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unit 2 test

Master 2.12a
Unit Test: Unit 2
Ratio and Rate
Look at the figures below.
(4 Marks)
a) Write each ratio.
i) squares to triangles
ii) triangles to circles and squares
iii) circles to the total number of figures
b) Which figure could you add to show a ratio 3:10?
2. The ratio of the length of a rectangle to its width is 3:2.
Give 3 possible dimensions of the rectangle. (Note – Draw a diagram if necessary)
(3 Marks)
3. Express as a unit rate.
a) A car travelled 120 km in 2 h.
b) Sean’s heart beat 23 times in 20 s.
c) An employee made $48.00 for 4 h work.
d) A hockey player scored 36 goals in 9 games.
(4 Marks)
(2 marks)
The price of 2 dozen cobs of corn is $7.20.
Joanna wants to buy 3 cobs of corn.
How much will she pay?
Master 2.12b
Unit Test continued
In a recent basketball game, Les made 3 of 5 free throws,
Janice made 2 of 3 free throws, and Kam made 6 of 12 free throws.
Who played best? Explain.
Emily looks at a picture. A car in this picture is 30 cm long.
The scale of the drawing is 1:14.
a) What is the actual length of the car?
(4 Marks)
(1 Mark)
b) An umbrella in the same picture is 5 cm long.
What is the actual length of the umbrella?
(1 Mark)
c) Emily added a fire hydrant to the picture.
The actual fire hydrant is 77 cm high.
Emily used the same scale. The hydrant in the drawing is 4 cm high.
Did Emily draw the fire hydrant accurately? Explain.
(3 Marks)
Master 2.12b
Unit Test continued
Kool Aid concentrate and water are mixed to make juice.
Which of the following mixtures is stronger?
Mixture A: 3 parts concentrate to 5 parts water
Mixture B: 4 parts concentrate to 7 parts water
(3 Marks)
The official Canadian Flag has a length to width ratio of 2:1.
Abdullah has a sheet of paper that measures 30 cm by 20 cm.
What are the length and width of the largest Canadian flag Abdullah can draw?
(2 Marks)
Waseem’s mark on a math test was 10 out of 15.
Sufyan’s mark on another test was 15 out of 20.
Waseem said, “Each of us got 5 wrong. So, our marks are equal.”
Is Waseem right or wrong? Explain your reasoning.
(2 Marks)
Master 2.12b
Unit Test continued
10. The distance travelled by a cyclist in 3 hrs is 120 km.
a) If the cyclist rides his bike for 1/4 of a day, what is the total distance he travelled? (2 marks)
b) What is the average speed of the cyclist?
(2 marks)
c) Fill in the following graph to show the distance covered at 1 hr and 4 hrs.
Draw a point on the graph to indicate the distance travelled at both times.
(2 marks)
Master 2.13
Sample Answers
Unit Test – Master 2.12
a) i) 3:4
ii) 4:5
iii) 2:9
b) I could add 1 circle, then circles to total number of figures is 3:10.
For example,
3 cm by 2 cm; 6 m by 4 m; 1.5 m by 1 m
a) 60 km/h
b) 69 beats/min
c) $12/h
d) 4 goals/game
Janice played the best.
I found how many free throws each player made for the same number of shots.
Since 3:5 = 18:30, 2:3 = 20:30, and
6:12 = 1:2 = 15:30, the second player,
Janice, played the best. 20 > 18 > 15
a) 4.2 m
b) 70 cm or 0.7 m
c) No, Emily did not draw the fire hydrant accurately.
A height of 4 cm in the drawing represents an actual height of 14  4 cm = 56 cm. The height of the drawing of the
hydrant should have been 5.5 cm;
5.5 cm  14 = 77 cm.