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Power Plant Engineering Exam Questions

Property of:
Batawig, Klifford Ken B.
“When the winds of life is pushing you back, THAT'S when you push forward the hardest.”
― Yvonne Pierre, The Day My Soul Cried: A Memoir
1. Is the most common dryer used
which consist of rotating cylinder
inside which the materials flow while
getting in contact with hot gas.
A. Tower dryer
B. Centrifugal dryer
C. Tray dryer
D. Rotary dryer
2. Is the ratio of the mass watervapor in air and the mass of air if
it is saturated is called:
A. Humidity ratio
B. Mass ratio
C. Vapor ratio
D. Relative humidity
3. The hands feel painfully cold when
the skin temperature reaches:
4. The refrigerant used in steam jet
cooling is:
A. Steam
C. Ammonia
D. Water
5. The total heat of the air is a
function of
A. WB temperature
B.DP temperature
C.DB temperature
D.WB depression
6. Boiling point of Freon-12 at
atmospheric pressure is:
A. 21OF
7. Which of the following is NOT a
type of water cooled condenser in
A. Double pipe
B. Double shell
C. Shell and coil
D. Shell and tube
8. Component of absorption
refrigeration system in which the
solution is cooled by cooling water:
A. Rectifier
B. Generator
C. Evaporator
D. Absorber
9. Cascade refrigeration cycle is
often used in industrial process
where objects must be cooled to
temperature below:
A. -46OC
B. -56OC
C. -66OC
D. -76OC
10. Type of refrigerant control
designed to maintain a pressure
difference while the compressor is
A. Thermostatic expansion valve
B. Automatic expansion valve
C. Using low side float flooded
D. Capillary tube
11. As a rule of thumb, for a
specified amount of compressed air,
the power consumption of the
compressor decreased by
for each 3OC drop in the
temperature inlet air to the
A. 1%
B. 1.5%
C. 2%
D. 2.5%
12. Modern way of detecting air
compressor leak is by using
A. Soup and water
B. Air leak detector
C. Acoustic leak detector
D. Ammonia leak detector
13. For foundation of stacks, the
maximum pressure on the soil is equal
to the pressure due to the weight and
A. Soil movement
B. Wind movement
C. Ground movement
D. Engine movement
14. Foundation bolts of specified
size should be used and surrounded by
a pipe sleeve with an inside diameter
of at least
A. 3 times the
engine bolt
B. 3 times the
anchor bolt
C. 2 times the
engine bolt
D. 2 times the
anchor bolt
diameter of
diameter of
diameter of
diameter of
15. For multi stage compression of an
ideal Brayton cycle, the backwork
ratio will
A. Increase
B. Decrease
C. Remain the same
D. none of these
16. Type of turbine that has a
specific speed below 5
A. Impulse turbine
B. Propeller turbine
C. Francis turbine
D. Deriaz turbine
17. A high discharge type of turbine
A. Impulse turbine
B. Francis turbine
C. Propeller turbine
D. Deriaz turbine
18. Use to minimize the speed rise
due to a sudden load rejection
A. needle valve
B. wicket gate
C. Shut-off valve
D. jet deflector
19. Is the speed of a turbine when
the head on the turbine is one meter?
A. specific speed
B. rated speed
C. utilized speed
D. unit speed
20. Is a fluid property which refers
to the intermolecular attraction by
which the separate particles of the
fluid arc held together?
A. Cohesion
B. Adhesion
C. Surface tension
D. hypertension
21. Which of the following is NOT the
cause of black smoke in diesel
A. fuel valve open too long
B. high compression pressure
C. carbon in exhaust pipe
D. overload on engine
22. Which of the following is not a
method of starting a diesel engine?
A. Manual rope, crank and kick
B. Electric (battery)
C. Compressed air
D. Using another generator
23. Two-stroke engine performs to
complete one cycle
A. Suction and discharge stroke
B. Power and exhaust stroke
C. Compression and power stroke
D. Suction and exhaust stroke
24. A type of geothermal plant used
when there is a presence of brine
extracted from underground
A. Dry geothermal plant
B. Double-flesh geothermal plant
C. Single-flash geothermal plant
D. Binary geothermal plant
25. Is the most important safety
device on the power boiler
A. Check valve
B. Gate valve
C. Safety valve
D. Globe valve
26. During hydrostatic test, the
safety valves should be
A. Removed
B. Open
C. Closed
D. Partially closed
27. Where deaerating heaters are not
employed, it is recommended that the
temperature of the feed less than
A. 197°C
B. 102°C
C. 104°C
D. 106°C
28. Is a reaction during which
chemical energy is released in the
form of heat?
A. Cosmic reaction
B. Ethnic reaction
C. Endothermic reaction
D. Exothermic reaction
29. By reheating the steam in an
ideal Rankine cycle the heat rejected
A. Increase
B. Decrease
C. Remains the same
D. None of these above
30. By increasing the boiler pressure
in Rankine cycle the moisture content
at boiler exit will:
A. Increase
B. Decrease
C. Remains the same
D. None of these above
31. Presently the highest steam
temperature allowed at the turbine
inlet is about
A. 340°C
B. 520°C
C. 620°C
D. 1020°C
32. The most common gases employed in
Stirling and Ericsson cycles are:
A. Air and helium
B. Oxygen and helium
C. Hydrogen and helium
D. Nitrogen and helium
33. In most common designs of Gas
turbine, the pressure ratio ranges
A. 10 to 12
B. 11 to 16
C. 12 to 18
D. 15 to 20
36. If the cut-off ratio of diesel
cycle increases, the cycle efficiency
A. Decrease
B. Increase
C. Remains the same
D. None of these
37. The fuel used in a power plant
that is used during peak periods
A. Gas
B. Solid
C. Liquid
D. None of these
38. Typical compression ratio of Otto
cycle is
A. 6
B. 8
C. 10
D. 12
39. If Joule Thompson coefficient is
equal to zero, then the process will
A. Isentropic
B. Isenthalpic
C. Isobaric
D. Isothermal
40. If the fluid passed through a
nozzle its entropy will:
A. Increase
B. Decrease
C. Remains the same
D. None of these
34. In Brayton cycle, the heat is
transformed during what process?
A. Constant temperature
B. Isentropic process
C. Isobaric process
D. Isochoric process
41. Refrigerants consisting of
mixtures of two or more different
chemical compounds, often used
individually as refrigerants for
other applications
A. Suspension
B. Compound reaction
C. Blends
D. Mixing of refrigerants
35. The fuel injection process in
diesel engine starts when piston
A. Is at the TDC
B. Leaving TDC
C. Approaches TDC
D. Halfway of the stroke
42. Pairs of mating stop valves that
allow sections of a system to be
joined before opening these valves or
separated after closing them
A. Check valve
B. Gate valve
C. Safety valve
D. Companion valve
43. An enclosed passageway that
limits travel to a single path
A. Corridor
B. Hallway
C. Lobby
D. Tunnel
44. For Immediate Dangerous to Life
or Health (IDHL) the maximum
concentration from which unprotected
persons have time to escape within
without escape-impairing symptoms or
irreversible health
A. 16 minutes
B. 1 minute
C. 20 minutes
D. 30 minutes
45. The volume as determined from
internal dimensions of the container
with no allowance for the volume of
internal parts
A. Internal allowance volume
B. Internal gross volume
C. Internal interference volume
D. Internal fots volume
46. A waiting room or large hallway
serving as a waiting room
A. Terrace
B. Test room
C. Compound room
D. Lobby
47. A continuous and unobstructed
path of travel from any in a building
or structure to a public way
A. Average of aggress
B. Mean o aggress
C. Hallway of aggress
D. Pathway of aggress
48. Any device or portion of the
equipment used to increase
refrigerant pressure
A. Pressure relief device
B. Pressure-imposing element
C. Pressure lift device
D. Pressure limiting device
49. The quantity of refrigerant
stored at some point is the
refrigeration system for operational,
service, or standby purposes
A. Pressure vessel
B. Pumpdown charge
C. Liquid receiver
D. Accumulator
50. Secondary refrigerant is a liquid
used for the transmission of heat,
without a change of state, and having
no flash point or a flash point above
as determined from ASTM
A. 150°F
B. 160°F
C. 180°F
D. 200°F
51. A service valve for dual
pressure-relief devices that allows
using one device while isolating the
other from the system maintaining one
valve in operation at all times
A. Three-way valve
B. Two-way valve
C. One-way valve
D. Four-way valve
52. Tubing that is unenclosed and
therefore exposed to crhsing,
abrasion, puncture, or similar damage
after installation
A. Protected tubing
B. Bare tubing
C. Open tubing
D. Unprotected tubing
53. Refers to blends compromising
multiple components of different
volatile that, when used in
refrigeration cycles, change
volumetric composition and saturation
temperature as they evaporate (boil)
or condense at constant pressure
A. Zeoline
B. Blending
C. Composition
D. Zertropic
54. Is a premises or that portion of
a premise from which, because they
are disabled, debilitated, or
confined, cooperate cannot readily
leave without the assistance of
A. Institutional occupancy
B. Public assembly occupancy
C. Residential occupancy
D. Commercial occupancy
55. Is one in which a secondary
coolant is in direct contact with the
air or other substance to be cooled
or heated
A. Double indirect open spray
B. Indirect closed system
C. Indirect open spray system
D. Indirect vented closed system
56. Refrigerant number R-744 is:
A. Butane
B. Carbon monoxide
C. Propane
D. Carbon dioxide
57. Refrigerant number R-1150 is:
A. Propylene
B. Ethane
C. Ethane
D. Methyl formale
58. Refrigerant number R-40 is:
A. Chlorodifluoromethane
B. Difluoromethane
C. Ammonia
D. Chloromethane
59.When the air duct system serves
several enclosed spaces, the
permissible quantity of refrigerant
in the system shall not exceed the
amount determined by using the total
volume of those spaces in which the
airflow cannot be reduced to less
than of its maximum when the fan is
A. One-quarter
B. One half-quarter
C. Three-quarter
D. One fourth-quarter
60. The space above a suspended
ceiling shall not be include 1 in
calculating the permissible quantity
of refrigerant in the system unless
such space is continuous and is part
of the air return system
A. Partition
B. Plenum
C. Separator
D. Plate divider
61. Which of the following is NOT a
possible location of service valve?
A. Suction of compressor
B. Discharge of compressor
C. Outlet of liquid receiver
D. Outlet of condenser
62. A cool to serve with evaporator
that is use to prevent the liquid
refrigerant entering the compressor
A. Accumulator
B. Liquid superheater
C. Drier loop
D. Liquid suction heat exchanger
63. A type of valve connected from
discharge of compressore directly to
suction that is normally closed and
will open automatically only if there
is high discharge pressure
A. Check valve
B. Solenoid valve
C. King valve
D. Relief valve
64. Use to increase the capacity of
A. Water regulating valve
B. Desuperheating coils
C. Liquid-suction heat exchanger
D. Condenser heating coils
65. Is use to subcooled the
refrigerant from the condenser
A. Liquid subcooler
B. Condenser subcooler
C. Desuperheating coils
D. Liquid receiver
66. Which of the following is NOT a
part of low pressure side in
refrigeration system?
A. Liquid line
B. Refrigerant flow control
C. Evaporator
D. Suction line
67. Which of the following is NOT a
part of high pressure side in
refrigeration system?
A. Compressor
B. Condenser
C. Liquid line
D. Suction line
68. Which of the following is NOT a
part of condensing unit?
A. Compressor
B. Discharge line
C. Condenser
D. Liquid line
69. By subcooling the refrigerant in
refrigerant system, the compressor
power per unit mass will
A. Increase
B. Decrease
C. Remains the same
D. None of these
70. Superheating the refrigerant in
refrigeration system without useful
cooling, the refrigeration effect per
unit mass will
A. Increase
B. Decrease
C. Remains the same
D. None of these
71. Which of the following is NOT a
type of air-cooled condenser?
A. Shell and tube
B. Natural draft
C. Forced draft
D. Induced draft
72. A type of refrigerant control
typically used in household
A. Thermostatic expansion valve
B. Automatic expansion valve
C. Capillary tube
D. High side float
73. Type of condenser that operates
like cooling tower
A. Air-cooled condenser
B. Evaporative condenser
C. Shell and tube condenser
D. Water-cooled condenser
74. The major problem of heat pump is
A. Refrigerant used
B. Outside air
C. Supply air
D. Frosting
75. Dominant refrigerant used in
commercial refrigeration system
A. R-11
B. R-22
C. R-12
D. R-502
76. Cascade refrigeration system are
connected in
A. Series
B. Parallel
C. Series-parallel
D. Parallel-series
77. Is use to heat up the solution
partially before entering the
generator in absorption refrigeration
A. Rectifier
B. Absorber
C. Regenerator
D. Pump
78. The COP of actual absorption
refrigeration system is usually
A. Less than 1
B. Less than 2
C. Less than 3
D. Less than 4
79. Sight glass is often located at:
A. Discharge line
B. Liquid line
C. Between condenser and liquid
D. Suction line
80. Use to detects a vibration in
current caused by the ionization of
decomposed refrigerant between two
opposite-charged platinum electrodes
A. Electronic detector
B. Halide torch
C. Bubble method
D. Pressurizing
81. Joints and all refrigerants
containing parts of a refrigerating
system located in an air duct
carrying conditioned air to and from
an occupied space shall be
constructed to withstand a
temperature of without leakage into
the airstream
A. 550°F
B. 600°F
C. 650°F
D. 700°F
82. Refrigerant piping crossing an
open space that affords passageway in
any building shall be less than above
the floor unless the piping is
located against the ceiling of such
space and is permitted by the
authority having jurisdiction
A. 2.2 m
B. 3.2 m
C. 4.2 m
D. 5.2 m
C. 10%
D. 50%
88. Liquid receivers, if used, or
parts of a system designed to receive
the refrigerant charge during
pumpdown charge. The liquid shall not
occupy more than of the volume when
temperature of the refrigerant is
A. 80%
B. 85%
C. 90%
D. 95%
83. Methyl chloride shall not be in
contact with
A. Aluminum
B. Zinc
C. Magnesium
D. All of these
89. The discharge line (B4) shall be
vented to the atmosphere through a
fitted to its upper extremity
A. Nozzle
B. Convergent-divergent nozzle
C. Pipe
D. Diffuser
84. Shall not be in contact with any
halogenated refrigerants
A. Aluminum
B. Zinc
C. Magnesium
D. All of these
90. Convert fossil fuels into shaft
85. Are suitable for use in ammonia
A. Copper
B. Aluminum and its alloy
C. Plastic
D. Cast iron
86. If a pressure-relief device is
used to protect a pressure vessel
having an inside dimension of 6 in or
less, the ultimate strength of the
pressure vessel so protected shall be
sufficient to withstand a pressure at
the design pressure
A. 2 times
B. 3 times
C. 4 times
D. 5 times
87. Seats and discs shall be limited
in distortion, by pressure or other
cause, to a set pressure change of
not more than in a span of five years
A. 1%
B. 5%
A. Nuclear power plant
B. Gas turbine power plant
C. Dendrothermal power plant
D. Thermal power plant
91. Ultimate strength drops by 30% as
steam temperature raises from
for unalloyed steel
A. 300 to 400°C
B. 400 to 500°C
C. 600 to 700°C
D. 700 to 800 °C
92. Recent practice limits steam
temperature to
A. 438°C
B. 538°C
C. 638°C
D. 738°C
93. In a closed feed water heater,
the feed water pass through
A. Inside the tube
B. Outside the tube
C. Inside the shell
D. Outside the shell
94. In use if extracted steam upon
condensation gets subcooled
A. Trap
B. Deaerator
C. Filter
D. Drain cooler
D. 1460°C
95. Needs only single pump regardless
of number of heaters
A. Open heater
B. Closed heater
C. Mono heater
D. Regenerative heater
104. Critical pressure of mercury is
A. 100
B. 108
C. 128
D. 158
A. Open heater
B. Closed heater
C. Reheat heater
D. Regenerative heater
105. Method used in converting heat
directly to electricity by magnetism
A. Electronic induction
B. Magnetodynamic
C. Magnetohyrdodynamic
D. Thermoelectric
97. Dissolve gases like makes water
corrosive react with metal to form
iron oxide
A. O2 and N2
B. O2 and CO
C. O2 and CO2
D. N2 and SO2
106. Which of the following is NOT a
material used for thermoelectric
A. Bismuth telluride
B. Lead telluride
C. Zinc telluride
D. Germanium
98. A cycle typically used in paper
mills, textile mills, chemical
factories, sugar factories and rice
A. Cogeneration cycle
B. Combined cycle
C. By-product cycle
D. Cascading cycle
107. A type of coal formed after
A. Lignite
B. Bituminous
C. pear
D. graphite
96. Is also known as deaerator
99. When process steam is basic need
and power is byproduct, this cycle is
known as
A. Cogeneration cycle
B. Combined cycle
C. By-product cycle
D. Cascading cycle
100. A type of turbine employed where
steam continuously extracted for
process heating
A. Back pressure turbine
B. Gas turbine
C. Steam turbine
D. Passout turbine
102. Which of the following is used
for Binary cycle power generation for
high temperature application
A. Mercury
B. Sodium
C. Potassium
D. All of these
103. Critical temperature of mercury
A. 1160°C
B. 1260°C
C. 1360°C
108. Which of the following is lowest
grade of coal?
A. Peat
B. Lignite
C. Sub-bituminous
D. Bituminous
109. Which of the following helps in
the ignition of coal?
A. Moisture
B. Ash
C. Fixed carbon
D. Volatile matter
110. Is the ratio of fixed carbon and
volatile matter?
A. Air-fuel ratio
B. Fuel ratio
C. Combustion ratio
D. Carbon-volatile ratio
111. A suspension of a finely divide
fluid in another
A. Filtration
B. Floatation
C. Emulsion
D. Separation
112. Contains 90% gasoline and 10%
A. Gasohol
B. Gasonol
C. Gasothanol
D. Gasethanol
113. Process used commercially in
coal liquefaction
A. Tropsch process
B. Fisher process
C. Fisher-Tropsch process
D. Mitch-Tropsch process
114. Is an organic matter produced by
plants in both land and water
A. Bio-ethanol
B. Biomass
C. Petroleum
D. Biodegradable
115. In thermal power plant, induced
draft fans are located at the
A. Exit of furnace
B. Foot if the stack
C. Above the stock
D. Top of the stock
116. In thermal power plant, forced
draft fans are installed at the
A. Foot of the stack
B. Top of the stack
C. Exit of the preheater
D. Inlet of the preheater
117. Known as drum less boiler
A. La Mont boilers
B. Fire tube boiler
C. Forced circulation boiler
D. Once-through boiler
118. Reduces the steam temperature by
spraying low temperature water from
boiler drum
A. Reheater
B. Preheater
C. Desuperheater
D. Superheater
119. Carbon dioxide can be removed
A. Deaeration
B. Aeration
C. Evaporation
D. Vaporization
120 Is often used to absorb silica
from water
A. Sorbent
B. Rectifier
C. Silica gel
D. Magnesium hydroxide
121. Presence of excess hydrogen ions
makes the water
A. Acidic
B. Alkalinity
C. Base
D. Hydroxicity
122. PH of water varies with
A. Pressure
B. Temperature
C. Density
D. Volume
123. Ph value of is usually
maintained for boiler water to
minimized corrosion
A. 8.5
B. 9.5
C. 10.5
D. 11.5
124. What type of turbine that has a
degree of reaction of𝟒?
A. Impulsive turbine
B. Reaction turbine
C. Rarsons turbine
D. Deriaz turbine
125. The cooling water is made to
fall in series of baffles to expose
large surface area for steam fed from
below to come in direct contact
A. Spray condenser
B. Surface condenser
C. Jet condenser
D. Barometric condenser
126. Show the variation of river flow
(discharge) with time
A. Hydrograph
B. Hyetograph
C. Mass curve
D. Flow duration curve
127. Is an open channel erected on
surface above the ground
A. Canal
B. Tunnel
C. Penstock
D. Flume
128. Type of turbine used up to 300 m
A. Impulsive turbine
B. Francis turbine
C. Propeller turbine
D. Deriaz turbine
129. A turbine that has a diagonal
A. Impulsive turbine
B. Francis turbine
C. Propeller turbine
D. Deriaz turbine
130. Oil
blast or
A. 60
B. 70
C. 80
D. 90
is optimized either by air
pressure jet at about
131. Type of solid injection that use
single pump supplies fuel under high
pressure to a fuel header
A. Common rail injection
B. Individual pump injection
C. Distributor system
D. Single rail injection
132. Water flow in diesel engine that
is caused by density differential
A. Thermosiphon cooling
B. Thermostat cooling
C. Pressurized water cooling
D. Evaporating cooling
133. Type of lubrication system in
diesel engine in which oil from pump
is carried to a separate storage tank
outside the engine cylinder and used
for high capacity engine.
A. Mist lubrication system
B. Wet pump lubrication system
C. Splash system
D. Dry sump lubrication system
134. Produces extreme pressure
differentials and violent gas
A. Vibration
B. Detonation
C. Explosion
D. Knocking
135. In a spark ignition engine, the
detonation occurs near the
A. End of combustion
B. Middle of combustion
C. Beginning of combustion
D. Beginning of interaction
136. In a compression ignition
engine, the detonation occurs near
A. End of combustion
B. Middle of combustion
C. Beginning of combustion
D. Beginning of interation
137. Morse test is used to measure
the of multi-cylinder engine
A. Brake power
B. Indicated power
C. Friction power
D. Motor power
138. Ignition delay can be minimized
by adding to decrease engine knocking
A. Ethel ether
B. Ethyl chloride
C. Ethyl nitrate
D. Ethyl oxide
139. For the submerged plane surface,
the point on the surface where the
resultant force acts is called the
A. Center of buoyancy
B. Center of gravity
C. Center of pressure
D. Center of attraction
140. At any point in fluid at rest,
the pressure is the same in all
direction. This principle is known
A. Bernoulli Principle
B. Archimedes Principle
C. Pascal’s Law
D. Torricelli’s Law
141. The hot-wire manometer is used
to measure
A. Pressure in gases
B. Pressure in liquids
C. Wind velocities at airports
D. Gas velocities
142. The pitot static tube measures
A. The static pressure
B. The gage pressure
C. The total pressure
D. The dynamic pressure
143. The terminal velocity of a small
sphere setting in a viscous fluid
varies as the
A. First power of its diameter
B. Inverse of fluid viscosity
C. Inverse square of the diameter
D. Inverse of the diameter
144. Pressure drag results from
A. Skin friction
B. Deformation drag
C. Breakdown of potential flow
near the forward stagnation
D. Occurrence of wake
145. The pressure coefficient is the
ratio of pressure forces to
A. Viscous forces
B. Inertia forces
C. Gravity forces
D. Surface tension force
146. Tranquil flow must always occur
A. Above the normal depth
B. Above the critical depth
C. Below the normal depth
D. Below the critical depth
147. Which of the following head loss
coefficient among the following types
of entrance?
A. Bell mouth
B. Square edge
C. Reentrant
D. It depends
148. What waste water treatment
method involves of algae from
stabilization pond effluents?
A. Sedimentation
B. Floatation
C. Filtration
D. Microscreening
150. The number of nozzles will
depend on the quantity of steam
required by the turbine. If nozzle
occupy the entire arc of the ring,
the turbine is said to have
A. Partially full peripheral
B. One-half full peripheral
C. Maximum peripheral admission
D. Full peripheral admission
151. Tandem compound units may also
have two low pressure castings that
A. Single flow
B. Double flow
C. Triple flow
D. Quadruple flow
152. A type of turbine used for
driving pumps, fans, and other
auxiliaries in power plant commonly
operate at exhaust pressure
approximating atmospheric
A. Tandem compound turbine
B. Passout turbine
C. Cross-compound turbine
D. Back pressure turbine
153. A governor with 0% regulation is
termed as:
A. Isochronous governor
B. Synchronous governor
C. Isenchronous governor
D. Isobarnous governor
154. The speed of regulation for most
turbine-generators is adjustable from
A. 2 to 6%
B. 4 to 8%
C. 6 to 10 %
D. 8 to 12%
155. Poppet valves of steam turbine
are used for extraction pressures of
A. 20 to 120 psig
B. 20 to 150 psig
C. 20 to 130 psig
D. 20 to 140 psig
156. When both bearings of steam
engine are on one side of the
connecting rod, the engine is
referred to as
A. Center-crank engine
B. Side crank engine
C. Under crank engine
D. Standard crank engine
157. When the valve in steam engine
is in mid-position of its travel, it
will cover the steam port by an
amount known as
A. Steam lap
B. Partial lap
C. Full lap
D. Angular lap
158. A type of governor in steam
engine that do not control the actual
admission of steam to the cylinder
but controls the pressure of the
A. Flyball governor
B. Variable cut-off governor
C. Throttling governor
D. Shaft governor
159. By inter-cooling using two stage
compressor of brayton cycle, the
backward ratio will
A. Increase
B. Decrease
C. Remains the same
D. None of these
160. On dynamic similitude, the
relation which represents the ratio
of inertia force to pressure force is
A. Froude number
B. Cauchy number
C. Euler number
D. Raynolds number
161. What is the maximum velocity in
a sewer flowing full?
A. 0.6 m/sec
B. 0.9 m/sec
C. 1.2 m/sec
D. 1.8 m/sec
164. Which dam is best for weak
A. Gravity
B. Arch
C. Buttress
D. Earth
165. What is the volume of water
which will drain freely the aquifer?
A. Specific yield
B. Reservoir yield
C. Safe yield
D. Secondary yield
166. What is the line defined by
water level in a group of artesian
A. Water table
B. Peizometric surface
C. Specific yield
D. All of the above
167. Select the one that is positive
indication of pollution of a river
A. Acidity
B. Oxygen content
C. Chloride content
D. Nitrite content
168. Which instruments is used to
measure humidity of the atmosphere
A. Barograph
B. Thermograph
C. Hydrograph
D. Thermo-hydrograph
162. A temporary structure
constructed to exclude water from the
site of the foundation during its
excavation and construction is
A. Caisson
B. Retaining wall
C. Coffer dam
D. Earth dam
169. Entrance losses between tanks
and pipe or losses through elbows,
fittings and valves are generally
expresses as a function of
A. Kinetic energy
B. Pipe diameter
C. Friction factor
D. Volume flow rate
163. Which is not a physical
characteristics of water?
