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Computing Research Project Assignment Brief

Unit Number & Title
T/615/1639 – Unit 13: Computing Research
Assessor Name
Student Name
Samarth Bikram Thapa
Assignment Launch Date
Due Date
Check Submission Date Below
Completion Date
Assignment Title
Assignment Number
The environmental impact of digital transformation
Due Date
Ethical Form
05 May 2023*
Project Proposal Submission
10 June 2023*
Proposal Presentation
12 June 2023 – 16 June 2023*
Final Report Submission
15 August 2023*
*Please confirm the date with your Tutor
Read the plagiarism notice and requirements at Page 8
Word-limit- 8000 words (excludes cover page, table of content, figures, graphs,
reference list, appendix, and logbook)
Accepted Sources: Research Papers (Journal Articles, Conference Proceedings,
Thesis), Textbooks, Governmental Data, Websites (only a registered organization, an
educational institution, government agency)
Information taken from unreliable sources will not be accepted
Must follow Harvard Reference Style
Assignment submission format
Each student has to submit their assignment as guided in the assignment brief. The students
are guided what sort of information is to produce to meet the criteria targeted. You are
required to make use of headings, paragraphs, and subsections as appropriate, and all work
must be supported with research and referenced using the Harvard Referencing System.
Purpose of this assignment
The purpose of this assignment is to engage students conduct research in a specific field of
study. This assignment allows students to demonstrate their capacity and ability to identify a
research topic, to develop research aims, objectives and outcomes, and to present the outcomes
of such research in both written and verbal formats. This also encourages students to reflect on
their engagement in the research process, during which recommendations for future and
personal development are key learning points.
Learning outcomes covered
LO1. Examine appropriate research methodologies and approaches as part of the
research process.
LO2. Conduct and analyze research relevant to a computing research project.
LO3. Communicate the outcomes of a research project to identified stakeholders.
LO4. Reflect on the application of research methodologies and concepts.
The course tutor will
Make sure that project briefs for this unit is be based on a proposal defined by the
Agree and sign off in the research proposal that each student is embarking on their
project. If this requires extra time to agree, this could be addressed through the
student’s tutorial time.
Make sure that the proposal students develops meets the criteria (given below). This
will form the basis of their project and must be related to their specific pathway, unless
the student is on the general Computing pathway.
Monitor whether all students complete the research project in order to complete their
work for this unit.
Guides students on how to go about planning, researching, conducting, recording and
reflecting on the research project.
Be advisable to direct students to appropriate research sources and advise on
qualitative and quantitative methods.
Will ask students to reflect on the success of their research project and their
performance at the end of the project, with the inclusion of a project evaluation and
The amount of data created and stored globally is expected to reach 175 Zettabytes by 2025, a
six-fold increase from 2018. This will demand additional hardware and power consumption,
which; in turn, will increase the environmental impact of the digital sector and there is already
increasing attention on the environmental footprint of ICT equipment and services as they
become more widespread in all aspects of human life. It is the responsibility of everyone to
take action in addressing the challenges of climate change, as professionals we must also seek
ways that the digital sector can play its part. While digital technologies are one of the sectors
that has achieved greater efficiency; achieving about 100 times more computation power from
the same amount of energy per decade, it remains unsustainable. The sector must continue to
seek ways in which it can continue to support and drive innovation, while addressing the
global climate emergency for a greener and fairer future.
You work as a trainee as Research Analyst for a leading IT company. Your job is to perform
research and gather data to help the company market its products.
Your task is to undertake a research in a topic related to the theme “ The environmental impact
of digital transformation”
Your topic could fall under the given broad areas
● The use of modern methods to reduce carbon emissions in IT network systems.
● The impact of cloud data centers on the environment.
● The environmental implications of e-waste and ways to reduce it.
In this project you are expected to show your ability to complete a computing research project
engaging yourself in a specific field. Your work must demonstrate that you have the ability to
identify a research topic, to develop research aims and objectives and outcomes and to present
the research outcomes to senior management team both verbally (as a formal presentation) and
in written report form. In this project you are expected to show your ability to complete a
computing research project engaging yourself in a specific field. Your work must demonstrate
that you have the ability to identify a research topic, to develop research aims and objectives
and outcomes and to present the research outcomes to senior management team both verbally
(as a formal presentation) and in written form.
Assignment task:
In order to successfully complete a computing research project you have to complete the
following tasks as guided.
Part one – Develop a research proposal
Define your research problem or question. This can be stated as a research question,
objectives or hypothesis.
Provide a literature review giving the background and conceptualisation of your
proposed area of study. This would provide existing knowledge and benchmarks by
which your data can be judged.
Consider and define your research methodology and research process.
Demonstrate understanding of the pitfalls and limitations of the methods chosen
and ethical issues that might arise.
Part two – carry out the research and prepare a research report
Conduct your research as outlined in your proposal. Keep track of your findings as you
Carry out your research and analyse your findings in relation to your original
research question. Draw conclusions.
Part three - Prepare a presentation using
Communicate the outcomes of your research project to the identified audience.
Part four: A written reflection on the success of the research
Prepare a written document that reflects on the success of your research project and
your performance at the end of the project with the inclusion of a project evaluation
and recommendations.
Milestones and interim feedback to be used by the teacher
Each student must get approval from the teacher when they have
Reach topic and aims/objectives are agreed
Completed the research proposal
Developed ethical form
Produced a first draft of findings
Completed all primary research.
