Uploaded by Daniyar Narygeyev

final project

Can hydrogen engines make Kazakhstan greener?
Can hydrogen engines make Kazakhstan greener?
Narygeyev Daniyar
Can hydrogen engines make Kazakhstan greener?
What is the problem?
In a result of increasing number of transport units in big cities, air issues are getting worse, as air
pollution in some places exceed the MPC 5-10 times (Nurgaliyev T. 2017; Beisenova A. n/d). In
addition, the industry points are spreading on Kazakhstan territory, as more than 500 factories have
been built over the 5 past years (Forbes KZ, 2020).
Why is it important this topic?
According to the clauses from World Health Organization, many factors are leading to
environmental crisis, as a result – more than 4 million deaths every year (WHO, n/d). Moreover, EPI
research pointed out that Kazakhstan’s air quality and health take 115th and 97th places, relatively
(EPI, 2020)
What are suggested solution and outcomes?
Many different engines based on alternative energy sources are being developed today; though,
hydrogen is considered by me as the most efficient and productive one. By transferring all transport
to this new technology Kazakhstan could reverse the problem of air pollution. Finally, in the result
of the research my own model of hydrogen engine will be provided.
According to the EPI research Kazakhstan takes one of the lowest ecological indexes in the world,
as it is on the 97th place by health, 115th by air quality and 167th by ozone layer capacity (EPI, 2020).
Moreover, government is not taking serious actions to rise our country up in this list. And this
research will investigate the most appropriate resolutions for this issue.
Main research questions are:
How will hydrogen engines affect the environment?
Can hydrogen engines make Kazakhstan greener?
What possible drawbacks are expected?
How many and what type of sources will be used to implement this plan?
By literature review, mass survey and different private interviews with experts (in this sphere) this
research will provide answers to these questions. In addition, I will develop a scheme of transferring
from fossil fuels to more ‘green’ energy sources, especially new generation of car engines based on
Vertical analysis
The problem of increasing gas emissions rate can be interpreted in 2 perspectives, that was
introduced in the beginning: environmental and health care.
From the environmental lens, one of the biggest problems of gas emissions is acid rains. “Rotting
vegetation and erupting volcanoes release some chemicals that can cause acid rain, but most acid
rain is a product of human activities.” (Nunez, 2019, p.2). The main effect of acid rains is the
toxication of water sources. “Acid rain makes such waters more acidic, which results in more
aluminum absorption from soil, which is carried into lakes and streams.” (Nunez, 2019, p.5).
Considering this problem from healthcare point of view leads to a reflection of respiratory diseases
caused by it. “They cause climate change by trapping heat, and they also contribute to respiratory
disease from smog and air pollution.” (Nunez, 2019, p.11). “Respiratory acidosis is a condition that
occurs when the lungs can’t remove enough of the carbon dioxide (CO2) produced by the body.
Excess CO2 causes the pH of blood and other bodily fluids to decrease, making them too acidic.”
(Healthline Editorial Team, 2017, p.1).
How will hydrogen engines affect the environment?
Firstly, the principles of hydrogen engine’s work bases on the combustion of the hydrogen, whereas
simple internal combustion engines use gasoline or petroleum. “The advantage of hydrogen is that
Can hydrogen engines make Kazakhstan greener?
its combustion produces only water. This is unlike the combustion of fossil fuels, which produce
carbon dioxide, a principal cause of global warming, carbon monoxide resulting from incomplete
combustion, and other local and atmospheric pollutants such as sulfur dioxide and nitrogen oxides
that lead to urban respiratory problems, acid rain, and ozone gas problems.” (“Internal Combustion
Engine”, 2018, p.30) Secondly, the hydrogen as a fuel can be considered as renewable, as it can be
produced from the product of its combustion – “2H2O ⇒ 2H2 + O2” (“Hydrogen Production and
Uses”, 2021, p.25). As it can be seen form the given formula, the production of the hydrogen, that
not only will stop the carbon dioxide level rising, but also produce the oxygen, that plays a
significant role in whatever sphere of out life. “Commercial oxygen or oxygen-enriched air has
replaced ordinary air in the chemical industry for the manufacture of such oxidation-controlled
chemicals as acetylene, ethylene oxide, and methanol. Medical applications of oxygen include use in
oxygen tents, inhalators, and pediatric incubators. Oxygen-enriched gaseous anesthetics ensure life
support during general anesthesia. Oxygen is significant in a number of industries that use kilns.”