A. Total suspended and dissolved
B. Turbidity
C. Color
D. Hardness
170. The air that contains no water
vapor is called
A. Zero air
B. Saturated air
C. Dry air
D. Humid air
171. In psychometric chart, the
constant enthalpy lines coincide with
constant temperature lines at
A. Above 50°C
B. Below 40°C
C. Below 50°C
D. Above 10°C
172. The amount of moisture in air
depends on its
A. Pressure
B. Volume
C. Temperature
D. Humidity
173. The deep body temperature of
healthy person is maintained constant
A. 27°C
B. 37°C
C. 47°C
D. 48°C
174. Air motion also plays important
role in
A. Surroundings
B. Cooling
C. Human comfort
D. None of these
175. During simple heating and
cooling process has a humidity ratio
A. Increasing
B. Decreasing
C. Constant
D. None of these
176. The ____ follows a line of
constant wet bulb temperature on the
psychometric chart
A. Evaporative cooling process
B. Condensing process
C. Direct cooling process
D. None of these
177. A vapor which is not about to
condense is called a
A. Mixture of vapor and liquid
B. Critical vapor
C. Superheated vapor
D. None of these
178. Passing from the solid phase
directly into vapor phase is called
A. Condensation
B. Fusion
C. Sublimation
D. None of these
179. Robert Boyle observed during his
experiments with a vacuum chamber
that the pressure of gases is
inversely proportional to their
A. Temperature
B. Pressure
C. Volume
D. None of these
180. Is energy in transition
A. Heat
B. Work
C. Power
D. None of these
181. Is the mode of energy transfer
between solid surface and the
adjacent liquid or gas which is in
motion, and it involves combine
effects of conduction and fluid
A. Conduction
B. Convection
C. Radiation
D. None of these
182. Radiation is usually considered
A. Surface phenomenon
B. Surface interaction
C. Surface corrosion
D. None of these
183. Work is ____ between the system
and the surroundings
A. Work interaction
B. Energy interaction
C. Heat interaction
D. None of these
184. Is a process during which the
system remains in equilibrium at all
A. Quasi-equilibrium
B. Static equilibrium
C. Dynamic equilibrium
D. None of these
185. In the absence of any work
interactions between a system and its
surroundings, the amount of net heat
transfer is equal
A. To the change in total energy
of a closed system
B. To heat and work
C. Energy interactions
D. None of these
186. The constant volume and constant
pressure specific heats are identical
A. Compressible substance
B. Incompressible substance
C. Compressible gas
D. None of these
187. The velocity of fluid is zero at
the wall and maximum at the center
because of the
A. Velocity effect
B. Viscous effect
C. Temperature effect
D. None of these
188. For steady flow devices, the
volume of the control volume is
A. Increase
B. Decrease
C. Constant
D. None of these
189. The work done in a turbine is
_____ since it is done by the fluid
A. Positive
B. Negative
C. Zero
D. None of these
190. Reheating process in Brayton
cycle, the turbine work will
A. Increase
B. Decrease
C. Remains the same
D. None of these
191. Which of the following is the
chemical formula of ethanol
A. C7H16
B. C2H6O
C. C7H8
D. C6H12
192. Which of the following is the
chemical formula of Heptane?
A. C7H16
B. C2H6O
C. C7H8
D. C6H12
193. Which of the following is the
chemical formula of Toluene?
A. C7H16
B. C2H6O
C. C7H8
D. C6H12
194. As the air passes through a
nozzle, which of the following will
A. Temperature
B. Enthalpy
C. Internal energy
D. Mach number
195. As the air passes through a
diffuser, which of the following will
A. Temperature
B. Enthalpy
C. Internal energy
D. Mach number
196. As the air passes through a
nozzle, which of the following will
A. Entropy
B. Velocity
C. Internal energy
D. Mach number
197. As the air passes through a
diffuser, which of the following will
A. Density
B. Entropy
C. Mach number
D. Velocity
198. As the air passes through a
diffuser, which of the following will
NOT be affected?
199. After passing through a
convergent-divergent nozzle, the
temperature of air will:
A. Increase
B. Decrease
C. Remains the same
D. None of these
200. After passing through a
convergent-divergent nozzle, the
density of air will:
A. Increase
B. Decrease
C. Remains the same
D. None of these
201. After passing through a
convergent-divergent nozzle, the
match number of air will:
A. Increase
B. Decrease
C. Remains the same
204. BY SUPERHEATING the refrigerant
USEFUL COOLING, which of the
following will INCREASE? (Use per
unit mass analysis)
A. Condenser pressure
B. Evaporator pressure
C. Quality after expansion
D. Heat rejected from condenser
205. BY SUPERHEATING the refrigerant
USEFUL COOLING, which of the
following will DECREASE? (Use per
unit mass analysis)
A. Refrigerant effect
C. Compressor power
D. Mass flow rate
206. BY SUPERHEATING the refrigerant
USEFUL COOLING, which of the
following will DECREASE? (Use per
unit mass analysis)
A. Heat rejected
C. Compressor power
D. Specific volume at suction
207. BY SUPERHEATING the refrigerant
USEFUL COOLING, which of the
following will INCREASE? (Use per
unit mass analysis)
A. Refrigerant effect
D. None of these
202. By increasing the temperature
source of Carnot cycle, which of the
following will not be affected?
A. Efficiency
B. Work
C. Heat added
D. Heat rejected
203. By decreasing the temperature
source of Carnot cycle, which of the
following will not be affected?
A. Efficiency
B. Work
C. Heat added
D. Heat rejected
C. Compressor power
D. Mass flow rate
208. BY SUPERHEATING the refrigerant
USEFUL COOLING, which of the
following WILL NOT BE AFFECTED? (Use
per unit mass analysis)
A. Refrigerant effect
C. Compressor power
D. Mass flow rate
209. BY SUB-COOLING the refrigerant
CONDENSER EXIT, which of the
following will INCREASE? (Use per
unit mass analysis)
A. Refrigerating effect
B. Specific volume at suction
C. Compressor power
D. Mass flow rate
210. BY SUB-COOLING the refrigerant
CONDENSER EXIT, which of the
following will DECREASE (Use per unit
mass analysis)
A. Coefficient of performance
B. Heat rejected from condenser
C. Refrigerating effect
D. Mass flow rate
211. BY INCREASING the vaporizing
temperature in vapor compression
cycle, which the following will
INCREASE? (Use per unit mass analysis)
A. mass flow rate
C. specific volume
D. compressor work
TEMPERATURE in vapor compression
cycle, which the following will
DECREASE? (Use per unit mass analysis)
A. Refrigerating effect
C. evaporator temperature
D. temperature difference between
evaporator and compressor
C. Specific volume at suction
D. Compressor power
PRESSURE in vapor compression cycle,
which of the following will DECREASE?
(Use per unit mass analysis)
A. moisture content after expansion
B. compressor power
C. heat rejected in the condense
D. mass flow rate
compression cycle, which of the
following will INCREASE? (Use per unit
mass analysis)
A. mass flow rate
B. compressor power
C. heat rejected in the condenser
PRESSURE in vapor compression cycle,
which of the following will INCREASE?
(Use per unit mass analysis)
D. specific volume at suction
A. Refrigerating effect
which of the following will DECREASE? (Use per unit mass analysis)
A. Refrigerating effect
B. mass flow rate
C. heat rejected in the condenser
D. Compressor power
217. If the PRESSURE DROP IN THE CONDENSER INCREASES in a vapor compression cycle,
which of the following will NOT BE AFFECTED? (Use per unit mass analysis)
A. compressor power
B. mass flow rate
C. heat rejected in the condense
218. If the PRESSURE DROP IN THE EVAPORATOR INCREASES in a vapor compression cycle,
which of the following will INCREASE? (Use per unit mass analysis)
A. Refrigerating effect
B. vaporizing temperature
C. heat rejected in the condenser
219. If the PRESSURE DROP IN THE EVAPORATOR INCREASES in a vapor compression cycle,
which of the following will decrease? (Use per unit mass analysis)
A. specific volume at suction
B. compressor power
C. heat rejected in the
will DECREASE? (Use per unit analysis)
A. Pump work
B. turbine work
C. heat rejected
D. cycle efficiency
will DECREASE? (Use per unit analysis)
A. Heat rejected
B. pump work
C. cycle efficiency
D. moisture content
of the following will DECREASE? (Use per unit analysis)
A. moisture content at the turbine exhaust
B. turbine work
C. heat added
D. heat rejected
of the following will INCREASE? (Use per unit analysis)
A. moisture content at the turbine exhaust
B. pump work
C. condenser pressure
D. cycle efficiency
CYCLE, which of the following will
A. Turbine work
B. moisture content after
C. heat added
D. heat rejected
225. What Rankine cycle is modified with
regeneration, which of the following
will increase?
A. turbine work
B. heat added
C. heat rejected
D. cycle efficiency
226. Is the combination of base load and
peaking load?
A. rated load
B. intermediate load
C. combine load
D. over-all load
227. Sum of the maximum demand over the
simultaneous maximum demand?
A. use factor
B. capacity factor
C. demand factor
D. diversity factor
228. Regenerative with feed heating
cycle with infinite number of feed water
heaters thus efficiency is equal to?
A. otto cycle
B. stirling cycle
C. erricson cycle
D. carnot cycle
229. A type of turbine used in
desalination of sea water.
A. back pressure turbine
B. passout turbine
C. peaking turbine
D. reaction turbine
230. State that when conductor and
magnetic field move relatively to each
other, an electric voltage is induced in
the conductor.
A. Maxwell’s law
B. Kirchhoff’s law
C. Faraday’s law
D. Newton’s law
231. Transfers heat directly to
electrical energy by utilizing
thermionic emissions.
A. thermionic motor
B. thermionic generator
C. thermionic converter
D. thermionic cell
232. Is the largest group of coal
containing 46-89% of fixed carbon and
20% to 40% volatile matter.
A. anthracite
B. sub-anthracite
C. bituminous
D. sub-bituminous
233. When 1 gram of coal is subjected to
a temperature of about 105C for a period
of 1 hour, the loss in weight of the
sample gives the:
A. Volatile matter
B. ash
C. fixed carbon
D. moisture content
234. When 1 gram of sample of coal is
placed in a crucible and heated 950C
and maintain at the temperature for 7
minutes there is a loss in weight due
to elimination of:
A. volatile matter and moisture
B. ash
C. fixed carbon
D. moisture content
235. Consist of hydrogen and certain
hydrogen carbon compounds which can be
removed from coal by heating.
A. moisture content
B. product of combustion
C. ash
D. volatile matter
236. By heating 1 gram of coal in an
uncovered crucible until the coal is
completely burned, the ____ will
A. volatile matter and moisture
B. ash
C. fixed carbon
D. moisture content
240. Two types of fans are:
A. centrifugal and axial
B. reciprocating and axial
C. centrifugal and rotary
D. tangential and rotary
241. Enthalpy of substance at specified
state due to chemical composition.
A. Enthalpy of reaction
B. enthalpy of combustion
C. enthalpy of formation
D. enthalpy of product
242. A type of boiler used for super
critical pressure operation.
A. La Mont boiler
B. Once- through-circulation
C. Force circulation boiler
D. Natural circulation boiler
243. Economizer in a water tube boiler
is heated by:
A. electric furnace
B. electric current
C. incoming flue gas
D. outgoing flue gas
244. Receives heat partly by convection
and partly by radiation.
A. radiant superheater
B. desuperheater
C. convective superheater
D. pendant superheater
237. Caking coal are used to produce
coke by heating in a coke oven in the
absence of ____ with volatile matter
driven off.
A. air
B. oil
C. oxygen
D. nitrogen
245. Regenerative superheater is a
storage type of heat exchangers have an
energy storage medium called:
A. matrix
B. regenerator
C. boiler
D. recuperator
238. Grindability of standard coal is:
A. 80
B. 90
C. 100
D. 110
246. Stirling cycle uses a ____ as
working fluids.
A. incompressible gas
B. incompressible fluids
C. compressible refrigerant
D. compressible fluids
239. Major constituent of all natural
gases is:
A. ethane
B. methane
C. propane
D. cetane
247. In stirling process the heat added
is added during?
A. isobaric process
B. isentropic process
C. isothermal process
D. heat process
248. Brayton cycle is also known as:
A. carnot cycle
B. joule cycle
C. diesel cycle
D. rankine cycle
249. Is applied to propulsion of
vehicles because of certain practical
A. diesel cycle
B. otto cycle
C. carnot cycle
D. brayton cycle
250. Heat exchangers typically involve
A. no work interactions
B. no heat interactions
C. no energy interactions
D. none of these
251. A device that is used to convert
the heat to work is called
A. adiabatier
B. regenerator
C. heat engines
D. none of these
252. The objective of a heat pump is to
maintain a heated space at
A. Low temperature
B. high temperature
C. medium temperature
D. none of these
253. A device that violates the second
law of thermodynamics is called
A. perpetual motion machine of
second kind
B. perpetual motion machine of
third kind
C. perpetual motion machine of
first kind
D. none of these
254. A process is called ____ if no
irreversibility’s occur outside the
system boundaries during the process.
A. externally reversible
B. internally reversible
C. reversible
D. none of these
255. An energy interaction which is not
accompanied by entropy transfer is
A. energy
B. heat
C. work
D. none of these
256. A ____ is used in aircraft engines
and some automotive engine. In this
method, a turbine driven by the exhaust
gases is used to provide power to
compressor or blower at the inlet.
A. discharging
B. turbo charging
C. supercharging
D. scavenging
257. The only devices where the changes
in kinetic energy are significant are
A. compressor
B. pumps
C. nozzles and diffusers
D. none of these
258. The distance between TDC and BDC in
which the piston can travel is the
A. Right extreme position
B. displacement stroke
C. stroke of the engine
D. swept stroke
259. In compression-engine, the
combustion of air-fuel mixture is selffuel ignited as a result of compressing
the mixture above its
A. self developed temperature
B. mixing temperature
C. self feed temperature
D. self ignition temperature
260. The thermal efficiency of an ideal
Otto cycle depends ____ of the working
A. the pressure ratio of the
engine and the specific heat
B. the temperature ratio of the
engine and the specific heat
C. the moles ratio of the engine
and the specific heat ratio
D. the compression ratio of the
engine and the specific heat
261. As the number of stages is
increased, the expansion process
A. isentropic
B. isothermal
C. isometric
D. polytropic
262. Aircraft gas turbines operate at
higher pressure ratio typically between
A. 6 to 8
B. 12 to 24
C. 10 to 18
D. 10 to 25
263. The first commercial high-pass
ratio engines has a bypass ratio of
A. 1
B. 3
C. 5
D. 7
264. The single-stage expansion process
of an ideal Brayton cycle without
regeneration is replaced by a multistage
expansion process with reheating the
same pressure limits. As a result of
modification, thermal efficiency will:
A. increase
B. decrease
C. remain constant
D. none of these
265. Which of the following is/are the
application of Brayton cycle.
A. propulsion system
B. automotive turbine engine
C. aircraft turbine engine
D. all of these
266. It is used as working fluid in
high-temperature applications of vapor
A. helium
B. deuterium
C. mercury
D. water
267. The superheated vapor enters the
turbine and expands isentropically and
produces work by the rotating shaft.
The ____ may drop during the process.
A. density
B. viscosity of fuel
C. temperature and pressure
D. none of these
268. Only ____ of the turbine work
output is required to operate the pump.
A. 0.01%
B. 0.02%
C. 0.03%
D. 0.04%
269. Superheating the steam to higher
temperatures decreases the moisture
content of the steam at the ____.
A. turbine inlet
B. compressor inlet
C. compressor exit
D. turbine exit
270. Regeneration also provides a
convenient of dearating the feedwater
to prevent?
A. boiler explosion
B. boiler scale production
C. boiler corrosion
D. compressor damage
271. Can be apply steam turbine
cycle(rankine). Gas turbine
cycle(brayton) and combined cycle.
A. hydroelectric plant
B. nuclear power plant
C. cogeneration plant
D. tidal power plant
272. In a rankine cycle with fixed
turbine inlet conditions. What is the
effect of lowering the condenser
pressure, the heat rejected will:
A. increase
B. decrease
C. remains the same
D. none of these
273. In an ideal rankine cycle with
fixed boiler and condenser pressure.
What will be the effect of superheating
the steam to a higher temperature, the
pump work input will.
A. increase
B. decrease
C. remain the same
D. none of these
274. The fact that total energy in any
one energy system remains constant is
called the principle of ____?
A. conversion of energy
B. second law of thermodynamics
C. conservation of mass
D. zeroth law of thermodynamics
275. A process for which the inlet and
outlet enthalphies are the same
A. isntropic
B. enthalphy conservation
C. throttling
D. steady state
276. The sum of energies of all the
molecules in system, energies that in
several complex forms.
A. kinetic energy
B. internal energy
C. external energy
D. flow work
277. A system that is completely
impervious to its surrounding. Neither
mass nor energy cross its boundaries.
A. Open system
B. closed system
C. adiabatic system
D. isolated system
278. A device used to measure small and
moderate pressure difference.
A. manometer
B. bourdon gage
C. barometer
D. piezometer
279. A vapor having a temperature higher
that the saturation temperature
corresponding to its pressure.
A. superheated pressure
B. saturated vapor
C. super saturated vapor
D. subcooled vapor
280. The energy or stored capacity for
performing work possessed by a moving
body, by virtue of its momentum.
A. internal energy
B. work
C. gravitational potential energy
D. kinetic energy
281. A thermodynamic process wherein
temperature is constant and the change
in internal energy is zero.
A. isobaric process
B. isometric process
C. isothermal process
D. polytropic process
282. The science terminology concerned
with precisely measuring energy and
A. thermodynamics
B. chemistry
C. calorimetry
D. none of these
283. The rate of doing work per unit
A. torque
B. power
C. force
D. moment
284. A vapor having a temperature higher
than the saturation temperature
corresponding to the existing pressure.
A. superheated vapor
B. saturated vapor
C. wet vapor
D. none of the above
285. It is the work done in pushing a
fluid across a boundary, usually or out
of a system.
A. mechanical work
B. nonflow work
C. flow work
D. electrical work
286. A liquid that has a temperature
lower that the saturation temperature
corresponding to the existing pressure.
A. subcooled liquid
B. saturated liquid
C. unsaturated liquid
D. water
287. In this type of boiler, the water
passes through the tubes while the flue
gases burn outside the tubes.
A. water-tube boiler
B. fire-tube boiler
C. steam generator
D. electric boiler
288. It shows the water level in the
boiler drum.
A. water column
B. try cocks
C. gauge glass
D. all of the above
289. It prevents damage to the boiler by
giving warning of low water.
A. safety valve
B. fusible plug
C. relief valve
D. try cocks
290. It is heat exchanger which utilizes
the heat of the flue gases to preheat
air needed for combustion.
A. economizer
B. feedwater heater
C. reheater
D. air preheater
291. It is the subject that deals with
the behavior of moist air.
A. psychrometer
B. psychometry
C. refrigeration
D. pneumatics
292. Air whose condition is such that
any decreases in temperature will result
in condensation of water vapor into
A. saturated air
B. unsaturated air
C. saturated vapor
D. moist air
293. It is the warm water temperature
minus the cold water temperature leaving
the cooling tower
A. approach
B. terminal difference
C. cooling range
294. The surrounding air ____
temperature is the lowest temperature to
which water could possibly cooled in a
cooling tower.
A. dry-bulb
B. wet-bulb
C. dew-point
D. saturated temperature
295. A vertical turbine pump with the
jump and motor closed coupled and design
to be installed underground, as in the
case of a deepwell pump.
A. Horizontal split case pump
B. Booster pump
C. Submersible pump
D. Vertical shaft turbines pump
body of water such as pond, lake, or
A. Aquifer
B. Ground water
C. Wet pit
D. Well water
Answer: C
298. Water which is available from well,
driven into water bearing subsurface
strata (aquifer)
A. Aquifer
B. Ground water
C. Wet pit
D. Well water
Answer: B
299. Imparts velocity to the liquid,
resulting from centrifugal force as the
impeller is rotated.
A. Impeller
B. Stuffing box
C. Casing
D. Shaft sleeve
Answer: A
300. A means of throttling the leakage
which would otherwise occur at the point
of entry of the shaft into the casing.
A. Impeller
B. Stuffing box
C. Casing
D. Shaft sleeve
Answer: B
301. Protect the shaft where it passes
through the stuffing box.
A. Impeller
B. Stuffing box
C. Casing
D. Shaft sleeve
Answer: D
Answer: C
296. An underground formation that
contains sufficient saturated permeable
material to yield significant quantities
of water.
A. Aquifer
B. Ground water
C. Wet pit
D. Well water
Answer: A
297. A timber, concrete or masonry
enclosure having a screened inlet kept
partially filled with water by an open
302. The ratio of the actual vapor
density to the vapor density at
A. Relative humidity
B. Absolute humidity
C. Humidity ratio
D. Saturation ratio
Answer: A
303. An expression of the mass of water
vapor per unit mass of dry air
A. Relative humidity
B. Absolute humidity
C. Humidity ratio
D. Saturation ratio
Answer: C
304. Which
A. 5000
B. 6000
C. 7000
D. 8000
of the following is
to 1lb?
Answer: C
305. The bypass factor for large
commercial units
A. Around 20%
B. Around 30%
C. Around 10%
D. Around 50%
310. A closed channel excavated through
an obstruction such as a ridge of higher
land between the dam and the powerhouse
is called
A. Canal
B. Headrace
C. Penstock
D. Tunnel
Answer: D
311. The small reservoir in which the
water level rises or falls to reduce the
pressure swings so that they are not
transmitted to the closed conduit is
A. Penstock
B. Power reservoir
C. Pressure tank
D. Tunnel
Answer: C
Answer: D
306. Sometimes called specific humidity
A. Relative humidity
B. Absolute humidity
C. Humidity ratio
D. Saturation ratio
Answer: C
307. For any given barometric pressure,
the humidity ratio is a function of the
A. Critical temperature
B. Dew point temperature
C. Dry bulb temperature
D. Wet bulb temperature
Answer: B
308. The humidity ratio corresponding to
any given dew point temperature varies
with the total barometric pressure,
increasing as the barometric pressure
A. Increases
B. Decreases
C. Varies
D. Constant
Answer: B
309. The ratio of the mass of water
vapor in the air per unit mass of dry to
the mass of water vapor requires for
saturation of the same air sample
A. Relative humidity
B. Absolute humidity
C. Humidity ratio
D. Saturation ratio
Answer: D
312. The regulation of the water in the
form of a relatively small pond of
reservoir provided at the plant is
A. Pondage
B. Water storage
C. Reservoir
D. Lake
Answer: A
313. A structure used to
reservoir of excess water
A. Spillway
B. Diversion channel
C. Butress dam
D. Arch dam
Answer: A
created by column of heated gas, as by
chimney is called
A. Natural draft
B. Forced draft
C. Induce draft
D. Required draft
Answer: A
315. The pressure rise from greater to a
lesser vacuum, created in a gas loop
between stream generator outlet and
chimney by means of a fan is called
A. Forced draft
B. Induced draft
C. Required draft
D. Balanced draft
316. Also known as Francis turbines or
radial flow turbines
A. Impulse turbines
B. Tangential turbines
C. Reaction turbines
D. Axial flow turbines
322. Traditional reciprocating pumps
with pistons and rods can be either
single-acting or double acting and are
suitable up to approximately
A. 2000 psi
B. 4000 psi
C. 8000 psi
D. 10,000 psi
Answer: C
Answer: A
317. The turbine, draft tube and all
related parts comprise what is known as
A. Powerhouse
B. Forbay
C. Setting
D. Surge chamber
323. In a sensible heating process the
final humidity ratio is:
a. Increased
b. Decreased
c. The same
d. Cannot be determined
Answer: C
Answer: C
318. When a forbay is not part of the
generating plant’s design, it will be
desirable to provide a _________ in
order to relieve the effects of rapid
changes in flowrate.
A. Forbay
B. Draft tube
C. Surge chamber
D. Penstock
324. In an adiabatic saturation process
the final relative humidity is:
A. Increased
B. Decreased
C. The same
D. Cannot be determined
Answer: B
Answer: C
319. To keep the deflected jet out of
the way of the incoming jet, the actual
angle is limited to approximately
A. 90 deg.
B. 135 deg.
C. 165 %
D. 175 deg.
Answer: C
320. The minimum fluid energy required
at the pump inlet for satisfactory
operation is known as
C. Velocity head
D. Friction head
Answer: A
321. Throttling the input line to a pump
and venting or evacuating the receiving
A. Both increase cavitation
B. Both decrease cavitation
C. Both eliminate cavitation
D. Both drive cavitation
Answer: A
Answer: A
325. Cooling and dehumidifying process
is commonly used for:
A. Summer air conditioning
B. Ice making
C. Winter cooling
D. Heat pumping
Answer: A
326. An adiabatic saturation process is
also known as:
A. Constant WB temperature process
B. Constant DB temperature process
C. Constant DP temperature process
D. Constant vapor temperature process
Answer: A
327. The process of simultaneous heating
and dehumidifying is known as:
A. Sensible heating
B. Cooling and dehumidifying
C. Sensible cooling
D. Chemical dehumidifying
Answer: D
328. The process in increasing the drybulb temperature without changing the
humidity ratio is known as:
A. Sensible heating
B. Cooling and dehumidifying
C. Sensible cooling
D. Heating and dehumidifying
Answer: A
329. The process of simultaneous cooling
and decreasing of humidity ratio is
known as:
A. Sensible cooling
B. Cooling and humidifying
C. Cooling and dehumidifying
D. Heating and dehumidifying
Answer: C
330. The process of cooling without
changing the humidity ratio is known as:
A. Sensible heating
B. Cooling and dehumidifying
C. Sensible cooling
D. Heating and humidifying
Answer: C
331. The process of simultaneous heating
and humidifying ratio is known as:
A. Sensible cooling
B. Cooling and humidifying
C. Heating and humidifying
D. Heating and dehumidifying
Answer: A
335. For efficient operation, the
condensing temperature should not be
lower than
A. 5 C
B. 17 C
C. 10 C
D. 20 C
Answer: A
336. For efficient operation, the
condensing temperature should not be
more than
A. 5 C
B. 17 C
C. 10 C
D. 20 C
Answer: B
337. An evaporator in a refrigeration
unit makes use of which heat transfer
A. Conduction
B. Convection
C. Radiation
D. All of the above
Answer: D
Answer: C
332. Which of the following cycle is
bulky and involves toxic fluids hence it
is unsuitable for home and autocooling
A. Carnot refrigeration cycle
B. Absorption cycle
C. Vapor and compression cycle
D. Air refrigeration cycle
Answer: B
333. Which of the following
refrigeration cycle is practical when
large quantities of waste or inexpensive
heat energy are available?
