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FINAL QUIZ (MODULE 3 Scenarios and Final Questions) - 2022-2023 Master Course - POCT - Training Class of 2026

Master 2026
Scenarios and Final Questions)
- 2022-2023
Scenarios and Final
Questions) - 2022-2023
Due No due date
Questions 13
Points 4
Time Limit None
Allowed Attempts Unlimited
This quiz covers content from the entire training.
You must score a 4/4 on this quiz to move on in
the training (of note, the questions will not be the
same for each attempt of the quiz).
At the end of this quiz, there are some further
survey type questions. While these questions are
not graded, sufficient effort must be made to
answer the questions honestly and completely.
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Attempt History
Attempt 2
2 minutes
4 out of 4 *
Attempt 2
2 minutes
4 out of 4 *
Attempt 1
1 minute
2 out of 4 *
* Some questions not yet graded
Score for this attempt: 4 out of 4 *
Submitted Nov 5, 2022 at 2:40pm
This attempt took 2 minutes.
1 / 1 pts
Question 1
Patient Case: JR
JR shows up to have their glucose tested. While at
the screening, JR begins to sweat and you notice
the color start to fade from their face. JR admits to
be fasting, as they wanted an accurate blood sugar
JR is most likely experiencing symptoms of what?
heat stroke
1 / 1 pts
Question 2
Patient Case: ZW
ZW has a random blood glucose taken. Their result
was 163 mg/dL.
They have a history of type two diabetes.
How would you counsel this patient?
This blood glucose is at goal - and considered
This blood glucose is elevated - consistent with
This blood glucose is elevated - consistent with
This blood glucose is elevated - diagnostic for
1 / 1 pts
Question 3
Patient Case: EK
EK has a fasting blood glucose taken. Their result
was 186 mg/dL.
They have a history of type two diabetes.
EK says they feel fine and don't worry about how
their blood sugar will effect them. Considering EK's
reading today, what complications could you
counsel EK on?
Long-term hyperglycemia has no complications or
Long-term hyperglycemia can lead to increased
risk of stroke or retinopathy
Long-term hypoglycemia can lead to worsened
infections or neuropathy
Long-term hypoglycemia can lead to nephropathy
1 / 1 pts
Question 4
Which of the following are appropriate follow-up or
outcomes of our point-of-care outreach events?
[Select all that apply]
Diagnosing a patient with diabetes
Referring a patient to a provider
Counseling a patient on their current medications
Adjusting a patient's diabetes medications
Educating a patient on the disease of diabetes
0 / 0 pts
Question 5
These questions won't affect your score for this
quiz - but must be completed.
On a scale of 1 (not at all confident) to 5 (very
confident), please rate your confidence in conducting
a blood glucose test in the community BEFORE
completing the ONLINE and IN-PERSON
1 – not at all confident (I don’t think I can do this)
2 – not very confident (I think I can, but I’m not
feeling great about it)
3 – somewhat confident (I can do this, but I need
4 – confident (I can do this)
5 – very confident (I can not only do this, but lead
0 / 0 pts
Question 6
These questions won't affect your score for this
quiz - but must be completed.
On a scale of 1 (not at all confident) to 5 (very
confident), please rate your confidence in conducting
a blood glucose test in the community AFTER
completing the ONLINE and IN-PERSON
1– not at all confident (I don’t think I can do this)
2 – not very confident (I think I can, but I’m not
feeling great about it)
3 – somewhat confident (I can do this, but I need
4 – confident (I can do this)
5 – very confident (I can not only do this, but lead
Not yet graded / 0 pts
Question 7
These questions won't affect your score for this
quiz - but must be completed.
Please share suggestions for how you could improve
your rating on this confidence scale AFTER
completing the training? What could be done to help
you feel more confident?
Your Answer:
0 / 0 pts
Question 8
These questions won't affect your score for this
quiz - but must be completed.
On a scale of 1 (not at all useful) to 5 (very useful),
please rate the usefulness of the blood glucose point
of care testing ONLINE training you completed
through Carmen.
1 – not at all useful (this didn’t help me at all)
2 – not very useful (they were OK, but they weren’t
3 – somewhat useful (I learned something, but not
enough; there are still gaps in what I think I should
4 – useful (I learned what I need to know to
conduct a blood glucose screening)
5 – very useful (I learned what I need to know to
conduct a blood glucose screening AND I found
the teaching strategies and overall materials well
Not yet graded / 0 pts
Question 9
These questions won't affect your score for this
quiz - but must be completed.
Please share suggestions for we could improve your
rating on this usefulness scale. What could be done
to improve the ONLINE training?
Your Answer:
0 / 0 pts
Question 10
These questions won't affect your score for this
quiz - but must be completed.
On a scale of 1 (not at all useful) to 5 (very useful),
please rate the usefulness of the blood glucose point
of care testing IN-PERSON FINGERSTICK training you
completed on campus.
1 – not at all useful (this didn’t help me at all)
2 – not very useful (it was OK, but it wasn’t great)
3 – somewhat useful (I learned something, but not
enough; there are still gaps in what I think I should
know to do a fingerstick)
4 – useful (I learned what I need to know to
conduct a blood glucose test)
5 – very useful (I learned what I need to know to
conduct a blood glucose test AND I found the
teaching strategies and overall simulation/training
well done)
Not yet graded / 0 pts
Question 11
These questions won't affect your score for this
quiz - but must be completed.
Please share suggestions for we could improve your
rating on this usefulness scale. What could be done
to improve the IN-PERSON FINGERSTICK training?
Your Answer:
0 / 0 pts
Question 12
These questions won't affect your score for
this quiz - but must be completed.
Consider the current environment of providing
community outreach during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Please rate how much the pandemic influences your
apprehension in conducting blood glucose (BG)
screenings in the community.
1 – not at all apprehensive (conducting BG
screenings during the pandemic doesn’t concern
me at all)
2 – not very apprehensive (conducting BG
screenings during the pandemic concerns me a bit)
3 – somewhat apprehensive (I am somewhat
concerned about conducting BG screenings
during the pandemic)
4 – apprehensive (I am concerned about
conducting BG screenings during the pandemic)
5 – very apprehensive (I an very concerned about
conducting BG screenings during the pandemic)
Not yet graded / 0 pts
Question 13
These questions won't affect your score for this
quiz - but must be completed.
Please share the concerns or apprehensions you
have related to conducting blood glucose testing in
communities during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Your Answer:
Quiz Score: 4 out of 4
Last Attempt Details:
2 minutes
Current Score:
4 out of 4 *
Kept Score:
4 out of 4
* Some questions not yet graded
2 Attempts so far
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(Will keep the latest of all your scores)