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嗚呼/ああ - ah!, oh!, alas!; yes, indeed, that is correct; aah,
gah, argh; hey!, yo!; uh huh, yeah yeah, right, gotcha
会う/あう - to meet, to encounter
青い/あおい - blue; pale; unripe
赤い/あかい - red, crimson
秋/あき - autumn, fall
開く/あく - to be open (e.g. doors)
開ける/あける - to open (a door, etc.)
上げる/あげる - to raise, to elevate; to give
朝/あさ - morning; breakfast
朝御飯/あさごはん - breakfast
明後日/あさって - day after tomorrow; {adj-no} wrong (e.g.
足/あし - foot; leg
遊ぶ/あそぶ - to play; to meet up (with friends), to hang out
暖かい/あたたかい - warm, mild
頭/あたま - head
新しい/あたらしい - new, novel, fresh, recent
彼方/あちら - that way, over there
暑い/あつい - hot (weather, etc.), (uncomfortably) warm
熱い/あつい - hot (thing)
厚い/あつい - thick, deep
後/あと - after
貴方/あなた - you
兄/あに - (my) older brother
姉/あね - (one’s own) older sister
アパート - apartment building
危ない/あぶない - dangerous, risky, hazardous; in danger, at
risk; look out!, watch out!
甘い/あまい - sweet, delicious ; easygoing, lenient,
雨/あめ - rain; rainy day, rainy weather; the November suit
(in hanafuda)
洗う/あらう - to wash
歩く/あるく - to walk
彼/あれ - that one over there
良い/いい - good
否/いいえ - no
言う/いう - to say; to call (i.e. to give a name)
家/いえ - house
行く/いく - to go; to proceed, to take place; to continue
行く/ゆく - to go, to move
池/いけ - pond
医者/いしゃ - doctor, physician
忙しい/いそがしい - busy, hectic
一/いち - one; best in
一日/いちにち - one day (length)
何時/いつ - when
五日/いつか - the fifth day of the month; five days
一緒/いっしょ - together; at the same time
五つ/いつつ - five (used for counting objects)
今/いま - now
意味/いみ - meaning, significance, sense
妹/いもうと - younger sister
嫌/いや - disagreeable, detestable
入口/いりぐち - entrance, entry, gate
居る/いる - to be (of animate objects)
要る/いる - to need
入れる/いれる - to put in
色/いろ - color
上/うえ - above
薄い/うすい - thin; pale
歌/うた - song
歌う/うたう - to sing
生まれる/うまれる - to be born, to be delivered (birth)
海/うみ - sea
売る/うる - to sell
上着/うわぎ - coat, jacket, outerwear; top, upper-body
絵/え - picture, painting
映画/えいが - movie, film
映画館/えいがかん - movie theatre
英語/えいご - English (language)
ええ - yes
駅/えき - (train) station
エレベーター - elevator, lift; {aviat} elevator
円/えん - counter for yen
鉛筆/えんぴつ - pencil
美味しい/おいしい - delicious, tasty
大きい/おおきい - big, large, great
大勢/おおぜい - crowd of people
起きる/おきる - to get up; to wake up; to occur
置く/おく - to put
奥さん/おくさん - wife
御皿/おさら - plate, dish
伯父/おじ - (my) uncle (parent’s older brother)
叔父/おじ - (my) uncle (parent’s younger brother)
お爺さん/おじいさん - grandfather
教える/おしえる - to teach, to inform, to instruct
押す/おす - to push
遅い/おそい - slow; late
弟/おとうと - younger brother, little brother
男/おとこ - man
男の子/おとこのこ - boy, male child, baby boy
一昨日/おととい - day before yesterday
一昨年/おととし - year before last
大人/おとな - adult, grownup
同じ/おなじ - same
伯母/おば - aunt
叔母/おば - (my) aunt (our parent’s younger sister)
お婆さん/おばあさん - grandmother
お弁当/おべんとう - Japanese box lunch
覚える/おぼえる - to remember, to recollect
重い/おもい - heavy, massive
泳ぐ/およぐ - to swim; to struggle through (a crowd); to make
one’s way through the world, to get along (in life); to totter,
to lose one’s balance
降りる/おりる - to get off (bus, plane)
終る/おわる - to end, to come to an end, to close, to finish
音楽/おんがく - music
女/おんな - woman
女の子/おんなのこ - girl, female child, baby girl
回/かい - counter for occurrences (number of times)
階/かい - counter for floors of a building
外国/がいこく - foreign country
会社/かいしゃ - company, corporation; workplace
階段/かいだん - stairs
買い物/かいもの - shopping, purchased goods
買う/かう - to buy
返す/かえす - to return (something)
帰る/かえる - to return, to come home
顔/かお - face (e.g. of a person)
書く/かく - to write, to compose; to draw, to paint
学生/がくせい - student, university student
傘/かさ - umbrella, parasol
貸す/かす - to lend, to loan
風/かぜ - wind, breeze
家族/かぞく - family
方/かた - direction, way, person (formal)
片仮名/かたかな - one of the Japanese syllabaries (often used
for loanwords)
月/がつ - month (of the year)
学校/がっこう - school
角/かど - corner (e.g. desk, pavement); edge
家内/かない - wife (humble)
鞄/かばん - bag
花瓶/かびん - (flower) vase
紙/かみ - paper
カメラ - camera
火曜日/かようび - Tuesday
辛い/からい - spicy, hot
体/からだ - body; health
借りる/かりる - to borrow
がる - to show signs of being, to feel, to think
軽い/かるい - light (i.e. not heavy)
カレンダー - calendar
川/かわ - river
河/かわ - river, stream; the …. River
側/がわ - side (of something, or taking someone’s side)
可愛い/かわいい - cute
漢字/かんじ - Chinese characters
木/き - tree, wood, timber
黄色い/きいろい - yellow
消える/きえる - to vanish, to disappear
聞く/きく - to hear; to listen; to ask
北/きた - north; the North
ギター - guitar
汚い/きたない - dirty, unclean, filthy
喫茶店/きっさてん - coffee lounge, cafe
切手/きって - stamp (postage)
切符/きっぷ - ticket
昨日/きのう - yesterday
九/きゅう - nine
牛肉/ぎゅうにく - beef
今日/きょう - today
教室/きょうしつ - classroom
兄弟/きょうだい - siblings, brothers (and sisters)
去年/きょねん - last year
嫌い/きらい - dislike, hate
切る/きる - to cut (usu. to cut through); to sever
(connections, ties)
着る/きる - to wear
奇麗/きれい - pretty, lovely; clean
銀行/ぎんこう - bank, banking institution
金曜日/きんようび - Friday
薬/くすり - medicine
下さい/ください - please give me; please do … for me
果物/くだもの - fruit
口/くち - mouth
靴/くつ - shoes, footwear
靴下/くつした - sock(s), stocking(s)
国/くに - country
曇る/くもる - to get cloudy, to cloud over
暗い/くらい - dark
ぐらい - approximately, about, around
クラス - class
瓦/グラム - gram, gramme
来る/くる - to come
車/くるま - car
黒い/くろい - black
今朝/けさ - this morning
消す/けす - to erase; to switch off; to extinguish
結構/けっこう - sufficient; nice; fine, pretty, quite
結婚/けっこん - marriage, matchmaking
月曜日/げつようび - Monday
玄関/げんかん - entranceway, entry hall, vestibule, foyer,
entryway, mud room
元気/げんき - lively, energetic
個/こ - generic counter for small items
五/ご - five, 5
公園/こうえん - (public) park
交番/こうばん - police box
声/こえ - voice
コート - coat; court (i.e. tennis, basketball, etc.)
此処/ここ - here, this place
午後/ごご - afternoon, p.m.
九日/ここのか - the ninth day of the month; nine days
九つ/ここのつ - nine (used for counting objects)
御主人/ごしゅじん - (your) husband
午前/ごぜん - morning, a.m.
答える/こたえる - to answer, to reply
此方/こちら - this way, this direction; here
コップ - glass, cup
今年/ことし - this year
言葉/ことば - word
子供/こども - child, children
此の/この - this… (specific item)
御飯/ごはん - cooked rice; meal
困る/こまる - to be troubled, to be worried
惟/これ - this (indicating an item near the speaker)
今月/こんげつ - this month
今週/こんしゅう - this week
こんな - such, like this
今晩/こんばん - tonight, this evening
さあ - come, come now, well…, I’m not sure..
魚/さかな - fish
先/さき - previous, prior, some time ago
咲く/さく - to bloom
作文/さくぶん - composition, writing
冊/さつ - counter for books
雑誌/ざっし - journal, magazine, periodical
砂糖/さとう - sugar
寒い/さむい - cold (e.g. weather)
再来年/さらいねん - year after next
さん - Mr, Mrs, Miss or Ms
三/さん - three, 3
散歩/さんぽ - walk, stroll
四/し - four, 4
時/じ - hour, o’clock
塩/しお - salt (i.e. sodium chloride)
然し/しかし - however, but
時間/じかん - counter for hours (period of time)
仕事/しごと - work, job
辞書/じしょ - dictionary
静か/しずか - quiet, peaceful
下/した - below
七/しち - seven
質問/しつもん - question
自転車/じてんしゃ - bicycle, bike
自動車/じどうしゃ - car, automobile, motorcar, motor vehicle,
死ぬ/しぬ - to die, to pass away
字引/じびき - dictionary
自分/じぶん - myself, yourself
閉まる/しまる - to be shut, to be closed
閉める/しめる - to close or shut (something)
締める/しめる - to tie, to fasten, to tighten; to wear (necktie,
じゃ - then, well, so, well then
じゃあ - then (if that is the case)
写真/しゃしん - photograph
シャツ - shirt
十/じゅう - 10, ten
週間/しゅうかん - week (period of time)
授業/じゅぎょう - lesson, class work, class
宿題/しゅくだい - homework, assignment
上手/じょうず - skill, skillful
丈夫/じょうぶ - healthy, robust, strong
食堂/しょくどう - dining room, cafeteria
知る/しる - to know, to understand
白い/しろい - white
人/じん - -ian (e.g. Italian, etc.) (attaches to name of country
to denote nationality)
新聞/しんぶん - newspaper
水曜日/すいようび - Wednesday
吸う/すう - to smoke, to breathe in
スカート - skirt
好き/すき - liking, fondness, love
過ぎ/すぎ - past; too (much)
直ぐに/すぐに - immediately, right away
少し/すこし - small quantity, little
涼しい/すずしい - cool, refreshing; clear (e.g. eyes)
ずつ - apiece, each
ストーブ - heater, stove
スプーン - spoon (written as katakana)
スポーツ - sports
ズボン - trousers
住む/すむ - to reside (e.g. in a city)
スリッパ - slipper, slippers
座る/すわる - to sit
背/せい - height, stature
生徒/せいと - pupil, student, schoolchild
セーター - sweater, jumper
背広/せびろ - business suit
狭い/せまい - narrow, confined
ゼロ - zero, nought
千/せん - 1,000, thousand
先月/せんげつ - last month
先週/せんしゅう - last week
先生/せんせい - teacher, doctor
洗濯/せんたく - washing, laundry
全部/ぜんぶ - all, entire
そう - so, really, seeming
掃除/そうじ - cleaning, sweeping
然うして/そうして - and, like that
而して/そして - and, and then
其処/そこ - there (place relatively near listener)
其方/そちら - that way
外/そと - outside
其の/その - that, the; um…, er…, uh…
空/そら - sky, the heavens
其れ/それ - that one (close to the listener)
其れから/それから - and then, after that
其れでは/それでは - well then …, that being the case
大学/だいがく - university, college
大使館/たいしかん - embassy
大丈夫/だいじょうぶ - safe, all right, OK
大好き/だいすき - loveable, very likeable
大切/たいせつ - important, valuable
台所/だいどころ - kitchen; financial situation
高い/たかい - tall; expensive
沢山/たくさん - many, a lot, much
タクシー - taxi
出す/だす - to take out or remove
立つ/たつ - to stand
建物/たてもの - building
楽しい/たのしい - enjoyable, fun
頼む/たのむ - to request, to ask (a favor)
煙草/たばこ - tobacco, cigarette
食べ物/たべもの - food
食べる/たべる - to eat
卵/たまご - eggs
誕生日/たんじょうび - birthday
段段/だんだん - gradually, by degrees
小さい/ちいさい - small, little, tiny
近い/ちかい - near, close
違う/ちがう - to differ (from)
近く/ちかく - nearby
地下鉄/ちかてつ - subway, metro
地図/ちず - map
父/ちち - (one’s own) father
茶色/ちゃいろ - light brown, tawny
中/ちゅう - medium, average; middle; during
丁度/ちょうど - just (right/now), exactly
一寸/ちょっと - just a little; somewhat
一日/ついたち - first day of the month
使う/つかう - to use
疲れる/つかれる - to get tired
次/つぎ - next
着く/つく - to arrive at
机/つくえ - desk
作る/つくる - to make
付ける/つける - to wear, to put on, to attach
勤める/つとめる - to work (for), to be employed (at), to serve
詰まらない/つまらない - dull, boring
冷たい/つめたい - cold (to the touch); (emotionally) cold
強い/つよい - strong, powerful
手/て - hand, arm
テープ - tape
テープレコーダー - tape recorder
テーブル - table
手紙/てがみ - letter, missive, note, mail
出口/でぐち - exit
テスト - test
では - then, well, so, well then; {int} bye then; {exp} at, in,
by, with, using; {exp} {arch} if not …, unless …
デパート - department store
でも - but, however, still, yet
出る/でる - to appear; to leave
テレビ - television, TV
天気/てんき - weather
電気/でんき - electricity; (electric) light
電車/でんしゃ - train, electric train
電話/でんわ - telephone
戸/と - door (esp. Japanese-style)
ドア - door (Western-style)
トイレ - toilet, restroom, bathroom
如何/どう - how, in what way, how about
如何して/どうして - why?
どうぞ - please, kindly; by all means; here you are
動物/どうぶつ - animal
どうも - Thank you
十/とお - 10, ten
遠い/とおい - far, distant, far away, a long way off
十日/とおか - the tenth day of the month; ten days
時々/ときどき - sometimes
時計/とけい - watch, clock
何処/どこ - where
所/ところ - place, spot
図書館/としょかん - library
何方/どちら - which way; which one
迚も/とても - very
何方/どなた - who {honorific}
隣/となり - neighbor, next to, beside
殿/どの - form of address used for official letters and
business letters
飛ぶ/とぶ - to fly, to soar
止まる/とまる - to stop, to halt
友達/ともだち - friend, companion
土曜日/どようび - Saturday
鳥/とり - bird; bird meat (esp. chicken meat)
鳥肉/とりにく - chicken meat, bird meat
取る/とる - to take
撮る/とる - to take (a photo)
何れ/どれ - which (of three or more)
どんな - what, what kind of
ナイフ - knife
中/なか - inside, in
鳴く/なく - to sing (bird); to bark, to purr
夏/なつ - summer
夏休み/なつやすみ - summer vacation
七つ/ななつ - seven (used for counting objects)
何/なに - what
何/なん - what
七日/なのか - the seventh day of the month; seven days
名前/なまえ - name, full name
習う/ならう - to learn
並ぶ/ならぶ - to line up
並べる/ならべる - to line up (something)
二/に - two, 2
肉/にく - meat
西/にし - west
日/にち - day (of the month), counter for days
日曜日/にちようび - Sunday
荷物/にもつ - luggage
ニュース - news
庭/にわ - garden
人/にん - counter for people
脱ぐ/ぬぐ - to take off (clothes, shoes, etc.)
ネクタイ - tie, necktie
寝る/ねる - to sleep (lying down)
年/ねん - year (e.g. AD); counter for years
ノート - notebook
登る/のぼる - to ascend, to climb
飲み物/のみもの - drink, beverage
飲む/のむ - to drink
乗る/のる - to get on, to ride in
歯/は - tooth, teeth
パーティー - party (social gathering); party (group of people
participating in an activity, esp. mountain climbing);
(political) party
はい - yes; OK
杯/はい - sake cup, cup for alcoholic beverages; counter for
灰皿/はいざら - ashtray
入る/はいる - to enter
葉書/はがき - postcard; memo
箱/はこ - box; case
橋/はし - bridge
始まる/はじまる - to begin, to start, to commence
初めに/はじめに - first, firstly, first of all, to begin with
初めて/はじめて - for the first time
走る/はしる - to run
バス - bus; bath; bass
バター - {food} butter
二十歳/はたち - 20 years old
働く/はたらく - to work
八/はち - eight, 8
二十日/はつか - twentieth (day of the month); twenty days
花/はな - flower
鼻/はな - nose
話/はなし - talk, speech
話す/はなす - to speak
母/はは - (one’s own) mother
早い/はやい - fast, early (in the day, etc.)
速い/はやい - fast, quick
春/はる - spring (season)
晴れる/はれる - to clear up, to be sunny
半/はん - half (amount)
晩/ばん - evening, night; {abbr} dinner, evening meal; {ctr}
counter for nights
番/ばん - number (in a series); (one’s) turn
パン - bread
ハンカチ - {abbr} handkerchief
番号/ばんごう - number
晩御飯/ばんごはん - dinner
半分/はんぶん - half (amount)
東/ひがし - east
匹/ひき - counter for small animals
引く/ひく - to pull; to draw (attention, etc.)
弾く/ひく - to play (e.g., piano, guitar)
低い/ひくい - low (height, tone, etc.)
飛行機/ひこうき - airplane
左/ひだり - left
人/ひと - person
一つ/ひとつ - one (used for counting things)
一月/ひとつき - one month
一人/ひとり - one person
暇/ひま - (having lots of) free time
百/ひゃく - 100, hundred
病院/びょういん - hospital, clinic, doctor’s office, doctor’s
surgery, infirmary
病気/びょうき - illness, disease
平仮名/ひらがな - one of the Japanese syllabaries, used for
native words.
昼/ひる - noon, midday
昼御飯/ひるごはん - lunch
広い/ひろい - spacious, vast, wide
フィルム - film
封筒/ふうとう - envelope
プール - pool; pool (billiards)
フォーク - fork; folk, folk song
吹く/ふく - to blow (wind, etc.)
服/ふく - clothes
二つ/ふたつ - two (used in counting things)
豚肉/ぶたにく - pork
二人/ふたり - two people
二日/ふつか - second day of the month; two days
太い/ふとい - fat, thick
冬/ふゆ - winter
降る/ふる - to fall (e.g. rain)
古い/ふるい - old (not of a person)
分/ふん - counter for minutes
パージ - {comp} purging (data); purge (esp. of public
下手/へた - unskillful, poor
ベッド - bed
部屋/へや - room
辺/へん - area, vicinity
ペン - pen
勉強/べんきょう - study
便利/べんり - convenient, handy, useful
帽子/ぼうし - hat, cap
ボールペン - ball-point pen
外/ほか - other (place, thing, person), the rest
ポケット - pocket
欲しい/ほしい - want, wish for
細い/ほそい - thin, slender, fine
釦/ボタン - button
ホテル - hotel
本/ほん - book; {ctr} counter for long, cylindrical things
本/ほん - counter for long, cylindrical objects
本棚/ほんだな - bookshelves
枚/まい - counter for flat objects (e.g. sheets of paper)
毎朝/まいあさ - every morning
毎月/まいげつ - every month, each month, monthly
毎月/まいつき - every month
毎週/まいしゅう - every week
毎日/まいにち - every day
毎年/まいねん - every year, yearly, annually
毎年/まいとし - every year, yearly, annually
毎晩/まいばん - every night
前/まえ - before (some event or some place), in front (of)
曲る/まがる - to bend, to curve, to warp, to wind, to twist
不味い/まずい - unappetising, unpleasant (taste, appearance,
町/まち - town, block
待つ/まつ - to wait
マッチ - a match (for lighting a fire), match (contest)
窓/まど - window
丸い/まるい - round
円い/まるい - round, circular, spherical; curved, smooth;
harmonious, calm, peaceful, amiable, amicable
万/まん - 10,000
万年筆/まんねんひつ - fountain pen
磨く/みがく - to polish, to brush (e.g. teeth)
右/みぎ - right
短い/みじかい - short (length)
水/みず - water (cold, fresh)
店/みせ - store, shop
見せる/みせる - to show, to display
道/みち - road, street
三日/みっか - the third day of the month; three days
三つ/みっつ - three (used for counting things)
皆さん/みなさん - all, everyone
南/みなみ - south
耳/みみ - ear
六日/むいか - sixth day of the month; six days
向こう/むこう - opposite side, other side, opposite direction
難しい/むずかしい - difficult, hard, complicated, serious
六つ/むっつ - six (used in counting)
目/め - eye; ordinal (number counter)
米突/メートル - metre, meter
眼鏡/めがね - glasses
もう - already
木曜日/もくようび - Thursday
もしもし - hello (e.g. on phone)
持つ/もつ - to hold, to carry, to have
もっと - more, even more
物/もの - thing, object
門/もん - gate
問題/もんだい - problem, question
屋/や - shop
八百屋/やおや - fruit & vegetable store, greengrocer
野菜/やさい - vegetable
易しい/やさしい - easy, plain, simple
安い/やすい - cheap, inexpensive
休み/やすみ - rest; vacation
休む/やすむ - to be absent, to rest
八つ/やっつ - eight (used for counting objects/things)
山/やま - mountain; heap, pile
遣る/やる - to do
夕方/ゆうがた - evening, dusk
郵便局/ゆうびんきょく - post office
有名/ゆうめい - famous
雪/ゆき - snow
ゆっくり - slowly, at ease
八日/ようか - the eighth day of the month; eight days
洋服/ようふく - Western-style clothes
横/よこ - horizontal (as opposed to vertical)
四日/よっか - fourth day of month; four days
四つ/よっつ - four (used for counting objects)
呼ぶ/よぶ - to call out (to), to call
読む/よむ - to read
夜/よる - evening, night
来月/らいげつ - next month
来週/らいしゅう - next week
来年/らいねん - next year
ラジオ - radio
留学生/りゅうがくせい - exchange/international student
両親/りょうしん - parents
料理/りょうり - cooking
旅行/りょこう - travel, trip, journey
零/れい - zero
冷蔵庫/れいぞうこ - refrigerator, fridge
レコード - record (e.g. LP); record (e.g. in sports)
レストラン - restaurant (esp. Western-style)
練習/れんしゅう - practice, practise
六/ろく - six, 6
Yシャツ/ワイシャツ - shirt, business shirt, dress shirt
若い/わかい - young, youthful
分かる/わかる - to understand, to comprehend, to grasp
忘れる/わすれる - to forget
私/わたくし - I, me (formal)
渡す/わたす - to hand over; to ferry across (a river, etc.)
渡る/わたる - to cross over
悪い/わるい - bad
間/あいだ - space (between), gap, interval, during
合う/あう - to meet, to come together; to fit, to match
赤ん坊/あかんぼう - baby, infant
空く/あく - to open (e.g. doors); to be empty
朝寝坊/あさねぼう - oversleeping, late riser
味/あじ - flavor
明日/あす - tomorrow, near future (often used in writing)
遊び/あそび - playing
集まる/あつまる - to gather, to collect
集める/あつめる - to collect, to assemble
謝る/あやまる - to apologize
アルバイト - job (part-time)
安心/あんしん - relief, peace of mind
安全/あんぜん - safe, secure
あんな - such (about something or someone distant from
both speaker and listener)
案内/あんない - information, guidance
以下/いか - … and below
以外/いがい - aside from, except for
如何/いかが - how, in what way
医学/いがく - medical science, medicine
生きる/いきる - to live, to exist
意見/いけん - opinion, view
石/いし - stone, rock
以上/いじょう - … and more, more than…
急ぐ/いそぐ - to hurry, to rush
致す/いたす - {hum} to do
一度/いちど - once, one time
一生懸命/いっしょうけんめい - with all one’s might
一杯/いっぱい - amount necessary to fill a container (e.g.
cupful, spoonful, etc.); a lot
糸/いと - thread, yarn, string
以内/いない - within, inside of, less than
田舎/いなか - rural area
祈る/いのる - to pray, to wish
いらっしゃる - to come, to go, to be (somewhere) {honorific}
員/いん - member
植える/うえる - to plant, to grow
受付/うけつけ - reception (desk)
受ける/うける - to receive, to accept
動く/うごく - to move
打つ/うつ - to hit (something inanimate)
美しい/うつくしい - beautiful, lovely
写す/うつす - to transcribe, to duplicate, to reproduce
移る/うつる - to move (house), to transfer (department)
腕/うで - arm; skill, efforts, ability
裏/うら - bottom (or another side that is hidden from view)
うん - yeah, uh huh
運転手/うんてんしゅ - driver
運転/うんてん - driving
運動/うんどう - motion, exercise
エスカレーター - escalator
枝/えだ - branch, bough, limb, twig, sprig, spray
選ぶ/えらぶ - to choose, to select
遠慮/えんりょ - reserve, diffidence, restraint
お出でになる/おいでになる - to be; to come; to go {honorific}
応接間/おうせつま - reception room
多い/おおい - many, numerous
大き/おおき - great, grand, large, upper
オートバイ - motorcycle
オーバー - overcoat; exceeding, going over
御蔭/おかげ - grace (of God), blessing; assistance, help, aid
可笑しい/おかしい - funny, amusing, comical; strange, odd
億/おく - hundred million
屋上/おくじょう - rooftop
贈り物/おくりもの - present, gift
送る/おくる - to send (a thing)
遅れる/おくれる - to be late
お子さん/おこさん - (someone else’s) child
起す/おこす - to raise, to raise up, to set up, to pick up; to
wake, to wake up, to waken, to awaken; to cause, to bring
about, to lead to, to trigger, to give rise to, to create, to
generate (e.g. heat, electricity), to produce; to start, to
begin, to launch, to establish, to found, to set up, to open;
to plough, to plow, to till; to fall ill with; to transcribe, to
write down (what is spoken); to turn over (a card) 行う/おこな
う - to perform, to do, to carry out
怒る/おこる - to get angry
押し入れ/おしいれ - closet (built into the wall of a room),
(built-in) wardrobe
仰る/おっしゃる - to say, to speak {honorific}
音/おと - sound, noise
落す/おとす - to drop, to lose, to let fall, to shed (light), to
cast (one’s gaze)
踊り/おどり - dance
踊る/おどる - to dance (orig. a hopping dance)
驚く/おどろく - to be surprised
お土産/おみやげ - present, souvenir
思い出す/おもいだす - to recall, to remember
思う/おもう - to think, to feel
玩具/おもちゃ - toy
表/おもて - surface; face (i.e. the visible side of an object)
下りる/おりる - to descend (e.g. a mountain), to go down; to
get off
折れる/おれる - to break, to be broken; to be folded
終わり/おわり - the end (of a movie, etc.); conclusion
カーテン - curtain, curtains
会/かい - meeting, assembly
海岸/かいがん - coast, beach
会議/かいぎ - meeting, conference
会場/かいじょう - assembly hall, event site
会話/かいわ - conversation, talk, chat
帰り/かえり - return home, coming back home
変える/かえる - to change, to alter
科学/かがく - science
鏡/かがみ - mirror, looking-glass; barrel head; {finc} page
added at the beginning of a document mentioning its
purpose, date, author, etc.; {abbr} mirror-shaped mochi
飾る/かざる - to decorate
ガソリン - gasoline
ガソリンスタンド - gasoline stand, gas station
形/かたち - form, shape
片付ける/かたづける - to tidy up, to put in order
勝つ/かつ - to win
悲しい/かなしい - sad
必ず/かならず - certainly, without exception, without fail
金持ち/かねもち - rich person
彼女/かのじょ - she, her; girlfriend
壁/かべ - wall, barrier
髪/かみ - hair (on the head)
通う/かよう - to commute, to attend (school, church, etc.)
硝子/ガラス - glass, pane
彼/かれ - he, him; his; boyfriend
乾く/かわく - to get dry
代わり/かわり - substitute, deputy, proxy, alternate
変わる/かわる - to change, to be transformed
考える/かんがえる - to consider, to think about
関係/かんけい - relation, connection
看護婦/かんごふ - (female) nurse
気/き - spirit, mind, heart; nature, disposition
機械/きかい - machine, mechanism
機会/きかい - chance, opportunity
危険/きけん - danger; dangerous
聞こえる/きこえる - to be heard
汽車/きしゃ - train (esp. long distance train)
技術/ぎじゅつ - an art; skill; technology
季節/きせつ - season, time of year
規則/きそく - rules, regulations
屹度/きっと - surely
絹/きぬ - silk
厳しい/きびしい - severe, strict
気分/きぶん - feeling, mood
決まる/きまる - to be decided, to be settled
君/きみ - you, buddy, pal
決める/きめる - to decide
気持ち/きもち - feeling, sensation, mood
着物/きもの - Japanese traditional clothing (esp. full-length);
客/きゃく - guest, visitor
急/きゅう - sudden, abrupt, unexpected; urgent, pressing
急行/きゅうこう - moving at high speed; {abbr} express (e.g.
教育/きょういく - training, education
教会/きょうかい - church, congregation
競争/きょうそう - competition
興味/きょうみ - interest (in something)
近所/きんじょ - neighborhood
具合/ぐあい - condition, state; health, state (of health)
空気/くうき - air, atmosphere; mood, situation
空港/くうこう - airport
草/くさ - grass
首/くび - neck; dismissal (from a job)
雲/くも - cloud
比べる/くらべる - to compare
暮れる/くれる - to get dark, to grow dark; to end (of a day,
year, season, etc.)
君/くん - Mr (junior)
計画/けいかく - plan, project
警官/けいかん - police officer
経験/けいけん - experience
経済/けいざい - economics, business
警察/けいさつ - police; police station
景色/けしき - scenery
下宿/げしゅく - boarding, lodging, room and board
決して/けっして - never; by no means
けれど - {pol} but, however, although
けれども - but, however
軒/けん - (counter for) houses
原因/げんいん - cause, origin
研究/けんきゅう - research
研究室/けんきゅうしつ - laboratory
見物/けんぶつ - sightseeing
こう - in this way
郊外/こうがい - suburb, outskirts
講義/こうぎ - lecture
工業/こうぎょう - (manufacturing) industry
高校/こうこう - (senior) high school
高等学校/こうとうがっこう - (senior) high school
高校生/こうこうせい - (senior) high school student
工場/こうじょう - factory, plant
校長/こうちょう - principal, head teacher, headmaster,
交通/こうつう - transportation, traffic
講堂/こうどう - auditorium, lecture hall
公務員/こうむいん - government worker
国際/こくさい - international
心/こころ - mind, heart, spirit
御座います/ございます - to be, to exist (polite form)
故障/こしょう - breakdown
答/こたえ - answer, reply, response; answer, solution, result
こっち - this way, this direction; here (casual)
小鳥/ことり - small bird, songbird
この頃/このごろ - recently, nowadays
細かい/こまかい - small; minor, trivial (things)
込む/こむ - to be(come) crowded
米/こめ - (husked grains of) rice
此れから/これから - after this, from now on
怖い/こわい - scary
壊す/こわす - to break, to destroy
壊れる/こわれる - to be broken
コンサート - concert
今度/こんど - this time, next time
今夜/こんや - this evening, tonight
最近/さいきん - most recent, nowadays
最後/さいご - last
最初/さいしょ - beginning, first
財布/さいふ - purse, wallet
探す/さがす - to search (for something desired, needed)
盛ん/さかん - popular; prosperous, thriving
下げる/さげる - to hang, to lower
差し上げる/さしあげる - to give (humble)
さっき - a short while ago, a moment ago, just now, some
time ago
寂しい/さびしい - lonely, longing for something/someone not
様/さま - Mr, Mrs or Ms {polite}
騒ぐ/さわぐ - to make noise, to make racket, to be noisy
触る/さわる - to touch, to feel
サンダル - sandal
サンドイッチ - {food} sandwich
残念/ざんねん - unfortunate, too bad
字/じ - character (i.e. kanji)
試合/しあい - match, game
仕方/しかた - way, method
式/しき - equation, formula; ceremony
試験/しけん - examination, test
事故/じこ - accident, incident, trouble
地震/じしん - earthquake
時代/じだい - period, age; the times
下着/したぎ - underwear, undergarment, underclothes,
支度/したく - preparation, arrangements
確り/しっかり - firmly, tightly
失敗/しっぱい - failure, mistake
失礼/しつれい - discourtesy, impoliteness; Excuse me,
辞典/じてん - dictionary, thesaurus
品物/しなもの - goods, article, thing
暫く/しばらく - for a moment, for a minute; for a while, for
some time
島/しま - island
事務所/じむしょ - office
社会/しゃかい - society, public
社長/しゃちょう - company president
ジャム - jam
自由/じゆう - freedom, liberty, as it pleases you
習慣/しゅうかん - custom, habit
住所/じゅうしょ - address (e.g. of house)
柔道/じゅうどう - judo
十分/じゅうぶん - plenty, enough
出席/しゅっせき - attendance, presence, appearance
出発/しゅっぱつ - departure, leaving, setting off
趣味/しゅみ - hobby
準備/じゅんび - preparation, setup
紹介/しょうかい - introduction
正月/しょうがつ - New Year, New Year’s Day
小学校/しょうがっこう - primary school, elementary school
小説/しょうせつ - novel, story, (work of) fiction
招待/しょうたい - invitation
承知/しょうち - knowledge, awareness; acceptance, consent,
assent, agreement, compliance, acknowledgment,
acknowledgement; forgiving, pardoning, excusing
将来/しょうらい - future (usually near)
食事/しょくじ - meal
食料品/しょくりょうひん - foodstuff, groceries
女性/じょせい - woman, female
知らせる/しらせる - to notify, to advise, to inform
調べる/しらべる - to examine, to investigate
人口/じんこう - population
神社/じんじゃ - Shinto shrine
親切/しんせつ - kind, gentle
心配/しんぱい - worry, concern
新聞社/しんぶんしゃ - newspaper company
水泳/すいえい - swimming
水道/すいどう - water supply, water service
数学/すうがく - mathematics
スーツケース - suitcase
過ぎる/すぎる - to be excessive, to be too much, to be too …
すっかり - all, completely, totally, entirely, thoroughly
すっと - straight, quickly, directly; quietly, gently
ステレオ - stereo (sound); stereo (player, set); {adj-f} stereo,
stereophonic, stereoscopic
捨てる/すてる - to throw away
砂/すな - sand, grit
隅/すみ - corner, nook
済む/すむ - to finish, to end, to be completed
すると - thereupon, hereupon, just then
製/せい - -made, make (e.g. a product of a country)
生活/せいかつ - living, life (one’s daily existence)
政治/せいじ - politics, government
西洋/せいよう - the west, Western countries
世界/せかい - the world, society
席/せき - seat
説明/せつめい - explanation; interpretation
背中/せなか - back (of body)
世話/せわ - care, looking after, help, assistance, aid; trouble,
bother; good offices, recommendation, introduction;
everyday life, everyday affairs, everyday language; {abbr}
sewamono (Edo-period drama about contemporary life) 線/
せん - line, stripe; line (e.g. telephone line), wire
戦争/せんそう - war
先輩/せんぱい - senior (at work or school)
専門/せんもん - speciality, subject of study
相談/そうだん - consultation
育てる/そだてる - to raise (a child), to bring up
卒業/そつぎょう - graduation
祖父/そふ - (one’s own) grandfather
祖母/そぼ - grandmother (one’s own)
其れで/それで - and, thereupon
其れに/それに - besides, moreover
其れ程/それほど - to that degree, to that extent, that much
そんな - like that, that sort of
代/だい - charge, cost, price; generation, age, reign
退院/たいいん - leaving hospital, discharge from hospital
大学生/だいがくせい - university student, college student
大事/だいじ - important, valuable
大体/だいたい - general, substantially, mostly, approximately
タイプ - type, kind, sort, style; type (of person)
台風/たいふう - typhoon, hurricane
倒れる/たおれる - to fall, to collapse, to drop
だから - so, therefore
確か/たしか - certainly, sure
足す/たす - to add (numbers); to add (something)
訪ねる/たずねる - to visit, to call on, to pay a visit to
出す/だす - to begin …, to start to … (attached to another
正しい/ただしい - right, correct
畳/たたみ - a type of mat, Japanese straw floor coverings
立てる/たてる - to stand (something) up
建てる/たてる - to build, to construct
例えば/たとえば - for example, e.g.
棚/たな - shelf, shelves
楽しむ/たのしむ - to enjoy, to take pleasure in, to have a good
time, to have fun; {dated} to look forward to
偶に/たまに - occasionally
足りる/たりる - to be sufficient
男性/だんせい - man, male
暖房/だんぼう - (indoor) heating
血/ち - blood; blood, ancestry, lineage, stock; (the) blood,
feelings, passions
力/ちから - force, strength, might; capability, ability
些とも/ちっとも - (not) at all, (not) a bit, (not) in the least,
(not) in the slightest
ちゃん - suffix for a friend (often female) or a young person
(usually female)
注意/ちゅうい - caution, warning
中学校/ちゅうがっこう - junior high school
注射/ちゅうしゃ - injection
駐車場/ちゅうしゃじょう - parking lot
地理/ちり - geography
就いて/ついて - about…, concerning…, as to, regarding
捕まえる/つかまえる - to catch, to capture, to arrest, to seize,
to restrain; to catch hold of (someone), to stop (e.g. a
stranger in the street), to hail (a taxi, waiter, etc.), to hold
(someone) back, to detain; towards (someone), at
(someone), in (someone’s) face 漬ける/つける - to soak, to
seep; to pickle
都合/つごう - circumstances, condition, convenience
伝える/つたえる - to convey, to report, to answer
続く/つづく - to continue
続ける/つづける - to continue
包む/つつむ - to wrap up, to tuck in
積もり/つもり - intention, plan, purpose, expectation; belief,
assumption, thought, conviction; estimate, estimation,
釣る/つる - to fish, to angle, to catch; to lure in, to tempt
連れる/つれる - to take (someone) with one, to bring along
丁寧/ていねい - polite, courteous; careful, thorough
テキスト - text; textbook
適当/てきとう - suitable, adequate; equivocal; irresponsible
手伝う/てつだう - to help
テニスコート - tennis court
手袋/てぶくろ - glove, mitten
寺/てら - temple (Buddhist)
点/てん - spot, mark; point
店員/てんいん - employee, salesperson
天気予報/てんきよほう - weather forecast
電灯/でんとう - electric light
電報/でんぽう - telegram
展覧会/てんらんかい - exhibition
道具/どうぐ - tool
到頭/とうとう - finally, at last, ultimately, in the end​
動物園/どうぶつえん - zoo
遠く/とおく - far away, distant, at a distance
通り/とおり - in accordance with; Street, Avenue
通る/とおる - to pass (by), to go through
特に/とくに - particularly, especially
特別/とくべつ - special
年/とし - year; age
途中/とちゅう - on the way; in the middle of
特急/とっきゅう - limited express (train, faster than an
どっち - which way; which one
届ける/とどける - to deliver, to forward, to send
泊まる/とまる - to stay at (e.g. hotel)
止める/とめる - to stop (something or someone), to turn off
取り替える/とりかえる - to exchange, to swap, to barter; to
replace, to substitute
泥棒/どろぼう - thief, burglar
直す/なおす - to fix, to correct
直る/なおる - to be repaired, to be fixed
治る/なおる - to be cured
中々/なかなか - very, considerably, easily, readily
乍ら/ながら - while, during
泣く/なく - to cry, to weep
無くす/なくす - to lose (something); to get rid of
無くなる/なくなる - to disappear (abstract ideas or inanimate
亡くなる/なくなる - to die {polite}
投げる/なげる - to throw
為さる/なさる - {hon} to do
何故/なぜ - why, how
鳴る/なる - to sound, to ring
成るべく/なるべく - as much as possible
慣れる/なれる - to grow accustomed to
苦い/にがい - bitter
逃げる/にげる - to run away
日記/にっき - diary, journal
入院/にゅういん - hospitalization
入学/にゅうがく - entry to school or university
似る/にる - to resemble, to be similar
人形/にんぎょう - doll, puppet, marionette; puppet (person
under the control of another), straw man, yes-man
盗む/ぬすむ - to steal
塗る/ぬる - to paint, to plaster, to lacquer, to varnish
熱/ねつ - fever, temperature
眠い/ねむい - sleepy, drowsy
眠る/ねむる - to sleep (not necessarily lying down)
残る/のこる - to remain
乗り換える/のりかえる - to transfer (trains), to change (bus,
乗り物/のりもの - vehicle
葉/は - leaf
場合/ばあい - an occasion in time, a moment; a case,
circumstance, situation
倍/ばい - double, twice (as much); {ctr} times (as much), fold; {ctr} 1-nth, 1 to n, 1 in n
拝見/はいけん - seeing, looking at (humble)
歯医者/はいしゃ - dentist
許り/ばかり - merely, nothing but; approximately, about
運ぶ/はこぶ - to carry, to transport
始める/はじめる - to start, to begin
筈/はず - expectation that something took place, should
恥ずかしい/はずかしい - shy, embarrassed
発音/はつおん - pronunciation; production of sound
はっきり - clearly, distinctly
花見/はなみ - cherry blossom viewing
払う/はらう - to pay (money, fee); to brush off, to wipe away
番組/ばんぐみ - program (e.g. TV)
反対/はんたい - opposition, resistance
日/ひ - day; sun
火/ひ - fire, flame, blaze
冷える/ひえる - to grow cold (from room temperature, e.g. in
引き出し/ひきだし - drawer; withdrawal (of money from an
飛行場/ひこうじょう - airfield, airport
美術館/びじゅつかん - art museum
非常に/ひじょうに - very, extremely, exceedingly
吃驚する/びっくりする - to be surprised
引っ越す/ひっこす - to move (house)
必要/ひつよう - necessary
酷い/ひどい - cruel, heartless, severe; terrible, awful;
excessive, unreasonable, unfair
開く/ひらく - to open (e.g. a bank-account, festival, etc.)
ビル - building; bill
昼間/ひるま - daytime, during the day
昼休み/ひるやすみ - lunch break, noon recess
拾う/ひろう - to pick up
増える/ふえる - to increase
深い/ふかい - deep
複雑/ふくざつ - complex, complicated
復習/ふくしゅう - review (of study), revision
普通/ふつう - usual; normally
葡萄/ぶどう - grape
太る/ふとる - to grow fat
布団/ふとん - quilted Japanese-style mattress laid out on the
舟/ふね - (often small) ship, boat, watercraft
船/ふね - ship, boat
不便/ふべん - inconvenient
踏む/ふむ - to step on
プレゼント - present, gift
文化/ぶんか - culture
文学/ぶんがく - literature
文法/ぶんぽう - grammar
ベル - bell; bel, B
変/へん - strange, odd
返事/へんじ - reply, answer
貿易/ぼうえき - trade (foreign)
放送/ほうそう - broadcast
法律/ほうりつ - law
僕/ぼく - {male} I, me; you; manservant
殆ど/ほとんど - most(ly), almost
負ける/まける - to lose (e.g. a game, match)
間違える/まちがえる - to make a mistake
間に合う/まにあう - to be in time for
儘/まま - as it is, as one likes
周り/まわり - circumference; surroundings
回る/まわる - to turn, to revolve
漫画/まんが - comic (book), cartoon
真中/まんなか - middle, centre, center, midpoint, heart
見える/みえる - to be seen
湖/みずうみ - lake
見つかる/みつかる - to be found, to be discovered
緑/みどり - green; greenery (esp. fresh verdure)
皆/みな - all, everyone, everybody; everything
港/みなと - harbour
迎える/むかえる - to go out to meet; to receive, to welcome;
to invite
昔/むかし - olden days, former
虫/むし - insect
息子/むすこ - son
娘/むすめ - daughter
村/むら - village
無理/むり - unreasonable, impossible
召し上がる/めしあがる - to eat, to drink (polite/honorific form)
珍しい/めずらしい - unusual, rare, curious
申し上げる/もうしあげる - (humble) to say, to tell, to state, to
申す/もうす - {hum} to be called (by a name), to say
もう直ぐ/もうすぐ - very soon
若し/もし - if, in case, supposing
戻る/もどる - to turn back, to return
木綿/もめん - cotton (material)
焼く/やく - to bake, to grill
役に立つ/やくにたつ - to be helpful, to be useful
約束/やくそく - arrangement, promise
焼ける/やける - to burn, to be roasted, to be heated, to be
優しい/やさしい - tender, kind
やっと - at last, at length; {on-mim} barely, narrowly
矢張り/やはり - as I thought; nonetheless; also
矢っ張り/やっぱり - as I thought; nonetheless; also
柔らかい/やわらかい - soft, tender
湯/ゆ - hot water; hot spring
夕飯/ゆうはん - evening meal, dinner, supper
輸出/ゆしゅつ - export
指/ゆび - finger
指輪/ゆびわ - (finger) ring
夢/ゆめ - dream
揺れる/ゆれる - to shake, to sway, to waver
用/よう - business, task; for the use of…, made for…
用意/ようい - preparation, readiness
用事/ようじ - tasks, business to take care of
汚れる/よごれる - to become dirty
予習/よしゅう - preparation for a lesson
予定/よてい - plans, arrangement
予約/よやく - reservation, appointment
寄る/よる - to visit, to drop in
に依ると/によると - according to (something/someone)
喜ぶ/よろこぶ - to be delighted
弱い/よわい - weak, frail, delicate
理由/りゆう - reason, pretext, motive
利用/りよう - use, utilization
両方/りょうほう - both sides, both
旅館/りょかん - traditional Japanese hotel
留守/るす - absence, being away from home
歴史/れきし - history
連絡/れんらく - contacting, getting in touch
沸かす/わかす - to boil, to heat
別れる/わかれる - to be divided, to break up (boyfriend,
沸く/わく - to grow hot (e.g. water), to boil; to get excited
訳/わけ - conclusion from reasoning, reason, cause
忘れ物/わすれもの - lost article, thing left behind; leaving
something behind, forgetting something
笑う/わらう - to laugh; to smile
割合/わりあい - rate, ratio, percentage
割れる/われる - to break, to be smashed; to split, to crack
愛/あい - love, affection, care
挨拶/あいさつ - greeting
愛情/あいじょう - love, affection
合図/あいず - sign, signal, cue
アイスクリーム - ice cream
愛する/あいする - to love
相手/あいて - companion, partner; opponent (sports, etc.)
アイデア - idea
アイディア - idea
生憎/あいにく - unfortunately, sorry, but …
曖昧/あいまい - vague, ambiguous, unclear; shady,
disreputable; {math} {comp} fuzzy
アイロン - iron (for pressing clothes); hair iron
遭う/あう - to meet, to encounter; {uk} to have an accident
アウト - {sports} out (in baseball, tennis, etc.); outer,
青/あお - blue
扇ぐ/あおぐ - to fan; to incite, to instigate
青白い/あおじろい - pale, pallid; bluish-white
赤/あか - red
明かり/あかり - light, brightness, glow, gleam
明き/あき - space, room, gap, emptiness; vacancy, opening,
empty seat; free time, time to spare; disuse, unused thing
空き/あき - space, room, emptiness; opening
明らか/あきらか - clear, obvious, evident, plain, definite;
bright, light
諦める/あきらめる - to give up, to abandon
飽きる/あきる - to get tired of, to lose interest in
呆れる/あきれる - to be amazed, to be shocked
握手/あくしゅ - handshake; reconciliation, joining hands,
アクセサリー - accessory (fashion), jewelry; accessory (audio,
car, camera, etc.)
アクセント - accent (on a syllable, word), stress; intonation,
欠伸/あくび - yawn, yawning (and stretching)
悪魔/あくま - devil, demon, fiend; Satan, the Devil
明くる/あくる - next (day, morning, etc.), following
明け方/あけがた - dawn
明ける/あける - to dawn, to grow light; to end (of a period,
憧れる/あこがれる - to long for, to yearn after, to admire, to
be attracted by
浅い/あさい - shallow, superficial; slight (wound), light (sleep)
アジア - Asia (esp. “the Far East”)
足跡/あしあと - footprints
足元/あしもと - at one’s feet, underfoot
味わう/あじわう - to taste, to savor, to relish
預かる/あずかる - to look after, to take care of, to keep, to
hold on to
預ける/あずける - to leave (in someone’s keeping), to put (in
someone’s care)
汗/あせ - sweat, perspiration; moisture, condensation; {int}
{net-sl} gulp, oops
彼処/あそこ - there, over there
与える/あたえる - to give (esp. to someone of lower status)
温かい/あたたかい - warm, mild, (pleasantly) hot; considerate,
kind, genial
暖まる/あたたまる - to warm oneself, to sun oneself
温まる/あたたまる - to warm oneself, to sun oneself
暖める/あたためる - to warm (up), to heat (up)
温める/あたためる - to warm, to heat
辺り/あたり - (in the) neighbourhood; about…; for instance,
当たる/あたる - to be hit, to be applicable to, to come true, to
guess correctly
彼方此方/あちこち - here and there
あっち - that way, over there; that one over there, that
(distant to speaker and listener) (casual)
彼方此方/あちらこちら - here and there
扱う/あつかう - to deal with (a person), to treat; to deal with
(a problem)
厚かましい/あつかましい - impudent, shameless, brazen,
cheeky, presumptuous
圧縮/あっしゅく - compression, condensation
集まり/あつまり - gathering, meeting, assembly
宛名/あてな - (recipient’s) name and address
当てはまる/あてはまる - to apply (a rule), to be applicable
当て嵌める/あてはめる - to apply, to adapt
当てる/あてる - to hit; to expose; to apply (e.g. patch), to put
跡/あと - trace, tracks, mark, sign; site, remains
穴/あな - hole; deficit, shortage; vacancy, opening
アナウンサー - announcer
暴れる/あばれる - to act violently, to rage, to struggle
浴びる/あびる - to dash over oneself (e.g. water), to bathe
油/あぶら - oil
脂/あぶら - oil, fat, tallow, lard, grease
阿弗利加/アフリカ - Africa
炙る/あぶる - to warm (e.g. one’s hands over a fire), to dry; to
toast, to grill
溢れる/あふれる - to overflow, to brim over, to flood
雨戸/あまど - sliding storm shutter
甘やかす/あまやかす - to pamper, to spoil
余り/あまり - remainder; not very (with negative sentence);
too much
余る/あまる - to remain, to be left over, to be in excess, to be
too many
編物/あみもの - knitting, knitted material, crochet
編む/あむ - to knit
飴/あめ - (hard) candy, toffee
亜米利加/アメリカ - America
危うい/あやうい - dangerous, risky, hazardous, perilous,
precarious; in danger
怪しい/あやしい - suspicious, dubious, doubtful, dodgy
誤り/あやまり - error, mistake, slip, bug
あら - {fem} oh, ah
荒い/あらい - rough, wild, violent, rude, coarse, harsh
粗い/あらい - coarse, rough
嵐/あらし - storm, tempest
粗筋/あらすじ - outline, summary, argument
争う/あらそう - to compete, to contest, to contend; to
quarrel, to argue
新た/あらた - new, fresh, novel
改めて/あらためて - another time, again, over again, once
改める/あらためる - to change, to alter, to revise, to replace
凡ゆる/あらゆる - all, every
表す/あらわす - to represent, to signify, to stand for
現す/あらわす - to reveal, to show, to display
著す/あらわす - to write, to publish
現れ/あらわれ - embodiment, manifestation, materialization
現れる/あらわれる - to appear
有難い/ありがたい - grateful, thankful, welcome, appreciated
有り難う/ありがとう - {abbr} thank you, thanks
有る/ある - to be (usu. of inanimate objects)
在る/ある - to be (usu. of inanimate objects), to exist, to live;
to have
或/ある - a certain …, some …
或いは/あるいは - or, possibly
アルバム - album
彼此/あれこれ - this and that, this or that, one thing or
荒れる/あれる - to be stormy, to be rough; to be ruined, to fall
into ruin
泡/あわ - bubble, foam, froth, suds, lather, head (on beer)
合わせる/あわせる - to match (rhythm, speed, etc.); to join
慌しい/あわただしい - busy, hectic, hurried, rushed; rapid,
quick, sudden
哀れ/あわれ - pity, sorrow, grief, misery, compassion, pathos
案/あん - idea, plan, proposal, suggestion
安易/あんい - easy, simple; easygoing, lighthearted,
simplistic, irresponsible, careless, quick (to do)
案外/あんがい - unexpected
暗記/あんき - memorization, memorisation, learning by heart
安定/あんてい - stability, steadiness, consistency, equilibrium,
balance, composure; {adj-na} {n} {vs} {vi} {physics}
{chem} stable
アンテナ - antenna
あんなに - so, like that, to that extent, to that degree
余り/あんまり - remainder, rest, balance, remains; not very
(with negative sentence)
胃/い - stomach
位/い - rank, place (e.g. first place)
いえ - no, nay; well
言い出す/いいだす - to begin to say, to start talking, to broach
(a matter)
言い付ける/いいつける - to tell (to do), to order, to charge, to
direct; to tell on (someone)
委員/いいん - committee member
言う/ゆう - to say, to utter, to declare; to name, to call; to go
(e.g. “the alarm went ping”), to make a noise
意外/いがい - unexpected, surprising
行き/いき - the way there, outbound leg; bound for …;
outbound ticket
行き/ゆき - the way there, outbound leg, outbound trip,
departing leg; {n-suf} bound for …; outbound ticket
息/いき - breath, breathing; tone, mood
意義/いぎ - meaning, significance
生き生き/いきいき - in a lively way, vividly, freshly
勢い/いきおい - force, vigor, vigour, energy; influence,
行き成り/いきなり - abruptly, suddenly, all of a sudden,
without warning
生き物/いきもの - living thing, living creature, animal, life
幾/いく - some, several, a few; many; how many, how much;
very, so (much)
育児/いくじ - childcare, child-rearing, nursing, upbringing
幾つ/いくつ - how many; how old
幾分/いくぶん - somewhat, to some extent, to some degree
幾ら/いくら - how much (usually money)?, how many?
行けない/いけない - wrong, not good, of no use; must not do
生け花/いけばな - Japanese art of flower arrangement
以後/いご - after this, from now on, hereafter
以降/いこう - on and after, as from, hereafter, thereafter,
イコール - equal
勇ましい/いさましい - brave, valiant, gallant, courageous
医師/いし - doctor, physician
意思/いし - intention, wish, purpose, mind (to do)
意志/いし - will, volition, intention, intent, determination
維持/いじ - maintenance, preservation, improvement
意識/いしき - consciousness
異常/いじょう - strangeness, abnormality, disorder
衣食住/いしょくじゅう - food, clothing and shelter, necessities
of life
意地悪/いじわる - malicious, mean-spirited
椅子/いす - chair
泉/いずみ - spring, fountain
何れ/いずれ - where, which, who; anyway, anyhow, at any
以前/いぜん - in the past, before
板/いた - board, plank; sheet (of metal), plate (of glass),
pane, slab
偉大/いだい - great, grand, magnificent, outstanding, mighty
抱く/いだく - to embrace, to hold in the arms (e.g. a baby),
to hug
悪戯/いたずら - mischief, prank, trick, practical joke
戴きます/いただきます - expression of gratitude before meals
頂く/いただく - to receive (humble)
痛み/いたみ - pain, ache, soreness, grief, distress; damage,
injury, wear
至る/いたる - to arrive at (e.g. a decision), to reach (a stage),
to attain
位置/いち - place, position, location; position, standing,
status, situation
一応/いちおう - more or less, though not quite satisfactorily,
after a fashion, pretty much, roughly, so far as it goes;
tentatively, for the time being; just in case; once
一時/いちじ - one o’clock; temporarily, momentarily
一段と/いちだんと - greater, more, further, still more
一度に/いちどに - all at once
市場/いちば - (town) market; (the) marketplace
一流/いちりゅう - first-class, top grade, foremost, top-notch
何時か/いつか - sometime
一家/いっか - a family, a household, a home, one’s family
一昨日/いっさくじつ - day before yesterday
一昨年/いっさくねん - year before last (formal)
一種/いっしゅ - a kind, a sort, a species, a variety
一瞬/いっしゅん - instant, moment, for an instant
一生/いっしょう - whole life, a lifetime, all through life
一斉/いっせい - simultaneous, all at once
一層/いっそう - much more, still more, all the more
一体/いったい - ..the heck (e.g. “what the heck?”); one object,
one body
一旦/いったん - once; for a short time, briefly
一致/いっち - coincidence, agreement, union, match
一定/いってい - fixed, settled, constant, definite, uniform
行っていらっしゃい/いっていらっしゃい - Literally: Please go
and come back (polite/honorific), Please come again, See
you again soon.
行ってらっしゃい/いってらっしゃい - have a good day, take
care, see you
行って参ります/いってまいります - So long, I’m off (humble)
行って来ます/いってきます - {pol} I’m off, see you later
何時でも/いつでも - always, all the time, at all times; (at) any
time, whenever (you like)
一般/いっぱん - general, universal; ordinary, average
一方/いっぽう - one (esp. of two)
何時までも/いつまでも - forever, for good, eternally, as long as
one likes
何時も/いつも - always
移転/いてん - moving, relocation, change of address
井戸/いど - water well
緯度/いど - latitude (nav.)
移動/いどう - movement, transfer, migration, removal
従兄弟/いとこ - cousin (only male when written with kanji)
犬/いぬ - dog
稲/いね - rice plant (Oryza sativa)
居眠り/いねむり - nodding off (while sitting), dozing
命/いのち - life, life force; lifetime, lifespan
威張る/いばる - to put on airs, to act big, to throw one’s
weight about
違反/いはん - violation (of law)
衣服/いふく - clothes
居間/いま - living room (western style)
今に/いまに - before long, even now
今にも/いまにも - at any moment (now), at any minute, on
the verge of (doing), just about to
イメージ - image
嫌がる/いやがる - to appear uncomfortable (with), to seem to
hate, to express dislike
愈々/いよいよ - more and more, all the more, increasingly; at
last, finally
以来/いらい - since, henceforth
依頼/いらい - request, commission
苛苛/いらいら - to get irritated, to get annoyed, to be on the
いらっしゃい - {hon} come, go, stay; welcome
医療/いりょう - medical care, medical treatment
煎る/いる - to parch, to fry, to fire, to broil
炒る/いる - to parch, to fry, to fire, to broil
入れ物/いれもの - container, case, receptacle
岩/いわ - rock, boulder; crag, cliff; anchor
祝い/いわい - congratulation, congratulations, celebration;
congratulatory gift
祝う/いわう - to congratulate, to celebrate
言わば/いわば - so to speak, so to call it, as it were
所謂/いわゆる - what is called, as it is called, the so-called, so
to speak
インク - ink
インキ - ink
印刷/いんさつ - printing
印象/いんしょう - impression
引退/いんたい - retire
インタビュー - interview (i.e. television, newspaper, etc.)
引用/いんよう - quotation, citation, reference
引力/いんりょく - attraction (e.g. magnetic, gravitation),
ウイスキー - whiskey
ウーマン - woman
ウール - wool
ウエートレス - waitress
植木/うえき - garden shrubs, trees, potted plant
飢える/うえる - to starve, to thirst
魚/うお - fish
伺う/うかがう - to inquire; to visit
浮かべる/うかべる - to float, to set afloat, to launch
浮く/うく - to float; to become merry, to be cheerful
承る/うけたまわる - to hear, to be told, to know; to receive
受取/うけとり - receiving, receipt
受け取る/うけとる - to receive, to get, to accept
受け持つ/うけもつ - to take (be in) charge of
動かす/うごかす - to move (something)
兎/うさぎ - rabbit
牛/うし - cow
失う/うしなう - to lose; to miss (a change, opportunity); to
lose (a loved one)
薄暗い/うすぐらい - dim, gloomy
薄める/うすめる - to dilute, to water down
嘘/うそ - lie, fib, falsehood, untruth
疑う/うたがう - to doubt, to distrust, to be suspicious of, to
内/うち - inside, within; while; among, amongst
家/うち - house, home (one’s own)
打合せ/うちあわせ - business meeting, previous arrangement
打ち消す/うちけす - to deny, to contradict
宇宙/うちゅう - universe, cosmos, space
討つ/うつ - to shoot (at); to attack, to defeat
撃つ/うつ - to shoot (at); to attack, to defeat
うっかり - {on-mim} carelessly, thoughtlessly, inadvertently
映す/うつす - to project, to reflect, to cast (shadow)
移す/うつす - to change, to swap, to substitute, to transfer
訴える/うったえる - to raise, to bring to (someone’s attention)
写る/うつる - to be photographed, to be projected
映る/うつる - to be reflected, to come out {photo}
饂飩/うどん - thick Japanese wheat noodles
頷く/うなずく - to nod
唸る/うなる - to groan, to moan; to roar, to howl, to growl
奪う/うばう - to snatch away, to dispossess, to steal
馬/うま - horse
生まれ/うまれ - birth, birthplace; born in (country, month,
imperial era, zodiac year, etc.)
有無/うむ - existence or nonexistence, presence or absence
梅/うめ - plum, Japanese apricot
埋める/うめる - to bury (e.g. in the ground); to fill up (e.g.
audience fills a hall)
敬う/うやまう - to show respect, to honor
裏返す/うらがえす - to turn inside out, to turn the other way
裏切る/うらぎる - to betray, to turn traitor to, to double-cross
裏口/うらぐち - backdoor, rear entrance, rear exit; {adj-no}
{n} unauthorized, illicit, illegal
占う/うらなう - to tell someone’s fortune, to forecast
恨み/うらみ - resentment, grudge, malice, bitterness
恨む/うらむ - to bear a grudge against, to resent
羨ましい/うらやましい - envious, jealous
羨む/うらやむ - to envy, to be envious of, to be jealous of
売上/うりあげ - amount sold, sales, proceeds, takings,
売り切れ/うりきれ - sold-out
嬉しい/うれしい - happy, glad
売行き/うれゆき - sales, demand
売れる/うれる - to sell (well)
うろうろ - {on-mim} restlessly, aimlessly, without purpose;
{vs} {on-mim} to loiter, to drift, to hang about doing
nothing, to wander aimlessly, to be restless; {vs} {on-mim}
to be restless, to fuss, to be in a fidget 噂/うわさ - rumour,
rumor, report, hearsay, gossip, common talk
運/うん - fortune, luck, chance
運河/うんが - (navigable) canal, waterway
うんと - a great deal, very much, a lot
永遠/えいえん - eternity, perpetuity, permanence, immortality
永久/えいきゅう - eternity, perpetuity, immortality
影響/えいきょう - influence, effect; to influence, to affect
営業/えいぎょう - business, trade, operations; sales
英和/えいわ - English-Japanese; {abbr} English-Japanese
ええと - let me see, well, errr …
笑顔/えがお - smiling face, smile
描く/えがく - to draw, to paint
液体/えきたい - liquid
餌/えさ - (animal) feed, fodder, pet food; bait, lure
エチケット - politeness, good manners, courtesy, etiquette;
(wine) label
エネルギー - energy; strength, power, stamina, get-up-and-go
絵の具/えのぐ - paint, coloring materials, colors, colours
エプロン - apron; apron (airport); {abbr} apron (stage)
偉い/えらい - great, excellent
得る/える - to get, to acquire
得る/うる - to be able to …, can …; to get, to acquire
宴会/えんかい - party, banquet, reception, feast, dinner
延期/えんき - postponement, deferment, adjournment
演技/えんぎ - acting, performance
園芸/えんげい - gardening
演劇/えんげき - drama, theatre, theater, play
円周/えんしゅう - circumference
援助/えんじょ - assistance, aid, support
エンジン - engine
演説/えんぜつ - speech, address
演奏/えんそう - musical performance
遠足/えんそく - school trip, field trip, excursion, outing;
{dated} long walk, excursion (on foot)
延長/えんちょう - extension, elongation, prolongation,
煙突/えんとつ - chimney, smokestack, funnel (of a ship),
追い掛ける/おいかける - to chase, to run after
追い越す/おいこす - to pass (e.g. car), to overtake; to surpass,
to outstrip
追い付く/おいつく - to catch up (with), to draw level, to pull
even, to reach
オイル - oil, engine oil, kerosene
王/おう - king, ruler, sovereign, monarch
追う/おう - to chase, to run after, to pursue, to follow after
応援/おうえん - aid, assistance, help, support, reinforcement;
cheering, rooting (for), support
王様/おうさま - {hon} king
王子/おうじ - prince; subordinate Kumano shrine
王女/おうじょ - princess
応じる/おうじる - to respond, to satisfy, to accept
応ずる/おうずる - to answer, to respond, to meet
応接/おうせつ - reception (e.g. of visitors), dealing with
応対/おうたい - dealing with (people, customers, complaints,
横断/おうだん - crossing, traversing; traversing horizontally
往復/おうふく - making a round trip, going and returning;
{abbr} round-trip ticket, return ticket
欧米/おうべい - Europe and America, the West
応用/おうよう - (practical) application, putting to practical
終える/おえる - to finish
大いに/おおいに - very, very much, greatly, considerably,
highly, exceedingly, a great deal, a lot, to one’s heart’s
覆う/おおう - to cover, to hide, to conceal
オーケストラ - orchestra
大雑把/おおざっぱ - rough (estimate, summary, etc.), broad,
general, sweeping, loose; careless (e.g. work), sloppy, crude
大通り/おおどおり - main street, avenue, boulevard
オートメーション - automation
オーバーコート - overcoat
大家/おおや - landlord, landlady
大凡/おおよそ - about, roughly, approximately
丘/おか - hill
お帰り/おかえり - {hon} return; {int} {abbr} welcome home
御数/おかず - accompaniment for rice dishes
拝む/おがむ - to assume the posture of praying
沖/おき - open sea; {abbr} Okinawa
補う/おぎなう - to supplement, to make up for, to
compensate for, to cover (a shortage, loss, etc.), to fill (e.g.
a vacancy)
奥/おく - inner part, interior, back (of a drawer, one’s throat,
etc.), depths (e.g. of a forest), recesses (e.g. of a cave),
heart, end (of a road, garden, etc.); living quarters (at the
back of a house), inner room; recesses (of one’s mind),
bottom (of one’s heart), behind (someone’s words),
mysteries (of an art) 屋外/おくがい - outdoors, outside
送り仮名/おくりがな - kana written after a kanji to complete
the full (usually kun) reading of the word
贈る/おくる - to give (as a gift), to present; to confer, to
bestow, to award
怠る/おこたる - to be negligent in doing something, to shirk
起こる/おこる - to occur, to happen
押さえる/おさえる - to pin down, to hold down, to press down
お先に/おさきに - before, previously; ahead; {abbr} {hon}
Pardon me for leaving (before you)
幼い/おさない - very young, little; childish, immature
収める/おさめる - to dedicate, to make an offering, to pay
(fees); to supply; to store; to achieve (a result)
納める/おさめる - to dedicate, to make an offering, to pay
治める/おさめる - to govern, to manage; to subdue, to rule
惜しい/おしい - regrettable, disappointing; precious, dear,
御辞儀/おじぎ - bow, bowing (gesture)
伯父さん/おじさん - uncle (older brother of one of our parents)
お洒落/おしゃれ - smartly dressed, stylish
お喋/おしゃべり - chattering, talk, idle talk, chat, chitchat,
gossip; chatty, talkative, chatterbox, blabbermouth
お世話になりました/おせわになりました - Thank you for taking
care of ..; I’m in your debt
汚染/おせん - pollution, contamination
恐らく/おそらく - probably, (most) likely, in all likelihood, I
suspect, I dare say, I’m afraid
恐れる/おそれる - to fear, to be afraid of
恐ろしい/おそろしい - terrible, dreadful
教わる/おそわる - to be taught (by), to learn from
穏やか/おだやか - calm, gentle, quiet; moderate, reasonable,
amicable, mild
落着く/おちつく - to calm down, to compose oneself
夫/おっと - husband
お出掛け/おでかけ - about to start out, just about to leave or
go out
お手伝いさん/おてつだいさん - maid
脅かす/おどかす - to threaten, to coerce, to menace, to
男の人/おとこのひと - man
落し物/おとしもの - lost property
大人しい/おとなしい - gentle, quiet, mild, meek, obedient,
docile, well-behaved, tame; quiet (color, pattern, etc.),
劣る/おとる - to be inferior to, to be less good at, to fall
驚かす/おどろかす - to surprise, to frighten, to create a stir
鬼/おに - oni, ogre, demon; spirit of a deceased person
各々/おのおの - each; {pn} {arch} you (plural)
伯母さん/おばさん - aunt (older sister of one of our parents)
叔母さん/おばさん - aunt (younger sister of one of our
小母さん/おばさん - {fam} old lady, ma’am
お早う/おはよう - good morning
帯/おび - kimono sash, paper wrapper on books, CDs, etc.
オフィス - office
溺れる/おぼれる - to drown, to nearly drown
お待たせしました/おまたせしました - {pol} thank you for
waiting, sorry to have kept you waiting
お待ち下さい/おまちください - please wait {polite}
お巡りさん/おまわりさん - police officer
お目出度い/おめでたい - special, auspicious, happy; foolish
御目出度う/おめでとう - congratulations!, well done!, best
wishes!, all the best!
思い切り/おもいきり - with all one’s strength, with all one’s
思い込む/おもいこむ - to be under impression that, to be
convinced that
思い付く/おもいつく - to think of, to hit upon, to come into
one’s mind
思い出/おもいで - memories
重たい/おもたい - heavy, massive, serious, important, severe,
主に/おもに - mainly, primarily
思わず/おもわず - unintentionally, reflexively, spontaneously,
親/おや - parent
お休み/おやすみ - holiday, day off, absence; {abbr} Good
お八つ/おやつ - between meal snack
親指/おやゆび - thumb; big toe
泳ぎ/およぎ - swimming
凡そ/およそ - about, roughly, approximately; generally, on
the whole
及ぼす/およぼす - to exert (influence), to exercise, to cause
(e.g. damage), to do (e.g. harm), to bring about (e.g.
benefits), to extend, to have an effect (on)
居る/おる - (humble/modest) to be (animate)
折る/おる - to break, to fold
オルガン - organ (musical instrument)
降ろす/おろす - to take down (e.g. flag), to launch (e.g. boat),
to drop, to lower (e.g. ladder), to let (a person) off
卸す/おろす - to sell wholesale; to grate (e.g. vegetables); to
cut up fish
終/おわり - end, ending, close, conclusion; end of (one’s) life,
音/おん - sound, noise, report; note {music}
恩/おん - favour, favor, obligation, debt of gratitude
恩恵/おんけい - grace, favor, favour, blessing, benefit
温室/おんしつ - greenhouse, hothouse, conservatory,
温泉/おんせん - spa, hot spring
温帯/おんたい - temperate zone
温暖/おんだん - warm, mild, temperate
御中/おんちゅう - and Company, Messrs (often found on the
end of a name on an envelope)
温度/おんど - temperature
女の人/おんなのひと - woman
可/か - acceptable, satisfactory, allowed, permitted;
approval, being in favour, (a) vote in favour, aye; Pass
(grade), Fair, C, D
蚊/か - mosquito
課/か - lesson; section (in an organization), division,
日/か - day of month; {ctr} counter for days
科/か - department, section, faculty, school, arm
カー - car
カード - card; curd
カーブ - curve, turn, bend
貝/かい - shell, shellfish
害/がい - injury, harm, evil influence, damage
会員/かいいん - member, the membership
絵画/かいが - picture, painting
開会/かいかい - opening of a meeting
海外/かいがい - foreign, abroad, overseas
会館/かいかん - meeting hall, assembly hall
会計/かいけい - account, finance, accountant, treasurer
解決/かいけつ - solution, resolution
会合/かいごう - meeting, assembly, gathering
外交/がいこう - diplomacy; selling (e.g. door-to-door),
改札/かいさつ - examination of tickets; {abbr} ticket gate
解散/かいさん - breaking up (e.g. meeting), dispersing (e.g.
開始/かいし - start, commencement
解釈/かいしゃく - explanation; interpretation
外出/がいしゅつ - going out, outing, leaving (one’s home,
office, etc.)
海水浴/かいすいよく - swimming in the ocean, sea bathing
回数/かいすう - number of times, frequency, count
回数券/かいすうけん - coupon tickets, discount tickets, book of
改正/かいせい - revision, amendment
快晴/かいせい - clear weather, cloudless weather, good
解説/かいせつ - explanation, commentary, exposition,
改善/かいぜん - betterment, improvement
改造/かいぞう - remodeling, restructuring
開通/かいつう - opening (of a new road, railway, etc.), going
into operation (e.g. telephone communication)
快適/かいてき - pleasant, agreeable, comfortable
回転/かいてん - rotation
解答/かいとう - answer, solution
回答/かいとう - reply, answer
外部/がいぶ - outside (e.g. of a building), exterior; outside (of
a group, company, etc.)
回復/かいふく - restoration, rehabilitation; recovery (from an
解放/かいほう - release, unleashing, liberation, emancipation,
setting free
開放/かいほう - opening (a door, window, etc.), leaving open
海洋/かいよう - ocean, sea
概論/がいろん - introduction, outline, general remarks
飼う/かう - to keep, to raise (a pet)
帰す/かえす - to send (someone) back
却って/かえって - on the contrary, rather, instead, all the
代える/かえる - to replace; to exchange, to interchange; to
替える/かえる - to replace; to exchange
換える/かえる - to replace; to exchange
反る/かえる - to return, to come back, to go back; to turn
家屋/かおく - house, building
香り/かおり - aroma, fragrance, scent, smell
画家/がか - painter, artist
抱える/かかえる - to hold/carry under the arms
価格/かかく - price, value, cost
化学/かがく - chemistry
輝く/かがやく - to shine, to sparkle, to twinkle, to glitter, to
glisten; to light up (with happiness, hope, etc.), to beam, to
gleam, to glow
係/かかり - charge, duty, person in charge, official, clerk
掛かる/かかる - to take (esp. time or money); to hang
罹る/かかる - to contract (a disease), to suffer from
係わる/かかわる - to be affected, to be influenced; to be
concerned with
鍵/かぎ - key; lock
書留/かきとめ - registered mail, registered post
書取/かきとり - writing down from other written material
垣根/かきね - hedge, fence; border, limit
限り/かぎり - limit(s), bounds; degree
限る/かぎる - to restrict, to limit, to confine; to be restricted
to, to be limited to
掻く/かく - to scratch; to perspire; to shovel, to paddle
描く/かく - to draw, to paint
各/かく - each, every, all
嗅ぐ/かぐ - to sniff, to smell
家具/かぐ - furniture
学/がく - learning, scholarship, study, erudition, knowledge
額/がく - (picture) frame, framed picture; amount (esp. of
money), sum
架空/かくう - aerial, overhead; fictitious, imaginary
覚悟/かくご - readiness, preparedness, resolution, resignation
各自/かくじ - individual, each (one)
確実/かくじつ - certain, reliable, sound
学者/がくしゃ - scholar, academic, scientist; learned person,
person of learning
拡充/かくじゅう - expansion
学習/がくしゅう - study, learning
学術/がくじゅつ - science, learning, scholarship, arts and
隠す/かくす - to hide, to conceal
拡大/かくだい - magnification, enlargement, expansion
各地/かくち - every place, various places
拡張/かくちょう - expansion, extension, enlargement;
{comp} escape, ESC
角度/かくど - angle (value), degree
確認/かくにん - confirmation, verification, validation, review,
学年/がくねん - year in school, grade in school
格別/かくべつ - particular, special, exceptional; particularly
学問/がくもん - scholarship, study, learning; discipline
確率/かくりつ - probability, likelihood, chances
学力/がくりょく - knowledge, literary ability, academic ability
隠れる/かくれる - to be hidden
影/かげ - shadow, silhouette, figure, shape; reflection, image
陰/かげ - shade, shadow; behind (something), other side,
back; background, behind the scenes, behind someone’s
back; gloom (in someone’s expression, nature, etc.),
掛け算/かけざん - {math} multiplication
可決/かけつ - approval, adoption (of a motion, bill, etc.),
箇月/かげつ - counter for months
掛ける/かける - to hang (e.g. picture), to take (time, money);
to make (a call)
欠ける/かける - to be chipped, to be damaged, to be broken;
to be lacking
加減/かげん - degree, extent, amount, balance, state,
condition; (health) condition, state of health
過去/かこ - the past
籠/かご - basket (shopping, etc.), hamper, cage
火口/かこう - {geol} (volcanic) crater, caldera; burner (of a
下降/かこう - descent, fall, drop, decline, downturn,
囲む/かこむ - to surround, to encircle, to enclose, to fence, to
wall in
火災/かさい - conflagration, fire
重なる/かさなる - to be piled up, to lie on top of one another
重ねる/かさねる - to pile up, to heap up, to stack up, to put on
top of another
飾り/かざり - decoration, ornament, trimmings
火山/かざん - volcano
貸し/かし - loan, lending; favor, favour, debt, obligation
菓子/かし - confectionery, sweets, candy, cake
家事/かじ - housework
賢い/かしこい - wise, clever, smart
畏まりました/かしこまりました - certainly! (humble)
貸し出し/かしだし - lending, loaning
過失/かしつ - error, blunder, accident; fault, defect
果実/かじつ - fruit, nut, berry; {law} fruits, profit
貸間/かしま - room to let, room for rent
貸家/かしや - house for rent
歌手/かしゅ - singer
個所/かしょ - {ctr} counter for places, parts, passages, etc.
過剰/かじょう - excess, surplus, superabundance,
齧る/かじる - to gnaw, to chew, to bite (at), to gnaw, to
数/かず - number, amount
瓦斯/ガス - gas (state of matter, e.g. poison gas, natural gas)
風邪/かぜ - cold (illness)
課税/かぜい - taxation
下線/かせん - underline, underscore
稼ぐ/かせぐ - to earn (income), to make (money)
カセット - cassette (tape); game cartridge
数える/かぞえる - to count, to enumerate
加速/かそく - acceleration, speeding up
加速度/かそくど - acceleration
型/かた - model, type (e.g. of machine, goods, etc.); type,
style, pattern
肩/かた - shoulder
固い/かたい - (often for wood) hard, solid, tough; stiff, tight
堅い/かたい - (often for wood) hard, solid, tough; stiff, tight,
硬い/かたい - (often for metal/stone) hard, solid, tough; stiff,
方々/かたがた - they (of people), gentlemen (of the …)
片付く/かたづく - to be put in order, to be put to rights; to be
disposed of
刀/かたな - sword
塊/かたまり - lump, mass, bundle, clump; group, crowd
固まる/かたまる - to harden, to solidify; to become firm, to
become certain
片道/かたみち - one-way (trip); {abbr} one-way ticket
傾く/かたむく - to incline toward, to slant, to lurch, to heel
片寄る/かたよる - to lean (to one side), to incline
語る/かたる - to talk about, to speak of, to tell, to narrate
勝ち/かち - win, victory
価値/かち - value, worth, merit
勝ち/がち - apt to do, liable to do, tend to do (used to
describe a negative tendency)
学科/がっか - study subject, course of study; department
(university, etc.)
学会/がっかい - scientific society, academic meeting
がっかり - feel disappointed, dejected, lose heart
活気/かっき - energy, vigour, vigor, liveliness, spirit, life,
楽器/がっき - musical instrument
学期/がっき - school term, semester
学級/がっきゅう - (school) class
担ぐ/かつぐ - to shoulder, to carry on one’s shoulder
括弧/かっこ - parenthesis, brackets
格好/かっこう - shape, form, pose; appearance
活字/かつじ - printing type, movable type; printed text, print
活動/かつどう - action, activity
活躍/かつやく - activity (esp. energetic)
活用/かつよう - practical use, good use, application
活力/かつりょく - vitality, energy, dynamism
仮定/かてい - assumption, supposition, hypothesis; {gramm}
家庭/かてい - home, family, household
過程/かてい - process, course, mechanism
課程/かてい - course, curriculum
仮名/かな - kana, Japanese syllabary (i.e. hiragana, katakana)
悲しむ/かなしむ - to be sad, to mourn for, to regret
仮名遣い/かなづかい - kana orthography, syllabary spelling
必ずしも/かならずしも - (not) always, (not) necessarily, (not)
all, (not) entirely
金/かね - money; metal
鐘/かね - bell (often a large hanging bell), chime
加熱/かねつ - heating, application of heat
兼ねる/かねる - to be unable to, to find difficult (unpleasant,
awkward, painful) to do
カバー - a cover, a (dust) jacket, a wrapper
過半数/かはんすう - majority
黴/かび - mold, mould, mildew
株/かぶ - stock, share
被せる/かぶせる - to cover (with something), to put on (e.g.
on someone else’s head)
被る/かぶる - to wear (on head, usu. one’s own)
釜/かま - iron pot, kettle
構う/かまう - to mind, to care about, to be concerned about
我慢/がまん - patience, endurance
上/かみ - upper reaches (of a river), upper stream; top, upper
神/かみ - god, deity, divinity, spirit, incredible, fantastic
紙屑/かみくず - wastepaper, scrap of paper, paper scraps
神様/かみさま - god
剃刀/かみそり - razor
雷/かみなり - thunder, lightning
髪の毛/かみのけ - hair (of the head)
噛む/かむ - to bite, to chew, to gnaw
ガム - {abbr} chewing gum; gum, rubber
科目/かもく - (school) subject, curriculum, course
かも知れない/かもしれない - might, perhaps, maybe
貨物/かもつ - cargo, freight; money or assets
痒い/かゆい - itchy
火曜/かよう - Tuesday
歌謡/かよう - song, ballad
空/から - emptiness, being empty; {pref} not carrying
anything, unburdened, empty-handed; {pref} dishonoured
(bill, promise, etc.), false, no-show (reservation), put-on
(cheeriness, courage, etc.), empty (compliments), insincere
殻/から - shell, husk, hull, pod, chaff
柄/がら - pattern, design; body build, figure, physique
カラー - collar; color, colour
揶揄う/からかう - to ridicule, to tease, to make fun of
空っぽ/からっぽ - empty, vacant, hollow
刈る/かる - to cut (grass, hair, etc.), to mow, to clip
歌留多/かるた - karuta (traditional Japanese playing cards,
esp. hyakunin isshu karuta)
彼等/かれら - they, them
枯れる/かれる - to wither (plant)
カロリー - calorie
皮/かわ - skin, hide, pelt, fur; rind, peel, husk
革/かわ - leather
可愛がる/かわいがる - to love, to be affectionate
可哀想/かわいそう - poor, pitiable, pathetic, pitiful
可愛らしい/かわいらしい - lovely, sweet, pretty, cute, adorable
乾かす/かわかす - to dry (clothes, etc.)
渇く/かわく - to be thirsty, to feel thirsty
為替/かわせ - money order, draft; exchange (e.g. foreign)
瓦/かわら - roof tile
代る/かわる - to succeed, to relieve, to replace; to take the
place of, to substitute for
缶/かん - can, tin; {abbr} canned food
勘/かん - perception, intuition, the sixth sense
間/かん - interval, period of time; among, between, inter-;
good opportunity, chance; estrangement, discord,
alienation; spy, secret agent
館/かん - house, hall, building, hotel
考え/かんがえ - thinking, thought, view, opinion, concept
感覚/かんかく - sense, sensation, feeling, intuition
間隔/かんかく - space, interval; (computer) space character,
換気/かんき - ventilation
観客/かんきゃく - spectator, audience
環境/かんきょう - environment, circumstance
歓迎/かんげい - welcome, reception
感激/かんげき - deep emotion, impression, inspiration
観光/かんこう - sightseeing (as a tourist)
関西/かんさい - Kansai region
観察/かんさつ - observation, survey
感じ/かんじ - feeling, sense
元日/がんじつ - New Year’s Day
感謝/かんしゃ - thanks, gratitude
患者/かんじゃ - patient
鑑賞/かんしょう - appreciation (e.g. of art)
勘定/かんじょう - calculation, computation; bill, check,
感情/かんじょう - emotion, feeling
感じる/かんじる - to feel, to sense, to experience
感ずる/かんずる - to feel, to sense
感心/かんしん - admiration, being impressed; admirable,
関心/かんしん - concern, interest
関する/かんする - to concern, to be related
完成/かんせい - complete, completion
間接/かんせつ - indirection, indirectness
完全/かんぜん - perfect, complete
乾燥/かんそう - dryness, aridity, drying (e.g. clothes),
感想/かんそう - impressions, thoughts
観測/かんそく - observation, survey, measurement; opinion,
prediction, thinking
寒帯/かんたい - frigid zone
官庁/かんちょう - government office, government agency,
勘違い/かんちがい - misunderstanding, mistaken idea, wrong
缶詰/かんづめ - canned food
乾電池/かんでんち - dry cell, battery
関東/かんとう - Kanto (eastern half of Japan, including Tokyo)
感動/かんどう - being deeply moved
監督/かんとく - supervision, control, superintendence,
観念/かんねん - idea, notion, concept, conception; sense (e.g.
of duty)
乾杯/かんぱい - toast (in celebration or in honor of something)
頑張る/がんばる - to persevere; to try one’s best
看板/かんばん - sign, poster
看病/かんびょう - nursing (a patient)
冠/かんむり - cap, crown, diadem, coronet
管理/かんり - control, management (e.g. of a business)
完了/かんりょう - completion, conclusion
関連/かんれん - relation, connection, relevance
漢和/かんわ - China and Japan; Chinese and Japanese
期/き - period, time
気圧/きあつ - atmospheric pressure
黄色/きいろ - yellow (color)
議員/ぎいん - member of the Diet, congress or parliament
記憶/きおく - memory
気温/きおん - atmospheric temperature
器械/きかい - instrument, appliance, apparatus
議会/ぎかい - Diet (legislative assembly), congress,
着替え/きがえ - changing clothes, change of clothes
着替える/きがえる - to change one’s clothes
期間/きかん - period, term, interval
機関/きかん - engine; agency, organisation, organization,
機関車/きかんしゃ - locomotive, engine
企業/きぎょう - enterprise, business, company, corporation
飢饉/ききん - famine, drought, shortage
効く/きく - to be effective, to show effect; to do its work
器具/きぐ - utensil, implement, tool, instrument, appliance,
期限/きげん - term, period, time frame; time limit
機嫌/きげん - humour, humor, temper, mood, spirits; safety,
health; in a good mood, in high spirits
気候/きこう - climate
記号/きごう - symbol, code, sign, notation
刻む/きざむ - to mince, to cut fine, to chop up, to hash; to
carve, to engrave
岸/きし - bank, coast, shore
生地/きじ - cloth, fabric, material, texture; dough, batter
記事/きじ - article, news story
技師/ぎし - engineer, technician
儀式/ぎしき - ceremony, rite, ritual, service
記者/きしゃ - reporter, journalist
基準/きじゅん - standard, basis, criterion, norm, reference,
規準/きじゅん - standard, basis, criterion, norm, reference,
起床/きしょう - rising (from one’s bed), getting up, getting
out of bed
傷/きず - wound, injury, cut, gash, bruise, scratch
着せる/きせる - to put clothes on (someone)
基礎/きそ - foundation, basis
期待/きたい - expectation, anticipation, hope; {adj-no}
promising, rising, up-and-coming
気体/きたい - vapor, gas
帰宅/きたく - returning home, going home, coming home,
getting home
基地/きち - base (military, expedition, etc.)
貴重/きちょう - precious, valuable
議長/ぎちょう - chairman, speaker (e.g. of assembly),
president (e.g. of council)
きちんと - properly, accurately, exactly; neatly, tidily, orderly
きつい - tough, hard, severe, demanding, harsh
切っ掛け/きっかけ - chance, occasion, trigger
気付く/きづく - to notice, to recognize, to become aware of
ぎっしり - {on-mim} tightly (packed), densely, closely,
気に入る/きにいる - to like, to be pleased with, to be delighted
記入/きにゅう - entry (in a form, register, diary, etc.), filling
in, filling out
記念/きねん - commemoration, celebration
機能/きのう - function, facility, faculty, feature
気の毒/きのどく - pitiful, unfortunate, poor, miserable;
unpardonable, regrettable
基盤/きばん - foundation, basis, base, footing, infrastructure
寄付/きふ - contribution, donation
希望/きぼう - hope, wish
基本/きほん - foundation, basis, standard
決まり/きまり - settlement, conclusion; rule, custom
気味/きみ - sensation, feeling; tendency, propensity
奇妙/きみょう - strange, odd, peculiar, queer, curious
義務/ぎむ - duty, obligation
疑問/ぎもん - question, doubt
逆/ぎゃく - reverse, opposite; converse (of a hypothesis, etc.)
客席/きゃくせき - guest seating (e.g. theater, stadium),
passenger seat (e.g. taxi)
客間/きゃくま - guest room
キャプテン - captain
ギャング - gang; {abbr} gangster
キャンパス - campus
キャンプ - camp
旧/きゅう - old, former, ex-; {n} the old, old things, old
customs; {n} old times, bygone days; {n} {pref} {abbr}
Japan’s old (lunisolar) calendar
級/きゅう - class, grade, rank, school class
球/きゅう - sphere, globe, ball, bulb; {math} ball, sphere;
{ctr} {baseb} counter for pitches
休暇/きゅうか - holiday, day off
休業/きゅうぎょう - closed (e.g. store)
休憩/きゅうけい - rest, break
急激/きゅうげき - sudden, abrupt, rapid, sharp, drastic,
休講/きゅうこう - lecture cancellation, cancelling (lecture,
class, etc.)
吸収/きゅうしゅう - absorption, suction, attraction
救助/きゅうじょ - relief, aid, rescue
急速/きゅうそく - rapid (e.g. progress)
休息/きゅうそく - rest, relief, relaxation
急に/きゅうに - swiftly; suddenly
牛乳/ぎゅうにゅう - (cow’s) milk
給与/きゅうよ - pay, salary, wages; allowance, grant
休養/きゅうよう - rest, break, recreation, recuperation
給料/きゅうりょう - salary, wages
清い/きよい - clean, clear; pure, honest, clean, innocent,
platonic, chaste
器用/きよう - skilful, skillfull, adroit, dexterous
強化/きょうか - strengthening, intensifying, reinforcement
境界/きょうかい - boundary, border, limit, bounds, frontier
教科書/きょうかしょ - textbook
競技/きょうぎ - game, match, contest
行儀/ぎょうぎ - manners, behavior, behaviour
供給/きょうきゅう - supply, provision
共産/きょうさん - communism; {abbr} Communist Party
教師/きょうし - teacher
行事/ぎょうじ - event, function
教授/きょうじゅ - professor
恐縮/きょうしゅく - Excuse me please, I’m very sorry but, I’d
be obliged if…
強調/きょうちょう - emphasis, stress, highlighting,
underlining, underscoring; accentuating (a feature or certain
part), accenting; {finc} strong tone (of the market), firm
共通/きょうつう - commonness
共同/きょうどう - doing together (as equals), sharing,
common (land, etc.)
恐怖/きょうふ - fear, dread, dismay, terror, horror, scare,
教養/きょうよう - (understanding or appreciation of) culture,
(one’s) education, cultivation, sophistication, refinement
協力/きょうりょく - cooperation, collaboration, help, support
強力/きょうりょく - powerful, strong
行列/ぎょうれつ - line, queue, procession, parade; {math}
許可/きょか - permission, approval, authorization, license
漁業/ぎょぎょう - fishing industry, fishery
局/きょく - bureau, department; {abbr} office (e.g. post,
曲線/きょくせん - curve
巨大/きょだい - huge, gigantic, enormous
嫌う/きらう - to hate, to dislike, to loathe
霧/きり - fog, mist; spray
規律/きりつ - order, observance, discipline; rules, law,
斬る/きる - to slice (off), to lop (off), to cut (off)
切れ/きれ - piece, slice, strip, scrap; cloth; counter for scraps,
pieces, etc.
切れる/きれる - to cut well, to be sharp; to be worn out; to
expire; to run out; to be broken off
記録/きろく - record (data)
議論/ぎろん - argument, discussion
気を付ける/きをつける - to be careful
金/きん - gold, golden (color)
禁煙/きんえん - abstaining from smoking, quitting smoking;
(on a sign) No Smoking!
金額/きんがく - amount of money, sum of money
金魚/きんぎょ - goldfish (Carassius auratus)
金庫/きんこ - safe, strongbox, cashbox, vault
禁止/きんし - prohibition, inhibition
金銭/きんせん - money, cash
金属/きんぞく - metal
近代/きんだい - present day, modern times, recent times
緊張/きんちょう - tension, nervousness
筋肉/きんにく - muscle
金融/きんゆう - finance, financing, credit transacting, loaning
of money
金曜/きんよう - Friday
九/く - nine (used for months, hours)
句/く - section (i.e. of text), sentence, passage, paragraph
区域/くいき - limits, boundary, domain, zone
食う/くう - to eat; to live, to make a living; to bite, to sting
(as insects do)
偶数/ぐうすう - even number
偶然/ぐうぜん - coincidence, chance, accident, fortuity
空想/くうそう - daydream, fantasy, fancy, vision
空中/くうちゅう - sky, air, mid-air
クーラー - cooler, air conditioner
釘/くぎ - nail, spike, tack, rivet, brad, (pachinko) pin
区切る/くぎる - to demarcate, to delimit, to divide (an area)
臭い/くさい - stinking, smelly; suspicious, fishy; clumsy,
鎖/くさり - chain, chains
腐る/くさる - to rot, to go bad, to decay, to spoil, to fester
櫛/くし - comb
嚏/くしゃみ - sneeze
苦情/くじょう - complaint
苦心/くしん - pains, hard work, effort, trouble, labour, labor
屑/くず - waste, scrap, garbage, dregs; scum, piece of trash,
崩す/くずす - to destroy, to demolish, to pull down, to tear
薬指/くすりゆび - ring finger, third finger, fourth finger (in
piano-playing); fourth toe
崩れる/くずれる - to collapse, to crumble; to get out of shape
癖/くせ - habit (often a bad habit, i.e. vice), tendency;
管/くだ - pipe, tube
具体/ぐたい - concreteness, embodiment
砕く/くだく - to break (into pieces), to smash, to crush, to
shatter, to grind (into powder), to pound; to shatter
(someone’s hopes, confidence, etc.), to crush, to frustrate;
to simplify, to make easy to understand 砕ける/くだける - to
break (into pieces), to be broken, to be smashed
下さる/くださる - {hon} to give
草臥れる/くたびれる - to get tired, to be exhausted
下らない/くだらない - trivial, trifling, insignificant, not worth
bothering with, worthless, useless, good-for-nothing; stupid,
nonsensical, absurd, foolish, silly
下り/くだり - down-train (going away from Tokyo); downslope
下る/くだる - to descend, to go down, to come down
唇/くちびる - lips
口紅/くちべに - lipstick
苦痛/くつう - pain, agony, suffering, distress, torment
くっ付く/くっつく - to adhere to, to stick to, to cling to; to
keep close to
くっ付ける/くっつける - to attach, to stick together, to paste,
to glue
ぐっすり - {on-mim} soundly (sleeping), fast (asleep)
諄い/くどい - verbose, importunate, wordy, repetitious
句読点/くとうてん - punctuation mark
配る/くばる - to distribute, to hand out, to deliver
工夫/くふう - scheme, device, scheming, devising
区分/くぶん - division, section, demarcation, partition
区別/くべつ - distinction, differentiation, classification
組/くみ - set (of items); group (of people), class (of students)
組合/くみあい - association, union, guild
組合せ/くみあわせ - combination, assortment, set
組み立てる/くみたてる - to assemble, to set up, to construct,
to put together
組む/くむ - to cross (legs or arms), to link (arms); to put
together, to construct
汲む/くむ - to draw (water), to ladle, to dip up; to pour (into a
酌む/くむ - to pour (sake), to serve, to drink together
曇り/くもり - cloudy weather
悔しい/くやしい - regrettable, frustrating, vexing
悔やむ/くやむ - to mourn, to lament; to be sorry, to regret
位/くらい - degree, extent, amount
暮らし/くらし - way of life, life, living, livelihood
クラシック - classical music; classic
暮らす/くらす - to live, to get along; to spend (time)
グラス - glass (drinking vessel); glass (material); glasses
グランド - gland; grand; ground (e.g. land, electrical, base
material of textiles, etc.)
クリーニング - cleaning, dry cleaning, laundry service
クリーム - cream; {abbr} ice cream
繰り返す/くりかえす - to repeat, to do something over again
クリスマス - Christmas
狂う/くるう - to go mad, to lose one’s mind, to go crazy, to
go insane; to get out of order, to go amiss, to malfunction,
to become imprecise; to go wrong (of a plan or expectation,
etc.), to fall through, to get mixed up; to go crazy (over
someone or something), to get enthusiastic, to go wild グ
ループ - group (usu. of people)
苦しい/くるしい - painful, difficult; distressing,
(psychologically) difficult
苦しむ/くるしむ - to suffer, to groan
包む/くるむ - to wrap up, to tuck in, to pack, to do up
暮れ/くれ - sunset, sundown, nightfall, dusk; end, close
呉れ呉れも/くれぐれも - sincerely, earnestly; repeatedly, over
and over
黒/くろ - black
苦労/くろう - trouble, hardship, difficulty; anxiety, worry
加える/くわえる - to append, to sum up, to add
詳しい/くわしい - knowing very well, detailed
加わる/くわわる - to be added to, to be appended; to join in
(e.g. a group of friends)
訓/くん - native Japanese reading (rendering) of a Chinese
軍/ぐん - army, armed forces, troops; military authorities;
team, group, troupe
郡/ぐん - district, county
軍隊/ぐんたい - armed forces, military, troops
訓練/くんれん - practice, practise, training, drill
毛/け - hair, fur
家/け - house, family
計/けい - plan; meter, measuring device; (in) total, total (of)
敬意/けいい - respect, honour, honor
経営/けいえい - management, administration, operation,
running (business)
景気/けいき - business conditions, business activity,
economic climate
稽古/けいこ - practice, practising, training, study
敬語/けいご - honorific, term of respect, honorific language,
polite speech
傾向/けいこう - tendency, trend
蛍光灯/けいこうとう - fluorescent lamp, fluorescent light
警告/けいこく - warning, advice
計算/けいさん - calculation
掲示/けいじ - notice, bulletin, post, posting, placard
刑事/けいじ - (police) detective; criminal matter
形式/けいしき - form (as opposed to substance)
芸術/げいじゅつ - (fine) art, the arts
継続/けいぞく - continuation, continuance, going on
毛糸/けいと - knitting wool, woolen yarn
経度/けいど - longitude
系統/けいとう - system; lineage, ancestry, family line
芸能/げいのう - public entertainment, performing arts;
accomplishments, attainments
競馬/けいば - horse racing
警備/けいび - defense, defence, guard, policing, security
契約/けいやく - contract, compact, agreement
経由/けいゆ - through, by way of, via
形容詞/けいようし - {gramm} adjective, i-adjective (in
形容動詞/けいようどうし - {ling} adjectival noun (Japanese)
ケーキ - {food} cake
ケース - case (e.g. receptacle, condition, event, legal action,
ゲーム - game
怪我/けが - injury (to animate object)
外科/げか - surgery (branch of medicine); department of
毛皮/けがわ - fur, skin, pelt; kanji “fur” radical
劇/げき - drama, play; {abbr} powerful drug
劇場/げきじょう - theatre, theater, playhouse
激増/げきぞう - sharp increase, sudden rise
消しゴム/けしゴム - eraser
下車/げしゃ - alighting (from a train, bus, etc.), getting off,
getting out (of a car)
下旬/げじゅん - last ten days of the month
化粧/けしょう - make-up, cosmetics
下水/げすい - drainage, ditch, gutter
削る/けずる - to shave (wood, leather, etc.), to sharpen (e.g.
桁/けた - column, beam, girder, crossbeam; digit
下駄/げた - geta, Japanese wooden clogs
血圧/けつあつ - blood pressure
血液/けつえき - blood
結果/けっか - result, consequence
欠陥/けっかん - defect, fault, flaw, deformity
月給/げっきゅう - monthly salary
結局/けっきょく - after all, in the end, ultimately; conclusion,
傑作/けっさく - masterpiece, best work
決心/けっしん - determination, resolution
欠席/けっせき - absence, non-attendance
決定/けってい - decision, determination
欠点/けってん - fault, defect, flaw, weak point
月末/げつまつ - end of the month
月曜/げつよう - Monday
結論/けつろん - conclusion (of an argument, discussion,
study, etc.); {logic} conclusion
気配/けはい - indication, sign, hint, presence, trend
下品/げひん - vulgar, indecent, coarse, crude
煙い/けむい - smoky
煙/けむり - smoke, fumes
蹴る/ける - to kick
険しい/けわしい - precipitous, rugged, inaccessible; grim,
severe, stern
券/けん - ticket, coupon, bond, certificate
県/けん - prefecture (of Japan); county (of China and Taiwan)
権/けん - right (to do something); {n} {n-suf} authority,
喧嘩/けんか - quarrel, fight
見解/けんかい - opinion, point of view
限界/げんかい - limit, bound
見学/けんがく - study by observation, field trip
謙虚/けんきょ - modest, humble
現金/げんきん - cash
言語/げんご - language
健康/けんこう - health, soundness, wholesomeness
原稿/げんこう - manuscript, copy, draft, notes, contribution
検査/けんさ - inspection (e.g. customs, factory), examination,
scan (e.g. MRI, PET, etc.)
現在/げんざい - now, current, the present
原産/げんさん - place of origin, habitat
原始/げんし - origin, beginning, genesis
現実/げんじつ - reality, actuality, hard fact
研修/けんしゅう - training (esp. in-service), induction course
厳重/げんじゅう - strict, severe, stringent, rigorous
現象/げんしょう - phenomenon
現状/げんじょう - present condition
建設/けんせつ - construction, establishment
謙遜/けんそん - humility, modesty
現代/げんだい - nowadays, modern era
建築/けんちく - construction, architecture (of buildings)
県庁/けんちょう - prefectural office
限度/げんど - limit, bounds
見当/けんとう - estimate, guess, conjecture, aim
検討/けんとう - consideration, examination, investigation,
現に/げんに - actually, really
現場/げんば - actual spot, scene, scene of the crime, site,
location, setting
顕微鏡/けんびきょう - microscope
憲法/けんぽう - constitution; rules, regulation
懸命/けんめい - eager, earnest, strenuous, fervent
権利/けんり - right, privilege
原理/げんり - principle, theory, fundamental truth
原料/げんりょう - raw materials
碁/ご - go (board game)
恋/こい - (romantic) love
濃い/こい - deep (colour); strong (flavour, smell, etc.)
恋しい/こいしい - yearned for, longed for, missed
恋人/こいびと - lover, sweetheart, boyfriend, girlfriend
号/ごう - number, edition, make, model
工員/こういん - factory worker
強引/ごういん - overbearing, coercive, pushy
幸運/こううん - good luck, fortune
講演/こうえん - lecture, address, speech
効果/こうか - effect, effectiveness
硬貨/こうか - coin; hard currency
高価/こうか - highly priced, expensive, valuable, costly
豪華/ごうか - wonderful, gorgeous, extravagant
公害/こうがい - pollution
合格/ごうかく - success, passing (e.g. exam)
交換/こうかん - exchange, interchange
高級/こうきゅう - high class, high grade; high rank
公共/こうきょう - public, community, public service, society,
航空/こうくう - aviation, flying
光景/こうけい - scene, spectacle
工芸/こうげい - industrial arts, craft
合計/ごうけい - sum total, total amount
攻撃/こうげき - attack, strike, offensive; criticism, censure
貢献/こうけん - contribution (furthering a goal or cause),
services (to a cause)
孝行/こうこう - filial piety; showing devotion (to someone)
広告/こうこく - advertisement
交差/こうさ - crossing, intersection
交際/こうさい - company, friendship, association
交差点/こうさてん - crossing, intersection
講師/こうし - speaker, lecturer; lecturer (at a university or
college), instructor; part-time teacher; tutor (at a cram
工事/こうじ - construction work, construction
公式/こうしき - official, formal; {n} formula (e.g.
mathematical); {n} official (social media) account (of a
company, organization, etc.)
口実/こうじつ - excuse, pretext
校舎/こうしゃ - school building, schoolhouse
後者/こうしゃ - the latter
公衆/こうしゅう - the public, general public
工場/こうば - factory, plant, mill, workshop
香水/こうすい - perfume, scent
公正/こうせい - justice, fairness, impartiality
構成/こうせい - organization, composition
功績/こうせき - achievements, merit
光線/こうせん - beam, light ray
高層/こうそう - high-rise (building), multistory, multistoried,
tall; high (altitude), upper (atmosphere, air current, etc.)
構造/こうぞう - structure, construction, makeup, framework
高速/こうそく - high speed, high gear; {abbr} highway,
交替/こうたい - alternation, change, relief, relay
耕地/こうち - arable land, plantation, farmland; fazenda,
hacienda, large estate
紅茶/こうちゃ - black tea
交通機関/こうつうきかん - transportation facilities
校庭/こうてい - schoolyard, playground, school grounds,
肯定/こうてい - affirmation; {logic} affirmative
高度/こうど - altitude, height, elevation; high-degree, highgrade
高等/こうとう - high class, high grade
行動/こうどう - action, conduct
強盗/ごうとう - robber, mugger; robbery, burglary
合同/ごうどう - combination, union, incorporation
後輩/こうはい - junior (at work or school)
公表/こうひょう - official announcement, proclamation
幸福/こうふく - happiness, blessedness
鉱物/こうぶつ - mineral
公平/こうへい - fairness, impartiality, justice, objectivity
候補/こうほ - candidate, contender, prospect, pick, choice,
公務/こうむ - official business, public business
項目/こうもく - (data) item, heading, clause
紅葉/こうよう - autumn colours, fall colors
合理/ごうり - rationality
交流/こうりゅう - intercourse, (cultural) exchange; alternating
current, AC
合流/ごうりゅう - confluence (of rivers), merge (of traffic)
考慮/こうりょ - consideration, taking into account
効力/こうりょく - effect, efficacy, validity, potency
越える/こえる - to cross over, to cross, to pass through, to
pass over (out of); to exceed
超える/こえる - to cross over, to cross, to pass through, to
pass over (out of); to exceed
コース - course (route, trail, course of study, course of
action, plan, option)
コーチ - coach
コード - {comp} code, program; code, regulation, rules;
code, symbol set
珈琲/コーヒー - coffee (eng: coffee, dut: koffie)
コーラス - {music} chorus
氷/こおり - ice
凍る/こおる - to freeze, to become frozen, to freeze over
ゴール - {sports} goal, basket (basketball), finishing line
誤解/ごかい - misunderstanding
語学/ごがく - study of language, linguistics; foreign language
焦がす/こがす - to burn, to scorch, to singe, to char
呼吸/こきゅう - breathing, respiration; knack, trick
故郷/こきょう - home town
極/ごく - quite, very
国王/こくおう - king, queen, monarch, sovereign; {law} the
Crown (as a focus of authority in the UK, etc.), the throne
国語/こくご - national language; Japanese language (often as
a school subject in Japan)
国籍/こくせき - nationality
黒板/こくばん - blackboard
克服/こくふく - conquest (problem, disease, handicap, etc.
e.g. poverty, illness)
国民/こくみん - nation, nationality, people
穀物/こくもつ - grain, cereal, corn
国立/こくりつ - national, founded and run by the central
御苦労様/ごくろうさま - thank you very much for your …
焦げる/こげる - to burn, to scorch, to char, to singe
凍える/こごえる - to freeze (of one’s body), to be frozen
心当たり/こころあたり - having in mind, happening to know
of, idea
心得る/こころえる - to know, to understand, to be aware of
腰/こし - lower back
腰掛け/こしかけ - seat, bench; {col} temporary job while
looking for a better job or until one marries
腰掛ける/こしかける - to sit (down)
五十音/ごじゅうおん - the Japanese syllabary
胡椒/こしょう - pepper
拵える/こしらえる - to make, to manufacture
個人/こじん - individual (person)
越す/こす - to cross over (e.g. mountain), to go across; to go
over (e.g. with audience)
超す/こす - to cross over (e.g. mountain), to go across
擦る/こする - to rub, to scrub, to scrape
ご存知ですか/ごぞんじですか - Do you know? {polite}
個体/こたい - individual, specimen
御馳走/ごちそう - feast; to treat (someone, e.g. to a meal)
こちらこそ - It is I who should say so., And the same to you.,
same here
国家/こっか - state, country, nation
国会/こっかい - National Diet, parliament, congress
小遣い/こづかい - pocket money, spending money
国境/こっきょう - national or state border
骨折/こっせつ - bone fracture
こっそり - {on-mim} stealthily, secretly, in secret
小包/こづつみ - parcel, package
古典/こてん - classic (work, esp. book), the classics
事/こと - thing, matter
琴/こと - 13-stringed Japanese zither
言付ける/ことづける - to have someone send (a message,
parcel, etc.)
異なる/ことなる - to differ, to be different, to disagree, to
vary, to diverge
言葉遣い/ことばづかい - speech, expression, wording
諺/ことわざ - proverb, saying, aphorism, maxim
断る/ことわる - to refuse
粉/こな - flour, meal, powder, dust
好み/このみ - liking, taste, choice
好む/このむ - to like, to prefer
コピー - copy, photocopy; book jacket blurb; {abbr}
(advertising) slogan
御無沙汰/ごぶさた - not writing or contacting for a while
零す/こぼす - to spill, to drop, to shed (tears)
零れる/こぼれる - to spill, to fall out of, to overflow
塵/ごみ - trash, garbage
塵芥/ごみ - trash, rubbish
護謨/ゴム - gum, rubber; {abbr} eraser; {col} condom
小麦/こむぎ - wheat
御免/ごめん - your pardon, sorry
ご免なさい/ごめんなさい - I beg your pardon, excuse me, I’m
小屋/こや - hut, cabin, shed, (animal) pen
小指/こゆび - little finger, pinky; little toe
堪える/こらえる - to bear, to stand, to endure, to put up with;
to restrain, to control
娯楽/ごらく - amusement, entertainment, recreation,
pleasure, pastime, hobby
御覧/ごらん - try to; {abbr} (please) look
コレクション - collection (of art, stamps, etc.), collecting;
collection (i.e. a range of new clothes), fashion show
此れ等/これら - these
頃/ころ - time, around, about
転がす/ころがす - to roll; to turn over, to tip over, to throw
転がる/ころがる - to roll, to tumble; to fall over, to roll over; to
lie down
殺す/ころす - to kill
転ぶ/ころぶ - to fall down, to fall over
紺/こん - navy blue, deep blue
今回/こんかい - now, this time
コンクール - competition, contest
コンクリート - concrete
今後/こんご - from now on, hereafter
混合/こんごう - mixing, mixture, meld; miscegenation
混雑/こんざつ - crowded, congestion
コンセント - electrical outlet (concentric plug)
献立/こんだて - menu, bill of fare; program, programme,
こんなに - so, like this, in this way
困難/こんなん - difficulty, hardship, trouble, distress; {euph}
infeasibility, inability (to carry out)
今日/こんにち - today, this day; these days, recently,
今晩は/こんばんは - good evening
コンピューター - computer
婚約/こんやく - engagement, betrothal
混乱/こんらん - disorder, chaos, confusion, mayhem
差/さ - difference, variation; {math} difference
サークル - circle, club (e.g. company sports club)
サービス - service, help, assistance, care, concern; discount,
際/さい - occasion, time, circumstances, (in) case (of), when
再/さい - re-, again, repeated
最/さい - the most, the extreme; {adj-t} {adv-to} prime,
在学/ざいがく - attending (school, college, etc.), being
最高/さいこう - highest, supreme
再三/さいさん - again and again, repeatedly
財産/ざいさん - property, fortune, assets
祭日/さいじつ - national holiday, festival day
最終/さいしゅう - last, final, closing; {n} last train (bus, flight,
etc.; of the day)
催促/さいそく - pressing, demanding, urging, demand
最中/さいちゅう - (in) the middle of, (in) the midst of, (in) the
course of, (at) the height of
最低/さいてい - least, worst; nasty
採点/さいてん - marking, grading, scoring
災難/さいなん - calamity, misfortune, disaster
才能/さいのう - talent, ability
裁判/さいばん - trial, judgement, judgment
裁縫/さいほう - sewing, needlework
材木/ざいもく - wood (for building), lumber, timber
材料/ざいりょう - ingredients, material
サイレン - siren
幸い/さいわい - happiness, blessedness, luck, fortune
サイン - autograph, signature; sign, signal, indication
坂/さか - slope, incline, hill; milestone, (age) mark
境/さかい - border, boundary; turning point, watershed
逆さ/さかさ - {abbr} inverted, upside down, reversed, back
to front
逆様/さかさま - inverted, upside down, reversed, back to
front, wrong way round
捜す/さがす - to search (for something lost)
遡る/さかのぼる - to go upstream; to go back (in time, to
酒場/さかば - bar, pub, tavern
逆らう/さからう - to go against, to oppose, to disobey, to defy
盛り/さかり - peak (e.g. of cherry blossom season), height
(e.g. of summer)
一昨昨日/さきおととい - two days before yesterday, three
days back (ago)
先程/さきほど - a short while ago, a moment ago, just now,
some time ago
作業/さぎょう - work, operation, task
裂く/さく - to tear, to rip up; to cut up, to cleave, to cut open
索引/さくいん - index (in a book)
作者/さくしゃ - creator (of a work), author, writer, artist,
composer, playwright, dramatist
削除/さくじょ - elimination, cancellation, deletion
作成/さくせい - drawing up (e.g. legal document, contract,
will, etc.), preparing
作製/さくせい - manufacture, production
作品/さくひん - (a piece of) work (e.g. book, film,
composition, etc.)
作物/さくもつ - crop, crops, (agricultural) produce, farm
桜/さくら - cherry tree
探る/さぐる - to feel around for, to fumble for, to grope for
酒/さけ - alcohol, Japanese alcohol
叫ぶ/さけぶ - to shout, to cry
避ける/さける - to avoid (physical contact with); to avoid
支える/ささえる - to support, to prop, to sustain, to underlay
囁く/ささやく - to whisper, to murmur
刺さる/ささる - to stick into (of something with a sharp
point), to prick
匙/さじ - spoon
座敷/ざしき - tatami room, tatami mat room
差し支え/さしつかえ - hindrance, impediment
差し引き/さしひき - deduction, subtraction, balance
刺身/さしみ - sliced raw fish
刺す/さす - to pierce, to stab
差す/さす - to shine; to hold up (an umbrella, etc.)
指す/さす - to point
挿す/さす - to insert, to put in
注す/さす - to pour, to add (liquid), to serve (drinks)
射す/さす - to shine
流石/さすが - clever, adept, good, expectations, as one would
座席/ざせき - seat
誘う/さそう - to invite, to ask
札/さつ - note, paper money, bills
撮影/さつえい - photographing
雑音/ざつおん - noise (jarring, grating); gossip
作家/さっか - author, writer, novelist, artist
作曲/さっきょく - composition (of music), setting, writing
さっさと - {on-mim} quickly, promptly, immediately, without
delay, briskly, hurriedly, hastily; {on-mim} indifferently,
早速/さっそく - at once, immediately, without delay, promptly
ざっと - roughly, in round numbers; briefly
さっぱり - feeling refreshed, feeling relieved; neat, tidy;
completely, entirely; not at all (with neg. verb)
偖/さて - well, now, then
砂漠/さばく - desert
錆/さび - rust
錆びる/さびる - to rust, to become rusty
座布団/ざぶとん - flat floor cushion
差別/さべつ - distinction, differentiation; discrimination
(against women, minorities, etc.)
作法/さほう - manners, etiquette, propriety
様々/さまざま - varied, various
冷ます/さます - to cool (e.g. from a high temperature to room
temperature), to let cool; to dampen
覚ます/さます - to awaken, to arouse from sleep
妨げる/さまたげる - to disturb, to prevent, to obstruct, to
冷める/さめる - to cool down, to get cold; to cool off
(excitement, temper, etc.)
覚める/さめる - to wake, to wake up; to become sober, to
sober up
左右/さゆう - left and right; influence
左様なら/さようなら - farewell, adieu, goodbye, so long
皿/さら - plate, dish
再来月/さらいげつ - month after next
再来週/さらいしゅう - week after next
サラダ - {food} salad
更に/さらに - furthermore
サラリーマン - company employee
去る/さる - to leave, to go away; to pass, to elapse
猿/さる - monkey
騒がしい/さわがしい - noisy, boisterous; turbulent (era, etc.),
騒ぎ/さわぎ - uproar, disturbance
爽やか/さわやか - fresh, refreshing, invigorating
参加/さんか - participation, joining, entry
三角/さんかく - triangle, triangular
産業/さんぎょう - industry
参考/さんこう - reference, consultation
算数/さんすう - arithmetic; calculation
賛成/さんせい - approval, support, agreement
酸性/さんせい - {chem} acidity; {adj-no} {chem} acidic
酸素/さんそ - oxygen (O)
産地/さんち - producing area
サンプル - sample, example, specimen
山林/さんりん - mountain forest, forest on a mountain
市/し - city
氏/し - Mr, Mrs, Ms, Miss
詩/し - poem, poetry, verse; Chinese poem
仕上がる/しあがる - to be finished, to be completed, to be
明々後日/しあさって - three days’ time (two days after
幸せ/しあわせ - happiness
シーズン - {sports} season (period in which regulated games
are played); season (division of the year); season (of a TV
show, etc.); season (for doing something, e.g. ski season,
entrance examination season) シーツ - sheet, bed sheet
寺院/じいん - Buddhist temple; religious building, church,
cathedral, mosque
しいん - {on-mim} silently (as the grave), quietly (as in
ジーンズ - jeans; denim, jean
自衛/じえい - self-defense, self-defence
ジェット機/ジェットき - jet aeroplane, jet airplane
塩辛い/しおからい - salty (taste)
司会/しかい - chairmanship, leading a meeting
四角/しかく - quadrilateral, square
四角い/しかくい - square, rectangular
仕方がない/しかたがない - it can’t be helped, it’s inevitable,
it’s no use
直に/じかに - directly, in person, firsthand
然も/しかも - moreover, furthermore; nevertheless, and yet
叱る/しかる - to scold, to chide, to rebuke, to reprimand
時間割/じかんわり - timetable (esp. a weekly school
四季/しき - four seasons
直/じき - soon, in a moment, before long, shortly; nearby,
時期/じき - time, season
敷地/しきち - site, plot, lot, grounds
支給/しきゅう - provision, supply, payment, allowance, grant
至急/しきゅう - urgent, pressing, immediate; urgently,
promptly, at once
頻りに/しきりに - frequently, repeatedly, often, incessantly
敷く/しく - to spread out, to lay out; to take a position
刺激/しげき - stimulus, impetus, incentive, encouragement
茂る/しげる - to grow thickly, to be in full leaf, to be rampant
資源/しげん - resources
事件/じけん - event, affair, incident, case
時刻/じこく - time, (the) hour; favourable time, opportunity,
自殺/じさつ - suicide
持参/じさん - bringing, taking, carrying
事実/じじつ - fact, truth, reality
磁石/じしゃく - magnet; compass
四捨五入/ししゃごにゅう - rounding (off; a number), rounding
half away from zero; rounding off (views), converging to a
common opinion
始終/しじゅう - continuously, from beginning to end
自習/じしゅう - self-study, teaching oneself; studying by
oneself (at school) while the teacher is absent
支出/ししゅつ - expenditure, expenses, disbursement
事情/じじょう - circumstances, consideration, conditions,
詩人/しじん - poet
自身/じしん - by oneself, personally, oneself
静まる/しずまる - to quiet down, to calm down, to subside
沈む/しずむ - to sink, to go under, to submerge; to go down
(e.g. sun)
姿勢/しせい - posture, pose, position, stance, carriage (of the
自然科学/しぜんかがく - natural science
自然/しぜん - nature, natural (as an adjective)
思想/しそう - thought, idea, ideology
時速/じそく - speed (per hour)
子孫/しそん - descendant, posterity, offspring
舌/した - tongue
死体/したい - dead body, corpse, cadaver, carcass
次第/しだい - dependent upon; as soon as
事態/じたい - situation, (present) state of affairs,
従う/したがう - to obey (an order, law, etc.), to abide by (a
rule, custom, etc.)
下書き/したがき - rough copy, draft
従って/したがって - therefore, consequently, accordingly
自宅/じたく - one’s home, one’s house
親しい/したしい - close (e.g. friend), familiar; familiar (e.g.
story), well-known
下町/したまち - lowlying part of a city (usu. containing shops,
factories, etc.)
自治/じち - self-government, autonomy
質/しつ - quality, value; nature, inherent quality
室/しつ - room
実感/じっかん - real feeling, actual feeling; to actually feel
失業/しつぎょう - unemployment; losing one’s job
湿気/しっけ - moisture, humidity, dampness
湿気/しっき - moisture, humidity, dampness
実験/じっけん - experiment, experimentation
実現/じつげん - implementation (e.g. of a system),
執拗い/しつこい - persistent, insistent, obstinate, pushy
実行/じっこう - practice; execution
実際/じっさい - practicality; reality
実施/じっし - enforcement, implementation, putting into
practice, carrying out
実習/じっしゅう - practice (in the field), training (esp.
practical and hands-on)
実績/じっせき - achievements, actual results,
湿度/しつど - level of humidity
凝乎と/じっと - motionlessly; fixedly (e.g. of staring);
実に/じつに - indeed, really, absolutely, truly
実は/じつは - as a matter of fact, by the way, the truth is…
執筆/しっぴつ - writing, authoring
実物/じつぶつ - real thing, original, actual
尻尾/しっぽ - tail (animal); tail end, tip
失望/しつぼう - disappointment, despair
実用/じつよう - practical use, utility
実力/じつりょく - (real) ability, true strength, merit, efficiency
失礼しました/しつれいしました - excuse me, I’m sorry (to have
実例/じつれい - example, illustration, precedent
失恋/しつれん - disappointed love, broken heart
指定/してい - designation, specification, assignment
私鉄/してつ - private railway
支店/してん - branch store (office)
指導/しどう - leadership, guidance, coaching
自動/じどう - automatic
児童/じどう - children, juvenile
品/しな - article, item, thing, goods, stock
支配/しはい - domination, rule, control; direction,
芝居/しばい - play, drama
屡屡/しばしば - {on-mim} often, again and again, frequently,
芝生/しばふ - lawn, grass
支払/しはらい - payment
支払う/しはらう - to pay (money, fee)
縛る/しばる - to tie, to bind, to fasten; to restrict (freedom)
地盤/じばん - ground, crust (earth)
痺れる/しびれる - to become numb, to go to sleep (e.g. a
紙幣/しへい - paper money, note, bill
死亡/しぼう - death, mortality
萎む/しぼむ - to wither (e.g. flowers, dreams), to sag (e.g.
balloon, grapes)
絞る/しぼる - to wring (towel, rag), to squeeze; to squeeze
(fruit to extract juice)
資本/しほん - funds, capital
縞/しま - stripe, bar, streak; (weaved) stripe pattern (of 2 or
more different colors)
姉妹/しまい - sisters
仕舞った/しまった - unfortunately (attached to something),
regretfully done
自慢/じまん - pride, boast
地味/じみ - plain, simple
市民/しみん - citizen, public; city inhabitant, townspeople
事務/じむ - office work, clerical work, administration,
business, affairs
氏名/しめい - (full) name, identity
締め切る/しめきる - to close up, to shut up (e.g. behind doors)
示す/しめす - to denote, to show
占める/しめる - to occupy, to hold; to account for, to make
up, to take up
湿る/しめる - to become damp, to become moist, to become
地面/じめん - ground, earth’s surface; land, lot, plot
霜/しも - frost; {poet} white hair, grey hair, gray hair
社/しゃ - company, association, society
ジャーナリスト - journalist
社会科学/しゃかいかがく - social science
しゃがむ - to squat, to crouch
蛇口/じゃぐち - faucet, tap
弱点/じゃくてん - weak point, weakness, shortcoming, defect
車庫/しゃこ - garage, carport, depot (trains, buses, etc.)
車掌/しゃしょう - (train) conductor
写生/しゃせい - sketching, drawing from nature
社説/しゃせつ - editorial, leading article, leader
借金/しゃっきん - debt, loan, liabilities, borrowing money;
{baseb} {col} number of games under the .500 mark
吃逆/しゃっくり - hiccup, hiccough
シャッター - (camera) shutter; shutter (for a door, window,
しゃぶる - to suck, to lick
喋る/しゃべる - to talk, to chat
邪魔/じゃま - hindrance, obstacle, nuisance
車輪/しゃりん - (vehicle) wheel
洒落/しゃれ - joke, pun, jest, witticism
シャワー - shower
じゃん拳/じゃんけん - rock, paper, scissors game
酒/しゅ - alcohol, sake
週/しゅう - week
州/しゅう - state, province, county (UK),
銃/じゅう - gun, rifle, small arms
中/じゅう - through, throughout, in the course of
周囲/しゅうい - surroundings, environs; circumference
集会/しゅうかい - meeting, assembly, gathering
収穫/しゅうかく - harvest, crop; fruits (of one’s labors)
住居/じゅうきょ - dwelling, house, residence, address
宗教/しゅうきょう - religion, religious affiliation, belief
集金/しゅうきん - money collection
集合/しゅうごう - meeting up, gathering, assembly; {math}
習字/しゅうじ - penmanship, calligraphy
重視/じゅうし - emphasis, importance, stress, serious
就職/しゅうしょく - finding employment
ジュース - juice
修正/しゅうせい - amendment, correction, revision,
修繕/しゅうぜん - repair, mending
重体/じゅうたい - serious condition, critical condition
渋滞/じゅうたい - (traffic) congestion, traffic jam, gridlock;
delay, stagnation
重大/じゅうだい - serious, important, significant, grave,
住宅/じゅうたく - residence
集団/しゅうだん - group, mass (of people, animals, not
inanimate object nor intangible things)
絨毯/じゅうたん - carpet, rug, runner
集中/しゅうちゅう - concentration, focusing, convergence,
終点/しゅうてん - terminus, last stop (e.g. train)
重点/じゅうてん - important point, emphasis
収入/しゅうにゅう - income, revenue
就任/しゅうにん - assumption (of office), taking up (a post)
周辺/しゅうへん - circumference, outskirts, environs
住民/じゅうみん - citizens, residents
重役/じゅうやく - director (on a board); executive
重要/じゅうよう - important, momentous, essential
修理/しゅうり - repairing
終了/しゅうりょう - end, close, termination
重量/じゅうりょう - weight; heavyweight boxer
重力/じゅうりょく - {physics} gravity, gravitation,
gravitational pull
主義/しゅぎ - doctrine, rule, principle, -ism
熟語/じゅくご - {ling} kanji compound; idiom, idiomatic
祝日/しゅくじつ - national holiday, public holiday
縮小/しゅくしょう - reduction, curtailment, cut, cutback,
scaling down
宿泊/しゅくはく - accommodation, lodging
受験/じゅけん - taking an examination
主語/しゅご - {ling} subject (of a sentence, clause)
手術/しゅじゅつ - (medical) operation, procedure, surgery
首相/しゅしょう - Prime Minister
主人/しゅじん - master, head (of a household)
手段/しゅだん - means, way
主張/しゅちょう - claim, insistence, assertion, advocacy
出勤/しゅっきん - attendance (at work), being at work, going
to work
述語/じゅつご - {gramm} predicate; {logic} predicate
出場/しゅつじょう - (stage) appearance, performance;
participation (e.g. in a tournament)
出身/しゅっしん - person’s origin
出張/しゅっちょう - official tour, business trip
出版/しゅっぱん - publication
首都/しゅと - capital city, metropolis
主婦/しゅふ - housewife
寿命/じゅみょう - lifespan, life, lifetime; life (of a battery,
lightbulb, etc.), service life, end of an object’s (useful) life
主役/しゅやく - leading part, leading actor, leading actress
主要/しゅよう - chief, main, principal, major
需要/じゅよう - demand (economic), request
種類/しゅるい - variety, kind
受話器/じゅわき - (telephone) receiver
順/じゅん - order, turn, sorting; {adj-na} obedient, docile,
submissive, meek
瞬間/しゅんかん - moment, instant
循環/じゅんかん - circulation, rotation, cycle, loop
巡査/じゅんさ - police officer, policeman, constable
順々/じゅんじゅん - in order, in turn
順序/じゅんじょ - order, sequence; procedure
純情/じゅんじょう - pure heart, naivete, innocence
純粋/じゅんすい - pure, true, genuine, unmixed
順調/じゅんちょう - favourable, favorable, doing well, OK, all
順番/じゅんばん - turn (in line), order of things, sequential
諸/しょ - various, many, several
使用/しよう - use, application, employment
小/しょう - smallness, small item
章/しょう - chapter, section; medal, badge, insignia
賞/しょう - prize, award
状/じょう - form, shape, appearance; state, condition,
circumstances; letter, correspondence
畳/じょう - counter for tatami mats; measure of room size (in
mat units)
消化/しょうか - digestion (of food); digestion (of information)
障害/しょうがい - obstacle, impediment, hindrance, difficulty
奨学金/しょうがくきん - scholarship
小学生/しょうがくせい - elementary school student, primary
school student
将棋/しょうぎ - Japanese chess
蒸気/じょうき - steam, vapour, vapor
定規/じょうぎ - (measuring) ruler
乗客/じょうきゃく - passenger
上級/じょうきゅう - upper level, upper grade, high rank,
advanced level, senior level, upper class
商業/しょうぎょう - commerce, trade, business
上京/じょうきょう - going (up) to the capital, going to Tokyo
状況/じょうきょう - state of affairs (around you)
消極的/しょうきょくてき - negative, passive
賞金/しょうきん - prize money, monetary award, reward
上下/じょうげ - top and bottom, high and low, above and
条件/じょうけん - condition(s), term(s)
正午/しょうご - noon, midday
障子/しょうじ - paper sliding door
正直/しょうじき - honest, frank, candid, straightforward
常識/じょうしき - common knowledge
商社/しょうしゃ - trading company, firm
乗車/じょうしゃ - taking a train, bus, etc., boarding
上旬/じょうじゅん - first 10 days of month
少女/しょうじょ - young lady
少々/しょうしょう - small quantity, just a minute
症状/しょうじょう - symptoms, condition (of a patient)
生じる/しょうじる - to produce, to yield, to cause; to result
from, to arise
生ずる/しょうずる - to produce, to yield, to cause; to result
from, to arise
小数/しょうすう - fraction (part of); decimal fraction
状態/じょうたい - current status
上達/じょうたつ - improvement, advance, progress
冗談/じょうだん - joke, jest, funny story
商店/しょうてん - shop, small store, business, firm
焦点/しょうてん - focus, focal point; focus (of attention, a
discussion, etc.), point at issue, central point; {geom} focus
上等/じょうとう - superior, first-class, excellent, top quality
消毒/しょうどく - disinfection, sterilization, sterilisation
衝突/しょうとつ - collision, crash, running into; conflict,
quarrel, clashing
商人/しょうにん - trader, merchant
承認/しょうにん - recognition, acknowledgement,
acknowledgment, approval
少年/しょうねん - boy(s), juvenile(s), young boy
勝敗/しょうはい - victory or defeat, outcome (of a game,
battle, etc.)
商売/しょうばい - trade, business, commerce; {col}
occupation, calling, profession, job
蒸発/じょうはつ - evaporation
消費/しょうひ - consumption, expenditure
商品/しょうひん - goods, merchandise
賞品/しょうひん - prize, trophy
上品/じょうひん - elegant, refined, polished, stylish,
sophisticated; {n} high-quality goods, first-class article
勝負/しょうぶ - victory or defeat; match, contest, game, bout
小便/しょうべん - urine, piss, pee, urination; {col} breaking a
消防/しょうぼう - fire fighting; fire department, fire brigade
消防署/しょうぼうしょ - fire station
情報/じょうほう - news; information
正味/しょうみ - net weight; useful part, actual content
証明/しょうめい - proof, verification
正面/しょうめん - front, frontage, facade, main; head-on,
消耗/しょうもう - exhaustion, consumption, using up
醤油/しょうゆ - kind of Japanese soy sauce
省略/しょうりゃく - omission, abbreviation
女王/じょおう - queen; female champion
初級/しょきゅう - elementary level, beginner level
助教授/じょきょうじゅ - assistant professor, associate
職/しょく - job, work, employment, occupation
食塩/しょくえん - table salt
職業/しょくぎょう - occupation, business
食卓/しょくたく - dining table
職人/しょくにん - craftsman, artisan, tradesman, worker,
職場/しょくば - workplace
食品/しょくひん - commodity, foodstuff
植物/しょくぶつ - plant, vegetation
食物/しょくもつ - food, foodstuff
食欲/しょくよく - appetite (for food)
食料/しょくりょう - food
食糧/しょくりょう - food, provisions, rations, food supply
書斎/しょさい - study, library, den, home office, reading room
女子/じょし - woman, girl
助手/じょしゅ - assistant, helper; assistant (to a professor),
research assistant
初旬/しょじゅん - first 10 days of the month
徐々に/じょじょに - slowly, little by little, gradually, steadily,
書籍/しょせき - book, publication
食器/しょっき - tableware
ショップ - shop
書店/しょてん - bookshop, bookstore
書道/しょどう - calligraphy
初歩/しょほ - basics, rudiments, elements, ABCs of …
署名/しょめい - signature
書物/しょもつ - book, volume
女優/じょゆう - actress, female actor
処理/しょり - processing, dealing with, treatment
書類/しょるい - documents, official papers
白髪/しらが - white hair, grey hair, gray hair
知らせ/しらせ - news, word, tidings, notice, notification
尻/しり - buttocks, behind, rump, bottom
知合い/しりあい - acquaintance
シリーズ - series
私立/しりつ - private (establishment/institution)
資料/しりょう - materials, data, document
汁/しる - juice, sap; soup, broth
印/しるし - mark, sign; symbol, emblem; badge, crest
白/しろ - white
城/しろ - castle
素人/しろうと - amateur, layman, ordinary person, novice
皺/しわ - wrinkle, crease; ripple
芯/しん - wick, marrow, staple (for stapler), (pencil) lead
進学/しんがく - entering a higher-level school
新幹線/しんかんせん - bullet train (very high speed)
真空/しんくう - vacuum, hollow, empty
神経/しんけい - {anat} nerve; nerves, sensitivity
真剣/しんけん - seriousness
信仰/しんこう - (religious) faith, belief
信号/しんごう - traffic lights, signal
人工/じんこう - artificial, man-made, human work
深刻/しんこく - serious, severe, grave (negative sense)
診察/しんさつ - medical examination
人事/じんじ - personnel affairs, human resources, HR
人種/じんしゅ - race (of people)
信じる/しんじる - to believe
信ずる/しんずる - to believe, to believe in, to place trust in
心身/しんしん - mind and body
申請/しんせい - application, request, petition
人生/じんせい - (human) life (i.e. birth to death)
親戚/しんせき - relative
新鮮/しんせん - fresh
心臓/しんぞう - {anat} heart
人造/じんぞう - artificial, man-made, imitation, synthetic
身体/しんたい - body; torso, trunk; build, physique,
寝台/しんだい - bed, couch, sleeping place
診断/しんだん - diagnosis, medical examination
身長/しんちょう - height (of body), stature
慎重/しんちょう - careful, cautious, prudent, discreet,
侵入/しんにゅう - invasion, incursion, raid, aggression
審判/しんぱん - refereeing, trial, judgement
人物/じんぶつ - character, personality, figure
人文科学/じんぶんかがく - humanities, social sciences, liberal
進歩/しんぽ - progress, advance, improvement, development
人命/じんめい - (human) life
深夜/しんや - late at night, midnight
親友/しんゆう - close friend, bosom (old, intimate) friend
信用/しんよう - confidence, dependence, credit, faith,
信頼/しんらい - reliance, trust, faith
心理/しんり - mentality, psychology
森林/しんりん - forest, woods
親類/しんるい - relative, relation, kin
人類/じんるい - mankind, humanity
針路/しんろ - course, direction
神話/しんわ - myth, legend
巣/す - nest, rookery, breeding place; (spider’s) web
酢/す - vinegar
図/ず - drawing, picture, diagram, figure
水産/すいさん - aquatic products, fisheries
炊事/すいじ - cooking, kitchen work
水準/すいじゅん - level, standard; water level
水蒸気/すいじょうき - water vapour, water vapor, steam
推薦/すいせん - recommendation, referral, endorsement
水素/すいそ - hydrogen (H)
垂直/すいちょく - vertical; perpendicular
スイッチ - switch
推定/すいてい - presumption, assumption; estimation
水滴/すいてき - drop of water
水筒/すいとう - canteen, flask, water bottle, thermos
随筆/ずいひつ - essays, miscellaneous writings, literary
水分/すいぶん - water, liquid, fluid, moisture
随分/ずいぶん - very, extremely
水平/すいへい - horizontal, level, even
水平線/すいへいせん - horizon (related to bodies of water)
睡眠/すいみん - sleep
水面/すいめん - water’s surface
水曜/すいよう - Wednesday
数/すう - (as a prefix) several, a number of; number,
numeral, figure
数字/すうじ - number, {math} numeral, figure, digit
図々しい/ずうずうしい - impudent, shameless, brazen,
forward, audacious, cheeky
スーツ - suit (clothing)
スーパー - super; {abbr} supermarket
スープ - (Western) soup
末/すえ - end, close, future, finally
末っ子/すえっこ - youngest child
姿/すがた - figure, form, shape; appearance, dress, guise;
state, condition
スカーフ - scarf (esp. a lightweight summer scarf worn by
図鑑/ずかん - pictorial book, picture book, illustrated
reference book
隙/すき - gap, space; break, interlude, interval
杉/すぎ - Japanese cedar (Cryptomeria japonica)
スキー - skiing; skis
好き嫌い/すききらい - likes and dislikes, pickiness (about
food), choosiness
好き好き/すきずき - matter of taste
透き通る/すきとおる - to be transparent, to be see-through
隙間/すきま - crevice, crack, gap, opening, clearance
過ぎる/すぎる - over, too much
空く/すく - to become less crowded, to thin out; to be hungry
救う/すくう - to rescue from, to help out of, to save
スクール - school
少ない/すくない - few, a little, not much
少なくとも/すくなくとも - at least
優れる/すぐれる - to surpass, to outstrip, to excel
図形/ずけい - figure, shape, graphic
スケート - skate(s), skating
スケジュール - schedule
少しも/すこしも - (not) at all, (not) a bit, (not) in the least,
(not) in the slightest
過ごす/すごす - to pass (time), to spend; to overdo
筋/すじ - muscle, tendon, sinew
鈴/すず - bell (often globular)
進む/すすむ - to advance
涼む/すずむ - to cool oneself, to cool off, to enjoy the cool air
勧める/すすめる - to recommend (someone to do), to advise,
to encourage
スター - star (cinema, sports, etc.), celebrity, idol
スタート - start, beginning; starting (e.g. a race), departing,
starting point, starting line
スタイル - (one’s) figure, build, physique, shape; style
スタンド - stand, (upright) lamp, station (gas)
スチュワーデス - (female) flight attendant
頭痛/ずつう - headache
すっきり - refreshingly, with a feeling of relief, pleasantly
ずっと - continuously in some state (for a long time,
酸っぱい/すっぱい - sour, acidic
ステージ - stage; performance
既に/すでに - already, too late, (done) before
ストッキング - stockings
ストップ - stop
素直/すなお - obedient, meek; honest, frank
即ち/すなわち - that is (to say), namely, i.e.; precisely,
exactly, just, nothing but, neither more nor less; (and) then
頭脳/ずのう - head, brains; intellect, understanding
素晴らしい/すばらしい - wonderful, splendid
スピーカー - speaker
スピーチ - speech
図表/ずひょう - chart, diagram, graph, figure
全て/すべて - all, the whole
滑る/すべる - to glide, to slide (e.g. on skis), to slip
スマート - smart, stylish; slim
住まい/すまい - dwelling, house, residence, address; {n-suf}
{n} living, life
済ませる/すませる - to finish, to make an end of
済まない/すまない - inexcusable, unjustifiable; sorry,
角/すみ - corner, nook, recess
墨/すみ - India ink, Chinese ink; squid ink, octopus ink
済みません/すみません - sorry, excuse me, thank you
澄む/すむ - to become clear (water, air, etc.), to become
清む/すむ - to become clear (water, air, etc.), to become
transparent; to resonate clearly (e.g. voice); to become
serene, to become tranquil, to be free of worries; to
pronounce as an unvoiced sound
相撲/すもう - {sumo} sumo wrestling
スライド - slide; change (in value or situation), proportional
滑らす/ずらす - to shift, to slide (e.g. something away from
something else)
掏摸/すり - pickpocket
刷る/する - to print
狡い/ずるい - sly, cunning, sneaky, crafty, unfair, dishonest
鋭い/するどい - sharp (blade), pointed; sharp (pain);
perceptive, keen
寸法/すんぽう - measurement, size, extent, dimension
正/せい - (logical) true, regular
性/せい - nature (of a person); sex; gender
姓/せい - surname, family name
所為/せい - consequence, outcome, result, blame, fault
税/ぜい - tax
性格/せいかく - character, personality, disposition, nature
正確/せいかく - accurate, punctual, exact
税関/ぜいかん - customs, customs house
世紀/せいき - century, era
請求/せいきゅう - claim (usually for money), demand, charge,
税金/ぜいきん - tax, duty
清潔/せいけつ - clean, hygienic
制限/せいげん - restriction, restraint, limitation, limit
成功/せいこう - success, hit
製作/せいさく - manufacture, production; production (of a
film, play, TV show, etc.)
制作/せいさく - work (film, book); production, creation
生産/せいさん - production, manufacture
正式/せいしき - official, formality, due form
性質/せいしつ - nature, property, disposition
清書/せいしょ - fair copy, clean copy
青少年/せいしょうねん - youth, young person
精神/せいしん - mind, soul, spirit
成人/せいじん - adult (esp. person 20 years old or over),
整数/せいすう - {math} integer
精々/せいぜい - at the most, at best, to the utmost
成績/せいせき - results, grades
清掃/せいそう - cleaning, cleanup, garbage collection,
製造/せいぞう - manufacture, production
生存/せいぞん - existence, being, survival
贅沢/ぜいたく - luxury, extravagance; to live in luxury
成長/せいちょう - growth
生長/せいちょう - growth, development (of a plant, person,
制度/せいど - system, institution
政党/せいとう - political party
青年/せいねん - youth, young man
生年月日/せいねんがっぴ - birth date, date of birth, DOB
性能/せいのう - ability, performance
整備/せいび - maintenance, servicing; putting in place,
製品/せいひん - manufactured goods
政府/せいふ - government, administration, ministry
生物/せいぶつ - living thing, organism, creature, life; {abbr}
成分/せいぶん - ingredient, component, composition
性別/せいべつ - gender, distinction of sex, sex
正方形/せいほうけい - square
生命/せいめい - life, existence; (one’s) working life, career;
life force, lifeblood, soul, essence
正門/せいもん - main gate, main entrance
整理/せいり - sorting, arrangement, organization, putting in
order, adjustment
成立/せいりつ - formation, establishment, materialization,
coming into existence
西暦/せいれき - Common Era, CE, Christian Era, anno domini,
背負う/せおう - to carry on one’s back; to be burdened with
咳/せき - cough
石炭/せきたん - coal
赤道/せきどう - equator
責任/せきにん - duty, responsibility
石油/せきゆ - oil, petroleum; {col} kerosene, paraffin
世間/せけん - world, society (especially of a sub group)
説/せつ - theory, doctrine; opinion, view; rumour
折角/せっかく - with trouble, at great pains; rare, valuable,
積極的/せっきょくてき - assertive, positive
接近/せっきん - getting closer, drawing nearer, approaching
設計/せっけい - plan, design, layout
石鹸/せっけん - soap
接する/せっする - to touch, to come in contact with, to border
on, to adjoin
接続/せつぞく - connection, attachment, union, join, joint, link
絶対/ぜったい - absolutely
セット - set; set meal, combo-meal
設備/せつび - equipment, facilities, installation,
絶滅/ぜつめつ - extinction, extermination; eradication,
stamping out
節約/せつやく - economising, saving
瀬戸物/せともの - earthenware, porcelain, china
是非/ぜひ - by all means, certainly
迫る/せまる - to approach, to draw near, to be imminent; to
press (someone for something)
ゼミ - seminar
攻める/せめる - to attack
責める/せめる - to condemn, to blame, to criticize, to criticise
セメント - cement
台詞/せりふ - (spoken) line (in a play, film, comic, etc.), one’s
lines; comment, remark, phrase, words; stock phrase, set
phrase, cliché, platitude
栓/せん - stopper, cork, plug, bung; tap, faucet, stopcock
善/ぜん - good, goodness, right, virtue
全/ぜん - all, whole, entire, complete
前/ぜん - the last (i.e. immediately preceding), previous,
全員/ぜんいん - all members
前後/ぜんご - front and rear, front and back, before and
専攻/せんこう - major subject, special study
全国/ぜんこく - country-wide
洗剤/せんざい - detergent, cleanser, cleaning agent, washing
先日/せんじつ - the other day, a few days ago
前者/ぜんしゃ - the former
選手/せんしゅ - player (in a game)
全集/ぜんしゅう - complete works, complete collection,
complete series
全身/ぜんしん - whole (body), full-length (e.g. portrait)
前進/ぜんしん - advance, moving forward, progress
扇子/せんす - folding fan
専制/せんせい - despotism, autocracy
全然/ぜんぜん - never, not at all
先々月/せんせんげつ - month before last
先々週/せんせんしゅう - week before last
先祖/せんぞ - ancestor
センター - centre, center
全体/ぜんたい - whole, entirety
選択/せんたく - choice, selection, option
先端/せんたん - pointed end, tip, point
センチ - {abbr} centimeter, centimetre; {pref} centi-,
10^-2; {adj-na} {abbr} sentimental
宣伝/せんでん - advertisement
先頭/せんとう - head (of a line, group, etc.), front, lead,
forefront, vanguard
全般/ぜんぱん - (the) whole, entirety, wholly, as a whole
扇風機/せんぷうき - electric fan
洗面/せんめん - washing one’s face
全力/ぜんりょく - all one’s power (strength, energy, efforts)
線路/せんろ - railway track, railway line, railroad
総/そう - whole, total, gross, entire, overall, general
(election, manager, etc.)
象/ぞう - elephant (Elephantidae spp.)
相違/そうい - difference, discrepancy, variation
そう言えば/そういえば - which reminds me …, come to think
of it …
騒音/そうおん - noise, din
増加/ぞうか - increase, rise, growth, addition, increment
雑巾/ぞうきん - house-cloth, dust cloth
増減/ぞうげん - increase and decrease, fluctuation
倉庫/そうこ - storehouse, warehouse, godown
相互/そうご - mutual, reciprocal
操作/そうさ - operation, management, processing;
manipulating to one’s benefit
創作/そうさく - creation, production, creative work (novel,
film, etc.)
葬式/そうしき - funeral
造船/ぞうせん - shipbuilding
想像/そうぞう - imagination, guess
騒々しい/そうぞうしい - noisy, loud, boisterous, clamorous
相続/そうぞく - succession; inheritance
増大/ぞうだい - enlargement, increase
装置/そうち - equipment, device, installation, apparatus
相当/そうとう - corresponding to, being equivalent to;
appropriate, suitable; considerably, rather
送別/そうべつ - farewell, send-off
草履/ぞうり - Japanese sandals
総理大臣/そうりだいじん - prime minister (as the head of a
cabinet government), premier
送料/そうりょう - postage, carriage, shipping costs
属する/ぞくする - to belong to, to come under, to be affiliated
with, to be subject to
続々/ぞくぞく - successively, one after another
速達/そくたつ - express, special delivery
測定/そくてい - measurement
速度/そくど - speed, velocity, pace, rate; {physics} velocity
測量/そくりょう - measurement, surveying
速力/そくりょく - speed, velocity
底/そこ - bottom, sole
其処で/そこで - so, accordingly, now, then, there
組織/そしき - organization, organisation, formation; structure,
素質/そしつ - makings (of), aptitude, talent, qualities; nature,
character, temperament
祖先/そせん - ancestor
注ぐ/そそぐ - to pour (into); to sprinkle on (from above), to
water (e.g. plants)
そそっかしい - careless, thoughtless, absentminded
育つ/そだつ - to be raised (e.g. child)
其方/そっち - that way; there; that one; (distant from the
speaker, close to the listener) (casual)
そっくり - all, altogether, entirely, completely; exactly like,
just like
率直/そっちょく - frank, candid, straightforward
そっと - softly, gently, quietly; secretly, stealthily
袖/そで - sleeve; wing (of a stage, desk, gate, etc.); flap (of a
dust jacket)
備える/そなえる - to furnish with, to equip with, to provide, to
具える/そなえる - to furnish, to provide for, to equip, to install
その上/そのうえ - in addition, furthermore
その内/そのうち - before very long, soon, someday; of the
previously mentioned
其の儘/そのまま - without change, as it is, as it was; just like
側/そば - near, close
蕎麦/そば - Japanese buckwheat noodles
ソファー - sofa, couch
粗末/そまつ - crude, rough, plain, humble, shabby, poorquality, low-quality
剃る/そる - to shave
其れ其れ/それぞれ - each, respectively
其れでも/それでも - but (still), and yet
其れ共/それとも - or, or else
逸れる/それる - to turn away, to bear off, to veer away, to
swerve from
揃う/そろう - to be complete, to be all present, to make a full
揃える/そろえる - to collect, to gather, to get together
算盤/そろばん - abacus, soroban; calculation (esp. of profit
and loss), reckoning
損/そん - loss, damage, harm, unprofitable; disadvantage,
損害/そんがい - damage, injury, loss
尊敬/そんけい - respect
存在/そんざい - existence, being, presence
存じる/ぞんじる - to think, feel, consider, know, etc.
尊重/そんちょう - respect, esteem, regard
損得/そんとく - loss and gain, advantage and disadvantage
田/た - rice field
他/た - other (esp. people and abstract matters)
対/たい - opposite
大/だい - the large part of; big
題/だい - title, subject, theme, topic; problem (on a test),
第/だい - prefix for forming ordinal numbers
体育/たいいく - physical education, PE, gym (class)
第一/だいいち - first, foremost, number one
体温/たいおん - body temperature
大会/たいかい - mass meeting, convention, rally, conference,
assembly, gathering; tournament, competition, contest,
meet; grand event
大学院/だいがくいん - graduate school
大気/たいき - atmosphere, air; magnanimity, generosity
代金/だいきん - price, cost, charge, payment, bill, fee
大工/だいく - carpenter
退屈/たいくつ - tedium, boredom, dullness
体系/たいけい - system, organization, organisation,
太鼓/たいこ - drum
滞在/たいざい - stay, sojourn
対策/たいさく - counter-plan
大使/たいし - ambassador
大した/たいした - considerable, great, important, significant,
a big deal
大して/たいして - (not so) much, (not) very
体重/たいじゅう - (body) weight
対象/たいしょう - target, object (of worship, study, etc.),
subject (of taxation, etc.)
対照/たいしょう - contrast, antithesis, comparison
大小/だいしょう - sizes (various), large and small
大臣/だいじん - cabinet minister
対する/たいする - to face (each other), to be facing; to be
directed toward (the future, etc.)
体制/たいせい - order, system, structure, set-up
体積/たいせき - capacity, volume
大戦/たいせん - great war, great battle; {abbr} world war
大層/たいそう - very, extremely, exceedingly, greatly, terribly
体操/たいそう - gymnastics, physical exercises; {abbr}
artistic gymnastics, gymnastics competition; {obs} physical
education (class), PE
大抵/たいてい - mostly, usually, generally, proper
態度/たいど - attitude, manner
大統領/だいとうりょう - president (of a nation or company),
chief executive
大半/たいはん - most (of), the majority, the better part of
代表/だいひょう - representative, representation, delegation
大分/だいぶ - considerably, greatly, a lot
大分/だいぶん - considerably, greatly, a lot
大部分/だいぶぶん - most part, greater part, majority
タイプライター - typewriter
逮捕/たいほ - arrest
大木/たいぼく - large tree
題名/だいめい - title, caption, heading
代名詞/だいめいし - {ling} pronoun
ダイヤ - {abbr} diamond
ダイヤグラム - diagram
ダイヤモンド - diamond (mineral, gemstone)
ダイヤル - dial (e.g. telephone, radio, clock, gauge)
太陽/たいよう - sun, solar
平ら/たいら - flatness, level, smooth, calm
代理/だいり - representation, agency, proxy, deputy, agent
大陸/たいりく - continent; continental Asia (esp. mainland
対立/たいりつ - confrontation, opposition, antagonism
田植え/たうえ - rice planting
絶えず/たえず - constantly, always, continually
楕円/だえん - ellipse
倒す/たおす - to throw down, to bring down, to blow down, to
タオル - (hand) towel
だが - but, however, (and) yet, nevertheless, still, for all that
互い/たがい - each other, one another
高める/たかめる - to raise, to lift, to boost, to enhance
耕す/たがやす - to till, to plow, to plough, to cultivate
宝/たから - treasure
滝/たき - waterfall; {arch} rapids
宅/たく - house, home; one’s house, one’s home; one’s
炊く/たく - to cook (grains, e.g. rice); to boil, to simmer
焚く/たく - to burn, to kindle, to light (a fire), to make (a fire);
to heat (a bath)
抱く/だく - to embrace, to hold in the arms (e.g. a baby), to
蓄える/たくわえる - to store, to save up, to stock up on, to lay
in stock
竹/たけ - bamboo; middle (of a three-tier ranking system)
だけど - however
確かめる/たしかめる - to ascertain, to check, to make sure
多少/たしょう - more or less, somewhat, a little, a few
助かる/たすかる - to be saved, to be rescued
助ける/たすける - to help, to save
尋ねる/たずねる - to ask, to enquire
只/ただ - free, ordinary, common; only, merely, just
ただ今/ただいま - Here I am, I’m home!; presently, right away
戦い/たたかい - battle, war, fight, conflict; fight (against time,
poverty, etc.), struggle (for freedom, survival, etc.), war
(e.g. on drugs), battle (e.g. against nature); contest,
competition, match, game 戦う/たたかう - to fight, to battle
叩く/たたく - to strike
但し/ただし - but, however, provided that
直ちに/ただちに - at once, immediately, directly, in person
畳む/たたむ - to fold (clothes, umbrella); to close (a shop,
business); to vacate
立ち上がる/たちあがる - to stand up, to get up; to rise; to
立ち止まる/たちどまる - to stop (in one’s tracks), to come to a
stop, to halt, to pause, to stand still
立場/たちば - standpoint, position
忽ち/たちまち - in an instant, in a moment, immediately
建つ/たつ - to be erected, to be built
発つ/たつ - to depart (on a plane, train, etc.)