A. Reciprocating compressors
B. Centrifugal compressors
C. Rotary compressors
D. Scroll compressors
Answer: D
334. Condensers used in small and medium
sized up to approximately 100 tons
A. Air-cooled condensers
B. Water cooled condensers
C. High side condensers
D. Low side condensers
338. Energy added to a vapor is known as
a latent heat of vaporization
A. Latent heat of vaporization
B. Sensible heat of vapor
C. Superheat
D. B and C
Answer: C
339. The vaporization process that
occurs at temperature below the triple
point of a substance is called.
A. Evaporation
B. Boiling
C. Sublimation
D. Condensation
Answer: C
340. As the pressure increases, the
amount of work it can do increases and
its enthalpy
A. Increases
B. Remained the same
C. Decreases
D. Pressure
relation at all
Answer: A
341. During the compression process, the
internal energy of the refrigerant vapor
A. Increases
B. Decreases
C. Remain the same
D. Internal energy has no relation to
the compression process
Answer: A
342. The measure of the amount of
thermal energy transfer occurring within
the evaporator per unit mass under
stated conditions.
A. Refrigeration capacity
B. Heat capacity
C. Refrigeration effect
D. Heat absorptivity
Answer: C
343. The peak power that can be produced
on an occasional basis
A. Brakepower
B. Intermittent rating
C. Continous duty rating
D. Power rating
Answer: B
344. A value of a property that includes
the effect of friction is known as:
A. Brake value
B. Indicated value
C. Friction value
D. Actual value
Answer: A
345. Forced draft fans are run at
relatively high speeds in the range of
A. 1200 to 1800 rpm
B. 1500 to 2000 rpm
C. 1000 to 1600 rpm
D. 900 to 1500 rpm
Answer: A
346. Chimneys that rely on natural draft
are sometimes referred to as
A. Natural chimney
B. Normal chimney
C. Gravity chimney
D. Stack
Answer: C
347. For realistic problems, the
achievable stack effect probably should
be considered to be
A. 75% of the ideal
B. Equal to the ideal
C. 80 % of the ideal
D. Half the ideal
Answer: C
348. In a balanced system, the available
draft is
A. Unity
B. 100
C. Zero
D. Infinite
Answer: C
349. It is a device used for atomizing
or cracking fuel oil and through which
the fuel oil is injected into the
working cylinders of Diesel engines
A. Atomizer
B. Injector
C. Fuel spray nozzle
D. Cracker
Answer: A
350. The device that transfer thermal
energy from one fluid to another
A. Condenser
B. Feedwater
C. Evaporator
D. Heat exchanger
Answer: D
and /
Undergrounds system of hot water
or steam
Hydrothermal resource
Geothermal resource
Hot water resource
High pressure water system
Answer: A
352. The process of returning spent
geothermal fluids to the subsurface Is
A. Injection
B. Returning
C. Rejection
D. Exhaustion
Answer: A
353. The simultaneous demand of all
customers required at any specified
point in an electric power system is
A. Demand
B. Electrical demand
C. Power demand
D. Load
Answer: D
354. The electricity generating plants
that are operated to meet the peak or
maximum load on the system are called
A. Peaking plants
B. High-load plants
B. Tower load
C. Cooling duty
D. Rating factor
Answer: D
C. High demanding plants
D. Add-on plants
Answer: A
355. The capacity of a substance to
transmit a fluid is called
A. Fluidity
B. Permeability
C. Porosity
D. Smoothness
Answer: B
356. The ratio of the aggregate volume
pore spaces in rock or soil to its total
volume is called
A. Porosity
B. Sphericity
C. Permeability
D. Salinity
Answer: A
357. Cooling efficiency is typically
A. 75 to 80%
B. 50 to 70%
C. 80 to 85%
D. 90 to 95%
Answer: B
358. Forced draft towers can cool the
water to within
A. 10 to12 F
B. 5 to 6 F
C. 20 to 24 F
D. 2.5 to 3 F
361. Evaporation loss can be calculated
from the humidity ratio increase and is
water temperature
A. 0.18% per C
B. 0.25% per C
C. 0.10% per C
D. 0.30% per C
Answer: A
362. Water lost in small droplet
carried away by the air flow
A. Range
B. Approach
C. Drift
D. Bleed-off
Answer: C
363. The ratio of total dissolved solids
in the recirculating water to the total
dissolved solids in the make-up water.
A. Ratio of concentration
B. Cooling efficiency
C. Coil efficiency
D. Bypass factor
Answer: A
364. A dry-cooling tower where
travels through large diameter
to a cross-flow heat exchanger
is condensed and cooled by the
where it
A. Direct condensing tower
Answer: B
B. Indirect
359. The higher the wet bulb
C. Evaporative cooling tower
D. Atmospheric cooling tower
A. The higher the efficiency
B. The lower the efficiency
C. The efficiency is limited
Answer: A
D. The efficiency is maximum
365. The minimum fluid energy required
at the pump inlet for satisfactory
operation is known as
Answer: B
360. Define the relative difficulty in
cooling, essentially the relative amount
of contact area or fill volume required
C. Velocity head
A. Heat load
D. Friction head
Answer: A
D. Fouling factor
Answer: C
366. The actual fluid energy at the
371. With a reversible regenerator, the
thermal efficiency of the Ericsson cycle
is ______ to that of the Carnot cyle
C. Velocity head
A. Less than
D. Friction head
B. Greater than
Answer: B
367. Throttling the input line to a pump
and venting or evacuating the receiver
A. Both increase cavitation
B. Both decrease cavitation
C. Both eliminate cavitation
D. Both drive cavitation
Answer: A
368. Traditional reciprocating pumps
with pistons and rods can be either
single-acting or double acting and are
suitable up to approximately
A. 2000 psi
C. Proportional
D. Equal
Answer: D
372. The electron magnetic radiation
emitted from the daughter nucleus when
an alpha particles leaves the patent
A. Neutron
B. Position
C. Gamma ray
D. K-capture
Answer: C
373. Which of the following statement is
a scheme for energy storage?
B. 4000 psi
A. Pumped hydro
C. 8000 psi
B. Magnetic energy storage
D. 10,000 psi
C. Thermal energy storage
Answer: A
Plunger pumps are only single-acting and
are suitable up to approximately
A. 2000 psi
B. 4000 psi
C. 8000 psi
D. 10,000 psi
Answer: D
D. All of the above
Answer: D
374. A reactor that employs fast or high
energy neutrons and contains no
moderator is called
A. High energy reactor
B. Fast reactor
C. High speed reactor
369. The ratio of the actual to the
ideal heat transfer coefficient.
A. Fouling factor
B. Sensible heat ratio
C. Cleanliness factor
D. Turbo reactor
Answer: B
375. A reactor that utilizes slow moving
D. Biot number
Answer: C
A. Slow reactor
B. Intermediate reactor
370. The ratio of the maximum to minimum
mass steam flow rates at which the
temperature can be accurately contained
by the desuperheater.
A. Cleanliness factor
B. Capacity factor
C. Turndown ratio
C. Thermal reactor
D. Slow speed reactor
Answer: C
376. The water bearing stratum of
permeable san, rock, or gravel is called
A. Reservoir
B. Water source
377. The electricity generating units
that are operated to meet the constant
or minimum load on the system is called
A. Reynolds number varies directly as
the viscosity
B. Efficiency of a pump increases as
the viscosity increases
C. Increased fluid friction between
the pump parts and the passing
fluid increases useful work
D. Working head increases as the
Answer: C
A. Constant load plants
B. Baseload plants
C. Invariable load plants
D. Steady load plants
Answer: B
383. The law that states “Entropy of all
perfect crystalline solids is zero at
absolute zero temperature”
C. Aquifer
D. Well
Answer: C
378. The effectiveness of a body as a
thermal radiator at a given temperature,
A. Absorptivity
B. Conductivity
C. Emissivity
D. Reflectivity
Answer: C
379. What are the main components in a
combined cycle power plant?
A. Diesel engine and air compressor
B. Steam boiler and turbine
C. Gas engine and waste heat boiler
D. Nuclear reactor and steam boiler
Answer: C
380. The size of a steam reciprocating
pumps is generally designed by a threedigits number size as 646. The first
digit designates
A. Stroke of the pump in inches
B. Inside diameter of the steam
cylinder measured in inches
C. Percent clearance
D. Number of cylinder
Answer: B
381. The power required to deliver a
given quantity of fluid against a given
head with no losses in the pump is
A. Wheel power
B. Brake power
C. Hydraulic power
D. Indicated power
Answer: C
382. Fluid that are pumped in processing
work are frequently more viscous than
water. Which of the following statement
is correct?
A. Zeroth law of thermodynamic
B. First law of thermodynamics
C. Second law of thermodynamics
D. Third law of thermodynamics
Answer: D
384. An expression of the mass of water
vapor per unit mass of dry air
A. Relative humidity
B. Absolute humidity
C. Humidity ratio
D. Saturation ratio
Answer: C
equivalent to 1 lb?
A. 5000
B. 6000
C. 7000
D. 8000
Answer: C
386. The locus of states that the same
value of stagnation enthalpy and mass
flux is called.
A. Fanno line
B. Reyleigh line
C. Willian’s line
D. Mollier’s line
Answer: A
387. Combining the conservation of mass
and momentum equations into a single
equation and plotting it on the h-s
diagram yield a curve called
A. Fanno line
B. Reyleigh line
C. Willian’s line
D. Mollier’s line
Answer: B
388. Across the shock, the stagnation
temperature of an ideal gas
A. Increases
B. Decreases
C. Remains constant
D. Proportional
Answer: C
389. Which of the following types of air
dryers works by absorbing moisture on a
solid dessicant or drying material such
as activated alumina, silicon gel or
molecular sieve?
A. Regenerative dryer
B. Spray dryer
C. Deliquescent dryer
D. Refrigerated dryer
Answer: C
390. When two bodies, isolated from
other environment, are in thermal
equilibrium with a third body, the two
are in thermal equilibrium with each
A. Zeroth law of thermodynamic
B. First law of thermodynamics
C. Second law of thermodynamics
D. Third law of thermodynamics
Answer: A
391. The sum of the energies of all the
molecules in a system where energies
appear in several complex forms is the
A. Kinetic energy
B. Internal energy
C. Potential energy
D. Friction energy
Answer: B
392. The Carnot refrigeration cycle
includes all of the following process
A. Isentropic expansion
B. Isenthalpic expansion
C. Isothermal expansion
D. Isentropic compression
Answer: B
393. The maximum possible work that can
be obtained a cycle operating between
two reservoirs is found from
A. Process irreversibility
B. Carnot efficiency
C. Availability
D. Reversible work
Answer: B
394. The following factors are necessary
to define a thermodynamic cycle expect
A. The working substance
B. High and low temperature
C. The time it takes to complete the
D. The means of doing work on the
Answer: C
395. A temperature above which a given
gas cannot be liquefied
A. Cryogenic temperature
B. Absolute temperature
C. Vaporization temperature
D. Critical temperature
Answer: D
396. The geometrical electricity
generating plants that employs a closedloop heat exchange system in which the
heat of the primary fluid is transferred
to a secondary fluid, which is thereby
vaporized and used to drive a turbine
generator set
A. Binary cycle plant
B. Dual cycle plant
C. Double cycle plant
D. Cascade cycle
Answer: A
397. The geothermal solution which
contains appreciable amounts of sodium
chloride or other salts is called
A. Sulfur dioxide
B. Potassium silicate
C. Sea water
D. Brine
Answer: D
398. The quantity of heat required to
raise the temperature of one pound of
water one degree Fahrenheit at standard
A. Btu
B. Calorie
C. Joule
D. Centigrade
Answer: A
399. The process that uses a stream of
geothermal of hot water or stream to
perform successive task requiring temp
is called
A. Diminishing heat
B. Decreasing heat
C. Cascading heat
D. Negative gradient process
Answer: C
400. The water formed by condensation of
steam is called
A. Distilled water
B. Condensate
C. Dew
D. Condenser
Answer: B
Answer: C
401. A structure that removes heat from
condensate is called
A. Cavitation
B. Vapor lock
C. Available head
D. Net head
Answer: A
A. Desuperheater
B. Cooling tower
C. Evaporator
D. Condenser
Answer: B
402. In a typical hydroelectric
generating plant using reaction
turbines, the turbine is generally
housed in a
A. Powerhouse
B. Penstock
C. Forbay
D. Setting
Answer: A
403. After the water passes through the
turbine, it is discharges through the
draft tube to the receiving reservoir
known as the
A. Tail race
B. Tailwater
C. Draft tube
D. Setting
Answer: A
404. The turbine, draft tube and all
related parts comprise what is known as
A. Powerhouse
B. Forbay
C. Setting
D. Surge chamber
Answer: C
405. When a forbay is not part of the
generating plant’s design, it will be
desirable to provide a ________ in order
to relieve the effects of rapid changes
in flowrate.
A. Forbay
B. Draft tube
C. Surge chamber
D. Penstock
Answer: C
406. To keep the deflected jet out of
the way of the incoming jet, the actual
angle is limited to approximately
90 deg.
407. The spontaneous vaporization of the
fluid, resulting in a degradation of
pump performance.
408. A dry cooling tower where steam is
condensed by cold water jets (surface or
jet condenser)
A. Direct condensing tower
B. Indirect condensing dry cooling
C. Evaporative cooling tower
D. Atmospheric cooling tower
Answer: B
409. If the heat is being removed from
water, the device is known as
A. Chiller
B. Cooler
C. Air conditioner
D. Air cooler
Answer: A
410. Which of the following is the
refrigerant “of choice” in uniting air
A. R-22
B. R-123
C. R-11
D. R-502
Answer: A
411. In new equipment, which of the
following replace R-11?
A. R-12
B. R-123
C. R-502
D. R-22
Answer: B
412. The mass flow rate produces by the
compressor is
A. Proportional to the mass of the
suction vapor that the compressor
takes in at the suction inlet per
unit time
B. Equal to the mass of the suction
vapor that the compressor takes in
at the suction inlet per unit time
C. Less than the mass of the suction
vapor that the compressor takes in
at the suction inlet per unit time
D. Greater that the mass of the
suction vapor that the compressor
takes in at the suction inlet per
unit time
Answer: B
413. A boiler operated at pressure not
exceeding 1.055kg/cm2 gage steam, or
water temperature no exceeding 121˚C.
A. Low pressure heating boiler
B. Hot water supply boiler
C. Miniature
D. Power boiler
Answer: A
414. The very hot steam that doesn’t
occur with a liquid
A. Pure steam
B. Saturated vapor
C. Critical steam
D. Dry steam
Answer: D
pressure on a geothermal
liquid is
A. Low pressure steam
B. High quality steam
C. Sub pressure steam
D. Flashed steam
Answer: D
416. The vent or hole in the Earth
surface, usually in a volcanic region,
from which, gaseous vapors, or hot
gasses issue.
A. Fumaroles
B. Crater
C. Hot spot
D. Hot spring
Answer: A
417. The earth interior heat made
available to man by extracting it from
hot water or rocks.
A. Geological heat
B. Geothermal heat
C. Volcanic heat
D. None of these
Answer: B
418. Device that takes advantage of the
relatively constant temperature of the
Earth’s interior, using it as a source
and sink of heat for both heating and
A. Geothermal devices
B. Geothermal generator
C. Geothermal heat pumps
D. Geothermal turbines
Answer: C
419. The spring that shoots jets of hot
water and steam into the air is called
A. Geyser
B. Hot jet
C. Thermal jet
D. Guyshen
Answer: A
420. What is the power seat width of a
spray valve?
A. 1/16 in.
B. 1/32 in.
C. 1/8 in.
D. 1/4 in.
Answer: A
421. A device which automatically
governs or controls the speed of an
A. Servomotor
B. Indicator
C. Governors
D. Speedometer
Answer: C
422. The useful energy transfer in
Btu/hr divided by input power in watts.
This is just the coefficient of
performance expressed in mixed units.
Energy efficient ratio
Coil efficient
Bypass factor
Sensible heat ratio
Answer: A
423. If EER is the energy efficiency
ratio, and COP is the coefficient of
performance then
A. EER=3.41COP
B. COP=3.41EER
C. EERxCOP=3.41
D. 3.41EERxCOP=1
Answer: A
424. Which of the following
reversed Rankine vapor cycle?
A. Carnot refrigeration cycle
B. Vapor refrigeration cycle
C. Air refrigeration cycle
D. Absoption cycle
Answer: B
425. The most common type of
refrigeration cycle, finding application
in household refrigerators, air
conditioners for cars and houses,
chillers and so on.
A. Carnot refrigeration cycle
B. Vapor refrigeration cycle
C. Air refrigeration cycle
D. Absoption cycle
Answer: B
426. Which of the following
reserved Brayton cycle?
A. Carnot refrigeration cycle
B. Vapor refrigeration cycle
C. Air refrigeration cycle
D. Absoption cycle
Answer: C
427. A 100kg is at 0˚C is heated by
supplying 2000KJ of heat to it. If the
heat of fusion is 335kJ/kg how many
kilograms of ice will melt into water?
A. 8 kg
B. 10 kg
C. 6 kg
D. 3 kg
Answer: C
429. Compute the rate of water transfer
by melting an ice at a rate of 50 kg/hr.
A. 8 kJ/sec
B. 10 kJ/sec
C. 5 kJ/sec
D. 12 kJ/sec
Answer: C
430. 10 kg of water at 60˚C receives
surrounding. Assuming it is open to the
atmosphere, how many kilograms of water
will be vaporized?
A. 18 kg
B. 15 kg
C. 10 kg
D. 20 kg
Answer: A
Remains constant
Enthalpy has no relation to phase
Answer: A
432. Which of the following processes
does not alter the kinetic energy level
of a substance?
A. Fusion
B. Adding sensible heat to a solid
C. Adding sensible heat to a liquid
D. Superheating a vapor
Answer: A
433. Condensers used for larger
capacities refrigerators.
A. Air-cooled condersers
B. Water-cooled condensers
C. High side condensers
D. Low side condenser
Answers: B
434. Coolers and chillers for water
generally operate with an average
temperature difference of
428. Determine the quantity of latent
heat transferred to an evaporator when 5
kg of water undergoes those changes from
a liquid at 0˚C to ice at 0˚C.
A. 1,300
B. 1,675
C. 1,450
D. 1,800
Answer: B
431. As the liquid changes phase to
vapor, its enthalpy
A. 3 to 11 C
B. 5 to 8 C
C. 6 to 22 C
D. 10 to 16 C
Answer: A
entering refrigerant should be
A. Below-2 C
B. Above-2 C
C. Equal to-2 C
D. 0 C
Answer: B
436. Suction lines should not be sized
too large, as reasonable velocity is
needed to carry oil from the evaporator
back to the compressor. For horizontal
suction lines, the recommended minimum
velocity is
A. 3.8
B. 6.1
C. 7.1
D. 4.8
Answer: A
437. Type of turbine used for low heads,
high rotational speeds and larger flow
A. Axial flow turbines
B. Reaction turbines
C. Radial flow turbines
D. Impulse turbines
Answer: A
438.To keep the deflected jet out of the
way of the incoming jet, the actual
angle is limited to approximately
A. 135
B. 150
C. 165
D. 175
Answer: C
439. Which of the following turbines are
centrifugal pumps operating in reverse?
A. Reaction turbines
B. Impulse turbines
C. Tangential turbines
D. Axial flow turbines
Answer: A
440. Weight per unit volume is termed
A. Specific gravity
B. Specific density
C. Weight density
D. Pressure
Answer: C
441. Measure of hotness or coldness of
the body
A. Pressure
B. Temperature
C. Energy
D. Entropy
Answer: B
442. The temperature at which the water
vapor in the air begins to condensed, or
the temperature at which the relative
humidity of air becomes 100%.
A. Flash point
B. Boiling point
C. Dew point
D. Freezing point
Answer: C
443. It consists of a wet and dry bulb
thermometers mounted on a strip of metal
A. Manometer
B. Gyrometer
C. Pyrometer
D. Sling psychrometer
Answer: D
444. A manometer is an instrument that
is used to measure:
A. Air pressure
B. Condensate water level
C. Heat radiation
D. Air volume
Answer: A
445. The relationship of water vapor in
the air at the dew point temperature to
the amount that should be in the air if
the air were saturated at the dry-bulb
temperature is:
A. Partial pressure actual dew point
B. Percentage humidity
C. Relative humidity
D. Run faster
Answer: A
446. All of the following
about wet bulb temperature
are true,
A. Wet
adiabatic saturation temperature
B. Wet bulb temperature is the only
temperature necessary to determine
grains water per lb of dry air
C. Wet
numerically between dew point and
unsaturated systems
D. Wet bulb temperature equals both
dry-bulb and dew point temperature
at 100% relative humidity
Answer: C
447. Heat added to or removed from a
A. Absolute heat
B. Latent heat
C. Specific heat
D. Sensible heat
Answer: D
448. Plunger
pumps are only
A. 2000 psi
B. 4000 psi
C. 8,000 psi
D. 10,000 psi
Answer: D
449. The ratio of the actual
ideal heat transfer coefficient.
A. Fouling factor
B. Sensible heat ratio
C. Cleanliness factor
D. Biot number
Answer: C
450. The ratio of the maximum to minimum
mass steam flow rates at which the
temperature can be accurately contained
by the desuperheater.
A. Cleanliness factor
B. Capacity factor
C. Turndown ratio
D. Fouling factor
Answer: C
D. All of the above
Answer: B
451. Used to described the act of
blowing the exhaust product out with the
air-fuel mixture
A. Supercharging
B. Scavenging
C. Honing
D. Choking
Answer: B
452. A form of supercharging in which
the exhaust gases drive the supercharger
A. Lugging
B. Honing
C. Turbocharging
D. Blower charging
Answer: C
453. The maximum speed of the turbine
under no and no governing action is
A. Runaway speed
B. Pre governing speed
C. Governing speed
D. No load governing
Answer: A
456. The hole area behind the dam
draining into a stream or river across
which dam has been constructed is called
A. Lake
B. Forebay
C. Catchment area
D. Reserve potential
Answer: C
457. Dams constructed primarily to store
flood waters called
A. Storage dams
B. Diversion dams
C. Detention dam
D. None of the above
Answer: C
458. A channel which leads water to a
turbine is called
A. Canal
B. Tailrace
C. Penstock
D. Headrace
Answer: D
459. Sometimes called percentage
454. Which of the following statements
is false when gasoline is used as diesel
A. Gasoline does not ignite
B. Gasoline wears the fuel-injection
pumps because of its low viscosity
C. Addition of lubrication oil to
gasoline will just severe the
D. All of the above
Answer: C
455. Which of the following
advantage of hydro-plants?
B. Modern hydro generators give high
efficiency over considerable range
of load. This helps in improving
the system
C. Due to its great ease of taking up
and throwing off the load, the
hydro power can be used as the
ideal spinning reserve in a system
mix of the thermal, hydro and
power station
A. Hydro plants provide ancillary
benefits like irrigation, flood
A. Relative humidity
B. Absolute humidity
C. Humidity ratio
D. Saturation ratio
Answer: D
460. When measuring ____________ of air,
the bulb of the thermometer should be
shaded to reduce the effect of direct
A. Dry bulb temperature
B. Wet bulb temperature
C. Critical temperature
D. Saturation temperature
Answer: A
461. An ordinary thermometer whose bulb
is enclosed in a wetted cloth sac or
A. Dry bulb thermometer
B. Wet bulb thermometer
C. Ordinary thermometer
D. Mercury thermometer
Answer: B
462. To obtain an accurate reading with
a wet bulb thermometer, the wick should
be saturated with
A. Clean air
B. Vapor
C. Moist
D. Clean water
Answer: A
463. The amount by which the wet bulb
temperature is reduced below the dry
bulb temperature depends on the relative
humidity of the air and is collective
A. Range
B. Approach
C. Drify
D. Wet bulb depression
Answer: D
464. The measure of the relationship
between the dry bulb and dewpoint
temperature of the air and as such, it
provides a convenient means of
465. Dewpoint temperature of the air
when the dry bulb temperature is known
A. Wet bulb temperature
B. Saturation temperature
C. Humidity ratio
D. Relative humidity
Answer: A
466. An index of the total heat
(enthalpy) of the air
A. Wet bulb temperature
B. Saturation temperature
C. Dry bulb temperature
D. Dewpoint temperature
Answer: A
467. The sensible heat of the air is a
function of the
A. Wet bulb temperature
B. Dry bulb temperature
C. Dewpoint temperature
D. Saturation temperature
Answer: B
468. The latent heat of the air is a
function of the
A. Wet bulb temperature
B. Dry bulb temperature
C. Dewpoint temperature
D. Saturation temperature
Answer: The measure of the ability of a
469. To withstand exposure to the
environment elements without excessive
A. Crumbling coefficient
B. Weatherability
C. Cohensiveness
D. Attrition coefficient
Answer. (B)
470. A type of coal that tends to break
apart as it burns thereby exposing the
unburned coal to the combustion air.
A. Loose coal
B. Free burning coal
C. Non-cohensive coal
D. Aggregate
Answer: (B)
471. A type of coal that produced a
fused coal mass as it burns.
A. Plastic coal
B. Caking coal
C. Soft coal
D. High-moisture coal
Answer: (B)
472. A combustible coal content that
produces a major atmospheric pollutant
consequently, it is important that coal
has a low percentage of this component.
A. Nitrogen
B. Sulfur
C. Carbon
D. Hydrogen
Answer: (B)
473. Which of the following statement
is/are true regards to the first law of
thermodynamics for a change in state of
a control mass?
A. Since heat and work are path
function Q-W must also be a path
B. Q-W is an inexact differential
C. A and B
D. Q-W is a point function
Answer: (D)
474. Which of the following statements
is/are true with regards to heat and
A. Heat and work are both transient
B. Both heat and work are boundary
C. Both heat and work are path
D. All of the above
Answer: (D)
475. The height of the surface of the
water above the gage point
A. Pressure head
B. Velocity head
C. Dynamic head
D. Static head
Answer: (D)
476. The head required to produce a flow
of the water.
