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SaaS Mastermind Blueprint

GoHighLevel Blueprint
Table Of Contents
Chapter 1. What Is SaaS (Page 2)
Chapter 2. What Is GoHighLevel (Page 4)
Chapter 3. Account Setup (Page 6)
Chapter 4. Create Your Sub-Account (Page 8)
Chapter 5. LeadConnector and Stripe Setup (Page 15)
Chapter 6. Overview Of Your GHL Agency (Page 17)
Chapter 7. FAQs (Page 28)
Join The SaaS Mastermind
Discord Community
Before the book starts, join the SaaS Mastermind Discord
Community, where a whole community also wants to learn
about this. You'll be able to connect to other like-minded
individuals while learning about GoHighLevel SaaS.
So please join the community and return to the rest of the
SaaS Mastermind Blueprint!
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Chapter 1. What Is SaaS?
SaaS stands for software as a service; rather than fulfilling a service yourself, you have
software do it for you. SaaS is nothing new in the world of business. There are tons of
different SaaS businesses worldwide; one example is Shopify.
Shopify allows you to create your own e-commerce store and gives you all the tools you
need to do so. This is a SaaS because they don't build your website, manage your
products, or do any backend work. As previously said, Shopify gives you the tools to start
an e-commerce store. With SaaS, you are in the business of providing tools to solve a
Difference Between SMMA and SAAS
With an SMMA, you need to solve the problem yourself; an example would be a
marketing agency focusing explicitly on advertising for local businesses. These agencies
have to go ahead and deliver this service themselves.
The problem with these agencies is that their service delivery isn't often consistent in
creating good client results. As opposed to SaaS, where because the service you are
providing is software, the results always stay consistent.
Why do businesses need software
But now, why do businesses need software. Suppose a business in 2023 isn't using
software; they are losing out on tons of money and will be left behind, especially with the
most recent rise in AI technology. Software can automate much of the work for these
businesses, saving them tons of time.
Along with saving them time, automating their business can also help to make them even
more money, and what business owner wouldn't want that. Besides automating the
business, the software can also help track business performance, accept online
payments, and many more tools.
Put your agency on autopilot
Put your business on autopilot; in a traditional agency business model, you must invest
significant time working for your clients, making you feel like a slave to their needs. Using
SAAS, you can quickly onboard clients onto your software and provide them with the
needed services without personally fulfilling their requirements. Your software serves as
the tool that satisfies their needs.
Chapter 2. What Is GoHighLevel
GoHighLevel is a software that allows you to rebrand and resell the software as if it were
your own software. GoHighLevel is meant to help local businesses automate their
business along with helping out with their marketing, and also helping boost their social
This can be done by creating a website using GoHighLevel, managing social media posts
with GHL (GoHighLevel), setting up automation for simple things like missed call text
back, and many more different types of automation. And that isn't all that GoHighLevel has
to offer. Overall GoHighLevel is something that every business could benefit from.
Ok, I know what ghl is, but how do I start?
Now that you know what GoHighLevel is and what it does. You're probably asking
yourself, how can I start making money with this? Since GoHighLevel allows you to
rebrand it and resell it as your own, that's precisely what we will do.
Step 1.
Sign up to GoHighLevel and enter your company name, first name, last name, and email.
The company name isn't required as you can change it to whatever you want whenever
you want.
Step 2.
You'll input your card information; you won't get charged. You just have to put it in so that
after 30 days, they can charge you.
Step 3.
It will also ask what tools you have used before; you can click next as it's unimportant.
Now you're signed up and ready to set up your GHL account.
Use the link below to get signed up to GoHighLevel
for your 30-day free trial!
Also, make sure to join our community SaaS
Chapter 3. Account Setup
Now that you're ultimately signed up, you need to start setting up your account and
rebranding it as your own.
Step 1. Profile Setup
Go into your account settings. From there, click My Profile then you'll put in your
information First Name, Last Name, Email, and Phone Number.
Tip: For the email, create a new email separate from your
personal email
Step 2: Logo Setup
Click Company, and the software rebranding happens here. First, you'll need to create a
logo; I recommend you create one in Canva, as they have tons of templates you can use.
This logo is going to the top left of your GoHighLevel account, replacing the GHL logo.
Also, make sure to size the logo correctly in 350px*180px. Now take the logo you
created and insert it into Company Logo.
Tip: Make sure not to spend too much time on this, as it
has 0 effect on making money
Step 3. WhiteLabel Setup
Insert your business name under Company Name.
