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Introduction to Artificial Intelligence

CS 362_ Intelligent Systems
CS 362: Intelligent Systems
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Introduction to
Artificial Intelligence
CS 362_ Intelligent Systems
Text Book
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Text Book:
Artificial intelligence: structures and strategies for complex
problem solving.
 Author:
George F. Luger.
 Publisher:
Pearson Education, Inc
CS 362_ Intelligent Systems
Course Assessment
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Weeks 6 and 13
First Exam
Week 7
Second Exam
Week 11
Week 14
Set by the college
Final Exam
CS 362_ Intelligent Systems
Course Objectives
Slide 4
 Develop an appreciation of the role of intelligent systems in the
contemporary context.
 Develop a deep understanding of fundamental theoretical and
practical concepts about intelligent systems.
 Develop several applications employing different intelligent
system paradigms
CS 362_ Intelligent Systems
Course Learning Outcomes (CLOs)
Slide 5
Recognize ideas and techniques underlying the design of intelligent systems.
Describe mathematical representations and logic for Solving AI problems.
Analyze various search and Knowledge Representation techniques in the design of
intelligent systems.
Design intelligent systems to solve various AI problems.
Appraise team work utilizing effective group techniques to design, implement
and demonstrate Intelligent Systems.( mini project).
Demonstrate intelligent systems using search techniques, Planning and Robotics.
CS 362_ Intelligent Systems
What’s Artificial Intelligence (AI)
Slide 6
Artificial intelligence (AI) is the branch of computer science
concerned with making computers behave like humans
(Computers with the ability to mimic or duplicate the functions
of the human brain).
 The term was coined in 1956 by John McCarthy at the
Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT).
CS 362_ Intelligent Systems
The Turing Test
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Alan Turing in 1950 wrote a paper entitled “Computing
machinery and intelligence”
This paper is one of the earliest papers to address the question
of machine intelligence specifically in relation to the modern
digital computer
The Turing test is a test of machine’s ability to exhibit an
intelligent behaviour.
The Turing test (called the imitation game) measures the
performance of an intelligent machine against that of a human
The test places the machine and a human counterpart in rooms
apart from a second human being, referred to as the
CS 362_ Intelligent Systems
The Turing Test (ii)
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 The interrogator is asked to distinguish the computer from the
human being solely on the basis of their answers to questions
asked over this device.
If the interrogator cannot distinguish the machine from the
human, then, Turing argues, the machine may be assumed to
be intelligent.
CS 362_ Intelligent Systems
Artificial Intelligence Systems
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Artificial intelligence systems are the people, procedures,
hardware, software, data, and knowledge needed to develop
computer systems and machines that demonstrate the
characteristics of intelligence
CS 362_ Intelligent Systems
Artificial Intelligence Behavior
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Intelligent behavior:
 Learn from experience
 Apply knowledge acquired from experience
 Handle complex situations
 Solve problems when important information is missing
 Determine what is important
 React quickly and correctly to a new situation
 Understand visual images
 Process and manipulate symbols
 Be creative and imaginative
 Use heuristics
CS 362_ Intelligent Systems
Important Features of AI
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 The use of computers to do reasoning, pattern recognition, learning, or some other form of
 A focus on problems that do not respond to algorithmic solutions. This underlies the reliance on
heuristic search (as rules for choosing those branches in a state space that are most likely to
lead to an acceptable problem solution) as an AI problem-solving technique.
 A concern with problem-solving using inexact, missing, or poorly defined information and the
use of representational formalisms that enable the programmer to compensate for these
 Reasoning about the significant qualitative features of a situation.
 An attempt to deal with issues of semantic meaning as well as syntactic form.
 Answers that are neither exact nor optimal, but are in some sense “sufficient”. This is a result of
the essential reliance on heuristic problem-solving methods in situations where optimal or
exact results are either too expensive or not possible.
 The use of large amounts of domain-specific knowledge in solving problems. This is the basis of
expert systems.
CS 362_ Intelligent Systems
Techniques used in AI
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 Problem Representation (Knowledge Representation): is a
science of translating actual knowledge into a format that can
be used by the computer
 Search: a technique to choose the optimal solution from many
possible solutions.
 Automated Reasoning: a process of achieving a specific goal
based on the given knowledge.
 Planning: the ability to decide on a good sequence of actions to
achieve our goals.
CS 362_ Intelligent Systems
Overview of AI applications
Slide 13
The two most fundamental concerns of AI researchers are:
 Knowledge representation: it addresses the problem of
capturing in a language (predicate calculus), suitable for
computer manipulation
 Search: is a problem-solving technique that systematically
explores a space of problem state (successive and alternative
stages in the problem-solving process) for solution space.
Like most sciences, AI is decomposed into a number of sub
disciplines that, while sharing an essential approach to problem
solving, have concerned themselves with different applications.
CS 362_ Intelligent Systems
Important Research and Application Areas of AI
Slide 14
Game playing
Automated reasoning and theorem proving
Expert systems
Natural language understanding and semantic modelling
Modelling human performance
Planning and robotics
Languages and environments for AI
Machine learning
Alternative representations: neural nets and genetic algorithms
Areas of Artificial Intelligence
Areas of Artificial
Expert systems
Neural networks
Natural language
CS 362_ Intelligent Systems
(i) Game playing
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Game playing involves programming computers to play games
such as chess and checkers .
 Most games are played using a well-defined set of rules: this
makes it easy to generate the search space and frees the
researcher from many of the ambiguities and complexities
inherent in less structured problems.
As games are easily played, testing a game-playing program
presents no financial or ethical burden.
CS 362_ Intelligent Systems
(ii): Automated reasoning & theorem proving
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Automated theorem-proving research was responsible for
much of the early work in formalizing search algorithms and
developing formal representation languages such as the
predicate calculus and the logic programming language Prolog.
CS 362_ Intelligent Systems
(iii): Expert Systems
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Expert systems involves programming computers to make
decisions in real-life situations (for example, some expert systems
help doctors diagnose diseases based on symptoms) .
Expert systems are constructed by obtaining this knowledge from
a domain expert (a person who has deep knowledge (of both facts
and rules) and strong practical experience in a particular domain)
and coding it into a form that a computer may apply to similar
Expert knowledge is a combination of a theoretical understanding
of the problem and a collection of heuristic problem-solving rules
that experience has shown to be effective in the domain.
CS 362_ Intelligent Systems
(iv): Natural Language Understanding
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Natural language understanding involves programming
computers to understand natural human languages like Arabic.
 Understanding
natural language involves much more than
parsing sentences into their individual parts of speech and
looking those words up in a dictionary.
 Real
understanding depends on extensive background
knowledge about the domain of discourse and the idioms used
in that domain as well as an ability to apply general contextual
knowledge to resolve the omissions and ambiguities that are a
normal part of human speech.
CS 362_ Intelligent Systems
(v): Modeling Human Performance
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Many AI programs are engineered to solve some useful problems
without regard for their similarities to human mental architecture.
In fact, programs that take nonhuman approaches to solving
problems (e.g. chess) are often more successful than their human
counterparts. Still, the design of systems that explicitly model
aspects of human performance is a fertile area of research in both
AI and psychology.
Human performance modeling, in addition to providing AI with
much of its basic methodology, has proved to be a powerful tool
for formulating and testing theories of human cognition.
CS 362_ Intelligent Systems
(vi): Planning and Robotics
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Planning is the ability to decide on a good sequence of actions to
achieve our goals.
Research in planning began as an effort to design robots that could
perform their tasks with some degree of flexibility and
responsiveness to the outside world.
Briefly, planning assumes a robot that is capable of performing
certain atomic actions. It attempts to find a sequence of those
actions that will accomplish some higher-level task, such as moving
across an obstacle-filled room.
Planning is a difficult problem for a number of reasons, not the least
of which is the size of the space of possible sequences of moves. Even
an extremely simple robot is capable of generating a vast number of
potential move sequences.
CS 362_ Intelligent Systems
(vii): Languages and Environments of AI
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Some of the most important by-products of artificial intelligence
research have been advances in programming languages and
software development environments.
techniques such as object-oriented programming.
High-level languages, such as Lisp and Prolog, help manage program
size and complexity.
Trace packages allow a programmer to reconstruct the execution of a
complex algorithm and make it possible to unravel the complexities
of heuristic search.
Without such tools and techniques, it is doubtful that many
significant AI systems could have been built.
CS 362_ Intelligent Systems
(viii): Machine Learning
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 Learning is one of the most important components of
intelligent behavior.
 An expert system may perform extensive and costly
computations to solve a problem. However, unlike a human
being, if it is given the same or a similar problem a second time,
it usually does not remember the solution. It performs the
same sequence of computations again.
CS 362_ Intelligent Systems
(ix): Neural Nets and Genetic Algorithms
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 Computer system that can act like or simulate the functioning
of the human brain
 Most of the techniques in AI (and in this course) use knowledge
and search algorithms to implement intelligence.
 An alternative approach seeks to build intelligent programs
using models that parallel the structure of neurons in the
human brain or the evolving patterns found in genetic
algorithms and artificial life.
CS 362_ Intelligent Systems
Major Branches of AI
Slide 26
Perceptive system:
A system that approximates the way a human sees, hears, and feels objects
 Vision system:
Captures, stores, and manipulates visual images and pictures
 Robotics:
Mechanical and computer devices that perform tedious tasks with high precision
 Expert system:
Stores knowledge and makes inferences
 Learning system:
Computer changes how it functions or reacts to situations based on feedback
 Natural language processing:
Computers understand and react to statements and commands made in a “natural” languages, such
as English
 Neural network:
Computer system that can act like or simulate the functioning of the human brain
CS 362_ Intelligent Systems
Artificial intelligence = Software that acts intelligently
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AI centers on methods using Booleans, conditionals, and logical reasoning, with
numbers used as needed.
AI software need not work like people do, but people can provide clues as to
methods. For instance, aircraft don't fly by imitating birds.
AI means deep (not superficial) understanding of how to do something (e.g. language
understanding versus table lookup). Example: Query "picture of west wing of white
house" for Google.
AI will become increasingly common in the future, as computers do increasingly
complex tasks.
Many developments in AI have been "exported" to other areas of computer science
(e.g. object-oriented programming and data mining).
AI programs that are too slow today may get used eventually as computers increase
in speed (e.g. speech understanding).
CS 362_ Intelligent Systems
What is AI good for?
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 AI is not precisely defined, but generally it’s for:
Problems needing "common sense", like recognizing building
types in aerial photos
Problems requiring many different kinds of knowledge, like
automatic translation of English text
Problems only a few experts can solve, like treating rare diseases
Hard problems without any good known algorithms, like playing
CS 362_ Intelligent Systems
Some history of AI
Slide 29
1950s: The first programs
 First speculation about AI (Turing test)
 Dartmouth Conference: organized by John McCarthy and colleagues for
starting a new area in studying computation and intelligence.
 John McCarthy introduced the term “artificial intelligence” in the
 Game-playing
 Heuristic search methods
1960s: Major progress
 Lisp programming language by McCarthy
 Development of symbolic reasoning methods using logical constraints
 The first natural language and vision programs
CS 362_ Intelligent Systems
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1970s: Many successes
 Appearance of expert systems
 Prolog programming language and various other AI software
 Symbolic learning is popular
1980s: Faddishness
 Suddenly AI is faddish and gets much media coverage
 Lots of AI startup companies, most fail
 Lots of standalone AI applications, lots of expert systems
 Neural networks become popular
CS 362_ Intelligent Systems
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1990s: Maturity of AI
 AI no longer a fad, but used more than ever (e.g. the Web)
 AI is embedded in larger systems (like on the Web and in
 Genetic algorithms and artificial life are popular
 Statistical language processing is popular, including speech
2000s: AI is back in fashion
 Data mining is popular
 Simulations and games using AI are popular
CS 362_ Intelligent Systems
Artificial intelligence today
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Programs that use artificial-intelligence techniques are usually just
pieces of a larger system (like Java classes).
"Artificial-intelligence techniques" emphasize conditional statements
and logical constructs (like "and", "or", and "not").
Artificial-intelligence code often contains many small pieces, to provide
flexible reasoning.
Journals with current AI trends: IEEE Intelligent Systems and AI
Magazine. More technical are IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data
Engineering and Artificial Intelligence.
CS 362_ Intelligent Systems
Options for implementing AI
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 Use an AI programming language
 Use an AI software package
 Do AI directly in your favorite programming language
CS 362_ Intelligent Systems
Options for implementing AI:
(i) Use an AI programming language
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 Prolog and Lisp are two programming languages; both have
Both emphasize programming in small pieces.
Both use emphasize linked lists and recursion.
Lisp uses functions, Prolog predicate calculus.
Prolog has automatic backtracking and flexible variable binding.
CS 362_ Intelligent Systems
Options for implementing AI:
(ii) Use an AI software package
Slide 35
Many software packages are available:
CLIPS is a popular standalone system
JESS is a popular Java package.
Packages have better support facilities (e.g. graphics) than
 Languages have standards, shells don't.
 Packages may be too rigid for your application.
 Some packages don't support variables (e.g. neural nets).
CS 362_ Intelligent Systems
Options for implementing AI:
(iii) Do AI directly in your favorite programming language
Slide 36
 This is the most popular way today.
 Libraries and predefined classes for AI methods are available.
 It's more work to do it yourself, but many AI ideas aren't hard
to implement.
 Programming in Weka, Webots, Unity 3D, etc. seem to be
popular for simulation and rapid development.
CS 362_ Intelligent Systems
Key difficulties in doing AI
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Successes get exported, and people forget the ideas came from
 Thorough testing is necessary to show an AI system works.
Don't trust quick demos.
 Methods that cannot be tested easily (e.g. genetic algorithms
and fuzzy sets) tend to be overvalued because people can’t see
when they're wrong. Methods that can show obvious errors
(e.g. logical inferences) tend to be undervalued.
CS 362_ Intelligent Systems
CS 362: Intelligent Systems
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CS 362_ Intelligent Systems
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 Knowledge
is a theoretical or practical understanding of a
subject or a domain. Knowledge is also the sum of what is
currently known, and apparently knowledge is power. Those
who possess knowledge are called experts.
 Knowledge
representation is a science of translating actual
knowledge into a format that can be used by the computer.
CS 362_ Intelligent Systems
Slide 3
 The
propositional calculus and the predicate calculus are
representation languages for artificial intelligence.
 Using their words, phrases, and
sentences, we can represent
and reason about properties and relationships in the world.
 The first step in describing a language is to introduce the pieces
that make it up: its set of symbols.
CS 362_ Intelligent Systems
Syntax vs. Semantic
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 Syntax: is the study of the principles and rules for constructing
phrases and sentences in natural languages
 The
syntax of the logic system defined by a set of rules for
producing legal sentences.
 Semantics: is the study of meaning of legal sentences.
CS 362_ Intelligent Systems
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 The symbols of propositional calculus are:
 The propositional symbols (that denote propositions): P, Q, R, S, …
 The truth symbols: True and False
 The connectives:
 ∧ : the conjunction (and)
 ∨ : the disjunction (or)
 ¬ : the negation
 → : the implication (conditional statement)
 ≡ : the equivalence
CS 362_ Intelligent Systems
Propositional Calculus sentences (i)
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Sentences in the propositional calculus are formed from these atomic symbols according to the
following rules:
Every propositional symbol and truth symbol is a sentence.
For example: true, P, Q, and R are sentences.
The negation of a sentence is a sentence:
For example: ¬ P and ¬ false are sentences.
The conjunction (and) of two sentences is a sentence.
For example: P ∧ Q is a sentence (P and Q are called the conjuncts).
The disjunction (or) of two sentences is a sentence.
For example: P ∨ Q is a sentence (P and Q are referred to as disjuncts).
The implication of one sentence from another is a sentence.
For example: P → Q is a sentence (P is called the premise or antecedent and Q is called the conclusion
or consequent.)
The equivalence of two sentences is a sentence.
For example: P ∨ Q ≡ R is a sentence.
CS 362_ Intelligent Systems
Propositional Calculus sentences (ii)
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 Legal sentences are also called well-formed formulas or WFFs.
 In the sentences of propositional calculus, the symbols ( ) and [ ]
are used to group symbols into sub expressions and so to control
their order of evaluation and meaning.
For example, (P ∨ Q) ≡ R is quite different from P ∨ (Q ≡R)
 An expression is considered a sentence (or well-formed formula)
if and only if it can be formed of legal symbols through some
sequence of the above rules.
CS 362_ Intelligent Systems
Slide 8
Is the following expression a well-formed sentence in the propositional calculus?
((P ∧ Q) → R) ≡ ¬ P ∨ ¬Q ∨ R
Yes, it is a well-formed sentence in the propositional calculus because it has been
constructed (through a series of applications of legal rules and is therefore “well
formed) as follows:
 P, Q, and R are propositions and thus sentences.
 P ∧ Q, the conjunction of two sentences, is a sentence.
 (P ∧ Q) → R, the implication of a sentence for another, is a sentence.
 ¬ P and ¬ Q, the negations of sentences, are sentences.
 ¬ P ∨ ¬ Q, the disjunction of two sentences, is a sentence.
 ¬ P ∨ ¬ Q ∨ R, the disjunction of three sentences, is a sentence.
 ((P ∧ Q) → R) ≡ ¬ P ∨ ¬ Q ∨ R, the equivalence of two sentences, is a sentence.
CS 362_ Intelligent Systems
The Semantics of the Propositional Calculus
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 Interpretation is the truth value assignment to propositional sentences.
 Formally, an interpretation is a mapping from the propositional symbols into
the set {T, F}.
 Because AI programs must reason with their representational structures, it is
important to demonstrate that the truth of their conclusions depends only
on the truth of their initial knowledge or premises.
