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Greek & Roman Myth Syllabus | ASU Course

Syllabus for SLC 223: Intro to Greek & Roman Myth (2023 Summer - A)
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Course Syllabus
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GRK/SLC/LAT 223: Introduction to Greek and
Roman Mythology
Course and Faculty Information
Course Description : The primary aim of this course is twofold: 1) to familiarize the student with the
characters and events of ancient Greek and Roman myths, and 2) to move beyond mere narrative to
consider the possible interpretations and functions of these myths. Myths were told and retold in
many contexts: in song, in dramatic performance, in written literature, and in arts such as sculpture
and pottery. Myths reveal and explore the central concerns of ancient society, and as such they can
give us a greater understanding of a society that was very different from ours but which has often
been influential in the evolution of the West. Because of the similarities and differences between our
culture and those of the ancient Mediterranean, the study of these cultures can give us further
insights into the working of our own society. Later Western art and literature, for instance, have
frequently reworked ancient myths in way that can illuminate both ancient and contemporary culture.
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Credits: 3.
General Studies: HU.
Prerequisites: None.
Professor: Barbara Weinlich, Ph.D.
Email: bweinlic@asu.edu
Office Hours: by appointment
Course Learning Outcomes
By the end of the course, students will be able to:
1. name and define the major gods, heroes, and myths of the Greco-Roman world
2. interpret these Greco-Roman gods, heroes, and myths in light of:
A. the culture that produced them
B. myths of other ancient Mediterranean cultures
3. analyze these gods, heroes, and myths in light of major theories of myth interpretation
4. assess the effect of Greco-Roman mythology on traditions of art, philosophy, religion, and
literature from antiquity to the present day
How This Course Works
This is an online course. As such, it is self-driven. The primary focus of the course will be the
discussion boards and the textbook chapters and the quizzes that accompany them. There are short
video lectures recorded by the five ASU Classics faculty members (4-24 minutes long, most of them
less than 15 minutes) that accompany each textbook chapter and are intended to give you a little
more in-depth look at the material the chapter covers, and questions from those are included in the
quizzes for that chapter.
The textbook is divided into five sections, and the course is divided into five corresponding modules.
As each module closes, the next one opens (with the exception of modules 4-5, which are combined
since they involve only three chapters together). All deadlines are at 11:59 pm AZT on the day the
module ends; all modules open at midnight the day they are scheduled to open. The modules are of
varying lengths, depending on the number of chapters in each module. By the end of each module,
you are expected to have:
1. Done the assigned reading in Powell and watched the short video lectures. See the "Learning
Materials" page for each Module.
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2. Taken the short chapter quizzes for each module. [Fulfills course objective 1, 2, 3.]
3. Participated in the discussion boards. [Fulfills course objectives 1, 2, 3, 4.]
1. Participation in the discussion boards means you have started a thread on the main discussion
question and you have responded to two of your group member's threads. The due date for
starting your own thread is halfway through the module's allotted time on the schedule; the
due date for responding to two group member's threads is on the last day the module is open.
4. Kept up with the Daily Chatter questions.
These assignments are all detailed below.
Your approach to the course should be as follows.
1. Before starting the work for each module, look at the discussion questions and writing assignment
posted for that module.
2. Read the chapters in the textbook, completing each chapter quiz as you do so. You get two
chances on each quiz, and they are open-book. Be sure to check the feedback after each quiz
question before you retake the quiz.
3. Participate in the discussion boards. There are three parts to the discussion boards for each
1. Main discussion for the module: Here we pose a discussion question for the module. 40 points
total. You are required to do two things:
1. Start your own thread answering the question by the given due date (see the discussion
board for that module). See rubrics attached to the discussion boards. You must do this
by halfway through the module. Please note that the due-date for the first submission
is posted on the calendar, but not the due date for the second submission!
2. Respond to two other students' threads by the module deadline. See rubrics attached to
the discussion boards. You must do the responses by the end of the module.
2. Daily chatter. Every day, starting May 18 (after the add/drop period ends) and running through
June 26, a quick question will be posted that is related either to the current module or to
mythology in general. These questions will be opinion questions--no wrong answers, provided
you take the time to write a couple sentences in response and answer the question. They
won't require extra work on your part beyond participating. Each will go live at midnight AZT
on their day and is due at 11:59 pm AZT that day. The questions may sometimes be silly;
they're intended to be light-hearted and help you enjoy the course material as well as think
about it in different ways and to create a sense of personal interaction in an online class. You
may complete these late; for every day they're late, you receive a -2% on your eventual grade.
