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Hazardous Waste Incinerator Risk Assessment Report

Project: Installation of a common Hazardous Waste Incinerator of 300 kg/hr capacity in existing
CBWTF facility located at UPSIDC, MG Road Indl. Area, Hapur, Uttar Pradesh
Promoter: M/s Uttar Pradesh Integrated Waste Management
Project (A Division of Environ Waste Connections LLP)
Risk Assessment
a) Risk Assessment
Risk assessment is a process to identify potential hazards and analyze what could
happen if a hazard occurs. Risk assessment is done on the basis of past accident
analysis at analogous projects, previous judgments and expertise in the field of risk
analysis especially in accident analysis.
b) Hazard Identification
Hazard Identification is used as the first step in a process used to assess risk. The result
of a hazard analysis is the identification of different type of hazards. A hazard is a
potential condition and exists or not (probability is 1 or 0). It may in single existence
or in combination with other hazards (sometimes called events) and conditions become
an actual Functional Failure or Accident (Mishap).
Hazard Identification and Risk Assessment is a method, by which, we try to identify
the main hazardous substance, and then try to reduce the effect of hazard. For this
purpose we will use various risk assessment methodologies by knowing hazards
consequences and by analyzing all the processes which are being carried out during
handling and treatment of hazardous waste.
The proposed project is an expansion case wherein the establishment of additional
common Hazardous Waste Incinerator is proposed to be installed. The existing
project is an already operational CBWTF.
All the necessary precautions and
practices are being taken care of in respect of the sector. Records/ proof of the same
are further detailed in the chapter. There is a well established emergency response
team with specified duties and responsibilities. However, due to the establishment of
the additional incinerator, the responsibilities will also be increased along with the
provision of extra facilities such as fire fighting equipments, PPEs etc. The risk
assessment and hazard identification for the proposed expansion has been carried out,
the overview of the same is elaborated herewith in the chapter.
Gaurang Environmental Solutions Pvt. Ltd
Report Ref: GESPL_371/2021/EIA/191
Page 264
Rev No. 03
Project: Installation of a common Hazardous Waste Incinerator of 300 kg/hr capacity in existing
CBWTF facility located at UPSIDC, MG Road Indl. Area, Hapur, Uttar Pradesh
Promoter: M/s Uttar Pradesh Integrated Waste Management
Project (A Division of Environ Waste Connections LLP)
Risk Assessment
The proposed expansion includes handling and storage of various hazardous wastes. All
these wastes shall be stored with utmost care and safety precautions within the unit and by
trained personnel only.
a) Process Risk:
The proposed expansion would collect, treat and dispose various kinds of
hazardous waste through Incineration. The major hazard due to the establishment
of the proposed facility will be generation of fire and explosion of the incinerator.
Apart from this the major concern will be emission of toxic agents majorly
particulate matter (PM), carbon monoxide (CO), acidic gases (i.e., NOx, SO2, HCl)
and acidic particles, certain metals (cadmium, lead, mercury, chromium, arsenic,
and beryllium), dioxins and furans, polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs), and
polyaromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs). Hazardous substances may be classified into
three main categories namely flammable, unstable and toxic substances.
b) Risk related to Fire incidents
Chemical handling
Combustible dust
Hot work
Flammable liquids and gasses
Equipment and machinery
c) Risk related to waste disposal
Waste material generated from the unit possesses a great environmental and health
risk. If unattended, it might get in human contact and may cause serious health
problems. Similarly if any chemical gets leached into the ground along with water, it
might contaminate the ground water and cause health related issues.
Gaurang Environmental Solutions Pvt. Ltd
Report Ref: GESPL_371/2021/EIA/191
Page 265
Rev No. 03
Project: Installation of a common Hazardous Waste Incinerator of 300 kg/hr capacity in existing
CBWTF facility located at UPSIDC, MG Road Indl. Area, Hapur, Uttar Pradesh
Promoter: M/s Uttar Pradesh Integrated Waste Management
Project (A Division of Environ Waste Connections LLP)
Risk Assessment
Typical methods for hazard identification employed are:
Identification of major hazardous units based on Hazardous and other water
management Rules, 2016
Identification of hazardous units and segments of plants and storage units based on
relative ranking technique, viz. Fire-Explosion and Toxicity Index (FE&TI). Hazardous substances and wastes
Heavy and toxic metals (lead, mercury, cadmium, copper, zinc, etc.)
Organometallic substances (tributyltin, etc.)
Lack of hazard communication (storage, labelling, material safety data sheets)
Batteries, fire-fighting liquids
PCBs and PVC (combustion products)
Welding fumes
Volatile organic compounds (solvents)
Inhalation in confined and enclosed spaces
Physical hazards
Extreme temperatures
Radiation (UV, radioactive materials)
a) Physical hazards
Extreme temperatures
Radiation (UV, radioactive materials)
Gaurang Environmental Solutions Pvt. Ltd
Report Ref: GESPL_371/2021/EIA/191
Page 266
Rev No. 03
Project: Installation of a common Hazardous Waste Incinerator of 300 kg/hr capacity in existing
CBWTF facility located at UPSIDC, MG Road Indl. Area, Hapur, Uttar Pradesh
Promoter: M/s Uttar Pradesh Integrated Waste Management
Project (A Division of Environ Waste Connections LLP)
Risk Assessment
b) Mechanical hazards
Trucks and transport vehicles
Scaffolding, fixed and portable ladders
Impact by tools, sharp-edged tools
Power-driven hand tools, saws, grinders and abrasive cutting wheels
Failure of machinery and equipment
Poor maintenance of machinery and equipment
Lack of safety guards in machines
Structural failure
c) Biological hazards
Risk of communicable diseases transmitted by pests, vermin, rodents, insects and
other animals that may infest the project facility.
Animal bites
Vectors of infectious diseases (TB, malaria, dengue fever, hepatitis, respiratory
infections, others)
d) Occupation & Socio-Health Hazards
Ergonomic and psychosocial hazards
Repetitive strain injuries, awkward postures, repetitive and monotonous work,
excessive workload
Long working hours, shift work, night work, temporary employment
Mental stress, human relations (aggressive behaviour, alcohol and drug abuse,
Poverty, low wages, minimum age, lack of education and social environment
e) General concerns
Lack of safety and health training
Gaurang Environmental Solutions Pvt. Ltd
Report Ref: GESPL_371/2021/EIA/191
Page 267
Rev No. 03
Project: Installation of a common Hazardous Waste Incinerator of 300 kg/hr capacity in existing
CBWTF facility located at UPSIDC, MG Road Indl. Area, Hapur, Uttar Pradesh
Promoter: M/s Uttar Pradesh Integrated Waste Management
Project (A Division of Environ Waste Connections LLP)
Poor work organization
Inadequate housing and sanitation
Inadequate accident prevention and inspection
Inadequate emergency, first-aid and rescue facilities
Lack of medical facilities and social protection
Risk Assessment
f) Frequent causes of accidents
Fire and explosion: explosives, flammable material
Being struck by falling objects
Caught in/compressed
Snapping of cables, ropes, chains, slings
Handling heavy objects
Electricity (electrocution)
Poor illumination
Falls from height inside industrial units or on the ground
Struck by moving objects
Slipping on wet surfaces
Sharp objects
Oxygen deficiency in confined spaces
Lack of personal protective equipment (PPE), housekeeping practices, safety signs
Hackles, hooks, chains
Cranes, winches, hoisting and hauling equipment;
The health impacts of incinerator working are majorly on three potentially exposed
demographical conditions:
(1) Workers at the facility, especially the ones involved in cleaning and maintenance
Gaurang Environmental Solutions Pvt. Ltd
Report Ref: GESPL_371/2021/EIA/191
Page 268
Rev No. 03
Project: Installation of a common Hazardous Waste Incinerator of 300 kg/hr capacity in existing
CBWTF facility located at UPSIDC, MG Road Indl. Area, Hapur, Uttar Pradesh
Promoter: M/s Uttar Pradesh Integrated Waste Management
Risk Assessment
Project (A Division of Environ Waste Connections LLP)
(2) The local population, which is exposed primarily through inhalation of airborne
(3) The larger regional population, who may be remote from any particular incinerator,but
who consume food potentially contaminated by one or more incinerators and other
combustion sources that release persistent and bio accumulative pollutants Emissions of dioxins/furans from incinerators
Incinerators produce dioxins (polychlorinated dibenzo-para-dioxins or PCDDs) and furans
(polychlorinated dibenzofurans or PCDFs) as a result of the combustion of chlorinecontaining wastes, e.g., polyvinyl chloride and other plastics (WHO 2001; WHO 1999).
