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The 44 Airdrop Report 1678957911

Crypto is full of opportunities, if you have the knowledge and are willing to do something for it,
then there are no excuses to be successful.
You can make a lot of money just by testing protocols or completing tasks.
This report is for those who are willing to make the most with the least amount of money.
If only two projects out of the 44 found will make an airdrop as a reward for using and testing
the products, the few minutes of work will have been worth it. And for sure there will be much
more than two that will release a token. It is often only speculation whether there will be a token, but the past has shown that it is often the case and the early users are very well rewarded.
We‘re talking about several thousand-dollar rewards here.
Just for testing or using a product. Where else can you find that?
We have kept the report as short as possible and provided you with the necessary sources that
you can use to test the products. Often they are just examples and you could test much more in
the protocols and products. But if we would list everything, this report would be 200 pages long.
Check out the websites and Twitter pages of the projects, there you will always find the latest
news and all other links.
Each page of the report contains 3 projects.
Make one page every day (it will cost you maybe 40min of your valuable time) and in 15 days
you will be done.
40min x 15 days (or 5h at 2 days) = 10h of work = the opportunity of several thousand dollars
If you are extremely motivated, then you repeat the processes and also use different wallets.
Then you will increase your chances of getting even more FREE MONEY.
IMPORTANT: If you want to qualify for airdrops, then create a completely new wallet. Some projects are still relatively new and you can never be 100% sure that there are no bugs in the protocols and products.
It takes 1 min to create a new wallet
Used a wallet without valuable assets
Also, only deposit what you want to use for the airdrops. ($50-100 should be enough)
DISCLAIMER: Nothing in this report is an advice, even if labeled as such. This report is only
a research report and is intended for better understanding. The owners of the linked sites
are responsible for the content and possible dangers that may arise when using them. The
links have been carefully checked and tested by the team at the time of writing.
Blockchain Whispers: https://t.me/blockchainwhispersbaby
Information & Updates
Website: https://zksync.io
Twitter: https://twitter.com/zksync
Description: zkSync is an L2 scaling solution powered by zk rollups technology.
Why this project: Matter Labs Chief Product Officer Steve Newcomb stated that while there‘s
no official information on the token distribution, two-thirds of the tokens would go to the zkSync
ecosystem. There‘s no confirmed strategy for potential airdrop farming.
Strategy for Airdrop: Create a zkSync wallet and experiment with the L2 and use the tesnet.
Testnet eth: goerlifaucet.com
Information & Updates
Website: https://scroll.io
Twitter: https://twitter.com/Scroll_ZKP
Description: Native zkEVM Scaling Solution for Ethereum.
Why?: The tesnet recently went online and the mainnet is planned for Q3 2023. With the zk
narrative it has a very good potential
Strategy for Airdrop: Use the Alpha testnet, join the guild (guild.xyz/scrollzkp) and socials
Testnet eth: goerlifaucet.com
Gem.xyz / OpenSea
Information & Updates
Website: https://www.gem.xyz/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/gemxyz
Description: Is an NFT marketplace aggregator that allows you to discover and collect NFTs
across numerous marketplaces
Why?: OpenSea has said that there will be no OpenSea token, but that the loyal community
will be rewarded. Since OpenSea has bought gem.xyz and started to collect user activity for a
while, more and more hints show that there could be a token. It would also be a response to the
Blur airdrop to regain market share.
Strategy for Airdrop: Use gem.xyz and the v2 beta. (Using OpenSea could count as an activity.)
Blockchain Whispers: https://t.me/blockchainwhispersbaby
dAMM Finance
Information & Updates
Website: https://damm.finance
Twitter: https://twitter.com/dammfinance
Description: dAMM Finance offers users the ability to lend to uncollateralized institutional borrowers, with future plans to add a DEX.
Why?: dAMM Finance‘s whitepaper states that it will be launched with governance capabilities.
Strategy for Airdrop: Lend your tokens to institutions.
