Uploaded by Abdullah Khaled

Heat Diffusion in a Ring: Time-Dependent Temperature Analysis

The time is an important factor in the heat diffusion equation. The temperature of the circular rode along
its circumference depends on the passed time from the beginning of the operation. When t =0, this is the
initial condition of the ring by which the temperature is only concentrated at one point where the distance
from the initial temperature is 0 (x = 0) where there is not any diffusion in heat to other parts of the ring.
When time passes, the heat begins to diffuse to other parts of the ring. This diffusion increases the
temperature of the whole ring gradually until the temperature becomes the same on all parts of the ring.
On MatLab, when the time increases gradually, the shape of the rectangular pulses becomes more nonuniform, which means, the rectangular pulses begin to take curve shape and after long time, they turn to
become a straight line. At this point, the temperature is completely diffused along the whole ring and
there is no more heat to be diffused. Now, the temperature is the same on the whole ring specifically (20
degrees Celsius).