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letter to politician

Congressmen Don Beyer
Virginia 8th District
Washington DC, 20510
Dear Congressman Don Beyer,
My name is Johanna Monjaras. I am a nursing student at the George Mason University School of
Public Health. I am calling to request your support for bill H.R.851- Future Advancement of
Academic Nursing Act or the FAAN Act. This Bill provides resources and awards grants to
nursing schools with the goal to enhance nursing education programs. Currently, many nursing
programs are understaffed falling short in providing nursing students with the appropriate
nursing education needed for them to be successful in the health care field. The program I am
currently enrolled in, has suffered understaffing issues which have led to many students not
having a clinical instructor for the beginning of each semester, and having to delay their clinical
experience until a clinical instructor was made available.
This bill will not only provide an increase in nursing faculty but will also provide program
enhancement, and infrastructure modernization.
Passage of H.R.851 provides for the adoption of language which will:
Increase the number of faculty and students at such school in order to enhance the
preparedness of the United States for, and the ability of the United States to address and
quickly respond to, public health emergencies declared under section 319 and pandemics.
Enhancement and modernization of nursing education programs.
Grants will be prioritized to the schools that are located in medically underserved
communities. Are located in a health professional shortage area as defined under section
332(a) or are institutions of higher education listed under section 371 (a) of the Higher
Education Act of 1965.
This bill will not only provide better education to privileged students but will also offer
opportunity of a nursing career to underprivileged communities.
I am fervently asking you to support H.R.851 to improve the provision of health care to citizens
of Virginia. Please contact me with any additional questions or concerns regarding this letter.
Johanna Monjaras
Student Nurse and Future RN
571-721-8990 Jvanessam@gmail.com
H.R.851 - 117th Congress (2021-2022): FAAN Act. (2021, February 5).