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(时间:120 分钟,满分:150 分)
第二部分 阅读(共两节,满分 50 分)
第一节(共 15 小题;每小题 2.5 分,满分 37.5 分)
阅读下列短文,从每题所给的 A、B、C、D 四个选项中选出最佳选项。
Many years ago in a small village, an old man was hired to clear the spring(泉水) up on the
mountain.He patrolled(巡逻) the spring every day, and swept away all the leaves and other things
that would dirty the fresh flow of water.Soon, beautiful swans(天鹅) came to the clear spring, and
the village became a popular attraction for visitors.
Years passed.One evening the town leaders held a meeting.As they looked at the salary list,
one of them said,“Why do we keep this old man on year after year?I don’t think we need him or
his work.”Later, the old man was asked to leave.
For several weeks, nothing changed.By early autumn, the leaves began to fall off the trees, and
the spring was covered with leaves.A few days later, the water was much darker.Only a few months
after the old man left, all the swans left, as did the tourists.Disease reached deeply into the
village.Quickly, the leaders held a special meeting.Realizing their mistake, they rehired the old
man.Then within a few weeks, the spring began to clear up.Soon new life returned to the village.
So, my friends, do you see?No matter how small your work or your life seems to be, never
overlook it.Anything we can do will make a difference.
21.The leaders decided to ask the old man to leave because they thought ________.
A.his work was unnecessary
B.he did his work carelessly
C.he was too old to do the job
D.he could do other better jobs
22.What does the underlined word “overlook” in the last paragraph mean?
23.With this story,the writer wants to tell us that ________.
A.even a small job can be important
B.work can bring old people happiness
C.everyone should always help others
D.everyone can be his own hero
Living abroad is not for everyone.Though it can certainly be a fun and exciting experience,it
can also be filled with difficulties.Before you book the plane ticket,it’s a good idea to think
carefully about living abroad.
If you’ve lived in the same town for most of your life,a new place full of new food and things
can seem like a dream comes true.Your free time will be filled with exploration and
sightseeing.You’ll have the opportunity to experience places much older than the United
States.However,that feeling will become less and you may find yourself wishing you could just
turn on the TV and watch old TV series in English or eat your favorite American meal.
Americans in Europe and South America often find that medical care is both cheaper and
easier to get than in the United States.For example,everyone can get a dental(牙齿的) checkup for
only around $20 in Turkey.However ,you may be disappointed by the lack of familiar
medicines.And you may not be able to read the instructions.
The work that the ordinary Americans can do abroad usually pays better than what the
ordinary locals do.A full­time teaching job in Ukraine,for example,can help you live a very rich
life. However,if you become bored with your position,other job choices are somewhat limited
unless you speak the local language as well as English.Moreover,you will probably find that some
benefits don’t exist for foreigners.
When you live abroad,opportunities for international travel increase greatly.You may be able
to take a day trip across the border from your apartment in Budapest to a concert in Vienna or take
a boat to Montevideo for a night out after work in Buenos Aires.However,your money may not
allow especially comfortable travel and you may have to stay in inexpensive hotels,cook your own
food and take long­distance land transportation.
24.According to Paragraph 2,how may one feel at first when living abroad?
25.What does the example in Paragraph 3 show?
A.Seeing a doctor is quite cheap abroad.
B.It’s much better to live in the United States.
C.A dental checkup abroad is not convenient.
D.Most Americans can’t afford dental checkups.
26.What does the author think is a disadvantage ofAmericans’working abroad?
A.They’re usually paid lower than the locals.
B.They must learn the local language quickly.
C.There are not many suitable positions for them.
D.They face too much competition with otherAmericans.
27.Who is the text written for?
A.Americans living abroad.
B.Foreigners living in the U.S.
C.Americans traveling abroad.
D.Americans planning to live abroad.
“The Bow Seat Ocean Awareness Student Contest(竞赛) invites middle schoolers and high
schoolers from around the world to create pieces of art that look at human influences on our
oceans,” says program directorAlyssa Irizarry.
