DIVIDING DECIMALS BY TEN OR DIVIDING DECIMALS BY TEN OR HUNDRED: HUNDRED: If we divide a decimal number by 10 or If we divide a decimal number by 10 or 100, we move the decimal point as 100, we move the decimal point as many places to the left as there are many places to the left as there are 0's in 10 or 100 0's in 10 or 100 DIVIDING DECIMALS BY TEN OR DIVIDING DECIMALS BY TEN OR HUNDRED: HUNDRED: If we divide a decimal number by 10 or If we divide a decimal number by 10 or 100, we move the decimal point as 100, we move the decimal point as many places to the left as there are many places to the left as there are 0's in 10 or 100 0's in 10 or 100 DIVIDING DECIMALS BY TEN OR DIVIDING DECIMALS BY TEN OR HUNDRED: HUNDRED: If we divide a decimal number by 10 or If we divide a decimal number by 10 or 100, we move the decimal point as 100, we move the decimal point as many places to the left as there are many places to the left as there are 0's in 10 or 100 0's in 10 or 100 DIVIDING DECIMALS BY TEN OR HUNDRED: If we divide a decimal number by 10 or 100, we move the decimal point as many places to the left as there are 0's in 10 or 100 DIVIDING DECIMALS BY TEN OR HUNDRED: If we divide a decimal number by 10 or 100, we move the decimal point as many places to the left as there are 0's in 10 or 100