Yiel Protocol
Information & Updates
Website: https://yieldprotocol.com
Twitter: https://twitter.com/yield_protocol
Description: Yield Protocol allows users to split yield-bearing collateral into principal and yield
Why?: Yield Protocol‘s current centralized governance might transition to community-based
governance via a token airdrop.
Strategy for Airdrop: Fix yields on your yield-bearing collateral.
Information & Updates
Website: https://sui.io
Twitter: https://twitter.com/SuiNetwork
Description: Sui is a boundless platform for building rich and dynamic on-chain assets from
gam-ing to finance. It uses the Move programming language and a POS consensus mechanism.
Why?: Sui will be an L1 blockchain with a native asset (SUI) for gas fees and chain validation.
The team has stated that there are no plans for an airdrop. But you never know what will be
Strategy for Airdrop: Download the Sui Wallet extension and interact with apps listed in the
„Apps“ tab.
Blockchain Whispers: https://t.me/blockchainwhispersbaby
Bungee Exchange
Information & Updates
Website: https://bungee.exchange
Twitter: https://twitter.com/BungeeExchange
Description: Bungee Exchange is a bridge aggregator supporting various EVM-compatible
Why?: Bungee offers a unique approach to bridging assets across multiple EVM-compatible
chains, making it a promising project in the DeFi space.
Strategy for Airdrop: Participate in the community Discord, collect your daily „Jolt“ allowance,
and bridge using Bungee.
Information & Updates
Website: https://li.fi
Twitter: https://twitter.com/lifiprotocol
Description: LI.FI is a cross-chain bridge aggregation protocol supporting any-2-any swaps by
aggregating bridges and connecting them to DEX aggregators.
Why?: LI.FI brings a novel solution to cross-chain swaps by aggregating bridges, making it
easier for users to manage their assets across multiple chains.
Strategy for Airdrop: Mint an early access credential for beta access to the updated interface
and use transferto.xyz for cross-chain bridging and swapping activities. Follow Gateway for
LI.FI credential opportunities in their Discord.
Information & Updates
Website: https://zkx.fi
Twitter: https://twitter.com/zkxprotocol
Description: ZKX is a perpetuals exchange built on StarkNet that offers swaps on complex
financial instruments and rewards for traders.
Why?: ZKX has launched a gamified community incentives program, signaling that early participants in the quest will be rewarded with an airdrop.
Strategy for Airdrop: Participate in ZKX socials
Blockchain Whispers: https://t.me/blockchainwhispersbaby
Information & Updates
Website: https://www.seinetwork.io
Twitter: https://twitter.com/SeiNetwork
Description: Sei is the world‘s first sector-specific L1 blockchain for trading. It integrates a
native order matching engine and aims to achieve the fastest time to finality of any chain within
Why?: Sei has hinted that users might want to make over 10 transactions on the network to
be eligible for their „Dawn“ NFT. Past projects have used testnet NFTs to establish eligibility for
token airdrops.
Strategy for Airdrop: Mint a „Dawn“ NFT by downloading both the Keplr and Leap Wallets,
joining the Sei Discord, and interacting with the chain 10 times using both wallets.
Information & Updates
Website: https://www.sentiment.xyz
Twitter: https://twitter.com/sentimentxyz
Description: Sentiment aims to solve capital inefficiencies associated with overcollateralized
lending primitives by enabling permissionless, undercollateralized, on-chain credit markets and
unique ways to leverage positions and interact with dApps.
Why?: Although there is no token yet, the whitepaper notes governance control over various
aspects of the protocol, implying a potential token in the future.
Strategy for Airdrop: Lend ETH, USDC, or USDC to Sentiment for yield or borrow those assets with as little as 20% margin to interact with whitelisted DEXs and lending protocols.
Swell Network
Information & Updates
Website: https://swellnetwork.io
Twitter: https://twitter.com/swellnetworkio
Description: Swell Network is a permissionless, non-custodial liquid staking solution for ETH
that implements atomic deposits, driving competition among validators and creating a competitive staking market.