 As mentioned earlier, the symbols true and false are part of the set of wellformed sentences of the propositional calculus; i.e., they are distinct from
the truth value assigned to a sentence.
 To enforce
this distinction, the symbols T and F are used for truth value
CS 362_ Intelligent Systems
The interpretation for sentences in the Propositional
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 The truth assignment of negation (¬ P), where P is any propositional symbol,
is F if the assignment to P is T, and T if the assignment to P is F.
 The truth assignment of conjunction (∧) is T only when both conjuncts have
truth value T; otherwise it is F.
 The truth assignment of disjunction (∨) is F only when both disjuncts have
truth value F; otherwise it is T.
 The truth assignment of implication (→) is F only when the premise (symbol
before the implication) is T and the truth value of the consequent (symbol
after the implication) is F; otherwise it is T.
 The truth assignment of equivalence (≡) is T only when both expressions have
the same truth assignment for all possible interpretations; otherwise it is F.
CS 362_ Intelligent Systems
Propositional Calculus Laws
Slide 11
P, Q, and R are propositional expressions
The double negation law
¬(¬P) ≡ P
The definition of implication
(P → Q) ≡ (¬P ∨ Q)
The contrapositive law
(P → Q) ≡ (¬Q → ¬P)
De Morgan’s laws
¬(P ∨ Q) ≡ (¬P ∧ ¬Q)
¬(P ∧ Q) ≡ (¬P ∨¬ Q)
The commutative laws
(P ∧ Q) ≡ (Q ∧ P)
(P ∨ Q) ≡ (Q ∨ P)
The associative laws
((P ∧ Q) ∧ R) ≡ (P ∧ (Q ∧ R))
((P ∨ Q) ∨ R) ≡ (P ∨ (Q ∨ R))
The distributive laws
P ∨ (Q ∧ R) ≡ (P ∨ Q) ∧ (P ∨ R)
P ∧ (Q ∨ R) ≡ (P ∧ Q) ∨ (P ∧ R)
CS 362_ Intelligent Systems
Truth Tables
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 Two expressions in the propositional calculus are equivalent if
they have the same value under all truth value assignments.
 This equivalence may be demonstrated using truth tables.
CS 362_ Intelligent Systems
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 Using a truth table, show that the expressions
(P → Q) and (¬P ∨ Q) are equivalent (P → Q ≡ ¬P ∨ Q)
CS 362_ Intelligent Systems
The Predicate Calculus: introduction (i)
Slide 14
 In propositional calculus, each atomic symbol (P, Q, etc.) denotes a
single proposition. Therefore, there is no way to access the
components of an individual assertion. For instance, P is a proposition
such that
P: “it rained on Tuesday”
 On the contrary, predicate calculus provides this ability. For instance,
we can create a predicate weather that describes a relationship
between a day and the weather:
weather (Tuesday, rain)
 Through
inference rules we can manipulate predicate calculus
expressions, accessing their individual components and inferring new
CS 362_ Intelligent Systems
The Predicate Calculus: introduction (ii)
Slide 15
 Predicate calculus also allows expressions to contain variables.
 Variables let us create general assertions about classes of
entities. For example, we could state that:
for all values of X, where X is a day of the week,
the statement weather(X, rain) is true;
i.e., it rains every day.
CS 362_ Intelligent Systems
Predicate Calculus Symbols (i)
Slide 16
 The
alphabet that makes up the symbols of the predicate
calculus consists of:
 The
set of both upper and lowercase letters of the English
 The set of decimal digits (0, 1, 2, … , 9)
 The underscore ( _ )
 Symbols in the predicate calculus begin with a letter and are
followed by any sequence of the above legal characters.
CS 362_ Intelligent Systems
Slide 17
Is the following a legitimate character in the alphabet of predicate calculus symbols?
 No
CS 362_ Intelligent Systems
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Is the following a legitimate predicate calculus symbol?
 Fire3
 science!!!
 ahmd_and_salem
 3jack
 bill
 Cheating not allowed
 friends_of
 ab%cd
CS 362_ Intelligent Systems
Predicate Calculus Symbols (ii)
Slide 19
 Parentheses “( )”, commas “,”, and periods “.” are used solely to
construct well-formed expressions and do not denote objects or
relations in the world. These are called improper symbols.
 Predicate
calculus symbols may represent either variables,
constants, functions, or predicates.
CS 362_ Intelligent Systems
Predicate Calculus Symbols (iii)
Slide 20
 Predicate calculus symbols include:
 Truth symbols: true and false (these are reserved symbols).
 Constant symbols: symbol expressions having the first
Variable symbols: symbol expressions beginning with an uppercase
Function symbols:
symbol expressions having the first character
 Every function symbol has an associated arity, indicating the number
of elements in the domain mapped onto each element of the range.
 A function expression is a function symbol followed by its arguments.
i.e., it consists of a function constant of arity n, followed by n terms
(t1, t2 ,…, tn) enclosed in parentheses and separated by commas.
CS 362_ Intelligent Systems
Predicate Calculus Terms
Slide 21
predicate calculus term is either a constant, variable, or
function expression. It may be used to denote objects and
properties in a problem domain.
 Examples of terms are:
 cat
 times(2,3)
 Blue
 mother(sarah)
 kate
CS 362_ Intelligent Systems
Slide 22
 Symbols in predicate calculus may also represent predicates.
 Predicate symbols, like constants and function names, begin with a lowercase
 A predicate names a relationship between zero or more objects in the world.
 The number of objects so related is the arity of the predicate.
 Predicates with the same name but different arities are considered distinct.
 Examples of predicates are:
 likes
 equals
 on
 near
 part_of
CS 362_ Intelligent Systems
Atomic Sentences
Slide 23
 Atomic sentence
 Is the most primitive unit of the predicate calculus language.
 It is a predicate of arity n followed by n terms enclosed in parentheses and
separated by commas.
The truth values, true and false, are also atomic sentences
Atomic sentences are also called atomic expressions, atoms, or
 We may combine atomic sentences using logical operators to
form sentences in the predicate calculus. These are the same
(∧, ∨, ¬, →, and ≡)
CS 362_ Intelligent Systems
Examples of Atomic Sentences
Slide 24
 Examples of atomic sentences are:
 likes(george,kate)
 likes(george,susie)
 likes(X,george)
 likes(X,X)
 likes(george,sarah,tuesday)
 friends(bill,richard)
 friends(bill,george)
 friends(father_of(david),father_of(andrew))
 helps(bill,george)
 helps(richard,bill)
CS 362_ Intelligent Systems
Universal and Existential Quantifiers
Slide 25
 The universal quantifier,∀, indicates that the sentence is true for
all values of the variable.
 In the example, ∀X likes(X, ice_cream) is true for all values in the
domain of the definition of X.
 The existential quantifier,∃, indicates that the sentence is true
for at least one value in the domain.
 For example ∃ Y friends(Y, peter) is true if there is at least one
object, indicated by Y that is a friend of peter.
CS 362_ Intelligent Systems
Syntax of First Order Logic: Quantifiers
Slide 26
For the universal quantifier
⇒ is the main connective with
 E.g.:
∀X in(X,KSA) ⇒ Smart(X)
“everyone in the KSA is smart”
For the existential quantifier
∧ is the main connective with
 E.g.
∃X in(X,KSA) ∧ Smart(X)
means “there is at least one in
the KSA who is smart”
CS 362_ Intelligent Systems
Slide 27
Every atomic sentence is a sentence.
 If s is a sentence, then so is its negation, ¬ s.
 If s1 and s2 are sentences, then so is their conjunction, s1 ∧ s2.
 If s1 and s2 are sentences, then so is their disjunction, s1 ∨ s2.
 If s1 and s2 are sentences, then so is their implication, s1 → s2.
 If s1 and s2 are sentences, then so is their equivalence, s1 ≡ s2.
 If X is a variable and s a sentence, then ∀ X s is a sentence.
 If X is a variable and s a sentence, then ∃ X s is a sentence.
CS 362_ Intelligent Systems
Examples of well-formed sentences
Slide 28
 Let times and plus be function symbols of arity 2 and let equal and foo be
predicate symbols with arity 2 and 3, respectively.
 plus(two,three) is a function and thus not an atomic sentence.
 equal(plus(two,three), five) is an atomic sentence.
 equal(plus(2, 3), seven) is an atomic sentence.
 Note that this sentence, given the standard interpretation of plus and
equal, is false. Well-formedness and truth value are independent issues.
 ∃X foo(X,two,plus(two,three))∧equal(plus(two,three),five) is a sentence since
both conjuncts are sentences.
 (foo(two,two,plus(two,three)))→(equal(plus(three,two),five)≡true)
sentence because all its components are sentences, appropriately connected
by logical operators.
CS 362_ Intelligent Systems
Family Relationships
Slide 29
 An Example of the use of predicate calculus to describe a simple
world. The domain of discourse is a set of family relationships in
a biblical genealogy:
 mother(eve, abel)
 mother(eve , cain)
 father(adam , abel)
 father(adam , cain)
 ∀ X ∀ Y father(X, Y) ∨ mother(X, Y) → parent(X, Y)
 ∀ X ∀ Y ∀ Z parent(X, Y) ∧ parent(X, Z) → sibling (Y, Z)
CS 362_ Intelligent Systems
A Semantics for the Predicate Calculus
Slide 30
 Given an interpretation, the meaning of an expression is a truth
value assignment over the interpretation.
 The value of an atomic sentence is either T or F as determined
by the interpretation I
CS 362_ Intelligent Systems
Slide 31
 First-order
predicate calculus allows quantified variables to
refer to objects in the domain of discourse and not to predicates
or functions.
 For example,
∀(Likes) Likes(george,kate)
is not a well-formed expression in the first-order predicate
 There are higher-order predicate calculi where such expressions
are meaningful.
CS 362_ Intelligent Systems
Slide 32
Examples of English sentences represented in predicate calculus are:
If it doesn’t rain on Monday, Tom will go to the mountains.
¬ weather(rain, monday)→go(tom, mountains)
Emma is a Doberman pinscher and a good dog.
gooddog(emma) ∧ isa(emma, doberman)
All basketball players are tall.
∀ X (basketball_player(X)→tall(X))
Some people like anchovies.
∃ X (person(X) ∧ likes(X, anchovies))
If wishes were horses, beggars would ride.
equal(wishes, horses)→ride(beggars)
Nobody likes taxes.
¬ ∃ X likes(X, taxes)
CS 362_ Intelligent Systems
Example (i)
Slide 33
 Everybody likes some food.
X F food(F)  likes (X,F)
 There is a food that everyone likes.
F X food(F)  likes (X,F)
 Whoever eats some spicy dish, they’re happy.
X F food(F)  spicy(F)  eats (X,F)  happy(X)
 John’s meals are spicy.
X meal-of(John,X)  spicy(X)
CS 362_ Intelligent Systems
Example (ii)
Slide 34
 From the following axioms and facts, can you deduce who is the
prize winner and if he is happy or not?
∀x Won_Prize(x) ⇒Happy(x)
∀y Play_Game(y) ^ Lucky(y) ⇒ Won_Prize(y)
CS 362_ Intelligent Systems
Example (iii)
Slide 35
Consider the following axioms:
1. All hounds howl at night.
2. Anyone who has any cats will not have any mice.
3. Light sleepers do not have anything which howls at night.
4. Ali has either a cat or a hound.
Using FOL translate each of the above axioms into a well formed
formula (WFF).
Given the fact that Ali is a light sleeper, Does Ali have mice?
CS 362_ Intelligent Systems
Fundamental concepts of logical
representation: the inference rules
Slide 36
 The semantics of the predicate calculus provides a basis for a
formal theory of logical inference.
 The ability to infer new correct expressions from a set of true
assertions is an important feature of the predicate calculus.
 These new expressions are correct in that they are consistent
with all previous interpretations of the original set of
CS 362_ Intelligent Systems
Fundamental concepts of logical
representation: the proof procedure
Slide 37
 Proof procedure is a combination of an inference rule and an
algorithm for applying that rule to a set of logical expressions to
generate new sentences.
CS 362_ Intelligent Systems
Rules of inference
Slide 38
Modus ponens
Modus tollens
Universal instantiation
∀ X p(X)
 p(a), where a is from the domain of x
CS 362_ Intelligent Systems
Slide 39
Unification is an algorithm for determining the substitutions needed to make two
predicate calculus expressions match.
Unification specifies conditions under which two (or more) predicate calculus
expressions may be said to be equivalent.
Because p(X) and p(Y) are equivalent, Y may be substituted for X to make the
sentences match.
Unification and inference rules such as modus ponens allow us to make inferences on
a set of logical assertions.
Unification is complicated by the fact that a variable may be replaced by any term,
including other variables and function expressions of arbitrary complexity. These
expressions may themselves contain variables.
CS 362_ Intelligent Systems
Slide 40
Unify p(a,X) and p(a,b)
answer: b/X
Unify p(a,X) and p(Y,b)
answer: a/Y, b/X
Unify p(a,X) and p(Y, f(Y))
answer: a/Y, f(a)/X
Unify p(a,X) and p(X,b)
Unify p(a,X) and p(Y,b)
answer: a/Y, b/X
Unify p(a,b) and p(X,X)
Unify p(X, f(Y), b) and P(X, f(b), b)
answer: b/Y
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CS 362_ Intelligent Systems
CS 362: Intelligent Systems
Slide 1
CS 362_ Intelligent Systems
Search and AI
Slide 2
 Search is an important aspect of AI.
 Search can be defined as a problem-solving
technique that
enumerates a problem space from an initial position in search of a
goal position (or solution).
 Search
algorithm or strategy is the manner in which the problem
space is searched.
 Intelligent
agents are supposed to maximize their performance
Achieving this is sometimes simplified if the agent can adopt a goal and aim at
satisfying it.
CS 362_ Intelligent Systems
Search and AI
Slide 3
 The process of looking for a sequence of actions that reaches the goal
is called search
 A search algorithm takes a problem as input and returns a solution in
the form of an action sequence.
 Once a solution is found, the actions it recommends can be carried
 A solution to a problem is an action sequence that leads from the
initial state to a goal state.
Solution quality is measured by the path cost function,
An optimal solution has the lowest path cost among all solutions.
CS 362_ Intelligent Systems
Search and AI
Slide 4
Why Search?
 To achieve goals or to maximize our utility:
 We need to predict what the result of our actions in the future will be.
 There are many sequences of actions, each with their own
 We want to find, or search for, the best one.
CS 362_ Intelligent Systems
Slide 5
 A problem can be defined formally by five components:
 Initial state: that the agent starts in.
 Actions: a description of the possible actions available to the agent.
 Transition model: a description of what each action does
 Goal test: determines whether a given state is a goal state.
 Path cost: function that assigns a numeric cost to each path.
CS 362_ Intelligent Systems
Slide 6
What is the meaning of search space?
 Search
space is the possible states in environment of the
problem that can be searched to find solution.
 The
solution of any problem can be thought as sequence of
actions that we can take, and the new state of the environment
as we perform those actions
 The problem of search is to find a sequence of operators that
transition from the start to goal state.
 That sequence of operators is the solution.
CS 362_ Intelligent Systems
Slide 7
 In search space:
 Some paths lead to dead-ends
 Others lead to solutions.
 There may be multiple solutions, some better than others.
 How we avoid dead-ends and then select the best solution available is
a product of our particular search strategy.
 The theory of state space search is our primary tool for finding the
solution by:
 Representing the problem as a state space graph
 Using graph theory to analyze the structure and complexity of both the
problem and the search procedures that we employ to solve it.
CS 362_ Intelligent Systems
Graph terminology (i)
Slide 8
The graph consists of:
 A set of nodes N1, N2, N3, ..., Nn, ..., which need not be finite.
 A set of arcs that connect pairs of nodes.
Arcs are ordered pairs of nodes; i.e., the arc (N3, N4) connects node N3 to node N4. This
indicates a direct connection from node N3 to N4 but not from N4 to N3, unless (N4, N3) is also
an arc, and then the arc joining N3 and N4 is undirected.
A labeled graph has one or more descriptors (labels) attached to each node that distinguish that
node from any other node in the graph.
A graph is directed if arcs have an associated directionality.
The arcs in a directed graph are usually drawn as arrows or have an arrow attached to indicate
 (E.g.: in the shown graph arc (a, b) may only be crossed from node a to node b, but arc (b, c)
is crossable in either direction.)
CS 362_ Intelligent Systems
Graph terminology (ii)
Slide 9
If a directed arc connects Nj and Nk, then:
 Nj is called the parent of Nk and Nk, the child of Nj.
 If the graph also contains an arc (Nj, Nl), then Nk and Nl are called siblings.
A rooted graph has a unique node NS from which all paths in the graph
originate. That is, the root has no parent in the graph.
A tip or leaf node is a node that has no children.
An ordered sequence of nodes [N1, N2, N3, ..., Nn], where each pair Ni, Ni+1
in the sequence represents an arc, i.e., (Ni, Ni+1), is called a path of length
n - 1.
 On a path in a rooted graph, a node is said to be an ancestor of all nodes
positioned after it (to its right) as well as a descendant of all nodes before
 A path that contains any node more than once (some Nj in the definition
of path above is repeated) is said to contain a cycle or loop.
CS 362_ Intelligent Systems
Graph terminology (iii)
Slide 10
 A tree is a graph in which there is a unique path between every pair of nodes.
 The paths in a tree, therefore, contain no cycles.
 The arcs in a rooted tree are directed away from the root.
 Each node in a rooted tree has a unique parent.
 Two nodes are said to be connected if a path exists that includes them
CS 362_ Intelligent Systems
Slide 11
In the shown tree find:
The root
 The parent of c is
 The children of g are:
h, i, and j
 The siblings of h are:
i and j
 The ancestors of e are:
c, b, and a.
