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Economics Olympiad Exam - Ekon 63

Ekon 63 - Olympiad
Economics (Universitas Indonesia)
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Downloaded by Rizky Atika (rizkyatika@gmail.com)
1. Bad weather and flood happened in Bandung, West Java on November 2016. This situation
caused farmers failed to enjoy the harvest time of vegetables. Even though, West Java economy
resulted better condition compared to the previous year because the economic growth of this
province increased which implies to the improvement of people’s standard of living. The stories
tell us that market price and quantity will be change ….
a. Price increase, quantity decrease
b. Price changes ambiguously but quantity always decrease
c. Price always decrease but quantity changes ambigously
d. Price always increase but quantity changes ambiguously
e. Price doesn’t change but quantity always decrease
2. Factor that affects classification of elasticity from one good is, except…
a. More available the substitute good will cause elastic value of one good
b. More narrow the market definition will cause elastic value of one good
c. In the long run generally the more elastic value of one good
d. If only one firm produced, the good will be inelastic value
e. More luxury type of good cause inelastic value of one good
3. Akmal mempunyai uang Rp. 90.000 yang ingin dibelanjakan untuk barang X seharga Rp. 5.000,.
dan barang Y seharga Rp. 10.000 per unit. Apabila kepuasan total yang diperoleh dari
mengkonsumsi kedua barang tersebut ditunjukkan dengan persamaan TU = 2 X 2 + Y2 , maka
untuk memperoleh kepuasan total (total utility) maksimum, maka kombinasi barang yang
dikonsumsi adalah...
a) X= 2unit dan Y= 8 unit
b) X= 3 unit dan Y= 7 unit
c) X= 8 unit dan Y= 2 unit
d) X=7 unit dan Y=3 unit
e) X= 3 unit dan Y= 8 unit
4. Jika kepuasan total konsumen dinyatakan dengan fungsi TU = 150Q + 0,5Q 2 – 100 sedangkan P =
Rp 300, maka kepuasan maksimum yang akan dicapai saat jumlah barang yang dikonsumsi
a) 100 unit
b) 150 unit
c) 200 unit
d) 250 unit
e) 300 unit
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5. Engels curve can be derriced from...
a) Price Consumption Curve
b) Isoquant
c) Isocost
d) Income Consumption Curve
e) Individual Demand Curve
6. Consumer will tend to buy more of the good that has become cheaper and less of those goods that
are now relatively more expensive. This response to a change in the relative price of good is
a) Complementary effect
b) Predatory effect
c) Substitution effect
d) Income effect
e) Price effect
7. Berikut ini pernyataan yang benar adalah….
a. Barang inferior pasti merupakan barang giffen
b. Barang spekulasi berkorelasi negatif antara harga dan jumlah barang yang diminta
c. Barang giffen memiliki efek substitusi yang lebih besar dibandingkan efek pendapatannya
d. Backward bending labour supply curve memiliki slope yang selalu positif
e. Kebijakan harga maksimum tidak efektif jika ditetapkan diatas harga pasar
8. Diketahui pada pasar tenaga kerja yang bersifat persaingan sempurna di Toronto dan New York
diasumsikan memiliki fungsi permintaan dan penawaran tenaga kerja yang sama:
Ld = 2000 – 3w ; Ls = –500 + 2w; pemerintah kota Toronto akan menetapkan ceiling price
sebesar 400 sedangkan pemerintah kota New York menetapkan floor price sebesar 600. Maka
berikut ini pernyataan yang benar adalah….
a. Kota Toronto memiliki pengangguran 500 orang
b. Kota New York memiliki pengangguran 500 orang
c. Kota New York tidak memiliki pengangguran
d. Jumlah pekerja yang terkena PHK di Toronto sebesar 300 orang
e. Jumlah pekerja yang terkena PHK di New York sebesar 500 orang
9. Mr. Aby is a Taxicab manager. Last year, He decided to increase the taxicab fare by 10%. He
hoped the company’s revenue would increased by 10%. Unfortunately, the fact was
unpredictable. The revenue only raised by 6%. So we can concluede that in his mind the taxicab
a. Inelastic
b. Elastic
c. Unitary elastic
d. Perfectly elastic
e. Perfectly inelastic
10. Cross elasticity demand of good Z is –0.3 means that…
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a. If price of good Z increases by 1 percentage, then quantity demanded of good Z decreases
by 0.3 percentage
b. If price of correlated good increases by 1 rupiahs, then quantity demanded of good Z
decreases by 0.3 units
c. If price of correlated good increases by 1 percentage, then quantity demanded of good Z
increases by 0.3 percentage
d. If price of correlated good increases by 10 percentage, then quantity demanded of
good Z decreases by 3 percentage
e. No answer above is correct
A shift to the right in the demand curve for product A can be most reasonably explained by saying
a. Consumer incomes have declined and they now want to buy less of A at each possible
b. The price of A has increased and, as a result, consumers want to purchase less of it
c. Consumer preferences have changed in favor of A so they now want to buy more at
each possible price
d. The price of A has declined and, as a result, consumers want to purchase more of it
e. No answer above is correct
The larger positive coefficient of cross elasticity of demand between product X and Y, the….