These chemicals are toxic, persistent (do not readily break down in the environment) and
bio-accumulative (able to move up the food chain) and their releases to air are believed to
be the most significant exposure pathway (UNDP 2003)
in both vapour as well as
particulate phases.
a) Health impact of dioxins/furans exposure to humans
The International Agency for Research on Cancer classifies 2,3,7,8 tetrachlorinated
dioxin as a known human carcinogen based on strong evidence from animal
experiments and enough evidence on human studies (IARC 1997, WHO 1999).
Short-term (called acute) exposures: may result in skin lesions and altered liver
Long-term or chronic exposure: impairment of the immune system, the developing
nervous system, the endocrine system and reproductive functions.
b) Dose response and exposure evaluation
General toxicological effects.
Gaurang Environmental Solutions Pvt. Ltd
Report Ref: GESPL_371/2021/EIA/191
Page 269
Rev No. 03
Project: Installation of a common Hazardous Waste Incinerator of 300 kg/hr capacity in existing
CBWTF facility located at UPSIDC, MG Road Indl. Area, Hapur, Uttar Pradesh
Promoter: M/s Uttar Pradesh Integrated Waste Management
Project (A Division of Environ Waste Connections LLP)
Risk Assessment
WHO has established a tolerable daily intake (TDI) of dioxin/furans of 1 – 4 pg
TEQ/kg-day, a provisional tolerable monthly intake (PTMI) for dioxins, furans, and
dioxin-like polychlorinated biphenyls of 70 pg/kg of body weight (FAO/WHO, 2001).
The PTMI is an estimate of the amount of the chemical dosage from all sources that
can be ingested from food or water over a lifetime without appreciable health risk
(WHO, 1996). For an adult with a body weight of 70 kg, this is equivalent to 4.9 ng
TEQ/month or 59 ng TEQ/year. For a child weighing 15 kg, this is equivalent to 10 ng
c) Carcinogenic effects.
US EPA expresses the probability of contracting cancer over a 70 year lifetime using
an upper-bound cancer potency factor of 0.001 per pg TEQ/kg/day (EPA 2002).
Typical risk benchmark values are 10-6 and 10-4. For an excess lifetime cancer risk of
10-6, the cancer potency factor yields an exposure of 0.001 pg/kg/day or 0.03 ng
TEQ/year. For an excess cancer risk of 10-4, the corresponding exposure is 0.1
pg/kg/day or 2.6 ng TEQ/year. (These values are 248 and 2.5 times lower than the
WHO guideline.) EPA considers 2,3,7,8- dioxin to be a probable carcinogen.
d) Non cancer effects.
US EPA derived a range of 10 – 50 ng TEQ/kg body burden as a point of departure for
calculating the margin of exposure (MOE), that is, the likelihood that noncancer
effects may occur in the human population at environmental exposure levels. A MOE
is calculated by dividing the human, or human-equivalent animal, lowest observed
adverse effect levels (LOAEL) or no observed adverse effect level (NOAEL) with the
human exposure level of interest. MOEs in range of 100 to 1000 are generally
considered adequate to rule out the likelihood of significant effects in humans based
on sensitive animal responses.
Gaurang Environmental Solutions Pvt. Ltd
Report Ref: GESPL_371/2021/EIA/191
Page 270
Rev No. 03
Project: Installation of a common Hazardous Waste Incinerator of 300 kg/hr capacity in existing
CBWTF facility located at UPSIDC, MG Road Indl. Area, Hapur, Uttar Pradesh
Promoter: M/s Uttar Pradesh Integrated Waste Management
Project (A Division of Environ Waste Connections LLP)
Risk Assessment
e) Emission into the atmosphere
Dioxins and furans are emitted from the incinerator into the ambient air by the means
of :
Stacks attached to it
Fugitive releases (air leakage while fuel/ waste charging).
Present in fly ash and bottom ash
Sludge discharge from the scrubber
During combustion Dioxin/furan are formed by:
“de novo” synthesis from dissimilar non-extractable carbon structures, and
Precursor formation/reactions via aryl structures derived from incomplete aromatic
oxidation or cyclization of hydrocarbon fragments.
The emission depends on many factors such as:
Physical and chemical characteristics of the charged waste
Process/combustion conditions
Downstream conditions
Presence and efficiency of air pollution control devices DIOXIN AND FURAN – EMISSION CONTROL (Dioxin (PCDDs) and Furan
(PCDFs) - Critical Persistent Organic Pollutants (POPs): CENTRAL POLLUTION
Proper segregation of waste will be carried out as PVC in the waste affects the amount
of dioxin formation.
Chlorine containing waste will be minimized/ avoided as max extent possible because
Chlorine input has a definite role in formation of dioxin and furan.
Combustion of wet garbage will be avoided, as wet garbage produces more dioxin.
Gaurang Environmental Solutions Pvt. Ltd
Report Ref: GESPL_371/2021/EIA/191
Page 271
Rev No. 03
Project: Installation of a common Hazardous Waste Incinerator of 300 kg/hr capacity in existing
CBWTF facility located at UPSIDC, MG Road Indl. Area, Hapur, Uttar Pradesh
Promoter: M/s Uttar Pradesh Integrated Waste Management
Project (A Division of Environ Waste Connections LLP)
Risk Assessment
Design of combustion chamber will be taken utmost care of to optimize the supply of
air for achieving more complete destruction of waste.
The flue gas resulting from the combustion process will be raised to a temperature of
1100°C for at least 2 seconds for destruction of dioxin in the flue gas.
Quick cooling of flue gas will be done to minimize dioxin reformation between200°C
to 400°C.
Facilities for injection of activated carbon by powered injection system, which is
operated in parallel with the alarm warning system to capture any dioxin, if reformed,
for treatment.
Regular monitoring of combustion products including dioxin emissions will be carried
Suspension of waste feeding operation to allow urgent trouble shooting and problemfixing will be done, when abnormal monitoring readings of air emissions or incinerator
temperature is detected.
A disaster is a catastrophic situation in which suddenly, people are plunged into
helplessness and suffering and, as a result, need protection, clothing, shelter, medical and
social care and other necessities of life.
Disasters can be divided into two main groups. In the first, disasters are resulting from
natural phenomena like earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, storm surges, cyclones, tropical
storms, floods, avalanches, landslides, forest fires. The second group includes disastrous
events occasioned by man, or by man's impact upon the environment. Examples are armed
conflict, industrial accidents, radiation accidents, factory fires, explosions and escape of
toxic gases or chemical substances, river pollution, mining or other structural collapses,
air, sea, rail and road transport accidents which can reach catastrophic dimensions in terms
of human loss.
Gaurang Environmental Solutions Pvt. Ltd
Report Ref: GESPL_371/2021/EIA/191
Page 272
Rev No. 03
Project: Installation of a common Hazardous Waste Incinerator of 300 kg/hr capacity in existing
CBWTF facility located at UPSIDC, MG Road Indl. Area, Hapur, Uttar Pradesh
Promoter: M/s Uttar Pradesh Integrated Waste Management
Project (A Division of Environ Waste Connections LLP)
Risk Assessment
There can be no set criteria for assessing the gravity of a disaster in the abstract since this
depends to a large extent on the physical, economic and social environment in which it
occurs. However, all disasters bring in their wake similar consequences that call for
immediate action, whether at the local, national or international level, for the rescue and
relief of the victims. This includes the search for the dead and injured, medical and social
care, removal of the debris, the provision of temporary shelter for the homeless, food,
clothing and medical supplies, and the rapid re-establishment of essential services.
