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Grade 4: Past Form of Irregular Verbs Module

Notre Dame of Dadiangas University
Lagao, General Santos City
SUBJECT: Language
Quarter: 3rd
Module No.: 1
Damean’s Beat: Quality Education
Teacher/s: Marivic E. Gaudiano
Date: 5-Jan-22
21st Century Skills:
Online Class:
I. Topic: Using the Past Form of Irregular Verbs
II. Learning Targets
I can…….
identify the past form of irregular verbs;
share the importance of looking back ones unsuccessful past experiences as
shadows of successful future achievement ;
 formulate meaningful sentences using the past form of irregular verbs.
III. I Know It!
Analyzing Pictures :
Sharing of experiences on how they overcome their failures in life
IV. I Develop My Skills!
Presenting the topic and its learning targets
Discussing the rules in making the past form of irregular verbs and the time
expressions to be used in the past time
Giving of examples of sentences using the past form of irregular verbs
V. I Can Do More!
Answering of exercises using the correct past form of irregular verbs
VI. I Can Enrich My Skills!
 Writing sentences using the correct past form of irregular verbs
Option B: In case of no connectivity, read pages 94-95 and answer “Boot “
on page 96 of your book (Grammar Essentials 4)
VII. References/Materials
Conche, M.C. (2019). Grammar essentials. Quezon City, Philippines: Sibs
Publishing House Inc. pp. 94-99
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Modular Class:
I. Topic: Using the Past Form of Irregular Verbs
II. Learning Targets
I can….
 identify the past form of irregular verbs in the sentence;
 show self-reliance in forming the past tense of irregular verbs;
 write clear and coherent sentences using the past form of irregular verbs.
III. I Know It!
Hello and welcome to this first SLM. This module focuses more on the past form of irregular
verbs. To check your understanding about the lesson, kindly answer the activity below.
Complete the table below. Write the past form of irregular
Base Form
Past Form
1. begin
2. bring
3. speak
4. forget
Good job!
How did you find the activity? _____________ Draw an emoji to describe your feelings.
Were you able to write the past form of irregular verbs correctly?______________
Now, ask the help of your parent/guardian to check if your answers are correct!
IV. I Develop My Skills!
This time you are going to answer the activity on page 96 about “Level Up”. To be
guided well, you have to keep in mind this concept.
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V. I Can Do More!
You can really work on your own. This time, encircle the correct past tense of the verb to
complete the sentence.
1. Last summer vacation, my family and I (go, went, gone) to Cebu.
2. It (taked, took, taken) us three hours to travel from the airport to the house.
3. There we (met, meet, meeted) the friendly locals.
4. We (spent, spended, spend) three weeks in my grandparents’ old house.
Excellent job!
VI. I Can Enrich My Skills!
Answering a module is indeed fun and self-fulfilling, right? For more engaging
activities at home, write a 5-sentence paragraph about your family trip before the pandemic.
Use the past tense of irregular verbs.
Now, ask the help of your parent/ guardian to check if your answers are correct!
Congratulations! You have finished your journey through Module 1. Now you are ready
to build up. But before moving on to the next lesson, ask yourself these questions to check
your understanding:
1. How do I know the difference between past form of regular and irregular verbs?
2. Why is it important for me to know the past form of regular and irregular verbs?
VII. References/Materials
 Conche, M.C. (2019). Grammar Essentials. Quezon City, Philippines:
Sibs Publishing House Inc. pp. 94-99
 laptop
Parent’s/Guardian’s Signature Above Printed Name
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