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Cyber Security Coursework Cover Sheet

BPP Coursework Cover Sheet
Please use the table below as your cover sheet for the 1st page of the submission. The sheet should
be before the cover/title page of your submission.
BSc Digital and Technology Solutions
Module name
Cyber Security and Infrastructure
Schedule Term
Student Reference Number (SRN)
Report/Assignment Title
Assess your company security: Reducing IT Risk
Date of Submission
(Please attach the confirmation of any
extension received)
Declaration of Original Work:
I hereby declare that I have read and understood BPP’s regulations on plagiarism and that this is my
original work, researched, undertaken, completed and submitted in accordance with the requirements
of BPP School of Business and Technology.
The word count, excluding contents table, bibliography and appendices, is ___ words.
Student Reference Number:
By submitting this coursework you agree to all rules and regulations of BPP regarding assessments
and awards for programmes. Please note, submission is your declaration you are fit to sit.
BPP University reserves the right to use all submitted work for educational purposes and may
request that work be published for a wider audience.
BPP School of Business and Technology
BSc (Hons) Digital and Technology
Cyber Security and Infrastructure
Assess your company security: Reducing IT Risk
Coursework Assessment Brief
Submission deadline: On the hub
Submission mode: Turnitin online access
1. Assessment Brief
This assessment brief gives you an overview of the formative and summative assessments that are
part of this module. The learning outcomes below will be tested in the assessment contained in this
1.1. Module Learning Outcomes (LOs)
1. Examine the importance of networking in managing cyber security within the workplace
2. Distinguish the available defence mechanisms for cyber security attacks within a working
3. Appraise the cyber security risks for a given context
1.2. Assessment Overview
For this report we you will examine the corporate network you use on a day-by-day basis. You will be
writing a report that may be delivered to your line managers explaining how your network is used,
the possible IT risks and remediations that may be used to reduce you company’s cyber risk.
NOTE: for several sections of this assignment, you are being asked to assess and document risks you
find within your corporation’s network. Your company may not allow you to do this for security
reasons. In this eventuality, you are to assume the networks and security of a peer-level
2. Assessment Structure/Guidance
2.1. Formative Assessment
For the formative assignment hand-in, you are to complete a draft of Part 1 and Part 2 Section A1
(detailed below) not exceeding 1000 words. You should also submit a plan for the remainder of the
2.2. Summative Assessment
For the completed summative assignment, you are to complete the full assignment updating any
work in line with recommendations made on the formative assignment hand-in by your tutor.
Part 1
Business Context
As a part of this risk assessment, you need to provide a context statement explaining your
organisation and what business sector your organisation operates in. If you are using a pseudonym,
you should introduce it here.
(250 words, Covering LO 1)
Part 2
As part of any risk or security assessment, you first need to understand what IT systems are being
used for by your organisation and how they are being used. Your corporate network is used for
many different systems including communicating with clients and co-workers in multiple different
ways, sales, internet, intranet and extranet, file storage, applications as well as a myriad of other
functions unique to the company you work for.
From a functionality perspective, detail your IT assets, by examining the networking systems you and
your organisation use on a day-by-day basis. List and describe the Network systems, Operating
systems and Applications. Explain for each, where appropriate, protocols and technologies, and how
they are used.
(750 words, Covering LO 1)
Part 3
As Level 5 apprenticeship students you are working for some the best companies in the world.
However, because they are the best, they are prime targets for cyber-attack for a great number of
reasons. For the following questions, develop a report for your workplace (and specifically for your
line manager) assessing your own company for cyber threats and vulnerabilities. NOTE: Be aware,
however, not to give any information about specific technical weaknesses that could be used to
leverage a functional attack on your company’s infrastructure and other IT systems.
A: Based on your Context statement (part 1) justify and differentiate the two most dangerous threat
actors that would be interested in attacking your organisation. For each type of threat actor,
examine what they would be interested in accomplishing and why.
B: Based on the assets (part 2): appraise the technical risks to endpoints and IT infrastructure, with
examples of vulnerabilities, weaknesses and their effects using the CIA (Confidentiality, Integrity and
Availability) triad. Note we are asking you to identify known vulnerabilities of assets and not the
specific vulnerabilities of your workplace.