Insert the email you created for your business in Company Email. And like I previously
said, please create a new email and don't use your personal email.
The next step is to connect your domain to GHL so it doesn't say GoHighLevel.com at
the top of the page. But first, you'll need to buy a domain; I recommend getting one
off of Cloudflare. Make sure when you purchase the domain it's (your company
Now that your domain is purchased, you will connect it to GoHighLevel. You'll have to
enter this into the White Label Domain, but that's not how you fully connect it. Click
the "?" next to White Label Domain, and GHL has a step-by-step video of connecting
your domain.
Tip: You can also buy a domain ending in .ai or .io, as
these are other alternatives if the .com domain of the
name you want is taken.
Chapter 4. Create Your Sub-Account
Congratulations, you completely set up your GHL account, but now we need to get you a
sub-account setup.
Step 1: Sub-Account Setup
So go to your GHL account, the Agency View Account
Then click on Sub-Accounts
Select Create Sub-Account
It will open up your snapshots; snapshots are basically pre-made sub-accounts.
You'll import the snapshot linked below.
It will bring you to a map with a search bar. On that search bar, it will say Add Account
From here, it will ask you to put all your information again. It will ask for an address;
you can put it in your house as the address.
Once you're finished, select save.
Congratulations, you have created a sub-account, but you're not finished yet.
Use the link below to get signed up to GoHighLevel
for your 30-day free trial!
Also, make sure to join our community SaaS
Step 2: Domain Setup For Sub-Account
You need to connect a domain to your sub-account.
So now, within the sub-account, select settings.
From there, select Domains and then + Add New Domain it will allow you to enter a
CNAME Record or an A Record.
Now, you'll head over to your Cloudflare account, where you previously purchased
your domain.
Now click on the domain that you bought and select DNS.
Select Add Record, then select the type and choose either A or CNAME (it doesn't
matter which one). For example, you'll use the A Type, then put in your domain name
without the www, so something like yourdomainname.com
Then paste in the IPv4 Address; these are the numbers shown in GHL that they tell
you to copy. After that, under Proxy Status, turn it off the click save.
Then after you click save, you'll do the same thing again, except this time under the
Name you're going to just put in www. This allows people to look up your domain with
or without the www in front of the domain.
After this, you will head back into GHL and put your domain under the Add Your
Domain section, so enter www.yourdomainname.com and select add.
Then you're going to do the same as you did, except you're going to put in the domain
without the www, so it would be yourdomainname.com, and select add.
Step 3: Connect The Domain To Your Website
Now that you have your domain, you must connect it to a website.
What you'll do is choose from your sub-account select sites.
Then go ahead and select websites, then new website, and then select a website
template you like.
From here, you'll customize the website to your liking. Now that your website is
completed, we need to connect the domain.
You'll click on sites and then select websites.
Then on the website, select the 3 dots
Then select edit
Then settings, and under the domain, select the domain you want to connect.
Bonus Tip: Create Domains For Clients!
Go to Cloudflare again, and this time you will create a CNAME Record, and under
Name, put in *.
Then under Target, set in flash.funnels.msgsndr.com and again turn off Proxy Status.
Then select save. What this allows you to do is that when you're creating a subaccount for your clients, you don't need to go into their DNS settings and access all
that. You simply select Add New Domain under their domain settings within their subaccount.
Then you can put in ex. (adamsplumbing.yourdomainname.com). You can now create
unlimited sub-domains under your primary domain.
Use the link below to get signed up to GoHighLevel
for your 30-day free trial!
Also, make sure to join our community SaaS
Chapter 5. LeadConnector and Stripe
Now that you have set up your account, we need to set up just 2 more things before we
can fully begin using GHL. This will be your Stripe to collect payments from your clients.
LeadConnector is the Telephone service provider built into GoHighLevel. Completely
eliminating 3rd party telephone service providers.
Now let's create a Stripe account so that you can collect payments.
Step 1: Create Your Stripe Account
First, you're going to go to Stripe.com
Select Start Now
Then put your Email, Full Name, and Country, then create a Password.
Then verify the email you put in.
Now you have your Stripe Account all setup! All you have to do now is set up
Step 2: Setup LeadConnector
LeadConnector acts as a Telephony service provider, which has Incredible Deliverability,
Error Monitoring, and Better Compliance and is much more affordable when compared to
any of the Telephony service providers.
Select Settings within your GoHighLevel Agency View Account
Then select Phone Integration.