 The descendants of b are:
c, d, and e.
 The tips (leaves) are:
d, e, f , i, k, l, and m.
CS 362_ Intelligent Systems
Use of graph theory in state space search
Slide 12
 In the state space model of problem solving:
 The nodes of a graph are taken to represent discrete states in a
problem-solving process.
The arcs of the graph represent transitions between states.
 Graph theory is our best tool for reasoning about the structure
of objects and relations.
 The Swiss mathematician Leonhard Euler invented graph theory
to solve the “bridges of Königsberg problem.”
CS 362_ Intelligent Systems
The Problem of Königsberg Bridges (i)
Slide 13
 The city of Königsberg occupied both banks and two islands of a river.
The islands and the riverbanks were connected by seven bridges.
 The bridges of Königsberg problem asks if there is a walk around the
city that crosses each bridge exactly once.
CS 362_ Intelligent Systems
The Problem of Königsberg Bridges (ii)
Slide 14
 The residents had failed to find such a walk and doubted that it was possible,
no one had proved its impossibility.
Devising a form of graph theory, Euler created an alternative representation
for the map.
The riverbanks are (rb1and rb2) ,
islands are (i1and i2) and
the bridges are (b1, b2,…., b7).
CS 362_ Intelligent Systems
The Problem of Königsberg Bridges (iii)
Slide 15
 The riverbanks (rb1and rb2) and islands (i1and i2) are described by
the nodes of a graph ; the bridges are represented by labeled arcs
between nodes (b1, b2,… , b7).
 The
graph representation preserves the essential structure of the
bridge system, while ignoring extraneous features such as bridge
lengths, distances, and order of bridges in the walk.
CS 362_ Intelligent Systems
The Problem of Königsberg Bridges (iv)
Slide 16
 We may represent the Königsberg bridge system using predicate calculus. The
connect predicate corresponds to an arc of the graph, asserting that two land
masses are connected by a particular bridge.
Each bridge requires two connect predicates, one for each direction in which the
bridge may be crossed.
A predicate expression, connect(X, Y, Z) = connect (Y, X, Z), indicating that any
bridge can be crossed in either direction, would allow removal of half the
following connect facts:
CS 362_ Intelligent Systems
The Problem of Königsberg Bridges (v)
Slide 17
 Euler focused on the degree of the nodes of the graph
 With the exception of its beginning and ending nodes, the desired walk
would have to leave each node exactly as often as it entered it.
Nodes of odd degree could be used only as the beginning or ending of the
walk, because such nodes could be crossed only a certain number of times
before they proved to be a dead end. The traveler could not exit the node
without using a previously traveled arc.
Euler noted that unless a graph contained either exactly zero or two nodes
of odd degree, the walk was impossible.
If there were two odd-degree nodes, the walk could start at the first and
end at the second.
If there were no nodes of odd degree, the walk could begin and end at the
same node.
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CS 362_ Intelligent Systems
The Finite State Machine (FSM)
Slide 18
 A finite state machine (FSM) is a finite, directed, connected graph,
having a:
 Finite set of states (S)
 Finite set of input values (I), and
 State transition function(F) that describes the effect that
the elements of
the input stream have on the states of the graph.
Thus ∀ i ∈ I, Fi : (S → S). If the machine is in state sj and input i occurs, the next state
of the machine will be Fi (sj).
 The stream of input values produces a path within the graph of the
states of this finite machine.
 The primary use for such a machine is to recognize components of a
formal language. These components are often strings of characters
(“words” made from characters of an “alphabet”).
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CS 362_ Intelligent Systems
FSM Representation
Slide 19
 FSM may be represented in two equivalent ways using:
 A transition matrix, where:
 input values are listed along the top row
 the states are in the leftmost column
 the output (next state) for an input
applied to a state is at the
intersection point.
 A finite graph
 that has directed arcs, labeled with the input values.
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Slide 20
For a finite state machine that has S = {s0, s1}, I = {0,1}, f0(s0) = s0,
f0(s1) = (s1), f1(s0) = s1, and f1(s1) = s0, draw:
1. The finite state graph
2. The transition matrix
Taibah University_CS Dept.
CS 362_ Intelligent Systems
The Finite State Acceptor (MOORE Machine)
Slide 21
 The finite state acceptor is a finite state machine (S, I, F), where:
 ∃ s0 ∈ S: the starting state such that the input stream starts at s0
 We
use the convention of placing an arrow from no state that
terminates in the starting state of the Moore machine
 ∃ sn ∈ S: called the accepting state.
 The input stream is accepted if it terminates in that state.
 In fact, there may be a set of accept states.
 The accepting state (or states) is represented using a doubled circle
 The finite state acceptor is represented as (S, s0, {sn}, I, F)
Taibah University_CS Dept.
CS 362_ Intelligent Systems
Example of the Finite State Acceptor
(MOORE Machine): string recognition
Slide 22
 With two assumptions, this machine could be seen as a recognizer of all
strings of characters from the alphabet {a, b, c, d} that contain the exact
sequence “a b c”
 The two assumptions are:
 State s0 has a special role as the starting state
 State s3 is the accepting state.
 Thus, the input stream will present its first element to state s0.
 If the stream later terminates with the machine in state s3,
it will have
recognized that there is the sequence “a b c” within that input stream.
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CS 362_ Intelligent Systems
Slide 23
 For
the shown FSM which of these
inputs are valid (will be accepted by the
shown FSM):
 aaacdb
 ababacdaaac
 abcdb
(ERROR; there is no input that accepts
b then c)
 acda
(ERROR S1 is not a accepting state)
 acdbdb
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CS 362_ Intelligent Systems
State Space Representation of Problems (i)
Slide 24
 As mentioned earlier, the theory of state space search is our primary
tool for finding the solution by representing the problem as a state
space graph in which:
 The nodes of a graph correspond to partial problem solution states
 The arcs correspond to steps in a problem-solving (solution) process.
 One or more start states (corresponding to the given information in a
problem instance) form the root of the graph.
The goal state(s) of the problem. These states are described using either:
A measurable property of the states encountered in the search.
A measurable property of the path developed in the search, for example, the
sum of the transition costs for the arcs of the path.
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CS 362_ Intelligent Systems
State Space Representation of Problems (ii)
Slide 25
 Paths through the space represent solutions in various stages of completion.
Paths are searched, beginning at the start state and continuing through the graph,
until either the goal description is satisfied or they are abandoned.
The actual generation of new states along the path is done by applying operators,
such as “legal moves” in a game or inference rules in a logic problem or expert
system, to existing states on a path.
A solution path is a path through the graph from a start nodes to goal nodes
A path cost function: assigns a numeric cost to each path = performance measure,
denoted by g, to distinguish the best path from others. Usually the path cost is the
sum of the step costs of the individual actions (in the action list).
Optimal solution : the solution with lowest path cost among all solutions.
 The task of a search algorithm
is to find a solution path through such a
problem space.
Search algorithms must keep track of the paths from a start to a goal node,
because these paths contain the series of operations that lead to the problem
CS 362_ Intelligent Systems
State Space Representation of Problems
Example (i): the 8-puzzle
Slide 26
 Eight tiles can be moved around in nine spaces.
Although physical puzzle moves are made by moving tiles, it’s simpler to think in
terms of “moving the blank space”. This simplifies the definition of move rules
because there are eight tiles but only a single blank.
 States: state description specifies the location of each of the eight tiles and
the blank in one of the nine squares.
 Starting state: any state can be designated as the starting state
 Goal
description of the state space is a particular state or board
When this state is found on a path, the search terminates.
The path from start to goal is the desired series of moves.
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State space of the 8-puzzle:
generated by “move blank” operations
Slide 27
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CS 362_ Intelligent Systems
State Space Representation of Problems
Example (ii): the travelling salesperson_1
Slide 28
 A salesperson has five cities to visit (cities A, B, C, D and E) and
then must return home.
 The goal of the problem is to find the shortest path for the
salesperson to travel, visiting each city (starting from city A,
where he lives), and then returning to the starting city (city A).
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CS 362_ Intelligent Systems
State Space Representation of Problems
Example (ii): the travelling salesperson_2
Slide 29
 The nodes of the graph represent cities
 Each arc is labeled with a weight indicating the cost of traveling that
arc. This cost might be a representation of the miles necessary in
car travel or cost of an air flight between the two cities.
The goal description requires a complete circuit with minimum cost
(the goal description here is a property of the entire path, rather
than of a single state)
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CS 362_ Intelligent Systems
State Space Representation of Problems
Example (ii): the travelling salesperson_3
Slide 30
 The
figure shows one
way in which possible
solution paths may be
 Beginning with node A,
possible next states are
added until all cities
are included and the
path returns home.
 The goal is the lowestcost path.
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CS 362_ Intelligent Systems
State Space Representation of Problems
Example (ii): the travelling salesperson_4
Slide 31
 An
instance of the travelling salesperson problem with the nearest
neighbor path in bold is shown in the graph below.
This path (A, E, D, B, C, A), at a cost of 550, is not the shortest path.
The comparatively high cost of arc (C, A) defeated the heuristic.
 However, this method is highly efficient, as there is only one path to be
tried. The nearest neighbor heuristic is fallible, as graphs exist for which it
does not find the shortest path, but it is a possible compromise when the
time required makes exhaustive search impractical.
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CS 362_ Intelligent Systems
Strategies for Space State Search
Slide 32
 A state space may be searched in two directions:
 From the given data of a problem instance toward a goal using data
driven search “forward chaining”
 From a goal back to the data using goal driven search “backward
Taibah University_CS Dept.
CS 362_ Intelligent Systems
Data Driven search “Forward chaining” (i)
Slide 33
 In
data-driven search, sometimes called forward
chaining, the problem solver begins with the given
facts of the problem and a set of legal moves or rules
for changing state.
 Search proceeds by applying rules to facts to produce
new facts, which are in turn used by the rules to
generate more new facts. This process continues until
(hopefully !) it generates a path that satisfies the goal
 To summarize: data-driven reasoning takes the facts of
the problem and applies the rules or legal moves to
produce new facts that lead to a goal.
CS 362_ Intelligent Systems
Data Driven search “Forward chaining” (ii)
Slide 34
 The
figure shows the state space in which data-directed
search prunes irrelevant data and their consequents and
determines one of a number of possible goals.
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CS 362_ Intelligent Systems
When to use the data driven search
Slide 35
 Data-driven search is appropriate for problems in which:
 All or most of the data are given in the initial problem statement.
Interpretation problems often fit this mold by presenting a
collection of data and asking the system to provide a high-level
There are a large number of potential goals, but there are only a
few ways to use the facts and given information of a particular
problem instance.
It is difficult to form a goal or hypothesis.
CS 362_ Intelligent Systems
Goal Driven search “Backward chaining” (i)
Slide 36
 In goal driven search we:
 Take the goal to solve.
 See what rules or legal moves could be used to generate
this goal and determine what conditions must be true
to use them.
These conditions become the new goals, or subgoals,
for the search.
Search continues, working backward through successive
subgoals until (hopefully !) it works back to the facts of
the problem.
 To summarize: goal-driven reasoning focuses on the
goal, finds the rules that could produce the goal, and
chains backward through successive rules and
subgoals to the given facts of the problem.
CS 362_ Intelligent Systems
Goal Driven search “Backward chaining” (ii)
Slide 37
 State
space in which goal-directed search effectively prunes
extraneous search paths.
CS 362_ Intelligent Systems
When to use the goal driven search
Slide 38
 Goal-driven search is suggested if:
 A goal or hypothesis is given in the problem statement or can easily
be formulated.
There are a large number of rules that match the facts of the
problem and thus produce an increasing number of conclusions or
Problem data are not given but must be acquired by the problem
solver. In this case, goal-driven search can help guide data
 Goal-driven search thus uses knowledge of the desired goal to
guide the search through relevant rules and eliminate branches
of the space.
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Which one to choose?
Data or goal-driven search
Slide 39
 Both data-driven and goal-driven problem solvers search the same
state space graph; however, the order and actual number of states
searched can differ.
 The strategy is determined by the properties of the problem itself.
These include:
 The complexity of the rules
 The “shape” of the state space
 The nature and availability of the problem data.
 The decision to choose between data- and goal-driven search is based
on the structure of the problem to be solved.
 All of these vary for different problems.
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Strategies for Space State Search
Slide 40
 A strategy is defined by picking the order of node expansion.
 Strategies are evaluated along the following dimensions:
 Completeness: does it always find a solution if one exists?
 Optimality: does it always find a least-cost solution?
 Time complexity: how many steps does it take to solve a problem?
 Space complexity: how much memory does it take to solve a problem?
 Time and space complexities are measured in terms of:
 b: maximum
branching factor (the number of children for each node) of
the search tree.
d: depth of the least-cost solution.
m: maximum depth of the state space (may be infinite).
CS 362_ Intelligent Systems
Slide 41
There are four classes of search:
 Uninformed search √
 Informed search √
 Constraint
satisfaction: It is the process of finding a solution to a set
of constraints that impose conditions that the variables must satisfy.
 Adversarial search: Here we examine the problem which arises when we try
to plan ahead of the world and other agents are planning against us
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CS 362_ Intelligent Systems
Search Strategies (i)
Slide 42
 Uninformed search
No information about the number of steps
No information on the path cost from the current state to the goal
Search the state space blindly
 Informed search, or heuristic search
 A cleverer strategy that searches toward the goal, based on the
information from the current state so far
 Uninformed (blind) search strategies use only the information
available in the problem definition.
 Informed search techniques might have additional information
(e.g. a compass) in solving the problem.
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Search Strategies (ii)
Slide 43
 Uninformed search
 Easy
 Very inefficient in most cases
 Have huge search tree
 Informed search
 Uses problem-specific information
 Reduces the search tree into a small one
 Resolves time and memory complexities
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CS 362_ Intelligent Systems
Implementing Graph Search
Slide 44
 In solving a problem using either goal- or data-driven search, the
problem solver must find a path from a start state to a goal
through the state space graph.
 The sequence of arcs in this path corresponds to the ordered
steps of the solution
 Various blind strategies:
Breadth-first search √
Bidirectional search
Uniform-cost search
Depth-first search √
Depth-limited search
Iterative deepening search
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Slide 45
 Backtracking
is a technique for
systematically trying all paths through a
state space.
 We will present a simpler version of the
backtrack algorithm with depth-first
search (uninformed search)
 Backtracking search begins at the start
state and pursues a path until it reaches
either a goal or a “dead end.”
 If it finds a goal, it quits and returns the
solution path.
 If it reaches a dead end, it “backtracks”
to the most recent node on the path
having unexamined siblings and
continues down one of these branches
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Backtracking Algorithm (i)
Slide 46
backtracking algorithm can be defined using three lists to
keep track of nodes in the state space:
 State list (SL): it lists the states in the current path being tried. If a
goal is found, SL contains the ordered list of states on the solution
 New
state list (NSL): it contains nodes awaiting evaluation, i.e.,
nodes whose children have not yet been generated and searched.
 Dead ends list (DE): it lists states whose children have failed to
contain a goal. If these states are encountered again, they will be
detected as elements of DE and eliminated from consideration
CS 362_ Intelligent Systems
Backtracking Algorithm (ii)
Slide 47
 In backtrack, the state currently under consideration is called
current state (CS).
 CS
is always equal to the state most recently added to SL and
represents the “frontier” of the solution path currently being
The result is an ordered set of new states, the children of CS.
The first of these children is made the new current state and the
rest are placed in order on NSL for future examination.
 The new current state is added to SL and search continues.
 If CS has no children, it is removed from SL (this is where the
algorithm “backtracks”) and any remaining children of its
predecessor on SL are examined.
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Backtracking Algorithm (iii)
Slide 48
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Backtracking Algorithm (iii)
Slide 49
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Depth-First and Breadth-First Search
Slide 50
 In addition to specifying a search direction (data-driven or goaldriven), a search algorithm must determine the order in which
states are examined in the tree or the graph.
 We here considers two possibilities for the order in which the
nodes of the graph are considered:
 Depth-first search
 Breadth-first search.
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Breadth-First Search (BFS) (i)
Slide 51
 Breadth-first search, explores
the space in a level-by-level
 Only when there are no more
states to be explored at a
given level, the algorithm
moves onto the next deeper
 E.g.: a breadth-first search of
the shown graph considers
the states in the order A, B, C,
D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L, M, N, O,
P, Q, R, S, T, U.
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Breadth-First Search (ii)
Slide 52
 The root node is expanded first (FIFO)
 All the nodes generated by the root node are then expanded
 And then their successors and so on
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Implementing Breadth-First Search
Slide 53
 Breadth-first search is implemented using two lists to keep track of
progress through the state space.
 Open (like NSL in backtrack) lists states that have been generated but
whose children have not been examined. The order in which states are
removed from open determines the order of the search.
Closed records states already examined. Closed is the union of the DE and
SL lists of the backtrack algorithm.
 Child states are generated by inference rules, legal moves of a game,
or other state transition operators.
 Each iteration produces all children of the state X an adds them to
 Note that open is maintained as a queue, or first-in-first out (FIFO)
data structure.
 States are added to the right of the list and removed from the left.
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Breadth-First Search Algorithm
Slide 54
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A trace of Breadth-first search
Slide 55
Each successive number, 2,3,4, . . . ,
represents an iteration of the
“while” loop.
U is the goal state.
EXAMPLE (Breadth-First Search - BFS)
Initial state
Goal state
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Breadth-first search of the 8-puzzle
Slide 57
 Breadth-first
search of the 8-puzzle, showing order in which states were
removed from open
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Depth-First Search (DFS)
Slide 58
 In depth-first search, when a state
is examined, all of its children and
their descendants are examined
before any of its siblings.
