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Sow Care & Management Practicum at Balao Pigstory Farm

A Practicum Manuscript Presented to the Faculty of the
Department of Animal Science
Cebu Technological University
Barili, Campus
Barili, Cebu
In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree
Bachelor of Science in Agriculture
Major in Animal Production
The author was born on October 9, 1996 in Isla Puting Bato, Tondo, Manila.
She is the 2nd elder daughter of Mr. Silverio Yanson Ignacio and Mrs. Leonila
Rulete Ignacio.
She finished her primary education in Pangangan Elementary School,
Lomboy, Pangangan, Calape, Bohol, A.Y. 2011-2012 while she took her
secondary course in Cagay National High School, A.Y. 2015-2016.
These days, the author is currently taking college courses in Agriculture at
Cebu Technological University Barili-Campus, Barili, Cebu majoring Animal
First and foremost, she wants to thank the Almighty Father for the
necessary strength, peace of mind, good health and wisdom and the blessing she
receive to make this work a success.
The author also would like to express her gratitude to the following person
who contributes most the compilation of this book.
Mrs. Raquel Jung Farm Owner, the cooperating industry Balao Pigstory
Farm and warm welcome to us, and kindness, Mr. Randy thank you for sharing
your knowledge and skills also.
To my professor Ms. Krishna Moreno thank you for the assistance on
compiling this book.
To my Parents, siblings thank you so much for emotionally and financially
supporting for my studies.
Lastly, thank you so much to my group mates, classmates, friends, and to
my special someone for the encouragement, motivation in order to do such
things despite of the struggle
Nature and Importance of the study
There are a few stages, defined by industry jargon that a pig goes through
before becoming a sow.
Piglets, this is a term everyone understands and
describes new born pigs. After the piglets are taken away from mum they are
referred to as wean grow very quickly, and appropriately, as they get larger they
are known as 'grower pigs'. If a female pig is lucky enough she will be selected to
join the breeding herd instead of being sent off to market. While she continues to
grow to a mature size and before she is mated and has her first litter of piglets, she
is called a 'gilt'. Once the young gilt gives birth to her first litter she is then known
as a Sow (Greg, 2006)S
The sows should have all the prominent characteristics of the market hog,
such as the wide, straight, deep fleshed back, well sprung ribs, straight deep sides,
deep well rounded hams, and a body long for the breed with moderately short and
strong legs. A wide, deep chest should be looked for, as this indicates well
developed vital organs. The sow should be a good feeder, otherwise the litters will
be small and she will give but little milk, and unless young pigs get all the milk they
need during the first six weeks of life, they are often stunted in growth and require
a long time for recovery. It is not the fat, plump sows in the herd that should be
picked out, but rather the longer bodied and more vigorous animals which show
good grazing and feeding powers. Breeding for pork production, sows may be bred
any time after they are tory, which may be until they are six to eight years old. It is
claimed that an aged sow mated with a young
boar will produce pigs that will mature earlier than those produced when
the sow is young and the boar aged.
The period of pregnancy for young sows or sows in poor condition is about
16 weeks. Old sows may carry their pigs two or three days longer. It is the general
practice to breed twice a year, having one litter come in early spring, and the other
about September or October. Good breeding sows should be kept as long as they
produce satisfactory litters. The second litter will usually be larger than ,the first,
so that it is advise able to keep promising sows until they have had their second
litter at least. If then they prove good mothers they may be kept as long as they
prove satisficed pounds per pig or 16.7 pounds per lit ter. In only two instances
was the last pig farrowed the smallest. Proper care of the sow during gestation,
farrowing, and lactation is a means to reach a goal a large litter of healthy pigs at
birth that will remain healthy and grow rapidly. Care during this time must also
prepare the sow for a successful repeat performance at the earliest time within the
system of weaning and rebreeding used. The sow must reach farrowing in the best
nutritional and microbiological health for herself and the expected litter. Properly
balanced rations should be fed in recommended amounts so that newborn pigs
are well developed and strong. A herd health program that assures minimal
exposure of the sow to disease or disease carriers during gestation is essential for
maximal litter survival during the first weeks of life and for effective growth to
weaning and market. The sows should be managed in a gentle and confident
manner and on a regular daily schedule. (Pollman, 2015)
After the practicum, student must be able.