See the rubrics attached to the discussion board before submission to be sure you're not
losing points.
A common complaint from students in this course is "I have 12 quizzes due on one day!" That's not
actually true; there are two weeks in which to do those 12 quizzes. You'll need to organize your time
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to succeed in the course.
Textbook and Required Materials
All students should have a copy of the following book:
• Barry B. Powell, Classical Myth. 9th edition. Oxford. ISBN 978-0197527986.
You have several ways to acquire this book:
• through the ASU Bookstore (see link on left sidebar) as an ebook or physical book
• through an online vendor such as Amazon as an ebook or physical book
• through Oxford University Press
b-powell-v9780197527993) as an ebook or a physical book. If you choose this option you should be
able to access the book through the "RedShelf eBooks" link on the left sidebar.
• through Perusall (see link on left sidebar). We do not use Perusall for assignments, but you may
acquire the book through them. However, you will never be able to access the book except
through Perusall.
Whichever option you choose, be aware that the ebook is the cheapest version of the book. In
assignments, it does not matter whether you use the ebook or the physical book, including for citation
**If you wish to use an earlier edition of the textbook, you may, but be aware that it is at your
own risk in terms of material covered.**
Because it so easy to get the book and it is available electronically, there should be no issues with
shipping, etc., at the start of term. If you must delay purchasing the book for financial reasons, please
contact the professor.
You also need reliable internet service and a device capable of accessing the internet. Please note
that tablets, phones, and Chromebooks are not considered sufficient by ASU for completing an ASU
Online course.
Course Schedule
Date Open
Saturday, May
13 (site opens)
Date Due
Must be completed
to proceed with
Module # and Topic
Getting Started
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Monday, March Tu
Tuesday, May 16
(must complete
Getting Started
module first)
Monday, May 22
1: Definitions and
Chapters 1-3
Friday, May 19
Friday, June 2
2: Divine Myth
Chapters 4-12
Tuesday, May 30
Tuesday, June 20
3: Legends
Chapters 13-22
Friday, June 16
Monday, June 26
4: Roman Myth
Chapters 23-24
Wednesday, June
Monday, June 26
5: Theories of Myth
Chapter 25
Tuesday, May 16
Tuesday, June 20
Final Project
Your final grade will be determined as follows:
• 25 short chapter quizzes (50% total, 2.5% per quiz, with the 5 lowest scores dropping)
◦ You may retake each quiz once, with the higher grade counting. Be sure to check the
feedback after each quiz question before you retake the quiz.
• Discussion board participation for each module (20% total)
◦ Main discussion question for each module (5 total): 20%, 5% per module (Modules 4-5 are
combined for purposes of discussion)
▪ 50% of your grade for each module will be answering the main discussion post in your own
thread, while each of the two responses to another student will be 25% of your grade for
the module (2.5 points each on the rubric).
• Daily chatter (40 total): 10%, @ .25% per participation day, 3 drops
• Final project: 20%
The grading scale is as follows:
Letter grade
Weighted percentage
100% - 97
96 - 94%
93 - 90%
89 - 87%
86 - 84%
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83 - 80%
79 - 76%
75 - 70%
69 - 60%
below 60%
All grades within .5 of the next grade up will round up.
Weighted Total: You can always see your current grade under the Grades link in Canvas on the left
sidebar. Weights for specific categories can be found at the bottom of the page; your grade can be
found at the bottom of the page and on the upper right. If you ever have any questions about your
grade, at any time, please email me. The Canvas grade book allows you to play around with possible
grades for future assignments and how they would affect your course grade.
When grading occurs. After each module closes, the module discussion forums are graded. The
quizzes are graded by Canvas but sometimes require manual correction from the instructor if there is
a problem with a question (please let the instructor know if that is the case). Daily chatters are
graded at any time, whenever the graders have time.
Extra credit: There are three extra credit opportunities for this course and they all come right at the
start (see Module 0: Getting Started (https://canvas.asu.edu/courses/152928/modules/1718082) ).
One is to take the Module 0: Syllabus Quiz (https://canvas.asu.edu/courses/152928/quizzes/1149086)
. The second is to introduce yourself to the class on the discussion boards. The third is to
electronically sign the Module 0: Academic Integrity Agreement (https://canvas.asu.edu/courses
/152928/quizzes/1149061) . Each will give an extra 1% to your grade in the gradebook. You will need to
do all these things to proceed in the course anyway.
Other grading options: If you are taking the course pass/fail, auditing, or want to do an Honors
Contract, please get in touch with the instructor by email.