 Depth-first search goes deeper
into the search space whenever
this is possible.
 Only when no further descendants
of a state can be found, its siblings
are considered.
 E.g.: depth-first search examines
the states in the shown graph in
the order A, B, E, K,S, L, T, F, M, C,
G, N, H, O, P, U, D, I, Q, J, R.
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Implementing Depth-First Search
Slide 59
 In
a depth-first search algorithm, the descendant states are
added and removed from the left end of open
 Open is maintained as a stack, or last-in first-out(LIFO) structure.
The organization of open as a stack directs search toward the
most recently generated states, producing a depth-first search
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Depth_first_search algorithm
Slide 60
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A trace of depth-first search
Slide 61
 Each successive iteration of the “while” loop is
indicated by a single line (2, 3, 4, . . .).
The initial states of open and closed are given
on line 1.
U is the goal state.
EXAMPLE (Depth-First Search - DFS)
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Depth-first search of the 8-puzzle
with a depth bound of 5
Slide 63
Blind Search Strategies (cont.)
if we guarantee that deeper solutions
are less optimal, e.g. step-cost=1
It may find a nonoptimal goal first
it always reaches goal (if b is finite)
b: branching factor
Fails in infinitedepth spaces
d: solution depth m: maximum depth
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CS 362: Intelligent Systems
Slide 1
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Slide 2
An Algorithm for Heuristic Search
Admissibility, Monotonicity, and Informedness
Using Heuristics I n Games
Complexity Issues
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Heuristic definition
Slide 3
George Polya (1945) defines heuristic as :
“the study of the methods and rules of discovery and invention”
 The verb eurisco, which means “I discover.”
 When Archimedes emerged from his famous bath clutching the
golden crown,
he shouted “Eureka!” meaning “I have found it!”.
 In state space search,
Heuristics are formalized as rules for choosing those branches in
a state space that are most likely to lead to an acceptable
problem solution.
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Heuristic and AI problem solving
Slide 4
AI problem solvers employ heuristics in two basic situations:
1) A problem may not have an exact
solution because of inherent
statement or available data.
• Medical diagnosis is an example of
this. A given set of symptoms may
have several possible causes; doctors
use heuristics to choose the most
likely diagnosis and formulate a plan
of treatment.
• Vision is example of an inexact
problem. Vision systems often use
heuristics to select the most likely of
several possible interpretations of as
2) A problem may have an exact solution,
but the computational cost of
finding it may be prohibitive
The problem has an exact solution but is
too complex to allow for a brute
force solution.
In many problems (such as chess),
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Heuristic and AI problem solving
Slide 5
Heuristic or informed search:
 Exploits additional knowledge about the problem that helps
direct search to more promising paths.
 problem-solving strategies which in many cases find a solution
faster than uninformed search. However , this is not guaranteed.
 Could require a lot more time and can even result in the solution
not being found.
 Fallible because they rely on limited information, they may lead
to a suboptimal solution or to a dead end.
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Heuristic and AI problem solving
Slide 6
Heuristic is:
 an AI search technique that employs heuristic for its moves.
 a rule of thumb that probably leads to a solution. Heuristics
play a major role in search strategies because of exponential
nature of the most problems.
 help to reduce the number of alternatives from an exponential
number to a polynomial number.
In Artificial Intelligence, heuristic search has a general meaning,
and a more specialized technical meaning. In a general sense, the
term heuristic is used for any advice that is often effective, but is
not guaranteed to work in every case. Within the heuristic search
architecture, however, the term heuristic usually refers to the
special case of a heuristic evaluation function.
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Informed or Heuristic search Strategies
Slide 7
Types of informed search strategies:
• Best-First Search
- Greedy search
- A* search
- Best-First Search Analysis
- Heuristic Functions
• Memory Bounded Search
- Iterative Deepening A* Search
- Recursive best-first search
- Simplified Memory Bounded A*
• Iterative Improvement Algorithms
- Hill-Climbing Search
- Simulated Annealing
- Tabu Search
- and many more.
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Heuristic Information
Slide 8
 In order to solve larger problems, domain-specific knowledge must be
added to improve search efficiency.
 Information about the problem include:
 the nature of states,
cost of transforming from one state to another,
and characteristics of the goals.
This information can often be expressed in the form of heuristic
evaluation function,
say f(n , g),
a function of the nodes n and/or the goals g.
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Example (1): The game of tic-tac-toe
Slide 9
 Even if we use symmetry to
reduce the search space of
redundant moves,
 The number of possible paths
through the search space is
something like 12 x 7! =
60480. That is a measure of the
amount of work that would
have to be done by a brute-force
Fig 4.1 First three levels of the tic-tactoe state space reduced by symmetry
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Heuristic Example (1)
Slide 10
Fig 4.2 The “most wins” heuristic
applied to the first children in tic-tactoe.
Fig 4.3 Heuristically reduced state space for
 In reality, the number of states is smaller, as the board fills and
reduces options. This crude bound of 25 states is an
improvement of four orders of magnitude over 9!.
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Example (2) The traveling salesman problem
Slide 11
The traveling salesman problem is too
complex to be solved via exhaustive search
for large values of N.
The nearest neighbor heuristic work well
most of the time, but with some
arrangements of cities it does not find the
shortest path. Consider the following two
In the first, nearest neighbor will find the
shortest path. In the second it does not:
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Hill Climbing
Slide 12
The simplest way to implement heuristic search is through a procedure called hill-climbing
(Pearl 1984).
Hill climbing (local search) is an iterative improvement algorithm that starts with an initial
state to a problem, then attempts to find the best node for the current node to follow. And
so on until goal node is found.
Hill-climbing strategies expand the current state of the search and evaluate its children.
The “best” child is selected for further expansion; neither its siblings nor its parent are
In hill climbing the basic idea is to always head towards a state which is better than the
current one.
So, if you are at town A and you can get to town B and town C (and your target is town D)
then you should make a move IF town B or C appear nearer to town D than town A does.
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Hill Climbing
Slide 13
Note that:
 Backtracking is not permitted.
 At each step in the search, a single node is chosen to follow.
 The criterion for the node to follow is that it’s the best state for the current
 Hill climbing do not care about path from initial state to goal
 In steepest ascent hill climbing you will always make your next state the best
successor of your current state, and will only make a move if that successor is
better than your current state. This can be described as follows:
Start with current-state = initial-state.
2. Until current-state = goal-state OR there is no change in current-state do:
Get the successors of the current state and use the evaluation function to assign a score to
each successor.
2. If one of the successors has a better score than the current-state then set the new currentstate to be the successor with the best score.
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Hill Climbing
Slide 14
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Hill Climbing
Slide 15
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Hill Climbing Example
Slide 16
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Hill Climbing
Slide 17
 Terminates when a peak is reached.
 Does not look ahead of the immediate neighbors of the current state.
 Chooses randomly among the set of best successors, if there is more than
Doesn’t backtrack, since it doesn’t remember where it’s been
The problem with hill climbing is that the best node to enumerate locally may
not be the best node globally.
 For this reason, hill climbing can lead to local optimums, but not
necessarily the global optimum (the best solution available).
Hill-climbing can get stuck without finding optimum
 Terminates when it reaches a peak (where no neighboring state has a
higher value)
 Does not look beyond immediate neighbors of current state
 Like climbing Everest in thick fog with amnesia
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Hill Climbing Example
Slide 18
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Slide 19
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The Best-First Search Algorithm (BEST-FS)
Slide 20
 Best First Search (or Greedy Best First Search ) is a combination of
depth first and breadth first searches.
Depth first is good because a solution can be found without computing all
nodes and
Breadth first is good because it does not get trapped in dead ends.
The best first search allows us to switch between paths thus gaining
the benefit of both approaches.
Best First Search described as follows:
At each step the most promising node is chosen.
If one of the nodes chosen generates nodes that are less promising it is
possible to choose another at the same level and in effect the search
changes from depth to breadth.
If on analysis these are no better then this previously unexpanded node
and branch is not forgotten and the search method reverts to the
descendants of the first choice and proceeds, backtracking as it were.
Greedy best-first search
Greedy Best-first search
Greedy Best-first search
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The Best-First Search Algorithm(BEST-FS)
Slide 24
Best First Search Algorithm:
1- Start with OPEN holding the initial
2- Pick the best node on OPEN
3- Generate its successors
4- For each successor Do
If it has not been generated before
evaluate it add it to OPEN and record its
If it has been generated before change the
parent if this new path is better and in
that case update the cost of getting to any
successor nodes
5- If a goal is found or no more nodes
left in OPEN, quit, else return to 2.
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The Best-First Search Algorithm(BEST-FS)
Slide 25
 The best first search algorithm will involve an OR graph which
avoids the problem of node duplication and assumes that each
node has a parent link to give the best node from which it came
and a link to all its successors.
 In this way if a better node is found this path can be propagated
down to the successors. This method of using an OR graph
requires 2 lists of nodes :
OPEN is a priority queue of nodes that have been evaluated by the
heuristic function but which have not yet been expanded into
successors. The most promising nodes are at the front.
CLOSED are nodes that have already been generated and these
nodes must be stored because a graph is being used in preference
to a tree.
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BEST-FS – Example 1
Slide 26
If the root is A and the goal is
A trace of the execution of best_first_search
for Figure 4.10
1.open = [A5]; closed = [ ]
2.evaluate A5; open = [B4,C4,D6]; closed = [A5]
3.evaluate B4; open = [C4,E5,F5,D6];
closed = [B4,A5]
4.evaluate C4; open = [H3,G4,E5,F5,D6];
closed = [C4,B4,A5]
5.evaluate H3; open = [O2,P3,G4,E5,F5,D6];
closed = [H3,C4,B4,A5]
6.evaluate O2; open = [P3,G4,E5,F5,D6];
closed = [O2,H3,C4,B4,A5]
7.evaluate P3; the solution is found!
Fig 4.10 Heuristic search of a
hypothetical state space.
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BEST-FS – Example 1
Slide 27
 open and closed states
at level 3
Fig 4.11 Heuristic search of a hypothetical state
space with open and closed states highlighted.
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BEST-FS – Example 2
Slide 28
 The start state, first moves, and goal
state for an example-8 puzzle.
The simplest heuristic counts the tiles
out of place in each state when
compared with the goal.
 This heuristic does not use all of the
information available in a board
configuration, because it does not
take into account the distance the
tiles must be moved.
 A “better” heuristic would sum all
the distances by which the tiles are
out of place, one for each square a
tile must be moved to reach its
position in the goal state.
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BEST-FS – Example 2
Slide 29
 Three heuristics applied to states in the 8-puzzle.
tiles 2,8,1,6,7
tiles 2,8,1
tiles 2,8,1,6,5
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The A* Algorithm
Slide 30
 If
two states have the same or nearly the same heuristic evaluations, it is
generally preferable to examine the state that is nearest to the root state of the
This state will have a greater probability of being on the shortest path to the
The distance from the starting state to its descendants can be measured by
maintaining a depth count for each state.
This count is 0 for the beginning state and is incremented by 1 for each level of
the search.
This makes our evaluation function, f , the sum of two components:
f (n) = g(n) + h(n)
g(n) measures the actual length of the path from any state n to the start
state and,
h(n) is a heuristic estimate of the distance from state n to a goal.
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A* Algorithm – Example
Slide 31
 The heuristic f
This is A* example
applied to states in the 8-puzzle.
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A* Algorithm – Example
Slide 32
 The full best-first search
of the 8-puzzle graph.
 Each state is labeled with
a letter and its heuristic
f(n) = g(n) + h(n)
 The successive stages of
open and closed that
generate this graph are:
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A* Algorithm – Example
Slide 33
 Open and closed as they appear after the 3rd iteration of
heuristic search
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The A* Search Algorithm Summarization
Slide 34
To summarize:
 Operations on states generate children of the state currently under
 Each new state is checked to see whether it has occurred before (is on
either open or closed), there by preventing loops.
 Each state n is given an f value equal to the sum of its depth in the
search space g(n) and a heuristic estimate of its distance to a goal
h(n). The h value guides search toward heuristically promising states
while the g value can prevent search from persisting indefinitely on a
fruitless path.
 States on open are sorted by their f values. By keeping all states on
open until they are examined or a goal is found, the algorithm
recovers from dead ends.
 As an implementation point, the algorithm’s efficiency can be
improved through maintenance of the open and closed lists, perhaps
as heaps or leftist trees.
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BEST-FS Properties
Slide 35
How does best-first search rate according to the four criteria
of performance?
 Complete:
 It is complete
 It always reaches goal.
 Optimal:
 It is not optimal
 A solution can be found in a longer path (higher g(n) with a lower h(n)
 Time:
 It generates O(b
 Space:
 Space complexity is O(bm)
 Keeps every node in memory.
[here b is maximum branching factor;
m is maximum path length]
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Admissibility, Monotonicity , and Informedness
Slide 36
 We
may evaluate the behavior of heuristics along a number of
 We may desire a solution and also require the algorithm to find
the shortest path to the goal.
 For instance, this could be important when an application might
have an excessive cost for extra solution steps, such as planning
a path for an autonomous robot through a dangerous
 Heuristics that find the shortest path to a goal whenever it
exists are said to be admissible.
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Admissibility, Monotonicity , and
Slide 37
 Conditions for optimality: Admissibility
 The heuristic is defined as admissible if it accurately estimates
the path cost to the goal, or underestimates it (remains
 This means that:
 g(n)
(path cost from the initial node to the current node)
monotonically increases,
 While
h(n) (path cost from the current node to the goal node)
monotonically decreases.
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Admissibility Measures
Slide 38
 A search algorithm is Admissible if it is guaranteed to find a
minimal path to a solution whenever such a path exists.
Breadth-first search is an admissible search strategy. Because it
looks at every state at level n of the graph before considering
any state at the level n+1, any goal nodes are found along the
shortest possible path.
Unfortunately, breadth-first search is often too inefficient for
practical use.
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A* algorithm
Slide 39
 Best-First Search Algorithm A is called as A* algorithm
 Using the evaluation function f(n) = g(n) + h(n)
 If n is a node in the state space graph,
g(n) measures the depth at which that state has been found in the graph,
h(n) is the heuristic estimate of the distance from n to a goal.
In this sense f(n) estimates the total cost of the path from the start
state through n to the goal state.
A* search
g(n): cost of path
h*(n): true minimum cost to goal
h(n): Heuristic
(expected) minimum
cost to goal. (estimation)
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A* algorithm
Slide 41
 A* algorithm:
1- Start with OPEN holding the initial state
2- Pick the best node on OPEN
3- Generate its successors
4- For each successor Do
If it has not been generated before
evaluate it add it to OPEN and record
its parent
If it has been generated before change
the parent if this new path is better
and in that case update the cost of
getting to any successor nodes
5- If a goal is found or no more nodes left in
OPEN, quit, else return to 2.
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A* algorithm
Slide 42
 We may characterize a class of Admissible Heuristic search
strategies. we define an evaluation function f*:
f*(n) = g*(n) + h*(n)
g*(n) is the cost of the shortest path from the start to node n and,
h*(n) returns the actual cost of the shortest path from n to the
It follows that
f*(n) is the actual cost of the optimal path from a start node to
a goal node that passes through node n.
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A* algorithm
Slide 43
 In algorithm A, g(n), the cost of the current path to state n , is a reasonable
estimate of g*, but they may not be equal: g(n)≥g*(n).
 These are equal only if the graph search has discovered the optimal path to
state n.
 Similarly, we replace h*(n) with h(n), a heuristic estimate of the minimal cost
to a goal state.
 Although we usually may not compute h*, it is often possible to determine
whether or not the heuristic estimate, h(n), is bounded from above by h*(n),
i.e., is always less than or equal to the actual cost of a minimal path.
 If algorithm A uses an evaluation function f in which
called algorithm A*.
h(n) ≤ h*(n),
it is
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A* algorithm - Romania Example
Slide 44
Find goal “Bucharest” starting at “Arad”.
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A* algorithm – Romanian Cities Example
Slide 45
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A* algorithm - Romania Example
Slide 46
f(Arad) = c(??,Arad)+h(Arad)=0+366=366
Expand Arad and determine f(n) for each node
• f(Sibiu)=c(Arad,Sibiu)+h(Sibiu)=140+253=393
• f(Timisoara)=c(Arad,Timisoara)+h(Timisoara)=118+329=447
• f(Zerind)=c(Arad,Zerind)+h(Zerind)=75+374=449
Best choice is Sibiu
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A* algorithm - Romania Example
Slide 47
Expand Sibiu and determine f(n) for each node
• f(Arad)=c(Sibiu,Arad)+h(Arad)=280+366=646
• f(Fagaras)=c(Sibiu,Fagaras)+h(Fagaras)=239+179=415
• f(Oradea)=c(Sibiu,Oradea)+h(Oradea)=291+380=671
• f(Rimnicu Vilcea)=c(Sibiu,Rimnicu Vilcea)+h(Rimnicu Vilcea)=220+192=413
Best choice is Rimnicu Vilcea
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A* algorithm - Romania Example
Slide 48
Expand Rimnicu Vilcea and determine f(n) for each node
• f(Craiova)=c(Rimnicu Vilcea, Craiova)+h(Craiova)=360+160=526
• f(Pitesti)=c(Rimnicu Vilcea, Pitesti)+h(Pitesti)=317+100=417
• f(Sibiu)=c(Rimnicu Vilcea,Sibiu)+h(Sibiu)=300+253=553
Best choice is Fagaras
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A* algorithm - Romania Example
Slide 49
Expand Fagaras and determine f(n) for each node
• f(Sibiu)=c(Fagaras, Sibiu)+h(Sibiu)=338+253=591
• f(Bucharest)=c(Fagaras,Bucharest)+h(Bucharest)=450+0=450
Best choice is Pitesti !!!