経つ/たつ - to pass (of time), to elapse
達する/たっする - to reach, to get to, to arrive at
脱線/だっせん - derailment; digression, deviation
だって - after all, because; but; even; too, as well, also
たっぷり - {on-mim} plentifully, amply, abundantly,
copiously, generously, fully, a lot; {on-mim} loosely, with
room to spare, with enough space, (large) enough; {onmim} a good (e.g. two weeks, ten kilometres), a full, at
least, no less than 縦/たて - the vertical, height
妥当/だとう - valid, proper, right, appropriate, reasonable
例える/たとえる - to compare (something) to, to liken
谷/たに - valley
他人/たにん - another person, other people, others
種/たね - seed, kind; material, matter
楽しみ/たのしみ - enjoyment
頼もしい/たのもしい - reliable, dependable, trustworthy,
reassuring; hopeful, promising
束/たば - bundle, bunch, sheaf
足袋/たび - Japanese socks (with split toe)
度/たび - time (three times, each time, etc.), times
旅/たび - travel, trip, journey
度々/たびたび - often, again and again, over and over again
ダブル - double; double bed, hotel room with a double bed
多分/たぶん - perhaps, probably
玉/たま - ball, pellet, bullet
球/たま - ball (in sports); jewel; bulb (i.e. a light bulb); bead
(of an abacus)​
弾/たま - ball, pellet, bullet
騙す/だます - to cheat, to deceive
偶々/たまたま - by chance, by accident, accidentally, happen
to (be, do), unexpectedly, casually; occasionally, once in a
while, now and then
堪らない/たまらない - intolerable, unbearable, unendurable;
cannot help (doing)
溜まる/たまる - to collect, to gather, to save, to accumulate,
to pile up
黙る/だまる - to be silent, to say nothing
ダム - dam; {adj-f} dumb
為/ため - sake, purpose
駄目/だめ - useless, no good
溜息/ためいき - sigh
試し/ためし - trial, test
試す/ためす - to try (out), to have a try (at), to test, to put to
the test
躊躇う/ためらう - to hesitate, to waver
溜める/ためる - to amass, to accumulate
便り/たより - news, tidings, information, correspondence,
頼る/たよる - to rely on
だらけ - (implying negatively that) something is full of (e.g.
だらし無い/だらしない - slovenly (appearance, work, etc.),
sloppy, untidy
足る/たる - to be sufficient, to be enough; to be worth doing
誰/だれ - who
誰か/だれか - someone, somebody, anyone, anybody
段/だん - step, stair, (flight of) steps, (row of) stitches; grade,
単位/たんい - unit, denomination; credit (in school)
段階/だんかい - grade, level, stage, class, phase
短期/たんき - short-term
単語/たんご - word, vocabulary
炭鉱/たんこう - coal mine, (coal) pit, colliery
男子/だんし - boy; man, male
単純/たんじゅん - simple, plain, uncomplicated,
straightforward, simple-minded, naive
短所/たんしょ - demerit, weak point, disadvantage
誕生/たんじょう - birth
箪笥/たんす - chest of drawers
ダンス - dance
淡水/たんすい - fresh water (i.e. not salt water)
断水/だんすい - suspension of water supply, water outage
単数/たんすう - singular number
団体/だんたい - organization, association, group
団地/だんち - multi-unit apartments
断定/だんてい - conclusion, decision, judgement, declaration
担当/たんとう - in charge (of an area of responsibility)
単なる/たんなる - mere, simple, sheer
単に/たんに - simply, merely, only, solely
短編/たんぺん - short (e.g. story, film)
地/ち - earth, ground, land, soil; place; territory
地位/ちい - (social) position, status
地域/ちいき - area, region
チーズ - cheese
チーム - team
知恵/ちえ - wisdom, wit, sagacity, sense, intelligence
地下/ちか - basement; underground
違い/ちがい - difference
誓う/ちかう - to swear, to vow, to take an oath, to pledge
近頃/ちかごろ - lately, recently, nowadays; {dated} terribly,
awfully, extremely
地下水/ちかすい - underground water
近々/ちかぢか - soon, before long, shortly, in the near future;
{adv-to} close (by), near, nearby
近付ける/ちかづける - to bring near, to bring close, to let go
near; to associate with
近寄る/ちかよる - to approach, to draw near
力強い/ちからづよい - powerful, strong, forceful, vigorous;
reassuring, encouraging
地球/ちきゅう - Earth, the globe
千切る/ちぎる - to tear to pieces, to tear to shreds, to tear up
地区/ちく - district, section
遅刻/ちこく - lateness
知事/ちじ - prefectural governor
知識/ちしき - knowledge, information
地質/ちしつ - geological features
知人/ちじん - friend, acquaintance
地帯/ちたい - zone, area, belt, region
父親/ちちおや - father
縮む/ちぢむ - to shrink, to contract, to diminish (in size)
縮める/ちぢめる - to shorten, to shrink
縮れる/ちぢれる - to be wavy, to be curled, to be frizzled
チップ - gratuity, tip; chip, microchip; poker chip
地点/ちてん - site, point on a map, spot
知能/ちのう - intelligence, intellect
地平線/ちへいせん - horizon (related to land)
地方/ちほう - area, district
地名/ちめい - place name (generic term)
茶/ちゃ - tea
茶色い/ちゃいろい - light brown, tawny
着々/ちゃくちゃく - steadily
茶碗/ちゃわん - rice bowl, tea cup
チャンス - chance, opportunity
ちゃんと - diligently, seriously, earnestly, reliably
注/ちゅう - annotation, explanatory note, comment
中央/ちゅうおう - centre, center, middle, heart
中学/ちゅうがく - {abbr} junior high school, middle school,
lower secondary school
中間/ちゅうかん - middle, midway, halfway, centre, center;
middle position, moderate position, neutral position, middleof-the-road position; {adj-no} interim, intermediary,
intermediate, midterm
中古/ちゅうこ - used, secondhand, old; {n} Middle Ages (in
Japan esp. Heian period)
中止/ちゅうし - interruption, discontinuance, suspension,
stoppage; cancellation (of a planned event), calling off
駐車/ちゅうしゃ - parking (a vehicle)
中旬/ちゅうじゅん - middle of a month, second third of a
抽象/ちゅうしょう - abstraction
昼食/ちゅうしょく - lunch, midday meal
中心/ちゅうしん - center, middle
中世/ちゅうせい - Middle Ages (in Japan esp. the Kamakura
and Muromachi periods )
中性/ちゅうせい - neutrality (incl. chemical, electrical, etc.),
中途/ちゅうと - halfway, midway, partway, mid-course
中年/ちゅうねん - middle-age
注目/ちゅうもく - notice, attention
注文/ちゅうもん - order, request
町/ちょう - town, block, neighborhood; street, road
長/ちょう - head, chief, leader, elder
超過/ちょうか - excess, being more than
長期/ちょうき - long-term
彫刻/ちょうこく - carving, engraving, sculpture
調査/ちょうさ - investigation, examination, inquiry, enquiry,
調子/ちょうし - tune, tone; mood, way, manner; condition,
state of health; impetus, spur of the moment, strain; trend
長所/ちょうしょ - strong point, merit, virtue, advantage
長女/ちょうじょ - eldest daughter, first-born daughter
頂上/ちょうじょう - top, summit, peak
調整/ちょうせい - adjustment, regulation, coordination
調節/ちょうせつ - regulation, adjustment, control
頂戴/ちょうだい - {hum} receiving, getting, accepting, being
given; {hum} eating, drinking, having; {exp} {fam} {fem}
please (give me; do for me)
長短/ちょうたん - length; long and short, advantages and
頂点/ちょうてん - {geom} vertex, apex; top (e.g. of a
mountain), summit, peak; top (of a profession, field, etc.),
summit; peak (of popularity, a boom, etc.), height (e.g. of
prosperity), apex, zenith, climax 長男/ちょうなん - eldest son
(may be the only son), first-born son
長方形/ちょうほうけい - rectangle, oblong
調味料/ちょうみりょう - flavoring, seasoning (ingredient)
丁目/ちょうめ - district of a town, city block (of irregular size)
チョーク - chalk
貯金/ちょきん - (bank) savings
直後/ちょくご - immediately following
直接/ちょくせつ - direct, immediate
直線/ちょくせん - straight line
直前/ちょくぜん - just before, just prior to; right in front of,
just in front of
直通/ちょくつう - direct line, direct communication,
connecting directly
直流/ちょくりゅう - direct current, DC
著者/ちょしゃ - author
貯蔵/ちょぞう - storage, preservation
直角/ちょっかく - right angle, perpendicular
直径/ちょっけい - diameter
散らかす/ちらかす - to scatter around, to leave untidy, to
make a mess
散らかる/ちらかる - to be in disorder, to lie scattered around
散らす/ちらす - to scatter, to cause a shower of; to disperse,
to distribute
塵紙/ちりがみ - tissue paper, toilet paper
散る/ちる - to fall (e.g. blossoms, leaves); to scatter
遂に/ついに - finally, at last; (with a verb in negative form) in
the end
追加/ついか - addition, supplement
序/ついで - opportunity, occasion, chance; {arch} order,
sequence; {arch} successor
通過/つうか - passing through (a tunnel, station, town, etc.)
通貨/つうか - currency
通学/つうがく - commuting to school, school commute
通勤/つうきん - commuting to work
通行/つうこう - passage (of people, traffic), passing
通じる/つうじる - to lead to, to communicate; to be
understood, to be accepted
通信/つうしん - correspondence, communication,
transmission, news
通知/つうち - notice, notification, report, posting; {comp}
notification (on a smartphone, PC, etc.)
通帳/つうちょう - passbook, bankbook
通訳/つうやく - interpretation (i.e. oral translation),
通用/つうよう - (common) use (of a language, currency, etc.),
current use, circulation, currency, validity (e.g. of a ticket);
{vs} {vi} to be accepted (e.g. of a way of thinking), to work
(of an excuse, trick, etc.), to hold true (e.g. of a theory), to
apply, to be valid, to pass (for), to do well, to get by; going
in and out, entrance and exit 通路/つうろ - passage,
pathway, roadway, avenue, aisle
捕まる/つかまる - to be caught, to be arrested; to hold on to
掴む/つかむ - to seize, to catch
疲れ/つかれ - tiredness, fatigue
月/つき - moon, month
付き合い/つきあい - relation, association (e.g. between
付合う/つきあう - to associate with, to keep company with, to
go out with
突き当たり/つきあたり - end (of a street, hallway, etc.)
突き当たる/つきあたる - to run into, to collide with, to crash
次々/つぎつぎ - in succession, one by one, one after another
月日/つきひ - time, years, days, (one’s) life; the Moon and the
付く/つく - to be attached, to be connected with
就く/つく - to ascend (the throne), to accede; to take (seat,
position, course, office, etc.)
点く/つく - to be lit (e.g. electricity comes on)
突く/つく - to prick, to stab; to poke, to prod
次ぐ/つぐ - to follow, to come after, to come next (to), to rank
next (to), to rank second (to)
注ぐ/つぐ - to pour (into a vessel), to fill (a cup, bowl, etc.)
造る/つくる - to make, to produce, to manufacture, to build,
to construct; to prepare (food), to brew (alcohol); to raise, to
grow, to cultivate, to train; to till; to draw up (a document),
to make out, to prepare, to write; to create (an artistic work,
etc.), to compose; to coin (a phrase), to organize, to
organise, to establish, to found; to have (a child); to make
up (one’s face, etc.); to fabricate (an excuse, etc.); to give a
(false) appearance, to feign (a smile, etc.), to put on a show
of emotion; to form (a line, etc.); to set (a record); to commit
(a sin, etc.) 着ける/つける - to wear, to put on, to attach
点ける/つける - to turn on, to switch on
浸ける/つける - to soak (in), to steep, to dip, to dunk
伝わる/つたわる - to be transmitted, to be handed down
土/つち - earth, soil
続き/つづき - sequel, continuation
突っ込む/つっこむ - to thrust (something) into (something), to
cram; to plunge into
包み/つつみ - bundle, package, parcel
勤め/つとめ - work, service, duty, business, responsibility,
務め/つとめ - service, duty, business, responsibility, task
務める/つとめる - to work (for)
努める/つとめる - to endeavor (endeavour)
綱/つな - rope, cord, line; {sumo} grand champion’s braided
繋がり/つながり - connection
繋がる/つながる - to be connected to; to result in
繋ぐ/つなぐ - to tie, to fasten, to connect
繋げる/つなげる - to tie, to fasten, to connect, to transfer
(phone call)
常に/つねに - always, constantly
翼/つばさ - wing
粒/つぶ - grain, bead, drop; counter for small round objects
潰す/つぶす - to smash, to crush, to flatten; to shut down
潰れる/つぶれる - to be crushed, to be smashed, to be broken,
to collapse
躓く/つまずく - to trip (over), to stumble; to fail, to suffer a
詰まり/つまり - in short, in other words
詰まる/つまる - to be packed; to be blocked, to be clogged
罪/つみ - crime, sin, wrongdoing, indiscretion; penalty,
積む/つむ - to pile up, to stack; to load (car, ship, etc.), to
爪/つめ - fingernail or toenail, claw
詰める/つめる - to pack
積もる/つもる - to pile up, to accumulate
艶/つや - gloss, luster, lustre, shine
梅雨/つゆ - rainy season
強気/つよき - confident, assured, self-assured, firm
辛い/つらい - painful, bitter, heartbreaking, difficult
釣/つり - fishing, angling
釣り合う/つりあう - to balance, to be in harmony, to be in
吊る/つる - to hang, to suspend, to sling
吊す/つるす - to hang, to hang up
連れ/つれ - companion, company; {noh} tritagonist, second
supporting character
出/で - outflow, coming (going) out, graduate (of)
出会い/であい - meeting, rendezvous, encounter; confluence
出合い/であい - meeting, rendezvous, encounter; confluence
出会う/であう - to meet (by chance), to come across, to run
出合う/であう - to meet (by chance), to come across, to run
across, to encounter, to happen upon; to meet (e.g. of
rivers, highways, etc.); to emerge and engage (an enemy)
手洗い/てあらい - washing one’s hands, water (or basin, etc.)
for washing one’s hands; restroom, lavatory
提案/ていあん - proposal, proposition, suggestion
定員/ていいん - fixed number (of people), prescribed number
(of regular personnel, students, etc.)
定価/ていか - list price, regular price
低下/ていか - fall, decline
定期/ていき - fixed period, fixed term; regular, periodic
定期券/ていきけん - {abbr} commuter pass, season ticket
定休日/ていきゅうび - regular holiday, fixed day off
抵抗/ていこう - resistance, opposition, standing up to;
reluctance, repulsion
停止/ていし - suspension, interruption, stoppage, ban,
停車/ていしゃ - stopping (of a train, car, etc.), stop
提出/ていしゅつ - presentation (of documents), submission (of
an application, report, etc.)
停電/ていでん - power outage, electricity outage, blackout
程度/ていど - degree, amount, grade, standard
出入り/でいり - going in and out, entering and exiting
出入口/でいりぐち - exit and entrance
停留所/ていりゅうじょ - bus or tram stop
手入れ/ていれ - improvement; repairs; (police) raid
デート - date, go on a date
テーマ - topic, theme, project
出掛ける/でかける - to depart, to go out
敵/てき - opponent, rival, adversary
的/てき - -ical, -ive, -al, -ic, -y; -like, -ish, -sort of, -kind of;
{col} (something) like, along the lines of; {col} -wise, in
terms of, for, from the viewpoint of, from a … standpoint, as
far as … is concerned; {fam} {col} {dated} Mr., Ms., Mrs.
出来上がり/できあがり - finish, completion
出来上がる/できあがる - to be completed
的確/てきかく - accurate, precise, exact, appropriate, apt,
適確/てきかく - accurate, precise, exact, appropriate, apt,
出来事/できごと - incident, affair, event
適する/てきする - to fit, to suit, to be suitable
適切/てきせつ - pertinent, appropriate, adequate, relevance
適度/てきど - moderate (degree), proper (amount)
適用/てきよう - applying (e.g. a technology), adoption
出来るだけ/できるだけ - as much as one can
手首/てくび - wrist
凸凹/でこぼこ - unevenness, roughness, ruggedness,
bumpiness; inequality, imbalance, unevenness, difference
手頃/てごろ - handy, convenient; suitable, reasonable,
弟子/でし - pupil, disciple, adherent, follower, apprentice
手品/てじな - magic (illusion), conjuring, magic trick
ですから - {pol} so, therefore, accordingly, consequently, on
those grounds, that is why, for that reason
出鱈目/でたらめ - nonsense, irresponsible remark
手帳/てちょう - notebook, memo pad, (pocket) diary
鉄/てつ - iron (Fe); strong and hard (as iron); railway
哲学/てつがく - philosophy
鉄橋/てっきょう - railway bridge, iron bridge
手伝い/てつだい - helper, assistant; help, assistance
手続き/てつづき - procedure, process, proceedings,
徹底/てってい - thoroughness, completeness, consistency
鉄道/てつどう - railroad, railway, rail transport
鉄砲/てっぽう - gun
徹夜/てつや - all night
テニス - tennis
手拭い/てぬぐい - (hand) towel
手間/てま - time, labour, labor
手前/てまえ - before, this side; one’s standpoint, one’s
出迎え/でむかえ - meeting, reception
出迎える/でむかえる - to meet, to greet
デモ - demonstration, protest
照らす/てらす - to shine on, to illuminate; to compare (with),
to refer to
照る/てる - to shine
展開/てんかい - development, evolution, progressing,
伝記/でんき - biography, life story
電球/でんきゅう - light bulb
典型/てんけい - type, pattern, model, epitome, exemplar
天候/てんこう - weather
電子/でんし - electron; (esp. as a prefix) electronic,
点数/てんすう - marks, points, score, grade
伝染/でんせん - contagion, infection
電池/でんち - battery
点々/てんてん - here and there, little by little, sporadically
電柱/でんちゅう - utility pole, power pole, telephone pole
テント - tent
伝統/でんとう - tradition, convention
天然/てんねん - nature, spontaneity; {abbr} {col} natural
天皇/てんのう - Emperor of Japan
電波/でんぱ - radio wave, reception, signal
テンポ - {music} tempo
電流/でんりゅう - electric current
電力/でんりょく - electric power
問い/とい - question, query
問い合わせ/といあわせ - enquiry, inquiry, query
党/とう - party (political); {n-suf} person who is fond of, fan
塔/とう - tower, steeple, spire
頭/とう - counter for large animals (e.g. head of cattle)
等/とう - class, order, rank; et cetera, etc.
銅/どう - copper; bronze (medal)
同/どう - the same, the said; {unc} likewise
答案/とうあん - examination paper, examination script,
answer sheet
どう致しまして/どういたしまして - you are welcome, don’t
mention it
統一/とういつ - unity, consolidation
同一/どういつ - identical, same, one and the same, equal;
fair, equal treatment
銅貨/どうか - copper coin
同格/どうかく - the same rank, equality
峠/とうげ - (mountain) pass, ridge, peak; peak (e.g. of
統計/とうけい - statistics
動作/どうさ - action, behaviour, movements
東西/とうざい - east and west; Ladies and Gentlemen!
当時/とうじ - at that time, in those days
動詞/どうし - {gramm} verb
同時/どうじ - simultaneous(ly), concurrent, same time
当日/とうじつ - appointed day
如何しても/どうしても - by all means, at any cost, no matter
投書/とうしょ - letter (e.g. of complaint), letter to the editor
登場/とうじょう - entry (on stage), appearance (on screen)
どうせ - anyhow, in any case, at any rate, after all
どうぞ宜しく/どうぞよろしく - pleased to meet you
灯台/とうだい - lighthouse
到着/とうちゃく - arrival
道徳/どうとく - morality, morals
盗難/とうなん - theft, robbery
当番/とうばん - being on duty, person on duty, one’s turn
投票/とうひょう - voting, poll
等分/とうぶん - division into equal parts, equal parts
透明/とうめい - transparent, clear
灯油/とうゆ - kerosene, paraffin, lamp oil
東洋/とうよう - the East, the Orient, (East) Asia; {dated}
同様/どうよう - same, similar, (just) like, equal
童謡/どうよう - children’s song, nursery rhyme
同僚/どうりょう - coworker, colleague
道路/どうろ - road, highway
童話/どうわ - children’s story, fairy tale
通す/とおす - to let pass, to let into
通り掛かる/とおりかかる - to happen to pass by
通り過ぎる/とおりすぎる - to go past, go by, pass, pass over,
pass through
都会/とかい - city; {abbr} Tokyo Metropolitan Assembly
溶かす/とかす - to melt
尖る/とがる - to taper to a point, to become pointed
どきどき - thump-thump, bang-bang, pit-a-pat; to beat fast
(of one’s heart)
溶く/とく - to dissolve (paint), to scramble (eggs)
解く/とく - to untie, to unfasten, to unwrap, to undo, to
unbind, to unpack
退く/どく - to step aside, to move (i.e. out of the way), to
make way
毒/どく - poison, toxicant; harm, evil influence
得意/とくい - good at (doing something), one’s strong point
特殊/とくしゅ - special, particular, peculiar, unique
読書/どくしょ - reading
特色/とくしょく - characteristic, feature, idiosyncrasy,
personal colour
独身/どくしん - bachelorhood; single
特徴/とくちょう - feature, trait
特長/とくちょう - forte, merit
特定/とくてい - (often used with の) specific, special,
独特/どくとく - peculiar, unique, distinct
特売/とくばい - special sale, bargain sale
独立/どくりつ - independence, self-reliance, supporting
溶け込む/とけこむ - to melt into, to dissolve into, to merge
溶ける/とける - to melt, to dissolve
解ける/とける - to be solved; to loosen, to come untied
退ける/どける - to put something out of the way, to move
(something, someone) aside
何処か/どこか - somewhere, anywhere
床の間/とこのま - alcove where art or flowers are displayed
床屋/とこや - barbershop, barber
所が/ところが - even so, however
所で/ところで - by the way
所々/ところどころ - here and there, some parts (of
something), several places
登山/とざん - mountain climbing, ascending a mountain,
都市/とし - town, city
年月/としつき - years and months
図書/としょ - books
年寄/としより - old person, elderly person, senior citizen
閉じる/とじる - to close (e.g. book, eyes, meeting, etc.)
都心/としん - city centre (center) (esp. capital city)
戸棚/とだな - cupboard, locker, closet, wardrobe, cabinet
途端/とたん - the moment; just as; as soon as
土地/とち - plot of land
疾っくに/とっくに - long ago, a long time ago, already
突然/とつぜん - abrupt, sudden
どっと - bursting out (laughter), breaking out (applause)
トップ - top; top position; senior management
届く/とどく - to reach, to be delivered
整う/ととのう - to be ready, to be prepared, to be arranged
留まる/とどまる - to stop, to halt; to remain, to abide
怒鳴る/どなる - to shout (in anger), to yell
兎に角/とにかく - anyhow
飛ばす/とばす - to let fly, to make fly, to send flying
飛び込む/とびこむ - to jump in, to leap in, to plunge into, to
飛び出す/とびだす - to jump out
跳ぶ/とぶ - to jump, to leap
留まる/とまる - to stop (moving), to come to a stop
留める/とめる - to stop, to turn off; to park; to prevent, to
suppress (a cough)
泊める/とめる - to give shelter to, to lodge, to put up, to
友/とも - friend, companion, comrade, pal; accompaniment,
companion (e.g. book), complement, accessory
兎も角/ともかく - anyhow, anyway, somehow or other
共に/ともに - together, along with
土曜/どよう - Saturday
虎/とら - tiger
ドライブ - drive, trip by car
捕える/とらえる - to catch, to capture, to seize, to arrest
トラック - truck; track (running, CD, DVD, etc.)
ドラマ - drama
トランプ - (Western) playing cards
取り上げる/とりあげる - to pick up; to adopt (e.g. a proposal),
to accept, to take up (a topic, complaint, etc.)
取り入れる/とりいれる - to take in; to harvest
取り消す/とりけす - to cancel, to withdraw, to retract
取り出す/とりだす - to take out, to produce, to pick out
努力/どりょく - effort, exertion, endeavour, endeavor, hard
work, striving
採る/とる - to adopt (method, proposal, etc.), to take
(measure, course of action, etc.)
捕る/とる - to catch (a wild animal, fish, insect, baseball,
etc.), to capture
トレーニング - training (for a skill, job, sport, etc.), practice;
working out, workout, (strength, weight) training
ドレス - dress (usually fancy, like a ball gown)
取れる/とれる - to come off, to be removed; (of pain, a fever,
etc.) to disappear
泥/どろ - mud, slush, (wet) dirt, mire; {abbr} thief
とんでも無い/とんでもない - unthinkable, unexpected,
outrageous, offensive
どんどん - drumming (noise), beating, pounding; rapidly;
どんなに - no matter how …, how much, to what extent
トンネル - tunnel
丼/どんぶり - porcelain bowl; bowl of meat, fish, etc. served
over rice
名/な - name, given name; title; fame, renown, reputation
無い/ない - nonexistent, not being (there); unpossessed,
unowned, not had
内科/ないか - internal medicine
内線/ないせん - phone extension, inner line
内容/ないよう - subject, contents
ナイロン - nylon
治す/なおす - to cure, to heal
仲/なか - relation, relationship
永い/ながい - long (time), protracted, prolonged
流す/ながす - to drain, to pour, to spill; to wash away
仲直り/なかなおり - reconciliation, making up (with), making
peace (with), being friends again, patching up a quarrel
半ば/なかば - middle, halfway, midway; half (of), one half;
{adv} half (e.g. done, jokingly), partly, in part, partially;
{adv} mostly, almost, nearly
長引く/ながびく - to be prolonged, to drag on, to take a long
time, to persist, to linger
仲間/なかま - fellow, colleague
中身/なかみ - contents, interior, substance, filling
中味/なかみ - contents, interior, substance, filling
眺め/ながめ - scene, view, prospect, outlook
眺める/ながめる - to look at, to gaze at, to watch, to stare at
中指/なかゆび - middle finger; middle toe
仲良し/なかよし - good friend, on close terms, get along with
流れ/ながれ - flow (of a fluid or gas), stream, current; flow (of
people, things), passage (of time), tide, passing, (changing)
trends, tendency; course (of events), (step-by-step)
procedure, process; group of people who remain together
after the end of an event; descent, ancestry, school; {finc}
forfeiture, foreclosure; cancellation; drifting, wandering,
roaming 流れる/ながれる - to stream, to flow (liquid, time,
慰める/なぐさめる - to comfort, to console, to amuse
亡くす/なくす - to lose someone (wife, child, etc.)
無し/なし - without; {col} unacceptable, not alright,
為す/なす - to build up, to establish; to form
何故なら/なぜなら - because, the reason is, if you want to
know why
謎/なぞ - riddle, puzzle, enigma, mystery
懐かしい/なつかしい - dear (old), fondly-remembered, beloved
納得/なっとく - consent, assent, agreement; understanding,
comprehension, grasp
撫でる/なでる - to brush gently, to stroke, to pet
等/など - et cetera, etc., and the like
七/なな - seven
斜め/ななめ - slanting, tilted, sloping, diagonal, oblique
何か/なにか - something
何しろ/なにしろ - at any rate, anyhow, anyway, in any case
何々/なになに - such and such (when being vague,
placeholder, etc.)
何分/なにぶん - some, any, (a) little, of some kind, of some
鍋/なべ - saucepan, pot
生/なま - raw, uncooked
生意気/なまいき - impertinent, saucy, cheeky
怠ける/なまける - to be idle, to slacken; to neglect (e.g. one’s
波/なみ - wave; {id} ups and downs
並木/なみき - roadside trees, row of trees
涙/なみだ - tear, tears, lachrymal secretion; sympathy
悩む/なやむ - to be worried, to be troubled
倣う/ならう - to imitate, to follow, to copy, to emulate
鳴らす/ならす - to ring, to sound, to chime, to beat, to snort
為る/なる - to become, to get, to grow, to be, to reach, to
成る/なる - to become
生る/なる - to bear fruit
成程/なるほど - I see, that’s right, indeed
馴れる/なれる - to become tame, to become domesticated
縄/なわ - rope, cord; policeman’s rope
南極/なんきょく - South Pole; the Antarctic, Antarctica
何でも/なんでも - any, whatever one likes
何とか/なんとか - something, something or other
何となく/なんとなく - somehow or other, for some reason or
何とも/なんとも - really, very, extremely, terribly, awfully;
(not) anything, (not) at all, (not) a bit
ナンバー - number (written as katakana)
南米/なんべい - South America
南北/なんぼく - south and north
似合う/にあう - to suit, to match
煮える/にえる - to be boiled, to be cooked
匂う/におう - to be fragrant, to smell (good); to stink, to smell
逃がす/にがす - to set free, to let go, to release; to miss (e.g.
a chance)
苦手/にがて - poor (at), weak (in), dislike (of)
賑やか/にぎやか - bustling, busy, lively
握る/にぎる - to clasp, to grasp, to grip, to clutch; to make
(rice ball, etc.)
憎い/にくい - hateful, poor-looking, detestable
憎む/にくむ - to hate, to detest
憎らしい/にくらしい - odious, hateful, detestable, horrible
にこにこ - {on-mim} with a friendly grin, smilingly
濁る/にごる - to become muddy, to become cloudy, to get
impure (of a liquid, gas, etc.)
虹/にじ - rainbow
日時/にちじ - date and time
日常/にちじょう - ordinary, everyday
日曜/にちよう - Sunday
日用品/にちようひん - daily necessities
日課/にっか - daily routine, daily work, daily lesson
日光/にっこう - sunlight, sunshine
日中/にっちゅう - daytime, during the day; Japan and China
にっこり - {on-mim} sweetly (smiling), broadly (grinning)
日程/にってい - schedule, program, programme, agenda
日本/にっぽん - Japan
日本/にほん - Japan
鈍い/にぶい - dull (e.g. a knife), slow, sluggish
入社/にゅうしゃ - joining a company, getting a job with a
入場/にゅうじょう - entrance, admission, entering
女房/にょうぼう - wife, court lady
睨む/にらむ - to glare at, to scowl at, to glower at
煮る/にる - to boil, to cook
俄/にわか - sudden, abrupt, unexpected, improvised
人気/にんき - popularity, public favor; condition (e.g. market)
人間/にんげん - human being
縫う/ぬう - to sew, to stitch
抜く/ぬく - to extract, to omit, to pull out
抜ける/ぬける - to come out, to fall out, to be omitted, to be
布/ぬの - cloth
濡らす/ぬらす - to wet, to moisten, to dampen, to soak, to dip
温い/ぬるい - lukewarm, tepid
濡れる/ぬれる - to get wet
根/ね - root (of a plant); root (of a tooth, hair, etc.)
値/ね - price, cost; value, worth, merit
願い/ねがい - desire, wish, request, prayer
願う/ねがう - to desire, to wish; to request
猫/ねこ - cat
螺子/ねじ - screw; key (of a clock, watch, etc.)
捩る/ねじる - to screw, to twist; to distort, to parody
鼠/ねずみ - mouse, rat
値段/ねだん - price, cost
ネックレス - necklace
熱心/ねっしん - zealous, enthusiastic
熱する/ねっする - to heat, to heat up; to get excited, to get
worked up, to get fired up
熱帯/ねったい - tropics
熱中/ねっちゅう - being enthusiastic about, being wild about
寝坊/ねぼう - oversleeping
寝間着/ねまき - sleepwear, nightclothes, pajamas
寝巻/ねまき - sleepwear, nightclothes, pyjamas, pajamas
狙い/ねらい - aim
狙う/ねらう - to aim at; to be after (something), to have an
eye on
年間/ねんかん - (period of) a year; {n-suf} during the era (of)
年月/ねんげつ - years and months
年中/ねんじゅう - whole year, all year round, throughout the
year; always
年代/ねんだい - age, era, period
年度/ねんど - fiscal year (usu. April 1 to March 31 in Japan),
financial year
年齢/ねんれい - age, years
野/の - plain, field, hidden (structural) member, wild
能/のう - talent, gift, function; noh (theatre)
農家/のうか - farmer, farm family
農業/のうぎょう - agriculture
農産物/のうさんぶつ - agricultural produce
農村/のうそん - agricultural community, farm village; rural
濃度/のうど - {chem} concentration, thickness, density
農民/のうみん - farmer, peasant
農薬/のうやく - agricultural chemical (i.e. pesticide,
herbicide, fungicide, etc.)
能率/のうりつ - efficiency; moment (i.e. magnetic moment)
能力/のうりょく - ability, faculty
ノー - no; {pref} no, without, not needed, not allowed
軒/のき - eaves; narrow aisle surrounding the core of a
temple building
鋸/のこぎり - saw; musical saw
残す/のこす - to leave (behind, over)
残らず/のこらず - all, entirely, completely, without exception
残り/のこり - remnant, residue, remaining, leftover
乗せる/のせる - to place on (something), to give a ride
載せる/のせる - to load (luggage), to carry, to take on board
覗く/のぞく - to peek (though a keyhole, gap, etc.)
除く/のぞく - to remove, to eliminate; to exclude, to except
望み/のぞみ - wish, desire, hope; prospect, expectation
望む/のぞむ - to desire; to wish for, to expect
後/のち - later, afterwards, since; future
ノック - knock, knocking
喉/のど - throat; singing voice
伸ばす/のばす - to grow long (e.g. hair, nails); to lengthen, to
extend, to stretch; to reach out, to hold out; to straighten, to
smooth out; to spread evenly (dough, cream, etc.); to dilute,
to thin out; to postpone; to prolong; to strengthen, to
develop, to expand 延ばす/のばす - to lengthen, to extend, to
stretch; to reach out, to hold out; to straighten, to smooth
out; to spread evenly (dough, cream, etc.); to dilute, to thin
out; to postpone; to prolong; to strengthen, to develop, to
expand 伸びる/のびる - to stretch, to extend, to lengthen, to
grow (of hair, height, grass, etc.)
延びる/のびる - to stretch, to extend, to lengthen
述べる/のべる - to state, to express
上り/のぼり - ascent, climbing, ascending (path), climb
上る/のぼる - to ascend, to go up, to climb
昇る/のぼる - to ascend (as a natural process, e.g. the Sun)
糊/のり - paste, glue; clothing starch
乗換/のりかえ - transfer (trains, buses, etc.), connection
乗り越し/のりこし - riding past (one’s station)
載る/のる - to be placed on; to be mentioned in, to appear (in
鈍い/のろい - dull; sluggish
のろのろ - {on-mim} slowly, sluggishly
呑気/のんき - carefree, optimistic, careless, reckless
のんびり - carefree, at leisure
場/ば - place, spot, space; field, discipline
はあ - yes, indeed, well; ha!; what?, huh?; sigh
パーセント - percent, percentage
灰/はい - ash, ashes
灰色/はいいろ - grey, gray, ashen
梅雨/ばいう - rainy season
バイオリン - violin
ハイキング - hiking
俳句/はいく - haiku poetry
配達/はいたつ - delivery
売店/ばいてん - stand, stall, booth, kiosk, store
バイバイ - bye-bye, goodbye, see you
売買/ばいばい - trade, buying and selling
パイプ - pipe, tube; channels, official or otherwise
俳優/はいゆう - actor, actress
パイロット - pilot
這う/はう - to crawl, to creep, to go on all fours; to slither, to
wriggle; to trail (of vines, flowers, etc.), to spread, to creep
生える/はえる - to spring up, to sprout; to cut (teeth)
墓/はか - gravesite, tomb, a grave
馬鹿/ばか - fool, idiot
剥す/はがす - to tear off, to peel off, to rip off
博士/はかせ - doctorate, PhD
馬鹿らしい/ばからしい - absurd, foolish, stupid, silly,
nonsense, ludicrous, preposterous, laughable, ridiculous
秤/はかり - scales, weighing machine
計る/はかる - to measure, to weigh, to survey
量る/はかる - to measure, to weigh, to survey
測る/はかる - to measure, to weigh, to survey
吐き気/はきけ - nausea, feeling like throwing up, feeling sick
はきはき - {on-mim} briskly, smartly, promptly, clearly,
履く/はく - to put on (or wear) lower-body clothing (i.e.
pants, skirt, etc.)
掃く/はく - to sweep, to brush
吐く/はく - to vomit, to throw up, to spit up
泊/はく - counter for nights of a stay; {n} {rare} overnight
stay, lodging
拍手/はくしゅ - clapping hands; applause
莫大/ばくだい - enormous, vast, huge, tremendous
爆発/ばくはつ - explosion, detonation, eruption
博物館/はくぶつかん - museum
歯車/はぐるま - gear, cogwheel; cog (in an organization,
company, etc.), cog in the machine
激しい/はげしい - violent, vehement
バケツ - bucket, pail
挟まる/はさまる - to get between, to be caught in
剪刀/はさみ - scissors, shears, clippers; hole punch
挟む/はさむ - to interpose, to hold between, to insert, to
破産/はさん - bankruptcy, insolvency
端/はし - end (e.g. of street), tip, point, edge, margin
箸/はし - chopsticks
梯子/はしご - ladder; stairs
始まり/はじまり - origin, beginning, start
始めに/はじめに - to begin with (used as an introduction), first
of all
初めまして/はじめまして - How do you do?, pleased to meet
始める/はじめる - to start, to begin, to commence
場所/ばしょ - place, location
パス - path; pass (e.g. skipping a move, passing an
examination, ticket to allow entry, etc.); {sports} pass
外す/はずす - to remove, to take off
パスポート - passport
外れる/はずれる - to be disconnected, to get out of place, to
be off
旗/はた - flag; banner (administrative division of Inner
肌/はだ - skin; body (in the context of intimate bodily
パターン - pattern; behavioral pattern
裸/はだか - nakedness, nudity
肌着/はだぎ - underwear, underclothes, lingerie
畑/はたけ - field (for fruits, vegetables, etc.), cultivated land,
vegetable plot
果して/はたして - as was expected, just as one thought, sure
二十/はたち - 20 years old; {arch} twenty
働き/はたらき - work, labor, labour; achievement,
鉢/はち - bowl, pot, basin​; flowerpot​; crown, brainpan​
ばつ - x-mark (used to indicate an incorrect answer in a test,
etc.), impossibility, futility, uselessness
発揮/はっき - show (of power, ability, etc.), exhibition,
バック - back; backing, going backwards, reversing
バッグ - bag
発見/はっけん - discovery
発行/はっこう - publication (books, magazines etc), issue
発車/はっしゃ - departure (of a train, car, etc.), starting,
発射/はっしゃ - firing, shooting, discharge, catapult
罰する/ばっする - to punish, to penalize, to penalise
発想/はっそう - idea, conception, way of thinking
発達/はったつ - development, growth
ばったり - with a clash, with a thud, with a bang, with a flop
発展/はってん - development (eg. of a business), growth
発電/はつでん - generation (e.g. power)
発売/はつばい - sale, offering for sale, release (for sale),
launch {product}
発表/はっぴょう - announcement, presentation
発明/はつめい - invention; intelligent, clever
派手/はで - showy, flashy, gaudy
話合い/はなしあい - discussion, talk, tête-à-tête, conference
話し合う/はなしあう - to discuss, to talk together
話し掛ける/はなしかける - to address (someone), to accost a
person, to talk (to someone)
話中/はなしちゅう - busy (phone), in the middle of a
離す/はなす - to part, to divide, to separate
放す/はなす - to release, to let go, to free
甚だしい/はなはだしい - extreme, excessive, terrible, intense
花火/はなび - fireworks
花嫁/はなよめ - bride
離れる/はなれる - to be separated from
放れる/はなれる - to get free (from), to be freed, to be
羽/はね - feather, plume, down; wing; blade (of a fan,
propeller, etc.)
羽根/はね - feather, plume, wing; blade (fan, propeller, etc.);
発条/ばね - spring; spring (in one’s legs), bounce;
springboard, impetus
跳ねる/はねる - to jump, to leap, to prance, to spring up
幅/はば - width, breadth
母親/ははおや - mother
省く/はぶく - to omit, to leave out, to exclude, to eliminate
破片/はへん - fragment, broken piece, splinter, chip, shard
歯磨き/はみがき - dental brushing, brushing one’s teeth
嵌める/はめる - to insert, to put in (such that there is a snug
場面/ばめん - scene, setting (e.g. of novel), scenario
早口/はやくち - fast-talking, rapid talking
林/はやし - woods, forest, thicket
流行る/はやる - to be popular; to be prevalent
腹/はら - abdomen, belly, stomach; womb
原/はら - field, plain, prairie, tundra, moor, wilderness
払い込む/はらいこむ - to deposit, to pay in
払い戻す/はらいもどす - to repay, to pay back, to refund, to
バランス - balance
針/はり - needle, pin; hook; stinger, thorn
針金/はりがね - wire
張り切る/はりきる - to be in high spirits, to be full of vigor
(vigour), to be enthusiastic
貼る/はる - to stick, to paste
張る/はる - to stretch, to spread
晴れ/はれ - clear weather
反/はん - anti-; antithesis
バン - bun (hairstyle)
範囲/はんい - extent, scope, sphere, range, span
反映/はんえい - reflection, influence
半径/はんけい - radius
判子/はんこ - seal (used in lieu of a signature), stamp, chop
反抗/はんこう - opposition, resistance, insubordination,
犯罪/はんざい - crime
万歳/ばんざい - crying “banzai” (or raising one’s hands in the
banzai gesture)
ハンサム - handsome
判事/はんじ - judge, judiciary
反省/はんせい - reflection, reconsideration, introspection;
regret, repentance
判断/はんだん - judgement
番地/ばんち - house number, address
パンツ - underpants, pants
バンド - band; to perform in a band, to create a (pop) band
半島/はんとう - peninsula; {sens} {col} Korea
ハンドバッグ - handbag, purse
ハンドル - handle, steering wheel
犯人/はんにん - offender, criminal
販売/はんばい - sales, selling
番目/ばんめ - ordinal number marker; indicates position in a
灯/ひ - light, lamp
非/ひ - fault, error, mistake; going poorly, being
費/ひ - cost, expense
日当たり/ひあたり - exposure to the sun, sunny place
ピアノ - {music} piano
麦酒/ビール - beer
被害/ひがい - (suffering) damage, injury, harm
日帰り/ひがえり - day trip
比較/ひかく - comparison
日陰/ひかげ - shade, shadow
ぴかぴか - with a glitter, with a sparkle
光/ひかり - light; illumination, ray, beam
光る/ひかる - to shine, to glitter, to be bright
引受ける/ひきうける - to take on, to undertake, to accept
引返す/ひきかえす - to turn back, to go back, to come back, to
return, to retrace one’s steps
引算/ひきざん - {math} subtraction
引出す/ひきだす - to pull out, to take out, to draw out; to lead
out (e.g. a horse from a stable), to summon (e.g. to court),
to bring (e.g. someone to the negotiating table), to drag; to
withdraw (money), to draw; to bring out (talent, potential,
beauty, flavour, etc.), to extract (information, the truth,
etc.), to get (e.g. an answer out of someone), to obtain (e.g.
a result), to elicit, to draw (a conclusion), to derive (e.g.
pleasure); to get (money) out of someone, to coax out of
someone, to get someone to pay, to make someone
produce (funds) 引き止める/ひきとめる - to detain, to check,
to restrain, to stop
卑怯/ひきょう - cowardly, craven; unfair, mean, sneaky, dirty,
引分け/ひきわけ - draw (in competition), tie game
轢く/ひく - to run over (with a vehicle), to knock down
ピクニック - picnic; {dated} outing, hike
髭/ひげ - mustache, beard
悲劇/ひげき - tragedy (usually theatrical), disaster
飛行/ひこう - aviation, flight, flying; {vs} to fly, to take a
膝/ひざ - knee, lap
陽射/ひざし - sunlight, rays of the Sun
肘/ひじ - elbow
非常/ひじょう - emergency; extraordinary, unusual
美人/びじん - beautiful person (woman)
ピストル - pistol
額/ひたい - forehead, brow
ビタミン - vitamin
ぴたり - closely, tightly; right away; perfectly
引っ掛かる/ひっかかる - to be caught in, to be stuck in; to stop
by, to drop in for a short visit
筆記/ひっき - (taking) notes, copying
喫驚/びっくり - surprise, amazement
引っ繰り返す/ひっくりかえす - to turn over, to overturn
引っ繰り返る/ひっくりかえる - to be overturned, to be
reversed, to turn over, to capsize
日付/ひづけ - date, dating
引っ込む/ひっこむ - to draw back, to sink, to cave in; to be set
back (e.g. from a road)
必死/ひっし - frantic, desperate
筆者/ひっしゃ - writer, author
必需品/ひつじゅひん - necessities, necessary article, requisite
ぴったり - tightly, closely; {on-mim} exactly, precisely
引っ張る/ひっぱる - to pull, to draw, to pull tight; to string
(lines), to run (cable)
否定/ひてい - negation, denial
ビデオ - video
一/ひと - one, best in, the most (…) in (where an adjective
一言/ひとこと - single word, a few words
人込み/ひとごみ - crowd of people
人差指/ひとさしゆび - index finger, forefinger; second toe
等しい/ひとしい - equal, identical, the same; no different (to)
一通り/ひととおり - (in) general, broad (e.g. knowledge), the
basics; ordinary, usual
人通り/ひとどおり - pedestrian traffic, people coming and
一先ず/ひとまず - for now, for the time being, for the present;
though not quite satisfactorily, after a fashion
瞳/ひとみ - pupil (of the eye); one’s eyes
一休み/ひとやすみ - (short) rest, breather, break
独り/ひとり - one person; being alone, being by oneself;
being single, being unmarried; {adv} by oneself, alone;
{adv} just, only, simply
独り言/ひとりごと - soliloquy, monologue
一人一人/ひとりひとり - one by one
ビニール - vinyl, plastic
皮肉/ひにく - irony, sarcasm, cynicism, satire; {adj-na} {adjno} {n} unexpected, different from what one expected, not
as one had planned; (only) surface, something superficial;
{arch} skin and bone, body 捻る/ひねる - to twist, to wrench,
to turn (a switch on or off, etc.)
日の入り/ひのいり - sunset
日の出/ひので - sunrise
批判/ひはん - criticism, judgement
響き/ひびき - echo, reverberation; sound, noise
響く/ひびく - to resound, to be heard far away; to
reverberate, to shake
批評/ひひょう - criticism, review, commentary (generally for
皮膚/ひふ - skin
秘密/ひみつ - secret, secrecy
微妙/びみょう - subtle, delicate, fine; difficult, complex, tricky
紐/ひも - string, cord
冷やす/ひやす - to cool, to refrigerate
百科事典/ひゃっかじてん - encyclopedia, encyclopaedia
費用/ひよう - cost, expense
表/ひょう - table, chart, list; memorial to an emperor
美容/びよう - beauty of figure or form, beauty treatment (e.g.
at a salon)
秒/びょう - second (unit of time); arc second
評価/ひょうか - valuation, estimation
表現/ひょうげん - expression (e.g. of speech)
表紙/ひょうし - cover (of a book, magazine, etc.), binding
標識/ひょうしき - sign, mark, marker, beacon; {ling} marker
標準/ひょうじゅん - standard, level, norm
表情/ひょうじょう - facial expression
平等/びょうどう - equality, impartiality
評判/ひょうばん - reputation, (public) estimation, popularity;
rumour, rumor, talk (e.g. of the town); fame, notoriety
標本/ひょうほん - example, specimen, sample
表面/ひょうめん - surface, face; outside, exterior
評論/ひょうろん - criticism, critique
ビルディング - multi-floor building, multi-storey building, tall
昼寝/ひるね - nap (afternoon)
広がる/ひろがる - to spread (out)
広げる/ひろげる - to spread, to extend
広さ/ひろさ - extent, width
広場/ひろば - plaza, square
広々/ひろびろ - extensive, spacious
広める/ひろめる - to broaden, to propagate
品/ひん - elegance, grace, refinement; article, item
瓶/びん - bottle, jar, decanter, flagon, phial, vial
便/びん - flight (e.g. airline flight); mail, post
ピン - pin (e.g. hairpin, bowling pin, golf pin, etc.)
ピンク - pink
便箋/びんせん - stationery
瓶詰/びんづめ - bottling; {adj-no} bottled
不/ふ - un-, non-, negative prefix
無/ぶ - un-, non-; bad …, poor …
分/ぶ - one-tenth, one percent (one-tenth of a wari)
部/ぶ - department (in an organization), division, bureau;
ファスナー - fastener, zipper
風/ふう - method, manner, way, style
風景/ふうけい - scenery
風船/ふうせん - balloon (toy or decoration); {dated} balloon
(hot-air or gas)
夫婦/ふうふ - married couple
不運/ふうん - misfortune, bad luck, ill luck, ill fortune
笛/ふえ - flute, fife, pipe, recorder
殖える/ふえる - to increase, to multiply
不可/ふか - wrong, bad, improper, unjustifiable, inadvisable
深まる/ふかまる - to deepen, to heighten, to intensify
武器/ぶき - weapon, arms, ordnance
不規則/ふきそく - irregularity, unsteadiness, disorderly
普及/ふきゅう - diffusion, spread, popularization
付近/ふきん - neighbourhood, neighborhood, vicinity,
拭く/ふく - to wipe, to dry
副/ふく - assistant, associate, vice-, sub-, deputy
副詞/ふくし - {gramm} adverb
複写/ふくしゃ - copying, duplication, reproduction, copy
複数/ふくすう - plural, multiple, several
服装/ふくそう - garments, attire, the style of dress/costume
含む/ふくむ - to contain, to comprise
含める/ふくめる - to include
膨らます/ふくらます - to swell, to expand, to inflate, to bulge
膨らむ/ふくらむ - to expand, to swell (out), to get big
袋/ふくろ - bag, sack, pouch; skin of an orange (and other
like fruits)
不潔/ふけつ - unclean, dirty, unsanitary, filthy
更ける/ふける - to get late, to advance, to wear on
不幸/ふこう - unhappiness, sorrow
符号/ふごう - sign, mark, symbol, code
夫妻/ふさい - husband and wife, married couple
塞がる/ふさがる - to be closed, to be blocked, to be healed
(e.g. wound)
塞ぐ/ふさぐ - to stop up, to close up, to block (up), to plug up
巫山戯る/ふざける - to romp, to gambol, to frolic, to joke
無沙汰/ぶさた - not writing or contacting for a while
節/ふし - joint, knuckle; tune, melody
武士/ぶし - warrior, samurai
無事/ぶじ - lack of unusual occurrences (safe, peaceful, quiet,
不思議/ふしぎ - wondrous, strange, mysterious
部首/ぶしゅ - radical (of a kanji character)
不自由/ふじゆう - discomfort, inconvenience; poverty, want;
夫人/ふじん - wife, Mrs, madam
婦人/ふじん - {sens} {dated} woman, lady, adult female
襖/ふすま - Japanese sliding screen
不正/ふせい - injustice, unfairness, wrongdoing, iniquity
防ぐ/ふせぐ - to defend against, to protect against; to
prevent, to avert, to avoid
不足/ふそく - insufficiency, shortage, deficiency
附属/ふぞく - attached, belonging (to), included, enclosed,
蓋/ふた - cover, lid, cap
舞台/ぶたい - stage (theatre, theater); scene or setting (e.g.
of novel, play, etc.)
双子/ふたご - twins, twin
再び/ふたたび - again, once more, a second time
普段/ふだん - usual, normal, everyday, habitual, ordinary
縁/ふち - rim, brim, edge, brink
打つ/ぶつ - to hit (a person), to strike, to beat
不通/ふつう - suspension (e.g. traffic), interruption, stoppage
物価/ぶっか - prices of commodities
打つかる/ぶつかる - to strike against, to collide with, to bump
into, to conflict
打付ける/ぶつける - to knock, to run into
物質/ぶっしつ - material, matter, substance
物騒/ぶっそう - dangerous, unsettled, troubled, disturbed,
ぶつぶつ - grunt, grumble, complaint, mutter
物理/ぶつり - laws of nature, physical laws; {abbr} physics
筆/ふで - writing brush, paintbrush, pen; writing with a brush,
drawing with a brush, penmanship, something drawn with a
brush; writing (composing text), the written word
不図/ふと - suddenly, casually, accidentally, incidentally
船便/ふなびん - surface mail (ship)
部品/ぶひん - parts, accessories, components
吹雪/ふぶき - snow storm, blizzard
部分/ぶぶん - portion, section, part
不平/ふへい - complaint, discontent
父母/ふぼ - father and mother, parents
不満/ふまん - dissatisfaction, displeasure, discontent,
踏切/ふみきり - railway crossing, railroad crossing
麓/ふもと - foot (of a mountain or hill), bottom, base
増やす/ふやす - to increase, to add to
殖やす/ふやす - to increase, to add to, to augment
フライパン - fry pan, frying pan, skillet
ブラウス - blouse
ぶら下げる/ぶらさげる - to hang, to suspend, to dangle, to
swing, to carry
ブラシ - brush
プラス - plus, addition; positive number; gain, advantage
プラスチック - plastic
プラットホーム - platform
プラン - plan, scheme; (payment) plan, package, deal, offer
不利/ふり - disadvantage, handicap, unfavorable
振り/ぶり - style, manner; after (period of time) again
フリー - free (of restraint, controls, etc.); free (of cost)
振り仮名/ふりがな - kana over or beside kanji to indicate
振り向く/ふりむく - to turn one’s face, to turn around
プリント - print, printing, (printed) copy; handout, flyer;
振る/ふる - to wave, to shake; to turn down, to reject (in
passive form)
震える/ふるえる - to shiver, to shake, to quake, to tremble
故郷/ふるさと - home town, birthplace
古里/ふるさと - home town, birthplace, old village
振る舞う/ふるまう - to behave, to conduct oneself; to
entertain, to treat someone (to a drink)
ブレーキ - brake
触れる/ふれる - to touch, to feel; to experience, to come in
contact with
風呂/ふろ - bath, bathtub; bathroom, bathhouse
プロ - professional
ブローチ - brooch
プログラム - program (of events, music, etc.), programme;
program (booklet), brochure, pamphlet; {comp} (computer)
program, programming
風呂敷/ふろしき - wrapping cloth, cloth wrapper
ふわふわ - lightly (floating, drifting, etc.), buoyantly; soft,
分/ぶん - part, segment, share, ration; rate; degree
文/ぶん - sentence; a composition, text, writings
雰囲気/ふんいき - atmosphere (e.g. musical), mood
噴火/ふんか - eruption, volcanic eruption
分解/ぶんかい - disassembly, dismantling, disaggregating
文芸/ぶんげい - literature; the arts, art and literature, liberal
文献/ぶんけん - literature, books (reference), document
文章/ぶんしょう - composition, writing; sentence
噴水/ふんすい - water fountain
分数/ぶんすう - {math} fraction
分析/ぶんせき - analysis
文体/ぶんたい - literary style; form of (written) language (e.g.
classical, modern)
分布/ぶんぷ - distribution, allocation
文房具/ぶんぼうぐ - stationery
文脈/ぶんみゃく - context (of a passage), line of thought;
context (of a matter, event, etc.), circumstances,
文明/ぶんめい - civilization, civilisation, culture
分野/ぶんや - field, sphere, realm
分量/ぶんりょう - amount, quantity; measuring, weighing
分類/ぶんるい - classification, categorization
塀/へい - wall; fence
閉会/へいかい - closure (of a ceremony, event, meeting, etc.)
平気/へいき - cool, calm, all right, okay
平均/へいきん - average
並行/へいこう - going side-by-side, going abreast; running
平日/へいじつ - weekday
兵隊/へいたい - soldier, sailor
平凡/へいぼん - ordinary, common, commonplace, mediocre
平野/へいや - plain, open field
平和/へいわ - peace, harmony
頁/ページ - page; {n-suf} nth page, page …
凹む/へこむ - to be dented, to be indented, to yield to
臍/へそ - navel, belly button
隔てる/へだてる - to separate (by distance, time, etc.), to
別/べつ - distinction, difference; separate, different
別荘/べっそう - holiday house
別に/べつに - (not) particularly, separately
別々/べつべつ - separate, respective, different
ベテラン - person with a lot of experience
減らす/へらす - to decrease
ヘリコプター - helicopter
減る/へる - to decrease (in size or number)
ベルト - belt for western clothes
編/へん - compilation (of a text), editing; volume (of a text);
completed literary work
変化/へんか - change, alteration
ペンキ - paint
変更/へんこう - change, modification, alteration, revision,
編集/へんしゅう - editing, compilation
便所/べんじょ - toilet, lavatory, rest room
ペンチ - cutting pliers, lineman’s pliers, combination pliers
ベンチ - bench
弁当/べんとう - bento, Japanese box lunch
歩/ほ - step, stride; {ctr} counter for steps
方/ほう - direction, way, side, area (in a particular direction)
法/ほう - law, act, principle; method
棒/ぼう - pole, rod, stick, baton; line, dash; (abbrev) reading
in a monotone voice
望遠鏡/ぼうえんきょう - telescope
方角/ほうがく - direction (e.g. pointing in a specific direction),
way, compass point
箒/ほうき - broom
方言/ほうげん - dialect, provincialism
冒険/ぼうけん - adventure, venture
方向/ほうこう - direction, orientation, bearing, way
報告/ほうこく - report, information
坊さん/ぼうさん - {fam} {hon} Buddhist priest, monk; {fam}
防止/ぼうし - prevention, check
方針/ほうしん - policy, plan, course, principle,
宝石/ほうせき - gem, jewel, precious stone
包装/ほうそう - packing, wrapping
法則/ほうそく - law, rule
包帯/ほうたい - bandage, dressing
膨大/ぼうだい - huge, vast, enormous, colossal
庖丁/ほうちょう - kitchen knife, carving knife; {arch}
cooking, food
方程式/ほうていしき - equation, formula; method for solving a
防犯/ぼうはん - prevention of crime; {n-pref} security
(device, camera, etc.)
方法/ほうほう - method, process
方々/ほうぼう - here and there, this way and that way,
方面/ほうめん - direction, district, area; field (e.g. of study)
訪問/ほうもん - call, visit
坊や/ぼうや - {fam} boy, son, child; {derog} mere boy,
stripling, greenhorn
放る/ほうる - to throw, to toss, to fling; to throw away, to
吠える/ほえる - to bark, to howl
ボーイ - boy; bellboy, porter, waiter
ボート - (rowing) boat
ボーナス - bonus
ホーム - (train) platform {abbr}; home
ボール - ball; bowl
他/ほか - other (esp. places and things)
朗らか/ほがらか - cheerful, merry, sunny, melodious
牧場/ぼくじょう - farm (livestock), ranch (US), station (Aus,
牧畜/ぼくちく - stock-farming, livestock farming, cattle
保健/ほけん - health preservation, hygiene, sanitation, health
誇り/ほこり - pride, boast, credit (to)
埃/ほこり - dust
募集/ぼしゅう - recruiting, taking applications
保証/ほしょう - guarantee (e.g. on goods), assurance,
干す/ほす - to air, to dry
ポスター - poster
ポスト - postbox, mail box
保存/ほぞん - preservation, conservation; {comp} saving
(e.g. to disk)
北極/ほっきょく - North Pole; {abbr} the Arctic
坊っちゃん/ぼっちゃん - son (of others), boy, young master
程/ほど - degree, extent; {uk} indicates approx. amount
歩道/ほどう - footpath, sidewalk
解く/ほどく - to undo, to untie, to unfasten
仏/ほとけ - Buddha, merciful person, Buddhist image
骨/ほね - bone; frame; outline, core
炎/ほのお - flame, blaze; flames (of intense emotion, e.g.
love, jealousy, anger), passion
頬/ほほ - cheek (of the face)
頬/ほお - cheek (of the face)
粗/ほぼ - almost, roughly, approximately, about, around
微笑む/ほほえむ - to smile
褒める/ほめる - to praise
堀/ほり - moat, fosse; canal, ditch
濠/ごう - {abbr} Australia
掘る/ほる - to dig, to excavate, to hollow
彫る/ほる - to carve, to engrave, to sculpture, to chisel; to
襤褸/ぼろ - rag, scrap, tattered clothes
盆/ぼん - tray; family, household; O-Bon, Bon Festival
盆地/ぼんち - basin (e.g. between mountains)
本当/ほんと - truth, reality, actuality, fact; proper, right,
本当/ほんとう - truth, reality, actuality, fact
本人/ほんにん - the person in question, the person
themselves, said person
本部/ほんぶ - headquarters, head office, main office
本物/ほんもの - genuine article, real thing, real deal
ぼんやり - dimly, faintly, indistinctly, vaguely;
absentmindedly; aimlessly
本来/ほんらい - originally, primarily; essentially, naturally
間/ま - space, time
まあ - just (e.g. “just wait here”), come now; (when
hesitating to express an opinion) well…, I think…
マーケット - market
まあまあ - so-so
毎/まい - every (usu. with events, e.g. every weekend), each
マイク - mike, mic, microphone
迷子/まいご - lost child, lost person
枚数/まいすう - the number of flat things
毎度/まいど - each time, always, often; thank you for your
continued patronage
マイナス - minus, negative (quantity), subtraction
任せる/まかせる - to entrust (e.g. a task) to another, to leave
巻く/まく - to wind, to coil, to roll
蒔く/まく - to scatter, to sow (seeds)
撒く/まく - to scatter, to sprinkle, to sow (seeds)
幕/まく - curtain; act (in a play); falling of the curtain, end (of
a scene); end, close; case, occasion, role (to play), part,
place; {sumo} makuuchi, top division
枕/まくら - pillow, bolster
負け/まけ - defeat, loss, losing (a game)
曲げる/まげる - to bend
孫/まご - grandchild
まごまご - {on-mim} confused, flustered, at a loss
真逆/まさか - by no means, never!, well, I never!, you don’t
摩擦/まさつ - friction, rubbing, chafing
正に/まさに - exactly, surely, certainly, just; right then, just
混ざる/まざる - to be mixed
交ざる/まざる - to be mixed, to be blended with, to associate
真面目/まじめ - diligent, serious
混じる/まじる - to be mixed, to be blended with, to associate
交じる/まじる - to be mixed, to be blended with, to associate
増す/ます - to increase, to grow
先ず/まず - first (of all)
マスク - (face) mask; (facial) features, looks
貧しい/まずしい - poor, needy; lacking (quantity and qualitywise)
マスター - to master (a skill); proprietor, manager, owner
益々/ますます - increasingly, more and more, decreasingly
(when declining), less and less
混ぜる/まぜる - to mix, to stir, to blend
交ぜる/まぜる - to mix, to stir, to blend
又/また - again
未だ/まだ - as yet; not yet (with negative verb)
跨ぐ/またぐ - to step over, to step across, to stride over
又は/または - or, otherwise
街/まち - town, block, neighbourhood; street, road
待合室/まちあいしつ - waiting room
待ち合わせる/まちあわせる - to rendezvous, to meet at a
prearranged place and time
間違い/まちがい - mistake
街角/まちかど - street corner
松/まつ - pine tree
真っ赤/まっか - bright red, deep red, flushed (of face)
真っ暗/まっくら - total darkness, pitch dark
真っ黒/まっくろ - pitch black
真っ青/まっさお - deep blue, bright blue; ghastly pale, pallid,
white as a sheet
真っ先/まっさき - the head, the foremost, beginning, the very
真っ白/まっしろ - pure white; blank (e.g. mind, paper)
真っ直ぐ/まっすぐ - straight (ahead), direct
全く/まったく - really, truly, entirely
祭/まつり - festival, feast; {col} harassment by an Internet
pitchfork mob, online shaming, flaming; {n-suf} {col}
galore (as in “goals galore”), frenzy, mania
祭る/まつる - to deify
窓口/まどぐち - ticket window, teller window, counter
纏まる/まとまる - to find resolution, to be settled, to be
agreed on, to be completed
纏める/まとめる - to collect, to put (it all) together, to
integrate; to summarize, to aggregate
学ぶ/まなぶ - to study (in depth)
真似/まね - imitating, copying, mimicry; behavior, behaviour,
action, conduct
招く/まねく - to invite, to ask; to beckon, to wave someone in
真似る/まねる - to mimic, to imitate
眩しい/まぶしい - dazzling, radiant
目蓋/まぶた - eyelid
マフラー - muffler
ママ - mama, mamma, mom, mommy
豆/まめ - beans
間も無く/まもなく - soon, before long, in a short time
守る/まもる - to protect, to guard
迷う/まよう - to lose one’s way; to hesitate
マラソン - marathon
丸/まる - circle; entirety, whole, full, complete
円/まる - circle; entirety, whole, full, complete
丸で/まるで - quite, entirely, as though
稀/まれ - rare, seldom
回す/まわす - to turn (something), to rotate (something)
回り/まわり - rotation
回り道/まわりみち - detour
万一/まんいち - emergency, unlikely event; by some chance,
by some possibility
満員/まんいん - full house, no vacancy, sold out
マンション - large apartment
満足/まんぞく - satisfaction
満点/まんてん - perfect score, full marks
身/み - body; oneself; one’s place, one’s position; main part
実/み - fruit, nut; seed; (in broth) pieces of meat, vegetable,
見上げる/みあげる - to look up at, to raise one’s eyes; to look
up to, to admire
見送り/みおくり - seeing (someone) off, send-off; deferment,
postponement, shelving; {baseb} letting a pitch go by;
{finc} wait-and-see attitude
見送る/みおくる - to see someone off (at a station, an airport,
見下ろす/みおろす - to overlook, to command a view of; to
despise, to look down on
見掛け/みかけ - outward appearance; {adj-no} apparent
味方/みかた - friend, ally
三日月/みかづき - new moon, crescent moon
見事/みごと - splendid, magnificent, excellent, fine, superb
岬/みさき - cape (on coast)
惨め/みじめ - miserable, wretched, unhappy, sad, pitiable
ミシン - sewing machine
ミス - mistake, error, blunder
自ら/みずから - oneself; {adv} oneself, for oneself,
personally, in person
水着/みずぎ - swimsuit
店屋/みせや - store, shop
味噌/みそ - soybean paste; key (main) point
みたい - similar to; seem, appear
見出し/みだし - heading, headline, title, caption
道順/みちじゅん - route, way, course, directions
満ちる/みちる - to be full (e.g. moon); to wax (e.g. moon)
見付かる/みつかる - to be found, to be discovered
見つける/みつける - to discover, to find (e.g., an error in a
見っともない/みっともない - shameful, disgraceful, indecent
見詰める/みつめる - to stare at, to gaze at, to look hard at, to
watch intently
認める/みとめる - to admit, to recognise
皆/みんな - all, everyone, everybody; everything
見直す/みなおす - to look at again; to re-examine (policy,
estimate, plan, etc.)
見慣れる/みなれる - to become used to seeing, to be familiar
醜い/みにくい - ugly, unattractive, bad-looking; unsightly,
unseemly, disgraceful, shameful, dishonorable
実る/みのる - to bear fruit, to ripen; to come to fruition (e.g.
身分/みぶん - social position
見本/みほん - sample, specimen, pattern; model, example
見舞い/みまい - visiting ill or distressed people, writing getwell letters
見舞う/みまう - to ask after (health), to visit (a sick person)
未満/みまん - less than, insufficient, under (e.g. age)
土産/みやげ - local specialty or souvenir bought as a gift
while travelling; present brought by a visitor; something
unpleasant that one is given (e.g. an illness while on
vacation), unwelcome gift, disservice 都/みやこ - capital,
metropolis, seat of government
妙/みょう - strange, weird, odd, curious
明後日/みょうごにち - day after tomorrow
名字/みょうじ - surname, family name, last name
未来/みらい - the future (usually distant)
ミリ - milli-, 10^-3; {n} {abbr} millimetre, millimeter
魅力/みりょく - charm, fascination, glamor
診る/みる - to examine (medically)
ミルク - milk
民間/みんかん - private, non-governmental, non-official,
民主/みんしゅ - democracy, popular sovereignty; {abbr}
Democratic Party (esp. DPJ)
民謡/みんよう - folk song, popular song
無/む - nothing, naught, nought, nil, zero; {pref} un-, non—
向かい/むかい - facing, opposite
向う/むかう - to face; to go towards, to head towards
迎え/むかえ - meeting, greeting, welcome
向く/むく - to turn toward, to look (up, down, etc.); to face
(e.g. east)
剥く/むく - to peel, to skin, to pare, to hull
向け/むけ - intended for …
向ける/むける - to turn (towards a thing, goal, etc.), to point
(at, to)
無限/むげん - infinity, eternity; infinite, limitless
無視/むし - disregarding, ignoring
無地/むじ - plain, unfigured, patternless, solid (color)
蒸し暑い/むしあつい - humid, sultry
虫歯/むしば - cavity, tooth decay
矛盾/むじゅん - contradiction, inconsistency
寧ろ/むしろ - rather, better, instead, if anything
蒸す/むす - to steam
無数/むすう - innumerable, countless, numberless
結ぶ/むすぶ - to tie, to bind, to link; to bear (fruit); to close
(e.g. deal)
夢中/むちゅう - absorbed in, immersed in, crazy about,
obsessed with
胸/むね - breast, chest
紫/むらさき - purple, violet
無料/むりょう - free, no charge
群れ/むれ - group, crowd, flock, herd, bevy, school
芽/め - sprout, shoot, bud; germinal disk (in an egg)
姪/めい - niece
名/めい - counter for people (usu. seating, reservations and
明確/めいかく - clear, precise, definite, distinct
名作/めいさく - masterpiece
名刺/めいし - business card
名詞/めいし - {gramm} noun
名所/めいしょ - famous place
命じる/めいじる - to order, to command; to appoint
命ずる/めいずる - to order, to command; to appoint
迷信/めいしん - superstition, superstitious belief
名人/めいじん - master, expert
名物/めいぶつ - famous product
銘々/めいめい - each, individual
命令/めいれい - order, command, decree, directive
迷惑/めいわく - trouble, bother, annoyance, nuisance,
目上/めうえ - superior, superiors, senior
メーター - meter, gauge; metre (unit of length), meter
恵まれる/めぐまれる - to be blessed with, to be rich in
巡る/めぐる - to go around; to return; to surround
目指す/めざす - to aim at
目覚し/めざまし - alarm clock; opening one’s eyes
飯/めし - cooked rice; meal (informal), food
目下/めした - subordinate, subordinates
目印/めじるし - mark (for quick identification or recognition),
sign; landmark, guide; {arch} trademark
目立つ/めだつ - to be conspicuous, to stand out
目茶苦茶/めちゃくちゃ - absurd; disorder
めっきり - remarkably, noticeably
滅多に/めったに - rarely, seldom
芽出度い/めでたい - happy, auspicious, propitious, joyous;
メニュー - menu
目眩/めまい - dizziness, giddiness, vertigo
メモ - note, memo, memorandum
目安/めやす - criterion, standard, yardstick; rough estimate
面/めん - face; mask, face guard
綿/めん - cotton
免許/めんきょ - license, permit
免税/めんぜい - tax exemption, duty exemption
面積/めんせき - area (measurement, i.e. within a triangle)
面接/めんせつ - interview (e.g. for a job)
面倒臭い/めんどうくさい - bothersome, tiresome, bother to do
メンバー - member, participant, attendee, lineup (sport)
儲かる/もうかる - to be profitable, to yield a profit
儲ける/もうける - to profit, to get, to earn, to gain
申し込む/もうしこむ - to apply for, to make an application
申し訳/もうしわけ - apology, excuse
毛布/もうふ - blanket
燃える/もえる - to burn, to get fired up
モーター - motor
木材/もくざい - lumber, timber, wood
目次/もくじ - table of contents, contents
目的/もくてき - purpose, goal
目標/もくひょう - mark, objective, target, goal
木曜/もくよう - (abbrev) Thursday
潜る/もぐる - to dive (into or under water); to get under
文字/もじ - letter (of alphabet)
文字/もんじ - letter (of alphabet), character; writing
若しかしたら/もしかしたら - perhaps, maybe, perchance
若しかすると/もしかすると - perhaps, possibly, maybe, by
some chance
若しも/もしも - if, in case, supposing
凭れる/もたれる - to lean against, to lean on, to recline on
モダン - modern; {n} lug arm tips (on glasses), temple tips
餅/もち - mochi, (sticky) rice cake
持ち上げる/もちあげる - to elevate, to raise, to lift up; to
flatter, to extol
用いる/もちいる - to use, to make use of
勿論/もちろん - of course, certainly
勿体無い/もったいない - more than one deserves, wasteful
最も/もっとも - most, extremely
尤も/もっとも - but then, although, though; {adj-na} {n}
reasonable, natural, just
モデル - model, dummy, mock-up
基/もと - origin, source; base, basis, foundation, root
戻す/もどす - to put back, to return, to give back, to restore
(to a previous state)
求める/もとめる - to seek, to request
元々/もともと - originally, by nature
者/もの - person
物置/ものおき - storage room, storeroom, lumber room, shed
物音/ものおと - noise, sound
物語/ものがたり - tale, story, legend
物語る/ものがたる - to tell (a story), to give an account of (an
event, experience, etc.), to relate, to recount; to tell of, to
show, to indicate, to prove, to attest to
物事/ものごと - things, everything
物差し/ものさし - ruler, measure
物凄い/ものすごい - earth-shattering, staggering
モノレール - monorail
紅葉/もみじ - autumn colours, fall colors
揉む/もむ - to rub, to crumple; to massage
燃やす/もやす - to burn; to burn with (emotion, feeling), to be
fired up
模様/もよう - pattern, figure, design; state, condition
催し/もよおし - event, festivities, function, social gathering
貰う/もらう - to get, to receive
森/もり - forest
盛る/もる - to serve (in a bowl, on a plate, etc.), to dish out
文句/もんく - phrase; complaint
問答/もんどう - questions and answers, dialogue
軈て/やがて - before long, soon; almost; finally, in the end,
喧しい/やかましい - noisy, boisterous; strict, faultfinding
夜間/やかん - night, nighttime
薬缶/やかん - kettle; {col} {abbr} bald head
役/やく - use, service, role; post, position
約/やく - approximately, about; promise; shortening
訳/やく - translation, version (e.g. “English version”)
役者/やくしゃ - actor, actress
役所/やくしょ - government office, public office
訳す/やくす - to translate, to interpret
役人/やくにん - government official
薬品/やくひん - medicine, chemicals
役目/やくめ - duty, role, function
役割/やくわり - part, assigning (allotment of) parts, role,
火傷/やけど - burn, scald
夜行/やこう - walking around at night, night travel; {abbr}
night train
矢印/やじるし - arrow (mark or symbol)
易い/やすい - easy (to do something)
痩せる/やせる - to become thin, to lose weight
矢鱈に/やたらに - randomly, recklessly, blindly
家賃/やちん - rent
厄介/やっかい - trouble, burden, nuisance, bother, worry
薬局/やっきょく - pharmacy
遣っ付ける/やっつける - to beat, to attack (an enemy)
宿/やど - inn, lodging
雇う/やとう - to employ, to hire
家主/やぬし - landlord, landlady; house owner, home owner
屋根/やね - roof
破く/やぶく - to tear, to violate, to defeat, to smash, to
破る/やぶる - to tear, to rip, to break, to destroy
破れる/やぶれる - to get torn, to wear out
止む/やむ - to cease, to stop, to be over
やむを得ない/やむをえない - cannot be helped, unavoidable
止める/やめる - to end, to stop (an activity)
辞める/やめる - to resign, to retire, to quit
稍/やや - a little, partially, somewhat, slightly
軟らかい/やわらかい - soft, tender, pliant, supple, limber, limp;
gentle, mild, mellow; informal, light, flexible (e.g. thinking)
唯一/ゆいいつ - only, sole, unique
遊園地/ゆうえんち - amusement park
夕刊/ゆうかん - evening paper
勇気/ゆうき - courage, bravery, valour, valor, nerve, boldness
友好/ゆうこう - friendship
有効/ゆうこう - valid, effective; {n} {MA} yuko (judo)
優秀/ゆうしゅう - superior, excellent, brilliant, outstanding
優勝/ゆうしょう - (overall) victory, championship
友情/ゆうじょう - friendship, fellowship, camaraderie
友人/ゆうじん - (close) friend
郵送/ゆうそう - mailing, posting
夕立/ゆうだち - (sudden) evening shower (rain)
有能/ゆうのう - able, capable, competent, talented, efficient
夕日/ゆうひ - evening sun, setting sun
郵便/ゆうびん - mail, postal service
夕べ/ゆうべ - evening; last night, yesterday evening
ユーモア - humor
悠々/ゆうゆう - quiet, calm, leisurely; distant, far off
有利/ゆうり - advantageous, favourable, better, stronger;
profitable, lucrative
有料/ゆうりょう - fee-charging, paid, not free; {n} {abbr} toll
床/ゆか - floor
愉快/ゆかい - pleasant, delightful, enjoyable, joyful
浴衣/ゆかた - light cotton kimono worn in the summer
行方/ゆくえ - (one’s) whereabouts; destination, where one is
headed; outcome, course (of events), development,
direction, tide; future, journey ahead
湯気/ゆげ - steam, vapour, vapor
輸血/ゆけつ - blood transfusion
譲る/ゆずる - to hand over; to turn over
輸送/ゆそう - transport, transportation
豊か/ゆたか - abundant, wealthy
油断/ゆだん - negligence, carelessness, inattention,
茹でる/ゆでる - to boil (something in hot water)
輸入/ゆにゅう - importation, import
湯飲み/ゆのみ - {abbr} teacup
緩い/ゆるい - loose; lenient, lax; gentle (curve, slope, etc.)
許す/ゆるす - to permit, to forgive
夜明け/よあけ - dawn, daybreak
様/よう - appearing …, looking …
酔う/よう - to get drunk, to become intoxicated; to feel sick
(e.g. in a vehicle), to become nauseated
容易/ようい - easy, simple, plain
溶岩/ようがん - lava
容器/ようき - container, receptacle, vessel, packaging
陽気/ようき - cheerful, jovial, merry, lively; weather, season
要求/ようきゅう - demand, firm request, requisition
用語/ようご - term, terminology; wording, choice of words
要旨/ようし - point, essentials, gist, summary
幼児/ようじ - young child, toddler
用心/ようじん - care, precaution, guarding, caution
様子/ようす - aspect, state, appearance, condition
要するに/ようするに - in a word, after all, the point is …
容積/ようせき - capacity, volume
要素/ようそ - element, component, factor
幼稚園/ようちえん - kindergarten, nursery school, preschool
要点/ようてん - gist, main point
用途/ようと - use, service, purpose
洋品店/ようひんてん - shop that handles Western-style
apparel and accessories
養分/ようぶん - nourishment, nutrient
羊毛/ようもう - wool
漸く/ようやく - finally, at last
要領/ようりょう - point, gist, essentials, tenets
欧羅巴/ヨーロッパ - Europe
予期/よき - expectation, anticipation, forecast
欲張り/よくばり - greed, avarice, covetousness, greedy
余計/よけい - too many, too much, excessive, superfluous
横切る/よこぎる - to cross (e.g. road), to traverse
寄越す/よこす - to send, to forward; to hand over (e.g.
汚す/よごす - to make dirty
予算/よさん - estimate (of costs), budget
止す/よす - to cease, to desist, to cut it out, to lay off (an
寄せる/よせる - to come near, to let someone approach; to
bring near, to bring together
余所/よそ - another place, somewhere else, strange parts;
outside (one’s family or group), someone else, other people;
not caring for, being indifferent to, taking little notice of,
ignoring, neglecting 予測/よそく - prediction, estimation
四つ角/よつかど - four corners; crossroads, intersecting
street, street corner
ヨット - yacht
酔っ払い/よっぱらい - drunkard
夜中/よなか - middle of the night, dead of night
世の中/よのなか - society, the world
予備/よび - reserve, spare; preparation, preliminaries
呼び掛ける/よびかける - to call out to, to accost, to address
(crowd), to appeal
呼び出す/よびだす - to summon, to call (e.g. phone), to
余分/よぶん - extra, excess, surplus
予報/よほう - forecast, prediction
予防/よぼう - prevention, protection (against), precaution
読み/よみ - reading; reading (of a kanji, esp. kun reading);
reading (e.g. of a situation), insight, judgment,
interpretation, prediction, calculation
蘇る/よみがえる - to be resurrected, to be resuscitated, to be
嫁/よめ - bride; (one’s) daughter-in-law; wife
余裕/よゆう - surplus, margin, leeway, room, space
因る/よる - to be due to, to be caused by; to depend on, to
turn on
依ると/よると - according to
慶び/よろこび - joy, delight, rapture, pleasure, gratification,
rejoicing, congratulations, felicitations
慶ぶ/よろこぶ - to be delighted, to be glad, to be pleased
宜しい/よろしい - good, OK, all right, fine
宜しく/よろしく - well, properly, suitably; best regards
四/よん - four, 4
来/らい - next (year, spring, etc.), coming; {suf} since (e.g.
last month), for (e.g. 20 years)
ライター - lighter
来日/らいにち - arrival in Japan
落第/らくだい - failure (in an examination), failing to advance
(to the next year)
ラケット - racket, paddle (in table-tennis)
ラッシュアワー - rush hour
欄/らん - column of text (e.g. in a newspaper); field (in a
form, web page, etc.)
ランチ - lunch; ranch; launch
ランニング - running; tank top
乱暴/らんぼう - rude, violent, rough
利益/りえき - profit, gains; benefit, advantage
理科/りか - science (inc. mathematics, medicine, etc.),
natural science
理解/りかい - understanding, comprehension
利害/りがい - advantages and disadvantages
陸/りく - land, shore
利口/りこう - clever, intelligent, wise, bright, sharp
離婚/りこん - divorce
リズム - rhythm
理想/りそう - ideal, dream
率/りつ - rate, ratio, proportion, percentage
リットル - litre, liter
立派/りっぱ - splendid, fine
リボン - ribbon
略す/りゃくす - to abbreviate, to omit; to take, to capture
流/りゅう - fashion, way, style, manner
流域/りゅういき - drainage basin, catchment basin, river
basin, watershed, valley​
留学/りゅうがく - studying abroad
流行/りゅうこう - fashion, fad, vogue, craze; epidemic
量/りょう - quantity, amount, volume, capacity, portion (of
food); generosity, magnanimity, tolerance; {phil} pramana,
means by which one gains accurate and valid knowledge (in
Indian philosophy)
寮/りょう - hostel, dormitory
両/りょう - both (e.g. both shoulders, etc.)
料/りょう - fee, charge, rate; material
両替/りょうがえ - change, money exchange
両側/りょうがわ - both sides
料金/りょうきん - fee, charge, fare
漁師/りょうし - fisherman
領事/りょうじ - consulーa diplomat appointed by the
領収/りょうしゅう - receipt (of money), receiving
力/りょく - strength, power, proficiency, ability
臨時/りんじ - temporary, provisional, interim
留守番/るすばん - caretaking, house-sitting
例/れい - custom, practice, habit, usual
礼/れい - thanks, gratitude; manners, etiquette; bow
例外/れいがい - exception
礼儀/れいぎ - manners, courtesy, etiquette
冷静/れいせい - calmness, composure, coolness, serenity,
presence of mind
零点/れいてん - zero (points, marks), no marks
冷凍/れいとう - freezing, refrigeration
冷房/れいぼう - air conditioning, air cooling
レインコート - raincoat, mackintosh, macintosh, trench coat
レクリエーション - recreation
レジャー - leisure
列/れつ - row, line, file, column, queue, rank, procession
列車/れっしゃ - train, railway train
列島/れっとう - archipelago, chain of islands
レベル - level, standard, amount, degree, grade, rank, class
レポート - report, paper; reportage
リポート - report, paper; reportage
煉瓦/れんが - brick
連合/れんごう - union, alliance, combination
レンズ - lens
連想/れんそう - association (of ideas), being reminded (of
連続/れんぞく - serial, consecutive, continuity
廊下/ろうか - corridor, hallway, passageway
老人/ろうじん - the aged, old person
蝋燭/ろうそく - candle
労働/ろうどう - manual labor
ローマ字/ローマじ - romanized Japanese
録音/ろくおん - (audio) recording
ロケット - rocket; locket
ロッカー - locker; rocker
ロビー - lobby, lounge
論じる/ろんじる - to discuss, to talk about, to deal with (a
topic); to argue, to dispute
論ずる/ろんずる - to discuss, to talk about, to deal with (a
論争/ろんそう - dispute, controversy, debate, argument,
taking issue
論文/ろんぶん - thesis, essay
輪/わ - ring, circle, loop; hoop; wheel
和/わ - {math} sum; harmony, peace; Japan, Japanese-style
ワイン - wine
和英/わえい - Japanese-English; {abbr} Japanese-English
我が儘/わがまま - selfishness, egoism, self-indulgence,
別れ/わかれ - parting, separation, farewell
分かれる/わかれる - to be split, to be divided
若々しい/わかわかしい - youthful, young, young-looking
脇/わき - armpit, under one’s arm, side, flank
湧く/わく - to well (up), to gush forth (of water), to spring out
分ける/わける - to divide, to separate
態と/わざと - on purpose, deliberately, intentionally
僅か/わずか - a little, a few, small, slight, trifling, meagre,
meager, narrow (margin); {adv} only, just, merely, no more
綿/わた - cotton plant
話題/わだい - topic, subject; {adj-no} much talked about,
topical, in the news, hot
私/わたし - I, me
詫びる/わびる - to apologize, to apologise, to make an
和服/わふく - Japanese clothes
笑い/わらい - laugh, laughter; smile; sneer
割合に/わりあいに - comparatively
割算/わりざん - {math} division
割と/わりと - comparatively, relatively, fairly, rather, pretty,
割引/わりびき - discount, reduction, rebate
割る/わる - to divide, to cut, to break
悪口/わるくち - slander, bad-mouthing, abuse, insult,
speaking ill (of)
我々/われわれ - we
湾/わん - bay, gulf, inlet
椀/わん - Japanese soup bowl
碗/わん - bowl (ceramic, porcelain); {ctr} counter for bowls
of food or drink
ワンピース - one-piece dress (usually casual dresses as
opposed to ball gowns etc)
愛想/あいそう - amiability, friendliness, affability, sociability;
fondness (of someone), affection, liking; compliments,
civilities, courtesies, flattery; hospitality, special treatment,
entertainment; bill (at a restaurant), check 間柄/あいだがら relationship, relation, terms (good, friendly, etc.)
合間/あいま - interval, break, pause, spare moment
敢えて/あえて - purposely (of something needless,
unexpected or seemingly counterproductive, etc.), daringly
(doing something), deliberately, intentionally; not
necessarily, not particularly, not especially; {arch}
definitely not 仰ぐ/あおぐ - to look up (at); to look up to, to
respect, to revere
垢/あか - dirt, filth, grime
赤字/あかじ - deficit, (being in or going into) the red; red text
明かす/あかす - to pass (the night), to spend; to reveal, to
赤らむ/あからむ - to become red, to redden, to blush
上がり/あがり - rise, increase, ascent; income, takings,
earnings, proceeds, (crop) yield, return, profit; completion,
end, finish; end result (e.g. of crafts), how something comes
out, finish; finishing (in a board or card game, etc.); {abbr}
green tea (esp. in a sushi restaurant); {suf} after (rain,
illness, etc.); {suf} ex- (e.g. ex-bureaucrat), former 諦め/あき
らめ - resignation, acceptance, consolation
悪/あく - evil, wickedness; (role of) the villain (in theatre,
etc.), the bad guy
アクセル - {abbr} accelerator; {abbr} accelerator pedal, gas
悪どい/あくどい - gaudy, showy, garish, loud; crooked,
vicious, wicked, nasty, unscrupulous, dishonest
顎/あご - jaw, chin; barb (of a fishhook)
憧れ/あこがれ - yearning, longing, aspiration
麻/あさ - cannabis (Cannabis sativa), hemp (plant); hemp
(fiber), linen, flax, jute
痣/あざ - birthmark, nevus; bruise
浅ましい/あさましい - wretched, miserable, shameful
欺く/あざむく - to deceive, to delude, to trick
鮮やか/あざやか - vivid, bright, brilliant, clear, fresh, vibrant
あざ笑う/あざわらう - to laugh at, to ridicule, to mock, to
make fun of, to sneer at
悪しからず/あしからず - don’t get me wrong, but …, I’m sorry
味わい/あじわい - flavour, flavor, taste; charm, appeal
焦る/あせる - to be in a hurry, to be impatient, to be flustered
褪せる/あせる - to fade, to discolor, to discolour
値/あたい - price, cost; value, worth, merit; {math} {comp}
値する/あたいする - to be worth, to be worthy of, to deserve,
to merit
当り/あたり - hit; success; guess, prediction; affability,
悪化/あっか - (suffer) deterioration, growing worse,
扱い/あつかい - treatment, service, dealing (with), handling,
management; handling (of a machine, tool, etc.), operation,
use; {n-suf} treating as, treating like
呆気ない/あっけない - unsatisfying, disappointing, abrupt, not
enough, too quick, too short, over too soon
あっさり - easily, readily, quickly, flatly (refuse)
斡旋/あっせん - kind offices, services, through the good
offices of
圧倒/あっとう - to overwhelm (e.g. an opponent), to
圧迫/あっぱく - pressure; oppression, suppression
アップ - increasing (eng: up); {abbr} uploading
誂える/あつらえる - to give an order, to place an order
圧力/あつりょく - {physics} pressure, stress; pressure (e.g.
当て/あて - aim, object, purpose, end; expectations
宛/あて - aim, object, purpose, end; expectations, prospects
当て字/あてじ - kanji used as a phonetic symbol, instead of
for the meaning, phonetic-equivalent character, substitute
character; kanji used for their meaning, irrespective of
宛てる/あてる - to address (e.g. an envelope)
跡継ぎ/あとつぎ - heir, inheritor; successor
後回し/あとまわし - putting off, postponing
油絵/あぶらえ - {art} oil painting
アプローチ - approach (to a problem, issue, etc.); approach
(of a long jump, aircraft’s flight, etc.), inrun (of a ski jump);
approach (to a building, mountain, etc.); {golf} {abbr}
approach shot
あべこべ - {on-mim} contrary, opposite, inverse, reverse,
甘える/あまえる - to behave like a spoiled child
雨具/あまぐ - rain gear
甘口/あまくち - sweet flavour, sweet flavor, mildness
アマチュア - amateur
網/あみ - net, netting; web
操る/あやつる - to operate (e.g. a machine), to handle, to
危ぶむ/あやぶむ - to fear, to doubt, to have misgivings about,
to worry about, to be anxious about, to be apprehensive
あやふや - {on-mim} uncertain, indefinite, vague,
ambiguous, equivocal, dubious, doubtful, noncommittal
過ち/あやまち - fault, error, indiscretion, faux pas
誤る/あやまる - to make a mistake (in), to commit an error, to
do incorrectly, to err; to be wrong, to be incorrect, to be
false, to be mistaken; to mislead, to misguide, to lead astray
歩み/あゆみ - walking; pace, step; course (of history, one’s
life, etc.), history, progress, advance, development; pitch (of
a screw, etc.)
歩む/あゆむ - to walk, to go on foot; to tread (a figurative
path), to follow, to lead (a life), to experience; to advance
towards (e.g. a solution), to set out (e.g. on the path to
destruction, ruin, etc.), to embark (on the road to …) 予め/あ
らかじめ - beforehand, in advance, previously
荒らす/あらす - to lay waste, to devastate, to damage
争い/あらそい - fight, dispute, feud, conflict, struggle, strife,
discord, argument, quarrel, controversy; competition,
contest, rivalry
改まる/あらたまる - to be renewed, to change; to be
improved, to be reformed, to be revised
荒っぽい/あらっぽい - wild, violent, rough-mannered, rude;
rough (e.g. work), crude, coarse, careless
アラブ - Arab
霰/あられ - hail (esp. hailballs under 5 mm); {food} type of
mochi snack
有様/ありさま - state, condition, circumstances, sight,
有りのまま/ありのまま - as it is, plain (truth), bare,
undisguised, unvarnished, unexaggerated, honest, true,
frank, candid
亜爾加里/アルカリ - alkali
アルコール - {chem} alcohol; alcoholic drink, alcohol; {abbr}
(alcohol-based) hand sanitizer
アルミ - {abbr} aluminum, aluminium
アワー - hour
合わす/あわす - to match (rhythm, speed, etc.); to join
together, to unite
アンケート - questionnaire, survey, poll
アンコール - encore
暗殺/あんさつ - assassination
暗算/あんざん - mental arithmetic, doing math in one’s head
暗示/あんじ - hint, suggestion
案じる/あんじる - to be anxious (about), to be concerned
(about), to worry (about), to fear; to think out (e.g. a plan),
to work out, to devise, to consider, to ponder; to investigate
安静/あんせい - rest, quiet, repose
案の定/あんのじょう - just as one thought, as usual, sure
いい加減/いいかげん - irresponsible, perfunctory, careless
言い訳/いいわけ - excuse; explanation
医院/いいん - doctor’s office (surgery), clinic
家出/いえで - running away from home, elopement
生かす/いかす - to make (the best) use of; to keep alive
如何に/いかに - how, in what way, how much, however,
如何にも/いかにも - indeed, really, truly, just (like); very,
extremely, totally, terribly; absolutely, certainly, for sure
怒り/いかり - anger, rage, fury, wrath, indignation
粋/いき - chic, smart, stylish, tasteful
異議/いぎ - objection, dissent, protest
行き違い/いきちがい - crossing without meeting (e.g. letters in
the post, people on the road), going astray; difference of
opinion, misunderstanding, estrangement, disagreement
意気込む/いきごむ - to be enthusiastic (about), to be eager (to
do), to be keen, to be intent (on), to be determined
育成/いくせい - rearing, training, nurture, cultivation,
幾多/いくた - many, numerous
活ける/いける - to arrange (flowers), to plant
異見/いけん - different opinion, different view, dissenting
view, objection; {obs} scolding, reprimand, rebuke,
admonition, cautioning, warning
意向/いこう - intention, idea, inclination, wish
移行/いこう - transition, changeover, switchover, shift;
transfer (of powers, weight, etc.), shift (e.g. of centre of
いざ - when the time comes, now
意地/いじ - stubbornness, obstinacy; disposition, nature
移住/いじゅう - migration, immigration
衣装/いしょう - clothing, costume, outfit, garment, dress
弄る/いじる - to finger, to touch, to play with, to fiddle with,
to toy with; to make changes to, to tinker with, to tamper
with; to dabble in, to do as a hobby, to play around with;
{col} to tease, to make fun of 異性/いせい - the opposite sex;
{chem} isomerism
遺跡/いせき - historic ruins (remains, relics), archeological
依然/いぜん - still, as yet, as it has been
依存/いぞん - dependence, reliance
委託/いたく - entrusting (something to a person),
consignment (of goods)
頂/いただき - crown (of head), summit (of mountain), spire;
easy win for one; something received
至って/いたって - very much, exceedingly, extremely
傷める/いためる - to hurt, to injure, to cause pain; to harm, to
damage, to spoil; to worry, to bother, to be grieved over, to
afflict; to cause financial loss, to hurt one’s pocket
炒める/いためる - to fry, to sauté, to stir-fry
労わる/いたわる - to pity, to sympathize with
市/いち - market, fair
一概に/いちがいに - unconditionally, as a rule
著しい/いちじるしい - striking, remarkable, considerable
一同/いちどう - all present, all concerned
一部分/いちぶぶん - one part, one portion, one section
一別/いちべつ - parting
一面/いちめん - one face, one surface; the whole surface; one
aspect, one side; (on) the other hand; one broad, flat object;
front page (e.g. newspaper)
一目/ひとめ - glance, look, glimpse; complete view, bird’s-eye
一様/いちよう - uniform, equal, even, the same, identical;
common, ordinary, usual
一律/いちりつ - uniform, even, across-the-board, equal
一連/いちれん - series, chain, sequence
一括/いっかつ - all together, batch, one lump
一気/いっき - one breath; {int} chug!, drink!
一挙に/いっきょに - at a stroke, with a single swoop
一見/いっけん - look, glimpse, glance; apparently, seemingly;
{arch} first meeting
一切/いっさい - all, everything, entirety, the whole; {adv}
absolutely (not), (not) at all, (none) whatsoever, without
一心/いっしん - one mind; wholeheartedness, one’s whole
いっそ - rather, sooner, preferably
一帯/いったい - whole area, whole region
一変/いっぺん - complete change, about-face, complete flip
意図/いと - intention, aim, design
異動/いどう - reassignment, relocation
営む/いとなむ - to run (a business), to operate, to conduct
挑む/いどむ - to challenge to (a fight, game, etc.), to throw
down the gauntlet
稲光/いなびかり - (flash of) lightning
祈り/いのり - prayer, supplication
鼾/いびき - snoring, snore
今更/いまさら - now (when it is already much too late), at this
stage; afresh, anew, again
未だ/いまだ - still, as yet, only; (not) yet
移民/いみん - immigration, emigration; immigrant, emigrant
否々/いやいや - no!, no no!, no, not at all
卑しい/いやしい - lowborn, humble, lowly; vulgar, coarse,
crude, mean, base, vile, despicable, dirty, unfair; shabby,
poor-looking; greedy, gluttonous, avaricious
嫌に/いやに - awfully, terribly
嫌らしい/いやらしい - unpleasant, disagreeable, nasty; lewd,
lascivious, obscene, filthy, dirty
意欲/いよく - will, desire, eagerness, interest, drive,
motivation, urge, ambition
衣料/いりょう - clothing
威力/いりょく - power, might, authority, influence
衣類/いるい - clothes, clothing, garments
異論/いろん - different opinion, objection
印鑑/いんかん - stamp, seal
陰気/いんき - gloomy, dismal, miserable, melancholy; {n}
spirit of yin
隠居/いんきょ - retirement (from work), leading a quiet life
(after retirement); retired person, retiree; {hist}
surrendering headship of the family (pre-WWII)
インターチェンジ - interchange, service interchange
インターナショナル - international
インターフォン - intercom, interphone
インテリ - {abbr} intellectual, educated person; {abbr}
インフォメーション - information
インフレ - {abbr} inflation
受かる/うかる - to pass (examination)
受け入れ/うけいれ - receiving, acceptance, reception
受け入れる/うけいれる - to accept, to receive
受け継ぐ/うけつぐ - to inherit, to succeed, to take over
受け付ける/うけつける - to accept, to receive (an application),
to take up
受け止める/うけとめる - to catch, to stop the blow; to accept,
to come to grips with
受身/うけみ - the defensive; passive attitude, passivity
受持ち/うけもち - charge (of something), matter in one’s
charge, (one’s) assignment, (one’s) job
動き/うごき - movement, move, motion; trend, development
渦/うず - whirlpool, swirl, eddy, vortex, maelstrom
埋める/うずめる - to cover, to bury (e.g. one’s face in hands),
to submerge; to fill (completely), to stuff, to pack, to cram,
to fill up
嘘つき/うそつき - liar, fibber
打ち明ける/うちあける - to confide, to reveal, to disclose, to
lay bare
打ち切る/うちきる - to stop, to abort, to discontinue, to close
打ち消し/うちけし - {ling} negation, denial, negative
打ち込む/うちこむ - to drive in (a nail, stake, etc.), to hammer
in; to hit (a ball, etc.), to drive, to smash; to fire into, to
shoot into; to input (data), to enter; to devote oneself to, to
be absorbed in, to be (really) into, to be enthusiastic about,
to put heart and soul into, to throw oneself into, to go head
over heels for; {sports} to practice hitting (baseball, tennis,
etc.); {MA} to hit (an opponent in kendo, boxing, etc.), to
get a blow in; {go} to invade one’s opponent’s territory, to
place a stone in an opponent’s formation; to pour (concrete,
etc.) into a form 団扇/うちわ - uchiwa, type of traditional
Japanese handheld fan
内訳/うちわけ - itemization (of expenses), the items,
breakdown, classification
写し/うつし - copy, duplicate, facsimile, transcript
訴え/うったえ - lawsuit, complaint
鬱陶しい/うっとうしい - gloomy (e.g. mood), depressing;
irritating, troublesome; heavy (weather), cloudy
俯く/うつむく - to hang one’s head, to look down, to cast
one’s eyes downward
空ろ/うつろ - cavity, hollow, void; hollow (voice, smile, etc.),
blank (eyes, look, etc.)
器/うつわ - bowl, vessel, container; ability, capacity, calibre,
腕前/うでまえ - ability, skill, facility
雨天/うてん - rainy weather
促す/うながす - to urge, to encourage, to press, to prompt, to
draw (attention to); to stimulate (e.g. growth), to hasten
(e.g. development), to quicken, to accelerate, to promote
自惚れ/うぬぼれ - conceit, vanity, pride, self-importance,
生まれ付き/うまれつき - by nature, by birth, naturally, natural,
埋まる/うまる - to be buried, to be covered; to overflow, to be
産む/うむ - to give birth, to bear (child), to lay (eggs)
埋め込む/うめこむ - to bury, to embed, to implant
梅干し/うめぼし - umeboshi, pickled dried ume, pickled dried
裏返し/うらがえし - inside out, upside down; flip side,
opposite, contrary, reverse
売り出し/うりだし - (bargain) sale
売り出す/うりだす - to put on the market, to put out for sale,
to put on sale, to begin selling, to market; to become
潤う/うるおう - to be moist, to be damp, to get wet, to be
watered; to profit by, to receive benefits, to receive favors
(favours); to become rich, to become at financially
浮気/うわき - extramarital sex, affair, fooling around;
infidelity, wantonness, unfaithfulness, inconstancy,
fickleness, caprice
上回る/うわまわる - to exceed (esp. figures: profits,
unemployment rate, etc.), to surpass, to be more than, to
be better than
植わる/うわる - to be planted
運営/うんえい - management, administration, operation
うんざり - {on-mim} tedious, boring, being fed up with
運送/うんそう - transport, freight, shipping, moving (goods)
運賃/うんちん - freight rates, fare
云々/うんぬん - and so on, and so forth, et cetera, and such,
and the like; {n} {vs} comment, criticism
運搬/うんぱん - transport, transportation, conveyance,
運命/うんめい - fate, destiny, lot
運輸/うんゆ - transportation
運用/うんよう - making use of, application, practical use
柄/え - handle, grip
エアメール - airmail, air mail
英字/えいじ - English letter, alphabetic character
映写/えいしゃ - projection
映像/えいぞう - reflection, image, picture (e.g. on a
television), shot; video, film
英雄/えいゆう - hero, heroine, great person
液/えき - liquid, fluid
閲覧/えつらん - inspection, reading; {comp} browsing (the
WWW, Internet)
獲物/えもの - trophy, game, prey, quarry
襟/えり - collar, lapel, neckband, neck; nape of the neck,
scruff of the neck
エレガント - elegant
円滑/えんかつ - smooth, undisturbed, uninterrupted,
縁側/えんがわ - engawa, external corridor on the outer side of
traditional Japanese houses; bone at the base of a fin (esp.
of a flatfish), meat at the base of a fin
沿岸/えんがん - coast, shore
婉曲/えんきょく - euphemistic, circumlocutory, roundabout,
演出/えんしゅつ - direction (of a play, film, etc.), production;
organization (of an event), arrangement, staging (for effect),
エンジニア - engineer
演じる/えんじる - to perform (a play)
演ずる/えんずる - to act (a part), to play (a role); to perform
(a play, etc.), to put on (a production); to commit (a
blunder), to pretend (e.g. to be a good father), to disgrace
沿線/えんせん - alongside a railway line, bus route, major
thoroughfare, etc.
縁談/えんだん - marriage proposal, marriage talks
遠方/えんぽう - long way, distant place
円満/えんまん - harmonious, peaceful, happy, amicable,
smooth, free from trouble
尾/お - tail (animal, kite, comet, etc.), tail end
追い込む/おいこむ - to herd, to drive, to chase, to corral; to
corner, to force someone into doing; to go hard, to push
yourself, to make a last charge; to run on (e.g. lines in
printing); {baseb} to have two strikes 追い出す/おいだす - to
expel, to drive out
於いて/おいて - at, in, on
老いる/おいる - to age, to grow old
負う/おう - to bear, to carry on one’s back; to take
responsibility for
応急/おうきゅう - emergency, first-aid
黄金/おうごん - gold (Au); {adj-no} {n} golden, prosperous,
excellent, superb; money (esp. ōban coin), cash
往診/おうしん - doctor’s visit, house call
応募/おうぼ - application, subscription, entry (competition,
raffle, etc.)
大方/おおかた - large part, greater part, majority; people in
general, general public, public at large; {adv} mostly, for
the most part, almost, nearly; {adv} probably, maybe,
大柄/おおがら - large build; {adj-no} {n} {adj-na} large
オーケー - OK
大袈裟/おおげさ - exaggerated, overdone, overblown,
hyperbolic, bombastic, grandiose
大筋/おおすじ - outline, summary, gist, basic points
大空/おおぞら - wide open sky, the blue, heavens, firmament
オートマチック - automatic; {n} automatic firearm; {n}
{abbr} automatic transmission
オープン - opening (a new store, golf course, runway, etc.);
open, frank
大幅/おおはば - big, large, drastic, substantial
大水/おおみず - flood
公/おおやけ - official, governmental, formal; public (use,
facility, etc.)
犯す/おかす - to commit (e.g. crime), to perpetrate, to make
(e.g. mistake); to break (e.g. rule)
侵す/おかす - to invade, to raid, to violate (airspace, etc.), to
intrude, to trespass; to infringe, to encroach; to harm, to
afflict, to affect
臆病/おくびょう - cowardly, timid, easily frightened
遅らす/おくらす - to delay, to postpone, to slow down, to
遅れ/おくれ - delay, lag, postponement, falling behind
厳か/おごそか - solemn (ceremony, atmosphere, etc.),
austere, grave, majestic, dignified, stately, impressive
行い/おこない - deed, act, action, conduct, behavior
奢る/おごる - to give (someone) a treat/meal
収まる/おさまる - to fit into (a box, frame, category, etc.), to
be contained within, to fall within (e.g. a budget); to settle
down (into), to be installed (in one’s rightful place), to be
returned (to one’s original position); to settle into (one’s
position), to take up (a post), to occupy (a role); to be
settled (dispute, conflict, etc.), to be sorted, to subside (e.g.
wind), to calm down, to abate; to be satisfied (e.g. with an
answer), to consent, to agree 納まる/おさまる - to be in one’s
place, to be installed, to settle into
治まる/おさまる - to die down (storm, anger, conflict, etc.), to
calm down, to cool off, to abate
教え/おしえ - teaching, instruction, teachings, precept,
lesson, doctrine
押し切る/おしきる - to overcome (opposition), to push past, to
force one’s way; to press and cut
押し込む/おしこむ - to push into, to cram into, to stuff into, to
crowd into; to break in, to burgle, to burglarize
惜しむ/おしむ - to be frugal, to be sparing; to value, to hold
dear; to regret (e.g. a loss), to feel sorry (for); to be
unwilling, to be reluctant
押し寄せる/おしよせる - to advance on, to close in, to march
on, to descend on (the enemy), to move towards, to surge
forward (crowd, wave of nostalgia, wave, etc.), to rush for
(the door), to inundate, to overwhelm, to push aside 雄/おす
- male (animal, plant)
御世辞/おせじ - flattery, compliment
襲う/おそう - to attack, to assail, to make an assault, to strike
遅くとも/おそくとも - at the latest
恐れ/おそれ - fear, horror, anxiety, concern, uneasiness,
reverence; risk (of something happening)
恐れ入る/おそれいる - to be sorry, to beg pardon, to be much
obliged, to feel small; to be grateful; to be amazed, to be
filled with awe, to be surprised; to be disconcerted, to be
煽てる/おだてる - to flatter, to soft-soap, to sweet talk, to
cajole, to instigate
落ち込む/おちこむ - to feel down (sad)
落ち着き/おちつき - calmness, composure, presence of mind
落葉/おちば - fallen leaves, leaf litter, falling leaves
乙/おつ - second (party to an agreement)
お使い/おつかい - {pol} errand, mission, going as envoy;
{pol} messenger, bearer, errand boy, errand girl; {pol}
{hon} familiar spirit
おっかない - {col} frightening, scary; {arch} extreme,
exaggerated, huge
おどおど - {on-mim} timidly, nervously, hesitantly, trembling
(with fear), fearfully, anxiously
脅す/おどす - to threaten, to menace, to frighten (into doing)
訪れる/おとずれる - to visit
衰える/おとろえる - to become weak, to decline, to wear, to
驚き/おどろき - surprise, astonishment, wonder, amazement
同い年/おないどし - the same age
自ずから/おのずから - naturally, in due course, by itself, of its
own accord
怯える/おびえる - to become frightened
夥しい/おびただしい - large number, innumerable, great
many, immense, vast, abundant
脅かす/おびやかす - to intimidate, to frighten, to scare; to
threaten (e.g. peace), to jeopardize, to endanger, to imperil
帯びる/おびる - to wear (sword, decoration, etc.), to carry
覚え/おぼえ - memory, sense, experience
御負け/おまけ - freebie (e.g. with a purchase), something
お宮/おみや - Shinto shrine
お襁褓/おむつ - diaper, nappy
思い付き/おもいつき - idea, plan, fancy, impulse, thought,
whim, suggestion
趣/おもむき - meaning, tenor, gist; effect, influence
赴く/おもむく - to go in the direction of, to proceed toward, to
proceed according to, to repair to, to betake oneself to; to
become, to face (facts, circumstances, etc.); {arch} to abide
by, to agree to, to consent to, to obey 重んじる/おもんじる to respect, to honor, to honour, to esteem, to prize
重んずる/おもんずる - to honor, to honour, to respect, to
esteem, to prize
親父/おやじ - {fam} one’s father, one’s old man, dad, pops;
{fam} middle-aged (or older) man, old man, geezer; {fam}
one’s boss; proprietor (of a restaurant, store, etc.), landlord;
grizzly bear
及び/および - and, as well as
及ぶ/およぶ - to reach, to amount to, to befall, to happen to,
to extend
折/おり - opportunity, chance, occasion, time
檻/おり - cage, pen, (jail) cell
オリエンテーション - orientation
折り返す/おりかえす - to turn up (hem, sleeves, etc.), to fold
back (e.g. page); to turn back, to double back, to return;
{comp} to loopback (a signal, message, etc.)
織物/おりもの - textile, fabric
織る/おる - to weave
俺/おれ - I, me (usually masculine)
愚か/おろか - foolish, stupid, silly
疎か/おろそか - negligent, neglectful, careless, remiss
負んぶ/おんぶ - carrying (someone) on one’s back (esp. a
child), piggyback ride; relying on (someone), being
(financially) dependent on
オンライン - {comp} online; {sports} on the line (of a ball; in
tennis, volleyball, etc.)
温和/おんわ - mild (climate), temperate, clement, pleasant,
agreeable; gentle (nature, personality, etc.), mild, quiet,
pleasant; moderate (statement, measure, etc.), mild,
カーペット - carpet
改悪/かいあく - deterioration, changing for the worse
海運/かいうん - maritime, marine transportation
外貨/がいか - foreign currency, foreign money, foreign
exchange; foreign goods, imported goods
改革/かいかく - reform, reformation, reorganization
貝殻/かいがら - seashell, shell
外観/がいかん - outward appearance, exterior appearance,
outward show, looks
階級/かいきゅう - (social) class; rank, grade
海峡/かいきょう - channel (e.g. between two land masses),
会見/かいけん - interview, audience, meeting, (viewing) party
介護/かいご - nursing, care, caregiving, caring
開催/かいさい - holding (a conference, exhibition, etc.),
回収/かいしゅう - collection, recovery, withdrawal, retrieval
改修/かいしゅう - repair, improvement
怪獣/かいじゅう - monster
解除/かいじょ - cancellation, rescinding, release
外相/がいしょう - Foreign Minister
害する/がいする - to injure, to damage, to harm, to hurt; to
kill; to hinder, to obstruct
概説/がいせつ - overview, outline, rough summary
回送/かいそう - forwarding, sending on, redirecting (e.g.
mail); deadheading (e.g. train), (train) returning to the
階層/かいそう - class, level, stratum, layer, hierarchy
開拓/かいたく - reclamation (e.g. wasteland), cultivation,
会談/かいだん - conversation, conference (usu. between
important people)
改定/かいてい - revision (of a rule, price, etc.), reform,
alteration, change
改訂/かいてい - revision (of text), alteration, change
ガイド - (tour) guide
街道/かいどう - highway (esp. one existing from the Edo
period), main road; highway (e.g. to success), path (to
becoming …); subdistrict (in China)
該当/がいとう - corresponding to, being applicable to, being
relevant to
街頭/がいとう - (on the) street
ガイドブック - guidebook
介入/かいにゅう - intervention
概念/がいねん - general idea, concept, notion
開発/かいはつ - development, exploitation
海抜/かいばつ - height above sea level
介抱/かいほう - nursing, looking after
解剖/かいぼう - dissection, autopsy, postmortem
examination; analysis, postmortem
外来/がいらい - foreign, imported; {n} {adj-no} {abbr}
outpatient, outpatient care, outpatient clinic, outpatient
回覧/かいらん - circulation (esp. documents)
概略/がいりゃく - outline, summary, gist, in brief
海流/かいりゅう - ocean current
改良/かいりょう - improvement, reform
回路/かいろ - circuit (electric); {biol} cycle (e.g. Krebs cycle)
海路/かいろ - sea route
省みる/かえりみる - to look back (e.g. over shoulder or at the
past), to turn around
顧みる/かえりみる - to look back (e.g. over shoulder or at the
past), to turn around
顔付き/かおつき - (outward) looks, features, face,
countenance, expression
課外/かがい - extracurricular
掲げる/かかげる - to put up (a notice, sign, etc.), to hang out
(e.g. a banner)
踵/かかと - heel (of foot, shoe, stocking, etc.)
書き取る/かきとる - to write down (what someone says), to
take notes (e.g. of a lecture)
掻き回す/かきまわす - to stir (e.g. food), to stir up (e.g.
trouble), to churn, to ransack, to disturb
欠く/かく - to chip, to nick, to break
角/かく - angle; square (or cube)
核/かく - pit (of a fruit), stone; core
格/かく - status, position, rank; method, way, style
学芸/がくげい - arts and sciences, liberal arts
格差/かくさ - qualitative difference, disparity, gap
拡散/かくさん - spreading, disseminating, scattering;
diffusion (of light, gas)
学士/がくし - university graduate, bachelor; bachelor’s
各種/かくしゅ - every kind, all sorts
隔週/かくしゅう - every other week, every two weeks
確信/かくしん - conviction, belief, confidence
革新/かくしん - reform, innovation
学説/がくせつ - theory, doctrine
確定/かくてい - decision, settlement, confirmation,
カクテル - cocktail
獲得/かくとく - acquisition, possession
楽譜/がくふ - {music} score, sheet music
確保/かくほ - securing, obtaining, ensuring, guarantee
革命/かくめい - revolution
確立/かくりつ - establishment, settlement
学歴/がくれき - academic background
賭/かけ - bet, wager, stake, gamble
崖/がけ - cliff, precipice; precipice, brink of a dangerous
駆け足/かけあし - running fast, double time; cantering; doing
things in a hurry
家計/かけい - household economy, family finances
駆けっこ/かけっこ - {col} (foot) race, sprint
賭ける/かける - to wager, to bet, to risk, to stake, to gamble
加工/かこう - manufacturing, processing, treatment,
machining; photo manipulation
化合/かごう - chemical combination/compound
嵩張る/かさばる - to be bulky, to be unwieldy, to grow
嵩む/かさむ - to mount up, to pile up, to accumulate, to
頭/かしら - head; hair (on one’s head); leader, chief, boss,
captain; top, tip; beginning, start; top structural component
of a kanji
微か/かすか - faint, dim, weak, slight, vague, indistinct, hazy;
poor, wretched, meagre, meager, scanty
霞む/かすむ - to become misty, to become hazy; to get
blurry, to grow dim; to be overshadowed, to be upstaged, to
be outshone
擦る/かする - to graze (e.g. bullet), to scratch, to touch lightly
火星/かせい - {astron} Mars (planet)
化石/かせき - fossil; petrifaction, fossilization
河川/かせん - rivers
化繊/かせん - synthetic fiber
過疎/かそ - underpopulation, low population density,
課題/かだい - subject, theme; homework, assignment
難い/がたい - difficult to …, hard to …
片言/かたこと - prattle, broken language, halting language,
baby talk, imperfect speech, smattering
片付け/かたづけ - tidying up, finishing
傾ける/かたむける - to incline, to lean, to tip, to tilt
固める/かためる - to harden, to freeze, to strengthen, to
傍ら/かたわら - side, edge, beside, besides, nearby; while
花壇/かだん - flower bed
家畜/かちく - domestic animals, livestock, cattle
且つ/かつ - and, moreover, besides, as well as, and on top of
that, at the same time
画期/かっき - transition from one epoch to another, change of
がっくり - {on-mim} heartbroken, crestfallen, dejected,
合唱/がっしょう - singing together, singing in union, chorus;
ensemble singing, choral singing, chorus
がっしり - {on-mim} firmly, solidly, sturdily, strongly,
合致/がっち - agreement, concurrence, conformance,
がっちり - solid, robust, well-built; tight, taut
嘗て/かつて - once, before, formerly, ever, former, ex-; never
yet, never before, first time, still not happened
勝手/かって - one’s own convenience
カット - cut, cutting; haircut; shuffle (cards), shuffling
活発/かっぱつ - lively, active, vigorous, animated, brisk
カップ - cup (drinking vessel, measure, etc.)
合併/がっぺい - merger (of companies, towns, etc.),
combination, union
カテゴリー - category
叶う/かなう - to come true (of a wish, prayer, etc.), to be
realized, to be fulfilled; to suit (e.g. a purpose), to meet
(wishes, ideals, etc.), to conform to (standards, rules, etc.),
to be consistent with; to match (implies competition), to
rival, to bear (e.g. the heat) 叶える/かなえる - to grant
(request, wish), to answer (prayer)
金槌/かなづち - hammer; hopeless swimmer
適わない/かなわない - no match for, cannot compete with, not
in the same league as, powerless against; cannot stand,
cannot bear, cannot put up with, unbearable, intolerable;
{dated} unable to do, cannot do, impossible 加入/かにゅう joining (a club, organization, etc.), becoming a member,
entry, admission, subscription, affiliation, signing (e.g. a
treaty), taking out (insurance)
予て/かねて - previously, already, for some time
庇う/かばう - to protect (someone), to look after (e.g. an
injured leg), to defend, to cover for, to stand up for, to stick
up for
株式/かぶしき - share (in a company), stock
気触れる/かぶれる - to develop a rash or inflammation (e.g. in
response to a skin irritant), to react to (something); to be
strongly influenced (usu. negative or critical nuance)
花粉/かふん - pollen
貨幣/かへい - money, currency, coinage
構える/かまえる - to set up (a house, store, etc.), to build, to
establish, to run, to maintain; to have at the ready (e.g. a
gun), to hold in preparation (e.g. a camera), to prepare in
advance (e.g. a meal); to adopt a posture, to assume a
stance, to stand ready, to be poised for; to put on an air, to
assume an attitude; to stiffen, to tense up, to become
formal; to fabricate in order to deceive, to make up, to feign;
to plan, to scheme 加味/かみ - seasoning, flavoring,
過密/かみつ - overcrowding, congestion, overpopulation;
{adj-na} {n} crammed (schedule), congested, busy, tight
噛み切る/かみきる - to bite off, to gnaw through
カムバック - comeback
カメラマン - photographer; cameraman, camera operator,
粥/かゆ - thin rice porridge, watery cooked rice
体付き/からだつき - body build, figure
絡む/からむ - to entangle, to entwine; to pick a quarrel, to
find fault
借り/かり - borrowing, debt, loan
狩り/かり - hunting; harvesting (e.g. berries, fruit), picking,
カルテ - patient’s chart, clinical records; record (e.g. student,
equipment maintenance, etc.)
咖哩/カレー - {food} curry (esp. Japanese curry); {food}
{abbr} rice and curry
ガレージ - garage
過労/かろう - overwork, strain
辛うじて/かろうじて - barely, narrowly, only just, with
代る代る/かわるがわる - alternately, by turns
管/かん - pipe, tube
癌/がん - cancer
簡易/かんい - simplicity, convenience, easiness, quasi—
灌漑/かんがい - irrigation
眼科/がんか - ophthalmology
眼球/がんきゅう - eyeball
玩具/がんぐ - toy; (person or thing treated as a) plaything
簡潔/かんけつ - concise, brief, succinct, compact (style)
還元/かんげん - restoration, return; {chem} reduction,
看護/かんご - nursing, (army) nurse
漢語/かんご - Japanese word of Chinese origin, Sino-Japanese
word; language of the Han people, Chinese
頑固/がんこ - stubborn, obstinate
刊行/かんこう - publication, issue
慣行/かんこう - customary practice, habit
勧告/かんこく - advice, counsel, remonstrance,
換算/かんさん - conversion (e.g. yen to dollars), change,
監視/かんし - monitoring, watching, observation, surveillance,
guarding, supervision, lookout
慣習/かんしゅう - custom, convention, common practice;
{arch} becoming accustomed (to)
観衆/かんしゅう - spectators, onlookers, members of the
願書/がんしょ - (written) application, application form
干渉/かんしょう - interference, intervention, meddling
頑丈/がんじょう - solid, firm, stout, burly, strong, sturdy
感触/かんしょく - feel (of something), touch, texture,
sensation; feeling, impression
肝心/かんじん - essential, important, crucial, vital, main
肝腎/かんじん - essential, important, crucial, vital, main
歓声/かんせい - cheer, shout of joy
関税/かんぜい - tariff (import tax), duty, customs
岩石/がんせき - rock
感染/かんせん - {med} infection, contagion, becoming
infected; being infected (e.g. with harmful ideas), being
influenced (by)
幹線/かんせん - main line, trunk line
簡素/かんそ - simple, plain, modest
観点/かんてん - point of view, viewpoint, standpoint,
perspective, angle
感度/かんど - sensitivity (e.g. of a measuring instrument),
reception (radio, TV, etc.); sensitivity (of film)
カンニング - cheating (from ‘cunning’)
元年/がんねん - first year (of an imperial era); year something
(important) first happened or began
幹部/かんぶ - management, (executive) staff, leaders
勘弁/かんべん - pardon, forgiveness, forbearance
感無量/かんむりょう - deep feeling, inexpressible feeling
勧誘/かんゆう - invitation, solicitation, canvassing, canvasing
関与/かんよ - participation, taking part in, participating in,
being concerned in
寛容/かんよう - tolerance, open-mindedness, forbearance
元来/がんらい - originally, essentially, naturally, by nature
観覧/かんらん - viewing, on display
官僚/かんりょう - bureaucrat, government official
慣例/かんれい - custom, practice, convention, precedent
還暦/かんれき - kanreki, one’s 60th birthday (or 61st in the
traditional age reckoning system) when one has lived
through a full sexagenary cycle
貫禄/かんろく - presence, dignity
緩和/かんわ - relief, mitigation, alleviation
議案/ぎあん - legislative bill, measure; agenda item
危害/きがい - injury, harm, danger
企画/きかく - planning, plan, project, arrangements
規格/きかく - standard, norm
着飾る/きかざる - to dress up
気兼ね/きがね - constraint, reserve, feeling hesitant, being
afraid of troubling someone
気軽/きがる - carefree, buoyant, lighthearted, sprightly; {n}
器官/きかん - organ (of body, plant, etc.)
季刊/きかん - quarterly publication (e.g. magazine)
危機/きき - crisis, critical situation, emergency, pinch
聞き取り/ききとり - listening comprehension
効き目/ききめ - effect, virtue, efficacy, impression
帰京/ききょう - returning to Tokyo
戯曲/ぎきょく - drama, play; Chinese opera
基金/ききん - fund, foundation
喜劇/きげき - comedy (theatre, etc)
議決/ぎけつ - resolution, decision, vote
棄権/きけん - abstention (from voting), renunciation (of a
right), withdrawal (from a contest)
起源/きげん - origin, beginning, source, rise
機構/きこう - mechanism, machinery; system, structure,
organization, framework
既婚/きこん - (already) married
気障/きざ - affected, smug, pompous, conceited, snobby,
記載/きさい - mention (in a document), record, entry,
statement, listing
気質/きしつ - disposition, temperament, nature, mentality,
spirit, character, trait, turn of mind
期日/きじつ - fixed date, appointed date, set date; deadline,
due date
軋む/きしむ - to jar, to creak, to grate
議事堂/ぎじどう - assembly hall, parliament house, diet
building, capitol, houses of parliament, congress hall
記述/きじゅつ - description, account
気象/きしょう - weather (conditions); {form} disposition,
築く/きずく - to build, to pile up, to amass
傷付く/きずつく - to be wounded, to get injured; to get hurt
feelings; to get damaged, to get chipped, to get scratched
傷付ける/きずつける - to wound, to injure; to hurt someone’s
feelings (pride, etc.)
規制/きせい - regulation
犠牲/ぎせい - sacrifice, victim, scapegoat
汽船/きせん - steamship, steamboat, steamer
寄贈/きぞう - donation, presentation, gift
偽造/ぎぞう - forgery, falsification, fabrication
貴族/きぞく - noble, aristocrat, peer
議題/ぎだい - topic of discussion, agenda
鍛える/きたえる - to forge, to temper; to drill, to train, to
来る/きたる - next (e.g. “next April”), forthcoming, coming;
{v5r} {vi} to come, to arrive, to be due to
きちっと - {on-mim} exactly, perfectly
几帳面/きちょうめん - methodical, precise, meticulous,
scrupulous, regular, punctual; {n} wooden post that has
been carved to have a rounded corner with grooves running
along either side of it
きっかり - {on-mim} exactly, just, precisely; {on-mim}
punctually, exactly on time
きっちり - exactly, precisely, punctually, on the dot
きっぱり - {on-mim} clearly, plainly, distinctly, decisively,
flatly, definitely, resolutely
規定/きてい - stipulation, prescription, provision, regulation,
rule; {chem} normal (unit of normality); {sports} {abbr}
compulsory exercise (in gymnastics), compulsory routine,
compulsory dance (figure skating), (a) compulsory 起点/きて
ん - starting point, origin
軌道/きどう - {astron} {physics} orbit, trajectory; railroad
技能/ぎのう - technical skill, ability, capacity
規範/きはん - model, standard, pattern, norm, criterion,
気品/きひん - elegance, refinement, grace, dignity; aroma
気風/きふう - character, traits, ethos
起伏/きふく - undulation; ups and downs, highs and lows
規模/きぼ - scale, scope, plan, structure
きまぐれ - whim, caprice, whimsy, fickle, moody, uneven
生真面目/きまじめ - too serious, person who is too serious
決まり悪い/きまりわるい - embarrassed, ashamed
記名/きめい - signature, register; {vs} {vt} {vi} to put one’s
name on, to sign; stamped name, typed name
規約/きやく - agreement, rules, code, protocol, convention,
脚色/きゃくしょく - dramatization (e.g. of a novel),
dramatisation, adaptation (for the stage or screen);
embellishment (of the facts), exaggeration, dramatization,
逆転/ぎゃくてん - (sudden) change, reversal, turnaround
脚本/きゃくほん - script, screenplay, scenario
華奢/きゃしゃ - dainty, delicate, slender, slim and elegant;
fragile (e.g. furniture), delicate, frail
客観/きゃっかん - objectivity, objective, object (philosophical)
キャッチ - catch, catching, obtaining (e.g. information)
キャリア - career
救援/きゅうえん - relief, rescue
休学/きゅうがく - temporary absence from school
究極/きゅうきょく - ultimate, final, last, eventual
窮屈/きゅうくつ - narrow, tight, cramped; formal, stiff, strict,
ceremonious, rigid; constrained, uncomfortable; tight (e.g.
球根/きゅうこん - (plant) bulb
救済/きゅうさい - relief, aid, help, rescue; (religious)
salvation, (Christian) grace
給仕/きゅうじ - waiting on a table, serving (at dinner); waiter,
waitress, waitperson, server, cabin boy, bellboy, page,
pageboy; office boy, office girl
給食/きゅうしょく - provision of lunch (e.g. at office, school,
etc.), providing a meal, lunch service
休戦/きゅうせん - ceasefire, truce, armistice
宮殿/きゅうでん - palace
旧知/きゅうち - old friend, old acquaintance
窮乏/きゅうぼう - poverty, destitution, privation, indigence,
丘陵/きゅうりょう - hill
寄与/きよ - contribution, service
驚異/きょうい - wonder, miracle, amazement, prodigy
教科/きょうか - subject, curriculum
協会/きょうかい - association
共学/きょうがく - coeducation
共感/きょうかん - sympathy, empathy, response,
identification (with someone)
協議/きょうぎ - conference, consultation, discussion,
境遇/きょうぐう - one’s circumstances, environment,
situation (in life)
教訓/きょうくん - lesson, precept, teachings, moral
強行/きょうこう - forcing (e.g. a vote), carrying out (forcibly),
pushing ahead (with), enforcement
強硬/きょうこう - firm, strong, unbending, unyielding,
uncompromising, stubborn, tough, hard-line
教材/きょうざい - teaching materials
凶作/きょうさく - bad harvest, poor crop
業者/ぎょうしゃ - trader, dealer, businessperson, company,
vendor, supplier, manufacturer, maker, contractor; fellow
trader, people in the same trade
享受/きょうじゅ - reception, acceptance, enjoyment
教習/きょうしゅう - training, instruction
郷愁/きょうしゅう - nostalgia, homesickness
教職/きょうしょく - the teaching profession; {Christn}
education of laity
興じる/きょうじる - to amuse oneself, to make merry
強制/きょうせい - compulsion, coercion, forcing (to do),
行政/ぎょうせい - administration, governance
業績/ぎょうせき - achievement, performance, results, work,
共存/きょうぞん - coexistence
協調/きょうちょう - cooperation, conciliation
協定/きょうてい - arrangement, pact, agreement
郷土/きょうど - native place, birthplace, one’s old home
脅迫/きょうはく - threat, menace, coercion, blackmail
業務/ぎょうむ - business, affairs, duties, work, procedure,
task, action, function, (business) operations, operational
共鳴/きょうめい - resonance, sympathetic (sound)
郷里/きょうり - hometown, birthplace
強烈/きょうれつ - strong, intense, severe
共和/きょうわ - republicanism; cooperation, working together
局限/きょくげん - limit, localize, localise
極端/きょくたん - extreme, extremity
居住/きょじゅう - residence, abode, dwelling
拒絶/きょぜつ - refusal, rejection
漁船/ぎょせん - fishing boat
漁村/ぎょそん - fishing village
拒否/きょひ - refusal, rejection, denial, veto
許容/きょよう - permission, allowance, acceptance
清らか/きよらか - clean, clear; pure, honest, clean, innocent,
platonic, chaste
煌びやか/きらびやか - gorgeous, gaudy, dazzling, gay,
切り/きり - end, finish, stop; bounds, limits
きり - only, since
義理/ぎり - duty, sense of duty, honor, honour, decency,
courtesy, debt of gratitude, social obligation; {adj-no} inlaw, relation by marriage
切替/きりかえ - exchange, conversion, replacement,
switching (to), switchover
気流/きりゅう - atmospheric current, air current, airflow
切れ目/きれめ - gap, break, rift; pause, interval, interruption;
cut, incision, notch, score; end
疑惑/ぎわく - doubt, misgivings, distrust, suspicion
極めて/きわめて - exceedingly, extremely, decisively
菌/きん - fungus; germ, bacterium, bacillus
近眼/きんがん - nearsightedness, shortsightedness, myopia
緊急/きんきゅう - urgency, emergency
近郊/きんこう - suburbs, outskirts (immediately surrounding
an area)
均衡/きんこう - equilibrium, balance
近視/きんし - shortsightedness, nearsightedness
禁じる/きんじる - to prohibit
勤勉/きんべん - diligent, hardworking, industrious
吟味/ぎんみ - close examination, careful investigation, close
inspection, careful selection, inquiry, enquiry, scrutiny,
testing; {dated} investigation of a crime, inquiry into
someone’s guilt; {hanaf} {abbr} winner (of the most
rounds, i.e. a full game); {arch} reciting and appreciating
traditional poetry 勤務/きんむ - service, duty, work
禁物/きんもつ - thing that should be (carefully) avoided, nono, thing to definitely not do, something forbidden, taboo
勤労/きんろう - labor, labour, exertion, diligent service
クイズ - quiz
食い違う/くいちがう - to not match well (e.g. at the seams),
to not mesh properly (of gears); to differ (e.g. of opinions),
to clash, to be in conflict (e.g. with the facts), to run counter
(to), to be inconsistent (with), to be contradictory 空間/くうか
ん - space, room, airspace
空腹/くうふく - empty stomach, hunger
区画/くかく - division, section, compartment, block, plot, lot,
partition, boundary
区間/くかん - section (of track, etc.), segment, dimension;
{math} interval
茎/くき - stalk, stem
区切り/くぎり - pause (in speech, writing, etc.), punctuation;
break, end, (place to) stop, pause, milestone (e.g. in a
潜る/くぐる - to go under, to pass under, to go through
籤/くじ - lottery, lot, raffle, draw
くじ引き/くじびき - lottery, drawn lot
擽ぐったい/くすぐったい - ticklish; embarrassing
愚痴/ぐち - idle complaint, grumble
嘴/くちばし - beak, bill
朽ちる/くちる - to rot, to decay; to die in obscurity; to be
forgotten with time
覆す/くつがえす - to overturn, to capsize, to upset
くっきり - distinctly (standing out), clearly
屈折/くっせつ - bending, indentation; refraction; inflection
ぐっと - {on-mim} suddenly, at once, in one go, with a jerk,
with a gulp; {on-mim} considerably, very much, a lot; {onmim} firmly, with an effort, tightly, exerting pressure; {onmim} completely (e.g. at a loss); {on-mim} deeply (e.g.
moved) 首飾り/くびかざり - necklace, choker
首輪/くびわ - (animal) collar; necklace, choker
組み込む/くみこむ - to insert, to include, to incorporate, to
組み合わせる/くみあわせる - to group together, to join
蔵/くら - warehouse, storehouse, cellar, magazine, granary,
godown, depository, treasury, elevator
グレー - grey (gray)
クレーン - crane (machine)
玄人/くろうと - expert, professional, master, connoisseur
黒字/くろじ - (being in) the black, surplus; black letter
群/ぐん - group, bunch, crowd, throng, swarm, band
軍艦/ぐんかん - warship, battleship
軍事/ぐんじ - military affairs
君主/くんしゅ - ruler, monarch, sovereign
群集/ぐんしゅう - crowd, community, group, herd, gathering,
群衆/ぐんしゅう - group (of people), crowd, horde
軍備/ぐんび - armaments, military preparations
軍服/ぐんぷく - military uniform
刑/けい - penalty, sentence, punishment
芸/げい - art, craft, accomplishment, artistic skill, technique,
performance, trick
経緯/けいい - details, particulars
経過/けいか - passage (of time), elapsing, lapse; progress,
development, course (of events); {astron} transit
軽快/けいかい - light (of movements), nimble, sprightly,
警戒/けいかい - vigilance, precaution, watch, lookout,
計器/けいき - meter, gauge
契機/けいき - opportunity, chance; trigger, cause
敬具/けいぐ - yours sincerely, sincerely yours, yours truly
軽減/けいげん - abatement, reduction
掲載/けいさい - publication (e.g. of an article in a newspaper),
carrying (e.g. a story), running (e.g. a serial), insertion (e.g.
of an advertisement), printing, posting (e.g. on the web)
傾斜/けいしゃ - inclination, slant, slope, bevel, list, dip, tilt,
形成/けいせい - formation, molding, making (up), taking form,
giving form to; {med} repair (e.g. with plastic surgery),
replacement, -plasty
形勢/けいせい - condition, situation, prospects
軽率/けいそつ - rash, thoughtless, careless, hasty, imprudent
携帯/けいたい - handheld, portable; {abbr} {col} mobile
形態/けいたい - form, shape, figure; {ling} morph
刑罰/けいばつ - (criminal) punishment, penalty, sentence
経費/けいひ - expenses, expenditure, outgoings, outlays,
警部/けいぶ - police inspector
軽蔑/けいべつ - contempt, scorn, disdain, despising, looking
down on, slighting
経歴/けいれき - personal history
経路/けいろ - course, route, path, channel; process, stages
汚らわしい/けがらわしい - filthy, unfair, dirty, untouchable,
劇団/げきだん - troupe, theatrical company
激励/げきれい - encouragement, spurring (on), cheering (on)
ゲスト - guest
獣/けだもの - beast, brute, animal
決/けつ - decision, vote
決意/けつい - decision, determination, resolution
結核/けっかく - {med} tuberculosis, TB; {geol} concretion
血管/けっかん - {anat} blood vessel, vein
決議/けつぎ - resolution, vote, decision
決行/けっこう - doing (with resolve), carrying out (e.g. a plan)
結合/けつごう - combination, union, joining, linking, coupling;
{chem} bond; {comp} join (in relational algebra)
決算/けっさん - settlement of accounts, closing accounts,
financial results, reporting (of accounts)
月謝/げっしゃ - monthly tuition fee
決勝/けっしょう - decision of a contest, finals (in sports)
結晶/けっしょう - crystal, crystallization
結成/けっせい - formation, combination
結束/けっそく - union, unity, solidarity; bundling, binding,
tying; {arch} putting on (clothes, armour, etc.)
げっそり - {on-mim} to be disheartened, to be dejected, to
be discouraged, to be disappointed; {adv} {adv-to} {vs}
{on-mim} suddenly (losing a lot of weight), looking
emaciated, becoming very thin
決断/けつだん - decision, determination
月賦/げっぷ - monthly installment (instalment), monthly
欠乏/けつぼう - deficiency, insufficiency, shortage, lack, want,
dearth, scarcity
蹴飛ばす/けとばす - to kick away, to kick off, to kick hard; to
refuse curtly, to reject outright
貶す/けなす - to speak ill of, to disparage
煙たい/けむたい - smoky; awkward, uncomfortable, ill at ease
煙る/けむる - to smoke (e.g. fire), to billow smoke, to
smoulder, to smolder; to be hazy, to look dim
獣/けもの - beast, brute, animal
家来/けらい - retainer, servant
下痢/げり - diarrhea, diarrhoea
件/けん - matter, affair, case, item, subject; {ctr} counter for
(received) emails, text messages, voicemail messages, etc.;
{ctr} counter for accounts (on a website, email service,
権威/けんい - authority, power, influence, prestige; (an)
authority (on), expert
兼業/けんぎょう - persuing as a side business, doing in
addition to one’s main work, running (businesses)
simultaneously; side business, job on the side
原形/げんけい - original form, base form
原型/げんけい - prototype, model, pattern, archetypal
権限/けんげん - power, authority, jurisdiction
現行/げんこう - present, current, in operation
健在/けんざい - in good health, alive and well, going strong
原作/げんさく - original work
検事/けんじ - public prosecutor
原子/げんし - atom
元首/げんしゅ - sovereign, ruler, head of state
原書/げんしょ - original document (not a copy or adaptation)
懸賞/けんしょう - offering a prize, prize competition, prize,
減少/げんしょう - decrease, reduction, decline
健全/けんぜん - healthy, sound, wholesome
元素/げんそ - {chem} element, chemical element; (classical)
element (e.g. earth, water, air, fire); {arch} origin, source
現像/げんぞう - development (of film), photographic
原則/げんそく - principle, general rule; as a rule, in principle,
in general
見地/けんち - point of view, viewpoint, standpoint
現地/げんち - actual place, actual location, the spot, the
scene, the field, (on) site; place where one is currently living
限定/げんてい - limit, restriction
原点/げんてん - starting point, origin, beginning; {math}
origin (of coordinate axes); datum point
原典/げんてん - original (text)
原爆/げんばく - atomic bomb
原文/げんぶん - original text
厳密/げんみつ - strict, close, precise, scrupulous
賢明/けんめい - wise, sensible, well-advised, intelligent
倹約/けんやく - thrift, economy, frugality
原油/げんゆ - crude oil
兼用/けんよう - multi-use, combined use
権力/けんりょく - (political) power, authority, influence
言論/げんろん - (one’s) speech, expression of views,
故/こ - the late, the deceased
語彙/ごい - vocabulary, lexicon, lexis, terminology
恋する/こいする - to fall in love (with), to love
甲/こう - carapace, shell; 1st in rank, grade A; instep, back of
hand; {law} the A party (e.g. in a contract), the first party,
plaintiff (label in legal documents)
好意/こうい - kindness, favor, favour, friendliness
行為/こうい - act, deed, conduct
合意/ごうい - agreement, consent
公演/こうえん - public performance
後悔/こうかい - regret, repentance, remorse
航海/こうかい - (sea) voyage, navigation, sailing, passage,
工学/こうがく - (the study of) engineering
抗議/こうぎ - protest, objection
合議/ごうぎ - consultation, conference, discussion, counsel
皇居/こうきょ - Imperial Palace (of Japan), imperial residence
好況/こうきょう - prosperous conditions, healthy economy,
鉱業/こうぎょう - mining industry
高原/こうげん - tableland, plateau
交互/こうご - alternate, alternating, mutual, reciprocal
煌々と/こうこうと - brilliantly
考古学/こうこがく - archaeology, archeology
工作/こうさく - handicraft; work, construction,
manufacturing; maneuvering, manoeuvering
耕作/こうさく - cultivation, farming
鉱山/こうざん - mine (ore)
講習/こうしゅう - short course, training
口述/こうじゅつ - dictation, verbal statement
控除/こうじょ - subtraction, deduction (e.g. tax), subsidy
交渉/こうしょう - negotiations, bargaining, discussions, talks;
connection, relationship, relations, dealings
高尚/こうしょう - high, noble, refined, advanced
向上/こうじょう - elevation, rise
行進/こうしん - march, parade
香辛料/こうしんりょう - spice, spices, condiment
降水/こうすい - rainfall, precipitation
洪水/こうずい - flood
合成/ごうせい - composition, synthesis, compounding,
combining; composite photo; {math} (function) composition
公然/こうぜん - open, public, official, overt
抗争/こうそう - rivalry, feud, conflict, dispute, struggle, strife,
contention, resistance
構想/こうそう - plan, plot, idea, conception, vision, scheme
拘束/こうそく - restriction, restraint, binding, constraint
後退/こうたい - retreat, falling back, moving backwards,
reversing, backing up (of a vehicle), retrogression,
retraction; recession, waning; {comp} backspace (key)
光沢/こうたく - brilliance, polish, lustre
公団/こうだん - public corporation; {abbr} public housing
好調/こうちょう - favourable, favorable, promising,
satisfactory, in good shape
口頭/こうとう - oral, verbal, spoken, parol
講読/こうどく - reading, translation
購読/こうどく - buying and reading (book, magazine, etc.),
subscribing (incl. free subscriptions), taking (e.g.
購入/こうにゅう - purchase, buy
公認/こうにん - official recognition, authorization
光熱費/こうねつひ - cost of fuel and lighting, cost of heat and
荒廃/こうはい - ruin, destruction, devastation, waste, decay
購買/こうばい - procurement, purchase, buying
好評/こうひょう - favorable reception, good reputation,
交付/こうふ - delivery, issuance, handing over, granting
降伏/こうふく - surrender, capitulation, submission; {engr}
興奮/こうふん - excitement, stimulation, agitation, arousal
公募/こうぼ - public appeal (e.g. for contributions), public
advertisement (of a post), open recruitment; public offering
(of securities)
巧妙/こうみょう - ingenious, skillful, clever, deft
公用/こうよう - official business, government business, public
business, company duties; public use, government use
小売/こうり - retail
効率/こうりつ - efficiency, efficacy
公立/こうりつ - public (institution)
護衛/ごえい - guard, convoy, escort
コーナー - corner; segment (within a radio or TV program)
小柄/こがら - small build, small stature, petite; small pattern
小切手/こぎって - cheque, check
語句/ごく - words, phrases
国産/こくさん - domestically produced, domestic, Japanesemade
国定/こくてい - state-sponsored, national
告白/こくはく - confession, acknowledgement,
acknowledgment; profession of love
国防/こくぼう - national defence, national defense
国有/こくゆう - national ownership, state ownership,
government ownership
極楽/ごくらく - {Buddh} {abbr} Sukhavati (Amitabha’s Pure
Land); paradise, heaven on earth
国連/こくれん - UN, United Nations (abbreviation)
焦げ茶/こげちゃ - dark brown, olive brown
語源/ごげん - origin of a word, derivation of a word,
個々/ここ - individual, one by one, separate
心地/ここち - feeling, sensation, mood
心得/こころえ - knowledge, understanding; rules, regulations,
guideline, directions; {n-suf} deputy, acting
心掛け/こころがけ - (mental) attitude, way of thinking,
attention, care, prudence, intention
心掛ける/こころがける - to keep in mind, to bear in mind, to
try, to aim to do, to endeavor, to endeavour
志/こころざし - will, resolution, intention, ambition
志す/こころざす - to plan, to intend, to aspire to, to set aims
(sights on)
心強い/こころづよい - heartening, reassuring
心細い/こころぼそい - helpless, forlorn, hopeless,
unpromising, lonely, discouraging, disheartening
試み/こころみ - attempt, trial, experiment; endeavour
(endeavor), effort, venture, initiative
試みる/こころみる - to try, to attempt, to have a go (at)
快い/こころよい - pleasant, agreeable, comfortable,
誤差/ごさ - measurement error, calculation error
孤児/こじ - orphan; person without friends
拗れる/こじれる - to get complicated, to grow worse, to turn
故人/こじん - the deceased, the departed; {dated} old friend,
longtime acquaintance
梢/こずえ - treetop, tip of a branch
個性/こせい - individuality, personality, idiosyncrasy
戸籍/こせき - family register; census
小銭/こぜに - small change, coins
古代/こだい - ancient times
火燵/こたつ - table over an electric heater (orig. a charcoal
brazier in a floor well) with a hanging quilt that retains heat
拘る/こだわる - to fuss over, to be particular about; to be
obsessive about
誇張/こちょう - exaggeration
骨/こつ - knack, skill, trick, secret
滑稽/こっけい - funny, comical, humorous, laughable;
ridiculous, silly, absurd
国交/こっこう - diplomatic relations
骨董品/こっとうひん - curio, antique
固定/こてい - fixing (in place), securing, anchoring, fastening
事柄/ことがら - matter, thing, affair, circumstance
孤独/こどく - solitude, loneliness, isolation
悉く/ことごとく - altogether, entirely
殊に/ことに - especially, particularly, unusually, above all;
{arch} additionally
事によると/ことによると - possibly, maybe, perhaps
粉々/こなごな - in very small pieces
好ましい/このましい - nice, likeable, desirable
碁盤/ごばん - Go board
個別/こべつ - individual, separate, personal, case-by-case
誤魔化す/ごまかす - to deceive, to cheat, to swindle; to falsify,
to misrepresent, to lie about, to tamper with, to doctor, to
cook; to evade (a question, taxes, etc.), to dodge, to gloss
over (a mistake, fault, etc.), to smooth over, to get one’s
way out of (a difficult situation), to explain away; to
embezzle, to pocket コマーシャル - commercial (e.g. TV)
込める/こめる - to load (a gun, etc.), to charge; to put into
(e.g. emotion, effort)
コメント - comment; (blog) comment
籠もる/こもる - to shut oneself in (e.g. one’s room), to be
confined in, to seclude oneself, to hide away, to stay inside
(one’s shell); to be filled with (emotion, enthusiasm, etc.); to
fill the room (of a gas, smell, etc.), to be heavy with (e.g.
smoke), to be stuffy, to be dense; to be muffled (e.g. voice);
to hold (a castle, fortress, etc.); to confine oneself in a
temple to pray 固有/こゆう - characteristic, traditional,
peculiar, inherent, native, eigen-暦/こよみ - calendar,
凝らす/こらす - to concentrate, to focus on, to devote, to
apply oneself; to stiffen, to become tense
御覧なさい/ごらんなさい - {hon} {pol} (please) look; see;
{aux-v} {hon} {pol} (please) try to do
孤立/こりつ - isolation, being alone, being friendless
懲りる/こりる - to learn by experience, to be discouraged by
凝る/こる - to become stiff (of muscles); to get absorbed in,
to develop a passion for, to devote oneself to, to become
obsessed with, to get hooked on; to be elaborate, to be
intricate, to be exquisite, to be particular about, to pay great
attention to 根気/こんき - patience, perseverance,
persistence, tenacity, energy
根拠/こんきょ - basis, grounds, foundation, reason, authority;
base (of operations)
混血/こんけつ - {sens} mixed race, mixed parentage
コンタクト - contact; {abbr} contact lens
昆虫/こんちゅう - insect, bug
根底/こんてい - root, basis, foundation
コンテスト - contest
混同/こんどう - confusion, mixing, merger
コントラスト - contrast
コントロール - control
コンパス - pair of compasses, compass (for drawing circles,
etc.); (mariner’s) compass; legs, step, gait
根本/こんぽん - root, source, origin; foundation, basis,
財/ざい - fortune, riches; goods
再会/さいかい - meeting again, reunion
災害/さいがい - calamity, disaster, misfortune
細菌/さいきん - bacterium, bacteria, germ
細工/さいく - work, workmanship, craftsmanship, handiwork;
artifice, trick, device, tampering, doctoring
採掘/さいくつ - mining
サイクル - cycle
採決/さいけつ - vote, ballot, division
再建/さいけん - rebuilding, reconstruction, rehabilitation
再現/さいげん - reappearance, reemergence, return, revival;
reproduction, reenactment, recreation
財源/ざいげん - source of funds, resources, finances
在庫/ざいこ - stock, inventory
採算/さいさん - profit
採集/さいしゅう - collecting, gathering
サイズ - size
再生/さいせい - resuscitation, regeneration, restoration to life
財政/ざいせい - public finance; financial affairs, financial
最善/さいぜん - the very best, utmost
採択/さいたく - adoption, selection, choice
栽培/さいばい - cultivation
再発/さいはつ - return, relapse, recurrence
細胞/さいぼう - {biol} cell; cell (in an organization, esp. a
communist party)
採用/さいよう - use, adoption, acceptance; appointment,
遮る/さえぎる - to interrupt, to obstruct (a view, someone’s
way, etc.), to block (light, wind, etc.), to intercept, to cut off
囀る/さえずる - to sing, to chirp, to twitter
冴える/さえる - to be clear (of a sight, sound, colour, etc.), to
be bright, to be vivid, to be crisp; to be clear-headed, to be
alert, to be on the ball, to be wide awake; to look upbeat, to
be perky, to be cheerful; to master (a skill), to excel at, to
cleanly execute; to be satisfying; to become frigid, to
become intensely cold 竿/さお - rod, pole; neck (of a
shamisen, etc.), shamisen; beam (i.e. the crossbar of a
balance); single line (esp. as a flying formation for geese);
{sl} penis; {ctr} counter for flags (on poles), counter for
long, thin Japanese sweets (e.g. yōkan) 栄える/さかえる - to
prosper, to flourish
差額/さがく - balance, difference (in price, cost), margin
杯/さかずき - sake cup, cup for alcoholic beverages
逆立ち/さかだち - handstand, headstand; being upside down,
being in reverse
詐欺/さぎ - fraud, swindle, graft, cheating, trick, scam; {col}
saying you’re going to do something but in the end not
doing it, making promises without keeping them, flaking out
作/さく - work (e.g. of art), production; harvest, cultivation
策/さく - plan, policy, means, measure, stratagem, scheme;
fifth principle of the Eight Principles of Yong, right upward
柵/さく - fence, paling, railing; {arch} fortress
削減/さくげん - cut, reduction
錯誤/さくご - mistake, error, discrepancy
作戦/さくせん - tactics, strategy
叫び/さけび - shout, cry, outcry, yell, shriek, scream
裂ける/さける - to split, to tear, to burst
捧げる/ささげる - to lift up, to hold up; to give, to offer; to
差し掛かる/さしかかる - to come near (to), to approach; to be
on the verge of, to be about to reach (a stage, period, etc.),
to approach (e.g. a climax); to overhang, to hang over
指図/さしず - directions, instructions, orders, command
差し出す/さしだす - to present, to submit, to tender, to hold
差し支える/さしつかえる - to interfere (with), to hinder, to be
hindered (from doing), to become impeded, to have
difficulty, to suffer inconvenience
授ける/さずける - to grant, to give, to confer, to award; to
teach, to instruct, to impart (knowledge)
嘸/さぞ - surely, certainly, no doubt, must
定まる/さだまる - to become settled, to be fixed
定める/さだめる - to decide, to determine; to establish, to lay
座談会/ざだんかい - symposium, round-table discussion
雑/ざつ - rough, crude, sloppy, messy; {n-pref} {adj-no} {n}
雑貨/ざっか - miscellaneous goods, general goods, sundries
殺人/さつじん - murder; homicide; manslaughter​
察する/さっする - to guess, to sense, to presume, to judge
雑談/ざつだん - chatting, idle talk
颯と/さっと - quickly (esp. actions); suddenly (esp. wind,
rain, etc.)