One last point: We've tried to set up this course so there is a balance between enjoying learning
about classical mythology and grades. We've tried to design the grading system so you can focus
more on the learning - which is what we're really interested in - than worrying about your grades.
You'll see there's a number of different types of assignments so that any areas of weakness you
have will not destroy your grade.
If you have any questions about your grades or assignments, contact the instructor.
Chapter Quizzes
Each of the 25 chapters in the textbook will be accompanied by a short, 7-question quiz. Questions
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may be multiple-choice, true/false, multiple drop-downs/ordering, multiple-answer, or matching.
Questions are drawn from the reading and the short lecture video for the chapter (on which you may
want to take notes).
Since there is a great deal of material to be covered in a short amount of time, the quizzes are openbook/open-note. However, you do not have a lot of time to take them (12 minutes), so you don't have
time to flip through the chapter looking for the answers. You will have to have read the chapter and
familiarized yourself with the material in it to be able to locate any needed information quickly.
Sources other than your textbook are not permitted to be used for these quizzes.
You are allowed to retake each quiz once for a total of two attempts. Questions are drawn from a
random pool and you may not get the same questions twice. Be sure to check the feedback after
each quiz question before you retake the quiz. You can do this by going to Grades
(https://canvas.asu.edu/courses/152928/grades) and clicking on the quiz title. (You cannot see the
correct answers until after your second quiz attempt.)
The five lowest quiz scores will drop from your final average. You may submit quizzes late with a
-2%/day penalty.
Please let your instructor know if you think there is a mistake or problem with a quiz question. There
is the possibility of both and human and technological errors with tests on Canvas and we want to
make sure everything is okay and no one's grade is affected by such a mistake.
Discussion Boards
As detailed above, there are multiple discussion boards:
1. Main discussion for each module: Here we pose a discussion question for the module. 40 points
total. You are required to do two things:
1. Start your own thread answering the question. See rubrics attached to the discussion boards
for word count and other grading criteria.
2. Respond to two other students' threads. See rubrics attached to the discussion boards.
3. The main discussion boards may not be submitted late. They will close with their module.
2. Daily chatter. Every day, starting May 18 and running through June 26, we will post a quick
question related either to the current module or to Greek and Roman mythology in general.
These questions will be opinion questions--no wrong answers, provided you take the time to write
a couple sentences in response. They won't require extra work on your part beyond participating.
Each will go live at midnight on their day and is due at 11:59 pm that day. The questions may
sometimes be silly; they're intended to be light-hearted and help you enjoy the course material as
well as think about it in different ways. See rubrics attached to the discussion boards. You may
submit these late in case you miss a day, but there will be a -2% late penalty for each day late.
The three lowest or missed scores drop.
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In order to recreate the feel of a smaller class, the main discussion boards are done by group. That
way you'll be talking to at most 9 other people instead of all 99 classmates and get a chance to know
some other students in the course.
To maximize your discussion grade:
1. Check in regularly to the discussion boards, making posts or responses. The main discussion
question requires that you start your own thread and also reply to two other students' threads.
The Daily Chatter board requires you check in daily and answer the question.
2. The threads you start in the module discussion boards should provide a good basis for the
discussion for the module. The remainder of your posts should be responses to others' posts or
answering questions or points that they bring up in response to your posts.
3. Replies should be more than "I agree"; they should build on the post you're replying to and keep
the discussion going.
4. Read the rubrics attached to the discussion boards (click on the vertical three dots to the upper
right of the discussion forum) before posting to ensure that you are fulfilling all the requirements to
get full points.
Please treat each other with respect and courtesy on the discussion boards. Discussion, and the
learning process, will go so much better if we ignore the temptations of near-anonymous
communication to just say what we think without making it as constructive as possible.
You have been divided into groups for the purpose of the discussion boards, so you will not be talking
with your 90+ classmates, but with 8 or 9 other group members. This is to ensure a more productive
experience on the discussion boards. Grades are assigned on the basis of individual work, however,
and there are no group projects for this course.
We will be checking in on the main discussions daily and participating when necessary to redirect or
encourage discussion. If you don't hear from us, the class is doing great - keep it up!
Final Project
At the end of Module 3 ( Tuesday, June 20, by 11:59 pm AZT ), every student must have completed
and submitted a short final project. Please do not share your submission via Google
Documents. This project asks you to find three examples of the usage of myth in the modern world
(after AD/CE 476) in various cultural areas. See the guide: Final project guide.pptx
The final project may be presented in several formats: a traditional paper, a power point, or an
audiovisual presentation (.mp4 files preferred). The format should be whatever suits you best.