The Disaster Management Plan is aimed to ensure safety of life, protection of
environment, protection of installation, restoration of production and salvage operations in
this same order of priorities. For effective implementation of the Disaster Management
Plan, it should be widely circulated and personnel trained through rehearsals/drills.
The Disaster Management Plan should reflect the probable consequential severalties of the
undesired event due to deteriorating conditions or through 'Knock on' effects. Further the
management should be able to demonstrate that their assessment of the consequences uses
good supporting evidence and is based on currently available and reliable information,
incident data from internal and external sources and if necessary the reports of outside
agencies. To tackle the consequences of a major emergency inside the plant or in the
immediate vicinity of the plant, a Disaster Management Plan has to be formulated and this
planned emergency document is called "Disaster Management Plan". The objective of the
Industrial Disaster Management Plan is to make use of the combined resources of the plant
and the outside services to achieve the following:
Effect the rescue and medical treatment of casualties;
Safeguard other people;
Minimize damage to property and the environment;
Initially contain and ultimately bring the incident under control;
Identify any dead;
Gaurang Environmental Solutions Pvt. Ltd
Report Ref: GESPL_371/2021/EIA/191
Page 273
Rev No. 03
Project: Installation of a common Hazardous Waste Incinerator of 300 kg/hr capacity in existing
CBWTF facility located at UPSIDC, MG Road Indl. Area, Hapur, Uttar Pradesh
Promoter: M/s Uttar Pradesh Integrated Waste Management
Project (A Division of Environ Waste Connections LLP)
Risk Assessment
Provide for the needs of relatives;
Provide authoritative information to the news media;
Secure the safe rehabilitation of affected area; and
Preserve relevant records and equipment for the subsequent inquiry into the cause and
circumstances of the Emergency. In effect, it is to optimize operational efficiency to
rescue, rehabilitate and render medical help and to restore normalcy.
Hazard map of India and Uttar Pradesh, shows that Ghaziabad (Hapur) district under
threat of several type of Natural Disasters the district is situated part of the Yamuna,
Hindon, Ganga and Kali River Edge so that it is more prone to flood. In the latest seismic
map of the county, Ghaziabad (Hapur) falls under Zone IV, which means it is highly
vulnerable to multi hazards, especially Earth Quake. In the district of Ghaziabad (Hapur)
the geologic hazards namely, earthquake and Flood are the most critical, the wind storms,
droughts and Fire hazards could also occur but cause damage locally only. Accidents are
Gaurang Environmental Solutions Pvt. Ltd
Report Ref: GESPL_371/2021/EIA/191
Page 274
Rev No. 03
Project: Installation of a common Hazardous Waste Incinerator of 300 kg/hr capacity in existing
CBWTF facility located at UPSIDC, MG Road Indl. Area, Hapur, Uttar Pradesh
Promoter: M/s Uttar Pradesh Integrated Waste Management
Risk Assessment
Project (A Division of Environ Waste Connections LLP)
other cause for loss of life and are becoming more frequent. Medical hazard like epidemic
are critical but have caused damage locally only.
Table 7.1: Hazard profile
Industrial Accident
*Source: State Disaster Management Plan (SDMP); Year – 2020-2021
1.2.2 EMERGENCIES General, Industrial, Emergencies
The emergencies that could be envisaged in the plant and fuel storage are as follows:
A situation of fire at the process plant;
A situation of fire at the storage area;
Slow isolated fires;
Fast spreading fires;
Structural failures;
Contamination of food/water; and
Emergency Response Planning for Hazardous Materials:
Personal protective equipment will not be used as a substitute for engineering, work practice,
and/or administrative controls. Personal protective equipment will be used in conjunction
with the controls to provide for employee safety and health in the work place. Personal
protective equipment includes all clothing and other work accessories designed to create a
barrier against work place hazards.
Using personal protective equipment requires hazard awareness and training on the part of
the user. Employees are/ will be made aware that the equipment does not eliminate the
Gaurang Environmental Solutions Pvt. Ltd
Report Ref: GESPL_371/2021/EIA/191
Page 275
Rev No. 03
Project: Installation of a common Hazardous Waste Incinerator of 300 kg/hr capacity in existing
CBWTF facility located at UPSIDC, MG Road Indl. Area, Hapur, Uttar Pradesh
Promoter: M/s Uttar Pradesh Integrated Waste Management
Project (A Division of Environ Waste Connections LLP)
Risk Assessment
If the equipment fails, exposure will occur. To reduce the possibility of failure, equipment
will be properly fitted and maintained in a clean and serviceable condition.
Selection of the proper personal protective equipment for a job is important. It is important to
understand the equipment's use and limitations. The equipment will not be altered or
removed even though an employee finds it uncomfortable.
The Plan:
The Emergency Response Plan will address the following areas:
Pre-emergency planning and coordination with outside responding agencies, i.e., fire, EMS,
police, etc.;
Personnel roles, lines of authority and lines of communication;
Emergency recognition and prevention (what constitutes an emergency and how to prevent
the occurrence);
safe distances and places of refuge;
site security and control;
evacuation routes and procedures;
decontamination procedures;
emergency medical treatment and first aid;
emergency alerts and response;
personal protective equipment and emergency equipment;
engineering controls;
air monitoring; and
Critique of response procedures and follow-up.
Training Levels:
Level 1: First Responder Awareness
This level trains employees will be aware of any release of hazardous substances and to alert
the response team. This includes observation, reporting and evacuation training. Between 4
and 8 hours of training will be given at this level.
Gaurang Environmental Solutions Pvt. Ltd
Report Ref: GESPL_371/2021/EIA/191
Page 276
Rev No. 03
Project: Installation of a common Hazardous Waste Incinerator of 300 kg/hr capacity in existing
CBWTF facility located at UPSIDC, MG Road Indl. Area, Hapur, Uttar Pradesh
Promoter: M/s Uttar Pradesh Integrated Waste Management
Project (A Division of Environ Waste Connections LLP)
Risk Assessment
Level 2: First Responder Operations
This defensive training applies to employees who are not authorized to stop a release. This
level trains them to contain a release, slow the spread of hazardous material, and prevent
exposure. A minimum of 8 hours of training is required. Level 2 responders know everything
that Level 1 personnel know and may be required to take the complete 24-hour program.
Additionally, they will be made to know how to select and use personal protective
equipment, how to confine and control a simple spill, and basic decontamination procedures.
Level 3: Hazardous Materials Technician
This level teaches employees how to stop the release of hazardous material by
patching, plugging, or repairing the vessel or container that is leaking. Training will be of at
least 24 hours in length.
In addition to covering the same topics as Level 2, the hazardous material technicians will be
trained to:
• implement the company’s emergency response plan;
• identify specific substances through the use of special instruments;
• perform advanced containment operations; and
• be able to identify personnel who exhibit exposure symptoms.
This training level often includes at least one day of field experience.
Fig.7.1: Trainings being imparted to the plant staff by industry professionals
Gaurang Environmental Solutions Pvt. Ltd
Report Ref: GESPL_371/2021/EIA/191
Page 277
Rev No. 03
Project: Installation of a common Hazardous Waste Incinerator of 300 kg/hr capacity in existing
CBWTF facility located at UPSIDC, MG Road Indl. Area, Hapur, Uttar Pradesh
Promoter: M/s Uttar Pradesh Integrated Waste Management
Project (A Division of Environ Waste Connections LLP)
Risk Assessment
Fig. 7.2: Records of trainings
Gaurang Environmental Solutions Pvt. Ltd
Report Ref: GESPL_371/2021/EIA/191
Page 278
Rev No. 03
Project: Installation of a common Hazardous Waste Incinerator of 300 kg/hr capacity in existing
CBWTF facility located at UPSIDC, MG Road Indl. Area, Hapur, Uttar Pradesh
Promoter: M/s Uttar Pradesh Integrated Waste Management
Project (A Division of Environ Waste Connections LLP)
Risk Assessment
Control and Cleanup
All employees will be trained at Level 1. Once the spill is contained, it must be stopped at the
source, cleaned up and disposed of properly. There are two alternatives when handling
incidences: hire a trained response team or provide the minimum required training to
employees. In the project, employees will only be trained to Level 3 in order to stop and
contain the spill. Once contained, a contract company will be hired to clean up the spill,
transport, and properly dispose of the waste. This method is expensive, but limits the
company’s liability.
