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Renewable Energy Resources: Case Studies

IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering
Renewable Energy Resources: Case Studies
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IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering
1145 (2021) 012026
Renewable Energy Resources: Case Studies
Balaji Devarajan1, V Bhuvaneswari1, A K Priya1, G Nambirajan1, J Joenas1,
P Nishanth1, L Rajeshkumar2, G Kathiresan3 and V Amarnath3
Department of Mechanical Engineering, KPR Institute of Engineering and
Technology, Coimbatore, Tamilnadu 641407, India
Head R&D Shanthi gears, Coimbatore, Tamilnadu 641406, India
Sri Ramakrishna Engineering College, Coimbatore, Tamilnadu 641022, India
Abstract. The energy need is the only demand which wouldn’t have seen negative trend since
the origin of this universe. Its requirement keeps demanding the usage of energy, during this
urge people around globe working with many energy production techniques. Amongst most of
them act as a resource including fossil fuel, coal and others are polluting vicinity to larger
extend. The other alternative is renewable energy resources (RERs) which quite natural gift to
the mankind owing to its vicinity aiding resource. The energy harvesting by utilising these
RERs also have limitation that, can’t provide huge in quantity due to many reasons
including seasonal, inadequate equipment, larger storage so on and so forth. The focus herein
is that, by considering its limitations to which extend it can be utilised. It is obvious that
production industries require enormous quantity of power, therein it may not be utilised as
such. So, the house as well as small industries whose power requirement is minimum thereby
this RERs can be effectively utilised. That is considered as a primary factor for consolidating of
this survey in the form of various test cases.
Keywords: RER Case study; RER for House
1. Introduction
1.1. Power generation - Decentralized
The planet is heading through energy production and saving. The impediment for energy with both
energy production and saving. In almost all of instances, this is being depleted by several ways. Is the
industry which is the one wasting the resources? The response may be slightly true, now most of the
industries by some management concepts they have minimized it. To conflicting, overall energy loss
requires in homes and residential buildings. In several apartments' effective utilization is 365 days a year
X 24 hours a day X 7 days a week. The scenario is considered herein, wherever feasible the clean power
can be substituted. Some of these scenarios are integrated for future conservation of electricity. This one
in turn should save world in broader perspective. Many of them seem to be including, the numerous
testimonials are examined linked to usage of electricity in village areas, impacts of decentralised energy
production, hybrid clean renewable energy grid to satisfy domestic needs, to brighten up village lives
including off-grid energy production and job prospects for local youth, and so on, which are tailored
with the help of different technology like LINDO, VIPOR, HOMER, HYPORA, and so on [1-5].
1.2. Prosumer-based energy management
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IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering
1145 (2021) 012026
The architecture for such a 2-stage optimization procedure for optimum scheduling of smart home
(RERs - renewable energy resources) and storage incorporation with prosumer-based energy regulation.
During the 1st-stage of optimization, the optimum sizing issue of in-house RERs and storage is discussed
with the aim function of RERs and storage of the life cycle cost is completely limiting. In the second
stage, the smart home regular energy activity issue is formulated using multiobject home energy
management (MOHEM) [6].
1.3. Home Energy Management Systems (HEMS)
The explanation for evaluating a society as a single energy consumption system is that a community at
large consolidated energy production or utilization is far more consistent compared to a household power
usage unit, even as arbitrary activity of independent power users has very little effect also on community
total power usage mode. Thus, app roaching an entire population as just a single unit would enhance the
predictability of overall power usage, as statistical information is much more accurate and consistent in
representing the population 's exact electricity needs. More significantly, coping towards a community's
request is further realistic in the resource conservation framework than coping with private homes'
demands. [7-9]. The following images reveals the proposed system. Figure 1 shows the Home power
Figure 1. Home power management
Figure 2. HEMS outline and linking
Figure 3. HEMS regulator
With introduction of technological advancements in the area of sustainable energy and storage,
growing number of buildings are being fitted via renewable energy sources (RES) and energy storage
systems (ESS) to minimize home power consumption price. Figure 2 shows the HEMS outline and
linking. These households typically have HEMS to monitor and plan each electrical unit. Numerous
studies were performed on HEMS and efficiency algorithms for power expense and peak-to-average
ratio (PAR) mitigation. Figure 3 shows the HEMS regulator. Even so, many of papers offer an enough
study on the usage of main grid 's electricity and selling electricity [10-13]. Figure 4 shows the HEMS
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1145 (2021) 012026
Figure 4. HEMS architecture
1.4 Smart building
Thomas et al. presented a design for efficient process of an Energy Management System in a residential
home with the help of RERs, battery energy storage (BES) method, as well as Plugin Electric Vehicles
(PHEVs) under static and dynamic techniques. The issue was fixed with CPLEX optimization method
herein [14,15]. Figure 5 shows the Configuration of smart building EMS. Figure 6 shows the hardware
Figure 5. Configuration of smart building EMS
Figure 6. hardware design
1.5 Demand Side Management (DSM)
Implementing proper energy conservation strategies and using RERs improve future grid systems'
energy stability and security. This research suggested a framework for residential energy management
comprising of microgrid structure and DSM - Demand Side Management method. To decrease peak
load, peak to average, and energy cost, loads of residences were moved dependent on price-based tariff
including such adjustable and moment-of-use tariffs. Renewable energy incorporation with DSM can
become a fruitful solution to reducing households' overall power costs by paying very little for buying
electricity and exporting the excess power to the grid. The latest investigation tends to reduce financial
expenses of residential electricity use among moving loads to periods with smaller electricity costs and
using renewable energy. A domestic load management framework was suggested dependent on costbased demand response and RER integration. Computation and scenario were performed in various
households to evaluate the efficiency of the suggested framework under versatile and billing practices
by utilizing BPSO algorithm through MATLAB. [16-18].
