PM PRACTICAL ASSESSMENT S U B M I T T E D B Y T R I Z I A A N N T . M A G A L I N O CONTENT I. DATA GATHERING GUIDE II. PROJECT CHARTER III. TOP LINE GANTT CHART I . D ATA G AT H E R I N G G U I D E DEFINING AND SCOPING THE PROJECT • The first thing I would do as the assigned Project Lead for National Bookstore is to discuss with the client (or with the person(s) who assigned the project to me/my manager) the following: 1. What would be the scope and focus of this project 2. From when and by when will be the duration of the project 3. How much is the budget for the project 4. Who will be working with me on this project and to whom will I/we be reporting it to • The second thing I would do is to create a plan from the discussion using a Gantt Chart to assess how feasible is the plan given the scope, timeline, and resources. • The third thing I would do once I am ready to present my plan is to call for another meeting to clarify and make sure that every input from the last discussion was considered and then come to an agreement whether the project is a go, no, and what should be modified if any. II. PROJECT CHARTER A S S U M P T I O N : I T W A S C L A R I F I E D T H A T M Y F O C U S I S T O P R E P A R E F O R T H E L A U N C H T H E “ N A T I O N A L B O O K S T O R E W I N S B A C K T O S C H O O L ” S E A S O N O F PROJECT OVERVIEW PROJECT NAME National Bookstore Wins Back to School Season “NBS Wins B2S” PROBLEM STATEMENT National Bookstore declined in sales by 20% with low foot traffic due to internal and external factors that contribute to overall poor experience at NBS both for employees and customers. PROJECT PURPOSE Given the different and multi-layered challenges NBS faces, it needs to seize the Back-To-School Season which starts at the month of May and ends by August. This project aims to assure that the B2S season would be a success for NBS by exposing, addressing, and mitigating the issues that may be prohibiting. PROJECT SCOPE WITHIN THE PROJECT 1. Reviewing profitability and setting volume and revenue targets. 2. Identifying the optimal product mix and its overall feasibility in terms of saleability, budget and space requirements. 3. Crafting and executing of strategic and tactical plans. OUTSIDE THE PROJECT 1. People and Leadership Development 2. Process Audit (Store Experience Guidelines Review, SAP efficiency review, etc) 3. Org Chart Structuring and/or Talent Sourcing EXPECTED DELIVERABLE Project Management for NBS WINS B2S which includes the plan (in a Gantt Chart), coordination and monitoring of deliverables, timelines, and budgets. PROJECT CLIENT SPONSOR NATIONAL BOOKSTORE MANAGEMENT POC TBC CUSTOMER THE MANAGEMENT/EXEC TEAM STAKEHOLDERS • • • • • • THE MANAGEMENT/EXEC TEAM SALES AND MARKETING PROCUREMENT WAREHOUSE LOGISTICS FINANCE P R OJ E C T ACCO U N TA B I L I TY C H A RT KEY MILESTONES MILESTONE 1: SET THE VOLUME AND REVENUE TARGET FOR 2020 MILESTONE 2: REVIEW OVERALL FEASIBILITY OF PRODUCT MIX TASKS POINT OF CONTACT Review current profitability Exec/Management Set revenue target Exec/Management Identify product mix with volume and revenue projections Exec/Management with Sales and Marketing Check each of the product’s inventory and set order requirements based on forecast Procurement and Warehouse Check financing required to afford order requirement Finance Check warehouse/store space required Procurement and Warehouse to accommodate delivery of PO MILESTONE 3: EXECUTION Order the products Procurement and Finance Craft and execute IMC plan Marketing Monitor delivery, warehousing, and distribution of products Procurement, Warehouse, Logistics III. GANTT CHART NBS WINS B2S TOP LINE GANTT CHART THANK YOU! T R I Z I A A N N T. M A G A L I N O, M B A T M A G A L I N O @ A I M . E D U + 6 3 9 1 7 5 3 0 8 7 0 3