A. Static head
B. Pressure head
C. Velocity head
D. Dynamic head
Answer: (C)
477. The sum of the pressure head and
velocity head.
A. Static head
B. Pressure head
C. Velocity head
D. Dynamic head
Answer: (D)
478. The dynamic pressure of the liquid
at pump section less the corresponding
to the temperature at the same point,
converted to liquid.
B. Specific head
C. Pump operating head
D. Suction head
Answer: (A)
479. The algebraic difference of the
discharge and suction heads.
A. pump operating head
C. A and B
Answer: (C)
480. The transfer of the heat energy
from exhaust gases to compressed air
flowing between the compressor and
combustion chamber.
A. Intercooling
B. Convection
C. Regeneration
D. Economics
Answer :(C)
481. The removal of heat from compressed
air between stages of compression.
A. Regeneration
B. Exhaustion
C. Heat evacuation
D. Intercooling
482. As a general rule, the cooling
water side of the condenser should be
schedule for inspection for every:
A. Month
B. 3 months
C. 6 months
D. Year
Answer: (B)
483. If the compressor runs continually,
the cause might be the:
A. High-pressure cutout switch is
jammed shut
B. Low pressure switch is jammed shut
C. Thermal bulb is not operating
D. Scale trap is clogged
Answer: (B)
484. If the temperature in the icebox is
too high, the trouble could be:
A. A clogged scale trap
B. Air in the system
C. Automatic controls not functioning
D. Insufficient cooling water to the
Answer: C
485. If frost forms on the cylinders,
the cause would be:
A. Expansion valve not open wide
B. Charging valve open too wide
C. Expansion valve open too wide
D. Dehydrator not working properly
Answer: C
486. The most likely cause of high
superheat would be:
A. Too much refrigerant
B. Expansion valve open too wide
C. Expansion valve closed in too much
D. Back-pressure valve set too high
Answer: (B)
487. Short-cycling means that the
A. Grounds out frequently
B. Stops and starts frequently
C. Runs too fast
D. Runs too slow
Answer: B
488. If the cooling water to the
condenser should suddenly fail:
A. The solenoid valve will close
B. The compressor will shut down
C. The expansion valve will close
D. An alarm will ring to notify the
Answer: (B)
490. Which of the following regions in a
multi-stage turbine where efficiency a
A. High pressure region above 200 psi
B. Intermediate pressure region
C. Low pressure most region
D. A and B
Answer (B)
491. Calculate the use factor of a 135
MW plant with a load facetor of 0.8 and
a peak load of 120 MW if its operation
is limited to 8500 hrs in a year
A. A 0.90
B. 0.73
C. 0.70
D. 0.78
Answer (B)
492. Calculate the net radiation heat
flux exchange of two bodies with surface
temperature of 25 deg C. The radiation
heat transfer coefficient is 7.0 W/m2-k
A. 700 w/sq m
B. 750 w/sq m
C. 665 w/sq m
D. 650 w/sq m
Answer C
493. Calculate the reserve factor for a
power plant with a load factor of 0.7
average load of 50 MW and rated
capacity of 80 MW
A. 2
B. 1.5
C. 1.12
D. 1.6
Answer C
494. Maximum demand of 30 MW and 10 MW
are connected to a power plant with a
peak load of 70 MW. What is the
diversity factor of the plant?
A. 0.50
B. 0.70
C. 0.65
D. 0.86
Answer C
495. A gas in piston-cylinder set-up
undergoes an expansion of such rate that
PV 1.2 =constant. Before the expansion
process the pressure of the gas is 300
kpa and the volume is 0.50 m3. If the
final volume of the gas is 0.1 m3,
calculate the work done by the gas
A. 9.71 KJ
B. 11.0 KJ
C. 12 KJ
D. 8 KJ
Answer A
496. The phenomenon in which air enters
a submerged suction pipe from the water
surface is called a:
A. Whirlpool
B. Vacuum
C. Vortex
D. Thixotropic
Answer C
497. Where groundwater ( wells and
springs) or surface water (streams and
takes) are used for feedwater, water
hardness of ___ and alkalinity of pH 10
to be ph should be considered
A. 0-10 ppm
B. 10-20 ppm
C. 20-30 ppm
D. 30-40 ppm
Answer A
498. Which of the following is not a
solid fuel?
A. Peat
B. Briquettes
C. Tar
D. D coke
Answer C
499. The memory lost when the operating
power is removed
A. Power memory
B. Volatile memory
C. Initial memory
D. Quick data
Answer B
500. Canisters of helmets shall be
removed immediately after having been
used on sucking water from a public
service main or private-use water system
A. Horizontal split case pump
B. Vertical shaft turbine pump
C. Booster pump
D. Submersible pump
Answer C
501. A small fitting with a double
offset, or shaped like the letter U with
the ends turned out
A. Elbow tee
B. Expansion loop
C. Spigot joint
D. Cross-over
Answer D
502. The condition in which droplets of
water are carried by steam in the boiler
A. Priming
B. Breeching
C. Carryover
D. Condensation
Answer A
503. At the start of the compression
process of an air-standard diesel power
cycle the pressure is 100kpa and the
temp is 15 deg C. for a mean effective
pressure of 1362 kpa and compression
ratio of 18 the heat of combustion
developed is 1800 kj/kg. what is the
thermal efficiency of the cycle?
A. 65 %
B. 59 %
C. 55%
D. 68%
Answer B
504. A circular chip ( k= 150 w/ mk)
with a diameter d=10mm and thickness t=
4 cm inside diameter and 12 cm outer
diameter. The inside wall temperature of
the pipe is maintained at 500 deg C
while the outside surface of asbestos at
90 deg C. Calculate the heat loss per
meter length
A. 1265w/m
B. 1500 w/m
C. 1400 w/m
D. 1100 w/m
Answer A
505. A 5m thick flat plane ( k=60 w/ m
k) is well insulated on its sides, while
the top and bottom surfaces are
maintained at 150 deg. Assuming a steady
state heat conduction, calculate the
temperature 4 m below the top surface.
A. 100 deg c
B. 120 deg c
C. 94 deg c
D. 80 deg c
Answer C
506. A solid of diameter D=0.5 m and
surface emissivity of 0.8 contains
electrons that dissipate 100 W of heat.
If it does not receive radiation from
the surroundings, what is the surface
A. 300 deg C
B. 280 deg C
C. 230 deg C
D. 270 deg C
Answer C
507. Which of the following is basically
a jet engine that exhausts into a
turbine generator?
A. Aeroderivative gas turbine
B. Brayton engine
C. Industrial gas turbine
D. Joule turbine
Answer A
508. It is referred to as the maximum
continuous power available from a
hydroelectric power plant even under the
most adverse hydraulic condition
A. Primary power
B. Continuous base power
C. Continuous peak power
D. Firm power
Answer D
509. Working fluids used in
refrigeration cycle decreases in
temperature as they pass through the
throttle valve. The Joule- Thompson
coefficient of these fluids is
A. Negative
B. Zero
C. Positive
D. None of the above
Answer C
510. The interaction that occurs between
a system and its surroundings as the
system executes a process, which is the
result of the system being at the
temperature different from the
surrounding, is
A. Mass transfer
B. Heat transfer
C. Work transfer
D. None of the above
Answer B
511. Energy is always
A. Being produced
B. Being destroyed
C. Not changing
D. None of the above
Answer B
512. Working fluids used in
refrigeration cycle decreases in
temperature as the pass through the
throttle valve. The joule-Thompson
coefficient of these fluids is
A. Negative
B. Zero
C. Positive
D. None of the above
Answer C
513. The interactions that occurs
between a system and its surroundings as
a system executes a process, which is
the result of the system being at
temperature different from the
surrounding is
A. Mass transfer
B. Heat transfer
C. Work transfer
D. None of the above
Answer B
514. Energy destruction is a result of
A. Heat transfer
B. Work production
C. Process irreversibility
D. None of the above
Answer C
515. An air pollutant which is the
result of burning fuels oils
A. Ferrous oxide
B. Hydrogen nitride
C. Sulfur dioxide
D. Aluminum oxide
Answer C
516. Analysis of solid fuel to determine
moisture, volatile matter, fixed carbon,
and ash expressed as percentage of the
total weight of the sample
A. Viscometer
B. Proximate analysis
C. Ultimate
D. Pour point
Answer B
517. A gas analysis apparatus in which
the percentage of oxygen, carbon dioxide
and neonoxide in the gas measured by
absorption in separate chemical
A. Orsat
B. Proximate
C. Ultimate
D. Pour point
Answer A
518. The water added to boiler feed to
compensate for the water lost through
blowdown, leakage, etc
A. Condensate
B. Make-up
C. Sulfur
D. Economizer
Answer B
519. Gas flow caused by boiler’s
pressure being less than boiler’s
furnace pressure
A. Induced draft
B. Infrared
C. Injector
D. Inhibitor
Answer A
520. An automatic pressure-relieving
device that opens in proportion to the
increase in pressure over its opening
A. Pressure gauge
B. Relieve valve
C. Ammeter
D. Calorimeter
Ans B
521. A rotating device used to convert
kinetic energy into mechanical energy
A. Turbine
B. Generator
C. Pump
D. Vacuum
Ans A
522. Air can be prevented from getting
into the system by:
A. Keeping all gland and stuffing
boxes on the high pressure side
B. Keeping the dehydrator clean at
all times
C. Keeping all glands and stuffing
boxes on the low pressure side
D. Running the refrigerant through
an aerator
Ans C
523. An excessively high head pressure
could be caused by
A. Solenoid valve shut off
B. Insufficient cooling water to the
C. Insufficient cooling water to the
evaporator coils
D. Too much cooling water to the
Ans B
524. The solenoid valve is controlled by
A. The amount of liquid in the system
B. The amount of gas in the system
C. The temperature in the condenser
D. The thermal switch operated by the
icebox temperature
Ans D
525. If the discharge side of the
thermal expansion valve is warmer than
A. Expansion valve is working
B. Expansion valve is not working
C. Solenoid valve is not working
D. Scale trap is dirty
Ans B
526. If the pressure is too high
A. The relief valve should open
before the high pressure output
B. The relief valve should open and
let excess refrigerant go to
C. The high pressure output switch
should operate before the relief
D. Close in on the suction valve
Ans C
527. If a pressurized water reactor
A. The coolant water is pressurized
to work as moderator
B. The coolant water boils in the
core of the reactor
C. The coolant water is pressurized
to prevent boiling of water in the
D. No moderator is used
Ans C
528. Which of the following property of
coal has major influence on the design
and operation of a steam power plant
A. Density of coal
B. Carbon content of coal
C. Ash content of coal
D. Shape and size of coal
Ans C
528. A boiler horsepower is equal to the
evaporation of 3405lbs of 100 degrees c
water per hr. how much steam in lb per
hour a 700 horsepower boiler can
A. 24150 lb / hr
B. 21000 lb/ hr
C. 18000 lb/hr
D. 30000 lb/hr
Ans B
529. ___ is obtained by mixing and
burning precisely the right amount of
fuel and oxygen so that products are
left once combustion is complete.
A. Perfect combustion
B. Burning combustion
C. Firing combustion
D. Burning combustion
Ans A
530. What type of boiler commonly used
in industrial and heavy commercial
application due to less expensive to
make low pressure, easier to maintain
and repair?
A. Water tube boiler
B. Fire tube boiler
C. Air tube boiler
D. Marine water
Ans B
531. During the emergency operation of
the boiler, when there is no water in
the gauge glass and steam comes out of
the bottom trycock, the water level
cannot be determined. What preventive
measure the operator does to save the
A. Shutdown the boiler and do not add
B. Add water to compensate the water
C. Increase the firing rate
D. Continue to operate the boiler and
add water
Ans A
532. The most important valve in the
boiler operation and the last line of
defense against disaster is known as
A. Pressure gauge
B. Compound gauge
C. Safety valve
D. Gate valve
Ans C
533. A common test and
when a boiler is being
replaced before being
or in service is known
A. Hydrostatic test
B. Water level test
C. Test clamp
D. Acid test
Ans A
very important
repaired and or
back in operation
534. In heat transfer by conduction, due
to symmetry the heat flow as a point is
perpendicular to the isothermal surface
through the point. This mode of
conduction is a characteristic of
A. Non-isotropic
B. Isotropic
C. Insulators
D. Conductors
Ans A
535. Why should you avoid bending or
twisting of fan blades in an air
conditioning unit?
A. It will not cause ice build up
B. It will wear out the motor
bearings &cause noise
C. It may not slice suction line
D. It decrease the volume flow of
Ans B
536. The heat transferred radially
across insulated pipe per unit area
A. Remain constant
B. Inversely proportional to the
thermal conductivity
C. Decrease from pipe wall to
insulated surface
D. Increase form pipe wall to
insulated surface
Ans C
537. Under normal operating conditions,
when a solid material to be dried is
placed inside a batch tray dryer, the
material is usually subjected
A. Under constant drying conditions
B. Under variable drying conditions
C. Under high temperature drying
D. Under low temperature drying
Ans A
538. A change of phase directly from
vapor to solid without passing through
the liquid state is called as
A. Sublimation
B. Vaporization
C. Solidification
D. Deposition
Ans d
539. in terms of heat transfer, the use
of a cooling tower is said to be more
efficient and more economical compared
to an ordinary heat exchanger since
A. Large vol of air is available and
B. Temperature profiles of air and
water can cross each other
C. Large amount of water can be
D. A cooling tower is much smaller
and cheaper than a heat heat
Ans B
540. It is a form of oxygen
photochemicallly produced in nature
A. Ozone
B. Oxidizing agent
C. Oxidation
D. D02
Ans a
541. What is the chemical formula of
A. O3
B. D3O
C. o7
D. O1
Ans A
542. In the upper atmosphere, ozone is
made by ultraviolet light reacting with
A. Oxygen
B. Nitrogen
C. Hydrogen
D. Water vapor
Ans A
543. The ozone concentration of parts
per million(ppm) is generally considered
maximum permissible for how many hours
of exposure?
A. 8 hrs
B. 7 hrs
C. 4 hrs
D. 3hrs
Ans A
544. How may moisture be removed from
A. Condensation
B. Adsorption
C. A and b
D. None of these
Ans C
545. In cooling cycle, the dry bulb temp
(db) of the air is lowered, what will
happens to the relative humidity
A. Increased
B. Decreases
C. Remains constant
D. Increases or decreases depending
on the temperature at which it is
Ans A
546. What is the effect of superheating
the refrigerant?
A. It increases the coefficient of
B. It decreases the coefficient of
C. It lowers the boiling point of the
D. It increases the suction pressure
of the refrigerant
Ans A
547. A turbine setting where one
disadvantage is the difficulty of
lubricating the operating mechanism,
with consequent relatively rapid water
A. Siphon setting
B. Open fume setting
C. Cast setting
D. Capacity setting
Ans b
548. A patented device combining
expansion and compression function in a
single rotor permitting higher cycle
A. Comprex
B. Compressor
C. Expander
D. Single-shaft
Answer: A
549. A rough measure of the physical
size of the equipment which must handle
the specified quantity of the fluid
A. pressure ratio
B. fuel rate
C. thermal efficiency
D. air ratio
Ans D
550. The ratio of the highest main
compressor discharge pressure as the
lower main compressor inlet pressure
A. cycle pressure ratio
B. cycle pressure level
C. work ratio
D. air ratio
Ans A
551. The ratio of the maximum pressure
in the cycle to the atmospheric pressure
A. Cycle pressure ratio
B. Cycle pressure level
C. Regenerator effectiveness
D. Thermal efficiency
Ans B
552. The ratio of the actual partial
pressure exerted by tge water vapor in
any volume of air to the partial
pressure that would be exerted by the
water vapor in the air is saturated at
the temperature of the air
A. Relative humidity
B. Absolute humidity
C. Humidity ratio
D. Saturation ratio
Ans A
558. Large-bulb alcohol thermometer used
to measure air speed or atmospheric
condition by means of cooling.
A. Kata thermometer
B. JJ Thompson Thermometer
C. Kelvin Thermometer
D. Wet Bulb Thermometer
Answer: A
559. The phenomenon that warm air rise
and cold air settle is called
A. Stratification
B. Setting Due
C. Sedimentation
D. Ventilation
Answer: A
553. In sensible heating the absolute
humidity remains constant but the
relative humidity
A. Increases
B. Remains constant
C. Decreases
D. Zero
Ans C
560. Which of the following components
of the window air conditioning system
cleaned annually?
A. Evaporator and condenser
B. Fan blades and fan motor
C. Motor and compressor
D. All of these
Answer: C
554. The relative humidity becomes 100%
and where the water vapor start to
A. Dew point
B. Saturated point
C. Cloud point
D. Critical point
Ans A
561. A cooled heat exchanger that
transfer heat from compressed air to
cooler air.
A. Intercooler
B. Refrigerator
C. Economizer
D. Aftercooler
Answer: D
555. Why should you avoid bending or
twisting of fan blades in an air
conditioning unit?
A. It will cause ice build-up
B. It will wear out the motor
bearings and cause noise
C. It may not slice suction line
D. It decreases the volume flow of
Answer: B
562. All the control stand, pitch of the
turbine blades must be adjusted manually
A. Sensor
B. Float valve
C. Gate
D. Switch
Answer: A
556. A type of refrigerant that will not
damage the ozone layer.
A. Hydrofluorocarbons (HCF’s)
B. R-22
C. Hydrochlorofluorocarbons (HCHF’s)
D. R-12
Answer: A
557. Which of the following is the type
of refrigerant that damages Ozone layer?
A. Hydrocholorofluorocarbons (HCHF’s)
B. R-22
C. R-12
D. All of these
Answer: D
563. The most commonly used adjustableblade propeller turbine.
A. Francis turbine
B. Kaplan turbine
C. Impulse turbine
D. Pelton wheel
Answer: B
564. Runner blades are adjusted
automatically in synchronism with
turbine wicker gates by a/an.
A. Control valve
B. Governor
C. Oil servomotor
D. Manual operation
Answer: C
565. What is supplied to the servomotor
from the turbine governor oil system
through the generator shaft and through
a control valve.
A. Water
B. Air
C. Steam
D. Oil
Answer: D
566. Used to exhaust air from the casing
for starting.
A. Ejectors
B. Dearator
C. Injector
D. Blower
Answer: A
567. Advantage for propeller turbines of
all types
A. Open flumes setting
B. Siphon setting
C. Cost setting
D. Capacity setting
Answer: B
568. An office air conditioning system
drew in a quantitity of hot air from
outside, cooled it to 1 deg C, and mixed
it with the internal air of a building.
Care was taken to supply enough fresh
air to eliminate objectionable odors.
The temperature of the space was
maintained constant, and yet some people
became uncomfortable in the afternoon,
A. The relative humidity had dropped
B. When a person spends a long time
at a constant temperature that
person becomes uncomfortable
C. Radiant heat from others in the
office made the space
D. The complainers were not really
uncomfortable, they were just
Answer: A
569. A large paper plant uses its own
cogeneration power plant to generate its
electricity because.
A. It permits the use of a more
efficient generator
B. The company can better control the
C. It does away with high power lines
leading to the plant
D. It provides a more efficient
conversion of fuel
Answer: D
570. The volumetric output of a
centrifugal pump is reduced by closing a
valve part way on the intake side of the
pump, throttling the intake. The
reduction of flow is accompanied by
“popping” noises which seem to come from
inside the case.
What is the probable cause?
A. The impeller has broken
B. Dirt particles have got into the
pump intake
C. The intake valve flow seal is
loose and vibrates
D. The fluid is cavitating
Answer: D
571. If a man touches two metals which
were kept together at room temperature,
why would one metal feel colder that the
A. One has a high temperature
B. One has a lower temperature
C. One has a high thermal
D. One has a high temperature
Answer: C
572. The ratio of the internal thermal
resistance of a solid to the boundary
layer thermal resistance is described
A. Biot number
B. Nusselt number
C. Prandtl number
D. Reynolds number
Answer: A
573. An instrument which is commonly
used to measure the most important
characteristics of fuel oil which is
viscosity is known as;
A. Saybolt Viscosimeter
B. Ph-meter
C. Acid Testmeter
D. Gravuty meter
Answer: A
574. Equipment designed to reduce the
amount of water vapor in the ambient
a. Blower
b. Condenser
c. Dehumidifier
d. Cooling tower
Answer: C
575. In a refrigerator, this is a
chamber for storing low-side liquid
refrigerant in a system, which also
serves as a surge drum.
A. Condenser
B. Evaporator
C. Compressor
D. Accumulator
Answer: D
576. The measure of a fluids resistance
to flow(the internal friction of a
fluid) as temperature increase.
A. Density
B. Viscosity
C. Specific gravity
D. Temperature
Answer: B
577. A mechanical device used to burn
solid fuel specifically used in coal
power palnt.
A. Stroker
B. Boiler
C. Staybolt
D. Condenser
Answer: A
578. The chemically correct ratio of air
fuel a mixture capable of perfect
combustion with no unused air or fuel,
A. Fuel point
B. Pour point
C. Stoichiometric ratio
D. Stack
Answer: C
579. When a solid material is said to be
“dry” it means that
A. The solid does not contain any
B. The solid still contains very
small amount of moisture
C. The solid contains equilibrium
D. The weight of the solid is the
same as the bone dry weight
Answer: B
580. A hot block is cooled by blowing
cool air over its top surface. The heat
that is first transferred to the air
layer close to the block is by
conduction. It is eventually carried
away from the surface by:
A. Convection
B. Radiation
C. Conduction
D. Thermal
583. The function of a moderator in a
nuclear reactor is
A. To slow down the fast moving
B. To speed up the slow moving
C. To start the chain reaction
D. To transfer the heat produced
inside the reactor to a heat
Answer: A
584. Which of the following is the most
commonly used moderator?
a. Graphite
b. Sodium
c. Deuterium
d. Heavy water
Answer: A
585. Ammonia leaks in the condenser can
be detected by:
A. Smelling the discharge water
B. Applying litmus paper to the
circulating water discharge
C. Adding oil of peppermint to the
system and tracing the small
D. Applying a scapy mixture to the
condenser heads and looking for
Answer: B
586. Air arrangement of headwater tubes
located in the boiler
A. Economizer
B. Condenser
C. Evaporator
D. Boiler
Answer: A
Answer: A
587. Scale in boiler can.
A. Create low steam quality
B. Cause foaming
C. Over blow-off line
D. Inhibit circulation and heat
Answer: D
581. When drying banana chips under the
sun, the rate of drying is faster
A. On a slightly breezy day
B. On a calm day
C. On a cloudy day
D. On a hot and windy day
Answer: D
588. The effectiveness of a body as a
thermal radiator at a given temperature.
A. Absorptivity
B. Emissivity
C. Conductivity
D. Reflectivity
Answer: B
582. Reflector of a nuclear reactor are
made up of
A. Boron
B. Cast iron
C. Beryllium
D. Steel
Answer: C
589. In a cooling tower, the water is
cooled mainly by;
A. Condensation
B. Evaporation
C. Convection
D. Conduction
Answer: C
590. A temperature above which a given
gas cannot be liquefied;
A. Cryogenic Temperature
B. Absolute Temperature
C. Vaporization
D. Critical Temperature
Answer: D
591. What part of heat exchangers that
are classified as radiant convection and
placed at the near of the furnace, where
they receive the bulk of the radiation
from the flame.
A. Radiant superheaters
B. Condenser
C. Radiator
D. Evaporators
Answer: A
592. Which of the following is the major
consideration while selecting the
nuclear power plant?
Load center
Disposal of waste
Availability of water
Answer: C
593. A moderator is used to:
A. Slow down neutrons
B. Slow down electrons
C. Accelerate neutrons
D. Direct flow of electron
Answer: A
594. Which of the following material is
not used as moderator?
a. Graphite
b. Beryllium
c. Aluminum
d. Light water
Answer: C
595. In nuclear power plant which of the
following is used to slow down the fast
A. Reflector
B. Shield
C. Control rod
D. Moderator
Answer: D
596. Control rods for nuclear reactors
are made of
A. Graphite
B. Concrete
C. Cadmium
D. Lead
Answer: C
597. The reactor in which fissionable
fuel produced is more than the fuel
consumed is known as
A. Fast reactor
B. Breeder reactor
C. Thermal reactor
D. None of the above
Answer: B
598. Heavy duty gas turbines typically
A. Double shaft
B. Triple shaft
C. Single shaft
D. Quadruple shaft
Answer: C
599. Which of the following statements
is not a key feature of fourier’s heat
A. It is phenomenological
B. It defines an important material
property called thermal
C. It is vector expression indicating
that the heat flux is normal and
the direction of decreasing
D. Assume that the thermal
conductivity is constant with
repect to temperature of the
Answer: D
600. What is the color code of steam
line in geothermal power plant?
A. Green
B. Blue
C. Silver Gray
D. Red
Answer: C
601. What is absorbed by sulphites in
boiler water treatment?
A. Carbon dioxide
B. Oxygen
C. Carbon monoxide
D. Impurities settled in mud drums
Answer: D
602. A flow volume in which the fluids
flow upward through a tapered tube
lifting a shaped weight to a position
where the upward force just balances to
A. Rotameter
B. Thermometer
C. Viscometer
D. Ammeter
Answer: A
603. An instrument that register total
pressure and static pressure in a used
to determine velocity.
A. Ammeter
B. Rotameter
C. Pitot tube
D. Pour point
Answer: C
604. A heat engine whose thermodynamic
efficiency is greater than that of a
Carnot device using the same energy
reservoir is known as:
A. A perpetual machine of the zeroth
B. A perpetual machine of the second
C. A perpetual machine of the first
D. A perpetual machine of the third
Answer: B
605. The degrees of power interval in 4stroke cycle of a six-cylinder engine is
a. 60 degrees
b. 180 degrees
c. 90 degrees
d. 120 degrees
Answer: D
606. The portion of sunlight, rich in
ultraviolet rays, which has a strong
effect on photographic plate.
a. Gamma rays
b. X-rays
c. Beta rays
d. Actinic rays
Answer: D
607. Which of the following does not
illustrate the effect of temperature or
pressure on gas solubility?