Then under Agency Settings, connect LeadConnector
Chapter 6. Overview Of Your GHL
Now that you have set up your account and sub-account for your agency. Next, you need
to learn how to actually use GoHighLevel. The best way to go about this is by playing
around with GoHighLevel; this can be done by going into a sub-account, looking through
everything, and testing what it does.
So go back into the sub-account you created for yourself and down the menu bar list.
Take your time and go through each tab here on
the left. Go from the top down.
This will be the best way to learn GHL because
you can watch as many videos online. But nothing
compares to experience, so you have to use
GoHighLevel if you're going to learn the best and
fastest way possible.
Learn The Launchpad
This is the 1st thing your clients will see when they login to their sub-account, so learn
how to use this and what it all does so you can explain to your Client what it does.
Click Launchpad and click everything in the Launchpad to see what everything is used for
this being...
The LeadConnector app download
Connecting Google My Business
Connecting Facebook
Connecting A Website Chat Widget
Connecting Stripe
Connecting Yext
Connecting WordPress
Adding Team Members
You must know how to do these for your Client's sub-accounts, so you should know how
each works. Any button you see and click it.
Learn The Conversations Tab
This is the CRM (Customer relationship management), where your Client will manage all
their messages, emails, etc. Rather than opening multiple different applications to see
these messages, it will all come into this tab.
Select the Conversations Tab and begin looking through it; this being...
Select Conversations
Manual Actions and then Select Campaign / Workflow, Select Assignee, and Let's Start
Templates and then + Add Template
Trigger Links and then click Add Link
Now go through these tabs within the conversations tab and see what everything does.
Any button you see and click it.
Learn The Calendar
You want to learn how to use the Calendar and create appointments so that you can set
this up for your clients.
Select the Calendar Tab Now and then...
Play with the Calendar Options
Select Appointments
Select Calendar Settings
Learn The Contacts Tab
This is where your clients can manage all their contacts, whether emails or phone
numbers. Every business needs this, by the way.
Select the Contacts Tab and then begin to play around with the...
Smart lists, click on all the buttons within this section and see what everything does
and how to use it.
Then select Bulk Actions, All Actions, All Users, Any Status, and The Dates and see
what it does.
Then select Tasks, create a task, and learn how to do that.
Then select Company, and choose New Company. Test that out and see how to use it
as well.
Learn The Opportunities Tab
The Opportunities Tab is straightforward. It's where your clients can manage their
opportunities and pipeline.
So start by selecting the Opportunites Tab and then...
Select + New here, and you'll test and see how to create an opportunity.
Then select Pipelines and click + Create New Pipeline here; you'll test how to create a
A lot of this is pretty straightforward on how to learn it; the best way to get the hang of
this is to use it and play around with it.
Use the link below to get signed up to GoHighLevel
for your 30-day free trial!
Also, make sure to join our community SaaS
Learn The Payments Tab
The Payments Tab, just like the Opportunites Tab, is straightforward; this is where your
Client can manage all their payments.
Test out the invoices, create them, and see how to use them.
Test out the Subscriptions, where you can manage monthly subscriptions to your
Also, test out the products; this is where you can create the plans and more.
Learn The Automation Tab
The Automation Tab is probably the most important thing you can learn; it will also be one
of the more time-consuming things to know. But once you learn how to use automation to
the fullest, it will save you so much time.
The best way to learn automation is to go into a blank workflow and start from there.
So create a scratch workflow, and then start testing things out. Drag and drop the
automation and see what you can make. Once you can understand the basics, you begin
to get better and better every time you create a workflow.
So the only way you'll get good at this is the time you put in to learn it, like anything else.
It will take time to learn, but like I previously said, if you can know the automation, you will
have such an advantage.
Tip: You can also look at the pre-made automation
and get inspiration there.
Learn The Sites Tab
Just like the Automation Tab, the same goes for the Sites Tab. This is also going to take a
little bit of time to learn to use especially if this is your first time creating a website.
You can create websites, funnels, blogs, memberships, forms, surveys, and chat widgets
in the Sites tab.
But because of all the templates that GoHighLevel offers to you, it makes it so much
easier to use.
Learning the sites tab could take you a day.
Tip: Learn how to use the sites tab by creating
your website, so build your website, and you'll
knock 2 birds with 1 stone. You'll learn to create a
website and have your own one!
Use the link below to get signed up to GoHighLevel
for your 30-day free trial!