Why?: Competitors like RocketPool and Lido have issued protocol governance tokens, setting
a precedent for Swell Network. Swell‘s website also mentions it is a „community-driven“ protocol.
Strategy for Airdrop: Stake ETH with Swell Network or run a node for the project when Phase
2 is implemented, as currently, staking deposits are postponed.
Blockchain Whispers: https://t.me/blockchainwhispersbaby
Information & Updates
Website: https://www.infura.io
Twitter: https://twitter.com/infura_io
Description: Infura offers tooling and infrastructure support for developers to easily and affordably connect their dApps to Ethereum and IPFS. Ethereum projects use Infura‘s APIs for
network connectivity.
Why?: Infura plans to decentralize in response to concerns about OFAC compliance requirements for Web3 infrastructure providers. A decentralized Infura would use a token, similar to
Pocket Network‘s POKT.
Strategy for Airdrop: Interact with projects using Infura‘s APIs, such as MetaMask, Aragon,
and Gnosis. Alternatively, apply for Infura‘s Early Access Program.
Information & Updates
Website: https://www.atlendis.io
Twitter: https://twitter.com/AtlendisLabs
Description: Atlendis offers unsecured lending protocols for DeFi users to lend capital directly
to whitelisted borrowers. Interest rates are determined via an order book model.
Why?: The developer documentation suggests that the project will decentralize via an airdrop.
Strategy for Airdrop: Lend to one of Atlendis‘s whitelisted borrowers, focusing on high credit
ratings to minimize default risk.
Cozy Finance
Information & Updates
Website: https://www.cozy.finance
Twitter: https://twitter.com/cozyfinance
Description: Cozy Finance is a protocol for creating trust-minimized protection markets for
Why?: Most DeFi insurance projects have launched their own tokens, so Cozy Finance might
follow suit.
Strategy for Airdrop: Borrow/supply assets on Cozy or create your own protection markets for
advanced users.
Blockchain Whispers: https://t.me/blockchainwhispersbaby
Information & Updates
Website: https://mirror.xyz
Twitter: https://twitter.com/viamirror
Description: Mirror is a decentralized publishing platform and creators‘ suite.
Why?: Mirror already has the WRITE token live, providing access to the platform. However,
the token‘s release has been limited so far, so there‘s a possibility that Mirror will airdrop more
tokens to its early users in the future.
Strategy for Airdrop: Make use of Mirror‘s various tools, such as publishing a blog post or
backing a project on the platform.
Information & Updates
Website: https://www.partybid.app
Twitter: https://twitter.com/prtyDAO
Description: PartyBid is a dapp for collective bidding on NFTs, making it easy for groups of
friends or even strangers to bid on NFTs together.
Why?: PartyBid is built by PartyDAO, which is managed via the $PARTY token. If PartyDAO
ever decides to expand further, it may do so by expanding $PARTY to the public.
Strategy for Airdrop: Start a PartyBid on any NFT you want, or contribute ETH to an already
active PartyBid (you can retrieve your ETH if the group bid ends up unsuccessful).
Risk Harbor
Information & Updates
Website: https://www.riskharbor.com
Twitter: https://twitter.com/riskharbor
Description: Risk Harbor is an algorithmic, transparent, and impartial protocol that provides a
risk management marketplace for Web3.
Why?: Risk Harbor‘s whitepapers indicate that governance holders will carry out critical macrolevel decisions for the protocol.
Strategy for Airdrop: Buy and provide protection using the Risk Harbor Core app.
Blockchain Whispers: https://t.me/blockchainwhispersbaby
Sense Finance
Information & Updates
Website: https://sense.finance
Twitter: https://twitter.com/senseprotocol
Description: Sense Finance, like Yield Protocol, allows users to split yield-bearing collateral
into principal and yield tokens.
Why?: Sense Finance‘s documentation suggests that a Sense token will be airdropped to early
users as part of the SenseDAO governance structure.
Strategy for Airdrop: Fix yields on your yield-bearing collateral.