(Brasted, 2020, p.17).
However, if we were to discharge hydrogen as a gas into our environment in critical amounts, at that
point we would make a negative effect on the ozone layer that can be as serious as what CFCs did
within the generation some time recently. In spite of the fact that it would require a broad hydrogen
economy that included transportation, fabricating, and domestic warming to achieve this
disadvantage, it is an issue which ought to not be neglected. We cannot permit the gas to accumulate
if we want to proceed working to progress the environment. Adding hydrogen to our atmosphere
would make more water at a better altitude. Meaning we may encounter higher levels of radiation at
ground level, see transformations in plants, and shifts in our climate designs which may alter our
developing seasons. (Miller, 2020)
What possible drawbacks are expected?
Can hydrogen engines make Kazakhstan greener?
As a fuel with low ignition point, enormous flammability and small quenching distance, hydrogen
has a risk of premature ignition. (Hydrogen use in internal combustion engines, 2001) “Surface
ignition is used here to denote uncontrolled ignition induced by a hot spot in the combustion
chamber. Pre-ignition generally describes combustion events occurring inside the combustion
chamber during the engine compression stroke with the actual start of combustion prior to spark
timing. Backfiring, also called back-flash, refers to events in which the hydrogen-air charge
combusts during the intake stroke, usually in an intake runner or intake manifold. Engine “knock” is
the term used for typical SI engines to describe autoignition of the remaining end-gas during the late
part of the combustion event with high pressure oscillations and the typical pinging noise.” (Verhelst
& Wallner, 2009, p.37). However, there are some ways to avoid such anomalies associated with
hydrogen fuel. For instance, “Limiting the maximum fuel-to-air equivalence ratio is an effective
measure for avoiding abnormal combustion in hydrogen operation. Due to the wide flammability
limits and fast flame speeds, hydrogen internal combustion engines are usually operated employing
a lean-burn strategy and thereby avoid throttle losses” (Verhelst & Wallner, 2009, p.42). Moreover,
due to extraordinary physical qualities of hydrogen, there are some problems about storing it too.
(Charles, 1980) Here are the ways to prevent dangerous consequences of wrong storing: iron metal
tanks or natural ones, good example for that are gas fields or mines cavers. (Charles, 1980)
How many and what type of sources will be used to implement this plan?
First of all, such global scaled and ambitious projects must be supported by wide financial aid, the
reason for that is hydrogen cars technology is relatively new and followed by many risks and
obstacles. Thus, many millions of dollars would be spent on building hydrogen cells vehicles
factories. For instance, up to 2023 SInutruk group will invest about $7.6 billion. (Kolenov, 2019)
The same source tells, that there will be industrial park built in Anhui, that to 2022 will produce 100
thousands of units a year, to 2028 – about 300000. In addition to production of vehicles themselves,
one significantly factor is fuel stations infrastructure. To accomplish the plan of building
Can hydrogen engines make Kazakhstan greener?
approximately 400 stations in Germany before 2023 with the support of Daimler, BMW,
Volkswagen, Honda, and Toyota such companies like Air Liquide, Linde, OMV, Shell and Total
united in H2 MOBILITY Deutschland GmbH & Co. KG. So, this joint venture is spending more
than €400 million. (Водородные автомобили: есть ли у них будущее, 2020). However, last but
not least factor is the time, as introducing and developing that type of project, which today’s
consumer is not ready for. Only in 2030 global roads will be filled with 10-15 million of H2 cars, so
forecasted improvement is not rapid at all. (“Водородные автомобили: есть ли у них будущее”,
2020) In addition, infrastructure of hydrogen fuel cells transport is poorly developed. There is an
eco-friendly way of producing hydrogen from renewable resources, although, this technology is not
widely available, that is why we still produce hydrogen from fossil fuels, which is not an
environmentally appropriate one. Moreover, hydrogen car users have to buy exclusive and
expensive details and components for their transport, because of still low-developed infrastructure.
