Assessment feedback Course: EDUC 5186 Assessment Grade: NGP Resubmission Preservice Teacher: Assessment three - Professional engagement (3000 words equivalent) Tutor Name: Key components Performance on Component Satisfactory Describe: Use your observations, analysis and other evidence from your learning journal to describe what you noticed about relationships at the site and your engagement in relationships with children, families and colleagues. Embed your pedagogical documentation and/or planning as evidence. Refer to course literature, theory and research to support your analysis. Unsatisfactory Demonstrates a satisfactory understanding of the role of relationships in early childhood settings and the impact on children’s learning and development. Description does not demonstrate a clear understanding of the role of relationships in early childhood settings and the impact on children’s learning and development. Makes appropriate links with course literature, theory and research in a way that supports the analysis. Does not make appropriate references to course literature, theory and research. Demonstrates an understanding of the importance of relationships. Does not refer to or unclear reference to documentation as evidence. Refers to documentation as evidence. Reflect: How did/didn’t you engage respectfully with children, families and colleagues? What did you find challenging/supportive? Include evidence of your engagement where relevant. Describe: Use your observations, analysis and other evidence from your learning journal to describe what you noticed about planning at the site and your own planned learning experiences during the lead-in days. Embed your pedagogical Demonstrates satisfactory reflection with some thoughtful and/or critical reflection provided of engagement with children, families and colleagues. Reflection is shallow and does not demonstrate thoughtfulness or critical self-reflection. Little/no reflection on aspects of relationships with children, families and/or colleagues. Refers to documentation as evidence. Does not refer to or unclear reference to documentation as evidence. Demonstrates a satisfactory understanding of planning processes and the impact on children’s engagement in learning experiences. Description does not demonstrate a clear understanding of the role of planning processes and the impact on children’s engagement in learning experiences. documentation and/or planning as evidence. Refer to course literature, theory and research to support your analysis. Makes appropriate links to course literature, theory and research demonstrating satisfactory engagement with the readings. Refers to documentation as evidence. Reflect: How did you engage with children’s interests, theories and wonderings to co-construct the curriculum? How did you engage with the teaching team and families to inform your planning? What do you still wonder about children’s interests, theories and wonderings? Provide evidence from your learning journal. Demonstrates a satisfactory reflection with some thoughtful and/or critical reflection of engagement with children’s interests, theories and wonderings and engagement with families and colleagues to co-construct the curriculum. Includes some reflection on what is not known or understood in terms of children’s interests, theories and wonderings. Does not make appropriate links with to course literature, theory and research. Does not refer to or unclear reference to documentation as evidence. Reflection is shallow and does not demonstrate thoughtfulness or critical self-reflection. Does not reflect upon engagement with children’s interests, theories and wonderings and/or engagement with families and colleagues to coconstruct the curriculum. Does not refer to or unclear reference to documentation as evidence. Refers to documentation as evidence. Describe: Use your observations, analysis and other evidence from your learning journal to describe what you noticed about resources and the environment at the site and your engagement with these to support children’s engagement as active protagonists. Embed your pedagogical documentation and/or planning as evidence. Use the course literature, theory and research to support your analysis. Demonstrates a satisfactory understanding of democratic planning processes and the impact on children’s engagement in learning experiences. Makes many/ some appropriate links with the course literature, theory and research demonstrating satisfactory engagement with the readings. Reflect: How did you engage with materials, resources and the environment to support children’s interests, theories and wonderings to coconstruct the curriculum? How did you involve children in the thinking and doing of setting up the environment and choosing the materials and resources? What worked well/didn’t work well and why? Provide evidence from your learning journal. Demonstrates a satisfactory reflection with some thoughtful and/or critical reflection of engagement with materials, resources and the environment to support children’s interests, theories and wonderings Refers to documentation as evidence. Includes some reflection on what worked well/ didn’t work well and why, considering multiple perspectives. Refers to documentation as evidence. Description does not demonstrate a clear understanding of the role of democratic planning processes and the impact on children’s engagement in learning experiences. Does not make appropriate links to course literature, theory and research. Does not refer to or unclear reference to documentation as evidence. Reflection is shallow and does not demonstrate thoughtfulness or critical self-reflection. Does not reflect on engagement with materials, resources and the environment to support children’s interests, theories and wonderings Little to no reflection on what worked well/ didn’t work well and/or why and/or doesn’t consider multiple perspectives. Does not refer to or unclear reference to documentation as evidence. Describe: Use your observations, analysis and other evidence from your learning journal to describe what you noticed about pedagogical documentation at the site and your own pedagogical documentation. Embed your pedagogical documentation and/or planning as evidence. Use the course literature, theory and research to support your analysis. Demonstrates a satisfactory understanding of the role of pedagogical documentation. Refers to pedagogical documentation as evidence demonstrating a satisfactory level of professional engagement with intended audience and satisfactory analysis of children’s learning. Does not refer to or unclear reference to pedagogical documentation as evidence. Reflect: What was the purpose and audience of your pedagogical documentation? How did you engage children, families and colleagues in your pedagogical documentation? Embed your pedagogical documentation and/or planning as evidence. Demonstrates a satisfactory reflection on the purpose and audience of the evidenced pedagogical documentation. Reflection is shallow and does not demonstrate thoughtfulness or critical self-reflection. Makes appropriate links to course literature, theory and research demonstrating good/ satisfactory engagement with the readings. Demonstrates an emerging understanding of pedagogical documentation as part of the planning cycle. Includes some reflection on engagement with children, families and colleagues in pedagogical documentation. Refers to documentation as evidence. Description does not demonstrate a clear understanding of the role of pedagogical documentation. Does not make appropriate links with the course literature, theory and research. Does not reflect on the purpose and audience of the evidenced pedagogical documentation and / or demonstrates misunderstandings about pedagogical documentation. Little to no reflection on engagement with children, families and colleagues. Does not refer to or unclear reference to documentation as evidence. Ethical use of photo’s • Protecting the identity of children, staff, families and site. Yes No Picture of child’s face in part or whole can be seen Sticker/icon is over child’s face and can be removed Child, staff, family member or site name is visible or used Writing and referencing: Correct grammar, spelling and punctuation and inclusive and respectful language have been used throughout the report. Writing is clear. The APA system of referencing has been used to correctly cite references within the body of the assignment (in-text referencing) and at the end of the assignment (reference list). General comment: Satisfactory Unsatisfactory