Information & Updates
Website: https://mero.finance
Twitter: https://twitter.com/merofinance
Description: Mero is a reactive liquidity protocol enabling users to earn yield and register „Actions“ with their liquidity. Users can earn yield on various assets and register Actions, such as
collateral top-ups.
Why?: Mero‘s documentation states that governance tokens will be distributed to liquidity providers, keepers, and AMM liquidity providers.
Strategy for Airdrop: Provide liquidity and earn yield using Mero‘s liquidity pools.
Information & Updates
Website: https://www.voltz.xyz
Twitter: https://twitter.com/voltz_xyz
Description: Voltz is an interest rate swap marketplace that allows users to speculate on or
hedge against changes in interest rates for various assets.
Why?: The protocol‘s litepaper states that a DAO will govern the project, and decentralizing
ownership aligns with crypto values.
Strategy for Airdrop: Trade interest rate swaps.
Blockchain Whispers: https://t.me/blockchainwhispersbaby
Information & Updates
Website: https://sablier.finance
Twitter: https://twitter.com/SablierHQ
Description: Sablier is a payments streaming protocol
that allows for by-the-second payments.
Why?: Sablier‘s team is working on a V2, which may have built-in governance processes.
Strategy for Airdrop: Stream DAI between your accounts or as a form of payment.
Range Trader
Information & Updates
Website: https://www.rage.trade
Twitter: https://twitter.com/rage_trade
Description: Rage Trade provides up to 10x leverage on ETH for traders and offers high yields
through GLP and USDC delta neutral yield strategies for HODLers.
Why?: Discord communications indicate that users of the dApp‘s delta neutral vaults will receive an airdrop.
Strategy for Airdrop: Deposit funds into the protocol‘s delta neutral vault strategies and start
earning yield.
Information & Updates
Website: https://www.opyn.co
Twitter: https://twitter.com/opyn_
Description: Opyn is a derivatives and options platform offering Squeeth and automated
Squeeth yield strategies.
Why?: Expansion of the protocol may provide an opportunity to launch a governance token.
Strategy for Airdrop: Trade Squeeth and leverage Opyn‘s Crab Strategy for yield.
Blockchain Whispers: https://t.me/blockchainwhispersbaby
Information & Updates
Website: https://zapper.xyz
Twitter: https://twitter.com/zapper_fi
Description: Zapper is a Web3 wallet management dashboard for DeFi and NFT users.
Why?: Zapper hasn‘t eliminated the possibility of launching a token, so there‘s a chance we
see one in the future.
Strategy for Airdrop: Try out Zapper‘s native Exchange, Pool, and Save products.
Information & Updates
Website: https://www.tokensets.com
Twitter: https://twitter.com/tokensets
Description: TokenSets is a DeFi asset management platform built on top of Set Protocol.
Why?: The project seems to be on course for full decentralized governance, which would likely
entail a native token launch.
Strategy for Airdrop: Buy/Sell Set tokens or create your own Set token.
Thala Labs
Information & Updates
Website: https://www.thalalabs.xyz
Twitter: https://twitter.com/ThalaLabs
Description: Thala Labs is building a decentralized, yield-bearing stablecoin (Move Dollar or
$MOD) native to the Aptos Layer 1.
Why?: Thala Labs seems likely to have a governance process, based on its roadmap plans.
Strategy for Airdrop: Stay updated with the protocol‘s Twitter and use features as they launch.
Blockchain Whispers: https://t.me/blockchainwhispersbaby
Neptune Mutual
Information & Updates
Website: https://neptunemutual.com
Twitter: https://twitter.com/neptunemutual
Description: Neptune Mutual offers insurance-like coverage for crypto users to protect against
various smart contract and exchange risks. Payouts are discretionarily approved by governance.
Why?: The protocol‘s FAQ section states that an NPM token design is under review and will be
published before the token‘s
Strategy for Airdrop: Purchase coverage on Binance custody.
Information & Updates
Website: https://foundation.app
Twitter: https://twitter.com/foundation
Description: Foundation is an NFT minting and marketplace platform for the creator economy.