To learn how to give proper care and management in sow production.
To enhance acquired skills and knowledge in taking care and managing
domesticated sow
Practice proper ways of caring and as well as how to manage the sow.
Time and place of Study
The field study was conducted at Sitio Catap, Balao, Barili, Cebu with a total
time duration of 240 hours. The author started too performed on January 28, 2019
and ended on March 6, 2019.
A meal or beet pulp may be preferred. Remove bulky ingredients from the
sow ration soon proper care of the sow during gestation, farrowing, and lactation
is a means to reach a goal, a large litter of healthy pigs at birth that will remain
healthy and grow rapidly. Care during this time must also prepare the sow for a
successful repeat performance at the earliest time within the system of weaning
and rebreeding used. The sow must reach farrowing in the best nutritional and
microbiological health for herself and the expected litter. Properly balanced rations
should be fed in recommended amounts so that newborn pigs are well developed
and strong. A herd health program that assures minimal exposure of the sow to
disease or disease carriers during gestation is essential for maximal litter survival
during the first weeks of life and for effective growth to weaning and market. The
sows should be managed in a gentle and confident manner and on a regular daily
schedule. (England, 2019)
Deworming sows which is if there is indication of worm infestation; sows
should be dewormed about two weeks before moving to farrowing crates or pens.
Treatment for external parasites at least twice (in approved repeat times for the
product used) also should be accomplished within a few days before movement to
the farrowing facility. (Jones, 2019)
Preparing the Farrowing Unit. If possible, the total farrowing unit should be
cleaned completely of organic matter, disinfected, and left unused for 5-7 days
before a new group of sows is placed in the unit. When this is not practical, at least
the individual pen, stall, or crate should be completely cleaned of organic matter
and disinfected before a new sow is placed in the unit. Disinfectants are ineffective
unless the cleaning job is complete. There are many good disinfectants available,
including the quaternary ammonium compounds and others such as lye, to use
when the cleaning job is done well. Some disinfectants such as those that contain
coal tars or lye should be thoroughly rinsed off after several hours, especially from
surfaces having direct contact with pigs. (Poll man, 2019)
Feeding the sow, during preferred in the facility, sows can be fed as they
have been during gestation that is limit fed 4-6lb. /day depending on weather and
housing conditions. Better results are often reported by producers, however, from
feeding a laxative ration prefarrowing to preventing constipation. Constipation can
be prevented or corrected by changing to a bulky diet, by addition of 20lb. /ton of
Epsom salts or 15lb. /ton of potassium chloride, by use of linseed meal as part of
the protein in the ration, or by use of other laxative ingredients. Oats or wheat bran
may be used as 25% of the grain to create a bulky ration; in some areas, other
fibrous feeds such as alfalfa meal or beet pulp farrowing. Water should be freely
available, but spillage that could cause wetness of the pen should be prevented.
(Indiana, 2019)
Washing the sow, before the sow is placed in the farrowing pen, wash the
teats and belly with mild soap and warm water. This will eliminate soil and fecal
material that may contain numerous bacteria that are potential diarrhea-producing
agents for the nursing pigs. This procedure will also eliminate safaris (roundworm)
eggs that would serve as a source of infection to the nursing pig. (Decatur, 2019)
Pregnant sows require individualized care throughout their gestation period.
Sows have special nutrition requirements and need daily monitoring and
evaluation. Farm personnel take steps to minimize exposure to disease or disease
carriers to protect the health of sows and their piglets. There are many different
housing designs used to provide for the well-being of the gestating sow these
housing designs usually fit in one of two categories:
Individual housing which includes the individual stall system. In this system,
sows are housed in a stall large enough for one sow to stand up and lie
down. There are several variations in stall designs. Group housing which
includes various systems such as free access stalls, trickle feeding and
electronic sow feeding stations to name a few.
Group sizes may range from five sows per pen up to more than 100 sows
per pen. (Peugh, 2019)
All students of Animal Production who are qualified to conduct field was
called by the field practice. Coordinator Ms. Carmel Krishna Wong Moreno. She
discuss about the requirements needed in the university like, memorandum of
agreement, consent and waiver of students background. The author send request
letter to the farm and waited for the response. The farm accepted the practitioner
for field practice. The trainee start on January 28, 2019 at Sitio, Catap, Balao, Barili
Cebu. Mr. And Mrs. Jung welcomed theme in the farm and gave orientation, policy
and also discussed about the different farm activities task and assignment. The
table must be show.