A. Air bubbles from on the sides of a
warm glass of water
B. Soda pop is bottle under pressure
C. Boiling frees water gases
D. Air is more humid on rainy days
Answer: D
608. Among the effluents that may be
released from the hydrothermal reservoir
which one is the most toxic?
A. Carbon dioxide
B. Hydrogen sulfide
C. Methane
D. Ammonia
Answer: B
609. Newton said that a projectile if
given enough horizontal velocity will
not fail to the earth. Instead, it moves
along a path around the earth. The 1st
artificial satellite that verified
Newton’s statement is
A. Apollo 1
B. Houston 1
C. Sputnik 1
D. None of these
Answer: C
610. A refrigerant control valve that
maintains a constant pressure in a
A. Bleed valve
B. Angle valve
C. Automatic expansion valve
D. Ball check valve
Answer: C
611. A rigid contains gas a 100 kpa and
10 degrees C. the gas is heated until
the temperature reaches 100 degree C.
Calculate the work done by the system.
A. 2
B. 0
C. 1
D. 1.5
Answer: B
612. The compression ratio in an airstandard Otto cycle is 10. At the
beginning of the compression stroke the
pressure is 120 kpa and the temperature
is 15 degree C. Calculate the pressure
and the temperature at the end of the
compression process.
A. 4,000 kPa
B. 3,500 kPa
C. 3,014 kPa
D. 3,200 kPa
Answer: C
613. Find the thermal efficiency of an
air-standard Otto power cycle with a
compression ratio of 7.
A. 60%
B. 50%
C. 65%
D. 54%
Answer: D
614. At the beginning of the compression
stroke in an standard Otto cycle. The
pressure is 100 kPa and the temperature
is 15 degree C. the compression ratio is
8 and work is 1,017.7 kj/kg. Determine
the mean effective pressure.
A. 1,406 kPa
B. 1,500 kPa
C. 1,350 kPa
D. 1,550 kPa
Answer: A
615. The compression ratio in an air
standard diesel cycle is 20. At the
beginning of the compression process the
pressure and the temperature are 0.12
Mpa and 15 degree C respectively. What
is the pressure at the end of the
compression process?
A. 8,500 kPa
B. 7,955 kPa
C. 8,300 kPa
D. 8,200 kPa
Answer: B
616. The accounting of all energy units
involved in a system a cycle of an piece
of equipment
A. Thermodynamic solution
B. Equilibrium condition
C. Summation of energy units
D. Heat Balance
Answer: D
617. It refers to any arrangement
whereby steam is bled from a turbine
more pressure for any purpose whatsoever
A. Regeneration
B. Extraction
C. Bled-off cycle
D. Regenerative extraction cycle
Answer: B
618. Any arrangement whereby steam is
bled from a turbine for a purpose of
thermal regeneration of the condensate
to a temperature level approaching that
of the boiler water.
A. Regenerative
B. Extraction cycle
C. Bled-off steam cycle
D. Regenerative extraction cycle
Answer: A
619. The steam extraction from the
A. Bled steam
B. Extraction
C. Extracted steam
D. A and C
Answer: D
620. The point of particular pressure
where the steam is extracted
A. Bleeder point
B. Extraction point
C. Bleeder
D. A and B
Answer: D
621. Vapor pumps that raise the pressure
of the refrigeration to a level that
permits sufficient heat rejection to the
condensing medium.
A. Fans
B. Blower
C. Compressor
D. Suction
Answer: C
622. Low temperature heat exchanger that
is used to absorb heat from the
refrigerated space and transfer it to
the refrigerant in its tubes so that it
can be transported to another and
A. Condenser
B. Evaporator
C. Capillary tube
D. Compressor
Answer: B
623. The substance employed as cooling
effect to absorb heat from the
refrigerated space in called
A. Condensate
B. Feedwater
C. Refrigerant
D. Moisture
Answer: C
624. It is inversely proportional to the
power required to grind the coal to
certain fitness
A. Pulverizing index
B. Fireness index
C. Grindability index
D. Inverse power coefficient
Answer: C
625. The temperature where the ash
becomes very plastic, somewhat below the
melting point of the ash.
A. Ash- softening temperature
B. Ash- plasticity temperature
C. Ash – fluidity temperature
D. Ash – liquefaction temperature
Answer: A
626. The amount of chemical energy in a
given mass or volume of fuel.
A. Heating value
B. Energy storage
C. Calorific value
D. A and C
Answer: D
Which of the following compressors are so widely used for today’s
refrigeration system?
Ans. Centrifugal
A valve sometimes known as the magnetic valve.
Ans. Solenoid valve
Which of the following valve use to regulate the flow of refrigerant to the
Ans. Expansion valve
Which of the following use control the flow of refrigerant gas from the
evaporator coil. This type of control valve is also known as back pressure
regulator of an evaporator.
Ans. Suction line regulator
Which of the following refrigerant control is used to limit the flow of gas
to the compressor to prevent surge of excessive load from overloading the
Ans. Hold-back valve
Which of the following refrigerant control is used in the liquid suction or
discharge to interrupt the flow on demand from any one of the several types
of temperature or pressure sensing devices.
Ans. Solenoid valve
What is the pressure drop from the receiver to the expansion valve?
Ans. 5 psi
If any of the electricity controlled device in a Freon system malfunction,
which following valves will also automatically shut off?
Ans. Solenoid valve
The relief valve on a CO2 machine is located:
Ans. On the discharge pipe between the compressor and the discharge
When checking zinc plates in a condenser, one should:
Ans. Clean the plate and renew worn-out ones.
A refrigerant should have a
Ans. High latent heat
The mechanical energy of a device is the ratio of:
Ans. Mechanical energy input to the mechanical energy output
When the winding or circuit is open, what is the resistance reading?
Ans. Infinity
If the meter scale of the ohmmeter reads 0 ohms and the range adjustment is R
10, what is the resistance reading?
Ans. 100
What is the resistance reading of an electric motor in good condition?
Ans. With resistance
The basic unit of electrical pressure is:
Ans. Volt
What is the most commonly used conductor?
Ans. Copper
Which of the following is the effect of superheating the refrigerant?
Ans. Increase is COP
Which of the following statement is true in ice making capacity?
Ans. Ice making capacity is always proportional to the refrigerating
Which of the following has the largest heat load in cold storage room?
Ans. Product heat load
Which of the following is a halocarbon refrigerant?
Ans. Methyl chloride
A refrigerant system in which pressure- imposing element is mechanically
Ans. Compressor
Which of the following compressors have the compressing element and drive
seals in a single housing?
Ans. hermitically sealed compressor
Which of the following consists of two mating helically grooved male and
female grooves?
Ans. Helical rotary-screw
What is the other name of helical-rotary screw compressors?
Ans. Lysholm type
At what head is the helically-rotary compressors are designed to operate?
Ans. High head pressure
The bulk quantity of oil separated from the refrigerant in the helicallyrotary compressor falls by?
Ans. Gravity to a sump
If the temperature in the icebox is too high, the trouble could be:
Ans. Automatic control not functioning properly
If any of the electrically controlled devices in a Freon system malfunction,
which of the following valves also automatically shut-off?
Ans. Solenoid valve
Natural ice in an ice box was used in the early
Ans. 19th century
The amount of matter present in a quantity of any substance is called:
Ans. Mass
What pressure is indicated by a barometer?
Ans. Atmospheric pressure
The basic unit measurement for heat is:
Ans. BTU
The force that acts upon a unit of area is termed:
Ans. Pressure
What is the physical state of a refrigerant entering the flow control?
Ans. Sub-cooled
What method of heat transfer does not depend on molecular motion?
Ans. Radiation
Where is the filter drier located?
Ans. After the condenser
A motor drive device which removes the heat-laden vapor refrigerant from the
evaporator is the:
Ans. Compressor
The function of the compressor is to:
Ans. Squeeze out refrigerant from the evaporator
In which part of the compressor is the piston attached to the crankshaft?
Ans. Connecting rod
This is a compressor which has an off center-rotor.
Ans. Rotary
Which of the following compressor is commonly used in household
Ans. Hermetic
What is the length of the tubing extended from the part to be swaged
Ans. ½ inch
The best method of making leak proof connection is:
Ans. Silver brazing
The refrigerant that should not be used copper or brass tubing:
Ans. R-717
The color of the hose connected to suction line or process be
Ans. Blue
Where is the compound gauge installed in a refrigerant system?
Ans. Suction line
A gauge used to measure pressure both below and above atmospheric pressure
Ans. Compound gauge
What is the valve position if the valve stem is turned all the way in?
Ans. Front-seated
What is the valve position if the valve stem is turned all the way out?
Ans. Back-seated
Ohm’s law states that resistance is inversely proportional to:
Ans. Current
To prevent corrosion within the flue gas, what must be prevented from
Ans. Vapor
Ans. Evaporative cooling
An adiabatic saturation process. This process can be produced with _____,
which is essentially a regular thermometer with its bulb wrapped in wet
cotton or gauze.....
Ans. Sling psychrometer
A high velocity gas is defined as a gas moving with a velocity in excess of
Ans. 300ft/s/ 100m/s
The theoretical maximum velocity is achieved when.....
Ans. All internal and pressure energies are converted to kinetic
If the gas flow is adiabatic and frictionless (i.e. reversible)
Ans. Both A and B
A property by which the refrigerant remains at its original chemical
form/original condition is imposed by the operation.....
Ans. Stability of refrigerant
The maximum temperature at which a gas is condense into liquid. Above
temperature, a vapour imposed by the operation.....
Ans. Stability of refrigerant
Which of the following is the name given for halogenated hydrocarbon?
Ans. Halocarbon
Which of the following refrigerants are produced by carrier corporation?
Ans. Carrene
Which of the following refrigerants is produced by E.L.DU FONT?
Ans. Freon
Which of the following is the other name of R 718?
Ans. Water
Energy per unit volume stored in a deformed material is called:
Ans. Strain energy
The ratio of ultimate failure strain to yielding strain is known as:
Ans. Ductility
One ton of refrigeration is equal to:
Ans. 3.5KW
With what cycle does air refrigeration works?
Ans. Bell-coleman cycle
What cycle does air refrigeration works?
Ans. Coal
What is produced by fission process?
Ans. Radiation
Loss of power is due to:
Ans. Low injection pressure
A branch system of pipes to carry waste emissions away from the combustion
Ans. Exhaust manifold
The type of filter where the filtering elements is replaceable.
Ans. Metal-edge filter
When four events takes place in one revolution of a crankshaft of an engine,
the engine is called
Ans. Two stroke engine
Which of the following does not belong to the group.
Ans. Time injection system
The function of a super heater is to:
Ans. Exchange heat to increase energy to the flow during an adiabatic,
internally reversible process
What is true about change in entropy?
Ans. It is always zero
How does an adiabatic process compare to an isentropic process?
Ans. Both heat transfer = Q, isentropic reversible
Adiabatic heat transfer within a vapour cycle refers to :
Ans. The transfer of energy from one stream to another in a heat
exchanger that the energy of the input streams equal to the energy of output.
All of the following process are irreversible except:
Ans. An isentropic compression of a perfect fluid
Refers to the system where the evaporator coils are placed in the ice box
Ans. Direct system
What is the usual dehydrating agent in Freon system?
Ans. Activated alumina
Refers to the system where the evaporator coils are indicated in a brine
solution and brine is pumped thru the ice box
Ans. Indirect system
Is the most common dryer which consist of rotating cylinder inside which the
materials flow while getting in contact with hot gas.
Ans. Rotary dryer
Is the ratio of the mass of water-vapor in air and mass of air if it is
saturated is called:
Ans. Relative humidity
The hands feel painfully cold when the skin temperature reaches
Ans. 10°C
The total heat of air is a function of
Ans. WB temperature
Boiling point of Freon-12 at atmospheric pressure is:
Ans. 21°F
Which of the following is NOT a type of water cooled condenser in
Ans. Double shell
Component of absorption refrigeration system in which the solution is cooled
by cooling water.
Ans. Absorber
Cascade refrigeration cycle is often used in industrial process where objects
must be cooled to temperature below:
Ans. -46°C
Type of refrigerant control designed to maintain a pressure difference while
the compressor is operating.
Ans. Capilliary tube
As a rule of thumb, for a specified amount of compressed air, the power
consumption of the compressor decreased by ____________for each 3°C drop in
the temperature inlet air to the compressor.
Ans. 1 percent
Modern way of detecting air compressor leak is by using
Ans. Acoustic leak detector
For foundation of stacks, the maximum pressure on the soil is equal to the
pressure due to the
weight and the _______.
Ans. Wind movement
Foundation bolts of specified size should be used and surrounded by a pipe
sleeve with an inside
diameter of at least
Ans. 3 times the diameter of anchor bolt
For multi stage compression of an ideal Brayton cycle, the back work ratio
Ans. decrease
Type of turbine that has a specific speed below 5.
Ans. Impulse turbine
A high discharge type of turbine
Ans. Propeller turbine
Use to minimize the speed rise due to a sudden load rejection
Ans. jet deflector
Is the speed of a turbine when the head on the turbine is one meter.
Ans. Unit speed
Is a fluid property which refers to the intermolecular attraction by which
the separate particles of the fluid arc held together.
Ans. Cohesion
Which of the following is NOT the cause of black smoke in diesel engine?
Ans. High compression pressure
Which of the following is not a method of starting a diesel engine?
Ans. Using another generator
Two-stroke engine performs _____ to complete one cycle.
Ans. Compression and power stroke
A type of geothermal plant used when there is a presence of brine extracted
from underground
Ans. Binary geothermal plant
Is the most important safety device on the power boiler.
Ans. Safety valve
During hydrostatic test, the safety valves should be
Ans. removed
Where deaerating heaters are not employed, it is recommended that the
temperature of the feed water be not less than _______
Ans. 197°C
What is the possible cause of too much suction pressure?
Ans. Shortage refrigerant
Where is the oil separator located?
Ans. Between the compressor and condenser
What is the purpose of the low pressure cutout switch?
Ans. To cut compressor in and out at present pressure
Freon unit will tend to short cycle when operating under
Ans. Light loads
What cause hot suction line?
Ans. Insufficient refrigerant
When changing a Freon system which valve is not used?
Ans. King valve
Where is the scale trap located?
Ans. Between the king valve and expansion valve
Where is the solenoid valve located?
Ans. Between the scale trap and thermal expansion valve
Water tube boilers have how many fusible plugs?
Ans. 4
What is the main cause of air pollution as a result of burning fuel?
Ans. Nitrogen dioxide
Refers to the increase of enthalpy of a substance when it undergoes some
phase change at constant pressure and temperature.
Ans. Heat of vaporization
Which of the following keeps moisture from passing thru the system?
Ans. Dehydrator
What is the lowest temperature to which water could possibly be cooled in a
cooling tower?
Ans. Temperature of adiabatic saturation
What do you call the intake pipe to a hydraulic turbine from a dam?
Ans. Penstock
An ideal fluid is one that
Ans. Is frictionless and incompressible
What principal was used by McLeod gauge which is used for low pressure
Ans. Boyles Law
The difference between the brake and hydraulic power is
Ans. Friction power
Product of motor pump efficiency is known as
Ans. Over-all efficiency
The most efficient cross-section of an open channel is the one that
Ans. All of the above
Refers to the structure across an open channel over which water flows.
Ans. Weir
When can we say that a trapezoidal weir is a “cipoletti” weir?
Ans. When side slope 4 vertical and 1 horizontal
A weir is broad-crested if:
Ans. The weir length is greater than half of the head
A feature of a dam over where water is discharged is called:
Ans. Spillway
Laminar flow occurs when the Reynolds number is approximately less than
Ans. 2100
Turbulent flow occurs when the Reynolds number exceeds:
Ans. 4000
Laminar flow is typical when
Ans. All of the above
When the Reynolds number is between 2100 to 4000, the flow is said to be in
Ans. Critical zone
Which of the following characterizes a laminar flow?
Ans. All of the above
Without a pump and turbine, which of the following rules is true in
frictionless environment about energy and hydraulic gradient?
Ans. All of the above
What is the latent heat of vaporization of water?
Ans. 970 Btu
A dry bulb temperature at which water starts to condense but when moist
appears in a constant pressure process
Ans. Dew point temperature
A mixture of dry air and saturated vapour is known as:
Ans. Saturated air
What is another term for “humidity ratio”?
Ans. Specific humidity
The water vapour mass is often reported in
Ans. Grains of water
Approximately how many grains of water are there in 1 pound?
Ans. 7000
The ratio of actual humidity ratio to the saturated humidity ratio at the
inlet temperature and pressure
What is another term for “degree of saturation”?
Ans. Percentage of humidity
The partial pressure of the water vapour divided by the saturation pressure?
Ans. Relative humidity
The point where sonic velocity has been achieved (M=1) is known as:
Ans. Critical point
The ratio of the thrust in equal mass flow rate is known as...
Ans. Effective exhaust velocity
Is the velocity of gas dropped from supersonic to subsonic, gas will
Ans. Shock wave.
An adiabatic flow with friction, which would be approximately as flow through
an insulated duct...
Ans. Fan no flow
What is an inevitable by-product of the combustion of hydro carbon fuel?
Ans. Water vapour
A compound pressure gauge is used to measure:
Ans. Positive and negative pressure
Which of the following best describes a Curtis turbine?
Ans. It is a velocity pressure compound turbine
What causes low head pressure?
Ans. Too much cooling water and in sufficient refrigeration gas
What causes high head pressure?
Ans. All of the above
A commercial pipe which has the characteristics of being immune to
electrolysis and corrosion, light in weight weak structurally.
Ans. Asbestos cement pipe
A commercial pipe which is durable, water tight, low maintenance and smooth
Ans. Concrete pipe
A commercial pipe which has the characteristics of being corrosion, and scour
and erosion resistance.
Ans. Vitrified clay pipe
A commercial pipe which that is ductile, high strength, shock resistant, very
smooth internally.
Ans. Steel pipe
A commercial pipe that is chemically insert, resistant to corrosion, very
smooth, light weight and very cheap
Ans. Plastic (PVC and ABS)
Which commercial pipe that is primarily used for water condensate, and
refrigerant lines easier to bent by hand, good thermal conductivity
Ans. Brass and copper pipe
A fluid pathway that expose parts of the fluid to the atmosphere is the:
Ans. Open channel
The ratio of the area in flow to the width of the channel at fluid surface in
an open channel is known as:
Ans. Hydraulic depth
The most efficient cross-section for an open channel is known as:
Ans. Semi-circular section
The most efficient section rectangular section has:
Ans. A width twice the depth
What is the maximum power that the motor can provide?
Ans. Rated horsepower
Which of the following is a possible cause of cavitation
Ans. All of the above
Is a reaction during which chemical energy is released in the form of heat
When forebay is not part of the generating plant design, it will be desirable
to produce a ________ in order to relieve the effect of rapid changes in flow
Ans. Surge chamber
What is used to keep the turbine in a hydroelectric generating plant up to 15
feet above the tailwater surface?
Ans. Draft tube
If a draft tube is not employed, water may be return to the tail water by way
of a chamber known as the:
Ans. Tail race
An impulse turbine consists of a rotating shaft on which buckets of blades
are mounted. What is the term used for rotating shaft?
Ans. Turbine runner
Which of the following refrigerant that belong to group B refrigerants and
harmful or toxic refrigerants?
Ans. All of the above
Which of the following refrigerants are combustible?
Ans. All of the above
Which of the following refrigerants is used for frozen foods and ice cream
display cases warehouses and food freezing plants, medium temperature display
cases truck refrigeration and heat pumps?
Ans. R-502
The refrigerant that was formerly the most widely used for air conditioning
and refrigeration. It was the principal refrigerant for automotive air
Ans. R-12
How do we know that there is shortage of refrigerant considering that we are
in the liquid line?
Ans. Vapor bubbles in the sight glass appear
The amount of power actually entering a fluid is known as:
Ans. All of the above
The input power to the pump will be:
Ans. Equal to the output power of the electric motor driving the pump
A bent or curved carries fluid from a container at a high elevation to
another container at a lower elevation.
Ans. Siphon
A water path, usually a large diameter pipe used to channel water around or
through an obstruction feature.
Ans. Culvert
Which of the following principles governs the distributions of flow between
the two branches in a pipe system.
Ans. All of the above
A method used to determine the network flow in a multi-hoop piping system.
Ans. Hardy-cross method
A device used to measure velocity by determining the cooling effect of fluid
flowing over an electrically heated tungsten.
Ans. Hot-wire anemometer
Which of the following is used for R-12?
Ans. All of the above
Which of the following tubing (pipes) usually used in ammonia refrigerant?
Ans. Ferrous pipe
Which of the following tubing (pipes) usually used in halo-carbon
Ans. K and L copper tubing
Properties of superheated vapour can be found in?
Ans. Superheated table
Properties of non-reacting gas mixture are given by:
Ans. Volumetric weight for molecular weight and density and geometric
weighing for all the properties except entropy.
The relation between the total volume of a mixture of a non-reacting gases
for initial volume is given by:
Ans. Amagat’s law
Which of the following is the first definition of enthalpy?
Ans. The amount of useful energy in a system.
A constant pressure thermodynamics process obeys:
Ans. Charles law
The volume of an ideal is halved, while it’s temperature is double, what
happens to the pressure?
Ans. Pressure is multiplied by 4
A liquid boils when its pressure equal.
Ans. Ambient pressure
A system composed of ice and water at zero °C is said to be:
Ans. All of the above
A heat of fusion for a pure substance is ________.
Ans. The energy required to melt the substance.
The heat of vaporization involves the change of enthalpy due to:
Ans. The change in phase from liquid to gas.
The heat of sublimation involves the change of enthalpy due to:
Ans. The change in phase from solid to gas.
The unit for absolute viscosity which is dyne-sec/cm3 is also known as:
Ans. Poise
What is the unit of absolute viscosity?
Ans. Pa-second
The ratio of absolute viscosity to mass density is also known as:
Ans. Kinetic viscosity
What is the unit of kinetic viscosity?
Ans. m2/s
Stroke is a unit of kinetic viscosity which is equivalent to:
Ans. cm2/s
What are volatile liquids?
Ans. The liquid that vaporizes immediately
When does boiling occur?
Ans. When the liquid temperature is increased to the point that the
vapour present is equal to the local ambient pressure.
The liquid boiling pressure is dependent on:
Ans. Both A and B
Referred as the mass flow the rate divided by the generator output in
Ans. Water rate of stream rate
The power after the auxiliary loads has been removed is known as:
Ans. Net electrical output
_________ of a turbine is the ratio of actual to ideal energy extraction?
Ans. Both A and B
What is the approximate maximum practical metallurgical limit on superheat?
Ans. 1150°C and 625°C
What is used to increase the mean effective temperature at which heat is
added without producing significant expansion in the liquid-vapor region.
Ans. Superheat
If some of the heat energy from these waste products is recovered and used
for space heating or cooling the process is called
Ans. Cogeneration
In cogeneration, the recovered heat
Ans. Is used as heat
The ratio of useful energy to the energy input is called?
Ans. Fuel utilization
The ratio of the energy of a turbine to the recovered heat is known as:
Ans. Power to heat ratio
If the recovered heat is used to vaporized water in a vapour cycle this is
Ans. Combined cycle
What is the best coolant for high temperature gas reactor?
Ans. Helium (He)
What is the liquid metal most frequently used as coolant, in liquid metal
Ans. Sodium (Na)
Combustion power cycles differ from vapour power in that:
Ans. The combustion product cannot be returned into their initial
condition for reuse.
A closed system using a fixed amount of ideal air as the working fluid?
Ans. Air standard cycle
Which of the following is not a specific compound but is a mixture of octane
and lighter hydrocarbon?
Ans. Gasoline
A series of process that eventually brings the system back to its original
condition is known as?
Ans. Cycle
The _____ of a power cycle is defined as the ratio of usual work output to
the supplied input energy?
Ans. Thermal efficiency
Is use to heat up the solution partially before entering the generator in
absorption refrigeration system.
Ans. Regenerator
The COP of actual absorption refrigeration system is usually
Ans. Less than 1
Sight glass is often located at:
Ans. Liquid line
Use to detect a vibration in current caused by the ionization of decomposed
refrigerant between two opposite-charged platinum electrodes.
Ans. Electronic detector
The ability of oil to mix with refrigerants
Ans. miscibility
For the submerged plane surface, the point on the surface where the resultant
force acts is called the
Ans. Center of pressure
At any point in fluid at rest, the pressure is the same in all directions.
This principle is known as:
Ans. Pascal’s Law
The hot-wire manometer is used to measure
Ans. Gas velocities
The pitot static tube measures
Ans. The static pressure
The terminal velocity of a small sphere setting in a viscous fluid varies as
Ans. Inverse of fluid viscosity
Pressure drag results from
Ans. Skin friction
The pressure coefficient is the ratio of pressure forces to:
Ans. Inertia forces
Tranquil flow must always occur
Ans. Above the critical depth
Which of the following head loss coefficient among the following types of
Ans. Re-entrant
What waste water treatment method involves of algae from stabilization pond
Ans. Microscreening
The number of nozzles will depend on the quantity of steam required by the
turbine. If the nozzles occupy the entire arc of the ring, the turbine is
said to have:
Ans. Full peripheral admission
Tandem compound units may also have two low-pressure casting that produces:
Ans. Triple flow
By inter-cooling using two stage compressor of Brayton cycle, the backwork
ratio will:
Ans. Decrease
On dynamic similitude, the relation which represents the ratio of inertia
force to pressure force is:
Ans. Euler number
What is the maximum velocity in a sewer flowing full?
Ans. 0.6 m/sec
A temporary structure constructed to exclude water from the site of the
foundation during its excavation and construction is called:
Ans. Coffer dam
Which is not a physical characteristic of water?
Ans. Hardness
Which dam is best for weak foundation?
Ans. Buttress
What is the volume of water which will drain freely from the aquifer?
Ans. Specific yield
What is the line defined by the water level in a group of artesian wells?
Ans. Peizometric surface
Select the one that is a positive indication of pollution of a river.
Ans. Chloride content
Which instruments is used to measure humidity of the atmosphere continuously?
Ans. Hydrograph
Entrance losses between tank and pipe or losses through elbows, fittings and
valves are generally expresses as a function of:
Ans. Kinetic energy
The air that contains no water vapour is called:
Ans. Dry air
What effectively states that it is impossible to build a cylindrical engine
that will have a thermal efficiency of 100%?