(Miller, 2020) Plan of transferring all transport will require more endeavor for making those
technologies world widely available.
After some thinking I decided that qualitative method is going to be the head one and quantitative
the submissive one, because in the question I research attitude of professional faces is more valid
and useful. To get more precise and fair data I would interview 4 specialist of hydrogen engine cells,
so they are expected to be masters in their respected areas and no matter of age, because ecology
issues could include participation of people of all ages. In addition to that, it would not be harmful to
know the society’s feeling about discussed topic, so for the survey there will not be any restrictions
of age, sex, or occupation.
Both parts of data collecting will be implied online, because of epidemiological situation. The
context of the question being researched requires more complete and professional point of view, that
is the reason for choosing qualitative method as the main one. In comparison with survey:
Can hydrogen engines make Kazakhstan greener?
participants could have wrong understanding of the problem, also a willing not to answer all
Findings of a survey
Survey, regarding hydrogen fuel was passed by 38 people of age between 13-61 years old. Main
category of participants includes students at NIS school. Survey consists of 7 questions with a
purpose to detect social opinion on hydrogen energetic alternative.
Referring to figure 1, we can see that overwhelming majority of participants are not involved in
driving infrastructure, however it is doubtless, according to figure 2, that about 30 of participants
highly worried about ecological problems associated with car emissions. Moreover, only 2 out of 38
participants are concerned about ecology at moderate level. As it can be seen from the figure 3,
68.4% of respondents are reasonably informed about green energy, whereas other 31,6%
knowledgeable at high degree. However, there was not any of participants who is not enlightened at
all. Nevertheless, about a half (18) of them has no clear image about hydrogen power cells. In
addition, the vast majority of respondents are sure, that Kazakhstan’s ecological state is changeable,
and alternatively fueled cars could cause a significant effect. Though, for today’s perspective just
under a half of participants prefer global using of ICE.
(question – Are you a driver? 76.3 – NO, 23.7 – YES)
Figure 1
Can hydrogen engines make Kazakhstan greener?
Figure 2
Figure 3
Figure 4
Figure 5
Can hydrogen engines make Kazakhstan greener?
Figure 6
Figure 7
Findings of the interviews
Candidates for interview were selected from NIS school’s teaching stuff. Hydrogen energetic is
included in the curriculum, so their opinion can be considered as expert; moreover, it is easier for
me to contact with them. According to answers of respondents for the first question, expert opinion
distinguishes, as two of them point out high difficulty, but possibility as well, whereas one expert
considers a transferring to hydrogen energetics as impossible: “На мой взгляд переоборудовать в
ближайшее время все транспортные средства на водородный вид топлива - НЕРЕАЛЬНО!”
(NIS teacher, 2021), with a relation to the challenging process, while last expert named a reason for
transferring. As the answer for the second question all interviewees revealed high efficiency, ecofriendliness: “Environmental friendliness is one of the main advantages of hydrogen engines” (NIS
teacher, 2021); however, among disadvantages expert respondents found difficulty with production
Can hydrogen engines make Kazakhstan greener?
of gas, refueling and transportation. Although, despite all drawbacks, setting up developed hydrogen
fuel infrastructure would extremely improve both Kazakhstan’s ecology and economy. As it can be
seen from answers, first two experts tend to think that social encouragement would mostly positively
affect the rate of transferring. For example, media or education. Another expert cannot see the
transferring coming nor speeding this process up, whereas last one suggests building a green
economy on factories as well. To sum up, in the interviewed experts’ opinion, hydrogen has
unrepeatable potential in global and national ecology politics; though, still faces a lot of challenges
and obstacles: “Cheaply driven cars may encourage a bigger population to use cars, leading to
expansion of road network.” (NIS teacher, 2021).
