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10 Uncommon Questions to Ask Before Hiring A Web Designer

10 Uncommon Questions To Ask
Before Hiring A Web Designer
Choosing a web developer to overhaul your online presence can be
confusing, especially with so many local web developers, DIY website
builders and marketing agencies out there vying for your business.
Remember, all websites are NOT created equal!
1) Previous work with attorneys/title agents?
Services are not sold like e-commerce. It is important that you work with someone that has lots of experience
in your industry so you aren't spending your time teaching them how to market your services. TitleTap only
works with attorneys and title agents. That’s why when we say we get your business, we mean it!
2) Where do most of your websites rank?
If they can show you several law firms or title companies they’ve worked with are ranking on the first or second
page of Google results, you can trust that they probably know what they’re doing. 91% of TitleTap websites
rank on the first page of Google for at least one of their desired keywords - but often more than one!
3)What marketing services do you offer?
Even a beautifully crafted new website won’t do you any good if it’s not attracting any customers. This is
why you should work with someone like us that offers marketing tools like industry blog posts, a video
library and social media content, in addition to being familiar with industry regulations like RESPA.
4)Will the website work on mobile devices?
Since 2017, most web searches actually come from mobile phones, not desktop computers. As such, Google
rewards mobile-friendly websites that load quickly and properly resize on phones. TitleTap gives every site
mobile-friendly features including a responsive design, image compression, minification, and AMP.
5)What are your compliance protocols?
PCI compliance might be the common answer, but it is typically not necessary for most law firms and title
companies. However, your website should be hosted in an SSAE Soc 2 Type II data center per Pillar 3 of
ALTA's Best Practices. All of our website are hosted this way in addition to having free SSL for security.
The Days of "Business Card" Websites Are Gone!
Visit www.TitleTap.com to learn more.
Copyright 2020 TitleTap.com.
10 Uncommon Questions To Ask
Before Hiring A Web Designer
it be accessible for disabilities?
At the time of this writing, there does not yet appear to be a definitive regulation governing website accessibility.
As a web developer we cannot render legal advice or guarantee accessibility compliance, but many
recommend that businesses should consider making their websites more accessible. This is why we allow
customers to add third party accessibility tools like UserWay.org for no additional charge from us.
7)What security features do you offer?
Most website builders and agencies don't include a firewall or spam prevention. But a strong password alone
will no longer prevent an attack. We have built-in spam filters that block hundreds of cyber fraud attempts
per day, and a website firewall that blocks over 500,000 hack attempts each month!
How often does the website get backed up?
Although your website likely doesn't store much critical business information, it can become a headache if your
website ever does get hacked - especially if the hackers upload something offensive or illegal. With us, if your
website is ever compromised, we've got the backups to get you running as quickly as possible.
How much will changes & updates cost?
Many business owners make the incorrect assumption that the web development process ends when the website
is launched. They'll always be staff changes and security patches. No matter who you choose, find a company
like TitleTap that supports your website AFTER it goes live, and that doesn’t charge for minor updates.
10)Will I get a discount when I redesign?
It might feel like jumping the gun, but this is a great question to ask up front. Depending on your business, it can
take a long time to recoup the costs of a typical website redesign project. This is one of the reasons TitleTap is
one of the only companies to offer a free website redesign or refresh every three years!
Want more from your website?
For attorneys and title agents alike, an engaging website along with marketing tools and
industry-specific security can lead to a stunning increase in client attraction and retention!
Visit www.TitleTap.com to learn how TitleTap is more than a website.
Copyright 2020 TitleTap.com.