Ans. Kelvin-Planc statement of second law
Refers to the maximum possible work that can be obtained from a cycle.
Ans. Availability
The difference between the maximum and the actual work output is known as?
Ans. Process inversibility
The study of the property of atmospheric air?
Ans. Psychrometry
The temperature of the air that has gone through an adiabatic saturation
process is known as?
Ans. Wet-bulb temperature
How often should compressor oil be changed?
Ans. At least semi-annually
Which of the following is the possible effect of the weak solution of brine
in a refrigeration system?
Ans. Corrosion
In Freon refrigeration system, where is the scale trap located?
Ans. On the suction side of the compressor
At what pressure is the high pressure cut-off in the Freon (R-12)
Ans. 125-150 psi
What is the other name for brine refrigeration system?
Ans. Indirect refrigeration system
# What is the indication that there is air in the refrigeration system?
Ans. Unusual high head pressure
A Freon-12 leaking can be detected by halide torch. What color will it turn
to in the presence of a refrigerant if this torch has a normal blue flame?
Ans. Green
All of the following process are irreversible except
Ans. Inelastic tension and release of steel bar
Which of the following is a point function except
Ans. Work
All heat transfer process require medium of energy exchange except
Ans. Radiation
Thermal conduction is described by:
Ans. Fourier Law
Convection is described by:
Ans. Newton’s Law
Radiant heat transfer is described by:
Ans. The Stefan-Boltzman Law
The equivalence of ratios of emissive power to absorptivity equilibrium is
described by
Ans. Kirchoff’s Law
The temperature potential between temperature difference.
Ans. The logarithmic temperature difference
A thermodynamic process whose deviation from equilibrium is infinitesimal at
all times.
Ans. In quasi-equilibrium
A thermodynamic property best describes the molecular activity of a
Ans. Internal energy
The combination of conditions that best describes thermodynamic process is
Ans. Has a successive state thru which the system passes
A substance whose properties are uniform throughout is called a:
Ans. Pure substance
All of the following are thermodynamic properties except:
Ans. Modulus
A process that is adiabatic and reversible is also called:
Ans. Isentropic
The first law of thermodynamics for a closed system is Q= ∆U + W, the sign
convention is:
Ans. Q positive in, W positive out and ∆U negative for decreased
internal energy
The heat transfer term in the first law of thermodynamics may be due to any
of the ff. except:
Ans. Internal heat generation
A system that experiences no mass crossing the system boundaries called:
Ans. Closed system
A substance in which a substance is allowed to enter and have is most
properly called:
Ans. Open system
First and second law of thermodynamics are:
Ans. Energy equations
A constant temperature thermodynamic process obeys:
Ans. Boyles Law
A series of process that eventually bring the system back to the original
condition is called a:
Ans. Cycle
If the refrigerant leaves the evaporator with a quality of < 1, the cycle is
known as:
Ans. Wet vapor compression cycle
For even lower temperature, are required as in commercial freezing equip.
What is used as refrigerant?
Ans. Ammonia
What is another name for Air-Refrigeration cycle?
Ans. Brayton cycle
What is the major disadvantage of Air-Refrigeration cycle?
Ans. High power consumption
What refrigeration is practically used when a large quantity of wasteinexpensive heat is avail?
Ans. Heat-driven refrigeration cycle
For an absorption cycle, how many working fluids are required?
Ans. Two (2)
In absorption cycle, what is needed in NH3 water system to remove any
remaining traces of absorbents from the refrigerant and is placed between
generator and condenser.
Ans. Rectifier
Which is a “TEMA” stands for?
Ans. All of the above
The acronym “TEMA” stands for?
Ans. Tubular Exchangers Manufacturing Association
he acronym “API” stands for?
Ans. American Petroleum Institute
What occurs when the exit temperature of the cold fluid is above the exit
temperature of the hot fluid?
Ans. Temperature cross
Are heat exchangers whose purpose is to heat with condensing stream.
Ans. Closed feedwater heater
Refers to the corrosion, precipitation of compound in solution, setting of
particular solid and biological activity that adhere to a heat transfer
Ans. Fouling
Fouling in a heat exchanger industries is commonly known as:
Ans. Silent thief
An operation with 1 fluid flow rate substantially known as:
Ans. Down turn
Indicate the false statement?
Ans. Duo to viscosity, liquid cannot resist instantaneously change
Ideal liquid are assumed to be?
Ans. Newtonian fluids
Which of the following is a Newtonian fluids?
Ans. All of the above
Thermal radiation heating body can be absorb, reflected or transmitted, this
is known as
Ans. Radiation Conservation law
The rate of thermal emitted per unit area of a body is known as:
Ans. Emissive power
States that for any two bodies in thermal equilibrium, the ratio of emissive
power to absorptivity are
Ans. Kirchoff’s Radiation law
Bodies that radiate at absorptivity of 1 are known as:
Ans. Black bodies or ideal radiators
Which of the following does not radiate at the ideal level?
Ans. Real body
The ratio of actual to ideal emissive power is known as:
Ans. Emissivity
What is the refrigerator’s main function?
Ans. To cool this low temperature area
The rate of energy removal from the low temperature area is known as:
Ans. Either of the refrigeration capacity or refrigerating effect
The refrigeration capacity is measured in refrigeration ton where one ton is
_____ heat remove
Ans. All of the above
The refrigeration ton is derived from the heat flow required to melt the ton
of ICE in:
Ans. 24 hours
In psychrometric chart, the constant- enthalpy lines coincide with constanttemperature lines at temperature
Ans. Below 50°C
The amount of moisture in air depends on its
Ans. Temperature
The deep body temperature of healthy person is maintained constant at
Ans. 37°C
Air motion also plays important role in
Ans. Human comfort
During simple heating and cooling process has a_____ humidity ratio.
Ans. constant
The ________ follows a line of constant wet-bulb temperature on the
psychrometric chart.
Ans. Evaporative cooling process
A vapour which is not about to condense is called a
Ans. Superheated vapour
Passing from the solid phase directly into vapor phase is called
Ans. Sublimation
Robert Boyle observed during his experiments with a vacuum chamber that the
pressure of gases is inversely proportional to their
Ans. Volume
_____ is energy in transition.
Ans. Heat
Is the mode of energy transfer between a solid surface and the adjacent
liquid or gas which is in motion, and it involves combine effects of
conduction and fluid motion.
Ans. Convection
Radiation is usually considered as
Ans. Surface phenomenon
Work is _____ between the system and the surroundings.
Ans. Energy
Is a process during which the system remains in equilibrium at all times
Ans. Quasi-equilibrium
In the absence of any work interactions between a system and its surrounding,
the amount of net heat transfer is equal
Ans. To the change in the total energy of a closed system
The constant volume and constant pressure specific heats are identical for
Ans. Incompressible substance
The velocity of fluid is zero at the wall and maximum at the center because
of the
Ans. Viscous effect
For steady flow devices, the volume of the control volume is
Ans. Constant
The work done in a turbine is _____ since it is done by the fluid.
Ans. Positive
Reheating process in Brayton cycle, the turbine work will
Ans. Increase
As the air passes through a nozzle, which of the following will increase?
Ans. Mach number
As the air passes through a diffuser, which of the following will decrease?
Ans. Mach number
As the air passes through a nozzle, which of the following will decrease?
Ans. Internal energy
As the air passes through a diffuser, which of the following will increase?
Ans. Density
As the air passes through a diffuser, which of the following will NOT be
Ans. Entropy
After passing through a convergent-divergent nozzle, the temperature of air
Ans. Decrease
After passing through a convergent-divergent nozzle, the density of air will:
Ans. Decrease
After passing through a convergent-divergent nozzle, the mach number of air
Ans. Decrease
By increasing the temperature source of Carnot cycle, which of the following
will not be affected?
Ans. Heat rejected
By decreasing the temperature sink of Carnot cycle, which of the following
will not be affected?
Ans. Heat added
Ans. Exothermic reaction
By reheating the steam in an ideal Rankine cycle the heat rejected will:
Ans. Increase
By increasing the boiler pressure in Rankine cycle the moisture content at
boiler exit will:
Ans. Increase
Presently the highest steam temperature allowed at the turbine inlet is about
Ans. 620°C
Two most common gases employed in Stirling and Ericson cycles are:
Ans. Hydrogen and helium
In most common designs of Gas turbine, the pressure ratio ranges from:
Ans. 11 to 16
In Brayton cycle, the heat is transformed during what process?
Ans. Isobaric process
The fuel injection process in diesel engine starts when the piston_______.
Ans. Approaches TDC
If the cut-off ratio of diesel cycle increases, the cycle efficiency will:
Ans. Decrease
The fuel used in a power plant that is used during peak periods.
Ans. Liquid
Typical compression ratio of Otto cycle is
Ans. 8
If Joule Thompson coefficient is equal to zero, then the process will become
Ans. Isothermal
Which of the following is NOT a possible location of service valve?
Ans. Outlet of condenser
A coil in series with evaporator that is use to prevent the liquid
refrigerant entering the compressor.
Ans. Drier loop
A type of valve connected from discharge of compressor directly to suction
that is normally closed and will open automatically only if there is high
discharge pressure.
Ans. Solenoid valve
Superheating the refrigerant in refrigeration system without useful cooling,
the refrigeration effect
Per unit mass will
Ans. Remains the same
By subcooling the refrigerant in refrigeration system, the specific volume at
compressor suction will
Ans. Remains the same
The Carnot refrigeration cycle is:
Ans. All of the above
The vapour compression cycle is essentially a reverse of:
Ans. Rankine vapor cycle
What can be considered to be theoretically exact and can be used to determine
local thermal film coefficient at a distance X from the leading edge of an
isothermal plate in laminar flow?
Ans. Pohlhausen Solution
Which one is exact and can be derived from the Pohlhausen correction by
setting cube root of Prandtl number equal to 108 and is useful in gases and
Ans. Blausius Solution
What another term for skin friction coefficient?
Ans. Fanning friction factor
The Darcy friction factor is ________.
Ans. 4 times
The ______ for submerged bodies in the sum of the skin friction coefficient
Ans. Drag coefficient
What can predict the average film coefficient along the entire length of
laminar flow?
Ans. Labarsky-Kauffman Correlation
When can we say that the laminar flow is “Fully Developed”?
Ans. When the difference between the surface (wall) and the mean fluid
temperature is Constant
Where is the accumulator usually located?
Ans. Before the suction line
A device used to remove moisture and foreign particles inside the
refrigeration system.
Ans. Filter drier
What is the standard value of the atmospheric pressure at the atmospheric sea
Ans. 14.7 psi
Requirements are classified according to:
Ans. Manner of absorbing heat
A push or pull on anything is called:
Ans. Force
Anything that takes up space has mass
Ans. Matter
Factor use in calculating the overall heat transfer through the tube walls of
the condenser tube of another heat transfer surface.
Ans. Fouling factor
What could be the possible cause of the abnormal discharge temperature?
Ans. All of the above
Where is the relief valve located?
Ans. At the discharge side of the compressor
What will you do before starting a refrigeration system?
Ans. Vent the condenser
What is the purpose of the expansion valve bypass?
Ans. To control the refrigerant to the evaporator in case the
automatic valve fails.
How many feed water lines are connected to the boiler?
Ans. 2
Exhaust gases from the engine possesses what type of energy?
Ans. Kinetic energy
What is the instrument used to measure density?
Ans. Hydrometer
Engine overall efficiency is ________.
Ans. Brake thermal efficiency
What is the ratio of the fuel usage rate to the power generated?
Ans. Specific fuel consumption
What is the ratio of the air mass that enters the engine to each mass of
Ans. Air-fuel ratio
The ohmmeter is an instrument used to measure
Ans. Resistance
The ammeter is an electrical instrument used to measure
Ans. Current
The electrical pressure that pushes the electrical current or objections.
Ans. Voltage
The voltmeter is an instrument used to measure:
Ans. Voltage
When the winding is shorted, what is the resistance reading?
Ans. Zero ohm
Which tools are used to enlarge the end of the tubing to connect a fitting?
Ans. Flaring tools
The tubing is never used when the fluid temperature goes beyond 100 to 175
Ans. Plastic
The tubing to be swaged is damped in a
Ans. Flaring block
The hand tools used to lightened and loosen the fitting are
Ans. Wrenches
In soldering process, What substance is used to prevent oxidation?
Ans. Flux
The process of applying molten metal to heated metals is called:
Ans. Soldering
What is the physical state of the refrigerant?
Ans. Gas
Which of the following appliances uses a finned-coil evaporator?
Ans. Window-type air conditioner
The operation of condenser is the opposite of that of
Ans. Evaporator
Which of the following devices maintains the pressure difference between the
evaporator and the condenser?
Ans. Flow control
What device is ideal for measuring the flow of liquid metal?
Ans. Magnetic flow meter
The frictional force that acts parallel but opposite to the direction of
Ans. Drag
A pump that transform kinetic energy into fluid static pressure.
Ans. Kinetic pump
Due to friction losses between the fluid and the pump and mechanical losses
in the pump itself.
Ans. The brake pump power will be greater than hydraulic power
The net energy actually transferred to fluid per unit time is:
Ans. Hydraulic power
The input power delivered by motor to pump.
Ans. Brake pump power
Boiler tubes are specified by
Ans. Outside diameter
The maximum size of the boiler down lines valves and fittings shall not
Ans. 2.5 inches
The purpose of an expansion tank in a hot water heating system is to provide
for the expansion of
Ans. Water
Heavy accumulation of a soot in the boiler will result in:
Ans. Loss of boiler efficiency
How are tubes secured in a fired tube boiler will result in:
Ans. Rolled and beaded over
A tube in a fire tube boiler is surrounded by:
Ans. Water
What is the formula for the factor of evaporation?
Ans. H-b/970.3
What can cause a super heater tube to overheat?
Ans. Dirty tube
How many square feet of heating surface does a 3-in fire tube 20 ft long with
a 3/16 in. wall have?
Ans. 13.7
In a high temperature hot water boiler; what could cause a tube to overheat?
Ans. Poor circulation
A down corner is:
Ans. Found in a water tube boiler
Extreme firebox temperature changes cause:
Ans. Spalling
Low water cut off:
Ans. Shuts the burner when the boiler is low on water
Steam coming from the bottom by cock would indicate:
Ans. Low water level
Why is the method to cool water called condenser not practical?
Ans. Water is expensive
A device use to collect liquid refrigerant entering the compressor to prevent
trouble in compressor is
Ans. Accumulator
A desiccant is a material that has high affinity to water. Which is the
common used desiccant?
Ans. Silica gel
The only means of preserving food in its original fresh state is
Ans. Refrigeration
PVC means
Ans. Poly Vinyl Chloride
What does ABS means?
Acrylonitrite Butadiene Styrene
What measures the average roughness of imperfection inside the pipe?
Ans. Specific roughness
Darcy factor, friction factor is not constant but decreases as the Reynolds
number increases up to a certain point known as:
Ans. Full turbulent flow
What presents the friction factor graphically as 6 functions of Reynolds
number and relative roughness.
Ans. Moody diagram
If the flow in truly laminar, and fluid flowing in a circular pipe then which
of the equation is appropriate to use?
Ans. Hagen Poisenille Equation
Which is true about Hagen Williams equation?
Ans. It is primarily use for water
For highly turbulent flow, what causes shear stress?
Ans. Momentum Effect
In a circular pipe laminar flow momentum flux is:
Ans. Maximum at the pipe wall
If the head pressure is too high
Ans. The high pressure cut-out switch should operate
In a combustion engine cycle, what is the ratio of the net output power to
the input?
Ans. Thermal efficiency
In a reciprocating engines, what is the ratio of actual to ideal volumes of
entering gases?
Ans. Volumetric efficiency
In a combustion engine, what is the ratio of the actual power developed to
the ideal power developed?
Ans. Mechanical efficiency
The equivalent of ratio of emissive power to absorptivity for both thermal
equilibrium is described
Ans. Kirchoffs law
The ideal cycle based on the concept that the combination process in both
diesel and gasoline in the combination of heat transfer process that is
constant pressure and constant volume.
Ans. Dual cycle
The ratio of the volume at the end of heat addition to the volume at the
start of heat addition is called:
Ans. Cut-off ratio
A theoretical body which when heated to incandescence would emit continuous
light ray spectrum.
Ans. Blackbody
Which of the following is the reason for insulating the pipes?
Ans. Heat loss from the surface is minimize
Heat transfer due to density differential
Ans. Convection
A process involving a gas that cannot, even in principle be reserved with
being done.
Ans. An isobaric compression
The maximum amount of heat that can be converted into mechanical energy
Ans. Depends on the intake and exhaust temperature
The maximum amount of mechanical energy converted into heat
Ans. 100%
The work output of energy heat engine.
Ans. Equals the difference between its heat intake and heat exhaust
To increase the output of a centrifugal pump, you must
Ans. Speed of rotation
By superheating the refrigerant in vapor compression cycle with useful
cooling, which of the following will increase? (Use per unit mass analysis)
Ans. Heat rejected from condenser
By superheating the refrigerant in vapor compression cycle with useful
cooling, which of the following will decrease? (Use per unit mass analysis)
Ans. Mass flow rate
By superheating the refrigerant in vapor compression cycle with useful
cooling, which of the following will decrease? (Use per unit mass analysis)
Ans. COP
By superheating the refrigerant in vapor compression cycle with useful
cooling, which of the following will increase? (Use per unit mass analysis)
Ans. Compressor power
By superheating the refrigerant in vapour compression cycle with useful
cooling, which of the following will not be affected? (Use per unit mass
Ans. Compressor power
By sub-cooling the refrigerant in vapour compression cycle at condenser exit,
which of the following will increase? (Use per unit mass analysis)
Ans. Refrigerating effect
By sub-cooling the refrigerant in vapour compression cycle at condenser exit,
which of the following will decrease? (Use per unit mass analysis)
Ans. Mass flow rate
By increasing the vaporizing temperature in vapour compression cycle, which
of the following will increase? (Use per unit mass analysis)
Ans. COP
By increasing the vaporizing temperature in vapour compression cycle, which
of the following will decrease? (Use per unit mass analysis)
Ans. Temperature difference between evaporator and compressor
By increasing the condenser pressure in vapour compression cycle, which of
the following will increase? (Use per unit mass analysis)
Ans. Compressor power
By increasing the vaporizing temperature in vapour compression cycle, which
of the following will decrease? (Use per unit mass analysis)
Ans. Moisture content after expansion
If the pressure drop in the condenser increases in a vapour compression
cycle, which of the following will increase? (Use per unit mass analysis)
Ans. Heat rejected in the condenser
If the pressure drop in the condenser increases in a vapour compression
cycle, which of the following will decrease? (Use per unit mass analysis)
Ans. Mass flow rate
If the pressure drop in the condenser increases in a vapour compression
cycle, which of the following will not be affected? (Use per unit mass
Ans. Compressor power
If the pressure drop in the evaporator increases in a vapour compression
cycle, which of the following will increase? (Use per unit mass analysis)
Ans. Heat rejected in the condenser
If the pressure drop in the condenser increases in a vapour compression
cycle, which of the following will decrease? (Use per unit mass analysis)
Ans. COP
By lowering the condenser pressure in Rankine cycle, which of the following
will decrease? (Use per unit mass analysis)
Ans. heat rejected
By superheating the steam to a higher temperature in Rankine cycle, which of
the following will decrease? (Use per unit mass analysis)
Ans. pump work
What type of boiler incorporates furnace water cooling in the circulatory
Ans. Integral-furnace boiler
The main components of a combined cycle power plant are:
Ans. Gas turbine and waste heat boiler
Which of the following indicators is used to determine the anti-knocking
characteristics of gasoline?
Ans. Octane number
Indicate the false statement
Ans. The heat transfer cannot exceed the work done.
In fluid flow, linear momentum is:
Ans. A vector quantity equal to the product of mass and velocity
A fact that a fluid’s velocity increases as the cross-sectional area of the
pipe through which it flow decreases due to:
Ans. The continuity equation
The coefficient of contraction is the ratio of:
Ans. Area of vena contracta to the orifice area
The coefficient of discharge is the ratio of:
Ans. Actual discharge to the theoretical discharge
The coefficient of velocity is the ratio of:
Ans. Actual velocity divided the theoretical velocity
Flow measuring devices include all of the following except:
Ans. Magnetic dynamometers
In the series pipe systems, all of the following parameters vary from section
to section except
Ans. Mass flow
The coefficient of velocity accounts for the:
Ans. Small effect of friction and turbulence of the orifice
Expansion factors take into account the
Ans. Effects of compressibility
The water hammer phenomenon is primarily what kind of fluid mechanics?
Ans. Dynamic (a time-dependent phenomena)
All of the following are forms of drug on a body moving through a fluid
Ans. D’Alembert’s paradox drug
The function of a turbine is to:
Ans. Extra energy from the flow
The fact that there is no bodies moving through an ideal fluids is known as:
Ans. D’Alembert’s paradox
Liquids and gases takes the following characteristics of their contents.
Ans. Shapes
All of the following dimensionless parameters are applicable to fluid flow
problem excepts
Ans. Bolt number
All of the following can be characteristics of fluids except:
Ans. Hysteresis
The most common method for calculating frictional energy loss for laminar
flowing fluid is non- circular pipes is:
Ans. The Darcy equation
For computation convenience, fluids are usually classed as
Ans. Real and ideal
Which of the following is not a characteristics of real fluids?
Ans. Experience of eddy currents and turbulence
Property of a fluid whereby its own molecules are attracted is known as:
Ans. Cohesion
The term subsonic flow refers to a flowing gas with a speed.
Ans. Less than the local speed of sound
The difference between stagnation pressure and total pressure
Ans. None of the terms are interchangeable
The presence of FRICTION in the hydraulic grade line will always cause the
line to slope.
Ans. Down in the direction of the flow
The presence of MINOR LOSS in the energy grade line will cause the line to
Ans. Down in the direction of the flow
If the Mach number is greater than 1 but less than 5
Ans. Supersonic
The flow is called SONIC when mach number is
Ans. Equal to 1
The flow is SUB-SONIC when mach number is
Ans. Less than 1
To check water level in the gauge glass of a steam boiler
Ans. Use the
The flame failure control is tested by?
Ans. Shutting off the fuel supply to the burner
During purge cycle what is the minimum amount air volume changes required?
Ans. Four (4)
The purge cycle time for gas compared to oil is:
Ans . The same
A high (CO) Carbon monoxide reading, indicates:
Ans. None of these
The induced draft fan is located:
Ans. In the breaching
A balanced draft boiler required:
Ans. Both forced and induced draft
What percent would expect in a well maintain boiler burning number 6 oil?
Ans. 15%
Laminar friction factor of fluid is flowing through a pipe is a function of
all the following except:
Ans. Pipe roughness
The stream function is a useful parameter in describing:
Ans. Conservation of mass
The study of the practical law of fluid and the resistance of open pipes and
channels is the _____
Ans. Hydraulics
The most common methods of calculating frictional energy loss for laminar
flow fluids in non-circular pipes:
Ans. Equation
The parameter in the expression for head loss is:
Ans. Darcy friction factor
The characteristic length of Reynolds number use to calculate the friction in
non-circular full running pipes is based on the:
Ans. Hydraulic diameter
The hydraulic radius of a non-circular pipe is:
Ans. The ratio of flow area to wetted parameter
An electromagnetic radiation wavelength is in the 0.1 to 10.000 mm range:
Ans. Thermal radiation
What characteristics makes the difference between a Newtonian and nonnewtonian fluids?
Ans. Their viscous behaviour
What instrument use to measure salt solution:
Ans. Salimeter
A measure of fluid resistance to flow?
Ans. Viscosity
What is another for absolute viscosity?
Ans. Dynamic
What is the reciprocal of viscosity?
Ans. Fluidity
The density of fresh water is a ship will float.
Ans. Lower in fresh water than in sea water
Bernoulli’s equation is based on?
Ans. Conservation of energy
An express train goes past a station platform at high speed a person standing
in the edge of the platforms tend to be:
Ans. Attracted to the train
The volume of fluid flowing per second out of an orifice at the bottom. A
tank does not depend on:
Ans. Density of fluid
Addition of detergent to water
Ans. Decreases its surface tension
Water neither rise nor falls in silver capillary. This suggests that the
contact angle between the water and silver is:
Ans. 90 degrees
Most pressure in the Freon system have two dials or graduation on 1 gage what
does the two dial represent:
Ans. Temperature and pressure
The flame detector is directed:
Ans. Into the furnace area
Which of the following statement is true?
Ans. All of the above
Which of the following is a pseudo plastic fluid?
Ans. All of the choices
A type of fluids which are capable of indefinitely resisting a small shear
stress but move easily when the stress becomes large:
Ans. Bingham fluids
Which of the following is an example of Bingham fluids?
Ans. All of the above
The Bingham fluids will become pseudo plastic when:
Ans. The stress increases
A type of fluids which exhibits viscosities that increases with an increasing
velocity gradient.
Ans. Dilatant fluid
The viscosity DECREASES with time the fluid is said to be:
Ans. Thixotropic fluid
Viscosity INCREASES with time the fluid is said to be:
Ans. Rneopectic fluids
What is the dominating cause of viscosity in fluids?
Ans. Molecular cohesion
In a compressor, the piston is said to be at _____ when it is at its most
petracted position in the stroke,
Ans. Bottom dead center
Reciprocating compressors are characterized by their
Ans. Clearance volume
The gases remaining in the clearance volume after the discharge in the dead
center are known as the:
Ans. Residual gases
The ratio of the clearance volume to the swept volume is known as:
Ans. Percent clearance or just clearance
The work done in an adiabatic (isentropic), process is _____ the work done by
the isothermal process;
Ans. Less than
The work done in an isentropic compressor is ____ the work done by the
isothermal compressor;
Ans. Greater than
The term used to describe a partially compressed gases withdrawn cooled and
compressed further;
Ans. Intercooling
A perfect intercooling refers to the case where the gases cooled to:
Ans. The original inlet temperature
Multi stage blowers can reach pressure up to ____ of water;
Ans. 100 inches
What represents the ratio of the coefficient of the friction at the expanded
in pumping a fluid;
Ans. Fried heat transfer efficiency factor
What is the proper oil storage temp for No. 6 oil?