Why?: Foundation‘s FAQ implies the possibility of launching its own governance token in the
Strategy for Airdrop: Bid on/collect NFTs on Foundation; focus on NFTs you genuinely appreciate.
Information & Updates
Website: https://www.rysk.finance
Twitter: https://twitter.com/ryskfinance
Description: Rysk Finance allows users to earn yield on their dynamic hedging vaults (DHV)
and offers fully on-chain, collateralized European-style options.
Why?: Rysk implies the possibility of an airdrop once a successful product is produced.
Strategy for Airdrop: Follow Rysk‘s Twitter and trade options or fund a DHV.
Blockchain Whispers: https://t.me/blockchainwhispersbaby
Information & Updates
Website: https://tessera.co
Twitter: https://twitter.com/tessera
Description: Previously known as Fractional, Tessera is a protocol for collectively owning and
governing NFTs.
Why?: Tessera might introduce a governance token to support the idea of collective ownership.
Strategy for Airdrop: Buy and sell NFTs on Tessera once the project‘s new UI is launched.
Information & Updates
Website: https://www.ipor.io
Twitter: https://twitter.com/ipor_io
Description: IPOR calculates an index based on lending rates from overcollateralized DeFi
protocols and provides users a market to trade swaps on the underlying index.
Why?: The developer documentation states that the protocol‘s native token, IPOR, will be issued to various parties involved in the project, including users.
Strategy for Airdrop: Trade interest rate swaps.
Information & Updates
Website: https://jediswap.xyz
Twitter: https://twitter.com/JediSwap
Description: JediSwap is a permissionless and composable AMM built on StarkNet‘s ZK-Rollup on Ethereum, inspired by Uniswap.
Why?: The project‘s documentation notes that Mesh Community members contributing to development, design, marketing, and other efforts will be awarded points in the form of NFTs for
the distribution of Mesh community project tokens.
Strategy for Airdrop: Download the StarkNet-compatible Argent X wallet and swap tokens in
Blockchain Whispers: https://t.me/blockchainwhispersbaby
Hunch Finance
Information & Updates
Website: https://hunch.finance
Twitter: https://twitter.com/HunchFinance
Description: Hunch is a gamified DeFi protocol where players‘ abilities to make calculated
future assumptions determine their success. Hunchville contains multiple DeFi Games (DFGs),
each with its unique financial and/or DeFi community characteristics.
Why?: Hunch is in the early stages of development with only one functioning game. Shipping
additional DFGs is likely a priority over establishing an airdrop roadmap.
Strategy for Airdrop: Speculate on the date of the Flippening and mint your ticket in the Flippening Observatory (click on the observatory to play).
Information & Updates
Website: https://zerion.io
Twitter: https://twitter.com/zerion_io
Description: Zerion is another popular Web3 wallet management dashboard for DeFi and NFT
Why?: Like Zapper, Zerion might launch a native token to foster community governance at
some point in the future.
Strategy for Airdrop: Try out Zerion‘s Invest, Exchange, and Pool products.
Pikat Protocol
Information & Updates
Website: https://www.pikaprotocol.com
Twitter: https://twitter.com/PikaProtocol
Description: Pika Protocol is a decentralized perpetual swap exchange on Ethereum layer 2,
offering high leverage, low slippage, a wide range of assets, low fees, and a simple user experience.
Why?: While the protocol‘s whitepaper does not mention governance or a potential airdrop,
competitors such as dYdX and Perpetual have tokens, making an airdrop a likely distribution
Strategy for Airdrop: Bridge funds to Optimism using the Pika Bridge and trade ETH futures
on the protocol.
Blockchain Whispers: https://t.me/blockchainwhispersbaby
Llama Pay
Information & Updates
Website: https://llamapay.io
Twitter: https://twitter.com/llamapay_io
Description: LlamaPay is a multi-chain protocol that allows you to automate transactions and
stream them by the second. Payees begin getting paid the moment the stream is established
and can withdraw accrued payments at any time.