Since Kazakhstan, according to relevant research, is one of the least environmentally friendly
countries with low level of physical well-being, it is essential to find solutions as soon as possible.
Thus, this project will provide a scheme of transferring from fossil fuels to alternative energy
engines, more precise – hydrogen ones.
Survey results reveal public’s apprehension of alternative energy exploiting and transition to green
energy. However, interview results show current inability of Kazakhstan to implement this transfer
and presented some reasonable factors of that.
Surprisingly, for a significant number of survey respondents using ICE cars turned out as the most
secure option for modern perspective. Although, a few numbers of participants value their
knowledges about hydrogen energetics very high, overall results for non-expert opinion looks quite
As for teachers, reasons for current tendency of slow development of hydrogen infrastructure are
certain and obvious. In addition, to some experts’ mind setting brand new system of hydrogen fuel is
Can hydrogen engines make Kazakhstan greener?
Abovementioned findings mainly agree with the results of literature review. As the source “Internal
Combustion Engine” (2018) claims, hydrogen’s advantage is that it produces only pure water in a
result of reaction. That was mentioned by some of the experts; furthermore, they gave more details.
Likewise, “Hydrogen Production and Uses” says “Secondly, the hydrogen as a fuel can be
considered as renewable, as it can be produced from the product of its combustion”.
Initially, study claim was that hydrogen is perfect solution, as it was considered as faultless
alternative for fossil fuels, and future energy should be dependent on hydrogen in significant
However, after massive literature and useful interview sessions with experts, I found out that in
current perspective hydrogen cannot be declared as the most appropriate option.
Moreover, it became noted for me, that hydrogen is not even one of the best solutions for today, as
its drawbacks overweight its positive sides. Explosiveness, difficult and expensive transportation,
lack of hydrogen gas stocks – all these factors make hydrogen imbalance.
I still could not find the information about overcoming some of these destructive factors.
Nevertheless, my opinion about hydrogen’s incomparable potential stayed the same.
In general, study appeared to be informative and full of whole new facts and data about hydrogen
energetics, not only for me, but, hopefully, for readers of this research, too. In a result, I found out
that there is still a lot more work to be done in purpose to get some practical solutions that would
help to avoid hydrogen’s drawbacks as explosiveness, challenging transportation, difficulties
associated with infrastructure and manufacturing.
Can hydrogen engines make Kazakhstan greener?
This research required participation of at least 50% of target population. However, due to timemanagement reasons, overall participation rate made up to 38% only.
In addition to secondary data, the study relied solely on survey and interview questions based on
standard self-evaluation questions. If questions were created with the aid of an energetics specialist,
the findings could be more accurate.
The main problem was that, initially, I wanted to interview worldwide known green energy
specialists; however, they did not respond, and I had to contact the nearest experts.
The majority of the literature was collected from credible sources including WHO, EPI, Brasted’s
article about oxygen, and Forbes, and was written no earlier than 2020. They are also the product of
international interactions and study, which have given the subject a broader perspective, whereas
interviews helped to investigate the problem locally.
The most valuable sources are EPI, College of Desert and Drom. For example, the 2020
Environmental Performance Index (EPI) is a data-driven analysis of the global state of
sustainability. The EPI ranks 180 countries on environmental sustainability and ecosystem vitality
based on 32 performance metrics across 11 problem categories. These metrics show how close
countries are to meeting developed environmental policy goals on a national scale. The EPI provides
a scorecard that identifies environmental leaders and laggards, as well as practical advice for
countries seeking to move toward a more sustainable future.
Can hydrogen engines make Kazakhstan greener?
As the study was based on mixed design, survey helped to reveal public’s attitude towards the new
type of fuel and general thoughts on this topic, while interviews with teachers helped to get deeper
understanding of both strong and weak points of hydrogen energy.
Further Research
This study revealed that there is already need for further studies into the pandemic's educational
impact. For instance, conducting a related study based on global experts' professional success and
experience would be a beneficial learning opportunity.