悟る/さとる - to perceive, to sense, to discern; to understand,
to comprehend
裁く/さばく - to judge, to decide, to sit in judgement, to try
座標/ざひょう - coordinate, coordinates
左程/さほど - (not) so, (not) particularly, (not) very, (not) that
サボる - to skip school
寒気/さむけ - chill, the shivers, shivering fit; cold, coldness,
cold air
侍/さむらい - warrior
作用/さよう - action, operation, effect, function
浚う/さらう - to sweep away, to wash away, to dredge
障る/さわる - to be harmful to, to hinder, to interfere with, to
酸/さん - acid; sourness, sour taste
酸化/さんか - {chem} oxidation, oxidization
山岳/さんがく - mountain chain, mountains
参議院/さんぎいん - House of Councillors
産休/さんきゅう - {abbr} maternity leave, paternity leave
サンキュー - {col} thank you, thanks
残金/ざんきん - remaining money
産後/さんご - postpartum, after childbirth
残酷/ざんこく - cruel, brutal, ruthless, merciless, inhuman
産出/さんしゅつ - production, output, turning out
参照/さんしょう - reference (e.g. to a dictionary, passage,
footnotes), consultation, comparison; {comp} browsing (to
a file or folder)
参上/さんじょう - calling on, visiting
残高/ざんだか - (bank) balance, remainder
サンタクロース - Santa Claus
桟橋/さんばし - wharf, bridge, jetty, pier
賛美/さんび - praise, glorification, extolment
山腹/さんぷく - hillside, mountainside
産婦人科/さんふじんか - maternity and gynecology
産物/さんぶつ - product, produce; result, fruit
山脈/さんみゃく - mountain range, mountain belt
死/し - death
仕上がり/しあがり - finish, end, completion, result
仕上/しあげ - finish, finishing, finishing touches
仕上げる/しあげる - to finish up, to complete, to finish off, to
get through, to polish off
飼育/しいく - breeding, raising, rearing
強いて/しいて - by force
シート - seat
Gパン/ジーパン - {abbr} jeans, dungarees
仕入れる/しいれる - to lay in stock, to replenish stock, to
procure; to learn, to find out, to take in
強いる/しいる - to force, to compel, to coerce, to press, to
潮/しお - tide, current; sea water; opportunity, chance
歯科/しか - dentistry
自我/じが - self, the ego
資格/しかく - qualifications, requirements
視覚/しかく - sense of sight, vision
自覚/じかく - self-consciousness, self-awareness
仕掛/しかけ - device, contrivance, mechanism, gadget
仕掛ける/しかける - to start, to begin, to commence; to
challenge, to pick (a fight); to set (traps)
然しながら/しかしながら - however, nevertheless
指揮/しき - command, direction, conduct
磁気/じき - magnetism
磁器/じき - porcelain, china(ware)
色彩/しきさい - colour, color, hue, tints
式場/しきじょう - ceremonial hall (e.g. wedding, funeral), hall
for ceremonies, place of ceremony
仕来り/しきたり - custom, convention, tradition, mores,
conventional practice
事業/じぎょう - project, enterprise, business, industry,
operations, venture, service
仕切る/しきる - to partition, to divide, to mark off; to direct, to
manage, to run, to organize, to take responsibility for; to
settle accounts; {sumo} to assume a crouching posture (at
the start of a bout), to poise oneself for the initial charge 資
金/しきん - funds, capital
軸/じく - axis, shaft, axle; center, centre, focal point, key
point; stalk, stem; hanging scroll
しくじる - to fail, to blunder, to mess up, to screw up
仕組/しくみ - structure, construction, arrangement,
contrivance, mechanism, workings; plan, plot, contrivance
死刑/しけい - death penalty, capital punishment
湿気る/しける - to get damp, to get moist, to get soggy, to
become humid
自己/じこ - self, oneself
施行/しこう - putting in force (a law), putting into operation,
putting into effect, enforcement; carrying out (a plan, policy,
etc.), execution
思考/しこう - thought, consideration, thinking
志向/しこう - intention, aim, preference (for), orientation
(towards a goal)
嗜好/しこう - taste, liking, preference
事項/じこう - matter, item, facts
時刻表/じこくひょう - timetable, schedule
地獄/じごく - hell
時差/じさ - time difference
自在/じざい - being able to do as one pleases, doing at will;
{abbr} pothook
視察/しさつ - inspection, observation
資産/しさん - property, fortune, means, assets
支持/しじ - support, backing, endorsement, approval
自主/じしゅ - independence, autonomy, self-reliance
自首/じしゅ - surrender (to the authorities), giving oneself up
刺繍/ししゅう - embroidery
市場/しじょう - market (financial, stock, domestic, etc.),
marketplace, exchange; (street) market
辞職/じしょく - resignation
雫/しずく - drop (e.g. of water), drip
システム - system
沈める/しずめる - to sink (e.g. a ship), to submerge; to lower
(e.g. one’s body into a chair); to floor (an opponent)
施設/しせつ - institution, establishment, facility
事前/じぜん - prior, beforehand, in advance, before the fact,
ex ante
子息/しそく - (another’s) son
持続/じぞく - continuation, persisting, lasting
自尊心/じそんしん - self-esteem, self-respect, self-importance,
conceit, pride
字体/じたい - form of a character (e.g. simplified); font
辞退/じたい - declining, refusal, nonacceptance, turning down
慕う/したう - to yearn for, to long for, to pine for
下心/したごころ - secret intention, ulterior motive; kanji
“heart” radical at bottom
下地/したじ - groundwork, foundation; inclination, aptitude,
elementary knowledge (of), grounding (in); undercoat, first
coat; soy sauce
親しむ/したしむ - to be intimate with, to befriend
下調べ/したしらべ - preliminary investigation, preliminary
inquiry; preparation (for a class), going over one’s lessons
(in advance), studying ahead
仕立てる/したてる - to tailor, to make (clothing); to train, to
bring up; to make it seem like, to pass off; to turn into a play
or movie; to prepare, to send, to despatch
下取り/したどり - trade-in, part exchange
下火/したび - burning low, waning, declining
実/じつ - truth, reality; sincerity, honesty, fidelity
実家/じっか - (one’s parents’) home
失格/しっかく - disqualification, elimination, incapacity; being
unfit for one’s role, being a failure
質疑/しつぎ - question; interpellation
失脚/しっきゃく - losing one’s position, losing one’s standing,
downfall, fall (from power), being overthrown
実業家/じつぎょうか - businessman, entrepreneur, captain of
シック - chic, stylish, smart
じっくり - {on-mim} (slowly and) carefully, without haste,
thoroughly, deliberately, closely, meticulously
躾/しつけ - discipline, training, teaching manners
実践/じっせん - practice, putting into practice,
implementation; {phil} praxis
質素/しっそ - simple, plain; modest, frugal, reserved
実態/じったい - true state, actual condition, reality
失調/しっちょう - lack of harmony, lack of balance, lack of
coordination, malfunction; {med} ataxia
嫉妬/しっと - jealousy, envy
実費/じっぴ - actual expenses, out-of-pocket expenses; cost
指摘/してき - pointing out, identification
視点/してん - opinion, point of view, visual point
自転/じてん - {astron} rotation (on an axis); rotation (under
its own power)
助動詞/じょどうし - {gramm} inflecting dependent word (in
Japanese), bound auxiliary; {gramm} auxiliary verb (in
languages other than Japanese)
淑やか/しとやか - graceful, ladylike, modest, gentle, polite,
quiet, well-mannered, refined (behavior)
萎びる/しなびる - to shrivel (e.g. cut vegetables, skin), to wilt,
to fade, to wither, to be wizened
シナリオ - script, screenplay; scenario
嫋か/しなやか - supple, flexible, elastic
屎尿/しにょう - excreta, excrement, raw sewage
地主/じぬし - landowner, landlord, landlady
凌ぐ/しのぐ - to endure, to keep out (e.g. rain), to stave off
(e.g. starvation); to pull through, to get over, to survive; to
surpass, to outdo, to excel, to eclipse, to defy, to slight
芝/しば - lawn, sod, turf
始発/しはつ - first departure (of the day: train, bus, etc.), first
train, first bus
耳鼻科/じびか - medicine concerning the ear, nose, and
私物/しぶつ - private property, personal belongings, personal
しぶとい - tenacious, tough, enduring, dogged, headstrong,
stubborn, obstinate, unyielding
司法/しほう - administration of justice, the judicature
脂肪/しぼう - fat, grease, blubber, lard, suet
志望/しぼう - wish, desire, ambition, choice
始末/しまつ - management, dealing with, settlement
染みる/しみる - to pierce, to penetrate, to soak in, to
permeate; to sting (wound or sensitive area, etc.), to smart,
to twinge; to be infected (with vice), to be steeped (with
prejudice), to be influenced; to feel keenly, to make a deep
impression 使命/しめい - mission, errand; task, duty,
地元/じもと - home area, home town; {adj-no} local
視野/しや - field of vision, view; one’s outlook (e.g. on life),
one’s horizons
弱/じゃく - little less than, fewer than, under
社交/しゃこう - social life, social intercourse
ジャズ - {music} jazz
謝絶/しゃぜつ - refusal, declining
社宅/しゃたく - company owned house, housing provided by
one’s company
若干/じゃっかん - some, few, a number of, a little (bit)
三味線/しゃみせん - three-stringed Japanese guitar
斜面/しゃめん - slope, slanting surface, bevel
砂利/じゃり - gravel, ballast, pebbles
洒落る/しゃれる - to dress stylishly; to joke, to play on words
ジャンパー - (short) jacket, blouson, windbreaker, jumper; ski
jumper, jumping event athlete; jumper lead, jumper wire
ジャンプ - jump (katakana)
ジャンボ - jumbo, jumbo-sized; {n} jumbo jet
ジャンル - genre, category, kind
主/しゅ - (one’s) master; {Christn} Lord; the main thing, the
majority, the primary concern
種/しゅ - kind, variety; (biological) species; {abbr} (logical)
私有/しゆう - private ownership
衆/しゅう - great numbers (of people), numerical superiority,
住/じゅう - dwelling, living
収益/しゅうえき - earnings, proceeds, returns, revenue
修学/しゅうがく - learning
周期/しゅうき - cycle, period
衆議院/しゅうぎいん - Lower House, House of Representatives
就業/しゅうぎょう - employment, starting work
従業員/じゅうぎょういん - employee, worker
集計/しゅうけい - totalization, aggregation, tally (e.g. votes)
襲撃/しゅうげき - attack, charge
収支/しゅうし - income and expenditure
終始/しゅうし - beginning and end; doing something from
beginning to end, being unchanged from beginning to end;
{adv} from beginning to end, the whole time, throughout,
修士/しゅうし - master’s (academic degree)
従事/じゅうじ - engaging in (work), pursuing (e.g. studies)
終日/しゅうじつ - all day, for a whole day
充実/じゅうじつ - fullness, completeness, perfection,
substantiality; enhancement, improvement, enrichment,
upgrading; replenishment, repletion
収集/しゅうしゅう - collecting, accumulating, gathering
修飾/しゅうしょく - ornamentation, embellishment,
十字路/じゅうじろ - crossroads, intersection
執着/しゅうじゃく - attachment, adhesion, insistence,
tenacity, fixation, obsession, clinging (e.g. to old customs)
執着/しゅうちゃく - attachment, adhesion, insistence,
tenacity, fixation, obsession, clinging (e.g. to old customs)
柔軟/じゅうなん - flexible, lithe, soft, pliable
重複/じゅうふく - duplication, repetition, overlapping,
redundancy, restoration
収容/しゅうよう - accommodation, reception, housing
従来/じゅうらい - up to now, so far; traditional, conventional
守衛/しゅえい - (security) guard, caretaker, janitor,
doorkeeper, gatekeeper
主演/しゅえん - starring (in a film, play, etc.), playing the
leading part
主観/しゅかん - subjectivity, subject (philosophical), ego;
one’s personal opinion, one’s own idea
修行/しゅぎょう - pursuit of knowledge
塾/じゅく - cram school
祝賀/しゅくが - celebration, congratulations
宿命/しゅくめい - fate, destiny, predestination
手芸/しゅげい - handicrafts
主権/しゅけん - sovereignty, supremacy, dominion
主催/しゅさい - sponsorship (i.e. conducting under one’s
auspices), promotion, organizing, organising, hosting,
取材/しゅざい - news coverage, collecting data (e.g. for an
趣旨/しゅし - meaning, point (e.g. of a statement), gist,
effect; goal, intent, object, aim, point
種々/しゅじゅ - various, a variety of, all kinds of, many,
主食/しゅしょく - staple food
主人公/しゅじんこう - protagonist, main character
主体/しゅたい - main constituent, core, nucleus; subject
(philosophical), protagonist
主題/しゅだい - subject, theme, motif
出演/しゅつえん - appearance (in a film, play, TV show, etc.),
出血/しゅっけつ - bleeding, haemorrhage, hemorrhage;
bleeding money, red ink, selling below cost
出現/しゅつげん - appearance, emergence, advent, arrival,
showing up, coming to existence
出産/しゅっさん - childbirth, (giving) birth, delivery
出社/しゅっしゃ - going to work (e.g. in the morning), coming
to work
出生/しゅっしょう - birth
出生/しゅっせい - birth
出世/しゅっせ - success in life, getting ahead, successful
career, promotion, climbing the corporate ladder, eminence
出題/しゅつだい - setting a question (for an exam, quiz, etc.);
setting a theme (for composition of poetry)
出動/しゅつどう - mobilization, going into action, being
dispatched, being sent out, being called in, turning out
出費/しゅっぴ - expenses, disbursements
出品/しゅっぴん - exhibiting, showing, putting on display,
putting up for sale, entering (a work into a competition),
主導/しゅどう - leadership, initiative, spearhead
主任/しゅにん - person in charge, senior staff
首脳/しゅのう - head, brains, leading spirit, summit (meeting)
守備/しゅび - defense, defence
手法/しゅほう - technique, method
樹木/じゅもく - tree, trees and shrubs
樹立/じゅりつ - establishment, founding, setting (a record)
準急/じゅんきゅう - semi-express train, local express train
準じる/じゅんじる - to follow (a rule, precedent, etc.), to
conform to (the law, standards, etc.), to be based on, to
apply correspondingly; to be proportionate to; to correspond
to, to be equivalent to, to be treated in the same way as 私
用/しよう - personal use, private use
仕様/しよう - way, method, means, resource, remedy
情/じょう - feelings, emotion, sentiment; compassion,
上位/じょうい - superior (in rank), top, ranking; {comp}
higher order (e.g. byte); {comp} host computer (of
connected device)
上演/じょうえん - performance (of a play, opera, etc.),
staging, presentation
城下/じょうか - land near a castle; castle town
生涯/しょうがい - life, lifetime, career; for life, all one’s life
消去/しょうきょ - elimination, erasure, dying out
上空/じょうくう - sky, the skies, high-altitude sky, upper air
衝撃/しょうげき - impact, shock, impulse; (psychological)
証言/しょうげん - testimony, (verbal) evidence
証拠/しょうこ - evidence, proof
照合/しょうごう - collation, comparison
詳細/しょうさい - details, particulars, specifics
上司/じょうし - superior authorities, boss
上昇/じょうしょう - rising, ascending, climbing
昇進/しょうしん - promotion, advancement, rising in rank
称する/しょうする - to take the name of, to call oneself; to
pretend, to feign, to purport
情勢/じょうせい - state of things, state of affairs, condition
消息/しょうそく - news (from someone), letter, contact;
(someone’s) whereabouts, (someone’s) movements
正体/しょうたい - natural shape, one’s true colors, true
character, identity
承諾/しょうだく - consent, approval, acceptance
情緒/じょうちょ - emotion, feeling; atmosphere, mood, spirit
情緒/じょうしょ - emotion, feeling; atmosphere, mood, spirit
象徴/しょうちょう - (abstract) symbol, emblem,
小児科/しょうにか - pediatrics
使用人/しようにん - employee, servant
情熱/じょうねつ - passion, enthusiasm, zeal
譲歩/じょうほ - concession, conciliation, compromise
照明/しょうめい - illumination, lighting
条約/じょうやく - treaty, pact, convention, agreement
勝利/しょうり - victory, triumph, win, conquest, success
上陸/じょうりく - landing, going ashore, disembarkation;
making landfall (of a typhoon), striking land, hitting land
奨励/しょうれい - encouragement, promotion, inducement,
incitement, stimulation
ショー - show
除外/じょがい - exception, exclusion
職員/しょくいん - staff member, employee, worker, personnel
植民地/しょくみんち - colony; (Japanese) settlement (in Brazil)
職務/しょくむ - professional duties
諸君/しょくん - you (people); gentlemen, ladies and
助言/じょげん - advice, counsel, suggestion, tip, hint
徐行/じょこう - going slowly (of a car, train, etc.)
所在/しょざい - whereabouts, place where one is
所持/しょじ - possession, having (on one’s person), carrying
(with one)
女史/じょし - Ms (nuance of status), Miss, Madame
助詞/じょし - {ling} particle
所属/しょぞく - belonging to (a group, organization, etc.),
affiliation (with), being attached to, being under the control
処置/しょち - measure, step, dealing with; medical treatment
ショック - shock (psychological); shock (physical,
しょっちゅう - always, all the time, constantly, frequently,
所定/しょてい - prescribed, designated, appointed, fixed
所得/しょとく - income, earnings
処罰/しょばつ - punishment, penalty
初版/しょはん - first edition
書評/しょひょう - book review
処分/しょぶん - disposal, throwing away, selling off; dealing
with (a problem), measure; punishment, penalty; putting
down (e.g. diseased animal)
庶民/しょみん - masses, common people
庶務/しょむ - general affairs
所有/しょゆう - one’s possessions, ownership
調べ/しらべ - investigation, inspection, examination; tune,
note, melody
自立/じりつ - independence, self-reliance
記す/しるす - to write down, to note down, to jot down, to
take a note of; to mention, to describe, to give an account
of; to inscribe, to mark, to brand; to remember, to engrave
(in one’s mind)
指令/しれい - orders, instructions, directive, command
陣/じん - battle formation; camp, encampment, position;
group, gang, party, corps; war, battle, campaign
進化/しんか - evolution, progress
人格/じんかく - personality, character, individuality,
審議/しんぎ - deliberation, discussion, consideration
進行/しんこう - moving forward (e.g. vehicle), onward
新興/しんこう - rising, developing, emergent
振興/しんこう - promotion, advancement
申告/しんこく - report, return (e.g. tax), statement,
新婚/しんこん - newly-wed, newly married
審査/しんさ - judging, inspection, examination
人材/じんざい - capable person, talented person; human
resources, personnel
紳士/しんし - gentleman
真実/しんじつ - truth, reality; {adv} truly, really; {Buddh}
absolute truth
信者/しんじゃ - believer, adherent
真珠/しんじゅ - pearl
進出/しんしゅつ - advance (into a new market or stage of
心情/しんじょう - sentiment, emotions, one’s feelings, one’s
新人/しんじん - new face, newcomer, rookie, fresh recruit;
modern humans (from Cro-Magnon man onwards)
神聖/しんせい - holiness, sacredness, sanctity, dignity
親善/しんぜん - friendship, goodwill, friendly relations, amity
真相/しんそう - truth, real situation
迅速/じんそく - quick, fast, rapid, swift, prompt, streamlined,
expedited, expeditious
新築/しんちく - new building, new construction
心中/しんじゅう - double suicide, lovers’ suicide; group
suicide, family suicide
進呈/しんてい - presentation (e.g. of a gift)
進展/しんてん - progress, development
神殿/しんでん - temple, sacred place, shrine
進度/しんど - progress
振動/しんどう - oscillation, vibration, swing (e.g. of a
新入生/しんにゅうせい - new student, freshman, first-year
信任/しんにん - trust, confidence, credence
神秘/しんぴ - mystery, mysteriousness, secret
辛抱/しんぼう - patience, endurance, perseverance
人民/じんみん - the people, citizens, the populace
真理/しんり - truth
侵略/しんりゃく - invasion (e.g. of a country), raid, aggression
診療/しんりょう - medical examination and treatment
粋/すい - essence, the best, cream; {adj-na} {n} chic, smart,
stylish, tasteful, refined, sophisticated; {adj-na} {n}
considerate, understanding, thoughtful, tactful; {adj-na}
{n} familiar with worldly pleasures (esp. sexual relations,
geisha districts and red-light districts) 水源/すいげん - source
of river, fountainhead
推進/すいしん - propulsion, drive; promotion (of a policy,
project, movement, etc.), furtherance, advancement,
pushing forward
水洗/すいせん - washing with water, rinsing, flushing
吹奏/すいそう - playing (a wind instrument), blowing
推測/すいそく - guess, conjecture
水田/すいでん - (water-filled) paddy field
推理/すいり - reasoning, inference, deduction; mystery genre,
detective genre
数詞/すうし - {gramm} numeral
崇拝/すうはい - worship, adoration, admiration, cult
据え付ける/すえつける - to install, to equip, to mount
据える/すえる - to place (in position), to fix, to set (e.g. table),
to lay (foundation); to install, to seat (someone); to settle
(upon something), to fix (e.g. one’s gaze); to apply (moxa)
清々しい/すがすがしい - refreshing (e.g. feeling, scene, wind,
morning air), brisk
救い/すくい - help, rescue, aid, relief; salvation, solace,
(source of) comfort, saving grace; (religious) salvation,
(Christian) grace
健やか/すこやか - vigorous, healthy, sound
濯ぐ/すすぐ - to rinse, to wash out; to have one’s revenge, to
wipe out a disgrace
進み/すすみ - progress
裾/すそ - hem, (trouser) cuff, shirttail, bottom (of a kimono),
train (of a dress); bottom part, bottom edge; foot (of a
mountain); tips (of hair); {arch} downstream
スタジオ - studio
スチーム - steam
ストライキ - strike (i.e. industrial action)
スト - {abbr} strike (i.e. industrial action)
ストレス - stress
ストロー - drinking straw; straw
ストロボ - stroboscope, strobe lamp, stroboscopic lamp;
(camera) flash
すばしこい - nimble, smart, quick
素早い/すばやい - fast, quick, prompt, nimble, agile
ずばり - {on-mim} decisively, decidedly, boldly, once and for
all, unreservedly, frankly; {on-mim} precisely, exactly
スプリング - spring
スペース - space (room, area, outer space)
スポーツカー - sports car
澄ます/すます - to clear, to make clear; to be unruffled
済ます/すます - to finish, to get it over with, to conclude
速やか/すみやか - quick, speedy, prompt, rapid, swift
スラックス - slacks
ずらっと - {on-mim} in a line, in a row
擦る/する - to rub, to chafe, to strike (match), to file
ずるずる - {on-mim} (dragging a large or heavy item) slowly;
{on-mim} (falling) little by little, (slipping) gradually,
(drawing back) slowly, with a slither; {on-mim} on and on,
while putting off, slovenly, interminably; {on-mim} with a
slurp, with a sniffle; {adj-na} {on-mim} loose, lax,
inconclusive, unresolved 滑/ずれ - gap, lag, slippage;
difference, discrepancy; {physics} shear (e.g. shear stress)
擦れ違い/すれちがい - passing each other; missing (meeting)
each other, failing to meet; (being at) cross purposes,
discrepancy, disagreement
擦れる/すれる - to rub, to chafe; to wear out, to become worn;
to lose one’s innocence, to become sly
すんなり - slim, slender, lithe, supple; {on-mim} smoothly
生育/せいいく - birth and growth, giving birth and raising,
development, breeding
成育/せいいく - growth (to maturity), being brought up,
growing up, raising
成果/せいか - (good) result, outcome, fruits (of one’s labors),
product, accomplishment
正解/せいかい - correct, right, correct interpretation (answer,
正規/せいき - regular, normal, formal, legal, established,
正義/せいぎ - justice, right, righteousness; correct meaning,
correct explanation
生計/せいけい - livelihood, living
政権/せいけん - (political) administration, political power
精巧/せいこう - elaborate, delicate, exquisite
星座/せいざ - constellation; astrological sign, star sign, zodiac
制裁/せいさい - sanctions, punishment
政策/せいさく - political measures, policy
精算/せいさん - adjustment, closure, settlement (of an
生死/せいし - life and death, life or death
静止/せいし - stillness, repose, standing still
誠実/せいじつ - sincere, honest
成熟/せいじゅく - maturity, ripeness
青春/せいしゅん - youth, springtime of life, adolescent
清純/せいじゅん - purity, innocence
聖書/せいしょ - {Christn} Bible, the Scriptures, Holy Writ
正常/せいじょう - normalcy, normality, normal
制する/せいする - to hold back (e.g. emotions)
整然/せいぜん - orderly, regular, systematic, well-organized,
well-organised, trim, tidy, accurate
盛装/せいそう - dressing up in fine clothes, splendid clothes,
one’s best clothes
盛大/せいだい - grand, magnificent, lavish, large scale,
prosperous, thriving, lively; forceful, powerful, vigorous
清濁/せいだく - good and evil, purity and impurity; voiced and
unvoiced consonants
制定/せいてい - enactment, establishment, creation
静的/せいてき - static
製鉄/せいてつ - iron manufacture
晴天/せいてん - fine weather (i.e. little or no clouds), fair
正当/せいとう - just, justifiable, right, due, proper, equitable,
reasonable, legitimate, legal, lawful
成年/せいねん - adult age, majority
制服/せいふく - uniform
征服/せいふく - conquest, subjugation; overcoming (a
difficulty), conquering (e.g. a mountain), mastery (of a skill)
製法/せいほう - manufacturing method, recipe, formula
精密/せいみつ - precise, exact, detailed, accurate, minute,
税務署/ぜいむしょ - tax office
声明/せいめい - declaration, statement, proclamation
姓名/せいめい - (full) name, family name and given name
制約/せいやく - limitation, restriction, condition, constraints
生理/せいり - physiology; menstruation
勢力/せいりょく - influence, power, might, strength, potency,
force, energy
整列/せいれつ - standing in a row, forming a line, alignment
セール - sale
急かす/せかす - to hurry (up), to urge on, to press, to rush
伜/せがれ - {hum} son; punk, brat; {col} penis
責務/せきむ - duty, obligation
セクション - section
世辞/せじ - flattery, compliment
世帯/せたい - household, home, family, housekeeping
是正/ぜせい - correction, revision, redressing, rectifying
世代/せだい - generation, the world, the age
節/せつ - occasion, time; section (of a literary work),
切開/せっかい - incision, operation, section
セックス - sex, sexual intercourse; (one’s) sex, gender
切実/せつじつ - earnest, sincere, acute, keen, fervent;
pressing, urgent, serious, severe; pertinent, appropriate
接触/せっしょく - touch, contact, touching
接続詞/せつぞくし - {gramm} conjunction
設置/せっち - establishment, institution; installation (of a
machine or equipment)
折衷/せっちゅう - compromise, cross, blending, eclecticism
設定/せってい - establishment, creation, posing (a problem),
setting (movie, novel, etc.), scene; {comp} options setting,
preference settings, configuration, setup
説得/せっとく - persuasion
切ない/せつない - painful, heartrending, trying; oppressive,
suffocating, miserable
絶版/ぜっぱん - out of print
設立/せつりつ - establishment, founding; incorporation (of a
攻め/せめ - attack, offence, offense; {sl} top (dominant
partner of a homosexual relationship); {suf} barrage (of),
flood (of)
ゼリー - {food} jello, jelly, gelatin dessert; gel, jelly
セレモニー - ceremony
世論/せろん - public opinion, popular voice, public sentiment,
膳/ぜん - small dining table, serving tray (with legs)
禅/ぜん - {Buddh} dhyana (profound meditation); {abbr}
Zen (Buddhism)
繊維/せんい - fibre, fiber, textile
全快/ぜんかい - complete recovery of health
選挙/せんきょ - election
宣教/せんきょう - religious mission, religious proclamation
宣言/せんげん - declaration, proclamation, announcement
先行/せんこう - preceding, going first, leading
選考/せんこう - selection, screening
戦災/せんさい - war damage
専修/せんしゅう - specialization, specialisation
戦術/せんじゅつ - tactics
センス - taste (in fashion, music, etc.), sense (e.g. of
humour), flair
潜水/せんすい - diving, submerging, going underwater
全盛/ぜんせい - height of prosperity
先代/せんだい - previous generation (e.g. one’s parents)
先だって/せんだって - the other day, some time ago, recently
先着/せんちゃく - arriving first
前提/ぜんてい - preamble, premise, reason, prerequisite
先天的/せんてんてき - inborn, innate, inherent, congenital,
hereditary; a priori
前途/ぜんと - future, prospects, outlook; journey ahead,
distance yet to cover
戦闘/せんとう - battle, fight, combat
潜入/せんにゅう - infiltration, sneaking in, going undercover
船舶/せんぱく - vessel, ship, shipping, seacraft
全滅/ぜんめつ - annihilation, total destruction, complete
destruction, crushing defeat
専用/せんよう - (one’s) exclusive use, private use, personal
use; dedicated use, use for a particular purpose; exclusive
use (of particular products), using only (e.g. a certain
brand), using solely
占領/せんりょう - occupying, having (an area) all to oneself;
military occupation, possession, capture, seizure
善良/ぜんりょう - good (person, nature, etc.), good-natured,
virtuous, honest
戦力/せんりょく - war potential, military strength, fighting
power; ability (to compete), capabilities, valuable asset
前例/ぜんれい - precedent
沿う/そう - to run along, to follow
添う/そう - to meet (wishes, expectations, etc.), to satisfy, to
comply with
僧/そう - monk, priest; {abbr} sangha (the Buddhist
像/ぞう - statue, image
相応/そうおう - suitable, appropriate, befitting, becoming,
adequate, reasonable, proper; {n} {vs} {vi} {Buddh}
conjoining, association, samprayukta
総会/そうかい - general meeting
創刊/そうかん - foundation (of a newspaper, magazine, etc.),
starting, launching, first publication
雑木/ぞうき - various kinds of small trees, assorted trees
早急/そうきゅう - immediate, prompt, quick, rapid, urgent,
早急/さっきゅう - immediate, prompt, quick, rapid, urgent,
増強/ぞうきょう - reinforcement, augmentation,
strengthening, increase, buildup
送金/そうきん - remittance, sending money
走行/そうこう - running a wheeled vehicle (e.g. car)
総合/そうごう - synthesis, combination, integration, putting
together; {phil} synthesis, colligation
捜査/そうさ - search, investigation, inquiry
捜索/そうさく - search (esp. for someone or something
missing), manhunt
操縦/そうじゅう - steering, piloting, flying, control;
management, handling, control, manipulation
蔵相/ぞうしょう - Minister of Finance
装飾/そうしょく - ornament, decoration
増進/ぞうしん - promoting, increase, advance
創造/そうぞう - creation; Creation (by God)
相対/そうたい - relativity; {adj-f} relative; facing (e.g. a
problem), confronting
壮大/そうだい - magnificent, grand, majestic, splendid
騒動/そうどう - strife, riot, rebellion, turmoil; (media) uproar,
brouhaha, (public) outcry, scandal, controversy; feud, tussle,
quarrel, dispute
遭難/そうなん - disaster, accident, shipwreck, distress
相場/そうば - market price; speculation (e.g. on stocks)
装備/そうび - equipment
創立/そうりつ - establishment, founding, organization,
添える/そえる - to garnish, to accompany (as a card does a
gift); to add to as support
ソース - sauce; source
即座に/そくざに - immediately, right away, on the spot
促進/そくしん - promotion, acceleration, encouragement,
facilitation, spurring on
即する/そくする - to conform to, to agree with
束縛/そくばく - restraint, restriction, fetters, yoke, shackles;
binding, confinement with rope
側面/そくめん - side, flank, profile, sidelight, lateral
損う/そこなう - to harm, to hurt, to injure, to damage, to
spoil, to mar; {aux-v} {v5u} to fail to …, to miss one’s
opportunity to …
其処ら/そこら - everywhere, somewhere, approximately, that
area, around there
素材/そざい - ingredient, (raw) material, resource;
unprocessed timber, raw timber; subject matter, topic
阻止/そし - obstruction, check, hindrance, prevention,
impediment, interdiction, preemption, blocking
訴訟/そしょう - litigation, lawsuit
育ち/そだち - growth, breeding; {n-suf} growing up (in, as),
措置/そち - measure, step, action
ソックス - socks
素っ気ない/そっけない - cold, short, curt, blunt
外方/そっぽ - the other way
備え付ける/そなえつける - to provide, to furnish, to equip, to
備わる/そなわる - to be furnished with, to be provided with, to
be equipped with; to be possessed of, to be endowed with,
to be gifted with; to be among, to be one of
具わる/そなわる - to be furnished with, to be provided with, to
be equipped with; to be possessed of, to be endowed with,
to be gifted with; to be among, to be one of
聳える/そびえる - to rise (of a building, mountain, etc.), to
tower, to soar
ソフト - soft; {comp} software; soft serve ice cream
素朴/そぼく - simple, artless, naive, unsophisticated
背く/そむく - to run counter to, to go against, to disobey, to
染まる/そまる - to be dyed; to be tainted, to be infected, to
be stained, to be steeped
染める/そめる - to dye, to colour, to color
反る/そる - to warp, to be warped, to curve, to be curved
それ故/それゆえ - therefore, for that reason, so, because of
ソロ - solo
揃い/そろい - set, suit, uniform, together
ぞんざい - rough, careless, slovenly, slipshod, rude, impolite
損失/そんしつ - loss (of assets, profit, etc.)
存続/そんぞく - continuance, survival, persistence, retention,
打/ダース - dozen
対応/たいおう - correspondence (to), equivalence; suitability,
coordination, matching, being appropriate (for); dealing
with, coping with, handling, response, reception, reaction;
compatibility (with technology, software, etc.), capability,
support (for) 大家/たいか - master, expert, authority, leading
figure; mansion, large house; rich family, distinguished
退化/たいか - {biol} degeneration, retrogression, atrophy;
regression (e.g. of society), deterioration, degeneration
大概/たいがい - generally, mainly, usually, normally, mostly,
for the most part; {adj-no} {adv} {n} nearly all, almost all,
most; {n} gist, summary, outline, main idea; {n} {adj-no}
{adv} staying within bounds, not overdoing (something),
not getting carried away, not going too far, being moderate;
probably, perhaps, in all likelihood; considerably, greatly,
really 体格/たいかく - physique, constitution
退学/たいがく - expulsion, dropping out of school
大金/たいきん - large amount of money, great cost
待遇/たいぐう - treatment, reception, service; working
対決/たいけつ - confrontation, showdown
体験/たいけん - personal experience, physical experience
対抗/たいこう - opposition, rivalry, competition, antagonism
退治/たいじ - extermination (e.g. of pests, demons, bandits),
elimination, eradication, destruction, suppression; {Buddh}
making someone renounce worldly desires in order to
concentrate on Buddha’s teachings; curing illness 大衆/たい
しゅう - general public, the masses
対処/たいしょ - dealing with, coping with
退職/たいしょく - retirement, resignation
態勢/たいせい - attitude, posture, preparedness, readiness
対談/たいだん - talk, dialogue, conversation
大胆/だいたん - bold, daring, audacious
対等/たいとう - equality, equivalence; equivalent, equal
タイトル - title
台無し/だいなし - spoiled, spoilt, ruined, wasted (chance,
etc.), messed up, destroyed, (coming to) nothing
滞納/たいのう - falling behind (with a payment), being in
arrears, nonpayment, default, delinquency
対比/たいひ - contrast, comparison
タイピスト - typist
大部/たいぶ - lengthy (of a book, etc.), voluminous; {n}
{adv} most (e.g. most part), greater, fairly, a good deal,
大便/だいべん - feces, excrement, stool
代弁/だいべん - speaking by proxy, speaking for (someone
else), acting as spokesman (for), representing (the views,
feelings, etc. of)
待望/たいぼう - waiting expectantly, waiting eagerly
台本/だいほん - script, libretto, scenario
タイマー - {comp} timer, clock register
怠慢/たいまん - negligence, neglect, procrastination,
タイミング - timing
タイム - time; thyme; time out (e.g. in sport)
タイムリー - timely, well-timed; {n} {baseb} {abbr} clutch
hit, run-scoring hit, RBI hit
対面/たいめん - interview, meeting
代用/だいよう - substitution
体力/たいりょく - stamina, endurance, physical strength,
タイル - tile
対話/たいわ - dialogue, conversation, talk, discussion,
ダウン - down (opposite of up), becoming lower, being
brought down
耐える/たえる - to bear, to stand, to endure, to put up with
堪える/たえる - to bear, to stand, to endure, to put up with; to
support, to withstand, to resist, to brave; to be fit for, to be
equal to
絶える/たえる - to die out, to peter out, to become extinct
打開/だかい - breaking a deadlock
高まる/たかまる - to rise, to swell, to be promoted
妥協/だきょう - compromise, giving in
逞しい/たくましい - burly, strong, sturdy; indomitable,
indefatigable, strong-willed, resolute, bold; robust (vitality,
appetite, economic growth, etc.), strong
巧み/たくみ - skillful, clever
丈/たけ - height, stature; length (esp. of clothing); all (one
has), everything; magnificence (of a waka poem, etc.)
丈/だけ - only, just, as
打撃/だげき - blow, shock, strike, damage; {baseb} batting
妥結/だけつ - settlement, an agreement
駄作/ださく - poor piece of work, rubbish, trash
足し算/たしざん - {math} addition
多数決/たすうけつ - majority decision, majority vote, majority
助け/たすけ - assistance, help, aid, support, reinforcement
携わる/たずさわる - to engage in, to participate in, to take
part in, to be involved in
漂う/ただよう - to drift, to float; to waft (e.g. a scent), to hang
in the air
立ち去る/たちさる - to leave, to depart, to take one’s leave
立ち寄る/たちよる - to drop in (at), to drop by, to call at, to
stop by, to stop off, to stop in
断つ/たつ - to sever, to cut off; to suppress, to eradicate
抱っこ/だっこ - {chn} hug, carrying in one’s arms (a baby,
pet, doll, etc.)
達者/たっしゃ - in good health, healthy, well, fit, robust,
strong; skilled, proficient, adept; {n} master, expert
脱出/だっしゅつ - escape, breakout; prolapse, proptosis
脱する/だっする - to escape from, to get out
達成/たっせい - achievement, attainment, accomplishment,
脱退/だったい - withdrawal (e.g. from an organization),
secession, leaving, pulling out
だったら - if it’s the case
盾/たて - shield, buckler
立て替える/たてかえる - to pay an advance, to put down
money on something
建前/たてまえ - face, official stance, public position or
attitude (as opposed to private thoughts); ceremony for the
erection of the framework of a house
奉る/たてまつる - {hum} to offer, to present; to set someone
up in a high position, to revere at a distance; {aux-v} {v5r}
{hum} to do respectfully
だと - if it’s the case
他動詞/たどうし - {gramm} transitive verb
例え/たとえ - example; simile
辿り着く/たどりつく - to (finally) arrive at, to reach (at last),
to (manage to) get to, to find one’s way to
辿る/たどる - to follow (road), to pursue (course), to follow up
束ねる/たばねる - to tie up in a bundle (e.g. straw, hair, bills,
だぶだぶ - {on-mim} loose (of clothing), baggy; {adv} {advto} {vs} {on-mim} flabby, saggy; {adv} {adv-to} {adj-na}
{vs} {on-mim} sloshing, slopping, overflowing; {adv} {advto} {on-mim} plenty (of pouring a liquid), drowning (e.g. in
a sauce) 他方/たほう - one (esp. of two), the other, one way,
the other way, one direction, the other direction, one side,
the other side, one party, the other party; {conj} on the
other hand
多忙/たぼう - being very busy, busyness
給う/たまう - to receive; to grant, to bestow, to award
魂/たましい - soul, spirit
溜まり/たまり - pile, pool, collection; gathering spot; {sumo}
waiting place for a wrestler beside the ring; liquid runoff
from miso preparation; {abbr} tamari, variety of rich soy
sauce (used for sashimi, etc.) 賜る/たまわる - {hum} to be
given, to be granted, to be honored with, to be honoured
with; {hon} to give, to bestow, to confer, to honor, to
保つ/たもつ - to keep, to preserve, to hold, to retain
容易い/たやすい - easy, simple, light
多様/たよう - diverse, varied
怠い/だるい - sluggish, languid, listless, heavy (heart, legs,
etc.), dull; {sl} bothersome, tiresome, pain-in-the-ass
弛み/たるみ - slack, slackening, sagginess, flabbiness (skin,
etc.); dullness, letdown, depression, ennui
弛む/たるむ - to slacken, to loosen, to relax, to droop (e.g.
loose or flabby skin), to sag (ceiling); to slack off (e.g. one’s
work, attention), to not put one’s heart in
垂れる/たれる - to hang, to droop, to dangle, to sag
タレント - star (esp. television) (from talent)
タワー - tower
単一/たんいつ - single, simple, sole, individual, unitary
短歌/たんか - 31-syllable Japanese poem
担架/たんか - stretcher, litter (medical), gurney
短気/たんき - short temper, quick temper, hot temper,
impatience, irritability
団結/だんけつ - unity, union, solidarity, combination, teaming
探検/たんけん - exploration, expedition
断言/だんげん - assertion, declaration, affirmation
短縮/たんしゅく - shortening, contraction, reduction
断然/だんぜん - firmly, absolutely, flatly, resolutely
炭素/たんそ - carbon (C)
短大/たんだい - junior college
単調/たんちょう - monotony, monotone, dullness
単独/たんどく - sole, single, solo; {n} independence,
singleness, singularity
旦那/だんな - master (of a house, shop, etc.); {fam}
husband; sir, boss, master, governor; patron of a mistress,
geisha, bar or nightclub hostess, sugar daddy; {Buddh}
alms, almsgiving, almsgiver
短波/たんぱ - short wave
蛋白質/たんぱくしつ - protein
ダンプ - dump; {abbr} dump truck
断面/だんめん - section, cross section, profile
弾力/だんりょく - elasticity, flexibility
治安/ちあん - public order, public peace, public security, law
and order
チームワーク - teamwork
チェンジ - change, changing; exchange (e.g. of goods);
{sports} change of sides (in baseball, American football,
etc.); {sports} {abbr} switching ends (in tennis, volleyball,
違える/ちがえる - to change, to alter; to mistake, to make a
mistake; to fail to keep (e.g. one’s promise); to sprain (a
muscle), to dislocate (e.g. one’s neck)
畜産/ちくさん - animal husbandry, livestock industry
畜生/ちくしょう - beast (i.e. any animal other than man);
damn it
蓄積/ちくせき - accumulation, accumulate, store
地形/ちけい - terrain, geographical features, topography
知性/ちせい - intelligence
乳/ちち - milk; breast; loop
縮まる/ちぢまる - to shorten, to narrow, to close, to shrink
秩序/ちつじょ - order, discipline, regularity, system, method
窒息/ちっそく - suffocation, choking, asphyxia
知的/ちてき - intellectual
チャイム - chime, bell (e.g. doorbell)
着手/ちゃくしゅ - starting work (on), setting to work (on),
setting about (doing), beginning, commencing, embarking
on; {law} commencing (a crime)
着色/ちゃくしょく - colouring, coloring, colorant
着席/ちゃくせき - taking a seat, sitting down (in one’s seat)
着目/ちゃくもく - attention, giving one’s attention, focusing
着陸/ちゃくりく - landing, alighting, touch down
着工/ちゃっこう - starting (construction) work
茶の間/ちゃのま - (Japanese-style) living room
茶の湯/ちゃのゆ - tea ceremony, chanoyu
ちやほや - {on-mim} to make a fuss over, to pamper, to
spoil, to indulge, to flatter (with attention)
チャンネル - channel
宙返り/ちゅうがえり - somersault, looping-the-loop
中継/ちゅうけい - relay, hook-up; {abbr} relay broadcasting
忠告/ちゅうこく - advice, warning
中傷/ちゅうしょう - slander, libel, defamation, calumny,
中枢/ちゅうすう - centre, center, pivot, mainstay, nucleus,
hub, backbone, central figure, pillar, key person; central
nervous system
抽選/ちゅうせん - lottery, raffle, drawing (of lots)
中断/ちゅうだん - interruption, suspension, break
中毒/ちゅうどく - poisoning; {n-suf} addiction
中腹/ちゅうふく - halfway up (down) a mountain,
中立/ちゅうりつ - neutrality
中和/ちゅうわ - neutralizing, neutralising, counteracting
著/ちょ - work, book; {suf} (a book) by; {adj-na} {n}
obvious, striking
腸/ちょう - guts, bowels, intestines
蝶/ちょう - butterfly
超/ちょう - super-, ultra-, hyper-, extreme; {col} extremely,
really, totally, absolutely; {n-suf} over, more than
調印/ちょういん - signature, signing, sealing
聴覚/ちょうかく - the sense of hearing
長官/ちょうかん - secretary (government), director, chief
聴講/ちょうこう - lecture attendance, auditing
徴収/ちょうしゅう - collection (of fees, taxes, etc.), levy
聴診器/ちょうしんき - stethoscope
挑戦/ちょうせん - challenge
調停/ちょうてい - arbitration, conciliation, mediation
重複/ちょうふく - duplication, repetition, overlapping,
redundancy, restoration
長編/ちょうへん - long (e.g. novel, film)
重宝/ちょうほう - convenient, useful, handy, helpful; {n}
{vs} {vt} finding useful, coming in handy, using often; {n}
(priceless) treasure
調理/ちょうり - cooking, food preparation
調和/ちょうわ - harmony
ちょくちょく - often, frequently, now and then, occasionally
直面/ちょくめん - confrontation; {vs} to face, to confront, to
著書/ちょしょ - (written) work, book, writings
貯蓄/ちょちく - savings
直感/ちょっかん - intuition, instinct, hunch
著名/ちょめい - well-known, noted, celebrated
ちらっと - {on-mim} at a glance, by accident
塵/ちり - dust; trash, garbage, rubbish, dirt; negligible
amount, tiny bit; hustle and bustle (of life), worldly cares,
impurities of the world; {sumo} {abbr} ritual gestures
indicating that a fight will be clean 塵取り/ちりとり - dustpan
治療/ちりょう - (medical) treatment, care, therapy, cure,
賃金/ちんぎん - wages, pay
沈殿/ちんでん - precipitation, deposition, settlement (e.g. of
沈没/ちんぼつ - sinking, foundering, going down, submersion
沈黙/ちんもく - silence, being silent, quiet, hush
陳列/ちんれつ - exhibition, display, putting on show
対/つい - pair, couple, set; antithesis
追及/ついきゅう - investigation (e.g. into someone’s guilt),
追跡/ついせき - chase, pursuit, tracking, stalking; following
up, tracing
追放/ついほう - exile, banishment, eviction, deportation,
purge, expulsion, ousting; elimination (e.g. of poverty),
費やす/ついやす - to spend, to expend, to consume; to waste,
to squander, to throw away; to devote
墜落/ついらく - fall, crash (e.g. aircraft)
痛感/つうかん - feeling keenly, fully realizing
通常/つうじょう - usual, ordinary, normal, regular, general,
痛切/つうせつ - keen, acute, heartfelt
杖/つえ - cane, walking stick, staff, wand
使い道/つかいみち - purpose, utility, objective; way to use
仕える/つかえる - to serve, to work for, to attend
司る/つかさどる - to be in charge of, to manage, to direct, to
administer, to preside over; to rule, to govern, to control
束の間/つかのま - moment, brief space of time
月並/つきなみ - every month; trite, commonplace
尽きる/つきる - to be used up, to be run out, to be exhausted
接ぐ/つぐ - to join, to piece together, to set (bones)
継ぐ/つぐ - to succeed (a person, to a position, etc.), to
inherit, to take over
尽くす/つくす - to exhaust, to run out; to devote, to serve (a
熟/つくづく - {on-mim} deeply, keenly, severely, completely,
utterly; {on-mim} intently, carefully, closely, attentively
作り/つくり - making, producing, manufacturing, building,
construction, make, structure; appearance (attire, make-up,
etc.); build, physique; sashimi; {n-pref} forced (smile, etc.)
造り/つくり - make-up, structure, physique
繕う/つくろう - to mend, to patch up, to repair, to fix
付け加える/つけくわえる - to add one thing to another
告げる/つげる - to tell, to inform, to announce
辻褄/つじつま - coherence, consistency
筒/つつ - pipe, tube, cylinder; gun barrel; gun, cannon
突く/つつく - to poke (repeatedly, lightly), to nudge; to peck
at (one’s food), to pick at; to peck at (someone’s faults,
etc.); to egg on, to put up to
謹む/つつしむ - to be careful, to be discreet; to do in
moderation, to refrain (from overdoing), to abstain; to be
reverent; to be purified, to be chaste
突っ張る/つっぱる - to cramp up, to tighten, to stiffen; to be
insistent, to persist (in one’s opinion), to stick to one’s guns;
to act tough, to bluff, to be defiant, to be unruly; to prop up
(e.g. with a post), to support; to push out (one’s legs or
arms), to stretch (e.g. an arm against the wall), to press;
{sumo} to thrust (one’s opponent) 勤め先/つとめさき - place
of work
努めて/つとめて - as much as possible, as far as possible, to
the best of one’s ability, diligently
津波/つなみ - tidal wave, immense catastrophic wave
抓る/つねる - to pinch, to nip
角/つの - (animal) horn
募る/つのる - to become stronger, to grow in intensity, to
grow violent, to become worse; to invite contributions, etc.,
to solicit help, participation, etc., to recruit (e.g. soldiers)
唾/つば - saliva, spit, spittle
呟く/つぶやく - to mutter, to murmur, to grumble; to tweet,
to post on Twitter
瞑る/つぶる - to close one’s eyes
壷/つぼ - jar, pot, vase; dice cup; depression (i.e. the basin of
a waterfall); {arch} target (when aiming an arrow);
(figurative) bull’s-eye; key point (of a conversation, etc.);
acupuncture point, moxibustion point, nodes on a
fingerboard (of a shamisen, etc.) 蕾/つぼみ - (flower) bud;
promising young person, budding beauty
摘む/つむ - to pick, to pluck; to snip
露/つゆ - dew; tears
強まる/つよまる - to get strong, to gain strength
強める/つよめる - to strengthen, to emphasize, to emphasise
連なる/つらなる - to extend, to stretch out, to stand in a row
貫く/つらぬく - to go through, to pierce, to penetrate
連ねる/つらねる - to line up, to put in a row; to add (to a
group), to accept (as a member of an organization, etc.), to
join (e.g. a list); to link, to put together, to string together
(e.g. compliments), to enumerate; to take along with, to
bring with 釣り鐘/つりがね - temple bell, hanging bell, funeral
吊り革/つりかわ - strap (to hang onto)
手当/てあて - salary, pay, compensation, allowance (e.g.
housing allowance), benefit, bonus; medical care,
treatment; advance preparation
定義/ていぎ - definition
提供/ていきょう - offer, tender, providing, supplying
提携/ていけい - cooperation, tie-up, joint business,
partnership, alliance, sponsorship
体裁/ていさい - (outward) appearance; (proper) format (e.g.
of an essay), form, style; appearances, decency, show,
display; lip-service, insincere words, glib talk
提示/ていじ - presentation (of a passport, ID, etc.), showing,
production (e.g. of documents); presentation (of a plan,
response, etc.), bringing up, citing (an example)
定食/ていしょく - set meal, special (of the day)
訂正/ていせい - correction, revision, amendment
停滞/ていたい - stagnation, tie-up, standstill, congestion
邸宅/ていたく - (large) house, residence, mansion
定年/ていねん - retirement age
堤防/ていぼう - bank, weir, embankment, levee
データ - data, datum
手遅れ/ておくれ - being too late, losing one’s final chance
でかい - {col} huge, big, gargantuan
手掛かり/てがかり - clue, lead, key, trail, scent, track;
handhold, hold
手掛ける/てがける - to handle, to manage, to deal with
手数/てかず - trouble, bother
手軽/てがる - easy, simple, informal, offhand, cheap
適応/てきおう - adaptation, accommodation, conformity
適宜/てきぎ - suitable, appropriate, fitting, proper; {n} {adv}
appropriately, accordingly, as required, at one’s discretion
適性/てきせい - aptitude, aptness, suitability
出来物/できもの - tumour, tumor, growth, boil, ulcer, abscess,
rash, pimple
手際/てぎわ - skill, ability, dexterity; performance,
workmanship, craftsmanship, execution
出くわす/でくわす - to happen to meet, to come across
デザイン - design
手順/てじゅん - process, procedure, sequence
手錠/てじょう - handcuffs, manacles
手数/てすう - trouble, bother
デコレーション - decoration
デザート - dessert; desert
手近/てぢか - near, close by, within reach, handy; familiar
てっきり - surely, certainly, without doubt
鉄鋼/てっこう - iron and steel
デッサン - rough sketch
徹する/てっする - to penetrate, to sink in
天辺/てっぺん - top, summit, apex, peak; {sl} twelve o’clock
(usu. midnight); top of one’s head, top of a helmet, (top of)
scalp, crown
鉄棒/てつぼう - iron rod, iron bar, iron club; horizontal bar
出直し/でなおし - adjustment, touch up
掌/てのひら - palm (of the hand)
手配/てはい - arrangement, preparations; search (by police)
手筈/てはず - arrangements, plan, programme, program,
手引/てびき - guide, handbook, guideline; guidance,
手本/てほん - copybook; model, pattern
手回し/てまわし - turning by hand, hand-turned, handcranked; preparations, arrangements
手元/てもと - at hand, on hand, nearby, close at hand; {n}
way of moving one’s arms, skill; {n} money at hand, pocket
money; {n} grip, handle
デモンストレーション - demonstration, protest; (giving a)
demo, demonstration, presentation; exhibition game,
exhibition match
照り返す/てりかえす - to reflect, to throw back light
テレックス - {abbr} telex, teletypewriter exchange
手分け/てわけ - division of labour
天/てん - sky; {Christn} heaven; God; {Buddh} svarga
(heaven-like realm visited as a stage of death and rebirth);
{Buddh} deva (divine being of Buddhism); top (of a book);
sole (of a Japanese sandal); beginning, start; {abbr}
tempura; {abbr} {obs} India 田園/でんえん - the country,
countryside, rural districts
天下/てんか - the whole world; the whole country; society, the
public; supremacy over a nation, government of a country,
the ruling power; having one’s own way, doing as one
pleases; {adj-no} peerless, incomparable, superlative,
world-famous; {arch} shogun (Edo period) 転回/てんかい revolution, rotation; turn, turning; {music} inversion;
handspring (gymnastics)
転換/てんかん - conversion, diversion, changeover
転居/てんきょ - moving, changing residence, change of
転勤/てんきん - job transfer, job relocation
点検/てんけん - inspection, examination, checking, checking
(e.g. an object, in the sense of checking every part for
電源/でんげん - source of electricity, electrical power
転校/てんこう - changing schools
天国/てんごく - paradise, heaven, Kingdom of Heaven
伝言/でんごん - verbal message
天才/てんさい - genius, prodigy, natural gift
天災/てんさい - natural calamity, disaster
展示/てんじ - exhibition, display
伝説/でんせつ - legend, folklore, tradition
点線/てんせん - dotted line, perforated line
転じる/てんじる - to turn, to shift, to alter, to distract
転ずる/てんずる - to turn, to shift, to alter, to distract
天体/てんたい - heavenly body, celestial body, astronomical
伝達/でんたつ - transmission (e.g. news, chemical signals,
electricity), communication
天地/てんち - heaven and earth, the universe, the world,
nature; land, world, realm, sphere; top and bottom
てんで - (not) at all, completely, utterly, entirely, altogether;
very, extremely
転任/てんにん - change of post
展望/てんぼう - view, outlook, prospect
伝来/でんらい - introduction (from abroad); transmission
(through successive generations), being handed down (from
generation to generation), being passed down
転落/てんらく - fall, downfall, degradation, slump, spill
都/と - Metropolis (of Tokyo), (Tokyo) Metropolitan District,
metropolitan prefecture; {ctr} counter for cities and towns;
問い合わせる/といあわせる - to inquire
問う/とう - to ask, to inquire; to blame (someone) for, to
accuse of
棟/とう - large building; counter for buildings
胴/どう - trunk, torso, body, abdomen, waist
同意/どうい - agreement, consent, approval, assent; same
opinion, same view
動員/どういん - mobilization, mobilisation
同感/どうかん - same feeling, same sentiment, same opinion,
sympathy, agreement, concurrence
陶器/とうき - porcelain, china, chinaware, earthenware,
pottery, ceramics, crockery
討議/とうぎ - debate, discussion
動機/どうき - motive, incentive; motif
等級/とうきゅう - grade, class, degree, rank, rating, order,
points; {astron} magnitude
同級/どうきゅう - the same grade, same class
同居/どうきょ - living together, coexistence
登校/とうこう - attendance (at school), going to school
統合/とうごう - integration, unification, unity, combination,
consolidation, synthesis
動向/どうこう - trend, tendency, movement, attitude
倒産/とうさん - (corporate) bankruptcy, insolvency,
commercial failure
投資/とうし - investment
同士/どうし - fellow, mutual
同志/どうし - like-mindedness, (being of the) same mind;
comrade, fellow
同情/どうじょう - sympathy, compassion
道場/どうじょう - hall used for martial arts training
統制/とうせい - regulation, control
当選/とうせん - being elected; winning (in a lottery, raffle,
当然/とうぜん - natural, as a matter of course
逃走/とうそう - flight, desertion, escape
統率/とうそつ - command, lead, generalship, leadership
到達/とうたつ - reaching, attaining, arrival
統治/とうち - rule, reign, government, governing
同調/どうちょう - conformity, alignment, agreement,
sympathy, following suit; {elec} tuning; same tone, same
到底/とうてい - by no means, not at all, (cannot) possibly,
utterly, absolutely
動的/どうてき - dynamic, kinetic
尊い/とうとい - precious, valuable, priceless; noble, exalted,
貴い/とうとい - precious, valuable, priceless
同等/どうとう - equality, equal, same rights, same rank,
堂々/どうどう - magnificent, grand, impressive, dignified,
majestic, imposing, stately; fair, square, open, unashamed,
brazen; {adv-to} grandly, boldly, confidently; {adv-to}
fairly, squarely, unreservedly, brazenly 尊ぶ/とうとぶ - to
value, to prize, to esteem, to respect
どうにか - in some way or other, one way or another,
somehow, only just, barely
投入/とうにゅう - throwing in, inserting, depositing (e.g. a
ballot); investment, commitment (of funds, personnel, etc.),
injection, infusion; launching (a product into the market),
introduction; {comp} submitting (a job to a computer),
issuing (a command) 導入/どうにゅう - introduction
当人/とうにん - the person concerned, the person in question,
the said person
同封/どうふう - enclosed (e.g. within a letter)
逃亡/とうぼう - escape, flight, running away, elopement,
冬眠/とうみん - hibernation, winter sleep, torpor
同盟/どうめい - alliance, union, league
どうやら - possibly, apparently, (seem) likely, seemingly;
somehow or other, with difficulty, barely, after a fashion
動揺/どうよう - shaking, trembling, pitching, rolling;
disturbance, unrest
動力/どうりょく - power, motive power, dynamic force
登録/とうろく - registration, accession, register, entry, record
討論/とうろん - debate, discussion
遠ざかる/とおざかる - to go far off, to go away (from), to
recede (into the distance), to die away (sound)
遠回り/とおまわり - detour, roundabout way
トーン - tone
兎角/とかく - (doing) various things, (doing) this and that;
being apt to, being prone to, tending to; at any rate,
anyhow, anyway; {adj-no} all sorts of (negative things),
various; {n} {Buddh} {id} things that do not exist, rabbit
horns 咎める/とがめる - to blame, to reproach, to censure, to
rebuke, to reprove, to find fault, to take to task, to criticize,
to criticise; to question (a suspect), to challenge; to
aggravate (an injury), to be aggravated, to get inflamed; to
prick (one’s conscience) 時折/ときおり - sometimes, at
intervals, occasionally, on occasion, from time to time
跡切れる/とぎれる - to break off, to come to an end, to be
interrupted, to be cut short, to pause
説く/とく - to explain, to advocate, to preach
研ぐ/とぐ - to sharpen, to hone, to whet, to grind; to wash
特技/とくぎ - special skill
独裁/どくさい - dictatorship, despotism, autocracy; running
(a company, etc.) despotically
特産/とくさん - being produced in a particular region, local
独自/どくじ - original, peculiar, on one’s own
特集/とくしゅう - feature (e.g. newspaper), special edition
独占/どくせん - monopoly, monopolization, exclusivity;
hogging, keeping to oneself
独創/どくそう - originality
得点/とくてん - scoring, score, points made, marks obtained,
goals, runs
特派/とくは - send specially, special envoy
特有/とくゆう - characteristic (of), peculiar (to)
刺/とげ - thorn, spine, prickle; splinter
遂げる/とげる - to accomplish, to achieve, to carry out; to
arrive at (a certain outcome), to come to, to end with
年頃/としごろ - approximate age, apparent age; marriageable
age (esp. of a woman), age of maturity, age of adulthood;
appropriate age (to …), old enough (to …); {arch} past few
years, for some years
戸締り/とじまり - locking up (doors and windows), fastening
the doors
途上/とじょう - on the way, en route; in the process of
(development, construction, etc.), in the middle of
綴じる/とじる - to bind, to file
土台/どだい - foundation, base, basis, cornerstone,
途絶える/とだえる - to stop, to cease, to come to an end, to
cut off
特許/とっきょ - patent, special permission, licence (license)
特権/とっけん - privilege, special right
咄嗟に/とっさに - at once, immediately, instantly, in an
instant, quickly, suddenly, on the spur of the moment
突如/とつじょ - suddenly, all of a sudden, unexpectedly
取っ手/とって - handle, grip, knob
突破/とっぱ - breaking through, breakthrough, penetration;
surmounting (a difficulty), overcoming, getting over,
accomplishing (an aim), reaching (a goal); exceeding,
passing, rising above
土手/どて - embankment, bank; {abbr} beef sinew stewed in
miso and mirin
届/とどけ - report, notification, registration
滞る/とどこおる - to stagnate, to be delayed, to be left
undone; to be overdue (of a payment), to fall into arrears, to
be outstanding
整える/ととのえる - to put in order, to arrange, to tidy up, to
止める/とどめる - to stop, to stay (e.g. the night), to cease, to
put an end to; to contain, to keep (in position, in place), to
limit; to record (e.g. a fact), to retain
唱える/となえる - to recite, to chant; to cry, to yell, to shout
殿様/とのさま - {hon} nobleman, dignitary, lord; {hist}
{hon} feudal lord (of the Edo period), daimyo; man brought
up away from the world, arrogant man with little knowledge
of the ways of the world
土俵/どひょう - arena
扉/とびら - door, gate, opening; title page
溝/どぶ - ditch, drain, gutter, trench
徒歩/とほ - walking, going on foot
土木/どぼく - public works, civil (engineering)
惚ける/とぼける - to play dumb, to feign ignorance, to play
innocent, to have a blank facial expression; to play the fool;
to be in one’s dotage
乏しい/とぼしい - meagre, meager, scarce, limited, destitute,
hard up, lacking, scanty, poor
富/とみ - riches, wealth, fortune; resources; {abbr} lottery
富む/とむ - to be rich, to become rich, to be abundant (with)
供/とも - companion, follower, attendant
共稼ぎ/ともかせぎ - (husband and wife) earning a living
伴う/ともなう - to accompany, to go hand in hand with, to be
consequent upon
共働き/ともばたらき - (both spouses) both working, dual
ドライ - dry; dry (tone, humour, etc.), unemotional, matterof-fact, businesslike, practical; dry (of alcohol)
ドライクリーニング - dry cleaning
ドライバー - driver (of a vehicle); {abbr} screwdriver; {golf}
driver (club); {comp} driver, device driver
ドライブイン - drive-in (bank, cinema, etc.); roadside
restaurant, rest stop
トラブル - trouble, quarrel, conflict, dispute, fight, difficulties;
failure (of an engine, machine, computer, etc.), problem,
breakdown, malfunction; (medical) condition, disorder,
トランジスター - electrical transistor
取り敢えず/とりあえず - first of all, at once, right away; for
now, for the time being
取扱/とりあつかい - treatment, service, handling,
取り扱う/とりあつかう - to handle, to operate (a machine,
etc.), to use; to deal with (an issue), to manage; to treat
(someone), to deal with (someone); to deal in, to carry, to
鳥居/とりい - Shinto shrine archway
取り替え/とりかえ - swap, exchange
取り組む/とりくむ - to grapple with, to wrestle with, to
engage in a bout, to be matched against; to tackle (e.g. a
problem), to come to grips with, to work hard on
取締り/とりしまり - control, management, supervision
取り締まる/とりしまる - to manage, to control, to supervise
取り調べる/とりしらべる - to investigate, to examine
取り立てる/とりたてる - to collect (debts), to dun, to exact, to
extort; to appoint, to promote, to give patronage; to
emphasize, to focus on, to call attention to
取り次ぐ/とりつぐ - to act as an agent for, to intermediate; to
announce (someone’s arrival), to answer (the door, the
phone), to receive (a guest at reception), to usher in (a
guest); to convey (a message) 取り除く/とりのぞく - to
remove, to deinstall, to take away, to set apart
取引/とりひき - transactions, dealings, business
取り巻く/とりまく - to surround, to encircle, to enclose
取り混ぜる/とりまぜる - to mix, to put together
取り戻す/とりもどす - to take back
取り寄せる/とりよせる - to order, to send away for, to have
(something) sent to one; to pull (something) closer
ドリル - drill bit, drill; drill (practice); drill (Mandrillus
取り分け/とりわけ - especially, above all; inter alia, among
蕩ける/とろける - to melt (and become soft or liquid); to be
enchanted (by), to be charmed, to be bewitched
鈍感/どんかん - thickheaded, insensitive, dull, thick-skinned
とんだ - unthinkable, unimaginable, inconceivable,
unexpected; terrible, awful, serious; {adv} {arch} very
度忘れ/どわすれ - lapse of memory, (something) slipping
one’s mind, forgetting for a moment something one knows
問屋/とんや - wholesale store, wholesale dealer, wholesaler
内閣/ないかく - cabinet (of a government), ministry
乃至/ないし - from … to, between … and; or
内緒/ないしょ - secrecy, confidentiality, privacy, secret; one’s
circumstances (esp. fiscal)
内心/ないしん - inner thoughts, real intention, inmost heart,
one’s mind; at heart, deep down, on the inside; {math}
inner center (centre)
ナイター - {sports} game under lights (e.g. baseball), night
内部/ないぶ - interior, inside, internal
内乱/ないらん - civil war, insurrection, rebellion, domestic
内陸/ないりく - inland
苗/なえ - seedling, young plant
尚更/なおさら - still more, even more, all the more; still less,
even less
流し/ながし - sink (e.g. in a kitchen); {adj-no} {n} cruising
(e.g. taxi), strolling (entertainer, musician, etc.); washing
area (in a Japanese-style bath); back-washing service (in a
public bath); floating (something on water), setting adrift,
washing away 長々/ながなが - for a long time, at (great)
length, lengthily, long-windedly, tediously; (extending) far,
(stretching) out, (lying down) at full length
中程/なかほど - (about) middle, midway
渚/なぎさ - water’s edge, beach, shore
嘆く/なげく - to lament, to grieve, to regret; to deplore
投げ出す/なげだす - to throw down, to throw out, to stretch
out (one’s legs)
仲人/なこうど - matchmaker; go-between, intermediary
和やか/なごやか - mild, calm, gentle, quiet, congenial
名残/なごり - remains, traces, vestiges, relics
情け/なさけ - pity, sympathy, compassion, mercy; affection,
情無い/なさけない - miserable, pitiable, shameful, deplorable,
情深い/なさけぶかい - tenderhearted, compassionate,
charitable, good-hearted
詰る/なじる - to rebuke, to scold, to tell off, to find fault, to
harp on, to reprove; to question persistently (in order to
criticize or find fault with someone)
名高い/なだかい - famous, noted, renowned, celebrated, wellknown
雪崩/なだれ - avalanche, snowslide
懐く/なつく - to become attached (to), to take (to), to
become affectionate (with), to be tamed
名付ける/なづける - to name, to call, to christen, to term
何卒/なにとぞ - {hum} please, kindly, I beg of you, if it
pleases you; by all means, without fail
何より/なにより - above anything else, above all, more than
anything; best, greatest, excellent, wonderful, most
ナプキン - (table) napkin, serviette
名札/なふだ - name plate, name tag, label
生臭い/なまぐさい - smelling of fish, fishy, smelling of blood,
bloody; degenerate (of a monk), depraved, corrupt, fallen;
worldly, mundane, secular, common, ordinary; fishy,
suspicious, questionable
生温い/なまぬるい - lukewarm, tepid; halfhearted, vague
生身/なまみ - living flesh, flesh and blood
鉛/なまり - lead (Pb)
滑らか/なめらか - smooth (of a surface), glassy, velvety, soft;
smooth (of an action, proceedings, etc.), fluent (speech),
fluid, trouble-free; {math} continuously differentiable
嘗める/なめる - to lick, to lap, to suck; to taste; to experience
(esp. a hardship); to look down on (someone), to make fun
of, to put down, to treat with contempt, to underestimate; to
lick (at; of flames), to burn 悩ましい/なやましい - seductive,
carnal, enchanting; troubling, difficult
悩ます/なやます - to afflict, to torment, to harass, to molest
悩み/なやみ - trouble(s), worry
慣らす/ならす - to accustom, to train (e.g. one’s ear); to tame
馴らす/ならす - to accustom, to train (e.g. one’s ear); to
tame, to domesticate, to train (an animal)
並びに/ならびに - and (also), both … and, as well as
成り立つ/なりたつ - to consist of, to be made up of, to be
composed of; to be concluded (e.g. of an agreement), to
hold true (e.g. of a theory), to be valid; to be viable (of a
business, lifestyle, etc.), to carry on, to keep going 成る丈/な
るたけ - as (much) as possible, as (much) as one can,
wherever practicable, if possible
慣れ/なれ - practice, experience, habituation; {n-suf} being
used to, being comfortable with, being experienced in
難/なん - difficulty, trouble, hardship
ナンセンス - nonsense
何だか/なんだか - (a) little, somewhat, somehow
なんだかんだ - something or other, one thing or another, this
or that
何なり/なんなり - anything, whatever
荷/に - load, baggage, cargo, freight, goods; burden,
似通う/にかよう - to resemble closely
面皰/にきび - pimple, acne
賑わう/にぎわう - to be crowded with people, to be bustling
with; to prosper, to flourish, to do thriving business
憎しみ/にくしみ - hatred
肉親/にくしん - blood relationship, blood relative
肉体/にくたい - the body, the flesh, the outer man, one’s
逃げ出す/にげだす - to run away, to flee, to make off, to take
to one’s heels, to escape; to start to run away
西日/にしび - westering sun, setting sun, afternoon sun
滲む/にじむ - to run (of liquid), to spread, to bleed, to blot; to
blur, to blot, to be blurred; to ooze, to well up (of tears,
etc.); to show through (of feelings, emotions, etc.), to reveal
偽物/にせもの - spurious article, forgery, counterfeit,
imitation, sham
日夜/にちや - day and night, around the clock, always,
荷造り/にづくり - packing, baling, crating
担う/になう - to carry on one’s shoulder, to shoulder, to bear
鈍る/にぶる - to become blunt, to grow dull; to become less
capable, to weaken, to falter
にも拘らず/にもかかわらず - in spite of, nevertheless,
although, despite, no matter the, regardless of
ニュアンス - nuance
入手/にゅうしゅ - acquisition, obtaining, procurement, getting
(hold of)
入賞/にゅうしょう - winning a prize, placing (high; in a
入浴/にゅうよく - bathing, going in the bath
尿/にょう - urine
認識/にんしき - recognition, awareness, perception
妊娠/にんしん - pregnancy, conception, gestation
任務/にんむ - duty, function, office, mission, task
任命/にんめい - appointment, nomination, ordination,
commission, designation
抜かす/ぬかす - to omit, to leave out, to skip; to overtake, to
pass; {vulg} to say, to speak
抜け出す/ぬけだす - to slip out, to sneak away, to break free,
to get through (a difficult situation); to break into the lead,
to get ahead; to begin to fall out (e.g. hair); {comp} to
break out (of a loop) 主/ぬし - head (of a household, etc.),
leader, master; owner, proprietor
沼/ぬま - swamp, bog, pond, marsh, wetland
音/ね - sound, noise
音色/ねいろ - tone color, tone colour, tone quality, timbre
値打ち/ねうち - value, worth, merit; estimation, evaluation,
ネガ - {photo} {print} {abbr} negative; {adj-na} {abbr}
negative (e.g. thinking)
寝かせる/ねかせる - to put to bed, to let sleep; to lay
(something) down, to put on its side; to let (money, goods,
etc.) lie idle, to set aside unused, to let (stock) lie unsold; to
(let) ferment, to (let) age, to let (dough) rise, to lay down
(wine) ねじ回し/ねじまわし - screwdriver
妬む/ねたむ - to be jealous of, to envy, to begrudge
強請る/ねだる - to beg, to pester, to plead, to coax
熱意/ねつい - zeal, enthusiasm, ardor, ardour
熱湯/ねっとう - boiling water
熱量/ねつりょう - quantity of heat (e.g. in calories, BTU, etc.),
heat value, calorific value; (degree of) enthusiasm, zeal,
粘り/ねばり - stickiness, viscosity; tenacity, persistence
粘る/ねばる - to be sticky, to be adhesive; to persevere, to
persist, to stick to, to hold out, to linger
値引き/ねびき - price reduction, discount
根回し/ねまわし - making necessary arrangements, laying the
groundwork, prior consultation; trimming the roots of a tree
before transplanting to foster development
眠たい/ねむたい - sleepy, drowsy
練る/ねる - to knead, to work over; to polish up (e.g. a plan)
念/ねん - sense, idea, thought, feeling, desire
年賀/ねんが - New Year’s greetings, New Year’s call, New
Year’s gift
年鑑/ねんかん - yearbook, almanac, annual
念願/ねんがん - one’s heart’s desire, one’s dearest wish
年号/ねんごう - name of an imperial era (e.g. Heisei, Shōwa),
Japanese era name
燃焼/ねんしょう - burning, combustion
年長/ねんちょう - senior, older
燃料/ねんりょう - fuel
年輪/ねんりん - annual tree ring, growth ring; experience in
ノイローゼ - neurosis, nervous breakdown, mental problem,
identity crisis, obsession
脳/のう - brain; brains, mind
農耕/のうこう - farming, agriculture, cultivation
農場/のうじょう - farm (agriculture)
農地/のうち - agricultural land, farmland
納入/のうにゅう - payment (taxes, fees), supply (of goods),
逃す/のがす - to miss (e.g. a chance), to lose, to let get away;
to set free, to let go; to fail to …
逃れる/のがれる - to escape
軒並/のきなみ - row of houses; every house, each house,
every door; all, totally, altogether, across the board
望ましい/のぞましい - desirable, hoped for, preferable,
臨む/のぞむ - to look out on, to overlook, to front onto; to face
(a situation, crisis, etc.)
乗っ取る/のっとる - to take over, to capture, to seize, to
commandeer, to occupy, to usurp; to hijack (vehicle,
account, etc.)
長閑/のどか - tranquil, calm, quiet, peaceful, serene; mild
(weather), balmy
罵る/ののしる - to abuse (verbally), to curse at, to shout
abuse at, to speak ill of
延べ/のべ - futures; credit (buying); total
飲み込む/のみこむ - to gulp down, to swallow deeply; to
understand, to take in
乗り込む/のりこむ - to board, to embark on, to get into (a
car), to man (a ship), to help (someone) into; to march into,
to enter
刃/は - edge (of a knife or sword); prong (of an electrical
バー - bar, tavern, saloon, barroom; crossbar, bar
把握/はあく - understanding, grasp; grasping (with one’s
hand), hold, grip, catch
パート - part; {abbr} part-timer
肺/はい - lung
廃棄/はいき - disposal, abandonment, scrapping, discarding,
abolition; annulment, cancellation, abrogation, repeal
配給/はいきゅう - distribution (e.g. films, rice); rationing (e.g.
food, gasoline); food ration
黴菌/ばいきん - {col} germ, germs, bacteria, bug; something
dirty or harmful, vermin
配偶者/はいぐうしゃ - spouse, wife, husband, partner
拝啓/はいけい - Dear (so and so), Dear Sir, Dear Madam
背景/はいけい - background, scenery
背後/はいご - back, rear; background, behind the scenes
廃止/はいし - abolition, discontinuance, discontinuation,
repeal, annulment
拝借/はいしゃく - borrowing (humble)
排除/はいじょ - exclusion, removal, rejection, elimination
賠償/ばいしょう - compensation, reparations, indemnity,
排水/はいすい - drainage, draining, pumping out (water),
sewerage; displacement
敗戦/はいせん - defeat, lost battle, losing a war
配置/はいち - arrangement (of resources), deployment,
stationing, posting, disposition, configuration, layout
配布/はいふ - distribution
配分/はいぶん - distribution, allotment
敗北/はいぼく - defeat, loss, reverse, setback
倍率/ばいりつ - magnification, leverage, amplification, scaling
factor, scale factor; competitiveness rating (e.g. for
university entrance), applicant-to-acceptance ratio
配慮/はいりょ - consideration, concern, attention,
thoughtfulness, making arrangements, care, trouble
配列/はいれつ - arrangement, disposition
映える/はえる - to shine, to glow; to look attractive, to look
破壊/はかい - destruction
捗る/はかどる - to make progress, to move right ahead (with
the work)
果ない/はかない - fleeting, transient, short-lived; empty
(dream, etc.)
馬鹿馬鹿しい/ばかばかしい - absurd, ridiculous, silly, ludicrous,
nonsensical, asinine, foolish
諮る/はかる - to consult, confer, deliberate with; to refer (a
図る/はかる - to plan, to attempt, to devise; to plot, to
破棄/はき - tearing up and discarding (e.g. documents),
destruction; annulment, cancellation, abrogation, voiding,
breaking (e.g. a treaty); reversal (of an original ruling on
appeal), quashing
剥ぐ/はぐ - to tear off, to peel off, to rip off, to strip off, to
skin, to flay, to bark; to strip of (clothes, rank, etc.), to
deprive of, to divest of
迫害/はくがい - persecution, oppression
薄弱/はくじゃく - feebleness, weakness, weak
白状/はくじょう - confession
漠然/ばくぜん - vague, obscure, indistinct, hazy, ambiguous
爆弾/ばくだん - bomb
爆破/ばくは - destructive blast, blowing up, explosion
暴露/ばくろ - disclosure, exposure, revelation
励ます/はげます - to encourage
励む/はげむ - to be zealous
剥げる/はげる - to peel off, to come off, to flake off, to be
worn off; to fade, to discolor, to discolour
化ける/ばける - to take the form of, to assume the shape of
派遣/はけん - dispatch, deployment (of a person)
恥/はじ - shame, embarrassment, disgrace
弾く/はじく - to flip, to snap, to flick; to repel; to use (an
abacus), to calculate; to strum, to pluck the strings (of a
guitar, etc.)
パジャマ - pajamas, pyjamas
恥じらう/はじらう - to feel shy, to be bashful, to blush
恥じる/はじる - to feel ashamed
橋渡し/はしわたし - bridge building, mediation, go-between
弾む/はずむ - to spring, to bound, to bounce; to be stimulated
破損/はそん - damage, breakage
叩く/はたく - to strike, to clap, to knock, to dust
裸足/はだし - barefoot; {n-suf} superior to (e.g. a
professional), outdoing, outshining
果たす/はたす - to accomplish, to achieve, to carry out, to
蜂蜜/はちみつ - honey
パチンコ - pachinko, mechanical gambling game superficially
resembling pinball; slingshot, catapult; {col} pistol
罰/ばつ - punishment, penalty
発育/はついく - (physical) growth, development
発芽/はつが - germination, sprouting, budding
発掘/はっくつ - excavation, exhumation
発言/はつげん - statement, remark, observation, utterance
バッジ - badge
発生/はっせい - outbreak, spring forth, occurrence, incidence
バッテリー - battery; {baseb} battery, pitcher and catcher
バット - {sports} bat (in baseball, cricket, etc.)
発病/はつびょう - attack (disease), onset (of disease)
初耳/はつみみ - something heard for the first time
果て/はて - the end, the extremity, the limit
果てる/はてる - to end, to be finished, to be exhausted
ばてる - {col} to be exhausted, to be worn out
パトカー - {abbr} patrol car
甚だ/はなはだ - very, greatly, exceedingly
華々しい/はなばなしい - brilliant, splendid, glorious,
magnificent, spectacular
花びら/はなびら - (flower) petal
華やか/はなやか - bright and beautiful, gorgeous, showy,
brilliant, splendid, gay, colorful, flowery; prosperous,
flourishing, thriving
パパ - {fam} dad, daddy, papa; {col} sugar daddy
阻む/はばむ - to keep someone from doing, to stop, to
prevent, to check, to hinder, to obstruct, to oppose, to
浜/はま - beach, seashore; {go} {abbr} captured pieces,
captured stones; {abbr} Yokohama; {arch} riverbank,
浜辺/はまべ - beach, foreshore
嵌まる/はまる - to fit, to get into, to go into, to be fitted with
(e.g. door with a window); to be fit for (a job, etc.), to be
suited for, to satisfy (conditions); to fall into, to plunge into,
to get stuck, to get caught; to be deceived, to be taken in,
to fall into a trap; to get addicted to, to get deep into, to
become crazy about, to become stuck on 生やす/はやす - to
grow, to cultivate, to wear a beard
早める/はやめる - to bring forward (e.g. by 3 hours), to
advance, to hasten (e.g. one’s death)
腹立ち/はらだち - anger
原っぱ/はらっぱ - open field, empty lot, plain
はらはら - heart going pit-a-pat
ばら撒く/ばらまく - to scatter, to disseminate (e.g. a rumor),
to spread (e.g. germs), to broadcast; to distribute widely
(e.g. leaflets), to hand out freely, to spend recklessly
張り紙/はりがみ - paper patch, paper backing, poster, sticker,
遥か/はるか - far away, far off, far, distant, in the distance;
long ago, long before
破裂/はれつ - bursting, rupture, explosion; breakdown (of
talks, negotiations, etc.), breaking off
腫れる/はれる - to swell (from inflammation), to become
班/はん - group, party, team
判/はん - seal, stamp, monogram signature; judgment,
版/はん - edition, version, printing
繁栄/はんえい - prosperity, thriving, flourishing
版画/はんが - woodcut, woodblock print, art print
ハンガー - (aircraft) hangar; (coat) hanger; hunger
反感/はんかん - antipathy, antagonism, animosity, revulsion,
ill feeling
反響/はんきょう - echo, reverberation; repercussion, reaction
パンク - puncture, flat tire
反撃/はんげき - counterattack, counteroffensive, counterblow
判決/はんけつ - judicial decision, judgement, judgment,
sentence, decree
反射/はんしゃ - {physics} reflection, reverberation; {physiol}
reflex, reflexes
繁盛/はんじょう - prosperity, flourishing, thriving
繁殖/はんしょく - breeding, multiplication, increase
反する/はんする - to be contrary to, to be inconsistent with, to
contradict; to act contrary to (rules or guidelines), to violate,
to transgress; to oppose, to rebel, to revolt
判定/はんてい - judgement, judgment, decision, ruling,
finding, adjudication, verdict, call
万人/ばんにん - all people, everybody; ten thousand people
晩年/ばんねん - one’s later years, final years (in life)
反応/はんのう - reaction, response
万能/ばんのう - all-purpose, utility, universal; all-powerful,
almighty, omnipotent, all-round (e.g. athlete)
半端/はんぱ - remnant, fragment, incomplete set,
incompleteness; fraction, odd sum; {adj-na} {n} halfway,
halfhearted, perfunctory; {adj-na} {n} irresponsible, foolish
反発/はんぱつ - opposition, rebellion, revolt, resistance,
backlash, refusal; rebounding, recoiling, repulsion; rally (e.g.
in stock prices), recovery
反乱/はんらん - insurrection, mutiny, rebellion, revolt,
氾濫/はんらん - overflowing, flood, inundation, deluge
碑/いしぶみ - stone monument bearing an inscription (esp.
memorial for future generations), stele, stela
美/び - beauty
延いては/ひいては - by extension, in turn, by the same token,
in addition, as well, consequently
控室/ひかえしつ - waiting room, anteroom, antechamber,
green room
控える/ひかえる - to be temperate in, to refrain, to abstain, to
hold back, to restrain oneself from excessive …; to make
notes, to jot down (e.g. phone number); to be in preparation
for, to be in waiting for; to be soon, to be in the offing; to be
in a close relationship (e.g. as a backer, etc.) 悲観/ひかん pessimism, (taking a) gloomy view, discouragement,
despondency, despair, disappointment
引き上げる/ひきあげる - to pull up, to drag up, to lift up; to
increase, to raise (e.g. taxes); to withdraw, to leave, to pull
out, to retire; to promote (someone to a higher position); to
return home; {arch} to expedite the schedule 率いる/ひきい
る - to lead, to spearhead (a group), to command (troops)
引き起こす/ひきおこす - to cause, to induce, to bring about, to
引下げる/ひきさげる - to pull down, to lower, to reduce, to
引取る/ひきとる - to take into one’s possession, to receive, to
accept, to collect, to claim; to take into one’s care (e.g.
person, pet), to take custody of, to adopt; to leave, to go
away, to withdraw, to get out 否決/ひけつ - rejection,
negation, voting down
非行/ひこう - delinquency, misconduct
日頃/ひごろ - normally, habitually, day-to-day, daily
久しい/ひさしい - long (time that has passed), old (story)
悲惨/ひさん - disastrous, tragic, miserable, wretched
ビジネス - business (school major)
比重/ひじゅう - {physics} specific gravity, relative density;
relative importance, weight
美術/びじゅつ - art, fine arts
秘書/ひしょ - (private) secretary
微笑/びしょう - smile
歪む/ひずむ - to warp, to become strained, to become
distorted, to become crooked
密か/ひそか - secret, private, surreptitious
浸す/ひたす - to soak, to dip, to steep, to immerse; to
moisten, to wet
一向/ひたすら - intently, single-mindedly, devotedly, solely,
earnestly, with all one’s heart
左利き/ひだりきき - left-handedness, left-handed person, lefthander; fondness for alcohol, person who is fond of alcohol,
引っ掻く/ひっかく - to scratch, to claw
必修/ひっしゅう - required (subject)
びっしょり - {on-mim} wet through, drenched
必然/ひつぜん - inevitable, necessary, certain, sure; {n}
inevitability, necessity
匹敵/ひってき - to be a match for, to rival, to equal, to
compare with
一息/ひといき - one breath; time of one breath; pause, break
人影/ひとかげ - figure of a person, figures of people
人柄/ひとがら - personality, character, personal appearance,
一頃/ひところ - once, some time ago
人質/ひとじち - hostage
人目/ひとめ - (public) notice, attention, public eye, public
日取り/ひどり - fixed date, appointed day
雛/ひな - young bird, chick, fledgling; hina doll, doll displayed
during the Girls’ Festival
雛祭/ひなまつり - Hinamatsuri (March 3), Girls’ Festival, Dolls’
日向/ひなた - sunny place, in the sun
非難/ひなん - criticism, blame, censure, attack, reproach
避難/ひなん - taking refuge, finding shelter, evacuation
火花/ひばな - spark
悲鳴/ひめい - shriek, scream
冷やかす/ひやかす - to banter, to make fun of, to jeer at; to
cool, to refrigerate
日焼け/ひやけ - sunburn, suntan, tan
票/ひょう - vote, ballot; label, ticket
標語/ひょうご - motto, slogan, catchword
描写/びょうしゃ - depiction, description
ひょっと - {on-mim} possibly, perhaps, perchance; {onmim} unintentionally, accidentally
平たい/ひらたい - flat, even, level, simple
びり - last (on the list), (at the) bottom, (in) last position,
比率/ひりつ - ratio, proportion, percentage
微量/びりょう - minuscule amount, extremely small quantity
昼飯/ひるめし - lunch, midday meal
比例/ひれい - proportion; {abbr} proportional representation
section (of an election)
疲労/ひろう - fatigue, weariness, exhaustion, tiredness;
fatigue (of metal, etc.)
広まる/ひろまる - to spread
敏感/びんかん - sensitive, alert, aware, susceptible
貧困/ひんこん - poverty, lack
品質/ひんしつ - quality (of a product or a service)
貧弱/ひんじゃく - poor, meager, feeble
品種/ひんしゅ - type (of goods), sort; (taxonomical) form;
breed, variety, kind, type, cultivar
ヒント - hint, clue
頻繁/ひんぱん - frequent, incessant
貧乏/びんぼう - poor
ファイト - fight; {abbr} fighting spirit; {int} fight!, do your
best, go for it, keep at it
ファイル - file (for holding papers); file (collection of
documents), filing, keeping on file; {comp} file
ファン - fan, enthusiast, lover (of); (electric) fan
不意/ふい - sudden, abrupt, unexpected, unforeseen
フィルタ - filter (esp. camera)
封/ふう - seal (e.g. on an envelope/paper)
封鎖/ふうさ - blockade, lockdown, sealing off (an area);
freezing (funds)
風車/ふうしゃ - pinwheel (toy), windmill (toy); windmill
風習/ふうしゅう - custom
風俗/ふうぞく - manners, customs; sex service, sex industry
ブーツ - boots
風土/ふうど - natural features, topography
ブーム - boom, rage, fad; boom, cross-arm
フォーム - form
部下/ぶか - subordinate person
不可欠/ふかけつ - indispensable, essential
ぶかぶか - too large (clothing), baggy, loose-fitting
深める/ふかめる - to deepen, to heighten, to intensify
不吉/ふきつ - ominous, sinister, bad luck, ill omen,
不況/ふきょう - depression, recession, slump
布巾/ふきん - dish towel, tea towel, dishcloth
福/ふく - good fortune, happiness, blessing, good luck
複合/ふくごう - composite, combined, complex
福祉/ふくし - welfare, well-being, social welfare
覆面/ふくめん - mask, veil, disguise; {adj-f} {n} anonymous,
unmarked, incognito
膨れる/ふくれる - to swell (out), to expand, to be inflated, to
distend, to bulge; to get cross, to get sulky, to pout
不景気/ふけいき - economic slump, hard times, recession,
耽る/ふける - to indulge in, to give oneself up to, to be
obsessed by
老ける/ふける - to age, to grow old (esp. in appearance), to
show marks of age
富豪/ふごう - wealthy person, millionaire
布告/ふこく - edict, ordinance, proclamation
ブザー - buzzer, personal alarm (loud buzzer to attract
attention in case of attack)
負債/ふさい - debt, liabilities
不在/ふざい - absence; {n-suf} disregard, indifference
相応しい/ふさわしい - appropriate, adequate, suitable, fitting,
不順/ふじゅん - irregular, unseasonable, changeable,
unsettled, abnormal
負傷/ふしょう - injury, wound
侮辱/ぶじょく - insult, affront, slight, contempt (e.g. of court)
不審/ふしん - doubt, suspicion, question, strangeness
不振/ふしん - dullness, slump, stagnation
武装/ぶそう - arms, armament, taking up arms, arming
札/ふだ - ticket, token, check, receipt; label, tag
負担/ふたん - burden, load, responsibility; bearing (a cost,
responsibility, etc.), shouldering
不調/ふちょう - bad condition, poor condition, disorder,
slump, being out of form; failure, rupture, breakdown (e.g.
of negotiations)
復活/ふっかつ - revival (e.g. musical), comeback; restoration,
物議/ぶつぎ - public discussion, public criticism, controversy
復旧/ふっきゅう - restoration, restitution, rehabilitation
復興/ふっこう - revival, reconstruction, restoration,
rebuilding, recovery, renaissance
物資/ぶっし - goods, materials, commodities, resources,
仏像/ぶつぞう - Buddhist image (statue)
物体/ぶったい - object, body, solid
沸騰/ふっとう - boiling, seething; becoming heated (e.g. of a
debate), excitement, agitation, fermentation; soaring (of
prices), shooting up
不当/ふとう - injustice, impropriety, unreasonableness,
undeserved, unfair, invalid
不動産/ふどうさん - real estate
無難/ぶなん - safe (e.g. choice), secure, innocuous,
inoffensive; acceptable, passable, satisfactory, adequate,
faultless, without flaw
赴任/ふにん - moving to a different location to start a new
job, (proceeding to) new appointment
腐敗/ふはい - decay, rot; corruption (e.g. of one’s morals, or
in government)
不評/ふひょう - bad reputation, poor reception, unpopularity,
不服/ふふく - dissatisfaction, discontent, disapproval
普遍/ふへん - universal, general, ubiquitous, omnipresent
踏まえる/ふまえる - to be based on, to take into account, to
build upon, to have origin in; to have one’s feet firmly
planted on, to plant oneself on
踏み込む/ふみこむ - to step into (e.g. someone else’s
territory), to break into, to raid; to come to grips with, to get
to the core of
不明/ふめい - unclear, obscure, indistinct, uncertain,
ambiguous; {adj-no} {suf} unknown, unidentified; {n}
ignorance, lack of wisdom, lack of insight
部門/ぶもん - division (of a larger group), branch, field
扶養/ふよう - support (e.g. of one’s dependents),
ふらふら - {on-mim} unsteadily (e.g. on one’s feet), shakily,
staggering, tottering, reeling, dizzily, giddily; {on-mim}
wavering (in one’s mind), unsteadily, indecisively; {onmim} aimlessly, unconsciously, whimsically, without
thinking ぶらぶら - {on-mim} dangling, swaying, swinging;
{on-mim} (walking) leisurely, aimlessly, strolling,
wandering, rambling; {on-mim} idly, lazily, leisurely,
振り/ふり - swing, shake; appearance, behaviour
振り返る/ふりかえる - to turn one’s head, to look over one’s
shoulder, to turn around, to look back; to think back (on), to
reminisce, to look back (on), to reflect (on)
振り出し/ふりだし - shaking (something) out; starting point,
beginning, outset; drawing (e.g. of a bill), issue, draft; throw
(of dice); {abbr} infusion (remedy); shaker (e.g. saltshaker)
不良/ふりょう - bad, inferior, delinquent
浮力/ふりょく - buoyancy, floating power
武力/ぶりょく - armed might, military power, the sword, force
ブル - bull; {stockm} bull; {abbr} bulldog; {abbr} bulldozer
震わせる/ふるわせる - to (make something) quiver, to shake,
to tremble, to vibrate
無礼/ぶれい - rudeness, impoliteness, discourtesy, insolence
付録/ふろく - appendix, supplement, annex, extra (of a
newspaper or magazine)
フロント - front, front desk
憤慨/ふんがい - indignation, resentment
文化財/ぶんかざい - cultural assets, cultural property
分業/ぶんぎょう - division of labor, division of labour,
specialization, specialisation, assembly-line production
文語/ぶんご - written language, literary language; classical
(or formal) written style based on Heian-period Japanese
分散/ぶんさん - dispersion, breakup, scattering,
decentralization, decentralisation, distribution; {stat}
variance; {chem} {physics} dispersion
分子/ぶんし - numerator; molecule; member, element
紛失/ふんしつ - loss, going missing
噴出/ふんしゅつ - spewing, gushing, spouting, eruption,
文書/ぶんしょ - document, writing, letter, papers, notes,
records, archives
紛争/ふんそう - dispute, conflict, trouble, strife
ふんだん - plentiful, abundant, ample, lavish
分担/ぶんたん - taking on one’s share (e.g. of work)
奮闘/ふんとう - strenuous effort, hard struggle, working hard;
hard fighting, fierce fighting
分配/ぶんぱい - division, sharing
分母/ぶんぼ - {math} denominator
粉末/ふんまつ - fine powder
分離/ぶんり - separation, partition, detachment, segregation,
分裂/ぶんれつ - split, division, break up
ペア - pair; pair-oared boat
兵器/へいき - arms, weapon, ordnance
閉鎖/へいさ - closing, closure; shutdown, lockout
兵士/へいし - soldier
平常/へいじょう - normal, usual, ordinary, everyday
平方/へいほう - square (e.g. metre)
並列/へいれつ - arranging in a line, standing in a row; parallel
(electronics, computing, etc.)
ベース - base, basis, theme, basic ingredient; base (e.g.
military), depot; {baseb} base, base bag
辟易/へきえき - to be stumped, to be nonplussed, to be
ぺこぺこ - {on-mim} very hungry, starving, famished; {adv}
{vs} {on-mim} bowing repeatedly, kowtowing, bowing and
scraping, being obsequious, being servile; {adv} {adv-to}
{vs} {adj-na} {on-mim} denting, buckling, giving (in) ベス
ト - best
ベストセラー - bestseller
隔たる/へだたる - to be distant
経る/へる - to pass, to elapse, to go by
弁解/べんかい - explanation (e.g. for one’s actions), excuse,
justification, defense, defence
変革/へんかく - change, transformation, innovation, reform
返還/へんかん - return, restoration
便宜/べんぎ - convenience, accommodation, advantage,
benefit, expediency
偏見/へんけん - prejudice
弁護/べんご - defense, defence, pleading, advocacy
返済/へんさい - repayment, reimbursement, refund,
弁償/べんしょう - compensation, indemnification, reparation,
restitution, recompense
変遷/へんせん - change, transition, vicissitudes
返答/へんとう - reply, answer
変動/へんどう - change, fluctuation
弁論/べんろん - discussion, debate, argument
穂/ほ - ear (of a cereal plant), head, spike; point (of a brush,
spear, etc.), tip, (pointed) head; crest (of a wave); scion (in
保育/ほいく - nursing, nurturing, rearing, lactation, suckling,
ボイコット - boycott
ポイント - point (of a story, argument, etc.); point (e.g. in
stock exchange movement), percentage point; {rail} switch,
points; point, site, spot; (decimal) point; point (in scoring);
point (in a loyalty program); {print} point (font size); point
(on a compass), course; {comp} pointing (to something) 法
案/ほうあん - bill (law), measure
防衛/ぼうえい - defense, defence, protection
防火/ぼうか - fire prevention, fire fighting, fire proof
崩壊/ほうかい - collapse, crumbling, breaking down, caving in
妨害/ぼうがい - obstruction, hindrance, blocking, disturbance,
interference, interruption, jamming (a signal)
法学/ほうがく - law, jurisprudence
封建/ほうけん - feudalistic
豊作/ほうさく - abundant harvest, bumper crop
方策/ほうさく - plan, policy
奉仕/ほうし - service, ministry, attendance, church work;
offering goods at a reduced price, providing a service for
方式/ほうしき - form, method, system, formula
放射/ほうしゃ - radiation, emission
放射能/ほうしゃのう - radioactivity
報酬/ほうしゅう - remuneration, recompense, reward, toll
放出/ほうしゅつ - release, emission, ejection
報じる/ほうじる - to inform, to report; to repay, to return
報ずる/ほうずる - to inform, to report
紡績/ぼうせき - spinning (textiles); {abbr} spun yarn
呆然/ぼうぜん - dumbfounded, overcome with surprise, in
blank amazement, in a daze
放置/ほうち - leaving as is, leaving alone, leaving to chance
膨張/ぼうちょう - expansion, swelling, increase, growth
法廷/ほうてい - court (of law), courtroom
報道/ほうどう - information, report
冒頭/ぼうとう - beginning, opening, start, outset
暴動/ぼうどう - insurrection, riot, uprising, rebellion, revolt
褒美/ほうび - reward, prize
暴風/ぼうふう - storm, windstorm, gale
葬る/ほうむる - to bury, to inter, to entomb; to cover up, to
hush up, to shelve
放り込む/ほうりこむ - to throw into, to toss into
放り出す/ほうりだす - to throw out; to drop, to toss, to dump;
to abandon, to neglect, to leave behind, to give up; to
dismiss, to fire, to expel
暴力/ぼうりょく - violence, mayhem
飽和/ほうわ - saturation, satiation
ホース - hose
ポーズ - pose; pause
ホール - hall (dance, concert, etc.); hole; whole; dining area
of a restaurant
保温/ほおん - retaining warmth, keeping heat in, heat
捕獲/ほかく - capture, seizure
保管/ほかん - charge, custody, safekeeping, deposit, storage
補給/ほきゅう - supply, supplying, replenishment
補強/ほきょう - reinforcement, strengthening
募金/ぼきん - fundraising
牧師/ぼくし - pastor, minister, clergyman, reverend
捕鯨/ほげい - whaling, whale hunting, whale fishing
惚ける/ぼける - to grow senile, to be childish with age; to be
mentally slow, to be befuddled; to play stupid, to say
something stupid (oft. on purpose; esp. as part of a comedic
保険/ほけん - insurance, guarantee
保護/ほご - care, protection
母校/ぼこう - alma mater (school that one used to attend)
母国/ぼこく - one’s home country, one’s homeland
誇る/ほこる - to boast of, to be proud of, to take pride in
綻びる/ほころびる - to come apart at the seams, to be ripped,
to be torn; to begin to open, to begin to bloom; to smile
broadly, to break into a smile
ポジション - position
干し物/ほしもの - things dried in the sun, esp. clothes, dyed
cloth, etc.
保守/ほしゅ - maintenance; conservatism
補充/ほじゅう - supplementation, supplement, replenishment
補助/ほじょ - assistance, support, aid, help
保障/ほしょう - guarantee (e.g. on goods), security,
assurance, warranty
補償/ほしょう - compensation, reparation
舗装/ほそう - paving (a road), surfacing (with asphalt,
concrete, etc.), pavement
補足/ほそく - supplement, complement
墓地/ぼち - cemetery, graveyard
発作/ほっさ - {med} fit, spasm, attack, seizure
没収/ぼっしゅう - forfeiture, seizure, confiscation, impounding
発足/ほっそく - starting, inauguration, launch, founding,
establishment, startup
ほっと - {on-mim} with a feeling of relief, with a sigh of
relief; {on-mim} deeply (sigh)
ポット - pot (esp. teapot, coffee-pot); vacuum bottle,
thermos flask
頬っぺた/ほっぺた - {col} cheek
ぼつぼつ - {on-mim} gradually, little by little, in a breezy
manner; {on-mim} soon, before long; {on-mim} here and
there, scattered; {n} spots, dots, pimples, rash
没落/ぼつらく - ruin, fall, collapse, downfall, bankruptcy
解ける/ほどける - to come loose, to come untied, to come
undone, to unravel; to loosen up (e.g. tension)
施す/ほどこす - to give (time, money, goods), to donate; to
do, to perform
辺り/ほとり - side (esp. of a waterbody), edge, bank, shore
ぼやく - to grumble, to complain
ぼやける - to become dim, to become blurred
保養/ほよう - health preservation, recuperation, recreation
捕虜/ほりょ - prisoner (of war), POW, captive
ボルト - volt
滅びる/ほろびる - to go to ruin, to go under, to fall, to be
destroyed, to die out, to become extinct, to perish
滅ぼす/ほろぼす - to destroy, to overthrow, to wreck, to ruin
本格/ほんかく - original method, original procedure, genuine
way (of doing something)
本館/ほんかん - main building (as opposed to an annex,
outbuilding, etc.); this library, this museum, this theatre,
this hall, this building
本気/ほんき - seriousness, earnestness, truth, sanctity
本国/ほんごく - home country, one’s own country, country of
origin; suzerain country (from the perspective of the vassal
state), colonizing country; country of one’s ancestors; this
本質/ほんしつ - essence, true nature, substance, reality
本体/ほんたい - substance, real form; main part, main unit
本音/ほんね - real intention, motive, what one really thinks
本能/ほんのう - instinct
本場/ほんば - home (of something), place famous for its …,
center (e.g. of manufacture), best place (for); place of
origin, birthplace, cradle; morning session, last session in
the morning
ポンプ - pump
本文/ほんぶん - text (of a book, document, etc.), body (of a
本名/ほんみょう - real name
マーク - mark, symbol, insignia, logo, label, emblem; {vs} to
mark, to put a mark on; {abbr} trademark; paying attention
to, focusing on, watching, guarding, marking; registering a
record (in sport, etc.); {comp} Mach (OS kernel) マイ - my,
one’s own, personal, privately owned
埋蔵/まいぞう - burying in the ground
舞う/まう - to dance; whirl around
真上/まうえ - just above, right overhead
前売/まえうり - advance sale, booking
前置き/まえおき - preface, introduction, preamble
任す/まかす - to entrust (to someone), to leave (in someone’s
負かす/まかす - to defeat
賄う/まかなう - to supply (goods, money, etc.), to cover
(costs), to pay, to finance, to maintain (e.g. a family); to
give board, to provide meals
紛らわしい/まぎらわしい - confusing, misleading, equivocal,
紛れる/まぎれる - to disappear into, to be lost in, to slip into,
to get mixed in among; to do something under the cover of
(confusion, etc.); to be almost indistinguishable, to be
confusingly similar; to be diverted from (negative emotions,
etc.), to forget about; to be distracted by, to be too
absorbed in 膜/まく - membrane, film
真心/まごころ - sincerity, true heart, devotion
間誤付く/まごつく - to be confused, to be flustered, to be at a
誠/まこと - truth, reality; sincerity, honesty, integrity, fidelity;
{arch} that’s right
正しく/まさしく - certainly, surely, undoubtedly, evidently,
really, truly; just, precisely, exactly
勝る/まさる - to excel, to surpass, to exceed
交える/まじえる - to mix, to combine; to exchange (words,
fire, etc.)
真下/ました - directly below
況して/まして - still more, to say nothing of, not to mention;
still less
交わる/まじわる - to cross, to intersect, to join, to meet; to
associate with
麻酔/ますい - anaesthesia, anesthesia
マスコミ - mass communication, the media
股/また - crotch, crutch, groin; fork (in a tree, road, river,
跨がる/またがる - to straddle, to sit astride, to mount; to
extend over, to spread over, to span, to extend into
待ち合わせ/まちあわせ - appointment
待ち遠しい/まちどおしい - longed-for, anxiously awaited
待ち望む/まちのぞむ - to wait eagerly for, to look forward to
区々/まちまち - various, diverse, different, divergent, divided,
末/まつ - the end (of); powder
末期/まっき - last years, closing years, last days, closing
days, end, last stage, final stages, terminal stage (of a
マッサージ - massage
真っ二つ/まっぷたつ - in two equal parts
纏まり/まとまり - unity, coherence, consistency, coordination
纏め/まとめ - settlement, conclusion, summary
免れる/まぬがれる - to escape (disaster, death, etc.), to be
saved from, to be rescued from; to avoid (e.g. punishment),
to evade (e.g. responsibility), to avert, to elude, to be
exempted from
招き/まねき - invitation
麻痺/まひ - paralysis, palsy, numbness, stupor
眉/まゆ - eyebrow, eyebrows
鞠/まり - ball (for sport, games, etc.); kemari, type of football
played by courtiers in ancient Japan
丸っ切り/まるっきり - completely, absolutely, totally, (not) at
丸々/まるまる - plump, rotund; entirely, completely
丸める/まるめる - to make round, to roll up, to curl up
満月/まんげつ - full moon
満場/まんじょう - whole house, whole audience
真ん前/まんまえ - right in front, just opposite, under the nose
真ん丸い/まんまるい - perfectly round, perfectly circular
見合い/みあい - (formal) meeting with a view to marriage,
interview with a prospective spouse; correspondence,
balance; {go} two different options such that if one player
takes one, the other player can take the other 見合わせる/み
あわせる - to exchange glances, to look at each other; to
postpone, to put off
見落とす/みおとす - to overlook, to fail to notice, to miss
未開/みかい - uncivilized, uncivilised, primitive, savage
味覚/みかく - taste, palate, sense of taste
見掛ける/みかける - to (happen to) see, to notice, to catch
sight of
幹/みき - (tree) trunk, (arrow) shaft, (tool) handle
見苦しい/みぐるしい - unsightly, ugly, unseemly, indecent,
deplorable, disgraceful, shameful
見込み/みこみ - hope, promise, possibility, chance,
probability, likelihood; expectation, anticipation, forecast,
estimate; side of a structural member
未婚/みこん - unmarried, not yet married
未熟/みじゅく - unripe, green; inexperienced, immature,
微塵/みじん - particle, atom, little piece
水気/みずけ - water content, moisture, juiciness, dampness
ミスプリント - misprint
ミセス - Mrs
見せびらかす/みせびらかす - to show off, to flaunt
溝/みぞ - ditch, drain, gutter, trench; groove, tread,
indentation; gap (between people, countries, etc.), gulf, rift
満たす/みたす - to satisfy (a need, whim), fill (a cup,etc.)
乱す/みだす - to throw into disorder, to disarrange, to disturb
(order, peace, etc.), to corrupt (public morals), to dishevel
乱れる/みだれる - to be disordered, to be disarranged, to be
disarrayed, to be disheveled, to be dishevelled; to be
discomposed, to be upset, to get confused, to be disturbed;
to lapse into chaos (due to war, etc.) 未知/みち - not yet
known, unknown, strange
身近/みぢか - near oneself, handy, easily accessible
導く/みちびく - to guide, to lead, to show the way, to conduct
密集/みっしゅう - crowding together, clustering together,
close formation, swarm
密接/みっせつ - close (relationship, connection, etc.),
intimate, near; {n} {vs} {vi} being in close proximity, being
密度/みつど - density
見積もり/みつもり - estimate, estimation, valuation, quotation
未定/みてい - not yet fixed, undecided, pending
見通し/みとおし - unobstructed view, perspective, visibility,
vista; forecast, outlook, prospect, prediction; insight,
見なす/みなす - to consider as, to regard (as equivalent), to
deem (as), to equate
源/みなもと - source (of a river), fountainhead; source, origin,
見習う/みならう - to follow (someone’s) example, to imitate,
to copy, to pattern oneself on; to learn (by observation)
峰/みね - peak, summit, ridge, top; back of a blade
身の上/みのうえ - one’s station in life, one’s personal history,
one’s circumstances; one’s lot, one’s destiny, one’s future
見逃す/みのがす - to miss, to overlook, to fail to notice
身の回り/みのまわり - one’s personal belongings, one’s
見計らう/みはからう - to choose at one’s own discretion
見晴らし/みはらし - view, prospect, outlook; {abbr} viewing
platform, overlook
身振り/みぶり - gesture, gesticulation, motion
脈/みゃく - pulse; vein; chain (of mountains, etc.); hope;
thread (of an argument)
ミュージック - music
未練/みれん - lingering attachment, lingering affection,
regret, reluctance, ruefulness
見渡す/みわたす - to look out over, to survey (scene), to take
an extensive view of
民宿/みんしゅく - pension, guesthouse, bed and breakfast
民族/みんぞく - people, race, nation, ethnic group, ethnos
民俗/みんぞく - folk customs, folkways, ethnic customs
無意味/むいみ - nonsense, no meaning
ムード - mood, atmosphere; {gramm} mood
無口/むくち - reticent, taciturn, untalkative, silent, quiet;
(noun) halter (for a horse)
婿/むこ - husband, groom; (one’s) son-in-law
無効/むこう - invalid, void, ineffective, unavailable
無言/むごん - silence (not speaking), muteness
無邪気/むじゃき - innocent, simple-minded
毟る/むしる - to pluck, to pick, to tear
結び/むすび - ending, conclusion; join, union, connecting
結び付き/むすびつき - connection, relation
結び付く/むすびつく - to be connected or related
結び付ける/むすびつける - to combine, to join, to tie on, to
attach with a knot, to bind (e.g. an address)
無線/むせん - radio (communication); {adj-no} {n} wireless,
not using wires
無駄遣い/むだづかい - wasting … on (e.g. money)
無断/むだん - absence of permission, lack of permission;
absence of (advance) notice, lack of notice
無知/むち - ignorance, innocence, stupidity
無茶/むちゃ - absurd, unreasonable, excessive, rash
無茶苦茶/むちゃくちゃ - nonsensical, unreasonable, absurd,
unrealistic; awfully
空しい/むなしい - empty, void, vacant; vain, fruitless, futile,
ineffective; lifeless
無念/むねん - regret, chagrin, mortification; {Buddh} freedom
from obstructive thoughts
無能/むのう - incompetence, inefficiency, inability, incapacity;
incompetent person
無闇に/むやみに - thoughtlessly, recklessly, rashly,
無用/むよう - useless, futile; unnecessary, needless
斑/むら - unevenness (of colour, paint, etc.), irregularity,
nonuniformity, blotchiness; unevenness (of quality, results,
behaviour, etc.), inconsistency, instability; fickleness,
capriciousness, fitfulness 群がる/むらがる - to swarm, to
無論/むろん - of course, certainly, naturally
名産/めいさん - noted product, local specialty
名称/めいしょう - name, title
命中/めいちゅう - (direct) hit, hitting the mark
明白/めいはく - obvious, clear, plain, evident, apparent,
explicit, overt
名簿/めいぼ - register of names, list of names, roll, register,
名誉/めいよ - honor, honour, credit, glory, fame, distinction;
prestige, dignity, reputation, honor, good name; {n-pref}
honorary (e.g. president, doctorate)
明瞭/めいりょう - clarity, clear
明朗/めいろう - cheerful, bright; clear, clean, honest, fair
メーカー - manufacturer (esp. a major company), producer,
maker; maker, device for making things; person who creates
目方/めかた - weight
恵み/めぐみ - blessing, grace
恵む/めぐむ - to bless, to show mercy to; to give (money,
捲る/めくる - to turn over, to turn pages of a book
目覚しい/めざましい - remarkable, striking, brilliant, splendid
目覚める/めざめる - to wake up, to awake
召す/めす - {hon} to call, to summon, to send for, to invite;
{hon} to eat, to drink; {hon} to put on, to wear; {hon} to
buy, to purchase; {hon} to take (a bath); {hon} to ride, to
get in (a vehicle), to take; {hon} to catch (a cold); {hon} to
put on (years), to get old; {hon} to strike one’s fancy, to
please one; {hon} to do; {hon} to commit seppuku; {auxv} {v5s} {hon} indicates respect 雌/めす - female (animal,
目付き/めつき - look (in someone’s eyes), expression (of the
eyes), eyes
メッセージ - message
滅亡/めつぼう - downfall, ruin, collapse, destruction
メディア - media
目途/めど - aim, goal; prospect, outlook
目盛/めもり - gradations (on a ruler, thermometer, etc.),
division, scale
メロディー - melody; chime
面会/めんかい - meeting (face-to-face), seeing, visit, interview
免除/めんじょ - exemption, exoneration, discharge
面する/めんする - to face on, to look out on to
面目/めんぼく - face, honour, honor, reputation, prestige,
dignity, credit; appearance, look
面目/めんもく - face, honor, reputation
設ける/もうける - to prepare, to provide; to set up, to
申し入れる/もうしいれる - to propose, to suggest
申込/もうしこみ - application, entry, request, subscription,
offer, proposal, overture, challenge
申出/もうしで - proposal, offer, request, application
申し出る/もうしでる - to offer, to propose, to suggest, to put
forward, to request, to ask (for), to apply (for), to report (to),
to notify
申し分/もうしぶん - objection, shortcomings
盲点/もうてん - blind spot (on the retina); blind spot, weak
point, loophole
猛烈/もうれつ - fierce, intense, severe, violent, strong,
vehement, terrific, terrible
モーテル - motel; drive-in love hotel
藻掻く/もがく - to struggle, to writhe, to wriggle, to squirm;
to act frantically, to make desperate efforts
目録/もくろく - catalogue, catalog, inventory, index, list;
certificate indicating an impending gift
目論見/もくろみ - plan, scheme, plot, design, project,
intention, aim
模型/もけい - model, dummy, maquette
模索/もさく - groping (for), fumbling around (for), searching
(for an answer, solution, etc.), trying to find
若しかして/もしかして - perhaps, possibly, maybe, by any
chance, if I’m not mistaken; if, in case, in the event that
若しくは/もしくは - or, otherwise
齎らす/もたらす - to bring (news, knowledge, etc.), to
introduce; to bring about, to cause, to produce (e.g. results)
持ち切り/もちきり - hot topic, talk of the town
目下/もっか - at present, now
専ら/もっぱら - wholly, solely, entirely, exclusively,
devotedly, fixedly; principally, mostly, chiefly, mainly
持て成す/もてなす - to treat (a guest), to receive, to entertain,
to be hospitable to, to make welcome
持てる/もてる - to be able to possess, to be popular (with
men, women, etc)
モニター - {comp} (computer) monitor
物好き/ものずき - (idle) curiosity, fancifulness, whimsy,
(having) strange tastes
物足りない/ものたりない - unsatisfied, unsatisfactory,
最早/もはや - already, now; (with negative verb) no longer,
not any more
模範/もはん - exemplar, exemplification
模倣/もほう - imitation, copying
揉める/もめる - to disagree, to dispute, to fight (over)
股/もも - thigh; {adj-no} femoral
腿/もも - thigh; {adj-no} femoral
催す/もよおす - to hold (an event), to give (a dinner, party,
etc.); to feel (sensation, emotion, call of nature, etc.), to
show signs of
漏らす/もらす - to let leak, to reveal
盛り上がる/もりあがる - to swell, to rise, to bulge, to be piled
up; to rouse, to get excited
漏る/もる - to leak, to run out
漏れる/もれる - to leak out, to escape, to come through
脆い/もろい - brittle, fragile, weak, frail; tenderhearted
諸に/もろに - completely, all the way, altogether, bodily
矢/や - arrow; wedge, chock
野外/やがい - outdoors, outside, open air; fields, outskirts,
夜具/やぐ - bedding, bedclothes
役職/やくしょく - post, official position; managerial position,
executive position
役場/やくば - town hall
屋敷/やしき - residence, estate, grounds, premises, mansion
養う/やしなう - to support, to maintain, to provide for
野心/やしん - ambition, aspiration; sinister designs, treachery
安っぽい/やすっぽい - cheap-looking, tawdry, insignificant
休める/やすめる - to rest, to suspend, to give relief
野生/やせい - wild, growing wild, living in the wild; {pn}
{arch} {male} I
奴/やつ - fellow, guy, chap, {col} thing, object
野党/やとう - opposition party, the opposition
闇/やみ - darkness, the dark; bewilderment, despair,
hopelessness; hidden place, secrecy, oblivion; black market,
shady trading, underhand transactions, illegal channels
病む/やむ - to fall ill, to suffer from
ややこしい - complicated, complex, intricate, confusing,
difficult, troublesome
遣り通す/やりとおす - to carry through, to achieve, to
和らげる/やわらげる - to soften, to moderate, to relieve
ヤング - young; {n} youth, young person
優位/ゆうい - predominance, superiority, ascendancy,
advantage, supremacy
憂鬱/ゆううつ - depression, melancholy, dejection, gloom,
有益/ゆうえき - beneficial, profitable, useful
優越/ゆうえつ - supremacy, predominance, being superior to
勇敢/ゆうかん - brave, heroic, gallant
有機/ゆうき - organic
夕暮れ/ゆうぐれ - evening, dusk, twilight
融資/ゆうし - financing, loan
有する/ゆうする - to have, to possess, to own, to be endowed
優勢/ゆうせい - superiority, superior power, predominance,
優先/ゆうせん - preference, priority, precedence
誘導/ゆうどう - guidance, leading, induction, introduction
融通/ゆうずう - lending (money), finance, loan; adaptability,
versatility, flexibility, accommodation
優美/ゆうび - grace, refinement, elegance, daintiness
有望/ゆうぼう - good prospects, full of hope, promising
遊牧/ゆうぼく - nomadism
夕焼け/ゆうやけ - evening glow, red sunset, afterglow (of
有力/ゆうりょく - influential, prominent; strong, likely,
plausible, potent
幽霊/ゆうれい - ghost, specter, spectre, apparition, phantom
誘惑/ゆうわく - temptation, allurement, lure, enticement,
歪む/ゆがむ - to warp, to swerve, to deflect, to be crooked
揺さぶる/ゆさぶる - to shake, to jolt, to rock, to swing, to
sway; to shake (e.g. the political world), to disturb, to shock,
to upset; {baseb} to put off a batter (by varying one’s type
of pitch)
ゆとり - elbowroom, leeway, time (to spare)
ユニーク - unique, individual, original, unusual
ユニフォーム - uniform
指差す/ゆびさす - to point at
弓/ゆみ - bow (weapon); archery; bow (for a violin, etc.)
揺らぐ/ゆらぐ - to swing, to sway, to shake, to tremble; to
waver, to feel shaken, to become unstable
緩む/ゆるむ - to become loose, to slacken (e.g. rope)
緩める/ゆるめる - to loosen, to slacken; to relax (attention,
efforts, etc.)
緩やか/ゆるやか - loose, slack; gentle (slope, curve), slow
(speed); lenient, liberal, lax
世/よ - world, society, age, generation
良い/よい - good (more polite than いい)
要因/よういん - main cause, primary factor
溶液/ようえき - solution (liquid)
用件/ようけん - business, thing to be done, something that
should be performed, information that should be conveyed
養護/ようご - nursing, (protective) care
用紙/ようし - blank form; sheets of paper, sheet of paper
様式/ようしき - style, form, pattern
要する/ようする - to need, to demand, to take, to require
要請/ようせい - appeal, call for something, request, claim,
demand; axiom
様相/ようそう - aspect, condition, dimension, phase, facet,
hue, mood, complexion, modality
用品/ようひん - articles, supplies (e.g. office supplies), things
(for), utensils, goods, equipment
洋風/ようふう - Western style
用法/ようほう - directions, rules of use
要望/ようぼう - demand for, request
余暇/よか - leisure, leisure time
予感/よかん - presentiment, premonition, hunch; {vs} {vt} to
have a premonition, to have a hunch
余興/よきょう - performance (at a party or banquet, etc.),
side show, entertainment
預金/よきん - deposit, bank account
欲/よく - greed, craving, desire, appetite, hunger, avarice,
抑圧/よくあつ - check, restraint, oppression, suppression
浴室/よくしつ - bathroom, bath
抑制/よくせい - control, restraint, suppression, constraint,
curtailment, inhibition, check, curb
欲深い/よくふかい - greedy
欲望/よくぼう - desire, appetite, lust
避ける/よける - to avoid (physical contact with), to avoid
予言/よげん - prediction, prophecy, prognostication,
foretelling, forecast; (religious) prophecy
横綱/よこづな - {sumo} yokozuna (highest rank in sumo),
grand champion
汚れ/よごれ - dirt, filth, stain, blot, spot
善し悪し/よしあし - right or wrong, good or bad, quality,
suitability; having both merits and demerits, having both
advantages and disadvantages
予想/よそう - expectation, anticipation, prediction
余所見/よそみ - looking away, looking aside
余地/よち - place, room, margin, scope
因って/よって - therefore, consequently, accordingly, for that
与党/よとう - ruling party, government party, party in power,
呼び止める/よびとめる - to (call and) stop, to call (someone) to
stop, to hail (e.g. a taxi)
夜更し/よふかし - staying up late, keeping late hours, sitting
up late at night, nighthawk
夜更け/よふけ - late at night, small hours of the morning
余程/よほど - very, greatly, much, to a large extent, quite
読み上げる/よみあげる - to read out, to read aloud, to call out;
to finish reading, to read through
寄り掛かる/よりかかる - to lean against, to recline on, to lean
世論/よろん - public opinion, popular voice, public sentiment,
弱まる/よわまる - to abate, to weaken, to be emaciated, to be
弱める/よわめる - to weaken
弱る/よわる - to weaken, to grow weak, to wane
来場/らいじょう - attendance
ライス - rice (esp. when served on a plate)
酪農/らくのう - dairy farming
落下/らっか - fall, drop, descent, coming down
楽観/らっかん - optimism, taking an optimistic view
ラベル - label (i.e. sticker)
ランプ - lamp, ramp
濫用/らんよう - abuse, misuse, misappropriation, using to
リード - lead, leading, taking the lead; lead (of a newspaper,
etc.), lede; lead (wire); lead (e.g. dog), leash; reed (of a
woodwind, etc.); lied (ger: Lied), German song, usu. for solo
voice & piano; read, reading 理屈/りくつ - theory, reason,
logic; (unreasonable) argument, strained logic, excuse,
利子/りし - interest (on a loan, deposit, etc.)
利潤/りじゅん - profit, returns
理性/りせい - reason, reasoning power, (one’s) sense
利息/りそく - interest (on a loan, deposit, etc.)
立体/りったい - solid body, three-dimensional object; {abbr}
multi-storey car park
立法/りっぽう - (the enactment of) legislation, lawmaking,
legislative process
利点/りてん - advantage, point in favor, point in favour
略奪/りゃくだつ - pillage, plunder, looting, robbery
略語/りゃくご - abbreviation, acronym
流通/りゅうつう - circulation (of money, goods, etc.),
distribution; circulation (of air, water, etc.), ventilation, flow
領域/りょういき - area, domain, territory, field, range
了解/りょうかい - comprehension, consent, understanding,
領海/りょうかい - territorial waters
両極/りょうきょく - both extremities; North and South Poles
良好/りょうこう - good, fine, excellent, favorable, favourable,
良識/りょうしき - good sense
良質/りょうしつ - good quality, fine quality, superior quality,
high quality
了承/りょうしょう - acknowledgement, acknowledgment
良心/りょうしん - conscience
領地/りょうち - territory, dominion, grounds (e.g. school)
領土/りょうど - dominion, territory, possession
両立/りょうりつ - compatibility, coexistence, standing
旅客/りょかく - passenger; traveller, traveler, tourist
旅券/りょけん - passport
履歴/りれき - personal history, background, career
理論/りろん - theory
林業/りんぎょう - forestry
類/るい - kind, sort, type, class, genus, order, family; similar
example, parallel, the like
類推/るいすい - analogy; {logic} analogical reasoning,
analogical inference; {ling} analogy
類似/るいじ - resemblance, similarity, likeness, analogy
ルーズ - loose (e.g. belt); slovenly, careless, slack
ルール - rule
冷酷/れいこく - cruelty, coldheartedness, relentless, ruthless
冷蔵/れいぞう - cold storage, refrigeration
冷淡/れいたん - cool, indifferent, apathetic, halfhearted; cold,
coldhearted, heartless, unkind
レース - race (competition)
レギュラー - regular
レッスン - lesson
レディー - lady
レバー - {food} liver
恋愛/れんあい - love, romance
連休/れんきゅう - consecutive holidays
レンジ - range, stove, cooker; {abbr} microwave oven
連日/れんじつ - day after day, every day
連帯/れんたい - solidarity; {adj-f} joint, collective
レンタカー - rental car
連中/れんちゅう - company, lot, bunch, gang, pack
レントゲン - {abbr} X-ray; roentgen (unit of ionizing
連邦/れんぽう - commonwealth, federation of states,
confederation, union
連盟/れんめい - league, federation, union, alliance
老衰/ろうすい - senility, senile decay, infirmity (through age)
朗読/ろうどく - reading aloud, recitation
浪費/ろうひ - waste, extravagance
労力/ろうりょく - labour, labor, effort, toil, trouble
ロープウエイ - ropeway, cableway, aerial lift, cable car
ロープ - rope
碌な/ろくな - satisfactory, decent, good, proper, respectable
露骨/ろこつ - open, unconcealed, undisguised, blatant, plain,
frank; broad, lewd, indecent, crude
ロマンチック - romantic
論議/ろんぎ - discussion, argument, debate
論理/ろんり - logic
枠/わく - frame, framework; border, box
惑星/わくせい - planet; dark horse, surprise contender
技/わざ - technique, art, skill, move
態々/わざわざ - going out of one’s way, expressly, specially
煩わしい/わずらわしい - troublesome, annoying, complicated
渡り鳥/わたりどり - migratory bird
ワット - watt
詫び/わび - apology
和文/わぶん - Japanese text, sentence in Japanese
藁/わら - straw
割当/わりあて - allotment, assignment, allocation, quota
割込む/わりこむ - to cut into (a line, conversation, etc.), to
force oneself into (e.g. a crowd), to wedge oneself into, to
squeeze oneself into, to intrude on, to interrupt; to fall
below (of stock prices, sales, etc.), to drop below 悪者/わるも
の - bad guy, villain, evildoer, scoundrel
我/われ - I, me; oneself; you
南西/なんせい - southwest
掲示板/けいじばん - bulletin board, display board, notice
board; electronic bulletin board, BBS
翻訳/ほんやく - translation, written translation
陸地/りくち - land
船員/せんいん - sailor, seaman, seafarer
鎖国/さこく - national isolation
流れ着く/ながれつく - to drift (to), to be washed ashore
漂流者/ひょうりゅうしゃ - person adrift on the sea, castaway
(on an island)
森山/もりやま - Moriyama (name)
向かう/むかう - to face; to go towards, to head towards
近海/きんかい - coastal waters, adjacent seas
白人/はくじん - white person, Caucasian
感動する/かんどうする - to be moved/impressed
開国/かいこく - founding a country; opening of a country (e.g.
Japan) to the world, ending (a policy of) national seclusion
翌年/よくねん - following year
難破/なんぱ - shipwreck
長崎/ながさき - Nagasaki (city, prefecture)
幕府/ばくふ - Shogunate
病死する/びょうしする - to die from an illness
決定する/けっていする - to decide
江戸/えど - old name of Tokyo
北海道/ほっかいどう - Hokkaido (northernmost of the four
main islands of Japan)
野球場/やきゅうじょう - baseball ground, baseball stadium
応援する/おうえんする - to cheer for
三振/さんしん - strike out (baseball)
伝統的/でんとうてき - traditional, conventional
太平洋/たいへいよう - Pacific Ocean
戦死する/せんしする - to die in battle
明日/あした - tomorrow
北口/きたぐち - north entrance, north exit
座/ざ - seat, place; position, status; gathering, party,
company, atmosphere (of a gathering); stand, pedestal,
platform; {hist} trade guild; {suf} attaches to the names of
constellations; {suf} attaches to the names of theatres,
cinemas and theatrical troupes; {suf} {ctr} counter for
theatres, deities, Buddhist images, tall mountains, and
satokagura songs 黒沢/くろさわ - Kurosawa (name)
訪問する/ほうもんする - to visit
絶対に/ぜったいに - absolutely, definitely
喜んで/よろこんで - with pleasure; gladly
遠慮なく/えんりょなく - without reservation, without holding
歳/さい - years old
野球/やきゅう - baseball
課長/かちょう - section manager
招待する/しょうたいする - to invite
小林/こばやし - Kobayashi (name)
高橋/たかはし - Takahashi (name)
引用する/いんようする - to quote
注文する/ちゅうもんする - to order (food, etc.)
今井/いまい - Imai (name)
面白い/おもしろい - interesting, fascinating; amusing, funny
旅行する/りょこうする - to travel
中華/ちゅうか - China; {abbr} Chinese food
面倒/めんどう - trouble, bother; trouble, difficulty
消費税/しょうひぜい - consumption tax (incl. sales tax, VAT,
excise duty, etc.)
健一/けんいち - Kenichi (name)
請求書/せいきゅうしょ - bill, account, invoice; information
request form
参る/まいる - to go (humble), to come (humble)
心配する/しんぱいする - to worry
宣伝する/せんでんする - to advertise
美容院/びよういん - beauty parlour
計算する/けいさんする - to calculate
宿泊料/しゅくはくりょう - accommodation charge, room rate
簡単/かんたん - simple
考え方/かんがえかた - way of thinking
卒業する/そつぎょうする - to graduate
京都/きょうと - Kyoto (city, prefecture)
時差ボケ/じさボケ - jet lag
加藤/かとう - Kato (name)
自己紹介/じこしょうかい - self-introduction
日付変更線/ひづけへんこうせん - International Date Line
池田/いけだ - Ikeda (name)
豊富/ほうふ - abundant, wealthy, plentiful, bountiful
一晩/ひとばん - one night, one evening; all night, overnight
一郎/いちろう - Ichirou (name)
留学する/りゅうがくする - to study abroad
成田/なりた - name of a large airport in Tokyo and the town
which holds it
専攻する/せんこうする - to major in
三田/みた - Mita (name)
石山/いしやま - Ishiyama (name)
電気工学/でんきこうがく - electrical engineering
大学院生/だいがくいんせい - graduate student
十数時間/じゅうすうじかん - ten or so hours
一着/いっちゃく - first place (in a race), first to arrive; one suit
(of clothes), one item (of clothing); {go} one move
披露宴/ひろうえん - reception (e.g. wedding), banquet,
celebration, party
坂本/さかもと - Sakamoto (name)
お正月/おしょうがつ - New Year’s Day; can be used to loosely
refer to the several days surrounding New Year’s
新郎/しんろう - bridegroom
新婦/しんぷ - bride
不気味/ぶきみ - weird, eerie, ominous, creepy, uncanny,
観光客/かんこうきゃく - tourist
悪循環/あくじゅんかん - vicious circle, vicious cycle
少数/しょうすう - small number, few, minority
の方が/のほうが - is more than…, is more (adj) than
先に/さきに - before, earlier than, first, ahead
大変だ/たいへんだ - Oh no!
日米/にちべい - Japan and the United States, JapaneseAmerican
大雨/おおあめ - heavy rain
吉田/よしだ - Yoshida (name)
目覚まし時計/めざましどけい - alarm clock
決まり文句/きまりもんく - set phrase, stock phrase,
conventional expression, usual wording, cliché, clichéd line
社会教育/しゃかいきょういく - social education
会釈する/えしゃくする - to greet by bowing slightly
二時半/にじはん - half past two
同室/どうしつ - same room; sharing a room, occupying the
same room
同級生/どうきゅうせい - classmate(s), peer(s) (of the same
一般的に/いっぱんてきに - generally
終わる/おわる - to finish, to end, to close
主/おも - chief, main, principal, important
利用する/りようする - to make use of
帰国する/きこくする - to return to one’s country
宛先/あてさき - address, destination
優先する/ゆうせんする - to give priority; to prefer
交渉する/こうしょうする - to negotiate
文部省/もんぶしょう - Ministry of Education, Science and
Culture (1871-2001)
国際学部/こくさいがくぶ - International Division
その場合/そのばあい - in that case
交換プログラム/こうかんプログラム - exchange program
推薦状/すいせんじょう - letter of recommendation
住宅事情/じゅうたくじじょう - housing conditions
希望者/きぼうしゃ - applicant, candidate, person interested in
doing something, person wanting to do something,
interested party, volunteer
書類選考/しょるいせんこう - document screening, paper
screening, narrowing down a field of applicants based on
resumes, written applications, etc.
サークル活動/サークルかつどう - club activities, group
期末試験/きまつしけん - final exam, term-end examination
授業料/じゅぎょうりょう - tuition fee
一番/いちばん - best, first, number one
週末/しゅうまつ - weekend
仏教/ぶっきょう - Buddhism
本当に/ほんとうに - really, truly
夕食/ゆうしょく - evening meal
間違う/まちがう - to make a mistake
今学期/こんがっき - this semester
新聞記事/しんぶんきじ - newspaper story (article, account)
州都/しゅうと - state capital, provincial capital, county town
弁護士/べんごし - lawyer, attorney
一回/いっかい - once, one time, one round, one game
次の年/つぎのとし - the following year
号室/ごうしつ - suffix for room numbers, suffix for apartment
楽/らく - comfort, ease
部員/ぶいん - staff, member
現代史/げんだいし - contemporary history
就職する/しゅうしょくする - to search for a job
予備校/よびこう - prep school (ronin year), preparatory school
for university entrance examinations
比較的/ひかくてき - comparatively, relatively
浪人/ろうにん - wandering samurai without a master to serve
貼り紙/はりがみ - paper patch, paper backing, poster, sticker,
事務員/じむいん - office worker
相談する/そうだんする - to consult (someone) about
落ちる/おちる - to fall down, to drop
発表する/はっぴょうする - to give a presentation, announce
佐藤/さとう - Sato (name)
一万円札/いちまんえんさつ - 10,000 yen bill
一泊/いっぱく - (staying) one night, overnight stay; overnight
rental, per-night rental
和室/わしつ - Japanese-style room
名古屋/なごや - Nagoya (city)
箱根/はこね - Hakone (name,place)
連絡先/れんらくさき - contact information (address, phone
number, etc.)
羊/ひつじ - sheep (Ovis aries)
大阪/おおさか - Osaka (city, prefecture)
横浜/よこはま - Yokohama (city)
神戸/こうべ - name of a port city near Osaka
国際的/こくさいてき - international, worldwide, cross-border,
混雑した/こんざつした - crowded, disorderly, confused,
批判する/ひはんする - to criticize
魅力的/みりょくてき - charming, fascinating, attractive
奈良/なら - Nara (city, prefecture)
お城/おしろ - castle
桜島/さくらじま - Mt. Sakurajima
案内する/あんないする - to guide, to show (someone) around
留守番電話/るすばんでんわ - answering machine
残業/ざんぎょう - overtime (e.g. at work)
説明する/せつめいする - to explain
二時/にじ - two o’clock
三時/さんじ - 3 o’clock
四時/よじ - 4 o’clock
五時/ごじ - five o’clock
八時/はちじ - eight o’clock
十時/じゅうじ - ten o’clock
三百/さんびゃく - 300
三千/さんぜん - 3000, three thousand
一万/いちまん - 10,000
十万/じゅうまん - 100,000
百万/ひゃくまん - 1,000,000
九時/くじ - 9 o’clock
七時/しちじ - seven o’clock
六時/ろくじ - six o’clock
日本人/にほんじん - Japanese person
一人で/ひとりで - alone, by oneself
一月/いちがつ - January; first month of the lunar calendar
田中さん/たなかさん - Mr/Mrs/Ms Tanaka
山田さん/やまださん - Mr./Mrs./Ms. Yamada
西口/にしぐち - west entrance, west exit
五分/ごふん - five minutes
十分/じゅっぷん - 10 minutes
中国/ちゅうごく - China
東口/ひがしぐち - east entrance, east exit
南口/みなみぐち - south entrance, south exit
東京/とうきょう - current capital of Japan
日本語/にほんご - Japanese (language)
何人/なんにん - how many (people)?
会社員/かいしゃいん - company employee
何時/なんじ - what time, which hour
午前中/ごぜんちゅう - throughout the morning, in the morning
後ろ/うしろ - back, rear, behind
後で/あとで - afterwards, after
三年生/さんねんせい - third-year student
勉強する/べんきょうする - to study
明るい/あかるい - cheerful, bright
昔々/むかしむかし - long ago, once upon a time
人々/ひとびと - each person, people
連れて帰る/つれてかえる - to take (someone) home
気分が悪い/きぶんがわるい - feel sick, feel unwell
注意する/ちゅういする - to watch out, to warn (someone about
本屋/ほんや - bookstore
長野/ながの - Nagano, (proper) name, a prefecture of Japan
結婚する/けっこんする - to marry
力仕事/ちからしごと - manual labour (labor)
冬休み/ふゆやすみ - winter vacation, winter holidays
不安/ふあん - anxiety, uneasiness
一枚/いちまい - one thin flat object, one sheet
最悪/さいあく - worst; horrible, horrid, awful, terrible
大変/たいへん - very, greatly; tough; terrible
真の/しんの - true, real, genuine, proper, utter
失敗する/しっぱいする - to be unsuccessful; to fail
後略/こうりゃく - omitting the rest
無駄/むだ - futility, waste, uselessness
薄らぐ/うすらぐ - to become thin, to fade, to grow pale
無限に/むげんに - without limit
納得する/なっとくする - to understand; to be convinced
参加する/さんかする - to participate
平成元年/へいせいがんねん - first year of Heisei
中略/ちゅうりゃく - omission (of middle part of a text), ellipsis
形容する/けいようする - to express figuratively
気遣う/きづかう - to worry about (someone’s welfare or
comfort), to feel anxious about, to have apprehensions of
我慢する/がまんする - to put up with, to be patient with
寝坊する/ねぼうする - to oversleep
真美/まみ - Mami (name)
街で/まちで - in town
独立した/どくりつした - independent
服用する/ふくようする - to take [medicine]
寒気がする/さむけがする - to feel a chill
顔色/かおいろ - complexion, one’s colour, one’s color
病状/びょうじょう - patient’s condition, pathology
脱線する/だっせんする - to derail/digress/ramble
主張する/しゅちょうする - to assert/insist
浴びせる/あびせる - to pour on
運がいい/うんがいい - lucky, fortunate
その頃/そのころ - at that time, in those days, at that moment,
台湾/たいわん - Taiwan
一所懸命/いっしょけんめい - {yoji} very hard, with utmost
effort, as hard as one can, with all one’s might, for dear life,
eagerly, desperately; {n} {hist} {yoji} (of a samurai)
devoting oneself to (the defence of) one’s territory 正式に/せ
いしきに - formally
唐/とう - {hist} Tang dynasty (of China; 618-907), T’ang
dynasty; {arch} China, foreign country
脱落する/だつらくする - to drop out
山荘/さんそう - mountain villa, mountain retreat, mountain
克服する/こくふくする - to master/overcome
矛盾する/むじゅんする - to contradict
道徳観/どうとくかん - view of morality, moral outlook
修身/しゅうしん - morals, ethics, moral training
果樹園/かじゅえん - orchard, fruit farm
合衆国/がっしゅうこく - federation, federal state; {abbr}
United States of America
周囲に/しゅういに - around [someone]
難解さ/なんかいさ - difficult to understand
読本/とくほん - reading-book, reader, guidebook, manual;
textbook (esp. a pre-war elementary school Japanese
language textbook)
記念する/きねんする - to commemorate
総合職/そうごうしょく - regular position, position with a
prospect of promotion
勝手なことをする/かってなことをする - to have one’s own way;
to do what one pleases
順番に/じゅんばんに - in turns, in series, in number order, by
願望/がんぼう - desire, wish, aspiration
年齢層/ねんれいそう - age range, age-group, age bracket
既婚者/きこんしゃ - married person
症候群/しょうこうぐん - {med} syndrome
二割/にわり - 20 percent
未婚者/みこんしゃ - unmarried person
破綻する/はたんする - to break up
賛成する/さんせいする - to agree with
尊敬する/そんけいする - to respect
超人/ちょうじん - superman, superwoman; {phil}
Ubermensch (Nietzsche’s ideal man of the future), overman
下積み/したづみ - goods piled beneath, lower layer; lowest
social strata, bottom (of the ladder), low rank, obscurity
相棒/あいぼう - partner, pal, accomplice
適応する/てきおうする - to adapt [to]
期待する/きたいする - to expect/count on
損をする/そんをする - to be to one’s disadvantage
不公平/ふこうへい - unfairness, injustice, partiality
苦しみ/くるしみ - pain, anguish, distress, suffering, hardship
三重苦/さんじゅうく - triple handicap (esp. blindness,
deafness and mutism)
重荷/おもに - load, heavy burden, encumbrance
参観/さんかん - visit, inspection
官公庁/かんこうちょう - government and municipal offices,
public agencies
呼び捨て/よびすて - addressing (someone) without using a
suffix such as “-san” or “-chan” (considered impolite)
我が家/わがや - one’s house, one’s home, one’s family
国際化/こくさいか - internationalization, internationalisation
確かに/たしかに - surely, certainly
逆に/ぎゃくに - conversely, on the contrary
お母/おふくろ - {col} one’s mother
街/がい - street, quarter, district, area
掛け/かけ - credit; money owed on an account
仮に/かりに - supposing, even if, granting that, for
argument’s sake
観/かん - look, appearance; spectacle, sight
区/く - ward, borough, city (in Tokyo); district (e.g. electoral),
section, zone (e.g. postal)
系/けい - system, lineage, group
圏/けん - sphere, circle, range
次/し - order, sequence, times
宗/しゅう - sect, denomination; tenets (of a religious sect)
症/しょう - illness
制/せい - system, organization, organisation, imperial
command, laws, regulation, control, government,
suppression, restraint, holding back, establishment
帯/たい - band (e.g. conduction, valence), belt (e.g. VanAllen, asteroid, etc.)
題する/だいする - to be titled (e.g. a book), to be named
派/は - clique, group, coterie; (political) faction, wing, party,
camp; school; sect, denomination
増し/まし - better, preferable, less objectionable, least-worst;
{n-suf} more, increase, extra; {n} {arch} increase, growth
割/わり - rate, ratio, proportion, percentage
あ - Ah! (expression of surprise, recollection, etc.), Oh!
何て/なんて - how …!, what …!; {int} what?, what’s that?
衛星/えいせい - {astron} (natural) satellite, moon; (artificial)
英文/えいぶん - sentence in English, article in English
栄養/えいよう - nutrition, nourishment
園/えん - garden (esp. man-made), orchard, park, plantation
お前/おまえ - you (sometimes derog. term referring to an
equal or inferior)
終わる/おわる - to finish (something)
火事/かじ - fire
可能/かのう - possible, potential, practicable, feasible
行/ぎょう - line (i.e. of text), row, verse
銀/ぎん - silver
咥える/くわえる - to hold in one’s mouth; to bring with, to
take along
校/こう - school
コック - cook; faucet
毎/ごと - each, every
集/しゅう - collection, compilation
商/しょう - {math} quotient; dealing, dealer, store
棄てる/すてる - to throw away, to cast away, to dump, to
discard; to abandon, to desert, to leave; to give up, to resign
性/せい - nature (of a person); sex; gender; (indicating
quality or condition) -ty, -ity, -ness, -cy
せっせと - diligently, assiduously, industriously
それなのに - and yet, despite this, but even so
存ずる/ぞんずる - {hum} to know, to be aware (of), to be
acquainted (with); {hum} to think, to consider, to believe,
to feel
そんなに - so much, so, like that
庁/ちょう - government office, agency, board
兆/ちょう - sign, omen
通/つう - connoisseur; counter for letters, notes, documents,
通ずる/つうずる - to be open (to traffic), to lead to, to
communicate (with)
続く/つづく - to continue, to last, to go on
転々/てんてん - moving from place to place, being passed
around repeatedly
傾らか/なだらか - gently sloping, gentle, easy; smooth
難い/にくい - difficult, hard (to do)
持ち/もち - hold, charge, keep possession, in charge
問/もん - counter for questions
幼稚/ようち - infancy; {adj-na} {n} childish, infantile,
immature, primitive
翌/よく - the following, next
喜び/よろこび - joy, delight, rapture, pleasure, gratification
羽/わ - counter for birds, rabbits, etc.
我/わが - my, our, one’s own
星/ほし - star
豚カツ/とんカツ - {food} breaded pork cutlet
トレーナー - trainer
いらっしゃいませ - welcome (in shops, etc.)
英吉利/イギリス - Great Britain, United Kingdom, England
韓国/かんこく - Korea
オーストラリア - Australia
アジア研究/アジアけんきゅう - Asian studies
国際関係/こくさいかんけい - international relations
人類学/じんるいがく - anthropology
ハンバーガー - hamburger (on a bun)
そうですね - that’s so, isn’t it, that’s right
どうですか - How about…?; How is…?
バス停/バスてい - bus stop
一時間/いちじかん - one hour
サーフィン - surfing
大嫌い/だいきらい - very dislikeable, hate
一緒に/いっしょに - together (with)
迄/まで - until, till doing
市民病院/しみんびょういん - Municipal Hospital
テレビゲーム - video game
お風呂に入る/おふろにはいる - to take a bath
遅く/おそく - late (time), (do something) late
から - from (e.g. time, place, numerical quantity), since
結構です/けっこうです - That’s fine; That won’t be necessary.
直ぐ/すぐ - immediately, at once
本当ですか/ほんとうですか - Really?
コンビニ - {abbr} convenience store
Tシャツ - T-shirt
格好いい/かっこいい - attractive, good-looking, stylish, cool
背が高い/せがたかい - tall (of a person)
背が低い/せがひくい - short (of a person)
が - indicates sentence subject
何も/なにも - nothing (with neg. verbs)
良かったら/よかったら - if you like, if it’s all right
カラオケ - karaoke (singing to taped accompaniment)
ディスコ - {abbr} disco, discotheque
トマト - tomato (Solanum lycopersicum)
バーベキュー - barbecue, BBQ
ホームステイ - homestay
雨が降る/あめがふる - to rain
遅くなる/おそくなる - to be late (for…)
じろじろ見る/じろじろみる - to stare at, to look hard at
運転する/うんてんする - to drive
洗濯する/せんたくする - to do laundry
掃除する/そうじする - to clean
料理する/りょうりする - to cook
ううん - no; er, well, …; groan
皆で/みんなで - all (of the people) together
歌舞伎/かぶき - Japanese classical drama
薬を飲む/くすりをのむ - to take medicine
人気がある/にんきがある - to be popular
運動する/うんどうする - to do physical exercises
散歩する/さんぽする - to take a walk
御金持ち/おかねもち - rich person
クレジットカード - credit card
サッカー - soccer
有名人/ゆうめいじん - celebrity, famous person, public figure,
big name
来学期/らいがっき - next semester
林檎/りんご - apple
練習する/れんしゅうする - to practice
歩いて/あるいて - on foot
後/ご - in…time; after…
どうやって - how, in what way, by what means
どの位/どのぐらい - how long, how far, how much
早く/はやく - early, soon
ホストファミリー - host family
ルームメート - roommate
嘘を付く/うそをつく - to tell a lie
お腹が空く/おなかがすく - to become hungry
喧嘩する/けんかする - to have a fight; to quarrel
紹介する/しょうかいする - to introduce
ダイエットする - to go on a diet
遅刻する/ちこくする - to be late (for an appointment)
凄く/すごく - awfully, very, extremely
二日酔い/ふつかよい - hangover
ホームシック - homesick
痛い/いたい - painful, sore
都合が悪い/つごうがわるい - inconvenient, circumstances are
素敵/すてき - fantastic, wonderful
風邪を引く/かぜをひく - to catch a cold
興味がある/きょうみがある - to be interested (in…)
熱がある/ねつがある - to have a fever
咳が出る/せきがでる - to cough
緊張する/きんちょうする - to get nervous
お大事に/おだいじに - Take care of yourself
元気がない/げんきがない - don’t feel/look well
でしょう - seems, I think
二三日/にさんにち - two or three days
ので - that being the case, because of …
赤ちゃん/あかちゃん - baby, infant
終電/しゅうでん - {abbr} last train (of the day)
痴漢/ちかん - molester, groper, masher, pervert; {arch} fool,
バイト - part-time job, work
文句を言う/もんくをいう - to complain, to make a complaint
殴る/なぐる - to strike, to hit
準備する/じゅんびする - to prepare
馬鹿にする/ばかにする - to make fun of
昼寝をする/ひるねをする - to take a nap
連絡する/れんらくする - to contact
間に/あいだに - while, during
英会話/えいかいわ - English conversation
一人暮らし/ひとりぐらし - a single life, living alone
プロジェクト - project
ぺらぺら - fluent
コピーを取る/コピーをとる - to make a photocopy
放っておく/ほうっておく - to leave alone, to leave as is
計画を立てる/けいかくをたてる - to make plans
お願いする/おねがいする - to request, to wish (humble)
徹夜する/てつやする - to stay up all night
反対する/はんたいする - to oppose; to object to
翻訳する/ほんやくする - to translate
こんな風/こんなふう - in this way
そんなことない - I don’t think so., It’s not like that.
何度も/なんども - many times over, often
もう少し/もうすこし - a bit more
ウエイター - waiter
外国語/がいこくご - foreign language
空手/からて - karate
ゴルフ - golf
バイク - bike, motorcycle
やくざ - (a member of) the Japanese mafia
約束を守る/やくそくをまもる - to keep a promise
キロ - …kilometers; …kilograms
と申します/ともうします - my name is…
大家さん/おおやさん - {hon} landlord, landlady
チョコレート - {food} chocolate
電子メール/でんしメール - email
縫い包み/ぬいぐるみ - stuffed toy
バレンタインデー - Valentine’s Day
ビデオカメラ - video camera
ホワイトデー - White Day (March 14th)
蜜柑/みかん - mandarin orange
履歴書/りれきしょ - personal history, resume
呉れる/くれる - to be given, to give (to me)
プロポーズする - to propose marriage
外国人/がいこくじん - foreigner, foreign citizen
結婚式/けっこんしき - marriage ceremony
締め切り/しめきり - cut-off, deadline
ジャケット - jacket
卒業式/そつぎょうしき - graduation ceremony
ペット - pet
割引券/わりびきけん - discount coupon or ticket
下ろす/おろす - to lower (e.g. ladder), to let (a person) off; to
withdraw (money)
付き合う/つきあう - to associate with, to go out with
保険に入る/ほけんにはいる - to buy insurance
予約する/よやくする - to reserve (tickets, a seat, etc.)
一日中/いちにちじゅう - throughout the day
けど - but, however
に就いて/について - about…; concerning…
もう一度/もういちど - once more, again
駅員さん/えきいんさん - station attendant
起こす/おこす - to raise, to cause, to wake someone
連れて行く/つれていく - to take someone (of lower status)
道に迷う/みちにまよう - to lose one’s way, to get lost
アイロンを掛ける/アイロンをかける - to iron
乗り遅れる/のりおくれる - to miss (train, bus, etc.)
朝寝坊する/あさねぼうする - to oversleep
迎えに来る/むかえにくる - to call for somebody, to come to
pick someone up
今日中に/きょうじゅうに - by the end of today
このぐらい - this much, this amount
失礼します/しつれいします - excuse me
自分で/じぶんで - (do something) oneself
授業中に/じゅぎょうちゅうに - during the class
他の/ほかの - other
お湯/おゆ - hot water, bath
旅行会社/りょこうがいしゃ - travel agency
お湯を沸かす/おゆをわかす - to boil water
宝くじに当たる/たからくじにあたる - to win a lottery
髭を剃る/ひげをそる - to shave one’s beard
化粧する/けしょうする - to put on makeup
離婚する/りこんする - to get a divorce
に比べて/にくらべて - compared with…
エアコン - air-conditioner
シャンプー - shampoo
ポップコーン - popcorn
ラジカセ - radio-cassette player
落とす/おとす - to drop
お湯が沸く/おゆがわく - water boils
お先に失礼します/おさきにしつれいします - pardon me for
leaving (first) (used when leaving a workplace while others
御疲れ様でした/おつかれさまでした - You must be tired after
working so hard. (ritualistic expression)
だろう - seems, I think
どうしよう - what to do
迄に/までに - by, not later than, before
奥様/おくさま - wife {polite}, your wife, his wife
中学生/ちゅうがくせい - junior high school student, middle
school pupil
怠け者/なまけもの - lazy person
部長/ぶちょう - head (chief, director) of a section or
御休みになる/おやすみになる - honorific expression for ねる
知り合う/しりあう - to get to know (someone)
ていらっしゃる - honorific expression for ~ている
遠慮する/えんりょする - to hold back for the time being
御馳走する/ごちそうする - to treat/invite (someone) to a meal
話をする/はなしをする - to have a talk, to tell a story
本当は/ほんとうは - in fact; originally
ようこそ - welcome!, nice to see you!