The alternative, an in-house response team, has several advantages. It creates safety
awareness, provides total control of the incident and may reduce costs. However, the
company assumes complete liability if the response is mishandled.
The workplace will be assessed to determine if hazards that require the use of personal
protective equipment are present or are likely to be present. Select and have affected
employees use properly fitted personal protective equipment suitable for protection from
existing hazards.
Types of Personal Protective Equipment covered within this procedure:
A. Head Protection
B. Eye and Face Protection
C. Ear Protection
D. Respiratory Protection
F. Torso Protection
G. Arm and Hand Protection H. Foot and Leg Protection I. Other Related Issues
The decontamination plan will:
determine the number and layout of required stations;
determine the equipment needed;
determine appropriate methods;
Gaurang Environmental Solutions Pvt. Ltd
Report Ref: GESPL_371/2021/EIA/191
Page 279
Rev No. 03
Project: Installation of a common Hazardous Waste Incinerator of 300 kg/hr capacity in existing
CBWTF facility located at UPSIDC, MG Road Indl. Area, Hapur, Uttar Pradesh
Promoter: M/s Uttar Pradesh Integrated Waste Management
Project (A Division of Environ Waste Connections LLP)
Risk Assessment
establish procedures to prevent contamination of clean areas;
establish methods and procedures to minimize worker con tact with contaminants during
removal of personal protective equipment; and
Establish methods for disposing of clothing and equipment that are completely
An on-going safety program will be used to motivate employees to continue to use protective
gear. Personal protective equipment can be effective only if equipment is selected based on
its intended use, employees are trained in its use, and the equipment is properly tested and
maintained, and routinely worn.
Primary duty (to be performed without waiting for instructions)
1. The employee noticing the leakage / fire shall shout “leakage”, “leakage” or “fire” “fire”
till persons around are alerted about the emergency and break the nearest manual call
point to activate the siren. If not working, shall operate the nearest Manual Call Point to
activate the siren. If not working, shall operate the nearest manual siren. At the same time
he shall attempt to isolate and extinguish the fire with the available portable fire
2. Security guard at the main gate shall close the gate and ensure no body is permitted
inside/ leave the plant without the authorization of the site-coordinator.
a) Duties of Fire & Security Officer
i. On hearing the siren, he shall rush to the site, assess the situation, declare the nature
of emergency and give directions to the coordinators for tackling the emergency.
ii. After the emergency situation is controlled, shall give all clear signal.
b) Duties of Site Controller
i. On hearing the siren, he shall rush to the site, assess the situation and act as per
directions of the Fire & Security Officer.
Gaurang Environmental Solutions Pvt. Ltd
Report Ref: GESPL_371/2021/EIA/191
Page 280
Rev No. 03
Project: Installation of a common Hazardous Waste Incinerator of 300 kg/hr capacity in existing
CBWTF facility located at UPSIDC, MG Road Indl. Area, Hapur, Uttar Pradesh
Promoter: M/s Uttar Pradesh Integrated Waste Management
Project (A Division of Environ Waste Connections LLP)
Risk Assessment
ii. As directed by the site coordinator, he shall arrange for rendering assistance from
mutual aid members.
iii. In absence of the Fire & Security Officer, he shall work on his behalf.
c) Communication, First aid & rescue team Co-ordinator (Planning/ Admin Officer)
On hearing the siren, the communication team coordinator (Planning Officer) along with
the team member shall inform the police station, ambulance, fire brigade and other manual
aid member for nay help. He shall regulate traffic at gated, in consultation with the sit
coordinator, demarcate the unsafe area, and inform the external agencies regarding the
mature of emergency and assistance required.
d) Fire Combat Team
On hearing the siren, the fire suppression team coordinator (officer filling shed
operations) shall shut down the plant and rush to the scene of leakage/ fire with his team
members. He shall guide team member for firefighting/ leakage control operations while
keeping watch on the wind direction. He shall co-ordinate with other team co-ordinators
and act as per the instructions of the site co-ordinator. The fire combat team includes:
a) Hydrant Team
b) Fire extinguisher Team Infrastructure:
The project envisages demolition of existing building structures and construction of the same.
As the project site is located in earthquake high damage risk zone (zone IV),the buildings and
technical infrastructure need to be earthquake-resistant. This also applies to electrical
equipment within those buildings.
Following measures will be taken:
Use the provisions of Draft revision of IS 1893 as a minimum
Gaurang Environmental Solutions Pvt. Ltd
Report Ref: GESPL_371/2021/EIA/191
Page 281
Rev No. 03
Project: Installation of a common Hazardous Waste Incinerator of 300 kg/hr capacity in existing
CBWTF facility located at UPSIDC, MG Road Indl. Area, Hapur, Uttar Pradesh
Promoter: M/s Uttar Pradesh Integrated Waste Management
Project (A Division of Environ Waste Connections LLP)
Risk Assessment
Use proper modeling to do analysis of a three dimensional system to take care of
Architects should better minimize torsion. Provide ductility in the system so that
complete collapse is avoided Starting with important structures, make a scientific
study to check whether they need strengthening
a) Emergency Control Centre (ECC)
The Emergency Control Centre is at Security Office. The emergency control center or
room is a place from where the operation to handle the emergency are directed,
coordinated and monitored. It will be attended by the site Main Controller and senior
officials of fire Dept., Police Dept., Factory Inspectorate, District Authorities and
emergency Services. Emergency control center is located in the security office
building. All communication facilities and other required facilities are provided. ECC
is located in the area having minimum potential to any risk and is close to the road to
allow for easy access by the external agencies.
The Emergency Control Centre should have the following resources available:
Copies of the DMP
Layout Plan of the complex
Information regarding Safety Equipment, Fire Fighting material
A list of telephones of key and essential staff of the company along with their
residential numbers.
Copies of the local Telephone Directories.
A list of important telephone numbers like those of neighbouring industries, Fire
Brigade, Hospitals etc.
Personal Protective Equipment.
First – Aid Kit.
Communication equipment – Internal and External telephones and other
communication equipment.
Requisite stationary items
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Page 282
Rev No. 03
Project: Installation of a common Hazardous Waste Incinerator of 300 kg/hr capacity in existing
CBWTF facility located at UPSIDC, MG Road Indl. Area, Hapur, Uttar Pradesh
Promoter: M/s Uttar Pradesh Integrated Waste Management
Project (A Division of Environ Waste Connections LLP)
Risk Assessment
Personnel to act as messengers
The communication equipment is checked periodically to ensure that they are
functional. The ECC is capable of being activated within a few minutes upon
declaration of an emergency.
b) Assembly PointsAssembly points are the places to gather people at one place in case of emergencies. The main
assembly point in the plant for all the outside persons/ contract workers. The assembly
point for decisions to be taken during the emergency with the plant personnel. When
the fire gets totally under control, all clear siren will be given.
c) Fire Fighting Facilities
The fire protection system will protect the entire site area from accidental fire
hazards. It comprises of a ground level water storage tank to store the necessary
required water for emergency. One electric motor driven pump and one diesel high
pressure pump will be provided to pump the water to a high pressure header from
where the water is distributed to various high pressure hydrants provided at selected
locations. Necessary fire hoses with spouts will be kept ready at each hydrant
location to facilitate firefighting. The header also caters to a multi fire system to
automatically sprinkle water through sprinklers provided.
d) Location of Wind Sock
Wind socks are installed at appropriate place in the plant to indicate direction of wind
for emergency escape.
e) Emergency Medical Facilities
General first aid materials for dealing with chemical burns, fire burns etc would be
maintained in the emergency control room. To provide necessary first aid facilities, the
first aid training will also be given to the employees. Necessary specific medicines for
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Rev No. 03
Project: Installation of a common Hazardous Waste Incinerator of 300 kg/hr capacity in existing
CBWTF facility located at UPSIDC, MG Road Indl. Area, Hapur, Uttar Pradesh
Promoter: M/s Uttar Pradesh Integrated Waste Management
Project (A Division of Environ Waste Connections LLP)
Risk Assessment
emergency treatment of Patient’s Burns would be maintained. Breathing apparatus and
other emergency medical equipment would be provided and maintained. The unit will
appoint the medical officer for the regular medical examination of the employee.