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A* algorithm - Romania Example
Slide 50
Expand Pitesti and determine f(n) for each node
• f(Bucharest)=c(Pitesti,Bucharest)+h(Bucharest)=418+0=418
Best choice is Bucharest !!!
• Optimal solution (only if h(n) is admissable)
• Note values along optimal path !!
A* search example
A* search example
A* search example
A* search example
A* search example
A* search example
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A* algorithm - Romania Example
Slide 57
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A* algorithm Properties
Slide 58
How does A* search rate according to the four criteria of
 Complete:
 It is complete
 As long as the memory supports the depth and branching factor of the tree.
 Optimal:
 It is optimal
 Depends on the use of an admissible heuristic
• No algorithm with the same heuristic is guaranteed to expand
 Time:
 O(bd)
 Must keep track of the nodes evaluated so far
 Space:
 O(bd)
 Must keep track of the discovered nodes to be evaluated
Search techniques
Depth first
( DFS )
Breadth first
( BFS )
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Comparison of different Search Algorithms
Slide 60
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CS 362: Intelligent Systems
Slide 1
Unit 5
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CS 362_ Intelligent Systems
Slide 2
The Elements of Counting
Elements of Probability Theory
Bayes’ Theorem
Applications of the Stochastic Methodology
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What is Uncertainty?
Slide 3
 Uncertainty
is essentially lack of information to formulate a
 Uncertainty may result in making poor or bad decisions.
 As living creatures, we are accustomed to dealing with
uncertainty – that’s how we survive.
 Dealing with uncertainty requires reasoning under uncertainty
along with possessing a lot of common sense.
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Theories to Deal with Uncertainty
Slide 4
 Bayesian Probability
 Hartley Theory (1928)
 Shannon Theory (1948)
 Dempster-Shafer Theory (1976)
 Markov Models
 Zadeh’s Fuzzy Theory(1965)
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Dealing with Uncertainty
Slide 5
 Deductive reasoning – deals with exact facts and exact
 Inductive reasoning – not as strong as deductive – premises
support the conclusion but do not guarantee it.
 There are a number of methods to pick the best solution in light
of uncertainty.
 When dealing with uncertainty, we may have to settle for just a
good solution.
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Slide 6
 One
important application domain for the use of the stochastic
methodology is diagnostic reasoning where cause/effect relationships
are not always captured in a purely deterministic fashion, as is often
possible in the knowledge-based approaches to problem solving that
we saw in Chapters 2, 3, 4, and will see again in Chapter 8.
diagnostic situation usually presents evidence, such as fever or
headache, without further causative justification. In fact, the evidence
can often be indicative of several different causes, e.g., fever can be
caused by either flu or an infection. In these situations probabilistic
information can often indicate and prioritize possible explanations for
the evidence.
 Another
interesting application for the stochastic methodology is
gambling, where supposedly random events such as the roll of dice,
the dealing of shuffled cards, or the spin of a roulette wheel produce
possible player payoff.
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Slide 7
In fact, in the 18th century, the attempt to provide a mathematical
foundation for gambling was an important motivation for Pascal
(and later Laplace) to develop a probabilistic calculus.
 We next describe several problem areas, among many, where
the stochastic methodology is often used in the computational
implementation of intelligence; these areas will be major topics
in later chapters.
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Some Applications for Stochastic Methods
Slide 8
We describe several problem areas, where the stochastic
methodology is often used in the computational implementation
of intelligence.
 Diagnostic Reasoning.
In medical diagnosis, for example, there is not always an obvious
cause/effect relationship between the set of symptoms presented by
the patient and the causes of these symptoms. In fact, the same sets
of symptoms often suggest multiple possible causes.
 Natural language understanding.
If a computer is to understand and use a human language, that
computer must be able to characterize how humans themselves use
that language. Words, expressions, and metaphors are learned, but
also change and evolve as they are used over time.
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Some Applications for Stochastic Methods
Slide 9
 Planning and scheduling.
When an agent forms a plan, for example, a vacation trip by
automobile, it is often the case that no deterministic sequence of
operations is guaranteed to succeed. What happens if the car breaks
down, if the car ferry is cancelled on a specific day, if a hotel is fully
booked, even though a reservation was made?
 Learning.
The three previous areas mentioned for stochastic technology can
also be seen as domains for automated learning. An important
component of many stochastic systems is that they have the ability to
sample situations and learn over time.
The stochastic methodology has its foundation in the properties of
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The Elements of Counting
Slide 10
 The foundation for the stochastic methodology is the ability to
count the elements of an application domain.
The basis for collecting and counting elements is, set theory, in
which we must be able to determine whether an element is or
is not a member of a set of elements.
Once this is determined, there are methodologies for counting
elements of sets, of the complement of a set, and the union and
intersection of multiple sets.
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The Elements of Counting
Slide 11
 If
we have a set A, the number of the elements in set
A is denoted by |A|, called the cardinality of A.
Of course, A may be
 Empty (the number of elements is zero),
 Finite ,
 Countably infinite ,
 or uncountably infinite.
Each set is defined in terms of a domain of interest or
universe , U, of elements that might be in that set
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The Elements of Counting Example
Slide 12
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The Elements of Counting
The Addition and Multiplication Rules
Slide 13
The addition rule for combining two sets.
 For any two sets A and C, the number of elements in the union
of these sets is:
 A similar addition rule holds for three sets A,B, and C,
This Addition rule may be generalized to any finite number of sets
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The Elements of Counting
The Addition and Multiplication Rules
Slide 14
 The Cartesian Product of two sets A and B, is the set of all
ordered pairs (a, b) where a is an element of set A and b is an
element of set B; or more formally:
 and by the multiplication principle of counting for two sets
The Cartesian product can, of course, be defined across any
number of sets.
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The Elements of Counting
Permutations and Combinations
Slide 15
A permutation of a set of elements is an arranged sequence of
the elements of that set.
The permutations of a set of n elements taken r at a time
The combinations of a set of n elements taken r at a time
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The Elements of Counting
Permutations and Combinations
Slide 16
A permutation of a set of elements is an arranged sequence of
the elements of that set.
The permutations of a set of n elements taken r at a time (0 ≤ r
we can represent this equation as:
equivalently, the number of permutations of n elements taken r
at a time, which is symbolized as nPr , is:
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The Elements of Counting
Permutations and Combinations
Slide 17
 The combination of a set of n elements is any subset of these
elements that can be formed.
 The combinations of a set of n elements taken r at a time (0 ≤ r ≤ n )
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The Elements of Counting
Permutations and Combinations
Slide 18
Permutations: there are basically two types of permutation:
(remember the order does matter now):
 Repetition is Allowed: such as the lock example. It could be
 No Repetition: for example the first three people in a running
race. You can't be first and second.
Combinations: there are also two types of combinations
(remember the order does not matter now):
 Repetition is Allowed: such as coins in your pocket (5,5,5,10,10)
 No Repetition: such as lottery numbers (2,14,15,27,30,33)
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The Elements of Counting
Permutations without Repetition Example
Slide 19
For example, what order could 16 pool balls be in?
After choosing, say, number "14" we can't choose it again.
So, our first choice would have 16 possibilities, and our next choice
would then have 15 possibilities, then 14, 13, etc. And the total
permutations would be:
16 × 15 × 14 × 13 × ... = 20,922,789,888,000
But maybe we don't want to choose them all, just 3 of them, so that
would be only:
16 × 15 × 14 = 3,360
In other words, there are 3,360 different ways that 3 pool balls could be
selected out of 16 balls.
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The Elements of Counting
Permutations without Repetition Example
Slide 20
So, if we wanted to select all of the billiard balls the permutations
would be:
16! = 20,922,789,888,000
But if we wanted to select just 3, then we have to stop the
multiplying after 14. How do we do that? There is a neat trick ...
we divide by 13! ...
16 × 15 × 14 × 13 × 12 ...
13 × 12 ...
= 16 × 15 × 14 = 3,360
Do you see? 16! / 13! = 16 × 15 × 14
where n is the number of things to choose from, and
 The formula is written:
we choose r of them (No repetition, order matters)
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The Elements of Counting
Permutations without Repetition Example
Slide 21
Our "order of 3 out of 16 pool balls example" would be:
= 3,360 (which is just the same as: 16 × 15 × 14 = 3,360)
 How many ways can first and second place be awarded to 10 people?
= 90 (which is just the same as: 10 × 9 = 90)
 Instead of writing the whole formula, people use different notations
such as these:
Example: P(10,2) = 90
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The Elements of Counting
Permutations with Repetition Example
Slide 22
Example: in the lock below, there are 10 numbers to choose from
(0,1,...9) and we choose 3 of them:
10 × 10 × ... (3 times) = 103 = 1,000 permutations
So, the formula is simply:
where n is the number of things to choose from, and we choose r of
them (Repetition allowed, order matters)
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The Elements of Counting
Combinations without Repetition Example
Slide 23
Going back to our pool ball example, let's say we just want to know
which 3 pool balls were chosen, not the order.
We already know that 3 out of 16 gave us 3,360 permutations.
But many of those will be the same to us now, because we don't care
what order!
 For example, let us say balls 1, 2 and 3 were chosen. These are the
Order does matter
Order doesn't matter
So, the permutations will have 6 times as many possibilities.
 In fact there is an easy way to work out how many ways "1 2 3" could
be placed in order, and we have already talked about it. The answer is:
3! = 3 × 2 × 1 = 6
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The Elements of Counting
Combinations without Repetition Example
Slide 24
 So we adjust our permutations formula to reduce it by how
many ways the objects could be in order (because we aren't
interested in their order any more):
 That formula is so important it is often just written in big
parentheses like this:
where n is the number of things to choose from, and we
choose r of them (No repetition, order doesn't matter)
 It is often called "n choose r" (such as "16 choose 3") and is also
known as the "Binomial Coefficient“
 As well as the "big parentheses", people also use these
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The Elements of Counting
Combinations without Repetition Example
Slide 25
So, our pool ball example (now without order) is:
= 560
Or we could do it this way:
= 560
So remember, do the permutation, then reduce by a further "r!"
In other words choosing 3 balls out of 16, or choosing 13 balls out
of 16 have the same number of combinations.
= 560
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The Elements of Counting
Combinations with Repetition Example
Slide 26
 Actually, these are the hardest to explain.
We would write it like this:
where n is the number of things to choose from, and we choose r
of them (Repetition allowed, order doesn't matter)
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Elements of Probability Theory
Slide 27
The following definitions, the foundation for a theory for
probability, were first formalized by the French mathematician
Laplace (1816) in the early nineteenth century.
D E F I N I T I O N S:
 The Sample Space,
 Probabilities, and
 Independence
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Elements of Probability Theory
The Sample Space, Probabilities, and Independence
Slide 28
An elementary or atomic event is a happening or occurrence that
cannot be made up of other events.
An event is a set of elementary events.
The set of all possible outcomes of an event E is the sample space S or
universe for that event.
The probability of an event E in a sample space S is the ratio of the
number of elements in E to the total number of possible outcomes of
the sample space S of E. Thus,
p(E) = |E| / |S|.
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Slide 29
For example, what is the probability that a 7 or an 11 are the
result of the roll of two fair dice?
 We first determine the sample space for this situation. Using the
multiplication principle of counting, each die has 6 outcomes, so
the total set of outcomes of the two dice is 36.
 The number of combinations of the two dice that can give a 7 is
1,6; 2,5; 3,4; 4,3; 5,2; and 6,1 - 6 altogether. The probability of
rolling a 7 is thus 6/36 = 1/6.
 The number of combinations of the two dice that can give an 11
is 5,6; 6,5 - or 2, and the probability of rolling an 11 is 2/36 =
Using the additive property of distinct outcomes, there is 1/6 +
1/18 or 2/9 probability of rolling either a 7 or 11 with two fair
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Explanation of Example
Slide 30
In this 7/11 example, the two events are getting a 7 or getting an
11. The elementary events are the distinct results of rolling the
two dice. Thus the event of a 7 is made up of the six atomic events
(1,6), (2,5), (3,4), (4,3), (5,2), and (6,1).
The full sample space is the union of all thirty-six possible atomic
events, the set of all pairs that result from rolling the dice.
As we see soon, because the events of getting a 7 and getting an
11 have no atomic events in common, they are independent, and
the probability of their sum (union) is just the sum of their
individual probabilities.
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Elements of Probability Theory
The Sample Space, Probabilities, and Independence
Slide 31
 The probability of any event E from the sample space S is:
 The sum of the probabilities of all possible outcomes is 1
 The probability of the compliment of an event is
 The probability of the contradictory or false outcome of an
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Elements of Probability Theory
The Sample Space, Probabilities, and Independence
Slide 32
A final important relationship, the probability of the union of
two sets of events.
Namely that for any two sets A and B:
From this relationship we can determine the probability of the
union of any two sets taken from the sample space S:
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Elements of Probability Theory
The Sample Space, Probabilities, and Independence
Slide 33
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Slide 34
 Consider the situation where bit strings of length four are
randomly generated.
 We want to know whether the event of the bit string containing
an even number of 1s is independent of the event where the bit
string ends with a 0.
 Using the multiplication principle,
 each bit having 2 values, there are a total of 24= 16 bit strings
of length 4.
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Slide 35
 There are 8 bit strings of length four that end with a 0:
{1110, 1100, 1010, 1000,0010, 0100, 0110, 0000}.
There are also 8 bit strings that have an even number of 1s:
{1111, 1100, 1010, 1001, 0110, 0101, 0011, 0000}.
The number of bit strings that have both an even number of 1s
and end with a 0 is 4: {1100, 1010, 0110, 0000}. Now these two
events are independent since
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The three Kolmogorov Axioms
Slide 36
The three Kolmogorov Axioms:
 We note that other axiom systems supporting the foundations of
probability theory are possible, for instance, as an extension to the
propositional calculus .
 As an example of the set-based approach we have taken, the Russian
mathematician Kolmogorov (1950) proposed a variant of the following
axioms, equivalent to our definitions.
 From these three axioms Kolmogorov systematically constructed all of
probability theory.
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Probabilistic Inference Example
Slide 37
For this example we assume we have three true or false
parameters (we will define this type parameter as a boolean
random variable).
 First, there is whether or not the traffic - and you - are slowing
down. This situation will be labeled S, with assignment of t or f.
 Second, there is the probability of whether or not there is an
accident, A, with assignments t or f.
 Finally, the probability of whether or not there is road construction
at the time, C; again either t or f.
We can express these relationships for the interstate highway traffic,
thanks to our car-based data download system, in Table 5.1.
A Venn diagram representation of the probability distributions of
Table 5.1; S is traffic slowdown, A is accident, C is construction.
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Probabilistic Inference Example
Slide 38
 Table 5.1 are interpreted, of course, just like the truth tables,
except that the right hand column gives the probability of the
situation on the left hand side happening. Thus, the third row of
the table gives the probability of the traffic slowing down and
there being an accident but with no construction as 0.16:
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Probabilistic Inference Example
Slide 39
We can also work out the probability of any simple or complex set
of events.
 For example, we can calculate the probability that there is
traffic slowdown S. The value for slow traffic is 0.32, the sum of
the first four lines of Table 5.1; that is, all the situations where S
= t.
This is sometimes called the unconditional or marginal probability of
slow traffic, S.
This process is called marginalization because all the probabilities
other than slow traffic are summed out. That is, the distribution of a
variable can be obtained by summing out all the other variables from
the joint distribution containing that variable.
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Probabilistic Inference Example
Slide 40
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Random Variables
Slide 41
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Random Variables Example
Slide 42
 An example using a discrete random variable on the domain of
Season, where the atomic events of
Season are{spring, summer, fall, winter}, assigns 0.75,
say, to the domain element Season = spring.
In this situation we say
p(Season = spring) = 0.75.
 An example of a boolean random variable in the same domain would
be the mapping
p(Season = spring) = true.
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Slide 43
Example : Suppose that a fair roulette wheel has integers 0 through 36
equally spaced on the slots of the wheel.
 In the game each player places $1 on any number she chooses:
 if the wheel stops on the number chosen, she wins $35; otherwise she
loses the dollar.
The reward of a win is $35; the cost of a loss, $1.
Since the probability of winning is 1/37, of losing, 36/37, the expected
value for this event, ex(E), is:
ex(E) = 35 (1/37) + (-1) (36/37)≈ -0.027
Thus the player loses, on average, about $0.03 per play!
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Conditional Probability
Slide 44
 Prior
probability and (Conditional or Posterior) probability
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Conditional Probability
Slide 45
Based on the previous definitions,
 The posterior probability of a person having disease d, from a set of diseases
D, with symptom or evidence, s, from a set of symptoms S, is:
A Venn diagram illustrating the
calculations of P(d | s) as a function
of p(s | d).
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Conditional Probability
The chain rule
Slide 46
 Chain rule, an important technique used across many domains
of stochastic reasoning, especially in natural language
processing. We have just developed the equations for any two
sets, A1 and A2:
 and now, the generalization to multiple sets Ai, called the chain
 We make an inductive argument to prove the chain rule,
consider the nth case:
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Conditional Probability
The chain rule for two sets
Slide 47
 We apply the intersection of two sets of rules to get:
 And then reduce again, considering that:
is reached, the base case, which we have
already demonstrated.
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Slide 48
 We redefine independent events (see Section 5.2.1) in the context of
conditional probabilities, and then we define conditionally
independent events, or the notion of how events can be independent
of each other, given some third event.
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Conditional Probability
Bayes’ theorem
Slide 49
 The
Reverend Thomas Bayes was a mathematician and a
minister. His famous theorem was published in 1763, four years
after his death.