(750 words, Covering LO 3)
Part 4
Minimise the RISK
Based on the assets from part 2 and the risks from part 3: Explain and differentiate between the
operational and managerial controls that could be used to mitigate and remediate the identified
vulnerabilities, weaknesses and risks above, and how they would be implemented.
(750 words, Covering LO 2)
All sections
Research and referencing
Your report should include a list of references used to develop the report and research to support
the suggested systems. The list should use only the Harvard Referencing System as highlighted in the
General Assessment Guidance section of this document. All the figures/tables used in the report
must have captions and, wherever needed, properly referenced, and explained in your submission.
Submission Structure
Your report should be structured according to the following:
Front cover
Table of Contents
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Appendix (as required, please note that work in an appendix is NOT marked and is for
information only)
Formative Submission deadline: Written assessment to be submitted by Please see the hub in to
the Turnitin Dropbox available on the Module page in the Hub.
Summative Submission deadline: Written assessment to be submitted by Please see the hub in to
the Turnitin Dropbox available on the Module page in the Hub.
Please note: ensure you read the general assessment guidance at the end of this document.
2.3. Assessment Criteria
Level 5
Knowledge and Understanding
Low Fail
Examine the
importance of
networking in
managing cyber
security within
the workplace
(25%) Part 2
information base.
networking in
managing cyber
security within the
Limited knowledge
base; limited
understanding of
networking in
managing cyber
security within the
Satisfactory and often
implicit knowledge base
with some omissions
and/or lack of theory
networking in managing
cyber security within the
Good and increasingly
explicit knowledge base
that begins to explore
and analyse the theory
and ethical issues of
networking in
managing cyber
security within the
Very good knowledge
base; explores and
explicitly analyses of
networking in
managing cyber
security within the
workplace, its theory
and ethical issues with
some originality, detail
and autonomy.
Excellent knowledge
base, exploring and
analysing the
networking in
managing cyber
security within the
workplace, its theory
and ethical issues with
considerable originality
and autonomy
information base
exploring and
analysing the
discipline, its theory
and ethical issues with
clear originality and
Distinguish the
mechanisms for
cyber security
attacks within a
(25%) Part 4
Inadequate with
Significant gaps in
the understanding of
the practices related
to the defence
mechanisms for
cyber security attacks
within a working
Limited with unclear
and/or precise
understanding of the
thoughts and practices
related to the required
defence mechanisms
for cyber security
attacks within a
working environment
Satisfactory introduction
to a basic appreciation of a
wider field with some
clarity and precision to the
thoughts and practices
related to the required
defence mechanisms for
cyber security attacks
within a working
environment indicated
Good knowledge base;
Very good appreciation
of and explicit links to a
wider field.
Excellent and clear
understanding of, and
explicit links to, some
aspects of a wider field.
Thorough and deep
knowledge and
understanding of the
topic and explicit
evidence of the wider
contexts of the topic.
Some appreciation of a
basic wider field with
clarity and precision to
the thoughts and
practices related to the
required defence
mechanisms for cyber
security attacks within
a working environment
Emerging application of
thoughts and practices
at the forefront of the
defence mechanisms
for cyber security
attacks within a
working environment
Application of current
and emerging thoughts
and practices from the
defence mechanisms
for cyber security
attacks within a
working environment
Outstanding and
detailed usage of
recent emerging
thought and/or
practices from a range
of appropriate
Cognitive Skills
Low Fail
Appraise the
cyber security
risks for a given
(25%) Part 3
Inadequate with
Significant gaps in
the understanding of
the practices related
to the Appraising the
cyber security risks
for a given context
Limited with unclear
and/or precise
understanding of the
thoughts and practices
related to the required
Appraising the cyber
security risks for a
given context
Satisfactory introduction
to a basic appreciation of a
wider field with some
clarity and precision to the
thoughts and practices
related to the required
Appraising the cyber
security risks for a given
context indicated
Good knowledge base;
(10%) Part 1
skills and major
difficulty with
Wholly imitative and
skills. Still mainly
imitative and
Satisfactory academic/
intellectual skills with some
difficulties. Largely
imitative and descriptive.