Ans. 20 ºF above pour point
To prime a pump
Ans. Fill casing with water
Balance draft means;
Ans. Almost atmosphere pressure in the furnace
A gallon of No. 6 oil contains:
Ans. 152,000 Btu
What is the efficiency of a steam plant with a heat rate of 12,000 Btu/KW?
Ans. 28.4%
What type of fuel must be preheated to burn properly?
Ans. Heavy oil
The fuel oil for mechanical atomizing burners is usually heated
Ans. 150 ºF
Fuel suppliers specify a minimum flash point for their oil because low flash
point oil is;
Ans. Dangerous
How many cubic feet of furnace volumes are needed to burn one gallon of No. 6
Ans. 10
A fuel oil is heated its viscosity
Ans. Decreases
How do the following quantities change when the simple ideal Rankine cycle is
modified with regeneration? The heat rejected will;
Ans. Decreases
During a combustion process, the components which exist before the reaction
are called
Ans. Reactants
Is an obvious reason for incomplete combustion.
Ans. Insufficient oxygen
Higher heating value when H2O in the product of combustion is in
Ans. Liquid form
Device which transfer heat from low temperature medium to a high temperature
one is a
Ans. Heat pump
A rule of thumb is that the COP improves by _____ for each °C the evaporating
temperature is raised or the condensing temperature is lowered.
Ans. 2 to 4%
Are generally more expensive to purchase and install than other heating
systems, but they save money in the long run,
Ans. Heat pumps
The most widely used absorption system is the ammonia-water system, where
ammonia serves as refrigerant and H2O as the
Ans. Transport medium
What type of turbine that has a degree of reaction of 1/2?
Ans. Rarsons turbine
The cooling water is made to fall in series of baffles to expose large
surface area for steam fed from below to come in direct contact.
Ans. Barometric condenser
Show the variation of river flow (discharge) with time.
Ans. Hydrograph
The pressure at the bottom of a vessel filled with liquids does not depend on
Ans. Area of the liquid surface
A person stands on a very sensitive scale, inhales deeply the reading on the
Ans. Depends on the expansion of the person’s chest, relative to the
volume inhaled.
Buoyancy occurs because, with increasing depth in a fluid:
Ans. The pressure increases
In order for an object to sink when placed in water its average specific
gravity must be;
Ans. More than 1
The average solar energy heating the outer edge atmosphere is approximately
442 Btu per hour-foot squared of 1.41KW per meter squared is known as:
Ans. Solar constant
The ratio of total dissolve solids in the recirculating water to the total
solids in the make-up water.
Ans. Cycles of concentration
What is the another term for Bryton cycle:
Ans. Joule cycle
The process of transferring heat from low temperature area to high
temperature area;
Ans. Refrigeration
The device to remove heat from water:
Ans. Chiller
What device which transfer heat from low temperature area to operate on
refrigeration system:
Ans. Heat pump
Refers to the process of one substance mixing with another substance:
Ans. Diffusion
Which of the following statement about Newtonian fluid is most accurate:
Ans. Shear stress is proportional to the rate of strain
Which is not characteristic of fluids?
Ans. Hysteresis
The relationship between pressure and altitude in the atmosphere:
Ans. Barometric height relationship
Flash point means:
Ans. Ignition temperature
Fire point means:
Ans. None of the above
Bernoulli’s equation is a
Ans. Conservation of energy equation
The pressure at given depth due to several immiscible liquid is:
Ans. The sum of individual pressure
The relationship between pressure and altitude in the atmosphere is given by
Ans. Barometric height relationship
The fact that the buoyant force on a floating object is equal to the weight
of the water displaced
Ans. Archimedes principle
Which of the following terms does not appear in the steady flow energy
equation in the extended Bernoulli’s equation
Ans. Hysteresis losses
The pitot tube can be used to measure fluid velocity as described by the
Bernouilli equation and the relationship between;
Ans. Kinetic energy and static pressure
Fully turbulent flow in a pipe is characterized by all the following except:
Ans. Parabolic velocity profile
What is the bulk modulus of the water is;
Ans. 300,000 psi
Atmospheric pressure does not correspond to approximately;
Ans. 98 N/m2
Hydraulic press is able to produce a mechanical advantage because;
Ans. An external pressure extended on a fluid is transmitted uniformly
through its volume
In the operation of a hydraulic press, it is impossible for the output piston
to exceed the input piston
Ans. Work
If one of the management legs is inclined it is known as:
Ans. Draft gauge
Why are manometer tube generally large in diameter?
Ans. To avoid significant capillary effect
Bernoulli’s equation is an energy conservation based on several reasonable
Ans. All of the above
Body that emits a constant emissivity, regardless of the wavelength;
Ans. Gray body
What gives the total emissive power from a black body
Ans. Stefan-Boltzmann law of the fourth power
What accounts for the spatial arrangement of the body and their emissivity;
Ans. Emissivity factor
The gray body shape factor is the product of the
Ans. Black body shape factor and emissivity factor
The product of the area and the shape factor is known as;
Ans. Geometric flux
Surfaces that re-radiates absorb thermal radiation are known as;
Ans. Refractor materials of refractories
Pitot tube used to measure
Ans. Velocity
Liquid gases take the following characteristics of the containers:
Ans. Shape
For computational convenience usually classed as:
Ans. Real and ideal
Which of the following statement about Newtonian fluid is more accurate?
Ans. Shear stress is proportional to the rate of strain
Which of the following is not a characteristic of a real of fluid?
Ans. Experience of eddy current and turbulence
One could expect the possibility of REYNOLD’S NUMBER similarity in all of the
following cases except
Ans. Closed pipe turbulent flow
One could expect the possibility of FROUDE NUMBER similarity in all of the
following cases except
Ans. Subsonic airflows
The absolute viscosity of a fluid varies in pressure and temperature as a
function of;
Ans. Shear and angular deformation rate
Turbulent flow of a fluid in a pipe. All of the following except;
Ans. Reynold’s number will be less than 2300
Flow measuring devices include all of the following except;
Ans. Magnetic dynamometer
Flow measuring devices include all of the following except;
Ans. Mercury barometer
Flow measuring devices include all of the following except;
Ans. Precision tachometer
The following are all examples of indirect (secondary) measurements to
measure flow rates using OBSTRUCTION METERS except;
Ans. Volume tanks
The following are all examples of indirect (secondary) measurements to
measure flow rates using VELOCITY meters except;
Ans. Weight and mass scales
The following are all examples of indirect (secondary) measurements to
measure flow rates using FLOW METERS except;
Ans. Positive displacement meters
In series pipe systems which of the following parameters vary from section to
section except;
Ans. Mass flow
Venturimeter, pitot static gauges, flow nozzles, manometer vary with;
Ans. Flow velocity and pressure
Other name for R 729?
Ans. Air
In an indirect refrigeration system, which of the following is used to
measure the density of brine?
Ans. Hydrometer
Which of the following is the result of opening a hand expansion valve too
much in a refrigeration system?
Ans. Evaporator will “freeze back” to compressor
If one of the manometer legs is inclined, it is known as:
Ans. Draft gauge
Why are monometer tubes generally large in diameter?
Ans. To avoid significant capillary effect
Bernoulli’s equation is an energy conservation based on several reasonable
Ans. All of the above
Body that emits a constant emissivity, regardless of the wavelength:
Ans. Gray body
What gives the total emissive from a black body:
Ans. Stefan-boltzman law of the fourth power
What accounts for the spatial arrangements of the body and their emissivity?
Ans. Emissivity factor
The gray body shape factor is the product of the
Ans. Black body shape factor and emissivity factor
The product of the area and the shape factor is known as:
Ans. Geometric flux
Surfaces that re-radiates absorb thermal radiation are known as:
Ans. Refractory materials of refractories
Pitot-tube used to measure
Ans. Velocity
Liquid gases take the following characteristic of the containers:
Ans. Shape
Which of the following statement about Newtonian fluid is more accurate?
Ans. Shear stress is proportional to the rate of strain
Which of the following is not a characteristic of a real fluid?
Ans. Experience of eddy current and turbulence
One could expect the possibility of Reynold’s number similarity in all of the
following cases except
Ans. Closed pipe turbulent flow
One could expect the possibility of Froude number similarity in all of the
following cases except
Ans. Subsonic airflows
Difference between energy grade line (friction) and the energy line friction
loss is:
Ans. Friction and minor losses
The absolute viscosity of a fluid varies in pressure and temperature as a
function of:
Ans. Shear and angular deformation rate
Turbulent flow of a fluid in a pipe. All of the following are true except:
Ans. Reynold’s number will be less than 2300
Flow measuring devices include all of the following except:
Ans. Mercury barometer
Flow measuring devices include all of the following except:
Ans. Precision tachometer
The following are all examples of indirect (secondary) measurements to
measure flow rates using OBSTRUCTION METERS except:
Ans. Volume tank
The following are all examples of indirect (secondary) measurements to
measure flow rates using VELOCITY METERS except:
Ans. Weight and mass scales
The following are all examples of indirect (secondary) measurements to
measure flow rates using FLOW METERS except:
Ans. Positive displacement meter
In series pipe systems which of the following parameters vary from section to
section except:
Ans. Mass flow
Venturimeter, pitot static gauges, flow nozzles, manometers vary with:
Ans. Flow velocity and pressure
Other name for R 729?
Ans. Air
In an indirect refrigeration system, which of the following is used to
measure the density of the brine?
Ans. Hydrometer
Which of the following is the result of opening a hand expansion valve too
much in a refrigeration system?
Ans. Evaporator will “freeze back” to compressor
Types of turbine used up to 300m head.
Ans. Deriaz turbine
A turbine that has a diagonal flow.
Ans. Deriaz turbine
Oil is atomized either by air blast or pressure jet at about
Ans. 70 bar
Type of solid injection that use single pump supplies fuel under high
pressure to a fuel header.
Ans. Common rail injection
Water flow in diesel engine that is caused by density differential.
Ans. Thermosiphon cooling
Type of lubrication system in diesel engine in which oil from pump is carried
to a separate storage tank outside the engine cylinder and used for high
capacity engine.
Ans. Dry sump lubricating system
Produces extreme pressure differentials and violent gas vibration
Ans. Detonation
In a spark ignition engine, the detonation occurs near the______________.
Ans. End of combustion
In a compression ignition engine, the detonation occurs near the
Ans. Beginning of combustion
Morse test is used to measure the _________ of multi-cylinder engine.
Ans. Indicated power
Ignition delay can be minimized by adding ______ to decrease engine knocking.
Ans. Ethyl nitrate
The work done in throttling valve is
Ans. Zero
Stagnation enthalpy represents the enthalpy of a fluid when it is brought to
rest ______.
Ans. Adiabatically
Represents the temperature an ideal gas attains when it is brought to rest
Ans. Stagnation temperature
After passing through a nozzle the density of fluid decreases as the fluid
Ans. Increases
The volume flow passes through a venture meter will
Ans. Constant
A converging-diverging nozzle is the standard equipment in
Ans. Supersonic aircraft
Nozzles efficiencies range from
Ans. 90%-99%
By reheating the steam before entering the second stage in Rankine cycle,
which of the following will increase?
Ans. Heat rejected
Contains 90% gasoline and 10% ethanol
Ans. Gasohol
In an evaporator section in refrigerating unit, which of the following is the
function of evaporator?
Ans. Absorption of latent heat of vaporization
Which of the following may not be the type of bulb in R-12 refrigeration
Ans. Duplex
Which of the following shuts down the compressor motor when discharge
pressure rises to a predetermined point, it CUTS IN MOTOR when pressure drops
to predetermined pressure:
Ans. High pressure cut-off switch
Which of the following shuts down the compressor motor when discharge
pressure rises to a predetermined pressure and SHUTS DOWN THE COMPRESSOR
motor when there is decrease in pressure in the suction line.
Ans. Low pressure cut-off switch
The P.O. service pump must have:
Ans. A means of shutting down from outside the machinery space
The relief valve on the P.O. transfer pump discharge
Ans. Back to the transfer pump discharge
When heating hot water, feed pump should at least be how many mm to prevent
vapor lock?
Ans.1220 mm
The water column should be provided with a valve drain at least:
Ans. 15 mm pipe size
Lubricating oils have flash points from
Ans. 375-800 degree Fahrenheit
A device receives information in one form of instrument signal and transmits
an output in another form;
Ans. converter
Refinement petroleum Naphtha which by its composition is suitable for use in
internal combustion engine;
Ans. Gasoline
It is possible for water to get into the fuel oil by:
Ans. All of the above
Air chambers are attached to the:
Ans. Discharge side of the reciprocating pumps
On automatic combustion control:
Ans. Reduce the number of burners when the oil pressure approaches
minimum specified
The volumetric efficiency of the compressor increases as the suction
Ans. Increase
As the discharge pressure increases, the volumetric efficiency:
Ans. Increases
When the suction And discharge pressure are varied in such a direction that
the compression ratio is increased, the volumetric efficiency of the
Ans. Decrease
For a compressor of any given clearance, the volumetric efficiency
Ans. Varies with compression ratio
The useful energy transfer in Btu/hr divided by input power in Watts;
Ans. Energy efficiency ratio
If air is humidified by injecting steam of by pressuring the air through a
hot water spray, the dry bulb temperature and enthalpy of air
Ans. Increase
Air passing through a solid or absorbed bed, such as silica gel or activated
alumina will:
Ans. Decrease in humidity
A device that passes air through dense spray of recirculating water;
Ans. Air washer
The mass of water sprayed to the mass of air passing through the washer per
unit time.
Ans. Spray ratio
When the cooling tower is used to provide cold water for the condense of a
refrigerator system the water circulation system will be approximately:
Ans. 3 gal/min-ton
Water lost in small droplets and carried away by the air flow:
Ans. Drift
The ratio of total dissolved solids in the circulating water to the dissolved
solids in the make-up water
Ans. Ratio of concentration
Through windage removes some solids, most must be removed by bleeding some of
the water.
Ans. Bleed-off
A dry cooling tower where stream travels through large diameter trunks to a
cross-flow heat exchanger where it is condensed and cooled by air;
Ans. Direct condensing tower
An economizer is used to:
Ans. Heat the feedwater before it enters the boiler
A manometer measures:
Ans. Air pressure
A pyrometer measures:
Ans. Stack pressure
An attemperator is another name for a
Ans. Desuperheater
Waterwalls are used to:
Ans. Carry of excess heat from the furnace walls
The studs on waterwalls tubes are to:
Ans. Give added surface area to tubes
The heats remove from the cold area
Ans. Use for energy transfer
On the upstroke of the piston, the low pressure vapor is first compressed and
then discharged as high pressure vapor through the discharged valves into
Ans. Head of the compressor
The vapor that remains the clearance space at the end discharge stroke is
Ans. Clearance vapor
Which of the following steps would you take if you found an accumulation of
oil on the furnace floor?
Ans. Open all registers
Which of the following method can be used to clean up the inside of the
Ans. All of the above
Another term for the oil discharge strainer is the:
Ans. Hot strainer
In a controlled feed water system the power water level maintained by:
Ans. The fluctuation water level in the boiler
The difference between the enthalpy of the product at a specific state and
the enthalpy of reactants at the same state for a complete reaction:
Ans. Enthalpy of reaction
The amount of heat released during a steady flow combustion process when I kg
of fuel burned completely at a specific temperature and pressure.
Ans. Enthalpy of combustion
The enthalpy of a substance at a specific state due to its chemical
Ans. Enthalpy of formation
The inlet side of condenser tube are rolled and flared to:
Ans. Allows a smoother entrance flow of circulating water
The purpose of inspection plates on the main condenser is to:
Ans. Check tubes without removing condenser heads
A pump that has one steam cylinder and two liquid cylinders is called a:
Ans. Tandem pump
A mixture of dry air and superheated water vapor
Ans. Unsaturated air
When the air is unsaturated, what is the relation between the dry bulb
temperature and wet bulb temperature?
Ans. Less than
The difference between the dry bulb temperature and wet bulb temperature
Ans. Wet bulb depression
The relative ratio of water vapor to dry air is:
Ans. Humidity ratio
Also known as humidity ratio:
Ans. Specific humidity
The ratio of the actual humidity ratio to the saturated humidity ratio:
Ans. Degree of saturation
Also known as saturation ration:
Ans. Percentage humidity
The partial pressure of the water vapor divided by the saturation pressure:
Ans. Relative humidity
Rapidly increasing the temperature through the air of a chord will cause the
water in the gauge to
Ans. Evaporate
Since the increase in the water vapor a latent heat contents equals the
decrease in the air’s sensible heat, the total enthalpies before and after
adiabatic saturation is:
Ans. Equal
An adiabatic saturation process follows a line of constant
Ans. Dew point temperature
Which of the following used with adiabatic saturation process?
Ans. Saturation efficiency
The saturation efficiency of a large commercial air washer is typically
Ans. 80%-90%
The presence of oil or scale on the boiler tubes causes:
Ans. Overheating
What would you do before giving a boiler bottom blow off?
Ans. Raise the water level
When installing a new gauge glass in water gauge, you should secure the bolts
Ans. Center, alternately, toward each end
One of the main purpose of refractories in the boiler furnace is to:
Ans. Prevent excessive furnace heat losses
A fuel oil service pump steam valves are fitted with:
Ans. Each rod leading to a location outside the fire room
Water tube boilers have
Ans. No fusible plugs
The valve that prevents water from backing out of the boiler in the feed
water line:
Ans. Feed check valve
The fuel oil heater is located
Ans. On the discharge side of the service pump
In the forced draft system:
Ans. One fan supplies air to all furnaces
In the closed fire room system
Ans. The fire room is supplied with air from one fan
The air cock on a boiler is located at the:
Ans. Highest point of the steam and water drum
Soot blowers should be used in proper sequence so that
Ans. The soot will be upright toward the uptake
What is the first thing you would check on taking over a watch?
Ans. The water level
A boiler with a fan/blower located in the uptake is operating on
Ans. Induced draft
A fire room that is isolated (closed) operates on:
Ans. Forced draft
How many feed water lines are connected to the boiler?
Ans. Two
If the water in the gauge glass has not been blown for a period of time, the
level of water in the glass will be:
Ans. less than that in the steam and water drum
The enthalpy of fluid when it is brought to rest adiabatically
Ans. Stagnation enthalpy
In the absence of any heat and work and any changes in potential energy, the
stagnation enthalpy of a fluid during a steady flow process:
Ans. remains constant
During the stagnation process, which of the following is converted to
Ans. Kinetic energy
The cross section of a nozzle at the smallest flow area is called:
Ans. Throat
The properties of a fluid at a location where the Mach number is unity are
Ans. Critical properties
What is the average fuel oil temperature range of the oil in the discharge
Ans. 180-200 degree F
Which of the following is a common type of oil burner?
Ans. All of the above
The boiler gauge glass should be blown down.
Ans. At the beginning of every watch
Gauge pressure of 200 pounds is equivalent to what absolute pressure?
Ans. 215
In a fuel oil service system, the quick closing fuel oil shut-off valve is
located between the:
Ans. Master fuel oil shutoff valve and the boiler
A fuel oil meter placed between the fuel oil service pumps and the fuel oil
Ans. Cold-type meter
The presence of oil or scale on boiler tubes causes:
Ans. Overheating
What would you do before giving a boiler bottom blow off:
Ans. raises the water level
When installing a new gauge glass in a water gauge you should secure the
bolts from:
Ans. Center, alternately towards each ends
One of the main purpose of refractories in the boiler furnace is to:
Ans. Prevent excessive furnace heat losses
A fuel oil service pump steam valves are fitted with:
Ans. Each rod leading to a location outside the fire room
Water tube boilers have
Ans. No fusible plugs
The valve that prevents water from backing out of the boiler in the feed
water line:
Ans. Feed check valve
The fuel oil heater is located
Ans. On the discharge side of the service pump
In the forced draft system:
Ans. One fan supplies air to all furnaces
In the closed fire room system
Ans. The fire room is supplied with air from one fan
The air cock on a boiler is located at the:
Ans. Highest point of the steam and water drum
Soot blowers should be used in proper sequence so that
Ans. The soot will be upright toward the uptake
What is the first thing you would check on taking over a watch?
Ans. The water level
A boiler with a fan blower located in the uptake is operating on
Ans. Induced draft
A fire room that is isolated (closed) operates on:
Ans. Forced draft
How many feed water lines are connected to the boiler?
Ans. Two
If the water in the gauge glass has not been blown down for a period, the
level of water in the glass will be:
Ans. Less than that in the steam and water
The enthalpy of fluid when it is brought to rest adiabatically.
Ans. Stagnation enthalpy
In the absence of any heat and work and any changes in potential energy, the
stagnation enthalpy of a fluid during a steady flow process;
Ans. Remains constant
During the stagnation process, which of the following is converted to
Ans. Kinetic energy
The cross section of a nozzle at the smallest flow area is called:
Ans. Throat
The properties of a fluid at a location where a Mach number is unity are
Ans. Critical properties
What is the average fuel oil temperature range of the oil in the discharge
Ans. 180-200 degree Fahrenheit
Which of the following is a common type of burner?
Ans. All of the above
The boiler gauge glass should be blown down.
Ans. At the beginning of every watch
Gauge pressure of 200 pounds is equivalent to what absolute pressure?
Ans. 215
In a fuel oil service system, the quick closing fuel oil shut-off valve is
located between the:
Ans. Master fuel oil shutoff
A fuel oil meter placed between the fuel oil service pump and fuel oil heater
Ans. Cold-type meter
When securing a scotch boiler
Ans. The belly plug must be removed
If the cooling coils temperature is between the airs dew point, the moisture
Ans. Condense
What occurs when the air passes through a water spray in an air washer?
Ans. Evaporative cooling process
To prevent ice buildup, the cooled air temperature should be kept from
Ans. Below the freezing point of water
What precaution must be taken before using steam soot blowers?
Ans. Drain thoroughly
Which of the following would you do before blowing the tubes with steam soot
Ans. All of the above
Sputtering oil burners might indicate
Ans. Water in the fuel oil
The boiler feed water in the feed water heater is heated by:
Ans. Auxiliary exhaust steam
If the boiler is smoking white smoke, a possible cause would be:
Ans. Too much air
The Edwards-type air pump has:
Ans. One set of valve
A scoop condenser is a:
Ans. Single pass condenser
The purpose of the steam to baffle in a condenser
Ans. Prevent the steam from hitting directly on the cooler tubes
The condenser vacuum feed valve is open and the water in the reserve tank is
dry. The result is:
Ans. A loss of vacuum
The division plate in a two-pass-condenser
Ans. Prevents the circulating water from passing directly to overload
The holes in Kinghorn-valve disks
Ans. B
The equilibrium temperature that a regular thermometer measure if exposed to
atmospheric air:
Ans. Dry bulb temperature
The temperature of air that has gone through an adiabatic saturation process
Ans. Wet bulb temperature
If the vapor pressure equals the saturation process, the air is said to be:
Ans. Saturated
When the air is saturated, the dry bulb, wet bulb and the dew point
temperature are
Ans. Equal
On taking over a watch, one should check
Ans. All of the above
When you are cleaning fuel oil burner tips, use a
Ans. Brass knife
The amount of steam generated by a boiler is dependent upon
Ans. All of the above
A boiler operated at a pressure not exceeding 1.055 kg/cm2 gauge steam of
temperature not exceeding 120oC.
Ans. Low pressure heating boiler
No part of the steam generator should be closer than how many from the wall?
Ans. 1 m
Steam generator should be mounted over a suitable foundation or concrete not
less than 305 mm thick and with sufficient area at base to be supported the
bearing capacity of the soil with a factor of safety of
Ans. Not less than 4
No smoke stacks should be closer than how many millimeters from the exposed
woodwork or framing
Ans. 305 mm
The air on an extinguisher fire should be
Ans. Kept closed
Too low F.O. temperature will cause
Ans. Poor combustion and smoky fires
What precaution must be taken before using steam soot blowers?
Ans. All of the above
Which of the following would cause a flareback?
Ans. Trying to relight from hot brickwork
The division plate in a two-pass-condenser
When the fuel-oil temperature is too high it causes
Ans. Carbon deposits on the fuel-oil heater coils
A dry cooling tower where steam is condensed by cold water jets
Ans. Indirect condensing dry cooling tower
The hot condensate is pumped to cross heat exchangers whose it is cooled by.
Ans. Air
Which of the following is the refrigerant “of choice” in entering air
Ans. R-22
In new equipment, which of the following replaces R-11
Ans. R-12
The super heater is used to
Ans. Remove moisture from steam
Water tube boilers are
Ans. Rolled in
The recirculating valve is used to
Ans. Recirculate and heat the fuel oil prior to lighting off
The fusible plug in a scotch boiler are found in the
Ans. Fire tubes
Which of the following valves are arranged in a Y-branch fitting?
Ans. Boiler-drum safety valves
The coils in the feedwater heater are secured by.
Ans. Union fitting
Natural draft towers can cool the water to within.