 Bayes’ theorem relates cause and effect in such a way that by
understanding the effect we can learn the probability of its
causes. As a result Bayes’ theorem is important both for
determining the causes of diseases, such as cancer, as well as
useful for determining the effects of some particular medication
on that disease.
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Conditional Probability
Bayes’ theorem
Slide 50
 We revisit one of the results of Section 5.2.4, Bayes’ equation
for one disease and one symptom. To help keep our diagnostic
relationships in context, we rename the variables used
previously to indicate individual hypotheses, hi, from a set of
hypotheses, H, and a set of evidence, E. Furthermore, we will
now consider the set of individual hypotheses hi as disjoint, and
having the union of all hi to be equal to H.
This equation may be read, “The probability of an hypothesis hi
given a set of evidence E is . . .”
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Conditional Probability
Bayes’ theorem
Slide 51
 The general form of Bayes’ theorem where we assume the set of
hypotheses H partition the evidence set E:
 Naïve Bayes, or the Bayes classifier,
that uses the partition
assumption, even when it is not justified:
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CS 362_ Intelligent Systems
Conditional Probability
Bayes’ theorem Example
Slide 52
simple numerical example demonstrating Bayes’ theorem
 Suppose that you go out to purchase an automobile. The probability that you
will go to dealer 1, d1, is 0.2. The probability of going to dealer 2, d2, is 0.4.
There are only three dealers you are considering and the probability that you
go to the third, d3, is also 0.4. At d1 the probability of purchasing a particular
automobile, a1, is 0.2; at dealer d2 the probability of purchasing a1 is 0.4.
Finally, at dealer d3, the probability of purchasing a1 is 0.3. Suppose you
purchase automobile a1. What is the probability that you purchased it at
dealer d2?
 First, we want to know, given that you purchased automobile a1, that you
bought it from dealer d2, i.e., to determine p(d2|a1). We present Bayes’
theorem in variable form for determining p(d2|a1) and then with variables
bound to the situation in the example.
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Applications of the Stochastic Methodology
Slide 53
We present two examples that use probability measures to
reason about the interpretation of ambiguous information.
First, we define an important modeling tool based on the finite
state machine, the probabilistic finite state machine.
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Applications of the Stochastic Methodology
Slide 54
It can be seen that these two definitions are simple extensions to
the finite state. The addition for non-determinism is that the next
state function is no longer a function in the strict sense. That is,
there is no unique range state for each input value and each state
of the domain. Rather, for any state, the next state function is a
probability distribution over all possible next states.
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Applications of the Stochastic Methodology
Slide 55
Example : How Is “Tomato” Pronounced?
Figure 5.3 presents a probabilistic finite state acceptor that represents different
pronunciations of the word “tomato”. A particular acceptable pronunciation for
the word tomato is characterized by a path from the start state to the accept
state. The decimal values that label the arcs of the graph represent the
probability that the speaker will make that particular transition in the state
machine. For example, 60% of all speakers in this data set go directly from the t
phone to the m without producing any vowel phone between.
You say
[ to ow m ey tow ]
and I say
[ t ow m aa t ow ]…
Figure 5.3 A probabilistic finite state acceptor for the pronunciation
of tomato , adapted from Jurafsky and Martin (2009).
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Applications of the Stochastic Methodology
Slide 56
 Besides
characterizing the various ways people in the
pronunciation database speak the word “tomato”, this model
can be used to help interpret ambiguous collections of
phonemes. This is done by seeing how well the phonemes
match possible paths through the state machines of related
words. Further, given a partially formed word, the machine can
try to determine the probabilistic path that best completes that
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Extending the Road/Traffic Example
Slide 57
 Figure 5.4 presents a Bayesian account of what we have just
seen. road construction is correlated with orange barrels and
bad traffic. Similarly, accident correlates with flashing lights and
bad traffic. We examine Figure 5.4 and build a joint probability
distribution for the road construction and bad traffic
Fig 5.4 The Bayesian representation of the traffic problem
with potential explanations.
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Extending the Road/Traffic Example
Slide 58
 We simplify both of these variables to be either true (t) or false
(f) and represent the probability distribution in Table 5.4. Note
that if construction is f there is not likely to be bad traffic and if
it is t then bad traffic is likely. Note also that the probability of
road construction on the interstate, C = true, is .5 and the
probability of having bad traffic, T = true, is .4 (this is New
Table 5.4 The joint probability distribution for
the traffic and construction variables of Fig 5.3.
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Extending the Road/Traffic Example
Slide 59
 We
next consider the change in the probability of road
construction given the fact that we have bad traffic, or p(C|T) or
p(C = t | T = t).
p(C|T) = p(C = t , T = t) / (p(C = t , T = t) + p(C = f , T = t)) = .3 / (.3 + .1) = .75
 So now, with the probability of road construction being .5, given
that there actually is bad traffic, the probability for road
construction goes up to .75. This probability will increase even
further with the presence of orange barrels, explaining away the
hypothesis of accident.
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CS 362: Intelligent Systems
Slide 1
Unit 6
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CS 362_ Intelligent Systems
Knowledge Representation
Slide 2
 Issues in Knowledge Representation
 AI Representational Systems
 Associationist Theories of Meaning
 Semantic Networks
 Standardization of Network Relationships
 Frames
 Conceptual Graphs: a Network Language
 Introduction to Conceptual Graphs
 Types, Individuals, and Names
 Generalization and Specialization
 Propositional Nodes
 Conceptual Graphs and Logic
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CS 362_ Intelligent Systems
Review(i) The Pyramid of Knowledge
Slide 3
 The Pyramid of Knowledge
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Review(ii) Knowledge vs. Expert Systems
Slide 4
 Knowledge is of primary importance in expert systems. In fact,
an analogy to classic expression
 Algorithms + Data Structures = Programs
 Knowledge + Inference = Expert Systems
 Knowledge
representation is key to the success of expert
 Expert systems are designed for knowledge representation
based on rules of logic called inferences.
 Knowledge affects the development, efficiency, speed, and
maintenance of the system.
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Review(iii) How is Knowledge Used?
Slide 5
 Knowledge has many meanings – data, facts, information.
 How do we use knowledge to reach conclusions or solve
Heuristics refers to using experience to solve problems –
using precedents.
Expert systems may have hundreds / thousands of microprecedents to refer to.
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CS 362_ Intelligent Systems
Review(iv) Knowledge in Rule-Based Systems
Slide 6
 Knowledge:
• Knowledge is part of a hierarchy.
• Knowledge refers to rules that are activated by facts or other rules.
• Activated rules produce new facts or conclusions.
• Conclusions are the end-product of inferences when done according
to formal rules.
 Metaknowledge:
• Metaknowledge is knowledge about knowledge and expertise.
• Most successful expert systems are restricted to as small a domain
as possible.
• In an expert system, an ontology is the metaknowledge that
describes everything known about the problem domain.
 Wisdom :
• Wisdom is the metaknowledge of determining the best goals of life
and how to obtain them.
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CS 362_ Intelligent Systems
Review(v) Representation and Intelligence
Slide 7
 The question of representation, or how to best capture critical aspects
of intelligent activity for use on a computer.
Three predominant approaches to representation taken by the AI
research community over this time period.
The first theme( weak method problem-solving)
Articulated in the 1950s and 1960s by Newell and Simon in their work with
the Logic Theorist , is known as weak method problem-solving.
The second (Strong method problem solving )
Common throughout the 1970s and 1980s, and espoused by the early expert
system designers, is strong method problem solving .
In more recent years, (Agent-Based)
Especially in the domains of robotics and the internet (Brooks 1987, 1989;
Clark 1997), the emphasis is on distributed and embodied or agent-based
approaches to intelligence.
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Issues in Knowledge Representation (i)
Slide 8
 The representation of information for use in intelligent problem
solving offers important and difficult challenges that lie at the
core of AI.
 Representation Schemes
 Scheme – data/knowledge structure
 Semantic network
• Frames
 Conceptual graphs
 Stochastic methods
 Connectionist (neural networks)
 Implementation media
 Medium – implementation languages
 Prolog, Lisp, Scheme, even C and Java
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Issues in Knowledge Representation (ii)
Slide 9
 knowledge base is described as: (Bobrow 1975)
• A mapping between the objects and relations in a problem
• The computational objects and relations of a program
 The results of inferences in the knowledge base are assumed to
correspond to the results of actions or observations in the
 The computational objects, relations, and inferences available to
programmers are mediated by the knowledge representation
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Issues in Knowledge Representation (iii)
Slide 10
 There
are general principles of knowledge organization that apply
across a variety of domains and can be directly supported by a
representation language.
 Example: class hierarchies are found in both scientific and
commonsense classification systems.
1. How may we provide a general mechanism for representing
2. How may we represent definitions?
3. Exceptions?
4. When should an intelligent system make default assumptions
about missing information and how can it adjust its reasoning
should these assumptions prove wrong?
5. How may we best represent time? Causality? Uncertainty?
Progress in building intelligent systems depends on discovering
the principles of knowledge organization and supporting them
through higher-level representational tools.
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Associationist Theories of Meaning(ii)
Slide 11
 There are many problems that arise in mapping commonsense
reasoning into formal logic.
 For example, it is common to think of the operators ∨ and → as
corresponding to the English “or” and “if ... then ...”.
 However,
these operators in logic are concerned solely with
truth values and ignore the fact that the English “if ... then ...”
suggests specific relationship (often more coorelational than
causal) between its premises and its conclusion.
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Associationist Theories of Meaning(iii)
Slide 12
 For example, the sentence “If a bird is a cardinal then it is red”
(associating the bird cardinal with the color red) can be written
in predicate calculus:
∀ X (cardinal(X) → red(X)).
This may be changed, through a series of truth-preserving
operations, Chapter 2, into the logically equivalent expression
∀ X (¬ red(X)→ ¬cardinal(X)).
These two expressions have the same truth value; that is, the
second is true if and only if the first is true.
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Associationist Theories of Meaning(vi)
Slide 13
 Associationist theories:
1. It defines the meaning of an object in terms of a network of
associations with other objects.
2. For the associationist, when humans perceive an object, that
perception is first mapped into a concept.
3. This concept is part of our entire knowledge of the world and
is connected through appropriate relationships to other
4. These relationships form an understanding of the properties
and behavior of objects such as snow.
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Semantics of Calculus
Slide 14
 Predicate calculus representation
• Formal representation languages
• Sound and complete inference rules
• Truth-preserving operations
 Meaning(line of reasoning) – Semantics
 Logical implication is a relationship between truth values:
 Associationist theory
 Attach semantics to logical symbols and operators
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Semantics of Calculus(2)
Slide 15
For Example:
“if a bird is cardinal then it is red”
(associating the bird cardinal with the color red)
can be written in predicate calculus:
∀X((cardinal(X) →red(X))
∀X(┐red(X) → ┐cardinal(X))
These two expressions have the same truth value; that is, the
second is true if and only if the first is true.
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CS 362_ Intelligent Systems
Semantic Networks(i)
Slide 16
 Using Graphs, by providing a means of explicitly representing
relations using arcs and nodes, have proved formalizing
associationist theories of knowledge.
 A semantic network represents knowledge as a graph, with the
nodes corresponding to facts or concepts and the arcs to
relations or associations between concepts. Both nodes and
links are generally labeled.
 The term “semantic network” encompasses a family of graphbased representations. These differ chiefly in the names that are
allowed for nodes and links and the inferences that may be
performed. However, a common set of assumptions and
concerns is shared by all network representation languages
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CS 362_ Intelligent Systems
Semantic Networks(ii)
Slide 17
 Semantic
network developed by Collins and Quillianin, their
research on human information storage and response times
(Harmon and King 1985).
• classic representation technique for propositional information
• Propositions – a form of declarative knowledge, stating facts
• Propositions are called “atoms” – cannot be further subdivided.
Semantic nets consist of nodes (objects, concepts, situations) and arcs
(relationships between them).
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Semantic Networks(iii)
Slide 18
 Definition
Represent knowledge as a graph
Nodes correspond to facts or concepts
Arcs correspond to relations or associations between concepts
Nodes and arcs are labeled
 Properties
Labeled arcs and links
Inference is to find a path between nodes
Implement inheritance
Variations – conceptual graphs
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Semantic Networks Example 1(i)
Slide 19
Figure 7.1 Semantic network developed by Collins and Quillian in their research on
human information storage and response times (Harmon and King 1985).
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Semantic Networks Example 1(ii)
Slide 20
 Different inferences with
given questions.
 The structure of this
hierarchy was derived from
laboratory testing of
human subjects.
 The subjects were asked
questions about different
properties of birds, such
as, “Is a canary a bird?” or
“Can a canary sing?” or
“Can a canary fly?”.
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Semantic Networks Example 1(iii)
Slide 21
 reaction-time
studies indicated that it took longer for subjects to
answer “Can a canary fly?” than it did to answer “Can a canary sing?”
 Collins and Quillian explain this difference in response time by arguing
that people store information at its most abstract level. Instead of
trying to recall that canaries fly, and robins fly, and swallows fly, all
stored with the individual bird, humans remember that canaries are
birds and that birds have (usually) the property of flying.
 Even more general properties such as eating, breathing, and moving
are stored at the “animal” level, and so trying to recall whether a
canary can breathe should take longer than recalling whether a canary
can fly. This is, of course, because the human must travel further up
the hierarchy of memory structures to get the answer.
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Semantic Networks Example 1 (iv)
Slide 22
 The fastest recall was for the traits specific to the bird, say, that
it can sing or is yellow.
 Exception handling also seemed to be done at the most specific
 When subjects were asked whether an ostrich could fly, the
answer was produced faster than when they were asked
whether an ostrich could breathe. Thus the hierarchy
Ostrich → bird → animal seems not to be traversed to get the
exception information: it is stored directly with ostrich. This
knowledge organization has been formalized in inheritance
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CS 362_ Intelligent Systems
Inheritance systems
Slide 23
 Inheritance
systems allow us to store information at the highest level of
abstraction, which reduces the size of knowledge bases and helps prevent update
• If we are building a knowledge base about birds, we can define the traits
common to all birds, such as flying or having feathers, for the general class
• Allow a particular species of bird to inherit these properties.
• This reduces the size of the knowledge base by requiring us to define these
essential traits only once, rather than requiring their assertion for every
 Inheritance also helps us to maintain the consistency of the knowledge base when
adding new classes and individuals.
• Assume that we are adding the species robin to an existing knowledge base.
• When we assert that robin is a subclass of songbird; robin inherits all of the
common properties of both songbirds and birds.
• It is not up to the programmer to remember (or forget!) to add this
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Inferences in Semantic Networks
Slide 24
 The program used this knowledge base to find relationships
between pairs of English words.
 Given two words, it would search the graphs outward from each
word in a breadth-first fashion,
Searching for a common concept or intersection node.
The paths to this node represented a relationship between the
word concepts.
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Inferences in Semantic Networks Example
Slide 25
 Find the relationship (intersection path) between “cry” and “comfort”
Using this intersection path, the program was able to conclude:
cry 2 is among other things to make a sad sound.
To comfort 3 can be to make 2 something less sad
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CS 362_ Intelligent Systems
Standardization of Network Relationships(i)
Slide 26
 Much of the work in network representations that followed Quillian’s
focused on defining a richer set of link labels (relationships) that
would more fully model the semantics of natural language. By
implementing the fundamental semantic relationships of natural
language as part of the formalism, rather than as part of the domain
knowledge added by the system builder, knowledge bases require less
handcrafting and achieve greater generality and consistency.
 Simmons
(1973) addressed this need for standard relationships by
focusing on the case structure of English verbs. In this verb-oriented
approach, based on earlier work by Fillmore (1968), links define the
roles played by nouns and noun phrases in the action of the sentence.
Case relationships include agent, object, instrument, location, and
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Standardization of Network Relationships(ii)
Slide 27
 Sentence is represented as a verb node, with various case links
to nodes representing other participants in the action.
 This structure is called a case frame.
 In parsing a sentence, the program finds the verb and retrieves
the case frame for that verb from its knowledge base.
 It then binds the values of the agent, object, etc., to the
appropriate nodes in the case frame.
Example: Using this approach, the sentence “Sarah fixed the chair
with glue” might be represented by the network in Figure 7.5.
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Standardization of Network Relationships(iii)
Slide 28
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Slide 29
 Frames
are another representation technique that evolved from
semantic networks (frames can be thought of as an
implementation of semantic networks).
 But compared to semantic networks, frames are structured and
follow a more object-oriented abstraction with greater structure
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Slide 30
 Similar to classes in Object-oriented
 Quotes from “A Framework for
Representing Knowledge”
 Proposed by Minsky in 1975
 Here is the essence of the frame theory: When one encounters a
new situation (or makes a substantial change in one’s view of a
problem) one selects from memory a structure called a “frame”.
This is a remembered framework to be adapted to fit reality by
changing details as necessary.
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Frames – What and Why?
Slide 31
[Minsky, 1981]:
A Frame is a collection of questions to be asked about a hypothetical
situation: it specifies issues to be raised and methods to be used in
dealing with them.
To understand a situation, questions like:
 What caused it (agent)?
 What was the purpose (intention)?
 What are the consequences (effects)?
 Whom does it affect (recipient)?
 How is it done (instruments)
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CS 362_ Intelligent Systems
Frame Example (Hotel Room) (i)
Slide 32
 The
hotel room and its components can be described by a
number of individual frames.
 In addition to the bed,
 A frame could represent a chair: expected height is 20 to 40 cm,
number of legs is 4, a default value, is designed for sitting.
 A further frame represents the hotel telephone: this is a
specialization of a regular phone except that billing is through
the room, there is a special hotel operator (default), and a
person is able to use the hotel phone to get meals served in the
room, make outside calls, and to receive other services.