Some difficulty with
structure and accuracy in
expression but developing
skills with few
difficulties. Largely
original work with
some evidence of
reflection and critique.
Structure and accuracy
in expression beginning
to emerge.
Very good
skills. Original work
with personal reflection
and broad evidencebased critique. Solid
structure and accuracy
in expression.
skills evident.
skills. Wholly original
work with good
reflection and solid,
judgements forming
from evidence-based
critique. Consistent
structure and accuracy
in expression.
skills established.
skills. Demonstrates
intellectual originality
and imagination.
Academic skills
Report writing
skills and major
difficulty with
Wholly imitative and
skills. Still mainly
imitative and
Satisfactory academic/
intellectual skills with some
difficulties. Largely
imitative and descriptive.
Some difficulty with
structure and accuracy in
expression but developing
skills with few
difficulties. Largely
original work with
some evidence of
reflection and critique.
Structure and accuracy
in expression beginning
to emerge.
Very good
skills. Original work
with personal reflection
and broad evidencebased critique. Solid
structure and accuracy
in expression.
skills evident.
skills. Wholly original
work with good
reflection and solid,
judgements forming
from evidence-based
critique. Consistent
structure and accuracy
in expression.
skills established.
skills. Demonstrates
intellectual originality
and imagination.
Some appreciation of a
basic wider field with
clarity and precision to
the thoughts and
practices related to the
required Appraising the
cyber security risks for
a given context
Very good appreciation
of and explicit links to a
wider field.
Emerging application of
thoughts and practices
at the forefront of
Appraising the cyber
security risks for a given
Excellent and clear
understanding of, and
explicit links to, some
aspects of a wider field.
Application of current
and emerging thoughts
and practices from
Appraising the cyber
security risks for a given
Thorough and deep
knowledge and
understanding of the
topic and explicit
evidence of the wider
contexts of the topic.
Outstanding and
detailed usage of
recent emerging
thought and/or
practices from a range
of appropriate
Low Fail
references with
numerous errors and
Limited references and
notes with
inconsistencies, errors
or omissions.
Satisfactory references
and notes but may contain
inconsistencies, errors or
Good references and
notes with minor or
insignificant errors or
Very good and full and
appropriate references
and notes with minor
or insignificant errors
Excellent with precise,
full and appropriate
references and notes.
Outstanding with
precise, full and
appropriate references
and notes at a high
General Assessment Guidance
Late submissions will not be marked unless an approved extension has been granted
through the formal extension request process.
All coursework must be submitted via TurnitIn only.
Only submissions made via the specified mode will be accepted and hard copies or
any other digital form of submissions (like via email or pen drive etc.) will not be accepted.
Please use English (UK) as your language in the submission.
Do not put your name or contact details anywhere on your submission. You should
only put your student registration number (SRN) which will ensure your submission is
recognised in the marking process.
Please ensure your student registration number is on your front cover sheet
You should include a completed copy of the Assignment Cover sheet. Any
submission without this completed Assignment Coversheet may be
considered invalid and not marked.
Word count
Assignments that exceed the word count will have all words over the maximum limit
discounted and will not be taken into consideration when assigning a grade.
There is no 10% allowance above the word count. The limit is the word count as
stated in the assignment brief.
You may submit work that is less than the word count, but you are advised that
anything substantially short of the word count is an indication that you haven’t completed
the full requirements of the task to the depth required for a pass.
You must specify total word count on the front page of your report.
Not included in the word count
The cover sheet
The appendix
Numerical tables
Reference list
Text in diagrams
Contents page
List of figures
Executive summary (where required)
Included in the word count
Headings and sub-headings
Text based tables
In-text citations
In-text citations for diagrams and charts
Tables should be used appropriately and as a way of categorising and displaying
information in an easy to look up format.
Tables should be appropriately labelled, with a descriptive legend.
All text-based tables should be created in word and not imported as jpegs or other
file types into the document.
Tables presented in the body of the assignment should not include excessive
amounts of text.
Diagrams & Charts
All charts and diagrams must be labelled correctly. E.g. Figure 1, with a descriptive
Diagrams and charts can be imported as other file types and embedded into the
document or created within word.