Table 1 Chronology of assignment, tasks and activities
Date (2019)
January 28-31
Aria and Farm
Farrowing Section
Tasks and Activities
Tail ducking
Teeth clipping
Washing the pig
Cleaning the area
of nursery
Bathing the piglets
Ear notching
February 1-23
Breeding Section
February 23-28
Nursery section
March 1-6
Grower section
Heat detection
Injecting gestating
 Multivitamins
 Tyrosine
 Amoxicillin
Feeding the
gestating sow
Cleaning and
Bathing the sow
Cure the wound of
sow using the
Feeding the piglets
Injecting the iron
and Vitamin BComplex to the
Dewormed of the
Bathing the piglets
Cleaning the
Cleaning the pens
Injecting tyrosine to
the pigs that suffer
A. Description of the farm
Farm History and Present Status
Mr. and Mrs. Jung stated the history of their pig story farm .From the very
start Mrs. Raquel’s husband doesn’t know on how to take care of the pigs. Luckily
the friend of her husband encourage them on how to take care of the pigs through
attending seminar and joined the training program, at Busay Cebu for 2 months
until they decided to build a small piggery. In year 2009 they migrated at Dumanjug,
Cebu to raise 20 heads of sows with additional of 10 number heads of sows. After
5 years in 2014 they transfer in Balao, Barili Cebu. They have 200 heads of sows
but for them it is not enough number of capacities of the sows they have.
After 2 years worst things happen in their farm, because it was bankrupt,
they fired their employees such as the technician because they don’t have enough
income from their business in order to pay for their employees. They have lots of
credit from the feeds company for two months. And they experience to have a meal
which is only a piece of bread for one month.
Until they tried their best, with full of efforts and helping each other to build
a new beginning for their lost pig story farm. After their sacrifices their pig story
farm back to normal. For now at Balao pig story farm they already have 388 heads
of swine, and other meats are sold at the market. They have enough salary for
their employees.
It shows how brave the owners despite of their sacrifices through finding
ways on how to manage their pig story farm in order to become more progressive.
Farm Location and Lay out
Pig story farm is located at Balao Barili Cebu with the distance of 9 kilometer
away from the highway of Cagay Barili Cebu .The total area of the farm land is
36.8 hectare and it is planned for the expansion of the farm
Human Resources
Farm Supervisor/Technician
Mr. Charlie Jung is the supervisor of Balao Pig story Farm. He gives
instructions, orders and guidance to their workers on how to do the following
tasks like injecting, castrating, teeth clipping, tail ducking and other activities in
caring and managing the pigs.
There are 2 (two) person who are employed in the farm. Mr. Randy is
technician in the farm he is one who can oversee and administer of the farm. He
is also the caretaker of farm such as cleaning the cage and feeding pen for the
most part,
Organizational Chart
Mrs. Raquel Jung
Farm Chairman
Mr. Charlie Jung
Farm Technicians/Workers
Mr. Randy and Mr. Joel
Physical Resources
Some of the resources are used to operate the business or provide
products and services. Other resources are available to support the actions of the
company. Some of the most common physical resources include, facilities,
equipment, land and other assets. Learning program practitioners and service
improving their skills needed in the farm order to improve and have good
productivity and to become a progressive
At Balao Pig story Farm has different swine production buildings include:
Breeding section, nursery section Delivery section and Farrowing Section. Below
are the lists of facilities found in the Balao Barili Cebu farm conventional housing.
 Breeding section or mating systems
Are the approach taken to pairing a boar and a gilt or sow for breeding in
order to incorporate or maintain desired traits
Nursery section
A nursery is a facility or building designed specifically to house newly
weaned pigs until they reach the grower/finisher stage
Farrowing Section
Is the area lactating sows and piglets are not yet weaned found. It
accommodates of 50 heads of lactating sows.
Grower section
Area were all fatteners found in the pigs that are ready for marketing.