At each milestone, the tutor liaises with the student to check whether it has been achieved.
They may need to redirect the student if necessary.
Guidance for Students
You should read this information before starting to define and work through your research
brief. You should refer to these instructions as you complete work for this unit.
Consider the development of a methodical and valid research proposal as the
foundation for the project.
Choose a topic based on the theme released by Pearson Edexcel and also make sure of
personal interest in a specialism. The topic chosen should allow a sufficient and
suitable degree of research through the existence of adequate background materials.
A good project proposal title should meet the following criteria:
The proposal is one that has an existing body of literature or source material
that can be reviewed.
The proposal extends a current line of learning that will lend itself to
further rigorous exploration
Decide on appropriate research methods and select an appropriate
Ensure that your proposal is ethical, reliable and valid. An ethics form must be
submitted prior to completion of research as part of the research proposal.
Agree your research proposal with your tutor before beginning your research.
Conduct your research as outlined in the proposal agreed with your tutor.
Carry out your research, analyze your research findings and draw conclusions. Apply
both qualitative and quantitative research methods to evaluate data collected from
primary research.
Communicate your research outcomes in a manner appropriate to your audience.
You will be asked to reflect on the success of your research project and evaluate
the problems/issues encountered.
On the following pages, there is an example of a research project brief.
You must complete the research project in order to complete your work for this unit.
Research Proposal
Student name
Centre name
Research Topic:
Section One: Title, objective, responsibilities
 Title or working title of research project
 Research project aims and objectives
Section Two: Reasons for choosing this research project
 Reasons for choosing the project (e.g. links to other subjects you are studying,
personal interest, future plans, knowledge/skills you want to improve, why the topic is
Section Three: Literature sources searched
 Use of key literature sources to support your research question, objective or
Section Four: Activities and timescales (milestones and target date)
 Activities to be carried out during the research project (e.g. research, development,
analysis of ideas, writing, data collection, numerical analysis, tutor meetings,
production of final outcome, evaluation, writing the report) and likely durations.
Section Five: Research approach and methodologies
 Type of research approach and methodologies you are likely to use and reasons for
your choice:
 What your areas of research will cover:
Comments and agreement from tutor
Comments (optional):
I confirm that the project is not work which has been or will be submitted for another
qualification and is appropriate.
Agreed: ...................
(Date) ........................
LO1 Examine appropriate research methodologies and
approaches as part of the research process
LO1 & LO2
P1 Produce a research proposal
that clearly defines a research
question or hypothesis
supported by a literature
M1 Evaluate different research
approaches and methodology
and make justifications for the
choice of methods selected
based on
D1 Critically evaluate the
project management
process and appropriate
research methodologies
P2 Examine appropriate
research methods and
approaches to primary and
secondary research.
LO2 Conduct and analyse research relevant for a computing
research project
M2 Discuss merits, limitations
P3 Conduct primary and
and pitfalls of approaches to data
secondary research using
collection and analysis.
appropriate methods for a
computing research project that
consider costs, access and
ethical issues.
P4 Apply appropriate
analytical tools analyse
research findings and data.
LO3:Communicate the outcomes of a research project to
identified stakeholders
P5 Communicate research
outcomes in an appropriate
M3 Coherently and logically
communicate outcomes to the
D2 Communicate critical
analysis of the outcomes
and make valid, justified
manner for the intended
intended audience demonstrating recommendations.
how outcomes meet set research
LO4: Reflect on the application of research methodologies and
P6 Reflect on the effectiveness
of research methods applied
for meeting objectives of the
business research project.
M4 Provide critical reflection
and insight that result in
recommended actions for
improvements and future
research considerations.
D3 Demonstrate
reflection and
engagement in the
resource process leading
to recommended actions
for future improvement.
P7 Consider alternative
research methodologies and
lessons learnt in view of the
Grades Achieved
Note: Refer the unit details provided in your handbook when responding all the tasks above.
Make sure that you have understood and developed your response that matches the highlighted
key words in each task.
Plagiarism Notice
You are reminded that there exists Academic Misconduct Policy and Regulation concerning
Cheating and Plagiarism.
Extracts from the Policy:
Section 3.4.1: Allowing others to do assignments / copying others assignment is an offence
Section 3.4.2: Plagiarism, using the views, opinion or insights / paraphrasing of another person’s
original phraseology without acknowledgement
It should be the student’s own work – Plagiarism is unacceptable.
Clarity of expression and structure are important features.
Your work should be submitted as a well presented, word-processed document with
headers and footers, and headings and subheadings.
You are expected to undertake research on this subject using books from the Library, and
resources available on the Internet.
Any sources of information should be listed as references at the end of your document
and these sources should be referenced within the text of your document using Harvard
Referencing Style
Your report should be illustrated with screen-prints, images, tables, charts and/or
All assignments must be typed in Times New Roman, font size 12, 11/2 spacing.
The center policy is that you must submit your work within due date to achieve “Merit”
and “Distinction”. Late submission automatically eliminates your chance of achieving
“Merit and Distinction”. Also, 80% attendance is required to validate this assignment.
I declare that all the work submitted for this assignment is my own work and I understand that if
any part of the work submitted for this assignment is found to be plagiarized, none of the work
submitted will be allowed to count towards the assessment of the assignment.
Assignment Prepared By
Sheela Paudyal
Brief Checked By
March 16, 2023
Dhruba Babu Joshi
March 23, 2023