宜しくお伝え下さい/よろしくおつたえください - Please give my
best regards (to…).
宇宙人/うちゅうじん - space alien
係の者/かかりのもの - person in charge
スニーカー - sneaker(s)
ハイヒール - high heels
御座る/ござる - to be; extra-modest expression for ある
ておる - extra-modest expression for ~ている
曲がる/まがる - to bend, to curve, to turn
交換する/こうかんする - to exchange
生活する/せいかつする - to lead a life
返品する/へんぴんする - to return (merchandise)
誠に/まことに - {polite} indeed, really
申し訳ありません/もうしわけありません - I’m sorry {polite}
宜しかったら/よろしかったら - if you don’t mind, if you like
海外旅行/かいがいりょこう - vacation abroad
国際電話/こくさいでんわ - international phone call
タイヤ - tire
盆踊り/ぼんおどり - Bon Festival dance
雨が止む/あめがやむ - to stop raining
居なく成る/いなくなる - (someone) is gone; to disappear
お腹を壊す/おなかをこわす - to have a stomach ache
悪口を言う/わるぐちをいう - to insult, to say something
insulting about, to bad-mouth
顔をする/かおをする - to look… (facial expression)
がっかりする - to be disappointed
世話をする/せわをする - to take care of
同情する/どうじょうする - to sympathize
パンクする - (tire) goes flat, get a puncture
優勝する/ゆうしょうする - to win a championship
元気でね/げんきでね - take care, take good care of yourself
そうそう - You are right.
物凄く/ものすごく - extremely
こうして - with this, like this
瓩/キログラム - kilogram, kilogramme
大/おお - large, big, great, major, important, serious, heavy,
loud; older, senior; final, ultimate; rough, broad, general
始め/はじめ - beginning, start, outset, opening; first (in line,
etc.); origin; such as …, not to mention …
初め/はじめ - beginning, start, origin
コピーする - to copy
会議室/かいぎしつ - conference room
為る/する - to do
です - polite copula in Japanese that generally means “be”
(is, am, are, etc..) - not used for location/existence
っぽい - -ish, -like
お元気で/おげんきで - take care, be well, farewell
お気の毒に/おきのどくに - my sympathies, that’s too bad, my
お掛け下さい/おかけください - please sit down, please have a
大まか/おおまか - rough (e.g. sketch, approximation), broad,
合わせ/あわせ - joint together, opposite, facing
々/くりかえし - repetition of kanji (sometimes voiced)
〆/しめ - tying up, binding, fastening, tightening; total, sum;
conclusion (e.g. of a gathering), end, finish, rounding off;
final meal after a drinking party; {food} dish made after
eating a hot pot by adding rice or noodles to the leftover
broth; {MA} choking technique (in judo), stranglehold;
closure mark; {ctr} counter for bundles (of wood, cotton,
etc.); {ctr} counter for reams of 2000 sheets of Japanese
writing paper 110番/ひゃくとおばん - 110 (police
emergency telephone number in Japan)
CDプレーヤー/シーディープレーヤー - CD player
W杯/ダブルはい - World Cup (e.g. soccer)
あいつ等/あいつら - {derog} {fam} they, those guys, those
あっ気/あっけ - being taken aback, state of shock,
あのう - say, well, errr …
あのね - {fam} {fem} look here, I say, well, I know what, I’ll
tell you what, just a minute, hold on
あの人/あのひと - he, she, that person; {arch} you
あの世/あのよ - the other world, the next world, the world
beyond, world after death
あの方/あのかた - that gentleman (lady), that person[polite]
在るが儘/あるがまま - in truth, as it is
あれだけ - to that extent, to that degree, that much, that
あんだけ - to that extent, to that degree, that much, that
いざこざ - trouble, quarrel, difficulties, complication, tangle
いそいそ - {on-mim} cheerfully, joyously, joyfully, happily,
lightheartedly, excitedly, eagerly
いやだ - not a chance, not likely, no way
いんちき - cheating, fraud, trickery, deception; {adj-na} {n}
fake, bogus, quack, sham, counterfeit
うずうず - {on-mim} itching to do something, impatient,
sorely tempted, eager
うとうと - {on-mim} falling into a doze, dozing off, nodding
畝ねり/うねり - undulation, winding, meandering; swell (of
waves), ground swell, surge, billow, roller
うるう年/うるうどし - leap year
うわあ - yikes, oops, eep, wow, aargh
うんこ - {chn} poop, poo, faeces, feces; {sl} crap, trash,
うんち - {chn} poo, poop, doo-doo, caca, whoopsie
おしっこ - {col} {chn} wee-wee, pee-pee, number one
おっさん - {derog} {fam} middle-aged man; {fam} Buddhist
おっぱい - {chn} boobs, boobies, breasts, tits; {chn} breast
御婆ちゃん/おばあちゃん - {fam} granny, grandma, gran;
{fam} old lady, old woman
おや - oh!, oh?, my!
おろおろ - {on-mim} in confusion, in a fluster, in
bewilderment, in a dither, in a panic, all shook up,
helplessly; {on-mim} sobbing, tearfully, trembling (voice)
お御輿/おみこし - {pol} portable shrine (carried in festivals);
buttocks, lower back, waist, hips
お守/おまもり - charm, amulet
お尻/おしり - bottom, buttocks
お神興/おみこし - {pol} portable shrine (carried in festivals);
buttocks, lower back, waist, hips
お祖父ちゃん/おじいちゃん - {fam} grandpa, granddad
お早うございます/おはようございます - Good morning {polite}
お話し中/おはなしちゅう - {pol} busy (phone)
かい - {fam} yes?, no?, isn’t it?, is it?
かさかさ - {on-mim} dry and rough, desiccated; {adv} {advto} {on-mim} rustling
かしら - {fem} I wonder, do you think?, I might, how about;
some kind, some stage, somehow, somewhere
かちかち - {on-mim} ticktock; {on-mim} chinking (e.g. of a
hammer against rock), knocking, clicking, clacking,
clattering; {adj-no} {adj-na} {on-mim} dry and hard,
(frozen) stiff; {adj-no} {adj-na} {on-mim} hidebound,
diehard, stubborn, obstinate, bigoted; {adj-no} {adj-na}
{on-mim} scared stiff, tense, nervous, frightened かっと {on-mim} flaring up, burning hotly, suddenly becoming
bright; {on-mim} flying into a rage, losing one’s cool; {onmim} opening suddenly and widely (e.g. eyes, mouth); {onmim} {arch} acting resolutely か弱い/かよわい - weak,
feeble, delicate, frail, helpless
がさがさ - {on-mim} rustling; {adj-na} {adj-no} {adv} {vs}
{on-mim} dry, rough feeling, rough to the touch; {on-mim}
rough (of a person), course, crude, unrefined, uncouth; {n}
{vs} catching fish with a net がしがし - {on-mim}
boisterously, roughly, briskly
がたがた - {on-mim} rattling, clattering; {on-mim}
trembling, shivering, quaking, wobbling, swaying; {on-mim}
whining, grumbling, griping, bellyaching; {adj-no} {adj-na}
{on-mim} rickety, shaky, wobbly, decrepit, ramshackle,
broken down がぶがぶ - {on-mim} gulping down (a drink),
guzzling, chugging; {adj-na} {on-mim} sloshing around (of
liquid in one’s stomach)
がやがや - {on-mim} noisily (crowd of people talking),
clamorously, in a hubbub, jabberingly, chatteringly,
がらんと - clanging; empty, deserted
きっぱりと - clearly, plainly, decisively, distinctly, flatly
きょときょと - {on-mim} (looking around) restlessly,
(looking) all around, goggling
きょろきょろ - {on-mim} (looking around) restlessly,
(looking) all around, goggling
きらきら - {on-mim} glittering, sparkling, glistening,
きりきり - {on-mim} chafing, grinding (e.g. teeth); {onmim} binding tightly, pulling tight (e.g. a bow); {on-mim}
rotating quickly; {on-mim} hurting sharply; {on-mim}
briskly, quickly, promptly, at once, right away ぎこちない awkward, clumsy, stiff, crude, unrefined, constrained
ぎごちない - awkward, clumsy, stiff, crude, unrefined,
刻刻/ぎざぎざ - {on-mim} notches, serration, indentation,
jaggies (stair-step artifacts in computer images); {adj-na}
{adv} {adv-to} {vs} {on-mim} notched, serrated, jagged,
corrugated, milled
ぎゅうぎゅう - {on-mim} creaking, squeaking; {on-mim}
packing in tightly, cramming, squeezing; {on-mim} hard
(pressing, tying, twisting, etc.), tightly, with force; {on-mim}
going hard (on someone), tormenting (e.g. with questions)
ぎゅっと - {on-mim} tightly (hold, squeeze, etc.), firmly,
forcefully (e.g. push), hard
ぎょっと - {on-mim} being startled
ぎらぎら - {on-mim} glaringly, dazzlingly, blazingly
限り限り/ぎりぎり - just barely, only just, at the very limit, at
the last moment
くしゃくしゃ - {on-mim} crumpled, rumpled, wrinkled,
creased, tousled, disheveled, dishevelled; {vs} {adv} {onmim} to be annoyed, to be irritated, to be upset; {adv}
{adv-to} {on-mim} noisily (chewing)
くたくた - {on-mim} exhausted, worn out, dead tired; {adjno} {adj-na} {on-mim} battered (esp. of clothing), worn
out, ragged, tattered; {adv} {adv-to} {adj-na} {on-mim}
(boiling) to a pulp, to a mash, to a mush くたばる - {derog}
to kick the bucket, to drop dead, to die, to croak; to be
pooped, to be exhausted, to be knackered
くどくど - {on-mim} tediously (explain, complain, etc.),
repeatedly, persistently, insistently, ad nauseam, at great
くよくよ - {on-mim} to fret (over), to brood (about), to
mope, to worry; {adv} {adv-to} {on-mim} worriedly,
(fretting) constantly, (worrying) over this and that,
(obsessing) to no end
くるくる - {on-mim} whirling, revolving, spinning, going
round and round; {on-mim} coiling around, winding around,
rolling around; {on-mim} working tirelessly, working hard;
{on-mim} constantly changing ぐたぐた - {on-mim}
tediously, persistently, repeatedly, at length; {on-mim}
lazily, idly, slovenly, sluggishly; {on-mim} (boiling) to a
pulp, to a mash, to a mush
ぐったり - {on-mim} limply, wearily, listlessly, languidly,
exhaustedly, unenergetically
ぐらぐら - {on-mim} wobbling, tottering, shaking, unstably,
unsteadily; {on-mim} wavering (e.g. over a decision),
dithering, indecisively; {on-mim} boiling up; {on-mim}
dizzily, giddily
ぐるぐる - {on-mim} (turning) round and round, in circles;
{on-mim} wrapping around, winding around
ぐるっと - {on-mim} turning round, going around, turning
about, rotating; {on-mim} surrounding, encircling
ぐるりと - {on-mim} turning round, going around, turning
about, rotating; {on-mim} surrounding, encircling
けじめ - distinction (e.g. between right and wrong, public
and private, etc.)
けども - but, however, although
こうすると - having done this, if this is done, if it is done in
this way
こうすれば - if you do this, if this is the case
こそ - it is … that …, precisely, in particular, definitely, for
sure, only (when, after, because, etc.); although, while, it is
the case that … but; it is precisely because … that …, only
because …; {form} not at all, not in the slightest, absolutely
not, never こそこそ - {on-mim} sneakily, secretly, stealthily,
on the sly
こちこち - {on-mim} ticktock; {on-mim} chinking (e.g. of a
hammer against rock), knocking, clicking, clacking,
clattering; {adj-no} {adj-na} {on-mim} dry and hard,
(frozen) stiff; {adj-no} {adj-na} {on-mim} hidebound,
diehard, stubborn, obstinate, bigoted; {adj-no} {adj-na}
{on-mim} scared stiff, tense, nervous, frightened こつこつ {on-mim} steadily, unflaggingly, untiringly, laboriously,
diligently; {on-mim} knocking, tapping, clicking, drumming
事がある/ことがある - there are times when
ことが出来る/ことができる - to be able (to), to be possible (to)
事になる/ことになる - it has been decided (so) that
このため - because of this
これで - here, with this
ころころ - {on-mim} lightly rolling (of a small and round
thing); {on-mim} pleasant, high-pitched sound (e.g. bell,
young woman’s laughter); {on-mim} changing frequently
(e.g. conversation, plans), (occurring) in rapid succession
(e.g. sumo wrestlers being defeated), fickly, in a fickle
manner; {on-mim} roly-poly; {on-mim} chirp chirp (sound
of insects); {on-mim} ribbit ribbit (sound of frogs), croak
croak; {n} {on-mim} roller, lint roller, paint roller こんな風に/
こんなふうに - in this way
ごぼごぼ - gurgling, burbling, bubbling, sound of water
mixing with air (e.g. water welling up, pouring water, drain
pipe, gushing forth)
ごろごろ - {on-mim} rumbling (of thunder, one’s stomach,
etc.), grumbling, growling, purring; {on-mim} rolling (of
something large and heavy), tumbling; {on-mim} all over
the place, everywhere, commonly, in great numbers; {onmim} idly, lazily, slothfully; {on-mim} (uncomfortable
feeling of) having a foreign substance in one’s eye,
stomach, etc.; {n} {chn} {on-mim} thunder さえ - even; (if)
only, just, as long as; besides, on top of that, what’s more
さえあれば - if only (you) have, as long as (you) have,
whenever (you) have
さらさら - {on-mim} with a rustling sound; {on-mim}
rippling (of a stream, etc.), murmuring, purling; {on-mim}
slurping down (ochazuke); {on-mim} quickly and easily (e.g.
write a letter), with ease, smoothly, fluently; {adj-no} {adv}
{adv-to} {vs} {on-mim} smooth and dry (hair, sand, etc.),
silky, powdery (e.g. snow), free-flowing (e.g. blood) さ迷う/さ
まよう - to loiter, to putter
ざあざあ - {on-mim} (raining) heavily, (water rushing)
plentily; {on-mim} with white noise, with a buzz
ざらざら - {on-mim} rough (touch, voice, etc.), coarse,
gritty, sandy, granular; {on-mim} rattling (of beans, beads,
ざわざわ - {on-mim} noisily (from many people talking), in a
commotion; {on-mim} with a rustling sound (of leaves,
branches, etc.), with a rippling sound (of the surface of a
lake, etc.); {on-mim} feeling a chill, with a chill (up one’s
spine) しか - nothing but, except, no more than
しかない - have no choice
しとしと - {on-mim} gently (raining), drizzling; {adj-na}
{on-mim} moist, damp
しゃぶしゃぶ - {food} {on-mim} shabu-shabu, hot pot dish
where thinly sliced meat is boiled quickly and then dipped in
しょんぼり - {on-mim} downheartedly, dejectedly,
dispiritedly, despondently
しんどい - tired, frazzled; tiresome, tiring, draining,
bothersome, worrisome
じめじめ - {on-mim} damp, humid, wet, clammy, muggy,
soggy; {on-mim} gloomy, melancholy, depressing
じゃが芋/じゃがいも - potato
じゃ無いか/じゃないか - isn’t it?; let’s …, why don’t we …, how
about we …, shouldn’t we …
じゃぶじゃぶ - {on-mim} splashing (water), splashing about,
with a splash; {on-mim} vigorously, generously (e.g.
pouring sauce), plenty; {on-mim} greatly (using or making
じゃまたね - Goodbye, See you later
すうっと - {on-mim} straight, quickly, directly, all of a
sudden; {on-mim} quietly, gently, softly; {vs} to feel
refreshed, to feel satisfied
すき焼/すきやき - {food} sukiyaki, thin slices of beef, cooked
with various vegetables in a tabletop cast-iron pan
すやすや - {on-mim} (sleeping) peacefully, quietly, soundly
すら - even
すらすら - {on-mim} smoothly, easily, readily
ずきずき - {on-mim} throbbingly (of pain)
せかせか - {on-mim} restlessly, hurriedly, agitatedly,
せがむ - to badger, to pester, to beg
せずに - without (doing), instead of
せっかち - hasty, impatient, restless, rash
ぜ - {male} {fam} I can tell you; {male} heh
そうかと言って/そうかといって - but still, however, and yet,
nevertheless, for all that
そうすると - having done that, if that is done, if it is done in
that way
そうだ - that is so, that is right
そうですが - that’s so, however …
そう言った/そういった - like that
そこら辺/そこらへん - {col} hereabouts, around there, that
そしたら - then, and then, and, if so, because then, if that’s
the case
その時/そのとき - at that time, at that moment, then, on that
そよ風/そよかぜ - gentle breeze, soft wind, breath of air,
それにしても - nevertheless, at any rate, even so, all things
considered, be that as it may
それより - apart from that, other than that, leaving that
aside, more importantly, more … than that, but, however
それ等/それら - those (near the second person)
そわそわ - {on-mim} restlessly, nervously, uneasily, in a
そんだけ - that much, as much, to that extent, only that, that
alone, no more than that
ぞ - (sentence end, mainly masc.) adds force, indicates
ぞくぞく - {on-mim} shivering, feeling chilly; {on-mim}
shuddering (with fear), feeling creepy; {on-mim} thrilled,
ぞろぞろ - {on-mim} in a crowd, in droves, in a stream, in
succession; {on-mim} crawling (of insects), swarming; {onmim} dragging (e.g. along the ground), trailing, stretching
たい - want to … do something
たった - only, merely, but, no more than
たった今/たったいま - just now, a moment ago, this very
度に/たびに - each time, every time, whenever (something
happens), on the occasion of
たら - if … then, how about? (sentence ending)
たらたら - drop-by-drop, dribbling, in a trickle; incessantly
(esp. speaking, e.g. complaints, compliments), in great
だけでなく - not only … (but also), not just, as well as
だけども - though, much as
だけれども - though, much as
だてらに - in a way that is uncharacteristic of …, in a way
that is unbecoming to …, in a way that is unbefitting of …,
despite one’s position as …, despite being …
だの - and, or, and the like, and so forth, and what not
だらだら - {on-mim} in drops, dripping, trickling, streaming,
flowing; {on-mim} gently (sloping); {on-mim} sluggishly,
endlessly, lengthily; {on-mim} leisurely, idly, slowly,
ちぐはぐ - {on-mim} mismatched, odd, irregular; {on-mim}
inconsistent, incoherent, confused
ちょっぴり - {on-mim} {col} a tiny bit, just a smidgin, a wee
bit, very slightly
ちらちら - {on-mim} falling lightly (e.g. snow, petals,
confetti), fluttering; {on-mim} flickering, twinkling,
glimmering, sparkling, dazzling; {on-mim} appearing and
disappearing, catching glimpses; {on-mim} glancing
(repeatedly); {on-mim} (hear, see) from time to time,
intermittently ちらり - {on-mim} fleeting (glimpse, glance,
ちり取/ちりとり - dustpan
ちんぴら - {derog} (young) hoodlum, delinquent boy,
delinquent girl, hooligan, punk; {derog} small-time yakuza;
{derog} brat, little shit
つい - just (now); quite (near); unintentionally,
subconsciously, by mistake, against one’s better judgement
つつ - while; even though, despite
妻/つま - wife
つるつる - {on-mim} smooth, shiny, slick; {on-mim}
slippery, greasy; {adv} {adv-to} {on-mim} slurping
づつ - apiece, each; at a time, piecemeal
てくてく - {on-mim} (walking a long distance) at a steady
pace, intently, earnestly, single-mindedly, trudgingly,
できこと - incident, affair, happening, event
でさえ - even (e.g. even a child); as long as (it is, you are,
etc.), (if) only, just
ですが - {pol} but, however, (and) yet, nevertheless, still, for
all that
でっかい - {col} huge, big, gargantuan
でないと - without, but if, otherwise, or else
でなければ - without, but if, otherwise, or else
では無いか/ではないか - isn’t it?; let’s …, why don’t we …, how
about we …, shouldn’t we …
として - as (i.e. in the role of), for (i.e. from the viewpoint of);
apart from… (used to change the topic); even (e.g. “not
even a single person”); thinking that…, trying to…
としても - even if …, even supposing that …; also as …, also
for …, also from the position of …
とすると - then, if so, if
となると - when it comes to …, where … is concerned; if it’s
the case that …, if it turns out that …, if it’s true that …, in
that case
とは - indicates word or phrase being defined; used for
quoting (thoughts, speech, etc.); with; (not) as much as,
(not) so much as; the fact that, to think that, such a thing as
とは限らない/とはかぎらない - not necessarily so
とびっ切り/とびっきり - best, extra-fine, superfine,
unequalled; {n} {adv} exceptionally, extraordinarily, by far
とも - certainly, of course, to be sure, surely; even if, no
matter (who, what, when, where, why, how), though,
although; without even, without so much as; at the (least,
earliest, etc.); {exp} also (called), also as; well とろ - fatty
cut (esp. of tuna belly)
とんとん - {on-mim} with a tap, with a knock, with a
knocking sound, with a rap-tap; {on-mim} smoothly
(proceed), without a hitch, without delay; {adj-na} even,
equal, break-even
と言う/という - said; called; named; as many as; as much as;
X; every X
どうも有難う/どうもありがとう - Thank you
どきっと - {on-mim} being startled, getting a shock
どきんと - feeling a shock, startling
どしどし - {on-mim} rapidly, one after the other; {on-mim}
without hesitation, unreservedly, freely; {on-mim} sound of
tramping, stomping
どたばた - {on-mim} noisily (running around), with heavy
feet; {on-mim} in a fluster, in a flurry, in a panic; {n}
{abbr} slapstick
どの位/どのくらい - how long, how far, how much
どの辺/どのへん - whereabouts, what part; how much, what
何れ丈/どれだけ - how much, how many, to what extent
何れでも/どれでも - any one (not regarding people)
泥泥/どろどろ - {on-mim} thick, viscous, mushy, pulpy,
slushy, syrupy, sticky; {on-mim} muddy, dirty (with oil,
grease, etc.); {vs} {adv-to} {on-mim} to be in an ugly state
(of emotions, relations, etc.), to be murky, to be sordid な don’t; do; {int} hey, listen, look, say; now, …, well, …, I tell
you!, you know; wow, ooh; right?, isn’t it?, doesn’t it?, don’t
you?, don’t you think?
なら - if, in case, if it is the case that, if it is true that; as for,
on the topic of; {conj} {col} {abbr} if that’s the case, if so,
that being the case
ならば - if, in case, if it is the case that, if it is true that;
{conj} {col} {abbr} if that’s the case, if so, that being the
case; {conj} if possible, if circumstances allow
なりに - in one’s own way or style
に - indicates such things as location of person or thing
に於ける/における - in, at, on, as for, regarding, with regard to
にかけて - till, to, over (a period), through (e.g. Monday
through Thursday), about (approx. time or place), on;
concerning (an area of expertise); swearing by (one’s sword,
God, etc.)
和やか/にこやか - smiling, beaming, radiant, bright, cheerful
にしても - even if, even though, even granting (that); even,
too, also; whether … or …; no matter (what, where, who,
にて - at, in; at, when; by, with; {conj} and then, so
にやにや - {on-mim} grinning, smirking
によって異なる/によってことなる - to differ depending on …
に違いない/にちがいない - I am sure
に因って/によって - according to, by (means of), due to
に加えて/にくわえて - in addition
に関して/にかんして - related to, in relation to, as far as … is
に関する/にかんする - related to, in relation to
に取って/にとって - to, for, from the standpoint of, as far as …
is concerned
に対して/にたいして - towards, against, regarding
に対する/にたいする - regarding, in, to, towards, with regards
ぬるぬる - {on-mim} slimy, slippery, greasy, clammy; {onmim} smoothly (of CGI movements, video streaming, etc.)
ね - indicates emphasis, agreement
ねえ - right?, isn’t it?, doesn’t it?, don’t you?, don’t you
think?; {int} hey, say, listen, look, come on; you know, you
see, I must say, I should think; will you?, please; so, …, well,
…, you see, …, you understand?; I’m not sure if …, I have
my doubts about whether …
ねた - material (for a story, article, etc.), information, news
item; joke, jest, (comedy) routine, made-up story, material;
proof, evidence; (magician’s) trick, secret; ingredients; {netsl} (Internet) meme ねばならぬ - have to do, must, should,
ought to
のぞみ - Nozomi, fastest Tōkaidō and Sanyō-line Shinkansen
train service (stopping only at largest stations)
のみ - only, nothing but
の様に/のように - like, similar to; as with, in the same way
ば - indicates supposition, if … then
ばあちゃん - granny, grandma, gran, female senior-citizen
(familiar form of address)
ばらす - {col} to expose (a secret), to disclose, to reveal, to
lay bare, to let out, to give away; {col} to take apart, to
take to pieces, to disassemble; {col} to kill, to do away with,
to get rid of; {col} to sell (stolen goods), to fence; {fish} to
let (a fish) get away, to lose (a fish) from the hook ばらばら {on-mim} scattered, disperse, loose, disconnected, in
pieces, in drops, rustling
ばりばり - {on-mim} vigorously (ripping, tearing, scratching,
etc.), roughly, with a rip; {on-mim} (eating) with a crunch;
{adj-na} {adv} {adv-to} {vs} {on-mim} stiff, starchy,
crisp; {on-mim} (working) hard, energetically, vigorously,
furiously; {on-mim} with a series of loud, repeated sounds
(e.g. firing a machine gun, revving an engine), with a lot of
(continuous) noise ばれる - to leak out (of a secret), to come
out, to be exposed (of a lie, improper behaviour, etc.), to be
found out, to be discovered; to get away (of a fish)
ぱっと - {on-mim} suddenly, in a flash, rapidly, nimbly,
alertly; {vs} {adv} attractive, distinguished, showy,
ひかり - Hikari, high-speed Tōkaidō and Sanyō-line
Shinkansen train service (faster than Kodama; slower than
ひそひそ - {on-mim} in a whisper, in a low voice, in
ひっそり - {on-mim} quiet (place), still, silent, deserted; {onmim} inconspicuously, modestly, quietly
ひとり暮し/ひとりぐらし - living by oneself, living alone
ひょっとしたら - possibly, by some possibility, perhaps
ひょっとすると - {on-mim} perhaps, maybe, possibly
ひらひら - {on-mim} fluttering, flapping, waving; {on-mim}
{arch} flickering (light, flame, etc.); {n} {on-mim} frill,
piece of thin material
びくびく - {on-mim} being afraid of, being fearful, being
timid, being nervous; {on-mim} trembling, shivering
びしょびしょ - {on-mim} soaked, drenched, sopping, soppy,
wet; {adv} {adv-to} {on-mim} incessantly (raining),
びしょ濡れ/びしょぬれ - sopping wet, dripping wet, sodden,
drenched, soaked
びっしり - {on-mim} closely (packed, lined up, etc.), tightly,
densely; {on-mim} (work) sufficiently
びりびり - {on-mim} (tear) to pieces, (rip) apart, (rip) up,
(rip) open; {on-mim} with a rattle, with a shudder,
trembling; {on-mim} feeling an electric shock
ぴょんぴょん - {on-mim} hopping, skipping, lightly and
repeatedly jumping
ぴりぴり - {on-mim} with a sting, with a tingle, with a burn,
smartingly; {on-mim} nervously, tensely, (while) on edge;
{on-mim} with a rip, with a ripping sound, with a tearing
sound; {on-mim} with a shrill sound (of a whistle); {onmim} quiveringly, tremblingly ぴんぴん - {on-mim} lively,
energetic, full of life; {on-mim} vigorously (jumping,
flopping, etc.); {on-mim} piercing (e.g. sound), penetrating,
ふわり - {on-mim} softly, gently, lightly
ふんわり - {on-mim} gently, airily, fluffily
ぶっきら棒/ぶっきらぼう - curt, blunt, brusque
ぶら下がる/ぶらさがる - to hang down (from), to dangle, to
swing, to be suspended; to be within one’s reach, to dangle
(before one’s eyes); to be completely reliant on, to be
entirely dependent on
ぶるぶる - {on-mim} trembling (with fear, anger, etc.),
shivering (with cold), shaking, quivering
ぷんぷん - {on-mim} (smelling) strongly, pungently; {onmim} angrily, furiously, indignantly, in a huff, fuming
へ - indicates direction or goal (e.g. “to” or “toward”)
へえ - oh, yes?, really?
へとへと - {on-mim} completely exhausted, dead tired,
べたべた - {on-mim} sticky; {adv} {adv-to} {on-mim}
thickly (e.g. painted), heavily (applied); {adv} {adv-to} {onmim} all over (pasting, stamping, etc.); {adv} {adv-to}
{vs} {on-mim} clinging (e.g. of a person), following around,
being all over (each other), flirting; {col} cliched,
hackneyed ほっといて - back off!, leave me alone!
ほっといてくれ - back off!, leave me alone!
ほら - Look!
ぼろぼろ - {on-mim} worn-out, ragged, tattered, battered,
scruffy; {adv} {adv-to} {adj-na} {vs} {on-mim} crumbling,
dry and crumbly; {adv} {adv-to} {on-mim} falling (in drops
or clumps), scattering; {adj-na} {on-mim} (physically or
mentally) worn-out, exhausted; {adv} {adv-to} {on-mim}
(coming to light) one after another ぽかぽか - {on-mim}
pleasantly warm, nice and warm; {adv-to} {adv} {vs} {onmim} repeatedly (hitting someone), again and again, over
and over
ぽたぽた - {on-mim} dripping, trickling, drop by drop, in
またね - bye, see you later
みいはあ - {derog} {abbr} faddist, follow-the-crowd type,
poser, trend junkie, sheep
みなし子/みなしご - orphan
むかむか - {on-mim} feeling sick, feeling queasy, feeling
nauseated; {on-mim} being angry, being offended, being
むっつり - {on-mim} sullenly, taciturnly, morosely, gloomily,
silently; {n} taciturn person, uncommunicative person
むっと - {on-mim} to be offended, to get angry, to be
annoyed, to be miffed, to be huffy, to be sullen, to be upset;
{on-mim} to be stuffy, to be stifling, to be muggy; {adv}
{on-mim} firmly (shutting one’s mouth) めきめき - {on-mim}
remarkably, markedly, rapidly; {on-mim} sound of breaking
or creaking
めく - to show signs of …, to have the appearance of …
も - also, too
もう一つ/もうひとつ - another, one more; even more; (not)
quite, (not) very, lacking
ものの - although, though, despite the fact that …
もんぺ - women’s work pants
や - such things as …, and … and; the minute (that) …, no
sooner than …, as soon as; be, is; o, oh; huh, what; {male}
hi; {arch} yes, what?; {arch} yes?, no?, is it?, isn’t it?
やったー - hooray, yay, whee, yowzer, whoopee, yes
やって来る/やってくる - to come along, to come around
やばい - {col} dangerous, risky; {sl} awful, terrible, crap;
{sl} terrific, amazing, cool; {sl} crazy, insane, not normal,
unhinged, extreme
厭らしい/いやらしい - unpleasant, disagreeable, nasty; lewd,
lascivious, obscene, filthy, dirty
やり過ごす/やりすごす - to let something (or someone) go
past; to do too much
やり繰り/やりくり - making do, getting by (somehow),
やれやれ - oh!, ah!, oh dear!, good grief!, dear me!, thank
よ - indicates certainty, emphasis, contempt, request, etc.
様にする/ようにする - to be sure to, to try to
様になる/ようになる - to reach the point that
よそ見/よそみ - looking away, looking aside
よそ行き/よそいき - going out; one’s best clothes; {adj-no}
formal (e.g. language), best (behaviour, manners, etc.)
よそ行き/よそゆき - going out; one’s best clothes; {adj-no}
formal (e.g. language), best (behaviour, manners, etc.)
よちよち - {on-mim} totteringly, with tottering steps,
よれば - according to
よろよろ - {on-mim} tottering, staggering, faltering, reeling
らしい - typical or characteristic of (when following a noun)
わ - (usually feminine) indicates emotion or admiration;
indicates emphasis; wah!; boo!
わいわい - noisily, clamorously
わくわく - {on-mim} trembling, getting nervous, excited,
わけが無い/わけがない - there is no way that …; easy, simple
わけでは無い/わけではない - it does not mean that …, I don’t
mean that …, it is not the case that…
われめ - chasm, interstice, crevice, crack, cleft, split, rift,
fissure; {X} {sl} vulva, slit, cunt, vagina, twat
を - indicates direct object of action
アーキテクチャ - architecture
アーキテクチャー - architecture
アーク - arc (esp. electrical)
アーケード - arcade (street)
アース - {elec} earth, ground, earthing, grounding; {rare}
アーチ - arch; {baseb} home run
アーチェリー - archery
アーチスト - artist, musician
アーティスト - artist, musician
アート - art
アーバン - urban
アーミー - army
アーム - arm; automated retroactive minimal moderation,
アーモンド - almond (Prunus dulcis)
アイコン - {comp} icon
アイシャドー - eyeshadow
アイス - ice; {abbr} ice cream
アイスコーヒー - iced coffee
アイスティー - iced tea, ice tea
アイスホッケー - ice hockey
アイテム - item; must-have, must-have item
アイデンティティ - identity
アイデンティティー - identity
アイドル - performer (usu. in a boy band or girl group) with
an image cultivated to foster a dedicated fan following,
Japanese idol; (cultural) icon, idol, star, celebrity, person
who is greatly admired; idol (object of worship), image アイ
ヌ - Ainu
アイボリ - ivory
アイボリー - ivory
アイリス - iris
アウトレット - outlet (store that sells seconds, discontinued
lines, etc.); electrical outlet
アオキ - Japanese laurel, spotted laurel, Aucuba japonica;
live tree
アカデミー - academy; academia
アカデミー賞/アカデミーしょう - Academy Award
アカデミック - academic
アキレス腱/アキレスけん - Achilles tendon, calcaneal tendon;
Achilles’ heel, vulnerable point
アクースティック - acoustic
アクシデント - accident
アクション - action
アクセサリ - accessory (fashion), jewelry; accessory (audio,
car, camera, etc.)
アクセス - access (to a place, esp. using public transport);
{comp} access (to a website, data, etc.)
アクティビティ - activity
アクティブ - active
アクティヴ - active
アクリル - acrylic (esp. fibre or resin)
アクロバット - acrobat; acrobatics
アグレッシブ - aggressive
アコースティック - acoustic
アコーディオン - accordion
アコーデオン - accordion
アコード - accord
アシスタント - assistant
アシスト - assistance, help; {sports} assist (final pass or
cross before a goal)
アジト - hideout, secret base of operations, safe house
ASCII/アスキー - {comp} American Standard Code for
Information Interchange, ASCII
アスパラガス - asparagus
アスピリン - aspirin
アスファルト - asphalt
アスベスト - asbestos
アスリート - athlete
アスレチック - athletics, sports; adventure course, (outdoor)
obstacle course
アセスメント - assessment
アタック - attack, assault; attempt, try
アダプタ - adapter
アダプター - adapter
アダルト - adult
アット - @ sign, at sign
アッパー - upper, upward; {n} upper (of a shoe); {n} {abbr}
uppercut; {n} {col} upper (drug), stimulant
アトピー - {med} atopic, predisposition toward allergies;
{med} {abbr} atopic dermatitis
アトム - atom
アトラクション - attraction
アトリエ - atelier, studio, workshop
アド - ad, advertisement; {abbr} address
アドバイザー - adviser, advisor
アドバイス - advice
アドバンテージ - advantage; {sports} advantage (in soccer,
rugby, etc.), advantage rule; {sports} advantage (in tennis)
アドベンチャー - adventure
アドリブ - ad lib, ad-lib
アドレス - address; {comp} email address
アドレス帳/アドレスちょう - address book
アドレナリン - adrenalin
アドヴァイザー - adviser, advisor
アドヴァイス - advice
アナ - {abbr} announcer
アナウンス - announcement (esp. over public-address
system); official announcement, formal information release
アナリスト - analyst
アナログ - analog, analogue
アニマル - animal
アニメ - animated film, animated cartoon
アニメーション - animation, animated film, animated cartoon
アバウト - approximate (number), rough (calculation);
sloppy, lackadaisical, crude
アピール - appeal; to attract, to appeal (to)
アフター - after; {n} {col} socializing (with a host or
hostess) outside the club
アフタヌーン - afternoon
アプリ - {comp} {abbr} app, application
アプリケーション - {comp} application, application software;
application, putting into use; application, request, petition
アベック - {dated} (romantic) couple; {adj-f} back-to-back
(e.g. home runs), dual (e.g. victory), tandem (e.g. flight),
アベニュー - avenue, boulevard
アマ - {abbr} amateur
アミーバ - amoeba
アミノ酸/アミノさん - amino acid
アミューズメント - amusement
アメーバ - amoeba
アメダス - Automated Meteorological Data Acquisition
System, AMeDAS
アメフト - {abbr} American football
アメリカン - American; {abbr} American-style (weak) drip
アメリカンコーヒー - American coffee
アメリカ合衆国/アメリカがっしゅうこく - United States of
アメリカ人/アメリカじん - American person
アリーナ - arena
アリア - {music} aria
アリバイ - alibi
アルカディア - arcadia
アルカリ性/アルカリせい - {chem} alkalinity
アルゴリズム - {math} {comp} algorithm
亜爾然丁/アルゼンチン - Argentina
アルツハイマー - Alzheimer (disease)
アルデヒド - aldehyde
アルト - alto
アルパイン - alpine
アルファベット - alphabet
アルプス - the Alps; range of high mountains
アルミニウム - aluminum (Al), aluminium
アレルギー - allergy; aversion (to), strong distaste (for)
アレンジ - arrangement (of music), adaptation (of a story,
recipe, etc.), interpretation, take; arranging (objects, a
meeting, etc.), organization
アロー - arrow
アロハ - aloha; {n} {abbr} aloha shirt
アンカー - anchor (of a ship); last runner or swimmer in a
relay team; {abbr} news anchor, news presenter; anchor
(clock component), pallet fork; {comp} anchor (HTML);
{comp} link to previous post (e.g. in web forums) アングラ {abbr} underground, unconventional, radical, shady
アングル - angle
アンサンブル - {music} ensemble; {music} harmony
(between performers), coordination; ensemble (of clothes),
outfit, suit
アンソロジー - anthology
アンダー - under; {n} {photo} underexposure,
underdevelopment; {n} {sports} {abbr} under par
アンダーライン - underline
アンチ - anti-; {n} {col} hater
アンチーク - antique
アンティーク - antique
アンティック - antique
&/アンド - and; {n} {logic} AND (Boolean operator)
アンドロイド - android; {comp} Android (mobile operating
アンバランス - unbalance, imbalance
アンフェア - unfair
アンプ - amp, ampere; {abbr} amplifier
アンモニア - ammonia
イーグル - eagle (bird of prey, Accipitridae family)
イージー - easy
イースター - Easter
イースト - east; yeast
イェロー - yellow; {sports} {abbr} yellow card
イエス - Jesus (Christ)
イエロー - yellow; {sports} {abbr} yellow card
イオン - {chem} ion
イクラ - {food} salted salmon roe
イスタンブール - Istanbul
以色列/イスラエル - Israel
イスラム - Islam
イスラム教/イスラムきょう - Islam
イズム - ism; {suf} -ism
イタリー - Italy
伊太利/イタリア - Italy
イット - “it”, sex appeal
イデオロギー - ideology
イニング - {baseb} inning
イノベーション - innovation
イブ - eve (esp. Christmas Eve), the night before
イブニング - evening
イベント - event
イヤホーン - earphone, earbuds, ear buds
イヤホン - earphones, earphone
イヤリング - earring
イラク - Iraq
イラスト - {abbr} illustration, picture, sketch, drawing, figure
イラストレーター - illustrator
イリノイ - Illinois
イリュージョン - illusion
イルミネーション - illumination, decorative lighting
イレブン - eleven; team (of eleven players; esp. in soccer)
イロハ - traditional ordering of the Japanese syllabary;
fundamentals, the ABCs of …
イン - {sports} in (of a ball, in tennis, etc.), inside the line;
in, inside, internal, interior; enter here, enter, entrance,
(parking) entry; {sports} back nine {golf}; inside lane (track
cycling, speed skating, etc.) イングランド - England
インサイダー - insider
インシュリン - insulin
インスタント - instant
インスタントラーメン - instant ramen
インストラクター - instructor
インスピレーション - inspiration
インセンティブ - incentive
インター - {abbr} interchange; {abbr} international; {abbr}
international school; {pref} inter—
インターネット - the Internet
インターン - intern, internship
インタアクティブ - interactive
インタビュ - interview (i.e. television, newspaper, etc.)
インタビュウ - interview (i.e. television, newspaper, etc.)
インタラクティブ - interactive
インタラクティヴ - interactive
インタヴュー - interview (i.e. television, newspaper, etc.)
インダストリアル - industrial
吋/インチ - inch
インチキ - cheating, fraud, trickery, deception; {adj-na} {n}
fake, bogus, quack, sham, counterfeit
インテグレーション - integration
インテラクティブ - interactive
インテリア - interior (of building, room, vehicle, etc.); {abbr}
interior design
インテリジェンス - intelligence
インテリジェント - intelligent
インテル - {comp} Intel (chip manufacturer); interline leads
インディアナ - Indiana
インディアン - (American) Indian, Native American; {adj-f}
インディペンデント - independent
インデックス - index
イントネーション - intonation
イントロ - {abbr} intro, introduction
印度/インド - India
インドア - indoor
印度尼西亜/インドネシア - Indonesia
インバーター - {comp} inverter
インパクト - impact (on), (strong) impression, effect,
influence; impact (of a ball against a racket, bat, club, etc.)
インフォーメーシオン - information
インフラ - {abbr} infrastructure
インフルエンザ - influenza, flu
インプット - input
インペリアル - imperial
インポート - import
イヴ - eve (esp. Christmas Eve), the night before
ウィーク - week; weak
ウィークエンド - weekend
ウィークデー - weekday
ウィークリー - weekly
ウィジェット - {comp} widget
ウィスキー - whisky, whiskey
ウィルス - virus
ウィンカー - (car) turn signal, blinker, indicator
ウィンク - wink
ウィンター - winter
ウィンド - wind
ウィンドー - {comp} window; window (shop display)
ウィンドウ - {comp} window; window (shop display)
ウイーク - week; weak
ウイークエンド - weekend
ウイークリー - weekly
ウイルス - virus
ウインカー - (car) turn signal, blinker, indicator
ウインク - wink
ウイング - wing (bird, aircraft, etc.); {sports} wing (rugby,
soccer, etc.); wing (of a building); unbalanced edge (othello)
ウインタースポーツ - winter sports
ウインド - wind
ウインドー - {comp} window; window (shop display)
ウインドウ - {comp} window; window (shop display)
ウェート - weight, body weight; importance, weight,
emphasis, priority
ウェートレス - waitress
ウェーブ - wave (on water); wave (electromagnetic, sound,
etc.); wave (in hair); wave (audience), Mexican wave
ウェールズ - Wales
ウェア - wear, clothing, dress; ware, goods
ウェイ - way
ウェイト - weight, body weight; importance, weight,
emphasis, priority
ウェイトレス - waitress
ウェスタン - Western (film genre); Western music (North
America), country and western music
ウェスト - waist, waistline, waist measurement
ウェッブ - {comp} Web, World Wide Web
ウェディングドレス - wedding dress
ウェブ - {comp} Web, World Wide Web
ウェブサイト - {comp} website, web site
ウエート - weight, body weight; importance, weight,
emphasis, priority
ウエーブ - wave (on water); wave (electromagnetic, sound,
etc.); wave (in hair); wave (audience), Mexican wave
ウエア - wear, clothing, dress; ware, goods
ウエイト - weight, body weight; importance, weight,
emphasis, priority
ウエイトトレーニング - weight training
ウエイトレス - waitress
ウエスタン - Western (film genre); Western music (North
America), country and western music
ウエスト - waist, waistline, waist measurement
ウエット - wet (condition); sentimental, tenderhearted
ウエディングドレス - wedding dress
ウエルカム - welcome
ウォークマン - Walkman
ウォール街/ウォールがい - Wall Street
ウォッカ - vodka
ウォッチング - watching
ウォン - won (Korean currency)
ウオッチング - watching
ウオツカ - vodka
ウオン - won (Korean currency)
烏克蘭/ウクライナ - Ukraine
ウクレレ - ukulele
ウッド - wood
烏剌紐母/ウラニウム - uranium (U)
ウラン - uranium (U)
宇柳貝/ウルグアイ - Uruguay
ウルトラ - ultra
ウルフ - wolf
エージェンシー - agency
エージェント - agent
エース - {cards} ace; ace (of a team), leading player; ace,
hotshot, top dog, top hand, wunderkind; {sports} ace
エープリルフール - April Fools’ Day; April fool
エーリアン - alien
エール - yell (of encouragement), cheering (esp. for a school
sports team)
エア - air
エアー - air
エアゾール - {chem} aerosol; aerosol spray
エアバッグ - air bag
エアロゾル - {chem} aerosol
エアロビクス - aerobics
エイト - eight
エイリアン - alien
エキサイティング - exciting
エキサイト - excite
エキストラ - extra (e.g. in a film), supernumerary; {adj-f}
extra, surplus, excess, additional, special, extraordinary
エキスパート - expert
エキスプレス - express
エキスポ - expo, exposition
エキゾチック - exotic
厄瓜多/エクアドル - Ecuador
エクステンション - extension
エクスプレス - express
エグゼクティブ - executive
エコー - echo; {med} {abbr} ultrasound scan, echographic
エコノミ - economy, economics, finance; economising,
saving; {abbr} economy (class)
エコノミー - economy, economics, finance; economising,
saving; {abbr} economy (class)
エコノミスト - economist
エコロジ - ecology
エコロジー - ecology
エゴ - ego; {abbr} egoism; {abbr} egoist
埃及/エジプト - Egypt
エスカレート - escalation
エスコート - escort
エスサイズ - S size, small size
エステート - estate
エステティック - beauty treatment, cosmetology; {abbr}
beauty salon
エステティックサロン - beauty salon, beauty-treatment clinic
エステル - ester
エストニア - Estonia
エストロゲン - estrogen
エスニック - ethnic
エスプリ - spirit; esprit, wit
エックス線/エックスせん - X-ray
エッジ - edge
エッセー - essay
エッセィ - essay
エッセイ - essay
エッセイスト - essayist
エッセンス - essence, extract
エッチング - etching
エッフェル塔/エッフェルとう - Eiffel Tower
エディション - edition
エディタ - {comp} {abbr} text editor; editor
エディター - {comp} {abbr} text editor; editor
エディット - edit
エディンバラ - Edinburgh (Scotland, UK)
エデン - Eden
エナージー - energy
エナジー - energy
エナメル - enamel
エネ - {abbr} energy
エネルギッシュ - energetic
エバ - ever
エバー - ever
エピソード - episode, anecdote, vignette
エピック - epic
エベント - event
エペ - {sports} épée (fencing)
エポック - epoch
エムサイズ - M size, medium size
エメラルド - emerald
エラー - error
エリート - elite
エリア - area
エルサイズ - L size, large size
エルサルバドル - El Salvador
エレガンス - elegance
エレキ - {abbr} electricity; {abbr} electric guitar
エレキギター - {col} electric guitar
エレクトリック - electric
エレクトロニクス - electronics
エロ - {abbr} erotic, pornographic, obscene; {n-pref}
perverted, horny, dirty
エロス - eros, sexual desire, physical love; {grmyth} Eros
(god); {phil} (Platonic) Eros; {astron} Eros (asteroid)
エロチック - erotic
エンジェル - angel; angel investor
エンジニアリング - engineering
エンジョイ - enjoying, enjoyment
エンスト - engine stall
エンゼル - angel; angel investor
エンターテイメント - entertainment
エンターテインメント - entertainment
エンタープライズ - enterprise
エンタテイメント - entertainment
エンタテインメント - entertainment
エンディング - ending
エントリ - entry (in an event, competition, etc.), applying for
entry, registering to participate; entry (blog, database, etc.),
エントリー - entry (in an event, competition, etc.), applying
for entry, registering to participate; entry (blog, database,
etc.), post
エンド - end
エンドレス - endless
エンブレム - emblem
オーエー - {abbr} OA, office automation
オーガ - ogre
オーガズム - orgasm
オーク - oak
オークション - auction
オークス - oaks
オーシャン - ocean
オーソドックス - orthodox
オーダ - order, reservation; order, sequence; order (of
magnitude); architectural order
オーダー - order, reservation; order, sequence; order (of
magnitude); architectural order
オーダーメード - made-to-order, custom-made
オーチャード - orchard
オーディオ - audio; audio equipment (esp. high-end)
オーディション - audition
オート - auto, automobile, automatic
オートキャンプ - motor home camping, caravanning
オートクチュール - haute couture
オートロック - automatic lock; {abbr} automatic door-locking
オード - ode
オードブル - hors d’oeuvre
オーナ - owner (esp. of a business)
オーナー - owner (esp. of a business)
オーバ - {abbr} overcoat; exceeding, going over, going
beyond; {adj-na} {n} exaggerated, over the top,
overdrawn, overreaction; {golf} {abbr} over par; {photo}
オーバーステップ - overstep
オーバーヒート - overheating; overexcitement
オーバーラップ - overlap
オーバーラン - {baseb} overrunning (the base); overrun (e.g.
on a runway), overshoot
オーブン - oven
オープニング - opening, start, launch; {abbr} opening
credits, title sequence; {abbr} theme song (played during
the opening credits of a TV show, etc.)
オープンカー - open-top car, convertible, soft-top
オープンセット - open set
オープン戦/オープンせん - {baseb} exhibition game,
preseason game
オーボー - oboe
オーボエ - oboe
オーラ - aura
オール - oar
オールスターキャスト - all-star cast
オールドガード - old guard
オールナイト - all-night
オールマイティー - almighty; {n} {cards} highest valued card
(e.g. ace of spades), wild card
オールラウンド - all-round
オーロラ - {astron} aurora
オアシス - oasis; {comp} OASYS (Fujitsu WP system)
オイディプス - Oedipus
オイルフェンス - oil fence
オカリナ - ocarina (type of flute)
オカルト - occult
オクターブ - {music} octave
オクラ - okra (vegetable) (Abelmoschus esculentus)
オクラホマ - Oklahoma
オケ - {abbr} orchestra
オスカー - Oscar, Academy Award
オセアニア - Oceania
オゾン - ozone
オゾンホール - ozone hole
オタク - {col} otaku, geek, nerd, enthusiast
オタワ - Ottawa
オックスフォード - Oxford
オニオン - onion (Allium cepa)
オハイオ - Ohio
オピニオン - opinion
オピニオンリーダー - opinion leader
オフ - switching off (e.g. electricity), turning off (e.g. water);
off-season; offset; off-road; offline; off (the price)
オフィシャル - official
オフサイド - {sports} offside
オフシーズン - off-season
オフレコ - {abbr} off-the-record
オフロード - off-road
オブザーバ - observer
オブザーバー - observer
オブジェ - objet d’art, item of artwork
オブラート - paper-thin wafer (for wrapping powdered
medicine, candies, etc.)
オプション - option, selecting an option; optional extra;
individual item, separate item, service supplied on its own,
without accompanying services; {finc} option
オペ - {abbr} operation
オペラ - {music} opera
オペレーション - operation
オペレータ - operator
オペレーター - operator
オペレッタ - {music} operetta
オムニバス - omnibus
オムレツ - {food} omelette, omelet
オムロン - Omron Corporation (Japanese electronics firm)
オラクル - oracle
オラトリオ - oratorio
オランウータン - orangutan (Pongo pygmaeus), orangutan,
オリーブ色/オリーブいろ - olive (colour), olive brown
オリーヴ色/オリーヴいろ - olive (colour), olive brown
オリエンタリズム - orientalism
オリエンタル - oriental
オリエンテーリング - orienteering
オリエント - Orient
オリオン - Orion
オリオン座/オリオンざ - {astron} Orion (constellation), the
オリゴマー - oligomer
オリジナリティ - originality
オリジナリティー - originality
オリジナル - original; unique (e.g. product), signature,
exclusive, one-of-a-kind, custom
オリンピア - Olympia
オリンピック - Olympics, Olympic Games
オルガスム - orgasm
オルガスムス - orgasm
オルグ - {abbr} organizer, organiser; organizing, organising,
organization, organisation
オルゴール - music box, musical box
オレンジ - orange (fruit, colour)
オレンジ色/オレンジいろ - orange (colour, color)
オン - on
オンエア - on air, on the air
オンス - ounce
オンパレード - display, array (of things), succession (of
オンブズマン - ombudsman
オンリ - only; {n} prostitute attached to a single member of
the postwar Occupation Forces
オンリー - only; {n} prostitute attached to a single member
of the postwar Occupation Forces
オンリイ - only
カースト - caste
カーソル - {comp} cursor
カーチェイス - car chase
カーディガン - cardigan
カート - (shopping) cart; {abbr} kart, go-kart
カートリッジ - cartridge
カーナビ - {abbr} car navigation system
カーニバル - carnival
カーネーション - carnation (Dianthus caryophyllus)
カーネージョン - carnation (Dianthus caryophyllus)
カーフェリー - car ferry
カーペンター - carpenter
カーボン - carbon
カーリング - {sports} curling
カール - curl
カーレース - car race
カーン - kern; Kahn
カイト - kite
カイロ - Cairo
カウチポテト - couch potato, television addict
カウボーイ - cowboy
カウンセラー - counselor, counsellor
カウンセリング - counseling
カウンタ - counter
カウンター - counter
カウント - count, counting; {baseb} count of balls and
strikes; {sports} count (after a knockdown in boxing); count
(of radioactivity)
カオス - chaos
カキ - kaki, Japanese persimmon (Diospyros kaki)
カサカサ - {on-mim} dry and rough, desiccated; {adv} {advto} {on-mim} rustling
カシオ - Casio
カジノ - casino
カジュアル - casual
カステーラ - {food} castella (type of sponge cake)
カステラ - {food} castella (type of sponge cake)
カスバ - kasbah, casbah, qasbah
カスピ海/カスピかい - Caspian Sea
カセットテープ - cassette tape
カタピラー - caterpillar track, continuous track
型録/カタログ - catalog, catalogue
カチューシャ - Alice band, horseshoe-shaped hairband made
of metal or plastic (often covered with cloth); Katyusha
rocket launcher (Soviet)
カッター - cutter, cutting tool; {abbr} box cutter, utility
knife; (tailor’s) cutter; cutter (boat)
カップリングシュガー - coupling sugar
カップル - couple
カツ - {food} {abbr} cutlet (usu. crumbed and fried)
カツラ - katsura (Cercidiphyllum japonicum), Japanese Judas
カツ丼/カツどん - breaded pork on rice
カテーテル - catheter
カテゴリ - category
カデンツ - {music} cadence
カトリシズム - Catholicism
加特力/カトリック - Catholic, Catholicism, Catholic Church
カトリック教会/カトリックきょうかい - Catholic Church
カトレア - cattleya (type of orchid)
カトレヤ - cattleya (type of orchid)
カドミウム - cadmium (Cd)
加奈陀/カナダ - Canada
カヌー - canoe
カネロニー - {food} cannelloni, canneloni
カフェ - café, cafe, coffeehouse; hostess bar (serving
western alcoholic beverages; Taisho and Showa period)
カフェイン - caffeine
カフェテリア - cafeteria
カフス - cuffs
カブ - cub
カプセル - capsule
カプラー - coupler
カプリチオ - {music} capriccio
カプリッチオ - {music} capriccio
カマーバンド - cummerbund
カム - cam
カムフラージュ - camouflage
カメレオン - chameleon
カモフラージ - camouflage
カモフラージュ - camouflage
カヤック - kayak
カラーコーディネーター - color coordinator, colour coordinator
カラード - colored (person), coloured; Coloureds (South
African ethnic group)
カラチ - Karachi
カラット - carat (unit of weight for gemstones and pearls);
karat (measure of purity of gold), carat
カラフル - colorful, colourful
カリウム - potassium (K)
カリキュラム - curriculum
カリスマ - charisma (i.e. attractiveness, charm); charisma
(i.e. divinely conferred power or talent), charism;
charismatic person; {col} someone famous (usu. for their
talent), celebrity, idol, icon
カリフォルニア - California
カリブ海/カリブかい - Caribbean Sea
カルガリー - Calgary
カルキ - {abbr} chlorinated lime, calcium hypochlorite,
chloride of lime, bleaching powder
カルシウム - calcium (Ca)
カルソン - leggings; boxer shorts, long johns
カルダモン - cardamom, cardamon
カルチャー - culture
カルチャーショック - culture shock
カルチャーセンター - culture center
カルテット - {music} quartet
カルテル - {econ} cartel
カルデラ - {geol} caldera
カルト - cult
カルバドス - calvados
カルピス - Calpis (Japanese milk-based soft drink); {col}
sperm, semen, cum
カルフォルニア - California
カルメラ - {food} honeycomb toffee, sponge toffee, foam
candy from heated brown sugar mixed with baking soda
カレーライス - {food} curry and rice, rice and curry, curry
カレッジ - college; courage
カレンシー - currency
カレンダ - calendar; calender (machine for flattening things)
カローラ - corolla
カロチン - carotene
カロテン - carotene
カロライナ - Carolina
カロル - carol
カンカン - can-can
カンガルー - kangaroo
カンザス - Kansas
カンタータ - {music} cantata
カンツォーネ - {music} canzone
カント - Kant; cant
カントリーアンドウエスタン - country and western
カンバス - canvas
カンパ - {abbr} fundraising campaign; {abbr} donation (to a
fundraising campaign), contribution; {abbr} (political)
カンパニー - company (i.e. business)
カンフル - camphor; shot in the arm, stimulus, impetus
カンマ - comma; decimal point, radix point
カ月/かげつ - counter for months
ガーゼ - gauze
ガーディアン - guardian
ガーデン - garden
ガード - guarding, guard
ガードマン - security guard
ガードレール - guardrail
ガール - girl
ガールフレンド - girl friend, girlfriend
ガイ - guy
ガイダンス - guidance
ガウシアン - Gaussian
ガウン - gown, elegant dress; dressing gown, bathrobe
ガジェット - gadget
ガスタービン - gas turbine
ガストアルバイター - foreign worker
ガスボンベ - gas cylinder
ガスマスク - gas mask
ガソール - gasohol
ガッツ - guts
ガッツポーズ - triumphant pose (assumed by an athlete, etc.)
ガット - gut (used to make tennis rackets, violin strings,
etc.), catgut
ガボット - gavotte
ガメラン - gamelan (traditional Indonesian music ensemble)
ガラス戸/ガラスど - glass door
ガラス張り/ガラスばり - glazing, fitting with glass;
transparency, openness, lack of secrecy, openness to
ガリウム - gallium (Ga)
ガリバー - Gulliver; preeminent example of its kind
ガリレオ - {person} Galileo
ガルソン - (male) waiter; bellboy
ガロン - gallon
ガン - gun
ガンガン - sound of large bell, (pounding of) headache
Γ/ガンマ - gamma
キー - key (lock, keyboard, piano, clue, island, cay, etc.)
キーウィ - kiwi (Apteryx spp.); kiwi fruit (Actinidia deliciosa)
キーステーション - key station, flagship station, leading
station of a broadcasting network
キーパー - {sports} {abbr} goalkeeper, keeper, goalie
キープ - to keep (e.g. the lead), to maintain (a standard,
situation, etc.); to put aside (for someone), to save (e.g. a
seat); {sports} to keep (the ball; in soccer, rugby, etc.), to
retain possession; {sports} to hold service (in tennis); {n}
{col} person one is dating while hoping for someone better
キーホルダー - keychain, key chain; key ring (encryption)
キーボード - keyboard
キーポイント - key point, the key
キーマン - keyman, key person (e.g. of a company)
キール - keel
キーワード - keyword, key word, clue word; {comp} keyword,
search term, indexing term
キウイ - kiwi (Apteryx spp.); kiwi fruit (Actinidia deliciosa)
キオスク - kiosk
キス - kiss
キック - kick
キックオフ - kickoff
キックボクシング - kickboxing, kickboxing
キッス - kiss
キッズビジネス - kids’ business
キッチン - kitchen
キット - kit
キッド - kid
キップ - kip (Laotian currency)
キネシオロジー - kinesiology
キノコ - mushroom
キノホルム - {med} chinoform, quinoform
キメラ - chimera (mythological), chimaera; chimera
(biological), chimaera
キャスター - caster; {abbr} newscaster, news anchor,
anchorman, anchorwoman
キャスティング - casting
キャスト - cast (play, film, etc.); {comp} cast (e.g. type
キャセイ - Cathay (Airline)
キャタピラー - caterpillar track, continuous track
キャッシュ - {comp} cache
キャッシュカード - cash card, ATM card
キャッシング - {comp} caching
キャッチフレーズ - catchphrase
キャッチャー - catcher
キャッツアイ - cat’s-eye (semiprecious stone); cat’s-eye
(light-reflecting road stud)
キャットウォーク - catwalk (narrow walkway above a stage,
along the side of a bridge, etc.); (indoor) cat playground, cat
shelves, cat bridge; catwalk (at a fashion show), runway
キャップ - cap (hat); cap (of a bottle, pen, etc.)
キャディー - {golf} caddie, caddy; {comp} (CD-ROM) caddy
キャバレー - cabaret
キャビア - {food} caviar, caviare
キャビネット - cabinet, housing (of equipment)
キャビン - cabin
キャピタリズム - capitalism
キャピタルゲイン - capital gain
キャブレター - carburetor, carburettor, carburator,
キャプション - caption, headline, legend, cutline; subtitles
(on a film or TV show)
キャベツ - cabbage (Brassica oleracea)
キャメル - camel
キャラクタ - character, personality, disposition; (fictional)
character; letter, character, symbol
キャラクター - character, personality, disposition; (fictional)
character; letter, character, symbol
キャラバン - caravan; group of people touring to sell,
investigate, etc.
キャラメル - caramel (soft candy)
キャリー - carry, carrying
キャリアー - career, occupation; personal history,
professional experience; government employee who has
passed the highest national civil service exam
キャロル - carol
キャンセル - cancel
キャンデー - candy, sweets
キャンディ - candy, sweets
キャンドル - candle
キャンバス - canvas; {baseb} base
キャンパー - camper
キャンピング - camping
キャンピングカー - mobile home, camper-van, RV
キャンプイン - beginning training camp
キャンベラ - Canberra
キャンペーン - promotion (e.g. sales, etc.), marketing
campaign; campaign (election, membership, enrolment,
fundraising, etc.), drive, movement; military campaign,
military action, military maneuvers (maneouvers) キヤノン canon
キュー - {sports} cue (billiards, pool), cue stick; cue (music,
theatre, etc.)
キュート - cute
玖馬/キューバ - Cuba
キューピッド - {rommyth} Cupid (god)
キュウリ - cucumber (Cucumis sativus)
キュリー - curie (unit of radioactivity)
キュレーター - curator
キュロット - culotte
キヨスク - kiosk
キラー - killer, destroyer, annihilator, defeater; seducer,
seductress, tempter, temptress
基督/キリスト - Christ
キリスト教/キリストきょう - Christianity
キリル - Cyrillic
キル - kill; {sports} kill (shot), smash, spike (in volleyball)
キルヒホッフ - Kirchhoff
キルビメーター - curvimeter
粁/キロメートル - kilometer, kilometre
キロワット - kilowatt
キンキーブーツ - kinky boots
キング - king
キングメーカー - kingmaker
ギア - gear
ギガ - giga-, 10^9; {comp} {abbr} gigabyte, GB; {comp}
{col} data traffic (esp. on mobile phone)
ギタリスト - guitarist
ギネスブック - Guinness Book of Records
ギフト - gift
ギブアップ - give up
ギブス - {abbr} plaster cast, cast; gypsum, plaster of Paris
ギプス - {abbr} plaster cast, cast; gypsum, plaster of Paris
ギャグ - joke, gag
ギャップ - gap; difference, disparity, discrepancy, disconnect
ギャラ - {abbr} fee paid to performing artists, etc.,
appearance fee
ギャラリー - gallery, corridor; art gallery; upper gallery (in a
theatre); spectators (esp. at a golf tournament)
ギャル - gyaru, (young) woman adhering to a fashion style
usually characterized by dyed hair and gaudy clothing;
{col} gal, girl, young woman
ギャルソン - (male) waiter; bellboy
ギャレージ - garage
ギャロッピングインフレ - galloping inflation
ギャンブラー - gambler
ギャンブル - gambling
ギヤ - gear
餃子/ギョーザ - {food} gyoza, pot sticker, crescent-shaped
pan-fried dumplings stuffed with minced pork and
希臘/ギリシャ - Greece
ギルド - guild
ギロチン - guillotine
クーキー - kooky, weird; cookie, cooky
クーペ - coupé, coupe
クーポン - coupon, voucher
クーリングオフ - cooling-off (period)
クール - cool (temperature, color, etc.); cool (i.e. calm and
collected); cool (i.e. fashionable, attractive, etc.)
クァルテット - {music} quartet
クィーン - queen
クィンテット - quintet
クイーン - queen
クイーンズイングリッシュ - Queen’s English
クイック - quick
クインテット - quintet
科威都/クウェート - Kuwait
クエーカー - Quaker, Society of Friends
クエーサー - {astron} quasar, QSO
クォート - quart; quote; quarto
クォリティー - quality
クオート - quart; quote; quarto
クオリティ - quality
クッキー - {food} cookie, biscuit; {comp} cookie, browser
クッキング - cooking
クッキングスクール - cooking school
クック - cook
クッション - cushion
クラーク - clerk, office worker
クライアント - client
クライシス - crisis
クライスラー - Chrysler
クライマックス - climax
クライミング - climbing
クライムストーリー - crime story
クラウン - crown; clown
クラクション - (car) horn, klaxon
クラシカル - classical
クラシック音楽/クラシックおんがく - classical music
クラスメート - classmate
クラスメイト - classmate
クラッカー - {food} cracker; party popper, cracker; {comp}
クラック - crack
クラッシュ - crash; kurash (wrestling)
クラッチ - clutch
クラフト - craft, crafting, handcrafted article
クラン - clan
クランク - crank (mechanism); narrow, crank-shaped road
(on a driving school training course); crank (on an early
movie camera)
クランクイン - start (of) filming
クリーク - {golf} 5-wood (club)
クリーナー - cleaner
クリーン - clean
クリーンアップトリオ - {baseb} third, fourth, and fifth batters
クリーンナップトリオ - {baseb} third, fourth, and fifth batters
クリーンヒット - clean hit
クリエーター - creator, inventor, developer
クリエーティブ - creative
クリエイティヴ - creative
クリオール - creole
クリケット - cricket (game)
クリスタル - crystal
クリスチャン - Christian
クリスマスイブ - Christmas Eve
クリスマスイヴ - Christmas Eve
クリスマスカード - Christmas card
クリスマスツリー - Christmas tree
クリップ - clip (paper, surgical, etc.); hairpin, hair slide,
クリニック - clinic; workshop
クリンチ - clinch
クルー - crew
クルーザー - cruiser (i.e. warship or cabin cruiser)
クルージング - cruising
クルーズ - cruise
クルス - cross sign
クルド - Kurd
クレー - clay
クレーコート - {sports} clay court (tennis)
クレージー - crazy
クレーター - crater; {col} pockmark
クレープ - {food} crêpe
クレーム - claim (for compensation), customer complaint
seeking compensation; (general) complaint, objection
クレアチニンクリアランス - {med} creatinine clearance
クレイ - clay
クレオソート - creosote
クレジット - credit
クレディビリティーギャップ - credibility gap
クレムリン - Russian government, (former) Soviet
government; Great Kremlin Palace (Moscow), Kremlin;
kremlin (citadel in Russian town)
クレンザー - cleanser, scouring powder, detergent
クレンジングクリーム - cleansing cream
クローク - {abbr} cloakroom, checkroom
クロース - cloth; {abbr} tablecloth; wallpaper, wall fabric
クローズ - close, closing
クローズアップ - close-up; bringing attention to, bringing to
the fore, putting under close scrutiny, highlighting
クロール - crawl (swimming), front crawl, forward crawl;
{comp} web crawling
クローン - clone
クロアチア - Croatia
クロス - cross; crossing, intersecting; {sports} cross (soccer)
クロスカントリー - cross-country (running, skiing, etc.)
クロスワード - crossword
クロック - clock
クロニクル - chronicle
クロノスコープ - chronoscope
クロム - chromium (Cr)
クロレラ - chlorella (alga)
クワイア - choir
クワルテット - quartet (ita: quartetto)
グー - good
グール - ghoul
グールメ - fine food, high-quality food; gourmet, epicure,
グァテマラ - Guatemala
グァム - Guam
グアテマラ - Guatemala
グアテマラ共和国/グアテマラきょうわこく - Republic of
瓜姆/グアム - Guam
グッズ - goods, promotional items
グッド - good
グライコ - {abbr} graphic equalizer, graphic equaliser
グライダー - glider
グラウンド - field, sports ground, sports oval, playground
グラスノスチ - {hist} glasnost (Soviet policy of openness in
the 1980s)
グラスファイバー - glass fiber, glass fibre, fiberglass
グラタン - {food} gratin
グラチェ - thank you
グラデーション - gradation; {abbr} gradation haircut, taper
グラビア - gravure, photogravure, rotogravure, gravure
グラフ - graph
グラフィック - graphics, graphic; graphic magazine, pictorial
グラフィックス - graphics
グラフイック - graphics, graphic; graphic magazine, pictorial
グラブ - {abbr} grab bucket
グラマー - voluptuous, full-breasted, buxom, busty; {n}
voluptuous woman, big-breasted woman, glamour girl,
glamor girl
グラミー - Grammy (award)
グランス - glans
グランデ - grand
グランドピアノ - grand piano
グランプリ - Grand Prix, grand prize
グリークラブ - glee club
グリーン - green, environmentally friendly
グリーンスクール - green school
グリーンピース - green peas
グリーンフィー - {golf} green fee
臥児狼徳/グリーンランド - Greenland
グリコーゲン - glycogen
グリップ - grip
グリニッジ - Greenwich (Mean Time)
グリル - grill (esp. fish grill), grilled food; grill room,
restaurant serving grilled food; (radiator) grille
グリンピース - green peas
グルー - glue; grue (fictional monster)
グルメ - fine food, high-quality food; gourmet, epicure,
グレーゾーン - gray zone, grey zone, gray area
グレート - great; {n} grate
グレード - grade
グレープ - grape
グレープフルーツ - grapefruit
グレイ - grey, gray
グレコローマンスタイル - {sports} Greco-Roman wrestling,
Greco-Roman style, classic wrestling
グレゴリオ - Gregorian (calendar)
グロ - {abbr} grotesque
グローバリズム - globalism
グローバル - global
グローブ - globe; glove
グローリア - Gloria
グロテスク - grotesque
グロリア - Gloria
ケーオー - KO, knockout
ケーオス - chaos
ケージ - cage
ケーススタディー - case study
ケースワーカー - caseworker
ケーソン工法/ケーソンこうほう - caisson method
ケーブル - cable
ケープ - cape
ケア - care; kea (Nestor notabilis)
ケアハウス - nursing care center
ケイオス - chaos
ケイス - case (e.g. receptacle, condition, event, legal action,
letter style, etc.); {comp} Computer-Aided Software
Engineering, CASE
ケチャップ - {food} ketchup, catsup
ケビン - cabin
ケベック - Quebec
ケミカル - chemical; synthetic
ケルン - Koeln, Cologne; cairn
ケロイド - keloid
ケ所/かしょ - {ctr} counter for places, parts, passages, etc.
ゲージ - gauge
ゲート - gate (for entry, boarding, etc.); {comp} gate; logic
ゲートボール - gateball (mallet sport similar to croquet)
ゲームセット - game, set and match, end of the game, end of
the match
ゲームセンター - game arcade, video arcade, penny arcade
ゲイ - gay person (esp. male)
ゲイリブ - gay lib(eration)
ゲイン - gain
ゲシュタポ - {hist} Gestapo
ゲットー - ghetto
ゲノム - genome
ゲバリスタ - Guevarista
ゲリラ - guerrilla, guerrilla warfare; {adj-f} sudden
ゲル - gel; yurt; money
日耳曼/ゲルマン - Germanic (people, language, culture, etc.)
ゲレンデ - ski slope
ゲン - gene
コーキング - caulking, calking
コークスクリュー - corkscrew
コースター - (drinks) coaster; roller coaster; {abbr} coaster
brake (on a bicycle)
コーティング - coating
コーディネーター - coordinator
コーディネート - coordinate, coordinate, coordination;
matching (e.g. clothes, accessories, furniture, colours);
coordinated outfit (clothes and accessories), ensemble;
coordinates (items of clothing, furniture, etc. designed to be
used together) コーディネイト - coordinate, coordinate,
coordination; matching (e.g. clothes, accessories, furniture,
colours); coordinated outfit (clothes and accessories),
ensemble; coordinates (items of clothing, furniture, etc.
designed to be used together) コードレス - cordless
コードレスホン - cordless phone
コーナ - corner, bend, turn; segment (within a radio or TV
program), session, column (newspaper, etc.); area,
department, section
コーナリング - cornering
コーヒーショップ - coffee shop
コープ - co-op, cooperative
コーポ - {abbr} apartment building, block of flats,
コーポレーション - corporation
コーポレートアイデンティティー - corporate identity
コーラ - cola
コーラン - Koran, Qur’an, Quran
コール - (telephone) call, (telephone) ring; shout, call, chant;
{cards} call; {abbr} call loan (e.g. 30-day call), call money
コールド - cold; {n} {abbr} cold cream; {n} {abbr} cold
wave, cold permanent wave
コールドゲーム - {baseb} called game
コーン - cone; corn
コーンスターチ - corn starch, cornflour (UK)
コア - core; {adj-na} {col} core, hardcore, all-out,
コアビタシオン - cohabitation
コアラ - koala
コイタス - coitus
コイル - coil
コイン - coin; token, slug
コインロッカー - coin-operated locker
コカイン - cocaine
コカコーラ - Coca-Cola, coke
コクピット - cockpit
ココア - cocoa (beverage, cocoa solids), hot chocolate
ココム - Coordinating Committee for Export to Communist
コスタリカ - Costa Rica
コスチューム - costume
コスト - cost
コスプレ - cosplay (dressing up as a character from an
anime, manga, video game, etc.)
コスモ - cosmos
コスモス - cosmos; common cosmos (Cosmos bipinnatus)
コスモポリタン - cosmopolitan
コダック - Kodak
コックス - {sports} cox, coxswain
コックピット - cockpit
コッテージ - cottage
コットン - cotton; {abbr} cotton pads (usu. in amenity set),
cotton buds
コツコツ - {on-mim} steadily, unflaggingly, untiringly,
laboriously, diligently; {on-mim} knocking, tapping, clicking,
コテージ - cottage
コニーデ - stratovolcano, composite volcano
コニャック - cognac
コネ - {abbr} connection, pull
コネクション - connection
コバルト - cobalt (Co); cobalt blue
コバルトブルー - cobalt blue
コピーライト - copyright
コブラ - cobra
コペルニクス - Copernicus (1473-1543)
コマ - {astron} coma (of a comet); coma, comatic aberration
コマンド - {comp} command; {comp} {abbr} command key
コミカル - comical
コミック - comic books, comics; {adj-na} comic, comical
コミックス - comics
コミッショナー - commissioner
コミッション - commission
コミット - committing (oneself to), commitment,
involvement, participation; {comp} commit (data
management, version control)
コミュニケ - communiqué
コミュニケーション - communication
コミュニケイション - communication
コミュニティ - community
コミュニティー - community
コミュニティーセンター - community center, community
コミンテルン - {hist} Comintern, Communist International,
Third International
コム - {comp} computer output microfilm system, COM
コムソモール - {hist} Komsomol youth division of the Soviet
Communist Party)
コメコン - Council for Mutual Economic Assistance,
コメディ - comedy
コメディー - comedy
コメディアン - comedian
コメンテーター - commentator
コラージュ - collage
コラール - choral
コラボレーション - collaboration
コラム - column (e.g. in newspaper), standalone feature
article framed by a box
コラムニスト - columnist
コリー - collie
コリア - Korea
コル - col
コルク - cork
コルホーズ - kolkhoz, collective farm
コレクタ - collector
コレクター - collector
コレステロール - cholesterol
虎列剌/コレラ - cholera
コロイド - colloid
コロシアム - Colosseum, Coliseum
コロセウム - Colosseum, Coliseum
コロッケ - {food} croquette
コロナ - {astron} corona; {abbr} coronavirus; {abbr}
コロニー - colony
コロラド - Colorado
コロン - colon; {abbr} eau de Cologne; colonist
コロンブスデー - Columbus Day
コングロマーチャント - {abbr} conglomerate merchant
コンコース - concourse
コンコルド - concord; Concord; Concorde
コンゴ - Congo
コンサルタント - consultant
コンサルティング - consulting
コンシューマー - consumer
コンスタント - constant, steady; {n} {math} constant
コンセプト - concept, general idea, notion; intention, aim,
design, philosophy, plan, plot, theme
コンセンサス - consensus
コンソーシアム - consortium
コンソーティアム - consortium
コンタクトレンズ - contact lens
コンダクター - conductor
コンチェルティナ - concertina
コンチェルト - {music} concerto
コンチネンタル - continental
コンテナ - container (e.g. shipping), skip
コンテナー - container (e.g. shipping), skip
コンテンツ - contents, content
コンテンポラリー - contemporary
コンディション - condition
コンデンサ - capacitor, condenser
コンデンサー - capacitor, condenser
コント - conte, short story, tale; comedy sketch, skit
コントラ - contra
コントラバス - contrabass, double bass, bass
コントローラ - controller
コントローラー - controller
コンドーム - condom
コンドミニアム - condominium
コンドル - condor (incl. other New World vultures of family
Cathartidae); Andean condor (Vultur gryphus)
コンバータ - converter
コンバーター - converter
コンバート - convert, conversion
コンバイン - {abbr} combine, combine harvester
コンパ - {sl} {abbr} party, social event, get-together, mixer;
compa (Haitian dance music), konpa, kompa
コンパクト - compact; {n} compact (cosmetics), portable
powder case
コンパック - {comp} Compaq (computer manufacturer)
コンパニオン - promotional model (at a trade show, etc.),
female guide (at a convention), booth babe; hostess (of a
party, banquet, etc.); companion
コンビ - {abbr} combination, pair, duo
コンビナート - industrial complex
コンビニエンス - convenience
コンビネーション - combination
コンピュータ - computer
コンピューターグラフィックス - {comp} computer graphics
コンフィギュレーション - {comp} configuration
コンフィグレーション - {comp} configuration
コンブリオ - {music} con brio
コンプレックス - complex
コンプレッサー - compressor
コンベンション - convention
コンベンションセンター - convention center, convention
コンペ - {abbr} competition
コンペティション - competition
コンボイ - convoy
コンポ - {abbr} component, component stereo
コンポスト - compost
コンマ - comma; decimal point, radix point
コンロ - cooking stove, burner (gas, electric, etc.), range,
cooktop, hob
ゴーカート - go-cart
ゴーグル - goggles
GOサイン/ゴーサイン - green light, (giving) permission, OK
ゴージャス - gorgeous, sumptuous, extravagant, luxurious
ゴースト - ghost; ghosting (television); {photo} ghosting,
ghost flare; {print} ghost image, ghosting
ゴーストタウン - ghost town
ゴールイン - {sports} reaching the winning post, reaching
the finish, making the goal; {col} getting married
ゴールキーパー - {sports} goalkeeper
ゴールデン - golden
ゴールデンアワー - prime time television
ゴールデンウィーク - Golden Week, string of public holidays in
early May
ゴールデンウイーク - Golden Week, string of public holidays in
early May
ゴールデンタイム - prime time (on television or radio), peak
ゴールド - gold
ゴールドバーグ - Goldberg
ゴールライン - {sports} goal line
ゴキブリ - cockroach
ゴシック - Gothic (style); Gothic (typeface)
ゴシップ - gossip; {comp} government OSI procurement,
ゴジラ - Godzilla
ゴスバンク - Gosbank, central bank of the Soviet Union
ゴスペル - gospel (of Jesus); the Gospels; gospel (music)
ゴチック - Gothic (style); Gothic (typeface)
ゴッドファーザー - godfather
ゴミ - rubbish, trash, garbage, refuse, litter
ゴリラ - gorilla (Gorilla spp., esp. western gorilla, Gorilla
ゴルジュ - gorge, canyon
ゴルファー - golfer
ゴロ - {baseb} grounder
ゴング - gong (instrument); {sports} gong (sound at the end
of round, etc.)
ゴンドラ - gondola (boat, esp. in Venice); gondola (hot-air
balloon, airship, etc.), basket, cabin (cable car, ski lift, etc.),
car (elevator); scaffold (building), display shelf (shop)
サーカス - circus
サーキット - (electric) circuit; (racing) circuit, race track;
circuit (of events or venues)
サーチ - search
サーチライト - searchlight
サード - third (base, baseman, gear)
サービスエース - {sports} ace (serve; in tennis, volleyball,
サービスエリア - service area, toll road rest stop, rest area
サーファー - surfer
サーブ - {sports} serve; serving (e.g. of food)
サーブル - sabre (fencing), saber
サーベイランス - surveillance
サーベル - saber (cavalry sword), sabre
サーモン - salmon
サール - Searle
サーロイン - {food} sirloin
サイ - psi (parapsychological phenomena)
サイエンス - science
サイクリング - cycling, bicycling
サイクロン - cyclone
サイト - site (usu. website); sight; {abbr} payable on sight
サイド - side
サイドカー - sidecar
サイドビジネス - side business, side job
サイレント - silent; {n} {abbr} silent movie, silent film; {n}
silent letter
サイロ - silo
サウジ - {abbr} Saudi Arabia
サウジアラビア - Saudi Arabia
サウスカロライナ - South Carolina
サウスポー - {sports} southpaw, left-handed person
サウナ - sauna
サウンド - sound
サキソフォン - saxophone
サキソホン - saxophone
サクセス - success
サクソフォン - saxophone
サザンクロス - {astron} Southern Cross (asterism formed
with the brightest four stars of the constellation Crux)
サスペンション - suspension (in a vehicle); {chem}
suspension (mixture)
サスペンス - suspense (esp. in a film, novel, etc.)
サスペンデットゲーム - suspended game
サターン - Saturn (Roman god); {astron} Saturn (planet)
サックス - {abbr} saxophone, sax
サッシ - sash, sliding window frame (esp. metal)
サッシュ - sash, sliding window frame (esp. metal)
サテライト - satellite
サテン - satin
サディスティック - sadistic
サド - {abbr} sadist; sadism
サドル - saddle
サドンデス - sudden death; {sports} sudden-death (playoff),
golden goal playoff
サニタリー - sanitary; utility area in a kitchen, etc. where
there are laundry facilities
撒哈拉/サハラ - Sahara
サハラ砂漠/サハラさばく - Sahara Desert
サバイバル - survival
サバナ - savanna, savannah
サバンナ - savanna, savannah
サパー - supper
サファイア - sapphire
サファリ - safari
サファリラリー - safari rally
サブ - sub, substitute, reserve, backup; {pref} sub—
サブタイトル - subtitle
サブマリン - submarine
サプライ - supply
サプライヤー - supplier
サポーター - supporter (e.g. wrist supporter), athletic
supporter, jockstrap; supporter (esp. of soccer), backer
サポート - support
サマー - summer
サマースクール - summer school
サマライズ - summarize, summarise
サミット - summit
サミュエル - Samuel
サム - sum; surface-to-air missile, SAM
サラウンド - surround
サラブレッド - thoroughbred (horse); person of lineage, blueblood
サラリー - salary
サリー - sari, saree
サリン - sarin (nerve agent)
サルーン - saloon
サルサ - salsa (dance); {food} salsa (sauce)
サルバルサン - {pharm} {tradem} Salvarsan (brand of
サロゲートペア - surrogate pair (of characters)
サロン - salon, saloon, reception room
サンクスギビングデー - Thanksgiving Day
サンクチュアリ - sanctuary; Sanctuary (faction of the
Constitutional Democratic Party of Japan), Akamatsu faction,
Akamatsu group
サンクチュアリー - sanctuary; Sanctuary (faction of the
Constitutional Democratic Party of Japan), Akamatsu faction,
Akamatsu group
サングラス - sunglasses
サンシャイン - sunshine
サンスクリット - Sanskrit
サンタクララ - Santa Clara (in California)
サンタフェ - Santa Fe
サンダーバード - thunderbird (North-American indigenous
mythical spirit bird)
サンチュール - belt
サンデー - {food} sundae
サンディエゴ - San Diego
サントラ - {abbr} soundtrack
サントリー - Suntory
サンド - sand
サンドペーパー - sandpaper
サンノゼ - San Jose
サンバ - samba
サンフォライズ - Sanforized, Sanforised
サンフランシスコ - San Francisco
サンプラ - sampler; imitation platinum
サンプラー - sampler
サンプリング - sampling
サンボ - {abbr} self-defence (defense) (type of wrestling)
サンマイクロシステムズ - {comp} Sun Microsystems
サンルーフ - sunroof
サンローラン - Saint Laurent (wine grape variety), Sankt
Laurent, St. Laurent
ザーザー - {on-mim} (raining) heavily, (water rushing)
plentily; {on-mim} with white noise, with a buzz
ザイール - Zaire (now Democratic Republic of the Congo);
zaire (currency of the Democratic Republic of the Congo)
ザンビア - Zambia
シークレット - secret
シークレットサービス - secret service
シーズニング - seasoning
シーズンオフ - off-season
シーソーゲーム - seesaw game, back-and-forth match, match
in which the lead changes hands several times
シートベルト - seat belt
シード - {sports} seed
シーハイル - good skiing!
シーフード - seafood
シームレス - seamless; {n} {abbr} seamless stockings
シーリング - ceiling; sealing (compound, act of, etc.)
シール - seal; sticker
シールド - shield
シーレーン - sea-lane
シーレン - sea-lane
シーン - scene, sight; scenario, setting
シアーズ - Sears
シアター - theater, theatre
舎路/シアトル - Seattle
シアン - cyan
シェーカー - (cocktail) shaker
シェーク - shaking (e.g. a container); milkshake, shake
シェーバー - shaver
シェープアップ - getting in shape, improving one’s figure
シェア - sharing, share (on social media); market share
シェアリング - sharing
シェイプアップ - getting in shape, improving one’s figure
シェパード - shepherd; German shepherd
シェフ - chef
シェリー - sherry
シェル - {comp} shell
シェルター - shelter
シエスタ - siesta
シオニスト - Zionist
シオニズム - Zionism
シカゴ - Chicago
シクラメン - cyclamen (esp. species Cyclamen persicum)
シグナチャー - signature
シグナル - signal
シスター - sister (sibling); (Catholic) sister; sister (female
partner in a homosexual relationship)
システムズ - systems
シソーラス - thesaurus
シチュー - stew
シチュエーション - situation
シックスナイン - six nines (i.e. 99.9999%); {col} {vulg}
sixty-nine (sexual position), soixante-neuf, 69
シップ - ship
シティ - city
シティーエアターミナル - city air terminal
シトロン - citron (Citrus medica)
雪特尼/シドニー - Sydney
シナモン - cinnamon
シナリオライター - scriptwriter, screenwriter
シニア - senior
シニカル - cynical
シネマ - cinema
シノニム - {ling} synonym
シビア - severe, strict, tough, hard
シビック - civic
シビリアンコントロール - civilian control (of the military)
シフォン - chiffon
シフト - shift, move; (work) shift, work schedule; gearshift,
changing gears
シベリア - Siberia; cake made with layers of sweet bean
paste and sponge cake
シボレー - Chevrolet
シミーズ - chemise
シミュレーション - simulation; {sports} simulation (of a foul),
diving, flopping
シミュレータ - simulator
シミュレーター - simulator
シャークスキン - shark skin
シャープ - sharp (blade, image, mind, etc.); {n} {music}
sharp; {n} number sign, hash sign, pound sign; {n} {abbr}
mechanical pencil
シャープペンシル - mechanical pencil
シャーベット - sherbet (frozen dessert), sorbet
シャーマン - shaman
シャーリング - shirring
シャイ - shy
シャッターチャンス - best moment to take a picture, right
timing (for a photograph), photo opportunity
シャットアウト - shutout, shutting out, locking out, excluding;
{sports} shutout, allowing no runs (goals, etc.)
シャッポ - hat
シャトー - château, castle
シャトル - {abbr} shuttlecock; shuttle service (e.g. bus);
shuttle (weaving); {abbr} space shuttle
シャトルバス - shuttle bus
シャドー - shadow
シャドウ - shadow
シャネル - Chanel (name)
シャフト - shaft (e.g. machinery), axle; shaft (of a golf club);
mine shaft, pit
シャベル - shovel
シャボン玉/シャボンだま - soap bubble
シャポー - hat
シャルマン - charming
シャロット - shallot (Allium ascalonicum)
シャンゼリゼ - Champs Elysees (in Paris)
シャンソン - chanson
シャンティー - Chantilly (e.g. lace)
シャンデリア - chandelier
シャンパン - Champagne
シャンペン - champagne
シュークリーム - cream puff, choux a la creme, cream-filled
シューズ - shoes
シュート - {sports} shooting (a ball), shot (on basket, at
goal, etc.); {baseb} shuuto (type of pitch commonly used in
Japan), shootball; shoot (of a tree or plant)
シューベルト - Schubert
シュール - surreal; {n} {abbr} surrealism
シュールレアリスム - surrealism
シュールレアリズム - surrealism
シュガー - sugar
シュテムボーゲン - {ski} stem turn
シュトゥルムウントドラング - Sturm und Drang
シュナップス - liquor
シュプレッヒコール - choral chanting; chanting in chorus (e.g.
at a demonstration)
シュプレヒコール - choral chanting; chanting in chorus (e.g.
at a demonstration)
シュミーズ - chemise
シュミットカメラ - Schmidt camera
シュレッダ - shredder
シュレッダー - shredder
ショーウィンドー - display window, shop window, store
ショーウインドー - display window, shop window, store
ショーケース - showcase, display case, vitrine
ショーツ - shorts; panties, knickers
ショート - short; {n} {baseb} {abbr} shortstop; {n} {vs}
{elec} short (circuit); {n} {abbr} short hair; {n} {finc}
short selling
ショートカット - shortcut, taking a shortcut; shortcut
hairstyle for women; {comp} (keyboard) shortcut
ショートステイ - short stay, temporary care
ショートパンツ - short pants, shorts
ショール - shawl
ショールーム - showroom
ショウ - show
ショウルーム - showroom
ショッキング - shocking
ショット - {film} shot; {sports} shot, hit, strike; {sports}
shooting (a basketball); shot (of a gun); shot (of alcohol)
ショッピッング - shopping
ショッピング - shopping
ショッピングモール - shopping mall
ショパン - Chopin
ショベル - shovel
ショルダーバッグ - shoulder bag
シラカバ - Japanese white birch (Betula platyphylla var.
叙利亜/シリア - Syria
シリアス - serious
シリウス - {astron} Sirius (star in the constellation Canis
Major), Alpha Canis Majoris, the Dog Star
シリコーン - {chem} silicone (synthetic polymer)
シリコン - silicon (Si); silicone (synthetic polymer)
シリンジ - syringe
シリンダ - cylinder
シリンダー - cylinder
シルエッター - silhouetter
シルエット - silhouette
シルク - silk
シルクロード - Silk Road
シルバー - silver; {n} {n-pref} senior citizen, pensioner
シロップ - syrup
シン - thin; {n} shin; {n-pref} {chem} syn—
シンカー - sinker
シンガー - singer
シンガーソングライター - singer-songwriter
新嘉坡/シンガポール - Singapore
シンク - sink
シンクタンク - think tank
シンクロ - {abbr} synchronization; {abbr} synchronized
シンクロナイズ - synchronization, synchronisation
シングル - single
シングルス - {sports} singles (tennis, badminton, etc.); single
people, unmarried people; singles (musical album)
シングルズ - single people, unmarried people; singles
(musical album)
シンシナティ - Cincinnatti (Ohio)
シンジケート - syndicate
シンセサイザ - synthesizer, synthesiser
シンセサイザー - synthesizer, synthesiser
シンデレラ - Cinderella
シンドローム - syndrome
シンナー - (paint) thinner
シンパ - {abbr} (Communist, union, etc.) sympathizer,
シンフォニー - {music} symphony
シンプル - simple, plain
シンボリスト - symbolist
シンボリック - symbolic
シンボル - symbol
シンポ - {abbr} symposium
シンポジウム - symposium
ジーゼル - diesel
ジープ - jeep
ジーン - gene; fanzine, zine; jeans
ジェスイット - Jesuit
ジェスチャー - gesture; charades (game)
ジェット - jet
ジェットコースター - roller coaster
ジェトロ - Japanese External Trade Organization
(Organisation), JETRO
ジェネレーション - generation
ジェノサイド - genocide
ジェラシー - jealousy
ジェリー - {food} jello, jelly, gelatin dessert; gel, jelly
ジェリィ - jello (gelatin-based dessert), jelly; gel, jelly
ジェロントクラシー - gerontocracy
ジェンダー - gender
ジグザグ - zig-zag, zigzag
ジグソーパズル - jigsaw puzzle
ジグゾーパズル - jigsaw puzzle
JIS/ジス - Japanese Industrial Standards, JIS
ジストロフィー - {med} dystrophy
ジッポー - Zippo
ジハード - jihad, jehad
ジバンシー - Givenchy
ジパング - {hist} Zipangu (the name for Japan used by Marco
ジブ - jib
ジプシー - {sens} gypsy, gipsy
ジム - gym, gymnasium
ジャー - vacuum bottle, thermos; jar
ジャーク - jerk
ジャージ - jersey (fabric); {cloth} jersey, (sports) uniform
top; {cloth} sweatsuit, tracksuit; Jersey (cattle)
ジャージー - jersey (fabric); {cloth} jersey, (sports) uniform
top; {cloth} sweatsuit, tracksuit; Jersey (cattle)
ジャーナリズム - journalism
ジャーナル - {comp} journal, log
ジャイアント - giant
ジャイロスコープ - gyroscope
ジャカルタ - Jakarta (Indonesia)
ジャガー - jaguar (Panthera onca)
ジャガ芋/ジャガいも - potato (Solanum tuberosum)
ジャケツ - jacket; book jacket, dust cover; CD jacket, record
JAS/ジャス - Japanese Agricultural Standard, JAS
ジャスト - just, exactly, precisely, perfectly, sharp
ジャスミン - jasmine
ジャズメン - jazzmen
ジャッキ - jack
ジャック - {cards} jack, knave; (electrical) jack; {n-suf}
hijack, hijacking, takeover, seizure
ジャッジ - judge; judging, judgement
ジャパニーズ - Japanese (people, language, style)
ジャパン - Japan
ジャパンカップ - Japan Cup
ジャブ - jab (esp. in boxing)
ジャポニカ - japonica, common camellia (Camellia japonica)
牙買加/ジャマイカ - Jamaica
ジャンキー - junkie
ジャンクション - junction, system interchange (between
ジャングル - jungle
ジュークボックス - juke-box
ジュール - {physics} joule
ジューンブライド - June bride
ジュエリー - jewelry, jewellery
ジュニア - junior
ジュニアウエルター - junior welter (weight)
寿府/ジュネーブ - Geneva
ジュビリー - jubilee
ジュピター - Jupiter (Roman god); {astron} Jupiter (planet);
{abbr} Jupiter Symphony, Symphony No. 41 by Mozart
ジュラルミン - duralumin
ジュリー - jury
ジョーカー - {cards} joker; joker, funny guy
ジョーク - joke
ジョーズ - man-eating shark
ジョイ - joy
ジョイント - joint
ジョギング - jogging
ジョセフソン - Josephson
ジョッキ - beer mug, stein, tankard
ジョッキー - jockey
ジラフ - giraffe
ジレンマ - dilemma
ジワジワ - bit by bit, inch by inch; gradually, steadily
ジン - gin
ジンクス - jinx, omen (can be a good omen)
ジンバブエ - Zimbabwe
スーパ - {abbr} supermarket; {abbr} subtitles, telop; {abbr}
superheterodyne; {adj-f} super
スーパースター - superstar
スーパーチェーン - {abbr} supermarket chain
スーパーバイザ - supervisor
スーパーバイザー - supervisor
スーパーボウル - {sports} Super Bowl, US professional
football finals
スーパーマーケット - supermarket
スーパーマン - superman, superhuman person; Superman
スーパバイザ - supervisor
スィーパー - sweeper
スィッチ - switch
スイート - sweet (flavour); sweet (of alcohol); sweet (e.g.
melody), pleasant (e.g. atmosphere), pleasing, delightful;
{n} suite (of rooms); {n} {music} suite
スイーパー - sweeper
瑞西/スイス - Switzerland
スイマー - swimmer
スイミングクラブ - swimming club
スイング - {sports} swing (of a golf club, tennis racket, etc.);
{sports} swing (boxing); {music} swing
スウィング - {sports} swing (of a golf club, tennis racket,
etc.); {sports} swing (boxing); {music} swing
瑞典/スウェーデン - Sweden
スカーレット - scarlet
スカイ - sky
スカイライン - skyline; scenic mountain road
スカウト - (talent) scout, recruiter, headhunter; scouting,
headhunting; {abbr} Boy Scouts, Girl Scouts
スカッシュ - squash (drink); squash (sport)
スカラーシップ - scholarship
スカラシップ - scholarship
スカル - scull, sculling boat
スカンク - skunk (animal); skunk (i.e. preventing someone
from scoring entirely)
スキーヤー - skier
スキッパー - skipper
スキャナ - scanner
スキャナー - scanner
スキャン - scan
スキャンダラス - scandalous
スキャンダル - scandal
スキューバ - scuba, self-contained underwater breathing
スキン - skin; {col} condom; {comp} skin (custom graphical
user interface for an application)
スキンケア - skin care
スキンシップ - physical contact (between friends, mother and
child, etc.), physical intimacy
スクーター - scooter
スクープ - scoop
スクールバス - school bus
スクイズ - {baseb} squeeze (play); (in scuba diving)
discomfort or pain caused by increasing water pressure
compressing body air spaces and pushing body tissue
スクェア - square (shape); square (open space); {adj-na}
formal, methodical, correct, strict, stiff; square (tool)
スクエア - square (shape); square (open space); {adj-na}
formal, methodical, correct, strict, stiff; square (tool)
スクラップ - scrap
スクラム - {sports} scrum (rugby), scrummage; huddle (e.g.
locking arms in a demonstration)
スクランブル - scramble
スクリーン - screen
スクリプター - script supervisor, continuity supervisor
スクリュー - screw; screw propeller, screw
スクリユー - screw; screw propeller, screw
スケーター - skater
スケーティング - skating
スケートリンク - ice skating rink, ice rink
スケープゴート - scapegoat
スケール - scale, vernier
スケッチ - sketch, sketching
スケッチブック - sketchbook
スコーカー - squawker
スコープ - scope, extent, range; scope (i.e. an optical
device); {comp} scope (of a name binding)
スコア - score
スコアボード - scoreboard
スコッチ - {abbr} Scotch, Scotch whisky; {abbr} Scotch
蘇格蘭/スコットランド - Scotland
スコップ - shovel, spade, scoop
スコンク - skunk (i.e. preventing someone from scoring
スターズアンドストライプス - Stars and Stripes (US flag); Stars
and Stripes (newspaper)
スターター - starter (person who gives the signal for the start
of a race); {sports} starter (player in a starting lineup);
starter (motor)
スタートライン - starting line, starting point
スターリングエンジン - Sterling engine
スタイミー - {golf} situation in which there is an obstacle
(e.g. a tree) between the ball and the green
スタイリスト - stylist
スタイリング - styling
スタジアム - stadium
スタッフ - staff; stuff, stuffing, filling
スタブ - stub
スタミナ - stamina, energy; {adj-f} stamina-boosting (esp. of
meat dishes containing raw egg yolks, garlic, Chinese
chives, etc.)
スタメン - {sports} {abbr} starting lineup, player in the
starting lineup
スタン - stun
スタンガン - stun gun
スタンス - stance, attitude, standpoint; {sports} stance,
スタンダード - standard
スタンフォード - Stanford
スタンプ - stamp; sticker (in messaging apps), (large) emoji
スチール - steel
ステーキ - steak
ステーション - station
ステータス - status
ステート - state
ステートアマ - {abbr} state amateur (government-funded
sportsperson in training)
ステートメント - statement
スティック - stick
スティンガー - stinger
ステイタス - status
ステイト - state
ステッカー - sticker; stacker
ステッキ - (walking) stick, cane, wand
ステップ - step (of a staircase, etc.), running board (of a bus,
train); step (movement), pace; (dance) step; step (in a
process), stage
ステルス - stealth
ステレオタイプ - stereotype
ステロイド - steroid
ステロタイプ - stereotype
ステンドグラス - stained glass
ステンレス - {abbr} stainless steel
ストーム - storm
ストーリ - story, tale, legend; plot, storyline
ストーリー - story, tale, legend; plot, storyline
ストール - stole (shawl)
ストーンウォッシュ - stone wash, stonewashed (jeans, etc.)
ストア - store, shop; {comp} storing (data in memory, etc.)
ストアー - store, shop; {comp} storing (data in memory,
ストイチズム - Stoicism
ストイック - stoic, stoical; self-disciplined, abstemious,
austere, strict (with oneself); {n} Stoic (philosopher)
ストック - stock; ski pole
士篤恒/ストックホルム - Stockholm (Sweden)
ストッパー - stopper
ストップウォッチ - stopwatch
ストップウオッチ - stopwatch
ストライカー - striker
ストライク - {sports} strike (e.g. in baseball, bowling)
ストライプ - stripe
ストリーカー - streaker
ストリート - street
ストリッパー - stripper
ストリップ - {abbr} strip show, striptease; stripping,
removing one’s clothes; strip (e.g. of wood)
ストレート - straight; straightforward, direct, blunt, candid;
{adj-no} {n} straight (wins, sets, etc.); {adj-no} {n}
straight (liquor), neat, black (tea or coffee); {n} entering
university right after graduating high school; {n} {baseb}
(four-seam) fastball; {n} {sports} straight (boxing punch);
{n} {cards} straight (in poker); straight (i.e. heterosexual),
straight person ストレッチ - stretch
ストローク - stroke (of a racket, in swimming, etc.)
ストロベリー - strawberry
ストロンチウム - strontium (Sr)
スナック - snack, light meal; {abbr} snack bar (usu. an
establishment that serves alcohol); {abbr} snack food (esp.
potato chips, popcorn, etc.), munchie
スナックバー - snack bar (usu. an establishment that serves
スナッチ - snatch
スナップ - snap (of the wrist; in baseball, golf, etc.); {abbr}
snapshot; snap fastener, press stud; snap (movement,
スヌーカー - {sports} snooker
スヌーピー - snoopy
スネーク - snake
スノー - snow
スノーボート - (plastic) toboggan
スノーボード - snowboard, snowboarding
スパーク - spark; SPARC
スパート - {sports} spurt
スパーリング - sparring
スパイ - spy
スパイク - spike
スパイス - spice
スパイラル - spiral
スパゲッティ - {food} spaghetti
スパゲティ - {food} spaghetti
スパゲティー - {food} spaghetti
スパッタリング - ink spattering; {physics} sputtering
スパッツ - leggings (stretchy skin-tight trousers); spats
(footwear accessory); gaiters
スパン - span
スピーカ - speaker
スピーディ - speedy
スピーディー - speedy
スピード - speed
スピードアップ - speeding up, speed-up
スピードウエー - speedway
スピア - spear
スピリット - spirit
スピルリナ - Spirulina (algae)
スピン - spin, rotation; spin (PR, politics); ribbon bookmark
(attached to the binding)
スフィンクス - Sphinx
スプラッシャー - mudguard, mudflap
スプリット - split
スプリンクラー - sprinkler
スプリンター - sprinter
スプリント - sprint; splint
スプレー - spray; sprayer, atomizer; sprinkles
(confectionery), hundreds and thousands
スペーシング - spacing
スペースシャトル - space shuttle
スペア - spare (part, tire, etc.); {sports} spare (bowling),
knocking down all pins on the second throw
スペアキー - spare key
西班牙/スペイン - Spain
スペイン語/スペインご - Spanish (language)
スペクタクル - spectacle, striking display; spectacular (scene,
film, etc.), extravaganza, big-budget production, epic
スペクトル - spectrum (radio, etc.), spectral, spectra
スペシャリスト - specialist
スペシャル - special; {n} TV special
スペル - {abbr} spelling
スペンサージャケット - spencer jacket
スポーク - spoke
スポークスマン - spokesman
スポーツクラブ - gym, gymnasium
スポーツマン - sportsman
スポーツ新聞/スポーツしんぶん - sports newspaper
スポーティー - sporty (esp. garments, accessories, etc.)
スポット - spot, dot, mark; place, location, site; (airport)
apron; {abbr} spot advertisement, spot advertising; {abbr}
spot news; {abbr} spotlight
スポットライト - spotlight
スポンサ - sponsor
スポンサー - sponsor
スポンジ - sponge
スポンジケーキ - {food} sponge cake
スマイル - smile
スマッシュ - smash
スミソニアン - Smithsonian Institution
スムース - smooth
スムーズ - smooth
スモーカー - smoker
スモークサーモン - smoked salmon
スモッグ - smog
スモモ - Japanese plum (Prunus salicina), Chinese plum
スライス - slice; {golf} slice; {sports} slice (in tennis, table
tennis, etc.), backspin shot
スライダー - {baseb} slider; slider (e.g. volume control); slide
(e.g. water slide, playground slide); slider (of a zipper);
{food} slider (sandwich)
スライディング - sliding
スラック - slack
スラローム - slalom
スランプ - slump
スリーサイズ - bust-waist-hip measurements, vital statistics
スリット - slit; slitting (slicing a sheet of paper, metal, etc.
into narrower strips)
スリップ - slip, skid, slide; slip (i.e. petticoat); slip (of paper);
{comp} Serial Link IP, SLIP
スリム - slim
スリラー - thriller (movie, story)
スリリング - thrilling
スリル - thrill
スルー - {col} ignoring, looking the other way, letting pass;
passing through, going through; {sports} leaving a passing
ball for a teammate (in soccer), letting the ball go past,
dummy; {sports} ball going through the net and landing in
the opponent’s half (in tennis) スレート - slate
スレーブ - slave (device); slave (person)
スレイブ - slave (device); slave (person)
スレイヴ - slave (device); slave (person)
スレンダー - slender
スロー - slow; {n} {abbr} slow motion
スローガン - slogan
スロープ - slope
スロット - slot; {abbr} slot machine
スロバキア - Slovakia
スロベニア - Slovenia
スロヴェニア - Slovenia
スワップ - swap
スワヒリ語/スワヒリご - Swahili (language), Kiswahili
スワン - swan
ズーム - zoom
ズームレンズ - zoom lens
セーフ - {baseb} safe; {sports} in (of a ball, in tennis, etc.);
{adj-na} all right, OK, acceptable, fine, in time (for)
セーフティードライブ - driving safely
セーブ - saving (e.g. energy), cutting down on (e.g. alcohol),
going easy on, checking (e.g. impulses), curbing,
restraining; {baseb} save; {comp} save
セーラー服/セーラーふく - sailor suit, middy uniform
セールス - sales, selling; {abbr} salesman
セールスマン - salesman
セオリー - theory; standard procedure, common strategy,
established tactics
セカンド - second; second base
セキュリティ - security
セキュリティー - security
セクシー - sexy
セクスィ - sexy
セクタ - sector
セクター - sector
セクハラ - {abbr} sexual harassment
セシウム - cesium (Cs), caesium
セゾン - season
セダン - sedan
セッション - session; {abbr} jam session, jam
セッティング - setting, installing, mounting, arranging;
setting up (meeting, conference, etc.); stage setting; setting
(of a novel, movie, play, etc.)
セピア - sepia
セブン - seven
セミコロン - semicolon
セミナ - seminar
セミナー - seminar
セラ - sera
セラー - seller; cellar
セラミック - ceramic
セリウム - cerium (Ce)
セリカ - Celica
セリフ - serif
セル - cell; {abbr} serge; {abbr} cel (celluloid)
塞爾維/セルビア - Serbia
セルフ - {abbr} self-service; {pref} self—
セルフサービス - self-service
セルロイド - celluloid
セレクション - selection
セレクト - select
セレナーデ - {music} serenade
セレナード - {music} serenade
セロテープ - {tradem} cellophane tape, adhesive tape,
セロハンテープ - cellophane tape, (transparent) adhesive
tape, Sellotape, Scotch tape
セロリ - celery
セン - stopper, bottle cap
センサ - sensor
センサー - sensor
センセーショナル - sensational
センセーション - sensation
センタ - centre, center
センタリング - centering, centring
センチメートル - centimeter, centimetre
センチメンタル - sentimental
仙/セント - {music} cent
セントラルリーグ - Central League (Japanese baseball
league), CL
セ氏/セし - {abbr} Celsius, centigrade
ゼネコン - general contractor, main contractor, major
construction company
ゼネスト - {abbr} general strike
ゼネラルマネージャー - general manager
ゼミナール - seminar
ゼラチン - gelatin, gelatine
ゼロックス - Xerox
ソーイングセット - sewing kit, sewing set
ソーシャルワーカー - social worker
ソーセージ - {food} sausage
ソープ - soap; {abbr} {sl} soapland, brothel where one can
bathe with prostitutes
ソープランド - soapland, brothel where one can bathe with
ソーラー - solar
ソサエティ - society
ソシアルワーカー - social worker
ソジウム - sodium (Na)
ソナタ - {music} sonata
ソニー - Sony
蘇維埃/ソビエト - {hist} soviet; {hist} {abbr} Soviet Union
ソファ - sofa, couch
ソフトウェア - software
ソフトウエア - software
ソフトドリンク - soft drink
ソフトボール - softball
ソプラノ - soprano
ソユーズ - Soyuz (Russian spacecraft)
ソリスト - {music} soloist
ソル - solar day (esp. on planets other than Earth); sol
(currency of Peru)
ソロイスト - {music} soloist
ソング - song; thong
ソ連/ソれん - {hist} {abbr} Soviet Union, USSR
ゾーン - zone
ターゲット - target
タービン - turbine
ターボ - turbo
ターミナル - terminal
タール - tar
ターン - turn; {music} turn (melodic ornament); turn (in a
タイ - tie; Thai, Thailand
タイアップ - tie-in, collaboration, partnership, cooperation
タイゲーム - {sports} tie game, tied game
タイツ - tights, pantyhose
タイト - tight; {n} {abbr} tight skirt, straight skirt
タイプライタ - typewriter
タイマ - {comp} timer, clock register
タイムスタンプ - time-stamp; time-stamping machine
タイムズ - times
タイムマシン - time machine
タイムリ - timely, well-timed; {n} {baseb} {abbr} clutch hit,
run-scoring hit, RBI hit
タウン - town
タキシード - tuxedo, dinner suit
タクシー乗り場/タクシーのりば - Place for boarding taxis
タグボート - tugboat
タス - TASS (Russian News Agency)
タスク - task
タック - tuck (clothing, sewing); tuck (diving, gymnastics)
タッチ - touch; being involved in; {baseb} tag
タップ - tap, faucet; tap (on a touchscreen); {abbr} tap
dance; tap (electrical)
タバコ - tobacco, cigarette, cigaret, cigar; tobacco plant
(Nicotiana tabacum)
タフ - tough
タブー - taboo
タブロイド - tabloid
タリウム - thallium (Tl)
タルク - talc
タン - {food} tongue (beef, pork, etc.); tongue (of a shoe)
タンカー - tanker
タンク - tank (of fluid), cistern, vat; tank (military vehicle)
タンクローリ - tanker, tanker truck
タンクローリー - tanker, tanker truck
タンザニア - Tanzania
タンデム - tandem, (riding with a) passenger on a motorcycle
タンパク質/タンパクしつ - protein
ダーウイン - Darwin
ダーク - dark
ダーリン - darling
ダイア - {abbr} diamond
ダイアグラム - diagram
ダイアモンド - diamond; {baseb} diamond, infield; {cards}
diamonds (suit)
ダイアル - dial (e.g. telephone, radio, clock, gauge)
ダイエット - diet
ダイオード - diode
ダイジェスト - digest
ダイナースクラブ - Diner’s Club (credit card)
ダイナマイト - dynamite
ダイナミクス - dynamics
ダイナミズム - dynamism
ダイナミック - dynamic
ダイニング - dining; {abbr} dining room; meal
ダイニングキッチン - eat-in kitchen
ダイビング - diving
ダイレクト - direct
ダウンサイジング - downsizing; {comp} switching from
mainframe to personal computers
ダウンタウン - downtown
ダウンロード - {comp} download
ダウ平均株価/ダウへいきんかぶか - Dow-Jones average (New
York Stock Exchange)
ダカ - deca-, 10^1, da
ダクト - duct
ダッシュ - dash
ダビング - dubbing, mixing, rerecording; {dated} copying
(recorded material, esp. from one audio cassette to
another), dubbing
ダブる - to be duplicated, to be repeated; to overlap, to fall
together (of dates, etc.), to coincide; to repeat (a failed
course, school year, etc.); {baseb} to make a double play;
{sports} to make a double fault (in tennis) ダミー - dummy
ダメージ - damage
達頼喇嘛/ダライラマ - Dalai Lama
ダラス - Dallas (US)
ダリヤ - dahlia (Dahlia pinnata)
ダンク - dunk
ダンサー - dancer
ダンシング - dancing
ダンスホール - dance hall, ballroom
ダントツ - {abbr} {sl} far and away the best, the very best,
cream of the crop, crème de la crème, decisive lead,
commanding lead
ダンピング - {econ} dumping
ダンプカー - dump truck
チーフ - chief, head
チア - cheer; chia (Salvia hispanica); {abbr} cheerleading
チアガール - cheerleader
チェ - {on-mim} tsk, tut, shoot, dang
チェーン - chain (bicycle, measuring, tire, etc.); chain (store,
hotel, etc.)
チェーン店/チェーンてん - chain store
チェア - chair
チェアマン - chairman
チェイン - chain (bicycle, measuring, tire, etc.); chain (store,
hotel, etc.)
チェコ - Czech Republic, Czechia
チェコスロバキア - {hist} Czechoslovakia
チェス - chess
チェチェン - Chechnya (Russia), Chechnia
チェッカ - checker
チェッカー - checkers (board game), draughts; checker
チェック - check; checkered (plaid pattern on cloth)
チェックイン - checkin
チェックインカウンター - checkin counter
チェリー - cherry
チェルノブイリ - Chernobyl (Ukraine)
チェロ - cello, violoncello
チェンジャー - changer
チェンバロ - harpsichord
チキン - {food} chicken; coward, scaredy-cat, chicken, wuss
チクリ - {on-mim} prickling, stinging, biting; {on-mim} taletelling, tattling
チケット - ticket
チタニウム - titanium (Ti)
チタン - titanium (Ti)
チベット - Tibet
チャージ - charge (electrical), recharging; charge (fee);
topping up (a contactless smart card), recharging;
refuelling; {sports} charge, rush, attack; {sports} charge
down (rugby)
チャーター - charter
チャーチ - church
チャート - chart
炒飯/チャーハン - {food} Chinese-style fried rice
チャーミング - charming
チャールストン - Charleston
チャイナ - China; china, porcelain
チャイニーズ - Chinese
チャイルド - child
チャック - zip fastener, zipper, zip
チャット - {comp} (Internet) chat
チャネリング - channelling, channeling
チャネル - channel
チャプター - chapter
チャペル - chapel
チャリティ - charity
チャリテイ - charity
チャレンジ - taking on (a challenge), attempt, try, tackling,
challenging (someone to a contest)
チャンピオン - champion
チャンピョン - champion
チューター - tutor
チューナ - tuner (e.g. radio); tuna (edible fish, Thunnus spp.)
チューナー - tuner (e.g. radio)
チューブ - tube
チューリップ - tulip
チュウリップ - tulip
突尼斯/チュニジア - Tunisia
チョーキング - choking; chalking; bending (a guitar string)
チョコ - {food} {abbr} chocolate
チョッキ - {dated} waistcoat, vest
チラシ - leaflet; scattering; {abbr} sushi rice in a box or bowl
with a variety of ingredients sprinkled on top; {abbr} writing
in an irregular hand
智利/チリ - Chile
チルダ - tilde
チロル - Tyrol
チンピラ - {derog} (young) hoodlum, delinquent boy,
delinquent girl, hooligan, punk; {derog} small-time yakuza;
{derog} brat, little shit
ツーピース - (women’s) two piece suit
ツーリスト - tourist
ツーリング - touring (by car, bike, etc.)
ツール - {comp} tool (esp. software, etc.); tour (e.g. Tour de
ツアー - tour
ツイン - twin
ツタンカーメン - Tutankamen
ツナ - {food} tuna (esp. canned)
ツバキ - common camellia (Camellia japonica)
ツリー - tree (esp. a Christmas tree); tree (structure,
diagram, etc.)
テークアウェイ - {rare} takeaway (food), takeout
テークアウト - takeout (food), takeout, takeaway, carry-out
テーゼ - thesis, statement
テーピング - taping (e.g. an injured joint)
テーマソング - theme song
テーマパーク - theme park
テーラー - tailor
ティ - tea
ティー - tea
Tシャツ/ティーシャツ - T-shirt, tee shirt
ティーンエージャ - teenager
ティーンエージャー - teenager
ティーンエイジャー - teenager
ティケット - ticket
ティシュー - tissue, facial tissue
ティッシュ - tissues
ティッシュー - tissue, facial tissue
ティッシュペーパー - tissue paper, tissue, facial tissue
ティラニー - tyranny
ティンパニ - timpani, tympany
ティンパニー - timpani, tympany
テイクアウト - takeout (food), takeout, takeaway, carry-out
テキ - {food} {abbr} beefsteak
テキサス - Texas
テク - {abbr} technology; {sl} technique; {adj-f} {abbr}
テクスチャ - texture
テクスチャー - texture
テクニカル - technical
テクニシャン - technician
テクニック - technique
テクノクラート - technocrat
テクノロジ - technology
テクノロジー - technology
テスター - (circuit) tester, micrometer
テストケース - test case
テックス - soft fiberboard, soft fibreboard; cloth, fabric,
material; tex, unit of linear mass density of fibres
テトラクロロエチレン - tetrachloroethylene
テナー - {music} tenor
テナント - tenant (usu. office block, shopping center, etc.)
テネシー - Tennessee
テノール - {music} tenor
第希蘭/テヘラン - Tehran (Iran)
テューリング - Turing
テュニジア - Tunisia
テラス - terrace
テリーヌ - terrine
テリトリー - territory
テルアビブ - Tel Aviv (Israel)
テレカンファレンス - teleconference
テレクラ - {abbr} telephone dating or sex service, sex chat
テレグラフ - telegraph
テレコム - {abbr} telecommunication
テレコンファレンス - teleconference
テレスキャン - telescan
テレビジョン - television
テレビタレント - television talent
テレビ会議/テレビかいぎ - teleconference, video conferencing
テレフォン - telephone
テレホン - telephone
テレメーター - telemeter
テロ - terror, terrorism
テロップ - telop, television opaque projector, device used to
broadcast onscreen text (e.g. subtitles, captions); onscreen
text and images (e.g. subtitles, captions, scrolling tickers,
テロリスト - terrorist
テロリズム - terrorism
テン - 10, ten
テンション - (emotional) tension, anxiety; {col} (highness of)
spirits, (good) mood, excitement, energy; {physics} tension,
tensile strength
テンペラ - tempera
テンポラリ - temporary
テンポラリー - temporary
デーゲーム - {baseb} day game
データバンク - {comp} data bank
データ通信/データつうしん - {comp} data communication
デーモン - demon; {comp} daemon (in Unix, etc.)
デーリー - daily
ディーゼル - diesel
ディープ - deep
ディーラー - (car) dealer; (card) dealer; (foreign exchange)
ディクショナリ - dictionary
ディクショナリー - dictionary
ディジタル - digital
ディスカウント - discount
ディスカッション - discussion
ディスカバー - discover
ディスク - disk, disc; {comp} disk (storage), disc
ディスクジョッキー - disk jockey, disc jockey
ディスクロージャー - disclosure
ディストーション - distortion
ディスプレー - display; (digital) display, screen
ディスプレイ - display; (digital) display, screen
ディズニー - Disney
ディズニーランド - Disneyland
ディテール - detail
ディナー - dinner
ディバイス - device
ディフェンス - defense, defence
ディフォルメ - distortion (often used for caricature in manga,
etc.), deformation
ディベート - debate
ディミヌエンド - {music} diminuendo
ディレクタ - director
ディレクター - director
ディレクトリ - {comp} directory, folder
ディレクトリィ - {comp} directory, folder
ディンギー - dinghy
デイリーニュース - daily news
デオキシリボ - deoxyribo (nucleic acid)
デオキシルボ - deoxyribo (nucleic acid)
デカルコマニー - transfer, decalcomanie, decalcomania
デコーダ - decoder
デコーダー - decoder
デサール - dessert
デザイナー - designer
デシ - deci-, 10^-1
デシベル - decibel, dB
デジカメ - digital camera
デジタル - digital
デスク - desk; copy editor
デタント - detente
デッキ - deck (e.g. ship, tape, cassette, observation, train
デッド - dead (money, stock, etc.); {n} {sports} dead (ball);
dead (sound, room), with little reverberation
デッドヒート - fiercely fought contest, close game (match,
race, etc.); dead heat
デッドボール - hit a batter by pitching a ball (baseball)
デニール - denier
デニム - denim; jeans
デノミ - {abbr} denomination (reducing the face value of
currency after inflation)
デバイス - device
デパチカ - {col} {abbr} basement of a department store
(where foodstuffs are usually sold)
デビスカップ - {sports} Davis Cup (tennis)
デビュー - debut, doing something for the first time; {col}
starting anew, starting afresh
デビュウ - debut, doing something for the first time; {col}
starting anew, starting afresh
デフォルメ - distortion (often used for caricature in manga,
etc.), deformation
デフレ - {abbr} deflation
デブ - {col} fat, chubby; {n} {col} fatso, fatty, fat person
デベロッパー - developer
デボン紀/デボンき - Devonian period
デポジット - deposit
デマ - {abbr} false rumor (rumour), groundless rumor,
デマンド - demand
デミ - demi—
デメリット - disadvantage, drawback, demerit, bad point,
デモクラシー - democracy
デモクラット - democrat
デモ隊/デモたい - demonstrators
デューティーフリー - duty-free
デュエット - duet
デュオ - duo
デュポン - Du Pont de Nemours
デライブド - derived
デラックス - deluxe
デリート - delete
デリカ - {abbr} delicatessen
デリケート - sensitive (person, heart, etc.); delicate (issue,
problem, etc.), sensitive; fragile, delicate, sensitive (e.g.
skin); delicate (fabric, shade, flavour, etc.), subtle
Δ/デルタ - delta
デレゲーション - delegation
デンバー - Denver
トー - toe; toe (of a golf club)
トーキ - talkie (motion picture with sound); prerecorded
トーキー - talkie (motion picture with sound); prerecorded
トーク - talk (esp. by a talk-show host, or by a stage
musician to the audience between songs), banter, chat;
{abbr} talk show; toque
トークショー - talk show
トースター - toaster
トースト - {food} toast
トータル - total
トーチ - torch
トーナメント - tournament; knockout tournament (esp.
single-elimination), elimination tournament
トーラス - Taurus; torus
トール - toll
トイレット - toilet
トイレットペーパー - toilet paper
トゥギャザー - together
トゥルー - true
トウ - toe
トス - {sports} toss (of a ball), tossing; (coin) toss
トタン - corrugated iron, corrugated sheet metal, galvanised
sheet iron
トッパー - topper
トップクラス - top-class
トップスター - top star (esp. male lead role in the all-female
Takarazuka musical theater troupe), major celebrity
トップニュース - top news, front-page news, lead story
トップバッター - {baseb} leadoff batter, first batter; first
person appearing (witness, performer, etc.)
トップレス - topless; {n} monokini (topless swimsuit)
トトカルチョ - football pool
トニータイ - tony tie
トピック - topic
トマホーク - tomahawk
トミーガン - tommy gun
トライ - try, attempt; {sports} try (rugby)
トライアスロン - {sports} triathlon
トライアル - trial
トライアングル - triangle (musical instrument); triangle
トラクタ - tractor
トラクター - tractor
トラスト - trust
トラッド - {abbr} traditional (esp. fashion), trad; {n}
{music} {abbr} traditional jazz, trad jazz, Dixieland jazz
トラップ - trap
トラバーユ - job change, change of occupation; work, labour,
トラフ - trough
トラフィック - traffic
トラベラーズチェック - traveler’s check
トラベラーチェック - traveller’s cheque, traveler’s check
トラベル - travel
トランキライザー - tranquilizer, tranquiliser
トランク - trunk, suitcase
トランクス - trunks (swimming, boxing, etc.); trunks
(underwear), boxers, boxer shorts
トランシーバ - transceiver
トランシーバー - transceiver
トランジスタ - electrical transistor
トランジット - transit
トランス - {elec} transformer
トランスポンダー - transponder
トランペット - trumpet
トリートメント - treatment (esp. hair treatment)
トリウム - thorium (Th)
トリオ - trio
トリガ - trigger
トリガー - trigger
トリクロロエチレン - trichloroethylene
トリック - trick
トリップ - trip, excursion; (drug) trip; {comp} {abbr}
トリニトロトルエン - trinitrotoluene, TNT
トリビューン - tribune
トリプル - triple
トリュフ - truffle
トルーパー - trooper
トルエン - toluene, toluol
トルク - {physics} torque
トレー - tray
トレース - trace
トレード - trade
トレードマーク - trademark
トレーラ - trailer (vehicle); semi-trailer truck; trailer (for a
film, video game, etc.)
トレーラー - trailer (vehicle); semi-trailer truck; trailer (for a
film, video game, etc.)
トレイナー - trainer (someone who works with sports
athletes); sweatshirt
トレッカー - trekker
トレンチコート - trench coat
トレンディー - trendy
トレンド - trend
トロール - trawl; troll
トロイ - troy, weight system used for gold, silver, etc.
トロイカ - troika
トロフィー - trophy
TRON/トロン - {comp} TRON, The Realtime Operating
System Nucleus
トロント - Toronto
トロンボーン - trombone
トワイライト - twilight
ト長調/トちょうちょう - {music} G major
ドーク - {obs} moderates (politics), centrists
ドーナツ - doughnut, donut
ドーピング - doping
ドーマーウインドー - dormer window
ドーム - dome
ドールキュー - dole queue
独逸/ドイツ - Germany
ドイツ語/ドイツご - German (language)
ドゥーイットユアセルフ - do-it-yourself
ドキュメンタリ - documentary
ドキュメンタリー - documentary
ドキュメント - document; reportage, documentary;
ドクター - doctor
ドクトリン - doctrine
ドクトル - doctor
ドッキング - docking
ドック - dock; {abbr} thorough physical examination
ドッグファイト - dogfight (aircraft), dog fight
ドッジボール - dodgeball
ドット - dot, point; polka dots; {comp} dot, pixel
ドナー - donor (blood, organ, etc.)
ドミノ - domino (game), dominoes; {abbr} domino effect
ドライバ - driver (of a vehicle); {abbr} screwdriver; {golf}
driver (club); {comp} driver, device driver
ドライフラワー - dried flowers, dried flower
ドライヤー - dryer (esp. hair), drier, blower
ドラゴン - dragon (as depicted in Western myths)
ドラスチック - drastic
ドラッグ - drug, medicine; (illegal) drug, narcotics
ドラフト - {sports} draft (esp. in baseball); draft, rough
copy, rough sketch; draught (beer), draft; draft (air current),
ドラマー - drummer
ドラマチック - dramatic
ドラマティック - dramatic
ドラム - drum
ドラム缶/ドラムかん - drum (e.g. oil, gasoline), metal barrel
ドラ息子/ドラむすこ - lazy son, profligate son
ドリーム - dream
ドリアン - durian (fruit); Dorian (mode, column)
ドリブル - {sports} dribble (of a ball or puck), dribbling
ドリンク - drink
ドル - dollar; money, cash
ドルフィンキック - {sports} dolphin kick (swimming)
ドル買い/ドルかい - dollar purchase
ドレッシング - {food} dressing; dressing, putting on clothes
ドロー - draw
ドローイング - drawing
ドロップ - drop
ナーサリー - nursery
ナース - nurse
ナーバス - nervous
ナイーブ - innocent, sensitive, uncomplicated, unpretentious,
ナイアガラ - Niagara
ナイキハーキュリーズ - Nike Hercules (missile)
ナイジェリア - Nigeria
ナイス - nice, good, well-executed
ナイチンゲール - nightingale (Luscinia megarhynchos);
{person} Nightingale, Florence (1820-1910)
ナイト - knight
ナイトクラブ - nightclub
尼羅/ナイル - Nile (river)
ナイン - nine; {baseb} team, players on a team
ナウ - trendy, in, now; {suf} {net-sl} currently at …, now
doing …, in the middle of …
ナショナリズム - nationalism
ナショナル - national
ナショナルチェーン - national chain
ナショナルリーグ - {baseb} National League
ナチ - Nazi, Nationalsozialist
ナチス - Nazi, Nationalsozialist, Nazi Party
ナチズム - Nazism, national socialism
ナチュラリスト - naturalist
ナチュラル - natural; {n} {music} natural (sign)
ナックル - knuckle; {baseb} knuckleball
ナッシング - nothing
ナット - nut (as in nut and bolt); (edible) nut; nat, natural
unit of information
ナップザック - knapsack, rucksack, backpack
ナトリウム - sodium (Na)
ナノ - nano-, 10^-9
ナビゲーター - navigator; host (of a TV show, etc.), hostess,
ナフサ - naphtha
ナポリ - Naples (ita: Napoli)
ナポレオン - {person} Napoleon; {cards} napoleon
(Japanese trick-taking game)
ナミビア - Namibia
ナレーション - narration
ナレーター - narrator
ナローキャスティング - narrowcasting
ナンバープレート - licence plate
ナンバーワン - number one
ナンプラー - (Thai) fish sauce
ニー - knee
ニーズ - needs, demands, requests
ニアミス - near miss; {col} just missing (each other)
尼加拉瓦/ニカラグア - Nicaragua
ニカラグワ - Nicaragua
ニコチン - nicotine
ニコニコ - {on-mim} with a friendly grin, smilingly
ニコラス - Nicholas
ニセ物/ニセもの - spurious article, forgery, counterfeit,
imitation, sham
ニッカーズ - knickers
ニック - nick; {comp} NIC
ニックネーム - nickname
ニッケル - nickel (Ni)
ニット - knit, knitted fabric, knitted garments
ニヒル - nihilistic
ニヤニヤ - {on-mim} grinning, smirking
ニューウェーブ - new wave
ニューウェーヴ - new wave
ニューサウスウェールズ - New South Wales
ニュージャージー - New Jersey
ニュースソース - news source
ニュースレター - newsletter
ニューズ - news
ニューズウィーク - Newsweek
ニュータウン - new town (esp. planned satellite towns of
Osaka Prefecture), new housing development
ニュートラ - {abbr} new traditional
ニュートン - newton (N) (SI unit of force); Newton (Sir Isaac)
ニューハンプシャー - New Hampshire
ニューフェース - new face
ニューメキシコ - New Mexico
ニューメディア - new media
紐育/ニューヨーク - New York
ニューリーダー - new leader
ニューロ - neuro—
ニューロン - neuron
ヌーディー - nudie
ヌード - nude
ヌードル - {food} noodle, noodles
ヌーベル - mid-length novel; {adj-f} new
ヌーボー - modern, up-to-date; {n} {abbr} art nouveau; {n}
{abbr} Beaujolais nouveau (wine); {adj-t} {adv-to} {onmim} vague, fuzzy, elusive, slippery, mysterious
ネービー - navy; {abbr} navy blue
ネーミング - naming (esp. of a commercial product or
company), branding
ネーム - name; {abbr} nameplate; caption; {manga}
storyboard, rough draft
ネアンデルタール - Neanderthal
ネイキッド - naked
ネオ - neo
ネオナチ - neo-Nazi
ネオン - neon (Ne)
ネガティブ - negative (e.g. thinking); {n} {photo} negative;
{n} negative (electrical polarity)
ネグリジェ - negligee
ネス - -ness
ネスト - nest, hive, rookery; hideout, refuge, retreat; {comp}
nesting (software, data structures)
ネッカチーフ - neckerchief
ネック - neck; {abbr} bottleneck, obstruction; {abbr}
ネッスル - (Societe des produits) Nestle
ネット - net
ネットプレー - {sports} net play (tennis, etc.), playing close
to the net
ネットワーク - network
ネブラスカ - Nebraska
ネルソン - {sports} nelson (wrestling hold)
ノーカット - uncut (movie)
ノーコメント - no comment
ノーサイド - {sports} no side (rugby), full time, end of game;
{rare} post-fight mutual praise, reconciling
ノース - north; Norse
ノースカロライナ - North Carolina
ノータッチ - without touching, no touching; not participating
in, not being concerned by, without being involved in
ノーヒットノーランゲーム - {baseb} no-hit no-run game
ノーブル - noble
ノーベル - Nobel
ノーマーク - not covered (e.g. of a sports opponent),
unobserved, under the radar; unmarked (e.g. of a product),
ノーマライズ - normalize, normalise
ノーマル - normal
ノーランストッキング - no-run stockings
NOR/ノア - {logic} NOR (Boolean operator)
ノイズ - noise
ノイマン - Neumann
ノウハウ - know-how, expertise, the ropes, the knack
ノエル - Christmas
ノスタルジー - nostalgia
ノスタルジア - nostalgia
ノスタルジック - nostalgic
ノズル - nozzle
ノッカー - knocker
ノックダウン - knockdown
ノッブ - knob; {abbr} doorknob
ノブ - knob; {abbr} doorknob
ノミネート - nomination
ノルディック - Nordic
ノルマンディー - Normandy
ノン - non—
ノンストップ - nonstop
ノンセンス - nonsense
ノンバンク - nonbank banking
ノンフィクション - nonfiction
ハート - heart; {cards} hearts (suit)
ハード - hard, tough; {n} {comp} {abbr} hardware; {n}
{comp} {abbr} hard disk
ハードウェア - {comp} hardware (esp. computer)
ハードウエア - {comp} hardware (esp. computer)
ハードカバー - hardcover, hardback
ハードディスク - {comp} hard disk
ハードトップ - hardtop
ハードボイルド - hard-boiled (person, style, etc.), tough; {n}
hard-boiled fiction
ハードル - hurdle; {sports} {abbr} hurdle race, hurdles;
hurdle, obstacle
ハードロック - {music} hard rock
ハーバー - harbor, harbour
ハーフ - half; biracial person (esp. half-Japanese), person of
mixed parentage
ハーフタイム - {sports} half time, halftime
ハーブ - herb
ハープ - harp; harmonica
ハーモニー - harmony
ハーモニカ - harmonica, mouth organ; {sl} {vulg}
cunnilingus; {sl} hypodermic syringe
ハーラーダービー - {baseb} race to be the pitcher with the
most wins in the season
ハーレム - harem
ハイ - high (spirits), euphoric, intoxicated; {adj-f} high
ハイウェー - highway
ハイウェイ - highway
ハイウエー - highway
ハイウエイ - highway
ハイカー - hiker
ハイク - hike
ハイジャック - hijack, highjack
ハイスクール - high school
ハイツ - heights
ハイティーン - late teens
ハイテク - high-tech
ハイドン - Haydn
ハイパー - hyper
ハイビジョン - high-definition television, HDTV
ハイビスカス - hibiscus
ハイファイ - hi-fi
ハイフィ - hi-fi
ハイブリッド - hybrid
ハイペース - quick pace
ハイム - home
ハイヤー - hired car with driver, chauffeur-driven vehicle for
ハイライト - highlight
ハイランド - highland
ハイレグ - high-leg leotard
ハイレベル - high-level
ハウ - how
ハウジング - housing (i.e. accommodation); housing
(equipment, etc.), cabinet; hosting (e.g. computer services)
ハウス - house; {abbr} plastic greenhouse; {abbr} house
music; {int} go to your kennel (cage, bed, etc.)!
ハウツー - how-to (guide)
ハスキー - husky, huskie
ハッカー - {comp} hacker
ハッスル - hustle, working hard, doing with enthusiasm,
showing eagerness, being full of vigour
ハッチ - hatch
ハット - hat; hut
ハッピー - happy
ハッピーエンド - happy ending
ハネムーン - honeymoon
ハプニング - (unexpected) incident, unforeseen event,
surprising occurrence; happening (performance)
ハミルトン - Hamilton
ハム - {food} ham (cured pig meat); ham (amateur radio
ハムスター - hamster
ハラショー - good, wonderful, splendid; understood, got it,
OK, all right
ハラハラ - {on-mim} to feel anxious, to feel nervous, to be
kept in suspense, to feel excited, to feel thrilled; {adv}
{adv-to} {on-mim} fluttering down, trickling down (e.g.
tears); {adv} {adv-to} {on-mim} hanging untidily (of hair),
straggling ハリケーン - hurricane
ハリケイン - hurricane
ハレー - Halley
ハレム - harem
ハロー - halo; hello, hallo, hullo; harrow
ハロウィーン - Halloween
ハロゲン - halogen
ハロップ - Harrop
ハロン - halon
布哇/ハワイ - Hawaii, Hawai’i
ハワイアンギター - Hawaiian guitar
ハング - hang
ハングリー - hungry (e.g. for success)
ハングル - hangul (Korean script)
ハンケチ - {abbr} handkerchief
ハンスト - {abbr} hunger strike
ハンセン病/ハンセンびょう - Hansen’s disease, leprosy
ハンター - hunter
ハンチング - hunting; oscillatory behavior of a nonconverging feedback loop (behaviour); {abbr} hunting cap
ハンティング - hunting
ハンデ - {abbr} handicap
ハンディ - handy; {abbr} handicap
ハンディー - compact, portable, easy-to-use, handy
ハンディキャップ - handicap
ハンド - hand; {sports} {abbr} handball (soccer foul)
ハンドブック - handbook
ハンドボール - handball
ハンドメード - handmade
ハンバーグ - hamburger (meat, no bun)
ハンマー - hammer
バーガー - {food} burger
バークリウム - berkelium (Bk)
バークレー - Berkeley
バーゲン - bargain
バーゲンセール - bargain sale
バーコード - bar code; {sl} {abbr} comb over (on a balding
man), combover
バージニア - Virginia
バージョン - version
バージン - virgin
バース - berth
バースデー - birthday
バースディ - birthday
バースデイ - birthday
バースト - burst (tire, pipe, etc.), rupture, blowout; burst
(radiation, signal, etc.)
バーター - barter
バーチャル - virtual
バーテン - {abbr} bartender
バーディー - {golf} birdie
バードコール - birdcall
バーナー - burner
バーバー - barber, barbershop, barber shop
バーベル - barbell
バーボン - bourbon
バーミンガム - Birmingham
バール - bar; {abbr} crowbar
バーレスク - burlesque
バーレル - barrel
バーンアウトシンドローム - burn-out syndrome
バイアスロン - biathlon
バイオ - bio-; {n} {abbr} biotechnology; {n} {pref} VAIO
(Sony brand-name)
バイオテクノロジー - biotechnology
バイオリニスト - violinist
バイタリティー - vitality
バイパス - bypass
バイブル - Bible; bible (authoritative book in a particular
バイヤー - buyer
バイリンガル - bilingual
バウサイド - bow side
バウムクーヘン - {food} baumkuchen (German spit cake)
バウンド - bounce, bound
バカンス - holidays, vacation
バガボンド - vagabond
バギー - all-terrain vehicle, quad bike; dune buggy, beach
buggy; buggy, stroller, pushchair
バクテリア - bacteria, bacillus, germ
巴格達/バグダッド - Baghdad (Iraq)
バザー - bazaar, bazar
バザール - bazaar, bazar
バスク - Basque; bask
バスケット - basket; {abbr} basketball; basket cloth
バスケットボール - basketball
バスター - {baseb} fake bunt, slash bunt
バスト - bust (measurement); breasts, bosom; bust
(sculpture), half-length portrait
バスルーム - bathroom
バタバタ - flapping, rattling (sound)
バタフライ - {sports} butterfly (swimming stroke); Gstring,
バタン - {on-mim} bang, slam, thud, crash
バッカス - Bacchus (Roman god)
バックアップ - {comp} backup
バックグラウンド - background
バックス - {sports} backs; bucks
バックスクリーン - {baseb} batter’s eye screen, centerfield
バックネット - {baseb} backstop, back screen
バックハンド - {sports} backhand
バックボーン - (emotional) backbone, support; {comp}
backbone (of a network)
バックミラー - rearview mirror
バッター - {baseb} batter; {food} batter
バッティング - {sports} batting (baseball, cricket, etc.)
バッテン - cross mark, demerit mark, an X
バットマン - batman
バッドマーク - bad mark
バッハ - {person} Bach (German composer, 1685-1750)
バッフェイ - buffet , self-service meal
バディ - body; {sports} {abbr} body blow (in boxing)
バディー - buddy, partner
バトン - baton (relay, orchestral conducting, etc.)
バトンタッチ - {sports} passing the baton (in a relay race),
baton pass, baton handoff; {id} passing the baton, handing
over (a job, responsibility over something, etc.)
バドミントン - badminton
バナナ - banana
バニラ - vanilla
バファリン - {tradem} Bufferin (brand of buffered aspirin)
バフェ - buffet
バブル - bubble; {abbr} bubble economy
バプテスト - Baptist, baptist
バベルの塔/バベルのとう - Tower of Babel
バムバム - bawm bawm (phenomenon) (name of Japanese
pop song)
バラ - rose
バラード - ballade (narrative poetry, musical composition);
ballad (popular song)
バラエティー - variety; {abbr} variety show
バラック - shack, shanty, hut, temporary shelter; barracks
バラバラ - {on-mim} scattered, disperse, loose,
disconnected, in pieces, in drops, rustling
バランスシート - balance sheet
バリア - barrier, protective wall, bulwark; obstacle,
hindrance; {chn} imaginary shield that gives one
invincibility or immunity
バリアー - barrier, protective wall, bulwark; obstacle,
hindrance; {chn} imaginary shield that gives one
invincibility or immunity
バリウム - barium (Ba); barium sulfate suspension
バリエーション - variation
バリカン - barber’s clippers
バリケード - barricade
バリケイド - barricade
バリトン - {music} baritone
バルーン - balloon
バルカンラバー - vulcanized rubber, vulcanised rubber
バルコニー - balcony
バルセロナ - {place} Barcelona (Spain)
バルト - Baltic
バルブ - valve
バレー - {abbr} volleyball
バレーボール - volleyball
バレエ - ballet
バレリーナ - ballerina
バレル - barrel
バレンタイン - (Saint) Valentine
バロック - baroque
バロメータ - barometer (instrument); measure (e.g. of one’s
health), indicator, index, barometer
バロメーター - barometer (instrument); measure (e.g. of
one’s health), indicator, index, barometer
バンカー - banker; bunker
バンク - bank
晩香波/バンクーバー - Vancouver
バンコク - Bangkok (Thailand)
バンス - {abbr} advance
バンタム級/バンタムきゅう - bantam-weight (boxer)
バント - bunt
バンパー - bumper
バンパイア - vampire
パー - par, common score for some activity (e.g. strokes for a
hole in golf); paper (in rock-paper-scissors game); apiece,
each; price-earnings ratio; {abbr} percent
パーカー - hooded sweatshirt, hoodie, hoody; hooded jacket,
parka, anorak
パーカッション - percussion
パーキング - parking
パーク - park (public, amusement, etc.); parking
パース - {abbr} (architectural) perspective drawing,
perspective view; {abbr} perspective
パーセプトロン - perceptron
パーソナリティ - personality, individuality; TV personality,
パーソナリティー - personality, individuality; TV personality,
パーソナル - personal
パーツ - parts (as in computer parts)
パートタイマー - part-timer
パートタイム - part time (esp. female part time employees)
パートナー - (dance) partner; (work) partner; partner, spouse
パーフェクト - perfect; {n} {baseb} {abbr} perfect game
パーフォーマンス - performance (e.g. music, dance, drama);
something done (just) for show, theatre, theater, showy
action, (empty) gesture, playing to the gallery; performance
(of a computer, car, investment, etc.) パープル - purple
パープレー - {golf} scoring even-par for the entire round
パーマ - {abbr} perm (hairstyle), permanent wave
パームボール - palm ball
パーラー - parlor, parlour
パール - pearl; {comp} Perl; purl (knitting stitch)
パーレン - parentheses, round brackets
パイ - pie, pi
パイオニア - pioneer
パイナップル - pineapple (Ananas comosus)
パインジュース - pineapple juice
パウダー - powder
巴基斯担/パキスタン - Pakistan
パゴダ - pagoda
パサパサ - {on-mim} state of being dried out
パシフィック - Pacific
パシフィックリーグ - Pacific League (Japanese baseball
パスカル - pascal (unit of pressure); {comp} PASCAL
(language); Pascal (Blaise)
パスタ - pasta
パステル - pastel
パスワード - password
パズル - puzzle
パセリ - parsley (Petroselinum crispum)
パソコン - {abbr} personal computer, PC
パター - putter
パタン - {on-mim} with a snap, with a bang, with a plonk,
with a click; {on-mim} suddenly, all of a sudden
パチパチ - {on-mim} crackling, cracking, snapping, popping,
clicking; {on-mim} clapping; {on-mim} incessantly
パッカード - (Hewlett) Packard
パッキン - packing; non-metallic seal, washer, gasket
パッキング - packing; non-metallic seal, washer, gasket
パック - pack, packet, carton; {vs} {vt} to pack, to package,
to wrap; (cosmetic) face pack, face mask, facial mask,
facial; package (tour, holiday, etc.)
パッケージ - package
パッション - passion, ardor, enthusiasm; {Christn} The
パッシング - headlight flashing (as a signal to another
driver), high beaming; {sports} passing shot (in tennis);
パッチワーク - patchwork
パッティング - patting; putting
パット - {sports} putt
パッド - pad, padding
パテ - putty, filler
パティオ - patio
パトリオティズム - patriotism
パトロール - patrol
パトロウル - patrol
パトロン - patron (of the arts, an artist, etc.), patroness,
financial supporter; sugar daddy, man who provides for a
woman (e.g. a geisha); patron, master, manager, boss
パドック - paddock
パドル - paddle
巴奈馬/パナマ - Panama
パナラマ - panorama
パニック - panic
パネラー - panellist (panelist)
パネリスト - panelist
パネル - panel
パノラマ - panorama; panoramic painting
パパイア - papaya (Carica papaya), pawpaw
パパイヤ - papaya (Carica papaya), pawpaw
パビリオン - pavilion
パフォーマンス - performance (e.g. music, dance, drama);
something done (just) for show, theatre, theater, showy
action, (empty) gesture, playing to the gallery; performance
(of a computer, car, investment, etc.) パブ - pub
パブリシティー - publicity
パブリック - public
パブロフ - Pavlov
パラグライダー - paraglider
パラシュート - parachute
パラソル - parasol (esp. one that is secured to the ground),
sunshade, (beach) umbrella
パラダイス - paradise
パラダイム - paradigm
パラドックス - paradox
パラパラ - {on-mim} sprinkling (of rain, salt, etc.), pattering;
{on-mim} flipping (through a book, etc.), riffling; {adj-no}
{adj-na} {adv} {adv-to} {on-mim} sparse, scattered,
sporadic; {adj-no} {adj-na} {adv} {adv-to} {on-mim}
crumbly (e.g. tofu, cheese), loose, non-sticky (e.g. rice) パラ
ボラ - parabola (antenna, microphone reflector, etc.),
(satellite) dish; parabola (planar curve)
パラボラアンテナ - parabolic antenna
パラリンピック - Paralympics
巴里/パリ - Paris (France)
パリーグ - {abbr} Pacific League (Japanese baseball league)
パルコ - park
パルサー - {astron} pulsar
パルス - pulse
パルチザン - partisan
パルプ - pulp
パレード - parade
パレス - palace
パレスタイン - Palestine
パレスチナ - Palestine
パレスティナ - Palestine
パレット - palette; pallet
パロディ - parody
パロディー - parody
パワー - power
パワーアップ - powering up
パワーステアリング - power steering
パワフル - powerful
パンアメリカニズム - Pan-Americanism
パンジー - pansy (Viola tricolor var. hortensis), garden pansy
パンタグラフ - pantograph
パンダ - panda
パンチ - punch (with the fist); punching (a hole), hole punch;
punch (drink); punch (in a song, speech, etc.), impact
パンチパーマ - curly men’s hairstyle, usu. associated with
yakuza or delinquents
パンティ - panties, panty, briefs
パンティー - panties
パント - {abbr} punt kick (rugby)
パントマイム - mime, dumb show, silent drama, pantomime
パンパス - (the) Pampas
パンフ - {abbr} pamphlet
パンプス - pumps, court shoe
パン屋/パンや - bakery, baker
パン粉/パンこ - breadcrumbs, panko; bread flour
ヒータ - heater
ヒーター - heater
ヒート - heat
ヒール - heel (of a shoe); heel (in pro wrestling), bad guy,
player of villain roles
ヒーロー - hero
ヒア - hear; here
ヒアリング - listening (esp. in foreign language education),
listening comprehension; interview (with a client, etc.),
survey; (public) hearing
ヒエラグリフ - hieroglyph, hieroglyphic
ヒステリー - hysteria
ヒステリック - hysterical, hysteric
ヒッチハイク - hitch-hike, hitchhiking
ヒット - {baseb} hit, base hit, safe hit, single; hit, success;
{sports} hit (in boxing), blow; {comp} hit (i.e. a successful
match in a search)
ヒッピー - hippy, hippie
ヒップ - hips, buttocks, backside; {adj-na} hip, trendy, cool,
with it
ヒマラヤ - Himalayas
ヒヤリング - listening (esp. in foreign language education),
listening comprehension; interview (with a client, etc.),
survey; (public) hearing
ヒューストン - Houston
ヒューズ - fuse
ヒューマニズム - humanism
ヒューマン - human
ヒレ - fillet, tenderloin
ヒロイズム - heroism
ヒロイン - heroine, female protagonist; heroine, heroic
woman, brave woman
ヒンジ - hinge
ヒンズー - Hindu
ヒンヂ - hinge
ビーカ - beaker
ビーカー - beaker
ビーグル - beagle
ビースト - beast
ビーズ - beads
ビーチ - beach
ビート - beet; beat
ビーナス - Venus (Roman goddess); {astron} Venus (planet)
ビーバ - beaver; viva
ビーバー - beaver; viva
ビーフ - beef
ビーム - beam
ビー玉/ビーだま - marble, glass marble
ビアガーデン - beer garden
ビエンナーレ - biennale (biennial art exhibition)
ビオラ - viola
ビキニ - bikini (swimwear); Bikini island
ビギナー - beginner
ビクター - victor
ビクトリー - victory
ビクトリア - Victoria (Seychelles); Victoria (Australia)
ビザ - visa
ビジター - visitor
ビジネスマン - businessman
ビジネスライク - businesslike, professional
ビジュアル - visual
ビジョン - vision
ビス - screw
ビスケット - cookie, biscuit
ビスタカー - {tradem} vista car, double-decker observation
car operated by Kintetsu Railway
ビッグ - big
ビッグイベント - big event
ビッグバン - {astron} {finc} big bang
ビット - {comp} bit; bit (of a drill, screwdriver, etc.)
ビデオテープ - video tape
ビニル - vinyl, plastic
ビバ - beaver; viva
ビバーク - bivouac
ビビッド - vivid
ビフィズス - {abbr} Lactobacillus bifidus
ビヤガーデン - beer garden
ビュー - view
ビューティフル - beautiful
ビューロー - bureau
ビュッフェ - buffet, self-service meal
ビラ - holiday house , villa; handbill (from bill), poster
ビリヤード - billiards, pool, snooker, cue sports
ビルトイン - built-in
ビルボード - billboard
ビレッジ - village
ビンゴ - bingo
ピーアール - PR, public relations
ピーク - peak; peek
ピース - peace; {abbr} peace sign, V sign
ピーターパンシンドローム - Peter Pan syndrome
ピーチ - peach
ピーナッツ - peanut
ピーナツ - peanut
ピーピングトム - Peeping Tom
ピープル - people
ピープルズキャピタリズム - people’s capitalism
ピーマン - bell pepper
ピアジェ - Piaget
ピアス - earrings (for pierced ears); ear piercing, body
ピアニスト - pianist
ピエロ - clown
ピクチャー - picture
ピケ - pique; {abbr} picket
ピコ - pico-, 10^-12
ピサ - Pisa
ピザ - pizza
ピストン - piston, plunger
ピッキング - order picking (taking goods from a warehouse to
fulfil customer orders); lock picking; picking (a guitar, banjo,
ピック - pick, plectrum; {abbr} ice pick; pickaxe; pick (of an
ice axe); pick (tool for picking a lock), lock pick
ピックアップサービス - pickup service
ピッチ - pace, rate, speed; pitch (i.e. angle, space, field,
sound, etc.); pitch (from distilling petroleum, tar, etc.); pitch
(football, rugby), playing field; {col} {abbr} PHS portable
ピッチャー - {baseb} pitcher; pitcher (container), jug
ピッチング - {baseb} pitching; vertical shaking (of an
ピッツァ - pizza; {derog} {net-sl} fat, ugly person
ピッツア - pizza; {derog} {net-sl} fat, ugly person
ピット - pit
ピュア - pure
ピラニア - piranha
ピラフ - {food} pilaf
ピラミッド - pyramid
ピリ - {sports} {abbr} period (interval of a game)
ピリオド - period (esp. in European languages), full stop;
period (of time), era; {sports} period (interval of a game)
ピル - pill; {col} birth-control pill, oral contraceptive, the pill
ピンセット - tweezers, forceps
ピンチ - pinch, tough spot, bind, crisis, predicament;
clothespin, clothes peg
ピンチヒッター - {baseb} pinch hitter
ピント - focus (of a lens), focal point; point (of a discussion,
e.g. on-point, off-point)
ピンポーン - {on-mim} ding-dong (of a doorbell, intercom,
etc.); {n} {vs} {vi} {col} {on-mim} doorbell, intercom,
ringing the doorbell, pressing the intercom button; {int}
{col} {on-mim} ding ding ding!, correct!, right answer!