1.6 Vehicle to home
Electric vehicle (EV) has been one of the potential ways to fix emissions and environmental warming
[19,20]. EV also utilizes on-board energy storage device for power to run the motor. The super capacitors
and lithium-ion battery are typical refillable modules on the EVs [21]. Fuel cell electric vehicle (FCEV)
is often known as EVs. The FCEV is driven by hydrogen, along with its on-board motor utilizes fuel
cells. The Hybrid EV incorporates both rechargeable storage device as well as fuel cell energy [22].
Perhaps one EV's good features should be to perform as vehicle-to -grid (V2G) [23]. In this process, the
EV can indeed be disposed to transfer energy to its grid. The V2G process helps EVs can provide peak
load and diminishes the energy costs. The V2 G may indeed charge and discharge renewable energy
surplus to smooth intermittent renewables. Under uncertainty, certain vehicles may be the right backup
power source [24]. Vehicle-to-home (V2H) would be the same as V2G. In V2H, the EV is attached to
the house, and the property owner optimises its charging as well as discharge regime. V2H will provide
residential energy requirements when energy costs like peakhours. After emergency events, V2H can
act as battery backup resource [25]. V2H could be a potential solution for improving energy savings in
home energy management (HEMS) [26]. HEMS is a model that handles residential energy consumption
[27] by different techniques such as process optimization [28], energy device to store [29] and renewable
deployment [30], and demand-based response programs [31]. HEMS may be operated on gridconnected premises or removed from the electricity network, i.e., NZEB - Net Zero Energy Building.
HEMS frequently uses different renewables including wind, sun energy, hydro, power cell [19]. It also
IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering
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1145 (2021) 012026
operates various Energy Storage Systems (ESSs) [32], capacitor, heat and ice storage systems [33].
Resilience and self-healing are the latest principles of building energy management [34]. In recent times,
the problems facing electrical grid systems are substantially different from that of a decade earlier. As a
consequence, electronic components developed novel concepts like resilience [35] and self-healing [36].
More so than ever, a robust network that can withstand hazardous incidents and disruptions like cyber
threats and adverse weather is important. At same time, unit’s operation is drastically different by
integrating emerging technology such as renewable energy, ESSs, and demand response programmes.
Resilience is described as "the ability to anticipate, plan and adjust to changing conditions and recover
quickly from disturbances [37]. Resilience in power grids and networks has been already established
and several app roaches are being suggested to enhance resilience such as grid reconfiguration [38],
power storage integration and decentralized source of energy use [39]. Self-healing is channel's way to
recognise and detach failures and reorganise the network to mitigate consumers. Multi-agent
optimization is among the popular solutions for self-healing network [40]. Many electrical grid
controller actions in electrical systems include stress and pressure accompanying unusual high-impact
(HR) events. Consequently, a detailed image of network status is vital. As a consequence, an adequate
framework is required to define the model's various states and draw informed choices from a resilienceoriented perspective [41]. Renewable technologies are among the successful solutions that meet device
resilience criteria. To model a robust microgrid, stochastic programming will model natural disasters
[30]. Microgrid facilities will boost network reliability to tackle daily outages [42]. Hasan Mehrjerdi et.
al., presents a novel version for HEMS like demand response programme, electric car, diesel generator
and wind turbine. The aim is to reduce regular operating value of the construction. The EV functions on
V2H and this can provide the peak load of both the house. The power generation software designs a
deflectable load and gets involved throughout the energy efficiency system. The diesel generating
system and V2H act as backup supp ly for both the house. The statistical modelling increases the stability
of the structure during deficiencies and incidents like power production or wind system outage. [43].