The contest was founded in 2011 by Linda Cabot, a visual(视觉的) artist and ocean activist
based in Westwood, Massachusetts. It has since reached nearly 10,000 kids worldwide. No entry
fee is required, but students who want to enter must be between the ages of 11 and 18.
Students are required to create a piece that not only presents problems, but also communicates
a message that encourages others to act.
Students can compete in one of five categories(种类):visual art, poetry, prose, film and
music. They are given a school year to work on their pieces, which are then entered into one of two
categories:junior or senior.
Irizarry says that visual art is the most popular category, followed by poetry. Winners receive
scholarship(奖学金) awards of up to $1,500 and see their work appear in different places to help
raise awareness about ocean health.
When most people think about ocean science, they think about the tools that ocean scientists
use. Irizarry has a different idea“. Art is a really powerful tool for people to connect with nature
and to learn about the world around them,”she says. “It requires you to slow down, notice
things, think, and ask questions.”
“Making art,” Irizarry adds, “helps a person create a connection to the world. That
connection turns awareness of a problem into action.”
Irizarry has a message for all kids who want to help protect our oceans:“Do something to
make a difference.”
28.What can we learn about the rules of the contest?
A.Each winner receives $1,500.
B.Contestants must be of certain ages.
C.Students need to pay to enter the contest.
D.Contestants can compete in more than one category.
29.To win the contest, students must ________.
A.be good at making visual art
B.have a wide knowledge of geography
C.start preparation one year ahead of time
D.be able to influence others with their works
30.Which category attracts the largest number of students?
A.Visual art.
31.What does the underlined word “It” in Paragraph 6 refer to?
A.The contest.
B.The world.
If you’ve been in public in the past year or so, chances are you’ve noticed someone breaking
dining etiquette(礼仪) that would seem second­nature to any adult. Why does our dining etiquette
seem to be at an all­time low right now?
“Overall, there’s much less feeling about the common good, which means caring about your
neighbor—whether at home or in a restaurant,” said Steven Petrow, who writes articles for USA
Take the use of cellphones at the table. While a 2015 survey by the Pew Research Center
found that 38 percent of those surveyed thought it was acceptable to use their phones while dining
out, the increasing number of cellphone bans(禁令) in restaurants shows that restaurants aren’t
putting up with it.
However, some look on the growing use of cellphones as a sign that manners(礼貌) change
alongside our society.
“Manners change,” said the writer behind a food site The Takeout. “What we consider
improper isn’t set in stone.” She points out the other “rules” that have since become outdated
nowadays, like saying “Sir” and “Ma’am”, as proof of this change.
Yes, traditional manners are yet another thing being redefined( 重新定义) by youth.
“Younger people are growing up in a world with more flexible(灵活的) rules, and this spreads to
the dining table,” said Daniel Levine, director of global trends consultancy The Avant­Guide
Whether you prefer high­end restaurants or a fast­casual meal, the biggest reason behind the
decline of manners may just be a numbers game.
“I believe it is more likely for people to break dining‘rules’ because they go out and eat
more often,” said Diane Gottsman, owner of The Protocol School of Texas. “Years ago, people
stayed home and sat around the family table. Today, there are more people in the workforce, which
makes it more affordable for socializing and eating out. With new chance comes the possibility for more
dining problems.”
32.What did the 2015 survey find?
A.Many people accepted using phones at the table.
B.Cellphones were banned in more and more restaurants.
C.Most of the surveyed people used phones while eating out.
D.Few restaurants took positions on using phones while eating.
33.Why was the example of “Sir” and “Ma’am” mentioned?
A.To show modern people are becoming impolite.
B.To explain dining rules in high­end restaurants.
C.To prove dining etiquette changes through time.
D.To argue that young people are making dining rules today.
34.According to Diane Gottsman, people forget their dining manners more often because _______.
A.they think they’re unimportant
B.they grew up with flexible rules
C.they have more chances to eat out
D.they must hurry meals to get back to work
35.What’s the author’s purpose in writing this text?