In case of any emergency Government and private hospital in the district would be
approached. Names of Medical Personnel, Medical facilities in the area would be
prepared and updated.
f) Ambulance
There will be availability of personal vehicles to transport injured or affected persons
to the hospital. Number of persons would be trained in first aid so that, in every shift
first aid personnel would be available.
g) Emergency Actions
Emergency Warning
The emergency would be communicated both to the personnel inside the plant and
the people outside. An emergency warning system shall be established for this
Emergency Shutdown
There are number of facilities, which can be provided to help deal with hazardous
conditions, when a tank is on fire. The suggested arrangements are:
1. Stop feed;
2. Dilute contents;
3. Remove heat;
4. Deluge with water; and
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Page 284
Rev No. 03
Project: Installation of a common Hazardous Waste Incinerator of 300 kg/hr capacity in existing
CBWTF facility located at UPSIDC, MG Road Indl. Area, Hapur, Uttar Pradesh
Promoter: M/s Uttar Pradesh Integrated Waste Management
Project (A Division of Environ Waste Connections LLP)
Risk Assessment
Evacuation of Personnel
There could be a number of persons in the storage area and other areas in the
vicinity. The area would have adequate number of exits, staircases. In the event of
an emergency, unconnected personnel have to escape to assembly point. Operators
have to take emergency shutdown procedure and escape. Time Office shall
maintain a copy of deployment of employees in each shift, at ECC. If necessary,
persons can be evacuated by rescue teams.
All Clear Signal
Also, at the end of an emergency, after discussing with Incident Controllers and
Emergency Co-coordinators, the Site Controller orders an all clear signal. When it
becomes essential, the Site Controller communicates to the District Emergency
Authority, Police, and Fire Service personnel regarding help required or
development of the situation into an Off-Site Emergency.
Mock Drills
Emergency preparedness is an important part of planning in Industrial Disaster
Management. Personnel would be trained suitably and prepared mentally and
physically in emergency response through carefully planned, simulated procedures.
Similarly, the key personnel and essential personnel would be trained in the
operations. Regular mock drills are carried out at the existing project as well. Storage and equipment installations in Earthquake high damage risk zone (Zone IV)
Tall racks of stored equipment and supplies pose a great danger in an earthquake. These
shelves will be bolted to the floor and further anchored with steel channel bars to the
upper walls and ceilings.
Goods will be stored carefully, with heavier items on the lower shelves.
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Rev No. 03
Project: Installation of a common Hazardous Waste Incinerator of 300 kg/hr capacity in existing
CBWTF facility located at UPSIDC, MG Road Indl. Area, Hapur, Uttar Pradesh
Promoter: M/s Uttar Pradesh Integrated Waste Management
Project (A Division of Environ Waste Connections LLP)
Risk Assessment
Removable fences will be provided so that it can prevent the item from sliding while
providing access to workers and fork lifts.
Great care will be taken when storing chemicals and other potentially hazardous
Glass containers will be avoided where possible.
Drums will not be piled one on top of another and will be stored on shelves with
Chemicals will be stored by type instead of alphabetically, making sure that each
container is secured – while in use and when stored.
Shelving and racking systems
Shelving and racking systems will be designed and maintained so that that they can
withstand the affects of an earthquake.
Items stored above 1.2 meters high and weighing over 5kg will be restrained in order
to prevent them from falling onto the ground or personnel working beneath.
Fig. 7.3: Suggested seismic restraint of items in storage racks
Regular checks of shelving systems will be conducted to look for damage from
forklifts or trolleys, missing bolts, bent steel supports or shelves, etc.
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Rev No. 03
Project: Installation of a common Hazardous Waste Incinerator of 300 kg/hr capacity in existing
CBWTF facility located at UPSIDC, MG Road Indl. Area, Hapur, Uttar Pradesh
Promoter: M/s Uttar Pradesh Integrated Waste Management
Project (A Division of Environ Waste Connections LLP)
Risk Assessment
Storage of hazardous substances
Extra care needs to be taken when shelving hazardous substances. If incompatible
hazardous substances fall from shelving in an earthquake and their packaging is
breached, chain reactions such as the release of hazardous gases or sparks leading to a
fire could occur. Extra supplies of hazardous substance will be kept in stock in
segregated areas.
All the mechanical suppression systems, including sprinkler systems, smoke extractor
systems, and water storage tanks, will be designed to withstand earthquakes. Damage to
mechanical systems is common during earthquakes because these systems tend to have
rigid connections and fittings that fail in the event of seismic movements and forces.
Water tanks in particular can worsen the effects of earthquakes on health care facilities if
they are not properly designed.
An integral part of the disaster management plan is the offsite emergency plan. The plan is
mainly dependent upon a very close coordination and assistance from the local
administration like police, fire-brigade, medical services etc. in case the emergency at the
site/ factory goes beyond the control of the occupier fire chief coordinator should activate
the process or the fire order as per the Disaster Control Management Plan.
The District Administration has designed, built, equipped, and staffed an Emergency
Operations Center (EOC) / District Control Room, from which all emergency activities
will be managed. The District Control Room / EOC will communicate with the state EOC
to ensure close cooperation in emergencies and disasters.
The Fire & Security Officer will inform about the incidents like fire, explosion to:
District Administration
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Rev No. 03
Project: Installation of a common Hazardous Waste Incinerator of 300 kg/hr capacity in existing
CBWTF facility located at UPSIDC, MG Road Indl. Area, Hapur, Uttar Pradesh
Promoter: M/s Uttar Pradesh Integrated Waste Management
Project (A Division of Environ Waste Connections LLP)
Fire Brigade
Medical Services
Technical Agencies
Rehabilitation Agencies
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Report Ref: GESPL_371/2021/EIA/191
Risk Assessment
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Rev No. 03
Project: Installation of a common Hazardous Waste Incinerator of 300 kg/hr capacity in existing
CBWTF facility located at UPSIDC, MG Road Indl. Area, Hapur, Uttar Pradesh
Promoter: M/s Uttar Pradesh Integrated Waste Management
Project (A Division of Environ Waste Connections LLP)
Risk Assessment
Fig. 7.5 : Response Structure on Occurrence of Disaster at the State Level (Source: GoI-UNDP URR Project, Ghaziabad; 2020-21)
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Rev No. 03
Project: Installation of a common Hazardous Waste Incinerator of 300 kg/hr capacity in existing
CBWTF facility located at UPSIDC, MG Road Indl. Area, Hapur, Uttar Pradesh
Promoter: M/s Uttar Pradesh Integrated Waste Management
Project (A Division of Environ Waste Connections LLP)
Risk Assessment
Fire: Dangerous when exposed to heat flame.
Exposure: if liquid gets into eyes flush the eyes immediately with large amounts of
water. Seek medical attention.
Skin exposure: If liquid gets into skin immediately flush the affected area with water.
Breathing: if a person has breathing difficulties, move the person to fresh air at once.
If breathing has stopped, provide the artificial respiration. Get medical attention as
soon as possible.
Spillage: shut off leaks process immediately. Prevent liquid entering sewage,
basement and workpits, vapour may create explosive atmosphere. Warn every one of
explosion hazard and evacuate if necessary.
Medical aid:
Following emergency medicines will be available in the first aid centre:
Bandage and cotton
Water gel blanket
Dressing instruments
Thomson splints
Splint for arms
 Anti snake serum
Gaurang Environmental Solutions Pvt. Ltd
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Rev No. 03
Project: Installation of a common Hazardous Waste Incinerator of 300 kg/hr capacity in existing
CBWTF facility located at UPSIDC, MG Road Indl. Area, Hapur, Uttar Pradesh
Promoter: M/s Uttar Pradesh Integrated Waste Management
Project (A Division of Environ Waste Connections LLP)
Risk Assessment
Response to injuries
Immediate first aid, such as eye splashing, cleansing of wounds and skin, and
Immediate reporting to a responsible designated person
If possible, retention of the item and details of its source for identification of possible
Rapid additional medical care from medical personnel
Medical surveillance
Recording of the incident
Investigation, determination and implementation of remedial action
Impact on Nearby Areas
The maximum impact will be within the 5 km radius of project site.