ピンポイント - pinpoint
ピンポン - ping-pong
ピン撥ね/ピンはね - taking a cut (of someone else’s money),
taking a rake-off, pocketing a kickback, skimming (a
percentage of the profits, proceeds, etc.)
フーガ - {music} fugue
フーズヒー - {rare} personality story, critique of a
フード - hood
ファー - fur
ファースト - first; {n} {baseb} first base, first baseman; fast
ファーストネーム - first name
ファーストフード - fast-food
ファーム - farm; firm
ファイア - fire
ファイアーウオール - {comp} firewall
ファイアウォール - {comp} firewall
ファイター - fighter
ファイティングスピリット - fighting spirit
ファイナル - final
ファイナルセット - final set
ファイナンス - finance
ファイバ - fiber, fibre
ファイバー - fiber, fibre
ファイブスター - five-star
ファイリングシステム - filing system
ファインダ - {photo} viewfinder, finder
ファインダー - {photo} viewfinder, finder
ファインプレー - {sports} fine play
ファウル - {sports} foul
ファウンデーション - foundation (makeup); foundation
garment; foundation (organization); {art} underpainting (in
oil painting)
ファクシミリ - facsimile; fax, fax machine
ファクス - fax, facsimile
ファクター - factor
ファクトリ - factory
ファクトリー - factory
ファシスト - fascist
ファシズム - fascism
ファシリティ - facility
ファシリティー - facility
ファシリテイ - facility
ファジー - fuzzy
ファストフード - fast food
ファック - {vulg} {col} fuck
ファックス - fax
ファッショ - fascism, fascist; National Fascist Party (Italy,
ファッショナブル - fashionable
ファッション - fashion
ファッションショー - fashion show
ファミコン - {comp} video game system (from family
computer - Nintendo tradename)
ファミリ - family
ファミリー - family
ファミリア - familiar
ファラウェイ - far away
ファルス - farce (e.g. theatrical); phallus; {food} farce,
stuffed food
ファンキー - funky
ファンク - funk
ファンクラブ - fan club
ファンタジー - fantasy
ファンタスティック - fantastic
ファンダメンタルズ - fundamentals
ファンデーション - foundation (makeup); foundation garment;
foundation (organization); {art} underpainting (in oil
ファントム - phantom
ファンド - fund
ファンファール - fanfare, flourish of trumpets
フィーダ - feeder
フィート - feet, foot
フィードバック - feedback (on a product, person’s
performance, etc.); feedback (in an electronic circuit,
biological system, etc.)
フィーバー - fever (state of excitement)
フィーリング - feeling
フィールド - field
フィールドワーク - fieldwork
フィアンセ - fiance, fiancee
フィギュア - figure, form, shape; figurine, model figure;
{sports} {abbr} figure skating
フィクサー - fixer
フィクション - fiction
フィスカルポリシー - fiscal policy
フィッシュ - fish
フィッティング - fitting (of clothing); fitting, installation;
{math} fitting (e.g. graph)
フィット - fit
フィットネス - fitness
フィナカップ - Fédération Internationale de Natation Amateur
cup, FINA cup
フィニッシュ - finish
フィフティーフィフティー - fifty-fifty
フィヨルド - fjord
フィラデルフィア - Philadelphia
フィリップス - Philips
フィル - {abbr} philharmonic
フィルター - filter (esp. camera)
フィルダースチョイス - {baseb} fielder’s choice
フィルハーモニー - philharmonic
フィン - (diving) fin, swim fin, flipper; fin (on a surfboard,
aircraft, etc.)
芬蘭/フィンランド - Finland
フイルム - film
フェース - face; faith, belief
フェア - fair; {n} fare; {n} fear
フェアー - fair; {n} fare; {n} fear
フェアウェー - fairway
フェアウェイ - fairway
フェアプレー - fair play
フェイク - fake
フェイス - face
フェイント - feint
フェスティバル - festival (esp. music, film, etc.)
フェスティヴァ - festival
フェデレーション - federation
フェニックス - phoenix (bird of Egyptian mythology); phoenix
(any palm tree of genus Phoenix, incl. the date palm)
フェミニスト - feminist; man who indulges women,
フェミニズム - feminism
フェラーリ - Ferrari
フェラチオ - fellatio, blow job
フェリー - ferry
フェリーボート - ferryboat
フェルウル - ferrule
フェルト - felt
フェレット - ferret (Mustela furo)
フェローシップ - fellowship
フェロモン - pheromone
フェンシング - fencing
フェンス - fence
フォーカス - focus; forecast
フォークソング - folk song, folk music
フォークボール - {baseb} forkball
フォース - force; the Force (in Star Wars)
フォーチュン - fortune
フォートラン - {comp} Fortran (programming language)
フォード - ford; Ford (car)
フォーマット - format, form; {comp} (data) format; {comp}
formatting (a disk), format
フォーマル - formal
フォーミュラカー - formula car
フォーメーション - formation
フォーラム - forum
フォール - fall (esp. in wrestling)
フォールト - fault
フォア - four
フォアグラ - foie gras
フォアハンド - {sports} forehand
フォアボール - {baseb} base on balls, walk, pass
フォアマン - foreman
フォスターチャイルド - foster child
フォックストロット - foxtrot
フォト - photo
フォルクスワーゲン - Volkswagen, VW
フォルト - fault
フォロー - follow; {comp} following (on social media, esp.
Twitter); {abbr} followup, following up; backing-up, covering
for, patching things up, support; {sports} followup shot;
{abbr} tailwind, following wind フォロウ - follow; {abbr}
followup (e.g. netnews); backing-up, covering for
フォワード - {sports} forward; {comp} forwarding (email);
{finc} forwards, forward contract
フォン - phon (unit of loudness)
フッカー - {sports} hooker (rugby); hookah
フック - hook; {sports} hook (in boxing); {golf} hook
フットボール - football
フットワーク - {sports} footwork; mobility, flexibility,
フュージョン - fusion
フューチャー - future
フライ - {food} deep-fried food
フライト - flight; fright
フライドチキン - {food} fried chicken (esp. American-style)
フライドポテト - French fries, chips
フライホイール - flywheel
フライホイイル - flywheel
フライング - flying; {abbr} false start; doing something
before the arranged time, breaking a street date
フライ級/フライきゅう - fly-weight (boxer)
フラスコ - flask
フラストレーション - frustration
フラッグ - flag
フラッシュ - flash (esp. of a camera), flashlight, flashbulb;
very short scene in a film or TV show; newsflash
フラップ - {aviat} flap (of an aircraft wing); seal flap (of an
フラメンコ - flamenco
フラワーアレンジメント - flower arrangement
フランク - frank, candid; {n} {food} {col} {abbr}
frankfurter, frank
フランクフルト - Frankfurt (Germany); {abbr} frankfurter,
仏蘭西/フランス - France
フランスパン - {food} French bread (esp. baguette),
フランス語/フランスご - French (language)
フランチャイズ - franchise
フリーエージェント - free agent
フリーキック - {sports} free kick
フリースタイル - freestyle
フリーズ - freezing, turning into ice; {comp} freezing, locking
up; freezing (in one’s tracks); frieze (part of an entablature
between the architrave and the cornice)
フリーター - {abbr} (young) person subsisting on part-time
work, person whose livelihood is provided by part-time work
フリーダム - freedom; {adj-na} {adj-no} free, open,
unrestricted, unrestrained, unobstructed
フリードマン - Friedman
フリーハンド - free-hand
フリーパス - free pass
フリーマーケット - flea market; free market
フリーマケット - flea market; free market
フリーランサー - freelancer
フリーランス - freelance
フリゲート - frigate
フリッカー - flicker
フリップフロップ - {comp} flip flop, bistable (trigger) circuit
フリンジ - fringe
フル - full
フルーツ - fruit
フルート - flute
フレー - hurray, hooray, go!, you can do it!
フレーズ - phrase; strawberry
フレーバー - flavor, flavour
フレーム - frame; flame (abusive or threatening message)
フレア - flare
フレアー - flare
フレイヴァー - flavor, flavour
フレキシブル - flexible
フレスコ - {art} fresco
フレックス - {abbr} flexible-hours system, flextime,
flexitime; {golf} flex (in a golf shaft)
フレッシュ - fresh; {n} (liquid) non-dairy creamer, coffee
フレッシュマン - freshman; newly hired career-track company
フレンズ - friends
フレンチ - French; {n} {food} French food, French cuisine
フレンド - friend
フレンドリ - friendly
フロー - flow
フローズンフード - frozen food
フロート - float, raft, pontoon; float (beverage with ice cream
on top); float (finance)
フローリング - wooden flooring
フロア - floor; dance floor, show floor; sales floor; storey
フロアー - floor; dance floor, show floor; sales floor; storey
フロスト - frost
フロック - fluke, chance, unexpected event, lucky shot (e.g.
in billiards)
フロッピ - {comp} {abbr} floppy (disk); {adj-na} {rare}
フロッピー - {comp} {abbr} floppy (disk); {adj-na} {rare}
フロッピーディスク - {comp} floppy disk, flexible disk
フロッピィ - {comp} {abbr} floppy (disk); {adj-na} {rare}
フロリダ - Florida
フロン - {abbr} fluorocarbon, chlorofluorohydrocarbon, CFC
フロンガス - chlorofluorocarbon gas, CFC gas
フロンティア - frontier (esp. the American frontier); frontier
(of a field), forefront (of science, technology)
フロントガラス - windshield
フワフワ - {on-mim} lightly (floating, drifting, etc.),
buoyantly; {adj-no} {adj-na} {adv-to} {adv} {vs} {onmim} soft, fluffy, spongy; {on-mim} unsteadily, flightily,
fickly, frivolously
フンワリ - {on-mim} gently, airily, fluffily
ブーイング - booing
ブーケ - bouquet
ブース - booth
ブーメラン - boomerang; {abbr} {sl} swim briefs, Speedos
ブール - boule (round loaf of white bread); boules (game)
ブイ - buoy; lifebuoy
ブタン - butane
ブッカー - booker
ブック - book
ブックメーカー - bookmaker
ブックレット - booklet
ブッシュ - bush
ブティック - shop selling fashion clothes
ブライダル - bridal, nuptial; {n} wedding, wedding planning
ブラインド - window blind, blinds; {cards} blind
ブラウン管/ブラウンかん - cathode-ray tube, CRT, Braun tube
ブラジャー - bra, brassiere
伯剌西爾/ブラジル - Brazil
ブラスバンド - {music} brass band
ブラチスラバ - Bratislava (Slovakia)
ブラック - black (color, name); plain/nothing added
(beverage); dark, bitter (chocolate); dark, sardonic (comedy,
ブラッシー - {golf} brassie, 2-wood
ブラッドエリート - blood elite
ブラボー - bravo
ブランク - blank, blank space; gap, time spent not doing
something (e.g. working, practicing)
ブランチ - branch
ブランデ - brandy
ブランデー - brandy
ブランド - brand; {adj-no} bland
ブリージング - breathing
ブリーフ - brief
錻力/ブリキ - tin plate
ブリスベン - Brisbane
ブリタニア - Britannia
ブリッジ - bridge
ブリティッシュエアウェイズ - British Airways
ブリュッセル - Brussels (Belgium)
ブルー - blue; {adj-na} sad, down (in the dumps)
ブルーカラー - blue-collar (worker)
ブルース - {music} blues
ブルーバード - bluebird
勃牙利/ブルガリア - Bulgaria
ブルジョア - bourgeois
ブルジョワ - bourgeois
ブルセラ - {sl} used women’s clothing such as bloomers and
high-school sailor-suit uniforms (esp. as a source of sexual
ブルゾン - blouson, jacket gathered at the waist
ブルネット - brunette; woman or girl with brown skin or eyes
ブルペン - {baseb} bull pen
ブレーカ - {elec} (circuit) breaker
ブレーカー - {elec} (circuit) breaker
ブレーキを掛ける/ブレーキをかける - to put on the brakes
ブレーク - break (rest); {sports} break (tennis, boxing,
snooker, etc.); becoming popular, becoming a hit
ブレード - blade; braid
ブレーン - {abbr} brains (of an operation), advisor, brain
trust; brain (organ)
ブレイク - break (rest); {sports} break (tennis, boxing,
snooker, etc.); becoming popular, becoming a hit
ブレイド - blade; braid
ブレザー - blazer
ブレスト - breast; {abbr} breaststroke; {abbr} brainstorming
ブレスレット - bracelet
ブレッド - {food} bread
ブレンド - blend
ブロー - blow-drying; {sports} blow, punch; brow; {col}
blow, playing an instrument (esp. in jazz)
ブローカ - broker
ブローカー - broker
ブロード - {abbr} broadcloth
ブロードウェー - Broadway
ブロイラー - broiler
ブログ - blog, weblog
ブロッカー - blocker
ブロック - blocking (e.g. the way), obstructing; block (lump
of something (usu. square), area of town, etc.); {comp}
block, physical record (e.g. on magnetic tape); concrete
block; blocking (from view, esp. of websites, on social
media, etc.); {sports} blocking (a blow) ブロマイド bromide; publicity photograph of a movie star, entertainer,
ブロンズ - bronze
ブンド - bond
プータロー - {col} unemployed person, vagabond, floater,
プチ - small
プッシュ - push
プッシュホン - push-button telephone
プラーグ - Prague (Czech Republic)
プライス - price
プライド - pride, dignity, self-worth
プライバシ - privacy
プライバシー - privacy
プライバシイ - privacy
プライベート - private; {n} personal life, (one’s) privacy
プライムタイム - prime time
プライムレート - prime (lending) rate
プライヴァシー - privacy
プラウダ - Pravda
プラカード - placard
プラグ - plug, connector
プラグマティズム - pragmatism
プラザ - plaza
プラスティック - plastic
プラズマ - plasma
プラチナ - platinum (Pt)
プラットフォーム - platform
プラネタリウム - planetarium
プラハ - Prague (Czech Republic)
プラモ - {abbr} plastic model
プラモデル - {abbr} plastic model
プランクトン - plankton
プランター - planter, a large flower pot/box
プランタン - springtime, spring
プラント - plant (i.e. equipment, machinery, etc.); plant,
プランナー - planner; game designer
プランニング - planning
プリ - pre—
プリーツ - pleat, pleats, plait, plaits
プリズム - prism
プリティ - pretty
プリン - {food} pudding (esp. custard); {col} {joc} black
hair dyed blond but where the roots have again turned black
プリンス - prince
プリンセス - princess
プリンタ - printer
プリンター - printer
プリンタン - springtime, spring
プルークボーゲン - snowplow turn, snowplough turn, doublestem turn
プルトニウム - plutonium (Pu)
プレー - play; pray; prey
プレーオフ - {sports} playoff, playoff
プレーガール - playgirl
プレート - plate (e.g. nameplate, license plate); plate (dish);
{geol} (tectonic) plate; {baseb} (home) plate, pitcher’s
mound; {photo} plate; {print} plate; {electr} plate (of a
vacuum tube), anode
プレーボーイ - playboy
プレーボール - play ball!; {n} {sports} starting a match (of
baseball, tennis, etc.)
プレーヤ - player
プレーヤー - player
プレーン - plain; {n} plane
プレイ - play, recreation; play (theatre); performance,
staging; praying; {abbr} play ball, starting a match
プレイガール - playgirl
プレイボーイ - playboy
プレイヤ - player
プレイヤー - player
プレイン - plain; {n} plane
プレジデント - president
プレス - pressing, stamping, printing; press (machine); the
press, news media; military press (weight lifting)
プレスクラブ - press club
プレスセンター - press center, press centre
プレスリリース - press release
プレゼンテーション - presentation
プレッシャー - pressure
プレトリア - Pretoria (South Africa)
プレハブ - prefab, prefabrication, prefabricated building
プレミアム - premium; {adj-f} premium, high-class, deluxe,
luxurious, superior
プレリュード - prelude
プログラマー - {comp} programmer
プロジェクタ - projector
プロジェクター - projector
プロスィーディング - proceeding
プロセス - process
プロセッサ - {comp} processor
プロセッサー - {comp} processor
プロダクション - production
プロダクト - product
プロップジェット - propjet
プロテスタント - protestant
プロデューサ - producer (film, TV, etc.)
プロデューサー - producer (film, TV, etc.)
プロデュース - to produce (e.g. movie, play, show, event,
musical recording, etc.), to design (e.g. new commercial
product, restaurant concept, etc.), to create; {n} {adj-f}
production, creation, design
プロトアクチニウム - protactinium (Pa), protoactinium
プロパー - proper; {n} {abbr} propagandist, propaganda;
{n} full time (staff), career (job title) (e.g. someone who has
worked in the same area from the start); {n} regular price,
net price
プロパガンダ - propaganda
プロパン - propane
プロフィール - profile
プロフィル - profile
プロフェッショナル - professional
プロペラ - propeller
プロポーザル - proposal
プロポーズ - (marriage) proposal
プロモーション - promotion
プロモーター - promoter
プロモート - promote, promotion
プロレス - {abbr} pro wrestling, professional wrestling
プロレタリア - proletarian
プロローグ - prologue, prolog; {comp} Prolog (Programming
in Logic)
プロログ - prologue, prolog; {comp} Prolog (Programming in
プロンプター - teleprompter, autocue; prompter (theater and
プロ野球/プロやきゅう - professional baseball
プンプン - {on-mim} (smelling) strongly, pungently; {onmim} angrily, furiously, indignantly, in a huff, fuming
ヘア - hair (of the head); pubic hair
ヘアケア - hair care
ヘクタール - hectare
ヘクト - hecto-, 10^2
ヘザー - heather (color, colour)
ヘッジ - {finc} hedge
ヘッダ - header (on a document, email, etc.)
ヘッダー - header (on a document, email, etc.)
ヘッディング - heading (of a document, article, etc.);
{sports} header (in soccer), heading (the ball); {sports}
headbutt (in boxing)
ヘッド - head
ヘッドコーチ - head coach
ヘッドフォン - headphone
ヘッドホーン - headphone
ヘッドホン - headphone
ヘッドライト - headlight (on a vehicle); headlamp (flashlight
worn on the head), head torch
ヘディング - heading (of a document, article, etc.); {sports}
header (in soccer), heading (the ball); {sports} headbutt (in
ヘドロ - sludge, slime, chemical ooze
ヘビー - heavy
ヘビースモーカー - heavy smoker
ヘブライズム - Hebraism
ヘム - hem; heme
ヘモグロビン - hemoglobin, haemoglobin
ヘラルド - herald
ヘリ - {abbr} helicopter
ヘリウム - helium (He)
ヘリポート - heliport
ヘリングボーン - herringbone
ヘリングボン - herringbone
ヘリンボーン - herringbone
ヘリンボン - herringbone
ヘル - hell; Mr
ヘルシー - healthy
ヘルシンキ - Helsinki (Finland)
ヘルス - health; {abbr} type of brothel/massage parlor
ヘルスクラブ - health club
ヘルツ - hertz (unit of frequency), Hz; heart
ヘルツェゴビナ - Herzegovina
ヘルニア - hernia
ヘルパー - helper
ヘルムホルツ - Helmholtz
ヘルメット - helmet, hard hat, protective headgear
ヘレニズム - Hellenism
ヘロイン - heroin
ベーエムベー - Bayrische Motorenwerke, BMW
ベーカリー - bakery
ベーコン - {food} bacon
ベーシック - basic
ベージュ - beige
ベースアップ - raise of the basic wage rate, increase in base
pay, salary increase
ベースキャンプ - base camp
ベートーベン - {person} Beethoven
ベートーヴェン - {person} Beethoven
ベール - veil
ベア - {abbr} increase in basic salary
ベアリング - bearing
ベイルート - Beirut (Lebanon)
ベオグラード - Belgrade (Serbia)
ベガ - {astron} Vega (star in the constellation Lyra), Alpha
ベクタ - {genet} vector; {med} (disease) vector; {math}
{physics} vector
ベクター - {genet} vector; {med} (disease) vector; {math}
{physics} vector
ベクトル - {math} {physics} vector
ベジタブル - vegetable
ベジタリアン - vegetarian
ベストテン - top ten, the ten best
ベタ - betta (esp. the Siamese fighting fish, Betta splendens)
ベター - better, preferable
ベデラン - veteran (in a particular field), person with a lot of
experience, old hand
ベトナム - Vietnam
ベドウィン - Bedouin
ベニヤ - veneer; plywood
ベニヤ板/ベニヤいた - plywood
ベネチアングラス - Venetian glass
ベネフィット - benefit
ベビー - baby
ベビーカー - stroller, buggy, pushchair
ベビーシッター - babysitter, babysitter
ベビーブーム - baby boom
ベランダ - balcony; veranda, verandah, porch
ベリーダンス - belly dance
ベルサイユ - Versailles
ベルトコンベヤー - conveyor belt, belt conveyor
ベルファスト - Belfast (Northern Ireland, UK)
ベルマーク - Bellmark, Bell Mark, tokens collected from
product packaging and exchanged for school supplies
ベルモット - vermouth
伯林/ベルリン - Berlin (Germany)
ベレー - beret
ベレー帽/ベレーぼう - beret
ベロ - {col} tongue; tongue (of a shoe), seal flap (of an
ベンジン - gasoline, petrol
ベンチャー - venture
ベンツ - vent (on a jacket)
ペース - pace
ペースメーカ - pacemaker; pacesetter
ペースメーカー - pacemaker; pacesetter
ペーソス - pathos
ペーパー - paper
ペール - pale
ペアリング - couple’s ring, set of rings worn by unmarried,
unengaged couples; pairing
ペイ - pay, salary; {vs} to pay (off), to be profitable; {sl}
ペインクリニック - pain clinic
ペイント - paint
ペシミスティック - pessimistic
ペスト - plague, black plague
ペダル - pedal
ペッサリー - pessary, contraceptive diaphragm for vaginal
ペトリ - Petri
ペトローリアム - petroleum
ペトロフード - petrofood, petroprotein, food produced using
petroleum byproducts
ペドメーター - pedometer
ペナルティ - penalty
ペナルティー - penalty
ペナント - pennant
ペニシリン - penicillin
ペプシン - pepsin
ペリカン - pelican
秘露/ペルー - Peru
ペレストロイカ - perestroika (USSR reform movement)
ペロペロ - {on-mim} licking, lapping up; {on-mim} (eating
up) quickly, gobbling up
ペンギン - penguin
ペンクラブ - PEN club, club for poets, playwrights, essayists,
editors, novelists
ペンション - pension (Western-style boardinghouse)
ペンシルバニア - Pennsylvania
ペンシルベニア - Pennsylvania
ペンタゴン - pentagon
ペンダント - pendant (jewelry); pendant (light)
ペンネーム - pen-name
ペン先/ペンさき - pen nibs
ホーク - fork; {baseb} {abbr} forkball
ホープ - hope; white hope, person of promise
ホーマー - {baseb} homer, home run
ホーミング - homing
ホームイン - {baseb} getting home
ホームグラウンド - {sports} home ground, home field; one’s
haunt, one’s stamping ground, one’s domain, one’s turf
ホームセキュリティーシステム - home security system
ホームターミナル - home terminal
ホームドラマ - family-centered sitcom, TV drama of family
life, soap opera
ホームヘルパー - caregiver, care worker, carer
ホームページ - {comp} home page (of a website or browser),
homepage; {comp} web page; {comp} website
ホームラン - {baseb} home run
ホームルーム - homeroom, form room, form class
ホーン - horn (speaker, klaxon, etc.)
ホイール - wheel (esp. of vehicle)
ホイッスル - whistle
ホステス - hostess; barmaid
ホステル - hostel
ホスト - host (of a party, summit, etc.); host (of male host
ホスピス - hospice
ホック - hook (esp. for clothing), hook and eye; snap
fastener, press stud; hock (white wine)
ホッケー - (field) hockey
ホッチキス - stapler, paper fastener
ホット - hot
ホットドッグ - hot dog
ホットライン - hot line, hotline
ホップ - hop, hopping, jumping on one foot
ホノルル - Honolulu
ホフマン - Hoffmann
ホモ - {abbr} {derog} homo, homosexual (esp. a male),
homosexuality (esp. male-male); {abbr} homozygote;
{abbr} homogenization; Homo (genus of primates incl.
modern humans)
ホラー - horror
ホリデー - holiday
ホリデイ - holiday
ホルスター - holster
ホルダー - holder
ホルモン - hormone; cows’ or pigs’ offal (entrails)
ホルン - horn (musical instrument)
ホログラフィ - holography
ホログラフィー - holography
ホロコースト - {hist} Holocaust, Shoah
ホワイト - white; correction fluid, white-out
ホワイトカラー - white-collar (worker)
ホワイド - white; correction fluid, white-out
ホン - phon (unit of loudness)
ホンコン - Hong Kong, Hongkong
ホンダ - Honda
ボー - bow (weapon); bow, bowknot; {abbr} bow tie
ボーイスカウト - Boy Scouts
ボーイフレンド - boyfriend, male friend
ボーイング - {music} bowing (of a string instrument)
ボーカラー - bow collar
ボーカリスト - vocalist
ボーカル - vocal (performance), vocals, singing; vocalist,
ボーク - {baseb} balk
ボーダー - border (pattern), stripes; border, boundary;
border, edge, rim; boarder (e.g. snowboarder)
ボーダーライン - border line
ボートピープル - boat people (esp. from Vietnam), boat
refugees, refugees fleeing by boat
ボード - board
ボードセーリング - boardsailing, windsurfing
ボーリング - bowling
ボールド - bold
ボール紙/ボールがみ - cardboard
ボーン - bone; {comp} Bourne (shell)
ボイジャー - voyager
ボイス - voice
ボイスレコーダー - dictaphone, dictation system
ボイラー - boiler
ボウリング - bowling (esp. tenpin)
ボウル - bowl
ボギー - {golf} bogey
ボクサー - {sports} boxer; boxer (dog breed)
ボクシング - boxing
ボコーダ - vocoder
ボサノバ - bossa nova
ボス - boss, leader, head; {vidg} boss (difficult enemy, usu.
at the end of a section or level)
ボストン - Boston
ボスニア - Bosnia
ボックス - box; box (in theatre), booth (in restaurant, etc.);
small rectangular building (e.g. telephone box); {baseb}
rectangular field area (batter’s box, catcher’s box); box
(calfskin); central 4x4 area (othello) ボツワナ - Botswana
ボディ - body; {sports} {abbr} body blow (in boxing)
ボディー - body; {sports} {abbr} body blow (in boxing)
ボディーブロー - body blow (e.g. boxing)
ボディコン - {abbr} body-conscious (look), tight-fitting
ボトム - bottom; lower garment (e.g. jeans, slacks, skirt,
etc.); hem (of trousers, skirt, etc.)
ボトル - bottle
ボナス - bonus
ボブ - bob (haircut)
ボブスレー - bobsleigh, bobsled
ボヤボヤ - {on-mim} to be careless, to be inattentive, to be
absentminded, to be slow; {adj-na} {vs} {adv} {on-mim}
long and disheveled (e.g. hair) (dishevelled); {adv} {advto} {on-mim} {arch} flaring up (fire), rising (e.g. steam) ボ
ランテァ - volunteer
ボランティア - volunteer
ボリューム - volume (sound level); volume (books); volume,
substantial quantity (e.g. hearty meal), bulk, bulkiness,
mass; any kind of adjustment knob, not necessarily for
ボルテージ - voltage; excitement, enthusiasm
ボルボ - Volvo (Swedish car brand)
ボレー - volley
ボレロ - {music} bolero (dance); bolero (clothing), shrug
ボン - good
ボンド - bond; {tradem} adhesive, glue
ボンネット - bonnet, (car) hood; bonnet (hat)
ボンベ - compressed gas cylinder, aerosol spray can
ボンベイブラッド - Bombay blood type, Hh blood group
ポーカー - {cards} poker
ポース - pose; pause
ポーター - porter
ポータブル - portable
ポーチ - porch; pouch
ポート - port
ポートフォリオ - portfolio
ポール - pole; poll
ポエム - poem
ポケットサイズ - pocket-size
ポケットベル - pager, beeper
ポケットマネー - pocket money
ポケベル - pocket bell
ポシビリティー - possibility
ポジェット - pochette, pouch (usu. hung from the shoulder
by a long cord)
ポジショニング - positioning
ポジティブ - positive (e.g. thinking); {n} positive
(photography); {n} positive (electrical polarity)
ポスタ - poster
ポタージュ - potage (thick soup)
ポップ - pop; signage, display, billboard (as used to decorate
arcade games)
ポップアート - pop art
ポップス - pop music, popular music
ポテト - potato; {abbr} {col} French fries, chips, fried
potato; {abbr} sweet potato
ポテトチップ - potato chip, potato crisp
ポテトチップス - potato chips, potato crisps
ポテンシャル - potential
ポトフ - pot-au-feu
ポニーテール - ponytail
ポピュラー - popular, well-liked; common, frequent, popular;
{n} {abbr} popular music, pop music
ポプリ - potpourri
ポリ - poly-; {n} polyethylene; {n} {abbr} {sl} {derog}
police; {suf} {music} {abbr} polyphonic
ポリープ - {med} polyp; {zool} polyp
ポリエチレン - polyethylene
ポリオ - {med} polio, poliomyelitis
ポリシ - policy
ポリシー - policy
ポリス - police; polis (ancient Greek city state); {suf} -city
ポリネシア - Polynesia
ポリプロピレン - polypropylene
ポリマー - polymer
ポルカ - polka
ポルシェ - Porsche (German car brand)
葡萄牙/ポルトガル - Portugal
ポルノ - {abbr} pornography, porn, porno
ポロ - polo
ポンド - pound (unit of weight); pound (currency), pound
ポンポン - pompom, pompon, pom-pom, pom-pon
マーカ - marker (pen); marker (object); {sports} scorekeeper
(esp. in golf), marker
マーカー - marker (pen); marker (object); {sports}
scorekeeper (esp. in golf), marker
マーガリン - {food} margarine
マーキュリー - Mercury (Roman god); {astron} Mercury
(planet); mercury (Hg)
マークシート - computer-scored answer sheet, optical answer
sheet, scantron, bubble sheet
マーケティング - marketing
マージン - margin
マーチ - {music} march; March
マート - mart
マーブル - marble
マーメイド - mermaid
マイアミ - Miami
マイカー - one’s own car, privately owned car
マイクロ - micro-, micro, 10^-6; {n} {abbr} minibus; {n}
{abbr} microfilm
マイクロバス - minibus
マイクロフィルム - microfilm
マイコン - {comp} {abbr} microcomputer, personal
computer, home computer; microcontroller, microprocessor, MCU; moving (animated) icon
マイナー - minor, small, unimportant, obscure; {n} {music}
minor (key, scale, etc.); {n} {abbr} the minor leagues (US
マイノリティー - minority; (sexual, ethnic) minority, minority
マイペース - (doing things at) one’s own pace; (doing things)
one’s own way (esp. in an inconsiderate manner)
マイホーム - one’s (own) house, one’s (own) home
マイル - mile
マイルド - mild
マインド - mind, mindset, mentality, sentiment
マウス - mouse (esp. laboratory); (computer) mouse; mouth
マウンテン - mountain
マウント - mount, stand, fixture; lens mount; {comp}
mounting (e.g. a drive); mounting (animal behaviour);
asserting dominance
マウンド - {baseb} (pitcher’s) mound; {sports} mound
(small hill on a golf course)
マエストロ - maestro
マカダム - Macadam
マカロニ - macaroni
マガジン - magazine
マキシ - ankle-length (clothes), maxi (skirt, dress, etc.), floorlength (clothes); {n} {abbr} maxim
マクドナルド - McDonald’s (restaurant)
マクラメ - macramé
マクロ - macro; {n} {comp} macro (instruction)
マグカップ - mug
マグナム - magnum
マグニチュード - magnitude
マグネシウム - magnesium (Mg)
マグネット - magnet
マグマ - magma
マケドニア - Macedonia
マサチューセッツ - Massachusetts
マザーグース - Mother Goose
マザーコン - Oedipus complex (wasei: mother complex),
sexual attraction to one’s mother
マザコン - being a mama’s boy, having an (overly) strong
attachment to one’s mother; {abbr} Oedipus complex,
sexual attraction to one’s mother
マザリング - mothering
マシーン - machine; race car, racing motorcycle
マシーンガン - machine gun
マシン - machine; race car, racing motorcycle
マシンガン - machine gun
マジシャン - magician, illusionist
マジック - magic; {abbr} Magic Marker, felt-tip pen,
permanent marker; {sports} {abbr} magic number
マス - mass; {adj-f} mass (media, production, etc.); {col}
{abbr} masturbation
マスカット - Muscat (wine grape variety); Muscat (Oman)
マスゲーム - massed calisthenics, massed gymnastics
マスコット - mascot
マスタ - to master (a skill); {n} proprietor, manager, owner,
barkeeper; {n} leader, chief, head; {n} master (of arts,
science, etc.); {n} master (recording); {n} master (device);
{n} master (data)
マスターズゴルフ - Masters Golf Tournament
マスタード - {food} mustard
マスト - mast (of ship)
マスメディア - mass media
マゾ - {abbr} masochist; {abbr} masochism
マタニティードレス - maternity dress
マダム - madam, (married) woman, lady, housewife;
proprietress (of a bar, coffee shop, etc.), manageress
マチエール - material; artistic effect
マッキントッシュ - {tradem} Macintosh (brand of personal
computer manufactured by Apple); mackintosh (raincoat);
McIntosh (apple)
マック - {abbr} {col} McDonald’s (fast food restaurant);
{abbr} Mac (personal computer), Macintosh
マックス - {abbr} maximum, max; mux (multiplexor)
マッシュルーム - common mushroom (Agaricus bisporus),
white mushroom
マッス - mass
マッチプレー - {sports} match play (golf)
マット - mat; canvas (boxing, wrestling)
マットレス - mattress, mattress pad (under a futon)
マッハ - Mach (number); {col} (at a) fast speed
マップ - map
マテリアル - material
マドラス - Madras
マドレーヌ - madeleine (cake)
マドンナ - madonna
マナー - manners, etiquette
マニア - enthusiast; mania, enthusiasm
マニアック - maniac (as in rabid sport fan), enthusiast
マニキュア - manicure; nail polish, nail varnish
マニフェスト - manifesto
マニュアル - (instruction) manual; operations manual, basic
rules (pertaining to how a job should be carried out),
standards; (car with) manual transmission
馬尼剌/マニラ - Manila (Philippines)
マヌーバー - maneuver, manoeuvre
マネー - money
マネーゲーム - money game
マネーサプライ - money supply
マネージメント - management
マネージャ - manager (e.g. of a business, an idol, etc.); in a
sports team (esp. at school) someone who does the routine
drudge work
マネージャー - manager
マネキン - mannequin
マネジメント - management
マネジャー - manager (e.g. of a business, an idol, etc.); in a
sports team (esp. at school) someone who does the routine
drudge work
マフィア - mafia
マヤ - Maya (ancient Indian tribe in Central America)
マヨネーズ - mayonnaise
マラカス - {music} maracas
マラリア - malaria
マリーナ - marina
マリーン - marine; Marine, the Marines
マリファナ - marijuana, marihuana, cannabis, hemp, pot
マリワナ - marijuana, marihuana, cannabis, hemp, pot
マリン - marine
マリンスノー - marine snow
マリンバ - marimba (musical instrument)
馬克/マルク - mark (currency)
マルクス主義/マルクスしゅぎ - Marxism
マルターゼ - maltase
マルチ - multi-; {n} {vs} {abbr} multi-post; {n} {vs}
{abbr} multilevel marketing system, pyramid selling, chain
referral; {n} {vs} mulch, mulching
マルチナショナル - multinational
マルチメディア - multimedia
馬来西亜/マレーシア - Malaysia
マロン - chestnut; marron (Cherax tenuimanus and Cherax
cainii species of freshwater crayfish)
マン - man
満俺/マンガン - manganese (Mn)
マンガ家/マンガか - cartoonist, comic book artist, manga
artist, manga author, mangaka
マングローブ - mangrove
マンスリー - monthly
マンチェスター - Manchester
マンツーマン - man-to-man, one-to-one
マント - mantle
マントル - {geol} mantle; mantle (e.g. gas)
マンドリン - mandolin
マンネリ - {abbr} becoming stereotyped, getting stuck in a
rut, humdrum, mannerism (art, etc.)
マンハッタン - Manhattan; Manhattan (cocktail)
マンパワー - manpower, labor force, workers
マンホール - manhole
マンボ - mambo
マンモス - mammoth (esp. the woolly mammoth,
Mammuthus primigenius)
ミーイズム - me-ism
ミーティング - meeting
ミート - {food} meat
ミーハー - {derog} {abbr} faddist, follow-the-crowd type,
poser, trend junkie, sheep
ミール - meal (food, ground grain); Mir (Russian space
station); {rare} meel, Indian club, type of exercise
木乃伊/ミイラ - mummy
ミキサー - mixer
ミクロ - micro
ミクロネシア - Micronesia
ミクロン - micron
弥撒/ミサ - (Catholic) Mass
ミサイル - missile
ミシガン - Michigan
ミシュラン - Michelin (Guide)
ミスター - mister, Mr
ミステリ - mystery
ミステリー - mystery
ミステリアス - mysterious
ミスマッチ - mismatch
ミズ - Ms
ミズーリ - Missouri
ミセズ - Mrs
ミゼラブル - miserable
ミックス - mix; mixed-race person, multiracial person
ミッション - mission; delegation; {abbr} transmission
ミット - mitt
ミッドナイト - midnight
ミディ - {abbr} midi (i.e. midiskirt)
ミトコンドリア - mitochondria
ミドル - middle
ミドルホール - {golf} par-four hole
ミドル級/ミドルきゅう - middleweight class
ミニ - mini-; {n} {abbr} miniskirt, miniskirt
ミニアチュア - miniature
ミニコミ - communications within a small range
ミニスカート - miniskirt, miniskirt
ミニチュア - miniature
ミニディスク - minidisc, MD
ミニバッファ - minibuffer
ミニマム - minimum
ミネソタ - Minnesota
ミネラル - mineral
ミミック - mimic
ミャンマー - Myanmar
ミュージアム - museum
ミュージカル - musical
ミュージシャン - musician
ミュラー - Muller
ミュンヘン - Munich, Muenchen
ミラー - mirror
ミラージュ - mirage
ミラクル - miracle
ミリオン - million; {abbr} million seller
ミリオンセラー - million seller, book, record, etc. which sells a
million copies
ミリグラム - milligram, mg
ミリタリールック - military look
ミリバール - millibar
ミリメートル - millimeter , millimetre
ミリリットル - millilitre, milliliter, mL
ミルウォーキー - Milwaukee
ミレニアム - millennium
ミンク - mink
ミンチ - minced beef
ミント - {abbr} mint, peppermint
ムーサ - Muse, one’s muse
ムース - {food} mousse
ムーディー - having a good atmosphere, atmospheric,
ムービー - movie, film; video, video clip
ムーブメント - movement
ムーラン - moulin
ムール - mussels
ムーン - moon
ムスタング - mustang
ムラート - mulatto
メーカ - manufacturer (esp. a major company), producer,
maker; maker, device for making things; person who creates
メーキャップ - make-up
メーク - {abbr} make-up; making food (in a delivery-only
restaurant), cooking
メークアップ - make-up
メージャー - Major (League); major
メータ - meter, gauge; metre (unit of length), meter
メーデー - Mayday (call for help); {n} May Day (May 1)
メート - mate
メード - maid
メール - email; mail (usu. in phrases and compound words);
メールアドレス - email address
メーン - main, principal; {n} {abbr} main dish, main course;
{n} main part, principal part
メーンストリート - main street
メーンバンク - {finc} (company’s) main financing bank,
principal bank
メイキャップ - make-up
メイク - {abbr} make-up; making food (in a delivery-only
restaurant), cooking
メイト - mate
メイル - {abbr} email; mail (usu. in compound words), post;
{col} message (sent over a chat application), instant
message, IM, (SMS) text; male
メイン - main, principal; {n} {abbr} main dish, main course;
{n} main part, principal part
メカ - {abbr} mechanism, mechanics, machines,
(mechanical) equipment; {abbr} mechanic
メカニズム - mechanism
メカニック - mechanic; {adj-na} mechanical; mechanism;
technique (e.g. in piano-playing)
メガ - mega- (i.e. 10^6); mega, enormous, huge
メガヘルツ - megahertz, MHz
メガホン - megaphone
メキシコ湾/メキシコわん - Gulf of Mexico
メコンデルタ - Mekong delta
メシア - Messiah
メジャー - major, large, important, famous, mainstream; {n}
{abbr} the Major Leagues, Major League Baseball; {n}
{music} major (key, scale, etc.); {n} (oil) major; {n} {abbr}
major record label
メス - scalpel, surgical knife
メソジスト - Methodist
メソポタミア - Mesopotamia
メゾソプラノ - {music} mezzo-soprano
メゾン - house
メタセコイア - metasequoia, dawn redwood (Metasequoia
メタノール - methanol, methyl alcohol, methylated spirits
メタリック - metallic
メタル - metal
メタン - methane
メタンガス - methane gas
メダリスト - medalist
メダル - medal
メチール - methyl—
メッカ - Mecca, Makkah; mecca, centre for some field or
activity (center)
メッセ - trade fair, exhibition center; {sl} {abbr} instant
メディカルエンジニアリング - medical engineering
メトリック - metric
メトロ - metro, subway, underground railway
メトロノーム - metronome
メトロポリタン - metropolitan
メドレー - medley
メドレーリレー - {sports} medley relay (swimming)
メニエール - Meniere
メネジメント - management
メモリ - {comp} memory; memory, recollection,
メモリー - {comp} memory; memory, recollection,
メモリアル - memorial, testimonial, commemorative
メモリアルホール - memorial hall
メモリカード - {comp} memory card
メラニン - melanin
メリ - merry
メリー - merry
メリット - advantage, benefit, merit, good point, plus
メルクマール - characteristic
メルシー - thank you
メルセデスベンツ - Mercedes-Benz
メルヘン - fairy tale
メルボルン - Melbourne
メレンゲ - {food} meringue
メロディ - melody; chime
メロドラマ - melodrama, soap opera
メロン - melon (usu. honeydew)
メンシェビキ - Menshevik, member of the non-Leninist wing
of the Russian Social Democratic Workers’ Party
メンス - menses
メンタリティー - mentality
メンタル - mental; {n} mental health, mental state, mental
resolve, mentality
メンタルヘルス - mental health
メンチ - minced meat, ground meat
メンテナンス - maintenance
メンバ - member, participant, attendee, lineup (sport)
メンフィス - Memphis
モーゲージ - mortgage
モーション - motion
モーゼル - Mauser
モータ - motor
モーターサイクル - motorcycle
モーターショー - motor show
モータリゼーション - motorization, motorisation
モーツァルト - Mozart
モーツアルト - Mozart
モード - mode, manner, way; {music} mode; {math} {stat}
モーニング - morning; {abbr} morning coat; {abbr} {col}
breakfast set (often a drink and toast), breakfast special,
special breakfast offer
モービルハウス - mobile house
モーリス - Morris
モール - (shopping) mall, shopping centre; mall
(pedestrianized street)
モアレ - {cloth} moire (fabric), moiré; {print} moire pattern,
moiré effect
モサド - Mossad (Israeli secret service)
モザイク - mosaic; pixelated obscuring in images and video,
usu. for censorship
モザンビーク - Mozambique
モスク - mosque
莫斯科/モスクワ - Moscow (Russia)
モスグリーン - moss green
モダニズム - modernism
モダンダンス - modern dance
モチーフ - motif
モックアップ - mock-up
モットー - motto
モティーフ - motif
モディスト - modiste
モデム - {comp} modem
モデルガン - replica firearm, realistic toy gun with no firing
モデルケース - model case
モトクロス - motocross
モニタ - monitor (device, software or person), monitoring;
person who gives feedback on products, television
programs, etc., customer panel participant; (computer)
monitor, display
モニタリング - monitoring
モニュメント - monument
モノ - mono
モノクロ - {abbr} monochrome
モノトーン - monotone
モノラル - monaural, monophonic, mono
モノローグ - monologue
モペット - moped
モミズム - momism
モラール - morale
モラトリアム - moratorium, period of grace, extension (of
time, e.g. to make payments), cessation (for a period, e.g.
nuclear testing); postponement (of social responsibility),
immaturity, not having developed emotional maturity,
mental state of a young person who does not want to
become an adult モラル - morals, morality, ethics
モリスダンス - Morris dance
モルグ - morgue, mortuary
モルタル - mortar
モルドバ - Moldova
モルヒネ - morphine
モルモット - guinea pig (Cavia porcellus); subject of an
experiment, (human) guinea pig
摩洛哥/モロッコ - Morocco
モンキー - monkey
モンゴリズム - {obs} mongolism, Down’s syndrome
モンスーン - monsoon
モンスター - monster, monstrosity; giant, influential figure,
colossus; {adj-f} monsterlike, over-demanding, bullying,
overbearing, bossy
モンタージュ - montage
モンタナ - Montana
モンテカルロ - Monte Carlo (Monaco)
モントゴメリー - Montgomery
モンパリ - my Paris
碼/ヤード - yard (unit of distance)
ヤクルト - Yakult, Japanese probiotic milk drink
ヤマハ - Yamaha
ヤンガージェネレーション - younger generation
ヤンキー - {col} delinquent (youth), delinquency; Yankee
ヤンマ - lamenting
ユー - you
ユーカラ - yukar (Ainu oral saga)
ユーカリ - {abbr} eucalyptus
ユーゴ - {hist} {abbr} Yugoslavia
ユーゴスラビア - {hist} Yugoslavia
ユーザ - user
ユーザー - user
ユージェニックス - {rare} eugenics
ユース - youth
ユースホステル - youth hostel
ユーズド - used (e.g. used car)
ユートピア - utopia
ユーノス - eunos
ユーモラス - humorous, humourous
ユーレカ - eureka
ユーロ - euro (currency), EUR; {pref} Euro-, European
ユタ - Utah
ユダヤ教/ユダヤきょう - Judaism
ユナイテッド - united
ユニオン - union
ユニシス - {comp} Unisys
UNICEF/ユニセフ - United Nations Children’s Fund
(formerly Children’s Emergency Fund), UNICEF
ユニット - unit; (small) group (esp. in music or
entertainment), band
ユニバーサル - universal
ユニバーシアード - Universiade, international multi-sport
event for university athletes
ユニバース - universe
ユニホーム - uniform
ユピテル - Jupiter (Roman god); {astron} Jupiter (planet);
{abbr} Jupiter Symphony, Symphony No. 41 by Mozart
ユリア - {chem} urea, carbamide
ヨーガ - yoga
ヨーク - yoke
ヨーグルト - {food} yogurt, yoghurt, yoghourt
ヨードチンキ - tincture of iodine (ger: Jodtinktur)
ヨガ - yoga
ヨットハーバー - yacht harbor, yacht harbour
ヨルダン - Jordan
ラーゲ - sex position
ラード - {food} lard
ラーニング - learning
ライ - {golf} lie
ライアビリティー - liability
ライオン - lion (Panthera leo)
ライオンズクラブ - Lions Club
ライカ - Leica (German camera brand)
ライジングジェネレーション - rising generation
ライスカレー - {food} curry and rice
ライセンス - license, licence
ライタ - lighter
ライダー - rider
ライト - light; right; {n} {baseb} right field, right fielder
ライトバン - light van
ライトブルー - light blue
ライド - ride
ライナー - {baseb} liner, line drive; liner, ocean liner; liner
(of a coat, etc.), lining
ライバル - rival, competition
ライフ - life
ライフル - rifle
ライフワーク - lifework, life’s work
ライブ - live (broadcasting, music, etc.); {n} live
performance, live concert; {adj-na} {n} resonant (room,
etc.), reverberating, echoey
ライブハウス - shop, bar, etc. where live jazz, pop, rock, etc.
is performed, live music club
ライブラリ - library; book series; {comp} library (software,
modules, images, etc.)
ライブラリー - library; book series; {comp} library (software,
modules, images, etc.)
ライン - line
ラインアップ - line-up (of players, products, etc.), lineup
ラインナップ - line-up (of players, products, etc.), lineup
ライヴ - live (broadcasting, music, etc.); {n} live
performance, live concert; {adj-na} {n} resonant (room,
etc.), reverberating, echoey
ラウドスピーカー - loudspeaker
ラウンジ - lounge
ラウンド - round (esp. in sports, negotiations, etc.), rounds
(e.g. nurse, security guard, etc.)
羅宇/ラオス - Laos
ラガー - rugger, rugby, rugby player
ラグ - rug
ラグビー - rugby
ラコステ - Lacoste
ラサール - La Salle
ラジアル - radial
ラジウム - radium (Ra)
ラジエーター - radiator
ラジカル - radical
ラス - lath; lass
ラスト - last, final; {n} end, conclusion, last one
ラストスパート - last spurt, final spurt, home stretch
ラダー - rudder; {comp} ladder (PLC programming
paradigm) (programing)
ラッキー - lucky; {int} nice!, score!, bingo!
ラッキーゾーン - {baseb} area between the regular outfield
wall and a lower home-run fence set up at a shorter
distance from home plate
ラック - rack; {sports} ruck (rugby); lac; luck
ラッシュ - rush; {abbr} rush hour; {abbr} rush print (in
films, anime, etc.); {abbr} lighter aboard ship, LASH
ラッセル - {abbr} (Russell) snowplow, track-clearing vehicle;
carving a trail through deep snow (by foot when
ラッチ - latch
ラッピング - wrapping; rapping; lapping (i.e. grinding,
ラップ - lap; wrap
ラテックス - latex
ラテン - Latin (language); Latin-American, Latin, Latino;
Latin, Roman, relating to the literature, culture, etc. of
ancient Rome
ラテンアメリカ - Latin America
ラテン語/ラテンご - Latin (language)
ラディカル - radical
ラトビア - Latvia
ラドン - radon (Rn)
ラバー - lover; rubber
ラバトリー - lavatory
ラビオリ - {food} ravioli
ラフ - rough; casual (clothing); {n} rough (of a golf course);
{n} {abbr} rough sketch, rough draft
ラフォーレ - the forest (fre: la foret)
ラフト - raft
ラフプレー - {sports} rough play
ラフマニノフ - {person} Rachmaninoff
ラブ - love
ラブコメ - {abbr} romantic comedy, rom-com
ラブソング - love song
ラブレター - love letter
ラボ - {abbr} lab; {abbr} language lab
ラマ - (Dalai) Lama; llama
ラミネート - laminate
ラム - lamb (meat); rum; ram; rump
ラメ - lamé (cloth made from gold or silver thread)
ララバイ - lullaby, cradle song
ラリー - {sports} rally
ラルフローレン - Ralph Lauren
ラワン - lauan (tree, wood)
ラン - run; {food} {rare} rump
ランキング - ranking; toplist (e.g. of WWW sites)
ランク - rank, standing
ラング - {ling} language; lung
ランジェリー - lingerie
ランス - lance
ランダム - random; {n} {abbr} random sampling
ランディング - landing
ランド - land
ランドサット - LANDSAT
ランドセル - firm-sided backpack made of leather, etc. (used
by Japanese elementary schoolchildren, often red for girls
and black for boys)
ランドマーク - landmark
ランドリー - laundry
ランナー - runner
ラヴ - love
リーガー - {baseb} leaguer (e.g. major leaguer)
リーク - leak (of information); leakage (of electricity)
リーグ - league
リーグ戦/リーグせん - league match, league game, league
series, round robin
リース - lease
リーズナブル - reasonable (esp. price)
リーダ - leader; {print} leaders, dotted line, ellipsis
リーダー - leader; {print} leaders, dotted line, ellipsis
リーダーシップ - leadership
リーチ - reach; leech; being one step away from completing
a game (winning, losing, game over, etc.)
リーディング - reading; leading
リート - {music} lied (German song, usually for solo voice
and piano)
リードオフマン - {baseb} leadoff man
リーフレット - leaflet
リール - reel
リア - rear
リアクション - reaction, response; {physics} reaction
リアリズム - realism
リアル - real, realistic, true to life; {col} serious, non-joking,
earnest; {n} {abbr} realtime blog; {n} real world (cf. online
games or social networking services)
リアルタイム - realtime
リウマチ - {med} rheumatism
リキッド - liquid; {abbr} liquid hair product
リキュール - liqueur
リクード - Likud (Israeli political party)
リクエスト - request
リクリエーション - recreation; recreation
リクルーター - recruiter
リクルート - recruit
リコー - Ricoh
リコーダー - recorder (musical instrument), English flute
リコール - recall
リサーチ - research
リサイクル - recycling
リサイクルショップ - secondhand shop, recycle shop
リサイタル - recital
リザーブ - reserve
リスク - risk
リスト - list
リストラ - {abbr} (corporate) restructuring; downsizing,
laying off (workers)
リスナー - (radio) listener
リスボン - Lisbon (Portugal)
リズミカル - rhythmical, rhythmic, well-paced
リセ - lycée
リセッション - {econ} recession
リゾート - resort
リゾートホテル - resort hotel
リゾット - {food} risotto
リターン - return, restoring; {sports} return (in tennis, etc.);
{comp} return (key); return, profit, gains
リターンマッチ - {sports} return match (esp. boxing),
リタイア - retirement; retiring (from a race, match, etc.),
dropping out
リチウム - lithium (Li)
リッターカー - car with 1000cc engine
リッチ - rich, wealthy, affluent; rich (flavour)
リップサービス - lip service
リトアニア - Lithuania
リトグラフ - lithograph
リトル - little
リトルロック - Little Rock
リニア - linear; {n} {abbr} linear motor train, linear
induction motor train, magnetic levitation train, maglev
リニアモーターカー - linear motor train, linear induction
motor train, magnetic levitation train, maglev train
リニューアル - renovation, overhaul, update, repair,
improvement, renewal
リネーム - rename
リノール - linoleic
リハーサル - rehearsal
リハビリ - {abbr} rehabilitation
リハビリテーション - rehabilitation
リバーシブル - reversible
リバイバル - revival
リバウンド - rebound; relapse after a diet, regaining lost
weight; return of symptoms after withdrawal of medicine
リバティー - liberty
リバプールサウンド - Liverpool Sound
利比亜/リビア - Libya
リビジョン - revision
リビング - living, lifestyle; {abbr} living room
リピータ - {telec} repeater; repeat customer, regular
customer, repeat purchaser, frequent visitor, patron; person
who does the same (negative) act repeatedly
リファイナンス - refinance
リフォーム - renovation (e.g. a house), redecoration,
makeover, updating
リフト - chairlift (e.g. at a ski resort), ski lift; (goods) lift; lift
(in figure skating, ballet, etc.)
リフレシュ - refresh (e.g. memory, one’s spirits, etc.)
リフレッシュ - refresh (e.g. memory); to feel refreshed, to
refresh oneself (with food, bathing, etc.)
リブ - rib; {abbr} liberation
リプライ - reply
リベート - rebate; commission, kickback
リベラリスト - liberalist
リベラリズム - liberalism
リベラル - liberal
利比利亜/リベリア - Liberia
リボソーム - ribosome
リボゾーム - ribosome
リポーター - reporter
リマ - Lima (Peru)
リミット - limit
リミティッド - limited
リミテッド - limited
リム - rim
リムジーン - limousine (stretched car); {abbr} shuttle bus
(usu. to airport)
リムジン - limousine (stretched car); {abbr} shuttle bus (usu.
to airport)
リメーク - remake
リモート - remote (work, device, etc.)
リモコン - {abbr} remote control
リュージュ - luge, toboggan, sledge
リュート - lute
リューマチ - {med} rheumatism
リュック - {abbr} rucksack, knapsack, backpack
リュックサック - rucksack, knapsack, backpack
リラ - lilac (Syringa vulgaris)
リラックス - relaxing, relaxation
リリース - release (of a film, product, etc.), publication;
release, liberation, setting free; {comp} release (of a
previously pressed mouse button)
リリーフ - relief (e.g. pitcher); relief (e.g. bas relief)
リレー - relay
リンク - link, linking, linkage; {comp} link (on a website),
hyperlink; (golf) links
リング - ring
リングサイド - ringside
リンケージ - linkage
リンゴ - apple (fruit)
リンス - (hair) conditioner, rinse; rinsing
リンチ - beating (inflicted as punishment), mob violence,
mob justice
淋巴/リンパ - lymph
ルー - {food} roux (mixture of butter and flour used to make
sauces), sauce made from such a mixture; {food}
(Japanese) curry powder, curry sauce made from this
ルーキー - rookie
ルージュ - rouge (esp. lip rouge), lipstick
ルーチン - routine
ルーツ - roots, origin
ルーティン - routine
ルート - route, path; channel (e.g. sales, distribution)
ルーフ - roof
ルーブル - Louvre (Museum)
ループ - loop, band, ring; {comp} loop (programming);
{abbr} loop (railway line); time loop, temporal loop
ルーム - room
ルームサービス - room-service
ルーレット - roulette
ルアー - {fish} lure
ルイジアナ - Louisiana
ルクス - lux (unit of illuminance)
ルサンチマン - resentment
ルズム - rhythm
ルック - look
ルックス - looks
ルネサンス - Renaissance
ルネッサンス - Renaissance
ルノー - Renault
ルビ - ruby; ruby character, small hiragana or katakana
readings of kanji usually above or to the side of the kanji
(esp. used by printers and in ref. to printed material)
ルビー - ruby; ruby character, small hiragana or katakana
readings of kanji usually above or to the side of the kanji
(esp. used by printers and in ref. to printed material);
{comp} Ruby (programming language) ルフトハンザ Deutsche Lufthansa (German airlines)
ルポ - {abbr} reportage, report, reporting
ルポルタージュ - reportage, report, reporting; documentary
literature, documentary
ルミノール - luminol
ルンゲ - lung
レーク - lake
レーサー - racer
レーザ - laser, Light Amplification by Stimulated Emission of
レーザー - laser, Light Amplification by Stimulated Emission
of Radiation
レーザーディスク - laser disk, LD
レーシングカー - racing car, race car
レーダー - radar
レート - rate; {adj-na} late; rating, ranking
レーベル - label (i.e. sticker); label (i.e. record label)
レーヨン - rayon
レール - rail (track); (curtain) rail, track (for a sliding door);
groundwork, spadework, preparations, arrangements
レーン - (vehicle) lane; {sports} lane (in swimming);
{sports} bowling lane
レーンコート - raincoat, mackintosh, macintosh, trench coat
レーンジャー - ranger
レア - rare, uncommon, unusual; rare, lightly cooked
レイ - lei (garland of flowers); lei (plural of leu; currency of
Rumania and Moldova)
レイアウト - layout
レイオフ - (temporary) layoff
レイプ - rape, sexual assault
レイン - rain
レインジャー - ranger
レインボーフィッシュ - rainbow fish
レオタード - leotard
レガーズ - leg guards, shin guards, shin pads
レガッタ - regatta
レクイエム - requiem
レクチャー - lecture
レクリエーション - recreation
レゲエ - {music} reggae
レコーダー - recorder (e.g. tape recorder, time recorder),
recording device; recorder (musical instrument), English
レコーディング - recording
レザー - leather; razor
レシート - receipt
レシーバ - receiver
レシーバー - receiver
レシーブ - {sports} receiving (a ball)
レシピ - recipe; prescription (medical); how-to guide (e.g.
レジ - (store) register
レジスタ - (cash) register; checkout (counter), cashier;
{comp} register
レジスター - (cash) register; checkout (counter), cashier;
{comp} register
レジスタンス - resistance (movement); popular resistance
against a military invasion (esp. of that by the French
against the Nazis in World War II)
レジデンス - residence
レス - {abbr} reply (on an Internet message board, chat
client, etc.), response, comment
レスキュー - rescue
レスト - rest
レスリング - wrestling
レズ - lesbian, a woman who is only attracted to other
レセプション - reception
レター - letter
レタス - lettuce (Lactuca sativa)
レタリング - lettering
レッカー - {abbr} tow truck, wrecker; {col} towing (a
レッテル - label, sticker
レッド - red
レッドパージ - red purge
レディ - lady
レトリック - rhetoric
レトルト - {food} retort, sealed plastic pouch typically
containing ready-made sauce or stew, boil-in-the-bag;
{chem} retort, glass vessel used for distillation (now largely
レトロ - retro, nostalgic, old-fashioned
黎巴嫩/レバノン - Lebanon
レパートリー - repertoire, repertory
レビュー - review
レフ - {abbr} reflex camera; {abbr} reflector; lev (Bulgarian
レフェリー - referee
レフト - left
レブル - level; rebel; revel
レプラ - leprosy
レプリカ - replica
レポーター - reporter
檸檬/レモン - lemon
レリーフ - relief (e.g. bas relief)
レングス - length
レンジャー - ranger
レンタル - rental
レンタルビデオ - rental video; video rental shop
レヴュー - revue
ロー - low; {n} low gear
ローカル - local
ローション - lotion; {abbr} sexual lubricant
ロース - {food} sirloin, pork loin
ロースト - roast
ローズ - rose
ローゼ - rose (wine) , pink wine
ローター - rotor; love egg, egg vibrator (sex toy)
ロータス - lotus
ロータリー - rotary, roundabout, traffic circle; {adj-f} rotary,
ロータリークラブ - Rotary Club
ローテーション - rotation
ロード - road; load; lord
ロードショー - roadshow (theatrical release)
ロードショウ - roadshow (theatrical release)
ロードレース - road race
ロープウエー - ropeway, cableway, aerial lift, cable car
ローム - loam
ローヤル - royal
ローラー - roller
ローラースケート - roller skating, roller skates
ローリング - rolling (of a ship, etc.); {adj-f} rolling (start,
plan, etc.); {col} illegal street racing
ロール - roll, role
ローレル - laurel
ローレンシウム - lawrencium (Lr)
ローン - loan
ロイヤル - royal
ロイヤルティー - royalty (payment); loyalty
ロカビリー - rockabilly
ログ - log, journal; {math} {abbr} logarithm
ロケ - {abbr} location (e.g. of film shoot), remote (shoot at a
remote location)
ロケーション - location
ロケット弾/ロケットだん - rocket
ロケハン - {col} {abbr} location scouting
ロココ - rococo
ロゴ - logo; {comp} Logo (programming language)
羅府/ロサンゼルス - Los Angeles
露西亜/ロシア - Russia
ロジアナ - {abbr} logic analyzer
ロジック - logic
ロス - loss; {n-suf} {col} feeling of loss; {abbr} Los Angeles
ロゼ - rosé (wine)
ロッカールーム - locker room
ロック - lock; rock
ロックウール - rock wool, mineral wool
ロックンロール - {music} rock ‘n’ roll, rock and roll
ロッジ - lodge
ロッテ - lotte
ロッテリア - Lotteria (fast-food chain)
ロッド - rod, pole, stick; fishing rod
ロデオ - rodeo
ロバ - robber
ロビイスト - lobbyist
ロビング - {sports} lobbing (a ball)
ロフト - loft
ロブ - {sports} lob (esp. in tennis)
ロボット - robot; (mere) puppet, pawn, figurehead
ロマンス - romance, love story; love affair, romantic
relationship; {music} romance
ロマンティック - romantic
ロング - long
ロングセラー - longtime best seller, book with steady sales
over a long time
ロングビーチ - Longbeach
ロングホール - {golf} par-five hole
ロングラン - long run (of a film, play, product, etc.)
倫敦/ロンドン - London (UK)
ワーカー - worker
ワーキング - working
ワーク - work
ワークショップ - workshop
ワークステーション - {comp} workstation
ワースト - worst
ワード - word; {comp} word; {comp} Word, Microsoft Word
ワープ - warp (fictional faster-than-light spacecraft
ワープロ - {comp} {abbr} word processor
ワールド - world
ワールドカップ - World Cup (e.g. soccer)
ワールドシリーズ - {sports} World Series (baseball)
ワアルド - World
ワイア - wire; {abbr} wire rope
ワイズ - wise
ワイド - wide
ワイドショー - infotainment television program, TV gossip
show, (tabloid) talk show, talk show featuring discussion of
current news, etc.
ワイパー - windshield wipers
ワイヤ - wire; {abbr} wire rope
ワイヤー - wire; {abbr} wire rope
ワイヤレス - wireless; {n} {abbr} wireless microphone
ワイルド - wild
ワウ - wow (audio)
ワカメ - wakame (species of edible brown seaweed, Undaria
ワクショップ - workshop
ワクチン - vaccine
ワコール - Wacoal
ワゴン - wagon; tea wagon, teacart, tea trolley; {abbr}
station wagon, estate car
華府/ワシントン - Washington, D.C. (United States);
Washington (US state)
ワックス - wax (esp. for polishing)
ワッペン - badge (sewn on clothing), embroidered badge,
emblem; sticker (with illustrated design)
ワラビー - wallaby
ワラント - {finc} warrant
ワン - one; {on-mim} woof, bark
ワンタッチ - single button press
ワンダ - wonder; wander
ワンダー - wonder; wander
ワンボックスカー - minivan, people-mover, 6-8 seat
automobile with sliding door or doors
ワンポイントリリーフ - {baseb} relief pitcher brought in to
face one batter
ワンマン - one-man (show, team, etc.); {n} {adj-na} {adjno} tyrant, dictatorial person; {n} {abbr} conductorless bus
(i.e. having only a driver), conductorless train
ワンルームマンション - studio apartment, studio flat
ヴァージョン - version
ヴァイオリン - violin
ヴァイラス - virus
ヴァニラ - vanilla
ヴァリエーション - variation
ヴァルヴ - valve
ヴァンパイア - vampire
ヴィーナス - Venus (Roman goddess); {astron} Venus
ヴィールス - virus
ヴィオラ - viola
ヴィタミン - vitamin
ヴィデオテープ - video tape
ヴェール - veil
ヴォーカリスト - vocalist
ヴォーカル - vocal (performance), vocals, singing; vocalist,
ヴォルト - volt
ヴデオテープ - video tape
ヵ月/かげつ - counter for months
ヶ所/かしょ - {ctr} counter for places, parts, passages, etc.
亜鉛/あえん - zinc (Zn)
亜科/あか - subfamily
亜細亜/あじあ - Asia
亜種/あしゅ - subspecies
亜熱帯/あねったい - subtropics
亜流/ありゅう - (inferior) imitator, epigone, poor imitation,
copycat; follower, adherent, person belonging to the same
school (e.g. of thought)
亜硫酸ガス/ありゅうさんガス - sulphurous acid gas, sulfurous
acid gas, sulphur dioxide gas, sulfur dioxide gas
阿蘇山/あそさん - mountain in Kumamoto Prefecture
阿呆/あほ - fool, idiot, simpleton
阿呆/あほう - fool, idiot, simpleton
阿房/あほう - fool, idiot, simpleton
阿弥陀/あみだ - {Buddh} Amitabha (Buddha), Amida; {abbr}
ghostleg lottery, ladder lottery, lottery in which participants
trace a line across a lattice pattern to determine the winner;
{abbr} wearing a hat pushed back on one’s head 哀しい/かな
しい - sad, miserable, unhappy, sorrowful; sad, lamentable,
deplorable, grievous
哀しみ/かなしみ - sadness, sorrow, grief
哀しむ/かなしむ - to be sad, to mourn for, to regret
哀れむ/あわれむ - to pity, to feel sympathy for, to sympathize
with, to sympathise with, to commiserate with, to have
mercy on; {poet} to enjoy the beauty of, to appreciate, to
哀感/あいかん - pathos
哀歓/あいかん - joys and sorrows, happiness and sadness
哀愁/あいしゅう - pathos, sorrow, grief
哀切/あいせつ - pathetic, plaintive
哀悼/あいとう - condolence, regret, tribute, sorrow,
sympathy, lament
愛くるしい/あいくるしい - lovely, cute, charming, sweet
愛しい/いとしい - lovely, dear, beloved, darling, dearest;
pitiable, pitiful
愛らしい/あいらしい - pretty, charming, lovely, adorable
愛育/あいいく - tender nurture, affectionate rearing, raising
with loving care
愛煙家/あいえんか - heavy smoker, habitual smoker, person
who loves smoking, tobacco lover
愛犬/あいけん - pet dog, beloved dog; love of dogs, fondness
for dogs
愛護/あいご - protection, tender care
愛好/あいこう - love, adoration
愛国/あいこく - love of one’s country, patriotism; {rare}
愛妻/あいさい - beloved wife
愛社/あいしゃ - devotion to one’s company
愛車/あいしゃ - (one’s) beloved car (or motorcycle, bicycle,
etc.), (one’s) wheels
愛書/あいしょ - great love of books; favorite book (favourite)
愛唱/あいしょう - loving to sing (a song), singing with great
愛称/あいしょう - pet name, nickname, name used to indicate
affection, intimacy, informality, etc.
愛人/あいじん - lover, mistress
愛想/あいそ - amiability, friendliness, affability, sociability;
fondness (of someone), affection, liking; compliments,
civilities, courtesies, flattery; hospitality, special treatment,
entertainment; bill (at a restaurant), check 愛憎/あいぞう love and hate
愛蔵/あいぞう - treasured, cherished
愛着/あいじゃく - attachment (esp. to things), love, affection
愛着/あいちゃく - attachment (esp. to things), love, affection,
愛鳥/あいちょう - pet bird
愛弟子/まなでし - favorite pupil, favourite pupil, teacher’s pet
愛読/あいどく - reading with pleasure
愛馬/あいば - favourite horse, favorite horse
愛用/あいよう - favorite, favourite, habitually used
愛欲/あいよく - passion, sexual desire, lust; {Buddh}
attachment (esp. to one’s family or a member of the
opposite sex)
逢う/あう - to meet, to encounter, to see; to have an
accident, to have a bad experience
葵/あおい - mallow (any plant of family Malvaceae); Asarum
caulescens (species of wild ginger)
茜/あかね - madder (esp. Japanese madder, Rubia argyi);
madder (red color)
悪さ/わるさ - badness, mean mischief
悪ふざけ/わるふざけ - prank, practical joke, horseplay,
mischievous trick
悪意/あくい - ill will, spite, evil intention, malice; bad
meaning; {law} mala fides, bad faith, criminal intent to
deceive; {law} malice
悪寒/おかん - chill, shakes, ague
悪気/わるぎ - ill will, malice, evil intent
悪玉/あくだま - bad character, bad person, villain, baddie
悪賢い/わるがしこい - cunning, crafty, wily, sly
悪口/あっこう - slander, bad-mouthing, abuse, insult,
speaking ill (of)
悪口/わるぐち - slander, bad-mouthing, abuse, insult,
speaking ill (of)
悪事/あくじ - evil deed, wrongdoing, crime, vice; misfortune,
悪質/あくしつ - malicious, vicious, malignant, underhanded;
shoddy, inferior, poor-quality, second-rate
悪習/あくしゅう - bad habit, bad custom, evil practice, vice
悪臭/あくしゅう - stink, bad odor, bad odour, stench
悪女/あくじょ - wicked woman; ugly woman
悪条件/あくじょうけん - unfavorable conditions, unfavourable
悪人/あくにん - bad person, villain, scoundrel, wrongdoer,
wicked person
悪性/あくせい - malignant (cancer), virulent, pernicious
(anemia, anaemia)
悪政/あくせい - misgovernment, misrule, bad government
悪戦苦闘/あくせんくとう - {yoji} hard fighting, hard struggle,
fighting against heavy odds
悪態/あくたい - abusive language
悪知恵/わるぢえ - craft, cunning, guile, serpentine wisdom
悪天候/あくてんこう - bad weather
悪党/あくとう - scoundrel, rascal, villain
悪童/あくどう - bad boy, naughty child, brat
悪徳/あくとく - vice, immorality, corruption
悪評/あくひょう - bad reputation, infamy, ill repute,
unfavorable criticism, unfavourable criticism
悪弊/あくへい - corrupt practice, evil practice, bad custom,
abuse, evil ways
悪法/あくほう - bad law; {arch} evil ways, evil way of doing
悪夢/あくむ - nightmare, bad dream
悪名高い/あくみょうたかい - infamous, notorious
悪役/あくやく - villain, baddie, the villain’s part
悪用/あくよう - abuse, misuse, perversion
悪霊/あくりょう - evil spirit
悪路/あくろ - bad road
握らす/にぎらす - to let (someone) take hold of something
(e.g. your hand)
握り/にぎり - grasping, gripping, grasp, grip, clutch; handful,
fistful; handle, grip, knob; {abbr} rice ball; {abbr}
nigirizushi, hand-formed sushi with a topping of seafood,
etc.; {go} method to determine player colors 握り緊める/にぎ
りしめる - to grasp tightly
握り寿司/にぎりずし - {food} nigirizushi, hand-formed sushi
with a topping of seafood, etc.
握り締める/にぎりしめる - to grasp tightly
握り飯/にぎりめし - rice ball
握り鮨/にぎりずし - {food} nigirizushi, hand-formed sushi
with a topping of seafood, etc.
握力/あくりょく - grip (of hand), grip strength
握鮨/にぎりずし - {food} nigirizushi, hand-formed sushi with
a topping of seafood, etc.
旭日/きょくじつ - rising sun
葦/あし - common reed (Phragmites australis)
葦/よし - common reed (Phragmites australis)
鯵/あじ - horse mackerel (Carangidae spp., esp. the Japanese
horse mackerel, Trachurus japonicus), jack mackerel,
pompano, scad
梓/あずさ - Japanese cherry birch (Betula grossa); yellow
catalpa (Catalpa ovata); Japanese mallotus (Mallotus
japonicus); printing block; {abbr} catalpa bow; {abbr}
catalpa medium
圧延/あつえん - rolling, extending by applying pressure
圧巻/あっかん - highlight, best part; {adj-no} {adj-na}
stunning, incredible, superb
圧殺/あっさつ - crushing to death; crushing (hope, freedom,
etc.), suppression, quashing, stifling
圧死/あっし - death by crushing, being crushed to death
圧縮空気/あっしゅくくうき - compressed air
圧勝/あっしょう - overwhelming victory, crushing victory,
sweeping victory, landslide victory
圧政/あっせい - oppressive rule, tyrannical regime, despotism
圧倒的/あっとうてき - overwhelming
圧力団体/あつりょくだんたい - pressure group, lobby
扱い方/あつかいかた - how to manage (e.g. case), how to
handle (e.g. machine), way with (e.g. children, animal)
宛て/あて - aim, object, purpose, end; expectations,
prospects, hopes; something that can be relied upon; snack
served with alcoholic drink; {n-suf} pad, guard; {n-suf} {npref} blow, strike; {suf} addressed to; {suf} per 宛て先/あて
さき - address, destination
宛て名/あてな - name, (recipient’s) name and address
姐/あね - older sister, elder sister
絢爛/けんらん - gorgeous, brilliant, dazzling, ornate, gaudy,
或る/ある - a certain …, some …
ある日/あるひ - one day (e.g. in the future)
粟/あわ - foxtail millet (Setaria italica), Italian millet (also
Hungarian, German)
安らか/やすらか - peaceful, tranquil, calm, restful
安らぎ/やすらぎ - peace (of mind), tranquility, tranquillity,
安らぐ/やすらぐ - to feel at ease
安穏/あんのん - peace, quiet, tranquility, tranquillity
安価/あんか - low-priced, cheap, inexpensive; shallow (e.g.
sympathy), superficial, cheap (e.g. government)
安楽/あんらく - comfort, ease
安楽死/あんらくし - euthanasia
安芸/あき - {hist} Aki (former province located in the west of
present-day Hiroshima Prefecture)
安産/あんざん - easy delivery, easy childbirth, safe birth
安住/あんじゅう - living in peace, living a quiet life; being
content with one’s present position, being satisfied with
one’s lot
安上がり/やすあがり - cheap, economical
安上り/やすあがり - cheap, economical
安心感/あんしんかん - sense of security
安全ピン/あんぜんピン - safety pin
安全装置/あんぜんそうち - safety device
安全地帯/あんぜんちたい - safety zone; traffic island
安全弁/あんぜんべん - safety valve
安全保障/あんぜんほしょう - security guarantee (e.g. military
security, network security, etc.)
安息/あんそく - rest, repose
安息日/あんそくにち - (Judeo-Christian) Sabbath
安泰/あんたい - peace, security, tranquility, tranquillity
安値/やすね - low price
安置/あんち - enshrinement, installation (of an image)
安直/あんちょく - simple, easy, simplistic; {dated}
inexpensive, cheap
安堵/あんど - relief, reassurance; {hist} recognition of right
to land ownership (by the shogunate, a feudal lord, etc.);
{arch} living safely surrounded by walls
安売り/やすうり - bargain sale, selling cheaply, selling at a
low price; giving out (too) readily, handing out freely, selling
(oneself) short
安否/あんぴ - safety, welfare, well-being
安物/やすもの - cheap article, poor quality article
安保/あんぽ - {abbr} security (e.g. national security); {abbr}
US-Japan Security Treaty; {abbr} campaign against the
Japan-US Security Treaty (1959-60, 1970)
安眠/あんみん - sound sleep, good sleep, quiet sleep
庵/あん - hermitage, retreat
庵/いおり - hermitage, retreat
按排/あんばい - seasoning, flavour, flavor, taste; condition,
state, situation; (state of) health, physical condition;
arrangement, assignment, adjustment, handling, dealing
按配/あんばい - seasoning, flavour, flavor, taste; condition,
state, situation; (state of) health, physical condition;
arrangement, assignment, adjustment, handling, dealing
按摩/あんま - massage (esp. anma, a traditional form of
Japanese massage); {sens} masseur, masseuse, massager;
{arch} {col} blind person
暗に/あんに - implicitly, indirectly, tacitly, by implication,
暗闇/くらやみ - darkness, the dark
暗雲/あんうん - dark clouds; threatening signs, ominous
暗号/あんごう - code, password, cipher
暗黒/あんこく - darkness
暗唱/あんしょう - reciting from memory
暗礁/あんしょう - reef, sunken rock; unforeseen difficulty
暗証番号/あんしょうばんごう - personal identification number,
PIN, password number
暗転/あんてん - (theatrical) blackout; taking a (sudden) turn
for the worse, rapid deterioration
暗闘/あんとう - secret feud; {kabuki} wordless pantomime
performed in the dark
暗黙/あんもく - tacit, unspoken, implicit
暗夜/あんや - dark night
暗躍/あんやく - secret manoeuvres (maneuvers), operating
behind the scenes
案価/あんか - low price, cheapness
案件/あんけん - matter (to discuss), item (on the agenda),
issue, topic, case; (court) case
案内書/あんないしょ - guidebook, guide
案内状/あんないじょう - letter of invitation, invitation card
案配/あんばい - seasoning, flavour, flavor, taste; condition,
state, situation; (state of) health, physical condition;
arrangement, assignment, adjustment, handling, dealing
案分/あんぶん - proportional division, proportional distribution
案文/あんぶん - draft, draft proposal
闇黒/あんこく - darkness
鞍/くら - saddle
鞍馬/あんば - pommel horse, side horse; saddled horse
杏/あんず - apricot (Prunus armeniaca)
杏子/あんず - apricot (Prunus armeniaca)
杏林/きょうりん - apricot grove
以て/もって - with, by, by means of; because of, on account
of, for, due to; on (a day, date), at (a time), as of (e.g.
today); adds emphasis to preceding word; in addition (to
being), moreover, as well as, and; therefore, and so, hence
以遠/いえん - beyond, further than
以心伝心/いしんでんしん - {yoji} telepathy, tacit
understanding, thought transference, communion of mind
with mind; {Buddh} {yoji} non-verbal Zen Buddhist
transmission to a disciple of the central tenets of Buddhism
伊勢神宮/いせじんぐう - Ise Grand Shrine
伊勢丹/いせたん - Isetan (department store)
伊達/だて - elegance, dandyism, sophistication, having style;
affectation, showing off, putting on an air, appearances,
doing something just for show
伊呂波/いろは - traditional ordering of the Japanese syllabary;
fundamentals, the ABCs of …
位相/いそう - {physics} phase (e.g. wave, electricity, moon);
{math} topology; {ling} register
位置付け/いちつけ - placement, fixed position, mapping out,
位置付け/いちづけ - placement, fixed position, mapping out,
位置付ける/いちずける - to place (in relation to the whole), to
rank, to position, to locate
位置付ける/いちづける - to place (in relation to the whole), to
rank, to position, to locate
依る/よる - to be due to, to be caused by; to depend on, to
turn on; to be based on, to come from; to be based at (a
location, an organization), to be headquartered at
依願/いがん - in accordance with one’s request
依拠/いきょ - dependence
依嘱/いしょく - commissioning, entrusting (with), request,
appointment (to a position)
依然として/いぜんとして - still, as yet, as of old
依存/いそん - dependence, reliance
依頼者/いらいしゃ - client, requester
偉/い - greatness
偉業/いぎょう - great achievement, great feat, great work,
great undertaking
偉人/いじん - great person, eminent figure
偉力/いりょく - power, might, authority, influence
囲い/かこい - enclosure, fence, wall, pen, paling; storage (of
fruit, vegetables, etc.); partitioned area of a room for
conducting tea ceremonies; {abbr} mistress; {shogi}
castle, strong defensive position 囲う/かこう - to enclose, to
surround, to encircle, to fence, to wall in; to shelter (e.g. a
criminal), to shield, to hide, to protect; to keep (e.g. a
mistress); to store (vegetables, fruit, etc.), to preserve;
{arch} to protect 囲み/かこみ - enclosure, box; siege
囲碁/いご - go (board game)
委しい/くわしい - detailed, full, minute; knowing very well,
knowledgeable (about), well-acquainted (with), wellinformed (about), familiar (with)
委せる/まかせる - to leave (a matter, decision, etc. to
someone), to entrust (to someone), to entrust (someone)
with; to leave (to chance, one’s imagination, etc.), to let
(take its own course), to let (happen), to give (oneself to
something); to use (money, strength, spare time, etc.) to
the full, to use freely, to use without reserve 委ねる/ゆだねる
- to entrust (a matter) to, to leave to; to abandon oneself to
(e.g. pleasure), to yield to (e.g. anger), to devote oneself to
委員会/いいんかい - committee, commission, board, panel,
committee meeting
委員長/いいんちょう - (committee) chairman, president
委棄/いき - {law} waiving (a right), waiver, renunciation;
abandonment, desertion
委縮/いしゅく - withering, shrivelling, shrinking, atrophy,
委譲/いじょう - transfer, assignment
委嘱/いしょく - commissioning, entrusting (with), request,
appointment (to a position)
委任/いにん - entrusting, charge, delegation, authorization
委任状/いにんじょう - commission, proxy, power of attorney,
委任統治/いにんとうち - mandate
威圧/いあつ - coercion, overpowering, overawing, daunting
威嚇/いかく - threat, intimidation, menace
威厳/いげん - dignity, majesty, solemnity, gravity
威光/いこう - power, authority, influence
威信/いしん - prestige, dignity
威勢/いせい - power, might, authority, influence; spirits,
vigor, vigour, energy, boldness
威張り腐る/いばりくさる - to throw one’s weight around, to be
puffed up
威風/いふう - majesty, dignity
威容/いよう - dignified appearance, majestic appearance,
imposing appearance
尉/じょう - {arch} inspector (third highest of the four
administrative ranks of the ritsuryō system); (noh) old man;
white ash (of charcoal)
意気/いき - spirit, heart, disposition
意気軒高/いきけんこう - {yoji} in high spirits, elated
意気込み/いきごみ - ardor, enthusiasm
意気消沈/いきしょうちん - {yoji} depressed in spirits,
dispirited, disheartened, rejection
意気地/いきじ - self-respect, self-confidence, guts, backbone,
pride, drive, willpower
意気地/いくじ - self-respect, self-confidence, guts, backbone,
pride, drive, willpower
意気投合/いきとうごう - {yoji} hit it off with (a person), find a
kindred spirit in (a person), sympathy, mutual
意志決定/いしけってい - decision-making
意志疎通/いしそつう - (reciprocal) communication, (coming to
a) mutual understanding
意思決定/いしけってい - decision-making
意思表示/いしひょうじ - {yoji} expressing one’s feelings,
communicating one’s intention; {law} {yoji} declaration of
意識的/いしきてき - conscious, deliberate, intentional
意匠/いしょう - design; idea, conception, plan
意図的/いとてき - intentional, on purpose
意中/いちゅう - one’s mind, one’s heart, one’s intention
意表/いひょう - surprise, something unexpected
意味合い/いみあい - implication, nuance, shade of meaning,
意味付ける/いみづける - to give meaning (to), to assess the
significance (of)
意慾/いよく - will, desire, eagerness, interest, drive,
motivation, urge, ambition
意嚮/いこう - intention, idea, inclination, wish
慰安/いあん - solace, relaxation
慰謝/いしゃ - consolation
慰問/いもん - visit to console someone, giving comfort (to the
sick, injured, etc.), expressing condolences (sympathy,
concern, etc.), sympathy call
慰留/いりゅう - dissuasion (from resigning, leaving, etc.),
persuading (to stay)
慰霊/いれい - consoling the spirits of the dead
慰霊祭/いれいさい - memorial service
慰労/いろう - recognition of services
慰藉/いしゃ - consolation
易/えき - type of cleromancy divination (described in the
Book of Changes) performed with long sticks; {abbr} The
Book of Changes, Yijing, I Ching
為し遂げる/なしとげる - to accomplish, to finish, to fulfill
為に/ために - for, for the sake of, to one’s advantage, in favor
of, in favour of, on behalf of; because of, as a result of
し過ぎる/しすぎる - to overdo, to do too much
為業/しわざ - deed (esp. negative), act, action, one’s doing
為手/して - doer, performer; shite, protagonist, hero, leading
part, main character
為政者/いせいしゃ - statesman, administrator, politician,
為続ける/しつづける - to continue to do, to persist in doing
為替管理/かわせかんり - exchange control
為替銀行/かわせぎんこう - exchange bank
為替相場/かわせそうば - exchange rates
畏れ/おそれ - fear, horror, anxiety, concern, uneasiness,
畏れる/おそれる - to fear, to be afraid of
畏敬/いけい - reverence, awe, respect
畏怖/いふ - awe, fear, dread, fright
異教徒/いきょうと - pagan, heretic, heathen
異郷/いきょう - foreign country, foreign land, strange land,
far-off land
異口同音/いくどうおん - {yoji} (saying) with one voice,
unanimously, in chorus, in unison, as one
異国/いこく - foreign country
異彩/いさい - conspicuousness (usu. color), prominence,
異質/いしつ - different (quality, nature), heterogeneous
異種/いしゅ - different kind (species, variety), heterologous,
異臭/いしゅう - offensive smell, off-flavor, off-flavour
異状/いじょう - something wrong, accident, change,
abnormality, aberration
異色/いしょく - unique, distinctive, novel, singular, unusual,
special; {n} different color (colour)
異説/いせつ - different view, alternative theory, dissenting
異存/いぞん - objection
異端/いたん - heresy
異物/いぶつ - foreign substance, foreign body, foreign
contamination, foreign material; strange object, unusual
object; {arch} dead body, corpse, remains
異文/いぶん - variant (in a manuscript or book), part of a text
that differs from other versions
異文化/いぶんか - different culture, foreign culture
異変/いへん - unusual event, strange occurrence, strange
phenomenon, something abnormal, change (for the worse),
accident, disaster
異母/いぼ - different mother
異邦人/いほうじん - foreigner; stranger; gentile, goy, non-Jew
異名/いみょう - another name, nickname, alias
異名/いめい - another name, nickname, alias; synonym
異様/いよう - bizarre, strange, eccentric, odd, queer
異例/いれい - exceptional, unusual, extraordinary,
unprecedented, singular
移り/うつり - change, transition, return present
移り気/うつりぎ - fickle, capricious, inconstant, changeable,
移り変わり/うつりかわり - change (e.g. season)
移り変わる/うつりかわる - to change
移管/いかん - transfer of control
移譲/いじょう - transfer, assignment
移植/いしょく - {bot} transplanting (a plant), transplant,
grafting; {med} transplantation (of an organ, tissue, etc.),
transplant; {med} {biol} embryo transfer, embryo
transplant; {comp} porting (software) 移籍/いせき - transfer
(of one’s name into another family register); transfer (to
another team, company, etc.)
移設/いせつ - relocation (of facilities, an institution, factory,
etc.), moving (to a different site)
移送/いそう - transfer, transport, transportation
移動性高気圧/いどうせいこうきあつ - migratory anticyclone
移入/いにゅう - introduction (from outside), import, bringing
in; shipping in (from another part of the country),
transporting; putting in (e.g. one’s feelings into a work)
維新/いしん - reformation, revolution, renewal; {hist} Meiji
Restoration; {abbr} Nippon Ishin no Kai, Japan Innovation
胃カメラ/いカメラ - endoscope, gastrocamera
胃炎/いえん - gastritis, gastric catarrh
胃袋/いぶくろ - stomach; dietary needs
胃腸/いちょう - stomach and intestines; gastrointestinal tract;
digestive organs​
胃痛/いつう - stomachache, stomach pain, gastralgia
胃潰瘍/いかいよう - {med} stomach ulcer, gastric ulcer
萎れる/しおれる - to wither, to wilt, to droop, to fade; to be
dejected, to be disheartened, to be depressed, to be
萎縮/いしゅく - withering, shrivelling, shrinking, atrophy,
衣/ころも - clothes, garment; gown, robe; coating (e.g. glaze,
batter, icing)
衣更え/ころもがえ - seasonal change of clothing, changing
one’s dress for the season; renovation, facelift, redesign,
redecoration, new appearance, fresh look
衣裳/いしょう - clothing, costume, outfit, garment, dress
衣食/いしょく - food and clothing, livelihood, living; {vs} to
feed and clothe
衣替え/ころもがえ - seasonal change of clothing, changing
one’s dress for the season; renovation, facelift, redesign,
redecoration, new appearance, fresh look
謂う/いう - to say, to utter, to declare; to name, to call
謂わば/いわば - so to speak, so to call it, as it were
違い無い/ちがいない - sure, no mistaking it, for certain,
without doubt
違憲/いけん - unconstitutionality
違犯/いはん - offense (against the law), offence, violation
違法/いほう - illegal, illicit, unlawful
違約/いやく - breach of contract, default
違和感/いわかん - uncomfortable feeling, feeling out of place,
sense of discomfort; malaise, physical unease
遺す/のこす - to leave (behind); to leave (undone), to not
finish; to save, to set aside, to reserve; to leave (to
someone, esp. after one’s death), to bequeath; {sumo} to
stay (in the ring), to hold on
遺影/いえい - portrait of a deceased person
遺憾/いかん - regrettable, unsatisfactory, deplorable,
遺棄/いき - abandonment, desertion
遺訓/いくん - teachings left by a deceased person, last
遺言/いごん - {law} will, testament; last request, dying wish
遺言/ゆいごん - {law} will, testament; last request, dying
遺構/いこう - (archaeological) remains, remnants (of ancient
structures), ancient foundation
遺稿/いこう - posthumous manuscripts
遺骨/いこつ - cremated remains (esp. the bones), ashes;
remains (of war dead)
遺恨/いこん - grudge, ill will, enmity
遺作/いさく - posthumous works
遺志/いし - wishes of a deceased person, dying wish
遺児/いじ - orphan, child left by the deceased; abandoned
遺失/いしつ - loss
遺失物/いしつぶつ - lost article, lost property
遺書/いしょ - note left by a dead person, suicide note,
testamentary letter, will, testament; posthumous work
遺蹟/いせき - (archeological) remains, ruins, relics
遺族/いぞく - bereaved family, surviving family, family of the
遺体/いたい - (dead) body, corpse, remains
遺伝/いでん - heredity, (genetic) inheritance
遺伝学/いでんがく - genetics, study of heredity
遺伝子/いでんし - gene; {adj-f} {adj-no} genetic
遺伝子工学/いでんしこうがく - {genet} genetic engineering
遺伝病/いでんびょう - hereditary (genetic) disease
遺品/いひん - things left (to one) by the deceased, inherited
item, estate, memento, keepsake; lost item, lost property
遺物/いぶつ - relic, remains, memento
遺留/いりゅう - leaving behind (after death), bequest; leaving
behind, forgetting
遺留品/いりゅうひん - article left behind (at a crime scene,
after death, etc.)
医/い - medicine, the healing art, healing, curing; doctor
医科/いか - medical science, medical department
医科学/いかがく - medical college
医会/いかい - medical society
医学部/いがくぶ - medical faculty
医官/いかん - medical officer
医局/いきょく - medical office (esp. in a hospital), doctor’s
医師会/いしかい - medical association
医事/いじ - medical practice
医大/いだい - {abbr} medical school
医長/いちょう - medical director, chief physician
医務/いむ - medical affairs
医務室/いむしつ - doctor’s office, medical office, sickbay
医薬/いやく - medicine; {abbr} Pharmaceutical and Food
Safety Bureau
医薬品/いやくひん - medical and pharmaceutical products,
medicinal supplies, drugs, pharmaceuticals, medicine
井/い - well
井堰/いせき - dam, weir, barrier, sluice
井戸掘り/いどほり - well digging, well digger
井戸水/いどみず - well water
井戸端会議/いどばたかいぎ - content-free chat, idle gossip
井筒/いづつ - well curb, well kerb; family crest design based
on a square wooden well curb
域外/いきがい - outside the area
域内/いきない - inside the area
育くむ/はぐくむ - to raise, to bring up, to rear; to cultivate, to
foster, to nurture
育ち盛り/そだちざかり - growth period (in children)
育て上げる/そだてあげる - to raise (to maturity), to bring up,
to rear, to train, to educate
育む/はぐくむ - to raise, to rear, to bring up, to foster
育英/いくえい - education of gifted young people, providing
financial support to gifted students; education
育種/いくしゅ - breeding (of plants or animals)
育生/いくせい - rearing, training, nurture, cultivation,
育苗/いくびょう - raising seedlings
育毛剤/いくもうざい - hair growth formula, hair growth agent
磯/いそ - (rocky) beach, seashore
磯辺/いそべ - seashore, beach; food wrapped in nori
一つ一つ/ひとつひとつ - one-by-one, separately, in detail
一に/いつに - solely, entirely, only, or
一握り/ひとにぎり - handful; small amount, small number
一安心/ひとあんしん - feeling of relief (for the time being),
peace of mind (for now)
一案/いちあん - idea, plan
一位/いちい - first place, first rank; units position (of a
一尉/いちい - {mil} captain (JASDF, JGSDF), lieutenant (senior
grade; JMSDF)
一一九番/ひゃくじゅうきゅうばん - 119 (ambulance and fire
brigade emergency telephone number in Japan)
一員/いちいん - person, member
一因/いちいん - one cause, one reason, one factor
一円/いちえん - one yen; {suf} {adv} throughout (an area),
whole district
一往/いちおう - more or less, though not quite satisfactorily,
after a fashion, pretty much, roughly, so far as it goes;
tentatively, for the time being; just in case; once
一億/いちおく - 100,000,000, one hundred million
一家/いっけ - a family, a household, a home, one’s family,
whole family; (one’s own) style, school; gang, (yakuza)
一家言/いっかげん - private opinion, personal view, personal
一箇/いっこ - piece, fragment, one (object)
一過/いっか - passing (e.g. of a typhoon), going past
一画/いっかく - one plot (of land), one block (i.e. one city
block), one area, one lot; one brush stroke, one kanji stroke
一介/いっかい - mere, only a …
一回り/ひとまわり - one round, one turn, a circuit (of); one
size (larger or smaller); one cycle of the twelve years of the
Chinese zodiac
一回転/いちかいてん - one revolution, one rotation
一階/いっかい - first floor, ground floor; one floor, one storey;
one rank
一獲千金/いっかくせんきん - {yoji} getting rich quick, making
a killing, making a fortune at a single stroke
一角/いっかく - corner, section, point, part; one horn; narwhal
(Monodon monoceros)
一割/いちわり - ten percent
一喝/いっかつ - sharp, loud rebuke, bark, roar; rebuke used in
Zen to achieve enlightenment
一巻/いっかん - one roll; one book, one volume; first volume
一環/いっかん - link (e.g. in a chain of events), part (of a plan,
campaign, activities, etc.); {adj-no} {bot} monocyclic
一貫/いっかん - consistency, coherence, integration; one kan
(approx. 3.75 kg); one piece of sushi
一丸/いちがん - one lump, one body, one group
一喜一憂/いっきいちゆう - {yoji} alternating between
happiness and anxiety, swinging between joy and sorrow,
being glad and sad by turns, oscillating between optimism
and pessimism
一期/いちご - one’s whole life, one’s lifetime
一気に/いっきに - in one go, in one gulp, in one breath,
without stopping, without pausing, without a rest, in one
sitting, at a stretch; suddenly, all of a sudden, all at once
一騎打/いっきうち - personal combat, one-to-one fight
一騎打ち/いっきうち - personal combat, one-to-one fight
一騎討/いっきうち - personal combat, one-to-one fight
一騎討ち/いっきうち - personal combat, one-to-one fight
一義/いちぎ - one meaning; primary importance, primary
significance, primary consideration; a reason, a truth
一級/いっきゅう - one grade, first-class, primary
一挙/いっきょ - one effort, one action
一挙手一投足/いっきょしゅいっとうそく - one’s every action,
every single move; slight effort, least trouble, small amount
of work
一興/いっきょう - amusement, fun, brief entertainment
一局/いっきょく - one game (of go, shogi, etc.); one board
(go, shogi, etc.); one office (of a broadcasting station, post
office, etc.)
一曲/いっきょく - tune (melody, piece of music)
一筋縄/ひとすじなわ - (piece of) rope; ordinary method
一句/いっく - phrase (verse, line); one haiku-poem
一苦労/ひとくろう - a hard time, pains
一隅/いちぐう - corner, nook
一群/いちぐん - group, flock, crowd, herd; wide expanse (of
一軍/いちぐん - one army, whole army; {sports} first string
players; {col} the cool kids, the popular kids
一芸/いちげい - an art, one talent
一撃/いちげき - blow, hit, stroke
一件/いっけん - (one) matter, (one) item, (one) case
一見/いちげん - first visit to inn, restaurant, etc. without an
一軒家/いっけんや - detached house, single house, single
building; isolated house, house in isolated location
一元/いちげん - unitary
一元化/いちげんか - unification, centralization, centralisation
一言/いちげん - single word, a few words, brief comment
一言/いちごん - single word, a few words, brief comment
一個/いっこ - piece, fragment, one (object)
一個人/いちこじん - private person, individual
一戸/いっこ - one house, household
一戸建て/いっこだて - detached house, standalone house,
single-family home
一顧/いっこ - slightest notice, slightest consideration,
slightest attention, a little thought, glance
一語/いちご - one word
一口/ひとくち - mouthful, morsel, bite; gulp, sip, draft,
draught; one word, in short; one share, one contribution
一向/いっこう - completely, absolutely, totally; (not) at all,
(not) a bit, (not) in the least; earnestly, intently,
determinedly; {n} {abbr} Jōdo Shinshū
一向に/いっこうに - completely, absolutely, totally; (not) at
all, (not) a bit, (not) in the least; earnestly, intently,
一工夫/ひとくふう - contrivance, bit of fiddling, little
ingenuity; bit more (e.g. food)
一校/いっこう - whole school, the first proof, one proofreading
一考/いっこう - consideration, thought
一行/いちぎょう - (one) line, (one) row
一行/いっこう - party, group, troop, company; one act, one
action, one deed
一刻/いっこく - a moment, a minute, an instant; {adj-na}
{dated} stubborn, obstinate
一国/いっこく - one country; the whole nation, the whole
country; {adj-na} {dated} stubborn, obstinate
一座/いちざ - the whole company, the party, all those
present, everyone in attendance; attendance (at a
gathering), presence; banquet, dinner, party; troupe,
(theatrical) company; (one) statue; {arch} top seat, head
(of the table) 一昨/いっさく - one previous
一昨日/おとつい - day before yesterday
一策/いっさく - idea, plan
一山/ひとやま - one mountain; pile (of something), heap, lot
(in sale); hump, worst part; large profit, killing
一酸化炭素/いっさんかたんそ - carbon monoxide
一子/いっし - one child; only child; one of several children
(esp. the son and heir); {go} one stone
一事/いちじ - one thing
一字/いちじ - (one) letter, (one) character
一時/いっとき - a (short) time, a while, moment; one time (in
the past), a period, former times; {arch} two-hour period
一時/ひととき - a (short) time, a while, moment; one time (in
the past), a period, former times; {arch} two-hour period
一時に/いちどきに - at the same time, at a time, at one time,
一時期/いちじき - a period (of time)
一時金/いちじきん - single amount (of money), one-off
payment, lump sum; bonus
一時的/いちじてき - temporary, transitory, short-lived
一次産業/いちじさんぎょう - primary industry
一次産品/いちじさんぴん - primary products
一式/いっしき - complete set, all, everything
一室/いっしつ - one room
一手/いって - one move (in go, shogi, etc.); only way, only
means; doing alone, doing single-handed, monopoly
一種/ひとくさ - a kind, a sort, a species, a variety; a kind of;
…of sorts
一首/いっしゅ - one tanka, one poem
一樹/いちじゅ - one tree, a tree
一周/いっしゅう - one round, one circuit, one revolution, one
lap, one turn
一周/ひとめぐり - once around, a revolution, a lap, a turn, a
round, one full year
一周忌/いっしゅうき - first anniversary of a person’s death
一周年/いっしゅうねん - one full year
一蹴/いっしゅう - flatly rejecting, curtly refusing, brushing
aside; beating easily, defeating handily; one kick
一週/いっしゅう - one week
一週間/いっしゅうかん - one week
一重/ひとえ - one layer, single layer; monopetalous; {abbr}
unlined kimono; {abbr} single-edged eyelid, eyelid with an
epicanthic fold, upper eyelid with no fold
一巡/いちじゅん - one round, one tour, one circuit, one patrol
一巡り/ひとめぐり - a round, a turn, going around, making a
round; first anniversary of a person’s death
一所/いっしょ - one place, the same place; {hon} {arch} one
person; {arch} together
一書/いっしょ - one letter, one book
一助/いちじょ - a help, an aid, some assistance
一女/いちじょ - one daughter; eldest daughter, first-born
一笑/いっしょう - laugh, smile
一条/いちじょう - one line, one streak, one stripe, one ray (of
light), one wisp (of smoke); one item (in an itemized form),
one clause, one passage (in a book); one matter (affair,
event, case, incident)
一色/いっしき - one color, one colour, one article,
monochrome; same tendency, everyone being caught up in
the same thing
一色/いっしょく - one color, one colour, one article,
monochrome; same tendency, everyone being caught up in
the same thing
一色/ひといろ - one color, one colour, one article,
monochrome; same tendency, everyone being caught up in
the same thing
一触即発/いっしょくそくはつ - {yoji} critical (touch and go)
situation, explosive situation
一審/いっしん - first instance, first trial
一心に/いっしんに - wholeheartedly, single-mindedly,
fervently, intently
一心同体/いっしんどうたい - {yoji} being one in body and
soul, of one flesh, two hearts beating as one
一心不乱/いっしんふらん - {yoji} wholeheartedly, with heart
and soul, intently, with undivided attention, with intense
concentration, single-mindedly
一新/いっしん - complete change, reform, restoration,
remodeling, remodelling, renewal
一神教/いっしんきょう - monotheism
一身/いっしん - oneself, one’s body
一身上/いっしんじょう - personal (affairs, reasons, etc.)
一進一退/いっしんいったい - {yoji} now advancing and now
retreating, ebb and flow, seesawing, taking alternately
favorable and unfavorable turns
一人/いちにん - one person
一人っ子/ひとりっこ - (an) only child
一人ひとり/ひとりひとり - each (person), individually, one by
one, one at a time, in turn
一人一人/ひとりびとり - each (person), individually, one by
one, one at a time, in turn
一人子/ひとりご - (an) only child
一人称/いちにんしょう - {gramm} first person
一人占め/ひとりじめ - hogging, having all to oneself,
monopolising, monopolizing
一人前/いちにんまえ - one portion, one serving, one person;
adult, grownup, person who has come of age; {adj-no} {adjna} fully fledged, established, qualified
一人前/ひとりまえ - one portion, one serving, one person;
adult, grownup, person who has come of age; {adj-no} {adjna} fully fledged, established, qualified
一人相撲/ひとりずもう - fighting windmills, tilting at windmills;
{hist} mimicking a wrestling match by oneself (as a form of
street performance, etc.)
一人息子/ひとりむすこ - only son
一人物/いちじんぶつ - person to be reckoned with, person of
importance; one person, one character, someone
一人歩き/ひとりあるき - taking on a life of its own (of a
rumour, etc.); walking by oneself, taking a walk by oneself;
walking unaided, being able to walk without help; standing
on one’s own feet, being independent, taking care of oneself
一人暮し/ひとりぐらし - living by oneself, living alone
一人娘/ひとりむすめ - only daughter
一陣/いちじん - gust of wind; vanguard
一睡/いっすい - wink of sleep, snooze, doze, nap
一寸/いっすん - one sun (approx. 3.03 cm); little bit (of time,
distance, etc.)
一世/いっせい - generation, lifetime; the age, the day; the
first (e.g. Elizabeth I); issei, first-generation Japanese (or
Korean, etc.)
一声/いっせい - voice, cry, shout
一斉に/いっせいに - simultaneously, all at once, in unison
一席/いっせき - sitting, feast, speech
一昔/ひとむかし - an age (ago), a long time (ago), a decade
一石/いっせき - one game (of go)
一石二鳥/いっせきにちょう - {yoji} killing two birds with one
一節/いっせつ - one passage, one paragraph, one stanza, one
verse, one section (of a piece of music), one syllable
一節/ひとふし - one joint, one section; one tune, one piece,
one measure; one piece (of dried bonito)
一説/いっせつ - one theory, one opinion, another theory
一千/いっせん - 1,000, one thousand
一戦/いっせん - battle, game, bout
一線/いっせん - line
一掃/いっそう - clean sweep, purging, doing away with,
一足/いっそく - a pair (of shoes or socks)
一足/ひとあし - a step; short distance, short time
一足飛び/いっそくとび - (at) one bound
一族/いちぞく - family, relatives, dependents; household
一存/いちぞん - one’s own discretion (idea, responsibility)
一打/いちだ - stroke, blow
一対/いっつい - pair, couple
一対一/いったいいち - one-to-one, one-on-one
一代/いちだい - generation, lifetime, age
一代記/いちだいき - biography
一大/いちだい - one large …, a great …
一大事/いちだいじ - important matter, matter of great
importance, serious affair, major incident, emergency
一端/いったん - one end, an end; part, fragment
一団/いちだん - body, group, party, gang, troupe, troop
一段/いちだん - even more, still more, much more, further;
{n} {adv} one step, one rung, one level, one grade, one
rank; {n} one paragraph, one passage; {n} {gramm}
{abbr} ichidan (verb, verb conjugation) 一段落/いちだんらく reaching a stopping place, settling down (before the next
stage), getting to a point where one can rest, completing
the first stage (of the work); one paragraph
一段落/ひとだんらく - reaching a stopping place, settling
down (before the next stage), getting to a point where one
can rest, completing the first stage (of the work); one
一男/いちなん - boy, eldest son
一丁/いっちょう - one leaf (of a book bound in Japanese
style); one block of tofu, one serving (in a restaurant); one
long and narrow thing (e.g. a gun, scissors, spade, hoe,
inkstick, palanquin, candle, jinrikisha, shamisen, oar); one
chō (unit of distance, approx. 109.09 m); one game, one
task; {adv} well then, right 一朝一夕/いっちょういっせき {yoji} in a day, in a brief space of time
一長一短/いっちょういったん - {yoji} (something having its)
merits and demerits, advantages and disadvantages, good
points and shortcomings
一直線/いっちょくせん - straight line
一通/いっつう - one copy (of a document), one letter; {abbr}
one-way traffic; {mahj} {abbr} pure straight, winning hand
containing nine consecutive tiles of the same suit (i.e. 1-9)
一定/いちじょう - fixed, settled, constant, definite, uniform,
regularized, regularised, defined, standardized,
standardised, certain, prescribed
一滴/いってき - one drop (of fluid)
一徹/いってつ - obstinate, stubborn, inflexible
一転/いってん - one turn, spinning around; complete change,
reversal, (an) about-face, sudden transformation
一点/いってん - speck, dot, point, only a little, particle, only
一点張り/いってんばり - persistence, single-mindedness,
sticking to one point, focusing on one thing; always making
the same bet
一途/いちず - wholehearted, earnest, determined, intent,
single-minded, straightforward, devoted to, doing nothing
一度/ひとたび - once, one time, on one occasion; temporarily,
for a moment
一党/いっとう - one party, one faction, one clique
一刀/いっとう - sword, blade; single stroke
一刀両断/いっとうりょうだん - {yoji} cutting in two with a
single stroke; {yoji} taking decisive action, dealing with
decisively, cutting the (Gordian) knot
一等/いっとう - first class, first rank, first grade, first place,
first prize; one degree, one level, one grade; {adv} most,
一堂/いちどう - one building (hall, temple, shrine, room);
same room, same place, same building
一読/いちどく - perusal, one reading
一二/いちに - the first and second, a few
一日/いちじつ - one day; 1st day of the month
一任/いちにん - entrusting (everything to), leaving (a matter)
entirely with
一年生/いちねんせい - a first-year student
一年中/いちねんじゅう - all year round
一念/いちねん - determined purpose; {Buddh} an incredibly
short span of time (i.e. the time occupied by a single
thought); {Buddh} a single repetition of a prayer (esp. in
一念発起/いちねんほっき - {yoji} being resolved to (do
something), having a wholehearted intention
一派/いっぱ - school, sect, party
一倍/いちばい - multiplying by one, original amount; {adv}
(even) more; {dated} double, twice (as much), twofold
一発/いっぱつ - one shot, one charge, one explosion; one
blow, one punch; {baseb} home run; one try, one attempt;
{mahj} win on the first go-around after calling rīchi
一般に/いっぱんに - generally, in general, widely, commonly,
一般職/いっぱんしょく - clerical position (e.g. in the civil
service), general office work
一般的/いっぱんてき - general, popular, common, typical
一晩中/ひとばんじゅう - all night long, all through the night
一番手/いちばんて - first person (to do), person going first;
first place, top position, person in the top position, person in
the lead
一番乗り/いちばんのり - first rider in a charge; first (person) to
一皮/ひとかわ - unmasking
一飛/いちひ - first fly
一筆/いっぴつ - one stroke (of a brush); a few lines (of
writing), note, short letter, (dropping) a line; writing in one
go (without stopping to apply more ink to the brush); parcel
(of land); same handwriting 一票/いっぴょう - one vote, one
一品/いっぴん - item, article; dish, course; finest item
一部/いちぶ - one part, one portion
一部始終/いちぶしじゅう - {yoji} full particulars, all the
details, the whole story, everything (about), from beginning
to end
一風/いっぷう - oddity, eccentricity, peculiarity
一服/いっぷく - (a) dose, (a) puff, (a) smoke, lull, short rest
一物/いちぶつ - plot, ulterior motive, secret intention; thing,
article; penis
一分/いちぶ - one tenth, one hundredth, one percent, one
tenth of a sun, one quarter ryō (an old coin)
一分/いっぷん - (a) minute
一文/いちぶん - a sentence, one sentence; (short) piece of
一文/いちもん - tiny amount of money, a penny, a cent, a
farthing; one letter, one character; {hist} one mon (unit of
一文字/いちもんじ - straight line, beeline
一片/いっぺん - a piece, a scrap, a fragment, a bit; iota,
modicum, trace, scrap, the slightest bit (of)
一辺倒/いっぺんとう - complete devotion (to), total
commitment (to), unvarying support (for), unwavering
fixation (on), rigid preoccupation (with)
一遍/いっぺん - once, one time; {n-suf} exclusively, only,
一遍に/いっぺんに - (all) at once, at the same time, in one go,
in one sitting; right away, in an instant
一歩/いっぽ - (a) step, one step; level, stage, step; small
degree, small amount
一報/いっぽう - information, (brief) notice, letting someone
know, dropping a line; first report, initial report
一方通行/いっぽうつうこう - {yoji} one-way traffic
一方的/いっぽうてき - one-sided, unilateral, arbitrary
一望/いちぼう - one sweep (of the eye), sweeping view,
unbroken view
一本/いっぽん - one long cylindrical thing, one film, TV show,
etc., one goal, home run, etc., one telephone call; one
version; one book, a certain book; {MA} ippon, one point, a
blow; geisha; {n-suf} single-minded focus on …
一本釣り/いっぽんづり - fishing with a pole
一本立ち/いっぽんだち - independence
一枚看板/いちまいかんばん - {yoji} leading player, prima
donna, box-office star; {yoji} best item one has (to show),
one’s sole Sunday best, one’s single area of expertise
一枚岩/いちまいいわ - monolith, large slab of rock
一幕/ひとまく - one act (play, etc.); scene, event
一抹/いちまつ - (a) touch of, tinge of, wreath (e.g. of smoke);
one stroke, one brush
一味/いちみ - clan, partisans, conspirators, gang, ring, crew;
participation (e.g. in a plot); one flavour, one charm; one
ingredient (in traditional Chinese medicine); {Buddh}
universality (of the teachings of Buddha) 一脈/いちみゃく - (a)
vein, (a) thread (of connection)
一命/いちめい - (a) life, (a) command
一木/いちぼく - one tree
一目/いちもく - look, glance, glimpse; {go} one stone
一目散に/いちもくさんに - at full speed, as fast as one’s legs
can carry one
一問/いちもん - one question
一門/いちもん - family, clan, kin; sect, school, adherents,
followers, disciples; {sumo} group of related sumo stables
一夜/いちや - one night, all night, overnight, one evening
一夜/ひとや - one night, all night, overnight, one evening
一夜/ひとよ - one night, all night, overnight, one evening
一矢/いっし - an arrow; a retort
一役/いちやく - an office, an important office
一躍/いちやく - suddenly (rising to fame, etc.), instantly,
immediately, overnight; {n} {vs} one bound, one leap
一葉/いちよう - one leaf; one page, one sheet, one card, one
photo; {arch} one boat
一翼/いちよく - one wing; (a) role, (a) part
一卵性双生児/いちらんせいそうせいじ - identical twins
一覧/いちらん - look, glance, sight, inspection; summary, list,
table, catalog, catalogue
一覧表/いちらんひょう - list, table, schedule, catalogue,
一理/いちり - (a) principle, (a) reason, (a) point, some truth
一里塚/いちりづか - milestone (1 ri apart)
一両/いちりょう - one vehicle; one ryō (an old coin)
一輪/いちりん - one flower; one wheel; {arch} full moon
一塁/いちるい - {baseb} first base; {baseb} {abbr} first
baseman; one fort
一塁手/いちるいしゅ - {baseb} first baseman
一例/いちれい - example, an instance
一礼/いちれい - one bow, one salute, one greeting
一列/いちれつ - (a) row, line
一路/いちろ - straight, directly; {n} voyage, journey, straight
一浪/いちろう - failing college entrance exams and retaking
them a year later
一揆/いっき - uprising (esp. in Japan since middle ages, e.g.
peasant uprising), revolt, insurrection, putsch, riot
一輛/いちりょう - one vehicle
逸する/いっする - to lose (a chance), to miss (a chance); to
overlook, to omit, to forget; to deviate
逸れる/はぐれる - to lose sight of (one’s companions), to stray
from; {aux-v} {v1} to miss (one’s chance to …)
逸機/いっき - missing a chance
逸材/いつざい - outstanding talent, person of exceptional
talent, gifted person
逸脱/いつだつ - deviation, departure; omission
逸品/いっぴん - excellent article, fine item, rare beauty,
masterpiece, gem
逸話/いつわ - anecdote
稲荷/いなり - Inari (god of harvests, Uka-no-Mitama); Inari
shrine, Fushimi Inari shrine (in Kyoto); fox (said to be
messengers of Inari); fried tofu (said to be a favourite food
of foxes); {abbr} inarizushi 稲刈り/いねかり - rice reaping,
rice harvesting
稲妻/いなずま - (flash of) lightning
稲妻/いなづま - lightning, flash of lightning, lightning bolt
稲作/いなさく - rice cultivation, rice crop
稲田/いなだ - paddy field, rice field
稲穂/いなほ - ear (head) of rice
芋/いも - tuber, taro, potato, yam; {derog} yokel, bumpkin;
dud, worthless thing
鰯/いわし - pilchard (esp. Japanese pilchard, Sardinops
melanostictus), sardine
印/いん - stamp, seal, chop; seal impression, seal, sealing,
stamp, mark, print; {Buddh} mudra (symbolic hand
gesture); ninja hand sign; {abbr} India
印画紙/いんがし - (photographic) printing paper
印刷機/いんさつき - printing press
印紙/いんし - (revenue) stamp
印字/いんじ - printing (text or symbols), typing; printed
character, typed character; character carved onto a seal
印章/いんしょう - stamp, seal
印象的/いんしょうてき - impressive, striking, memorable,
印象派/いんしょうは - {art} {hist} Impressionists
印象付ける/いんしょうづける - to impress (someone)
印税/いんぜい - royalty (on book)
咽/のど - throat; singing voice; {print} gutter (inner margins
of a book)
咽/のんど - throat; singing voice; {print} gutter (inner
margins of a book)
員数/いんずう - (total) number (of people or things), count,
因/いん - cause, factor; {Buddh} hetu (direct cause, esp. as
opposed to indirect conditions); the basis of one’s argument
(in hetuvidya)
因縁/いんねん - fate, destiny; connection, tie, bond, origin;
pretext, justification; {Buddh} hetu and prataya (direct
causes and indirect conditions, which underlie the actions of
all things)
因果/いんが - cause and effect, causality; {Buddh} karma,
fate; {adj-na} unfortunate, unlucky, illfated
因子/いんし - factor; {math} factor, divisor
因習/いんしゅう - convention, tired tradition, old custom
引かす/ひかす - to redeem debts (e.g. of a geisha)
引き越す/ひきこす - to move (house), to change residence
引き延す/ひきのばす - to stretch larger; to enlarge (photos); to
delay (e.g. the end of a meeting)
引き延ばし/ひきのばし - extension, prolongation; enlargement
(e.g. of a photograph)
引き延ばす/ひきのばす - to stretch larger; to enlarge (photos);
to delay (e.g. the end of a meeting)
引き下がる/ひきさがる - to withdraw, to leave, to retire; to
back down, to give up
引き下げ/ひきさげ - reduction, cut
引き下げる/ひきさげる - to pull down, to lower, to reduce, to
引き換え/ひきかえ - exchange, conversion
引き換える/ひきかえる - to exchange (things), to convert
(currency); to be in contrast (to), to contrast (with)
引き寄せる/ひきよせる - to draw or pull something towards
oneself (e.g. chair)
引き起す/ひきおこす - to cause, to induce, to bring about, to
provoke; to pull upright, to help up (e.g. a fallen person)
引き金/ひきがね - trigger (of a gun, etc.); trigger (for
something), immediate cause
引き継ぎ/ひきつぎ - taking over, handing over, transfer of
control, inheriting, passing on the baton
引き継ぐ/ひきつぐ - to take over, to hand over
引き戸/ひきど - sliding door
引き合い/ひきあい - reference, example, instance; inquiry
(about a product, business deal, etc.), enquiry; being
summoned to appear to court, witness; pulling against each
other, pulling from both ends
引き込み線/ひきこみせん - (railway) siding, service line,
service wire
引き込む/ひきこむ - to pull into, to draw in, to bring in; to win
引き算/ひきざん - {math} subtraction
引き取り/ひきとり - leaving, accepting
引き取る/ひきとる - to take into one’s possession, to receive,
to accept, to collect, to claim; to take into one’s care (e.g.
person, pet), to take custody of, to adopt; to leave, to go
away, to withdraw, to get out 引き受け/ひきうけ undertaking, underwriting, acceptance
引き受ける/ひきうける - to take on, to undertake, to accept, to
take charge of, to assume responsibility for; to take over, to
inherit; to guarantee, to vouch for; to contract (a disease)
引き出す/ひきだす - to pull out, to take out, to draw out; to
lead out (e.g. a horse from a stable), to summon (e.g. to
court), to bring (e.g. someone to the negotiating table), to
drag; to withdraw (money), to draw; to bring out (talent,
potential, beauty, flavour, etc.), to extract (information, the
truth, etc.), to get (e.g. an answer out of someone), to
obtain (e.g. a result), to elicit, to draw (a conclusion), to
derive (e.g. pleasure); to get (money) out of someone, to
coax out of someone, to get someone to pay, to make
someone produce (funds) 引き出物/ひきでもの - gift, souvenir
引き上げ/ひきあげ - pulling up, drawing up, salvage, reflotation; raising, increase, upward revision; repatriation,
引き伸す/ひきのばす - to stretch larger; to enlarge (photos); to
delay (e.g. the end of a meeting)
引き伸ばし/ひきのばし - extension, prolongation; enlargement
(e.g. of a photograph)
引き伸ばす/ひきのばす - to stretch larger; to enlarge (photos);
to delay (e.g. the end of a meeting)
引き摺る/ひきずる - to drag, to trail, to pull along the ground,
to lug; to force (someone) along, to drag (along); to prolong,
to drag out; to influence, to persuade, to entice, to lure
引き続き/ひきつづき - continuously, continually, without a
break; next, then, after that
引き替え/ひきかえ - exchange, conversion
引き締まる/ひきしまる - to become tense, to be tightened, to
become firm (e.g. body)
引き締め/ひきしめ - tightening
引き締める/ひきしめる - to tighten, to stiffen, to brace, to
引き締る/ひきしまる - to become tense, to be tightened, to
become firm (e.g. body)
引き渡し/ひきわたし - delivery, handing over, turning over,
引き渡す/ひきわたす - to deliver, to extradite, to stretch
across, to hand over
引き当てる/ひきあてる - to draw (the winning ticket); to apply,
to compare, to put (oneself in someone’s position)
引き抜き/ひきぬき - hiring from another company,
recruitment, scouting, headhunting; quick costume change
in kabuki (taking off outer costume); drawing (wire, pipes,
metal plate)
引き抜く/ひきぬく - to extract, to pull out, to draw out, to
uproot; to headhunt, to lure away, to poach, to entice
引き付ける/ひきつける - to attract, to draw near; to charm, to
attract, to fascinate, to entice; to have a convulsion
引き払う/ひきはらう - to vacate, to move out
引き分け/ひきわけ - draw (in competition), tie game
引き分ける/ひきわける - to pull apart, to separate; to draw, to
tie (a game)
引き返す/ひきかえす - to repeat, to send back, to bring back,
to retrace one’s steps
引き戻す/ひきもどす - to bring back, to restore
引き揚げ/ひきあげ - pulling up, drawing up, salvage, reflotation; raising, increase, upward revision; repatriation,
引き揚げる/ひきあげる - to pull up, to drag up, to lift up; to
increase, to raise (e.g. taxes); to withdraw, to leave, to pull
out, to retire; to promote (someone to a higher position); to
return home; {arch} to expedite the schedule 引き揚げ者/ひ
きあげしゃ - returnee (esp. Japanese person repatriated to
Japan proper from its former colonies after WWII), repatriate
引き落とし/ひきおとし - debit, withdrawal; {sumo} pulling
(one’s opponent) down, frontal pull-down, hiki-otoshi
引き離す/ひきはなす - to pull apart, to separate; to have a
lead over, to pull ahead of, to outdistance
引き留める/ひきとめる - to detain, to check, to restrain, to
引き裂く/ひきさく - to tear up, to tear off, to rip up, to tear to
pieces; to (forcibly) separate (a couple, family, etc.), to force
apart, to tear apart
引き連れる/ひきつれる - to take someone along, to be
accompanied (by)
引き篭り/ひきこもり - shut-in, stay-at-home, hikikomori,
person who has withdrawn from society; social withdrawal,
shunning other people
引き攣る/ひきつる - to have a cramp, to twitch, to spasm; to
stiffen (of a face, expression), to freeze, to grow tight (e.g.
of a voice); to shrink (of skin, due to a scar), to tauten
引け値/ひけね - closing quotations
引け目/ひけめ - sense of inferiority, one’s weak point
引ずる/ひきずる - to drag along, to pull; to force someone
along; to prolong, to drag out; to influence strongly, to
引っ越し/ひっこし - moving (dwelling, office, etc.)
引っ掛ける/ひっかける - to hang (something) on (something),
to throw on (clothes); to hook, to catch, to trap, to ensnare;
to cheat, to evade payment, to jump a bill; to drink
(alcohol); to splash someone (with); {baseb} to hit the ball
off the end of the bat 引っ掛る/ひっかかる - to be caught in, to
be stuck in; to stop by, to drop in for a short visit, to be
delayed, to take time; to get mixed up in (trouble), to get
entangled in (a problem), to be involved with; to fall for (a
trick), to be deceived, to be cheated; to be on one’s mind, to
worry one, to be bothered by, to feel uneasy; to be
obstructed, to be hindered; to splash 引っ懸ける/ひっかける to hang (something) on (something), to throw on (clothes);
to hook, to catch, to trap, to ensnare; to cheat, to evade
payment, to jump a bill; to drink (alcohol); to splash
someone (with); {baseb} to hit the ball off the end of the
bat 引っ込み/ひっこみ - retreat, retirement, depression (hole)
引っ込み思案/ひっこみじあん - reserved, introverted, reticent,
shy, withdrawn
引っ付く/ひっつく - to stick to, to cling to, to adhere to; {col}
to become intimate (of a man and woman), to get close, to
get married
引越/ひっこし - moving (dwelling, office, etc.), changing
引越す/ひきこす - to move (house), to change residence
引延す/ひきのばす - to stretch larger; to enlarge (photos); to
delay (e.g. the end of a meeting)
引延ばす/ひきのばす - to stretch larger; to enlarge (photos); to
delay (e.g. the end of a meeting)
引火/いんか - ignition, catching fire
引換/ひきかえ - exchange, conversion
引換え/ひきかえ - exchange, conversion
引換券/ひきかえけん - exchange ticket, claim tag, coupon
引金/ひきがね - trigger (of a gun, etc.); trigger (for
something), immediate cause
引継ぎ/ひきつぎ - taking over, handing over, transfer of
control, inheriting, passing on the baton
引継ぐ/ひきつぐ - to take over, to hand over
引合/ひきあい - reference, example, instance; inquiry (about
a product, business deal, etc.), enquiry; being summoned to
appear to court, witness; pulling against each other, pulling
from both ends
引合い/ひきあい - reference, example, instance; inquiry
(about a product, business deal, etc.), enquiry; being
summoned to appear to court, witness; pulling against each
other, pulling from both ends
引止める/ひきとめる - to detain, to check, to restrain, to stop
引取り/ひきとり - leaving, accepting
引受/ひきうけ - undertaking, underwriting, acceptance
引受け/ひきうけ - undertaking, underwriting, acceptance
引出し/ひきだし - drawer; withdrawal (of money from an
account); variety of knowledge and experience useful for
handling things impromptu
引上げ/ひきあげ - pulling up, drawing up, salvage, reflotation; raising, increase, upward revision; repatriation,
引上げる/ひきあげる - to pull up, to drag up, to lift up; to
increase, to raise (e.g. taxes); to withdraw, to leave, to pull
out, to retire; to promote (someone to a higher position); to
return home; {arch} to expedite the schedule 引伸す/ひきの
ばす - to stretch larger; to enlarge (photos); to delay (e.g.
the end of a meeting)
引伸ばす/ひきのばす - to stretch larger; to enlarge (photos); to
delay (e.g. the end of a meeting)
引摺る/ひきずる - to drag, to trail, to pull along the ground, to
lug; to force (someone) along, to drag (along); to prolong, to
drag out; to influence, to persuade, to entice, to lure
引責/いんせき - taking responsibility
引続き/ひきつづき - continuously, continually, without a
break; next, then, after that
引替え/ひきかえ - exchange, conversion
引締め/ひきしめ - tightening
引締める/ひきしめる - to tighten, to stiffen, to brace, to strain
引渡し/ひきわたし - delivery, handing over, turning over,
引渡す/ひきわたす - to deliver, to extradite, to stretch across,
to hand over
引当/ひきあて - mortgage, security
引導/いんどう - {Buddh} last words recited to the newly
departed, requiem; {Buddh} converting people to Buddhism
引抜く/ひきぬく - to extract, to pull out, to draw out, to
uproot; to headhunt, to lure away, to poach, to entice
引付ける/ひきつける - to attract, to draw near; to charm, to
attract, to fascinate, to entice; to have a convulsion
引付る/ひきつける - to attract, to draw near; to charm, to
attract, to fascinate, to entice; to have a convulsion
引戻す/ひきもどす - to bring back, to restore
引離す/ひきはなす - to pull apart, to separate; to have a lead
over, to pull ahead of, to outdistance
引率/いんそつ - leading, guiding, commanding
引裂く/ひきさく - to tear up, to tear off, to rip up, to tear to
pieces; to (forcibly) separate (a couple, family, etc.), to force
apart, to tear apart
引篭り/ひきこもり - shut-in, stay-at-home, hikikomori, person
who has withdrawn from society; social withdrawal,
shunning other people
引攣る/ひきつる - to have a cramp (spasm, convulsion,
twitch), to become stiff
飲ます/のます - to make (someone) drink, to force to drink, to
let drink; to serve (alcohol), to treat someone (to drinks); to
be drinkable (esp. of alcohol), to be palatable
飲ませる/のませる - to make (someone) drink, to force to
drink, to let drink; to serve (alcohol), to treat someone (to
drinks); to be drinkable (esp. of alcohol), to be palatable
飲み屋/のみや - bar, saloon, pub, tavern, drinking
飲み過ぎ/のみすぎ - overdrinking, excessive drinking
飲み会/のみかい - drinking party, get-together
飲み回る/のみまわる - to go on a pub-crawl, to drink at a
round of places
飲み干す/のみほす - to drink up, to drink to the last drop, to
drink (a glass) dry, to drain (one’s glass), to empty, to down
(a drink)
飲み食い/のみくい - food and drink, eating and drinking
飲み水/のみみず - drinking water, potable water
飲み放題/のみほうだい - all you can drink, bottomless cup
飲み薬/のみぐすり - oral medicine, internal medicine
飲込む/のみこむ - to swallow, to gulp down; to understand, to
grasp, to take in, to catch on, to learn; to engulf, to swallow
up; to be filled with (people), to contain; to swallow (one’s
words), to suppress (a yawn, tears, etc.), to stifle, to hold
back 飲酒/いんしゅ - drinking alcohol
飲食/いんしょく - food and drink, eating and drinking
飲食店/いんしょくてん - restaurant
飲水/のみみず - drinking water, potable water
飲物/のみもの - drink, beverage
飲用/いんよう - drinking
飲料/いんりょう - beverage, drink
飲料水/いんりょうすい - drinking water
蔭/かげ - shade, shadow; behind (something), other side,
back; background, behind the scenes, behind someone’s
back; gloom (in someone’s expression, nature, etc.),
蔭口/かげぐち - malicious gossip, backbiting, speaking ill
behind someone’s back
院議/いんぎ - legislative decision
院政/いんせい - cloistered rule, government by cloistered
院生/いんせい - {abbr} graduate student; {go} insei,
apprentice go professional
院長/いんちょう - director (of a hospital, institution, academy,
etc.), superintendent, rector
院内/いんない - inside the House, inside the Diet; inside the
陰で/かげで - behind one’s back
陰り/かげり - shadow (e.g. on someone’s happiness), cloud,
shade, gloom
陰イオン/いんイオン - anion
陰影/いんえい - shadow, shade, shading, gloom; nuance,
shades of meaning, subtleties
陰口/かげぐち - malicious gossip, backbiting, speaking ill
behind someone’s back
陰湿/いんしつ - malicious, spiteful, vicious, wicked, devious,
underhanded, sly; shady and damp
陰性/いんせい - negative
陰謀/いんぼう - plot, intrigue, scheme; {law} conspiracy,
agreement between two or more people to commit an
unlawful act
陰陽/いんよう - cosmic dual forces, yin and yang, sun and
moon, etc.
隠し引き出し/かくしひきだし - secret drawer, hidden drawer
隠る/こもる - to shut oneself in (e.g. one’s room), to be
confined in, to seclude oneself, to hide away, to stay inside
(one’s shell); to be filled with (emotion, enthusiasm, etc.); to
fill the room (of a gas, smell, etc.), to be heavy with (e.g.
smoke), to be stuffy, to be dense; to be muffled (e.g. voice);
to hold (a castle, fortress, etc.); to confine oneself in a
temple to pray 隠れ家/かくれが - hiding place, hideout,
refuge; retreat, hideaway
隠語/いんご - secret language, jargon, cant, argot, slang
隠匿/いんとく - concealment (esp. of wrongdoings or
criminals), sheltering, harboring
隠密/おんみつ - secret, clandestine, covert; {n} {hist} spy
(for a daimyo, shogun, etc.), secret agent
隠滅/いんめつ - {law} destruction (esp. of evidence),
spoliation, suppression; hiding, concealment
韻/いん - rhyme; {ling} rhyme (of a Chinese character), rime
韻律/いんりつ - metre (of a poem), meter, rhythm; {ling}
吋/いんち - inch
右往左往/うおうさおう - {yoji} moving about in confusion,
going every which way, going this way and that
右岸/うがん - right bank (of a river)
右傾/うけい - leaning to the right; leaning to the (political)
right, rightist tendency, becoming right-wing
右舷/うげん - starboard
右左/みぎひだり - right and left
右四つ/みぎよつ - {sumo} hold in which both wrestlers obtain
an underarm grip with the right hand and an overarm grip
with the left
右手/みぎて - right hand; right-hand side, right-hand
direction, (on) the right
右折/うせつ - turning to the right, right turn
右側/うそく - right side, right-hand side
右側/みぎがわ - right side
右端/みぎはし - right end, right edge
右中間/うちゅうかん - {baseb} between right and center
fielders (centre)
右派/うは - right wing
右辺/うへん - {math} right side (of an equation, expression,
右方/うほう - right side; style of Japanese court music
右翼/うよく - right-wing (politics); extreme right-wing group;
right wing (bird, plane, etc.); {sports} right field, right flank,
right wing; {baseb} {abbr} right fielder; high rank, high
grade, A-student 右利き/みぎきき - right-handedness, righthanded person, right-hander
右腕/うわん - right arm; {baseb} right-handed pitcher
右腕/みぎうで - right arm; right-hand man, right hand, righthand person
宇宙ステーション/うちゅうステーション - space station
宇宙開発/うちゅうかいはつ - space development, space
宇宙開発事業団/うちゅうかいはつじぎょうだん - National Space
Development Agency, NASDA
宇宙空間/うちゅうくうかん - {astron} (outer) space
宇宙船/うちゅうせん - spaceship
宇宙通信/うちゅうつうしん - space communication
宇宙飛行士/うちゅうひこうし - astronaut
烏/からす - crow (Corvus spp.), raven
烏賊/いか - cuttlefish, squid
烏帽子/えぼし - {hist} eboshi, black-lacquered headgear
made of silk, cloth or paper, originally worn by court nobles
in ancient Japan
羽ばたく/はばたく - to flap (wings); to spread one’s wings, to
go out into the world
羽衣/はごろも - angel’s raiment, robe of feathers; wings of
birds or insects, plumage of birds; type of bug
羽化/うか - {zool} emergence (of insects), eclosion, growing
羽撃く/はばたく - to flap (wings); to spread one’s wings, to go
out into the world
羽子/はね - feather, plume, down; wing; blade (of a fan,
propeller, etc.); shuttlecock (in badminton); shuttlecock (in
hanetsuki); arrow feathers
羽子板/はごいた - battledore (early form of badminton racket)
羽織/はおり - haori (Japanese formal coat)
羽振り/はぶり - influence, power; {arch} flapping of wings
羽田/はねだ - Haneda (Tokyo airport)
羽毛/うもう - feathers, plumage, down
羽目/はめ - panel, wainscoting, wainscotting; plight, fix, bind,
awkward situation, difficult situation, mess
雨雲/あまぐも - rain cloud
雨期/うき - rainy season
雨季/うき - rainy season
雨脚/あまあし - passing shower, streaks of pouring rain
雨後/うご - after rain
雨降り/あめふり - rainfall, rainy weather; {adj-no} rainy, wet
雨宿り/あまやどり - taking shelter from rain
雨上がり/あめあがり - after the rain
雨垂れ/あまだれ - raindrops (dripping from eaves, branches,
etc.); {col} exclamation point, exclamation mark
雨水/あまみず - rain water
雨水/うすい - rain water; “rain water” solar term (approx.
February 19)
雨中/うちゅう - in the rain
雨天順延/うてんじゅんえん - rescheduled in case of rain
雨模様/あまもよう - signs of rain, threat of rain
雨量/うりょう - (amount of) rainfall
雨漏り/あまもり - roof leak
卯/ぼう - the Rabbit (fourth sign of the Chinese zodiac), the
Hare; hour of the Rabbit (around 6am, 5-7am, or 6-8am);
{obs} east; {obs} second month in the lunar calendar
鵜/う - cormorant (Phalacrocoracidae spp.)
丑/うし - the Ox (second sign of the Chinese zodiac); {obs}
hour of the Ox (around 2am, 1-3am, or 2-4am); {obs} northnortheast; {obs} twelfth month of the lunar calendar
臼/うす - millstone, mortar
渦巻/うずまき - whirlpool, maelstrom, vortex, eddy, swirl;
spiral (shape, pattern)
渦巻き/うずまき - whirlpool, maelstrom, vortex, eddy, swirl;
spiral (shape, pattern)
渦巻く/うずまく - to whirl, to eddy, to swirl, to curl (smoke);
to be all jumbled together (feelings, thoughts, etc.); to
surge, to sweep
渦中/かちゅう - vortex, maelstrom, whirlpool; (in the middle
of a) scandal, controversy, quarrel, turmoil
唄/うた - song, singing
唄う/うたう - to sing; to sing of (love, beauty, etc.) in a poem,
to express in the form of a poem, to recite (a poem)
鰻/うなぎ - eel (esp. the Japanese eel, Anguilla japonica)
厩/うまや - stable, barn
浦/うら - inlet; seashore, beach
瓜/うり - melon, gourd
閏年/うるうどし - leap year
閏年/じゅんねん - leap year
云う/いう - to say, to utter, to declare; to name, to call
運び/はこび - progress, pace, carriage, step, stage
運び出す/はこびだす - to carry out (of somewhere), to
transport, to take out
運休/うんきゅう - suspension (of a transportation service),
cancellation, stoppage
運航/うんこう - operation (of a ship or aircraft route), service,
navigation, flight
運行/うんこう - operation (of a bus or train service), service,
running; movement (of a heavenly body), motion, revolution
運勢/うんせい - fortune, luck
運漕/うんそう - transport, freight, shipping
運転士/うんてんし - (professional) driver (of a taxi, train, etc.),
motorman; mate (on a ship), officer
運転者/うんてんしゃ - driver (of a vehicle)
運転免許/うんてんめんきょ - driver’s license
運転免許証/うんてんめんきょしょう - driver’s license
運動会/うんどうかい - athletic meet (esp. at a school), sports
day, field day
運動靴/うんどうぐつ - sports shoes, sneakers
運動場/うんどうじょう - sports ground, playing field,
運動神経/うんどうしんけい - {anat} motor nerve; reflexes,
athletic ability, motor coordination
運動費/うんどうひ - campaign fund
運輸省/うんゆしょう - Ministry of Transport
運良く/うんよく - luckily
雲の上/くものうえ - above the clouds, heaven; the Imperial
Court; something unreachable, place of out of reach
雲海/うんかい - sea of clouds
雲行き/くもゆき - weather, look of the sky; situation, turn of
affairs, signs, way the wind is blowing
雲散霧消/うんさんむしょう - {yoji} vanishing like mist
雲水/うんすい - itinerant priest, wandering monk, mendicant;
clouds and water
雲泥の差/うんでいのさ - {id} wide difference, a world of
雲母/うんも - {geol} mica, isinglass
叡知/えいち - wisdom, intelligence, sagacity
叡智/えいち - wisdom, intelligence, sagacity
営々/えいえい - (work) hard, unceasingly, strenuously,
assiduously, busily, ardently
営み/いとなみ - work, workings, preparation
営為/えいい - business, occupation
営業所/えいぎょうしょ - business office, place of business
営業部/えいぎょうぶ - sales department
営繕/えいぜん - maintenance and repair, upkeep (of
営巣/えいそう - building a nest
営団/えいだん - corporation, foundation
営農/えいのう - farming, agriculture
営養/えいよう - nutrition, nourishment
営利/えいり - moneymaking, commercialized, commercialised
営林局/えいりんきょく - regional forestry office
営林署/えいりんしょ - forest service field office
影の内閣/かげのないかく - shadow cabinet
影絵/かげえ - shadow picture, silhouette
影武者/かげむしゃ - body double, double; wire puller, person
behind the scenes, shadow commander
映し出す/うつしだす - to project, to show (on a screen), to
reflect (of a mirror, lake, etc.); to portray, to depict, to
describe; to reflect (the times, mood, etc.)
映り/うつり - projection, reflection, image, reception (e.g.
TV), picture quality; match, harmony
映写機/えいしゃき - movie projector, film projector, cine
映倫/えいりん - Eirin, Film Classification and Rating
曳く/ひく - to pull, to tug, to lead (e.g. a horse); to draw
(attention, sympathy, etc.), to attract (e.g. interest); to draw
back (e.g. one’s hand), to draw in (one’s chin, stomach,
etc.), to pull in; to draw (a card, mahjong tile, etc.); to draw
(a line, plan, etc.); to catch (a cold); to play (a stringed or
keyboard instrument); to look up (in a dictionary, phone
book, etc.), to consult, to check; to haul, to pull (vehicles);
to subtract, to deduct; to recede, to ebb, to fade; to be
descend from, to inherit (a characteristic); to quote, to cite,
to raise (as evidence); to lay on (electricity, gas, etc.), to
install (e.g. a telephone), to supply (e.g. water); to hold (e.g.
a note); to apply (e.g. lipstick), to oil (e.g. a pan), to wax
(e.g. a floor); to move back, to draw back, to recede; to
lessen, to subside, to ebb, to go down (e.g. of swelling); to
resign, to retire, to quit 栄え/はえ - glory, splendour, honour
栄える/はえる - to shine, to glow; to look attractive, to look
nice, to be set off (by)
栄華/えいが - prosperity, glory, splendour, splendor, majesty,
栄冠/えいかん - laurels, garland
栄枯/えいこ - vicissitudes, ups and downs
栄光/えいこう - glory
栄誉/えいよ - honour, honor
栄誉礼/えいよれい - salute from a guard of honor
栄養価/えいようか - nutritional value, food value
栄養学/えいようがく - dietetics, nutritional science
栄養士/えいようし - dietitian, (licensed) nutritionist
栄養失調/えいようしっちょう - malnutrition
栄養素/えいようそ - nutrient
栄養分/えいようぶん - nutriment, nutritious substance,
永らく/ながらく - long, (for a) long time
永久/とこしえ - eternity, permanence, perpetuity
永久/とわ - eternity, permanence, perpetuity
永住/えいじゅう - permanent residence
永世/えいせい - eternity, perpetuity, immortality, permanence
永続/えいぞく - permanence, continuation
永続き/ながつづき - lasting long, continuation, keeping at
(something), sticking to (something)
永代/えいたい - permanence, eternity
永年/えいねん - long time, many years
永年/ながねん - long time, many years
泳ぎ方/およぎかた - way of swimming
泳者/えいしゃ - a swimmer
洩らす/もらす - to let leak, to let out (e.g. light); to let out (a
secret), to leak (information), to divulge, to disclose, to let
slip; to give utterance to (e.g. one’s dissatisfaction), to vent,
to express, to reveal (e.g. one’s true intentions), to let out (a
sigh, etc.); to wet one’s pants; to omit, to leave out; {suf}
{v5s} to fail to do, to miss, to omit (by mistake), to forget to
do 洩れる/もれる - to leak out, to escape, to come through, to
shine through, to filter out; to find expression, to give vent;
to leak out, to be divulged, to be disclosed; to be omitted, to
be left out, to be excluded, to be not included 盈ちる/みちる to fill, to become full (of), to be filled (with), to brim (with);
to wax (of the moon); to rise (of the tide), to flow, to come
in; to expire (of a period of time), to mature, to come to an
end 英気/えいき - great wisdom, excellent disposition;
strength (to face something), willpower, vigor, vigour,
英国航空/えいこくこうくう - British Airways
英才/えいさい - genius, brilliance, unusual talent; gifted
person, person of unusual talent
英俊/えいしゅん - genius, prodigy
英人/えいじん - Briton, Englishman
英断/えいだん - firm decision, decisive measure, resolute
step, excellent decision
英知/えいち - wisdom, intelligence, sagacity
英文学/えいぶんがく - English(-language) literature; British
英名/えいめい - fame, glory, reputation; English name (of
plants, animals, etc.)
英明/えいめい - intelligent, wise, bright, brilliant, clear-sighted
英訳/えいやく - English translation
英領/えいりょう - British territory (possession)
英霊/えいれい - spirits of war dead; person of great ability,
soul of a talented person
英和辞典/えいわじてん - English-Japanese dictionary
衛視/えいし - guards at parliament
衛生/えいせい - health, hygiene
衛生学/えいせいがく - hygienics
衛生的/えいせいてき - hygienic, sanitary
衛兵/えいへい - guard, sentinel, garrison
詠み人知らず/よみびとしらず - author unknown, anonymous
詠む/よむ - to compose (a Japanese poem), to write, to use
as the theme of a poem; to recite (e.g. a poem), to chant, to
鋭意/えいい - eagerly, earnestly, assiduously, diligently,
鋭角/えいかく - acute angle
鋭敏/えいびん - sharp, keen, acute
鋭利/えいり - sharp, keen, acute
液化/えきか - liquefaction
液晶/えきしょう - liquid crystal
液状/えきじょう - liquid state
液状化/えきじょうか - liquefaction, liquefy
液体酸素/えきたいさんそ - liquid oxygen
液肥/えきひ - liquid fertilizer, liquid fertiliser
疫病/えきびょう - epidemic, plague, pestilence
益/えき - benefit, use, good, advantage, gain; profit, gains
益/やく - benefit, use, good, advantage, gain; profit, gains
益金/えききん - profit
駅ビル/えきビル - station building
駅員/えきいん - station attendant
駅舎/えきしゃ - station building
駅長/えきちょう - station master
駅伝/えきでん - {abbr} long-distance relay race; stagecoach,
post horse
駅頭/えきとう - station area, in front of a station, (at a)
駅弁/えきべん - boxed lunch bought at a station (often a local
specialty); {vulg} sexual position in which one person
stands supporting the other
悦び/よろこび - joy, delight, rapture, pleasure, gratification,
rejoicing, congratulations, felicitations
悦ぶ/よろこぶ - to be delighted, to be glad, to be pleased; to
congratulate; to gratefully accept
越し/ごし - across, over, beyond, through, crossing;
throughout (a period of time), for
越境/えっきょう - crossing a border (illegally), border
violation, border transgression
越権/えっけん - going beyond authority, unauthorized,
unauthorised, ultra vires
越後/えちご - {hist} Echigo (former province located in
present-day Niigata Prefecture)
越度/おちど - mistake, error, fault, slip, blunder, omission,
oversight, lapse
越冬/えっとう - passing the winter, hibernation
越年/えつねん - seeing the old year out, greeting the New
Year, passing the winter, hibernation; {hanaf} playing more
than the usual 12 rounds in one game
厭/いや - disliking, not wanting, unwilling (to do), reluctant;
unpleasant, disagreeable, nasty, horrible, disgusting,
undesirable, unwelcome; {int} no!, quit it!, stop!
厭がらせ/いやがらせ - harassment, pestering
厭きる/あきる - to get tired of, to tire of, to lose interest in, to
grow weary of, to get fed up with, to get sick of, to become
bored with; to become sated, to become satiated, to have
one’s fill
厭や/いや - disagreeable, detestable, unpleasant, reluctant
円安/えんやす - depreciation of the yen, weak yen
円滑/えんこつ - smooth, undisturbed, uninterrupted,
円環/えんかん - circle, ring, torus
円型/まるがた - round shape, circle, circular form
円形/えんけい - round shape, circle, circular form
円形/まるがた - round shape, circle, circular form
円建て/えんだて - yen basis (for trade, exchange, etc.); {adjno} yen-denominated, yen-based
円弧/えんこ - arc
円高/えんだか - appreciation of the yen, strong yen
円周率/えんしゅうりつ - Pi (3.1415926..)
円熟/えんじゅく - ripeness, mellowness, maturity
円陣/えんじん - (forming a) circle, huddle; circular (battle)
円錐/まるぎり - round gimlet
円相場/えんそうば - yen exchange rate
円卓/えんたく - round table
円柱/えんちゅう - column, shaft, cylinder; round pillar (esp. in
円筒/えんとう - cylinder
円盤/えんばん - disk, discus, platter; flying saucer; disc media
(CD, DVD, etc.)
円盤投げ/えんばんなげ - discus throw
円味/まるみ - roundness, rotundity; mellowness, maturity
園児/えんじ - kindergarten pupil, kindergartener
園長/えんちょう - head of a garden, kindergarten principal,
nursery school principal, park director, zoo director, head of
a plantation
園内/えんない - inside the kindergarten; inside the zoo; inside
the garden, inside the park
園遊会/えんゆうかい - garden party
堰/せき - dam, weir, barrier, sluice
宴/うたげ - party, banquet, feast
宴席/えんせき - banquet, dinner party
延々/えんえん - endlessly, continuously, (going) on and on;
{adj-t} {adv-to} meandering, winding, sinuous, serpentine
延び/のび - growth, development; stretching (one’s body, e.g.
when waking up); (ability to) spread (of paint, cream, etc.);
elongation, extension, carry (e.g. of sound), sustain
延び率/のびりつ - growth rate, coefficient of extension
延焼/えんしょう - spread of fire
延滞/えんたい - arrears, (being) overdue, delay (e.g. in
payment), procrastination
延長線上/えんちょうせんじょう - extension of a straight line,
(conclusion) following as an extension of (an argument)
延納/えんのう - deferred payment
延命/えんめい - keeping alive longer, prolonging life, life
extension, life-support
怨み/うらみ - resentment, grudge, malice, bitterness; matter
for regret, regret
怨む/うらむ - to bear a grudge against, to resent, to blame,
to curse, to feel bitter towards
怨念/おんねん - deep-seated grudge, hatred
怨霊/おんりょう - revengeful ghost, apparition
掩う/おおう - to cover, to hide, to conceal, to wrap, to
掩護/えんご - covering (from enemy attack), protection
援軍/えんぐん - reinforcement
援護/えんご - support, help, backing; covering (from enemy
attack), protection
援助交際/えんじょこうさい - paid dating (esp. with an
underage girl; oft. involving selling of sex), compensated
援用/えんよう - quotation (to support one’s argument),
citation (e.g. of a precedent), invocation, claim
沿い/ぞい - along
沿って/そって - along, by, parallel to
沿海/えんかい - coast, shore, inshore, coastal waters
沿海州/えんかいしゅう - (Russian) maritime provinces
沿革/えんかく - history, development
沿道/えんどう - roadside, wayside, route
演歌/えんか - enka, traditional-style Japanese popular ballad
演芸/えんげい - entertainment, performance
演算/えんざん - {math} operation, calculation
演者/えんじゃ - presenter, speaker; performer, actor,
participant (in a TV show or TV panel)
演習/えんしゅう - practice, exercise, drill; military exercise,
manoeuvres, maneuvers, drill; seminar
演出家/えんしゅつか - producer, director
演題/えんだい - subject of an address
演壇/えんだん - rostrum, platform
演舞/えんぶ - dance performance
演目/えんもく - {abbr} program (musical, concert, theatrical,
etc.), programme
炎/ほむら - flame, blaze; flames (of intense emotion, e.g.
love, jealousy, anger), passion
炎暑/えんしょ - heat wave, intense heat
炎症/えんしょう - inflammation, irritation
炎上/えんじょう - going up in flames, destruction by fire (esp.
of a large building); {col} stirring up a storm of criticism
online (of an article, tweet, statement, etc.), becoming the
target of an Internet pitchfork mob 炎天/えんてん - blazing
heat, scorching sun
炎熱/えんねつ - sweltering heat
焔/ほのお - flame, blaze; flames (of intense emotion, e.g.
love, jealousy, anger), passion
焔/ほむら - flame, blaze; flames (of intense emotion, e.g.
love, jealousy, anger), passion
煙る/けぶる - to smoke (e.g. fire), to billow smoke, to
smoulder, to smolder; to be hazy, to look dim
煙草屋/たばこや - tobacconist
煙幕/えんまく - smokescreen
燕/つばめ - swallow (bird of the Hirundinidae family), martin;
barn swallow (Hirundo rustica); younger man involved with
an older woman, boy toy
猿人/えんじん - ape man
縁の下/えんのした - {id} out of sight, in the background,
unnoticed, under the veranda
縁遠い/えんどおい - unconnected, weakly related, alien, far
beyond (one’s means, ability); having little prospect of
縁起/えんぎ - omen, sign of luck; origin, history, causation;
{Buddh} {abbr} dependent arising, doctrine that
everything has a cause and there is nothing that arises out
of nothing
縁起物/えんぎもの - talisman, lucky charm
縁結び/えんむすび - marriage, matchmaking
縁故/えんこ - relation, connection, affinity
縁者/えんじゃ - relative
縁切り/えんきり - separation, divorce, severing of connections
縁組/えんぐみ - betrothal, wedding, marriage, alliance,
縁台/えんだい - bench
縁日/えんにち - temple festival, fair, fete day, day related to a
particular deity and thought to bring divine blessing to those
who celebrate it
艶/えん - charming, fascinating, voluptuous
艶々/つやつや - glossy, bright, slick
艶歌/えんか - enka, traditional-style Japanese popular ballad;
苑/えん - garden, orchard, park, plantation; {n} {abbr}
kindergarten, nursery school, preschool
遠/とお - {arch} distant
遠からず/とおからず - soon, before long, in the near future
遠ざける/とおざける - to keep away, to keep at a distance
遠因/えんいん - remote cause, underlying cause, indirect
遠泳/えんえい - long-distance swimming
遠縁/とおえん - distant relative
遠回し/とおまわし - roundabout (e.g. expression), indirect
(reference, criticism, etc.), oblique
遠隔/えんかく - distant, remote, isolated
遠巻き/とおまき - surrounding at a distance
遠距離/えんきょり - long distance, tele—
遠近/えんきん - distance, perspective, far and near, here and
遠近法/えんきんほう - perspective
遠景/えんけい - vista, background, perspective, distant view
遠山/えんざん - distant mountain
遠山/とおやま - distant mountain
遠出/とおで - trip, excursion, outing
遠心/えんしん - centrifuge
遠心力/えんしんりょく - {physics} centrifugal force
遠征/えんせい - expedition, (military) campaign; tour (by a
sports team, performer, etc.), visit
遠浅/とおあさ - shoal, wide shallow beach
遠大/えんだい - grand, far-reaching, ambitious
遠投/えんとう - long throw
遠方/おちかた - long way, distant place
遠目/とおめ - distant view, looking from a distance; being
able to see a long distance, good long-distance vision;
遠洋/えんよう - ocean, deep sea
遠来/えんらい - coming from far away
鉛筆削り/えんぴつけずり - pencil sharpener
塩/えん - {chem} salt (i.e. sodium chloride), common salt,
table salt; {chem} salt (e.g. sodium chloride, calcium
sulfate, etc.), hardship, toil, trouble, {food} saltiness
塩化/えんか - {chem} chloridation, salification; {n-pref}
{chem} chloride
塩化ビニール/えんかビニール - {chem} vinyl chloride,
塩害/えんがい - salt damage (from seawater, sea air, etc.)
