic stress for three imposed temperatures (22, 60 and 80 °C) Arab J Geosci (2015) 8:3365–3380 3377 Hydrous consolidation at imposed temperature and stress w (%) Sandy clay Drying path σ3= 1250 kPa 24 0.1 Δe 0.05 Test 1 Variation of void ratio 0.0 Test 2 -0.05 -0.1 -0.15 -0.2 -0.25 -0.3 -0.35 t (h) -0.4 0 100 200 300 400 500 Time (hours) Fig. 18 Volume change on drying path at T=80 °C and σ3 =1,250 kPa carried out by the measurement of the variation of confining water volume surrounding the sample s=3,0 MPa, s=8,5 MPa, s=3,0 MPa, s=8,5 MPa, Water Content (%) During the desaturation phase, the variation of volume and water content were measured using the techniques described in the preceding sections. With regard to the measurement of the variation of the sample volume, Fig. 18 shows an example of measurement taken on two samples during the desaturation phase under a confining stress of σ3 =1,250 kPa and a temperature of 80 °C. It is noticed that the order of magnitude of the variation in void ratio is 0.2 for the first sample and 0.3 for the second. These values are too high. Indeed, the sample is strongly consolidated (σ3 =1,250 kPa), and its void ratio is near to the shrinkage limit. Consequently, this measurement method does not lead to exactly quantify and appreciate the volume variation for a given suction. It is recommended to choose another technique based on the integration of immerged thermal sensors around the sample. Works are actually started in the laboratory to prospect this novel idea. With regard to the measurement of the variation of the water content, Fig. 19 shows the evolution of the water content according to time for two values of suctions and two imposed temperatures. One notices that for T=22 °C, the variations of water content are respectively about 2 % for s=3 MPa and of 3 % for s=8.5 MPa. In addition, for T=80 °C, these variations of water content are respectively about 3.5 and 7 % for s=3 and 8.5 MPa. These values are in a good agreement with those measured on the same sample on drying and wetting paths (Ghembaza 2004). T=22°C T=22°C T=80°C T=80°C 20 16 12 t (h) 8 0 200 400 600 800 Time (hours) Fig. 19 Variation of water content versus time during drying paths, corrected according with temperature Deviatoric paths After the hydrous consolidation (desaturation), several deviatoric loading drained tests were carried out on unsaturated samples at both constant suction and temperature. The deviatoric loading is carried out at a very low speed of 1 μm/min. The axial deformation is continued until approximately 30 %. The determination of the volume and water content changes of the samples require corrections due to the thermal dilation of the PEG solution. The tests carried out using this triaxial cell made it possible to study the effect of temperature on the failure criteria of unsaturated soils, e.g. a clayey rock from a radioactive wastes storage experimental site. At the end of the shearing triaxial test, various parameters are measured. Figure 20 shows an example of the results of unsaturated triaxial compression tests on a normally consolidated sandy clay, for two imposed suctions (0 and 8.5 MPa) and two temperatures (22 and 80 °C) in [ε1,q] plan. It is noticed that the maximum strengths decrease when the temperature increases (Ghembaza 2004). Near the origin of the [ε1,q] coordinate system, one observes an increase in axial strain with an almost null deviatoric stress. This is due to a bad contact between the piston and the top of the sample at the beginning of the loading which is provoked by the presence of metal collar heating and which does not allow to visualize well the good contact between the piston and the sample during the experimental setup (Biarez and Taibi 1997). Figure 21 shows the same result in [p′,q] plan for different imposed suctions and two temperatures (22 and 80 °C). It is noticed that the envelope of maximum strengths decreases when the temperature increases. 3378 Arab J Geosci (2015) 8:3365–3380 Deviatoric stress (kPa) 1600 q (kPa) 1200 Conclusions 800 T = 22°C s=0 s = 8.5 MPa 400 T = 80°C s=0 s = 8.5 MPa ε1% 0 0 10 20 30 Axial strain (%) Fig. 20 Deviatoric stress versus axial strain for two imposed temperatures (22 and 80 °C) and two imposed suctions (3 and 8.5 MPa) In general, one observes a good adaptation of the thermal triaxial apparatus in particular for the unsaturated paths. However, it appears that the measurement of the variation of the water content still remains uncontrollable. This difficulty could be due to the thermal dilation of the osmotic solution and the cell itself in spite of their calibration according to the temperature. The appearance of air microbubbles in the circuit following the circulation of the osmotic solution using the peristaltic pump could explain the disturbance in the measurement of the quantity of exchanged water. To cure it, the circuit is equipped with an air trap. 1400 q (kPa) M = 1,Saturated Criteria Failure at T = 22°C T = 22°C T = 80°C 1000 T = 22°C The aim of this paper is to present new experimental technique adapted to the study of the effect of temperature on the behaviour of saturated and unsaturated soils. The techniques usually used at ambient temperature are adapted and improved to be able to study the THM behaviour on triaxial paths of unsaturated soils, under controlled negative pore water pressure and temperature conditions. On unsaturated triaxial paths, the osmotic technique using solutions of PEG 6000 is adapted in a thermal triaxial cell. The tests with imposed negative pore pressure are drained tests. The determination of the volume and water content changes of the samples require corrections due to the thermal dilation of the osmotic solution. The principal experimental difficulties and limits which are in the measurement of the volume variations of the unsaturated soils in the triaxial compression cell were shown. The results of laboratory study using a temperaturecontrolled triaxial cell have been presented. Thermal effects on the mechanical behaviour of unsaturated sandy clay were analyzed by comparing tests at various temperatures and suctions. In the case of unsaturated soils, the maximum strength decreases when the temperature increases, in spite of the hardening produced by the negative pressure. This strength increases with the suction, at a given temperature. New techniques are under development such as the measurement of volume variation using proximity sensors, immersed in water at high temperatures and also the measurement of the degree of saturation during the test, using for example a technique based on the propagation of ultrasounds within the soil sample. 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