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Frame Example (Hotel Room) (ii)
Slide 33
Each individual
frame may be
seen as a data
structure, similar
in many respects
to the traditional
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CS 362_ Intelligent Systems
Frame Slots(i)
Slide 34
 A frame is a set of slots (similar to a set of fields in a class in OO)
 The slots in the frame contain information such as:
1. Frame identification information.
2. Relationship of this frame to other frames.
The “hotel phone” might be a special instance of “phone,”
which might be an instance of a “communication device.”
3. Descriptors of requirements for a frame.
A chair, for instance, has its seat between 20 and 40 cm from
the floor, its back higher than 60 cm, etc. These requirements
may be used to determine when new objects fit the
stereotype defined by the frame.
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Frame Slots(ii)
Slide 35
4. Procedural information on use of the structure described.
An important feature of frames is the ability to attach procedural
instructions to a slot.
5. Frame default information.
These are slot values that are taken to be true when no
evidence to the contrary has been found. For instance, chairs
have four legs, telephones are pushbutton, or hotel beds are
made by the staff.
6. New instance information.
Many frame slots may be left unspecified until given a value
for a particular instance or when they are needed for some
aspect of problem solving.
For example,
the color of the bedspread may be left unspecified.
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Frames -example
Slide 36
 In the following ‘Frame’ example, what piece of knowledge can
be inferred?
A.All birds with wings fly
B.Some birds have two wings
C.Some birds with wings do not fly
D.All birds are brown or dark in color
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CS 362_ Intelligent Systems
Conceptual Graphs: a Network Language
Slide 37
 Graphs
 Introduction to Conceptual Graphs
 Types, Individuals, and Names
 The Type Hierarchy
 Generalization and Specialization
 Propositional Nodes
 Conceptual Graphs and Logic
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Conceptual Graphs: a Network Language
Slide 38
 Following
on the early research work in AI that developed
representational schemes a number of network languages were
created to model the semantics of natural language and other
 In this section, we examine a particular formalism in detail, to
show how, in this situation, the problems of representing
meaning were addressed. John Sowa’s conceptual graphs (Sowa
1984) is an example of a network representation language.
 We define the rules for forming and manipulating conceptual
graphs and the conventions for representing classes, individuals,
and relationships.
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Graphs Review
Slide 39
 Graphs are sometimes called a network or net.
 A graph can have zero or more links between nodes – there is no distinction
between parent and child.
Sometimes links have weights – weighted graph; or, arrows – directed graph.
Simple graphs have no loops – links that come back onto the node itself.
 A circuit (cycle) is a path through the graph beginning and ending with the
same node.
 Acyclic graphs have no cycles.
 Connected graphs have links to all the nodes.
 Digraphs are graphs with directed links.
 Lattice is a directed acyclic graph.
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Simple Graphs
Slide 40
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Introduction to Conceptual Graphs(i)
Slide 41
Conceptual graph
 A finite, connected, bipartite graph
 No arc labels , (why ? ).
Conceptual graphs do not use labeled arcs; instead the
conceptual relation nodes represent relations between
concepts. Because conceptual graphs are bipartite, concepts
only have arcs to relations, and vice versa.
 Nodes
1. concept nodes – box nodes
Concrete concepts: cat, telephone, classroom, restaurant
Abstract objects: love, beauty, loyalty
2. conceptual relation nodes – ellipse nodes
Relations involving one or more concepts
Arity – number of box nodes linked to
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Introduction to Conceptual Graphs(ii)
Slide 42
 Nodes
1. Concept nodes – box nodes
 Concrete concepts: cat, telephone, classroom, restaurant
(are characterized by our ability to form an image of them in our minds)
 Abstract objects: love, beauty, loyalty
(that do not correspond to images in our minds.)
2. Conceptual relation nodes – ellipse nodes
 Relations involving one or more concepts
 Relation Arity are the number of box nodes linked to
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CS 362_ Intelligent Systems
Introduction to Conceptual Graphs(iii)
Slide 43
 Conceptual relation nodes indicate a relation involving one or
more concepts.
 One advantage of formulating conceptual graphs as bipartite
graphs rather than using labeled arcs is that it simplifies the
representation of relations of any arity.
 A relation of arity n is represented by a conceptual relation node
having n arcs. (as shown in Figure 7.14.).
 Each conceptual graph represents a single proposition. A typical
knowledge base will contain a number of such graphs.
 Graphs may be arbitrarily complex but must be finite.
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Conceptual Graphs Example(i)
Slide 44
 For example, one graph in Figure 7.14 represents the
proposition “A dog has a color of brown”.
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Conceptual Graphs Example(ii)
Slide 45
 For example, one graph in Figure 7.15 is a graph of somewhat
greater complexity that represents the sentence
“Mary gave John the book”.
 This graph uses conceptual relations to represent the cases of
the verb “to give” and indicates the way in which conceptual
graphs are used to model the semantics of natural language.
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Types, Individuals, and Names(i)
Slide 46
 In conceptual graphs, every concept is a unique individual of a
particular type.
 Each concept box is labeled with a type label, which indicates
the class or type of individual represented by that node.
For example:
 A node labeled dog represents some individual of that type.
 Types are organized into a hierarchy. The type dog is a subtype of
carnivore, which is a subtype of mammal, etc.
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Types, Individuals, and Names(ii)
Slide 47
 Boxes with the same type label represent concepts of the same
type; however, these boxes may or may not represent the same
individual concept
 Each concept box is labeled with the names of the type and the
 The type and individual labels are separated by a colon, “:”.
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Types, Individuals, and Names(iii)
Slide 48
 Type
 A class, a concept
 Types are organized into hierarchy
 Individual -- Concrete entity
 Name – Identifier of type and individual
 Conceptual Graph
 Concept box with type label indicating the class or type of individual
represented by a node
Label consists of ( type, :, and individual) boy: Ali
Unnamed individual labeled as marker: #<number>
Marker can separate an individual from name
boy: #12354
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Types, Individuals, and Names Example 1
Slide 49
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Types, Individuals, and Names Example 2
Slide 50
 For example:
“Her name was McGill, and she called herself Lil,
but everyone knew her as Nancy”
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Types, Individuals, and Names(iv)
Slide 51
 As an alternative to indicating an individual by its marker or
 we can also use the generic marker * to indicate an unspecified
 This is often omitted from concept labels; a node given just a
type label, dog, is equivalent to a node labeled dog:*.
 In addition to the generic marker, conceptual graphs allow the
use of named variables.
 These are represented by an asterisk followed by the variable
name (e.g.,*X or *foo).
 This is useful if two separate nodes are to indicate the same, but
unspecified, individual.
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Types, Individuals, and Names Example 3
Slide 52
 For example:
“The dog scratches its ear with its paw”.
Although we do not know which dog is scratching its ear, the
variable *X indicates that the paw and the ear belong to the same
dog that is doing the scratching.
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Generalization and Specialization(i)
Slide 53
 The
theory of conceptual graphs includes a number of
operations that create new graphs from existing graphs.
 These allow for the generation of a new graph by either
specializing or generalizing an existing graph, operations that are
important for representing the semantics of natural language.
 The four operations are :
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Generalization and Specialization(ii)
Slide 54
1. The copy rule allows us to form a new graph, g, that is the
exact copy of g1.
2. Restrict allows concept nodes in a graph to be replaced by a
node representing their specialization.
 There are two cases:
1. If a concept is labeled with a generic marker, the generic
marker may be replaced by an individual marker.
2. A type label may be replaced by one of its subtypes, if this
is consistent with the referent of the concept. In Figure
7.22 we can replace animal with dog.
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Restriction Example
Slide 55
 For example we can replace animal with dog.
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Generalization and Specialization(iii)
Slide 56
 The join rule lets us combine two graphs into a single graph.
 If there is a concept node c1 in the graph s1 that is identical to a
concept node c2 in s2, then we can form a new graph by
deleting c2 and linking all of the relations incident on c2 to c1.
 Join is a specialization rule, because the resulting graph is less
general than either of its components.
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Join Example
Slide 57
 The Join of g1 and g3
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Generalization and Specialization(iv)
Slide 58
The simplify rule.
 If a graph contains two duplicate relations, then one of them may be
deleted, along with all its arcs. This is the simplify rule.
 Duplicate relations often occur as the result of a join operation, as in
graph g4.
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Propositional Nodes
Slide 59
 In addition to using graphs to define relations between objects
in the world, we may also want to define relations between
propositions. Consider, for example, the statement “Tom
believes that Jane likes pizza”. “Believes” is a relation that takes
a proposition as its argument.
 Conceptual graphs include a concept type, proposition, that
takes a set of conceptual graphs as its referent and allows us to
define relations involving propositions.
 Propositional concepts are indicated as a box that contains
another conceptual graph.
 These proposition concepts may be used with appropriate
relations to represent knowledge about propositions. Figure
7.24 shows the conceptual graph for the above assertion about
Jane, Tom, and pizza.
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Propositional Nodes Example(i)
Slide 60
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Propositional Nodes Example(ii)
Slide 61
 The
experiencer relation is loosely analogous to the agent
relation in that it links a subject and a verb. The experiencer link
is used with belief states based on the notion that they are
something one experiences rather than does.
 Figure
7.24 shows how conceptual graphs with propositional
nodes may be used to express the modal concepts of knowledge
and belief. Modal logics are concerned with the various ways
propositions are entertained: believed, asserted as possible,
probably or necessarily true, intended as a result of an action, or
counterfactual (Turner 1984).
Taibah University_CS Dept.
CS 362_ Intelligent Systems
Conceptual Graphs and Logic
Slide 62
 Using conceptual graphs, we can easily represent conjunctive
concepts such as “The dog is big and hungry”, but we have not
established any way of representing negation or disjunction. Nor
have we addressed the issue of variable quantification.
 We may implement negation using propositional concepts and a
unary operation called neg. neg takes as argument a proposition
concept and asserts that concept as false. The conceptual graph
of Figure 7.25 uses neg to represent the statement “There are
no pink dogs”.
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CS 362_ Intelligent Systems
Conceptual Graphs and Logic Example
Slide 63
 Conceptual graph of Figure 7.25 uses neg to represent the
statement “There are no pink dogs”.
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Conceptual graphs and predicate calculus(i)
Slide 64
 Conceptual graphs are equivalent to predicate calculus in their
expressive power. As these examples suggest, there is a
straightforward mapping from conceptual graphs into predicate
calculus notation. The algorithm, taken from Sowa (1984), for
changing a conceptual graph, g, into a predicate calculus
expression is:
1. Assign a unique variable, x1, x2, . . . , xn, to each of the n
generic concepts in g.
2. Assign a unique constant to each individual concept in g. This
constant may simply be the name or marker used to indicate
the referent of the concept.
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Conceptual graphs and predicate calculus(ii)
Slide 65
3. Represent each concept node by a unary predicate with the
same name as the type of that node and whose argument is
the variable or constant given that node.
4. Represent each n-ary conceptual relation in g as an n-ary
predicate whose name is the same as the relation. Let each
argument of the predicate be the variable or constant assigned
to the corresponding concept node linked to that relation.
5. Take the conjunction of all atomic sentences formed under 3
and 4. This is the body of the predicate calculus expressions.
All the variables in the expression are existentially quantified.
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Conceptual graphs and predicate calculus Example
Slide 66
 For
example, the graph of Figure 7.16 below may be
transformed into the predicate calculus expression
∃ X1 (dog(emma) ∧ color(emma,X1) ∧ brown(X1))
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CS 362: Intelligent Systems
Slide 1
Unit 7
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CS 362_ Intelligent Systems
Chapter 7:
Slide 2
Overview of Expert System Technology
8.1.1 The Design of Rule-Based Expert Systems
8.1.2 Selecting a Problem and the Knowledge Engineering Process
8.1.3 Conceptual Models and Their Role in Knowledge Acquisition
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CS 362_ Intelligent Systems
Introduction (1)
Slide 3
 The
Important component of AI is knowledgeintensive or strong method problem solving.
 An expert system uses knowledge specific to a problem
domain to provide “expert quality” performance in
that application area.
 Expert systems are built to solve a wide range of
problems in domains such as medicine, mathematics,
engineering, chemistry, geology, computer science,
business, law, defense, and education.
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Slide 4
 Expert
system emulates the human
methodology and performance.
 As with skilled humans, expert systems:
- Tend to be specialists.
- Focusing on a narrow set of problems.
- Are both theoretical and practical
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CS 362_ Intelligent Systems
Slide 5
 Because of their heuristic, knowledge-intensive
nature, expert systems generally:
1. Support inspection of their reasoning processes, both
in presenting intermediate steps and in answering
questions about the solution process.
2. Allow easy modification in adding and deleting skills
from the knowledge base.
3. Reason heuristically, using (often imperfect)
knowledge to get useful solutions
Taibah University_CS Dept.
CS 362_ Intelligent Systems
Expert System Problem Categories (1)
Waterman (1986)
Slide 6
 The following list from Waterman (1986), is a useful summary of
general expert system problem categories:
Interpretation: forming high-level conclusions from collections of
raw data.
Prediction: projecting probable consequences of given situations.
Diagnosis: determining the cause of malfunctions in complex
situations based on observable symptoms.
Design: finding a configuration of system components that meets
performance goals while satisfying a set of design constraints.
Taibah University_CS Dept.
CS 362_ Intelligent Systems
The Design of Rule-Based Expert Systems(2)
Waterman (1986)
Slide 7
Planning: devising a sequence of actions that will achieve a
set of goals given certain starting conditions and run-time
Monitoring: comparing a system’s observed behavior to its
expected behavior.
Instruction: assisting in the education process in technical
Control: governing the behavior of a complex environment.
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Slide 8
 Diagnostic applications, servicing people.
 Play chess
 Make financial planning decisions
 Configure computers
 Monitor real time systems
 Underwrite insurance policies
 Perform many other services which previously required
human expertise
Rules for a Credit Application
Slide 9
Mortgage application for a loan for $100,000 to $200,000
If there are no previous credits problems, and
If month net income is greater than 4x monthly loan payment, and
If down payment is 15% of total value of property, and
If net income of borrower is > $25,000, and
If employment is > 3 years at same company
Then accept the applications
Else check other credit rules
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CS 362_ Intelligent Systems
The Design of Rule-Based Expert Systems(1)
Slide 10
 There are three major ES Components:
Expert system interfaces
employ a variety of user styles, including question-and-answer, menu-driven, or
graphical interfaces.
knowledge base
the heart of the expert system, which contains the knowledge of a
particular application domain.
 In a rule-based expert system this knowledge is most often represented in
the form of if... then... rules,
knowledge base contains both general knowledge as well as case-
specific information.
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CS 362_ Intelligent Systems
The Design of Rule-Based Expert Systems(2)
Slide 11
Inference engine
-Applies the knowledge to the solution of actual problems.
-It is essentially an interpreter for the knowledge base.
-Performs the recognize-act control cycle.
The procedures that implement the control cycle are separate
from the production rules themselves
The Design of Rule-Based Expert Systems(3)
Slide 12
User Interface
Three Major ES Components
The Design of Rule-Based Expert Systems(4)
Slide 13
Architecture of a typical expert system for a particular
problem domain.
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The Design of Rule-Based Expert Systems(5)
Slide 14
Case-specific data
-The expert system must keep track of case-specific data: the
facts, conclusions, and other information relevant to the case
under consideration.
-This includes the data given in a problem instance, partial
conclusions, confidence measures of conclusions, and dead ends
in the search process.
-This information is separate from the general knowledge base.
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The Design of Rule-Based Expert Systems(6)
Slide 15
Explanation subsystem
-The explanation subsystem allows the program to explain its
reasoning to the user. These explanations include:
1. Justifications for the system’s conclusions, In response to how
2. Explanations of why the system needs a particular piece of data,
3. Why queries, and, where useful,
4. Tutorial explanations or deeper theoretical justifications of the
program’s actions.
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The Design of Rule-Based Expert Systems(7)
Slide 16
knowledge-base editor
-Knowledge-base editors help the programmer locate and correct
bugs in the program’s performance, often accessing the
information provided by the explanation subsystem.
-They also may assist in the addition of new knowledge, help
maintain correct rule syntax, and perform consistency checks on
any updated knowledge base.
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CS 362_ Intelligent Systems
Selecting a Problem and the Knowledge
Engineering Process (1)
Slide 17
 Guidelines
to determine whether a problem is appropriate for
expert system solution or not:
1. The need for the solution justifies the cost and effort of building an expert
2. Human expertise is not available in all situations where it is needed.
3. The problem may be solved using symbolic reasoning.
4. The problem domain is well structured and does not require commonsense
5. The problem may not be solved using traditional computing methods.
6. Cooperative and articulate experts exist.
7. The problem is of proper size and scope.
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Selecting a Problem and the Knowledge
Engineering Process (2)
Slide 18
development cycle
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CS 362_ Intelligent Systems
Selecting a Problem and the Knowledge
Engineering Process (3)
Slide 19
Expert systems are built by progressive approximations, with the
program’s mistakes leading to corrections or additions to the
knowledge base.
The process of trying and correcting candidate designs is
common to expert systems development, and contrasts with
such neatly hierarchical processes as top-down design.
 In a sense, the knowledge base is “grown” rather than
Taibah University_CS Dept.
CS 362_ Intelligent Systems
Conceptual Models and
Their Role in Knowledge Acquisition (1)
Slide 20
A simplified model of the knowledge acquisition process that
will serve as a useful “first approximation” for understanding the
problems involved in acquiring and formalizing human expert
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Conceptual Models and
Their Role in Knowledge Acquisition (2)
Slide 21
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Conceptual Models and
Their Role in Knowledge Acquisition (3)
Slide 22
 The Human Element in Expert Systems
-Knowledge Engineer
 The human expert, working in an application area, operates in a
domain of knowledge, skill, and practice.