 Lighting facilities
For housing, pigs need a three-sided shelter that will keep them safe from
sun, wind, and rain. You can build this out of pallets, or scrap wood, or anything
else you have around. They need to be dry, have shade, and have wind
 Feeding facilities
Used during feeding of pigs the feeder is made up of mineral battle.
Water tanks
Water tanks are used to provide storage of water for use in many
applications, drinking water,
Hose sprayer
Keep the high-pressure hose connected to both the pump and
the spray gun at all times.
 Farm Policy
Be punctual
Be honest
Be responsible in doing the assigned task.
Wear a proper gear when doing some task.
Avoid use the vaccination that is not recommended.
Always observe cleanliness
No smoking
Plate 1.Nursery Area
Plate 2. Lactating Area
Plate 3. Gestating area
Plate 4.cleaning the sow pens and Bathing
Plate 5. Feeding area
Tools and Equipment at Pig Story Farm
Acquisition of Manipulative skills
Manipulative skills involve using an objective with the skills and knowledge
practitioner gained more on how to know the proper detecting in-heat sows, the
Detection of estrus or standing heat is one of the most critical components of a
successful swine breeding program.
In the breeding management, the author observed that when sow is already
in their heat period the ears are erect and there is discharged in their vagina .The
farm used the natural mating for their breeding management. There are two boars
used in the farm for this purpose.
Farrowing area is where the lactating sows and piglets. Farrowing
the farm hand must be active and alive in order to make the piglets and sow safe.
Feeding the lactating sow ways done two times a day at 6:30 am until 3:30 pm.
lactating feeds and used to feed to the lactating sows to rebuild their body condition
after farrowing and to produce more milk. By the time of delivery clean the mouth
part after feeding. The trainee must be proper to medication, vaccination and
feeding the sow and piglets was given provided until weaning.
The practitioner must be tried bathing, cleaning the pig pens, feeding to
prevent some contagious disease. Keeping area clean, disinfectant the whole
section area the floors and walls at frequent intervals. Maintaining the health swine,
always maintain the cleanliness of the farm earlier medication and disease that
may attract to farm they administered, vaccination, acclimation and proper
Identification of Problems
The author encountered problems such as absence of feeding through.
Delay of delivering of the feeds.
Transportation in going to the farm is hard and it is far away from the
highway and store.
In actual delivery the sow encountered some difficulties of giving birth, that’s
why proper injection must be provided into the sow such as inducer
(Oxytocin) for deworming.
General Assessment, comments and Recommendation
Pig Story Farm located at Balao Barili Cebu raise of 388 heads of swine.
The owner assist the trainee how to care and proper management of the sow, such
as how to massage the breast of the sow before delivery. After that to watch out
the sow as it was delivered piglets. Sow should have a bath every day, pigpens
must be clean always to prevent diseases. In addition deworming, amoxicillin
should be inject to the sow and proper feeding.
The Pig Story Farm has a complete facilities that is very useful to make the
duties of each student trainee becomes easy. Pig Story Farm is always clean, their
biogas is more distance from their Pig Story Farm. The drainage are built in straight
so it can easily to flow smoothly. The owner shows good ability towards their
trainee they give special attention and guidance to enhance the knowledge of the
student trainee.
The trainee recommends as the following.
 Feeds and medicines should manage must be deliver on time.
 Farm should managed must provide a necessary and equipment for
 The damaged of pig pens must be repair to be secured the pigs.
 Pig Story Farm should have enough supply of water.
A. Learning and insight
On-The-Job Training, she learned how to manage her time and she acquired
skills in proper delivery of sow, injecting the iron to piglets, to tail ducking, cleaning
the area of sow pens and feeding.
As a trainee the most important is having a good values such as how to be
with your co trainee, a responsible one in doing the task, obedient and being an
The Skills, knowledge and ability which she had educated throughout her
practical training will be a big help to her future someday.
As a trainee, who experience to work in the said farm, would like to
recommend to the next batch of OJT students to have their practicum at Balao Pig
story Farm, because knowledge is there, and your skills will be enhances
particularly in managing of swine. The owner and their employee gives special
attention to the practitioner and as well as guide you how to be a better trainee in
order to become a good employer someday, despite of that they will teach you
how to manipulate different things such as the activities that fit in to your studies.