A.To introduce changes in dining manners.
B.To encourage people to have dining manners.
C.To report survey findings on dining manners.
D.To discuss the reasons for poor dining manners.
第二节(共 5 小题;每小题 2.5 分,满分 12.5 分)
How can teenagers keep themselves from suffering from loneliness ?Here are some
suggestions for speeding a recovery from loneliness.
36 .________ A smile and a friendly greeting for the student behind you in line at the
cafeteria(自助餐厅) won’t make you best friends.But it will make you both feel good.It can also
make it easier to interact the next time, and the time after that.
Find a safe place to make connections.If going to the dancing party makes you feel like you
just don’t belong, try joining a special­interest group.37.________ Just because you feel left out in
one group doesn’t mean you’ll feel like an outsider in every other one.Look for a group that allows
you to feel comfortable gradually.
Find other ways of making connections.Lonely people hunger for friendship.Sometimes
feeling accepted and liked comes more easily when you do something for others rather than wait
for them to make you feel better.38.________ Teach a child in reading.Take notes for a disabled
classmate.You might be surprised at the connections you make.
39.________ Loneliness is an absence of quality friendship, not of a particular quantity of
friends.That’s why it’s important to know how to select a friend.The best friendships are those
based on similar values and attitudes.
You get what you expect, so expect the best.If you expect others to be friendly, you will
behave in proper ways that encourage people to be friendlier to you.Loneliness won’t last
A.Choose the right people.
B.So consider becoming a volunteer.
C.Reach out to others but start small.
D.It can be a hard work to be positive towards others.
E.Maybe it’s the drama club or the marching band.
F.This harmful attitude can continue into adulthood.
G.But starting the first step of positive expectations can make all the difference.
第三部分 语言运用(共两节,满分 30 分)
第一节(共 15 小题;每小题 1 分,满分 15 分)
阅读下面短文,从每题所给的 A、B、C、D 四个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。
If you ask me when I became a mom, I can tell you that the day I became a mom was not the
day my daughter was born, but seven years later when I did the best thing I could do for my
daughter and myself.I
us from the home that wasn’t really a home at all because of my
alcoholic husband.
That day, my daughter and I were sitting in our
home having a quiet dinner just as I had
always wanted for her.We were talking about what she had done in school and suddenly her little
the full glass of milk by her plate.
I watched the white tablecloth and freshly
painted white wall become dark brown, I looked at her small face.It was filled with 45
knowing what the outcome of the event would have meant in her father’s
a week
before.When I saw that look on her face and looked at the 47
running down the wall, I simply
started 48 .I am sure she thought I was
, but then she must have realized that I
wasthinking, “It’s a good thing your
50 isn’t here!”She started laughing with me, and
laughed until we
.These were tears of joy and
and were the first of many tears that
we cried together.That was the day we knew that we were going to be okay.
That was the day I really became a mom.I
that being a mom isn’t only going to ballet,
and attending every school concert.It isn’t keeping a(n)
certainly isn’t
house and preparing perfect meals.It
that_things are always normal when they are not.For me, being a mom
started when I could laugh over spilt milk.【解题导语】
C . separated
43.A.went over
B.picked up
C . took
D.knocked over
C . presence
第二节(共 10 小题;每小题 1.5 分,满分 15 分)
阅读下面短文,在空白处填入 1 个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。
When traveling with 56._________(limit) money, every dollar counts. 57.________(fortunate),
the cost of plane tickets alone can burn a serious hole in your wallet. Don’t let that stop you from
58.____________(take) your dream vacation, though. According to Jeff Klee, CEO of CheapAir,
there is a trick to get the cheapest plane tickets.
“Don’t wait until the last minute, because it hardly works out,” he said in a 59._________
(state). “But beyond that, you also need to be careful not to buy too early.”
Still, that’s easier said than done. Finding the best time to book tickets 60.____________(be)
difficult. However, somebody did the maths. People from CheapAir surveyed over 917 million
fares 61.____________(determine) the day with the cheapest rates. Here’s 62.____________ they
found: While prices tend to stay 63. ____________ same between 320 and 106 days before a trip,
they start dropping at the 105­day mark. That said that you might book the moment that prices drop.