 This knowledge is often vague, imprecise, and only partially
Taibah University_CS Dept.
CS 362_ Intelligent Systems
Conceptual Models and
Their Role in Knowledge Acquisition (4)
Slide 23
The knowledge engineer must translate this informal expertise
into a formal language suited to a computational system.
knowledge engineering is difficult and should be viewed as
spanning the life cycle of any expert system.
Knowledge engineers should document and make public an
assumptions about the domain through common software
engineering methodologies.
To simplify knowledge engineering task, it is useful to consider,
a conceptual model
If the knowledge engineer uses a predicate calculus model,
begin as a number of simple networks representing states of
reasoning through typical problem-solving situations. Only
after further refinement does this network become explicit if...
then... rules.
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Conceptual Models and
Their Role in Knowledge Acquisition (5)
Slide 24
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Conceptual Models and
Their Role in Knowledge Acquisition (6)
Slide 25
A conceptual model that lies between human expertise and the
implemented program.
By a conceptual model, we mean the knowledge engineer’s
evolving conception of the domain knowledge.
This model that actually determines the construction of the
formal knowledge base.
The conceptual model is not formal or directly executable on a
It is an intermediate design construct, a template to begin to
constrain and codify human skill.
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CS 362_ Intelligent Systems
Slide 26
Rule-Based Expert Systems
The Production System and Goal-Driven Problem Solving
Explanation and Transparency in Goal-Driven Reasoning
Using the Production System for Data-Driven Reasoning
Heuristics and Control in Expert Systems
Taibah University_CS Dept.
CS 362_ Intelligent Systems
Rule-Based Expert Systems
Slide 27
 Rule-based expert systems represent problem-solving
knowledge as if...
then... rules.
• This approach is one of the oldest techniques for representing
domain knowledge in an expert system.
• It is also one of the most natural, and remains widely used in
practical and experimental expert systems.
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CS 362_ Intelligent Systems
The Production System and Goal-Driven Problem
Slide 28
• The production system was the intellectual precursor of modern
expert system architectures, where application of production
rules leads to refinements of understanding of a particular
problem situation.
• When Newell and Simon developed the production system, their
goal was to model human performance in problem solving.
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The Production System and Goal-Driven Problem
Slide 29
• If we regard the expert system architecture in the above Figure as a production
system, the domain-specific knowledge base is the set of production rules.
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CS 362_ Intelligent Systems
The Production System and Goal-Driven Problem
• In
Slide 30
a rule-based system, these condition action pairs are
represented as if... then...rules, with the premises of the rules,
the if portion, corresponding to the condition, and the
conclusion, the then portion, corresponding to the action: when
the condition is satisfied, the expert system takes the action of
asserting the conclusion as true.
• Case-specific
data can be kept in the working memory. The
inference engine implements the recognize-act cycle of the
production system; this control may be either data-driven or
Taibah University_CS Dept.
CS 362_ Intelligent Systems
The Production System and Goal-Driven Problem
Slide 31
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The Production System and Goal-Driven Problem
Slide 32
In a goal-driven expert system, the goal expression is initially
placed in working memory.
The system matches rule conclusions with the goal, selecting
one rule and placing its premises in the working memory.
This corresponds to a decomposition of the problem’s goal into
simpler subgoals.
The process continues in the next iteration of the production
system, with these premises becoming the new goals to match
against rule conclusions.
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The Production System and Goal-Driven Problem
Slide 33
The system thus works back from the original goal until all the
subgoals in working memory are known to be true, indicating
that the hypothesis has been verified.
Thus , backward search in an expert system corresponds
roughly to the process of hypothesis testing in human problem
In an expert system, subgoals can be solved by asking the user
for information.
Some expert systems allow the system designer to specify
which subgoals may be solved by asking the user.
Others simply ask the user about any subgoals that fail to
match rules in the knowledge base; i.e., if the program cannot
infer the truth of a subgoal, it asks the user.
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CS 362_ Intelligent Systems
Example: A small expert system
for analysis of automotive problems(1)
Slide 34
Rule 1: if
the engine is getting gas,
the engine will turn over,
the problem is spark
Rule 3: if
the engine does not turn
over, and
the lights do come on
the problem is the starter
Rule 2: if
the engine does not turn
over, and
the lights do not come on
the problem is battery or
Rule 4: if
there is gas in the fuel
tank, and
there is gas in the
the engine is getting gas.
Taibah University_CS Dept.
CS 362_ Intelligent Systems
Example: A small expert system
for analysis of automotive problems(2)
Slide 35
The and/or graph
searched in the car
diagnosis example,
with the conclusion
of Rule 4 matching
the first premise of
Rule 1.
Taibah University_CS Dept.
CS 362_ Intelligent Systems
Example: A small expert system
for analysis of automotive problems(3)
Slide 36
The production system at the
start of a consultation in the car
diagnostic example.
The production system at the
start of a consultation (it will
be DFS)
Taibah University_CS Dept.
CS 362_ Intelligent Systems
Example: A small expert system
for analysis of automotive problems(4)
Slide 37
The production system after Rule 1 has
The system after Rule 4 has fired. Note the
stack-based approach to goal reduction.
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CS 362_ Intelligent Systems
Explanation and Transparency in
Goal-Driven Reasoning(1)
Slide 38
 Explanation: Answering “why” questions
ES - Gas in fuel tank?
ES-Gas in carburetor?
ES-Engine will turn over?
ES-This follows from rule 1
ES-It has been established that
1. The engine is getting gas,
therefore if
2. The engine will turn over,
then the problem is spark plugs.
The user is asking “why is this information important?”
CS 362_ Intelligent Systems
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Explanation and Transparency in
Goal-Driven Reasoning(2)
Slide 39
U-how the engine is getting gas
ES-This follows from rule 4:
gas in fuel tank, and
there is gas in the carburetor
the engine is getting gas
gas in fuel tank was given by the user
gas in the carburetor was given by the user
The user is asking
“How did the system come up with this conclusion?”
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CS 362_ Intelligent Systems
Using the Production System for
Data-Driven Reasoning(3)
Slide 40
Breadth-first search is even more common in data-driven
• The algorithm is:
1- compare the contents of working memory with the conditions
of each rule in the rule base according to the order of the rules
in the rule base.
2- If the data in working Memory supports a rule’s firing the result
is placed in working memory and then control moves on to the
next rule.
Once all rules have been considered, search starts again at the
beginning of the rule set.
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Using the Production System for Data-Driven Reasoning
( Data-driven reasoning in Ess)(1)
Slide 41
 Use breadth-first search
 Algorithm:
Do the next step until the working memory does not change
For each rule:
Compare the contents of the working memory with the
conditions of each rule in the rule base using the ordering
of the rule base.
If the data in working memory supports a rule’s firing
place the result in working memory
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Using the Production System for Data-Driven Reasoning
( Data-driven reasoning in Ess)(2)
Slide 42
At the start of a consultation for data-driven reasoning
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Using the Production System for Data-Driven Reasoning
( Data-driven reasoning in Ess)(3)
Slide 43
After evaluating the first premise of Rule 2, which then fails
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Using the Production System for Data-Driven Reasoning
( Data-driven reasoning in Ess)(4)
Slide 44
After considering Rule 4, beginning its second pass through the rules
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Using the Production System for Data-Driven Reasoning
( Data-driven reasoning in Ess)(5)
Slide 45
The search graph as described by the contents of WM data-driven
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Heuristics and Control in Expert Systems (2)
Slide 46
 Example:
• Rule 1 in the automotive example tries to determine whether
the engine is getting gas before it asks if the engine turns over.
This is inefficient, in that trying to determine whether the
engine is getting gas invokes another rule and eventually asks
the user two questions.
By reversing the order of the premises, a negative response to
the query “engine will turn over?”
Eliminates this rule from consideration before the more
involved condition is examined, thus making the system more
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CS 362_ Intelligent Systems
Slide 47
8.4 Planning
Introduction to Planning: Robotics
Using Planning Macros: STRIPS
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CS 362_ Intelligent Systems
Planning (1)
Slide 48
Planning is a process of organizing pieces of knowledge into a
consistent sequence of actions that will accomplish a goal.
The task of a planner is to find a sequence of actions that allow
a problem solver, such as a control system, to accomplish some
specific task.
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CS 362_ Intelligent Systems
Planning (2)
Slide 49
Traditional planning is very much knowledge-intensive, since
plan creation requires the organization of pieces of knowledge
and partial plans into a solution procedure.
Planning plays a role in expert systems in reasoning about
events occurring over time.
Planning has many applications in manufacturing, such as
process control. It is also important for designing a robot
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Planning (3)
Slide 50
 Planning Examples:
• Identify the actions and the task or goal n
• Sequence of actions to go get block a from room b
1. Put down whatever is now held
2. Go to room b
3. Pick up block a
4. Leave room b
5. Return to original location
Taibah University_CS Dept.
CS 362_ Intelligent Systems
Planning - Atomic Actions
Slide 51
The steps of a traditional robot are composed of the robot’s
Atomic actions can be at the micro-level or higher level
Example: “turn the sixth stepper motor one revolution”
atomic actions
What type of actions were the ones listed in the previous example?
Taibah University_CS Dept.
CS 362_ Intelligent Systems
Planning -Searching (1)
Slide 52
Plans are created by searching through a space of possible
actions until the sequence necessary to accomplish the task is
This space represents states of the world that are changed by
applying each of the actions.
The search terminates when the goal state (the appropriate
description of the world) is produced.
Thus, many of the issues of heuristic search, including finding
A* algorithms, are also appropriate in planning.
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CS 362_ Intelligent Systems
Planning - Searching (2)
Slide 53
Traditional planning relies on search techniques.
Planning may be seen as a state space search
The techniques of graph search may be applied to find a path
from the start state to the goal state. The operations on this
path constitute a plan.
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Planning Example
(robot’s world to a set of blocks on a tabletop )(1)
Slide 54
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Planning Example
(robot’s world to a set of blocks on a tabletop )(2)
Slide 55
We have five blocks, labeled a, b, c, d, e, sitting on the top of a
The blocks are all cubes of the same size, and stacks of blocks,
as in the figure, have blocks directly on top of each other.
The robot arm has a gripper that can grasp any clear block (one
with no block on top of it) and move it to any location on the
tabletop or place it on top of any other block (with no block on
top of it).
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Planning Example
(robot’s world to a set of blocks on a tabletop )(3)
Slide 56
 The robot arm can perform the following tasks (U, V, W, X, Y, and
Z are variables):
Go to location described by coordinates X, Y, and Z. This location might be goto(X,Y,Z)
implicit in the command pickup (W) where block W has location X, Y, Z.
Pick up block W from its current location. It is assumed that block W is clear
on top, the gripper is empty at the time, and the computer knows the
location of block W.
Place block W down at some location on the table and record the new putdown(W)
location for W. W must be held by the gripper at the time.
stack(U,V) Place block U on top of block V. The gripper must be holding U and
the top of V must be clear of other blocks.
Remove block U from the top of V. U must be clear of other blocks, V must
have block U on top of it, and the gripper hand must be empty before this
command can be executed.
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Planning Example
(robot’s world to a set of blocks on a tabletop )(4)
Slide 57
The state of the world is described by a set of predicates and
predicate relationships:
Block W is at coordinates X, Y, Z.
Block X is immediately on top of block Y.
Block X has nothing on top of it.
The robot arm is holding block X.
gripping( )
The robot gripper is empty.
Block W is on the table.
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Planning Example
(robot’s world to a set of blocks on a tabletop )(5)
Slide 58
 This is the collection of predicates STATE 1 for our continuing
on(b, a).
on(e, d).
gripping( ).
The full state description is the conjunction ( ) of all these
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Planning Example
(robot’s world to a set of blocks on a tabletop )(6)
Slide 59
 A number of truth relations or rules for performance are created for the
clear (X), ontable (X), and gripping ().
1. ( X) (clear(X) ←¬ ( Y) (on(Y,X)))
2. ( Y) ( X) ¬ on(Y,X) ← ontable(Y)
3. ( Y) gripping( ) ↔¬ (gripping(Y))
4. ( X) (pickup(X) → (gripping(X) ← (gripping( ) clear(X) ontable(X)))).
5. ( X) (putdown(X) → ((gripping( ) ontable(X) clear(X)) ← gripping(X))).
6. ( X) ( Y) (stack(X,Y) → ((on(X,Y) gripping( ) clear(X)) ← (clear(Y)
7. ( X)( Y) (unstack(X,Y) → ((clear(Y) gripping(X)) ← (on(X,Y)
clear(X) gripping( ))).
8. ( X) ( Y) ( Z) (unstack(Y,Z) → (ontable(X) ← ontable(X))).
9. ( X) ( Y) ( Z) (stack(Y,Z) → (ontable(X) ← ontable(X))).
Taibah University_CS Dept.
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Planning Example
(robot’s world to a set of blocks on a tabletop )(7)
Slide 60
A number of truth relations or rules for performance are created for the clear
(X), ontable (X), and gripping ().
 Explanation of Rule 4:
 For all blocks X, pickup(X) means gripping(X) if the hand is
empty and X is clear and X is on table.
 Rule A → (B ← C) says that operator A produces new
predicate(s) B when condition(s) C is(are) true.
 Operator A can be used to create a new state described by
predicates B when predicates C are true.
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Planning Example
(robot’s world to a set of blocks on a tabletop )(8)
Slide 61
A number of other predicates also true for STATE 1 will remain
true in STATE 2.
These states are preserved for STATE 2 by the frame axioms.
We now produce the nine predicates describing STATE 2 by
applying the unstack operator and the frame axioms to the nine
predicates of STATE 1, where the net result is to unstack block e:
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Planning Example
(robot’s world to a set of blocks on a tabletop )(9)
Slide 62
 This is the collection of predicates STATE 2 for our continuing
on(b, a).
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Planning Example
(robot’s world to a set of blocks on a tabletop )(10)
Slide 63
Fig 8.19 Portion of the state space for a portion of the blocks world.
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CS 362_ Intelligent Systems
Using Planning Macros: STRIPS (1)
Slide 64
STRIPS, developed at what is now SRI International, stands for
STanford Research Institute Planning System.
This controller was used to drive the SHAKEY robot of the early
The book presents a version of STRIPS-style planning and
triangle tables (data structure) used to organize and store
macro operations.
Using blocks example, the four operators pickup, putdown,
stack, and unstack are represented as triples of descriptions.
Taibah University_CS Dept.
CS 362_ Intelligent Systems
Using Planning Macros: STRIPS(2)
Slide 65
 The first element of the triple is the set of preconditions (P), or
conditions the world must meet for an operator to be applied.
 The
second element of the triple is the add list (A), or the
additions to the state description that are a result of applying
the operator.
 Finally, there is the delete list (D), or the items that are removed
from a state description to create the new state when the
operator is applied.
Taibah University_CS Dept.
CS 362_ Intelligent Systems
Using Planning Macros: STRIPS(3)
Slide 66
1- pickup(X)
P: gripping( ) clear(X)
A: gripping(X)
D: ontable(X) gripping( )
2- putdown(X)
P: gripping(X)
A: ontable(X) gripping( )
D: gripping(X)
3- stack(X,Y)
P: clear(Y) gripping(X)
A: on(X,Y) gripping( )
D: clear(Y) gripping(X)
4- unstack(X,Y)
P: clear(X) gripping( )
A: gripping(X) clear(Y)
D: gripping( ) on(X,Y)
 Using blocks example, the four operators pickup, putdown,
stack, and unstack are represented as triples of descriptions.
Taibah University_CS Dept.
CS 362_ Intelligent Systems
Problems with Using Planning Macros(1)
Slide 67
Example of an incompatible subgoal using the start state STATE
1 of Figure 8.18.
Suppose the goal of the plan is STATE G as in Figure 8.20, with
on(b,a) on(a,c) and blocks d and e remaining as in STATE 1.
It may be noted that one of the parts of the conjunctive goal
on(b,a) on(a,c) is true in STATE 1, namely on(b,a).
This already satisfied part of the goal must be undone
(unfinished) before the second subgoal, on(a,c), can be
Taibah University_CS Dept.
CS 362_ Intelligent Systems
Problems with Using Planning Macros(2)
Slide 68
Fig: 8.18
Fig: 8.20
Taibah University_CS Dept.
CS 362_ Intelligent Systems
Triangle Table (1)
Slide 69
The Triangle Table representation (Fikes and Nilsson 1971,
Nilsson 1980) is aimed at alleviating some of these anomalies,
presented in slides 21 and 22.
A triangle table is a data structure for organizing sequences of
actions, including potentially incompatible subgoals, within a
Taibah University_CS Dept.
CS 362_ Intelligent Systems
Triangle Table (2)
Slide 70
Figure 8.21 presents a triangle table for the macro action
stack(X,Y) stack(Y,Z).
This macro action can be applied to states where on(X,Y)
clear(X) clear(Z) is true.
This triangle table is appropriate for starting STATE 1 with X =
b, Y = a, and Z = c.
Taibah University_CS Dept.
CS 362_ Intelligent Systems
Planning - A Triangle Table
Slide 71
The atomic actions of the plan, i.e., pickup, putdown, stack, and unstack are recorded
along the diagonal.
Taibah University_CS Dept.
CS 362_ Intelligent Systems
Planning - A Triangle Table - Explanation
Slide 72
The set of preconditions of each of these actions are in the row
before that action, and the postconditions (add and delete) of
each action are in the column below it.
Advantage of triangle tables is the assistance they can offer in
attempting to recover from problems, such as a block being
slightly out of place, or accidents, such as dropping a block.