Also, make sure to join our community SaaS
Chapter 7. Frequently Asked
What does GHL stand for?
GHL stands for GoHighLevel
What is GHL?
GoHighLevel is the software you will rebrand as your own software; features of
GHL include website creation, 5 in 1 CRM inbox, Automation, Email and SMS
Marketing, Workflow, Calendar, and White Label App.
What does SaaS stand for?
SaaS stands for Software As A Service.
What's different about GHL compared to competing services?
GHL puts all competing software into one and allows you to resell at a way
more affordable price for your clients
Are the integrations GHL offers high Quality compared to separate services, like
website creation?
Yes, GHL offers many done-for-you website templates and other unique
features besides website creation.
What's the best way to acquire clients? Walk-in, Cold call, Cold email?
The best way to get clients starting out will be through walk-ins, networking,
cold calls, and referrals.
How do I create my brand name?
Make it short and straightforward; if you can't think of one, use AI to generate
How do I create my brand logo?
Use Canva, which comes with tons of templates.
Are there any services that you'd recommend for obtaining a domain?
Do I need to obtain a business license or get an LLC?
Actually, wait to do this until you're making money.
How should I dress when doing a walk-in?
Dress presentable but don't wear a suit; if you have an excellent timepiece,
you can also wear it.
Do you have any tips for pitches?
Don't sell what the software does; sell the end result of what the software
will do. Whether that be how it will save them time or make them more
When did you start GHL?
Found out about a while back but didn't start right away; I sat on the sidelines
and learned a lot before signing up (I wouldn't recommend doing that)
What should I charge my clients monthly?
This depends on what your clients want; my monthly price ranges from $100500.
Please give me a breakdown of the different plans that GHL offers and which one you
I recommend the 297 plan to start; I also have a 30-day free trial link you can
use to sign up. Info about the plan will be in the link.
Can you upgrade your own membership after selecting a different one?
Yes, you can upgrade
When should I hire VAs (virtual assistants)?
Only do this once you don't have time to do a specific thing, don't hire too
If you had to give tips on cold calling/emailing, what would they be?
Cold calling is to the point and straightforward (don't waste their time); only
cold email once you have testimonials and more trust.
Do you have access to the Client's progress and work?
You can see everything your clients do on GHL.
What to look for in a potential client?
Some of their businesses that can use improvement are plumbers with low
Google reviews and no website.
How do I get accepted into the Affiliate club?
Affiliates Club is only accessible to those who use my affiliate link
Congratulations You Have
Completed SaaS Mastermind's GHL
If you still need to sign up to GoHighLevel and wanted to read through this guide so you
can fully understand the whole process, let's get you signed up!
Along with signing up to GoHighLevel and getting your 30 Day Free Trial, you'll also get
access to our Affiliates Club! Use this link to sign up
What Do I Get For Signing Up With You?
The Necessities You Need To Know About GHL
1-on-1 walkthrough call where I'll walk you through GHL and explain everything you
need to know!
Blueprint E-Book that will serve you as a roadmap to your GHL Agency
($235 Total Value)
Learn To Use GHL In 4 Days Or Less!
1-on-1 Walkthrough Call where I'll walk you through GHL and explain everything you
need to know!
Blueprint E-Book that will serve you as a roadmap to your GHL Agency
Premium ONLY Chat For Affiliates
Accountability Calls Every Other Saturday
Q&A Calls Every Other Saturday
Shared Snapshots Channel
($1000 Total Value)
Get Your 1st Client Within 30 Days Or Less!
1-on-1 Walkthrough Call where I'll walk you through GHL and explain everything you
need to know!
Blueprint E-Book that will serve you as a roadmap to your GHL Agency
Sales Scripts And Blueprint On The Best Way To Outreach In My Opinion
($300 Total Value)
How To Go From Getting 1 Client To 10 Clients!
1-on-1 Call Where We Will Talk about Strategies For Scaling
Blueprint E-Book that will serve you as a roadmap to your GHL Agency
Discounts to AI Tools You Can Integrate Into Your GHL Agency
Accountability Calls To Ensure You Continue To Grow Your Agency
($500 Total Value)
Total Value: $2,035! All For FREE!
All you need to do is sign up for GoHighLevel using the link below!
Once you sign up to GoHighLevel, open a ticket within the SaaS Mastermind Discord
Community so I can verify and add you to the Affiliates Club!
SaaS Mastermind Blueprint Vol. 2
Coming Soon!