Uploaded by Selina Martinez

Summer Math Enrichment: Pre-Algebra/Algebra 1 Syllabus

Course Syllabus
Course Title:
Summer Math Enrichment – Pre-Algebra / Algebra 1
Course Schedule:
Summer 2019
Larson/Boswell/Kanold/Stiff: Algebra I: Equations, Graphs, Application.
McDougal Littell Inc. 2001
Instructor’s Name:
Mr. Edward Tan
Telephone (School):
School Address:
480 S. San Miguel St.
Talofofo, GU 96915
Course Overview
Math Enrichment aims to reinforce skills learned in the past year while preparing students for success in the
upcoming year.
The fundamental purpose of the Math Enrichment course is to formalize and extend the mathematics that
student learned in 6th, 7th and 8th grade. Math Enrichment includes standards from the conceptual categories of
(1) Number System, (2) Algebra, [(3) Functions, (4) Geometry, and (5) Statistics and Probability (These
conceptual categories will be included if time permits)]. The instructional time will focus on these critical areas.
The Math Practice will complement these critical content standards so that students engage with the subject
matter as they grow in mathematical mastery high school years.
This course begins a demonstration and examination of various concepts of the number system and basic
algebra. It assists in building skills for performing specific mathematical operations and problem solving. These
concepts and skills serve as a foundation for subsequent quantitative coursework.
Number System
o Number Sets (ℕ, ℤ, ℚ, 𝑖𝑟𝑟𝑎𝑡𝑖𝑜𝑛𝑎𝑙, ℝ)
 Number Operations and Properties
 Addition
 Subtraction
 Multiplication
 Division
Introduction to Algebra
o Variables
o Exponents
o Order of Operations
o Equations
 Distributive Property
Solving Equations
o Addition and Subtractions
o Multiplication and Division
o Multi-Step Equations
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