1.7 Hybrid Microgrids
The hybrid AC / DC smart grid is regarded as rising loads in energy systems. I n this research, it has
been shown that the hybrid AC / DC smart grid is constructed in the customer's home with certain RES
(e.g., solar energy, wind energy) to remain competitive. Strom production and utilization undergo a
major transition. One tendency is to incorporate smart grids with increasing capacity of renewable
energies into the distribution channel. [44]. At device level, energy consumption is designed to maintain
balance of power within different circumstances of production and demand. Coordinated management
of integrated smart grids with RERs also demonstrates the efficacy of this methodology to provide
continuous services to customers through different controller designs. Proposed control MPP T
technique is often implemented for both solar cells and wind turbines to obtain full power from either
the hybrid energy storage system. [45].
1.8 Smart home energy management system (SHEMS)
Current SHEMS is inherently vulnerable to cyber-attack, so it needs robust cyber-attack strategies.
Currently SHEMS situation can lead to increased charging and discharge cycles degrading battery
capacity. Consequently, request planning formulations must also compensate for the impact of battery
discharge costs alongside user convenience. The present work aims to devise a detailed scheduling issue
in terms of minimising electricity prices, given battery depletion costs. This study also suggests a cyberattack resilient scheduling scheme. This article discusses the impact of request scheduling on battery life
and energy costs. Furthermore, False Data Injection Attack (FDIA) was designed by utilizing machine
learning [46].
1.9 Stochastic renewable energy resources
Renewable energy and transportation modernisation are becoming critical components of current and
future delivery planning. Even after the momentum of environmental and economic benefits, the
complexity presents challenges. It introduces an interconnected growth planning system refers to a
multi-objective variational mixed-integer programme. The goal is to reduce the current value of
IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering
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1145 (2021) 012026
expenditures including feeder distribution, substation changes and building, while optimising the usage
of suggested charging points. [47].
1.10 AI in renewable energy home system
This study constructs a feasibility analysis to describe the energy efficiency house issue and house
automation system deployment. Consequently, the options were extensively examined to decide the
critical things required for this kind of work. Energy efficiency may play a prominent part in lowering
electrical costs, and Smart Energy House's extension enabled it much more special and difficult to
introduce. In addition, the suggestions were analysed and clearly argued to reduce the temperature effect
and minimise the effect in the source of power by regulating the linked load further into device. A basic
working capital modelling was completed, and that was clear that the system becomes viable to
incorporate, along with all material costs and placing the board operating costs. Could not only this work
play a significant role in sustainable house with automation framework. The Levelized power cost
became determined according to output by the system's overall initial investment [48-51].
1.11 Integrated GWSS – (grey wolf with shark smell) algorithms
This research explores the impact of microgrid (MG) sensitive load integration. 3 scenarios were
evaluated for detailed description of the issues. Outcomes indicated that better the degree of smart load
infiltration will affect system reliability, voltage variance, and load waveform. This analysis also
introduces a mixture of GWSS algorithms to optimise fitness function within multiple boundaries
restrictions, and the suggested technique does have a high consistency to global minimum. An updated
33-bus MG involves wind, PV and energy storage systems. Using hybrid GWSS integration, the impacts
of green energy and energy storage integration were also studied. [52-56].
1.12 Renewable energy integration
Renewables also rose to prominence owing to conservation and less effects on the environment. With
rising power consumption and replenishing carbon fuels, emphasis was placed towards creating eco friendly energy solutions as well as widening the utilization of renewable energy. Energy integration
solutions, which would satisfy energy requirements in varied forms, are deemed a viable solution to
rising the use of RERs and improving production performance. In recent times, integrated power and
heat solutions are being linked to energy performance and fewer impact on the environment. [57,58].
1.13 Geopolitical Perspective
This analysis examined the importance of clean energy in forming resource protection amid world
economic, societal, and technical uncertainty. At first, the evolving definition of resource preservation
even during 20th and initial 21st centuries being explored. Parameters, features and indicators of energy
security being tested, except 4A definition of energy security comprising availability; financial
affordability; socio-political ease of access; and ecological app ropriateness. [59].
1.14 Modelling and simulation
This study demonstrates trying to model and simulating a renewable power smart-grid structure. It
developed with the aid of a wind turbine (WT) installed on a dual-fed generator (DFIG), a PV, a fuel
cell (FC) generating system, a hydrogen reservoir, a long-term storage of water electrolyser as well as a
short-term storage system. These authors propose a strategy for global regulation and total energy
conservation of devices. [60].
2. Conclusion
These kinds of case study analysis clearly provide vision towards the selection of optimal method of
renewable energy resources for home. The test cases are taken from the perspective by considering
parameters like smart house management, simulation-based systems, hybrid RERs and vehicle to home
IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering
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1145 (2021) 012026
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