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Caregiving Assignment Cover Page Level 3

International Certificate in Caregiving
Name of the Program
Level 03
Level of the Program
Managing personal care needs
Unite Title
Nackshayan Mehanathan
Name of the Student
OTHM Learner Registration Number (LRN)
Summerset Admission Number
Contact Number
Date of Submission
For Office Use Only:
Final Marks
(To be filled by Examiner)
Nackshayan Mehanathan
Admission No - A14690
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that the work is their own.
Student Name: Nackshayan Mehanathan
Assessor (Lecturer) Name:
Mrs. Thilini Subasinghe
OTHM Registration Number:
Issue Date:
Submission Date:
Submitted On:
Programme: International Certificate in Caregiving Level 03
Unit: Managing personal care needs
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Student signature: Nackshayan
Nackshayan Mehanathan
Admission No - A14690
MODULE 3 - Managing personal care needs
Next week you are going to look after a bed ridden patient. Explain the competencies you
required in order to provide a better care to this client.
Word count 600
Address the learning outcome in module 3 while you are writing the answers.
Learning outcomes in module 3:
1. Attend to mouth care
2. Attend to skin care/ nail care
3. Attend to perinea care
4. Attend to foot care
5. Undress and dress the client
6. Attend to hair care
7. Attend to beautification of the client
Nackshayan Mehanathan
Admission No - A14690
There are certain competences needed to provide the customer greater care because I will be
caring for a bedridden patient. These skills are necessary to guarantee the patient's safety,
comfort, and general wellbeing.
First of all Take care of bedridden patient mouth has to practice good oral hygiene because
their immunity is lowered, making them more prone to infections. The caregiver I should be
knowledgeable about oral hygiene and capable of giving the patient mouth care, such as
brushing their teeth, wiping their tongues, and giving mouthwash or saline water rinses. After
the mouth care I have to take look on patient skins and nail because Patients who spend
extended amounts of time in bed are more likely to develop pressure sores. I must make sure
that the patient's skin is dry, clean, and free of pressure sores as a caretaker. In order to prevent
extended pressure on any one location, I should periodically switch the patient's posture and
routinely check the patient's skin for any signs of redness, swelling, or irritation. Additionally,
I should frequently clip the patient's nails to avoid them getting too long and perhaps spreading
infections or chafing the skin.
In order to I have to take care of the perineum which is important to avoid genital bedsores and
urinary tract infections, perineal care is crucial. I should be able to thoroughly clean and dry
the perineal region and should be alert for any infections symptoms. After I finish these thing
I have move to foot care because bedridden patients are at a higher risk of developing foot
problems, such as pressure ulcers and swelling. I should be able to attend to foot care by
keeping the feet clean and dry, using pressure relief techniques, and checking for any signs of
infection or foot problems after I did most of care things have to give a good bath to patient
these will prevent my client from unknown bacterial infections for that I need to assist the
patient in dressing and undressing, depending on the patient's mobility. I should be skilled in
undressing and dressing the patient, ensuring that the patient is comfortable and safe during the
process. I should also ensure that the patient's clothing is clean and dry, and that any medical
devices, such as catheters or wound dressings, are properly secured. As a caregiver I have to
make help my client to make themselves beauty so Patients' demands for beauty might help
them feel more confident and upbeat. I have to help the patient with grooming, shaving, and
cosmetics application sometimes if they able to do their makeups own I will let them to do it
Nackshayan Mehanathan
Admission No - A14690
because it will bring some confident in their life. Last but no least I have to take look on my
client hair care is essential for the patient's overall well-being and comfort. I should attend to
the patient's hair care regularly, ensuring that their hair is clean, brushed, and free from tangles.
If my patient is unable to sit up, I can use a bowl of water and a towel to wash their hair while
keeping the bed linens dry.
So these are steps I will do whenever I visited to my bedridden client and I hope these will help
my client feel better so in order to conclusion By attending to these competencies, you can
provide better care to your patient and ensure that they feel comfortable, safe, and cared for
during their time of need.