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Mathematics 215 Syllabus - Fall 2021

Mathematics 215 Syllabus
Fall 2021
Class time and place: MW 2:30-3:45 pm Online
Textbook: Finite Mathematics, Warner and Costenoble , 7th ed
(available through WebAssign)
Instructor: Michael Galbraith
Email: michaelg@umbc.edu
Office hours: TuTh 3-4:30 pm in Sherman 148G and via Bb Collaborate
Teaching Assistant: Rajasekhara Reddy Chennareddy
Office hours: Tu 11 am – 1 pm and F 2-4 pm via Bb Collaborate
This class will focus on the areas of Mathematics of particular use in the
information sciences. That is most of chapters 3-7 in the text, the start of
chapter 8, and a short supplement on linear independence. We will first
cover some basic linear algebra concepts using matrices including solving
linear equations and matrix arithmetic. This will be followed by a discussion
of matrix applications such as game theory, Leontieff input-output models,
and using the simplex method to solve linear optimization problems. Next,
we will go over concepts related to sets and counting, including set
operations, set cardinality, permutations, and combinations. Finally, we will
cover several fundamental concepts of probability, such as sample
spaces/events, relating probability and combinatorial counting techniques,
conditional probability, event independence, Bayes’ Theorem, and random
Exams and Grading: The usual 90-80-70-60 % grading system will be
used in this course. It’s recommended that students devote around 3 hours
of time outside of class to each course, for each hour of lecture—that comes
to 7.5 hours (round to 8) each week for this class. Students are advised to
form study groups. Students should take advantage of tutoring available
through the Academic Success Center, Student Disability Services, and for
athletes, the Athletic Department.
We will have 6 quizzes spread throughout the semester, homework assigned
through WebAssign, and a Final Exam.
Your grade for the course will be calculated as follows:
Homework – Your best 20 homework scores will be weighted to be 20% of
the overall grade
Quizzes – Your best 5 quizzes will be worth 10% each
Final Exam – 30% of the overall grade
Homework: Homework will be assigned online through WebAssign, which
is accessible through the class BlackBoard page (follow the Other Bb Tools
link, right-click on Access WebAssign and select “Open in a new tab”).
Generally, sections covered each week will have homework due on the
following Monday night.
Final Exam: The final exam will be held on Friday, December 17 from 1
to 3 pm in a room to be determined. It will be a cumulative exam, with
greater emphasis on the material covered after the second exam.
Calculators: It is highly recommended that you have a graphing calculator
without symbolic manipulation capabilities for this class, such as a TI-83,
TI-84, TI-85, or TI-86. You may use a scientific or graphing calculator on
exams, quizzes, and homework. However, you may not use a machine with
symbolic manipulation capabilities on quizzes or exams, e.g., no TI-89’s, TI92’s, TI-Nspire’s, HP-48’s, laptops, or cellphones.
Academic Honesty: By enrolling in this course, each student assumes the
responsibility of an active participant in UMBC’s scholarly community in
which everyone’s academic work and behavior are held to the highest
standards of honesty. Cheating, fabrication, plagiarism, and helping others to
commit these acts are all forms of academic dishonesty, and they are wrong.
Academic misconduct could result in disciplinary action that may include,
but is not limited to, suspension or dismissal.
To read the full Student Academic Conduct Policy, consult the UMBC
Student Handbook, the Faculty Handbook or the UMBC Policies section of
the UMBC Directory.
This course policy is to give a minimum penalty of zero for any quiz or test
where cheating occurs. The penalty may include failing the course.
In class conduct: We are here to learn. Please be respectful of the
instructor and your classmates. When you enter class turn off your cell
phone or put it on vibrate. Generally during class, pay attention to the
class—before or after class is a good time to socialize, text, or explore the
Topics and Sections to be Covered
(a more complete schedule will be posted before our first quiz):
3.1: Two linear equations in two unknowns
3.2: Using matrices to solve systems
3.3: Applications of systems of linear equations
Matrix addition and scalar multiplication
Matrix multiplication
Matrix inversion
Game theory
Input-output models
Supplement: Linear Independence of Vectors
Graphing linear inequalities
Solving linear programming problems graphically
The simplex method for standard maximization problems
The simplex method for general linear programming
The simplex method and duality
Sets and set operations
Decision algorithms
Permutations and combinations
Sample spaces and events
Probability models
Probability and Counting Techniques
Conditional probability and independence
Bayes’ Theorem
Markov systems
8.1: Random variables and distributions
8.2: Bernoulli random variables