塩基/えんき - {chem} base
塩酸/えんさん - hydrochloric acid
塩焼き/しおやき - grilling (fish) with salt, broiling with salt;
boiling seawater to get salt
塩尻/しおじり - cone-shaped
塩辛/しおから - shiokara, paste made from salted fermented
seafood (squid, fish entrails, etc.)
塩水/えんすい - salt water, brine
塩水/しおみず - salt water, brine
塩素/えんそ - chlorine (Cl)
塩漬け/しおづけ - pickling in salt; leaving unchanged, leaving
塩田/えんでん - saltpan, field for drying salt
塩梅/あんばい - seasoning, flavour, flavor, taste; condition,
state, situation; (state of) health, physical condition;
arrangement, assignment, adjustment, handling, dealing
塩分/えんぶん - salt, salt content
塩味/しおあじ - salty taste, saltiness
汚す/けがす - to pollute, to contaminate, to soil, to make
dirty, to stain; to disgrace, to dishonour, to dishonor, to
汚れ/けがれ - uncleanness, impurity, defilement; disgrace,
shame, stain, blot, corruption, depravity; uncleanliness from
contact with death, pregnancy, menstruation, etc.
汚れる/けがれる - to be violated, to be corrupted, to be
polluted, to be stained
汚れ役/よごれやく - role of a villain (film, drama, etc.), badguy role, social outcast role
汚職/おしょく - corruption
汚水/おすい - filthy water, sewage
汚濁/おだく - pollution, contamination, corruption, graft
汚泥/おでい - sludge, slime, dregs, mire; hopeless situation,
hell, despair
汚点/おてん - stain, blot, flaw, disgrace
汚物/おぶつ - filth (esp. excrement, feces, urine), muck,
waste, garbage, dirt, dust
汚名/おめい - bad name, bad reputation, disgrace, dishonour,
dishonor, stigma, infamy
凹み/へこみ - hollow, cavity, dent, depression
凹凸/おうとつ - unevenness, bumpiness, roughness,
ruggedness; imbalance, inequality, unevenness, disparity
奥の手/おくのて - {id} ace up one’s sleeve, trump card, last
resort; {id} secret skills, secret, mystery; {arch} left hand
奥まって/おくまって - secluded, innermost
奥まる/おくまる - to lie deep in, to extend far back
奥義/おうぎ - secret techniques (of an art or skill), inner
mysteries, essence, quintessence, heart
奥行/おくゆき - depth, length
奥行き/おくゆき - depth, length
奥山/おくやま - remote mountain, mountain recesses
奥歯/おくば - molars, back teeth
奥深い/おくふかい - profound, deep; deep (of a cave, etc.),
innermost, interior
奥地/おうち - interior, backwoods, hinterland, back regions
奥地/おくち - interior, backwoods, hinterland, back regions
奥底/おくそこ - depths, deep place; bottom (of one’s heart)
奥方/おくがた - lady, nobleman’s wife
往々/おうおう - sometimes, often
往き来/いきき - coming and going, keeping in touch, visiting
each other; street traffic, highway
往き来/ゆきき - coming and going, keeping in touch, visiting
each other; street traffic, highway
往還/おうかん - traffic, coming and going, highway
往時/おうじ - ancient times
往生/おうじょう - {arch} document written under duress;
{rare} coercion
往年/おうねん - years gone by, earlier years, former years,
the past
往来/おうらい - coming and going, traffic; road, street;
association, socializing, socialising, fellowship, mutual visits;
recurring (e.g. thoughts); correspondence
往路/おうろ - outward journey
応え/いらえ - {form} reply, response
応え/こたえ - answer, reply, response; answer, solution,
応える/こたえる - to respond, to answer, to meet (e.g.
demands, expectations); to affect, to take a toll, to strike
home, to have an effect on, to be hard on someone (e.g.
heat, cold, work, illness, etc.), to be a strain 応札/おうさつ making a bid, tendering a bid
応酬/おうしゅう - exchange (of words, views, punches, cups,
etc.), give-and-take; reply, answer, response, reciprocation,
retort, riposte, tit for tat
応召/おうしょう - {mil} responding to a call-up for military
service, answering a call-up
応戦/おうせん - fighting back, returning fire, counterattack,
responding to an attack, accepting a challenge
応諾/おうだく - consent, compliance
応答/おうとう - reply, answer, response
応分/おうぶん - according to one’s abilities, appropriate,
押え/おさえ - weight (e.g. paperweight), pressing down;
keeping control, exercising authority; having self-control,
exercising self-discipline; defense, guard, deterrence
押さえ/おさえ - weight (e.g. paperweight), pressing down;
keeping control, exercising authority; having self-control,
exercising self-discipline; defense, guard, deterrence
押える/おさえる - to pin down, to hold down, to press down,
to hold in place, to hold steady; to cover (esp. a part of
one’s body with one’s hand), to clutch (a body part in pain),
to press (a body part); to get a hold of, to obtain, to seize, to
catch, to arrest; to grasp (a point), to comprehend; to quell,
to subdue, to suppress, to repress, to hold back, to check, to
curb, to contain 押さえ込む/おさえこむ - to pin down, to
immobilize, to immobilise, to control, to suppress
押し/おし - push, pushing; weight, pressure; authority,
forcefulness, boldness, audacity, persistence; {pref} to
forcibly …, to strongly …
押しボタン/おしボタン - push button, push-button
押し下げる/おしさげる - to push down, to press down, to force
down, to depress
押し花/おしばな - pressed flower
押し掛ける/おしかける - to go uninvited, to call on without an
invitation, to barge in on, to gatecrash; to throng to, to
crowd into, to converge upon, to pile in
押し掛け女房/おしかけにょうぼう - woman who forced her
husband into marriage
押し合い/おしあい - jostling, crowding
押し込み/おしこみ - burglary, burglar, closet
押し出し/おしだし - pushing something out, extrusion;
presence, appearance; {baseb} run walked in; {sumo}
pushing one’s opponent out by pressing one’s hands up
against them
押し出す/おしだす - to crowd out, to push/thrust out, to
squeeze out; to start together, to set out en masse; to
highlight, to draw attention to
押し上げる/おしあげる - to boost, to force up, to push up
押し切り/おしきり - straw cutter, short mane; pressing and
押し通す/おしとおす - to persist in, to carry out, to have one’s
own way, to push through, to carry through
押し潰す/おしつぶす - to squash, to crush
押し倒し/おしたおし - oshitaoshi, (frontal) push-down, (win
by) knocking down opponent by pushing him with hand(s)
rested on his body
押し倒す/おしたおす - to pin down, to knock down, to push
(and hold) someone down (esp. with sexual connotations)
押し入り/おしいり - breaking into, burglar
押し入る/おしいる - to push in, to force into, to break in (e.g.
into a house), to intrude
押し売り/おしうり - high-pressure selling, aggressive
peddling, the hard sell, high-pressure salesman; forcing on
someone (e.g. kindness)
押し付ける/おしつける - to press against, to push against, to
force against; to foist on (task, responsibility), to impose
(one’s will)
押し黙る/おしだまる - to keep silent
押し目買い/おしめがい - buying when the market is down
押し戻す/おしもどす - to push back
押し問答/おしもんどう - arguing back and forth, bandying
words, verbal tug-of-war
押し立てる/おしたてる - to set up, to raise; to nominate, to
choose as a representative; to push, to shove
押し流す/おしながす - to wash away, to sweep away, to carry
押印/おういん - affixing a seal (to), putting one’s seal (on)
押収/おうしゅう - seizure, confiscation
押出し/おしだし - pushing something out, extrusion;
presence, appearance; {baseb} run walked in; {sumo}
pushing one’s opponent out by pressing one’s hands up
against them
押切る/おしきる - to overcome (opposition), to push past, to
force one’s way; to press and cut
押捺/おうなつ - stamping, impressing, affixing a seal
押入/おしいれ - closet (built into the wall of a room), (built-in)
押入り/おしいり - breaking into, burglar
押入る/おしいる - to push in, to force into, to break in (e.g.
into a house), to intrude
押入れ/おしいれ - closet (built into the wall of a room), (builtin) wardrobe
押売/おしうり - high-pressure selling, aggressive peddling,
the hard sell, high-pressure salesman; forcing on someone
(e.g. kindness)
押売り/おしうり - high-pressure selling, aggressive peddling,
the hard sell, high-pressure salesman; forcing on someone
(e.g. kindness)
旺盛/おうせい - lively, vigorous, energetic, healthy, avid (e.g.
desire), rich (e.g. imagination); {n-suf} {adj-na} full of
(energy, appetite, curiosity, etc.), brimming with
横たえる/よこたえる - to lay down; to wear (a sword, etc.) at
one’s side
横たわる/よこたわる - to lie down, to stretch out; to lie ahead
(of danger, difficulty, etc.), to lie in wait
横滑り/よこすべり - sideslip, skid, sliding sideways; shifting to
another post (at the same level), sideways move (at a
company); {ski} sliding sideways down a slope
横顔/よこがお - profile, face in profile, face seen from the
side; (personal) profile, (biographical) sketch, outline (of
someone’s life)
横穴/よこあな - cave, tunnel; tunnel tomb (Kofun period)
横向き/よこむき - turning sideways, landscape orientation
横行/おうこう - being rampant, being widespread, being
prevalent; walking sideways, staggering, striding
横糸/よこいと - weft, woof (crosswise threads on a loom)
横軸/よこじく - abscissa, horizontal axis; horizontal scroll
横車/よこぐるま - perverseness, obstinacy, something
unreasonable (like pushing a cart from the side (instead of
from behind)); {n} side wheel throw (judo)
横取り/よこどり - snatching, stealing, seizure, usurpation
横手/よこて - side, beside; feature of a sword blade
横手/よこで - side, beside; feature of a sword blade
横書き/よこがき - writing horizontally, horizontal writing
横線/おうせん - horizontal line
横線/よこせん - horizontal line
横組み/よこぐみ - horizontal typesetting
横断歩道/おうだんほどう - pedestrian crossing
横断幕/おうだんまく - horizontal banner
横着/おうちゃく - laziness, shirking; {adj-na} {n} impudent,
brazenly dishonest
横丁/よこちょう - bystreet, side street, back street, alley, lane
横転/おうてん - toppling sideways, turning sideways, falling
over sideways; barrel roll
横倒し/よこだおし - falling over, toppling sideways
横道/よこみち - byway, side street, cross street; wrong way,
横波/よこなみ - {physics} transverse wave; beam sea
横這い/よこばい - sidewise crawl (e.g. of a crab), crawling
sideways; leafhopper (insect), jassid; {abbr} sidewinder
(Crotalus cerastes); levelling off (of prices, etc.), stabilizing
横付け/よこづけ - bringing alongside (ship, vehicle, etc.),
coming alongside, mooring
横幅/よこはば - breadth, width
横文字/よこもじ - horizontal script (esp. of a European
language), European writing, Roman letters; European
language, Western language
横柄/おうへい - arrogant, haughty, insolent
横暴/おうぼう - violence, oppression, high-handedness,
tyranny, despotism
横目/よこめ - sidelong glance; short grain (paper)
横流し/よこながし - diversion into illegal channels, putting on
the black market, selling through illegal channels
横領/おうりょう - embezzlement, misappropriation,
欧州/おうしゅう - Europe
欧洲/おうしゅう - Europe
欧風/おうふう - European style, Occidental
欧文/おうぶん - writing in a European language, European
text, Roman letters
殴り合い/なぐりあい - fist fight
殴り込み/なぐりこみ - raid, attack, assault
殴打/おうだ - hit, strike, blow
王位/おうい - the throne, the crown
王家/おうけ - royal family
王冠/おうかん - crown, diadem; bottle cap
王宮/おうきゅう - royal palace
王権/おうけん - royal authority, regal power, authority of the
王侯/おうこう - king and princes, noble rank
王国/おうこく - kingdom, monarchy
王座/おうざ - throne; first place, top spot, championship
王室/おうしつ - royal family
王者/おうじゃ - king, monarch, ruler; champion
王手/おうて - {shogi} check
王将/おうしょう - {shogi} king (of the senior player)
王制/おうせい - monarchical system
王政/おうせい - monarchy, imperial rule
王政復古/おうせいふっこ - {yoji} restoration of imperial rule;
{hist} Restoration (England)
王族/おうぞく - royalty
王朝/おうちょう - dynasty
王道/おうどう - righteous government, just rule, kingship,
rule of right, noble path; easy method, simple approach,
shortcut, royal road; orthodox way, proper way, traditional
manner, classic approach, tried-and-true method 王妃/おうひ
- queen, empress
王立/おうりつ - royal
翁/おう - old man, venerable gentleman; {suf} {hon}
venerable, old, father
翁/おきな - old man, venerable gentleman
黄/き - yellow
黄ばむ/きばむ - to turn yellow, to become tinged with yellow,
to yellow (with age)
黄瓜/きゅうり - cucumber (Cucumis sativus)
黄河/こうが - Yellow river (in China)
黄海/こうかい - Yellow Sea
黄金/こがね - gold; gold coin; gold colour (color)
黄金時代/おうごんじだい - {yoji} golden age
黄昏/こうこん - dusk, twilight; twilight years
黄昏/たそがれ - dusk, twilight; twilight years; {col}
melancholia, melancholic nostalgia
黄色/おうしょく - yellow, amber
黄色/こうしょく - yellow, amber
黄身/きみ - egg yolk
黄土/おうど - {geol} loess; yellow ochre, yellow ocher
黄葉/こうよう - autumn colours, fall colors, leaves changing
color (colour); leaves turning yellow, yellow leaves; layered
colors in garments, resembling autumn colors
黄緑/きみどり - pea green, yellow-green
黄疸/おうだん - {med} jaundice, icterus
岡/おか - hill, height, knoll, rising ground
沖合/おきあい - off the coast, offshore, out at sea
沖合い/おきあい - off the coast, offshore, out at sea
沖縄/おきなわ - Okinawa (city, prefecture)
沖縄開発庁長官/おきなわかいはつちょうちょうかん - Director
General of Okinawa Development Agency
荻/おぎ - Amur silvergrass (Miscanthus sacchariflorus)
億万/おくまん - millions and millions
屋形船/やかたぶね - houseboat, pleasure boat (large, roofed)
屋号/やごう - name of store, trade name (esp. of a sole
proprietorship); stage name (e.g. of actor)
屋根裏/やねうら - attic, loft
屋台/やたい - cart, esp. food cart
屋台骨/やたいぼね - framework (of a building), foundation;
mainstay, support, supporter, fortune
屋内/おくない - indoor (court, pool, etc.)
憶える/おぼえる - to memorize, to memorise, to commit to
memory, to learn by heart, to bear in mind, to remember
憶測/おくそく - guess, speculation, supposition
憶病/おくびょう - cowardly, timid, easily frightened
臆測/おくそく - guess, speculation, supposition
臆病者/おくびょうもの - coward, wimp
桶/おけ - bucket, pail, tub
牡/おす - male (animal, plant)
牡鹿/おじか - buck (male deer)
牡丹/ぼたん - tree peony (Paeonia suffruticosa), moutan; wild
boar (meat)
乙女/おとめ - (young) girl, maiden, young lady
卸/おろし - dropping, unloading, removing; grated
vegetables, fruit, etc.; {abbr} grater; using new tools (or
clothes, etc.), new tools (or clothes, etc.); wholesale
卸し売り/おろしうり - wholesale, wholesaling
卸し売り物価/おろしうりぶっか - wholesale price
卸値/おろしね - wholesale price
卸売/おろしうり - wholesale, wholesaling
卸売り/おろしうり - wholesale, wholesaling
卸売市場/おろしうりしじょう - wholesale market
卸売物価/おろしうりぶっか - wholesale price
卸問屋/おろしどんや - wholesaler
恩義/おんぎ - obligation, favour, favor, debt of gratitude
恩給/おんきゅう - pension (esp. public servant’s); {arch} a
lord giving a land holding to a vassal
恩師/おんし - {hon} teacher (to whom one owes a debt of
gratitude), mentor, one’s former teacher
恩賜/おんし - Imperial gift
恩赦/おんしゃ - amnesty, pardon
恩人/おんじん - benefactor, patron, person to whom one owes
a great deal, person to whom one is (deeply) indebted
恩知らず/おんしらず - ungrateful
恩典/おんてん - favour, favor, act of grace, special privilege
恩返し/おんがえし - requital of a favour (favor), repayment (of
an obligation, kindness, etc.)
温かい/あったかい - warm, mild, (pleasantly) hot; considerate,
kind, genial
温まる/ぬくまる - to warm oneself, to sun oneself, to warm
up, to get warm
温める/ぬくめる - to warm (up), to heat (up)
温もり/ぬくもり - warmth
温厚/おんこう - gentle, mild-mannered
温床/おんしょう - hotbed, breeding ground
温情/おんじょう - warm heart, kindliness
温泉郷/おんせんきょう - hot-spring village, onsen village
温存/おんぞん - preservation, retainment, keeping
温熱/おんねつ - warmth, heat
穏健/おんけん - quiet, dependable, uniform, (politically)
穏当/おんとう - proper, reasonable, right, appropriate
穏便/おんびん - gentle, peaceable, amicable, quiet; without
fuss, simply
穏和/おんわ - gentle (nature, personality, etc.), mild, quiet,
pleasant; moderate (statement, measure, etc.), mild,
音域/おんいき - range (of a voice or instrument), register,
音階/おんかい - {music} scale
音楽家/おんがくか - musician
音響/おんきょう - sound, noise, acoustics, reverberation,
echo, audio
音響効果/おんきょうこうか - sound effects; acoustics
音曲/おんぎょく - songs with samisen accompaniment,
musical performance
音訓/おんくん - kanji readings
音質/おんしつ - tone quality, sound quality
音色/おんしょく - tone color, tone colour, tone quality, timbre
音信/おんしん - correspondence, news, letter, tidings
音声/おんじょう - voice, speech, sound of a voice
音声/おんせい - voice, speech, sound of a voice; sound (e.g.
of a TV)
音節/おんせつ - {ling} syllable
音速/おんそく - speed of sound
音痴/おんち - tone deafness, amusia, having no ear for music;
{n-suf} having no sense of (e.g. direction), being hopeless
when it comes to (e.g. computers), -illiterate
音程/おんてい - {music} interval, step; pitch, key
音頭/おんど - lead (in a cheer, toast, song, etc.), (someone’s)
lead; folk song and dance performed by a group; leader of a
group of wind instruments (in gagaku)
音読/おんどく - reading aloud; reading (a kanji) by its
Chinese-derived pronunciation
音読み/おんよみ - on reading, on’yomi, Chinese-derived
reading of a kanji
音波/おんぱ - sound wave
音盤/おんばん - phonograph record, gramophone record
音符/おんぷ - musical note, note symbol; phonetic symbol
(incl. the kanji and kana-doubling symbols, vowellengthening symbol, etc.); part of a kanji for which the role
is primarily to represent the pronunciation (as opposed to
the meaning) 音量/おんりょう - volume (sound)
下/もと - under (guidance, supervision, rules, the law, etc.);
under (a flag, the sun, etc.), beneath; with (e.g. one blow),
on (the promise, condition, assumption, etc. that …), in (e.g.
the name of …); (someone’s) side, (someone’s) location 下が
り/さがり - fall, decline, lowering, hanging down, drooping,
slanting (downward); {sumo} string apron, ornamental
cords hanging from the front of a sumo wrestler’s belt; food
offering to the gods, leftovers, hand-me-downs; leaving
(one’s master’s place for home); {n-suf} {n} a little after …
下がる/さがる - to hang down, to fall, to step back
下げ足/さげあし - downturn (in the market)
下し/くだし - evacuation, purgation
下す/くだす - to make a decision, to draw a conclusion; to
give a judgement, to hand down a verdict
下っ腹/したっぱら - abdomen, stomach, under parts
下り坂/くだりざか - downhill, downward slope, descent;
decline, waning, ebb, (going) downhill
下り列車/くだりれっしゃ - down-train, train heading toward
the ending point of its route
下院/かいん - lower house, lower legislative chamber
下回り/したまわり - subordinate work, menial service,
subordinate, underling, servant, maid; actor with a minor
part (in kabuki, etc.); underside (of a car)
下回る/したまわる - to fall below (esp. figures: profits,
unemployment rate, etc.), to be less than, to be lower than,
to fall just short of, to be just under
下界/げかい - the world, the earth; {Buddh} this world (as
opposed to heaven)
下絵/したえ - rough sketch, design, cartoon
下期/しもき - second half of the (fiscal) year
下記/かき - the following (in a body of text)
下級/かきゅう - lower grade, low class, junior (officer)
下見/したみ - preliminary inspection, having a look in
advance; preparatory read-through (e.g. of lesson notes);
siding (on a house), clapboard, weatherboard
下限/かげん - lower limit; {math} infimum
下戸/げこ - non-drinker, someone who cannot drink
下向き/したむき - pointing down, pointing downward;
(market) decline, downturn, downward trend
下校/げこう - leaving school (at the end of the day), getting
out of school, coming home from school
下克上/げこくじょう - juniors dominating seniors, inferiors
overthrowing their superiors, retainer supplanting his lord
下座/げざ - coming down from one’s seat and prostrating
oneself (to pay obeisance); musicians’ box on the left side of
the stage; lower seat
下山/げさん - descending a mountain, descent
下山/げざん - descending a mountain, descent
下士官/かしかん - {mil} non-commissioned officer, petty
下肢/かし - lower limbs, legs
下手/したて - humble position, inferior; {sumo} underarm
grip on opponent’s belt
下手/したで - humble position, inferior; {sumo} underarm
grip on opponent’s belt
下手投げ/したてなげ - {baseb} underhand throw; {sumo}
underarm throw
下手糞/へたくそ - {derog} unskilled, clumsy, lousy, poor,
awkward, shitty
下準備/したじゅんび - preliminary arrangements, spade work
下唇/かしん - lower lip
下唇/したくちびる - lower lip
下水道/げすいどう - sewer, sewer system, sewerage, drain
下請/したうけ - subcontract; subcontractor (person or
下請け/したうけ - subcontract; subcontractor (person or
下請け業者/したうけぎょうしゃ - subcontractor
下層/かそう - lower layer, layer beneath; lower strata
下草/したくさ - undergrowth, weeds beneath a tree
下側/したがわ - underside
下段/げだん - lower tier, lower step, lower column, lower
berth, bottom shelf; low position (of a sword in kendo, etc.)
下値/したね - lowest price
下田/げでん - worn-out rice land
下等/かとう - inferior, base, vulgar, low grade, lower class
下働き/したばたらき - subordinate work, assistant; domestic
duties, servant, maid, houseboy
下馬/げば - dismounting
下馬評/げばひょう - rumor, rumour, gossip, speculation,
irresponsible criticism, hearsay
下半期/かはんき - second half of the year, second half of the
fiscal year
下半期/しもはんき - second half of the year, second half of the
fiscal year
下半身/かはんしん - lower half of the body
下半身/しもはんしん - lower half of the body
下敷き/したじき - desk pad, sheet of plastic (or cardboard,
felt, etc.) placed under writing paper, underlay; being
pinned under, being caught under, being trapped under,
being buried under, being crushed beneath; model, pattern
下部/かぶ - lower part, substructure; subordinate (office),
good and faithful servant
下腹部/かふくぶ - abdomen
下方/かほう - lower region, lower part, region below
下味/したあじ - seasoning of food
下野/げや - retirement from public office; going into
opposition, losing power
下落/げらく - depreciation, decline, fall, slump
下吏/かり - lower official
下流/かりゅう - downstream, lower reaches of a river; lower
化ける/ふける - to age, to grow old (esp. in appearance), to
show marks of age
化け物/ばけもの - goblin, apparition, monster, ghost,
phantom, spectre, specter
化す/かす - to change (into), to turn (into), to transform
(into), to become; to influence
化する/かする - to change (into), to turn (into), to transform
(into), to become; to influence
化学/ばけがく - chemistry
化学繊維/かがくせんい - synthetic fiber, synthetic fibre,
chemical fiber, chemical fibre
化学調味料/かがくちょうみりょう - chemical seasoning (esp.
monosodium glutamate)
化学肥料/かがくひりょう - chemical fertilizer, chemical
化学兵器/かがくへいき - chemical weapon
化学療法/かがくりょうほう - chemotherapy
化合物/かごうぶつ - {chem} compound
化粧/けわい - make-up, makeup, cosmetics; decoration,
dressing, veneer
化粧水/けしょうすい - skin lotion, face lotion
化身/けしん - {Buddh} incarnation, impersonation,
personification, avatar
化成/かせい - {chem} change, transformation
化物/ばけもの - goblin, apparition, monster, ghost, phantom,
spectre, specter
仮/かり - temporary, provisional, interim; fictitious, assumed
(name), alias; hypothetical, theoretical
仮差し押さえ/かりさしおさえ - provisional seizure, provisional
attachment, provisional garnishment
仮死/かし - (state of) apparent death, suspended animation
仮住まい/かりずまい - temporary residence
仮処分/かりしょぶん - {law} provisional disposition,
temporary injunction
仮称/かしょう - temporary name, provisional name
仮粧/けしょう - make-up, makeup, cosmetics; decoration,
dressing, veneer
仮粧/けわい - make-up, makeup, cosmetics; decoration,
dressing, veneer
仮設/かせつ - temporary construction, temporary
establishment, provisional construction; {logic} {math}
assumption, supposition
仮説/かせつ - hypothesis, supposition, assumption, tentative
仮想/かそう - imagination, supposition, virtual, potential
仮想敵国/かそうてきこく - hypothetical or imaginary enemy
仮装/かそう - costume, fancy dress, masquerade, disguise;
converted (cruiser)
仮題/かだい - tentative title
仮眠/かみん - nap, doze
仮名/かめい - alias, pseudonym, pen name, nom de plume
仮名/かりな - alias, pseudonym, pen name, nom de plume
仮名/けみょう - alias, pseudonym, pen name, nom de plume
仮名使い/かなづかい - kana orthography, syllabary spelling
仮面/かめん - mask; disguise, guise, mask
仮令/たとい - even if, no matter (what), if, though, although,
supposing, supposing that, -ever
仮令/たとえ - even if, if, though, although, supposing
何と/なんと - what, how; what (a) …!, how …!; surprisingly,
to my amazement, believe it or not, why, …!; {int} oh my,
wow; {int} well, …, so, …
何と言っても/なんといっても - after all is said and done, no
matter what people say, in the end, definitely, undeniably
何と無く/なにとなく - somehow or other, for some reason or
another, without knowing why
何にも/なんにも - (not) anything, (nothing) at all, (not) any
何の位/どのくらい - how long, how far, how much
何の辺/どのへん - whereabouts, what part; how much, what
何やら/なにやら - something, some kind of; for some reason
何れも/どれも - both, either, any, all, every
何回/なんかい - how many times
何回も/なんかいも - time and time again, many times, a
number of times
何気無い/なにげない - casual, unconcerned, nonchalant,
indifferent, offhand; {col} ordinary, normal, regular,
everyday, unremarkable
何気無く/なにげなく - unintentionally, calmly, inadvertently,
何月/なんがつ - what month
何故/なにゆえ - why, how
何故か/なぜか - somehow, for some reason
何故ならば/なぜならば - because, for, the reason why is …
何才/なんさい - how old, what age
何歳/なんさい - how old?, what age?
何事/なにごと - what, what sort of thing; everything,
anything; what (on earth)?, what’s the meaning of this …?,
what’s this … all about?
何時でも/なんどきでも - any time
何時間/なんじかん - how many hours
何時頃/いつごろ - about when, about what time, how soon
何者/なにもの - who, what kind of person
何十/なんじゅう - several tens
何処/いずく - where, what place; how much (long, far), what
何処/いずこ - where, what place; how much (long, far), what
何処か/どっか - somewhere; {adv} in some respects, in some
何処でも/どこでも - anywhere, wherever
何処までも/どこまでも - anywhere, for all time, to the ends of
the earth; through thick and thin, come hell or high water,
to the bitter end, to the utmost; persistently, stubbornly; in
all respects, on every point; thoroughly, exhaustively 何処も/
どこも - everywhere
何処迄も/どこまでも - anywhere, for all time, to the ends of
the earth; through thick and thin, come hell or high water,
to the bitter end, to the utmost; persistently, stubbornly; in
all respects, on every point; thoroughly, exhaustively 何人/な
にびと - anyone, any person, whoever
何人/なんびと - anyone, any person, whoever
何人/なんぴと - anyone, any person, whoever
何千/なんぜん - (how) many thousands
何度/なんど - how many times; how many degrees
(temperature, angle, etc.)
何等/なんら - (not) in any way, (not) at all, (none)
whatsoever; {adj-no} what kind of
何日/なんにち - what day, how many days
何年/なんねん - how many years, how long; what year
何年生/なんねんせい - what grade (in school)
何番/なんばん - what number
何彼と/なにかと - one way or another, in many ways, in
various ways
何百/なんびゃく - hundreds
何物/なにもの - what kind of thing; anything (else), nothing
何分/なんぷん - what minute, how many minutes
何遍/なんべん - how many times, how often
何方/いずかた - which way, which direction, where; which one
(esp. of two alternatives); who
何方でも/どなたでも - anyone
何方も/どちらも - both, either, any, all, every
何枚/なんまい - how many thin flat objects?
何曜日/なんようび - what day (of the week)?
価/あたい - price, cost; value, worth, merit; {math} {comp}
価する/あたいする - to be worth, to be worthy of, to deserve,
to merit
価額/かがく - valuation, amount
価値基準/かちきじゅん - standard of value
価値判断/かちはんだん - value judgement, value judgment
佳境/かきょう - most interesting part (of a story), climax,
good part; scenic spot, beautiful place
佳作/かさく - good piece of work; {abbr} honourable mention
加圧/かあつ - increasing pressure
加害者/かがいしゃ - perpetrator, wrongdoer, aggressor,
assailant, offender
加護/かご - divine protection
加算/かさん - addition, adding, supplement
加州/かしゅう - California (state)
加重/かじゅう - weighting (in averaging), aggravation
加重/かちょう - weighting (in averaging), aggravation
加勢/かせい - assistance, backing, reinforcements
加担/かたん - support, participation, assistance, complicity,
加点/かてん - adding points; addition of marks and symbols
to a classical Chinese text to aid reading in Japanese
加筆/かひつ - improvement (to a piece of writing or painting),
revision, correction, touching up
加盟/かめい - joining (an association, agreement, etc.),
participation, affiliation, accession
加療/かりょう - medical treatment
加齢/かれい - aging, ageing, adding to one’s years
可き/べき - should, must, ought to
可愛い/かわゆい - cute, adorable, charming, lovely, pretty;
dear, precious, darling, pet; innocent, childlike, childish,
lovable; dainty, little, tiny
可逆/かぎゃく - reversible; {n} {adj-na} {math} invertible
可及的/かきゅうてき - as … as possible
可視/かし - visibility
可処分/かしょぶん - disposable
可笑しな/おかしな - funny, amusing, comical, laughable,
ridiculous; strange, odd, funny, peculiar, weird, wrong,
unusual, eccentric; wrong, unsuitable, improper,
inappropriate, unbecoming; suspicious
可動/かどう - mobile, moveable
可燃/かねん - inflammable, flammable, combustible, burnable
可燃性/かねんせい - combustibility, inflammability; {adj-no}
combustible, inflammable
可燃物/かねんぶつ - combustibles, inflammables, flammables,
可能性/かのうせい - likelihood, possibility
可能性が高い/かのうせいがたかい - very likely, very probable
可否/かひ - propriety, right and wrong, advisability,
possibility; pro and con, ayes and noes
可変/かへん - variable, changeable, convertible, controllable
可憐/かれん - sweet (e.g. young girls, flowers blooming),
touchingly lovely, cute; pitiful, pitiable
嘉納/かのう - accepting with pleasure
夏ばて/なつばて - suffering from summer heat, summer heat
夏バテ/なつバテ - suffering from summer heat, summer heat
夏期/かき - summer term (e.g. school), summer period
夏季/かき - summer season
夏季/なつき - summer season
夏祭り/なつまつり - summer festival
夏山/なつやま - summery mountain; mountain that is often
climbed in summer
夏至/げし - summer solstice
夏時間/なつじかん - daylight saving time, daylight savings
time, summer time
夏場/なつば - summertime, summer season
夏場所/なつばしょ - {sumo} Summer Tournament (held in
Tokyo in May)
夏草/なつくさ - summer grass
夏日/なつび - hot summer day; day on which the temperature
reaches at least 25°C
夏服/なつふく - summer clothing
夏物/なつもの - summer clothing, summer wear; summer
嫁ぎ先/とつぎさき - family a woman has married into
嫁ぐ/とつぐ - to marry (of a woman), to become a bride, to
marry into (a family); {arch} to have sexual intercourse
嫁入り/よめいり - marriage, wedding
家々/いえいえ - each house, every house, many houses
家業/かぎょう - family business, family trade; one’s
occupation, one’s trade
家筋/いえすじ - lineage, pedigree, family line
家具屋/かぐや - furniture store
家系/かけい - family lineage
家計簿/かけいぼ - household account book
家元/いえもと - head of a school (of music, dance), head
family of a school
家裁/かさい - {abbr} family court
家財/かざい - household belongings, household goods; family
fortune, family assets
家主/いえぬし - landlord, landlady; house owner, home
owner, head of the household
家集/かしゅう - collected waka poems (of a single poet)
家臣/かしん - vassal, retainer
家人/かじん - occupant of a house, family member,
household member (incl. servants)
家政/かせい - household economy, housekeeping,
家政学/かせいがく - home economics, domestic science
家政婦/かせいふ - housekeeper, maid
家族計画/かぞくけいかく - family planning
家族制度/かぞくせいど - family system, the family (as an
家宅/かたく - domicile, premises
家中/うちじゅう - whole family, entire family, all (members
of) the family; {adj-no} {n} all over the house, throughout
the house
家長/かちょう - head of a family, patriarch, matriarch
家庭医/かていい - family doctor
家庭科/かていか - home economics
家庭教師/かていきょうし - private tutor, coach, governess
家庭裁判所/かていさいばんしょ - family court
家庭内/かていない - within the family, in the home, domestic
家庭内暴力/かていないぼうりょく - household violence (esp.
adolescent children towards parents), domestic violence
家電/かでん - household (electrical) appliances, home
appliances, consumer electronics
家督/かとく - heir, successor; family estate, family fortune,
inheritance; {hist} headship of a family
家父/かふ - one’s father
家柄/いえがら - social standing of a family, lineage,
parentage, pedigree; good family
家並み/いえなみ - row of houses; each house, every house,
every door
家名/かめい - family name, house name; family honour,
family honor
家紋/かもん - family crest
家路/いえじ - the road home
家老/かろう - {hist} chief retainer, daimyo’s minister
寡/やもめ - widow, divorced woman not remarried, unmarried
寡作/かさく - unprolific (writer, artist, etc.)
寡占/かせん - oligopoly
寡婦/かふ - widow, divorced woman not remarried, unmarried
寡婦/やもめ - widow, divorced woman not remarried,
unmarried woman
寡黙/かもく - untalkative, quiet, taciturn, reticent,
科する/かする - to inflict, to impose (a fine, etc.)
科学技術庁/かがくぎじゅつちょう - Science and Technology
Agency (1956-2001)
科学史/かがくし - history of science
科学者/かがくしゃ - scientist
暇/いとま - spare time, free time, leisure; time off, day off,
vacation, holiday, leave; quitting (one’s job), firing someone,
divorcing (one’s spouse); leaving, departing
暇が無い/ひまがない - busy, having no (free) time
暇潰し/ひまつぶし - waste of time, killing time
果たして/はたして - as was expected, just as one thought,
sure enough; really, actually, ever
果てし無い/はてしない - endless, boundless, everlasting
果ては/はては - in the end, on top of that
果敢/かかん - resolute, determined, bold
果樹/かじゅ - fruit tree
果汁/かじゅう - fruit juice
果断/かだん - decisive, resolute, drastic
果肉/かにく - flesh of fruit
果物屋/くだものや - fruit store, fruit dealer, fruit seller,
fruiterer, fruiteress
架橋/かきょう - bridge-building, bridge construction; bridge;
bridging (e.g. the gap between theory and practice);
{chem} cross-linking
架設/かせつ - construction, building
架線/かせん - overhead power line, aerial wiring; overhead
line (for trains, trams, etc.), overheard wire
歌い手/うたいて - singer
歌い上げる/うたいあげる - to sing at the top of one’s voice, to
belt out a song; to express one’s feelings fully in a poem, to
praise in poetry
歌会/うたかい - poetry party, tanka competition, gathering of
tanka poets
歌会始め/うたかいはじめ - Imperial New Year’s Poetry Reading,
annual New Year’s tanka-reading party held at the Imperial
歌曲/かきょく - melody, tune, song
歌劇/かげき - opera
歌合/うたあわせ - poetry contest
歌合せ/うたあわせ - poetry contest
歌合わせ/うたあわせ - poetry contest
歌詞/かし - song lyrics
歌集/かしゅう - collection of waka poems, anthology;
歌唱/かしょう - song, singing
歌心/うたごころ - (waka) poetic sentiment, waka-composing
mood, solid grounding in waka, meaning of a waka poem
歌人/かじん - poet (of tanka poems)
歌声/うたごえ - singing voice, (sound of) singing
歌壇/かだん - poetry circles
歌姫/うたひめ - songstress, diva
歌舞/かぶ - singing and dancing
歌謡曲/かようきょく - kayōkyoku, form of Japanese popular
music that developed during the Showa era; (Western) pop
河岸/かがん - riverbank, riverside
河岸/かし - riverbank, riverside; market on the riverbank
(esp. fish market); place (for activities), venue
河岸/かわぎし - riverbank, riverside
河原/かわら - dry riverbed, river beach
河口/かこう - mouth of river, estuary
河口/かわぐち - mouth of river, estuary
河川敷/かせんしき - flood plain, river terrace, riverside area,
area between river and river bank
河川敷/かせんじき - flood plain, river terrace, riverside area,
area between river and river bank
河童/かっぱ - kappa, mythical water-dwelling creature;
excellent swimmer; cucumber; {abbr} cucumber sushi
wrapped in nori (seaweed)
河豚/ふぐ - puffer fish, blow fish, fugu, globefish, swellfish
河畔/かはん - riverside
火の気/ひのけ - source of fire, sign of fire; warmth of fire, heat
火の玉/ひのたま - fireball, ball of fire; will-o’-the-wisp, jack-o’lantern
火の車/ひのくるま - {Buddh} fiery chariot (that carries the
souls of sinners into hell); {id} desperate financial situation,
dire straits
火の手/ひのて - flame, blaze, fire; {id} attack, aggression
火の粉/ひのこ - sparks
火炎/かえん - flame, blaze
火炎瓶/かえんびん - Molotov cocktail, petrol bomb, gasoline
火器/かき - firearms, guns
火気/かき - fire, trace of fire, heat of fire; force of a fire; cause
of a fire (lighter, match, spark, etc.)
火元/ひもと - origin of a fire
火口/ひぐち - burner, nozzle, origin of a fire
火災保険/かさいほけん - fire insurance
火災流/かさいりゅう - pyroclastic flow
火砕流/かさいりゅう - pyroclastic flow
火山灰/かざんばい - volcanic ash
火事場/かじば - scene of a fire
火種/ひだね - live coals (for firelighting); cause (of
disturbance, conflict, etc.), trigger
火傷/かしょう - burn, scald
火消し/ひけし - extinguishing a fire; (Edo-period) fireman
火勢/かせい - force of a fire, force of flames
火葬/かそう - cremation
火中/かちゅう - in the fire, in the flames; {arch} burning
火柱/ひばしら - pillar of fire, blazing column
火縄銃/ひなわじゅう - matchlock, arquebus
火鉢/ひばち - brazier, hibachi
火付け役/ひつけやく - instigator, originator, initiator, torch
bearer, incendiary, agitator, troublemaker
火砲/かほう - artillery
火薬/かやく - gunpowder, powder
火遊び/ひあそび - playing with fire; {id} doing something
dangerous, playing with fire; playing around (with
someone), flirting, having an affair
火力/かりょく - heating power, thermal power; {mil}
禍根/かこん - root of an evil, source of a problem, source of
trouble, cause of misfortune
稼ぎ/かせぎ - earnings
稼業/かぎょう - trade, business, occupation, profession, job
稼働/かどう - operation (of a machine), running; working (and
earning money)
稼働率/かどうりつ - operating rate, utilization rate, occupancy
rate, availability factor
稼動/かどう - operation (of a machine), running; working (and
earning money)
箇所/かしょ - place, point, part, spot, area, passage, portion;
{ctr} counter for places, parts, passages, etc.
箇条書き/かじょうがき - itemized form, itemised form,
itemization, itemisation
花々しい/はなばなしい - brilliant, splendid, glorious,
magnificent, spectacular
花やか/はなやか - bright and beautiful, gorgeous, showy,
brilliant, splendid, gay, colorful, flowery; prosperous,
flourishing, thriving
花園/かえん - flower garden
花園/はなぞの - flower garden
花押/かおう - written seal, stylized signature
花王/かおう - tree peony (Paeonia suffruticosa)
花屋/はなや - florist
花火大会/はなびたいかい - display of fireworks, firework(s)
花器/かき - flower vase
花期/かき - flowering season
花形/はながた - floral pattern, flourish, ornament; star (actor,
player, etc.)
花言葉/はなことば - language of flowers (e.g. the use of red
roses to signify love), floriography
花紙/はながみ - tissue paper, facial tissue, paper handkerchief
花盛り/はなざかり - flowers in full bloom, time of year in
which flowers are in full bloom; the age at which someone
(esp. a woman) is at the peak of their beauty; booming or
peaking (in popularity)
花束/はなたば - bunch of flowers, bouquet
花鳥/かちょう - flowers and birds
花鳥風月/かちょうふうげつ - beauties of nature; flowers, birds,
wind, and moon: the traditional themes of natural beauty in
Japanese aesthetics; artistic pursuits involving nature
花道/はなみち - elevated walkway through the audience to
the stage (kabuki); honourable end to a career
花畑/はなばたけ - field of flowers, flower garden, flower bed
花瓶/はながめ - (flower) vase
花粉症/かふんしょう - hay fever
花弁/かべん - (flower) petal
花弁/はなびら - (flower) petal
花婿/はなむこ - bridegroom
花柳/かりゅう - red-light district
花柳界/かりゅうかい - red-light district, pleasure quarters,
world of the geisha, demimonde
花輪/はなわ - wreath, garland
花冷え/はなびえ - chilly spring weather
苛め/いじめ - bullying, teasing
苛酷/かこく - severe, harsh, hard, cruel, rigorous
茄子/なす - eggplant (Solanum melongena), aubergine
茄子/なすび - eggplant (Solanum melongena), aubergine
荷なう/になう - to carry on one’s shoulder, to shoulder, to
bear; to bear (burden, responsibility, etc.), to take upon
荷作り/にづくり - packing, baling, crating
荷札/にふだ - label, tag
荷主/にぬし - shipper, consignor
荷台/にだい - (truck) load-carrying tray, (bicycle) luggage
carrier, roof rack
荷担/かたん - support, participation, assistance, complicity,
荷動き/にうごき - movement of goods
荷役/にえき - handling cargo, loading and unloading
荷揚げ/にあげ - unloading, landing
華やぐ/はなやぐ - to become brilliant, to become cheerful
華僑/かきょう - overseas Chinese
華厳/けごん - {Buddh} avatamsa (flower adornment, as a
metaphor for becoming a buddha); {abbr} Avatamska sutra;
{abbr} Kegon (sect of Buddhism)
華族/かぞく - {hist} peerage (in Japan; 1869-1947), nobility,
華壇/かだん - world of ikebana, ikebana circles
華道/かどう - flower arrangement
華麗/かれい - splendid, magnificent, gorgeous
菓子パン/かしパン - sweetened bun, sweet bread
菓子屋/かしや - confectionery shop, candy store, sweet shop
蝦夷/えぞ - {hist} Emishi, Ezo, non-Yamato peoples in
northern Japan; {hist} Yezo, Hokkaido, Sakhalin and the
Kuril Islands
課す/かす - to impose (a tax, fine, etc.), to levy, to assign (a
task, duty, etc.), to give, to set
課する/かする - to impose (a tax, fine, etc.), to levy, to assign
(a task, duty, etc.), to give, to set
課員/かいん - section staff
課徴金/かちょうきん - charges (i.e. fees)
課目/かもく - (school) subject, curriculum, course; item,
heading, entry
貨車/かしゃ - freight car, van
貨物/かぶつ - cargo, freight; money or assets
貨幣価値/かへいかち - currency value
過ぎ去る/すぎさる - to pass, to pass by
過って/あやまって - in error, by mistake, by accident,
過激/かげき - extreme, radical
過言/かごん - exaggeration, overstatement, saying too much;
misstatement, slip of the tongue, gaffe
過誤/かご - mistake, fault
過酷/かこく - severe, harsh, hard, cruel, rigorous
過失致死/かしつちし - involuntary manslaughter, accidental
homicide, negligent homicide
過重/かじゅう - overweight, too heavy (burden, workload,
etc.), too severe
過小評価/かしょうひょうか - {yoji} underestimation,
過少/かしょう - too few, too little, insufficient
過少申告/かしょうしんこく - under-reporting (e.g. income on a
tax return)
過食/かしょく - overeating
過信/かしん - trusting too much, overestimating ability
過多/かた - excess, surplus, superabundance
過大/かだい - excessive, too much, unreasonable
過渡/かと - crossing, ferry; transient; changing old to new
過渡期/かとき - transition period
過度/かど - excessive, immoderate
過当/かとう - excessive, exorbitant
過日/かじつ - the other day, some days ago, recently; a day
in the past
過熱/かねつ - superheating, overheating
過半/かはん - the greater part
過敏/かびん - nervousness, oversensitivity
過不足/かふそく - excess or deficiency, too much or too little
過保護/かほご - overprotective, excessive care,
overprotection, overprotectiveness
霞/かすみ - haze (esp. in spring), mist; dimness (of sight)
蚊屋/かや - mosquito net
蚊帳/かや - mosquito net
俄か/にわか - sudden, abrupt, unexpected, improvised, hasty,
offhand; {n} {abbr} impromptu skit; {n} {abbr} {sl}
bandwagon fan, fair-weather fan
俄か雨/にわかあめ - rain shower
俄に/にわかに - suddenly, abruptly, unexpectedly
俄雨/にわかあめ - rain shower
我が/わが - my, our, one’s own
我が国/わがくに - our country, our land, one’s own country
我が身/わがみ - myself, oneself; {pn} {arch} I, me; {pn}
{arch} {fam} you (referring to one’s inferior)
我れ/われ - I, me; oneself; {arch} you
我家/わがや - one’s house, one’s home, one’s family
我国/わがくに - our country, our land, one’s own country
我等/われら - we, us; {arch} I, me; {arch} you (referring to a
group of one’s equals or inferiors)
我流/がりゅう - self-taught method, one’s own way, one’s
own style
牙/きば - tusk, fang
牙城/がじょう - stronghold (esp. of an enemy or opponent),
inner citadel, bastion
画く/えがく - to draw, to paint, to sketch; to depict, to
describe; to picture in one’s mind, to imagine; to form a
certain shape (e.g. path of an action, appearance of an
object, etc.)
画する/かくする - to draw (a line); to demarcate, to mark, to
divide, to map out; to plan
画一/かくいつ - uniformity, standardization, standardisation
画期的/かっきてき - groundbreaking, revolutionary,
unprecedented, epoch-making
画業/がぎょう - painting (as a profession), being a painter;
achievements as a painter, one’s works
画材/がざい - subject matter of a painting; art supplies, art
画策/かくさく - scheming, planning, maneuvering,
manoeuvring, plotting
画集/がしゅう - book of pictures (paintings, drawings, etc.),
collection of pictures
画商/がしょう - picture dealer, commercial art gallery
画数/かくすう - stroke count (of a kanji)
画像/がぞう - image, picture, portrait
画題/がだい - subject (of a painting), motif, theme; title of a
画壇/がだん - artists’ world, painting circles
画伯/がはく - {hon} master painter, artist
画布/がふ - (oil painting) canvas
画風/がふう - style of painting
画法/がほう - art of drawing and painting
画面/がめん - screen (of a TV, computer, etc.); image (on a
screen), picture, scene; surface of a painting (picture,
drawing, etc.)
画用紙/がようし - drawing paper
画廊/がろう - art gallery (esp. artworks for sale), picture
芽吹く/めぶく - to bud
芽生え/めばえ - bud, sprout
芽生える/めばえる - to bud, to sprout; to arise, to begin to
賀状/がじょう - New Year’s card
賀正/がしょう - A Happy New Year!
雅楽/ががく - old Japanese court music, gagaku
雅号/がごう - alias, pseudonym, pen name, nom de plume
雅文/がぶん - elegant (literary) style
餓える/うえる - to starve, to be famished, to be hungry; to be
starved of (e.g. love), to be thirsty for (e.g. knowledge), to
be hungry for
餓え死に/うえじに - {sens} (death from) starvation, starving
to death
餓え死に/かつえじに - {sens} (death from) starvation,
starving to death
餓死/がし - (death from) starvation, starving to death
介して/かいして - through the medium of
介する/かいする - to use as an intermediary; to worry, to
mind, to care
介護保険/かいごほけん - nursing insurance
介在/かいざい - existing (between), interposition,
intervention, involvement
介助/かいじょ - help, assistance, aid
介添え/かいぞえ - helper, assistant, second
会する/かいする - to meet, to assemble, to gather; to
encounter, to run into
会舘/かいかん - meeting hall, assembly hall
会期/かいき - session (of a legislature)
会計検査院/かいけいけんさいん - Board of Audit
会計士/かいけいし - accountant
会計年度/かいけいねんど - fiscal year
会社更生法/かいしゃこうせいほう - Corporate Rehabilitation
会釈/えしゃく - slight bow (as a greeting or sign of gratitude),
nod, salutation; consideration, thoughtfulness
会食/かいしょく - eating together, dining together, having a
meal together
会心/かいしん - congeniality, satisfaction, gratification
会席/かいせき - meeting place, seats for the public; {abbr}
restaurant dinner tray, set of dishes served on an individual
tray for entertaining guests, banquet
会葬/かいそう - attendance at a funeral
会則/かいそく - society regulations, club regulations,
会長/かいちょう - president (of a society), chairman
会頭/かいとう - society president
会堂/かいどう - church, chapel, synagogue, tabernacle
会得/えとく - understanding, comprehension, grasp,
perception, appreciation, mastery (of an art or skill)
会費/かいひ - membership fee
会報/かいほう - bulletin (issued by a society), report,
解きほぐす/ときほぐす - to disentangle, to untangle, to
unravel; to relax, to soften, to relieve (e.g. stress, tension),
to remove (e.g. doubt)
解き解す/ときほぐす - to disentangle, to untangle, to unravel;
to relax, to soften, to relieve (e.g. stress, tension), to
remove (e.g. doubt)
解け込む/とけこむ - to melt into, to dissolve into, to merge
into; to blend into (surroundings), to fit in, to adapt to, to
解す/ほぐす - to unravel, to untie, to untangle, to loosen; to
break into small pieces (of fish, meat, etc.); to relax, to ease
解する/かいする - to understand, to appreciate; to interpret
解り/わかり - understanding, comprehension
解る/わかる - to understand, to comprehend, to grasp, to see,
to get, to follow; to become clear, to be known, to be
discovered, to be realized, to be realised, to be found out;
{int} I know!, I think so too!
解解す/ときほぐす - to disentangle, to untangle, to unravel; to
relax, to soften, to relieve (e.g. stress, tension), to remove
(e.g. doubt)
解禁/かいきん - lifting a ban, raising an embargo, opening a
season (hunting, fishing, etc.); {col} publishing contents,
revealing information
解雇/かいこ - dismissal (of an employee), discharge, firing,
解消/かいしょう - cancellation, liquidation, resolution,
reduction (e.g. of stress)
解職/かいしょく - discharge, dismissal
解析/かいせき - analysis, analytical study; parsing, parse
解像度/かいぞうど - resolution (of a display, printer, scanner,
解体/かいたい - demolition, taking down, dismantling,
disassembly, taking apart; dissolution (of an organization,
company, etc.), breaking up; dissection (of a body),
解題/かいだい - synopsis, review of subject, annotation
解脱/げだつ - {Buddh} liberation from earthly desires and the
woes of man, deliverance of one’s soul, moksha, mukti,
解党/かいとう - dissolution (of a political party)
解凍/かいとう - thawing, defrosting; {comp} decompression
(of data), extraction, unpacking, unzipping
解読/かいどく - deciphering, decoding
解任/かいにん - dismissal (from a post), discharge, removal
解熱/げねつ - lowering a fever, alleviation of fever
解熱剤/げねつざい - fever medicine, antipyretic, antifebrile
解放区/かいほうく - liberated area or zone
解剖学/かいぼうがく - anatomy
解明/かいめい - elucidation, explication, explaining,
unravelling, clarification, understanding
解約/かいやく - cancellation of a contract
回し/まわし - {sumo} mawashi, belt, loincloth; mantle, cape;
gang rape
回忌/かいき - {abbr} death anniversary
回帰/かいき - return (to), revolution, recurrence; {math}
回帰線/かいきせん - tropics (of Cancer and Capricorn); {math}
regression line
回顧/かいこ - recollecting, reminiscing, looking back,
retrospection, review
回顧録/かいころく - memoirs, reminiscences
回向/えこう - {Buddh} memorial service, prayers for the
repose of the soul; {Buddh} transfer of merit
回生/かいせい - resurrection, resuscitation, coming back to
life; {electr} regeneration; {suf} nth-year university student
回戦/かいせん - event with … rounds, innings, legs, etc.; nthround match (in a knockout tournament)
回線/かいせん - circuit, line
回想/かいそう - recollection, retrospection, reflection,
回避/かいひ - evasion, avoidance
回付/かいふ - transmitting, referring to, passing on
回遊/かいゆう - excursion, round trip; seasonal migration (of
fish, etc.)
回廊/かいろう - corridor, gallery, hallway, cloister (i.e.
covered walk typically circling a building or garden, esp. in a
palace or place of worship)
塊まり/かたまり - lump, mass, bundle, clump, clod, cluster;
group, crowd; embodiment (of an idea, quality, feeling etc.),
壊死/えし - {med} necrosis
壊滅/かいめつ - destruction, annihilation, devastation,
廻し/まわし - {sumo} mawashi, belt, loincloth; mantle, cape;
gang rape
廻り/まわり - rotation; making the rounds; spreading; effect,
efficacy; {n-suf} {n} by way of, via; {suf} {ctr} round, turn;
{suf} {ctr} size; {suf} {ctr} 12-year period, 12-year age
廻る/まわる - to turn, to rotate, to revolve, to spin; to go
around, to circle, to revolve around, to orbit; to make the
rounds (of), to go around (several places), to travel around,
to make a tour of, to patrol; to go by way of, to go via, to
stop by (on the way), to take a roundabout route, to make a
detour; to move around (to another place or position), to
come around, to go over (e.g. to the opposing side); to
come around (of one’s turn), to be passed around (of a cup,
circular, etc.); to function, to work well; to spread, to extend
(to; e.g. of one’s attention), to reach, to take effect (of
alcohol, poison, etc.); to pass (a time), to turn (e.g. 5
o’clock); to earn interest; {suf} {v5r} to … around, to …
about 廻転/かいてん - rotation, revolution, turn, spin; working
(e.g. of one’s mind), function; turnover (of goods, funds,
etc.), circulation, flow (of customers); {math} rotation, curl;
{ski} {abbr} slalom
廻廊/かいろう - corridor, gallery, hallway, cloister (i.e.
covered walk typically circling a building or garden, esp. in a
palace or place of worship)
快音/かいおん - pleasant sound, pleasing sound, crack (of a
baseball bat), (pleasant) roar (of an engine)
快楽/かいらく - pleasure
快楽/けらく - pleasure; {Buddh} supreme pleasure obtained
by freeing oneself from earthly desires
快活/かいかつ - cheerful, lively, lighthearted
快感/かいかん - pleasant feeling, pleasant sensation, pleasure
快挙/かいきょ - brilliant achievement, spectacular feat,
splendid accomplishment, remarkable deed
快作/かいさく - splendid work, masterpiece
快勝/かいしょう - sweeping victory, easy victory
快走/かいそう - fast moving, fast running, fast sailing
快速/かいそく - high speed, rapidity; {abbr} rapid-service
train (not as fast as express), rapid train
快打/かいだ - {baseb} clean hit
快諾/かいだく - ready consent
快調/かいちょう - good (condition), going well, fine, smooth
快投/かいとう - {baseb} good pitch
快復/かいふく - recovery (from an illness), recuperation,
快方/かいほう - convalescence
快眠/かいみん - pleasant sleep
怪しげ/あやしげ - questionable, doubtful, suspicious
怪しむ/あやしむ - to suspect
怪我人/けがにん - wounded person, injured person
怪奇/かいき - bizarre, strange, weird, mysterious; grotesque
怪人/かいじん - mysterious person
怪談/かいだん - ghost story, tale of the supernatural
怪盗/かいとう - mysterious thief, phantom thief
怪物/かいぶつ - monster
怪文書/かいぶんしょ - dubious document, anonymous
document containing defamatory statements
悔い/くい - regret, repentance
悔いる/くいる - to regret
悔し泣き/くやしなき - crying from vexation, tears of regret
悔し涙/くやしなみだ - tears of regret, bitter tears, vexation,
悔やしい/くやしい - vexing, annoying, frustrating, regrettable,
悔やみ/くやみ - condolence, condolences
恢復/かいふく - restoration, rehabilitation, recovery, return,
replevin, improvement; recovery (from an illness),
recuperation, convalescence
懐/ふところ - inside the breast of one’s clothing (esp.
kimono), bosom, (breast) pocket; space between one’s
chest and outstretched arms, (one’s) reach; heart (e.g. of a
mountain), bosom (e.g. of nature), depths, inner part; mind,
heart, inner thoughts; money (one is carrying), purse,
pocketbook 懐かしむ/なつかしむ - to yearn for (someone,
something), to miss
懐疑/かいぎ - doubt, skepticism, scepticism, disbelief
懐古/かいこ - reminiscence, nostalgia, thinking fondly of the
past, recalling the old days
懐柔/かいじゅう - winning over, placation, gentle persuasion
懐石料理/かいせきりょうり - traditional Japanese meal brought
in courses; tea-ceremony dishes
懐中時計/かいちゅうとけい - pocket watch
懐中電灯/かいちゅうでんとう - (electric) torch, flashlight
懐刀/ふところがたな - dagger, stiletto; confidant, right-hand
懐妊/かいにん - pregnancy, conception
戒め/いましめ - caution, admonition, warning, lesson;
prohibition, ban, commandment, precept; punishment;
{arch} caution, guard
戒める/いましめる - to warn against, to caution against; to
admonish, to scold, to rebuke; to prohibit, to forbid, to ban;
{arch} to be cautious; {arch} to detest, to loathe; {arch} to
戒厳令/かいげんれい - martial law
戒告/かいこく - admonition, warning, caution
戒名/かいみょう - posthumous Buddhist name
戒律/かいりつ - (religious) precept, discipline, commandment,
改まった/あらたまった - ceremonious, formal
改憲/かいけん - constitutional change, revising the
改作/かいさく - adaptation (of story)
改札口/かいさつぐち - ticket barrier, ticket gate, wicket
改宗/かいしゅう - religious conversion
改称/かいしょう - renaming, retitling
改心/かいしん - conversion, reform, correcting someone’s
改新/かいしん - reformation
改選/かいせん - re-election
改組/かいそ - reorganization, reorganisation, reshuffle
改装/かいそう - remodelling, remodeling, reorganization,
改題/かいだい - change of title, retitling, changed title
改築/かいちく - structural alteration of building,
reconstruction, rebuilding, remodelling, remodeling
改訂版/かいていばん - revised edition
改廃/かいはい - reform and (or) abolition, alteration or repeal,
revision, reorganization, reorganisation
改変/かいへん - change, alteration, modification
改編/かいへん - reorganization, reorganisation
改名/かいめい - name change
改竄/かいざん - alteration, falsification, faking
魁/さきがけ - pioneer, leader, taking the initiative,
forerunner, harbinger, herald; leading an attack, charging
ahead of others (towards the enemy)
晦/つごもり - last day of the month
晦/みそ - last day of the month
晦/みそか - last day of the month
晦日/つごもり - last day of the month
晦日/みそか - last day of the month
海域/かいいき - area of ocean
海運業/かいうんぎょう - shipping industry, marine transport
海王星/かいおうせい - {astron} Neptune (planet)
海外経済協力基金/かいがいけいざいきょうりょくききん Overseas Economic Cooperation Fund
海岸線/かいがんせん - coastline, shoreline; coastal railway
海亀/うみがめ - sea turtle
海軍/かいぐん - navy
海原/うなばら - ocean, sea, the deep
海港/かいこう - port, seaport
海溝/かいこう - ocean trench, deep
海山/うみやま - sea and mountains
海産物/かいさんぶつ - marine products
海事/かいじ - maritime affairs
海女/あま - ama, female diver who collects shells, seaweed,
海上/かいじょう - on the sea, surface of the sea
海上自衛隊/かいじょうじえいたい - Maritime Self Defense
Forces (Defence)
海上保安庁/かいじょうほあんちょう - Japan Coast Guard, JCG
海神/かいしん - sea god, Poseidon, Neptune
海図/かいず - sea chart
海水/かいすい - seawater, saltwater
海水浴場/かいすいよくじょう - swimming area (in the ocean),
swimming beach, seawater baths
海戦/かいせん - naval battle
海草/かいそう - marine plant, seagrass; {col} seaweed
海藻/かいそう - seaweed
海賊/かいぞく - pirate, sea robber, buccaneer, freebooter
海賊版/かいぞくばん - pirated edition, pirated version, bootleg
海苔/のり - nori, laver, edible seaweed, usu. Porphyra
yezoensis or P. tenera, usu. dried and pressed into sheets
海中/かいちゅう - in the sea
海鳥/うみどり - sea bird
海底/かいてい - bottom of the ocean, seafloor, seabed; {adjf} undersea, submarine
海道/かいどう - sea route
海難/かいなん - accident at sea, sea disaster, shipwreck
海浜/かいひん - seashore, seaside, beach
海風/かいふう - sea breeze
海兵/かいへい - sailor, marine
海兵隊/かいへいたい - Marine Corps, Royal Marines
海辺/うみべ - beach, seashore, seaside, coast
海辺/かいへん - beach, seashore, seaside, coast
海面/かいめん - sea level, (surface of) sea
海洋気象台/かいようきしょうだい - marine meteorological
海老/えび - prawn, shrimp
海嘯/つなみ - tsunami, tidal wave
灰汁/あく - lye; harsh taste, bitter taste, alkaline taste,
astringency; scum (on a soup, broth etc.); (excessive) selfassertiveness, strong individuality, strong idiosyncrasy
界隈/かいわい - neighborhood, neighbourhood, vicinity
皆殺し/みなごろし - massacre, annihilation, wholesale
皆無/かいむ - nonexistent, nil, none, nothing (at all), buggerall
皆目/かいもく - entirely, (not) at all
皆様/みなさま - {hon} everyone
絵解き/えとき - explanation of a picture; explanation by
means of pictures; explanation (of an incident, one’s
reasoning, etc.), unravelling (a mystery), clearing up,
絵巻/えまき - picture scroll
絵巻物/えまきもの - picture scroll
絵具/えのぐ - paint, coloring materials, colors, colours
絵空事/えそらごと - fabrication, pipe dream
絵師/えし - painter, artist, painter supported by patron
絵図/えず - illustration, drawing
絵入り/えいり - illustrated, pictorial
絵馬/えま - {Buddh} {Shinto} votive tablet, wooden tablet
usu. filled out with a prayer and one’s name and hung up at
a shrine or temple; orig. picturing a horse, as a standin for a
donation of a live horse 絵筆/えふで - paintbrush
絵柄/えがら - pattern, design
絵本/えほん - picture book
絵葉書/えはがき - picture postcard
芥/あくた - rubbish, trash, garbage, refuse
芥/ごみ - rubbish, trash, garbage, refuse, litter
芥子/からし - mustard
芥箱/ごみばこ - garbage can, rubbish bin, trash can, dustbin
蟹/かに - crab
開き/ひらき - opening, gap; {suf} dried and opened fish
開き直る/ひらきなおる - to become defiant, to fight back, to
turn upon, to take the offensive
開ける/ひらける - to open out (of a view, scenery, etc.), to
spread out, to become clear (of a road, visibility, etc.), to
open up; to improve (of luck, prospects, etc.), to get better;
to develop (of a town, civilization, etc.), to become civilized,
to modernize, to grow, to advance (of knowledge, ideas,
etc.); to be sensible, to be understanding, to be enlightened;
to open (of a new road, railway, etc.), to be opened to
traffic; to become populous, to become densely built, to
become bustling 開運/かいうん - better fortune
開園/かいえん - opening of a park (theme park, botanical
garden etc.)
開演/かいえん - curtain raising, starting (e.g. play, concert)
開花/かいか - flowering, blooming, blossoming, coming into
bloom; flowering (of a civilization, talent, etc.), blossoming,
blooming, bearing fruit (of efforts)
開館/かいかん - opening (for that day’s business; of a library,
museum, cinema, etc.); opening (of a new library, museum,
cinema, etc.)
開眼/かいがん - enlightenment, spiritual awakening, opening
one’s eyes to the truth; reaching one’s peak (as a
performer, etc.), reaching the highest echelons; gaining
eyesight, restoring eyesight, opening the eyes 開業/かいぎょ
う - opening a business, opening a practice
開業医/かいぎょうい - private clinician, physician in private
開局/かいきょく - opening (of a broadcasting station, post
office, bureau, etc.), establishment
開口/かいこう - opening, aperture (e.g. camera); opening
one’s mouth, beginning to speak; {adj-f} open, broad
開校/かいこう - opening a school
開港/かいこう - opening a port (seaport, airport, etc.),
starting operations at a port; opening a port to foreign
vessels or trade
開講/かいこう - start of a course, start of lectures; opening of
a new course, offering a course (for the first time)
開墾/かいこん - cultivating new land, clearing, reclamation
開山/かいさん - founding a temple (on a hill-top)
開示/かいじ - release (e.g. information), disclosure (legal),
show, indication, display
開所/かいしょ - opening (of a new office, facility, etc.)
開城/かいじょう - surrender of a castle, surrender of a
fortress, capitulation of a stronghold
開場/かいじょう - opening (the doors of a venue);
inauguration (of a new building, facility, etc.)
開設/かいせつ - establishment, opening, setting up,
開戦/かいせん - outbreak of war, starting a war
開祖/かいそ - (sect) founder, apostle, originator, inventor
開拓者/かいたくしゃ - pioneer, settler, colonist
開廷/かいてい - court session, trial
開店/かいてん - opening a new shop; opening a shop (for the
開店休業/かいてんきゅうぎょう - being open but having
virtually no business
開発部/かいはつぶ - Development Department
開票/かいひょう - counting ballots, tally (of votes)
開封/かいふう - opening (a letter, parcel, etc.), breaking the
seal; unboxing (a product); unsealed mail
開腹/かいふく - making a surgical incision in the abdomen
開閉/かいへい - opening and shutting, opening and closing
開幕/かいまく - raising the curtain; opening (of an event),
start, beginning
開明/かいめい - civilization, civilisation, enlightenment
開門/かいもん - opening gate
階下/かいか - lower floor, downstairs; bottom of the stairs,
foot of the stairs
階級闘争/かいきゅうとうそう - class struggle, class warfare,
class conflict
貝塚/かいづか - shell heap, shell mound, kitchen midden
貝殼/かいがら - seashell, shell
凱歌/がいか - victory song, victory
凱旋/がいせん - triumphant return, returning in triumph
外に/ほかに - else, in addition, besides
外れ/はずれ - end, verge, extremity, tip, outskirts; miss,
failure, blank (e.g. lottery ticket)
外圧/がいあつ - external pressure, outside pressure, foreign
外苑/がいえん - outer garden
外科医/げかい - surgeon
外回り/そとまわり - circumference, perimeter; work outside
the office; outer tracks (in a loop or curve)
外界/がいかい - outside world, physical world
外角/がいかく - {math} external angle, exterior angle;
{baseb} outside corner
外郭/がいかく - outer fence, outer enclosure, outer block;
outline, contour
外郭団体/がいかくだんたい - auxiliary organization
(organisation), extra-departmental body, fringe organization
外気/がいき - open air
外宮/げくう - outer shrine of the Ise Grand Shrine
外局/がいきょく - external bureau
外勤/がいきん - working away from the office, working outside
the office, outside duty
外形/がいけい - externals, external form
外見/がいけん - outward appearance, looks
外見/そとみ - outward appearance, looks
外交員/がいこういん - canvasser, door-to-door salesman
外交官/がいこうかん - diplomat
外交辞令/がいこうじれい - {yoji} diplomatic turn of phrase,
diplomatic language, tactful way of expressing something
外交団/がいこうだん - diplomatic corps
外債/がいさい - foreign loan, foreign debt, foreign bond
外資/がいし - foreign capital (e.g. in a company), foreign
外車/がいしゃ - foreign-made car, imported car; paddle wheel
外需/がいじゅ - foreign demand
外周/がいしゅう - outer circumference, perimeter; outskirts,
外出/そとで - going out, outing, leaving (one’s home, office,
外傷/がいしょう - external wound, (physical) trauma
外食/がいしょく - eating out, dining out
外信/がいしん - external communication
外人/がいじん - foreigner; {arch} (orig. meaning) outsider
外装/がいそう - exterior, packaging, cladding, armor
(armour), arm
外側/がいそく - exterior, outside, outer, external, lateral
外側/そとがわ - exterior, outside, outer, external, lateral
外注/がいちゅう - outsourcing, contracting out, ordering with
an outside supplier
外敵/がいてき - foreign enemy, outside invader
外的/がいてき - external, outside
外伝/がいでん - supplementary biography; anecdote, side
story, spin-off
外電/がいでん - foreign telegram
外泊/がいはく - staying somewhere else (overnight),
spending the night away (e.g. from home), going home (e.g.
from hospital) for the night, sleepover
外付/そとづけ - {comp} external (hard drive, disk drive, etc.)
外米/がいまい - foreign rice
外壁/がいへき - outer wall
外壁/そとかべ - outer wall
外堀/そとぼり - outer moat (of a castle)
外務/がいむ - foreign affairs
外務員/がいむいん - canvasser
外務省/がいむしょう - Ministry of Foreign Affairs
外面/がいめん - outer surface, outward appearance, outside,
exterior; {adj-no} outside, outer, outward, exterior, external
外面/そとづら - outer surface, outward appearance, outside,
exterior; {adj-no} outside, outer, outward, exterior, external
外野/がいや - {baseb} outfield; {baseb} {abbr} outfielder;
{baseb} {abbr} outfield bleachers; third party, outsider,
onlooker, bystander
外野手/がいやしゅ - {baseb} outfielder
外遊/がいゆう - foreign travel
外洋/がいよう - open sea, ocean
外用/がいよう - external use
外来語/がいらいご - {ling} loanword (in Japanese, esp. those
of Western origin), foreign-origin word
害悪/がいあく - harm, injury, evil (influence)
害虫/がいちゅう - harmful insect, noxious insect, vermin, pest
概して/がいして - generally, as a rule
概観/がいかん - general view, outline
概況/がいきょう - outlook, general situation
概算/がいさん - approximation, rough estimate, ballpark
概要/がいよう - outline, summary, overview, synopsis,
abstract, abridgment, abridgement
蓋/がい - cover, lid, cap
街区/がいく - block (of land)
街宣車/がいせんしゃ - (right-wing) propaganda truck
街灯/がいとう - street light, streetlamp
街頭募金/がいとうぼきん - streetside fundraising
街並/まちなみ - townscape, street (of stores and houses),
(look of) stores and houses on street
街並み/まちなみ - townscape, street (of stores and houses),
(look of) stores and houses on street
街路/がいろ - road, street, avenue
街路樹/がいろじゅ - roadside trees
鎧/よろい - armor, armour
骸骨/がいこつ - skeleton
蛙/かえる - frog
蛙/かわず - frog; kajika frog (Buergeria buergeri)
垣/かき - fence, hedge, barrier, wall, railing
垣間見る/かいまみる - to take a peep at, to catch a glimpse of
柿/かき - kaki, Japanese persimmon (Diospyros kaki)
劃一/かくいつ - uniformity, standardization, standardisation
劃期/かっき - transition from one epoch to another, change of
劃期的/かっきてき - groundbreaking, revolutionary,
unprecedented, epoch-making
各/おのおの - each; {pn} {arch} you (plural)
各位/かくい - everyone, each and every one (of you), ladies
and gentlemen
各国/かくこく - each country, every country, various
countries, all countries
各国/かっこく - each country, every country, various
countries, all countries
各種学校/かくしゅがっこう - {law} miscellaneous school, legal
category of schools including certain vocational schools,
driving schools, cram schools, etc.
各面/かくめん - all phases
拡がり/ひろがり - spread, span, expanse, extent
拡がる/ひろがる - to spread (out), to extend, to stretch, to
reach to, to get around, to fill (e.g. a space)
拡げる/ひろげる - to spread, to extend, to expand, to enlarge,
to widen, to broaden; to unfold, to open, to unroll, to
unwrap; to scatter about, to spread around; to make
flourish, to cause to prosper
拡声器/かくせいき - megaphone, bullhorn, loudhailer
拡声機/かくせいき - megaphone, bullhorn, loudhailer
拡大均衡/かくだいきんこう - an expanded or expanding
格安/かくやす - (very) cheap, (very) inexpensive, cut-price,
bargain (price)
格下げ/かくさげ - demotion, downgrading
格言/かくげん - saying, maxim, aphorism, proverb
格子/こうし - lattice, latticework, window bars, grid, grating,
格式/かくしき - formality, social rules; social status, social
standing; {arch} amendments and enforcement regulations
(of the ritsuryō)
格上げ/かくあげ - status elevation, upgrading, promotion
格段/かくだん - dramatic (improvement), remarkable
(difference), marked, noticeable; (far) better, exceptional
格調/かくちょう - tone (of speech, writing, etc.), style
格闘/かくとう - (hand-to-hand) fight, grapple, scuffle, tussle;
struggling (with a problem, task, etc.), grappling, wrestling,
getting to grips (with)
格納/かくのう - storage, housing for equipment and
machines; {comp} putting into computer memory, saving
格納庫/かくのうこ - (aircraft) hangar
格付け/かくずけ - rating, classification, allocation, grading
格付け/かくづけ - rating, classification, allocation, grading
核の傘/かくのかさ - nuclear umbrella
核家族/かくかぞく - nuclear family
核酸/かくさん - nucleic acid
核実験/かくじっけん - nuclear (bomb) test
核心/かくしん - core, heart (of the matter), point, crux, kernel
核弾頭/かくだんとう - nuclear warhead
核燃料/かくねんりょう - nuclear fuel
核爆発/かくばくはつ - nuclear explosion
核武装/かくぶそう - nuclear arms
核分裂/かくぶんれつ - nuclear fission; karyokinesis (division of
a cell nucleus during mitosis or meiosis)
核兵器/かくへいき - nuclear weapon
核融合/かくゆうごう - nuclear fusion
獲る/える - to get, to earn, to acquire, to procure, to gain, to
secure, to attain, to obtain, to win; to understand, to
comprehend; to receive something undesirable (e.g. a
punishment), to get (ill)
獲る/とる - to take, to catch, to capture
確/たしか - sure, certain, positive, definite; reliable,
trustworthy, safe, sound, firm, accurate, correct, exact;
{adv} If I’m not mistaken, If I remember correctly, If I
remember rightly
確かめ/たしかめ - confirmation, certification, ascertainment
確たる証拠/かくたるしょうこ - certain evidence, definite
確乎/かっこ - firm, unshakeable, resolute
確固/かっこ - firm, unshakeable, resolute
確執/かくしつ - discord, antagonism
確証/かくしょう - conclusive evidence, positive proof, definite
proof, confirmation
確度/かくど - degree of accuracy
確報/かくほう - definite report, confirmed data
確約/かくやく - firm promise, definite promise
覚え書き/おぼえがき - memo, memorandum, note;
(diplomatic) memorandum
覚書/おぼえがき - memo, memorandum, note; (diplomatic)
覚書き/おぼえがき - memo, memorandum, note; (diplomatic)
覚醒/かくせい - waking up, awakening, arousal, revival;
disillusion, disillusionment, awakening
覚醒剤/かくせいざい - stimulant (e.g. psychoactive drugs like
methamphetamine, ritalin, etc.)
角界/かくかい - {sumo} the world of sumo
角界/かっかい - {sumo} the world of sumo
角材/かくざい - squared timber, rectangular lumber
角質/かくしつ - keratin, corneum, cuticle, collagen, horny
角地/かどち - corner lot
角膜/かくまく - {anat} cornea
角力/すもう - {sumo} sumo wrestling; {sumo} {abbr}
wrestler, rikishi
較べる/くらべる - to compare, to make a comparison; to
compete, to vie
閣外/かくがい - outside the Cabinet
閣議/かくぎ - cabinet meeting
閣内/かくない - (inside the) Cabinet
閣僚/かくりょう - cabinet ministers
隔たり/へだたり - distance, interval, gap, difference,
隔て/へだて - partition, distinction
隔月/かくげつ - every second month, every other month
隔世/かくせい - separation of ages, being of a different age
隔絶/かくぜつ - isolation, separation, remoteness, seclusion,
reclusion, inaccessibility, sequestration
隔日/かくじつ - every other day, every second day
隔年/かくねん - biennially, every second year, every other
隔壁/かくへき - barrier wall, bulkhead, partition, septum,
隔離/かくり - isolation, segregation, separation, quarantine
革まる/あらたまる - to be renewed, to change; to be
improved, to be reformed, to be revised, to be corrected; to
stand on ceremony, to be formal; to take a turn for the
worse (of an illness), to take a serious turn 革靴/かわぐつ leather shoes, leather boots
革製品/かわせいひん - leather goods (products)
学び/まなび - learning, study
学位/がくい - (academic) degree
学院/がくいん - institute, academy
学園/がくえん - educational institution, school, academy,
学課/がっか - lesson, school work
学界/がっかい - academic world, academia, academic circles,
scientific world, learned circles
学外/がくがい - outside the school, outside the university,
unaffiliated with the university, off-campus, extramural
学割/がくわり - {abbr} student discount
学割り/がくわり - {abbr} student discount
学究/がっきゅう - scholar, student
学業/がくぎょう - studies, schoolwork, classwork
学区/がっく - school district, school area
学芸会/がくげいかい - school arts festival
学校法人/がっこうほうじん - (legally) incorporated educational
学際/がくさい - interdisciplinary
学士院/がくしいん - {abbr} Japan Academy; learned society,
academy, institute
学資/がくし - school expenses, education fund
学事/がくじ - educational affairs
学識/がくしき - scholarship, scientific attainments
学舎/がくしゃ - school (building)
学習指導要領/がくしゅうしどうようりょう - government course
(curriculum) guidelines
学術会議/がくじゅつかいぎ - Japan Science Council
学制/がくせい - educational or school system
学籍/がくせき - school register
学則/がくそく - school regulations
学卒/がくそつ - college graduate
学長/がくちょう - (university) president, chancellor, principal,
学徒/がくと - student, follower, students and pupils
学童/がくどう - school child, pupil
学内/がくない - within the school
学派/がくは - school, sect
学閥/がくばつ - alma mater clique, old school tie
学費/がくひ - tuition
学務/がくむ - school affairs
学名/がくめい - scientific name (of a species), binomial name,
Latin name; academic reputation
学問的/がくもんてき - scholarly
学友/がくゆう - school friend
学用品/がくようひん - school supplies
学理/がくり - scholarly principle, scientific principle
学齢/がくれい - school age
岳/たけ - peak; mountain
楽々/らくらく - comfortably, easily
楽しげ/たのしげ - happy, cheerful, pleasant
楽しめる/たのしめる - to be able to enjoy
楽園/らくえん - paradise, Eden
楽屋/がくや - dressing room, green room, backstage; behind
the scenes, the inside, inside affairs
楽観的/らっかんてき - optimistic, hopeful
楽曲/がっきょく - musical composition, tune
楽劇/がくげき - musical play, opera
楽書き/らくがき - scrawl, scribble, graffiti, doodle
楽勝/らくしょう - easy victory, walkover; easy peasy, child’s
play, cakewalk, walk in the park
楽章/がくしょう - {music} movement
楽隊/がくたい - band, orchestra
楽団/がくだん - orchestra, band
楽壇/がくだん - musical world
楽天/らくてん - optimism
楽天家/らくてんか - optimist, easygoing person
楽天的/らくてんてき - optimistic
額縁/がくぶち - (picture) frame; architrave (of a door,
window, etc.)
額面/がくめん - face value, par
額面割れ/がくめんわれ - drop below par
掛かり/かかり - starting (e.g. of an engine), engaging (e.g. of
a lock); expenses, costs; {go} attack (esp. a corner
approach); barb (of a fish hook); charge, duty, person in
charge, official, clerk
掛け引き/かけひき - bargaining, haggling; tactics, strategy,
maneuvering, diplomacy; (tactical) advance or retreat of
掛け金/かけきん - installment, instalment, premium, bill
掛け合い/かけあい - negotiations, bargaining; dialogue, duet
掛け合う/かけあう - to negotiate (with someone about), to
talk over (something with), to tackle someone (about), to
haggle, to bargain; to throw on each other, to splash (water)
on each other, to pour on each other 掛け持ち/かけもち holding two or more positions concurrently
掛け軸/かけじく - hanging scroll
掛け声/かけごえ - shout (of encouragement, etc.), yell (used
to time or encourage activity, e.g. “Heave ho!”)
掛け値/かけね - inflated price (assigned in anticipation of
being haggled down), overcharging; exaggeration
掛金/かけきん - installment, instalment, premium, bill
掛算/かけざん - {math} multiplication
掛軸/かけじく - hanging scroll
掛声/かけごえ - shout (of encouragement, etc.), yell (used to
time or encourage activity, e.g. “Heave ho!”)
掛長/かかりちょう - subsection head, assistant manager,
chief clerk
笠/かさ - conical hat (East-Asian style), coolie hat; something
shaped like a conical hat or an umbrella, shade (of a lamp),
mushroom cap, pileus
樫/かし - evergreen oak
潟/かた - lagoon; inlet, creek; tidal beach, tidal flat, tideland
割く/さく - to cut up, to cleave, to cut open (esp. the
abdomen); to spare (time, money, etc.), to use part of
something; {arch} to have a tattoo in the corner of one’s
割に/わりに - comparatively, relatively, fairly, rather, pretty,
unexpectedly; {exp} considering …, for …, despite …, in
spite of …
割り/わり - rate, ratio, proportion; one tenth, ten percent;
(comparative) profit, gain; assignment, allotment,
allocation; {sumo} match, schedule of matches; {n-suf}
diluted with (of drinks), mixed with; {n-suf} {abbr}
discount, rebate 割りに/わりに - comparatively, relatively,
fairly, rather, pretty, unexpectedly; {exp} considering …, for
…, despite …, in spite of …
割り安/わりやす - economical, comparatively cheap
割り引/わりびき - discount, reduction, rebate; {ctr} tenths
discounted, tenths reduced
割り引き/わりびき - discount, reduction, rebate; {ctr} tenths
discounted, tenths reduced
割り引く/わりびく - to discount, to reduce (the price), to take
off (a percentage); to take with a grain of salt, to not take at
face value, to discount
割り勘/わりかん - {abbr} splitting the cost, splitting the bill,
Dutch treat
割り高/わりだか - comparatively high, fairly expensive
割り合い/わりあい - rate, ratio, percentage, proportion; {adv}
comparatively; {adv} contrary to expectations
割り込み/わりこみ - queue jumping, breaking into a line,
muscling in on, wedging oneself in, interruption, sharing a
theater box (theatre); {comp} interrupt
割り込む/わりこむ - to cut into (a line, conversation, etc.), to
force oneself into (e.g. a crowd), to wedge oneself into, to
squeeze oneself into, to intrude on, to interrupt; to fall
below (of stock prices, sales, etc.), to drop below 割り算/わり
ざん - {math} division
割り出す/わりだす - to calculate, to compute; to deduce, to
infer, to conclude
割り振り/わりふり - allocation, assignment, allotment
割り振る/わりふる - to assign, to allot, to divide among, to
distribute, to prorate, to assess, to apportion, to allocate
割り切る/わりきる - to find a clear solution, to come to a clean
decision, to give a clear explanation, to reason out, to
conclude, to be pragmatic, to be practical; to divide exactly
(without remainder), to divide evenly 割り当て/わりあて allotment, assignment, allocation, quota, rationing; {comp}
割り当てる/わりあてる - to assign, to allot, to allocate, to
divide among, to distribute, to prorate, to apportion
割り箸/わりばし - dispensable chopsticks, throwaway
割愛/かつあい - omitting (reluctantly), leaving out, dropping;
giving up (reluctantly), parting with, sharing, sparing
割安/わりやす - economical, comparatively cheap
割引き/わりびき - discount, reduction, rebate; {ctr} tenths
discounted, tenths reduced
割引く/わりびく - to discount, to reduce (the price), to take
off (a percentage); to take with a grain of salt, to not take at
face value, to discount
割引債/わりびきさい - discount bond
割高/わりだか - comparatively high, fairly expensive
割込み/わりこみ - queue jumping, breaking into a line,
muscling in on, wedging oneself in, interruption, sharing a
theater box (theatre); {comp} interrupt
割出す/わりだす - to calculate, to compute; to deduce, to
infer, to conclude
割譲/かつじょう - cession (of territory)
割切る/わりきる - to find a clear solution, to come to a clean
decision, to give a clear explanation, to reason out, to
conclude, to be pragmatic, to be practical; to divide exactly
(without remainder), to divide evenly 割増/わりまし - extra
(charge, fare, etc.), premium, bonus, (after a number)
tenths increase
割増賃金/わりましちんぎん - extra pay
割当て/わりあて - allotment, assignment, allocation, quota,
rationing; {comp} allocation
割当てる/わりあてる - to assign, to allot, to allocate, to divide
among, to distribute, to prorate, to apportion
割箸/わりばし - dispensable chopsticks, throwaway
割賦/かっぷ - allotment, quota, payment in installments,
payment in instalments, hire-purchase
割烹/かっぽう - cooking (esp. Japanese style), cuisine;
(Japanese) restaurant
喝采/かっさい - cheers, applause, ovation, acclamation
喝破/かっぱ - arguing (someone) down, loudly scolding,
rebuking; proclaiming (the truth), expounding
恰も/あたかも - as if, as it were, as though; right then, just
then, at that moment
恰好/かっこう - shape, form, figure, posture, pose;
appearance; state, situation; {adj-na} {adj-no} {n}
suitable, fit, reasonable; {n-suf} about
括る/くくる - to tie up, to tie together, to bind, to bundle, to
fasten; to hang (oneself); to summarize, to put (it all)
together, to consolidate; to estimate, to expect; to tie-dye;
{arch} to detain, to check, to restrain 活きる/いきる - to live,
to exist; to make a living, to subsist; to be in effect, to be in
use, to function; to come to life, to be enlivened; to be safe
(in baseball, go, etc.)
活き作り/いきづくり - sashimi prepared from live fish,
arranged in its original shape
活け花/いけばな - ikebana, Japanese art of flower
活火山/かっかざん - active volcano
活花/いけばな - ikebana, Japanese art of flower arrangement
活花/せいか - ikebana, Japanese art of flower arrangement;
fresh flower, natural flower
活魚/かつぎょ - live fish and shellfish (kept in a tank in a
活況/かっきょう - activity, briskness, prosperity
活劇/かつげき - action film, action movie, action drama;
riotous scene, fight scene
活写/かっしゃ - vivid description, painting a lively picture (of)
活性/かっせい - {chem} active
活性炭/かっせいたん - activated charcoal, activated carbon
活動家/かつどうか - activist
活溌/かっぱつ - lively, active, vigorous, animated, brisk
活版/かっぱん - printing, typography
活弁/かつべん - {hist} silent movie narrator
活路/かつろ - means of survival, means of escape, way out of
a difficulty
渇/かつ - thirst
渇き/かわき - thirst; craving, thirst (for love, knowledge, etc.),
渇水/かっすい - water shortage
渇望/かつぼう - craving, longing, thirsting
滑り/ぬめり - slime, sliminess, mucus, viscous liquid
滑り降りる/すべりおりる - to slide down, to slip down
滑り込む/すべりこむ - to slide into, to slip into
滑り止め/すべりどめ - non-slip device (material, tread, etc.),
non-skid, anti-slip, anti-skid; back-up option (esp. with
regard to university admissions), back-up choice, insurance
choice, contingency option 滑り出す/すべりだす - to start
sliding, to begin to slide, to begin to slip; to make a start, to
start (off), to get under way
滑り台/すべりだい - (playground) slide; (ship) launching
platform, sliding bed
滑り落ちる/すべりおちる - to slip off
滑空/かっくう - gliding (through the air)
滑降/かっこう - descent (esp. in skiing), sliding down, skiing
down; {ski} {abbr} downhill (race)
滑車/かっしゃ - pulley, block, tackle
滑走/かっそう - gliding, sliding, skating (on ice), skiing, glide,
slide; {aviat} taxiing, making a takeoff run
滑走路/かっそうろ - runway
滑落/かつらく - sliding down (a slope, mountainside), slipping
葛/くず - kudzu (Pueraria montana), Japanese arrowroot
葛藤/かっとう - conflict, complication, troubles, discord
褐色/かっしょく - dark brown, colour of tanned skin
鰹/かつお - skipjack tuna (Katsuwonus pelamis), oceanic
bonito, victorfish
樺/かば - birch (esp. Japanese white birch)
株屋/かぶや - {col} stockbroker
株価/かぶか - stock prices
株券/かぶけん - stock certificate
株式会社/かぶしきがいしゃ - stock company, corporation,
kabushiki kaisha, KK
株主/かぶぬし - shareholder, stockholder
兜/かぶと - helmet (of a warrior), headpiece
蒲/がま - common cattail (Typha latifolia), common bulrush,
common reedmace
蒲団/ふとん - quilted Japanese-style mattress laid out on the
floor); round cushion used for Zen meditation (traditionally
made of woven bulrush leaves
鎌/かま - sickle; leading question, trick question; {abbr}
sickle-and-chain (weapon); {abbr} spear with curved crossblades; {abbr} gooseneck tenon and mortise joint; {arch}
noisiness; part of a fish around the gills 噛み付く/かみつく - to
bite (at), to snap at
噛付く/かみつく - to bite (at), to snap at; to snap at
(someone), to flare up at, to jump down (someone’s) throat
鴨/かも - duck; easy mark, sucker, sitting duck
茅/かや - grass used for thatching, sedge used for thatching
茅場/かやば - hayfield, field of miscanthus
刈り込む/かりこむ - to prune, to trim, to cut back, to clip; to
reap (a crop) and put into storage, to harvest; to prune (a
manuscript), to cut down
刈り取り/かりとり - harvesting, reaping
刈り取る/かりとる - to mow, to reap, to harvest
刈り入れ/かりいれ - harvest
苅る/かる - to cut (grass, hair, etc.), to mow, to clip, to trim,
to prune, to shear, to reap, to harvest
瓦礫/がれき - rubble, debris, wreckage, tiles and pebbles;
trash, rubbish
乾/ほし - drying, dried
乾き/かわき - drying, dryness
乾す/ほす - to air, to dry, to desiccate; to drain (off); to drink
up; to deprive of a role, job, etc.
乾パン/かんパン - cracker, hard biscuit, hardtack
乾期/かんき - dry season
乾季/かんき - dry season
乾燥機/かんそうき - drying machine, dryer, desiccator
乾盃/かんぱい - cheers, bottoms-up, prosit; {n} {vs} {vi}
toast, drink (in honor or celebration of someone or
something); {n} {vs} {vi} drinking one’s glass dry
乾物/かんぶつ - dry provisions, dried food, dried goods,
冠/かん - traditional cap worn by Shinto clergy and courtiers;
crown, diadem, coronet; {adj-t} {adv-to} best, peerless,
冠婚葬祭/かんこんそうさい - {yoji} important ceremonial
occasions in family relationships
冠状/かんじょう - {anat} coronary, coronal, coronate
冠水/かんすい - being covered with water (i.e. in a flood),
being submerged, being inundated, flooding
冠動脈/かんどうみゃく - coronary artery
寒/かん - midwinter, cold season, coldest days of the year
寒々/さむざむ - wintry, very cold-looking (e.g. landscape);
bleak (e.g. room, street), desolate, empty (of furnishings)
寒さ/さむさ - coldness
寒気/かんき - cold, coldness, cold air
寒村/かんそん - poor village, desolate village, lonely village,
remote village
寒暖/かんだん - cold and heat, (degree of) temperature
寒暖計/かんだんけい - thermometer
寒中/かんちゅう - midwinter, cold season
寒椿/かんつばき - camellia-like plant native to China
寒天/かんてん - freezing weather; agar-agar, vegetable
寒波/かんぱ - cold wave
寒風/かんぷう - cold wind
寒冷/かんれい - cold, coldness, chilliness
寒冷前線/かんれいぜんせん - cold front
勘える/かんがえる - to think (about, of), to think over, to
ponder, to contemplate, to reflect (on), to meditate (on); to
consider, to bear in mind, to allow for, to take into
consideration; to think (that), to believe, to hold (a view), to
judge, to conclude, to suspect; to intend (to do), to think of
(doing), to plan; to predict, to anticipate, to expect, to
imagine; to come up with, to think up, to contrive, to devise;
to consider (as), to regard (as), to look on (as), to take, to
view 勘案/かんあん - taking into consideration, giving
consideration (to)
勧め/すすめ - recommendation, advice, suggestion,
勧業/かんぎょう - (encouragement of) industry
勧奨/かんしょう - encouragement, stimulation
勧進/かんじん - temple solicitation
勧進帳/かんじんちょう - temple solicitation book
勧善懲悪/かんぜんちょうあく - {yoji} rewarding good and
punishing evil, poetic justice
巻/まき - roll (e.g. of cloth); winding (e.g. watch); volume (of
book); speeding up; {rare} heel (of a Japanese sandal)
巻き貝/まきがい - snail, spiral shell
巻き起こす/まきおこす - to create (a sensation), to cause (a
commotion), to give rise to (controversy); to raise (a cloud
of dust), to kick up (dust)
巻き込む/まきこむ - to roll up, to enfold, to swallow up; to
involve, to drag into
巻き尺/まきじゃく - tape measure
巻き上げる/まきあげる - to roll up, to hoist, to heave up; to
take away, to rip off (e.g. money from someone); to blow up
巻き添え/まきぞえ - getting mixed up in, getting embroiled in,
involvement, entanglement, by-blow
巻き返し/まきかえし - rally, recovery, comeback, rollback;
winding (thread, etc.)
巻き網/まきあみ - {fish} purse seine, round haul net
巻込む/まきこむ - to roll up, to enfold, to swallow up; to
involve, to drag into
巻紙/まきがみ - rolled letter paper; roll of paper
巻尺/まきじゃく - tape measure
巻添え/まきぞえ - getting mixed up in, getting embroiled in,
involvement, entanglement, by-blow
巻頭/かんとう - beginning (of a book, magazine, etc.),
opening page; beginning (of a matter), start
巻物/まきもの - scroll, rolled book, makimono; scarf, muffler,
stole; sushi made rolled in nori seaweed with a core of filling
巻返し/まきかえし - rally, recovery, comeback, rollback;
winding (thread, etc.)
巻末/かんまつ - end of a book
喚く/わめく - to shout, to cry (out), to yell, to scream, to
喚び出す/よびだす - to summon, to call (e.g. phone), to
convene, to decoy, to lure; {comp} to invoke (e.g.
subroutine), to call, to open (e.g. a file)
喚起/かんき - arousal, excitation, awakening, evocation
喚声/かんせい - shout
喚問/かんもん - {law} summons
堪える/こたえる - to bear, to stand, to endure, to put up with;
to restrain, to control, to keep a check on; to forgive, to put
up with, to pardon
堪忍袋/かんにんぶくろ - one’s store of patience
堪能/たんのう - proficient, skillful; {n} {vs} {vi} enjoying,
satisfaction, satiation, having one’s fill (of)
姦しい/かしましい - noisy, boisterous
姦通/かんつう - adultery
完結/かんけつ - conclusion, completion
完工/かんこう - completion of construction work, completion
of a building
完済/かんさい - full payment, liquidation
完治/かんち - complete recovery
完熟/かんじゅく - full ripeness, full maturity
完勝/かんしょう - complete victory, total victory
完遂/かんすい - successful execution, accomplishment,
completion, fulfillment, carrying through
完全雇用/かんぜんこよう - full employment
完全試合/かんぜんしあい - {baseb} perfect game
完全試合/かんぜんじあい - {baseb} perfect game
完走する/かんそうする - finishing the race, reaching a goal,
staying the course
完調/かんちょう - one’s best form
完投/かんとう - {baseb} going the whole distance, pitching a
whole game
完敗/かんぱい - (suffering a) complete defeat, utter defeat,
完売/かんばい - selling out, being sold out
完備/かんび - fully equipped, fully furnished
完封/かんぷう - total blockage, complete shutdown, stopping
completely; {baseb} shutout
完壁/かんぺき - perfect, complete, flawless
完訳/かんやく - complete translation
完璧/かんぺき - perfect, complete, flawless
官界/かんかい - bureaucracy
官業/かんぎょう - government-run enterprise
官軍/かんぐん - government forces, loyalist army
官憲/かんけん - officials, authorities
官権/かんけん - governmental authority
官舎/かんしゃ - official residence
官職/かんしょく - government service, official position, civil
官製/かんせい - government-manufactured
官邸/かんてい - official residence (e.g. of the prime minister)
官能/かんのう - the senses; sensuality, carnality
官報/かんぽう - official daily gazette, official telegram
官房/かんぼう - government secretariat
官房長官/かんぼうちょうかん - Chief Cabinet Secretary (Japan);
Chief of Staff (to the President, Prime Minister, etc.), Cabinet
Secretary, Executive Secretary
官民/かんみん - government and people, government and
private sector, public and private sector
官吏/かんり - {dated} government official, public servant,
civil servant
寛ぐ/くつろぐ - to relax, to feel at home
寛大/かんだい - tolerant, generous, lenient, broad-minded,
干し草を付けた馬/ほしくさをつけたうま - horse loaded with hay
干る/ひる - to dry (up), to become parched; to ebb, to recede
干潟/ひがた - tidal flat, tideland
干支/えと - sexagenary cycle, 60-term cycle of 12 zodiac
animals combined with 5 elements in the traditional Chinese
calendar; currently used in Japan for years, historically also
for days; 12-year Chinese zodiac 干上がる/ひあがる - to dry
up, to parch, to ebb away
干拓/かんたく - land reclamation (from sea)
干満/かんまん - ebb and flow
幹/かん - (tree) trunk, (arrow) shaft, (tool) handle, backbone,
幹事/かんじ - executive secretary, coordinator, organizer,
person in charge of making arrangements
幹理/かんり - superintendence, supervision, administration
患い/わずらい - worry, agony, vexation; illness, sickness
患う/わずらう - to be ill, to suffer from; {aux-v} {v5u} to
have trouble doing …, to be unable to …, to fail to …
患部/かんぶ - affected part, diseased part, wound
感じ取る/かんじとる - to perceive, to sense, to take in, to
grasp, to feel
感じ入る/かんじいる - to be deeply impressed (by), to be
moved (by), to admire greatly
感応/かんのう - responsiveness, responding, sensitivity,
sympathy, sympathizing, sympathising; divine response
(e.g. to a prayer); divine inspiration; induction
(electromagnetism), inducing
感化/かんか - influence (on someone), inspiration
感慨/かんがい - deep emotion, strong feelings
感慨無量/かんがいむりょう - {yoji} deep emotion, being filled
with emotion
感覚器/かんかくき - sense organ
感覚的/かんかくてき - sensible, sensuous, intuitive
感興/かんきょう - interest, fun, inspiration
感極まる/かんきわまる - to be overcome with emotion
感光/かんこう - exposure, sensitization, sensitisation
感受/かんじゅ - (radio) receptivity, sensitivity, susceptibility
感受性/かんじゅせい - sensitivity, susceptibility
感傷/かんしょう - sentiment, sentimentality
感傷的/かんしょうてき - sentimental, emotional, maudlin,
感情的/かんじょうてき - emotional, sentimental
感情論/かんじょうろん - argument based on emotion,
sentimental argument
感性/かんせい - sensitivity
感染症/かんせんしょう - infectious disease, infection
感嘆/かんたん - admiration, wonder, astonishment
感知/かんち - perception, sensing, noticing
感電/かんでん - receiving an electric shock
感服/かんぷく - admiration, being impressed (by)
感銘/かんめい - deep impression, being deeply moved, being
deeply touched
感涙/かんるい - tears (from being deeply moved), tears of
慣れっこ/なれっこ - being used to …, getting used to …, being
accustomed to, being conditioned to, be familiar with
慣れ親しむ/なれしたしむ - to become familiar with and
cherish, to get to know and love
慣習法/かんしゅうほう - {law} common law; {law} customary
law (in international law)
慣性/かんせい - {physics} inertia
慣用/かんよう - customary use, common usage, general
慣用句/かんようく - idiom, set phrase, idiomatic phrase
憾み/うらみ - resentment, grudge, malice, bitterness; matter
for regret, regret
憾む/うらむ - to regret
換え/かえ - change, alteration, substitute, spare,
replacement, proxy; rate of exchange
換わる/かわる - to succeed, to relieve, to replace; to take the
place of, to substitute for, to take over for, to represent, to
hand over (telephone); to be exchanged, to change (places
with), to switch
換気扇/かんきせん - ventilation fan, extractor fan
換金/かんきん - realization (of goods into money), conversion
(into money), liquidation
換算/かんざん - conversion (e.g. yen to dollars), change,
exchange, translation (numerical)
敢行/かんこう - decisive action, going through with, daring to
do, carrying out
敢然/かんぜん - boldly, bravely, resolutely, determinedly
敢闘/かんとう - fighting bravely
柑橘類/かんきつるい - citrus fruits
棺/かん - coffin, casket
棺/ひつぎ - coffin, casket
歓び/よろこび - joy, delight, rapture, pleasure, gratification,
rejoicing, congratulations, felicitations
歓楽街/かんらくがい - entertainment district, amusement
area, pleasure quarter, red-light district
歓喜/かんき - delight, great joy
歓迎会/かんげいかい - welcome party
歓呼/かんこ - acclamation, jubilation
歓送/かんそう - hearty send-off
歓待/かんたい - warm welcome, friendly reception,
hospitality, entertainment
歓談/かんだん - pleasant talk, chat
汗ばむ/あせばむ - to be sweaty
汗水/あせみず - profuse sweat
漢詩/かんし - Chinese poem, Chinese poetry
漢人/かんじん - Chinese person (esp. Han Chinese)
漢籍/かんせき - Chinese book, Chinese classics
漢文/かんぶん - Chinese classical writing, Chinese classics;
writing composed entirely of kanji
漢方/かんぽう - traditional Chinese medicine
漢方薬/かんぽうやく - Chinese herbal medicine
漢和辞典/かんわじてん - dictionary with Japanese definitions of
kanji and kanji compounds, kanji dictionary
潅漑/かんがい - irrigation
環境衛生/かんきょうえいせい - environmental hygiene
環境庁/かんきょうちょう - Environment Agency
環濠/かんごう - (circular) moat
環視/かんし - looking around, looking about
環礁/かんしょう - atoll, circular coral reef
環状/かんじょう - annulation, ring shape, loop shape
環状線/かんじょうせん - loop line, (transportation) belt line
環太平洋/かんたいへいよう - Pacific Rim
甘え/あまえ - lack of self-reliance, depending on others
甘えん坊/あまえんぼう - wheedling child, spoiled child (spoilt),
pampered child, child who always demands attention
甘んじる/あまんじる - to content oneself with, to be resigned
to (one’s fate), to be contented (satisfied) with (one’s lot)
甘言/かんげん - sweet words, smooth talk, cajolery, flattery,
甘受/かんじゅ - submitting to (a demand, one’s fate, etc.),
putting up with, resigning oneself to, accepting (without
甘辛/あまから - sweetness and saltiness, salted and
sweetened taste
甘酢/あまず - sweet vinegar
甘美/かんび - sweet (taste), luscious; sweet (melody, dream,
etc.), delightful, pleasant, mellow, mellifluous
甘味/あまみ - sweetness, sugary taste; sweets, dessert, cake
甘味/うまみ - sweetness, sugary taste
甘味/かんみ - sweetness, sugary taste; sweets, dessert, cake;
charm, appeal; taste, flavour, flavor
甘味料/かんみりょう - sweetener (sugar, honey, saccharin,
maltose, etc.), sweetening agent, sweetening
甘露/かんろ - nectar, sweetness
監禁/かんきん - confinement
監獄/かんごく - prison
監査/かんさ - inspection, audit, judgement, judgment
監査役/かんさやく - auditor, inspector
監察/かんさつ - inspection, inspector
監察医/かんさつい - medical coroner, medical examiner
監察官/かんさつかん - inspector, supervisor
監事/かんじ - {law} auditor, controller, comptroller;
supervisor, inspector, manager
監修/かんしゅう - (editorial) supervision, general editorship;
supervising director
監訳/かんやく - supervising a translation
監理/かんり - superintendence, supervision, administration
看る/みる - to look after (often medically), to take care of
看過/かんか - overlooking, turning a blind eye
看護師/かんごし - (hospital) nurse, registered nurse, RN
看守/かんしゅ - prison guard, warder, jailer, gaoler
管楽器/かんがっき - wind instrument
管轄/かんかつ - jurisdiction, control
管区/かんく - jurisdiction
管区気象台/かんくきしょうだい - district meteorological
管弦楽/かんげんがく - orchestral music
管弦楽団/かんげんがくだん - orchestra
管絃楽/かんげんがく - orchestral music
管財/かんざい - administration of property, custodianship,
管制/かんせい - control (by the state), controlling,
coordination; {abbr} air traffic control
管制官/かんせいかん - {aviat} (air traffic) controller
管制塔/かんせいとう - {aviat} control tower
管長/かんちょう - superintendent priest, chief abbot
管内/かんない - within the jurisdiction (of), one’s jurisdiction;
{adj-no} in a pipe
管理者/かんりしゃ - manager, administrator, landlord,
warden, superintendent, supervisor, custodian; {comp} root
管理職/かんりしょく - management, managerial position,
administrative post, person in a managerial position
管理人/かんりにん - administrator, janitor, manager,
concierge, caretaker, superintendent, supervisor; {law}
custodian, executor
簡易保険/かんいほけん - postal life insurance
簡裁/かんさい - {abbr} summary court, court of summary
簡短/かんたん - simple, easy, uncomplicated; brief, quick,
簡便/かんべん - simple, easy, convenient, handy
簡明/かんめい - terse, concise, simple and clear
簡略/かんりゃく - simple, brief
緩み/ゆるみ - slack, looseness, play
緩急/かんきゅう - high and low speed, fast and slow, pace,
tempo; lenience and severity; emergency, crisis, dire
緩衝/かんしょう - buffered
緩衝地帯/かんしょうちたい - {yoji} buffer zone
緩慢/かんまん - slow, sluggish, dull; lax, sloppy, lenient
缶詰め/かんづめ - canned food, tinned food; confining
someone (e.g. so they can concentrate on work); being
stuck in a confined space
缶切り/かんきり - can opener
肝/きも - liver, innards; courage, spirit, pluck, guts; crux,
essential point, key
肝炎/かんえん - hepatitis
肝硬変/かんこうへん - {med} cirrhosis (of the liver)
肝臓/かんぞう - {anat} liver
肝銘/かんめい - deep impression, being deeply moved, being
deeply touched
肝要/かんよう - extremely important, essential, vital, crucial
艦/かん - warship
艦載機/かんさいき - ship-borne plane
艦船/かんせん - warships and other vessels; naval vessels
艦隊/かんたい - (naval) fleet, armada
艦長/かんちょう - captain (of a warship)
艦艇/かんてい - naval vessels, warships
観る/みる - to see
観閲/かんえつ - inspection (of troops)
観音/かんのん - Avalokiteshvara (Bodhisattva),
Avalokitesvara, Kannon, Kwannon, Guanyin, Buddhist deity
of compassion
観劇/かんげき - theatre-going, theater-going
観月/かんげつ - moon viewing (esp. during the eight month of
the lunar calendar)
観光旅行/かんこうりょこう - (sightseeing) tour
観賞/かんしょう - admiration, appreciation, enjoyment,
viewing (for pleasure)
観戦/かんせん - watching a {sports} game
観念的/かんねんてき - conceptual, ideational, notional;
theoretical, academic
貫/かん - kan (obs. unit of weight, approx. 3.75 kg, 8.3 lb);
kan (obs. unit of currency, equiv. to 1000 mon in the Edo
period; col. 10 mon in the Meiji period); {ctr} counter for
pieces of sushi; {hanaf} 10 points; {hanaf} 12 points 貫き通
す/つらぬきとおす - to go through, to pierce, to penetrate; to
stick to (opinion, principles, etc.), to carry out, to persist
with, to keep (e.g. faith), to maintain (e.g. independence)
貫通/かんつう - passing through (of a tunnel, bullet, etc.),
going (right) through, penetrating, piercing; {arch} being
well versed (in)
貫徹/かんてつ - accomplishment, realization, attainment,
fulfillment, achievement; penetration, pervasion
還す/かえす - to send (someone) back, to send (someone)
還る/かえる - to return, to come home, to go home, to go
back; to leave (of a guest, customer, etc.); {baseb} to get
home, to get to home plate
還付/かんぷ - return, restoration, refund, (duty) drawback
還流/かんりゅう - return current, convection, reflux
鑑査/かんさ - inspection, audit, judgement, judgment
鑑識/かんしき - judgement, judgment, discernment,
discrimination, having an eye for; appraisal (e.g. of an
antique), evaluation, assessment; forensics, (criminal)
identification, crime lab
鑑定/かんてい - judgement, judgment, expert opinion,
鑑別/かんべつ - discrimination, judgement, judgment,
separation, sorting
間に合せ/まにあわせ - makeshift
間に合わせ/まにあわせ - makeshift
間に合わせる/まにあわせる - to make do with, to manage with,
to make shift; to get (something) done in time, to have
ready (by)
間違いない/まちがいない - certain, sure, no doubt; reliable,
間一髪/かんいっぱつ - hair’s breadth
間引き/まびき - thinning out, pruning, culling, curtailing, subsampling (e.g. video frames, signals); infanticide
間引く/まびく - to thin out (plants, seedlings, crops, etc.), to
cull; to run on a curtailed schedule, to cut down, to reduce;
{hist} to kill a newborn child (due to financial difficulties)
間近/まぢか - near, close (to), nearby; (drawing) near,
approaching, almost here, just around the corner
間近い/まぢかい - near at hand
間口/まぐち - frontage, width (of a building, plot of land, etc.);
breadth (e.g. of one’s knowledge), scope (e.g. of one’s
work), range
間合い/まあい - interval, distance, break, pause; suitable
time, appropriate opportunity; distance between opponents
間際/まぎわ - the point just before …, the point of (doing), the
verge (of), the eve (of); (just before the) edge
間仕切り/まじきり - partition between two rooms, room
divider, partition wall
間借り/まがり - renting a room
間取り/まどり - layout (of a house or apartment),
arrangement of rooms
間食/かんしょく - eating between meals, snacking
間数/けんすう - number of ken (in length or breadth)
間接税/かんせつぜい - indirect tax
間接選挙/かんせつせんきょ - indirect election
間接的/かんせつてき - indirect
間断/かんだん - break in time, interruption, pause
間中/あいだじゅう - during
間伐/かんばつ - periodic thinning (e.g. forest)
間抜け/まぬけ - stupid, foolish, idiotic, inane; {n} fool, idiot,
blockhead, half-wit
閑/ひま - spare time, free time, leisure; time (e.g. time it
takes to do something); time off, day off, vacation, holiday,
leave; quitting (one’s job), firing someone, divorcing (one’s
spouse); {adj-na} (being) inactive, (of one’s business) slow
閑古鳥/かんこどり - cuckoo
閑散/かんさん - deserted (esp. store, market, town, streets),
quiet, still, hushed, empty; {adj-na} {n} inactive (business,
trade, etc.), slack, flat, off-season, quiet, dull; {adj-na} {n}
idle, free, unoccupied 閑静/かんせい - quiet (e.g.
neighbourhood), peaceful, tranquil
関/せき - barrier, gate; {go} seki, mutual life
関る/かかわる - to be affected, to be influenced; to be
concerned with, to have to do with; to stick to (opinions)
関わる/かかわる - to be affected, to be influenced; to be
concerned with, to have to do with; to stick to (opinions)
関係者/かんけいしゃ - person concerned, people involved (in
an event), those concerned, staff
関取/せきとり - {sumo} ranking wrestler in the makuuchi
(senior-grade) or juryo (junior-grade) divisions
関心事/かんしんじ - matter of concern, matter of interest
関節/かんせつ - joint (knee, elbow, etc.)
関節炎/かんせつえん - arthritis
関知/かんち - (one’s) concern, having (something) to do with
関白/かんぱく - chief advisor to the Emperor (adviser)
関門/かんもん - barrier, checkpoint, gateway; hurdle,
obstacle, trial
関聯/かんれん - relation, connection, relevance
関脇/せきわけ - {sumo} wrestler of the third highest rank
陥る/おちいる - to fall into (e.g. a hole); to fall into (chaos,
depression, dilemma, illness, etc.); to fall into (a trap, etc.);
to fall, to surrender, to capitulate
陥没/かんぼつ - cave-in, collapse, sinking, depression (e.g. of
the skull), subsidence
陥落/かんらく - subsidence, sinking, cave-in, collapse, falling
in; fall (of a city, fortress, etc.), surrender; fall (in position,
rank, etc.), demotion; giving in (to someone’s persuasion),
yielding, being convinced 韓国語/かんこくご - Korean
館員/かんいん - personnel (of public building)
館長/かんちょう - superintendent, director, curator, chief
館内/かんない - inside a library, museum, cinema, etc., on the
丸め込む/まるめこむ - to coax, to cajole, to wheedle, to win
over, to seduce; to roll up and put into (something), to
bundle up
丸を付ける/まるをつける - to mark a correct answer with a
丸刈り/まるがり - buzz cut, close crop
丸顔/まるがお - round face, moon face
丸型/まるがた - round shape, circle, circular form
丸形/まるがた - round shape, circle, circular form
丸見え/まるみえ - full view, plain sight, completely visible
丸腰/まるごし - unarmed, without weapons
丸事/まるごと - in its entirety, whole, wholly
丸出し/まるだし - (fully) exposed, bare, uncovered, in full
view, undisguised, broad (accent)
丸洗い/まるあらい - washing a kimono (or futon, etc.) without
taking it apart, laundering whole
丸太/まるた - log; dace (Tribolodon hakonensis); {hist}
{sens} test subject (of human experiments performed by
Unit 731 during WWII); {derog} {arch} prostitute dressed
as a Buddhist nun
丸抱え/まるがかえ - completely financed, sponsored, under
丸坊主/まるぼうず - close-cropped head, bald hill
丸本/まるぼん - reciter’s book, complete set of books
丸味/まるみ - roundness, rotundity; mellowness, maturity
丸木/まるき - log
丸裸/まるはだか - being stark-naked; having no possessions,
losing all one’s belongings
含ませる/ふくませる - to soak, to saturate, to suckle, to make
one hold something in the mouth, to include, to instruct, to
make one understand
含まれる/ふくまれる - to be included, to be composed of, to
be comprised of
含み/ふくみ - implication, hidden meaning, latitude,
atmosphere, tone, sentiment, inclusion
含み資産/ふくみしさん - hidden assets
含蓄/がんちく - implication, significance, connotation, depth
of meaning, complications of a problem
含有/がんゆう - containing (an ingredient, mineral, etc.)
含嗽/がんそう - gargling, rinsing one’s mouth
岸壁/がんぺき - quay, wharf, jetty; wall-like shoreline, cliff wall
岸辺/きしべ - shore, bank (of a body of water)
眼/まなこ - eye, eyeball; {arch} pupil and (dark) iris of the
eye; {arch} insight, perceptivity, power of observation;
{arch} look, field of vision; {arch} core, center, centre,
眼/め - eye, eyeball; eyesight, sight, vision; look, stare, gaze,
glance; notice, attention, observation, eyes (of the world,
public, etc.); an experience; viewpoint; discrimination,
discernment, judgement, eye (e.g. for quality); (an)
appearance; chance (of success), possibility (of a good
result); spacing (between crossed strands of a net, mesh,
etc.), opening, stitch, texture, weave; grain (of wood); eye
(of a storm, needle, etc.); intersection (on a go board),
square (on a chessboard); dot (on a dice), pip, rolled
number; graduation, division (of a scale); tooth (of a saw,
comb, etc.); {suf} ordinal number suffix; {suf} somewhat, ish; {suf} point (e.g. of change) 眼下/がんか - under one’s
eyes, below one’s eyes
眼科医/がんかい - ophthalmologist, eye specialist
眼鏡/がんきょう - glasses, eyeglasses, spectacles
眼光/がんこう - sparkle of one’s eyes; insight, discernment,
penetration, power of observation
眼差し/まなざし - (a) look, gaze
眼前/がんぜん - before one’s eyes
眼中/がんちゅう - (one’s) consideration, (taking) notice,
interest, attention; within the eye
眼底/がんてい - fundus of the eye
眼目/がんもく - main point, main object, chief purpose, core,
gist, essence
眼力/がんりき - insight, power of observation
岩塩/がんえん - halite, rock salt
岩屋/いわや - cavern, grotto
岩間/いわま - among rocks
岩戸/いわと - rock door (to a cave)
岩山/いわやま - rocky mountain
岩礁/がんしょう - reef
岩場/いわば - rocky area, rocky tract, rocky stretch (of a
climb), wall (of rock)
岩肌/いわはだ - bare rock, rock surface, rock face
岩盤/がんばん - bedrock
岩壁/がんぺき - wall of rock, rock cliff, rock face
贋/にせ - imitation, fake, phony, counterfeit, forged, bogus,
sham; {pref} pseudo—
贋作/がんさく - fake (work), counterfeit
贋物/がんぶつ - spurious article, forgery, counterfeit,
imitation, sham
雁/かり - wild goose; {abbr} {col} glans, head of a penis
雁/がん - wild goose
頑/かたくな - obstinate, stubborn, mulish, diehard, bigoted
頑として/がんとして - stubbornly, firmly, determinedly,
obstinately, resolutely, adamantly
頑な/かたくな - obstinate, stubborn, mulish, diehard, bigoted
頑強/がんきょう - stubborn, dogged, persistent, tenacious;
tough, sturdy, hardy, strong
頑張って/がんばって - do your best, go for it, hang in there,
keep at it
頑張り/がんばり - tenacity, endurance
顔なじみ/かおなじみ - acquaintance, friend, familiar face
顔見知り/かおみしり - acquaintance
顔向け/かおむけ - showing one’s face in public, facing another
顔合せ/かおあわせ - meeting together, introduction;
costarring, appearing together; being matched, facing off
顔合わせ/かおあわせ - meeting together, introduction;
costarring, appearing together; being matched, facing off
顔色/がんしょく - complexion, one’s colour, one’s color;
countenance, expression, one’s face
顔触れ/かおぶれ - personnel, members, lineup (of a team),
roster, cast (of a play); {sumo} announcement of next day’s
顔馴染/かおなじみ - acquaintance, friend, familiar face
顔馴染み/かおなじみ - acquaintance, friend, familiar face
顔負け/かおまけ - being put to shame, being outshone, being
eclipsed, feeling embarrassed
顔面/がんめん - face (of person)
顔役/かおやく - influential man, boss
顔立ち/かおだち - looks, features
顔料/がんりょう - pigment; paint, colour, color
願/がん - prayer, wish, vow
願い下げ/ねがいさげ - cancellation, withdrawal; asking to be
excused, begging off, not taking, refusing
願い出/ねがいで - application, petition
願い出る/ねがいでる - to ask for, to apply for, to make an
application for, to file a request for, to submit (e.g. one’s
願わくは/ねがわくは - I pray, I wish
願意/がんい - wish, hope, petition, request; intent of a
request, purpose of an application, content of a prayer
願望/がんもう - desire, wish, aspiration
企て/くわだて - plan, project, attempt, plot, scheme,
企てる/くわだてる - to plan, to plot, to propose, to design, to
intend, to contemplate; to attempt (e.g. suicide, murder), to
undertake (e.g. business); {arch} to stand on tiptoes
企み/たくらみ - plot, scheme, trick, design, intrigue, artifice,
企む/たくらむ - to scheme, to plan, to play a trick, to invent,
to conspire, to frame up
企画室/きかくしつ - planning office
企劃/きかく - planning, plan, project, arrangements
企業家/きぎょうか - industrialist, entrepreneur
企図/きと - plan, project, scheme
伎/ぎ - technique, art, skill, move
伎能/ぎのう - technical skill, ability, capacity
危うく/あやうく - barely, narrowly; almost, nearly
危なげない/あぶなげない - safe, certain
危なっかしい/あぶなっかしい - dangerous, critical, grave,
uncertain, unreliable, dodgy, limping, narrow, close
危急/ききゅう - emergency, crisis, imminent danger; {obs}
Vulnerable (conservation status), VU
危篤/きとく - critical condition, being on the verge of death
危惧/きぐ - apprehension, misgivings, uneasiness, fear,
喜ばしい/よろこばしい - joyful (news, event, etc.), joyous,
delightful (e.g. result), pleasing (e.g. sight), gratifying,
welcome, good, happy, glad, pleased
喜ばす/よろこばす - to delight, to please, to make (someone)
happy, to give pleasure (to)
喜寿/きじゅ - 77th birthday
喜怒哀楽/きどあいらく - {yoji} human emotions (joy, anger,
grief and pleasure), feelings
喜望峰/きぼうほう - Cape of Good Hope
器械体操/きかいたいそう - apparatus gymnastics, artistic
器楽/きがく - instrumental music
器機/きき - device, equipment, machinery, apparatus
器材/きざい - tools and materials, equipment and materials
器物/きぶつ - receptacle, container, vessel; utensil,
implement, furniture; {law} personal property
器量/きりょう - looks (esp. of a woman), features, facial
appearance, facial beauty; ability, capability, capacity,
calibre, caliber, talent; (public) estimation (esp. of a man),
credit, dignity, honour
基/もとい - {arch} basis, foundation; cause
基幹/きかん - mainstay, nucleus, key
基軸/きじく - basis, foundation, core, criterion, standard
基軸通貨/きじくつうか - key currency
基準法/きじゅんほう - basic law
基数/きすう - {math} cardinal number; {math} base, radix
基礎控除/きそこうじょ - basic or standard deduction
基調/きちょう - basic tone, underlying tone, basic theme,
basis, keynote; trend; {music} keynote
基底/きてい - base, basis, foundation; {math} basis (linear
algebra); {math} base (topology), basis
基点/きてん - datum point, cardinal point, reference point,
基督/きりすと - Christ (por: Cristo)
基督教/きりすときょう - Christianity
基板/きばん - {comp} substrate, (computer) circuit board
基付く/もとづく - to be grounded on, to be based on, to be
due to, to originate from
基部/きぶ - base, foundation
基本的/きほんてき - fundamental, basic
奇異/きい - odd, strange, queer, peculiar
奇怪/きかい - strange, wonderful, weird, outrageous,
奇形/きけい - deformity, malformation; strange shape,
unusual shape
奇襲/きしゅう - surprise attack
奇術/きじゅつ - magic, conjuring, sleight of hand,
奇人/きじん - queer fellow, odd fellow, eccentric person,
crank, oddball, freak
奇数/きすう - odd number
奇跡/きせき - miracle, wonder, marvel
奇蹟/きせき - miracle, wonder, marvel
奇想天外/きそうてんがい - {yoji} fantastic, bizarre, incredible,
奇抜/きばつ - (very) unusual, unconventional, eccentric,
novel, original, striking, bizarre, wild
奇病/きびょう - strange disease, rare disease
奇弁/きべん - sophistry, sophism
奇問/きもん - tricky question
寄せ/よせ - last moves (in go, shogi, or chess), endgame; {nsuf} gathering, collecting, coming together
寄せ集め/よせあつめ - mishmash, miscellany, medley, jumble,
mixture, odds and ends
寄せ書き/よせがき - collection of words or drawings by several
people on a single sheet of paper
寄せ付ける/よせつける - to allow (someone or something) to
come near, to let get close
寄せ木細工/よせぎざいく - wooden mosaic work, parquetry,
wooden mosaic (e.g. on a piece of furniture), marquetry,
寄り合い/よりあい - meeting, gathering; village assembly;
{sumo} two wrestlers approaching each other
寄り合い所帯/よりあいじょたい - congeries of many
households, scratch (combined) team, hodge podge of
寄り集まる/よりあつまる - to gather together
寄り切り/よりきり - {sumo} driving opponent out of the ring
while gripping his belt
寄り添う/よりそう - to get close, to cuddle close together, to
nestle close to, to snuggle up to
寄り倒し/よりたおし - {sumo} knocking an opponent over
while holding his belt
寄り道/よりみち - dropping in on the way, stopping off at,
making a side trip; going the long way round, making a
寄り付き/よりつき - opening session, anteroom
寄金/ききん - contribution, donation
寄港/きこう - stopping at a port
寄稿/きこう - contribution (e.g. to newspaper)
寄航/きこう - stopping at a port
寄集め/よせあつめ - mishmash, miscellany, medley, jumble,
mixture, odds and ends
寄宿/きしゅく - lodging, boarding, room and board, board and
lodging; {abbr} boarding house, residence hall, dormitory
寄宿舎/きしゅくしゃ - boarding house, residence hall,
寄生/きせい - parasitism
寄生虫/きせいちゅう - parasite
寄席/よせ - entertainment hall (for rakugo, manzai, magic,
music, etc.), vaudeville theater (theatre), music hall
寄贈/きそう - donation, presentation, gift
寄託/きたく - deposit, entrusting
寄付行為/きふこうい - deed of endowment or donation
寄附/きふ - contribution, donation
岐阜/ぎふ - Gifu (city, prefecture)
岐路/きろ - forked road, crossroads
希/まれ - rare, seldom
希求/ききゅう - longing, great desire, aspiration
希少/きしょう - scarce, rare
希代/きたい - uncommon, rare, extraordinary, matchless
希薄/きはく - thin (e.g. air), diluted, sparse, lean, weak,
rarified, rarefied; lacking (e.g. empathy), deficient,
insufficient (e.g. zeal)
希望的/きぼうてき - wishful
幾つか/いくつか - few, some, several
幾何/きか - {abbr} geometry
幾何学/きかがく - geometry
幾重/いくえ - piling up, multiple layers
幾度/いくたび - (how) many times, (how) often
幾度/いくど - (how) many times, (how) often
幾日/いくにち - (for) how many days; what day (of the month)
忌まわしい/いまわしい - unpleasant, disagreeable,
abominable, disgusting, unsavory; unlucky, inauspicious,
忌避/きひ - evasion, avoidance, shirking; {law} recusation (of
a judge), taking exception (to a judge), challenge
揮発/きはつ - volatilization, volatilisation
揮発油/きはつゆ - gasoline, petrol, petroleum, benzine,
volatile oil
揮毫/きごう - writing (esp. commissioned calligraphy),
drawing, painting
机上/きじょう - on the desk; {adj-no} theoretical, academic,
armchair (e.g. plan), desktop, paper, not yet implemented
旗印/はたじるし - design (on a banner), emblem (on a flag),
insignia; banner (e.g. of democracy), slogan, cause,
旗手/きしゅ - standard-bearer, flag-bearer
旗色/はたいろ - situation, outlook; one’s allegiance, affiliation,
旗頭/はたがしら - leader, boss; upper part of a flag;
(Okinawa) bamboo poles with an attached vertical flag and
an elaborate display at the top that are used during the
annual fertility and thanks-giving festivals 旗標/はたじるし design (on a banner), emblem (on a flag), insignia; banner
(e.g. of democracy), slogan, cause, objective
旗本/はたもと - shogunal vassal, direct retainer of a shogun
旗揚げ/はたあげ - raising an army, raising a banner; launching
a new group, launching a business, launching a new party
既に/すんでに - already, too late
既往/きおう - the past
既往症/きおうしょう - illness that one had in the past,
previous illness, medical history, anamnesis
既刊/きかん - already published
既成/きせい - established, existing, accomplished, accepted,
既成概念/きせいがいねん - {yoji} stereotype, preconceived
idea, preconceived notion
既成事実/きせいじじつ - {yoji} established fact, fait accompli
既製/きせい - ready-made, off the shelf
既製品/きせいひん - ready-made goods, off-the-shelf item
既製服/きせいふく - ready-made clothes
既設/きせつ - established, existing
既存/きそん - existing
既定/きてい - established, fixed, prearranged, predetermined
既得権/きとくけん - vested rights
期す/きす - to fix (a time, date, etc.), to set; to expect, to
hope for, to look forward to, to foresee, to anticipate; to
resolve (to do), to decide upon, to prepare for, to promise,
to pledge
期成同盟/きせいどうめい - association formed to carry out an
期待感/きたいかん - sense of anticipation, feeling of
expectation, feeling of hope
棋院/きいん - go institution, go club, go hall
棋界/きかい - world of go, world of shogi, go circles, shogi
棋士/きし - professional shogi player, professional go player
棋聖/きせい - great master of go, great master of shogi
棋譜/きふ - record of a game of go, shogi, chess, etc.
棋風/きふう - one’s style of playing shogi or go
棄却/ききゃく - rejection, dismissal, turning down,
abandoning, renunciation
棄子/すてご - abandoned child, foundling
棄児/きじ - abandoned child, foundling
棄児/すてご - abandoned child, foundling
棄損/きそん - damage, injury, defamation, harm
機/はた - loom
機運/きうん - opportunity, chance, good time (to do); trend,
tendency, momentum
機影/きえい - sight (signs) of an aeroplane (airplane)
機械化/きかいか - mechanization, mechanisation
機関士/きかんし - engineer (on a train, ship, aircraft, etc.)
機関紙/きかんし - bulletin, (party) organ
機関誌/きかんし - bulletin, (party) organ
機関銃/きかんじゅう - machine gun
機器/きき - device, equipment, machinery, apparatus
機材/きざい - machine parts, machinery, equipment
機軸/きじく - axis, axle, plan, contrivance
機種/きしゅ - model (of machine, device); model of aircraft,
type of aircraft
機首/きしゅ - nose (of plane)
機銃/きじゅう - machine gun
機上/きじょう - aboard an aeroplane (airplane)
機織り/はたおり - weaving, weaver
機先/きせん - forestall
機体/きたい - fuselage, airframe
機知/きち - wit, resources, tact
機長/きちょう - captain (of an aircraft)
機転/きてん - quick-wittedness, tact
機動/きどう - maneuver (usu. of military force), manoeuvre;
{adj-f} mobile, nimble, agile, quick to respond
機動隊/きどうたい - riot police, riot squad
機微/きび - subtleties, niceties, fine points, inner workings,
secrets; {adj-na} subtle, sensitive
機敏/きびん - smart, clever, shrewd, astute, canny, quickwitted, alert, quick, prompt
機密/きみつ - secrecy, highly classified information
機密費/きみつひ - secret funds
機密保護/きみつほご - {comp} security (e.g. data, password,
機雷/きらい - (sea) mine
帰って来る/かえってくる - to return, to come back
帰り道/かえりみち - the way back, the way home, return trip
帰り路/かえりみち - the way back, the way home, return trip
帰依/きえ - becoming a devout believer, (religious)
帰化/きか - naturalization, naturalisation
帰還/きかん - return (home), repatriation; feedback (in an
electronic circuit, biological system, etc.)
帰休/ききゅう - leave, furlough; temporary layoff
帰郷/ききょう - homecoming, return to one’s home
帰結/きけつ - consequence, result, conclusion; {gramm}
帰港/きこう - returning to port
帰国/きこく - return to one’s country; {dated} return to one’s
帰順/きじゅん - submission, return to allegiance
帰省/きせい - homecoming, returning home
帰属/きぞく - belonging, ascription, attribution, imputation,
possession, jurisdiction; reversion, return, restoration
帰着/きちゃく - return, arriving home; conclusion; {math}
{comp} reduction
帰途/きと - on the way back, returning
帰任/きにん - return to one’s post
帰路/きろ - one’s way back, one’s way home
毅然として/きぜんとして - with resolution
気が強い/きがつよい - strong-willed, strong of heart
気が付く/きがつく - to notice
気さく/きさく - friendly, openhearted, sociable, amiable,
good-humored, good-humoured, frank, candid, willing, ready
気にする/きにする - to mind (negative nuance)
気になる/きになる - to be on one’s mind
気に掛かる/きにかかる - to weigh on one’s mind, to be worried
about (something)
気に入り/きにいり - favorite, favourite, pet (e.g. teacher’s
気のせい/きのせい - (just) one’s imagination
気の向く侭に/きのむくままに - at one’s fancy (whim)
気を使う/きをつかう - to worry (about), to fuss (over), to be
careful (about), to pay attention (to), to take (good) care of
気安い/きやすい - relaxed, familiar, easy to access, friendly
気違い/きちがい - {sens} madness, madman; enthusiast,
freak, junkie
気鋭/きえい - spirited, energetic
気炎/きえん - high spirits, boastful talk
気化/きか - vaporization, vaporisation, evaporation
気概/きがい - strong spirit, mettle, backbone, guts, fighting
気楽/きらく - carefree, comfortable, at ease; easygoing,
気掛かり/きがかり - worry, anxiety, concern
気掛り/きがかり - worry, anxiety, concern
気管/きかん - trachea
気管支/きかんし - bronchial tube
気管支炎/きかんしえん - bronchitis
気球/ききゅう - balloon, air balloon
気苦労/きぐろう - worry, care, anxiety, mental exhaustion
気懸かり/きがかり - worry, anxiety, concern
気遣い/きづかい - consideration, concern, fear, worry,
気遣わしい/きづかわしい - anxiously, with anxious looks, with
気後れ/きおくれ - losing one’s nerve, feeling awkward, feeling
timid, feeling hesitant, feeling nervous, feeling diffident,
being daunted
気合/きあい - (fighting) spirit, motivation, effort; shout (for
getting in the right mood to deal with something, etc.),
cheer, yell; {MA} kiai, short shout when performing an
attacking move
気合い/きあい - (fighting) spirit, motivation, effort; shout (for
getting in the right mood to deal with something, etc.),
cheer, yell; {MA} kiai, short shout when performing an
attacking move
気骨/きこつ - (moral) backbone, spirit, soul, grit
気持/きもち - feeling, sensation, mood, state of mind;
preparedness, readiness, attitude; {hum} thought,
sentiment, consideration, solicitude, gratitude; slightly, a
bit, a little
気持ちいい/きもちいい - good feeling, feeling good
気質/かたぎ - disposition, temperament, nature, mentality,
spirit, character, trait, turn of mind
気弱/きよわ - timid, fainthearted
気取り/きどり - affectation, pretension, posturing; {n-suf}
posing as, behaving as, acting like, pretending to be, putting
on the airs of
気取る/きどる - to be affected, to put on airs; to act like
(something one isn’t), to pretend to be
気象学/きしょうがく - meteorology
気象台/きしょうだい - meteorological observatory
気象庁/きしょうちょう - (Japanese) Meteorological Agency,
気丈/きじょう - stout-hearted, firm, courageous, brave, tough
気色ばむ/けしきばむ - to grow angry, to display one’s anger
気心/きごころ - temper, disposition
気勢/きせい - fervour, fervor, vigour, vigor, ardour, ardor,
気性/きしょう - disposition, temperament, temper, nature
気晴らし/きばらし - recreation, diversion, relaxation
気絶/きぜつ - faint, fainting, losing consciousness
気前/きまえ - generosity
気長/きなが - patient, unhurried, leisurely
気筒/きとう - cylinder
気道/きどう - respiratory tract, air duct
気難しい/きむずかしい - hard to please, difficult, particular,
fussy, choosy, picky, fastidious; bad-tempered, in a bad
mood, displeased, sullen, crabby, cranky, grumpy
気難しい/きむづかしい - hard to please, moody, crusty,
気配/きはい - indication, sign, hint, sensation, feeling; {finc}
tone (of the market)
気配り/きくばり - care, attentiveness, attention,
consideration (for others), solicitude
気迫/きはく - spirit, soul, drive, vigor, vigour
気疲れ/きづかれ - mental fatigue, worry, boredom
気付/きづけ - care of (e.g. address on letter), c/o
気付き/きづき - awareness, realization, noticing
気負い/きおい - eagerness, enthusiasm, fervor, excitement,
fighting spirit, fighting mood
気負う/きおう - to get worked up, to be eager (enthusiastic),
to rouse oneself
気分転換/きぶんてんかん - change of pace, change of mood,
(mental) break (e.g. going for a walk), refreshment
気泡/きほう - (air) bubble (esp. in a liquid)
気侭/きまま - willful, wilful, selfish, self-centered, egoistic;
carefree, do-as-you-please, freewheeling, free spirited
気密/きみつ - airtight
気落ち/きおち - discouraged, dispirited, despondent
気立て/きだて - disposition, nature
気力/きりょく - willpower, energy, vitality
気儘/きまま - willful, wilful, selfish, self-centered, egoistic;
carefree, do-as-you-please, freewheeling, free spirited
気魄/きはく - spirit, soul, drive, vigor, vigour
汽笛/きてき - steam whistle
畿内/きない - {hist} Kinai (the five provinces in the
immediate vicinity of Kyoto)
祈願/きがん - prayer (for something), supplication
祈念/きねん - prayer
季語/きご - seasonal word (in haiku)
季節感/きせつかん - sense of the seasons, feeling of
季節風/きせつふう - seasonal winds
稀少/きしょう - scarce, rare
稀薄/きはく - thin (air), weak (liquid), dilute, sparse
(population), rarefied; lacking (enthusiasm, consideration,
substance, etc.), insubstantial, deficient, tenuous (link)
紀元/きげん - era; CE (Common Era), AD (Anno Domini)
紀元前/きげんぜん - pre-era, BC
紀行/きこう - traveller’s journal, traveler’s journal, travelogue
紀律/きりつ - order, observance, discipline; rules, law,
規正/きせい - correction
規則的/きそくてき - systematic, regular, routine
規程/きてい - official regulations, inner rules
記/き - account, history, chronicle, annals, record; {abbr}
Kojiki, Records of Ancient Matters
記章/きしょう - medal, badge, insignia
記帳/きちょう - registry, entry, bookkeeping, signature
記念日/きねんび - memorial day, commemoration day,
記念碑/きねんひ - commemorative plaque (usu. on a stone),
stone monument (bearing an inscription)
記録的/きろくてき - record, record-setting, record-breaking
貴い/たっとい - precious, valuable, priceless; noble, exalted,
貴ぶ/たっとぶ - to value, to prize, to esteem, to respect
貴ぶ/とうとぶ - to value, to prize, to esteem, to respect
貴金属/ききんぞく - precious metal
貴公子/きこうし - young nobleman, scion of a noble family;
princely young man, man with an aristocratic air
貴社/きしゃ - {hon} your company; {hon} your shrine
貴重品/きちょうひん - valuable article, valuables
貴人/きじん - aristocrat, nobleman, dignitary, person of high
貴賓/きひん - noble visitor
貴婦人/きふじん - lady, noblewoman
起き上がり小法師/おきあがりこぼし - tumbler, self-righting doll
起き上がる/おきあがる - to rise, to erect, to get up
起こり/おこり - source, origin, cause, beginning, genesis
起因/きいん - to be caused by, to result from, to arise from, to
stem from, to be due to; {n} cause, origin
起業/きぎょう - starting a business, promotion of enterprise
起原/きげん - origin, beginning, source, rise
起工/きこう - setting to work
起債/きさい - issuing of bonds
起算/きさん - reckoning from some position (e.g. point, date,
起死回生/きしかいせい - {yoji} revival from the brink of death,
recovering from a hopeless situation, resuscitation,
起訴/きそ - prosecution, indictment
起訴猶予/きそゆうよ - suspension of indictment, leaving
charge on the file
起草/きそう - drafting (e.g. a bill), drawing up
起動/きどう - startup, booting up, activation, starting (e.g.
engine, computer), launch
起爆/きばく - ignition; detonation; triggering; explosion​
起用/きよう - appointment (to a position, job, etc.), being
used for a role, promotion
起立/きりつ - standing up
軌跡/きせき - tire track; traces of a person or thing, path one
has taken; {math} locus
軌範/きはん - model, standard, pattern, norm, criterion,
輝かしい/かがやかしい - brilliant, glorious, glittering, bright,
splendid (e.g. achievement, success), promising (e.g. future)
輝かす/かがやかす - to light up, to brighten
輝き/かがやき - brightness, brilliance, brilliancy, radiance,
輝度/きど - brightness, luminance
飢え/うえ - hunger, starvation
飢え死に/うえじに - {sens} (death from) starvation, starving
to death
飢餓/きが - starvation, famine, hunger
飢死に/うえじに - {sens} (death from) starvation, starving to
騎士/きし - {hist} (medieval) knight; {hist} samurai on
騎士道/きしどう - chivalry
騎手/きしゅ - horseman, rider, jockey
騎乗/きじょう - riding (on horseback), mounting (a horse)
騎馬/きば - horse riding, horseback riding, horseback rider
騎兵/きへい - cavalry, cavalryman, trooper
鬼気/きき - ghastly, dreadful
鬼才/きさい - wizard, genius, remarkable talent, exceptional
鬼子母神/きしもじん - Hariti (goddess of childbirth and
鬼神/おにがみ - fierce god
鬼神/きしん - fierce god
鬼神/きじん - fierce god
鬼門/きもん - the northeastern (unlucky) direction, person or
thing to be avoided, the demon’s gate; weak point, Achilles’
亀/かめ - tortoise, turtle; heavy drinker; turtle crest, turtle
亀甲/きっこう - tortoise shell
亀裂/きれつ - crack, crevice, fissure, chap, rift
偽/にせ - imitation, fake, phony, counterfeit, forged, bogus,
sham; {pref} pseudo—
偽り/いつわり - lie, falsehood, fiction, fabrication
偽る/いつわる - to lie, to pretend, to feign, to falsify; to
deceive, to trick
偽証/ぎしょう - false evidence, perjury, false testimony
偽善/ぎぜん - hypocrisy
偽装/ぎそう - camouflage, disguise; pretense, feigning,
偽物/ぎぶつ - spurious article, forgery, counterfeit, imitation,
贋物/にせもの - spurious article, forgery, counterfeit,
imitation, sham
偽名/ぎめい - false name, alias, assumed name, pseudonym
儀/ぎ - ceremony; matter, affair, case; {suf} with regard to,
as for, as concerns
儀典/ぎてん - ceremony, rite, ritual, service
儀礼/ぎれい - courtesy, etiquette, formality, protocol;
(religious) observance, ritual, rite
儀礼的/ぎれいてき - formal, courteous, ritual, ritualistic
戯れ/たわむれ - play, sport, fun, caprice, joke, jest, flirtation
戯れる/ざれる - to be playful, to gambol, to be amused (with
something), to play, to sport, to frolic, to joke; to flirt with
戯れる/じゃれる - to be playful, to gambol, to be amused
(with something), to play, to sport, to frolic, to joke; to flirt
戯れる/たわむれる - to be playful, to gambol, to be amused
(with something), to play, to sport, to frolic, to joke; to flirt
戯画/ぎが - caricature, cartoon, comics
技官/ぎかん - technical official, technical officer
技監/ぎかん - engineerin-chief, chief engineer, chief scientist
技研/ぎけん - technical research institute
技巧/ぎこう - technique, finesse
技術者/ぎじゅつしゃ - engineer
技術的/ぎじゅつてき - technical, technological; practical
技法/ぎほう - technique
技量/ぎりょう - ability, competency, talent, skill, capacity
擬える/なぞらえる - to liken to, to compare to; to pattern
after, to model after, to imitate
擬音語/ぎおんご - {ling} onomatopoeic word
擬似/ぎじ - pseudo, quasi, false, para-, mock, sham;
suspected (case, e.g. of disease)
擬声語/ぎせいご - onomatope (i.e. word formed by
擬装/ぎそう - camouflage, disguise; pretense, feigning,
擬態語/ぎたいご - word that mimics something that does not
make a sound (e.g. the fluttering of a butterfly’s wings)
欺瞞/ぎまん - deception, deceit
犠牲者/ぎせいしゃ - victim
犠打/ぎだ - {baseb} sacrifice fly, bunt
犠飛/ぎひ - {baseb} sacrifice fly
疑/ぎ - doubt, distrust, suspicion (of)
疑い/うたがい - doubt, question, uncertainty, skepticism,
scepticism, suspicion, distrust
疑わしい/うたがわしい - doubtful, questionable, uncertain,
disputable, suspicious
疑義/ぎぎ - doubt
疑獄/ぎごく - bribery scandal, graft case
疑似/ぎじ - pseudo, quasi, false, para-, mock, sham;
suspected (case, e.g. of disease)
疑心/ぎしん - doubt, suspicion, fear, apprehension
疑心暗鬼/ぎしんあんき - {abbr} {yoji} suspicion will raise
bogies, once you suspect something, everything else will
look suspicious, jumping at shadows
疑念/ぎねん - doubt, suspicion, misgivings, scruples
疑問符/ぎもんふ - question mark
祇園祭/ぎおんまつり - Gion Festival (in Kyoto during the
month of July, with high point on the 17th)
義/ぎ - morality, righteousness, justice, honour (honor);
meaning; {Buddh} teachings, doctrine; nonconsanguineous
relationship (i.e. of in-laws); prosthesis
義援/ぎえん - alms, donation (esp. disaster relief or charity),
義援金/ぎえんきん - donation money (esp. disaster relief or
charity), contribution
義兄/ぎけい - (older) brother-in-law
義士/ぎし - loyal retainer
義姉/ぎし - sister-in-law (spouse’s older sister or older
brother’s wife); older stepsister, older adopted sister, nonblood-related older sister
義歯/ぎし - artificial tooth
義塾/ぎじゅく - private school
義足/ぎそく - artificial leg
義太夫/ぎだゆう - {abbr} gidayū (type of reciting used in the
puppet theater)
義弟/ぎてい - brother-in-law (spouse’s younger brother or
younger sister’s husband); {rare} younger stepbrother
義父/ぎふ - father-in-law; foster father; stepfather
義母/ぎぼ - motherin-law; foster mother; step mother
義妹/ぎまい - sister-in-law (spouse’s younger sister or
younger brother’s wife); younger stepsister, younger
adopted sister, non-blood-related younger sister
義務教育/ぎむきょういく - compulsory education
義務的/ぎむてき - compulsory, obligatory, mandatory
義務付け/ぎむづけ - obligation
義務付ける/ぎむづける - to obligate, to make compulsory, to
require, to mandate
義勇/ぎゆう - heroism, loyalty and courage
義捐金/ぎえんきん - donation money (esp. disaster relief or
charity), contribution
蟻/あり - ant
議院/ぎいん - parliament, congress, diet; house (of
parliament, etc.), chamber
議院運営委員会/ぎいんうんえいいいんかい - Committee on Rules
and Administration (Diet), House Steering Committee,
Standing Committee for House Management
議会主義/ぎかいしゅぎ - parliamentarism
議会政治/ぎかいせいじ - parliamentarism, parliamentary
議事/ぎじ - proceedings (e.g. parliament, congress), business
(of the day)
議事録/ぎじろく - record of proceedings, minutes
議場/ぎじょう - assembly hall, the House
議席/ぎせき - parliamentary seat
議定書/ぎていしょ - protocol
菊/きく - chrysanthemum
菊花/きっか - chrysanthemum flower
吉祥天/きちじょうてん - {Buddh} Sri-mahadevi (consort of
吉祥天/きっしょうてん - {Buddh} Sri-mahadevi (consort of
吉兆/きっちょう - lucky omen, good omen
吉報/きっぽう - good news
吃る/どもる - to stammer, to stutter
喫う/すう - to smoke, to breathe in, to inhale; to suck, to sip,
to slurp; to absorb, to soak up; to kiss
喫する/きっする - to eat, to drink, to smoke, to take; to suffer
(e.g. defeat), to receive a blow
喫煙/きつえん - smoking (tobacco)
喫煙室/きつえんしつ - smoking room, smoking compartment
喫煙所/きつえんじょ - smoking area, smoking corner
喫緊/きっきん - urgent, pressing, exigent
喫茶/きっさ - tea drinking; {abbr} teahouse, tearoom, coffee
lounge, coffee shop, (rather formal) cafe
橘/たちばな - tachibana orange (Citrus tachibana)
詰まらせる/つまらせる - to clog, to block, to choke up, to jam,
to obstruct
詰み/つみ - checkmate
詰む/つむ - to become fine (of fabric); {shogi} to be
checkmated; to be hard pressed, to be at a loss, to reach
the limits
詰め掛ける/つめかける - to crowd (a house), to throng to (a
詰め寄る/つめよる - to draw near, to draw closer; to press
(e.g. for an answer), to hound
詰め合わせ/つめあわせ - combination, assortment (of goods),
assorted basket or box (e.g. of chocolates)
詰め込む/つめこむ - to cram, to stuff, to jam, to squeeze, to
pack, to crowd
詰め所/つめしょ - station, office, guardroom
詰め将棋/つめしょうぎ - {shogi} composed shogi problem
詰め替える/つめかえる - to repack, to refill
詰問/きつもん - cross-examination, close questioning,
demanding an explanation
砧/きぬた - fulling block, wooden or stone block for beating
杵/きね - mallet, pestle, pounder
却下/きゃっか - rejection, dismissal
客員/かくいん - guest member, associate member, honorary
客員/きゃくいん - guest member, associate member,
honorary member
客引き/きゃくひき - touting, soliciting, luring; tout, barker,
客演/きゃくえん - guest appearance
客観性/きゃっかんせい - objectivity
客観的/きゃっかんてき - objective
客室/きゃくしつ - guest room
客車/きゃくしゃ - passenger car
客人/きゃくじん - caller, visitor, company, guest
客船/きゃくせん - passenger boat
客足/きゃくあし - customer traffic, customers, custom
客体/かくたい - object (philosophical)
客体/きゃくたい - object (philosophical)
客用/きゃくよう - for use of customers or guests
脚/あし - foot; leg
脚光/きゃっこう - footlight, limelight
脚力/きゃくりょく - leg strength, walking ability, running
虐げる/しいたげる - to oppress, to persecute, to tyrannize
虐め/いじめ - bullying, teasing
虐殺/ぎゃくさつ - slaughter, massacre
虐待/ぎゃくたい - abuse, ill-treatment, maltreatment,
mistreatment, cruelty
逆境/ぎゃっきょう - adverse circumstances, unfortunate
situation, adversity
逆効果/ぎゃくこうか - opposite effect, adverse effect,
逆効果/ぎゃっこうか - opposite effect, adverse effect,
逆行/ぎゃっこう - backward movement, reverse movement,
going backwards, retrogression, going in the wrong
direction, going against (e.g. the times), running counter to;
{astron} retrograde motion
逆算/ぎゃくさん - counting backwards, calculating backwards;
{math} inverse operation
逆手/ぎゃくて - underhand grip, backhand grip (e.g. in
tennis); unexpected twist, turning the tables (on an
逆手/さかて - underhand grip, backhand grip (e.g. in tennis);
unexpected twist, turning the tables (on an opponent)
逆襲/ぎゃくしゅう - counterattack
逆上せる/のぼせる - to feel dizzy, to have blood rush to one’s
head; to lose one’s cool; to be obsessed, to be infatuated; to
become conceited
逆上る/さかのぼる - to go upstream, to go up (a river); to go
back (to the past or origin), to date back (to), to trace back
(to), to be retroactive (to)
逆説/ぎゃくせつ - paradox
逆探知/ぎゃくたんち - phone trace, detecting the source of a
telephone call
逆転勝ち/ぎゃくてんがち - winning after defeat seems certain,
coming from behind to win
逆風/ぎゃくふう - headwind, adverse wind
逆戻り/ぎゃくもどり - retrogression, reversal, relapse,
doubling back, backtracking
逆輸入/ぎゃくゆにゅう - reimportation, reimport, reverse
import, importing back; (cultural, etc.) reverse import (e.g.