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Page 266
Rev No. 03
Project: Installation of a common Hazardous Waste Incinerator of 300 kg/hr capacity in existing
CBWTF facility located at UPSIDC, MG Road Indl. Area, Hapur, Uttar Pradesh
Promoter: M/s Uttar Pradesh Integrated Waste Management
Project (A Division of Environ Waste Connections LLP)
Risk Assessment
a) Storage facilities
Huge quantum of incinerable hazardous wastes (organic wastes) will not be
kept haphazardly without any labeling at the location/proposed location of
Automatic smoke, heat detection system will be provided in the sheds.
Adequate fire fighting systems will be provided for the storage area, along with
the areas in the facility.
While storing or mixing of incinerable wastes to optimise the feed,
compatibility of wastes will be considered and tested.
Flammable, ignitable, reactive and incompatible wastes will be stored
separately and will never be stored in the same storage shed.
Storage area will consist of different sheds for storing different kinds of
incinerable hazardous wastes and sheds will be provided with suitable openings.
Adequate storage capacity (i.e. 50 % of the annual capacity of the hazardous
waste incinerator) will be provided in the premises.
Storage area will be designed to withstand the load of material stocked and any
damage from the material spillage.
Storage area will be provided with the flameproof electrical fittings and it will
be strictly adhered to.
There will be at least 15 m distance between the storage sheds.
Loading and unloading of wastes in storage sheds will be done under the
supervision of the well trained and experienced staff only.
Fire break of at least 04 meter between two blocks of stacked drums will be
provided in the storage shed. Storage capacity of one block of drum will not
exceed 300 MT.
Minimum of 1 m clear space will be left between two adjacent rows of drums in
pair for inspection.
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Page 267
Rev No. 03
Project: Installation of a common Hazardous Waste Incinerator of 300 kg/hr capacity in existing
CBWTF facility located at UPSIDC, MG Road Indl. Area, Hapur, Uttar Pradesh
Promoter: M/s Uttar Pradesh Integrated Waste Management
Project (A Division of Environ Waste Connections LLP)
Risk Assessment
The storage and handling will have at least two routes to escape in the event of
any fire in the area.
Doors and approaches of the storage area will be of suitable sizes for entry of
fork lift and firefighting equipment
The exhaust of the vehicles used for the purpose of handling, lifting and
transportation within the facility such as forklifts or trucks will be fitted with
the approved type of spark arrester.
In order to have appropriate measures to prevent percolation of spills, leaks, etc.
to the soil and ground water, the storage area will be provided with concrete
floor or steel sheet depending on the characteristics of waste handled and the
floor will be structurally sound and chemically compatible with wastes.
Measures will be taken to prevent entry of runoff into the storage area.
The storage area will be designed in such a way that the floor level is at least
150 mm above the maximum flood level.
Floor in the storage area will be provided with secondary containment such as
proper slopes as well as collection pit so as to collect wash water and the
leakages/spills, etc.
All the storage yards will be provided with proper peripheral drainage system
connected with the sump in order to collect accidental spills, if any, on roads or
within the storage yards as well as any accidental flow due to fire fighting.
b) Storage drums/containers
The container will be made or lined with suitable material, which will not react
with, or in other words compatible with the hazardous wastes proposed to be
The stacking of drums in the storage area will be restricted to three high on
pellets(wooden frames). Necessary precautionary measures will be taken so as
Gaurang Environmental Solutions Pvt. Ltd
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Rev No. 03
Project: Installation of a common Hazardous Waste Incinerator of 300 kg/hr capacity in existing
CBWTF facility located at UPSIDC, MG Road Indl. Area, Hapur, Uttar Pradesh
Promoter: M/s Uttar Pradesh Integrated Waste Management
Project (A Division of Environ Waste Connections LLP)
Risk Assessment
to avoid stack collapse. However, for waste having flash point less than 65.5⁰C,
the drums will not be stacked more than one height.
No drums will be opened in the storage sheds for sampling, etc., and such
activity will be done in designated places outside the storage areas
Drums containing wastes stored in the storage area will be labeled properly
indicating mainly type, quantity, characteristics, source and date of storing, etc.
c) Spillage/leakage control measures
The storage areas will be inspected daily for detecting any signs of leaks or
deterioration, if any. Leaking or deteriorated containers will be removed and
ensured that such contents are transferred to a sound container.
The storage areas will be inspected daily for detecting signs of leaks or
deterioration, if any. Leaking or deteriorated containers will be removed and
ensured that such contents are transferred to a sound container
In case of spills/leaks, dry adsorbents/cotton will be used for cleaning instead of
Proper slope with collection pits will be provided in the storage area in order to
collect the spills/leakages
Storage areas will be provided with adequate number of spill kits at suitable
locations. The spill kits will be provided with compatible sorbent material
inadequate quantity
d) Recommended storage time and quantity of incinerable hazardous wastes
Hazardous wastes must not be stored for more than six months at the incinerator
Smoking will be prohibited in and around the storage areas
Only those vehicles with spark proof will be allowed
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Rev No. 03
Project: Installation of a common Hazardous Waste Incinerator of 300 kg/hr capacity in existing
CBWTF facility located at UPSIDC, MG Road Indl. Area, Hapur, Uttar Pradesh
Promoter: M/s Uttar Pradesh Integrated Waste Management
Project (A Division of Environ Waste Connections LLP)
Risk Assessment
Good housekeeping will be maintained around the storage areas
Signboards showing precautionary measures will be taken in case of normal and
emergency situations should be displayed at appropriate locations
To the extent possible, manual operations with in storage area will be avoided.
A system for inspection of storage area to check the condition of containers,
spillages, leakages, etc., will be established and proper records should be
The wastes containing volatile solvents or other low vapor pressure chemicals
will be adequately protected from direct exposure to sunlight and adequate
ventilation will be provided
Tanks for storage of liquid waste will be properly dyked and will be provided
with adequate transfer systems
Storage sites will have adequate and prompt emergency response equipment
systems for the hazardous waste stored on-site. This will include fire fighting
arrangement based on the risk assessment, spill management, evacuation and
first aid
Immediately on receipt of hazardous waste, it will be analysed and depending
upon its characteristics its storage will be finalised
Only authorized personnel trained in hazardous waste handling procedures will
have access to the storage site
Mock drill for on-site emergency will be conducted regularly and records will
be maintained
e) Other requirements
Proper sign boards will be placed at all concerned areas
An emergency protocol will be established and followed. All operating staff
will be trained, accordingly. Inter-locking systems and alarm systems will be
provided at all reasonably possible areas
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Rev No. 03
Project: Installation of a common Hazardous Waste Incinerator of 300 kg/hr capacity in existing
CBWTF facility located at UPSIDC, MG Road Indl. Area, Hapur, Uttar Pradesh
Promoter: M/s Uttar Pradesh Integrated Waste Management
Risk Assessment
Project (A Division of Environ Waste Connections LLP)
Abnormal operations and emergency situations will immediately be brought
into the notice of the local regulatory Board/Committee
While handling odourous wastes, care will be taken (sealed containers, vapour
balancing, nitrogen blanketing etc.) to avoid smell nuisance
Efforts must be made to provide diffused emissions collection and
control/routing to combustion chambers
Medical camps/health check-ups of all the workmen of the incineration facility
will be conducted quarterly by registered medical practitioners
Adequately qualified and trained staff will be deputed for the operations, being
sensitive in nature. No ad-hoc appointments be made or no unskilled personnel
shall be engaged for operation of the incinerators. All the personnel involved in
handling of hazardous waste and incineration will be on pay roll.
The incinerator will incorporate all safety measures to provide complete
operational/machinery failures
Dedicated back-up power facility will be provided with arrangement to
automatically start functioning immediately, in case of power failures
The whole equipment, (not necessarily kiln) will be painted with two coats of
heat resistant (aluminum) paint.