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You should be working on this from the start of the semester. It's not a long or particularly hard
project, but it does require some planning. Read the materials in the Final Project: Information and
Submission Links (https://canvas.asu.edu/courses/152928/modules/1718087) at the first opportunity,
and see the rubric at the bottom of the assignment submission page. You may submit the final
project late at the usual -2%/day penalty.
Late Submission Policy
You may submit quizzes, daily chatter-assignments, discussion board-assignments, and the final
project late with a -2%/day penalty.
Technical Difficulties
In our experience, technical difficulties are par for the course in online courses. Before you go to
submit an assignment or take a quiz, be sure that your Internet connection is good, your computer
has a reliable power source, and that your computer is not about to run updates.
The following may help in the event of trouble:
• Check your internet connection
• Check your power source
• Clear your browser history and cookies and restart the browser
• Switch browsers
• Restart your computer
If problems persist, contact us if they seem related to the course material. If they seem related to
your computer or ASU servers, contact the ASU Help Desk at the University Technology Office (a link
to their contact info is on the near left sidebar).
We will reset quizzes and reopen assignments if the situation calls for it, but you need to contact us
as soon as possible. Additionally, we will give each student no more than three such second chances
during the term. We would suggest taking a screenshot of the problem and attaching it when you
email us. If you end up consulting with UTO and need a reset, please include with your email your
ticket number with UTO.
For technical support, use the Help icon in the black global navigation menu in your Canvas course or
call the ASU Help Desk at +1-(855) 278-5080. Representatives are available to assist you 24 hours a
day, 7 days a week.
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Scholastic Dishonesty
Scholastic dishonesty on any assignment (quizzes, writing assignments, discussion board posts, final
project and exam) will result in a failing grade (E) for that assignment, which may not be dropped. If
that E results in your failing the course as well, we will apply for a grade of XE from the Dean’s Office;
an XE grade can never be erased from your transcript, bars you from extra-curricular activities, and
may have other negative consequences. Infractions, even if they do not result in an XE, will be
reported to the Dean's Office for their records. Scholastic dishonesty includes submitting any work
that is not your own and that has received assistance from outside sources, including print sources,
the internet, and your fellow students. Quizzes are open-book but may not use any source except the
textbook. If you need clarity on what comprises scholastic dishonesty, contact us or consult the
following website: https://provost.asu.edu/academicintegrity/defined (https://provost.asu.edu
/academicintegrity/defined) .
If you require accommodation for a disability, university event, or religious holiday, you must let us
know in advance. Accommodations for a disability will only be given upon authorization from SAILS
(Student Accessibility and Inclusive Learning Services) (https://eoss.asu.edu/accessibility) .
Caveat Lector
This syllabus may be changed at any time by the instructor as she deems fit. Students will be
informed of any changes. Any change made will be to students' benefit.
Additionally, be aware that we will be studying a culture foreign to our own today, with different mores
and practices, some of which you might find troubling or even offensive. Feel free to speak to your
instructor about any concerns, or contact the head of Classics, Dr. Sarah Bolmarcich or the director of
SILC, Dr. Michael Tueller.
Title IX
Title IX is a federal law that provides that no person be excluded on the basis of sex from participation
in, be denied benefits of, or be subjected to discrimination under any education program or activity.
Both Title IX and university policy make clear that sexual violence and harassment based on sex is
prohibited. An individual who believes they have been subjected to sexual violence or harassed on
the basis of sex can seek support, including counseling and academic support, from the university. If
you or someone you know has been harassed on the basis of sex or sexually assaulted, you can find
information and resources at (https://sexualviolenceprevention.asu.edu/faqs
(https://sexualviolenceprevention.asu.edu/faqs) ).
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As a mandated reporter, we are obligated to report any information we become aware of regarding
alleged acts of sexual discrimination, including sexual violence and dating violence. ASU Counseling
Services, https://eoss.asu.edu/counseling (https://eoss.asu.edu/counseling) , is available if you wish
discuss any concerns confidentially and privately.