California rolls being introduced in Japan)
逆流/ぎゃくりゅう - counter-current, adverse tide,
regurgitation (of blood)
久々/ひさびさ - (in a) long time, long time (ago), while (ago),
long ago, long while (ago), (in a) long while
久し振り/ひさしぶり - it’s been a while (since I last saw,
mailed, etc., you)
仇/あだ - foe, enemy, rival; resentment, enmity, grudge;
harm, injury
仇討ち/あだうち - vengeance, revenge, retaliation
休まる/やすまる - to be rested, to feel at ease
休演/きゅうえん - suspending performance
休会/きゅうかい - adjournment, recess
休刊/きゅうかん - suspension of publication
休刊日/きゅうかんび - newspaper holiday, day on which
newspapers are not published
休館/きゅうかん - closure (of a library, museum, etc.)
休憩所/きゅうけいじょ - rest area, rest stop, service area (next
to a highway), service station, parking area
休校/きゅうこう - (temporary) closure of school
休耕/きゅうこう - lying fallow
休止/きゅうし - pause, suspension, rest, stoppage
休場/きゅうじょう - (temporary) closure of a theater
(theatre), stage absence; {sumo} wrestler’s absence from
the tournament
休職/きゅうしょく - temporary retirement, suspension from
休診/きゅうしん - being closed (of a clinic, doctor’s office,
etc.), not seeing patients, not accepting patients
休足/きゅうそく - rest, relief, relaxation
休日/きゅうじつ - holiday, day off
休眠/きゅうみん - dormancy, quiescence
及び腰/およびごし - bent back; indecisive attitude, timidity,
lack of nerve
及第/きゅうだい - passing (an examination), making the
吸い殻/すいがら - cigarette end, cigarette butt, tobacco ashes
吸い込む/すいこむ - to inhale, to breathe in, to suck up, to
imbibe; to absorb, to soak up
吸い取る/すいとる - to suck up, to absorb, to squeeze
吸い上げ/すいあげ - suction, sucking
吸い上げる/すいあげる - to suck up, to pump up, to draw up,
to absorb, to extract; to siphon off (profits, etc.), to exploit;
to take up others’ opinions, hopes, etc.
吸い物/すいもの - clear broth soup, with ingredients and
garnish floating in and on it
吸引/きゅういん - absorption, suction, aspiration; attraction,
吸殻/すいがら - cigarette end, cigarette butt, tobacco ashes
吸気/きゅうき - inhalation (of air), inhaled air; intake (e.g. of
吸血鬼/きゅうけつき - vampire, bloodsucker
吸込む/すいこむ - to inhale, to breathe in, to suck up, to
imbibe; to absorb, to soak up
吸水性/きゅうすいせい - water absorbency
吸着/きゅうちゃく - {chem} adsorption; adhesion (by
suction), attachment, sticking to
吸入/きゅうにゅう - inhalation
宮家/みやけ - house of an imperial prince
宮司/ぐうじ - {Shinto} chief priest
宮城/きゅうじょう - {hist} Imperial Palace (esp. from 1888 to
宮中/きゅうちゅう - imperial court
宮廷/きゅうてい - imperial court, royal court
宮内庁/くないちょう - Imperial Household Agency
弓道/きゅうどう - kyudo, Japanese archery
弓矢/ゆみや - bow and arrow; weapon, arms
急いで/いそいで - hurriedly
急ぎ/いそぎ - haste, hurry, expedition, speed, dispatch
急ぎ足/いそぎあし - fast pace, quick pace
急カーブ/きゅうカーブ - sharp curve, sharp turn
急ピッチ/きゅうピッチ - quick pace
急患/きゅうかん - emergency case
急降下/きゅうこうか - sudden drop, sharp fall, nosedive,
急死/きゅうし - sudden death
急襲/きゅうしゅう - raid, assault, descent
急所/きゅうしょ - vital part (of the body), tender spot, weak
point, vitals; key point, essential point, crux (of a problem),
heart (of a matter); {col} male crotch (as a target in
急場/きゅうば - emergency
急伸/きゅうしん - sudden rise (esp. of stock prices), jump
急進/きゅうしん - rapid progress, radical progress
急性/きゅうせい - acute (illness)
急成長/きゅうせいちょう - rapid growth
急逝/きゅうせい - sudden death
急先鋒/きゅうせんぽう - van (of a movement), vanguard,
急増/きゅうぞう - rapid increase, proliferation, surge,
急造/きゅうぞう - hurried construction, hurried production,
hasty manufacture, hasty formation
急追/きゅうつい - (being in) hot pursuit
急転直下/きゅうてんちょっか - {yoji} suddenly and
precipitately, take a sudden turn
急騰/きゅうとう - sudden rise (in price), sharp rise, jump,
急病/きゅうびょう - sudden illness
急変/きゅうへん - sudden turn, sudden change; (suddenly
occurring) accident, emergency
急務/きゅうむ - urgent business, pressing need, imperative
急用/きゅうよう - urgent business
急落/きゅうらく - sudden fall, sharp fall, sudden drop, sharp
急流/きゅうりゅう - swift current, rapids
急遽/きゅうきょ - hurriedly, in a hurry, in haste; {adj-na}
{arch} sudden
救ける/たすける - to save, to rescue, to spare; to help, to
assist; to support (financially), to contribute (to), to provide
aid; to facilitate, to stimulate, to promote, to contribute to
救急医療/きゅうきゅういりょう - emergency medicine
救急車/きゅうきゅうしゃ - ambulance
救急箱/きゅうきゅうばこ - first-aid kit
救護/きゅうご - relief, aid
救国/きゅうこく - salvation of one’s country
救出/きゅうしゅつ - rescue, extricate, reclaim, deliverance
救世/きゅうせい - salvation
救世軍/きゅうせいぐん - Salvation Army
救世主/きゅうせいしゅ - saviour, savior, messiah; {Christn}
Messiah, Jesus Christ
救難/きゅうなん - rescue, salvage
救命/きゅうめい - lifesaving
求愛/きゅうあい - courting, courtship, wooing
求刑/きゅうけい - recommended sentence, prosecution’s
demand for punishment
求職/きゅうしょく - job hunting, seeking employment
求心力/きゅうしんりょく - {physics} centripetal force;
unifying force, cohesive power
求人/きゅうじん - recruiting, job offer, job vacancy
求人広告/きゅうじんこうこく - help wanted advertisements
求道/きゅうどう - seeking after truth
汲み取る/くみとる - to draw (water), to scoop up, to dip up, to
pump out; to understand (someone’s feelings, etc.), to
grasp, to surmise, to take into consideration
汲取る/くみとる - to draw (water), to scoop up, to dip up, to
pump out; to understand (someone’s feelings, etc.), to
grasp, to surmise, to take into consideration
泣かされる/なかされる - to be moved to tears; to suffer greatly
泣かす/なかす - to make someone cry, to move someone to
tears; to grieve
泣かせる/なかせる - to make someone cry, to move someone
to tears; to let cry; to grieve
泣き/なき - weeping, lamenting
泣きじゃくる/なきじゃくる - to sob, to never stop crying, to
cry on and on
泣き顔/なきがお - crying face, face of a person who is crying
泣き叫ぶ/なきさけぶ - to cry and shout, to scream
泣き出す/なきだす - to burst into tears
泣き所/なきどころ - weak point, vulnerable point, Achilles’
泣き寝入り/なきねいり - crying oneself to sleep; giving up in
frustration, accepting meekly, being compelled to accept a
泣き声/なきごえ - cry, crying voice
泣き崩れる/なきくずれる - to break down crying
球威/きゅうい - {baseb} (pitcher’s) stuff
球界/きゅうかい - the baseball world
球技/きゅうぎ - ball game (e.g. baseball, tennis, soccer)
球菌/きゅうきん - coccus
球形/きゅうけい - globular shape, spherical shape
球場/きゅうじょう - baseball stadium, ballpark
球状/きゅうじょう - shape of a globe, globe shape; {adj-no}
球審/きゅうしん - {baseb} umpire-in-chief, plate umpire
球速/きゅうそく - speed of a pitched ball, (pitcher’s) pace
球体/きゅうたい - sphere, globe, orb; {math} ball
球団/きゅうだん - baseball team
究める/きわめる - to carry to extremes, to go to the end of
something, to reach the limits of something; to reach the
peak of something (e.g. luxury, hardships, etc), to be
extremely (e.g. busy); to investigate thoroughly, to research
thoroughly, to master, to understand completely; to exhaust
completely, to have nothing left (e.g. to say) 究明/きゅうめい
- investigation (esp. in academic and scientific contexts)
窮まる/きわまる - to reach an extreme, to reach a limit, to
terminate, to come to an end; {aux-v} {adj-f} {v5r}
extremely; to be stuck, to be in a dilemma, to be at a loss;
to be decided, to be settled
窮める/きわめる - to carry to extremes, to go to the end of
something, to reach the limits of something; to reach the
peak of something (e.g. luxury, hardships, etc), to be
extremely (e.g. busy); to investigate thoroughly, to research
thoroughly, to master, to understand completely; to exhaust
completely, to have nothing left (e.g. to say) 窮極/きゅうきょ
く - ultimate, final, last, eventual
窮状/きゅうじょう - distress, wretched condition
窮地/きゅうち - dilemma, predicament
窮余/きゅうよ - extremity, desperation
級友/きゅうゆう - classmate
糾合/きゅうごう - rally, muster
糾弾/きゅうだん - censure, denunciation, (verbal) attack,
給金/きゅうきん - (one’s) pay, wages
給水/きゅうすい - water supply, supplied water, water refill
給湯/きゅうとう - hot-water supply
給費/きゅうひ - provision of expenses, scholarship
給付/きゅうふ - provision (of money or goods), furnishing,
conferral, payment, delivery, benefit
給油/きゅうゆ - refueling (a car, plane, etc.); lubricating (a
machine), oiling
給油所/きゅうゆしょ - petrol filling station, gasoline filling
給油所/きゅうゆじょ - petrol filling station, gasoline filling
旧家/きゅうか - old family, old-established family; one’s old
home, one’s childhood home
旧型/きゅうがた - old style, old type
旧交/きゅうこう - old friendship
旧作/きゅうさく - old work, existing work
旧式/きゅうしき - old type, old style
旧制/きゅうせい - old system, old order
旧姓/きゅうせい - one’s original family name, maiden name
旧正月/きゅうしょうがつ - lunar New Year (esp. the Chinese
New Year)
旧石器時代/きゅうせっきじだい - Paleolithic, Palaeolithic, Old
Stone Age
旧跡/ふるあと - historic spot, historic remains, ruins
旧態/きゅうたい - old state of affairs
旧都/きゅうと - old capital, former capital
旧派/きゅうは - old school, old style
旧版/きゅうはん - old edition
旧法/きゅうほう - old law; old method
旧盆/きゅうぼん - Bon Festival of the lunar calendar
旧名/きゅうめい - former name, maiden name
旧約/きゅうやく - old promise, old agreement, old covenant;
{abbr} Old Testament
旧友/きゅうゆう - old friend, old pal
旧来/きゅうらい - traditional, from ancient times, formerly
旧里/きゅうり - hometown, birthplace, native place, one’s old
home; {arch} ruins, historic remains
旧里/ふるさと - hometown, birthplace, native place, one’s old
home; {arch} ruins, historic remains
旧暦/きゅうれき - Japan’s old (lunisolar) calendar
牛耳る/ぎゅうじる - to control, to take the lead in, to have
under one’s thumb
牛舎/ぎゅうしゃ - cow shed, cattle barn
牛車/ぎゅうしゃ - {hist} ox carriage (for Heian-era nobles),
牛馬/ぎゅうば - horses and cattle
牛歩/ぎゅうほ - snail’s pace, slow progress
牛丼/ぎゅうどん - rice covered with beef and vegetables
去就/きょしゅう - leaving or staying; (one’s) course of action,
(one’s) position, (one’s) attitude
去勢/きょせい - castration, neutering, gelding, sterilization;
enervation, emasculation, taming
去年/こぞ - last year
去来/きょらい - coming and going, recurring (esp. thoughts)
居候/いそうろう - lodger who pays nothing for room and
board, freeloader, sponger
居合わせる/いあわせる - to happen to be present
居座り/いすわり - remaining
居座る/いすわる - to remain, to stay (somewhere)
居残り/いのこり - working overtime; detention, being kept in
(e.g. after school)
居残る/いのこる - to stay behind, to remain, to work overtime
居士/こじ - {Buddh} grhapati (layman; sometimes used as a
posthumous suffix); private-sector scholar
居室/きょしつ - living room
居酒屋/いざかや - izakaya, Japanese bar that also serves
various dishes and snacks
居住者/きょじゅうしゃ - resident, inhabitant
居所/いどころ - whereabouts, address
居城/きょじょう - castle of a feudal lord
居場所/いばしょ - whereabouts, place, location; place where
one belongs, where one fits in, place where one can be
居心地/いごこち - comfort
居直る/いなおる - to sit upright, to sit up straight; to take a
defiant attitude, to become aggressive, to take the offensive
居並ぶ/いならぶ - to sit in a row, to be arrayed
居留/きょりゅう - residence, reside
居留民/きょりゅうみん - resident, residents
巨悪/きょあく - great evil; scum of the earth, monster, fiend
巨額/きょがく - huge sum (esp. of money), enormous sum,
massive amount
巨漢/きょかん - giant
巨視的/きょしてき - macroscopic; comprehensive, allincluding, broad
巨匠/きょしょう - master, masterhand, maestro
巨人/きょじん - giant, great man; {abbr} Tokyo Giants
(baseball team)
巨星/きょせい - {astron} giant star; great person, giant,
superstar, big-shot
巨体/きょたい - huge body, large build
巨費/きょひ - great cost
巨木/きょぼく - big tree
巨利/きょり - huge profit
拒む/こばむ - to refuse, to reject, to decline; to prevent (from
doing), to deny (e.g. access), to block
拒食症/きょしょくしょう - anorexia
拒絶反応/きょぜつはんのう - (organ) rejection; unthinking
dismissal, strong reaction (against)
拒否権/きょひけん - right of veto
拠る/よる - to be due to, to be caused by; to depend on, to
turn on; to be based on, to come from; to be based at (a
location, an organization), to be headquartered at
拠出/きょしゅつ - donation, contribution
拠点/きょてん - position, location, base, point, site
挙がる/あがる - to rise, to go up
挙げる/あげる - to raise, to elevate
挙行/きょこう - celebration (of ceremony), solemnization (e.g.
of a marriage), solemnisation
挙国/きょこく - the whole nation
挙式/きょしき - holding a ceremony, wedding ceremony
挙手/きょしゅ - raising one’s hand, show of hands (e.g. for a
vote); salute
挙党/きょとう - whole party, party as a whole
挙動/きょどう - conduct, behavior, behaviour
虚々実々/きょきょじつじつ - {yoji} full of wiles and tricks,
match between persons equal in shrewdness mobilizing all
the tricks each can muster, shrewdly avoiding the
opponent’s strong points and attacking its weaknesses 虚し
い/むなしい - empty, void, vacant; vain, fruitless, futile,
ineffective; lifeless
虚栄/きょえい - vanity, vainglory
虚栄心/きょえいしん - vanity
虚偽/きょぎ - falsehood, untruth, lie, misinformation; fallacy
虚空/こくう - empty space, empty sky
虚言/きょげん - falsehood, lie
虚構/きょこう - fiction, fabrication, concoction
虚実/きょじつ - falsehood and truth, fiction and fact
虚弱/きょじゃく - feebleness, weakness, imbecility
虚飾/きょしょく - ostentation, show, affectation
虚心/きょしん - open-minded, receptive, free from
preconceived ideas
虚像/きょぞう - {physics} virtual image; false image,
pretense, pretence
虚脱/きょだつ - lethargy, despondency, mental numbness;
{med} (physical) collapse, prostration
虚無/きょむ - nihility, nothingness
虚礼/きょれい - empty (useless) formalities
許/もと - under (guidance, supervision, rules, the law, etc.);
under (a flag, the sun, etc.), beneath; with (e.g. one blow),
on (the promise, condition, assumption, etc. that …), in (e.g.
the name of …); (someone’s) side, (someone’s) location 許
し/ゆるし - pardon, forgiveness, exemption, permission
許り/ばっかり - only, merely, nothing but, no more than;
approximately, about; just (finished, etc.); as if to, (as
though) about to, going to, on the point of, at any minute;
indicates emphasis; always, constantly 許諾/きょだく consent, assent, approval, permission
距てる/へだてる - to separate (by distance, time, etc.), to
isolate, to partition, to divide; to interpose, to have
between; to alienate, to estrange
距離/きょり - distance, range, interval; difference (e.g. in
opinion), gap, distance
漁/りょう - fishing, gathering seafood (e.g. clams, seaweed);
catch (e.g. of fish), haul
漁る/あさる - to fish; to look for, to search for, to hunt for, to
scavenge, to scrounge, to look through, to rummage
through; {aux-v} {v5r} to go on a spree (spending, reading,
etc.), to binge
漁獲/ぎょかく - fishing, catch, haul
漁期/ぎょき - fishing season
漁具/ぎょぐ - fishing tackle, fishing gear
漁港/ぎょこう - fishing harbour, fishing harbor
漁場/ぎょじょう - fishing grounds, permitted fishing zone
漁場/ぎょば - fishing grounds, permitted fishing zone
漁場/りょうば - fishing grounds, permitted fishing zone
漁夫の利/ぎょふのり - {id} profiting while others fight,
fisherman’s profit
漁民/ぎょみん - fishermen
漁労/ぎょろう - fishing, fishery
魚屋/さかなや - fish market
魚河岸/うおがし - riverside fish market
魚介/ぎょかい - marine products, seafood, fish and shellfish
魚介類/ぎょかいるい - marine products, seafood, fish and
魚貝類/ぎょかいるい - marine products, seafood, fish and
魚群/ぎょぐん - school of fish
魚市場/うおいちば - fish market
魚釣り/さかなつり - fishing
魚肉/ぎょにく - fish meat
魚雷/ぎょらい - torpedo
魚類/ぎょるい - fish, fishes
享年/きょうねん - one’s age at death
京/けい - {num} 10^16, 10,000,000,000,000,000, ten
京/みやこ - capital (esp. Kyoto, Japan’s former capital), seat
of government; capital (of music, fashion, etc.), city (e.g. of
light); location of the Imperial Palace
京劇/きょうげき - classical Chinese opera
京阪/けいはん - Kyoto and Osaka, Kyoto-Osaka area
供え/そなえ - offering
供える/そなえる - to offer, to sacrifice, to dedicate
供宴/きょうえん - feast, banquet
供応/きょうおう - entertaining with food and drink, treating to
dinner, wining and dining
供給源/きょうきゅうげん - source of supply
供出/きょうしゅつ - obligatory supply (of goods to the
government, e.g. during wartime), delivery (to the
government at a fixed price, e.g. of rice)
供述/きょうじゅつ - {law} affidavit, deposition, testimony
供託/きょうたく - deposit
供物/くもつ - offering (e.g. to the gods), votive offering
供与/きょうよ - giving, provision, furnishing
供養/くよう - memorial service for the dead, holding a
侠客/きょうかく - {hist} self-styled humanitarian, person
acting under the pretence of chivalry while participating in
gangs and engaging in gambling
兇悪/きょうあく - atrocious, heinous, fiendish, brutal, vicious
兇器/きょうき - dangerous weapon, lethal weapon, deadly
weapon, murder weapon
競い合う/きそいあう - to compete with, to vie for
競う/きそう - to compete, to contend, to vie, to contest
競り合い/せりあい - competition
競り合う/せりあう - to struggle for, to compete with, to vie
競る/せる - to compete; to bid; to sell at auction
競泳/きょうえい - competitive swimming, swimming race
競演/きょうえん - contest (between performers), competitive
performance; competition between theatres putting on the
same show
競合/きょうごう - contention, competition, rivalry, quarrel
競合い/せりあい - competition
競作/きょうさく - competition for better work
競走/きょうそう - race, run, dash, sprint
競走馬/きょうそうば - racehorse
競艇/きょうてい - kyōtei, boat race, hydroplane racing event
and gambling sport in Japan
競馬場/けいばじょう - racecourse, race track
競売/きょうばい - auction
競売/けいばい - auction
競歩/きょうほ - racewalking, race walking, walking race
競輪/けいりん - keirin, cycle racing event, usu. 2 km with a
paced start and sprint finish
共/きょう - both, all, and, as well as, including, with, together
with; {abbr} communism
共/ども - {hum} first-person plural (or singular); {derog}
second or third person plural (implies speaker is of higher
status than those referred to)
共々/ともども - together, in company
共栄/きょうえい - mutual prosperity
共演/きょうえん - appearing together (in a film, play, etc.),
performing together (at a concert, etc.), acting together,
costarring, playing together (in a sports match)
共催/きょうさい - joint sponsorship (of an event),
cosponsorship, joint hosting
共済/きょうさい - mutual aid
共産主義/きょうさんしゅぎ - communism, collectivism
共産党/きょうさんとう - Communist Party
共食い/ともぐい - cannibalism (in animals), feeding on each
other; cannibalization, mutually harmful competition,
internecine struggle, dog-eat-dog competition, suicidal
共棲/きょうせい - coexistence, living together; {biol}
symbiosis; {geol} paragenesis
共生/きょうせい - coexistence, living together; {biol}
symbiosis; {geol} paragenesis
共存/きょうそん - coexistence
共著/きょうちょ - joint authorship, co-authorship,
collaboration, joint work
共通語/きょうつうご - common language, lingua franca;
standard language (language variety understood throughout
a country)
共倒れ/ともだおれ - falling together, mutual destruction, joint
共闘/きょうとう - joint struggle, common (united) front
共同組合/きょうどうくみあい - cooperative, association,
共同体/きょうどうたい - cooperative body, cooperative
system, collective, community
共同募金/きょうどうぼきん - community chest
共犯/きょうはん - complicity
共謀/きょうぼう - conspiracy, collusion, complicity
共有/きょうゆう - joint ownership, co-ownership, sharing (e.g.
a viewpoint); sharing (files, devices on a network, posts on
social media, etc.)
共用/きょうよう - common use, communal use, sharing
共立/きょうりつ - joint, common
共力/きょうりょく - cooperation, collaboration, help, support
共和国/きょうわこく - republic, commonwealth
共和制/きょうわせい - republican form of government,
共和党/きょうわとう - Republican Party
凶/きょう - bad luck, bad fortune; evil, wickedness
凶悪/きょうあく - atrocious, heinous, fiendish, brutal, vicious
凶器/きょうき - dangerous weapon, lethal weapon, deadly
weapon, murder weapon
凶弾/きょうだん - assassin’s bullet
凶暴/きょうぼう - ferocious, brutal, atrocious, savage,
協賛/きょうさん - support, mutual aid, cooperation, approval,
authorization, authorisation
協商/きょうしょう - agreement; entente, understanding
協奏曲/きょうそうきょく - {music} concerto
協調性/きょうちょうせい - cooperative personality
協同/きょうどう - cooperation, collaboration, association,
partnership, (acting in) unison
協同組合/きょうどうくみあい - cooperative, association,
協約/きょうやく - pact, convention, agreement
協和/きょうわ - concord, harmony, concert
卿/けい - {n} {hist} state minister (under the ritsuryō
system); {pn} {arch} {male} {hon} you (in reference to
someone of lower status)
叫く/わめく - to shout, to cry (out), to yell, to scream, to
叫び声/さけびごえ - shout, yell, scream, cry
境地/きょうち - state (of mind), mental state, emotional
condition; field (of activity); one’s lot, circumstance,
situation in life; place, region, area, land
境内/けいだい - grounds (esp. of shrines and temples),
compound, churchyard, precincts
境目/さかいめ - borderline, boundary
峡谷/きょうこく - gorge, ravine, canyon, glen
強がり/つよがり - show of courage, bluff
強さ/つよさ - strength, power
強ち/あながち - (not) necessarily, (not) entirely, (not)
強圧/きょうあつ - pressure, duress, stress
強火/つよび - high flame (cooking), high heat, strong heat
強姦/ごうかん - rape, sexual assault
強含み/つよふくみ - {finc} bullish tendency, strong tone (of a
market), firm tone
強権/きょうけん - strong power of the state, iron fist, heavy
強肩/きょうけん - strong throwing arm
強固/きょうこ - firm, strong, solid, stable
強行軍/きょうこうぐん - forced march; doing something on a
very strict schedule
強行採決/きょうこうさいけつ - forced passage of a bill,
steamroller voting, steamrollering
強剛/きょうごう - overwhelming strength, extremely strong
person, powerhouse, very strong player, very strong team
強豪/きょうごう - overwhelming strength, extremely strong
person, powerhouse, very strong player, very strong team
強国/きょうこく - strong nation, powerful country
強者/きょうしゃ - strong person, the strong, the powerful
強弱/きょうじゃく - strength and weakness
強襲/きょうしゅう - assault, violent attack
強情/ごうじょう - obstinate, stubborn, headstrong
強震/きょうしん - severe earthquake
強靭/きょうじん - tough, strong, stiff, tenacious
強請る/ゆする - to solicit, to demand, to extort
強壮/きょうそう - able-bodied, robust, sturdy, strong
強打/きょうだ - heavy blow, thump, wallop, belt, whack
強大/きょうだい - mighty, powerful
強奪/ごうだつ - robbery, pillage, seizure, hijacking, plunder,
強敵/きょうてき - formidable enemy, strong enemy, tough
強度/きょうど - strength, intensity; {adj-no} strong (e.g.
glasses), powerful (e.g. lens), intense (e.g. fear), extreme
強迫観念/きょうはくかんねん - obsession, unreasonable but
compulsive idea
強風/きょうふう - strong wind, high wind, moderate gale
強弁/きょうべん - insisting (unreasonably), obstinate
強味/つよみ - forte, strong point
強要/きょうよう - coercion, extortion, compulsion, force
恐い/こわい - scary, frightening, eerie, dreadful
恐がる/こわがる - to be afraid of, to fear, to dread, to be
nervous (about), to be shy (of)
恐るべき/おそるべき - dreadful, terrible, horrible, deplorable;
fearsome, formidable, awesome, redoubtable
恐る恐る/おそるおそる - fearfully, timidly; nervously,
cautiously, gingerly​
恐喝/きょうかつ - blackmail, extortion, threat (to extort
恐慌/きょうこう - panic, scare, alarm; {econ} {finc} panic,
financial panic
恐怖症/きょうふしょう - phobia, morbid fear
恐龍/きょうりゅう - dinosaur
挟み撃ち/はさみうち - attack on both sides, pincer movement,
double envelopment
挟み打ち/はさみうち - attack on both sides, pincer movement,
double envelopment
挟殺/きょうさつ - {baseb} rundown
教え込む/おしえこむ - to teach thoroughly, to instill (into), to
instil, to inculcate, to drum (into), to drill (into), to hammer
教え子/おしえご - one’s student (esp. a former one), one’s
pupil, one’s disciple
教育委員会/きょういくいいんかい - Board of Education
教育者/きょういくしゃ - educator, teacher, educationalist
教育的/きょういくてき - educational, instructive
教員/きょういん - teacher, instructor, teaching staff, faculty
教化/きょうか - education, enlightenment, civilization,
civilisation, indoctrination
教学/きょうがく - education and learning
教官/きょうかん - teacher, instructor, professor
教義/きょうぎ - creed, doctrine, dogma
教区/きょうく - parish
教護院/きょうごいん - reform school, juvenile reformatory
教唆/きょうさ - instigation; {law} incitement
教示/きょうじ - instruction, teaching
教主/きょうしゅ - founder of a religious sect
教書/きょうしょ - message (delivered by the US president or
a state governor), address; (papal) bull, decree; {obs}
教条主義/きょうじょうしゅぎ - dogmatism
教職員/きょうしょくいん - teaching staff, faculty
教祖/きょうそ - founder of a religious sect
教則本/きょうそくぼん - manual, practice book
教団/きょうだん - religious organization, religious organisation
教壇/きょうだん - platform where a teacher would stand
during a lecture; dais
教徒/きょうと - believer, adherent
教頭/きょうとう - deputy head teacher, vice principal
教本/きょうほん - textbook, manual
教務/きょうむ - school affairs, religious affairs
教諭/きょうゆ - (licensed) teacher
橋脚/きょうきゃく - bridge pier, pontoon bridge
狂気/きょうき - madness, insanity
狂犬/きょうけん - mad dog
狂言/きょうげん - play, drama (farce played during a Noh
狂詩曲/きょうしきょく - rhapsody
狂信/きょうしん - fanaticism, zealotry, blind devotion
狂人/きょうじん - lunatic, madman
狂騒/きょうそう - mania, wild excitement
狂奔/きょうほん - rushing around, running wild
狂乱/きょうらん - fury, frenzy, madness, wildness
狭き門/せまきもん - the strait gate (in the Bible), the narrow
gate; high barrier (to enter a highly competitive school,
company, etc.), difficult hurdle, difficulty, obstacle
狭まる/せばまる - to narrow, to contract
狭める/せばめる - to narrow, to reduce, to contract
狭間/はざま - interval, space, interstice, threshold; valley,
gorge, ravine; loophole (in a wall), crenel, eyelet
狭義/きょうぎ - narrow sense (e.g. of a word)
狭心症/きょうしんしょう - {med} angina pectoris
矯正/きょうせい - correction (of a fault, defect, flaw, etc.),
remedy, rectification, redress, reform, straightening (of
胸襟/きょうきん - one’s heart
胸元/むなもと - breast, chest; pit of the stomach, solar
plexus, epigastrium
胸像/きょうぞう - bust (sculpture), half-length portrait
胸中/きょうちゅう - one’s heart, one’s mind, one’s intentions
胸突き八丁/むなつきはっちょう - the most trying spot or
period, the most difficult period
胸部/きょうぶ - chest, breast
脅かし/おどかし - threat
脅し/おどし - threat; bird-scaring device (scarecrow, gun,
脅やかす/おびやかす - to intimidate, to frighten, to scare; to
threaten (e.g. peace), to jeopardize, to endanger, to imperil
脅威/きょうい - threat, menace
興/きょう - interest, entertainment, pleasure; implicit
comparison (style of the Shi Jing)
興す/おこす - to vitalize (e.g. an industry), to invigorate, to
energize, to revive, to promote, to make prosperous; to
establish (e.g. a company), to build up, to set up, to launch,
to commence
興起/こうき - rise, ascendency, aroused energy, high-spirited
興行/こうぎょう - show, performance, act; entertainment
industry, show business
興信所/こうしんじょ - detective agency, enquiry agency
興亡/こうぼう - rise and fall, ups and downs
興味深い/きょうみぶかい - very interesting
興味津々/きょうみしんしん - {yoji} very interesting, of
absorbing interest, having a keen interest (in), being
immensely curious (about)
興隆/こうりゅう - rise, prosperity
蕎麦屋/そばや - soba restaurant
郷土色/きょうどしょく - local color, local colour
鏡台/きょうだい - a dresser (chest of drawers), mirror stand, a
dressing table
鏡面/きょうめん - mirror surface, lens surface
響/ひびき - echo, reverberation; sound (esp. the distinctive
sound of an object or activity, e.g. rain, gun, gallop, drum),
noise; quality of a sound (e.g. a fine phrase, clear voice,
resonant bell), feeling of a sound, emotion or feeling
inspired by something heard or read 響き渡る/ひびきわたる to resound, to echo, to reverberate
響めく/どよめく - to resound, to reverberate; to make a stir
饗宴/きょうえん - feast, banquet
驚嘆/きょうたん - wonder, admiration, being struck with
仰向け/あおむけ - facing upward
仰天/ぎょうてん - being amazed, being horrified, being taken
凝った/こった - elaborate, exquisite, ornate, refined,
凝り/しこり - muscle stiffness (esp. in shoulders); {med}
lump (in tissue, esp. breast), swelling, hardening, lesion;
lingering discomfort, uneasiness, bad aftertaste, unpleasant
凝り性/こりしょう - tendency to become totally absorbed in
something, monomania, perfectionism, fastidiousness,
meticulousness; susceptibility for a stiffening of the
凝固/ぎょうこ - coagulation, freezing, solidification
凝視/ぎょうし - stare, gaze, fixation
凝集/ぎょうしゅう - agglomeration, clumping together;
{physics} cohesion (of ions, etc.); {chem} flocculation (of
colloidal particles); {biol} agglutination
凝縮/ぎょうしゅく - condensation (of ideas, emotions, etc.);
{physics} condensation (of a vapour or gas)
暁/あかつき - dawn, daybreak; event (e.g. “in the event of
…”), occasion, occurrence
暁星/ぎょうせい - morning star, Venus, rarity
業/ごう - {Buddh} karma; result of one’s karma, fate,
destiny; uncontrollable temper
業界/ぎょうかい - business world, business circles, (the)
業界紙/ぎょうかいし - trade journal
業師/わざし - tricky wrestler, shrewd fellow
業種/ぎょうしゅ - type of industry
局員/きょくいん - clerk, (bureau, post-office) staff
局所/きょくしょ - part, section; part of the body, affected part
(of the body); {adj-no} local (e.g. anesthesia), topical;
private parts, genitals
局地/きょくち - locality, local area, limited area
局長/きょくちょう - bureau director, office chief
局番/きょくばん - telephone exchange number (UK), area
code (US)
局部/きょくぶ - part, section; affected part (of the body);
private parts, genitals
局面/きょくめん - {go} {shogi} position in a game, state of
the game; situation, stage, phase, aspect
局留め/きょくどめ - general delivery, counter collection, poste
曲/きょく - composition, piece of music, song, track (on a
record); tune, melody, air; enjoyment, fun, interest, pleasure
曲がり/まがり - curvature, warp, bend
曲がりくねる/まがりくねる - to bend many times, to turn and
twist, to zigzag
曲がり角/まがりかど - street corner, road turn, bend in the
road; turning point, watershed
曲げ/まげ - flexure, bending
曲り角/まがりかど - street corner, road turn, bend in the road;
turning point, watershed
曲芸/きょくげい - acrobatics
曲折/きょくせつ - bending, winding, meandering, zigzagging;
ups and downs, twists and turns, complications, difficulties,
曲面/きょくめん - curved surface
曲目/きょくもく - name of a piece of music, (musical)
number; (musical) program, programme, selection (of
music), list of songs
極/きょく - pole; climax, extreme, extremity, culmination,
height, zenith, nadir
極まる/きわまる - to reach an extreme, to reach a limit, to
terminate, to come to an end; {aux-v} {adj-f} {v5r}
extremely; to be stuck, to be in a dilemma, to be at a loss;
to be decided, to be settled
極み/きわみ - height, acme, extremity, peak; end, limit
極める/きわめる - to carry to extremes, to go to the end of
something, to reach the limits of something; to reach the
peak of something (e.g. luxury, hardships, etc), to be
extremely (e.g. busy); to investigate thoroughly, to research
thoroughly, to master, to understand completely; to exhaust
completely, to have nothing left (e.g. to say) 極め手/きめて decider, person who decides; decisive factor, clincher, key,
trump card, winning move, decisive blow, conclusive
極め付き/きわめつき - certified (as genuine, valuable, etc.),
guaranteed (article); of established reputation,
acknowledged, recognized, acclaimed, notorious; {n} {col}
pièce de résistance
極る/きまる - to be decided, to be settled, to be fixed, to be
arranged; to be unchanging, to be the same (as always), to
be fixed, to be set; to be a fixed rule, to be destined, to be a
convention, to be a custom, to be common knowledge; to
be well executed (of a manoeuvre in a sport, game, etc.), to
go well, to succeed, to connect (of a punch); to look good (of
clothing), to look sharp, to be stylish, to suit one, to be held
in place (of a hairdo); to be struck and held (of a pose in
kabuki) 極悪/ごくあく - heinous
極意/ごくい - innermost secrets (of an art or skill), mysteries,
essence, heart
極右/きょくう - far right (in politics), extreme right,
極寒/ごっかん - extreme cold, intense cold, coldest season,
極刑/きょっけい - capital punishment, death penalty,
maximum penalty, ultimate punishment
極限/きょくげん - utmost limits, extremity; limit {math}
極左/きょくさ - extreme left, ultraleft
極彩色/ごくさいしき - richly colored, richly coloured
極細/ごくぼそ - superfine, extra-fine, extremely thin; {n}
extra-fine woollen yarn
極小/きょくしょう - minimum, minuscule; {n} {math} local
極上/ごくじょう - first-rate, finest quality, the best
極地/きょくち - polar regions, the pole; farthest land, ends of
the earth
極致/きょくち - culmination, acme, height, peak, ultimate,
perfection, ideal
極点/きょくてん - pole (north, south), climax, extreme (point)
極度/きょくど - maximum, extreme, utmost
極東/きょくとう - Far East
極道/ごくどう - wicked, evil, profligate, immoral; wickedness,
evildoing; organized crime, yakuza, underworld, gangsters
極秘/ごくひ - absolute secrecy
極貧/ごくひん - destitution
極北/きょくほく - extreme north, North Pole
極力/きょくりょく - to the utmost, to the best of one’s ability
極論/きょくろん - extreme logic, extreme argument,
unreserved argument
玉/ぎょく - precious stone (esp. jade); {food} egg
(sometimes esp. as a sushi topping); stock or security being
traded, product being bought or sold; position (in finance,
the amount of a security either owned or owed by an
investor or dealer); geisha; {abbr} time charge for a geisha;
{shogi} {abbr} king (of the junior player) 玉音/ぎょくおん the Emperor’s voice; beautiful voice, beautiful sound
玉砕/ぎょくさい - honorable death, death without surrender,
honorable defeat; {col} trying but being utterly beaten,
being completely rejected when professing one’s love
玉子/たまご - (hen’s) egg
玉虫色/たまむしいろ - iridescent colour; {adj-no} {n}
equivocal (reply, statement, etc.), ambiguous, vague
玉突き/たまつき - billiards, pool; serial collisions (of cars)
玉葱/たまねぎ - onion
玉露/ぎょくろ - high-quality green tea; jewel-like dewdrop
玉蜀黍/とうもろこし - corn (Zea mays), maize
勤まる/つとまる - to be fit (for a role), to be qualified (for), to
be equal (to a task), to be able to fulfill one’s duties (as)
勤め人/つとめにん - office worker, salaried worker, whitecollar worker
勤続/きんぞく - continuous service
勤労者/きんろうしゃ - worker
均し/ならし - average, leveling, levelling
均しい/ひとしい - equal, identical, the same; no different
(from), just like, equivalent
均一/きんいつ - uniformity, equality
均質/きんしつ - homogeneous, homogeneity
均整/きんせい - symmetry, balance, proportion, uniformity
均斉/きんせい - symmetry, balance, proportion, uniformity
均等/きんとう - equal (distribution, treatment, level, etc.),
even, uniform
錦/にしき - brocade; fine dress, fine clothes
錦絵/にしきえ - {hist} nishiki-e, multicolour woodblock print
斤量/きんりょう - weight
禁/きん - ban (e.g. on smoking), prohibition
禁ずる/きんずる - to forbid, to suppress
禁忌/きんき - taboo; {med} contraindication
禁句/きんく - taboo word
禁固/きんこ - imprisonment (without forced labour),
incarceration, confinement
禁止法/きんしほう - negative statute, law against something
禁治産/きんちさん - {law} incompetency
禁酒/きんしゅ - abstinence from alcohol, temperance;
prohibition of drinking
禁制/きんせい - prohibition, ban, embargo
禁制品/きんせいひん - contraband (goods), prohibited goods
禁足/きんそく - confinement
禁断/きんだん - prohibition, interdiction; {adj-no} forbidden,
禁輸/きんゆ - embargo
禁欲/きんよく - abstinence, self-control, celibacy, abnegation,
禁欲的/きんよくてき - abstemious, austere
禁錮/きんこ - imprisonment (without forced labour),
incarceration, confinement
筋違い/すじちがい - cramp, sprain, crick, strain (muscle);
unreasonableness, absurdity; {adj-no} {adj-na} illogical,
unreasonable; {adj-no} {adj-na} misdirected, misplaced,
wrong (of estimate, guess)
筋金/すじがね - a metal reinforcement
筋合い/すじあい - reason, right
筋書き/すじがき - synopsis, outline, plot
筋道/すじみち - reason, logic; method, system, order, thread
(e.g. of an argument)
筋肉質/きんにくしつ - muscular; lean (of a company’s
operations, etc.)
筋力/きんりょく - physical strength, muscle strength
緊まる/しまる - to be shut, to close, to be closed; to be
locked; to tighten, to be tightened; to become sober, to
become tense
緊縮/きんしゅく - shrinkage, contraction, economy,
緊迫/きんぱく - tension, strain
緊密/きんみつ - rigour, rigor, closeness, compactness, tightly
緊要/きんよう - momentous, exigent, urgent, important, vital
菌類/きんるい - fungus, fungi
衿/えり - collar, lapel, neckband, neck; nape of the neck,
scruff of the neck
襟巻/えりまき - scarf (esp. one worn for warmth), muffler
襟巻き/えりまき - scarf (esp. one worn for warmth), muffler
襟元/えりもと - (around the) neck, nape; collar (at the front)
謹賀新年/きんがしんねん - Happy New Year
謹厳/きんげん - stern, grave, solemn, sobersided
謹慎/きんしん - self restraint, moderating one’s behaviour,
penitence, discipline; confinement to one’s home, house
近衛/このえ - Imperial Guards
近刊/きんかん - forthcoming publication, to be published
soon, coming soon, in preparation; recent publication
近眼/ちかめ - nearsightedness, shortsightedness, myopia
近寄せる/ちかよせる - to bring close, to bring near; to
associate with (someone), to keep company with, to let
come close
近畿/きんき - Kinki (region around Osaka, Kyoto, Nara)
近距離/きんきょり - short distance
近況/きんきょう - recent state, present state, present
condition, current status, current circumstances
近県/きんけん - neighboring prefectures, nearby prefectures
近作/きんさく - recent work
近親/きんしん - near relative
近世/きんせい - recent past, recent times; early modern
period (from the Azuchi-Momoyama period to the end of the
Edo period)
近接/きんせつ - proximity, nearness, being nearby, being
adjacent; approaching, drawing near, coming close
近代化/きんだいか - modernization
近代詩/きんだいし - modern poetry, modern-style poetry
近代的/きんだいてき - modern
近著/きんちょ - recent work
近鉄/きんてつ - Kinki Nippon Tetsudou (railway co.)
近東/きんとう - Near East
近道/ちかみち - shorter way, shortcut
近日/きんじつ - soon, in a few days
近年/きんねん - recent years
近付き/ちかづき - acquaintance, making someone’s
近付く/ちかづく - to approach, to get near
近辺/きんぺん - neighbourhood, neighborhood, vicinity
近目/ちかめ - nearsightedness, shortsightedness, myopia
近来/きんらい - recently
近隣/きんりん - neighbourhood, neighborhood, vicinity
近路/ちかみち - shorter way, shortcut
金が無い/かねがない - broke, poor, short, skint, having no
金科玉条/きんかぎょくじょう - {yoji} golden rule (basic
principle ensuring success in some activity)
金貨/きんか - gold coin
金塊/きんかい - gold nugget, gold bullion, gold bar, gold ingot
金銀/きんぎん - gold and silver; money
金具/かなぐ - metal fittings, metal fixtures
金券/きんけん - gold certificate; tradeable coupon
redeemable for goods or services
金権/きんけん - power of money, financial influence
金庫/かねぐら - treasure house, treasury; financial supporter,
patron, financier, backer
金工/きんこう - metalwork, metalsmith, goldsmith
金鉱/きんこう - gold ore, gold deposit; gold mine
金剛/こんごう - vajra (indestructible substance), diamond,
adamantine; thunderbolt, Indra’s weapon, Buddhist symbol
of the indestructible truth
金婚式/きんこんしき - golden wedding (anniversary)
金策/きんさく - (means of) raising money
金山/きんざん - gold mine
金子/きんす - {dated} money, funds; {dated} gold coin
金糸/きんし - gold thread
金字塔/きんじとう - pyramid; monumental work, landmark
金城/きんじょう - impregnable castle; inner castle citadel;
golden castle (nickname for Nagoya Castle)
金色/きんいろ - gold (colour, color)
金色/こんじき - gold (colour, color)
金星/きんせい - {astron} Venus (planet)
金星/きんぼし - dazzling victory; {sumo} win of a rank-andfile wrestler over the grand champion
金製/きんせい - made of gold
金石/きんせき - minerals and rocks, metal and stone utensils;
金堂/こんどう - main temple structure (sanctuary, hall)
金箔/きんぱく - gold leaf, gold foil, beaten gold
金縛り/かなしばり - binding hand and foot, temporary feeling
of paralysis, sleep paralysis; {col} being tied down with
金髪/きんぱつ - blond hair, blonde hair, golden hair
金品/きんぴん - money and goods
金物/かなもの - metal utensil, ironware, metal fittings,
金平/きんぴら - {food} {abbr} chopped burdock root (and
sometimes carrot) cooked in sugar and soy sauce
金脈/きんみゃく - vein of gold; financial connections, patron,
source of money
金網/かなあみ - wire netting, wire mesh, wire screen, chainlink mesh
金儲け/かねもうけ - moneymaking, earning money
金目/かねめ - monetary value
金融機関/きんゆうきかん - financial institutions, banking
金融市場/きんゆうしじょう - financial market, money market
金利/きんり - interest rate, interest
金屏風/きんびょうぶ - folding screen covered with gold leaf
吟醸酒/ぎんじょうしゅ - ginjō sake, high-quality sake brewed
by low temperature fermentation from white rice milled to
吟遊詩人/ぎんゆうしじん - troubadour, minstrel
銀/しろがね - silver (Ag); silver coin, money; silver medal;
silver colour, silver color
銀河/ぎんが - {astron} Milky Way; {astron} galaxy
銀河系/ぎんがけい - {astron} Milky Way galaxy, Milky Way,
the Galaxy; {astron} galactic system, galaxy
銀貨/ぎんか - silver coin
銀行員/ぎんこういん - bank employee, bank staff member,
bank clerk
銀座/ぎんざ - Ginza (Tokyo neighborhood); {n-suf} busy
shopping district, bustling location; {hist} silver mint (Edo
銀紙/ぎんがみ - aluminum foil, aluminium foil, tinfoil, silver
paper; silver-colored paper
銀色/ぎんいろ - silver (color, colour)
銀世界/ぎんせかい - snowscape
銀製/ぎんせい - made of silver
銀杯/ぎんぱい - silver cup
銀盤/ぎんばん - skating rink, ice surface; silver plate
銀幕/ぎんまく - (projection) screen; the silver screen, the film
world, movies
九々/くく - multiplication table, times table
九月/くがつ - September; ninth month of the lunar calendar
九死/きゅうし - narrowly averting death
九州/きゅうしゅう - southernmost of the four main islands of
九十/きゅうじゅう - ninety, 90
九重/ここのえ - ninefold; imperial palace, the Court
九分/くぶ - nine parts, ninety percent, almost
句会/くかい - gathering of haiku poets
句作/くさく - composing haiku poems
句集/くしゅう - collection of haiku poems
句切り/くぎり - pause (in speech, writing, etc.), punctuation;
break, end, (place to) stop, pause, milestone (e.g. in a
句切る/くぎる - to divide, to separate, to partition, to
demarcate, to delimit, to mark off; to punctuate, to mark off
(with a comma), to insert pauses (between words or phrases
when reading aloud), to space one’s words 区劃/くかく division, section, compartment, block, plot, lot, partition,
区議/くぎ - ward assemblyman
区検/くけん - local prosecutor
区長/くちょう - head of a ward, mayor of a ward, chief
administrator of a ward
区内/くない - in the ward or borough
区分け/くわけ - division, section, demarcation, (traffic) lane,
compartment, classification, sorting
区民/くみん - ward residents
区役所/くやくしょ - ward office, council (regional)
区立/くりつ - established by a ward, ward, municipal
矩形/くけい - rectangle
苦々しい/にがにがしい - unpleasant, disgusting, loathsome,
shameful, scandalous
苦しめる/くるしめる - to torment, to pain, to inflict (physical)
pain, to hurt; to harass, to cause (emotional) pain, to afflict,
to distress, to bother, to trouble, to stump, to baffle
苦り切る/にがりきる - to look sour (disgusted)
苦学/くがく - working one’s way through school, earning
one’s own school fees; studying under adversity, studying in
harsh economic circumstances
苦楽/くらく - pleasure and pain, joys and sorrows
苦境/くきょう - difficult situation, adverse circumstances,
predicament, trouble, dilemma, distress
苦言/くげん - candid advice, frank advice, honest opinion,
exhortation, harsh but honest advice
苦行/くぎょう - penance, austerities, mortification, asceticism
苦渋/くじゅう - bitterness, distress, pain, anguish, affliction;
bitterness and astringency
苦笑/くしょう - bitter smile, wry smile, strained laugh,
sarcastic laugh
苦笑い/にがわらい - bitter smile, wry smile, forced smile,
strained laugh
苦戦/くせん - hard fight, close game, struggle, tight contest
苦虫/にがむし - bitter-tasting bug
苦闘/くとう - hard fight, difficult struggle
苦難/くなん - suffering, distress, hardship, trial
苦肉/くにく - hurting oneself (to trick an adversary)
苦肉の策/くにくのさく - last resort, desperate measure taken
under the pressure of necessity
苦悩/くのう - (mental) agony, anguish, suffering, distress
苦杯/くはい - bitter cup, bitter experience, bitter defeat,
苦味/くみ - bitterness, bitter taste
苦味/にがみ - bitterness, bitter taste
苦慮/くりょ - racking one’s brains, worrying oneself, being
苦労人/くろうにん - worldly-wise man
躯/むくろ - (dead) body, corpse
駆け引き/かけひき - bargaining, haggling; tactics, strategy,
maneuvering, diplomacy; (tactical) advance or retreat of
駆け回る/かけまわる - to run around
駆け寄る/かけよる - to run up to, to rush over
駆け込み/かけこみ - running in, rushing into; last-minute rush
駆け込む/かけこむ - to run into, to rush into; to (run and) seek
refuge in, to take shelter in
駆け出し/かけだし - novice, beginner; starting to run, running
off, running away
駆け出す/かけだす - to run off, to break into a run, to start
駆け巡る/かけめぐる - to run about, to rush about
駆け上る/かけあがる - to run up (a hill, stairs etc.), to dash up,
to rush up
駆け抜ける/かけぬける - to run through (a crowd, gate, etc.),
to sweep through (e.g. of news through a city); to run past
(someone) from behind, to overtake
駆け付ける/かけつける - to run to, to come running, to rush
(someplace), to hasten
駆け付け三杯/かけつけさんばい - three cups of sake which
latecomers to a party are made to drink
駆け落ち/かけおち - elopement, running away with a lover
駆り立てる/かりたてる - to flush out (game, etc.), to drive
(animals), to beat, to hunt down; to urge, to spur on, to push
on, to impel
駆る/かる - to spur on, to urge forward, to impel; to drive at
high speed (e.g. a car)
駆引き/かけひき - bargaining, haggling; tactics, strategy,
maneuvering, diplomacy; (tactical) advance or retreat of
駆込み/かけこみ - running in, rushing into; last-minute rush
駆使/くし - using freely, making full use of, having a good
command of; working (someone) hard, driving (someone) on
駆除/くじょ - extermination (esp. pests), expulsion,
駆足/かけあし - running fast, double time; cantering; doing
things in a hurry
駆逐/くちく - extermination, expulsion, destruction
駆逐艦/くちくかん - destroyer (ship)
駆動/くどう - driving force
駆付ける/かけつける - to run to, to come running, to rush
(someplace), to hasten
駒/こま - piece (in shogi, chess, etc.); bridge (of a violin,
etc.); {arch} horse, foal
具/ぐ - tool, means; ingredients (added to soup, rice, etc.);
{ctr} counter for sets of armor, utensils, furniture, etc.
具現/ぐげん - incarnation, embodiment, realization, giving
concrete form (to)
具象/ぐしょう - concreteness, embodiment, expressing
具申/ぐしん - offering a full report to a superior
具体化/ぐたいか - embodiment, materialization, actualization,
realization, taking form, taking shape
具体的/ぐたいてき - concrete, tangible
愚/ぐ - foolishness, silliness, stupidity, folly; {pn} {arch}
{hum} I, me
愚行/ぐこう - foolish act, folly
愚直/ぐちょく - simple honesty, tactless frankness
愚連隊/ぐれんたい - gang of young toughs, hooligans,
hoodlums, hoods, yobbos
愚弄/ぐろう - mockery, derision, ridicule
虞/おそれ - fear, horror, anxiety, concern, uneasiness,
喰う/くう - {male} to eat; to live, to make a living, to
survive; to bite, to sting (as insects do); to tease, to
torment, to taunt, to make light of, to make fun of; to
encroach on, to eat into, to consume; to defeat a superior,
to threaten a position; to consume time and-or resources;
{col} to receive something (usu. an unfavourable event);
{male} {vulg} to have sexual relations with a woman, esp.
for the first time 空き屋/あきや - vacant house, unoccupied
空き家/あきや - vacant house, unoccupied house
空き缶/あきかん - empty can
空き巣/あきす - empty nest; empty house, empty home;
{abbr} burglary (of an empty house), burglar (who targets
empty houses), sneak thief, prowler
空き地/あきち - vacant land, unoccupied ground, empty lot;
{go} empty point
空ける/あける - to empty, to remove, to make space, to make
room; to move out, to clear out; to be away from (e.g. one’s
house), to leave (temporarily); to dawn, to grow light; to end
(of a period, season); to begin (of the New Year); to leave
(one’s schedule) open, to make time (for); to make (a hole),
to open up (a hole) 空オケ/からオケ - karaoke
空位/くうい - vacant post, vacancy; post in name only
空域/くういき - airspace
空家/あきや - vacant house, unoccupied house
空回り/からまわり - racing (of an engine), idling, spinning
(without grabbing; of wheels); going round in circles (of an
argument, discussion, etc.), going nowhere, being fruitless
空間/あきま - vacancy, room for rent or lease
空虚/くうきょ - emptiness, hollowness, vacancy, void;
inanity, pointlessness, meaninglessness
空軍/くうぐん - air force
空室/あきしつ - vacant or unoccupied room
空車/からぐるま - empty conveyance, empty taxi, free taxi
空車/くうしゃ - empty conveyance, empty taxi, free taxi;
having spaces available (of a parking lot)
空襲/くうしゅう - air-raid
空振り/からぶり - swing and a miss; (punching and) failing to
make contact; (ending in) failure, fruitless effort, vain
空席/くうせき - empty seat, unoccupied seat; vacancy,
vacant post
空前/くうぜん - unprecedented, record-breaking
空疎/くうそ - empty (e.g. argument), insubstantial, hollow,
空地/あきち - vacant land, unoccupied ground, empty lot;
{go} empty point
空中分解/くうちゅうぶんかい - mid-air breakage, mid-air
空調/くうちょう - {abbr} air conditioning
空転/くうてん - racing (of an engine), idling; going in circles
(of an argument, discussion, etc.), spinning one’s wheels,
going nowhere
空洞/くうどう - cave, hollow, cavity; {adj-no} hollow
空白/くうはく - blank space (in documents); {adj-na} {n}
{adj-no} vacuum, blank, void
空爆/くうばく - aerial bombing
空費/くうひ - waste, wastefulness
空母/くうぼ - {abbr} aircraft carrier
空砲/くうほう - empty gun, gun loaded with blanks, firing a
空模様/そらもよう - look of the sky, weather
空輸/くうゆ - air transport, air lift, airlift
空欄/くうらん - blank column, blank space
空陸/くうりく - land and air, land and air forces
空冷/くうれい - air cooling
空路/くうろ - air route, air lane; {adv} by air, by plane
空論/くうろん - abstract or impracticable theory
偶像/ぐうぞう - image, idol, statue
偶発/ぐうはつ - sudden outbreak, accidental, incidental
寓意/ぐうい - hidden meaning, symbolism, moral
寓話/ぐうわ - fable, allegory
遇う/あう - to meet, to encounter, to see; to have an
accident, to have a bad experience
隅々/すみずみ - every corner, every nook and cranny, all the
ins and outs
串/くし - spit, skewer; {sl} proxy (computer server)
屈する/くっする - to yield, to give in, to be daunted, to shrink;
to bend (knee, etc.); to subdue, to overpower; {arch} to feel
屈強/くっきょう - robust, brawny, muscular, strong, sturdy
屈指/くっし - leading, foremost, preeminent, outstanding,
one of the best
屈辱/くつじょく - disgrace, humiliation
屈伸/くっしん - bending and stretching, flexing and extending
屈託/くったく - worry, care, concern; ennui, boredom
屈服/くっぷく - yielding, submission, surrender, giving way,
掘り下げる/ほりさげる - to dig down; to dig into (a matter), to
delve into, to probe into, to investigate, to get to the bottom
掘り起こす/ほりおこす - to dig up, to unearth, to uncover
掘り出し物/ほりだしもの - (lucky) find, bargain, good buy,
treasure trove
掘り出す/ほりだす - to dig out, to pick up
掘り当てる/ほりあてる - to strike (gold, oil, etc.), to find (e.g.
buried treasure), to dig up
掘り返す/ほりかえす - to dig up, to turn up, to tear up; to rake
up (e.g. old scandal), to dig over
掘削/くっさく - digging out, excavation
掘鑿/くっさく - digging out, excavation
沓手鳥/ほととぎす - lesser cuckoo
靴屋/くつや - shoemaker, shoe store
窪み/くぼみ - hollow, cavity, dent, depression
熊/くま - bear (animal)
熊手/くまで - rake, fork, bamboo rake
隈無く/くまなく - all over, everywhere, in every nook and
栗/くり - Japanese chestnut (Castanea crenata)
繰り越し/くりこし - balance brought forward, transferred
amount (of money)
繰り延べ/くりのべ - postponement
繰り延べる/くりのべる - to postpone, to defer, to reschedule
繰り下げる/くりさげる - to defer, to postpone, to move down
繰り広げる/くりひろげる - to unfold, to unroll, to open
繰り出し梯子/くりだしばしご - extension ladder, aerial ladder
繰り出す/くりだす - to draw (a thread), to let out (e.g. a rope);
to head out as a group, to set out in large numbers, to flock,
to sally forth; to send out one after another, to dispatch; to
lunge, to unleash 繰り上がる/くりあがる - to move up (e.g.
date, rank, order), to be advanced; {math} to be carried (of
a number in addition)
繰り上げ/くりあげ - upward move, advance
繰り上げる/くりあげる - to move up, to advance
繰り入れ/くりいれ - inward transfer (of money), carry over
(money from previous period)
繰り入れる/くりいれる - to transfer (esp. money in), to add
(esp. money to an account); to reel in (e.g. net, fishing line)
繰り返し/くりかえし - repetition, repeat, reiteration, iteration,
refrain, cycle; repeatedly
繰る/くる - to reel, to wind, to spin (thread); to turn (pages),
to flip through (a book), to leaf through (a book), to consult
(a dictionary), to refer to (an encyclopedia); to count (e.g.
the days); to open one-by-one, to close one-by-one (e.g.
shutters) 繰延べ/くりのべ - postponement
繰出し梯子/くりだしばしご - extension ladder, aerial ladder
繰出す/くりだす - to draw (a thread), to let out (e.g. a rope);
to head out as a group, to set out in large numbers, to flock,
to sally forth; to send out one after another, to dispatch; to
lunge, to unleash 繰上/くりあげ - upward move, advance
繰上げ/くりあげ - upward move, advance
繰上げる/くりあげる - to move up, to advance
繰入れ/くりいれ - inward transfer (of money), carry over
(money from previous period)
繰返し/くりかえし - repetition, repeat, reiteration, iteration,
refrain, cycle; repeatedly
繰返す/くりかえす - to repeat, to do something over again
桑/くわ - mulberry (tree)
桑原/くわばら - mulberry field
桑田/そうでん - mulberry plantation
桑畑/くわばたけ - mulberry field, mulberry plantation
鍬/くわ - hoe
勲記/くんき - decoration diploma, diploma
勲章/くんしょう - decoration, order, medal
君が代/きみがよ - Imperial reign; Kimigayo (Japanese national
君子/くんし - man of virtue, wise man, (true) gentleman;
person of high rank; the four gentlemen (plum,
chrysanthemum, orchid, and bamboo)
君臨/くんりん - reigning (over a country); dominating,
controlling, dictating
薫り/かおり - aroma, fragrance, scent, smell
薫る/かおる - to smell sweet, to be fragrant
薫蒸/くんじょう - fumigation, smoking (out)
訓える/おしえる - to teach, to instruct; to tell, to inform; to
訓戒/くんかい - warning, admonition, lesson or a phrase that
teaches you not to do something
訓告/くんこく - reprimand, admonition
訓示/くんじ - instruction, direction, briefing
訓読み/くんよみ - Japanese reading of a kanji character
訓令/くんれい - directive, instructions
群れる/むれる - to crowd, to flock, to swarm
群生/ぐんせい - growing en masse in one location (of plants);
living gregariously (of animals), living in flocks, herds,
colonies, etc.; {Buddh} all animate creation
群青/ぐんじょう - ultramarine
群像/ぐんぞう - lively group (esp. of young people), dynamic
bunch; {art} group
群島/ぐんとう - island group, archipelago
群舞/ぐんぶ - group dancing
群雄割拠/ぐんゆうかっきょ - {yoji} rivalry of local warlords, a
number of powerful (talented, influential) persons standing
by themselves in a given field
群落/ぐんらく - many communities (villages), cluster of
軍/いくさ - war, battle, campaign, fight; {arch} troops, forces
軍医/ぐんい - military physician or surgeon
軍歌/ぐんか - war song
軍拡/ぐんかく - {abbr} military expansion, arms buildup
軍楽/ぐんがく - military music
軍機/ぐんき - military secret, classified military material;
military aircraft
軍靴/ぐんか - military shoes, combat boots
軍港/ぐんこう - naval port, naval station
軍国/ぐんこく - nation at war, militant nation
軍国主義/ぐんこくしゅぎ - militarism
軍資金/ぐんしきん - war funds, war chest; funds (for
activities), campaign funds
軍手/ぐんて - cotton gloves, working gloves
軍需/ぐんじゅ - munitions, military stores
軍縮/ぐんしゅく - {abbr} reduction of armaments,
軍人/ぐんじん - military personnel, soldier
軍勢/ぐんぜい - military forces, hosts, troops
軍政/ぐんせい - military administration, military government,
military junta; government affairs relating to the military
軍曹/ぐんそう - {mil} sergeant
軍属/ぐんぞく - civilian in military employ
軍団/ぐんだん - army corps, corps
軍馬/ぐんば - warhorse, army horse
軍配/ぐんばい - {mil} {abbr} gourd-shaped war fan; {sumo}
{abbr} referee’s fan; stratagem, tactics
軍票/ぐんぴょう - military scrip
軍部/ぐんぶ - military authorities, army circles
軍兵/ぐんびょう - armed forces, battle troops
軍兵/ぐんぴょう - armed forces, battle troops
軍兵/ぐんぺい - armed forces, battle troops
軍法会議/ぐんぽうかいぎ - court-martial
軍務/ぐんむ - military affairs, military service
軍用/ぐんよう - for military use
郡部/ぐんぶ - rural districts, counties
袈裟/けさ - {Buddh} kasaya, monk’s stole; {abbr} wearing
an article of clothing in the same manner as a kasaya (i.e.
draped over one shoulder)
係り/かかり - charge, duty, person in charge, official, clerk;
{ling} connection, linking
係り員/かかりいん - person in charge, official, attendant
係り官/かかりかん - official in charge
係る/かかわる - to be affected, to be influenced; to be
concerned with, to have to do with; to stick to (opinions)
係員/かかりいん - person in charge, official, attendant
係官/かかりかん - official in charge
係数/けいすう - {math} coefficient, factor, proportional
係争/けいそう - dispute, contention, conflict, controversy
係長/かかりちょう - chief clerk
係留/けいりゅう - mooring, anchorage
傾き/かたむき - slope, inclination, list; tendency, trend, bent,
disposition, bias; {math} slope (of a linear function)
傾く/かたぶく - to incline toward, to slant, to lurch, to heel
over, to be disposed to, to trend toward, to be prone to; to
go down (sun, moon), to sink; to decline, to wane, to ebb, to
fall away; to tend (towards), to be inclined (to), to come
around to (opinion, etc.) 傾げる/かしげる - to tilt (esp. head),
to lean, to incline, to slant
傾げる/かたげる - to tilt (esp. head), to lean, to incline, to
傾城/けいせい - beauty, siren; courtesan, prostitute
傾注/けいちゅう - devoting (oneself) to, concentrating (one’s
efforts) on
傾聴/けいちょう - listening closely
傾倒/けいとう - devoting oneself to, concentrating on, being
an ardent admirer of, having great esteem for; {arch}
tipping over and collapsing
刑期/けいき - prison term
刑事々件/けいじじけん - criminal case
刑事責任/けいじせきにん - criminal liability
刑事補償/けいじほしょう - criminal indemnity
刑法/けいほう - criminal law, penal code
刑務所/けいむしょ - prison, jail, gaol, penitentiary
兄さん/にいさん - {hon} older brother, elder brother; brother
(as older-brother figure in friendly and or work relationship);
young man, buddy, fella, laddie
兄ちゃん/あんちゃん - older brother; sonny (with a nuance of
suspicion), lad
兄貴/あにき - {fam} {hon} elder brother; one’s senior; older
man, man older than oneself
兄姉/けいし - brother and sister
兄弟子/あにでし - senior pupil (of the same master), senior
disciple, senior student, senior member
啓示/けいじ - (divine) revelation
啓発/けいはつ - enlightenment, development, edification,
public awareness, illumination, education, inspiration
啓蒙/けいもう - enlightenment, illumination
啓蟄/けいちつ - “awakening of insects” solar term (approx.
March 6, the day on which hibernating insects are said to
come out of the ground)
型紙/かたがみ - pattern paper (for dressmaking); stencil
型式/けいしき - model (e.g. of a vehicle), type
型破り/かたやぶり - unusual, unconventional, mold-breaking,
outside the box
型枠/かたわく - mold, mould
形骸/けいがい - ruin, wreck, mere skeleton, framework
形見/かたみ - memento, souvenir (of someone who has died)
形作る/かたちづくる - to form, to shape, to make, to mold, to
mould, to build up
形式主義/けいしきしゅぎ - formalism
形式的/けいしきてき - formal
形質/けいしつ - form and nature
形象/けいしょう - shape, figure, image
形状/けいじょう - shape, form
形成外科/けいせいげか - plastic surgery, reconstructive
surgery, cosmetic surgery
形跡/けいせき - traces, evidence
形相/ぎょうそう - look (esp. an angry or upset look),
形体/けいたい - form, shape, figure
形容/けいよう - description, expression (in words),
qualification (e.g. of a noun with an adjective), modification,
figurative expression, figure of speech, metaphor; form,
figure, appearance
径路/けいろ - course, route, path, channel; process, stages
慶事/けいじ - happy event, auspicious event, matter for
慶祝/けいしゅく - congratulation, celebration
慶弔/けいちょう - congratulations and condolences
憩/いこい - rest, relaxation
憩い/いこい - rest, relaxation
憩う/いこう - to rest, to relax, to repose
掲揚/けいよう - hoisting (e.g. a flag), raising, flying, putting
携える/たずさえる - to carry in one’s hand, to carry with one,
to have on one’s person, to bear; to take along (someone),
to take (someone) with one, to be accompanied by
携行/けいこう - carrying (on one’s person), taking with one
携帯電話/けいたいでんわ - mobile telephone
敬愛/けいあい - respect and affection, love and respect
敬遠/けいえん - pretending to respect (someone) while in fact
staying distant, keeping at arm’s length, giving a wide
berth; avoiding (something unpleasant), shying away from;
{baseb} giving (the batter) an “intentional walk”
敬称/けいしょう - title of honour, title of honor
敬服/けいふく - great admiration, deep respect
敬礼/けいれい - salute, bow
敬老/けいろう - respect for the aged
景観/けいかん - scenery
景況/けいきょう - situation, business climate, outlook
景勝/けいしょう - picturesque scenery, place of scenic beauty
景品/けいひん - gift, premium, freebie, giveaway, something
additional, an extra; prize (lottery drawing, pachinko, etc.);
party favor (favour)
桂/かつら - katsura (Cercidiphyllum japonicum), Japanese
Judas tree
桂林/けいりん - katsura forest, beautiful forest
渓谷/けいこく - valley (with a river running through it), gorge,
ravine, canyon
渓流/けいりゅう - mountain stream, mountain torrent
畦/あぜ - ridge of earth between rice fields; ridge between
grooves in threshold or lintel; {abbr} footpath between rice
fields, causeway
稽える/かんがえる - to think (about, of), to think over, to
ponder, to contemplate, to reflect (on), to meditate (on); to
consider, to bear in mind, to allow for, to take into
consideration; to think (that), to believe, to hold (a view), to
judge, to conclude, to suspect; to intend (to do), to think of
(doing), to plan; to predict, to anticipate, to expect, to
imagine; to come up with, to think up, to contrive, to devise;
to consider (as), to regard (as), to look on (as), to take, to
view 系図/けいず - family tree, pedigree, genealogy
系統的/けいとうてき - systematic
系譜/けいふ - genealogy, lineage, family tree, pedigree
系列/けいれつ - series, sequence, system, succession;
keiretsu (group), conglomeration of businesses linked by
cross-shareholdings; {adj-no} affiliated, subsidiary
経/きょう - sutra, Buddhist scriptures
経緯/いきさつ - details, particulars, whole story, sequence of
events, chronology, circumstances, how it started, how
things got this way
経営者/けいえいしゃ - manager, proprietor
経学/けいがく - Confucianism
経企庁/けいきちょう - {abbr} Economic Planning Agency
(defunct as of 2001)
経験者/けいけんしゃ - experienced person, person who has
had a particular experience
経験的/けいけんてき - experiential, empirical, experimental
経口/けいこう - taken by mouth, oral
経国/けいこく - government, administration
経済界/けいざいかい - economic world, financial circles,
business community
経済企画庁/けいざいきかくちょう - Economic Planning Agency
(defunct as of 2001)
経済研究所/けいざいけんきゅうしょ - economics research
centre, economics research center
経済成長率/けいざいせいちょうりつ - rate of economic growth
経済的/けいざいてき - economic, financial; economical, thrifty,
経済封鎖/けいざいふうさ - economic blockade, embargo
経常/けいじょう - ordinary
経常利益/けいじょうりえき - current profits, ordinary profit,
income before income taxes, ordinary income, operating
経団連/けいだんれん - {abbr} Japan Business Federation,
経典/きょうてん - sacred books, sutras, scriptures, Bible
経堂/きょうどう - sutra library
経理/けいり - accounting, administration (of money)
継ぎ/つぎ - patch, patching; join, joining; successor, heir
継ぎはぎ/つぎはぎ - patching (clothing), darning; cobbling
together (other people’s writings, thoughts, etc.), gathering
継ぎ接ぎ/つぎはぎ - patching (clothing), darning; cobbling
together (other people’s writings, thoughts, etc.), gathering
継ぎ目/つぎめ - joint, seam, joining point
継承/けいしょう - inheritance, succession, accession; {law}
継接ぎ/つぎはぎ - patching (clothing), darning; cobbling
together (other people’s writings, thoughts, etc.), gathering
継続的/けいぞくてき - continuous
継投/けいとう - relieving the (starting) pitcher
継母/けいぼ - stepmother
繋争/けいそう - dispute, contention, conflict, controversy
蛍/ほたる - firefly (Luciola cruciata), lightning bug, glowworm
蛍光/けいこう - fluorescence
蛍光燈/けいこうとう - fluorescent lamp, fluorescent light;
person who is slow to react, someone slow on the uptake
計らい/はからい - arrangement, good offices, discretion,
judgment, disposition
計り/はかり - measurements, weighing
計り知れない/はかりしれない - unfathomable, inestimable,
計画的/けいかくてき - planned, scheduled, systematic
計算機/けいさんき - calculator; {abbr} computer
計算書/けいさんしょ - statement of account
計上/けいじょう - including (a cost) in a total calculation,
appropriating (a sum of money)
計測/けいそく - measuring, measurement
計量/けいりょう - measuring, weighing; {math} metric,
distance function
警め/いましめ - caution, admonition, warning, lesson;
prohibition, ban, commandment, precept; punishment;
{arch} caution, guard
警句/けいく - aphorism, epigram, witticism, bon mots
警護/けいご - bodyguard, escort
警察官/けいさつかん - police officer, policeman, policewoman
警察権/けいさつけん - police powers
警察手帳/けいさつてちょう - police identification card
警察署/けいさつしょ - police station
警察庁/けいさつちょう - National Police Agency
警視/けいし - police superintendent
警視庁/けいしちょう - Metropolitan Police Department
警鐘/けいしょう - alarm bell, fire bell; warning, wake-up call
警笛/けいてき - horn, alarm, whistle, foghorn
警報/けいほう - alarm, warning
警報機/けいほうき - alarm (fire, burglar, railroad-crossing,
etc.), sensor
警棒/けいぼう - (police officer’s) baton, truncheon, billy club
警務/けいむ - police affairs; {abbr} military police
軽/けい - light (e.g. aircraft, truck); {n} {abbr} light motor
vehicle (up to 660cc and 64bhp), kei car
軽々/かるがる - lightly, easily, carelessly
軽々しい/かるがるしい - rash, thoughtless, imprudent,
careless, frivolous
軽はずみ/かるはずみ - thoughtless, rash, hasty, imprudent
軽やか/かるやか - light, easy, non-serious, minor
軽やか/かろやか - light, easy, non-serious, minor
軽んじる/かろんじる - to look down on, to make light of
軽音楽/けいおんがく - light music, popular music
軽機関銃/けいきかんじゅう - light machine gun
軽金属/けいきんぞく - light metal
軽口/かるくち - talkative, loose-lipped, persiflage, frivolous
軽工業/けいこうぎょう - light industry
軽視/けいし - making light of, thinking little of, slighting,
belittling, dismissing, contempt, disdain
軽自動車/けいじどうしゃ - light motor vehicle (up to 660cc
and 64bhp), k-car, kei car
軽重/けいじゅう - lightness and heaviness, (relative) weight;
(relative) importance, gravity
軽傷/けいしょう - minor injury
軽症/けいしょう - minor illness
軽食/けいしょく - light meal, snack
軽震/けいしん - weak earthquake
軽石/かるいし - pumice stone
軽装/けいそう - light clothing, dressing light; light equipment,
light armaments
軽度/けいど - slight, light, mild (disability, symptoms, etc.)
軽薄/けいはく - frivolous, flippant, superficial, shallow, trifling,
軽犯罪/けいはんざい - minor offence, minor offense,
misdemeanor, misdemeanour
軽微/けいび - slight, little, insignificant
軽妙/けいみょう - light and easy, lambent, clever, witty, smart
軽油/けいゆ - diesel oil, diesel fuel, gas oil; light oil
軽量/けいりょう - light weight
鶏/にわとり - chicken; chicken (meat)
鶏肉/けいにく - chicken meat
鶏肉/とりにく - chicken meat
鶏卵/けいらん - hen’s egg
芸域/げいいき - range of skills
芸妓/げいぎ - geisha
芸者/げいしゃ - geisha, professional female entertainer, usu.
at traditional banquets
芸術院/げいじゅついん - academy of arts, arts academy
芸術家/げいじゅつか - artist
芸術祭/げいじゅつさい - art festival
芸術的/げいじゅつてき - artistic
芸人/げいにん - (TV) comedian; performer (esp. of a
traditional art), entertainer; {rare} talented person,
accomplished person
芸能人/げいのうじん - performer, entertainer, celebrity
芸風/げいふう - performing style, acting style
芸文/げいぶん - art and literature
芸名/げいめい - stage name
迎えに行く/むかえにいく - to go to meet somebody
迎え撃つ/むかえうつ - to meet (the enemy) and attack, to
engage (the approaching enemy), to confront, to intercept
迎え入れる/むかえいれる - to show in, to usher in
迎撃/げいげき - intercept, interception, counterattack
迎合/げいごう - ingratiation, pandering, catering (to), going
along with (someone or something), accommodating oneself
(e.g. to public opinion)
迎賓館/げいひんかん - reception hall (esp. for visiting state
dignitaries), guest house; State Guest House (esp. Akasaka
palace, also guest house in Kyoto)
鯨/くじら - whale (Cetacea spp.)
鯨肉/げいにく - whale meat
劇しい/はげしい - violent, furious, tempestuous; extreme,
intense, fierce, strong; fervent, vehement; incessant,
relentless; {arch} precipitous, steep
劇映画/げきえいが - film drama
劇化/げきか - dramatization, dramatisation
劇画/げきが - comic strip with dramatic story
劇作/げきさく - playwriting
劇中/げきちゅう - during a play
劇中劇/げきちゅうげき - play within a play
劇的/げきてき - {col} extreme
劇評/げきひょう - drama criticism
劇変/げきへん - sudden change, upheaval
劇薬/げきやく - powerful medicine, strong poison
劇論/げきろん - heated argument, heated discussion, heated
撃ち合い/うちあい - gunfight, exchange of shots, firefight
撃ち止める/うちとめる - to hammer into place; to end (a
performance); to kill, to slay, to shoot dead, to cut down
撃止める/うちとめる - to hammer into place; to end (a
performance); to kill, to slay, to shoot dead, to cut down
撃退/げきたい - repulse, repelling (e.g. the enemy), driving
撃沈/げきちん - (attacking and) sinking (a ship), sending (a
ship) to the bottom
撃墜/げきつい - shooting down (aircraft)
撃破/げきは - defeat (an enemy), destroy, rout
激化/げきか - intensification, aggravation
激化/げっか - intensification, aggravation
激減/げきげん - dramatic decrease, sharp drop, sudden fall
激高/げっこう - excitement, exasperation, indignation, rage,
激賞/げきしょう - high praise, lavish praise, enthusiastic
praise, raving (about)
激情/げきじょう - violent emotion, passion, fury
激震/げきしん - severe earthquake, violent tremor
激甚/げきじん - intenseness, violence, severity, vehemence,
激戦/げきせん - fierce battle, hard-fought battle, hot contest,
severe fight
激痛/げきつう - sharp pain, acute pain, intense pain
激怒/げきど - rage, fury
激闘/げきとう - fierce fighting
激動/げきどう - violent shock, agitation, turbulence, turmoil,
upheaval, excitement
激突/げきとつ - crash, smashing (into), ramming, (violent)
collision; clash (of views, interests, teams, etc.), conflict
激変/げきへん - sudden change, upheaval
激務/げきむ - exhausting work, hard work, severe duty
激流/げきりゅう - raging stream, rapids
激烈/げきれつ - violence, vehemence, fury, fervour, fervor,
severity, fierceness, keenness
激論/げきろん - heated argument, heated discussion, heated
隙/げき - gap, space; chink (in one’s armor, armour), chance,
opportunity, weak spot; breach (of a relationship between
傑れる/すぐれる - to surpass, to outstrip, to excel
傑出/けっしゅつ - being outstanding, excelling, being
欠/けつ - lack, deficiency, vacancy; absence, non-attendance
欠かす/かかす - to miss (doing), to fail (to do)
欠けら/かけら - fragment, broken piece, chip, splinter, shard;
ounce (of truth, conscience, etc.), trace, shred, scrap
欠員/けついん - vacancy, vacant position
欠勤/けっきん - absence (from work)
欠航/けっこう - flight/voyage cancellation
欠場/けつじょう - absence, not taking part
欠伸/けんしん - yawn, yawning
欠損/けっそん - deficit, shortage, loss; being partially broken,
being partially missing, being partially removed
欠如/けつじょ - lack, absence, shortage, deficiency, privation
欠片/かけら - fragment, broken piece, chip, splinter, shard;
ounce (of truth, conscience, etc.), trace, shred, scrap
欠落/けつらく - missing, lacking
決する/けっする - to decide, to determine
決まって/きまって - always, without fail, invariably, usually,
決まり手/きまりて - {sumo} clincher, winning technique,
official winning technique
決め/きめ - agreement, rule
決め球/きめだま - winning pitch
決め込む/きめこむ - to take for granted, to assume, to be
convinced (that), to jump to the conclusion (that); to
pretend (to be), to pose (as), to fancy oneself (to be), to
feign (e.g. ignorance); to go through with (what one decided
to do), to persist in doing, to make up one’s mind 決め手/きめ
て - decider, person who decides; decisive factor, clincher,
key, trump card, winning move, decisive blow, conclusive
決め付ける/きめつける - to fix upon (one-sidedly), to (ignore
someone’s position and) arbitrarily decide something is the
case; to scold, to take (a person) to task
決壊/けっかい - burst (e.g. dam, embankment, levee), breach,
collapse, washout, rupture
決起/けっき - rising to action, standing up against, jumping to
one’s feet
決済/けっさい - settlement (of an account), liquidation of
debts, payment
決裁/けっさい - sanction, approval, decision
決死/けっし - preparedness for death, do-or-die spirit
決勝点/けっしょうてん - winning point, winning goal, game
point (tennis, etc.), finishing line
決戦/けっせん - decisive battle, deciding match, playoff
決戦投票/けっせんとうひょう - final vote, run-off ballot
決選投票/けっせんとうひょう - final vote, run-off ballot
決然/けつぜん - decisive, resolute, determined, firm
決着/けっちゃく - conclusion, decision, end, settlement
決定的/けっていてき - definite, final, decisive, conclusive
決定版/けっていはん - definitive piece, definitive
(authoritative) edition, last word
決闘/けっとう - duel, shoot-out
決別/けつべつ - separation, farewell, parting
決裂/けつれつ - breakdown (of talks, negotiations, etc.),
breaking off, rupture
潔い/いさぎよい - gracious (defeat, apology, etc.), graceful,
honourable (e.g. death), noble, gallant, brave, manly,
sportsmanlike; {dated} upright, righteous, honest, pure
(heart), innocent; {arch} unspoiled (scenery, etc.), pure,
clean 潔白/けっぱく - innocence, guiltlessness, purity,
uprightness, integrity
潔癖/けっぺき - fastidiousness, love of cleanliness
穴熊/あなぐま - badger; Eurasian badger (Meles meles);
{abbr} defensive opening for shogi
穴場/あなば - good place not many people know about, great
little-known spot, good out-of-the-way place, well-kept
secret, hidden gem of a place; {col} betting booth (at a
穴埋め/あなうめ - filling (up) a hole; filling in (for a gap,
vacancy, etc.), stopgap, filler (e.g. article); making up (for a
loss, damage, etc.), covering (a deficit), compensation;
cloze deletion (test format) 結う/ゆう - to do up (hair), to
dress, to arrange; to tie, to bind, to fasten, to make (a
結縁/けちえん - making a connection (with Buddha)
結果論/けっかろん - hindsight-based opinion
結婚記念日/けっこんきねんび - wedding anniversary
結婚披露宴/けっこんひろうえん - wedding reception banquet
結実/けつじつ - fruition, fructification, bearing fruit; bearing
fruit (of efforts, plans, etc.), coming to fruition, yielding
success, paying off, realization, realisation, fruit (e.g. of hard
work), result 結社/けっしゃ - association, society
結集/けっしゅう - concentration (of efforts, forces, etc.),
gathering together, regimentation, marshalling, mobilization
結審/けっしん - conclusion of trial (hearing)
結石/けっせき - calculus (concretion of minerals formed inside
the body)
結節/けっせつ - knot, nodule, tubercule, node
結託/けったく - conspiracy, collusion
結団/けつだん - forming into an organization, forming into an
organisation, setting up a group
結着/けっちゃく - conclusion, decision, end, settlement
結腸/けっちょう - {anat} colon
結党/けっとう - formation of a (political) party
結納/ゆいのう - engagement gift, (ceremonial) exchange of
engagement gifts
結末/けつまつ - end, conclusion
結露/けつろ - condensation, formation of dew
血の海/ちのうみ - sea of blood, pool of blood
血の気/ちのけ - blood (in one’s face, cheeks, etc.), colour,
color; hot-bloodedness, hotheadedness, impulsive
血液型/けつえきがた - blood type, blood group
血縁/けつえん - blood relative
血眼/ちまなこ - bloodshot eyes; (doing something in a) frenzy
血筋/ちすじ - lineage, stock, descent, strain, blood
血行/けっこう - circulation (of the blood)
血痕/けっこん - bloodstain
血小板/けっしょうばん - {biol} {anat} platelet, thrombocyte
血色/けっしょく - complexion, colour, color; blood red
血清/けっせい - {med} serum, blood serum
血税/けつぜい - taxpayers’ hard-earned money; heavy tax;
{obs} conscription, compulsory military service
血栓/けっせん - thrombus, blood clot
血相/けっそう - expression, looks
血族/けつぞく - blood relative
血糖/けっとう - blood sugar
血糖値/けっとうち - blood sugar level
血統/けっとう - lineage, pedigree, family line, birth
血統書/けっとうしょ - pedigree document (for animals),
pedigree paper
血肉/けつにく - blood relative, close relation, (one’s) flesh
and blood; flesh and blood, the body
血友病/けつゆうびょう - {med} hemophilia, haemophilia
訣別/けつべつ - separation, farewell, parting
月々/つきづき - every month, monthly, month by month
月額/げつがく - monthly amount (sum)
月刊/げっかん - monthly publication, monthly issue
月刊誌/げっかんし - monthly magazine
月間/げっかん - month-long period, (during) month
月形/つきがた - crescent shape
月桂冠/げっけいかん - laurel wreath
月経/げっけい - menstruation, menstrual period
月見/つきみ - moon viewing (esp. during the eight month of
the lunar calendar)
月光/げっこう - moonlight, moonbeam
月産/げっさん - monthly output (production)
月始め/つきはじめ - beginning of the month
月次/げつじ - every month
月次/つきなみ - every month; {adj-na} {n} trite,
commonplace, conventional, hackneyed
月収/げっしゅう - monthly income
月初め/つきはじめ - beginning of the month
月食/げっしょく - {astron} lunar eclipse
月蝕/げっしょく - {astron} lunar eclipse
月内/げつない - by the end of this month
月日/がっぴ - month and day (of the year), (the) date
月払い/つきばらい - paying in monthly installments
(instalments), monthly payments
月並み/つきなみ - every month; {adj-na} {n} trite,
commonplace, conventional, hackneyed
月報/げっぽう - monthly report
月末/つきずえ - end of the month
月面/げつめん - moon’s surface
月夜/つきよ - moonlit night
月例/げつれい - monthly
件/くだん - the aforementioned, the said, (man, incident,
etc.) in question, the above-mentioned, the aforesaid; the
件数/けんすう - number of events (e.g. accidents, crimes,
meetings, housing starts, hits on a web page)
倦きる/あきる - to get tired of, to tire of, to lose interest in, to
grow weary of, to get fed up with, to get sick of, to become
bored with; to become sated, to become satiated, to have
one’s fill
倦る/あきる - to get tired of, to lose interest in, to be fed up
with, to have enough
倦怠/けんたい - weariness, fatigue, languor, boredom,
tedium, ennui
健気/けなげ - admirable, commendable, praiseworthy,
laudable, brave, heroic, noble, courageous
健脚/けんきゃく - good walker
健康食品/けんこうしょくひん - health foods
健康診断/けんこうしんだん - physical examination
健康的/けんこうてき - hygienic, healthy, healthful, sanitary
健康保険/けんこうほけん - health insurance
健実/けんじつ - steady, sound, stable, safe (e.g. business),
reliable, trustworthy, solid
健常者/けんじょうしゃ - person with no physical or mental
disability, able-bodied person, non-disabled person
健診/けんしん - {abbr} physical examination, medical
examination, health checkup, health screening
健闘/けんとう - fighting bravely, strenuous efforts
健筆/けんぴつ - powerful pen, facile pen
健保/けんぽ - {abbr} health insurance
兼/けん - cum (e.g. bedroom-cum-study), and (concurrently;
e.g. chauffeur and secretary), in addition to, at the same
兼ねて/かねて - previously, already, for some time, for quite a
兼ね合い/かねあい - equilibrium, good balance, poise
兼ね備える/かねそなえる - to have both, to possess both, to
combine with
兼営/けんえい - operating or carrying on simultaneously
兼業農家/けんぎょうのうか - part-time farmer
兼言/かねごと - {arch} promise, prediction
兼合い/かねあい - equilibrium, good balance, poise
兼職/けんしょく - holding another position, serving
concurrently as; concurrent position
兼任/けんにん - serving concurrently as, holding the
additional post of
兼務/けんむ - serving concurrently as, holding the additional
post of; additional post
券売機/けんばいき - ticket (selling) machine
剣/けん - sword (esp. a large, double-edged one), blade;
bayonet; swordsmanship; {zool} stinger, ovipositor, dart
剣/つるぎ - sword (esp. a large, double-edged one), blade
剣客/けんかく - master swordsman, skilled fencer
剣劇/けんげき - sword play, samurai drama
剣豪/けんごう - great swordsman, master fencer
剣士/けんし - swordsman, swordswoman, fencer
剣道/けんどう - swordmanship, fencing, way of the sword
喧しい/かまびすしい - noisy, boisterous
喧騒/けんそう - tumult, great noise, clatter, hustle and bustle
圏外/けんがい - (being) out of range (e.g. mobile network,
radar, missiles), (being) out of contention, (being) beyond
圏内/けんない - (being) within range (radio, commuting, etc.),
(being) within the sphere (e.g. of influence)
堅さ/かたさ - firmness, hardness, stiffness, honesty
堅める/かためる - to harden, to freeze, to strengthen, to
solidify, to make (a fist), to tramp down (snow, dirt); to put
together, to collect, to gather, to consolidate; to make
secure, to stabilize, to settle down, to strengthen (belief,
resolution, etc.), to establish (evidence); to fortify, to
reinforce, to support; to wear for a specific purpose (armor,
coat, etc.); to swear, to resolutely vow, to sincerely promise;
to tie tightly, to fasten; to hold a bow fully drawn 堅気/かたぎ
- honest, respectable, decent; {n} {adj-no} respectable
occupation (i.e. not yakuza, prostitute, etc.); {n} person in a
respectable occupation
堅苦しい/かたくるしい - formal, strict, ceremonious, stiff
堅固/けんご - solid, strong, firm
堅持/けんじ - holding on to, sticking to
堅実/けんじつ - steady, sound, stable, safe (e.g. business),
reliable, trustworthy, solid
堅守/けんしゅ - strong defense, strong defence
堅調/けんちょう - firm (market), bullish; strong (sales,
economy, etc.), steady, sound
嫌がらせ/いやがらせ - harassment, pestering
嫌悪/けんお - disgust, hate, repugnance, loathing, spurn
嫌気/いやき - dislike, disgust, disinclination, tired of
嫌気/いやけ - dislike, disgust, disinclination, tired of
嫌気/けんき - dislike, disgust, disinclination, tired of
嫌疑/けんぎ - suspicion
建て売り/たてうり - constructing and selling a ready-built
建学/けんがく - foundation of a school
建議/けんぎ - proposition, motion, proposal, suggestion
建具/たてぐ - fittings that open and close (doors, windows,
shoji, fusuma, etc.), fixtures
建国/けんこく - founding of a nation
建材/けんざい - building material
建設省/けんせつしょう - Ministry of Construction
建設的/けんせつてき - constructive
建造/けんぞう - building, construction
建造物/けんぞうぶつ - structure, building
建値/たてね - official market quotations, exchange rates
建築家/けんちくか - architect
建築学/けんちくがく - architecture
建築士/けんちくし - authorized architect and builder, licensed
architect, registered architect
建立/けんりつ - (act of) building (temple, monument, etc.),
建立/こんりゅう - (act of) building (temple, monument, etc.),
憲章/けんしょう - charter
憲政/けんせい - constitutional government; {arch} exemplary
government, excellent government
憲兵/けんぺい - military police
憲法裁判所/けんぽうさいばんしょ - constitutional court
懸かる/かかる - to take (a resource, e.g. time or money); to
hang; to come into view, to arrive; to come under (a
contract, a tax); to start (engines, motors); to attend, to
deal with, to handle; to have started to, to be on the verge
of; to overlap (e.g. information in a manual), to cover; to
(come) at; to be fastened; to be covered (e.g. with dust, a
tablecloth, etc.); to be caught in; to get a call; to depend on
懸け離れる/かけはなれる - to be far apart (from), to be a long
way off (from), to be remote, to be distant; to be very
different (from), to be quite unlike, to be far from (e.g. the
truth), to be far removed (from) 懸案/けんあん - pending
question, unresolved problem
懸引き/かけひき - bargaining, haggling; tactics, strategy,
maneuvering, diplomacy; (tactical) advance or retreat of
懸垂/けんすい - pull-up (exercise), chin-up, chinning;
suspension, dangling, hanging
懸念/けねん - worry, fear, anxiety, concern
拳/こぶし - fist
拳骨/げんこつ - (clenched) fist, knuckles
拳銃/けんじゅう - pistol, handgun
拳法/けんぽう - Chinese martial arts, kung fu, wushu, quanfa;
kenpō (martial arts), kempo
捲る/まくる - to turn up, to roll up (e.g. sleeves); {aux-v}
{v5r} to do over and over again, to do relentlessly, to do
with reckless abandon, to do continuously; {sl} to stage a
comeback (against) (in mahjong, horse racing, etc.), to
come from behind 検める/あらためる - to examine, to check,
to inspect
検疫/けんえき - quarantine, medical inspection
検疫所/けんえきじょ - quarantine station
検閲/けんえつ - censorship; inspection, examination
検挙/けんきょ - arrest, roundup
検索/けんさく - looking up (e.g. a word in a dictionary),
search (e.g. on the Internet), retrieval (of information),
検察/けんさつ - examination, investigation, prosecution
検察官/けんさつかん - public prosecutor
検察庁/けんさつちょう - {abbr} Public Prosecutor’s Office
検屍/けんし - autopsy, postmortem (examination), (coroner’s)
inquest; examination of a body to determine if a crime has
been committed
検死/けんし - autopsy, postmortem (examination), (coroner’s)
inquest; examination of a body to determine if a crime has
been committed
検視/けんし - autopsy, inquest, investigation of death
検事局/けんじきょく - prosecutor’s office
検事正/けんじせい - chief public prosecutor
検出/けんしゅつ - detection, sense (e.g. sensor)
検証/けんしょう - verification, inspection
検診/けんしん - {abbr} physical examination, medical
examination, health checkup, health screening
検針/けんしん - inspection of a meter, reading a meter;
needle detection (in garments, etc.), needle inspection
検体/けんたい - specimen, sample, object to be examined
検定/けんてい - official certification
検分/けんぶん - inspection, examination, survey
検便/けんべん - stool (feces) examination
検問/けんもん - inspection, examination, check (in the sense
of inquiry)
権益/けんえき - (one’s) interests
権化/ごんげ - {Buddh} incarnation (of Buddha or
bodhisattva), avatar; embodiment (as in “embodiment of
evil”), incarnation, personification
権勢/けんせい - power, influence
権謀術数/けんぼうじゅっすう - {yoji} trickery, wiles, finesse,
権利金/けんりきん - key money (esp. on an apartment),
premium (payment)
牽く/ひく - to pull, to tug, to lead (e.g. a horse); to draw
(attention, sympathy, etc.), to attract (e.g. interest); to draw
back (e.g. one’s hand), to draw in (one’s chin, stomach,
etc.), to pull in; to draw (a card, mahjong tile, etc.); to draw
(a line, plan, etc.); to catch (a cold); to play (a stringed or
keyboard instrument); to look up (in a dictionary, phone
book, etc.), to consult, to check; to haul, to pull (vehicles);
to subtract, to deduct; to recede, to ebb, to fade; to be
descend from, to inherit (a characteristic); to quote, to cite,
to raise (as evidence); to lay on (electricity, gas, etc.), to
install (e.g. a telephone), to supply (e.g. water); to hold (e.g.
a note); to apply (e.g. lipstick), to oil (e.g. a pan), to wax
(e.g. a floor); to move back, to draw back, to recede; to
lessen, to subside, to ebb, to go down (e.g. of swelling); to
resign, to retire, to quit 犬猿の仲/けんえんのなか - {id} like
cats and dogs, (on) very bad terms, relationship of dogs and
献花/けんか - flower offering, floral tribute, laying flowers
献金/けんきん - donation, contribution, offering
献血/けんけつ - blood donation
献上/けんじょう - presenting to
献身/けんしん - devotion, dedication, self-sacrifice
献身的/けんしんてき - devoted, self-sacrificing
献体/けんたい - body donation; {arch} becoming naked
研ぎ/とぎ - polish, grinding, sharpening
研ぎ澄ます/とぎすます - to sharpen, to grind, to whet, to hone,
to make keen
研究員/けんきゅういん - researcher, lab worker
研究家/けんきゅうか - researcher, student (of)
研究官/けんきゅうかん - research officer
研究者/けんきゅうしゃ - researcher
研究所/けんきゅうしょ - research establishment, research
institute, laboratory
研究所/けんきゅうじょ - research establishment, research
institute, laboratory
研修員/けんしゅういん - trainee
研磨/けんま - grinding, polishing; refining (a skill, knowledge,
etc.), applying oneself (to study), disciplining oneself
研鑽/けんさん - diligent study, devoting oneself to one’s
硯/すずり - inkstone
絹糸/きぬいと - silk thread
絹糸/けんし - silk thread
絹織物/きぬおりもの - silk goods
絹布/けんぷ - silk, silk cloth
県営/けんえい - (under) prefectural management
県下/けんか - in the prefecture, prefectural
県会/けんかい - prefectural assembly
県外/けんがい - outside the prefecture
県議/けんぎ - {abbr} prefectural assembly member
県警/けんけい - {abbr} prefectural police
県人/けんじん - native of a prefecture
県人会/けんじんかい - association of people from the same
県勢/けんせい - prefectural strengths (conditions, resources)
県知事/けんちじ - prefectural governor
県道/けんどう - prefectural road
県内/けんない - within the prefecture
県民/けんみん - citizen of a prefecture, prefectural citizen
県立/けんりつ - prefectural, managed by a prefectural
肩凝り/かたこり - stiff neck, stiff shoulders
肩書/かたがき - title (e.g. Doctor, Professor, Lord), job title,
position (in a company), degree, status, rank
肩書き/かたがき - title (e.g. Doctor, Professor, Lord), job title,
position (in a company), degree, status, rank
肩身/かたみ - shoulders, body; honour, honor, prestige, face
肩代り/かたがわり - taking over another’s debt, shouldering
someone else’s burden, subrogation
肩代わり/かたがわり - taking over another’s debt, shouldering
someone else’s burden, subrogation
肩透かし/かたすかし - {sumo} under-shoulder swing-down,
technique of grasping the arm of the opponent, the moment
he comes forward, while stepping out of line and pushing
down on the shoulder blade with the other hand, thus
pulling him down; dodging, parrying (questions);
disappointment, letdown 肩入れ/かたいれ - support, backing,
肩幅/かたはば - shoulder width (breadth)
見い出す/みいだす - to find out, to discover, to notice, to
detect; to select, to pick out; to look out (from the inside); to
be wide-eyed (in surprise, anger, etc.)
見え隠れ/みえがくれ - appearing and disappearing, slipping in
and out of view
見す見す/みすみす - before one’s own eyes, from under one’s
very nose, without doing anything, without resistance,
helplessly, negligently, knowingly
見ず知らず/みずしらず - strange, unfamiliar, unknown, new;
{n} unfamiliarity, strangeness, stranger
見せしめ/みせしめ - (making a) lesson (of), (setting an)
example, warning
見せ掛け/みせかけ - seeming, pose, show, pretense, sham,
見せ場/みせば - highlight (scene), high point, climax,
showtime; show-off scene (of an actor in a play)
見た目/みため - appearance, look
見つめる/みつめる - to stare at, to gaze at
見とれる/みとれる - to be fascinated (by), to be captivated by,
to be enchanted by, to gaze admiringly at, to watch in
見る見る/みるみる - very fast, in a twinkle, before one’s eyes
見違える/みちがえる - to hardly recognise, to mistake for
something or someone else
見映/みばえ - airs, pretensions, show, ostentation, display,
appearance, vanity, charm
見映え/みばえ - good outward appearance, looking nice,
being attractive, making a fine show
見栄/みえ - show, display, pretensions, appearances,
ostentation, vanity; {kabuki} pose, posture
見栄/みばえ - show, display, appearance, vanity, charm,
見栄え/みばえ - good outward appearance, looking nice,
being attractive, making a fine show
見越す/みこす - to anticipate, to foresee
見応え/みごたえ - (being) worth seeing, impressive
見憶え/みおぼえ - remembrance, recollection, recognition
見下す/みくだす - to look down (on), to condescend (to)
見過ごす/みすごす - to let go by, to let pass, to overlook, to
見過す/みすごす - to let go by, to let pass, to overlook, to miss
見回す/みまわす - to look around, to survey
見回り/みまわり - patrolling, one’s rounds, inspection tour;
watchman, patrolman
見回る/みまわる - to make one’s rounds, to patrol
見開き/みひらき - (two-page) spread, two pages opposite
each other
見開く/みひらく - to open one’s eyes wide
見覚え/みおぼえ - remembrance, recollection, recognition
見較べる/みくらべる - to compare with the eye
見極め/みきわめ - ascertainment
見極める/みきわめる - to ascertain, to make sure of, to
determine, to probe, to get to the bottom (of something)
見限る/みかぎる - to give up on, to turn one’s back (on), to
abandon, to forsake, to dump (e.g. romantic partner)
見誤る/みあやまる - to mistake (for something or someone
else), to misread, to misjudge
見向く/みむく - to look around, to look towards (us)
見合う/みあう - to look at each other, to exchange looks; to
correspond (to), to be proportionate (to), to be in keeping
with, to offset, to counterbalance
見惚れる/みとれる - to be fascinated (by), to be captivated by,
to be enchanted by, to gaze admiringly at, to watch in
見惚れる/みほれる - to be fascinated (by), to be captivated by,
to be enchanted by, to gaze admiringly at, to watch in
見込/みこみ - hope, promise, possibility, chance, probability,
likelihood; expectation, anticipation, forecast, estimate; side
of a structural member
見込む/みこむ - to anticipate, to expect, to estimate, to count
on, to allow for, to take into account; to place confidence in,
to put trust in, to trust; to find promising, to see good
prospects (in); to set one’s eye on (e.g. prey), to mark (e.g.
as a victim), to hold spellbound 見殺し/みごろし - letting
(someone) die without helping
見識/けんしき - views, opinion, discernment; pride, selfrespect
見失う/みうしなう - to lose sight of, to miss
見捨てる/みすてる - to abandon, to fail, to desert, to forsake
見取り図/みとりず - rough sketch; floor plan, blueprint
見守る/みまもる - to watch over, to keep watch over, to keep
an eye on; to watch intently, to stare, to gaze, to watch (and
see what happens), to follow
見受ける/みうける - to catch sight of, to see, to suppose, to
assume from appearances
見習/みならい - apprenticeship, probation, learning by
observation; apprentice, trainee, probationer
見習い/みならい - apprenticeship, probation, learning by
observation; apprentice, trainee, probationer
見出し語/みだしご - headword (in a dictionary), entry word
見出す/みいだす - to find out, to discover, to notice, to detect;
to select, to pick out; to look out (from the inside); to be
wide-eyed (in surprise, anger, etc.)
見出す/みだす - to find out, to discover, to notice, to detect; to
select, to pick out; to look out (from the inside); to be wideeyed (in surprise, anger, etc.)
見出だす/みいだす - to find out, to discover, to notice, to
detect; to select, to pick out; to look out (from the inside); to
be wide-eyed (in surprise, anger, etc.)
見所/みどころ - point worthy of note, good point, part worth
seeing, highlight, good scene; (signs of) promise, good
prospects (for the future)
見据える/みすえる - to stare fixedly at, to fix one’s gaze on; to
make sure of, to set one’s eyes on (e.g. the future), to focus
見世物/みせもの - show, exhibition, spectacle
見晴らす/みはらす - to command a view, to look out over
(onto, across, etc.), to overlook
見積もる/みつもる - to estimate
見積り/みつもり - estimate, estimation, valuation, quotation
見切り/みきり - abandonment, giving up, forsaking; bargain
sale, selling off cheaply; edge (e.g. of an architectural
member), boundary
見切り発車/みきりはっしゃ - starting a train (or bus, etc.)
before all the passengers are on board; making a snap
decision, starting an action without considering objections
to it any longer
見損う/みそこなう - to misjudge, to mistake, to misread; to
misjudge (someone), to overestimate; to miss seeing, to
overlook, to fail to notice
見損なう/みそこなう - to misjudge, to mistake, to misread; to
misjudge (someone), to overestimate; to miss seeing, to
overlook, to fail to notice
見知らぬ/みしらぬ - strange, unfamiliar, unknown
見張り/みはり - watch, guard, lookout, surveillance,
watchman, sentinel
見張る/みはる - to stand watch, to stand guard, to look out; to
open (one’s eyes) wide
見直し/みなおし - review, reconsideration, revision
見通/みとおし - unobstructed view, perspective, visibility,
vista; forecast, outlook, prospect, prediction; insight,
見通す/みとおす - to see without obstruction, to get an
unobstructed view (of), to see through; to see into
(someone’s thoughts), to read (someone’s feelings,
intentions, etc.), to see through (e.g. someone’s plans); to
foresee, to predict, to forecast, to anticipate; to watch from
start to finish 見定める/みさだめる - to make sure of, to
ascertain, to confirm, to grasp
見当たらない/みあたらない - not be found
見当たる/みあたる - to be found
見当違い/けんとうちがい - wrong (guess or estimate),
misdirected, irrelevant, off the point
見蕩れる/みとれる - to be fascinated (by), to be captivated by,
to be enchanted by, to gaze admiringly at, to watch in
見逃がす/みのがす - to miss, to overlook, to fail to notice; to
let pass (a matter), to overlook (e.g. a wrongdoing), to turn
a blind eye to; to pass up (e.g. an opportunity); {baseb} to
let (a good ball) go by 見逃し/みのがし - overlooking; {baseb}
letting a good ball go by
見透かす/みすかす - to see through (a lie, scheme, etc.), to
see into (someone’s mind), to read (someone’s true
feelings), to penetrate
見届ける/みとどける - to make sure of, to assure oneself of, to
see with one’s own eyes, to ascertain
見入る/みいる - to gaze (at), to stare intently (at), to look
fixedly (at), to fix one’s eyes (on)
見破る/みやぶる - to see through (a plot, lie, etc.), to
penetrate into, to discover, to find out
見抜く/みぬく - to see through, to see into (someone’s heart,
mind, etc.), to perceive, to find out, to detect
見比べる/みくらべる - to compare with the eye
見附る/みつける - to discover, to find (e.g. an error in a book),
to come across, to detect, to spot; to locate, to find (e.g.
something missing), to find fault; to be used to seeing, to be
familiar with
見舞/みまい - visiting ill or distressed people, writing get-well
letters; get-well gifts, get-well letters; expression of
sympathy, expression of concern, enquiry, inquiry
見物人/けんぶつにん - spectator, sightseer, onlooker
見分け/みわけ - distinction
見分ける/みわける - to distinguish, to recognize, to recognise,
to tell apart, to differentiate
見聞/けんぶん - information, experience, knowledge,
見聞/けんもん - information, experience, knowledge,
見聞き/みきき - information, experience, observation, seeing
and hearing
見返す/みかえす - to look (stare) back at (someone); to look at
again, to re-examine; to prove oneself superior (to someone
who had previously been condescending), to put a person to
shame, to get one’s own back; to look back (behind oneself)
見返り/みかえり - reward, compensation, repayment,
something done or given in return; collateral, security;
turning to look behind
見放す/みはなす - to abandon, to give up on, to desert
見方/みかた - viewpoint, point of view, way of looking (at
something), view, angle; way of appreciating (e.g. opera),
way of understanding, how to read (a map, train timetable,
見本市/みほんいち - trade fair
見落す/みおとす - to overlook, to fail to notice, to miss
見落とし/みおとし - oversight, omission, something
overlooked, thing left unnoticed
見離す/みはなす - to abandon, to give up on, to desert
見立て/みたて - choice, selection; diagnosis, medical opinion;
judgement, opinion, estimation; comparison (in haiku,
tanka, etc.), likening
見立てる/みたてる - to (see and) choose, to select; to
diagnose (as); to judge, to estimate; to liken (to), to
compare (to), to imagine (something) as, to treat as
見劣り/みおとり - unfavourable comparison, unfavorable
見縊る/みくびる - to underrate, to belittle, to look down on, to
謙譲語/けんじょうご - {ling} humble language (e.g. itadaku)
賢者/けんじゃ - wise person, sage
賢所/かしこどころ - a palace sanctuary
賢人/けんじん - wise person, virtuous person, sage; unrefined
賢母/けんぼ - wise mother
軒下/のきした - under the eaves
軒先/のきさき - edge of the eaves, house frontage
軒並み/のきなみ - row of houses; every house, each house,
every door; all, totally, altogether, across the board
遣い/つかい - errand, mission, going as envoy; messenger,
bearer, errand boy, errand girl; familiar spirit; {n-suf} {npref} use, usage, user, trainer, tamer, charmer
遣う/つかう - to use (a tool, method, etc.), to make use of, to
put to use; to use (a person, animal, puppet, etc.), to
employ, to handle, to manage, to manipulate; to use (time,
money, etc.), to spend, to consume; to use (language), to
speak 遣り過す/やりすごす - to let something (or someone) go
past; to do too much
遣り繰り/やりくり - making do, getting by (somehow),
遣り甲斐/やりがい - being worth doing
遣り取り/やりとり - giving and taking, exchange (of letters),
arguing back and forth, (conversational) exchange
遣り切れない/やりきれない - unable to finish (on time, etc.);
unbearable, intolerable, beyond endurance, too much
遣り直し/やりなおし - redoing
遣り直す/やりなおす - to do over again, to redo, to start over,
to remake, to resume, to recommence
遣り方/やりかた - way (of doing), manner, method, means
遣わす/つかわす - to send, to dispatch, to despatch; to bestow
(favour, etc.), to grant (e.g. pardon)
遣直/やりなおし - redoing
遣唐使/けんとうし - {hist} envoy to Tang China
鍵盤/けんばん - keyboard (of a piano, typewriter, etc.)
険悪/けんあく - dangerous, perilous, threatening, stormy,
volatile, tense, critical, serious; stern (expression), hostile
(attitude), sharp, harsh
顕われる/あらわれる - to appear, to come in sight, to become
visible, to come out, to embody, to materialize, to
materialise; to be expressed (e.g. emotions), to become
apparent (e.g. trends, effects)
顕在/けんざい - being actual (as opposed to hidden or latent),
being apparent, being obvious, being tangible, being
顕彰/けんしょう - honouring (publicly), honoring, making
someone’s good deeds or achievements well-known
顕著/けんちょ - remarkable, striking, obvious
元より/もとより - from the beginning, from the first, all along,
originally; of course; not to mention …, not only … but also
…, to say nothing of …
元価/げんか - cost price
元兇/げんきょう - ringleader, main culprit; main cause, source
元凶/がんきょう - ringleader, main culprit; main cause, source
元凶/げんきょう - ringleader, main culprit; main cause, source
元金/がんきん - capital, principal
元号/げんごう - name of an imperial era (e.g. Heisei, Shōwa),
Japanese era name
元手/もとで - capital, funds, seed money; asset
元帥/げんすい - (field) marshal, (fleet) admiral, general of the
元祖/がんそ - originator, pioneer, inventor, founder;
progenitor, primogenitor, founder of a family line
元旦/がんたん - {col} New Year’s Day; New Year’s morning,
morning of New Year’s Day
元帳/もとちょう - ledger
元通り/もとどおり - as before, as ever, as it was originally
元締め/もとじめ - manager, controller, administrator; chief
treasurer; boss (of a gambling den)
元本/がんぽん - principal (invest.), capital
元本/げんぽん - principal (invest.), capital
元利/がんり - principal and interest
元老/げんろう - elder statesman, doyen, old-timer, authority;
{hist} genrō (member of a pre-WWII body that informally
advised the emperor)
元禄/げんろく - {hist} Genroku era (1688.9.30-1704.3.13)
原/げん - original, primitive, primary, fundamental, proto—
原案/げんあん - original plan, original bill, original motion,
原液/げんえき - undiluted solution (of)
原価/げんか - cost price
原画/げんが - original picture; key frame, key animation
原義/げんぎ - original meaning
原語/げんご - original word, original language
原稿用紙/げんこうようし - Japanese writing paper (lined with a
square grid, one square per character), manuscript paper
原告/げんこく - {law} plaintiff, accuser, prosecutor
原材料/げんざいりょう - raw materials, ingredients
原産地/げんさんち - place of origin (of a plant or animal
species, etc.), natural habitat, original home; place of origin
(of manufactured goods)
原始人/げんしじん - primitive man
原子核/げんしかく - {physics} nucleus, atomic nucleus
原子爆弾/げんしばくだん - atomic bomb, A-bomb
原子力/げんしりょく - atomic energy, nuclear power
原子炉/げんしろ - atomic reactor, nuclear reactor
原紙/げんし - stencil, template; silkworm egg sheet
原資/げんし - capital, principal
原種/げんしゅ - seed stock, seed grain, foundation seed; pure
breed, original strain, ancestor
原酒/げんしゅ - refined sake not diluted in water, undiluted
sake, unblended whisky (whiskey)
原住民/げんじゅうみん - native people, aboriginal, indigenous
原初/げんしょ - origin, source, beginning, starting point
原色/げんしょく - primary colour, primary color; pure color,
unmixed color, striking color; original color (of a painting,
etc. as opposed to a reproduction)
原審/げんしん - original sentence
原人/げんじん - primitive man
原水爆/げんすいばく - atomic and hydrogen bombs, nuclear
and thermonuclear bombs
原寸/げんすん - actual size, full size
原生/げんせい - primeval, primordial, primitive, pristine
原石/げんせき - (raw) ore; unpolished gemstone
原潜/げんせん - {abbr} nuclear submarine
原素/げんそ - (classical) element (e.g. earth, water, air, fire);
{arch} origin, source
原題/げんだい - original title
原著/げんちょ - the original work
原動機/げんどうき - motor
原動力/げんどうりょく - motive power, driving force
原爆症/げんばくしょう - atomic-bomb sickness
原発/げんぱつ - {abbr} nuclear power plant, nuclear power
generation; {adj-no} {n} {vs} primary (e.g. primary
immunodeficiency syndrome)
原判決/げんはんけつ - {law} original judgement, judgment in
prior instance
原版/げんぱん - form (printing), forme, typesetting plate,
original plate; original edition (of a publication)
原付き/げんつき - {abbr} motorized two-wheeled vehicle
(with a displacement of less than 50cc), scooter, moped
原簿/げんぼ - ledger, original record, register
原本/げんぽん - the original, original copy, script
原木/げんぼく - pulpwood, raw timber, unprocessed timber,
logs; original (or ancestor) of a tree cultivar
原野/げんや - waste land, wilderness, moor, field, plain
厳しさ/きびしさ - severity, strictness, intensity
厳に/げんに - strictly, severely, rigidly
厳めしい/いかめしい - stern, grave, austere, imposing,
dignified, formidable, solemn, majestic; strict (e.g. security),
severe, firm, rigid, rigorous
厳戒/げんかい - strict guard
厳格/げんかく - strict, severe, stern, rigid, rigorous, tough
厳寒/げんかん - intense cold
厳禁/げんきん - strict prohibition, ban, interdiction
厳守/げんしゅ - strict observance, rigid adherence,
scrupulous compliance
厳粛/げんしゅく - grave, solemn, serious; harsh (e.g. truth),
hard, strict
厳正/げんせい - strict, rigid, exact, fair, impartial
厳選/げんせん - careful selection, careful screening, handpicking
厳然/げんぜん - grave, solemn, stern, authoritative, hard (e.g.
厳冬/げんとう - severe winter
厳冬期/げんとうき - coldest period
厳罰/げんばつ - severe punishment, rigorous measures
幻/まぼろし - phantom, vision, illusion, apparition; something
fleeting, short-lived dream; fabled item, mythical thing, very
rare thing
幻影/げんえい - phantom, vision, illusion
幻覚/げんかく - hallucination, illusion
幻想/げんそう - fantasy, illusion, vision, dream
幻想曲/げんそうきょく - {music} fantasy, fantasia
幻滅/げんめつ - disillusionment
幻惑/げんわく - fascination, bewitchment, entrancement,
弦/つる - bowstring; string (of shamisen, guitar, violin, etc.);
bail (arched pot handle); diagonal levelling wire across the
top of a masu
弦楽/げんがく - music for strings, string music
弦楽器/げんがっき - string instrument, stringed instrument
減り/へり - decrease, reduction, fall
減圧/げんあつ - decompression
減員/げんいん - reduction of staff
減益/げんえき - decrease in profits
減塩/げんえん - reduction of salt, sodium restriction
減価償却/げんかしょうきゃく - depreciation
減額/げんがく - reduction, diminution, abatement
減給/げんきゅう - pay cut, salary cut
減刑/げんけい - reduction of penalty, commutation of a
減殺/げんさい - lessening, diminishing, reducing
減産/げんさん - decrease in production
減収/げんしゅう - fall, decrease (in income)
減食/げんしょく - cutting down on food intake, reducing
rations, reducing allowance of food
減水/げんすい - subsiding of water
減衰/げんすい - attenuation, damping, decay
減税/げんぜい - tax reduction
減速/げんそく - deceleration
減退/げんたい - decline, ebb, failure, decay, decrease, loss
減段/げんたん - reduction (of crop size), reduction of acreage
(under cultivation)
減点/げんてん - subtracting points; points deducted
減配/げんぱい - reduction in a dividend, smaller ration
減反/げんたん - reduction (of crop size), reduction of acreage
(under cultivation)
減俸/げんぽう - salary reduction, salary cut
減免/げんめん - reduction and exemption (e.g. taxes),
mitigation and remission (e.g. in criminal law)
減量/げんりょう - loss in weight (esp. body weight), weight
reduction; loss in quantity, reduction of quantity
源氏/げんじ - Genji (the character in the Genji Monogatari);
the Minamoto family
源泉/げんせん - source (of a spring, etc.); source (of payment,
energy, knowledge, etc.), origin, wellspring
源平/げんぺい - Genji and Heike clans, two opposing sides
源流/げんりゅう - source (e.g. of a river), headwaters; origin
of something continuous (language, culture, etc.)
玄米/げんまい - unpolished rice, unmilled rice, brown rice
現わす/あらわす - to represent, to signify, to stand for; to
reveal, to show, to display; to express; to make widely
現われ/あらわれ - embodiment, manifestation,
materialization, materialisation, expression, indication
現われる/あらわれる - to appear, to come in sight, to become
visible, to come out, to embody, to materialize, to
materialise; to be expressed (e.g. emotions), to become
apparent (e.g. trends, effects)
現下/げんか - the present time; {adj-no} current
現況/げんきょう - present condition
現業/げんぎょう - on-site work, work-site operations
現金書留/げんきんかきとめ - registered mail
現行犯/げんこうはん - flagrante delicto, caught red-handed
現時点/げんじてん - present point (i.e. in history), at the
present time
現住所/げんじゅうしょ - (present) address
現出/げんしゅつ - appearance, emergence
現場/げんじょう - actual spot, scene (of a crime, accident,
現場監督/げんばかんとく - field overseer, site foreman
現職/げんしょく - present post, current office, (an) incumbent
現世/げんせい - {Buddh} this world, this life; current epoch
(i.e. the Holocene epoch)
現存/げんそん - existing, living, extant
現代的/げんだいてき - modernistic
現代版/げんだいばん - modern version, modern edition,
updated, contemporary edition
現段階/げんだんかい - present stage, current phase; current
rank, present grade
現物/げんぶつ - actual article or goods; spots (stocks, foreign
exchange, commodities, etc.); (in) kind (income, benefit,
rent, taxes, investment, etc.)
現役/げんえき - active duty, active service; student taking
(university) entrance exams while still enrolled in school,
student who passed their university entrance exams on the
first try
現有/げんゆう - present, existing
絃楽/げんがく - music for strings, string music
言/げん - word, remark, statement
言い過ぎる/いいすぎる - to talk or say too much, to go too far,
to overstate, to exaggerate
言い回し/いいまわし - expression, phraseology
言い換え/いいかえ - putting in other words
言い換える/いいかえる - to say in other words, to put another
way, to express in different words, to reword, to rephrase
言い現す/いいあらわす - to express (in words); to confess
言い合う/いいあう - to say to each other, to exchange (jokes,
comments, etc.); to quarrel, to dispute
言い残す/いいのこす - to leave word with (a person), to state
in one’s will; to leave (something) unsaid, to forget to
言い成り/いいなり - doing as one is told, yes-man
言い切る/いいきる - to declare, to assert, to state definitively;
to finish saying, to say it all, to finish one’s sentence
言い争い/いいあらそい - a quarrel, argument
言い替える/いいかえる - to say in other words, to put another
way, to express in different words, to reword, to rephrase
言い値/いいね - asking price
言い張る/いいはる - to insist, to assert, to be obstinate in
言い伝え/いいつたえ - tradition, legend
言い渡し/いいわたし - sentence, judgment, judgement,
pronouncement, order, command
言い渡す/いいわたす - to announce, to tell, to sentence, to
言い逃れ/いいのがれ - evasion, excuse, subterfuge, runaround
言い表す/いいあらわす - to express (in words); to confess
言い表わす/いいあらわす - to express (in words); to confess
言い分/いいぶん - one’s say, one’s point, one’s case, one’s
claim; complaint, objection, grievance
言い分け/いいわけ - excuse; explanation
言い聞かせる/いいきかせる - to tell, to (try to) persuade, to
advise, to warn, to admonish, to reason
言い返す/いいかえす - to talk back, to answer back, to retort,
to reply, to respond; to say over, to repeat (what one has
言い方/いいかた - way of saying (something), way of putting
it, wording, phrasing, language, expression
言う迄も無い/いうまでもない - goes without saying, needless
to say, obvious
言下/げんか - promptly
言過ぎる/いいすぎる - to talk or say too much, to go too far, to
overstate, to exaggerate
言回し/いいまわし - expression, phraseology
言外/げんがい - unexpressed, unspoken, implied, implicit
言換える/いいかえる - to say in other words, to put another
way, to express in different words, to reword, to rephrase
言及/げんきゅう - reference, allusion
言語障害/げんごしょうがい - speech impediment, speech
言語道断/ごんごどうだん - {yoji} outrageous, preposterous,
scandalous, inexcusable, absurd, execrable
言行/げんこう - speech and behaviour (behavior)
言辞/げんじ - language, speech
言質/げんしつ - commitment, pledge, promise
言質/げんち - commitment, pledge, promise
言出す/いいだす - to begin to say, to start talking, to broach
(a matter), to bring up, to come out with; to be the first to
say, to suggest (doing), to propose
言成り/いいなり - doing as one is told, yes-man
言切る/いいきる - to declare, to assert, to state definitively; to
finish saying, to say it all, to finish one’s sentence
言替える/いいかえる - to say in other words, to put another
way, to express in different words, to reword, to rephrase
言伝て/ことづて - (oral) message, declaration, hearsay,
rumour, rumor
言渡し/いいわたし - sentence, judgment, judgement,
pronouncement, order, command
言渡す/いいわたす - to announce, to tell, to sentence, to order
言動/げんどう - speech and conduct, words and deeds
言表す/いいあらわす - to express (in words); to confess
言分/いいぶん - one’s say, one’s point, one’s case, one’s
claim; complaint, objection, grievance
言分け/いいわけ - excuse; explanation
言返す/いいかえす - to talk back, to answer back, to retort, to
reply, to respond; to say over, to repeat (what one has said)
言方/いいかた - way of saying (something), way of putting it,
wording, phrasing, language, expression
言明/げんめい - declaration, statement, assertion
言訳/いいわけ - excuse; explanation
限り無い/かぎりない - eternal, unlimited, endless
限度額/げんどがく - limit (amount, e.g. on credit card, loan,
個々人/ここじん - each individual, each person
個室/こしつ - single (room), room for one, one’s own room,
private room, private compartment; private room (in a
restaurant, etc.), private dining room; (toilet) stall
個人差/こじんさ - individual differences, personal equation
個人主義/こじんしゅぎ - individualism; egoism, selfishness
個人的/こじんてき - personal, individual, private
個数/こすう - number of articles, number of items, quantity
個展/こてん - solo exhibition, one-man exhibition, one-woman
古/いにしえ - antiquity, ancient times
古え/いにしえ - antiquity, ancient times
古びる/ふるびる - to look old, to get old
古び衰える/ふるびおとろえる - to waste away
古ぼける/ふるぼける - to look old, to become timeworn, to
become worn out, to become old and grubby, to become
古めかしい/ふるめかしい - old-fashioned, ancient-looking,
古希/こき - 70th birthday; ancient Greek (language)
古語/こご - archaic word, obsolete word, archaism; old
saying, old adage; old language, ancient language
古豪/こごう - veteran, old-timer, experienced person
古今/ここん - ancient and modern times, all ages, past and
古参/こさん - seniority, long service
古紙/こし - used paper, paper for recycling
古寺/こじ - old temple
古式/こしき - old style, ancient rites
古手/ふるて - used article, worn-out article; veteran, oldtimer, long-serving employee; {adj-na} {n} {rare} longestablished (way, method, etc.), old, commonplace, stale
古臭い/ふるくさい - stale, old fashioned, hackneyed, trite,
antiquated, obsolete, musty, outdated
古書/こしょ - old book, rare book, classic; secondhand book,
used book
古傷/ふるきず - old wound, scar; unpleasant past experience,
painful memory, past misdeed
古城/こじょう - old castle, old fortress
古生物/こせいぶつ - extinct plants and animals
古巣/ふるす - old haunts, former homes
古着/ふるぎ - old clothes, secondhand clothing
古典的/こてんてき - classical, classic
古都/こと - ancient city, former capital
古風/こふう - old-fashioned, archaic, antique, antiquated
古物/こぶつ - antique, old article, secondhand goods
古墳/こふん - {hist} ancient burial mound, barrow, tumulus
古文/こぶん - ancient writing (Edo-period or older), classical
literature; {hist} ancient Chinese character (pre-Qin period),
Chinese character script used before the Qin period
古文書/こぶんしょ - historical document, archives, old
manuscript, paleograph; pre-Meiji era document addressed
to someone in particular
古文書/こもんじょ - historical document, archives, old
manuscript, paleograph; pre-Meiji era document addressed
to someone in particular
古米/こまい - old rice, rice remaining from the previous year’s
古本/こほん - secondhand book; ancient book, antiquarian
古本/ふるほん - secondhand book
古本/ふるぼん - secondhand book
古木/こぼく - old tree
古来/こらい - from time immemorial, ancient, time-honoured,
古老/ころう - old person (knowledgeable about events of the
distant past), elderly person, elder
呼ばわり/よばわり - denouncing, calling (e.g. someone a
thief), branding (as)
呼び掛け/よびかけ - call, appeal
呼び寄せる/よびよせる - to call, to summon, to send for, to call
呼び起こす/よびおこす - to wake (someone) up (by calling for
them), to awaken; to call (to mind), to bring back
(memories), to evoke, to arouse (e.g. interest)
呼び込み/よびこみ - barker, tout, hawker, someone who
attempts to attract patrons to entertainment events, shops,
bars, and such, by exhorting passing public; {vs} calling out
to potential customers
呼び込む/よびこむ - to call in, to invite, to bring in
呼び出し/よびだし - call, summons, paging, curtain call;
{sumo} usher who calls the names of wrestlers, sweeps the
ring, etc.; {abbr} telephone number at which a person
without a telephone can be reached; {arch} box-shaped
area containing clean water for rinsing oneself (in an Edoperiod bathhouse); {arch} high-ranking prostitute in the
Yoshiwara district (Edo period); {arch} unlicensed prostitute
in the Fukagawa red-light district (Edo period) 呼び水/よびみ
ず - pump-priming, rousing, stimulation
呼び声/よびごえ - call, hail, yell
呼び物/よびもの - main attraction, special feature, big draw
呼び名/よびな - popular name, common name, given name
呼び戻す/よびもどす - to call (someone) back, to recall, to call
home; to bring back (memories, etc.), to recall, to revive
呼応/こおう - hailing each other; acting in concert,
responding (to), sympathizing (with); {gramm} agreement,
呼吸器/こきゅうき - respiratory organs
呼出/よびだし - call, summons, paging, curtain call; {sumo}
usher who calls the names of wrestlers, sweeps the ring,
etc.; {abbr} telephone number at which a person without a
telephone can be reached; {arch} box-shaped area
containing clean water for rinsing oneself (in an Edo-period
bathhouse); {arch} high-ranking prostitute in the Yoshiwara
district (Edo period); {arch} unlicensed prostitute in the
Fukagawa red-light district (Edo period) 呼出し/よびだし - call,
summons, paging, curtain call; {sumo} usher who calls the
names of wrestlers, sweeps the ring, etc.; {abbr} telephone
number at which a person without a telephone can be
reached; {arch} box-shaped area containing clean water for
rinsing oneself (in an Edo-period bathhouse); {arch} highranking prostitute in the Yoshiwara district (Edo period);
{arch} unlicensed prostitute in the Fukagawa red-light
district (Edo period) 呼称/こしょう - name, designation,
denomination, naming, giving a name
呼水/よびみず - pump-priming, rousing, stimulation
呼名/よびな - popular name, common name, given name
固さ/かたさ - firmness, hardness, stiffness, honesty
固まり/かたまり - lump, mass, bundle, clump, clod, cluster;
group, crowd; embodiment (of an idea, quality, feeling etc.),
固め/かため - hardening, fortifying; pledge, vow; defense,
defence, guarding
固化/こか - solidification
固形/こけい - solid (body)
固辞/こじ - firm refusal
固執/こしつ - sticking to (an opinion, theory, belief, etc.),
clinging to, adherence, persistence, insistence
固執/こしゅう - sticking to (an opinion, theory, belief, etc.),
clinging to, adherence, persistence, insistence
固体/こたい - solid (body), solid matter, solid-state
固定観念/こていかんねん - fixed idea, idée fixe, stereotype,
固定資産/こていしさん - fixed assets
固定費/こていひ - fixed cost, fixed expense
固定票/こていひょう - solid (an assured, a safe) vote, solid
(assured) support
固有名詞/こゆうめいし - {gramm} proper noun
姑/しゅうとめ - motherin-law
姑息/こそく - {col} underhanded, unfair; makeshift, stopgap
孤/みなしご - orphan
孤軍奮闘/こぐんふんとう - {yoji} fighting alone
孤高/ここう - aloof, proudly independent, standing apart,
孤児/みなしご - orphan
孤児院/こじいん - orphanage
孤島/ことう - solitary island, isolated island
己/おのれ - {poet} oneself (itself, etc.); {hum} I, me;
{derog} you; {adv} by oneself (itself, etc.); {int}
interjection expressing anger or chagrin
弧/こ - arc
戸/こ - counter for houses, households, apartments, etc.
戸外/こがい - open air, outdoors, outside
戸口/とぐち - door, doorway
戸数/こすう - number of households, number of houses
戸籍謄本/こせきとうほん - official copy of the family register
戸締まり/とじまり - locking up (doors and windows), fastening
the doors
戸板/といた - sliding door (esp. when removed from its frame
and used for carrying things or people); {abbr} large
戸別/こべつ - house-to-house, door-to-door, each house
戸別訪問/こべつほうもん - door-to-door visit, door-to-door
canvassing (canvasing)
戸惑い/とまどい - being at sea, losing one’s bearings,
confusion, wonderment; {arch} disorientation upon waking
at night; {arch} forgetting which house or room to enter
戸惑う/とまどう - to be bewildered, to be perplexed
故に/ゆえに - therefore, consequently
故意/こい - intent, intention, bad faith; {law} mens rea
(guilty mind)
故国/ここく - one’s native land
故紙/こし - used paper, paper for recycling
故事/こじ - historical event, ancient event; tradition, folklore,
legend, origin
枯れ枝/かれえだ - dead branch (or twig, etc.), withered branch
枯れ草/かれくさ - dry grass, dead grass, hay, withered grass
枯れ木/かれき - dead tree, withered tree; leafless tree, bare
枯れ野/かれの - desolate field, withered field
枯れ葉/かれは - dead leaf, dry leaves
枯渇/こかつ - drying up, running dry; running out, being
exhausted, being drained
枯死/こし - withering, dying
枯木/かれき - dead tree, withered tree; leafless tree, bare tree
枯葉/かれは - dead leaf, dry leaves
湖岸/こがん - lakeshore, lakeside
湖沼/こしょう - lake, marsh, wetland, inland waters
湖水/こすい - lake
湖底/こてい - bottom of a lake
湖畔/こはん - lake shore
狐/きつね - fox; sly person
袴/はかま - hakama, man’s formal divided skirt
胡瓜/きゅうり - cucumber (Cucumis sativus)
胡坐/あぐら - sitting cross-legged (i.e. Indian style)
胡座/あぐら - sitting cross-legged (i.e. Indian style)
胡床/あぐら - sitting cross-legged (i.e. Indian style)
誇らしい/ほこらしい - proud, haughty, arrogant
誇示/こじ - ostentation, display
誇大/こだい - exaggeration, hyperbole
雇い/やとい - employee, employment
雇い主/やといぬし - employer
雇主/こしゅ - employer
雇主/やといぬし - employer
雇傭/こよう - employment, hire
雇用/こよう - employment, hire
顧客/こかく - customer, client, patron
顧客/こきゃく - customer, client, patron
顧問/こもん - adviser, advisor, consultant
鼓/つづみ - hand drum
鼓動/こどう - beat, palpitation, pulsation, throbbing
鼓舞/こぶ - encouragement, inspiration, rousing, stirring up,
raising (e.g. morale)
鼓膜/こまく - eardrum, tympanic membrane
五感/ごかん - the five senses
五月/ごがつ - May; fifth month of the lunar calendar
五月雨/さみだれ - early-summer rain
五月晴れ/さつきばれ - early-summer fine weather (during
rainy season)
五十/ごじゅう - fifty, 50
五十三次/ごじゅうさんつぎ - {hist} {abbr} fifty-three stations
on the Tōkaidō (Edo-Kyoto highway in Edo-period Japan)
五重/いつえ - five-storied, quintuplicate, fivefold
五重奏/ごじゅうそう - instrumental quintet
五色/ごしき - five colors (usu. red, blue, yellow, white and
black), five colours; {adj-no} many kinds, varied; melon,
五人組/ごにんぐみ - five-family unit, five-man group, quintet
五線/ごせん - {music} staff, stave
五線譜/ごせんふ - {music} staff notation
五体/ごたい - the whole body; the five styles of writing
Chinese characters; the five parts of the body (head, two
hands and two feet; or head, neck, chest, hands and feet)
五分/ごぶ - half, 50%, tie, evenness; 5 parts, 5%
五分五分/ごぶごぶ - {yoji} as likely as not, 50-50, even
match, tie
五目/ごもく - mixture of ingredients (originally five); {abbr}
mixture of minced vegetables, fish, and meat, mixed in a
starch (rice, noodles); {abbr} gomoku (game), five in a row,
五輪/ごりん - Olympic Games, Olympics; Olympic rings
互いに/たがいに - mutually, with each other, reciprocally,
互い違い/たがいちがい - alternate, alternation
互角/ごかく - equal (in ability), even, evenly matched, wellmatched, on par (with)
互換/ごかん - interchange; {math} transposition; {adj-f}
compatible (e.g. PC)
互助/ごじょ - mutual aid, cooperation, benefit
互選/ごせん - election by mutual vote, election from within a
committee (party, etc.), internal vote
伍する/ごする - to rank with, to rank among
伍長/ごちょう - {mil} corporal
午/うま - the Horse (seventh sign of the Chinese zodiac);
{obs} hour of the Horse (around noon, 11am-1pm, or 12
noon-2pm); {obs} south; {obs} fifth month of the lunar
午過ぎ/ひるすぎ - just past noon, afternoon
午后/ごご - afternoon, p.m.
呉越同舟/ごえつどうしゅう - {yoji} bitter enemies in the same
boat, rivals finding themselves together by chance
呉服/ごふく - cloth (for Japanese clothes), kimono fabrics,
textile, drapery, dry goods, piece goods; silk fabrics
吾/われ - I, me; oneself; {arch} you
吾が/わが - my, our, one’s own
吾れ/われ - I, me; oneself; {arch} you
吾等/われら - we, us; {arch} I, me; {arch} you (referring to a
group of one’s equals or inferiors)
吾輩/わがはい - {male} {dated} I, me, myself; {male}
{arch} we, us, ourselves
後々/あとあと - future, distant future
後ずさり/あとずさり - stepping back, drawing back
後の祭り/あとのまつり - {id} a day after the fair, (at a) stage
when it’s too late
後れ/おくれ - delay, lag, postponement, falling behind
後れる/おくれる - to be late, to be delayed, to fall behind
schedule, to be overdue; to fall behind (in a race, one’s
studies, etc.), to lag behind, to be behind (the times); to be
bereaved of, to be preceded by (someone) in death; to be
slow (of a clock or watch) 後れを取る/おくれをとる - to fall
behind, to lag behind, to lose (race, contest)
後ろめたい/うしろめたい - guilty (feeling, conscience, look,
etc.), (feeling) uneasy
後ろ向き/うしろむき - back-facing, backwards; backwardlooking, retrogressive, reactionary, retrospective, negative
後ろ姿/うしろすがた - (a person’s) appearance from behind,
person as seen from behind, back view, retreating figure
後ろ指/うしろゆび - criticizing someone behind their back,
後ろ手/うしろで - putting one’s hands behind one’s back,
having one’s hands behind one’s back; behind, rear, back
後ろ楯/うしろだて - backing, support, backer, supporter,
patron, sponsor; shield that protects one’s back
後ろ盾/うしろだて - backing, support, backer, supporter,
patron, sponsor; shield that protects one’s back
後ろ髪/うしろがみ - hair on the back of one’s head
後遺症/こういしょう - {med} prognostic symptoms,
aftereffect, sequela
後援/こうえん - support, backing
後押し/あとおし - pushing, backing, boosting, supporting;
pushing from behind (a cart, etc.), pusher
後期/こうき - latter period, final
後記/こうき - postscript; {adj-no} {n} {vs} undermentioned,
described below
後宮/こうきゅう - inner palace (reserved for women), harem,
seraglio; consort of the emperor
後継/こうけい - succession; successor
後見/こうけん - guardianship, guardian; (theatrical) assistant,
後向き/うしろむき - back-facing, backwards; backwardlooking, retrogressive, reactionary, retrospective, negative
後妻/ごさい - second wife
後始末/あとしまつ - settlement (of a matter), sorting out,
winding up (affairs), dealing with the aftermath; cleaning up
afterwards, tidying up (when finished)
後手/ごて - losing initiative, being forestalled; second move
(in go or shogi), moving second, person with the second
move; rear guard
後書/あとがき - afterword, postscript
後書き/あとがき - afterword, postscript
後進/こうしん - one’s junior, younger generation, next
generation; moving backwards, backing up, reversing
後進国/こうしんこく - {sens} undeveloped country, third
world country
後世/こうせい - posterity, future generations, future life
後生大事/ごしょうだいじ - {yoji} with religious zeal, with
utmost devotion, take great care of
後続/こうぞく - succeeding, following, trailing, next
後代/こうだい - posterity, future generations
後段/こうだん - latter or second part
後追い/あとおい - trailing, chasing after; imitation, copy
後程/のちほど - later on, eventually, afterwards
後天性/こうてんせい - acquired, a posteriori
後天的/こうてんてき - a posteriori, acquired
後日/ごじつ - in the future, another day, later
後日/ごにち - in the future, another day, later
後年/こうねん - future years, in (one’s) later years
後発/こうはつ - starting late, late departure
後半/こうはん - second half
後半生/こうはんせい - latter half of one’s life
後半戦/こうはんせん - second half
後部/こうぶ - rear, stern
後払い/あとばらい - deferred payment
後片付け/あとかたづけ - tidying up, clearing up, cleaning up,
clearing away, putting in order
後編/こうへん - latter part (of book, etc.), sequel, concluding
後方/こうほう - behind, in the rear, in back
後味/あとあじ - aftertaste
後戻り/あともどり - backtrack, backslide; to turn back, to
move backward, to retrace one’s steps
後輪/こうりん - rear wheel
後列/こうれつ - back row, rear rank
御握り/おにぎり - rice ball
御医者さん/おいしゃさん - {pol} doctor
御苑/ぎょえん - imperial garden
御化け/おばけ - ghost, apparition; goblin, monster, demon;
something unusually large
御菓子/おかし - sweets, candy
御帰りなさい/おかえりなさい - welcome home
御気に入り/おきにいり - {pol} favorite, favourite, pet (e.g.
teacher’s pet); {comp} bookmark (in a web browser)
御客さん/おきゃくさん - guest, visitor, customer {polite}
御客様/おきゃくさま - {hon} guest, visitor; {hon} customer,
client, shopper, spectator, audience, tourist, sightseer,
御休みなさい/おやすみなさい - good night (polite form)
御供/おとも - attendant, companion
御金/おかね - {pol} money
御兄さん/おにいさん - older brother
御兄弟/ごきょうだい - siblings
御見舞い/おみまい - calling on someone who is ill
御互い/おたがい - {pol} each other, one another
御幸/ぎょうき - imperial visit, imperial outing
御絞り/おしぼり - wet towel (supplied at table), hot,
moistened hand towel
御歳暮/おせいぼ - year-end gift; end of the year, year end
御札/おふだ - a charm, talisman issued at a Shinto shrine
御三家/ごさんけ - three branches of the Tokugawa family
(Owari, Kii and Mito); big three, top three
御参り/おまいり - worship, shrine visit
御仕舞い/おしまい - the end, closing, being done for
御姉さん/おねえさん - elder sister
御者/ぎょしゃ - coachman, driver, cabman, postilion
御守り/おまもり - charm, amulet, good-luck charm
御手上げ/おてあげ - being done for, giving up, being in a
hopeless situation, not knowing what to do, being brought
to one’s knees, throwing up (one’s) hands
御手洗い/おてあらい - toilet, restroom
御手伝い/おてつだい - maid, helper; {pol} {hon} help,
御祝い/おいわい - congratulation, congratulations, celebration
御所/ごしょ - imperial palace (esp. Kyoto Imperial Palace),
imperial residence, residence of a shogun, minister, etc.;
{hon} emperor, ex-emperor, empress, imperial prince,
shogun, minister
御嬢さん/おじょうさん - daughter; young lady
御神輿/おみこし - {pol} portable shrine (carried in festivals);
buttocks, lower back, waist, hips
御世話になる/おせわになる - to be in someone’s care
御節介/おせっかい - meddling, meddlesomeness, nosiness,
interference, officiousness; {n} meddler, buttinsky,
御節料理/おせちりょうり - {food} osechi, osechi-ryōri,
traditional food eaten during the New Year’s holidays
御曹司/おんぞうし - son of a distinguished family, son of a
御存知/ごぞんじ - knowing; (an) acquaintance {honorific}
御孫さん/おまごさん - grandchild
御袋/おふくろ - {col} one’s mother
御代り/おかわり - another helping, second helping, seconds,
refill; {int} command to have dog place its second paw in
one’s hand
御代わり/おかわり - second helping, another cup, seconds
御宅/おたく - {hon} your house
御知らせ/おしらせ - notice, notification
御茶/おちゃ - tea (usu. green)
御中元/おちゅうげん - mid-year gift, summer gift
御昼/おひる - lunch; noon, midday; daytime
御釣り/おつり - change (i.e. money)
御殿/ごてん - palace, court
御凸/おでこ - brow, forehead; prominent forehead, beetle
brow; {fish} {col} not catching anything
御馴染み/おなじみ - {pol} familiar, well-known, regular (e.g.
customer), favourite, favorite; {n} {pol} old acquaintance,
old friend, (a) regular, regular customer
御日様/おひさま - {chn} the Sun
御年玉/おとしだま - New Year’s gift (usu. money given to a
child by relatives and visitors)
御疲れ様/おつかれさま - thank you (for your hard work), good
work; see you, goodbye, goodnight
御父さん/おとうさん - father, dad, papa
御返し/おかえし - return gift
御母さん/おかあさん - {hon} mother, mom, mum, ma; {hon}
御方/みかた - friend, ally, supporter; taking sides (with),
supporting, standing by, backing up
御坊さん/おぼうさん - {fam} {hon} Buddhist priest, monk;
{fam} {hon} son (of others)
御門/みかど - emperor (of Japan), mikado; {hon} (the gates
of an) imperial residence
御輿/みこし - portable shrine (carried in festivals); {hon}
palanquin; buttocks, lower back, waist, hips
御用/ごよう - {hon} (your) business, (your) concern, (your)
need; {hon} (customer’s) order; official business (of the
government, Imperial Court, etc.); arrest, capture; {adj-f}
subservient to an authority (esp. the government), progovernment 御用達/ごようたし - purveyor (to the Imperial
Household, etc.); company (or restaurant, place, etc.) that
caters to or is popular with a specific clientele
御用邸/ごようてい - imperial villa
御利益/ごりやく - {hon} divine grace, divine favour, blessing,
answer to a prayer; {hon} benefit, help
御両親/ごりょうしん - your (honorable, honourable) parents
御礼/おれい - thanking, expression of gratitude
御霊/みたま - {hon} spirit of a deceased person; {hon} the
Holy Ghost, the Holy Spirit
悟り/さとり - comprehension, understanding; {Buddh}
enlightenment, spiritual awakening, satori
碁会所/ごかいしょ - commercial go-playing parlour (parlor)
碁会所/ごかいじょ - commercial go-playing parlour (parlor)
語/かたり - talk, recital; narration; topic
語らい/かたらい - talk, chat; troth, lovers’ vow
語らう/かたらう - to talk, to tell, to recite, to pledge, to
conspire with
語り/かたり - talk, recital; narration; topic
語り継ぐ/かたりつぐ - to pass down (a story) from generation
to generation, to hand down
語り口/かたりくち - way of reciting, way of telling a story
語り合う/かたりあう - to talk together
語り手/かたりて - narrator, storyteller, reciter
語り草/かたりぐさ - story, topic (on everyone’s lips), (the stuff
of) legend
語り物/かたりもの - a narrative
語学力/ごがくりょく - language learning ability, foreign
language skills, linguistic ability
語感/ごかん - sense of language; feeling of a word,
impression a word makes, nuance
語気/ごき - tone, manner of speaking
語原/ごげん - origin of a word, derivation of a word,
語数/ごすう - number of words
語調/ごちょう - tone (of voice)
語尾/ごび - {gramm} (inflectional) ending of a word; end of a
語法/ごほう - {ling} diction, grammar, syntax, usage,
語録/ごろく - analects, sayings
誤ち/あやまち - fault, error, indiscretion, faux pas
誤って/あやまって - in error, by mistake, by accident,
誤算/ごさん - miscalculation
誤字/ごじ - misprint, misspelling, typo, typographical error,
誤射/ごしゃ - accidental shooting
誤植/ごしょく - misprint, typographical error, typo
誤診/ごしん - wrong diagnosis, misdiagnosis
誤認/ごにん - misrecognition, mistaking (x for y)
誤爆/ごばく - bombing (shelling) the wrong target, (be killed
by) friendly fire
誤判/ごはん - misjudgement, misjudgment, erroneous
judgement, miscarriage of justice
誤報/ごほう - false report, incorrect report, misinformation,
false alarm
誤訳/ごやく - mistranslation
誤用/ごよう - misuse, incorrect use, abuse, malapropism
護岸/ごがん - river dike
護憲/ごけん - protecting the constitution
護国/ごこく - defense of one’s country, defence of one’s
護持/ごじ - defend and maintain, support, protection
護身/ごしん - self-protection
護送/ごそう - escort (e.g. under guard), convoy
護謨/ごむ - gum (dut: gom), rubber; {abbr} eraser; {sl}
乞食/こじき - {sens} beggar; begging
乞食/こつじき - {sens} beggar; begging
鯉/こい - common carp (Cyprinus carpio), koi carp
鯉幟/こいのぼり - carp streamer
交じり/まじり - mixed with, mingled with, interspersed with,
dashed with, sprinkled with
交る/まじる - to be mixed, to be blended with, to be
combined; to associate with, to mingle with, to interest, to
交わす/かわす - to exchange (messages, greetings,
arguments, etc.)