Consequence Analysis
A storage tank of HSD with a capacity of 990 liters is considered for the proposed
project. Tank fire would occur if the radiation intensity is high on the peripheral
surface of tanks leading to increase in internal tank pressure. Pool fire would occur
when fuel oil collected in the dyke due to leakage gets ignited. As the tanks are
provided within the dyke the fire will be confined within the dyke wall.
Hapur, Uttar Pradesh, India
Gaurang Environmental Solutions Pvt. Ltd
Report Ref: GESPL_371/2021/EIA/191
Page 271
Rev No. 03
Project: Installation of a common Hazardous Waste Incinerator of 300 kg/hr capacity in existing
CBWTF facility located at UPSIDC, MG Road Indl. Area, Hapur, Uttar Pradesh
Promoter: M/s Uttar Pradesh Integrated Waste Management
Risk Assessment
Project (A Division of Environ Waste Connections LLP)
Building Air Exchanges per Hour
0.49 (unsheltered single storied)
: December 20, 2021 0923 hours ST (Using computer's clock)
Chemical Name
CAS Number
Molecular Weight
114.23 g/mol
230 ppm
385 ppm
5000 ppm
1000 ppm
9600 ppm
65000 ppm
Ambient Boiling Point
256.3° F
Vapor Pressure at Ambient Temperature
Ambient Saturation Concentration
0.041 atm
41942 ppm or 4.19%
0.85 meters/second from WNW at 3 meters
Ground Roughness: open country
Cloud Cover: 0 tenths
Air Temperature: 29° C Stability Class:
No Inversion Height Relative Humidity
BLEVE of flammable liquid in horizontal cylindrical tank
Tank Diameter: 0.8 meters
Tank Length: 2.0 meters
Tank Volume: 1,005 liters
Tank contains liquid
Internal Storage Temperature: 40° C
Chemical Mass in Tank: 621 kilograms
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Page 272
Rev No. 03
Project: Installation of a common Hazardous Waste Incinerator of 300 kg/hr capacity in existing
CBWTF facility located at UPSIDC, MG Road Indl. Area, Hapur, Uttar Pradesh
Promoter: M/s Uttar Pradesh Integrated Waste Management
Project (A Division of Environ Waste Connections LLP)
Risk Assessment
Tank is 90% full
Percentage of Tank Mass in Fireball: 100%
Fireball Diameter: 54 yards
Burn Duration: 4 seconds
Gaurang Environmental Solutions Pvt. Ltd
Report Ref: GESPL_371/2021/EIA/191
Page 273
Rev No. 03
Project: Installation of a common Hazardous Waste Incinerator of 300 kg/hr capacity in existing
CBWTF facility located at UPSIDC, MG Road Indl. Area, Hapur, Uttar Pradesh
Promoter: M/s Uttar Pradesh Integrated Waste Management
Project (A Division of Environ Waste Connections LLP)
Gaurang Environmental Solutions Pvt. Ltd
Report Ref: GESPL_371/2021/EIA/191
Risk Assessment
Page 274
Rev No. 03
Project: Installation of a common Hazardous Waste Incinerator of 300 kg/hr capacity in existing
CBWTF facility located at UPSIDC, MG Road Indl. Area, Hapur, Uttar Pradesh
Promoter: M/s Uttar Pradesh Integrated Waste Management
Project (A Division of Environ Waste Connections LLP)
Gaurang Environmental Solutions Pvt. Ltd
Report Ref: GESPL_371/2021/EIA/191
Risk Assessment
Page 275
Rev No. 03
Project: Installation of a common Hazardous Waste Incinerator of 300 kg/hr capacity in existing
CBWTF facility located at UPSIDC, MG Road Indl. Area, Hapur, Uttar Pradesh
Promoter: M/s Uttar Pradesh Integrated Waste Management
Project (A Division of Environ Waste Connections LLP)
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Report Ref: GESPL_371/2021/EIA/191
Risk Assessment
Page 276
Rev No. 03
Project: Installation of a common Hazardous Waste Incinerator of 300 kg/hr capacity in existing
CBWTF facility located at UPSIDC, MG Road Indl. Area, Hapur, Uttar Pradesh
Promoter: M/s Uttar Pradesh Integrated Waste Management
Project (A Division of Environ Waste Connections LLP)
Risk Assessment
Evacuation is an expedient option that depends on sufficient warning time to get away
from an impending emergency. The evacuation should establish clear and detailed
procedures for carrying out complete or partial evacuations from work areas in an
organized and consistent manner. A disorganized evacuation can result in confusion,
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Rev No. 03
Project: Installation of a common Hazardous Waste Incinerator of 300 kg/hr capacity in existing
CBWTF facility located at UPSIDC, MG Road Indl. Area, Hapur, Uttar Pradesh
Promoter: M/s Uttar Pradesh Integrated Waste Management
Project (A Division of Environ Waste Connections LLP)
Risk Assessment
injury, and property damage. During natural or man-made disaster following points will
be considered in the emergency evacuation:
A clear chain of command and designation of the person in the facility authorized to
order an evacuation
 In case of disaster, all non-essential technical workers (who are not assigned any
emergency duty) shall evacuate the area and report at the assembly point
 The need to evacuate the non-essential technical workers will be determined by the
gravity of the emergency and assessment of the emergency by the Dy. Incident
 With a view to accommodate the evacuated personnel from the affected
plants/departments and also to make the evacuation safe, we have clearly marked an
assembly point which has been displayed conspicuously by boards at various
locations in the premises
 The assembly point is located near the Security Gate. The assembly point is
approachable from all the plants and departments
 Security supervisor/guard are available round the clock and shall monitor the
assembled personnel
 Before reaching the assembly point, it is required to pass through an affected area,
suitable personal protective appliances including masks, respirator etc. are to be used
which is available in the plants. For a short duration even a wet handkerchief will be
 In our case, Site Main Controller shall declare major emergency.
The medical management for the possible emergency situations essentially consists of
treatment for burns and maybe some asphyxiation cases. They could cause burns
injuries. Material Safety Data Sheets and other relevant information is available at the
facility to enable ready treatment of any casualty, should the unfortunate need arise. It
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Rev No. 03
Project: Installation of a common Hazardous Waste Incinerator of 300 kg/hr capacity in existing
CBWTF facility located at UPSIDC, MG Road Indl. Area, Hapur, Uttar Pradesh
Promoter: M/s Uttar Pradesh Integrated Waste Management
Project (A Division of Environ Waste Connections LLP)
Risk Assessment
is also proposed to circulate any important Health and Toxicology material available
through the latest research to all Doctors.
Proper records will be maintained for
Industry-wise type of waste received,
Characteristics of waste,
Location of waste storage area,
Waste treatment and disposal methods
1.2.9 Other safety precautions to be taken:
Smoking to be prohibited in and around the storage areas
Only those vehicles with spark proof to be allowed
Good housekeeping to be maintained around the storage areas
Signboards showing precautionary measures to be taken in case of normal and
emergency situations should be displayed at appropriate locations
To the extent possible, manual operations with in storage area are to be avoided. In
case of manual operation, proper precautions need to be taken, particularly during
loading/unloading of liquid hazardous waste in drums.
A system for inspection of storage area to check the condition of containers,
spillages, leakages, etc., will be established and proper records will be maintained
The wastes containing volatile solvents or other low vapor pressure chemicals will
be adequately protected from direct exposure to sunlight and adequate ventilation
will be provided
Tanks for storage of liquid waste will be properly dyked and will be provided with
adequate transfer systems
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Page 279
Rev No. 03
Project: Installation of a common Hazardous Waste Incinerator of 300 kg/hr capacity in existing
CBWTF facility located at UPSIDC, MG Road Indl. Area, Hapur, Uttar Pradesh
Promoter: M/s Uttar Pradesh Integrated Waste Management
Project (A Division of Environ Waste Connections LLP)
Risk Assessment
Storage sites will have adequate and prompt emergency response equipment
systems for the hazardous waste stored on-site. This will include fire fighting
arrangement based on the risk assessment, spill management, evacuation and first
Immediately on receipt of hazardous waste, it will be analyzed and depending upon
its characteristics its storage will be finalized.