But hold on! You’ll save 48 percent of the ticket’s total cost by booking exactly 70 days before
64.____________(you) trip.
65.____________ that date, plane tickets’prices will begin to increase again. And give up the
thought of booking any later than 20 days ahead of time, as prices will be increasing.
第四部分 写作(共两节,满分 40 分)
第一节(满分 15 分)
假如你是李明,请你给好友李华发一封 e­mail,告诉他你是怎样度过十一长假的。内容
2.清晨 7:00 出发,进行钓鱼、野餐等活动;
注意:1.词数 80 左右;
Dear Li Hua,
The National Day is over.We spent a happy 7­day holiday._____________________________
Hope to hear from you soon.
Li Ming
One possible version:
Dear Li Hua,
The National Day is over.We spent a happy 7­day holiday.My parents and I went to the
countryside not far away from our home to have a two­day trip by bicycle.We set out at 7 o’clock in
the morning on October 1st.My dad and I took different kinds of things for our picnic.Having got
there, we began to fish.After that we enjoyed my mum’s cooking, which was very
delicious.Cycling there made me completely relaxed.Beautiful scenery and warmth with my
parents made me a lot happier.Besides,we stayed in my uncle’s and had a small family party there
at night.We returned the next afternoon.I had a great time on the National Day.
Hope to hear from you soon.
Li Ming
第二节(满分 25 分)
写的词数应为 150 左右。
The event that stands out in Tom’s memory happened one morning when Tom was only ten
years old. He was at home with his elder sister Jane. Tom was doing his homework when he heard
raised voices. At first he thought nothing of it since customers in the motorcycle shop directly
below their flat often became loud, but he soon realized this time it was different.
“Quick!Quick! Remove the motorcycles from the shop.”someone yelled.
Then a thick burning smell filled the air. When Tom opened the front door of their flat to
investigate, a thick cloud of smoke greeted him. The motorcycle shop had caught fire and people
were running and crying.
Jane, who had been playing the violin in her room, hurried to the living room. They rushed out
of the door and along the corridor(走廊) through the smoke.
They were heading towards the stairway at the far end of the corridor when Jane stopped in her
track. She turned around and headed back the way they came. Tom had no idea what she was doing,
but he followed suit.
Jane had suddenly remembered the lady in her 70s who lived next door to them, who they
called Makcik, Malay for auntie. Jane began banging on Makcik’s door, but got no answer. As the
smoke thickened around them, Tom could see many of their neighbors—some still in their
pyjamas(睡衣裤)—running for safety. The thought of fear crossed his mind.
“She would have run for safety like everyone else!”Tom cried. However, Jane refused to
give up.“I know Makcik’s still inside.”She said she was familiar with Makcik’s daily routine and
was certain she would still be sleeping. She pounded the door. “Go downstairs. Go now! Go!”
Paragraph 1:
Paragraph 2:
Luckily, some neighbors passing by stopped and offered help. __________________________
One possible version:
Paragraph 1:
Tom noticed the flame was reaching up. Frozen with fear, he stood rooted to the spot. He
comprehended the gravity of the situation and held Jane’s hand tightly. By then, both of them were
coughing and their eyes were stinging. Time seemed to stand still, though they were probably there
for only two or three minutes. Tom begged Jane to run for safety as quickly as possible. Jane tried
to shield her nose from the choking smoke and shook her head. She kept pounding against the door.
Tom burst out crying.
Paragraph 2:
Luckily, some neighbors passing by stopped and offered help. A sense of strength immediately
replaced the mounting fear and anxiety in Jane’s mind. She told them Ms. Makcik must be still in
the room. They forced the door open with all their might. Sure enough, Makcik was lying in bed,
unconscious. She was carried downstairs and then rushed to the hospital, where she finally came to
herself. People in the neighborhood felt relieved and Jane and Tom’s joy was immense.