交わり/まじわり - acquaintance, relations, fellowship; sexual
intercourse; intersection
交易/こうえき - trade, commerce
交感神経/こうかんしんけい - sympathetic nerves
交換手/こうかんしゅ - operator (e.g. telephone)
交換条件/こうかんじょうけん - bargaining point, terms of
exchange, conditions for meeting a demand
交歓/こうかん - exchange of courtesies (cordialities),
fraternization, fraternisation
交響/こうきょう - reverberation
交響楽/こうきょうがく - symphony (orchestra)
交響曲/こうきょうきょく - symphony
交響詩/こうきょうし - symphonic poem
交叉/こうさ - crossing, intersection; {biol} (genetic) crossing
交叉点/こうさてん - crossing, intersection
交際費/こうさいひ - entertainment expenses
交錯/こうさく - mixture, blending, complication, crossing,
intersecting, interlacing
交信/こうしん - telecommunications, correspondence
交戦/こうせん - war, battle, hostilities
交戦国/こうせんこく - warring nations, belligerents
交代/こうたい - alternation, change, relief, relay, shift,
substitution (sports, etc.), taking turns
交通事故/こうつうじこ - traffic accident
交通渋滞/こうつうじゅうたい - traffic congestion
交通費/こうつうひ - traveling expenses, travelling expenses,
交通網/こうつうもう - transportation network, transport
network, traffic network
交配/こうはい - mating, crossbreeding, cross-fertilization,
交尾/こうび - copulation (among animals), mating, treading,
covering, serving
交友/こうゆう - friend, companion, acquaintance; friendship,
交遊/こうゆう - friendship, companionship, fraternity,
侯爵/こうしゃく - marquis, marquess
候補者/こうほしゃ - candidate, applicant
倖せ/しあわせ - happiness, good fortune, luck, blessing
光り輝く/ひかりかがやく - to shine, to glitter
光栄/こうえい - honour, honor, glory, privilege
光学/こうがく - optics
光輝/こうき - brightness, splendour, splendor
光源/こうげん - light source
光合成/こうごうせい - photosynthesis
光彩/こうさい - brilliance, splendour, splendor, lustre, luster
光速/こうそく - speed of light
光熱/こうねつ - light and heat
光年/こうねん - {astron} light-year
光明/こうみょう - bright light; hope, bright future; {Buddh}
light emanating from a buddha or bodhisattva, symbolizing
their wisdom and compassion
公/きみ - {fam} you, buddy, pal; {n} monarch, ruler,
sovereign, (one’s) master
公安/こうあん - public safety, public welfare
公安委員会/こうあんいいんかい - public safety commission
公安調査庁/こうあんちょうさちょう - Public Security
Intelligence Agency
公営/こうえい - public management
公益/こうえき - public interest, public benefit, public good
公益法人/こうえきほうじん - public-service corporation,
charitable corporation; juridical (legal) person working for
the public good
公家/くげ - {hist} court noble, nobility, kuge; {hist} Imperial
公会/こうかい - public meeting
公会堂/こうかいどう - town hall, public hall
公海/こうかい - high seas, international waters
公開/こうかい - opening to the public, making available to the
public, exhibiting, unveiling, release (of a film, information,
etc.), disclosure, publication
公害等調整委員会/こうがいとうちょうせいいいんかい Environmental Dispute Coordination Commission
公館/こうかん - official residence
公器/こうき - public institution
公共職業安定所/こうきょうしょくぎょうあんていじょ - Public
Employment Security Office, PESO
公共団体/こうきょうだんたい - public organization, public
公共放送/こうきょうほうそう - public broadcasting (e.g. NHK,
公共料金/こうきょうりょうきん - public utilities charge
公金/こうきん - public funds
公言/こうげん - declaration, profession
公庫/こうこ - finance corporation
公告/こうこく - public announcement, official notice
公債/こうさい - public debt, public bond, government
公算/こうさん - probability, likelihood
公使/こうし - envoy, diplomat below the rank of ambassador
(e.g. deputy chief of mission, charge d’affaires), minister (of
公司/こうし - company (in China), firm
公子/こうし - young nobleman
公私/こうし - public and private, official and personal,
government and people
公示/こうし - public announcement, official notice, edict
公示/こうじ - public announcement, official notice, edict
公式戦/こうしきせん - {sports} regular game, regular-season
公舎/こうしゃ - official residence
公社/こうしゃ - public corporation
公社債/こうしゃさい - public bonds
公爵/こうしゃく - prince, duke
公取委/こうとりい - Fair Trade Commission
公衆衛生/こうしゅうえいせい - public health, public hygiene,
公衆電話/こうしゅうでんわ - public telephone
公述/こうじゅつ - speaking at a public hearing
公序/こうじょ - public order, public policy
公称/こうしょう - public name, announcing publicly; {adj-f}
公証人/こうしょうにん - notary public, notary, public notary
公職/こうしょく - public office
公人/こうじん - public character
公正証書/こうせいしょうしょ - notarized document, notarised
公設/こうせつ - public (institution)
公選/こうせん - public election, election by popular vote
公訴/こうそ - {law} (public) prosecution, indictment,
公聴会/こうちょうかい - public hearing
公定/こうてい - official (rate, price, etc.), officially fixed
公定歩合/こうていぶあい - official discount (bank) rate
公邸/こうてい - official residence
公的/こうてき - public, official
公電/こうでん - official telegram, (diplomatic) cable
公党/こうとう - political party
公道/こうどう - public road, highway; righteousness, justice,
right path
公認会計士/こうにんかいけいし - certified public accountant
公判/こうはん - public hearing, trial
公費/こうひ - public expense, public funds, public money,
public expenditure
公布/こうふ - official proclamation, announcement,
promulgation (e.g. of regulations)
公文/こうぶん - official document, archives
公文書/こうぶんしょ - official document, archives
公報/こうほう - official bulletin, communique
公僕/こうぼく - public servant
公民/こうみん - citizen, freemen
公民館/こうみんかん - public hall, community center,
community centre
公民権/こうみんけん - civil rights, franchise, citizenship
公明/こうめい - fairness, openness, impartiality; {abbr}
Komeito (Japanese political party)
公明正大/こうめいせいだい - {yoji} fair, just and upright, open
and honest, aboveboard, honourable
公明党/こうめいとう - Komeito (Japanese political party)
公約/こうやく - public commitment
公有/こうゆう - public ownership; {law} public domain
公用文/こうようぶん - official terminology
公論/こうろん - public opinion, unbiased criticism, unbiassed
功罪/こうざい - merits and demerits, good points and bad
points, strengths and weaknesses
功名/こうみょう - great achievement, glorious deed, (gaining)
fame, (earning) distinction
功労/こうろう - meritorious deed, services
効き/きき - effectiveness, efficacy, efficaciousness
効果的/こうかてき - effective, successful
効能/こうのう - effect, effectiveness, efficacy, virtue, benefit
効目/ききめ - effect, virtue, efficacy, impression
効用/こうよう - use, utility, effect, benefit
効率的/こうりつてき - efficient
勾玉/まがたま - {archeol} magatama, comma-shaped bead
from prehistoric Japan, usually made of jade
勾配/こうばい - slope, incline, gradient, grade, pitch; {math}
slope (of a linear function); {math} {physics} gradient
(vector calculus)
厚さ/あつさ - thickness
厚意/こうい - kindness, favor, favour
厚化粧/あつげしょう - thick makeup, heavy makeup
厚遇/こうぐう - cordial welcome, hearty welcome, kind
treatment, hospitality
厚紙/あつがみ - cardboard, thick paper
厚手/あつで - thick (paper, cloth, etc.), heavy
厚生/こうせい - welfare, public welfare, social welfare; {abbr}
(former) Ministry of Health and Welfare
厚生施設/こうせいしせつ - welfare facilities
厚生省/こうせいしょう - {obs} (former) Ministry of Health and
厚生年金/こうせいねんきん - welfare pension
厚生労働省/こうせいろうどうしょう - Ministry of Health, Labour
and Welfare
厚相/こうしょう - Welfare Minister
厚着/あつぎ - wearing thick clothes, dressing warmly
厚板/あついた - plank, thick board, plate glass, heavy metal
sheet (esp. welding), heavy brocaded obi
厚味/あつみ - thickness; profundity, depth
口々/くちぐち - every person, every mouth; every entrance
口々に/くちぐちに - each and every person (saying), one and
all, unanimously, in unison, separately, individually
口うるさい/くちうるさい - nagging, faultfinding, carping,
口ずさむ/くちずさむ - to hum (a tune), to sing to oneself, to
口を挟む/くちをはさむ - to cut into (a conversation), to
口コミ/くちコミ - word of mouth; comments written online
(about a product, service, etc.), online reviews
口火/くちび - fuse, pilot light; cause (of a war, argument,
revolt, etc.), origin, trigger
口角/こうかく - corners of the mouth
口金/くちがね - (metal) cap; clasp; mouthpiece; socket (for
light, etc.)
口径/こうけい - aperture, bore, calibre, caliber
口喧しい/くちやかましい - nagging, critical; talkative, gossipy
口喧嘩/くちけんか - quarrel, dispute, argument
口喧嘩/くちげんか - quarrel, dispute, argument
口語/こうご - spoken language, colloquial speech; (modern)
spoken Japanese, written style based on (modern) spoken
口腔/こうこう - oral cavity, mouth
口座/こうざ - account (e.g. bank)
口止め/くちどめ - forbidding mentioning (something to
others), imposing silence (on), ordering (someone) to keep
quiet, muzzling (someone), gagging, hushing up; {abbr}
hush money
口臭/こうしゅう - bad breath, halitosis
口出し/くちだし - interference, meddling, butting in
口上/こうじょう - vocal message, speech, statement;
prologue at the start of a kabuki performance
口上書/こうじょうしょ - verbal note (notes verbale), written
口振り/くちぶり - way of speaking; intimation
口数/くちかず - number of words a person speaks; number of
dependents, number of mouths to feed; number of shares,
items, applications, etc.
口数/くちすう - number of words a person speaks; number of
dependents (words, shares, accounts)
口惜しい/くちおしい - {dated} frustrated (over a failure,
humiliation or injustice), annoyed, chagrined, (bitterly)
disappointed, bitter, vexed, frustrating, annoying,
口惜しい/くやしい - frustrated (over a failure, humiliation or
injustice), annoyed, chagrined, (bitterly) disappointed,
bitter, vexed, frustrating, annoying, regrettable
口切り/くちきり - start broaching (a subject), opening remark,
start, commencement, beginning; event at the start of the
tenth month of the lunar calendar; opening a sealed jar or
口説く/くどく - to persuade, to coax, to solicit; to seduce, to
make advances, to hit on
口先/くちさき - lip service, mere words, professions; lips,
mouth, snout, proboscis
口走る/くちばしる - to blurt out, to let slip, to say
inadvertently, to come out with (e.g. nonsense)
口中/こうちゅう - interior of the mouth, oral cavity
口調/くちょう - tone (of voice), manner of talking
口笛/くちぶえ - whistle (sound made with the lips)
口添え/くちぞえ - recommendation, putting in a good word for
口当たり/くちあたり - taste, feel on the tongue; manner,
demeanour, demeanor, bearing, way of talking
口答え/くちごたえ - retort, back talk, backchat
口頭試問/こうとうしもん - oral examination, interview
口頭弁論/こうとうべんろん - oral proceedings, oral pleadings
口内炎/こうないえん - mouth ulcer, stomatitis
口癖/くちぐせ - pet saying, favorite phrase, stock phrase,
catchphrase; manner of talking
口約束/くちやくそく - verbal promise, one’s word
口利き/くちきき - mediation, good offices, intervention,
mediator, middleman; influential person, person of
influence; {arch} eloquence, eloquent person; {arch} way
of speaking
口裏/くちうら - determining a speaker’s true or hidden
meaning, determining a speaker’s intentions from his
manner of speech; {arch} divining good or bad luck from
listening to someone
口篭る/くちごもる - to hesitate to say, to mumble, to hem and
haw, to falter
口論/こうろん - quarrel, argument, row, (verbal) dispute
口籠る/くちごもる - to hesitate to say, to mumble, to hem and
haw, to falter
向い/むかい - facing, opposite, across the street, other side
向う側/むこうがわ - other side, opposite side, other party
向かい合う/むかいあう - to be opposite, to face each other
向かい側/むかいがわ - opposite side, other side, other party
向かい風/むかいかぜ - headwind, head wind
向かって左/むかってひだり - on the left as one faces (it)
向き/むき - direction, orientation, aspect, exposure; {n-suf}
suited to, suitable for, designed for; tendency, inclination;
nature (of a request or desire); person
向き合う/むきあう - to be opposite, to face each other; to
confront (an issue), to face
向こう側/むこうがわ - other side, opposite side, other party
向学心/こうがくしん - love of learning, desire for learning,
passion for knowledge
向後/こうご - hereafter
后/きさき - empress, queen
喉/のんど - throat; singing voice; {print} gutter (inner
margins of a book)
喉が渇く/のどがかわく - to be thirsty
坑口/こうこう - pithead, minehead
坑道/こうどう - tunnel, (mining) gallery, level, shaft, pit
坑内/こうない - within a pit or (mine) shaft
好い/よい - good, excellent, fine, nice, pleasant, agreeable;
sufficient, enough, ready, prepared; profitable (deal,
business offer, etc.), beneficial; OK, all right, fine, no
problem; {suf} {adj-i} easy to …
好い子/いいこ - good boy, good girl
好きずき/すきずき - matter of taste
好く/すく - to like, to love, to be fond of
好んで/このんで - by (from) choice, by (for) preference, of
one’s own accord, of one’s (own) free will, on purpose,
deliberately, intentionally
好運/こううん - good luck, fortune
好演/こうえん - good performance
好感/こうかん - good feeling, good will, favourable
impression, favorable impression
好奇/こうき - inquisitiveness
好奇心/こうきしん - curiosity, inquisitiveness
好機/こうき - good opportunity, chance
好球/こうきゅう - {baseb} good pitch (to hit), easy pitch
好景気/こうけいき - good times, boom, (wave of) prosperity
好守/こうしゅ - {baseb} good fielding
好色/こうしょく - lasciviousness, lechery, salaciousness, lust,
sensuality, lewdness
好成績/こうせいせき - good results
好戦/こうせん - belligerence
好走/こうそう - {sports} good run, fine running, running well
好打/こうだ - {baseb} good hit
好敵手/こうてきしゅ - worthy opponent, worthy rival, good
好天/こうてん - fine weather
好転/こうてん - changing for the better
好都合/こうつごう - convenient, favorable, favourable,
expedient, expedience
好投/こうとう - good (nice) pitching
好物/こうぶつ - favourite dish (favorite), favourite food
好例/こうれい - good example
孔/あな - hole, opening, orifice, perforation; pit, hollow,
cavity, hole (e.g. in the ground); burrow, den, lair, holt, hole;
deficit, shortage, (financial) hole, loss; gap (left by a missing
employee, team member, etc.), vacancy, opening; flaw,
fault, defect, weak point, hole (in a theory, plan, etc.),
loophole; good place not many people know about, wellkept secret; upset victory (with a large payoff), long shot,
dark horse; (partitioned) box (type of floor seating in a
traditional Japanese theatre); {arch} hiding place, hideout
孔子/こうし - Confucius
孔雀/くじゃく - peafowl (incl. the male peacock, female
peahen, and young peachick)
宏大/こうだい - vast, extensive, immense, huge, large, grand,
工科/こうか - engineering course
工学部/こうがくぶ - department (or school) of technology,
engineering or science
工具/こうぐ - tool, implement
工合/ぐあい - condition, state; health, state (of health); way,
manner; circumstance, luck; face, dignity, decency,
工作機械/こうさくきかい - machine tool
工事中/こうじちゅう - under construction
工賃/こうちん - wages, pay
工程/こうてい - process, operation, stage of a process,
progress of work
工費/こうひ - construction cost
工兵/こうへい - combat engineer, military engineer, combat
engineering, military engineering
工法/こうほう - method of construction
工房/こうぼう - workshop, studio, atelier
工務/こうむ - engineering, engineering works
工面/くめん - contrivance, managing (to raise money); one’s
financial condition
巧者/こうしゃ - cleverness, skill, tact; {n} clever person (in a
particular field), skillful person (skilful)
巧拙/こうせつ - skill, workmanship, dexterity, quality
巷/ちまた - the public, the street (e.g. “word on the street”);
street, district, quarters; location (e.g. of a battle), scene
(e.g. of carnage); divide (e.g. between life and death); fork
(in a road), crossroads 幸/さち - good luck, fortune,
happiness; harvest, yield
広がった枝/ひろがったえだ - spreading branches
広がり/ひろがり - spread, span, expanse, extent
広まり/ひろまり - spread
広域/こういき - wide area; wide view (of a digitally displayed
map), zoomed-out view
広角/こうかく - wide-angle
広間/ひろま - hall, saloon, spacious room, reception room
広義/こうぎ - wide sense (e.g. of a word), broad sense
広言/こうげん - boasting, bragging, talking big
広州/こうしゅう - Guangzhou (China), Kwangchow, Canton
広大/こうだい - vast, extensive, immense, huge, large, grand,
広汎/こうはん - wide, extensive, comprehensive, far-reaching,
広範/こうはん - wide, extensive, comprehensive, far-reaching,
広範囲/こうはんい - extensive, vast range, wide scope
広報/こうほう - public relations, PR, publicity, public
information; publicizing
広野/こうや - open field, open country, prairie, plain
広葉樹/こうようじゅ - broadleaf tree, broad-leaved tree
庚/かのえ - 7th in rank, seventh sign of the Chinese calendar
弘い/ひろい - spacious, vast, wide
弘大/こうだい - vast, extensive, immense, huge, large, grand,
弘報/こうほう - public relations, PR, publicity, public
information; publicizing
恒久/こうきゅう - permanence, perpetuity
恒産/こうさん - fixed property, real property; fixed occupation
恒常/こうじょう - constancy, permanence
恒星/こうせい - {astron} star
恒例/こうれい - established practice, custom
慌てて/あわてて - in hot haste, in confusion
抗菌/こうきん - antibacterial, antimicrobial
抗原/こうげん - antigen
抗告/こうこく - {law} appeal, protest, complaint
抗生物質/こうせいぶっしつ - {med} antibiotic, antibiotics
抗戦/こうせん - resistance
抗体/こうたい - {biol} antibody
抗日/こうにち - resistance against Japanese aggression, antiJapanese (campaign, movement, etc.)
抗弁/こうべん - protest, refutation, pleading
拘る/かかわる - to be affected, to be influenced; to be
concerned with, to have to do with; to stick to (opinions)
拘わる/かかわる - to be affected, to be influenced; to be
concerned with, to have to do with; to stick to (opinions)
拘禁/こうきん - detention, custody, confinement, internment
拘束時間/こうそくじかん - total hours spent working
拘置/こうち - detention, confinement, arrest
拘置所/こうちしょ - prison, detention house, detention center,
拘留/こうりゅう - custody, detention, confinement
控え/ひかえ - reserve, spare, backup; note, memorandum;
duplicate, copy, stub (of a ticket, etc.), receipt; waiting one’s
控え室/ひかえしつ - waiting room, anteroom, antechamber,
green room
控訴/こうそ - {law} appeal to a higher court, intermediate
攻め込む/せめこむ - to invade, to attack, to breach, to
攻め立てる/せめたてる - to make an incessant onslaught, to
attack incessantly
攻守/こうしゅ - offense and defense, offence and defence,
batting and fielding
攻勢/こうせい - offensive (movement), aggression
攻防/こうぼう - offense and defense, offence and defence
攻略/こうりゃく - capture (of enemy territory), taking (by
storm), conquest, attack, assault; defeating (an opponent);
attacking (a problem) strategically
昂騰/こうとう - sharp rise (in prices), steep rise, substantial
increase, soaring
昂奮/こうふん - excitement, stimulation, agitation, arousal
昂揚/こうよう - elevation (of spirits), raising (of morale),
uplift, upsurge
更衣/ころもがえ - seasonal change of clothing, changing
one’s dress for the season; renovation, facelift, redesign,
redecoration, new appearance, fresh look
更衣室/こういしつ - locker room, changing room, dressing
更改/こうかい - renewal, extension, revision
更新/こうしん - renewal, update, replacement, renovation,
breaking (a record)
更正/こうせい - correction, revision, rectification
更生/こうせい - rehabilitation, remaking one’s life, starting
life anew; rebirth, regeneration, reorganization, rebuilding,
recovery, restoration, remaking; coming back to life, revival,
更迭/こうてつ - change (of personnel), reshuffle (e.g. of a
cabinet), shake-up, dismissal (e.g. of a minister),
更年期/こうねんき - menopause, change of life
更年期障害/こうねんきしょうがい - menopausal disorders
杭/くい - stake, post, pile, picket; {abbr} {arch} stump
校医/こうい - school doctor
校閲/こうえつ - revision, proofreading
校歌/こうか - school song
校外/こうがい - out-of-school, off-campus
校旗/こうき - school flag
校訓/こうくん - school precepts
校章/こうしょう - school badge, school emblem, school
校正/こうせい - proofreading; calibration
校則/こうそく - school rules, school regulations
校内/こうない - within a school
校風/こうふう - school tradition, school customs, school spirit
校門/こうもん - school gate
校友/こうゆう - schoolmate, alumnus
構え/かまえ - structure, construction, appearance; posture
(e.g. in martial arts), pose, stance; readiness, determination,
preparedness; kanji enclosure type radical (must enclose at
least two sides of the kanji) 構図/こうず - composition (of
painting), structural outline, compositional arrangement
構築/こうちく - construction, building, putting up, erecting,
creation, formulation, architecture (systems, agreement,
構内/こうない - premises, grounds, campus, compound,
江/え - inlet, bay
江戸っ子/えどっこ - (true) Tokyoite, Edoite, Tokyo native
江戸時代/えどじだい - {hist} Edo period (1603-1868)
江戸川/えどがわ - Edo River
江戸前/えどまえ - Tokyo style
江上/こうじょう - (on the) bank of a large river
港内/こうない - inside the harbour, inside the harbor
港湾/こうわん - harbour, harbor
港湾局/こうわんきょく - Port and Harbor Authority
甲/きのえ - first sign of the Chinese calendar
甲乙/こうおつ - first and second, A and B; superiority and (or)
inferiority, distinction (in quality), discernment,
甲高い/かんだかい - high-pitched, shrill
甲骨文/こうこつぶん - oracle bone script
甲子/かっし - Wood Rat (1st term of the sexagenary cycle,
e.g. 1924, 1984, 2044)
甲種/こうしゅ - A-grade, first-class
甲状腺/こうじょうせん - {anat} thyroid (gland)
甲板/かんぱん - deck (of a ship)
甲板/こうはん - deck (of a ship)
甲羅/こうら - shell (of crab, tortoise, etc.), carapace, plastron;
person’s back; years of experience
甲冑/かっちゅう - armor and helmet (armour)
甲鈑/こうはん - steel sheet, steel plate, steel plates
甲鈑/こうばん - steel sheet, steel plate, steel plates
皇位/こうい - imperial throne
皇宮警察/こうぐうけいさつ - the Imperial Guards
皇軍/こうぐん - {hist} (Japanese) Imperial Army
皇后/こうごう - (Japanese) empress, queen
皇子/おうじ - imperial prince
皇室/こうしつ - Imperial household
皇女/こうじょ - imperial princess
皇族/こうぞく - imperial family, royalty
皇太后/こうたいこう - Empress Dowager, Queen Mother
皇太后/こうたいごう - Empress Dowager, Queen Mother
皇太子/こうたいし - crown prince
皇太子妃/こうたいしひ - crown princess
皇帝/こうてい - {hon} emperor
皇民党/こうみんとう - Imperialist Party
硬さ/かたさ - firmness, hardness, stiffness, honesty
硬化/こうか - hardening, vulcanization, vulcanisation,
sclerosis, curing; hardening (of attitude, stance, etc.),
stiffening, toughening; {finc} upturn (in the market), firming
硬骨/こうこつ - bone; firmness (of character), backbone,
unyielding spirit
硬式/こうしき - hard (esp. of hardball, tennis, etc.)
硬質/こうしつ - hardness, stiffness
硬直/こうちょく - stiffening, rigidity, rigor, stiffness,
ossification, petrification
硬度/こうど - hardness, solidity
硬軟/こうなん - hardness and softness, hard line and
moderate line
硬派/こうは - hard-liners, diehards, hawks; (young) man with
traditionally masculine interests, tough boy, man’s man;
hard news, reporter who covers political and economic
affairs; strait-laced type (with respect to relationships);
bullish traders 硬筆/こうひつ - pen or pencil
稿料/こうりょう - manuscript fee, payment for a piece of
糠/ぬか - rice bran
紅/くれない - deep red, crimson
紅/べに - deep red, crimson; rouge, lipstick
紅花/べにばな - safflower (Carthamus tinctorius), dyer’s
紅海/こうかい - Red Sea
紅旗/こうき - {arch} red flag
紅色/こうしょく - red (color, colour)
紅潮/こうちょう - flush, blush
紅梅/こうばい - red-blossomed plum tree, red Japanese
紅白/こうはく - red and white, colours for festive or
auspicious occasions (colors); two teams, two groups;
{abbr} Kōhaku Uta Gassen, annual contest between male
and female popular singers on New Year’s Eve (sponsored
and broadcast by NHK) 絞める/しめる - to strangle, to
絞り/しぼり - tie-dye, tie-dyeing; aperture (e.g. camera, iris
of the eye), aperture stop, stop; contraction, squeezing,
絞り込む/しぼりこむ - to squeeze, to wring out; to narrow
down, to refine
絞殺/こうさつ - strangulation, strangling
絞首刑/こうしゅけい - death by hanging, execution by
綱引き/つなひき - tug of war; forward puller (of a rickshaw)
綱曳き/つなひき - tug of war; forward puller (of a rickshaw)
綱紀/こうき - law and order, (official) discipline
綱紀粛正/こうきしゅくせい - {yoji} enforcement of official
discipline, tightening of discipline, eliminating corruption
among government officials
綱渡り/つなわたり - tightrope walking, high-wire act,
funambulism; {id} treading a tightrope, walking on thin ice,
pulling a risky balancing act
綱領/こうりょう - general plan, main points, summary,
platform (e.g. for a campaign), mission statement
考え込む/かんがえこむ - to ponder, to brood
考え出す/かんがえだす - to think out, to devise, to invent, to
begin to think, to come up with a plan
考え直す/かんがえなおす - to reconsider, to rethink, to
考案/こうあん - plan, device, idea, design, contrivance,
conception, invention
考査/こうさ - examination, consideration, test, quiz
考察/こうさつ - consideration, inquiry, enquiry, investigation,
考証/こうしょう - investigation into historical evidence, study
of historical artifacts
肱/ひじ - elbow
膏/あぶら - fat, tallow, lard, grease
航空宇宙技術研究所/こうくううちゅうぎじゅつけんきゅうじょ National Aerospace Laboratory, NAL
航空学/こうくうがく - aeronautics
航空機/こうくうき - aircraft
航空券/こうくうけん - airline ticket, plane ticket, air ticket
航空自衛隊/こうくうじえいたい - {mil} Japan Air Self-Defense
Force, JASDF
航空便/こうくうびん - air mail
航空母艦/こうくうぼかん - aircraft carrier
航行/こうこう - cruise, navigation, sailing
航跡/こうせき - wake (of boat)
航続距離/こうぞくきょり - cruising range, flying range
航法/こうほう - sailing, navigation
航路/こうろ - (air or sea) route, course, line, run
荒々しい/あらあらしい - rough, wild, rude, harsh, gruff, violent
荒す/あらす - to lay waste, to devastate, to damage; to
invade, to break into; {comp} {col} to troll (e.g. web
forums), to spam
荒らげる/あららげる - to roughen (e.g. one’s attitude), to raise
(one’s voice)
荒らし回る/あらしまわる - to break into (houses here and
there), to rampage
荒れ果てる/あれはてる - to fall into ruin, to become
dilapidated, to become rundown, to become desolate, to be
badly neglected
荒れ模様/あれもよう - stormy, threatening
荒れ野/あれの - wasteland, wilderness, deserted land, prairie,
vast plain, wilds, desert, wild land
荒稼ぎ/あらかせぎ - making a killing, making easy money;
{dated} robbery, robber
荒海/あらうみ - rough sea, stormy sea
荒巻/あらまき - salted salmon, fish wrapped in (bamboo)
荒事/あらごと - (theatrical) fighting scene
荒城/こうじょう - ruined castle
荒天/こうてん - stormy weather
荒唐無稽/こうとうむけい - {yoji} absurd, nonsensical,
荒波/あらなみ - raging waves, stormy seas; hardships,
troubles, adversities
荒木/あらき - logs in bark, rough wood, unseasoned timber,
new lumber
荒野/あらの - wasteland, wilderness, deserted land, prairie,
vast plain, wilds, desert, wild land
荒野/あれの - wasteland, wilderness, deserted land, prairie,
vast plain, wilds, desert, wild land
荒野/こうや - wasteland, wilderness, deserted land, prairie,
vast plain, wilds, desert, wild land
荒療治/あらりょうじ - rough-and-ready (medical) treatment,
drastic remedy, drastic treatment; drastic measures, drastic
行き違い/ゆきちがい - crossing without meeting (e.g. letters in
the post, people on the road), going astray; difference of
opinion, misunderstanding, estrangement, disagreement
行き過ぎ/いきすぎ - going too far, going to extremes
行き過ぎ/ゆきすぎ - going too far, going to extremes
行き過ぎる/いきすぎる - to go too far, to go past; to go to
extremes, to overdo it
行き帰り/ゆきかえり - going and returning (e.g. work, school),
both ways
行き詰まり/いきづまり - deadlock, stalemate, impasse, dead
行き詰まり/ゆきづまり - deadlock, stalemate, impasse, dead
行き詰まる/いきづまる - to come to a dead end, to come to a
standstill, to reach a deadlock, to reach an impasse, to
reach a stalemate
行き詰り/いきづまり - deadlock, stalemate, impasse, dead
行き詰り/ゆきづまり - deadlock, stalemate, impasse, dead
行き交う/ゆきかう - to come and go, to go back and forth
行き止まり/いきどまり - dead end, cul-de-sac, blind alley, no
through road (i.e. on signage); end, end of the road, end
point, as far as one can go
行き止まり/ゆきどまり - dead end, cul-de-sac, blind alley, no
through road (i.e. on signage); end, end of the road, end
point, as far as one can go
行き先/いきさき - destination; whereabouts; future, prospects
行き先/ゆきさき - destination; whereabouts; future, prospects
行き渡る/いきわたる - to diffuse, to spread throughout, to
prevail, to become widespread, to reach everyone
行き渡る/ゆきわたる - to diffuse, to spread throughout, to
prevail, to become widespread, to reach everyone
行き届く/いきとどく - to be scrupulous, to be attentive, to be
prudent, to be complete, to be thorough
行き届く/ゆきとどく - to be scrupulous, to be attentive, to be
prudent, to be complete, to be thorough
行き来/いきき - coming and going, keeping in touch, visiting
each other; street traffic, highway
行き来/ゆきき - coming and going, keeping in touch, visiting
each other; street traffic, highway
行く手/ゆくて - one’s way, one’s path
行く先/ゆくさき - destination; whereabouts; future, prospects
行く末/ゆくすえ - one’s future, one’s fate, prospects, promise;
one’s way, one’s path
行ったり来たり/いったりきたり - going to and fro, back and
行ない/おこない - deed, act, action; conduct, behavior,
behaviour; {Buddh} asceticism
行なう/おこなう - to perform, to do, to conduct oneself, to
carry out
行員/こういん - {abbr} bank clerk
行革/ぎょうかく - {abbr} administrative reform
行楽/こうらく - outing, excursion, pleasure trip, going on a
行楽地/こうらくち - tourist resort, holiday resort
行間/ぎょうかん - line-spacing in text, between the lines
行詰り/いきづまり - deadlock, stalemate, impasse, dead end
行詰り/ゆきづまり - deadlock, stalemate, impasse, dead end
行脚/あんぎゃ - {Buddh} pilgrimage; walking tour, travelling
(on foot)
行軍/こうぐん - march, marching
行使/こうし - use, exercise (of one’s right, authority, power,
行司/ぎょうじ - {sumo} referee
行者/ぎょうじゃ - ascetic, pilgrim, devotee
行書/ぎょうしょ - semicursive style (of writing Chinese
characters), running style
行商/ぎょうしょう - monger, peddling
行状/ぎょうじょう - behavior, behaviour
行進曲/こうしんきょく - {music} march
行人/こうじん - passer-by, traveler, traveller
行政官/ぎょうせいかん - executive officer, administrative
行政管理庁/ぎょうせいかんりちょう - Administrative
Management Agency
行政機関/ぎょうせいきかん - administrative organ,
administrative body, governmental body
行政権/ぎょうせいけん - executive power, authority
行政処分/ぎょうせいしょぶん - administrative measures
行政書士/ぎょうせいしょし - administrative scrivener, notary
public, paralegal qualified to prepare legal documents on
administrative matters, e.g. immigration
行政訴訟/ぎょうせいそしょう - administrative litigation (action)
行程/こうてい - journey, course, distance, march, flight, drive,
leg (of a journey, relay race, etc.); itinerary; stroke (of a
piston), throw (of a switch)
行渡る/いきわたる - to diffuse, to spread throughout, to
prevail, to become widespread, to reach everyone
行渡る/ゆきわたる - to diffuse, to spread throughout, to
prevail, to become widespread, to reach everyone
行来/いきき - coming and going, keeping in touch, visiting
each other; street traffic, highway
行来/ゆきき - coming and going, keeping in touch, visiting
each other; street traffic, highway
講じる/こうじる - to take measures, to work out a plan; to
lecture, to read aloud; to confer
講ずる/こうずる - to take measures, to work out a plan; to
lecture, to read aloud; to confer
講演会/こうえんかい - lecture (esp. special engagement by
noted speaker), lecture meeting (event with one or more
講座/こうざ - course (e.g. of lectures); academic university
unit (professor, lecturers, etc.)
講釈/こうしゃく - explanation (of a text, phrase, etc.), lecture,
exposition; explanation (in a pompous fashion), (longwinded) lecture; {arch} storytelling
講談/こうだん - storytelling (of war chronicles, revenge tales,
etc.) with highly dramatic delivery, story
講評/こうひょう - criticism (by a teacher or coach, with
commentary, especially at a poetry reading), review,
講和/こうわ - reconciliation (between warring nations),
(making of) peace
講話/こうわ - lecture, discourse
購買力/こうばいりょく - {econ} buying power, purchasing
酵素/こうそ - enzyme
酵母/こうぼ - yeast, leaven
鉱区/こうく - mining area, mine lot
鉱床/こうしょう - mineral deposit, ore deposit
鉱石/こうせき - ore, mineral, crystal
鉱毒/こうどく - mine pollution
鉱脈/こうみゃく - vein (of ore), reef, streak, lode
鋼/はがね - steel; sword steel, sword
鋼管/こうかん - steel pipe
鋼材/こうざい - steel material
鋼鉄/こうてつ - steel
鋼板/こうはん - steel sheet, steel plate
鋼板/こうばん - steel sheet, steel plate
降す/くだす - to make a decision, to draw a conclusion; to
give a judgement, to hand down a verdict, to pass a
sentence, to give an order; to let go down, to lower; to do
oneself, to do by oneself; to beat, to defeat; to have loose
bowels, to have diarrhea; to pass (in stool), to discharge
from the body; {aux-v} {v5s} to do in one go, to do to the
end without stopping 降らす/ふらす - to send (rain), to shed
降り/ふり - rainfall, snowfall; alighting, descending
降りしきる/ふりしきる - to fall continuously (of rain, snow,
etc.), to fall hard, to fall heavily, to pour down
降り出す/ふりだす - to begin to rain, to begin to snow
降り積もる/ふりつもる - to fall and pile up (e.g. snow), to lie
降り注ぐ/ふりそそぐ - to rain incessantly, to downpour
降る/くだる - to descend, to go down, to come down; to be
handed down (of an order, judgment, etc.); to pass (of
time); to surrender, to capitulate; to be less than, to be
inferior to; to have the runs, to have diarrhea; to pass (in
stool), to be discharged from the body; {arch} to depreciate
oneself, to be humble 降圧剤/こうあつざい - drug to lower
blood pressure, antihypertensive
降雨/こうう - rainfall, rain
降下/こうか - descent, fall, drop, (atmospheric) depression;
passing down (of an order, decree, etc.)
降格/こうかく - demotion, relegation, downgrading
降参/こうさん - surrender, submission, capitulation; being
defeated (e.g. by a problem), giving up, giving in
降水量/こうすいりょう - amount of precipitation, precipitation
降雪/こうせつ - snowfall, snow
降板/こうばん - {baseb} leaving the mound, being knocked
out; resignation, stepping down, withdrawing
降服/こうふく - surrender, capitulation, submission; {engr}
香ばしい/こうばしい - aromatic (roasted beans, roasted tea,
etc.), fragrant (e.g. burning wood), pleasant-smelling,
savory-smelling (e.g. barbecued meat), savoury, appetizing
香る/かおる - to smell sweet, to be fragrant
香気/こうき - fragrance
香港/ほんこん - Hong Kong (China)
香典/こうでん - gift brought to a funeral (usu. money), funeral
offering, condolence gift, incense money
香典返し/こうでんがえし - present given in return for funeral
香料/こうりょう - flavoring, flavouring, spices; fragrance,
perfume, incense; condolence gift
香炉/こうろ - censer, incense burner
高/たか - quantity, amount, volume, number, amount of
高々/たかだか - very high, high up, aloft; {adv} only, merely,
just, at most, at best, no more than
高さ/たかさ - height (degree of)
高ぶる/たかぶる - to become aroused (of emotions, nerves,
etc.), to become excited, to become stirred up, to become
worked up; to be proud, to be haughty, to be pompous, to
be self-important
高まり/たかまり - rise, swell, elevation, upsurge
高らか/たからか - loud, sonorous, ringing
高圧/こうあつ - high voltage, high pressure
高位/こうい - dignity, eminent, high ranking; high-order
(digit, bit, etc.)
高緯度/こういど - high latitudes
高温/こうおん - high temperature
高音/こうおん - high-pitched tone, soprano
高音/たかね - high-pitched tone, soprano
高下/こうげ - rise and fall (e.g. prices), fluctuation; difference
(rank, grade, quality, etc.), variation
高架/こうか - elevated (structure), overhead
高学年/こうがくねん - upper grades of primary school (sixth,
fifth, and sometimes fourth grades)
高額/こうがく - large sum (of money), large amount; large
denomination (banknote, etc.)
高官/こうかん - high official
高感度/こうかんど - high sensitivity, highly sensitive (e.g. film,
radio receiver), high speed (film); discerning, discriminating,
of refined tastes
高機能/こうきのう - high-functioning, high-performance,
高気圧/こうきあつ - high (atmospheric) pressure, highpressure system, anticyclone
高貴/こうき - high class, noble
高給/こうきゅう - high salary
高空/こうくう - high altitude
高潔/こうけつ - noble, lofty, high-minded, virtuous, upright
高血圧/こうけつあつ - {med} high blood pressure,
高血圧症/こうけつあつしょう - high blood pressure (as an
illness), hypertension
高見/こうけん - {hon} your views, your opinion; great idea,
excellent idea
高座/こうざ - platform, stage, upper seat, pulpit
高裁/こうさい - {abbr} High Court
高山/こうざん - high mountain, alpine mountain
高山病/こうざんびょう - altitude sickness, mountain sickness
高射特科/こうしゃとっか - antiaircraft artillery
高射砲/こうしゃほう - antiaircraft gun
高周波/こうしゅうは - high frequency, HF
高所/こうしょ - high place, high ground, height, (high)
altitude, elevation; broad (point of) view
高水準/こうすいじゅん - high level
高瀬/たかせ - shallow river, shallows; {abbr} flatboat, river
高性能/こうせいのう - high efficiency, high performance
高精度/こうせいど - high precision
高専/こうせん - {abbr} technical college; higher schools and
高僧/こうそう - high priest, highly-ranked priest; virtuous
priest, priest of great sanctity and learning
高速度/こうそくど - high speed
高速道路/こうそくどうろ - highway, freeway
高卒/こうそつ - {col} {abbr} having graduated from high
school (as one’s highest completed level of education), high
school graduate
高台/たかだい - high ground, elevation, hill
高値/たかね - high price
高地/こうち - high ground, plateau, heights
高潮/こうちょう - high tide, high water; climax, high point
高低/こうてい - high and low, rise and fall
高低/たかひく - high and low, rise and fall
高点/こうてん - high score
高等科/こうとうか - advanced course
高等裁判所/こうとうさいばんしょ - High Court
高等専門学校/こうとうせんもんがっこう - technical college
高騰/こうとう - sharp rise (in prices), steep rise, substantial
increase, soaring
高徳/こうとく - eminent virtue
高熱/こうねつ - high fever; pyro—
高年/こうねん - old age
高波/たかなみ - high waves, heavy seas
高配/こうはい - {hon} (your) consideration, attention,
trouble, kindness, good offices; high dividends, high rate of
高飛び込み/たかとびこみ - high dive, high diving
高飛車/たかびしゃ - high-handed, domineering, on one’s high
高品質/こうひんしつ - high quality
高峰/こうほう - high mountain, lofty peak
高慢/こうまん - haughty, arrogant, proud, stuck-up
高密度/こうみつど - high density
高名/こうみょう - famous, well-known, renowned,
distinguished, celebrated; {n} {hon} your name
高名/こうめい - famous, well-known, renowned, distinguished,
celebrated; {n} {hon} your name
高野豆腐/こうやどうふ - freeze-dried tofu
高揚/こうよう - elevation (of spirits), raising (of morale),
uplift, upsurge
高利/こうり - high interest rate
高率/こうりつ - high rate
高嶺/たかね - high peak
高麗/こうらい - {hist} {abbr} Goryeo (dynasty of Korea; 9181392 CE); Korea (esp. the Goguryeo kingdom or the Goryeo
高齢/こうれい - advanced age, old age
高齢者/こうれいしゃ - old person
高炉/こうろ - blast furnace
剛毅/ごうき - fortitude, firmness of character, hardihood,
剛健/ごうけん - vigour, vigor, virility, health, sturdiness
剛情/ごうじょう - obstinate, stubborn, headstrong
劫かす/おびやかす - to intimidate, to frighten, to scare; to
threaten (e.g. peace), to jeopardize, to endanger, to imperil
号外/ごうがい - newspaper extra
号泣/ごうきゅう - crying loudly, bawling, wailing, lamentation;
{col} crying one’s eyes out (without making noise),
breaking into a flood of tears, crying buckets, weeping
号車/ごうしゃ - suffix for train car numbers
号数/ごうすう - number or size of periodicals or pictures, type
号砲/ごうほう - signal gun, starting gun
号令/ごうれい - order (esp. to a number of people),
command; ritual of bowing at start and end of school class
合/ごう - gō, traditional unit of volume, approx. 0.1804 litres;
gō, traditional unit of area, approx 0.33 metres square; onetenth of the way from the base to the summit of a
mountain; {astron} conjunction; sum, total; synthesis (in
dialectics); minor premise (in hetuvidya); {ctr} counter for
covered containers; {ctr} counter for matches, battles, etc.
合いの手/あいのて - interlude (in traditional Japanese music);
chanting or clapping along (during a song or dance);
合い言葉/あいことば - password, watchword; motto, slogan
合い詞/あいことば - password, watchword; motto, slogan
合い乗り/あいのり - riding together, sharing a car (taxi, etc.);
doing in collaboration; backing of the same candidate by
different political parties
合い性/あいしょう - affinity, compatibility, chemistry
(between people)
合わさる/あわさる - to join, to be put together, to combine, to
unite, to fit, to close (e.g. of a wound)
合羽/かっぱ - raincoat
合気道/あいきどう - {MA} aikido
合金/ごうきん - alloy
合憲/ごうけん - constitutionality
合言葉/あいことば - password, watchword
合作/がっさく - collaboration, joint work
合算/がっさん - adding up, totalling, totaling
合従連衡/がっしょうれんこう - {yoji} alliance (of the Six
Kingdoms against the Qin dynasty, and of individual
Kingdoms with the Qin dynasty); {yoji} (tactic of) making
and breaking alliances (to benefit oneself as the occasion
demands), resorting to alliances as a diplomatic expedient
合宿/がっしゅく - lodging together, training camp, boarding
合唱団/がっしょうだん - chorus group, choir
合掌/がっしょう - pressing one’s hands together in prayer;
triangular frame of a thatched roof; {exp} yours sincerely,
yours truly, sincerely yours
合性/あいしょう - affinity, compatibility, chemistry (between
合成語/ごうせいご - compound word
合成樹脂/ごうせいじゅし - plastics, synthetic resins
合成洗剤/ごうせいせんざい - synthetic detergent
合成繊維/ごうせいせんい - synthetic fibre, synthetic fiber
合戦/かっせん - battle, fight, fighting, engagement, contest
合繊/ごうせん - {abbr} synthetic fiber, synthetic fibre
合奏/がっそう - ensemble (e.g. orchestra, chamber group,
etc.), concert
合体/がったい - union, combination, coalescence,
amalgamation, merger, incorporation; {biol} conjugation (of
gametes); {col} sexual intercourse, copulation
合点/がてん - consent, assent, understanding, agreement,
comprehension, grasp
合板/ごうはん - veneer board, plywood; joint publication
合板/ごうばん - veneer board, plywood; joint publication
合否/ごうひ - success or failure, result
合併/ごうへい - combination, union, amalgamation,
consolidation, merger, coalition, fusion, annexation,
affiliation, incorporation
合併症/がっぺいしょう - {med} complication
合弁/ごうべん - {adj-no} {bot} gamopetalous, sympetalous
合法/ごうほう - legal, lawful, legitimate
合法的/ごうほうてき - legal, lawful, legitimate, law-abiding, in
合理化/ごうりか - rationalization, rationalisation, rationalize,
合理的/ごうりてき - rational, reasonable, logical
合力/ごうりき - assistance, help; donation, alms, almsgiving
合力/ごうりょく - resultant force; assistance, help; donation,
alms, almsgiving
合祀/ごうし - {Shinto} enshrining together
壕/ごう - moat, fosse, trench, ditch; underground air-raid
shelter, dugout
拷問/ごうもん - torture
豪い/えらい - great, excellent, admirable, remarkable,
distinguished, important, celebrated, famous, eminent; very
troublesome, awful, terrible; tiring, tough; {adv} very,
豪雨/ごうう - torrential rain, heavy rain, cloudburst,
豪華版/ごうかばん - deluxe edition
豪快/ごうかい - hearty, tremendous, magnificent, glorious,
splendid, heroic, stirring
豪傑/ごうけつ - hero, great man
豪語/ごうご - boasting, big talk, bombast; {rare} Australian
豪商/ごうしょう - wealthy merchant
豪勢/ごうせい - grand, luxurious, lavish, sumptuous; great,
large, big (e.g. storm); {adv} {arch} very, greatly,
豪雪/ごうせつ - tremendous snowfall, heavy snow
豪族/ごうぞく - powerful family, powerful clan
豪邸/ごうてい - magnificent house, luxurious home, palatial
residence, stately mansion
豪放/ごうほう - largehearted, frank, unaffected
麹/こうじ - kōji, malted rice, malt, malt-like material from
growing mold on rice, barley, beans, etc. (used as a starter
to make sake, miso, soy sauce, etc.)
克己/こっき - self denial, self control
克明/こくめい - detailed, scrupulous, careful, minute, faithful,
elaborate; {arch} diligent, honest, upright, sincere
刻/こく - {hist} period of time (usu. a period of approx. two
hours corresponding to one of the signs of the Chinese
zodiac); carving, engraving, cutting, mincing; strictness,
刻々/こくこく - moment by moment, hour by hour
刻々/こっこく - moment by moment, hour by hour
刻み/きざみ - mincing, cutting, chopping, notch, nick; rapping
(a percussion instrument), beating; {abbr} shredded
tobacco; {suf} interval
刻一刻/こくいっこく - moment by moment
刻一刻と/こくいっこくと - moment by moment, hour by hour
刻印/こくいん - engraving a seal, engraved seal, inscribed
seal; engraving, inscribing, stamping (an impression); brand
(i.e. a mark of disgrace), stamp, reputation
告示/こくじ - notice, bulletin
告訴/こくそ - {law} accusation, complaint, charge, suit, legal
action, legal proceedings
告知/こくち - notice, announcement
告発/こくはつ - indictment, prosecution, complaint
告別/こくべつ - farewell, leave-taking
国々/くにぐに - countries
国威/こくい - national prestige
国営/こくえい - government management, state
国益/こくえき - national interest
国家公安委員会/こっかこうあんいいんかい - National Public
Safety Commission
国家公務員/こっかこうむいん - government official
国家試験/こっかしけん - state examination
国家主義/こっかしゅぎ - nationalism, statism
国歌/こっか - national anthem
国花/こっか - national flower
国会議員/こっかいぎいん - member of the Diet, Diet member,
member of parliament, MP
国会議事堂/こっかいぎじどう - parliament building, parliament
house, National Diet Building (Japan), (US) Capitol, Houses
of Parliament, National Assembly building
国外/こくがい - outside the country
国学/こくがく - study of classical Japanese literature and
culture; {hist} provincial school (established under the
ritsuryō system for educating children of district governors);
{hist} school (of a provincial capital during the Xia, Shang
and Zhou dynasties) 国旗/こっき - national flag
国技/こくぎ - national sport
国境/くにざかい - border (between countries), national border
国教/こっきょう - state religion, official religion, established
国軍/こくぐん - national armed forces
国慶節/こっけいせつ - anniversary of founding (of PRC),
national celebration time
国権/こっけん - power of the state, national sovereignty,
sovereign rights
国元/くにもと - one’s home, hometown, native place,
国庫/こっこ - national treasury
国語学/こくごがく - Japanese philology, Japanese linguistics
国語辞典/こくごじてん - Japanese-language dictionary;
dictionary of a national language
国光/こっこう - national glory; Ralls Genet (cultivar of apple),
Ralls Janet, Rawls Jennet
国債/こくさい - national debt, national securities, government
bonds, government securities
国際協力事業団/こくさいきょうりょくじぎょうだん - Japan
International Cooperation Agency (1974), JICA
国際色/こくさいしょく - international character
国際人/こくさいじん - internationally-minded person,
cosmopolitan, cosmopolite, citizen of the world;
international celebrity
国際電信電話/こくさいでんしんでんわ - KDD, Japanese
international telecommunications company
国際法/こくさいほう - international law, law of nations
国際連合/こくさいれんごう - United Nations, UN
国策/こくさく - national policy
国史/こくし - history of a nation, Japanese history
国士/こくし - distinguished citizen, patriot
国事/こくじ - national affairs
国書/こくしょ - diplomatic message sent by a head of state,
sovereign letter; book written in Japanese (as opposed to
Chinese, etc.), Japanese book, national literature (of Japan)
国情/こくじょう - conditions of a country
国人/くにびと - indigenous person, inhabitant of a country;
local, native; {hist} local lords and samurai
国粋/こくすい - national characteristics
国粋主義/こくすいしゅぎ - nationalism, extreme patriotism
国是/こくぜ - national policy
国勢/こくせい - state of a country (population, resources,
etc.), condition of a country, strength of a country
国勢調査/こくせいちょうさ - (national) census
国政/こくせい - national politics, political situation, statecraft,
body politic
国税/こくぜい - national tax
国税局/こくぜいきょく - revenue office, taxation bureau
国税庁/こくぜいちょう - National Tax Agency (Japan); national
taxation agency (e.g. IRS)
国葬/こくそう - state funeral, national funeral
国体/こくたい - national polity; {abbr} National Athletic Meet
国対/こくたい - {abbr} Committee of the National Diet
国大/こくだい - national university
国鉄/こくてつ - {abbr} national railway; {abbr} {hist} Japan
National Railways (1949-1987)
国電/こくでん - city electric train service operated by
(former) Japanese National Railways
国土/こくど - country, territory
国土計画/こくどけいかく - national land planning
国土地理院/こくどちりいん - Geographical Survey Institute
国土庁/こくどちょう - (Japanese) National Land Agency
国道/こくどう - national road, national highway
国内/こくない - internal, domestic
国費/こくひ - national expenditure, government spending,
public funds
国賓/こくひん - state guest
国富/こくふ - national wealth
国府/こくふ - {abbr} Nationalist Government (of China; i.e.
under the Kuomintang); provincial office (under the ritsuryō
system), provincial capital
国風/こくふう - national customs and manners; provincial
song or ballad; waka (classical Japanese poetry, as opposed
to Chinese poetry)
国分寺/こくぶんじ - state-supported provincial temple (Nara
国文/こくぶん - national literature
国文学/こくぶんがく - Japanese literature
国柄/くにがら - national character, regional character
国宝/こくほう - national treasure
国法/こくほう - national law
国防会議/こくぼうかいぎ - (Japanese) National Defense
Council (1956-86) (Defence); National Security Council
国民健康保険/こくみんけんこうほけん - national health
国民宿舎/こくみんしゅくしゃ - inexpensive hotel operated by a
local government
国民審査/こくみんしんさ - {law} national review, national
referendum on the appointment or reappointment of
Supreme Court judges, held at the same time as general
elections to the House of Representatives
国民性/こくみんせい - national traits, national characteristic,
character of the inhabitants of a nation
国民総生産/こくみんそうせいさん - gross national product, GNP
国民体育大会/こくみんたいいくたいかい - National Athletic Meet
国民的/こくみんてき - national (e.g. hero, pastime,
consensus), relevant to all citizens, popular on a national
国民投票/こくみんとうひょう - national referendum
国民年金/こくみんねんきん - national pension, government
pension system
国務/こくむ - affairs of state
国務省/こくむしょう - State Department
国務大臣/こくむだいじん - minister of state, cabinet minister
(in Japan)
国務長官/こくむちょうかん - Secretary of State
国名/こくめい - country name
国有化/こくゆうか - nationalization, nationalisation
国立劇場/こくりつげきじょう - national theater
国立博物館/こくりつはくぶつかん - national museum
国立予防衛生研究所/こくりつよぼうえいせいけんきゅうしょ National Institute of Health
国力/こくりょく - national power
国労/こくろう - National Railway Workers Union
国論/こくろん - public opinion
穀倉/こくそう - granary
穀類/こくるい - grains
酷/こく - severe, harsh, stringent, rigorous, strict, unfair
酷しい/きびしい - severe, strict, rigid, unsparing, relentless;
hard (to do), difficult, tricky; intense (e.g. cold), harsh
(weather), inclement
酷寒/こっかん - severe cold, intense cold, bitter cold
酷使/こくし - exploitation, overuse, abuse
酷似/こくじ - resembling closely, being strikingly similar,
bearing a strong likeness
酷暑/こくしょ - intense heat, severe heat
酷評/こくひょう - severe criticism, sharp criticism, scathing
criticism, diatribe, panning
黒い霧/くろいきり - thick fog (of suspicion), black veil of
secrecy, covered-up crime, unethical act, etc.
黒ずむ/くろずむ - to blacken, to darken
黒っぽい/くろっぽい - dark, blackish
黒衣/こくい - black clothes
黒衣/こくえ - black clothes
黒煙/くろけむり - black smoke
黒煙/こくえん - black smoke
黒鉛/こくえん - graphite
黒海/こっかい - Black Sea
黒光り/くろびかり - black lustre, black luster
黒砂糖/くろざとう - (unrefined) brown sugar, muscovado
黒山/くろやま - large crowd, mass of people
黒子/こくし - mole, lentigo, beauty spot
黒子/ほくろ - mole, lentigo, beauty spot
黒松/くろまつ - black pine (Pinus thunbergii), Japanese black
黒色/こくしょく - black (colour, color)
黒人/こくじん - black person; {arch} woman in the nightlife
business, demimondaine, geisha and prostitutes
黒星/くろぼし - black spot, black dot, bull’s-eye; {sumo}
mark indicating a defeat; loss, failure, mistake, faux pas
黒船/くろふね - {hist} black ships, Western ships that came
to Japan between the 16th and 19th centuries, esp. those of
the Perry Expedition in 1853; foreign disruptor (of the
Japanese market), product, person, etc. arriving from the
West and disturbing the Japanese market 黒地/くろじ - black
ground, black cloth
黒潮/くろしお - Kuroshio Current, Japan Current
黒鳥/こくちょう - black swan (Cygnus atratus)
黒点/こくてん - black spot, dark spot; {astron} sunspot
黒塗り/くろぬり - blackened, black-painted, black-lacquered,
blacked out; {n} blackened thing
黒土/こくど - black terracotta, black soil
黒猫/くろねこ - black cat; {tradem} Yamato Transport (doorto-door delivery service company)
黒白/くろしろ - black and white, right and wrong
黒髪/くろかみ - black hair
黒幕/くろまく - wirepuller, mastermind, backroom
manipulator, éminence grise, power broker; black curtain
黒木/くろき - unbarked lumber
黒曜石/こくようせき - obsidian
獄中/ごくちゅう - during imprisonment, while in jail
腰を掛ける/こしをかける - to sit down
腰掛/こしかけ - seat, bench; {col} temporary job while
looking for a better job or until one marries
腰掛る/こしかける - to sit (down)
腰高/こしだか - overbearing, unstable wrestling stance
腰砕け/こしくだけ - {sumo} collapsing in the middle of a
bout; breaking down (while in the middle of something),
faltering halfway
腰椎/ようつい - {anat} lumbar vertebra, lumbar vertebrae
腰痛/ようつう - lower back pain, lumbago
腰縄/こしなわ - leash, rope tied round prisoner’s waists
腰部/ようぶ - loins, hips, pelvic region, waist
惚け/ぼけ - fool, idiot; {col} dotage, senility, dementia; {suf}
touched in the head (from), out of it (from), feeling sluggish
(from), not yet up to par (after); funny man (of a comedy
惚れる/ほれる - to fall in love, to be in love, to be charmed
with, to lose one’s heart to
骨格/こっかく - skeleton, skeletal structure, build, frame,
physique; framework
骨子/こっし - main point, gist, essentials, bones (e.g. of an
idea), pith
骨身/ほねみ - flesh and bones
骨髄/こつずい - bone marrow, medulla; true spirit, one’s mind
骨粗鬆症/こつそしょうしょう - {med} osteoporosis
骨組み/ほねぐみ - skeletal frame, skeleton, build, physique;
framework, frame, structure; outline
骨太/ほねぶと - big-boned, sturdily built, stout; solid (plan,
storyline, etc.)
骨壷/こつつぼ - funerary urn, cinerary urn, burial urn,
cremation urn
骨董/こっとう - antique, curio
骨肉/こつにく - one’s own flesh and blood, blood relative,
kinsman; flesh and bone, (one’s) body
骨抜き/ほねぬき - boning (fish or meat), deboning; watering
down (a plan, bill, etc.), dilution, emasculation; taking the
backbone out of, weakening
骨盤/こつばん - {anat} pelvis
骨骼/こっかく - skeleton, skeletal structure, build, frame,
physique; framework
込み合う/こみあう - to be crowded, to be packed, to be
込み上げる/こみあげる - to well up (of tears, anger, joy, etc.),
to surge up (within oneself), to rise, to fill one’s heart, to
overcome one; to feel nauseated, to feel sick
この間/このあいだ - the other day, lately
此の間/このかん - the other day, lately, recently, during this
period; meanwhile, in the meantime
此の辺/このへん - this area
此の様/このよう - like this, this sort, this way
此れ迄/これまで - so far, up to now, hitherto; that’s enough
(for today), it ends here
此奴/こいつ - {derog} {fam} he, she, this fellow, this guy,
this person; {fam} this, this one, this thing; {int} {derog}
hey, you!, you bastard!, damn you!
此奴/こやつ - {derog} {fam} he, she, this fellow, this guy,
this person; {fam} this, this one, this thing; {int} {derog}
hey, you!, you bastard!, damn you!
今では/いまでは - now, nowadays
今でも/いまでも - even now, still, as yet
今や/いまや - now, now at last, at present, right now
今一/いまいち - {col} not quite (right), not very good,
somewhat (lacking)
今一つ/いまひとつ - one more, another (one); (not) quite,
(not) entirely, (not) enough, somewhat (lacking)
今夏/こんか - this summer, next summer, last summer
今期/こんき - the present term
今季/こんき - this season
今頃/いまごろ - about this time
今時/いまどき - these days, nowadays, present day, modern
times; at this time (of the day)
今秋/こんしゅう - this autumn, this fall, autumn of this year
今春/こんしゅん - this spring, spring this year
今宵/こよい - this evening, tonight
今昔/こんじゃく - past and present
今朝/こんちょう - this morning
今直ぐ/いますぐ - at once, immediately
今日的/こんにちてき - modern, up-to-date
今年/こんねん - this year
今年度/こんねんど - this year, this fiscal year, this school year
今般/こんぱん - now, recently, this time
今風/いまふう - modern, current, contemporary, trendy,
latest, up-to-date
今迄/いままで - until now, so far, up to the present
今夕/こんせき - this evening, tonight
今様/いまよう - modern style, contemporary style, current
fashion; {abbr} verse form from the Heian and Kamakura
periods consisting of 4 lines each divided into two parts of 7
and 5 syllables
困り果てる/こまりはてる - to be at a complete loss, to be
without recourse, to be completely stymied, to have
absolutely no idea what to do
困窮/こんきゅう - poverty, need, destitution; having great
difficulty with, struggling greatly with, being in distress
困惑/こんわく - bewilderment, perplexity, embarrassment,
discomfiture, bafflement
婚姻/こんいん - marriage, matrimony
婚儀/こんぎ - wedding ceremony
婚約者/こんやくしゃ - fiance, fiancee
婚礼/こんれい - marriage ceremony, wedding
恨布/こぶ - kombu (usu. Saccharina japonica), konbu, kelp,
any edible species from the family Laminariaceae
恨布/こんぶ - kombu (usu. Saccharina japonica), konbu, kelp,
any edible species from the family Laminariaceae
懇意/こんい - kindness, intimacy, friendship
懇願/こんがん - pleading, entreaty, supplication, petition
懇親/こんしん - friendship, intimacy
懇請/こんせい - appeal, entreaty, request
懇切/こんせつ - kind, considerate, helpful, caring, thoughtful,
attentive, careful
懇談/こんだん - informal talk
懇話/こんわ - friendly talk, chat
昏睡/こんすい - {med} coma; deep sleep, falling fast asleep
昆布/こぶ - kombu (usu. Saccharina japonica), konbu, kelp,
any edible species from the family Laminariaceae
昆布/こんぶ - kombu (usu. Saccharina japonica), konbu, kelp,
any edible species from the family Laminariaceae
根っから/ねっから - by nature, from the very beginning,
through and through, at heart; absolutely (not), (not) at all
根っ子/ねっこ - root (of a plant); stump (of a tree); root (of a
problem, etc.), base, foundation, origin, source
根幹/こんかん - foundation, root, basis, core, fundamentals;
root and trunk
根拠地/こんきょち - base (of operations)
根強い/ねづよい - firmly rooted, deep-seated
根掘り葉掘り/ねほりはほり - inquisitively, pryingly, nosily,
thoroughly, persistently, through-and-through
根元/こんげん - root, source, origin, cause
根元/ねもと - base (of a plant, tree, pillar, etc.), (part near
the) root, roots (of one’s hair); root (e.g. of a problem),
根原/こんげん - root, source, origin, cause
根源/こんげん - root, source, origin, cause
根差す/ねざす - to come from, to have roots in
根子/ねっこ - root, stub, stump
根治/こんじ - complete cure, radical cure, complete recovery
根城/ねじろ - stronghold, citadel, headquarters
根深い/ねぶかい - deep-rooted, ingrained
根性/こんじょう - willpower, guts, determination, grit, spirit;
character, nature, disposition, personality
根絶/こんぜつ - eradication, extermination, rooting out,
stamping out, getting rid of
根付く/ねづく - to take root, to strike
根負け/こんまけ - being beaten by one’s opponent’s
persistence, being outlasted, running out of patience, giving
in, succumbing (to)
根堀り葉堀り/ねほりはほり - inquisitively, pryingly, nosily,
thoroughly, persistently, through-and-through
根本/ねもと - base (of a plant, tree, pillar, etc.), (part near
the) root, roots (of one’s hair); root (e.g. of a problem),
根本的/こんぽんてき - fundamental, basic
根柢/こんてい - root, basis, foundation
混じり/まじり - mixed with, mingled with, interspersed with,
dashed with, sprinkled with
混ぜ合わす/まぜあわす - to mix together, to blend, to
混ぜ物/まぜもの - mixture, adulteration
混む/こむ - to be(come) crowded
混血児/こんけつじ - {sens} child of mixed parentage, mixedrace child
混在/こんざい - existing alongside (each other), mixture,
混信/こんしん - jamming, interference, cross talk
混成/こんせい - mixed (e.g. team, chorus)
混声/こんせい - mixed voices
混戦/こんせん - confused fight, free-for-all, melee; close
contest, close match
混沌/こんとん - chaos, confusion, disorder; {adj-t} {adv-to}
chaotic, confused, uncertain, disarrayed
混入/こんにゅう - mixing, blending, adding, adulteration
混紡/こんぼう - mixed yarn, mixed spinning
混迷/こんめい - turmoil, chaos, confusion
痕跡/こんせき - trace, vestige, mark, sign, evidence
紺屋/こうや - dyer
紺屋/こんや - dyer
紺碧/こんぺき - deep blue, azure
魂/たま - soul, spirit
魂胆/こんたん - ulterior motive, plot, scheme; complicated
circumstances, intricacies
些か/いささか - a little, a bit, somewhat, slightly, rather
些さか/いささか - a little, a bit, somewhat, slightly, rather
些事/さじ - something small, something petty, trifle
叉/また - groin, thigh, crotch, crutch; fork (in a tree, road,
river, etc.), tines (of a fork)
唆す/そそのかす - to instigate, to tempt, to entice, to incite
左官/さかん - plasterer
左岸/さがん - left bank (of a river)
左記/さき - undermentioned (statement), the following, at
左舷/さげん - port (left side of vessel)
左四つ/ひだりよつ - {sumo} hold in which both wrestlers
obtain an underarm grip with the left hand and an overarm
grip with the right
左手/ひだりて - left hand; left-hand side, left-hand direction,
(on) the left
左折/させつ - turning to the left, left turn
左遷/させん - demotion, relegation, reduction in rank,
degradation, downward move
左前/ひだりまえ - wearing a kimono with the right side over
the left (normally used only for the dead); going badly
(one’s business, one’s fortune, the economy), being in a bad
financial situation; front left, front and left, before and left 左
側/さそく - left side, left-hand side
左側/ひだりがわ - left (hand) side
左党/さとう - drinker, person who is fond of alcohol; left-wing
左派/さは - left wing
左辺/さへん - {math} left side (of an equation, expression,
etc.), LHS; left side (go, chess, othello board)
左方/さほう - left side
左翼/さよく - left-wing (politics); left wing (of a bird, aircraft,
formation, etc.), left flank; {baseb} left field
左利/ひだりきき - left-handedness, left-handed person, lefthander; fondness for alcohol, person who is fond of alcohol,
左腕/さわん - left arm; left-handed (baseball pitcher)
左腕/ひだりうで - left arm
差し引く/さしひく - to deduct, to take away, to dock; to make
allowances for something, to bear something in mind; to
ebb and flow
差し延べる/さしのべる - to hold out, to extend (e.g. one’s
hands), to stretch, to reach out for; to thrust (javelin); to
offer (e.g. aid, help, etc.)
差し押さえ/さしおさえ - seizure, attachment, foreclosure
差し押さえる/さしおさえる - to seize, to impound, to garnish,
to attach goods
差し控える/さしひかえる - to be moderate in, to be temperate
in, to not do too much of; to refrain (from doing), to withhold
(an announcement, comment, etc.); to be beside, to be
close by
差し込み/さしこみ - insertion; plug, (electrical) outlet, power
point; spasm of pain, griping pain, (fit of) convulsions, stitch
差し込む/さしこむ - to insert, to put in, to thrust in, to plug in;
to have a griping pain; to flow in, to shine in
差し止め/さしとめ - prohibition, ban, suspension, injunction
差し手/さして - {sumo} slipping one’s hand beneath the
opponent’s arm and latching on to the underside of his belt
差し出し人/さしだしにん - sender (e.g. of mail)
差し伸べる/さしのべる - to hold out, to extend (e.g. one’s
hands), to stretch, to reach out for; to thrust (javelin); to
offer (e.g. aid, help, etc.)
差し替え/さしかえ - replacement; {print} correcting
差し替える/さしかえる - to change, to replace
差し当たり/さしあたり - for the time being, at present; {n}
{arch} hindrance
差し入れ/さしいれ - insertion, letter drop; sending to a
prisoner, thing sent to a prisoner; supply of provisions,
refreshments, etc. to someone carrying out a task
差し入れる/さしいれる - to insert, to put in; to send in (to a
prisoner; e.g. clothes, books); to deliver (food, refreshments,
etc. to workers), to supply
差し迫る/さしせまる - to be urgent, to be pressing, to be
差し戻す/さしもどす - to send back, to refer back
差異/さい - difference, disparity, gap
差益/さえき - marginal profits
差延べる/さしのべる - to hold out, to extend (e.g. one’s
hands), to stretch, to reach out for; to thrust (javelin); to
offer (e.g. aid, help, etc.)
差支え/さしつかえ - hindrance, impediment
差出人/さしだしにん - sender (e.g. of mail)
差伸べる/さしのべる - to hold out, to extend (e.g. one’s
hands), to stretch, to reach out for; to thrust (javelin); to
offer (e.g. aid, help, etc.)
査察/ささつ - inspection (for compliance), investigation (tax,
査証/さしょう - visa; endorsing (e.g. a passport), stamping
査定/さてい - assessment (of value, damages, etc.), revision
(of a budget)
査問/さもん - inquiry, enquiry, hearing
沙汰/さた - affair, state, incident, issue, matter; verdict,
sentence; directions, orders, command, instructions; notice,
information, communication, news, message, tidings,
沙漠/さばく - desert
砂煙/すなけむり - cloud of sand (dust, etc.)
砂岩/さがん - sandstone
砂丘/さきゅう - sand dune, sand hill
砂山/すなやま - sand hill, dune
砂子/すなご - gold dust, silver dust; sand, grit
砂上/さじょう - (built) on sand
砂場/すなば - sandpit, sandbox
砂地/すなじ - sandy soil
砂浜/すなはま - sandy beach
砂防/さぼう - erosion control
詐欺師/さぎし - swindler, fraudster, trickster, con man
詐取/さしゅ - defrauding, swindle
詐称/さしょう - misrepresentation, false statement
鎖骨/さこつ - collarbone, clavicle
坐り/すわり - sitting; stability
坐る/すわる - to sit, to squat; to assume (a position); to hold
steady, to hold still
坐禅/ざぜん - {Buddh} zazen (seated Zen meditation, usu. in
a cross-legged position)
座り/すわり - sitting; stability
座り込み/すわりこみ - sit-in (protest), sit-down (strike)
座り込む/すわりこむ - to (enter and) sit down, to plop oneself
down, to plant oneself down; to sit down (and refuse to
move), to sit in (in protest)
座員/ざいん - member of a theatrical troupe
座右/ざゆう - (by) one’s side, place close to one’s person,
place within arm’s reach; {hon} used in letters to refer to
the recipient indirectly or written beside an addressee’s
name to show respect
座蒲団/ざぶとん - zabuton, flat floor cushion used when
sitting or kneeling; usu. rectangular
座視/ざし - remaining an idle spectator, looking on
unconcernedly (doing nothing)
座礁/ざしょう - running aground, being stranded, grounding,
座禅/ざぜん - {Buddh} zazen (seated Zen meditation, usu. in
a cross-legged position)
座長/ざちょう - chairman; leader of a troupe, proprietor of a
theatrical company
座頭/ざがしら - leader of a troupe
座標軸/ざひょうじく - coordinate axis
挫傷/ざしょう - {med} sprain, wrench, bruise, contusion,
挫折/ざせつ - setback, failure (e.g. plans, business),
frustration, discouragement
債/さい - debt, loan
債券/さいけん - {finc} bond, debenture
債権/さいけん - credit, claim
債務/さいむ - debt, liabilities, obligation to a person or party
(usu. legal or contractual)
催し物/もよおしもの - (program of) entertainments, special
events, exhibitions, amusements, attractions
催眠/さいみん - hypnosis
催眠術/さいみんじゅつ - hypnotism (technique)
催涙/さいるい - tear-inducing
再々/さいさい - often, frequently
再演/さいえん - another showing (of a play); playing the same
role again (i.e. of an actor); {biol} recapitulation
再開/さいかい - reopening, resumption, restarting
再開発/さいかいはつ - redevelopment
再起/さいき - comeback, recovery, restoration, rally
再興/さいこう - revival, restoration, resuscitation
再検討/さいけんとう - reexamination, review, reconsideration,
再考/さいこう - reconsideration
再婚/さいこん - second marriage, remarriage
再出発/さいしゅっぱつ - restart, fresh start
再審/さいしん - {law} retrial, reopening of a case; review,
再生産/さいせいさん - reproduction
再選/さいせん - re-election
再調査/さいちょうさ - reexamination, reinvestigation
再度/さいど - a second time, again, once more, twice
再読/さいどく - rereading, reading again; reading a single
kanji twice (with different pronunciations) in kanbun
再任/さいにん - reappointment
再認識/さいにんしき - recognizing anew, seeing something in
a new light
再燃/さいねん - recurrence, revival, resuscitation
再配置/さいはいち - rearrangement, reallocation, realignment,
再版/さいはん - reprint, reprinting, second edition
再犯/さいはん - second offense, second offence
再販/さいはん - resale
再分配/さいぶんぱい - redistribution
再編/さいへん - reorganization, reorganisation, reshuffle
再保険/さいほけん - reinsurance
再訪/さいほう - revisiting, visiting again
再来/さいらい - return, coming back; second coming (e.g. of
Christ), second advent, reincarnation
再録/さいろく - reprinting; rerecording
最たる物/さいたるもの - the most extreme
最愛/さいあい - beloved, dearest
最右翼/さいうよく - dominant person, preeminent person,
strongest contender; far right wing, right-wing extremist,
radical right wing
最下/さいか - the lowest, the worst
最寄り/もより - nearest, closest
最期/さいご - one’s last moment, one’s death, one’s end
最強/さいきょう - strongest
最恵国/さいけいこく - most favored nation, most favoured
nation, MFN
最古/さいこ - the oldest, the earliest
最後列/さいこうれつ - (very) back (last) row, rearmost row
最高級/さいこうきゅう - highest grade, top class
最高検/さいこうけん - {abbr} Public Prosecutor’s Office
最高裁/さいこうさい - {abbr} Supreme Court
最高裁判所/さいこうさいばんしょ - Supreme Court
最高潮/さいこうちょう - climax, peak, zenith, apex
最高峰/さいこうほう - highest peak, highest mountain;
greatest authority, most prominent person, pinnacle (e.g. of
art), peak
最終的/さいしゅうてき - final, eventual, ultimate
最重点/さいじゅうてん - very important point
最小/さいしょう - smallest (in size, degree, etc.), least,
minimum, minimal
最小限/さいしょうげん - minimum, lowest, minimal, least
最小限度/さいしょうげんど - minimum
最少/さいしょう - fewest, least, smallest (number), lowest,
minimum; youngest
最上/さいじょう - best
最上/もがみ - best
最新/さいしん - latest, newest, late-breaking (news)
最盛期/さいせいき - golden age, prime, heyday, height of
prosperity; season (for fruit, vegetables, etc.), best time
最先端/さいせんたん - cutting edge, leading edge, forefront,
state of the art; tip, end
最前線/さいぜんせん - front line, forefront
最前列/さいぜんれつ - front row
最速/さいそく - fastest
最多/さいた - most (numerous), largest (number of)
最大/さいだい - greatest, largest, maximum
最大限/さいだいげん - maximum; {n} {adv} to the maximum
degree, to the full
最大公約数/さいだいこうやくすう - {math} greatest common
divisor, GCD
最短/さいたん - shortest
最長/さいちょう - longest; oldest
最低限/さいていげん - minimum; at the very least
最適/さいてき - most suitable, optimum, optimal, best
最年少/さいねんしょう - youngest
最優遇/さいゆうぐう - most favourable treatment, most
favorable treatment, very warm reception
最良/さいりょう - the best, ideal
妻子/さいし - wife and children; {arch} wife
妻帯/さいたい - having a wife, marrying (a woman), marriage
宰相/さいしょう - prime minister, premier, chancellor
彩り/いろどり - coloring, colouring, coloration, colouration;
color scheme, colour scheme, coordination (of colour);
(touch of) colour, embellishment, brilliance, spice, glow,
decoration, garnish
彩る/いろどる - to colour, to color, to paint; to apply make-up;
to decorate, to garnish, to adorn, to add flair
彩色/さいしき - colouring, coloring, colouration, coloration,
彩色/さいしょく - colouring, coloring, colouration, coloration,
才/さい - years old (when used as suffix); ability, gift, talent,
aptitude, genius; sai, traditional unit of volume, approx. 1.8
才覚/さいかく - ready wit, quick wits, resourcefulness; raising
才気/さいき - wisdom
才人/さいじん - talented person, clever person
採り上げる/とりあげる - to pick up; to adopt (e.g. a proposal),
to accept, to take up (a topic, complaint, etc.), to listen to,
to deal with, to treat, to report (news), to cover, to feature;
to take away, to confiscate, to deprive (someone) of, to
revoke, to disqualify, to cancel; to deliver (a baby); to collect
(taxes) 採り入れる/とりいれる - to harvest, to reap; to take in,
to gather in; to adopt (e.g. idea), to accept (e.g. advice), to
introduce, to borrow (e.g. word)
採血/さいけつ - drawing blood, collecting blood
採光/さいこう - lighting
採鉱/さいこう - mining
採取/さいしゅ - picking, collecting, harvesting, gathering;
採石/さいせき - quarrying
採炭/さいたん - coal mining, coal extraction
採否/さいひ - adoption or rejection
採録/さいろく - recording, transcription
歳月/さいげつ - time, years
歳月/としつき - time, years
歳時記/さいじき - almanac of seasonal words (for haiku poets)
歳出/さいしゅつ - annual expenditure
歳入/さいにゅう - annual revenue (government), annual
income (government), budget receipts
歳費/さいひ - annual expenditure, congress members’ salary
歳暮/せいぼ - year-end gift; end of the year, year end
歳末/さいまつ - year end
災い/わざわい - disaster, calamity, misfortune, trouble, woes
犀/さい - rhinoceros
砕石/さいせき - crushed stone, macadam; {rare} crushing
砦/とりで - fort, fortress, stronghold, fortification
祭り/まつり - festival
祭儀/さいぎ - rites, ritual
祭事/さいじ - festival, rites, ritual
祭主/さいしゅ - (head) priest, head priest of the Ise Shrine
祭神/さいじん - enshrined deity
祭壇/さいだん - altar
祭典/さいてん - festival
祭礼/さいれい - (religious) festival
祭祀/さいし - ritual, religious service, festival
斎場/さいじょう - funeral hall; ceremony site
細々/こまごま - minutely, in detail, with particular attention
細々/ほそぼそ - poor (living); barely continuing, just scraping
along; {adj-f} very narrow
細か/こまか - small, fine, detailed, stingy
細かいお金/こまかいおかね - small change
細かく/こまかく - minutely, finely
細める/ほそめる - to make narrow
細やか/ささやか - small, little, tiny, insignificant, humble,
modest, meagre, meager
細る/ほそる - to get thin, to taper off
細見/さいけん - (visual) scrutiny, close inspection; detailed
map, detailed guide; {hist} guide to the Yoshiwara red light
細心/さいしん - meticulous, careful, discreet, scrupulous,
細身/ほそみ - narrow, thin (sized), slender
細雪/ささめゆき - light snow fall, small snow flakes
細則/さいそく - by-laws, detailed regulations
細長い/ほそながい - long and narrow
細道/ほそみち - narrow path, narrow lane
細部/さいぶ - details, particulars
細分/さいぶん - subdivision (into small parts)
細胞分裂/さいぼうぶんれつ - cell division
細密/さいみつ - detailed knowledge, finely detailed
細面/ほそおもて - slender face
細目/さいもく - particulars, details, specified items
細腕/ほそうで - thin arm, slender arm; slender means,
meager ability to earn a living
菜の花/なのはな - rape blossoms, rapeseed flowers
菜園/さいえん - vegetable garden
菜種/なたね - rapeseed, coleseed
菜食/さいしょく - vegetable diet
裁き/さばき - judgment, judgement, decision, verdict
裁つ/たつ - to cut (cloth)
裁決/さいけつ - decision, ruling, judgement, judgment
裁断/さいだん - cutting (cloth, paper, etc.); judgement,
judgment, decision
裁定/さいてい - decision, ruling, award, arbitration
裁定/せいてい - decision, ruling, award, arbitration
裁判官/さいばんかん - judge
裁判所/さいばんしょ - court, courthouse
裁量/さいりょう - discretion, judgement, judgment
際/きわ - edge, brink, verge, side; time, moment of
際して/さいして - on the occasion of, at the time of, when,
際する/さいする - to arrive, to come to pass
際どい/きわどい - risky, dangerous, hazardous, perilous, close
(e.g. game), narrow (e.g. victory); suggestive, bordering on
the obscene, risqué, delicate (e.g. question), questionable,
shady; {arch} extreme, harsh, cruel 際会/さいかい - meeting,
facing, confronting
際限/さいげん - limits, end, bounds
際立つ/きわだつ - to be prominent, to be conspicuous, to
stand out, to be outstanding, to be remarkable, to be
striking, to be notable
在りし日/ありしひ - past days, bygone days, days of yore, the
olden days; {adj-no} {n} while still alive, during one’s
在り付く/ありつく - to get, to obtain, to come by, to find
在位/ざいい - reign, being on the throne
在家/ざいけ - {Buddh} layperson, layman, laywoman, laity;
country home, farmhouse, cottage
在外/ざいがい - overseas, abroad
在外公館/ざいがいこうかん - diplomatic mission, overseas
diplomatic establishment
在京/ざいきょう - being in the capital (i.e. Tokyo, or formerly
在郷軍人/ざいごうぐんじん - reservist
在勤/ざいきん - (while) working in or at or for
在校/ざいこう - being in school, being a student (of)
在住/ざいじゅう - residing, living, dwelling
在職/ざいしょく - being in office
在籍/ざいせき - being enrolled (at a school), being registered,
being a member (of a team, organization, etc.)
在宅/ざいたく - being at home, being in
在中/ざいちゅう - (contained) within
在日/ざいにち - resident in Japan (of a foreigner), situated in
Japan (e.g. of an embassy); {n} {abbr} {sens} Zainichi,
Zainichi Korean, North or South Korean national with
permanent residency in Japan (who came to the country
before 1945, or a descendant of such a person) 在任/ざいにん
- being in office
在米/ざいべい - being in the United States, staying in the
United States, residing in the United States
在野/ざいや - out of office, out of power, in opposition;
unaffiliated (e.g. researcher, scientist), in private practice
在来/ざいらい - pre-existing, already there, conventional
在留/ざいりゅう - residing (esp. abroad), staying, living
材質/ざいしつ - material; material properties, quality of
material; quality of wood, quality of lumber
罪悪/ざいあく - crime, sin, vice
罪状/ざいじょう - (nature of a) crime, (criminal) charge
罪人/ざいにん - criminal, lawbreaker, wrongdoer, offender
罪名/ざいめい - name of a crime, charge
罪滅ぼし/つみほろぼし - atonement (for one’s sins), expiation,
making amends, making up for (a misdeed)
財界/ざいかい - financial world, business circles
財政投融資/ざいせいとうゆうし - Fiscal Investment and Loan
Program, FILP
財政難/ざいせいなん - economic difficulties, financial
difficulties, fiscal difficulties
財団/ざいだん - foundation (institution), syndicate, group
財団法人/ざいだんほうじん - {law} incorporated foundation,
juridical foundation
財閥/ざいばつ - {hist} zaibatsu, financial conglomerate,
industrial group; {col} rich person
財宝/ざいほう - treasure
財務/ざいむ - financial affairs
財務官/ざいむかん - finance official
財力/ざいりょく - financial power, financial means, wealth
坂道/さかみち - hill road
阪神/はんしん - Osaka-Kobe; Hanshin (company name:
railway, dept. store, baseball team, etc.)
榊/さかき - sakaki (species of evergreen sacred to Shinto,
Cleyera japonica); evergreen (esp. one planted or used at a
肴/さかな - appetizer or snack served with drinks
咲き誇る/さきほこる - to be in full bloom, to blossom in full
glory, to be in fullness of bloom
咲き乱れる/さきみだれる - to bloom in profusion
崎/さき - small peninsula, cape, promontory, headland
崎/みさき - cape (on coast)
作り出す/つくりだす - to manufacture, to produce
作り笑い/つくりわらい - forced laugh, forced smile
作り上げる/つくりあげる - to build up, to complete, to
construct, to create, to put together; to make up, to
fabricate, to invent, to cook up
作り直す/つくりなおす - to remake, to rebuild
作り物/つくりもの - artificial product, man-made product,
imitation, fake, sham; fiction, made-up story; decoration
(e.g. for a festival); theatrical prop (esp. a large prop in noh
or kyogen, e.g. tree, well, boat); crop 作り方/つくりかた style of building, construction, workmanship, way of making;
recipe; how to grow (something)
作り話/つくりばなし - fiction, made-up story, fable,
fabrication, myth
作為/さくい - artificiality, pretence, contrived act; {law}
commission (of a crime), feasance
作為的/さくいてき - intentional, deliberate, contrived, artificial
作歌/さっか - writing songs or poems, poem
作画/さくが - drawing pictures, painting pictures, taking
作況/さっきょう - crops, quality
作況指数/さっきょうしすう - rice-crop index
作劇/さくげき - playwriting
作詞/さくし - (writing) song lyrics
作詩/さくし - versification, verse making
作動/さどう - operation, functioning, running
作付/さくつけ - planting
作付/さくづけ - planting
作付け/さくつけ - planting
作付け/さくづけ - planting
作付面積/さくづけめんせき - planted area
作風/さくふう - style (of a work, author, artist, etc.),
作物/さくぶつ - artistic work, literary work
作柄/さくがら - crop conditions; quality (of art)
削り取る/けずりとる - to shave off, to scrape off
削り節/けずりぶし - flaked bonito
搾り/しぼり - tie-dye, tie-dyeing; aperture (e.g. camera, iris
of the eye), aperture stop, stop; contraction, squeezing,
搾る/しぼる - to wring, to squeeze, to press, to extract; to
rack (one’s brains), to strain (one’s voice); to extort, to
exploit; (often in the passive voice) to chew out, to
reprimand severely, to rake over the coals, to give a sound
scolding, to tell someone off, to scold, to rebuke; to drill into,
to train; to narrow down (one’s focus), to whittle down; to
gather up (a curtain, etc.), to tighten (a drawstring); to stop
down (a lens); to turn down (e.g. the radio); to bend (a
bow), to draw; {sumo} to hold down, to constrict, to
immobilize 搾取/さくしゅ - exploitation, bleeding dry,
squeezing dry; milking (e.g. a cow’s teat), extracting (a
liquid) through squeezing
搾乳/さくにゅう - milking (a cow, goat, etc.); breast pumping,
milk expression
昨今/さっこん - nowadays, recently
昨秋/さくしゅう - autumn of last year, fall of last year
昨春/さくしゅん - last spring, the spring of last year
昨冬/さくとう - last winter
昨日/さくじつ - yesterday
昨年/さくねん - last year
昨年度/さくねんど - previous year (fiscal, academic, etc.)
昨年来/さくねんらい - since last year
昨晩/さくばん - last night
昨夜/さくや - last night
昨夜/ゆうべ - last night
策士/さくし - tactician, schemer, intriguer, resourceful person
策戦/さくせん - tactics, strategy; {mil} military operation,
naval operation
策定/さくてい - formulation (of a plan, policy, etc.), decision,
settling on
策動/さくどう - maneuvers, manoeuvers, machinations,
策謀/さくぼう - strategy, artifice
策略/さくりゃく - scheme, tactic, stratagem, trick
錯覚/さっかく - optical illusion, hallucination;
misapprehension, delusion
錯綜/さくそう - complication, intricacy, involution; {vs} {vi}
to become complicated, to get entangled
錯乱/さくらん - confusion, distraction, derangement
桜花/おうか - cherry blossom
鮭/さけ - salmon
笹/ささ - bamboo grass, generally smaller species of running
bamboo that do not shed their sheaths (e.g. Sasa spp.)
笹原/ささはら - field of bamboo grass
冊子/さっし - book, booklet, story book, pamphlet, notebook
冊数/さっすう - number of books
刷り/すり - printing
刷り込む/すりこむ - to print (on), to insert (an illustration), to
stencil (a pattern); to instill (a thought, impression, etc.), to
imprint (e.g. on one’s subconscious)
刷新/さっしん - reform, renovation
察し/さっし - consideration, guess, conjecture, judgement
察知/さっち - to sense, to infer, to gather, to pick up on, to
get wind of, to perceive
撮む/つまむ - to pinch, to hold (between one’s fingers), to
pick up (with chopsticks, tweezers, etc.); to pick up and eat,
to snack on; to pick out (the main point), to summarize, to
sum up; to bewitch, to possess, to fascinate 擦り傷/すりきず scratch, graze, abrasion
擦れ擦れ/すれすれ - grazing, skimming, almost touching,
passing within inches, being within a whisker, shaving close;
barely, just, narrowly, by a slim margin
札束/さつたば - roll of banknotes
殺し/ころし - murder, killing, murderer
殺し屋/ころしや - professional killer, hit man
殺し文句/ころしもんく - clincher, pick-up line, honeyed
phrase, telling phrase, phrase that brings someone around,
esp. in personal relationships
殺意/さつい - intent to kill, intent to murder, urge to kill,
murderous impulse
殺害/さつがい - killing, murder
殺気立つ/さっきだつ - to be seething (with anger), to be
frenzied, to be menacing, to be murderous
殺菌/さっきん - sterilization, sterilisation, disinfection
殺傷/さっしょう - killing and wounding, bloodshed
殺陣/たて - sword fight (in a film, play, etc.), stage combat,
fight scene
殺生/せっしょう - killing, destruction of life; {adj-na} cruel,
heartless, callous, brutal
殺虫/さっちゅう - killing insects or pests
殺虫剤/さっちゅうざい - insecticide, pesticide
殺到/さっとう - rush, flood, deluge
殺風景/さっぷうけい - dreary, bleak, monotonous, barren;
tasteless, unrefined
殺戮/さつりく - slaughter, massacre
薩長/さっちょう - {hist} Satsuma and Chōshū (clan alliance)
薩摩芋/さつまいも - sweet potato (Ipomoea batatas)
雑ざる/まざる - to be mixed, to be blended with, to associate
with, to mingle with, to join
雑じる/まじる - to be mixed, to be blended with, to be
combined; to associate with, to mingle with, to interest, to
雑ぜる/まぜる - to mix, to stir, to blend
雑学/ざつがく - miscellaneous knowledge
雑居/ざっきょ - living together, mixed residence, sharing
living quarters; {adj-f} multi-tenant, community
雑菌/ざっきん - microorganisms, saprophyte, saprophytic
雑沓/ざっとう - hustle and bustle, throng, crowd, congestion,
traffic jam
雑穀/ざっこく - assorted grains, cereals; millet
雑事/ざつじ - miscellaneous matters
雑煮/ぞうに - soup containing rice cakes and vegetables
(New Year’s dish)
雑種/ざっしゅ - hybrid, crossbreed, mongrel
雑食/ざっしょく - omnivorous
雑炊/ぞうすい - rice gruel containing vegetables, fish, etc.,
and seasoned with miso or soy sauce
雑草/ざっそう - weed
雑則/ざっそく - miscellaneous rules, miscellaneous provisions
雑多/ざった - miscellaneous, mixed, unorganized
雑踏/ざっとう - hustle and bustle, throng, crowd, congestion,
traffic jam
雑費/ざっぴ - miscellaneous expenses
雑木/ざつぼく - various kinds of small trees, assorted trees
雑木林/ぞうきばやし - grove of miscellaneous trees, copse,
coppice, thicket
雑木林/ぞうぼくりん - grove of miscellaneous trees, copse,
coppice, thicket
雑用/ざつよう - chores, odd jobs, miscellaneous affairs
錆び/さび - rust
鮫/さめ - shark
皿洗い/さらあらい - washing-up, dish-washing
晒す/さらす - to expose (to the sun, public, danger, etc.); to
bleach, to refine; to rinse (vegetables), to soak; {col} to
doxx, to dox, to make someone’s private information public
without permission; {arch} to sentence someone to public
humiliation 三/み - three, 3
三々五々/さんさんごご - {yoji} in groups of twos and threes, in
small groups
三つ折り/みつおり - threefold, folded in three
三位一体/さんみいったい - {Christn} {yoji} the Trinity; {yoji}
three parts, three components, three factors, three aspects
三越/みつこし - Mitsukoshi (department store)
三回忌/さんかいき - second anniversary of a death
三角関係/さんかくかんけい - love triangle, eternal triangle
三角形/さんかくけい - triangle
三角形/さんかっけい - triangle
三冠王/さんかんおう - {baseb} winner of triple crown
三冠馬/さんかんば - winner of Japan’s three main horse races
三脚/さんきゃく - tripod, three legs
三曲/さんきょく - instrumental trio
三軍/さんぐん - great army, mighty host, whole army
三月/さんがつ - March; third month of the lunar calendar
三権/さんけん - the three powers of government (legislative,
executive and judicial)
三弦/さんげん - shamisen, samisen; sanxian (Chinese lute);
three string instruments (in gagaku; biwa, wagon and sou);
three-stringed instrument
三校/さんこう - third proof
三国/さんごく - three countries; {hist} Three Kingdoms (in
China, 220 CE-280 CE); {hist} Three Kingdoms (in Korea, 57
BCE-668 CE); {arch} Japan, China and India, Japan, Korea
and China, the whole world
三佐/さんさ - {mil} {abbr} major (JGSDF)
三次/さんじ - third; {adj-f} tertiary; {adj-f} {math} cubic
(function, equation, etc.), third-order
三次元/さんじげん - three dimensions, 3D, 3-D; {sl} {joc} real
world, IRL, in real life
三者/さんしゃ - three persons, three parties
三尺/さんじゃく - 3 Japanese feet, waistband, belt, cloth
三種/さんしゅ - three kinds, three varieties
三十/さんじゅう - thirty, 30
三十日/さんじゅうにち - 30th day of the month; 30 days
三十日/つごもり - last day of month
三十日/みそか - last day of the month
三十八度線/さんじゅうはちどせん - 38th parallel (that
demarcates North Korea and South Korea)
三重/さんじゅう - triple, treble, threefold, three-ply, triplicate
三重殺/さんじゅうさつ - triple play
三重奏/さんじゅうそう - instrumental trio
三春/さんしゅん - three spring months
三女/さんじょ - third daughter
三省/さんせい - frequent reflection (meditation)
三色/さんしょく - three colours, three colors; {mahj} {abbr}
triple run, winning hand containing the same chow in each
of the three suits; {mahj} {abbr} triple pung, winning hand
containing the same pung in each of the three suits 三食/さ
んしょく - three meals (a day)
三人/さんにん - three people
三選/さんせん - third-term election
三体/さんたい - the three character styles: square and
semicursive and grass
三代/さんだい - three generations, three periods; third
三段跳び/さんだんとび - triple jump, hop, step and jump
三段目/さんだんめ - {sumo} third lowest division
三男/さんなん - three sons; third son
三度/さんど - three times, thrice; {music} third (interval)
三日月/みかずき - new moon, crescent moon
三拍子/さんびょうし - {music} triple time, triple meter, triple
metre, three-four time; three important requisites
三部/さんぶ - three parts, three copies
三部作/さんぶさく - trilogy
三分/さんぷん - three minutes
三文/さんもん - paltry amount of money, cheapness,
worthlessness; three one-mon coins
三鞭酒/しゃんぺん - champagne
三宝/さんぼう - {Buddh} the Three Jewels, the Triple Gem,
Triratna, the Three Treasures, Buddha, Dharma, Sangha,
Buddha, the teachings of Buddha, and the community of
monks and nuns
三方/さんぼう - three sides; small offering stand
三方/さんぽう - three sides; small offering stand
三本/さんぼん - three (long cylindrical things); {hanaf} threeof-a-kind (in a dealt hand)
三昧/さんまい - {Buddh} samadhi (state of intense
concentration achieved through meditation); {n-suf} being
immersed in, being absorbed in, indulging in, doing to one’s
heart’s content; {n-suf} prone to, apt to 三枚目/さんまいめ comedian, actor who plays comic roles; figure of fun,
laughing stock
三味線/さみせん - shamisen, samisen, three-stringed Japanese
三面/さんめん - three sides, three faces, page three (of a
三役/さんやく - three highest ranks (wrestling, unions, etc.);
three parts, three divisions
三洋/さんよう - Sanyo {company}
三流/さんりゅう - third-rate, third-class
三輪/さんりん - three wheels
三輪車/さんりんしゃ - three wheeled vehicle (tricycle,
motorcycle, etc.), three wheeler
三塁/さんるい - {baseb} third base
三塁手/さんるいしゅ - {baseb} third baseman
三塁打/さんるいだ - {baseb} three-base hit, triple
傘を差す/かさをさす - to open an umbrella (or parasol), to put
up an umbrella, to hold an umbrella
傘下/さんか - affiliated with, under jurisdiction of, under the
参った/まいった - I’m beaten, I give up
参院/さんいん - {abbr} House of Councillors (upper house of
the National Diet of Japan)
参加者/さんかしゃ - participant, entrant, player, competitor
参画/さんかく - taking part (in planning), participation
参賀/さんが - congratulatory visit to the Imperial Palace (e.g.
at New Year)
参会/さんかい - attendance (at a meeting)
参宮/さんぐう - {Shinto} pilgrimage (esp. to the Ise Grand
参詣/さんけい - visit to a temple or shrine, worship,
参考書/さんこうしょ - reference book
参事/さんじ - secretary, councillor, councilor
参事官/さんじかん - councillor, councilor
参集/さんしゅう - assembling (of people)
参政権/さんせいけん - suffrage, franchise
参戦/さんせん - participation in a war, going to war; taking
part in a competition or contest
参道/さんどう - road approaching a shrine
参入/さんにゅう - entering (the marketplace), introducing
(something) to the market, access; visiting a high-class or
noble individual
参拝/さんぱい - going and worshipping (at a shrine or
temple), visit (to a shrine or temple to worship)
参謀/さんぼう - staff officer, military staff; adviser, counselor,
参与/さんよ - participation, taking part; consultant, councillor,
参列/さんれつ - attendance, participation, presence
山々/やまやま - (many) mountains; {adv} very much
(wanting to do something one cannot), greatly, really; {adv}
so many, a lot of
山の手/やまのて - hilly section of a city (usu. upscale
residential); Yamanote (hilly residential section of western
Tokyo, incl. Yotsuya, Aoyama, Koishikawa, Hongo, Ichigaya,
Akasaka, Azabu and surrounds); place near the mountains
山葵/わさび - wasabi (Wasabia japonica), Japanese
山陰/さんいん - place in the shade of a mountain, shelter of
the mountains
山陰/やまかげ - place in the shade of a mountain, shelter of
the mountains; mountain recess
山姥/やまうば - mountain witch, yamauba
山奥/やまおく - deep in the mountains, mountain recesses
山家/やまが - mountain villa, house in the mountains,
mountain retreat
山河/さんが - mountains and rivers, natural surroundings
山火事/やまかじ - forest fire, bushfire, wildfire
山塊/さんかい - mountain mass, massif
山海/さんかい - mountains and seas
山開き/やまびらき - start of the mountain-climbing season
山間/さんかん - among the mountains
山形/やまがた - Yamagata (city, prefecture); mountain shape,
chevron, cone
山系/さんけい - mountain range, mountain system
山元/やまもと - foot of a mountain, base of a mountain; mine,
colliery; owner of a mountain, operator of a mine
山国/やまぐに - mountainous country
山菜/さんさい - edible wild plants
山際/やまぎわ - mountain ridge, near a mountain
山桜/やまざくら - mountain cherry (Cerasus jamasakura)
山寺/やまでら - mountain temple
山車/だし - parade float, festival float
山手/やまて - place near the mountains; hilly section of a city
(e.g. the Yamate area in Kōbe)
山小屋/やまごや - mountain hut (esp. one that offers lodging
to climbers and hikers), mountain cottage, mountain shanty
山上/さんじょう - mountain top
山人/やまびと - mountain folk, hermit; mountain wizard
山吹/やまぶき - kerria (Kerria japonica), Japanese yellow rose
山水/さんすい - mountain and water, landscape (containing
hills and rivers); {abbr} landscape picture; mountain
stream, water that flows down from a mountain; garden
which contains an artificial hill and a pond 山盛り/やまもり heap, pile, stack, full measure
山積/さんせき - piling up, accumulating, forming a (huge)
pile, lying in piles
山積み/やまづみ - huge mound, heap, pile
山川/さんせん - mountains and rivers
山川/やまかわ - mountains and rivers
山賊/さんぞく - bandit, brigand
山村/さんそん - mountain village
山男/やまおとこ - giant, woodsman, alpinist
山地/さんち - mountainous region, mountainous district, hilly
山地/やまち - mountainous district
山頂/さんちょう - summit (of a mountain)
山登り/やまのぼり - mountain climbing
山道/さんどう - mountain road, mountain trail
山道/せんどう - mountain road, mountain trail
山道/やまみち - mountain road, mountain trail
山猫/やまねこ - wildcat (European wildcat, Iriomote cat,
Tsushima cat, etc.); wild cat, stray cat
山肌/やまはだ - mountain’s surface, bare surface of a
山伏/やまぶし - mountain priest
山分け/やまわけ - equal division (of profits, prize money, etc.),
equal split
山並み/やまなみ - mountain range, mountain belt
山崩れ/やまくずれ - landslide
山鉾/やまぼこ - festival float mounted with a decorative
山脈/やまなみ - mountain range, mountain belt
山門/さんもん - {Buddh} main temple gate; {Buddh} temple
山野/さんや - hills and fields, countryside
山陽/さんよう - south side of a mountain, Sanyo district
山里/やまざと - mountain hamlet, mountain village
山路/やまじ - mountain path
山麓/さんろく - foot of a mountain, base of a mountain
山嶽/さんがく - mountain chain, mountains
惨禍/さんか - calamity, disaster, catastrophe
惨劇/さんげき - tragedy, tragic event
惨殺/ざんさつ - slaughter, massacre
惨事/さんじ - disaster, tragedy, tragic incident, horrible
惨状/さんじょう - disastrous scene, terrible spectacle
惨敗/さんぱい - ignominious defeat, crushing failure, utterly
beaten, overwhelming defeat
惨敗/ざんぱい - ignominious defeat, crushing failure, utterly
beaten, overwhelming defeat
撒布/さっぷ - dissemination, scattering, sprinkling, spraying
撒布/さんぷ - dissemination, scattering, sprinkling, spraying
散々/さんざん - thoroughly, completely, utterly; severely,
harshly, terribly, miserably, wretchedly, badly; {arch}
scattered, disconnected, dispersed, smashed into tiny
散らし/ちらし - leaflet; scattering; {abbr} sushi rice in a box
or bowl with a variety of ingredients sprinkled on top;
{abbr} writing in an irregular hand
散らばる/ちらばる - to be scattered about, to disperse, to be
littered (with)
散逸/さんいつ - being scattered and ultimately lost; {physics}
散会/さんかい - adjournment
散見/さんけん - being seen here and there, appearing in
various places
散骨/さんこつ - scattering of ashes (cremated remains)
散在/さんざい - to be scattered, to straggle, to be found here
and there
散策/さんさく - walking, strolling, roaming, wandering,
散水/さんすい - sprinkling water over, water sprinkling
散弾/さんだん - shot, buckshot
散発/さんぱつ - sporadic, scattering
散髪/さんぱつ - (having a) haircut, haircutting, hairdressing;
messy hair, untied hair, unkempt hair
散布/さっぷ - dissemination, scattering, sprinkling, spraying
散布/さんぷ - dissemination, scattering, sprinkling, spraying
散文/さんぶん - prose
散文詩/さんぶんし - prose poem
散漫/さんまん - vague, desultory, distracted, loose,
halfhearted, diffuse, scattered
散乱/さんらん - dispersion, scattering, spreading out,
桟橋/さんきょう - wharf, bridge, jetty, pier
桟敷/さじき - dress circle (of a theatre), (first) balcony, box;
stands (seating for spectators)
珊瑚礁/さんごしょう - coral reef
産み/うみ - birth, giving birth; creating, bringing into the
産み出す/うみだす - to create, to bring forth, to produce; to
invent, to think up and bring into being; to give birth to, to
産院/さんいん - maternity hospital
産科/さんか - obstetrics
産額/さんがく - (amount of) production
産業スパイ/さんぎょうスパイ - industrial spy, industrial
産業界/さんぎょうかい - the industrial world
産業革命/さんぎょうかくめい - {hist} Industrial Revolution
産業機械/さんぎょうきかい - industrial machinery
産児制限/さんじせいげん - birth control
産声/うぶごえ - first cry of a newborn baby
産前/さんぜん - prior to childbirth
産廃/さんぱい - {abbr} industrial waste
産品/さんぴん - products
産婦/さんぷ - woman in childbirth, woman who is just about
to give birth, woman who has just given birth
産別/さんべつ - {abbr} industrial union
産油国/さんゆこく - oil-producing country
産卵/さんらん - egg-laying, spawning
産量/さんりょう - output
算出/さんしゅつ - calculation, computation
算段/さんだん - trying to think of a way (to do), devising
means (to do), working out (how to do); contriving (to raise
money), managing
算定/さんてい - calculation, estimation, computation
算入/さんにゅう - factoring in, including
蚕/かいこ - silkworm (Bombyx mori)
蚕糸/さんし - silk thread, silk yarn
讃歌/さんか - song of praise, eulogy, paean, hymn
讃美/さんび - praise, glorification, extolment
賛意/さんい - approval, assent
賛歌/さんか - song of praise, eulogy, paean, hymn
賛辞/さんじ - eulogy, compliment
賛助/さんじょ - support, patronage
賛同/さんどう - approval, endorsement
賛否/さんぴ - yes and no, for and against
賛美歌/さんびか - hymn, hymnal
酸化防止剤/さんかぼうしざい - antioxidant
酸素吸入/さんそきゅうにゅう - oxygen inhalation
酸桃/すもも - Japanese plum (Prunus salicina), Chinese plum
酸味/さんみ - sourness, acidity
斬新/ざんしん - novel, original, new, innovative
暫定/ざんてい - provisional, temporary, tentative
残った分/のこったぶん - amount left over, remaining portion
残額/ざんがく - remaining amount, balance (of an account)
残虐/ざんぎゃく - cruel, brutal, savage, barbarous
残暑/ざんしょ - late summer heat, lingering summer heat
残照/ざんしょう - afterglow
残雪/ざんせつ - remaining snow, lingering snow
残像/ざんぞう - {psych} afterimage
残存/ざんそん - survival, remaining, being extant, being left
残存/ざんぞん - survival, remaining, being extant, being left
残党/ざんとう - remnants, survivors, refugees, pocket (of
残忍/ざんにん - brutal, cruel, merciless, ruthless, cold-blooded
残飯/ざんぱん - leftover food, leftovers, food scraps
残務/ざんむ - remaining business
残余/ざんよ - remainder, the rest, residue
残留/ざんりゅう - staying behind, remaining, residual
残塁/ざんるい - {baseb} left on base; remnant fort
残滓/ざんし - remains, dregs, vestiges, remnant, residue
仕掛け/しかけ - device, contrivance, mechanism, gadget;
trick, trap, calculated manipulation, gambit; (small) scale,
half finished; commencement, initiation; set up, laying out,
preparation; challenge, attack 仕業/しわざ - deed (esp.
negative), act, action, one’s doing
仕形/しかた - way, method, means, resource, course
仕向け/しむけ - delivery, sending, treatment
仕向ける/しむける - to induce (someone to do something), to
tempt; to act toward (someone in a certain way), to handle
(men), to treat; to send, to forward to
仕合わせ/しあわせ - happiness, good fortune, luck, blessing
仕込/しこみ - training, education, upbringing; stocking up,
laying in; preparation (e.g. ingredients); girl studying to
become a geisha
仕込み/しこみ - training, education, upbringing; stocking up,
laying in; preparation (e.g. ingredients); girl studying to
become a geisha
仕込む/しこむ - to train, to teach, to educate; to acquire
(information), to learn, to cram; to stock, to stock up on; to
prepare (esp. ingredients for brewing); to insert, to build
into, to fit
仕事師/しごとし - workman, enterpriser, schemer
仕事場/しごとば - place where one works, construction site,
working area
仕事中/しごとちゅう - at work, in the midst of work, working
仕事柄/しごとがら - for work, in a manner related to work
仕手/して - doer, performer; shite, protagonist, hero, leading
part, main character; speculator (in trading)
仕手株/してかぶ - speculative stock
仕種/しぐさ - gesture, movement, action, behavior,
behaviour, bearing, mannerism; acting, performance
仕上げ/しあげ - finish, finishing, finishing touches
仕切り/しきり - partition, division, boundary, compartment;
settlement of accounts; {sumo} preliminary warm-up ritual,
toeing the mark; directing, controlling, managing, taking
responsibility for
仕組み/しくみ - structure, construction, arrangement,
contrivance, mechanism, workings; plan, plot, contrivance
仕組む/しくむ - to devise, to arrange, to plan, to plot
仕草/しぐさ - gesture, movement, action, behavior,
behaviour, bearing, mannerism; acting, performance
仕送り/しおくり - allowance, remittance, sending (someone)
an allowance
仕打ち/しうち - (poor) treatment, (bad) behavior, behaviour,
action, act
仕度/したく - preparation, arrangements
仕入れ/しいれ - stocking, buying up
仕入れ先/しいれさき - supplier
仕付ける/しつける - to be used to, to get accustomed to, to be
in the habit of doing; to train, to discipline, to teach
manners; to tack (in needlework), to baste; to plant (esp.
rice seedlings)
仕舞/しまい - end, close, finish, termination
仕分け/しわけ - classification, sorting (out), grouping,
assortment; assortment journalizing (in bookkeeping)
仕返し/しかえし - payback, tit for tat, retaliation, revenge;
doing over again, redoing
仕方無い/しかたない - there’s no (other) way; cannot be
helped, unavoidable, inevitable, (there’s) nothing one can
do, having no choice; it’s no use (doing), pointless, useless,
no good, insufficient, not enough; hopeless (person),
annoying, troublesome, awful; cannot stand it, unbearable,
cannot help (doing, feeling), dying (to do) 仕様書/しようしょ specification document
仕立て/したて - tailoring, dressmaking, sewing, making,
仕留める/しとめる - to bring down (an animal, opponent,
etc.), to kill, to shoot dead, to shoot down
仕樣/しよう - way, method, means, resource, remedy;
(technical) specification
仔牛/こうし - calf; small cow
仔羊/こひつじ - lamb
伺い/うかがい - call, visit; inquiry, enquiry, question
使い/つかい - errand, mission, going as envoy; messenger,
bearer, errand boy, errand girl; familiar spirit; {n-suf} {n-
pref} use, usage, user, trainer, tamer, charmer
使いこなす/つかいこなす - to handle (men), to master (a tool),
to manage, to acquire a command of (a language)
使い果たす/つかいはたす - to use up, to squander
使い慣れる/つかいなれる - to get accustomed to using
使い込む/つかいこむ - to embezzle, to misappropriate, to
peculate; to accustom oneself to using, to use for a long
使い捨/つかいすて - throwaway, disposable, single-use
使い捨て/つかいすて - throwaway, disposable, single-use
使い手/つかいて - user, consumer, employer; master (e.g. of
swordsmanship); prodigal, spendthrift
使い切る/つかいきる - to use up, to exhaust, to wear out
使い走り/つかいはしり - running errands (for someone else);
errand boy, gofer, dogsbody
使い物/つかいもの - useful thing, usable article
使い分け/つかいわけ - proper use, using (different things) for
different purposes
使い分ける/つかいわける - to use properly
使い方/つかいかた - way of using (something), way to use,
how to use, usage, use; way of handling (employees,
subordinates, etc.), way of treating, treatment,
使い様/つかいよう - how to use
使える/つかえる - to be usable, to be serviceable, to be useful
使わす/つかわす - to send, to dispatch, to despatch; to bestow
(favour, etc.), to grant (e.g. pardon)
使者/ししゃ - messenger, envoy, emissary
使節/しせつ - envoy, ambassador, delegate, emissary,
使徒/しと - apostle, disciple
使途/しと - purpose for which money is spent, the way
money is spent, how goods are used
使用禁止/しようきんし - prohibition of use (of), ban on using
使用済み/しようずみ - used (ticket, stamp, etc.), spent (fuel,
battery, etc.)
使用者/しようしゃ - user, consumer; employer
使用料/しようりょう - use fee, rent
刺し殺す/さしころす - to stab to death
刺し身/さしみ - sashimi (raw sliced fish, shellfish or
刺し網/さしあみ - {fish} gill net
刺戟/しげき - stimulus, stimulation, irritation (esp. of the
body, e.g. skin, eyes); impetus, impulse, stimulus, spur,
incentive, encouragement, stimulation, motivation,
provocation; excitement, thrill
刺殺/しさつ - stabbing to death; {baseb} putting out
刺青/いれずみ - tattoo (esp. a traditional Japanese one),
刺青/しせい - tattoo (esp. a traditional Japanese one),
司会者/しかいしゃ - chairman, moderator
司教/しきょう - bishop (Catholic)
司祭/しさい - priest, minister, pastor
司書/ししょ - librarian
司直/しちょく - judge, judiciary, administration of justice,
judicial authorities
司法権/しほうけん - judicial power, jurisdiction
司法研修所/しほうけんしゅうじょ - Judicial Research and
Training Institute
司法裁判/しほうさいばん - judicial trial
司法書士/しほうしょし - judicial scrivener, judicial clerk,
person qualified to prepare legal documents, handle realestate transactions, etc.
司令/しれい - command, control, commander
司令官/しれいかん - commandant, commanding officer,
司令部/しれいぶ - headquarters
史学/しがく - study of history
史観/しかん - historical view, view of history (from a given
point of view)
史実/しじつ - historical fact
史書/ししょ - history book
史上/しじょう - in history, ever, historical
史跡/しせき - historic landmark, historic site, historic remains
史蹟/しせき - historic landmark, historic site, historic remains
史料/しりょう - historical materials, historical records,
historical sources, archives
四つ切り/よつぎり - cutting into four, quarter; photograph size
254mm x 305 mm
四つ相撲/よつずもう - {sumo} wrestling in which both
wrestlers grasp the other’s belt with both hands
四球/しきゅう - {baseb} four balls, base on balls, a walk
四苦八苦/しくはっく - {yoji} being in dire distress, being hard
put to it, being hard pressed (for money); {Buddh} {yoji}
the four and eight kinds of suffering (birth, old age, disease,
death, parting from loved ones, meeting disliked ones, not
getting what one seeks, pains of the five skandha) 四隅/よす
み - four corners; four ordinal directions
四月/しがつ - April; fourth month in the lunar calendar
四国/しこく - Shikoku (smallest of the four main islands of
四死球/ししきゅう - {baseb} bases on balls and pitches
striking the batsmen
四肢/しし - the (four) limbs, arms and legs
四手/しで - zigzag-shaped paper streamer often used to
adorn Shinto-related objects; hornbeam (deciduous tree in
the birch family)
四十/よんじゅう - forty, 40
四十九日/しじゅうくにち - forty-ninth day after a person’s
四重奏/しじゅうそう - instrumental quartet
四畳半/よじょうはん - four and a half tatami mats, four-and-ahalf-mat room; small room esp. for assignations
四千/よんせん - four thousand, 4,000
四川/しせん - Sichuan (China), Szechuan, Szechwan
四天王/してんのう - {Buddh} the Four Heavenly Kings
(Dhrtarastra, Virudhaka, Virupaksa, and Vaisravana); the big
four (i.e. four leaders in a given field)
四半期/しはんき - quarter (of a year)
四百/よんひゃく - 400, four hundred
四分/しぶん - divide into four pieces, one fourth
四分五裂/しぶんごれつ - {yoji} torn asunder, disrupted and
四方/しほう - the four cardinal directions, north, east, south
and west, all directions; surroundings; many countries, the
whole world; square, quadrilateral, four-sided figure; four
sides (of a square)
四方/よも - the four cardinal directions, north, east, south
and west, all directions; all around, here and there; four
sides (of a square)
四本/よんほん - four (long cylindrical things)
四面/しめん - four sides, all sides
四輪車/よんりんしゃ - automobile, car
四六時中/しろくじちゅう - {yoji} around the clock, day and
士官/しかん - {mil} officer
士気/しき - morale (of troops, team, etc.), esprit de corps
始まらない/はじまらない - It’s no use
始球式/しきゅうしき - {baseb} ceremonial first pitch
始業/しぎょう - start of work, commencement, opening
始祖/しそ - founder, originator, pioneer
始動/しどう - starting (machine, engine, car, etc.), activation
始末書/しまつしょ - written explanation, written apology
姉さん/あねさん - {hon} older sister, elder sister; young lady;
miss; ma’am
姉さん/ねえさん - {hon} older sister, elder sister; young lady;
miss; ma’am
姉妹/きょうだい - sisters
子音/しいん - {ling} consonant
子会社/こがいしゃ - subsidiary (company)
子宮/しきゅう - womb, uterus
子牛/こうし - calf; small cow
子供心/こどもごころ - childlike mind, judgment as a child
子供達/こどもたち - children
子午線/しごせん - meridian, meridian line
子細/しさい - reasons, circumstances, significance,
particulars; hindrance, obstruction, interference
子指/こゆび - little finger, pinky; little toe
子飼い/こがい - rearing from infancy; training from an early
age (e.g. an apprentice), teaching from an early stage (e.g.
a subordinate)
子持ち/こもち - parenthood, parent or someone with children
on the way (esp. an expecting mother); (of a fish) containing
roe (eggs)
子守/こもり - looking after a baby, taking care of a baby,
babysitting, babysitter
子守唄/こもりうた - lullaby
子守歌/こもりうた - lullaby
子女/しじょ - sons and daughters, children; girl
子弟/してい - children, sons, children and younger brothers;
young people
子猫/こねこ - kitten; small cat
子分/こぶん - henchman, follower; {arch} adopted child
子宝/こだから - the treasure that is children, child
子役/こやく - child actor, child actress; child’s role (in a film,
play, etc.), child’s part
子羊/こひつじ - lamb
屍/しかばね - corpse; kanji “corpse” radical
屍体/したい - dead body, corpse, cadaver, carcass
市井/しせい - the street, the town
市営/しえい - (under) municipal management (transport,
housing, etc.), city facility management
市会/しかい - city council
市外/しがい - outside the city, suburbs
市街/しがい - urban areas, the streets, town, city
市街地/しがいち - town area, urban area, metropolitan area,
built-up area
市議/しぎ - {abbr} city councillor, city councilor, city
市議会/しぎかい - city council
市況/しきょう - market conditions
市場占有率/しじょうせんゆうりつ - market share
市場調査/しじょうちょうさ - market research
市制/しせい - municipal organization, municipal organisation,
市政/しせい - municipal government
市中/しちゅう - in the city; in the community
市中銀行/しちゅうぎんこう - commercial bank, city bank,
private bank, high street bank
市庁/しちょう - municipal office
市町村/しちょうそん - cities, towns and villages, municipalities
市長/しちょう - mayor
市庭/いちば - (town) market, (street) market, marketplace
市電/しでん - municipal railway, city streetcar, tram
市道/しどう - city road, municipal road
市内/しない - in the city, within the city
市内観光/しないかんこう - city sightseeing
市販/しはん - putting on the market, putting on sale, making
commercially available; {adj-no} commercial, off-the-shelf,
store-bought, over-the-counter
市部/しぶ - urban areas
市民権/しみんけん - citizenship, civic rights, civil rights;
widespread acceptance, social recognition, common use
市民社会/しみんしゃかい - civil society
市役所/しやくしょ - municipal office, council, city hall
市有/しゆう - owned by the city
市立/いちりつ - municipal, city
市立/しりつ - municipal, city
師事/しじ - studying under, looking up to, apprenticing
oneself to
師匠/ししょう - master, teacher; {sumo} stable master
師走/しはす - twelfth month (esp. of the lunar calendar),
師走/しわす - twelfth month (esp. of the lunar calendar),
師団/しだん - (army) division
師弟/してい - teacher and student
師範/しはん - instructor, (fencing) teacher, model
師範学校/しはんがっこう - {hist} normal school (Japan; 18721947), teachers’ training college
志願/しがん - aspiration, volunteering, desire, application
志士/しし - {hist} imperial loyalist samurai of the
Bakumatsu-era; patriots, idealists willing to sacrifice
themselves for the good of the nation
思い/おもい - thought; imagination, mind, heart; desire, wish,
hope, expectation; love, affection; feelings, emotion,
sentiment, experience
思い違い/おもいちがい - misunderstanding, misapprehension,
misconception, false impression, wrong idea
思い掛け無い/おもいがけない - unexpected, contrary to
思い起こす/おもいおこす - to recall, to remember
思い起す/おもいおこす - to recall, to remember
思い詰める/おもいつめる - to think hard, to brood over, to
worry too much (about), to torment oneself (with the
thought of)
思い遣り/おもいやり - consideration, sympathy
思い遣る/おもいやる - to sympathize with, to sympathise with,
to feel for, to be considerate of, to show consideration for, to
bear in mind; to think of (a far-off person, place, etc.), to
cast one’s mind to; to worry about, to feel anxious about, to
be concerned about 思い込み/おもいこみ - wrong impression,
subjective impression, assumption, prejudice
思い残す/おもいのこす - to regret
思い思い/おもいおもい - just as (each) one likes, as (each) one
pleases, as (each) one prefers, (each) in one’s own way
思い止どまる/おもいとどまる - to give up (an idea or plan), to
abandon, to refrain from (doing), to change one’s mind
思い止まる/おもいとどまる - to give up (an idea or plan), to
abandon, to refrain from (doing), to change one’s mind
思い出話/おもいでばなし - reminiscent talk
思い上がる/おもいあがる - to be conceited
思い切って/おもいきって - resolutely, boldly, decisively,
思い切る/おもいきる - to give up all thoughts of, to abandon,
to despair of; to make up one’s mind, to take a momentous
思い知らせる/おもいしらせる - to make (someone) realize (e.g.
their mistake), to bring (something) home (to someone), to
teach (someone) a lesson
思い知る/おもいしる - to realize, to realise
思い直す/おもいなおす - to rethink, to think back upon, to
change one’s mind
思い当たる/おもいあたる - to suddenly understand (esp. on
basis of experience or memory), to come to mind, to recall
(in a flash), to be reminded of, to call to mind, to think of, to
strike on, to hit on an answer, to seize the crux of a problem
思い当る/おもいあたる - to suddenly understand (esp. on basis
of experience or memory), to come to mind, to recall (in a
flash), to be reminded of, to call to mind, to think of, to
strike on, to hit on an answer, to seize the crux of a problem
思い悩む/おもいなやむ - to worry about, to be worried about,
to fret about, to not know what to do, to be at a loss (as to
what to do)
思い描く/おもいえがく - to imagine, to picture, to figure, to
思い浮かぶ/おもいうかぶ - to occur to, to remind of
思い浮かべる/おもいうかべる - to be reminded of, to call to
思い返す/おもいかえす - to rethink, to think back upon, to
change one’s mind
思い余る/おもいあまる - to not know how to act or what to do,
to be at a loss
思い立つ/おもいたつ - to set one’s mind on doing, to get the
idea of doing, to make up one’s mind
思う存分/おもうぞんぶん - to one’s heart’s content, to one’s
complete satisfaction, as much as one likes, heartily,
thoroughly, without restraint, to the full
思案/しあん - careful thought, consideration, deliberation,
reflection, rumination, pondering
思索/しさく - speculation, thinking, meditation
思春期/ししゅんき - puberty, adolescence
思潮/しちょう - trend of thought
思慕/しぼ - yearning, longing for, deep affection
思慮/しりょ - prudence, discretion, thought, consideration
思惑/おもわく - expectation, anticipation, prediction, forecast,
calculations; purpose, intention, motive, ulterior motive;
others’ opinions of one; {finc} speculation
指し示す/さししめす - to indicate, to show, to point to
指し手/さして - move (in shogi, chess, etc.)
指し図/さしず - directions, instructions, orders, command
指圧/しあつ - shiatsu, acupressure, form of Japanese fingerpressure therapy
指環/ゆびわ - (finger) ring
指揮者/しきしゃ - (musical) conductor; commander, leader,
指揮棒/しきぼう - conductor’s stick, conductor’s baton
指向/しこう - being orientated (towards), pointing (towards),
directing (towards); {adj-no} directional (e.g. microphone);
{n-suf} -oriented
指示/しじ - indication, denotation, designation; instructions,
指針/ししん - needle (compass, gauge, etc.), hand (clock),
indicator, pointer, index; guiding principle, guideline, guide
指数/しすう - index, index number, exponent (e.g. in floatingpoint representation), characteristic
指切り/ゆびきり - pinky swear (i.e. linking little fingers to
confirm a promise), pinky promise
指折り/ゆびおり - leading, prominent, eminent, foremost,
distinguished; {n} counting on one’s fingers
指先/ゆびさき - fingertip, finger; toe tip, toe
指導主事/しどうしゅじ - (governmental) supervisor of
指導要領/しどうようりょう - government-approved
curriculums, (educational) guidelines
指南/しなん - instruction (in martial arts, performance, etc.),
teaching, coaching
指標/しひょう - index, indices, indicator
指名/しめい - naming, nominating, designating; calling on,
asking for, requesting
指名手配/しめいてはい - putting (a named suspect) on the
wanted list
支える/つかえる - to stick, to get stuck, to get caught, to get
jammed, to clog; to be unavailable, to be busy, to be
occupied, to be full; to be piled up (e.g. of work); to halt (in
one’s speech), to stumble (over one’s words), to stutter, to
stammer; to feel blocked (of one’s chest or throat, due to
grief, anxiety, illness, etc.), to feel pressure, to feel pain 支え
る/つっかえる - to stick, to get stuck, to get caught, to get
jammed, to clog; to be unavailable, to be busy, to be
occupied, to be full; to be piled up (e.g. of work); to halt (in
one’s speech), to stumble (over one’s words), to stutter, to
stammer; to feel blocked (of one’s chest or throat, due to
grief, anxiety, illness, etc.), to feel pressure, to feel pain 支
援/しえん - support, backing
支局/しきょく - branch office
支社/ししゃ - branch office
支所/ししょ - branch (office)
支署/ししょ - substation
支障/ししょう - obstacle, hindrance, impediment, difficulty
支柱/しちゅう - prop, stay, support, brace, fulcrum
支庁/しちょう - (governmental) branch office, subprefecture
支店長/してんちょう - branch manager, manager of a branch
支那/しな - {sens} {dated} China
支配人/しはいにん - manager, executive
支配的/しはいてき - dominant, ruling
支部/しぶ - branch, subdivision
支払い/しはらい - payment
支払い済み/しはらいずみ - settled, paid
支流/しりゅう - tributary, branch
施し/ほどこし - charity, almsgiving
施工/しこう - construction, constructing, carrying out, work,
formation, workmanship, execution
施工/せこう - construction, constructing, carrying out, work,
formation, workmanship, execution
施行/しぎょう - putting in force (a law), putting into
operation, putting into effect, enforcement; carrying out (a
plan, policy, etc.), execution
施行/せぎょう - {Buddh} giving alms (to monks or the poor),
施行/せこう - putting in force (a law), putting into operation,
putting into effect, enforcement; carrying out (a plan, policy,
etc.), execution
施策/しさく - policy, measure
施主/せしゅ - donor, benefactor, almsgiver; chief mourner;
client (of a builder, etc.)
施錠/せじょう - locking
施政/しせい - government, administration, statesmanship
旨/むね - principle, aim, main purpose, central part, pillar;
purport, gist, drift, meaning; instructions, orders, intention,
旨く行く/うまくいく - to go smoothly, to turn out well, to do
the trick, to have peaceful relations
枝豆/えだまめ - edamame (green soybeans)
枝葉/えだは - branches and leaves, foliage; unimportant
details, nonessentials, side issue, digression
枝葉/しよう - branches and leaves, foliage; unimportant
details, nonessentials, side issue, digression
止まり/とまり - stop, stoppage, end
止まる/とどまる - to remain, to abide, to stay (in the one
place); to be limited to, to be confined to, to only account
止めどなく/とめどなく - endlessly, ceaselessly
止め金/とめがね - clasp, latch, catch, fastener
止め処無く/とめどなく - endlessly, ceaselessly
止血/しけつ - stopping of bleeding, stanching, hemostasis,
死に体/しにたい - {sumo} losing posture, falling position from
which it is impossible to recover; lame duck; hopeless
死に物狂い/しにものぐるい - desperation, struggle to the
死の灰/しのはい - lethal radioactive fallout, atomic dust
死因/しいん - cause of death
死海/しかい - Dead Sea
死骸/しがい - (dead) body, corpse, carcass, remains
死角/しかく - blind spot (e.g. of a driver); dead angle, dead
ground, dead space, sector without fire
死活/しかつ - life and death, life or death
死期/しき - time of death, one’s final hour, one’s end
死球/しきゅう - {baseb} pitch that hits the batter
死去/しきょ - death, decease, passing away
死刑囚/しけいしゅう - criminal condemned to death, convict
on death row
死後/しご - after death
死語/しご - dead language, extinct language; obsolete word,
dated word, word that has become passé
死産/しざん - stillbirth
死者/ししゃ - dead person, (the) deceased, (the) dead,
死守/ししゅ - defending to the last, desperate defence,
stubborn defence
死傷/ししょう - casualties, injuries and deaths
死傷者/ししょうしゃ - casualties, the killed and wounded
死人/しにん - corpse, dead person
死人/しびと - corpse, dead person
死生/しせい - life and death
死線/しせん - borderline between life and death, verge of
death; deadline (boundary around a prison which prisoners
were not allowed to cross)
死闘/しとう - life or death struggle, mortal combat, struggle
to the death
死票/しひょう - vote for a losing candidate, wasted vote
死別/しべつ - bereavement, separation by death, loss
死亡者/しぼうしゃ - the deceased, deaths, persons killed
死亡率/しぼうりつ - death rate, mortality rate
死没/しぼつ - death
死滅/しめつ - extinction, annihilation, destruction
死力/しりょく - desperate effort
氏/うじ - family name, lineage, birth; clan
氏子/うじこ - {Shinto} shrine parishioner
氏神/うじがみ - {Shinto} patron god, tutelar deity, guardian
deity, local deity
氏族/しぞく - clan, family
獅子/しし - lion; left-hand guardian dog at a Shinto shrine
獅子舞/ししまい - lion dance, traditional dance performed by
one or more dancers wearing a guardian lion costume
私/あたい - {fem} I, me
私案/しあん - private plan, one’s own plan
私営/しえい - privately operated, private management
私学/しがく - private (non-governmental) school (college,
私企業/しきぎょう - private enterprise
私権/しけん - private right
私見/しけん - personal opinion
私語/しご - whispering, whisper, secret talk, murmur
私財/しざい - private funds, own funds, private property
私事/しじ - personal affairs, private matter; personal secret,
私塾/しじゅく - small private school (esp. for cramming);
private school (in the Edo period, orig. run by Confucianists)
私書箱/ししょばこ - {abbr} post office box
私小説/わたくししょうせつ - I-novel, novel narrated in the first
私情/しじょう - personal feelings, self-interest
私信/ししん - private letter, personal letter, private message;
secret correspondence, confidential report
私心/ししん - selfishness, selfish motive
私人/しじん - private individual
私生活/しせいかつ - private life
私生児/しせいじ - illegitimate child, bastard, love child
私設/しせつ - private
私大/しだい - {abbr} private university
私達/わたくしたち - we, us
私達/わたしたち - we, us
私邸/してい - private residence
私的/してき - private, personal
私費/しひ - private expense
私服/しふく - ordinary clothes (i.e. nonuniform), plain clothes,
civilian clothes, casual wear, mufti; {abbr} plainclothes
police officer
私腹/しふく - one’s own profits, one’s own pockets
私文書/しぶんしょ - private document
私兵/しへい - private army
私法/しほう - private law
私欲/しよく - self-interest, selfish desire
私利/しり - self-interest, personal profit
私立/わたくしりつ - private (establishment)
糸口/いとぐち - beginning, start, first step; clue, lead, hint;
thread end
紙一重/かみひとえ - paper-thin (difference)
紙質/ししつ - paper quality
紙芝居/かみしばい - picture story show
紙上/しじょう - on paper, in the newspapers, in a letter
紙吹雪/かみふぶき - confetti, ticker tape
紙切れ/かみきれ - piece of paper, slip of paper, strip of paper,
scrap of paper
紙袋/かみぶくろ - paper bag
紙片/しへん - piece (scrap, bit, strip) of paper
紙面/しめん - space on a page (e.g. in a newspaper); surface
of paper; letter, writings, document
紫外線/しがいせん - {physics} ultraviolet rays, ultraviolet
紫紺/しこん - bluish purple
紫綬褒章/しじゅほうしょう - Medal of Honor with Purple
Ribbon (awarded for scholarly or artistic achievement)
紫色/むらさきいろ - violet (color)
肢体/したい - limbs, arms and legs, body
肢体不自由児/したいふじゆうじ - physically disabled child, child
with a physical disability
脂っこい/あぶらっこい - greasy, fatty, oily
脂質/ししつ - {biochem} lipid
脂身/あぶらみ - fat (of meat), fatty meat
脂肪酸/しぼうさん - fatty acid
至り/いたり - utmost limit, extremity, result
至る処/いたるところ - everywhere, all over, throughout
至る所/いたるところ - everywhere, all over, throughout
至極/しごく - very, extremely, exceedingly, quite, most; {adjno} {adj-na} {n} top, highest, best
至上/しじょう - supremacy
至上命令/しじょうめいれい - {yoji} unconditional command,
must-obey order
至誠/しせい - sincerity, devotion
至難/しなん - most difficult, next to impossible
至福/しふく - beatitude, supreme bliss
至宝/しほう - greatest treasure, most valuable asset, pride
視界/しかい - field of vision, visibility, view, visual field,
(one’s) ken
視角/しかく - visual angle
視線/しせん - one’s line of sight, one’s gaze, one’s eyes
(looking), glance, gaze, look
視聴/しちょう - looking and listening, (television) viewing,
watching; (public) attention, interest
視聴覚/しちょうかく - senses of seeing and hearing,
視聴者/しちょうしゃ - viewer, (television) audience
視聴率/しちょうりつ - ratings (e.g. of a television program),
audience rating, viewing rate
視力/しりょく - eyesight, vision, visual acuity
詩歌/しいか - Japanese and Chinese poetry; poetry, poems
詩句/しく - verse
詩型/しけい - form of verse, verse form, poetic form
詩作/しさく - composition of a poem
詩集/ししゅう - poetry anthology, collection of poems,
collected poems
詩情/しじょう - poetic sentiment; poetic interest, poetic
詩的/してき - poetic
詩碑/しひ - monument (stele, gravestone, etc.) engraved
with a poem
詩文/しぶん - poetry and prose, literature, literary works
詩論/しろん - essay on poetry, theory of poetry
試案/しあん - tentative plan, draft plan
試飲/しいん - sampling a drink, tasting
試運転/しうんてん - trial run, test run
試金石/しきんせき - touchstone, Lydian stone; touchstone
(e.g. of success), test, litmus test
試掘/しくつ - prospecting, trial digging
試験を受ける/しけんをうける - to sit for an examination
試験管/しけんかん - test tube
試験場/しけんじょう - examination hall, examination room;
laboratory, experimental station, testing ground
試験的/しけんてき - experimental, provisional
試行/しこう - making an attempt, trial run
試行錯誤/しこうさくご - {yoji} trial and error
試作/しさく - trial manufacture, experiment, test piece,
試算/しさん - trial calculation, preliminary calculation,
試写/ししゃ - preview, private showing
試射/ししゃ - test firing
試乗/しじょう - test drive, test ride, trial ride
試食/ししょく - sampling food, tasting, trying
試着室/しちゃくしつ - dressing room, fitting room
試薬/しやく - {chem} reagent
試用/しよう - trial, experimental use
試料/しりょう - sample, specimen, test piece
試煉/しれん - test, trial, ordeal, tribulation
試練/しれん - test, trial, ordeal, tribulation
試錬/しれん - test, trial, ordeal, tribulation
誌上/しじょう - in a magazine
誌面/しめん - page of a magazine
諮問/しもん - consultation, question, enquiry, inquiry
資する/しする - to contribute, to play a part in, to have a
hand in, to be conducive to, to be instrumental in; to finance
資金繰り/しきんぐり - fundraising, financing, cash flow
資源エネルギー庁/しげんエネルギーちょう - Agency of Natural
Resources and Energy
資材/しざい - (raw) material
資質/ししつ - nature, disposition, temperament, qualities,
attributes, talents
資本家/しほんか - capitalist, financier
資本金/しほんきん - capital stock
資本財/しほんざい - capital goods
資本主義/しほんしゅぎ - capitalism
資料室/しりょうしつ - reference room
資力/しりょく - means, resources, wealth
賜杯/しはい - Emperor’s cup, trophy given by the Emperor
雌花/めばな - {bot} female flower, pistillate flower
雌雄/しゆう - male and female (animals), the two sexes;
victory and defeat, strengths and weaknesses
飼い犬/かいいぬ - pet dog
飼い主/かいぬし - (pet) owner, keeper
飼い猫/かいねこ - pet cat
飼主/かいぬし - (pet) owner, keeper
飼料/しりょう - fodder, feed
歯ブラシ/はブラシ - toothbrush
歯応え/はごたえ - chewiness, firmness, feel of food while
being chewed; challenge (e.g. work, book), toughness
歯科医/しかい - dentist
歯科医師/しかいし - dentist
歯形/はがた - impression of the teeth, tooth mold (mould);
tooth mark, teeth marks
歯向う/はむかう - to strike back at, to bite back, to turn on, to
rise against, to oppose, to defy
歯向かう/はむかう - to strike back at, to bite back, to turn on,
to rise against, to oppose, to defy
歯垢/しこう - (dental) plaque
歯止め/はどめ - brake, drag, skid, pawl; brake (on inflation,
spending, etc.), check, restraint, (imposed) limit
歯切れ/はぎれ - feel when biting; manner of enunciation
歯痛/しつう - toothache
歯並び/はならび - row of teeth, set of teeth, dentition
歯磨/はみがき - dental brushing, brushing one’s teeth;
dentifrice, toothpaste, tooth powder
歯痒い/はがゆい - (feeling) impatient, irritated, irritating,
frustrated, frustrating, vexed, vexing
事業化/じぎょうか - industrialization, industrialisation;
事業家/じぎょうか - enterprising man, businessman,
事業所/じぎょうしょ - establishment, place of business,
business site, office, (production) facility
事件記者/じけんきしゃ - police reporter
事後/じご - after, post, ex-, after the fact, ex post
事実上/じじつじょう - as a matter of fact, actually, effectively,
in reality, in effect
事実無根/じじつむこん - {yoji} groundless, entirely contrary to
事象/じしょう - event, phenomenon, matter
事体/じたい - situation, (present) state of affairs,
事典/じてん - encyclopedia
事物/じぶつ - things, affairs
事変/じへん - accident, disaster, incident, uprising,
事務官/じむかん - administrative official, secretary,
事務局/じむきょく - secretariat, executive office
事務次官/じむじかん - permanent vice-president,
undersecretary, vice-minister
事務室/じむしつ - office (room)
事務取扱い/じむとりあつかい - acting director
事務総局/じむそうきょく - secretariat-general
事務的/じむてき - administrative, businesslike, practical;
impersonal, perfunctory, robot-like
事務当局/じむとうきょく - officials in charge
事由/じゆう - reason, cause
事例/じれい - example, precedent, case
似せる/にせる - to copy, to imitate, to counterfeit, to forge
似顔/にがお - portrait, likeness
似顔画/にがおえ - portrait, likeness, sketch (of a face)
似顔絵/にがおえ - portrait, likeness, sketch (of a face)
似合い/にあい - well-matched (esp. of a couple), becoming,
似合わしい/にあわしい - well-matched, suitable, becoming
侍医/じい - court physician
侍従/じじゅう - chamberlain
侍女/じじょ - lady attendant, lady’s maid, waiting maid
児/こ - child, kid, teenager, youngster, young (non-adult)
person; (one’s) child, offspring; young woman; young
(animal); offshoot; interest; {finc} {abbr} new share;
{cards} {mahj} player who is not a dealer; young geisha,
young prostitute; {arch} bird egg; {n-suf} -er (often of
young women) 字画/じかく - strokes in a Chinese character,
stroke count of a Chinese character
字詰め/じづめ - number of characters per line, page, etc.
字句/じく - wording, words and phrases, way of expression,
字形/じけい - character style, character form
字書/じしょ - dictionary of Chinese characters, kanji
dictionary; dictionary
字数/じすう - number of characters, number of letters
字幕/じまく - subtitles, captioning
寺子屋/てらこや - temple elementary school (during the Edo
寺社/じしゃ - temples and shrines
慈愛/じあい - affection (esp. parental), love, fondness
慈眼/じげん - {Buddh} merciful eye (of a Buddha or a
bodhisattva watching humanity)
慈善/じぜん - charity, philanthropy
慈悲/じひ - mercy, compassion, clemency, pity, charity,
benevolence; {abbr} rufous hawk-cuckoo, northern hawkcuckoo
持ち越す/もちこす - to carry over (an issue, decision, work,
etc.), to carry forward, to put off, to postpone, to defer
持ち家/もちいえ - one’s (own) house
持ち回り/もちまわり - rotation (of a post, role, etc.), taking
持ち回り閣議/もちまわりかくぎ - round-robin cabinet
持ち掛ける/もちかける - to offer (a suggestion, etc.), to
propose (an idea, etc.), to approach with (a proposal, etc.)
持ち株/もちかぶ - stock holdings, one’s shares
持ち堪える/もちこたえる - to hold out (e.g. against an attack),
to hang on, to withstand, to endure, to last
持ち寄る/もちよる - to gather (bringing something), to gather
(to exchange something)
持ち帰り/もちかえり - takeout (food), takeout, takeaway,
carry-out, to-go
持ち帰る/もちかえる - to take home, to carry home, to bring
back home, to take out (e.g. food)
持ち去る/もちさる - to take away, to carry away
持ち合い/もちあい - unity, even matching, interdependence;
steadiness (of market price), holding, no change
持ち合わせ/もちあわせ - things on hand, things in stock;
money on hand, money in one’s wallet; {adj-no} on hand, in
持ち合わせる/もちあわせる - to happen to have on hand or in
持ち込み/もちこみ - bring-your-own (e.g. food and drink),
carry-on (e.g. luggage)
持ち込む/もちこむ - to bring in, to take in, to carry in; to
approach (someone) with (a proposal, offer, problem, etc.),
to bring, to lodge (a complaint), to propose (e.g. a project);
to bring (to another stage), to take (e.g. to court, to extra
time, to a playoff) 持ち主/もちぬし - owner, proprietor,
possessor (e.g. of talent, beauty, etc.)
持ち出し/もちだし - taking something out, carrying out;
providing money oneself, paying with one’s own money;
{archit} corbel; strengthening under a seam (clothing)
持ち出す/もちだす - to take out, to carry out, to bring out from
where it belongs; to mention something, to broach a topic,
to bring up (a subject), to raise (an issue), to mention
持ち上がる/もちあがる - to be lifted, to be raised, to rise, to go
up; to happen suddenly, to occur, to come up, to turn up; to
be homeroom teacher for the same class multiple years in a
row, to move up with one’s class 持ち場/もちば - one’s post,
one’s position, one’s station, one’s place of duty; one’s
round, one’s beat, one’s route
持ち前/もちまえ - one’s nature, characteristic, inherent,
持ち直す/もちなおす - to recover, to rally, to improve, to pick
持ち逃げ/もちにげ - making off with (something), absconding;
{adj-f} stolen, absconded (with)
持ち腐れ/もちぐされ - unused possession
持ち物/もちもの - one’s property, personal effects, one’s
持ち分/もちぶん - share (of expenses), equity (in company),
holdings, interest (in company)
持ち味/もちあじ - inherent flavor, inherent flavour, natural
taste; distinctive characteristic (of a person, work, etc.),
peculiar quality, special ability
持って行く/もっていく - to take, to carry (something) away
持って行く/もってゆく - to take (something) along, to bring
with one, to carry (something) away, to bear
持って来る/もってくる - to bring (something)
持てなし/もてなし - hospitality, reception, treatment, service,
entertainment; (light) refreshment, entertaining with food
and drink, treat
持て成し/もてなし - hospitality, reception, treatment, service,
entertainment; (light) refreshment, entertaining with food
and drink, treat
持て余す/もてあます - to be too much for one, to find
unmanageable, to be beyond one’s control, to not know
what to do with
持て囃す/もてはやす - to praise extravagantly, to lionize, to
lionise, to make much of
持家/もちいえ - one’s (own) house
持堪える/もちこたえる - to hold out (e.g. against an attack), to
hang on, to withstand, to endure, to last
持久/じきゅう - endurance, persistence
持込み/もちこみ - bring-your-own (e.g. food and drink), carryon (e.g. luggage)
持主/もちぬし - owner, proprietor, possessor (e.g. of talent,
beauty, etc.)
持続的/じぞくてき - continuous, sustained, sustainable,
durable, persistent
持直す/もちなおす - to recover, to rally, to improve, to pick up
持病/じびょう - chronic disease; bad habit, intractable habit
持物/もちもの - one’s property, personal effects, one’s
持味/もちあじ - inherent flavor, inherent flavour, natural
taste; distinctive characteristic (of a person, work, etc.),
peculiar quality, special ability
持論/じろん - one’s cherished opinion, pet theory
時々刻々/じじこっこく - {yoji} hourly, from one minute to the
next, from hour to hour, moment by moment, with each
passing moment
時として/ときとして - in some cases, sometimes, on
時には/ときには - at times, occasionally
時雨/しぐれ - rain shower in late autumn (fall) or early winter
時価/じか - current value, price, market value
時間割り/じかんわり - timetable (esp. a weekly school
timetable), schedule
時間給/じかんきゅう - hourly pay, hourly wage
時間切れ/じかんぎれ - being out of time, passing the deadline;
時期尚早/じきしょうそう - {yoji} premature
時機/じき - opportunity, chance, time, occasion
時季/じき - season, time of year
時宜/じぎ - right time, appropriate time, season’s greetings
時給/じきゅう - hourly pay, hourly wage
時局/じきょく - situation, state of things, current affairs
時空/じくう - space-time
時計屋/とけいや - watch store
時計回り/とけいまわり - clockwise rotation, CW
時限/じげん - (school) period; period or division of time, time
時候/じこう - season, time of the year
時効/じこう - statute of limitations, lapse of rights after a
period of time, prescription (including acquisitive and
extinctive prescription); becoming invalid or void after a set
time; {chem} ageing, aging 時事/じじ - events of the day,
current affairs
時世/じせい - the times, an age, a day and age
時勢/じせい - (trend of) the times, current of the times, spirit
of the age
時節/じせつ - season; the times; opportunity, occasion
時節柄/じせつがら - in these times, in times like these, the
season being what it is
時代感覚/じだいかんかく - sensitivity to the times, sense of
the times
時代劇/じだいげき - historical play, period drama
時代錯誤/じだいさくご - {yoji} anachronism
時代物/じだいもの - antique, historical object; pre-Meiji period
drama, period piece
時点/じてん - point in time, occasion
時日/じじつ - date, time
時半/じはん - half past (the hour)
時評/じひょう - commentary on current events
時分/じぶん - time, hour, season, time of the year
時報/じほう - announcement of time, time signal; news
report, newsletter
時流/じりゅう - fashion (current) of the times, general drift of
次々に/つぎつぎに - one by one, one after another,
次回/じかい - next time (occasion)
次官/じかん - vice-minister, undersecretary
次期/じき - next term, next period; next version, next release
次元/じげん - dimension; perspective, point of reference,
level (of something)
次週/じしゅう - next week
次女/じじょ - second daughter
次席/じせき - associate, junior, assistant, runner-up
次善/じぜん - second best
次代/じだい - the next era
次第に/しだいに - gradually (progress into a state); in
sequence, in order, in turn
次男/じなん - second son
次長/じちょう - vice-chief, vice-director, assistant director,
deputy manager
次点/じてん - runner-up
滋養/じよう - nourishment
治まり/おさまり - conclusion, end, settlement; balance,
harmony, fitting (in)
治り/なおり - recovery
治外法権/ちがいほうけん - {yoji} extraterritoriality
治験/ちけん - clinical trial
治山/ちさん - forest conservation, afforestation
治水/ちすい - river management, river improvement, flood
治癒/ちゆ - healing, cure, recovery
痔/じ - hemorrhoids, piles
磁場/じじょう - magnetic field; ambience, atmosphere, focal
磁場/じば - magnetic field; ambience, atmosphere, focal
磁性/じせい - magnetism
磁力/じりょく - magnetism, magnetic force
示し/しめし - lesson, discipline, example (e.g. set a bad
example); revelation
示し合わせる/しめしあわせる - to arrange beforehand, to make
a sign to each other, to conspire
示威/じい - demonstration, show of force
示唆/しさ - suggestion, hint, implication
示談/じだん - settlement out of court, private settlement
而して/しかして - and, and then, thus, and now, and finally
耳を傾ける/みみをかたむける - to lend an ear
耳慣れる/みみなれる - to be something familiar; to become
used to hearing.
耳寄り/みみより - welcome (news), inviting, encouraging,
tempting, hopeful
耳許/みみもと - close to the ear
耳元/みみもと - close to the ear
耳障り/みみざわり - hard (on the ears), offensive (to the ear),
rasping, rough, harsh, grating, jarring, cacophonous
耳飾り/みみかざり - earring
耳打ち/みみうち - whispering into a person’s ear
耳鼻咽喉科/じびいんこうか - otorhinolaryngology,
otolaryngology, ear, nose and throat department
耳目/じもく - eyes and ears, seeing and hearing; one’s
attention, one’s interest
自意識/じいしき - self-consciousness
自営/じえい - running one’s own business, doing business on
one’s own, self-employment
自営業/じえいぎょう - independent business, self-employment
自衛官/じえいかん - Japanese Self-Defense Force official, SelfDefense Force official
自衛隊/じえいたい - Japan Self-Defense Forces, JSDF; selfdefence force, self-defense force
自家/じか - one’s own house; {adj-f} own, personal,
自家用/じかよう - for private or home use
自家用車/じかようしゃ - private car, private automobile
自画自賛/じがじさん - {yoji} singing one’s own praises,
praising one’s own wares
自画像/じがぞう - self-portrait
自壊/じかい - disintegration; self-destruction
自戒/じかい - self-admonition
自害/じがい - suicide
自活/じかつ - self-support
自棄/じき - desperation, despair, self-abandonment
自棄/やけ - desperation, despair, self-abandonment
自虐/じぎゃく - self-torture, masochism, inflicting damage to
自給/じきゅう - self-support
自給自足/じきゅうじそく - {yoji} self-sufficiency
自供/じきょう - confession
自業自得/じごうじとく - {yoji} paying for one’s mistakes,
getting one’s just deserts, suffering the consequences (of
one’s own actions), reap what you sow
自警/じけい - policing (an area, etc.) by oneself, protecting by
oneself, vigilantism; cautioning oneself, taking care, being
careful; {abbr} local government police, municipal police
自決/じけつ - self-determination; suicide
自己嫌悪/じこけんお - {yoji} self-hatred, self-abhorrence, selfloathing
自己顕示/じこけんじ - {yoji} making oneself conspicuous,
pressing one’s own cause
自己資本/じこしほん - net worth, owned capital
自己批判/じこひはん - self-criticism
自己流/じこりゅう - one’s own style, self-taught manner
自国/じこく - one’s own country
自惚れる/うぬぼれる - to be conceited
自作/じさく - one’s own work, making by oneself
自作農/じさくのう - landed farmer, owner farmer
自賛/じさん - self-praise, praising oneself
自治権/じちけん - autonomy, right of self-government
自治省/じちしょう - Ministry of Home Affairs (1960-2001)
自治体/じちたい - municipality, local government, selfgoverning body, autonomous body
自治領/じちりょう - self-governing dominion
自室/じしつ - one’s own room
自社/じしゃ - one’s company, company one works for; {adj-f}
in-house, belonging to the company
自主的/じしゅてき - independent, autonomous, voluntary, of
one’s own initiative
自重/じじゅう - weight of an (unloaded) vehicle, dead load,
tare; one’s own weight
自粛/じしゅく - self-restraint, voluntary restraint, selfimposed control, self-discipline
自助/じじょ - self-help, self-reliance
自叙伝/じじょでん - autobiography
自省/じせい - self-examination, reflection
自称/じしょう - self-proclaimed, self-professed, self-styled,
would-be; {n} {vs} professing oneself to be, calling oneself,
describing oneself as; {n} {gramm} first person
自浄/じじょう - self-purification, self-cleansing
自信/じしん - self-confidence, confidence (in oneself)
自炊/じすい - cooking for oneself, cooking one’s own food,
doing one’s own cooking, making food oneself, self-catering;
scanning a book or magazine to create an ebook by oneself
自制/じせい - self control, self restraint
自生/じせい - natural growth, wild growth
自責/じせき - self-condemnation, self-reproach, selfaccusation
自責点/じせきてん - {baseb} earned run
自説/じせつ - one’s personal opinion
自薦/じせん - self-recommendation, self-nomination, putting
oneself forward
自選/じせん - selecting from one’s own works, one’s own
自前/じまえ - paying one’s own expenses; going into business
for oneself, working independently, person who earns their
own living
自然に/しぜんに - naturally, smoothly, spontaneously
自然界/しぜんかい - nature, the natural world, realm of nature
自然休会/しぜんきゅうかい - {politics} spontaneous recess (in
the Diet)
自然増収/しぜんぞうしゅう - natural or automatic increase in
自然淘汰/しぜんとうた - {yoji} natural selection
自尊/じそん - self-respect, esteem, self-importance, pride
自他/じた - oneself and others; {phil} subject and object;
{ling} transitivity, transitive and intransitive verbs; {ling}
{rare} first person and third person; {Buddh} self-salvation
and salvation by faith 自体/じたい - itself; one’s own body,
自著/じちょ - one’s own literary work
自伝/じでん - autobiography
自動化/じどうか - automation
自動詞/じどうし - {gramm} intransitive verb
自動制御/じどうせいぎょ - automatic control
自動的/じどうてき - automatic
自動販売器/じどうはんばいき - vending machine
自動販売機/じどうはんばいき - vending machine
自任/じにん - regarding oneself (as), fancying oneself (as),
seeing oneself (as), considering oneself (to be), pretension
自認/じにん - admission, (self-)acknowledgment,
(self-)acknowledgement; self-identification
自賠責保険/じばいせきほけん - {abbr} mandatory vehicle
liability insurance
自白/じはく - confession, admission
自爆/じばく - suicide bombing (e.g. crashing one’s plane into
a target), self-destruction, blowing oneself up
自発/じはつ - spontaneity; {ling} spontaneous passive
自発的/じはつてき - spontaneous, voluntary
自販/じはん - {abbr} automobile sales
自販機/じはんき - {abbr} vending machine
自費/じひ - one’s own expense, out-of-pocket expense
自筆/じひつ - one’s own handwriting, autograph, holograph
自負/じふ - pride, self-confidence, thinking highly of oneself,
being proud of one’s abilities or achievements
自腹/じばら - paying one’s own way
自分自身/じぶんじしん - oneself, myself
自分勝手/じぶんかって - {yoji} selfishness, egotism, egoism,
(being) self-centered, without consulting, (doing) as one
pleases, one’s own free will
自閉症/じへいしょう - autism
自暴自棄/じぼうじき - {yoji} desperation, despair, selfabandonment
自慢話/じまんばなし - boastful speech, bragging
自民/じみん - {abbr} Liberal Democratic Party, LDP
自民党/じみんとう - {abbr} Liberal Democratic Party, LDP
自明/じめい - self-evident, obvious, axiomatic, selfexplanatory, trivial
自滅/じめつ - self-destruction, ruining oneself; natural decay,
perishing naturally
自問/じもん - asking oneself
自問自答/じもんじとう - {yoji} answering one’s own question,
wondering to oneself, soliloquizing, soliloquising
自由に/じゆうに - freely, at liberty, at will, as one likes
自由化/じゆうか - liberalization, liberalisation, freeing
自由業/じゆうぎょう - self-employed profession (e.g. actor,
artist), liberal profession
自由型/じゆうがた - freestyle (e.g. swimming event)
自由形/じゆうがた - freestyle (e.g. swimming event)
自由経済/じゆうけいざい - free