**Your first assignment is below. You must take the syllabus quiz and score 10/10 to proceed
in the course.**
Module 0: Syllabus Quiz (https://canvas.asu.edu/courses/152928/quizzes/1149086)
Course Summary:
Tue May 16, 2023
Wed May 17, 2023
Thu May 18, 2023
Fri May 19, 2023
 Daily Chatter 1
 Daily Chatter 2
 Daily Chatter 3
 Module 0: Introductions
 Daily Chatter 4
Sun May 21, 2023
 Daily Chatter 5
 Daily Chatter 6
due by 11:59pm
due by 11:59pm
due by 11:59pm
due by 11:59pm
due by 11:59pm
due by 11:59pm
due by 11:59pm
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 Daily Chatter 7
due by 11:59pm
 Module 0: Academic Integrity
Agreement (https://canvas.asu.edu
 Module 0: Syllabus Quiz
Mon May 22, 2023
 Module 1: Chapter 1 Quiz
 Module 1: Chapter 2 Quiz
 Module 1: Chapter 3 Quiz
due by 11:59pm
due by 11:59pm
due by 11:59pm
due by 11:59pm
due by 11:59pm
 Module 1: Main Discussion
Question for Module I
Tue May 23, 2023
Wed May 24, 2023
Thu May 25, 2023
 Daily Chatter 8
 Daily Chatter 9
 Daily Chatter 10
due by 11:59pm
due by 11:59pm
due by 11:59pm
due by 11:59pm
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 Daily Chatter 11
Sun May 28, 2023
 Daily Chatter 12
 Daily Chatter 13
Mon May 29, 2023
Tue May 30, 2023
Wed May 31, 2023
Thu Jun 1, 2023
 Daily Chatter 14
 Daily Chatter 15
 Daily Chatter 16
 Daily Chatter 17
 Module 2: Chapter 10 Quiz
Fri Jun 2, 2023
 Module 2: Chapter 11 Quiz
 Module 2: Chapter 12 Quiz
due by 11:59pm
due by 11:59pm
due by 11:59pm
due by 11:59pm
due by 11:59pm
due by 11:59pm
due by 11:59pm
due by 11:59pm
due by 11:59pm
due by 11:59pm
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 Module 2: Chapter 4 Quiz
 Module 2: Chapter 5 Quiz
 Module 2: Chapter 6 Quiz
 Module 2: Chapter 7 Quiz
 Module 2: Chapter 8 Quiz
 Module 2: Chapter 9 Quiz
due by 11:59pm
due by 11:59pm
due by 11:59pm
due by 11:59pm
due by 11:59pm
due by 11:59pm
 Module 2: Main Discussion
Question for Module 2
 Daily Chatter 18
Sun Jun 4, 2023
 Daily Chatter 19
 Daily Chatter 20
Mon Jun 5, 2023
due by 11:59pm
due by 11:59pm
due by 11:59pm
due by 11:59pm
 Daily Chatter 21
due by 11:59pm
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Tue Jun 6, 2023
Wed Jun 7, 2023
Thu Jun 8, 2023
 Daily Chatter 22
 Daily Chatter 23
 Daily Chatter 24
 Daily Chatter 25
Sun Jun 11, 2023
 Daily Chatter 26
 Daily Chatter 27
Mon Jun 12, 2023
Tue Jun 13, 2023
Wed Jun 14, 2023
Thu Jun 15, 2023
 Daily Chatter 28
 Daily Chatter 29
 Daily Chatter 30
 Daily Chatter 31
due by 11:59pm
due by 11:59pm
due by 11:59pm
due by 11:59pm
due by 11:59pm
due by 11:59pm
due by 11:59pm
due by 11:59pm
due by 11:59pm
due by 11:59pm
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 Daily Chatter 32
Sun Jun 18, 2023
 Daily Chatter 33
 Daily Chatter 34
Mon Jun 19, 2023
 Daily Chatter 35
 Daily Chatter 36
 Module 3: Chapter 13 Quiz
 Module 3: Chapter 14 Quiz
due by 11:59pm
due by 11:59pm
due by 11:59pm
due by 11:59pm
due by 11:59pm
due by 11:59pm
due by 11:59pm
Tue Jun 20, 2023
 Module 3: Chapter 15 Quiz
 Module 3: Chapter 16 Quiz
 Module 3: Chapter 17 Quiz
due by 11:59pm
due by 11:59pm
due by 11:59pm
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 Module 3: Chapter 18 Quiz
 Module 3: Chapter 19 Quiz
 Module 3: Chapter 20 Quiz
 Module 3: Chapter 21 Quiz
 Module 3: Chapter 22 Quiz
due by 11:59pm
due by 11:59pm
due by 11:59pm
due by 11:59pm
due by 11:59pm
 Module 3: Main Discussion
Question for Section 3
 Final project submission link
 Modules 4-5: Chapter 23 Quiz
 Modules 4-5: Chapter 24 Quiz
Mon Jun 26, 2023
 Modules 4-5: Chapter 25 Quiz
due by 11:59pm
due by 11:59pm
due by 11:59pm
due by 11:59pm
due by 11:59pm
 Modules 4-5: Main Discussion
due by 11:59pm
Question for Sections 4-5
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