Why?: DeFiLlama has LlamaPay listed on its Airdrop dashboard, hinting at a future airdrop.
LlamaPay is a product from the same team behind DeFiLlama.
Strategy for Airdrop: Create a new stream to pay employees, vendors, or yourself, and deposit token payments into LlamaPay.
Information & Updates
Website: https://slingshot.finance
Twitter: https://twitter.com/SlingshotCrypto
Description: Slingshot is a Web3 trading platform currently live on Polygon, with Arbitrum support next up.
Why?: Slingshot may follow the path of other DEXs and release its own token eventually.
Strategy for Airdrop: Purchase wearable NFT GEN-BAGs on the Slingshot shop and trade
MATIC on Slingshot swap.
Information & Updates
Website: https://zora.co
Twitter: https://twitter.com/ourZORA
Description: Zora is an NFT minting and marketplace protocol.
Why?: Zora may use a governance token to open up ZORFs to wider community steering.
Strategy for Airdrop: Mint and collect NFTs on Zora.
Blockchain Whispers: https://t.me/blockchainwhispersbaby
Information & Updates
Website: https://sturdy.finance
Twitter: https://twitter.com/sturdyfinance
Description: Sturdy offers users interest-free borrowing and high-yield lending, with yield earned on the borrower‘s collateral.
Why?: Sturdy‘s V2 on Ethereum may include a governance token.
Strategy for Airdrop: Lend for high yields and borrow stablecoins at zero interest.
Information & Updates
Website: https://www.synfutures.com
Twitter: https://twitter.com/SynFuturesDefi
Description: SynFutures is a permissionless web3 infrastructure for derivatives, allowing users
to list arbitrary asset pairs and even the market itself to form endogenous pricing and behaviors.
Why?: Although the protocol does not directly mention a potential airdrop, participating in closed alpha versions of dApps has historically led to airdrops.
Strategy for Airdrop: Sign up to trade on the protocol‘s V2 Closed Alpha.
Information & Updates
Website: https://charm.fi
Twitter: https://twitter.com/charmfinance
Description: Charm is a protocol that offers a suite of DeFi products, including Alpha Vaults,
Cube Tokens, and more.
Why?: Charm‘s goal is to enable anyone to research, build, and govern the protocols within
Charm, indicating a token may be on the way.
Strategy for Airdrop: Make a deposit into one of Charm‘s initial product offerings, such as
Alpha Vaults.
Blockchain Whispers: https://t.me/blockchainwhispersbaby
DeFi Saver
Information & Updates
Website: https://defisaver.com
Twitter: https://twitter.com/DeFiSaver
Description: DeFi Saver is a one-stop dashboard for creating, managing, and tracking your
DeFi positions.
Why?: DeFi Saver hasn‘t released a native token yet, but a curation token for voting and prioritizing new protocol integrations is conceivable.
Strategy for Airdrop: Try out DeFi Saver‘s Portfolio system or Recipe Creator.
Information & Updates
Website: https://starkware.co/starknet
Twitter: https://twitter.com/StarkWareLtd
Description: StarkNet is a permissionless decentralized Validity-Rollup (ZK-Rollup) operating
as an L2 network over Ethereum, enabling unlimited scale for computation without compromising Ethereum‘s composability and security.
Why StarkNet: The protocol team confirms in a Medium post that 9% of the token supply will
be used as rebates to cover onboarding costs to StarkNet from Ethereum.
Strategy for Airdrop: Download the StarkNet-compatible Argent X wallet and swap tokens in
JediSwap. The first snapshot has already been taken, but it might still be worth using dApps on
the netwerk.
Thanks for reading and good luck collecting the airdrops.
You will see that your 40 min a day will be worth it.
Always watch for news or snapshots and rewards being announced. For some products, the
requirements for an airdrop may have already expired or changed. When exactly the airdrops
will come and if there will be any at all is not always 100% known. However, chances are very
good that you will get some once you have tested everything.
Crypto is full of opportunities. You just have to take advantage of them.
Blockchain Whispers: https://t.me/blockchainwhispersbaby