New questions appeared during research:
How China, Japan, Australia and other countries that are already using hydrogen power overcame its
Is it possible to reach the same level of development of hydrogen energetics in Kazakhstan?
Interviews with teachers and secondary literature results had showed that hydrogen, beside giant
opportunities, possesses numerous disadvantages and it became essential to find solutions and other
ways of minimizing of fossil fuel exploiting.
Aside from more time and money, the following factors will strengthen the current reliability of the
Interviews with real green energy experts would make the data collected more credible and useful.
Survey of a lot more people would add more accuracy to determining of public’s opinion.
Can hydrogen engines make Kazakhstan greener?
Reference List
Beisenova A. (n.d). Environmental situation and protection in Kazakhstan. Retrieved February 14,2020 from
Bozhenko Y. (2021 February 5). Экологические проблемы Казахстана и пути их решения. Retrieved
February 14,2020 from https://www.nur.kz/1666860-ekologicheskie-problemy-kazakhstana.html
Brasted C. (2020). Oxygen: chemical element. Retrieved February 25, 2021 from
College of Desert. (2001). Hydrogen Use in Internal Combustion Engines. Retrieved February 25, 2021 from
Drom. (2020). Водородные автомобили: есть ли у них будущее. Retrieved February 25, 2021 from
EPI. (2020). Kazakhstan. Environmental Performance Index. Retrieved February 14,2020 from
Forbes. Kazakhstan. (2020, August 19). Industrialization in Kazakhstan: first results and new challenges.
Retrieved February 14,2020 from
Healthline Editorial Team. (2017). Respiratory Acidosis. Retrieved February 25, 2021 from
Kolenov S. (2019). Китай вложит $17 млрд в водородные автомобили. Retrieved February 25,
2021 from https://hightech.plus/2019/06/29/kitai-vlozhit-17-mlrd-v-vodorodnie-avtomobili
Miller K. (2020). 18 Advantages and Disadvantages of Hydrogen Fuel Cells. Retrieved 13.03.2021 from
Can hydrogen engines make Kazakhstan greener?
New World Encyclopedia. (2018). Internal Combustion Engine. Retrieved February 25, 2021 from
Nunez C. (2019). Carbon dioxide levels are at a record high. Here's what you need to know. Retrieved
February 25, 2021 from https://www.nationalgeographic.com/environment/globalwarming/greenhouse-gases/
Nunez C. (2019). What is acid rain? Retrieved February 25, 2021 from
Simeons C. (1980). Hydrogen Economy Concept. Retrieved February 25, 2021 from
Verhelst S. & Wallner T. (2009). Hydrogen-Fueled Internal Combustion Engines. Retrieved February 25,
2021 from https://biblio.ugent.be/publication/818298/file/818329
World Health Organization. (2021). Air pollution. Retrieved February 14,2020 from
World Nuclear Association. (2021). Hydrogen Production and Uses. Retrieved February 25, 2021 from
Appendix 1
Interview questions for specialists:
Can hydrogen engines make Kazakhstan greener?
 How possible it is, in your opinion, to transfer all vehicles to the use of hydrogen cells?
 What are main advantages of using hydrogen as a fuel instead of gas?
 What are main drawbacks of using hydrogen as a fuel instead of gas?
 If all transportation systems moved to hydrogen power cells, how it would affect the environment of
developing countries like Kazakhstan?
 What are main ways to speed up the process of transition to green energy in countries like
 How such projects as hydrogen engines would affect global ecology?
 How difficult it is the production of hydrogen engines in comparison with simple ICE? (internal
combustion engines)
Appendix 2
Survey questions:
 Are you a driver? (YES/NO)
 How much are you concerned by actual ecological situation? (1-10)
 How many alternative energy sources had you known? (0; 1-3; 3-5; 6+)
 How much are you informed about using hydrogen as a fuel for cars? (1-10)
 Do you think it is possible to change ecological situation in Kazakhstan? (yes/no)
 Do you think new models of cars, which work based on more green sources would significantly
change the situation? (yes/no)
 Do you think it is better to keep exploiting internal combustion engines further? (yes/no)