Stronger their complementariness
Greater their substitutability
Smaller price elasticity of demand for both product
Bigger price elasticity of demand for both product
Less sensitive purchases of each are to increase in income
Engel curve which has positive slope but increasing signaling that the good is…
a. Normal
b. Inferior
c. Giffen
d. Luxurious
e. Necessity
Isoquant function of a firm is given by: 25K 3/5L2/5 = 5400. Then calculate the MRTS when K =
243 and L = 181.
a. MRTS = – 0.895
b. MRTS = – 0.125
c. MRTS = – 0.725
d. MRTS = – 0.745
e. MRTS = – 1.342
Apabila suatu barang tidak dapat dikonsumsi secara simultant (bersamaan) maka barang tersebut
a. Rival
b. Non rival
c. Exclusive
d. Non exclusive
e. Excludable
Downloaded by Rizky Atika (rizkyatika@gmail.com)
16. Teori yang mengemukakan bahwa nilai suatu benda ditentukan oleh jumlah seluruh biaya yang
dikeluarkan untuk memproduksi barang atau jasa tersebut, baik langsung maupun tidak langsung
dikemukakan oleh….
a. David Ricardo
b. Adam Smith
c. Karl Marx
d. Carrey
e. Humme & Locke
17.Which of these statement is correct about tax incidence for a unit tax to be imposed to a
a. Consumer will be worse off if demand becomes relatively elastic
b. Producer will be better off if supply becomes relatively inelastic
c. Producer will be better off if Ed = -0.25 whereas Es = 0.25
d. Government’s tax revenue exist
e. Dead weight loss is no longer exist
18. When wage rate decreased by 10% whereas rent rate increased by10%. This case will influence to
the isocost line by….
a. Shifting up parallel
b. Shifting up but not parallel
c. Shifting down parallel
d. Intersecting each other
e. Rotating inside
19. Expenditure that has been made and can not be recovered is….
Marginal social cost
Sunk cost
Fixed cost
Marginal private cost
Opportunity cost
20. Pemecahan masalah dalam ekonomi, seringkali menggunakkan asumsi ceteris paribus
yang berarti?
a. Faktor selain factor harga dianggap tetap
b. Faktor lain dianggap konstan
c. Factor harga dianggap tetap
d. Factor harga berubah
e. Faktor lain berubah
21. Penerapan kebijakan harga eceran tertinggi atau ceiling price akan efektif ketika
ditetapkan diatas harga pasar. Saat terjadi musim hujan yang melanda Kota Depok,
menyebabkan harga cabai semakin meningkat, akibatnya pemerintah menerapkan
kebijakan untuk mengurangi dampak yang lebih lanjut di pasar cabai. Menurut anda
pemerintah akan menetapkan harga pada?
a. Sama dengan harga pasar
b. Dibawah harga pasar
c. Diatas harga pasar
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d. Diatas biaya produksi
e. Dibawah harga produksi
22. When the coefficient price elasticity of demand was +4 it means?
a. Quantity increase by 40% price will decrease by more than 40%
b. Quantity decrease by 40% price will increase by more than 40%
c. If price increase by 40% the quantity of supply decrease by more than 40%
d. If price increase by 40% the quantity of demand decrease by more than 40%
e. If price increase by 40% the quantity of demand increse by more than 40%
23. If the quantity of demand is Qd= 2+5P 1+7P2 and the quantity of supply (QS) was Qs=
10+6P1. How the coefficient of cross elasticity of demand if the price of goods “2” was
a. 2
b. 3
c. 7
d. 12
e. 5
24. Most of producers, the will stop to pruducting their product when the addition is equal to
the cost of producting one extra product. While, consumer will stop their consumption
when the price is equal to extra utility of consume one extra product, called?
a. Marginal untility/ marginal production
b. Law of diminishing
c. People think at margin principle
d. Utility of goods
e. Diminishing of return
25. Fungsi permintaan sebuah barang ditunjukan fungsi sebagai berikut, Qd= 100-0,7P,
besarnya elastisitas harga dari barang tersebut, adalah…
a. 0,3
b. 0,1
c. 0,7
d. 7
e. Tidak dapat diketahui
Downloaded by Rizky Atika (rizkyatika@gmail.com)