Ans. 10 to 12oF
Force draft towers can cool the water to within
Ans. 5 to 8oF
When you light a fire in the burner, you must always
Ans. Use a torch
The recirculating line on the burner valves returns the oil to the
Ans. Suction side of service pump
The valve which shuts off liquid line with the least amount of resistance to
Ans. Gate valve
The process applied to iron pipe which retards corrosion is called
Ans. Galvanizing
Listed in sequence, iron pipe series are;
Ans. ¼ ,3/8, ½, ¾
The two main purpose of the main condenser are;
Ans. Convert exhaust steam to water
Pyrometer is a
Ans. High temperature thermometer
The temperature and humidity of the air to be used for comfort cooling shall
be maintained at effective temperature at air movement within the range from
Ans. 0.0762 to 0.127m/s
As the air enters the living zone the air motion in such occupied space and
which the only source of contaminants shall have a velocity of not more than
Ans. 0.294m/s
In air conditioning and ventilation standards, as the air enters into living
zone, the distance above the floor is
Ans. 1.603mm
Carbon dioxide concentration in air when measured 910 mm above the floor
shall be estimated
Ans. 1000ppm
The useful refrigerating effect equals to 211kj/mm is
Ans. Tons of refrigeration
Another name for the fuel oil suction strainer;
Ans. Cold strainer
In a manually controlled feed water heater system the proper water level is
maintained by
Ans. Operating the feed check valve
The actual refrigerating capacity of the compressor
Ans. Always less than the theoretical capacity
The ratio of the actual displacement of the compressor to its piston
Ans. Total or real volumetric efficiency
Cyclone super heater are located in the
Ans. Steam and water drum
The purpose of the blow valve is
Ans. Removes oil and scum from surface of water
The purpose of the salinometer cock is to
Ans. Obtain a sample of boiler water for testing
Salt in boiler water usually contains from
Ans. Leaky condenser tubes
Before blowing down a boiler always
Ans. Open skin valves
The mass flow rate produced by the compressor is
Ans. Equal to the mass of the suction vapor that the compressor takes
in the entire suction inlet unit time
In order to increase back pressure, one must
Ans. Close in on the back pressure valve
The actual steam that condenses in the feedwater heater
Ans. Discharge to the hotwell
The excess steam pressure in the back pressure system exhausts to the
Ans. Atmosphere through a relief valve
The air pressure supplied to the boiler is measure in
Ans. Inches of water
The condensate from the coils in the fuel oil heater to the fuel oil heaters
goes to the
Ans. Observation tank
The valve between the fuel oil heaters and the burner valve is called the
Ans. Root valve
The safety device located in the crown sheet of a scotch boiler is called a
Ans. Fusible plug
Tube retarders in scotch boilers are used to
Ans. Slow down the combustion gases
In Order for oil to burn properly it must
Ans. All of the above
The steam that is discharge from safety valves goes to the
Ans. Atmospheric line
The polytrophic exponent approaches one with the change in the
process____approaches zero
Ans. Temperature
The change in kinetic energy of a process ___ as the change in temperature of
the process path increases
Ans. Increases
The final temperature of an isobaric process if the system work in a
_____Quantity and the Surrounding heat transfer to the system
Ans. Positive
As the volume of an isothermal expansion process approaches its first value
the rate of change in the system pressure.
Ans. Decreases
As a fluid flow through a pipe, their potential energy
Ans. Decreases
The heat of compression___ as suction vapor becomes super heated
Ans. Increases
The heat content of the refrigeration cycle____ when a liquid- suction line
heat exchanger is installed
Ans. Remains the same
The COP of refrigeration cycle___ with subcooling
Ans. Increases
Which defrost method is commonly used small commercial application where the
forms on the evaporator surfaces?
Ans. Hot gas
Which of the following liquid-chilling evaporator types incorporates overflow
heat exchangers?
Ans. Baudelot
Which of the following is not a unit of energy?
Ans. Watt
The unit of specific heat are:
Ans. Btu/lbm.oF
Phase change process is constant________process.
Ans. None of the above
Which of the following sequences accurately indicates the responses that
occur when heat is transferred from a gas?
Ans. Sensible heat of vapors, latent heat of vaporization, sensible
heat of liquids, latent heat of fusion, sensible heat of fluids
Btu/lbm is units of
Ans. Specific enthalpy
As a liquid changes phase to vapor, its enthalpy
Ans. Increases
As a liquid changes phase to a vapor, its entropy
Ans. Decreases
The vaporization process that occurs at TEMPERATURES below the triple point
of a substance is_____
Ans. Sublimation
The Vaporization process that occurs when the VAPOR PRESSURE of a substance
is equal to the atmospheric pressure is:
Ans. Boiling
As the pressure of a vapor increases, the amount of work increases and its
Ans. Increases
The entropy of R-134a in a saturated liquid phase at 40 psi is approximately
Ans.21 BTU/lb-oF
The latent heat of vaporization of R-134a in its saturated vapor phase at 0
degree C is approximately.
The condenser of a commercial display cause that is located within the unit
is called
Ans. B and C
Which of the following characteristics of early refrigeration systems which
applies to today’s units.
Ans. Relatively expensive
System make it possible in.
Ans. All of the above
_______is method used to reduce the dehydration of sensitive fruits and
vegetable during the chilling process
Ans. Water chilling
Which of the following is not a step in preparing vegetables for frozen
Ans. Coating with syrup
Loss of food juices by osmosis is a consequence of the ______ freezing
Ans. Immersion
Heat transfer that occurs primarily by conduction is used for ____ freezing
Ans. All of the above
A disadvantage of sharp freezing is the
Ans. All of the above
Frozen storage chamber temperature set points are usually.
Ans. -20.5 degree C
Which of the following is not a unit of density?
Ans. Lb/ft3
Wrapping and refrigerating food products extends the storage life of
Ans. Meat
The approximate life of strawberries is.
Ans. None of the above
Which of the following is not category of refrigeration application?
Ans. Transportation air conditioning
Which of the following is not an industrial application
Ans. Meat display cases
Which of the following variable is not most often maintain by a commercial
air conditioning unit?
Ans. Temperature
Providing clean, filtered air for trouble free operation of equipment and
instrumentation is a function of?
Ans. Industrial air conditioning process
______ is one of the most common application of mechanical refrigeration.
Ans. Preservation of perishable commodities.
The air conditioning systems for cabins on a luxury ocean liner belongs to
the ____ category.
Ans. Commercial air conditioning
Mechanical refrigeration system makes it possible to;
Ans. All of the above
As the liquid changes to a vapor. The enthalpy
Ans. Increases
Which of the following systems has the most complicated oil return system?
Ans. Direct staged
Which of the following process does not after the kinetic energy level of a
Ans. Fusion
200 degrees F is equal to
Ans. None of the above
An evaporator in a refrigeration unit makes use of which heat transfer mode?
Ans. All of the above
When a service technician places his/her hand on a suction line to check the
operation of a system, he/she is using which heat transfer modes?
Ans. Conduction
Energy added to a vapor is known as
Ans. B and C
The rate of changes velocity is called:
Ans. Acceleration
Which of the following devices should be used to measure a pressure of 90kpa?
Ans. All of the above
The height of the mercury column in a barometer placed on a mountain with a
local pressure of 12.5 psi will be?
Ans. All of the above.
A compound gauge measuring a pressure of 22.44 inches of mercury is
equivalent to an absolute pressure of
Ans. 11.0 Psia
The electric meter on a home or building measure the amount of that was
consumed over the billing period.
Ans. Energy
Which of the following is not a method of food preservation?
Ans. Grilling
Which of the following is not plant, animal or fungi?
Ans. Enzyme
Which of the following refrigerant group denote a more toxic vapor?
Ans. B3
What is the molecular weight of helium in 3600 Btu lb K?
Ans. 4.0 lb mol
In an isobaric process changes in pressure can be caused by changes in.
Ans. None of the above
Boyle’s law states that a pressure and volume change in gas process is
Ans. Inversely
As a gas is heated in an ISOTHERMAL gases the VOLUME
Ans. Increases
As a gas is heated in an ISOBARIC gas the VOLUME
Ans. Decreases
As a gas is heated in an ISOMETRIC gases the VOLUME
Ans. Remains constant
As the volume of a gas decreases, its specific gas constant
Ans. Remains constant
Vapor do not behave as ideal gases because they experience
Ans. Friction
The unit of latent heat of VAPORIZATION are:
Ans. None of the above
The unit of latent HEAT OF FUSION are:
Ans. Btu-lbm
A smaller temperature difference between the refrigerant in the liquid line
and that in the evaporator____ the mass flow rate of the refrigerant needed
per ton of refrigeration effect.
Ans. Decreases
Oil separators are used in system where:
Ans. All of the above
Which evaporator design incorporates secondary surface heat transfer?
Ans. Finned-tube
Eutectic filled plate evaporator have a higher_____ than evacuated plate
Ans. All of the above
Which evaporator circuit configuration is less effective when used in
expansion load applications.
Ans. Cross-flow
Which of the following evaporators feed methods produces the greatest surface
without the use of a liquid pump.
Ans. Flooded
What type of force convection unit cooler is used in vegetable storage
application that require a velocity of approximately 120m/min?
Ans. Medium velocity
Which of the following is not a hydrocarbon refrigerants
Ans. inane
Which of the following refrigerants is most hazardous?
Ans. R-717
A mixture of two or more refrigerants is called a___
Ans. Zoetrope
Dessicants are used to remove___ from refrigerants
Ans. Moisture
As an oil-miscible refrigerant mixes with oil, the viscosity of the oil___
Ans. Decreases
The society that sponsors research on refrigerants is called:
The scale factor for hard water used in a condenser is:
Ans. 0.002
As the altitude of a forced air-condenser increases, the surface area of the
coil or volume flow rate of the fan must:
Ans. Increase
As the water temperature entering a water-cooled condenser decrease, the
power drawn by the compressor.
Ans. Decrease
Which of the ff does not increase the volumetric efficiency of a compressor?
Ans. Decreasing the discharge pressure
What is the compressor operating with a 30 psig suction pressure and a
discharge pressure?
Ans. 3.13
As the length of the tubes in a chiller barrel increases, the pressure drop
across the inlet and outlet of the barrel:
Ans. Increases
_____ decreases the volumetric efficiency of a compressor
Ans. Decreasing the suction pressure
The mechanical efficiency of a compressor_____ as the compressor load
Ans. Remain the same
The saturated suction temperature used in the selection of a compressor
corresponds to the pressure of the vapor at the
Ans. Inlet of the compressor
A smaller temperature difference between the refrigerant in the liquid line
and that in the evaporator ____ the mass flow rate of the refrigerant needed
per ton of refrigerating effect.
Ans. Decreases
The difference between the saturation pressure in the evaporator and that in
the condenser___ as the suction temperature decreases.
Ans. Increases
The COP and the efficiency of a refrigeration cycle____ as the vaporizing
temperature increases
Ans. Increases
The volume of vapor that the compressor must handle per minute per ton____ as
the vaporizing temperature increases.
Ans. Decreases
The quantity of heat rejected at the condenser per unit capacity per
minute____ as the vaporizing temperature decreases.
Ans. Decreases
As the amount of scale on the refrigerant tubes of an evaporative condenser
increases, the scale formation of hot surfaces
Ans. Decreases
As the cycles of concentration in a tower or evaporative increases, the scale
formation of hot surfaces:
Ans. Increases
The____ can only be effectively employed in industrial process that has
constant refrigeration load.
Ans. Hand expansion valve
The device used to transfer forces across a sealed boundary is called:
Ans. Diaphragm
The device used to measure the effects of a large pressure drop across the
evaporator is called a
Ans. External equalizer
The mass flow rate of refrigerant per unit capacity____ as the condensing
pressure decreases.
Ans. Decreases
It consists of a tapered glass tube set vertically in the fluid or gaseous
piping system with its large end at the top and a metering float free to move
vertically in the tube
Ans. Rotameter
Also termed as monitor light, it indicates which among a number of normal
conditions of a system or device exist.
Ans. Pilot light
Which of the following is not a caliper?
Ans. Feeler gage
An underground formation that contains sufficient saturated permeable
material to yield significant quantities of water.
Ans. Aquifer
Chemical used to speed up sewage sedimentation:
Ans. Lime
Power expenditure when a current of the one ampere flow across two points
having a voltage drop of one volt.
Ans. Watt
Prandtl number for air is generally in the order of
Ans. 0.70
Relative humidity of air to be used in standard air cooling: Ans. 55%-60%
A refrigerating system in which the pressure-imposing element is mechanically
Ans. Compression
A cushioning device all the end of a trolley, bridge or other moving parts of
a crane operating on rails to minimize shock in the event of collision:
Ans. Buffer
A boom type mobile crane mounted on endless track or treated belts:
Ans. Crawler crane
An apparatus for raising or lowering a load by the application of a pulling
force but does not include a car or platform riding in guides:
Ans. Hoist
Most widely used industrial pressure gage applied to both pressure and
vacuum: Ans.
Ans. Bourdon tube gage
Hydrocarbons found in liquefied petroleum gas:
Ans. All of the above
Which of the following is not a solid fuel:
Ans. Tar
Amount of cooling produced by 2000 lbs of ice in melting over a period of 24
Ans. B and C
It smoothens the flow due to the nature of flow of the liquid from a
reciprocating pump:
Ans. Air Chamber
Science of force exerted by water in motion:
Ans. Hydrodynamics
Lowest permissible water level of a boiler without internal furnace:
Ans. 1/3 height of shell
In pumps, it transmits power from the driver to the impeller:
Ans. Shaft
Cavitation occurs when the pressure at any point inside a pump drops below
the vapor pressure corresponding to the temperature of liquid. Its effect
Ans. All of the above
Positive displacement pump consisting of a fixed casing containing gears,
cams, screws, vanes, plungers or similar elements actuated by rotation of the
drive shaft.
Ans. Rotary pumps
Branch of which is larger than the run.
Ans. Bull head tee
A larger pipe or drum into which each group of boiler is connected:
Ans. Header
In pipe identification, the color from pipe used for electricity:
Ans. Light orange
Has the same equipment as the refrigerating circuits each with a condenser,
evaporator, and a pressure imposing elements, where the evaporator of one
circuit cools the condenser of the other circuit.
Ans. Cascade
The temperature of air to be used for comfort cooling shall be in the range
Ans. 20 deg to 23.3 deg
A valve held closed by a spring or other means and designed automatically
relieve pressure in excess of its settling.
Ans. Pressure relieve device.
Refrigerants which should not be used in public assembly occupancies.
Ans. Group 3 refrigerants
Fire involving flammable liquids and gases.
Ans. Class B fires
Mechanics of water or other liquids whether at rest or motion.
Ans. Hydraulics
Measure the pressure of water discharging from a nozzle by having its open
end on the water and the end connected to a manometer.
Ans. Pitot Tube
A vertical turbine pump with the pump and the motor closed coupled and
designed to be installed underground.
Ans. Submersible pump
Which of the following is a type of deep well pump.
Ans. All of the above.
Steel pipe coated with zinc to resist corrosion.
Ans. Galvanized pipe
A fitting with a number of branches in the connecting the smaller pipes.
Ans. Manifold
The ratio of peak load to the Average load is termed as _____ in variable
load nomenclature.
Ans. Load factor
A heat exchange device used to provide heat transfer between exhaust gases
and the air prior to its entrance to the combustor.
Ans. Regenerator
In a sensible heating process, the moisture content:
Ans. Remains constant
Flow on both sides on a normal shockwave:
Ans. Supersonic on one side, Subsonic on the other
A change of phase directly from vapor to solid, without passing through the
liquid state:
Ans. Deposition
What reaction occurs when the enthalpy of the product is less than the
enthalpy of the reactants?
Ans. Exothermic
A well designed engine has a volumetric efficiency within the ranged:
Ans. 75%-90%
It is referred to as the maximum continuous power available from a
hydroelectric power plant even under the most adverse hydraulic condition:
Ans. Firm power
There are how many feed water lines connected to the boiler?
Ans. Two
It is the difference in pressure as measured above or below the atmospheric
Ans. Draft
The compression ratio of a gas turbine is in the range of 5-8.
Ans. 5 to 8
The average pH of a normal rainfall is generally:
Ans. Slightly less than 7
Another term used for liquid valve.
Ans. King valve
The coefficient of performance of a domestic (local) refrigerator is always:
Ans. Greater than one
A belt-Coleman cycle is a reversed:
Ans. Joule cycle
In an air compressor system, the function of a receiver is to:
Ans. Collects water and grease suspended in air
General layout plan for each floor drawn to scale should not be less than
scale of:
Ans. 1:200
Highest vapor drop in a vapor compression refrigeration cycle occurs in the:
Ans. Expansion valve
Which of the following pairs represent the two broad classification of
lubricating oils?
Ans. Straight and Additives
A form of misalignment between the pump and the driver shaft wherein the
shafts are concentric but not parallel.
Ans. Angular Misalignment
In the field of metal corrosion, it is the process wherein it exhibits in the
quality deterioration of metals:
Ans. Passivation
It is the ratio of the density of liquid substance to the density of water at
standard conditions:
Ans. Specific gravity
Term associated with an increase on pressure on a pipe caused by sudden
velocity decrease.
Ans. Water hammer
A process which takes place without change in volume.
Ans. Isochoric
Weir refers to an opening:
Ans. Having partial full flow
The Westphal balance is a laboratory instrument used to:
Ans. Specific gravity
Generally, permissible velocity of water flowing through concrete tunnel is:
Ans. 4-5 m/s
Refrigerant used in passenger aircraft bins.
Ans. Air
It refers to atoms of the same atomic number but differ in atomic masses and
molecular weights.
Ans. Isotopes
Piston rings are normally made of:
Ans. Cast Iron
Two isothermal and two reversible adiabatic process comprise a:
Ans. Carnot cycle
In terms of viscosity, density can be expressed as:
Ans. Dynamic viscosity/ kinematic viscosity
Compressor often used in supercharging Diesel engine:
Ans. Root blower type
In treating a person whose eyes accidentally got in contact with Freon use:
Ans. Sterile mineral oil
A device in vapor compression refrigeration system whose primary function is
to meter the flow of Refrigerant to the evaporator:
Ans. Thermostatic expansion valve
From the mathematical perspective, a thermodynamic property is:
Ans. A point function
In the production of beer, a raw material called yeast is added in the:
Ans. Starting tubs
Purpose is to keep the moisture from entering the system.
Ans. Dehydrator
Medium pressure as applied to valves and fittings implies that a working
pressure of _____ is suitable enough.
Ans. 862-1200psi
A liquid-vapor mixture with a dryness factor is allowed to absorb heat. Which
of the following is likely to occur?
Ans. Increases
Work rooms referring to the maintenance shop and machine rooms shall be
_____ in the height from floor to the ceiling?
Ans. 3,000mm
Defined as a passageway made of sheet metal or other suitable material not
necessarily leak tight, used for conveying air or other gases at low
Ans. Duct
As a good practical rule, the foundation depth may be taken as _____ times
the engine stroke, the lower factor for well-balanced multi-cylinder engine
and the higher factor for engines with fewer cylinder s or on less firm soil:
Ans. 3.2 to 4.2
What is the suggested maximum permissible dos (MDP) of a gamma ray exposed
for individuals now working in a nuclear environment in rem year?
Ans. ½
Most commercially petroleum lubricating oil deteriorates starting from
temperature of:
Ans. 200 F
States that the external pressure applied to a confined liquid increases the
pressure of every point in the fluid by an amount equal to the external
Ans. Pascal’s Law
The average fuel-oil temperature range of the oil in the discharge line to
the boilers.
Ans. 180-200 F
Boiler gage glasses should be blown down:
Ans. At the start of every watch
The lowest portion of the storage basin where the water is not drawn:
Ans. Dead storage
Which among the following do not measure relative humidity?
Ans. Piezometer
Water behind the dam of a hydroelectric power plant?
Ans. Pondage
Converts energy of water to mechanical energy:
Ans. Turbine
Ratio of average load to the rating of the equipment supplying the load.
Ans. Plant factor
Ratio of actual maximum demand load to the connected load.
Ans. Demand factor
A device which preheats feed water by utilizing the heat of the flue gases.
Ans. Economizer
Study of the proportion of water vapor content of air.
Ans. Air conditioning
Actual temperature of air.
Ans. Dry bulb temperature
For a machine foundation with class A mixture what is the proportion of
cement, sand and gravel?
Ans. 1:2:4
Component included in the proximate analysis of fuel.
Ans. Ash, moisture, Volatile matter, fixed carbon
The prime mover must have its main steam line:
Ans. In loops
Intercooler are primarily used with:
Ans. Gas compressors
In the psychrometric chart, the diagonal lines represents:
Ans. Wet bulb temperature
Moderator in certain types of nuclear reactors.
Ans. Heavy water
The main advantage of turbulous boilers.
Ans. Steam pressure can be raised in short time
The law which states that the entropy of all perfect crystalline solids is
zero at absolute zero temperature.
Ans. 3rd law of thermodynamics
Operates between two constant temperature reservoir.
Ans. Carnot engine
Specific measurements of moisture content of air.
Ans. Degree of saturation
Simultaneous on site generation of electric energy and steam from the same
plant output.
Ans. Co-generation
Instrument used for pressure readings.
Ans. Manometer
Instrument used to analyze gases.
Ans. Orsat Apparatus
The chemical formula of R-12 or dichlorofluoromethane.
Ans. CCL₂F₂
Which of the following is not desirable property of a refrigerant?
Ans. Low thermal conductivity
Refrigerant widely used in room air conditions.
Ans. R-22
What occurs when pumps are connected in parallel?
Ans. Increase discharge, same head
Which of the following is not a cause of cavitation?
Ans. Low velocity
Pipe attached to the penstock to be able to let the water be at atmospheric
Ans. Surge chamber
Which of the following is not considered as gaseous fuel?
Ans. Bunker
Ratio of the density of a liquid to the density of water.
Ans. Specific Gravity
Measurement of randomness or disorder.
Ans. Entropy
Energy cannot be created nor destroyed but can only be transformed from one
form to another.
Ans. First law of thermodynamics
In standard Otto cycle when the compression ratio is increased then the
thermal efficiency will:
Ans. Increase
Heat energy produced by the movement of molecule within a substance caused by
its temperature.
Ans. Internal energy
The law which states that one cannot operate a 100% efficient machine.
Ans. 2nd law of thermodynamics
In relation to brake power the instrument used to measure torque:
Ans. Dynamometer
Ratio of the radiation of an actual body to the radiation of the black body.
Ans. Emittance
Refrigerant used in ice plant.
Ans. Ammonia
Measures the pressure of water discharging from the nozzle by having its open
end in the water and the other end connected to a manometer.
Ans. Pitot tube
Defined as a wall designed to prevent the spread of fire having a fir
resistance for four hours.
Ans. Fire wall
The work done per unit charge when the charge is moved from one point to
Ans. Potential at a point
In the relation of PVⁿ is constant, what value makes the process isobaric?
Ans. Zero
In actual gas behavior, molecular collisions are:
Ans. Inelastic
An ideal refrigeration should have:
Ans. Low freezing point
The immediate undesirable products from the petroleum based lubricating oil
subjected to high pressure and temperature is referred as:
Ans. Carbon Dioxide
A rotary dynamic pump, fluid is at no time confined by moving boundaries in
its passage through the pump.
Ans. Non-positive displacement pump
Also known as tangential or Pelton wheel.
Ans. Impulse turbine
Term given to a chimney made of steel.
Ans. Stack
An integral part of reaction turbine used to recover energy head.
Ans. Draft tube
Based on good practice, the vertical distance from the floor soil level to
the top edge of the foundation must be around _____ as minimum distance in
machiner foundation.
Ans. 6 inches
The geometric view factor for a black body is always.
Ans. One
For every 1000ft ascent, there is a corresponding pressure decrease
Ans. 1 in of Hg.
Used for impounding water storage and for creating head for the power plant.
Ans. Dam
The temperature at which the phase change takes place at a given pressure.
Ans. Saturation pressure
Distinguishes the system from its surroundings may be at rest or in motion.
Ans. Boundary
Quality is a measure of:
Ans. Dryness
The highest pressure under which distinguished liquid vapor phase can exist
in equilibrium:
Ans. Critical pressure
In a thermodynamic gaseous substance, the relationship between P-V-T given by
the: Ans. Equation of state
A correction factor for gas approaching real gas behavior:
Ans. Compressibility factor
Furl production process wherein heavy oil is changed into gasoline by means
of a high pressure, high temperature and longer exposure time.
Ans. Thermal cracking
A shut off valve for controlling the flow of refrigerant.
Ans. Stop valve
Measured by the amount of its pressure below the prevailing atmospheric
Ans. Partial vaccum
A relief valve that can positively lift the disc from its seat at least 1.5
mm when there is no pressure in the boiler.
Ans. Water relief valve
Vapor produced in the vaporization of a small amount of liquid refrigerant
downstream of the expansion valve.
Ans. Flash gas
Product of the rate of evaporation and the factor of evaporation.
Ans. Equivalent evaporation
Difference between the indicated power and the brake power.
Ans. Friction power
In Diesel power plant, its purpose is to reduce the weight-to-power ratio:
Ans. Supercharging
Change of phase from solid to gas.
Ans. Sublimation
The memory lost when operating power is removed.
Ans. Volatile memory
A refrigeration system using direct method in which refrigerant is delivered
to two or more evaporators in space room or in refrigerators.
Ans. Multi-pressure
The carbon dioxide concentration of air in all rooms when measured 910mm
above the floor space not exceed:
Ans. 100ppm
Consists of helmets shall be removed immediately after having been used or
the seal broken, must be removed atleast every:
Ans. 2 years
Pump whose purpose is to increase the effective water pressure by sucking
water from public service main or private use water system:
Ans. Booster pump
A small fitting with a double offset, or shaped like the letter C with the
ends turned out.
Ans. Cross-cover
Material interposed between two relatively moving machine elements to reduce
wear and tear:
Ans. Lubricant
Measure temperature by electromotive force:
Ans. Thermocouple
According to SAE which of the following is a type of lubricating oil?
Ans. All of the above
A device that information in one form of an instrument signal and transmits
an output signal on another form:
Ans. Digital
A device whose function to pass on information in an unchanged form or in
some modified term.
Ans. Switch
A device that receives information on one form of one or more physical
quantities modifies the information and/or its form and produces a resultant
output signal.
Ans. Transducer
Which of the following is not a requirement in designing pipe installations?
Ans. Galvanized pipe should be used for steam
Part of a valve used to guide and support valve stem:
Ans. Bonnet
In piping installations, the color of pipe tube used for water is:
Ans. Green
The color code for pipes used in communication.
Ans. White
Which of the method is used for classifying coal.
Ans. All of the above
Alcohol frequently considered as fuel for internal combustion engine.
Ans. Ethyl alcohol
Measure of resistance to flow.
Ans. Viscosity
Converts Solar energy to electrical energy.
Ans. Photovoltaic cell
Which of the following is not an instrument used to measure flow rates?
Ans. Velometer
Refrigeration follows what cycle?
Ans. Reversed Carnot cycle
An evaporator constructed on pipe tubing.
Ans. Expansion coil
Reinstalled or second hand boilers shall have a minimum factor of safety of?
Ans. 6
A line that shows the rotation of the consumption and the load a steam
turbine generator.
Ans. Willans Line
Instrument that indicate the percentage of carbon dioxide in flue gases in a
power plant.
Ans. Ranarex indicator
For real process, the net entropy change in the universe is:
Ans. Positive
The sum of the internal energy and the product of the pressure and specific
Ans. Enthalpy
Ratio of the maximum demand of the system to the rated capacity of the
Ans. Utilization factor
Source of thermal energy.
Ans. All of the above
Cycle that has two isentropic and two isometric process.
Ans. Otto cycle
Cycle that has two isentropic and two isobaric process.
Ans. Brayton cycle