Students misusing charts, diagrams, tables and embedded files to avoid being
detected in the word count will be subject to investigation in accordance with the Academic
Malpractice procedure.
You are required to use only Harvard Referencing System in your submission. Any
content which is already published by other author(s) and is not referenced will be
considered as a case of plagiarism.
The BPP library has created two training videos to support referencing and the use of
the software Zotero.
You can access these materials by following this link https://bpp.libguides.com/technology
Referencing forms part of the assessment criteria and any referencing not in the
Harvard convention will be assessed as inaccurate.
All content derived from the work of others whether summarised, paraphrased must
be referenced correctly using the Harvard Referencing System. This includes diagrams,
charts and tables copied from others.
Footnotes should not be used.
Anything that is not referenced that is not your original work will be regarded as
 The School of Technology has a strict policy regarding authenticity of assessments. In
proven instances of plagiarism or collusion, severe punishment will be imposed on
offenders. You are advised to read the rules and regulations regarding plagiarism and
collusion in the GARs and MOPP which are available on Hub in the help and support
Academic Skills/Report Writing
 This includes the overall structure of the written work, but more than that, it is the
ability to synthesise information, present a well-founded and justified argument. The
highest marks go to those who critically evaluate and present original ideas. It also includes
the form in which the arguments are expressed.
 Unless the assessment specifically asks them to reflect on their own experiences, the
default expectation is that academic reports should be written in the third person.
 Arguments should be made from a neutral perspective whenever possible, not based on
an individual’s opinions.
The referencing marks are for the use of referencing, not just the accuracy of Harvard
style. Every point has an accurate and relevant citation, the grading criteria specifies
“accurate” – this would be peer review papers, textbooks and such. Not blogs, not
Wikipedia. References need to be as close to the original source as possible. It may be
suitable to use product documentation, if this is included there needs to be an awareness of
the bias of the source.
Academic Skills are relative to the level of study, the module learning outcomes can be
used to guide expectations.
Items in the appendix of themselves do not contribute towards the final grade.
The appendix is for look up items only to support arguments in the main body of the
Appropriate use of an appendix that is well structured and provides relevant
supporting documentation will be assessed as part of the presentation and structure criteria
within marking guides but the content itself will not be marked.
Submission and Results
Please note the following:
Submit your summative submission work in the links on the summative submission
page on the Hub. Please double check you are submitting to the correct link.
Please submit your formative submission to the links on the formative submission
page on the Hub.
If, for any reason, you submit in the wrong link, your submission will not be marked.
Ensure that you submit your coursework on time. In line with University
regulations, late submissions will not be marked, you will therefore be awarded zero.
Please take note of your Paper ID. You will need this in any queries about your
submission or your mark.
Turnitin may take up to 48 hours to calculate similarity. If you upload a draft file to
check similarity, please ensure you do this more than 48 hours before the deadline, so you
have time to upload a final copy.
The coursework logged in the system at the closing time on the due date will be
marked – no exceptions.
You can also use the Test Link to check similarity.
If you cannot see or cannot access the link you need, please complete an Online
Query Form, which can be accessed here
You can access your feedback once results have been posted. Please go back to the
link where you submitted and click the blue pen icon.
You will be emailed your final results each term, on the date advised to you at the
beginning of that term.
Programme specific guidance
You are required to achieve minimum 40% overall to pass this module
BPP Coursework Cover Sheet
Please use the table below as your cover sheet for the 1st page of the submission. The sheet should
be before the cover/title page of your submission.
BSc Hons Digital Technology Solutions Integrated Degree
Module name
Schedule Term
Student Reference Number (SRN)
Report/Assignment Title
Date of Submission
(Please attach the confirmation of any
extension received)
Declaration of Original Work:
I hereby declare that I have read and understood BPP’s regulations on plagiarism and that this is my
original work, researched, undertaken, completed and submitted in accordance with the requirements
of BPP School of Technology.
The word count, excluding contents table, bibliography and appendices, is ___ words.
Student Reference Number:
By submitting this coursework you agree to all rules and regulations of BPP regarding assessments
and awards for programmes. Please note, submission is your declaration you are fit to sit.
BPP University reserves the right to use all submitted work for educational purposes and may
request that work be published for a wider audience.
BPP School of Technology