Only authorized personnel trained in hazardous waste handling procedures should
have access to the storage site
Mock drill for on-site emergency should be conducted regularly and records should
be maintained
List of Departments to be consulted:
Given below is the list of State and Central government departments and other
autonomous organizations to be consulted with regards to the Earthquake disaster
Central Government Departments
State Government Departments
Home Affairs
Home Department
Health & Family Welfare
Medical & Health Department
Urban Development
Surface Transport
Rural Development Department
Food & Civil Supplies Department
Animal Husbandry Department
Energy Department
Water Resources
Irrigation Department
Public Works Department
Civil Aviation
Education Department
NDM Division
Revenue Department
Forest Department
Central Warehousing Corporation (CWC)
Agriculture Department
Building Materials & Technology Promotion Cooperative Department
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Rev No. 03
Project: Installation of a common Hazardous Waste Incinerator of 300 kg/hr capacity in existing
CBWTF facility located at UPSIDC, MG Road Indl. Area, Hapur, Uttar Pradesh
Promoter: M/s Uttar Pradesh Integrated Waste Management
Project (A Division of Environ Waste Connections LLP)
Risk Assessment
Council (BMTPC)
Central Pollution Control Board (CPCB)
Horticulture Department
Urban Development
Industries Department
Supporting Services
Health issues arising due to exposure to various treatment facilities are sometimes
encountered by the workers. Hence, all employees shall be required to undergo a
medical checkup before joining the facility and also at regular intervals to have a record
of each employee’s health condition. First aid facilities required to attend emergency
situations shall also be made available at the facility.
Industries, in general, where different activities are involved during construction,
erection, testing, commissioning, operation and maintenance, employ men, materials
and machines as the basic inputs. Occupational Health needs attention both during
construction and erection and operation and maintenance phases. However, the problem
varies both in magnitude and variety in the above stages.
Employee vaccination records are enclosed as Annexure XXV.
The project has a well established Environment Health & Safety Policy.
Gaurang Environmental Solutions Pvt. Ltd
Report Ref: GESPL_371/2021/EIA/191
Page 281
Rev No. 03
Project: Installation of a common Hazardous Waste Incinerator of 300 kg/hr capacity in existing
CBWTF facility located at UPSIDC, MG Road Indl. Area, Hapur, Uttar Pradesh
Promoter: M/s Uttar Pradesh Integrated Waste Management
Project (A Division of Environ Waste Connections LLP)
Risk Assessment
The problems envisaged at demolition, construction and erection stage can mainly be
due to accident, fugitive dust emissions and noise. To overcome these hazards, the
contractors in charge of construction and erection activities have to maintain noise
levels within threshold limit values and the workers should be provided with personnel
protective equipment. Mobile water sprinkler and wet drilling will be used to control
dust emissions.
The problems envisaged during the operation and maintenance phase are accident,
exposure to heat, noise, fire etc. Suitable personnel protective equipment should be
provided to all employees, likely to be exposed to these situations. The working
personnel should be given the personnel protective equipment as listed in table below.
In addition, medical facilities should be made available round the clock for attending
any medical emergency during construction and operation phases.
Table 7.2: Personnel Protective Equipment
Protection For
Gaurang Environmental Solutions Pvt. Ltd
Report Ref: GESPL_371/2021/EIA/191
Protection Against
Page 282
Rev No. 03
Project: Installation of a common Hazardous Waste Incinerator of 300 kg/hr capacity in existing
CBWTF facility located at UPSIDC, MG Road Indl. Area, Hapur, Uttar Pradesh
Promoter: M/s Uttar Pradesh Integrated Waste Management
Project (A Division of Environ Waste Connections LLP)
Protection For
Fire Helmet
Fall of objects / hitting against objects
during construction, maintenance, etc.
Electrical Shock
Welder's leather cap
Splashing of liquid etc.
plastic vision
Protection Against
Electrical resistance helmet
Panorama goggles with clear
Risk Assessment
dust & high temperature
Ear plugs or muffs
High noise level
Dust masks
Fine dust particles
Light fume mask
Acid fumes, vapours and gases (2.0%)
Asbestos apron
Heat radiation
Leather gloves
Asbestos gloves
Leather safety boots
Gum boots
Cuts due to handling
Heat radiation
Striking by objects, fall of objects and
stepping on sharp or hot objects.
Chemically hazardous area
Noise will be regularly monitored at plant boundary for checking compliance against
environmental noise parameters as per CPCB norms. It will also be monitored near
noise generating equipment and corrective action (maintenance) taken to ensure that all
noise generating equipment do not emit noise in excess of the statutory norms.
All workmen will be provided with required set of PPEs like ear plug, ear muff etc.
where noise levels in excess of 80 db (A) are regularly generated.
Preventive maintenance of noise generating equipment shall be regularly carried out to
ensure that noise levels are minimized to the extent possible. To the extent feasible,
equipment will be purchased considering noise generation as one of the parameters.
Gaurang Environmental Solutions Pvt. Ltd
Report Ref: GESPL_371/2021/EIA/191
Page 283
Rev No. 03
Project: Installation of a common Hazardous Waste Incinerator of 300 kg/hr capacity in existing
CBWTF facility located at UPSIDC, MG Road Indl. Area, Hapur, Uttar Pradesh
Promoter: M/s Uttar Pradesh Integrated Waste Management
Project (A Division of Environ Waste Connections LLP)
Risk Assessment
The project does not envisage conditions that could lead to excess heating.
Consequently, special requirements for protection against heat stress are not
anticipated. However, the following shall be carried out:
Ventilation shall be provided to take care of heat evacuation.
Drinking water availability shall be ensured at several locations within the plant to
ensure workers have easy access to the same.
In case of occasional handling of heated equipment or materials, suitable PPEs such
as heat resistant gloves will be used.
Dust & Other Chemicals being suspended in the Environment
The possibility of suspended particles going into the body of the workmen, either in
the form of inhalation, ingestion or through skin absorption are least and negligible
as because the entire operation at the plant will be performed under closed loop
condition, right from charging till discharging, hence it’s a rare possibility that the
workmen will come in direct contact with raw material or final goods.
At the same time the level of SPM and RPM will definitely be of least and nominal
value. But even though the same will be under closed monitoring and periodical
surveillance as per EIA norms and applicable legislations and any minor deviation
from the same will be dealt immediately and will be corrected.
Further to this all of the workmen will be provided with complete set of appropriate
PPEs, like dust masks, gloves, helmet, protective uniform and clothing, eye
protections etc.
Gaurang Environmental Solutions Pvt. Ltd
Report Ref: GESPL_371/2021/EIA/191
Page 284
Rev No. 03
Project: Installation of a common Hazardous Waste Incinerator of 300 kg/hr capacity in existing
CBWTF facility located at UPSIDC, MG Road Indl. Area, Hapur, Uttar Pradesh
Promoter: M/s Uttar Pradesh Integrated Waste Management
Project (A Division of Environ Waste Connections LLP)
Risk Assessment
There is/ will be routine observation of health of the workers. All the employees shall
be required to undergo a medical checkup before joining the facility. Medical checkup
will be conducted on regular basis and the health conditions will be monitored. First aid
Gaurang Environmental Solutions Pvt. Ltd
Report Ref: GESPL_371/2021/EIA/191
Page 285
Rev No. 03
Project: Installation of a common Hazardous Waste Incinerator of 300 kg/hr capacity in existing
CBWTF facility located at UPSIDC, MG Road Indl. Area, Hapur, Uttar Pradesh
Promoter: M/s Uttar Pradesh Integrated Waste Management
Project (A Division of Environ Waste Connections LLP)
Risk Assessment
facilities required to attend immediately for meeting emergency situations shall be
made available at the facility.
The following practices will be adopted to ensure good health condition of employees.
Pre- employment check-up
Awareness programme
Routine check-up
Periodic vaccination programme etc.
Gaurang Environmental Solutions Pvt. Ltd
Report Ref: GESPL_371/2021/EIA/191
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Rev No. 03